Re: Web Apps and state machines (was: model 2 servlet mapping question)

2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Lopez


I'll add my 2ec regarding the topic:
I agree what it has been said here about each page being modeless and
that you have to be careful in case some users get out of the "normal
application path" through the back button, shift click... My approach in
such systems has been not to trust the user and not to presuppose what
will be the next action requested by him. That means that you model the
kernel of your flow control as a state machine which might based in
something like that:

Current State | Request Type | Action to Perform| Next State
VOID   OpenBasket  openUserBasket   BASKET_OPENED
BASKET_OPENED   AddItem   addItemToUserBasket   BASKET_OPENED
BASKET_OPENED  RemoveItem removeItemFromUserBasket  BASKET_OPENED
BASKET_OPENED  closeBasketcloseBasketAndCharge  CONFIRM_PENDING

Then if the user get's out of sync, he'll get an error because the state
machine specifies which are the acceptable inputs on each state and the
appropriate answer in each case. After getting 20-30 error pages,
they'll stop fooling around with the application and they'll learn how
to use it appropriately ;).

Just my 2ec (less than 2 cents right now :))
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

Andrew S Tomlinson wrote:
> Well broadly yes.
> Just make sure we do not confuse workflow with transaction.
> A *multi-page form* is in my context a workflow; each page in the flow
> submits to an action that performs a discrete transaction. As David points
> out each page needs to be self-contained. We have both concluded the
> critical need for concurrency rules for each discrete transaction.
> Now, to David's point each page is modeless and valid in of itself.
> What I want do in my apps is to "thread" them together via the workflow that
> I implement as a *state-machine* for want of a better term.

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Re: Model 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Lopez

Hi D.J.,

We use:
.- Framework specific (which is itself container independent)
implementation of the model 3 for PL/SQL -> XML -> XSL transformation. I
just created another base class for my action classes of the model 2
architecture so it fits pretty well in our already built model 2
framework, thus we can enjoy customizable security and application-wide
event handling just as if it were model 2.
.- For the JSP -> XML -> XSL, we use a custom JSP1.1 taglib that
transforms its whole body. It is also container independent and it is
transparent to the model 2 arquitecture so it also fits nicely into our

We discarded your first option because it is container specific and we
try to avoid this kind of things as long as possible.
Cocoon is focused in transformation of static XML so we learn from it
but we are not using it. We are basically doing what he does but using
dynamic XML sources. We hope to learn also from it when we get to the
point of caching XSLTProcessors but so far we create them each time.

Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

"D. J. Hagberg" wrote:
> This is certainly an interesting solution, and I can certainly see the
> benefits when generating content for different display devices/browsers.
> The primary question I have for Daniel and the other folks out there
> using XSLT is -- what specific tools and techniques are you using for
> this transform?  Is it:
> - container-specific implementations of servlet chaining?
> - jsp 1.1 taglets that transform their whole contained body?
> - relying on cutting-edge browsers that actually do XSLT?
> - some other mechanism like Cocoon?
> -=- D. J.
> Daniel Lopez wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> > .- The JSP page formats the result in XML, which is more easily
> > understood by designers, can be used as documentation, and for which
> > fake document sets are easily generated. The JSP can also determine "on
> > the fly" which XSLT sheet will be used to generate the UI.
> > .- The XSLT sheet transforms the XML into HTML, WML, PDF and result is
> > sent to the client.

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Re: JSP Thread safety

2000-05-09 Thread Geert Van Damme

Well, it all comes down to that little part in your mail

>(if you, um, know what you're doing.)

And apparently, since JSP is rather new, and a lot of people are developing
in JSP without ever having done any servlet programming, I think my advice
of using <% %> does make sense.

Geert 'Darling' Van Damme

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JTree in JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Marco M

hi all,
i post again the question, hoping that someone can reply now.
how can i do a tree structure in JSP, just like JTree??
my situation is like this:
i have a list of  usergroup
when i click on one usergroup, i want to see, under the usergroup name, the
list of all users...(represented by checkboxes)
then assume that i check one of those checkboxes
after that, i click on another usergroup, and i want to see the page with
the list of the users of the previous usergroup and the users of the just
selected usergroup..
how can i do that??
the list of usergroup should be dynamic, and loaded every time the page is
requested..for consistency puposes..
hope to have explained well my problem
anyone can help me??
 thanx in advance and regards

PS i don't want to use applet

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Re: JSP Thread safety

2000-05-09 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

On Tue, 9 May 2000, Geert Van Damme wrote:

> Well, it all comes down to that little part in your mail
> >(if you, um, know what you're doing.)
> >
> And apparently, since JSP is rather new, and a lot of people are developing
> in JSP without ever having done any servlet programming, I think my advice
> of using <% %> does make sense.

No doubt. But the whole point of JSP is to provide a servlet that doesn't
look like a servlet; it's a fully-functional gateway technology, if you
will. Advocating willful ignorance of a part of it doesn't help anyone,
and saying that you should avoid a tool simply because it can be used
incorrectly isn't as useful as suggesting ways the tool can be used
properly (i.e., "using static declarations in <%! %> needs to be made
thread-safe, so until you're aware of what this means, you may want to use
the page attribute that indicates single-threadedness if you seem to be
having problems with data from other requests.") It's longer to specify
the correct solution (which, of course, I still didn't do, not really) but
I'd say with a nascent technology, do it correctly - advocating a lesser
form of the technology doesn't help anyone except those who haven't
invested the week that JSP mastery requires.

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

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Re: *** Oracle hates JDBC Servlets?

2000-05-09 Thread Germán López Castro

I got the answer to my trouble with Servlets that connect to *EVIL* 
Oracle8i databases. The question why they don't wanna work using 
Oracle JDBC drivers but they do with JDBC-ODBC driver is the 

I am using Resin Web Server, which runs over JDK 1.2 environment.
My version of Oracle8i is which internally works on JRE 
1.1.7 (JDK 1.1 compatible).
When I try to connect the servlet to the database (of course it's 
done by means of my web server), I have two choices:

1. Use jdbc\lib\ . This zip file contains the db 
classes that come with Oracle8i. These classes are JDK 1.1 compliant. 
So the system is able to load the driver into memory (a Class.forName
() opperation) but the server can't handle jdbc requests.

2. Use . This is the zip file containing the db classes 
to work with JDK 1.2 . So the system loads the driver, connect 
succesfully to the database, but when it asks to the database for a 
result, the database can't handle jdbc requests.

1. Use JDBC-ODBC drivers. It's platform-dependent (works only over 
Windows) and is coming obsolete, but ***IT WORKS***
2. Use another web server that is JDK 1.1 compliant (e.g. Apache Web 
Server + Apache JServ works over JDK 1.1.8) and use . 
Apache is powerful and the most used web server, but setup is awful, 
because it uses its own directives.
3. Download Oracle8i 8.1.6, which is JDK 1.2 compliant, and use

I hope it can be useful for somebody.

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Re: Model 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Lopez

Hi Stephen,

Comments intermixed :)

Stephen Baishya wrote:
> Dan,
> I agree with your issues regarding JSP. Whilst JSP favours the UI designer
> rather than the developer to some extent, the UI designer still needs some
> knowledge of the Java language, an issue which I think is better solved by
> using XML. OK, both JSP and XSL require use of some simple scripting
> constructs, but with XSL you can achieve COMPLETE separation from your Java
> code  - no beans, nothing.

And don't forget that XML and XSL are language independent with all the
implied benefits.

> Although Sun's "Application Programming Model"
> advocates JSP over servlets I still don't buy it as much more than an
> "anything you can do we can do too" to Microsoft's ASP.

I agree that JSP is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that it might
have been done better in some aspects. But I still think it has its
place and, as any other tool, you just have to learn when/how to use it

> Your suggestion of
> using XML/XSL validates the work I have been doing, however I have jumped
> straight to the suggestion you make in your "disadvantages" section, and my
> plan is to generate XML directly within any services which my servlets
> would  make use of.

We are still going to use JSP to generate XML from Java because it fits
pretty well into out previous model 2 architecture and because getting
from a static XML document to a dynamic one is easier with a JSP page
than within a servlet. And then you also have your "XML formatting"
independent of your action classes, thus having a cleaner separation
which means ease of maintenance, reusability...

> Of course, there is a performance hit involved in performing the XSL
> transformation, so if possible I would prefer not to add in the
> servlet-to-JSP request dispatching process. Certainly, I expext to see
> significant improvements in XML/XSL processing performance as newer
> processers and parsers are released, and long term some of this burden
> should be moved onto the client anyway (at least for web browser clients).

We also try not to add the extra layer, hence the PLSQL approach, but as
long as the architecture remains easy to develop and mantain.  As long
as no xml-java mapping is there, JSP seems to be a good option. We still
have to test thoroughly whether it's worthy or not, but we think
generating XML directly from the servlets is, right now, too messy. And
we don't consider, right now, moving the XSL parsing to the client. Why
send both documents XML & XSLT to the client if you already now in the
server what you have to do with them? You would be wasting network
bandwidth and relying in browsers compatibility and those are not good

> IMHO, going the XML route produces a more versatile, more architecturally
> sound web application than the Model 2 approach of throwing unnecessary
> layers into the pot just for the sake of it. The fact that an XML-enabled
> servlet can return an untransformed XML document means that you could then
> "front-end" your data services with an XML-over-HTTP servlet (SOAP anyone?),
> and open them up to a very wide range of clients if desired. This will be
> even more versatile when we have a Java-to-XML data binding.

If we had such a binding, I agree we might try to take advantage of it
but, IMHO, using JSP doesn't mean adding such a thick layer. It's just a
servlet anyway and we use for business logic vs results formatting
independence. I agree too many layers might spoil your cake, so we try
to use the ones we find worthy. But you might also use WebMacro(I
haven't tested, just a guess) or other similar approaches for the
generation of the XML.

> Unfortunately, I suspect that because XML/XSL is at a slight disadvantage
> to
> JSP in the maturity stakes, and because Sun themselves advocate JSP, Model 2
> will take over. I take some satisfaction from the fact that I am not alone
> in my concerns regarding Model 2 - all of the Technical Architects and
> developers with whom I have discussed it are uncomfortable with the idea.

I would say that XML/XSL is in a slight disadvantage regarding the
maturity of the tools, not the technology itself. Standard taglibs are
not there yet and having a tool that can do everything, even allow
people to create the ugliest JSP pages with more Java than HTML, doesn't
mean, for me, being mature. If all these efforts of creating drag & drop
JSP(HTML) tools were directed towards developing visual XML&XSL tools,
which are language/container/taglib independent we would get, IMHO, much
better results.

> But I also have concerns that because of this people might choose to go > with
> JSP alone and start using the JSP as both a controller and a view, packing
> the code that would be in the servlet in a Model 2 design into the JSP and
> thus losing the separation of the presentation code. The result - a
> situation no better than that which we have with servlets.

Agreed! If I had to come up with a set of taglib

Re: Model 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Daniel Lopez

Hi Mike,

Mike Van Riper wrote:
> Daniel,
> At my company, we are working on a similar process to yours. Our
> non-programmers will be creating simple XML documents. We then run a
> design-time build process to transform the XML documents into JSP pages. We
> are building common transformations for things like business object
> listings. The same XML DTD for a business object listing can be used to
> define the layout for the listings of different business objects in separate
> XML document instances. The beauty of this approach is that we get a
> consistent look to all our listings and can change the look at anytime for
> all listings by changing the XSL transformations that produce the JSP files
> from the XML document instances.

Yeah! We follow a similar approach but with dynamic transformations. It
its very appropriate when you need different look and feels depending on
some circumstances (for example, in web hosting business).

> Another good aspect of this approach is that we don't have a runtime
> performance hit doing an XSL transformation. Of course, there are still
> things that have to be decided dynamically at runtime. For that information,
> we encapsulate the Java logic in beans.

Eummm? I might have not got it right. You are performing the
transformations at desing time and then adding dynamic info with Java
Beans? How? Do you generate JSP pages from XML, instead of generating
HTML? We don't generate the output formats (XSLT sheet) at runtime, we
just apply it to the dynamically generated XML. Even though it would be
possible too, but fortunately we don't need such a complex
transformation process.

> The obvious disadvantage of our
> approach versus yours is that we can't do the "on the fly" generation of
> different output formats. However, we can still support different output
> formats by generating the multiple formats in our design-time build process.

> I will let you know in a few months how it pans out because we are just now
> going from investigation phase into design/development of this approach in a
> big way.

We hope to have the first application ready in 2 weeks. But we are
generating the XML directly from PLSQL which speeds up enormously the
database access coding. Good luck with your approach.
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Services
Computer Center
Balearic Islands University

> FYI,
> Mike Van Riper
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Daniel Lopez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:06 AM
> > Subject: Model 3 Architecture
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Some people asked my about this "Model 3" I talked about in my last
> > posting about "model 2 servlet mapping question" so I thought I should
> > explain what I meant, not to confuse people. First, before
> > people starts
> > asking about specifications and documentation, it's by no means an
> > official name and AFAIK  it hasn't been mentioned anywhere.
> > It's just an
> > idea several people in this list seem to be using and I just have to
> > give it a short name so... my apologies if this drrove someone to
> > confusion. Explanation follows:
> >
> > After playing a while with model 2, I have to admit it's far
> > for perfect
> > and one of the places where it doesn't convince me is in the
> > part where
> > web designers (non programmers) have to deal with JSP code to generate
> > the UI. Sure that taglibs will help and sure that tools will
> > come up to
> > help drag&drop development but it still doesn't convince me so I
> > thought, as many others, of using XML&XSL as an extra layer(hence the
> > name Model 3) between the generation of the data and the
> > construction of
> > the UI. The architecture goes like that:
> > .- Controller servlet gets a request and determines the appropriate
> > Action to be executed.
> > .- The Action performs the business logic using the data
> > sources (Files,
> > DB) and forwards control to the appropriate JSP to "format"
> > the result.
> > .- The JSP page formats the result in XML, which is more easily
> > understood by designers, can be used as documentation, and for which
> > fake document sets are easily generated. The JSP can also
> > determine "on
> > the fly" which XSLT sheet will be used to generate the UI.
> > .- The XSLT sheet transforms the XML into HTML, WML, PDF and result is
> > sent to the client.
> >
> > Advantages:
> > .- Programming part and design are completely separated. You
> > just agree,
> > at the beginning if possible, the format of the XML documents and then
> > the programmer have to care on how to generate them
> > dynamically and the
> > designers on how to generate the UI from them.
> > .- IMHO, there will be more tools to handle XML&XSL -> HTML than
> > drag&drop JSP to HTML. XML, XSL are already standards,
> > taglibs are not,
> > and it will be easier to

Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Germán López Castro

I think I've got a black hole in my acknoledgement, but... could 
anyone explain me what architecture 2 & 3 are exactly and where can I 
get further information?

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!!Tomcat configuration!!

2000-05-09 Thread Neelesh

Hi all,
I am new to using Tomcat. Need urgent help in Tomcat
We are using Tomcat3.1 on Apache 1.3.11 . Our
application is quite huge so, we require to maintain
our own seperate directory structure for Servlets and
So the requirement is to create alias names and map it
to these directories(seperate for Servlets and Jsp's).
Thanks in advance


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Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Germán López Castro

I think I've got a black hole in my acknoledgement, but... could 
anyone explain me what model 2 & 3 architectures are exactly and 
where can I get further information?

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Java Problem

2000-05-09 Thread Ritu Kamboj

i am trying to run a jsp  application  on  Apache- Tomcat...Server..
But the moment i accesss data  from database...
It starts  giving  java.exe   Application Error.
(Like  some problem in   referenced memoryMemory couldn't be read...)

If anybody  have  any idea..Please let me know..
Thanks in advance..

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Re: !!Tomcat configuration!!

2000-05-09 Thread [Vinod Govindan]

The mappingsdetails for tomcat server are in server.xml that is in the conf
directory of Tomcat! You'll have to do a bit of reading if you have to
configure such a big application. The Users Guide will show you the
necessary details.


Sent by: A   Subject: !!Tomcat configuration!!
mailing list
about Java Server
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05/09/00 01:41 PM
Please respond to
A mailing list
about Java Server
specification and

Hi all,
I am new to using Tomcat. Need urgent help in Tomcat
We are using Tomcat3.1 on Apache 1.3.11 . Our
application is quite huge so, we require to maintain
our own seperate directory structure for Servlets and
So the requirement is to create alias names and map it
to these directories(seperate for Servlets and Jsp's).
Thanks in advance


My home page

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dinamically built page

2000-05-09 Thread Quaini Michele

Hello to the list,

I have to build a jsp page A depending on the result of a query. I managed
to do it
easily but I have a problem that I cannot solve:

this dinamically built page A calls a page B.
THis page B is supposed to:
. instantiate the proper beans
. pass the data to them
. manage the flow

now, I have to instantiate only the bean that I need, (example, if the page
A has two included pages A.1 and A.3
I have to instantiate the beans a_1 and a_3.

I put an hidden field in the pages A.1 and A.3 that helps me to find out
they are present
and i did like this:

-- JSP page B --
if ( request.getParameter("a.1_present").Equals("Y") {

Re: JDBC 2.0 probleme in JSP with JWS

2000-05-09 Thread Christian Bernard


It looks like you are using the JDK 1.1.7-compliant JRE bundled with the Java Web
Server. I think that this JDK is only JDBC1.2 compliant. Try to launch the JWS with
the -nojre option in order to use a Java 2 version which is JDBC2.0 compliant.

Hope this will help.

"sudhir H.S." a écrit :

> Hi
> Please anyone give solution to my probleme as early as possoible
> I am getting error in my JSP page by using JDBC2.0 methods like
> Resultset.first(),Resultset.last();etc how to fix this bug .I am running
> this
> jsp file in Java Web Server 2.0 trial version copy.
> and one more probleme for which I need solution urgent is
> while(
> {
> statement.executeUpdate(query);
> (I am unable to execute this above line with in the while loop of
> the
> result set using same statement object)
> }
> awaiting for the solution
> with warm regards
> Sudhir H.S
> Get free email and a permanent address at
> ===
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JSP: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Yandle, Nigel


I'm using

Re: Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Lee Elenbaas

What i have learned is from listening in this list.
Model 2 is setting a single entrance servlet to all your JSPs. that servlet
performs common tasks like ID user and secuity tests and then forwards the
request to the appropriate JSP/servlet, that JSP/Servlet jenerates the
HTML/content that the user sees

Model 3 adds another layer of XML. There are two variations:
JSP/Servlet generates XML, that XML gows through XSLT (usually in the
server) to what the user sees.
The other approach (and the one we are testing in our company) is XML that
are trasformed through XSLT to JSP pages, those JSP pages generate the
HTML/content that the user sees.

Both variations added a level of seperation between the UI design and the
java code.
The 1st variation has the added advantage of being more client responsive.
This means you can generate using the same JSP and XML different views
according to the user platform: browser, WAP device...
The 2nd variation has the advantage of removing the XSLT overhead from the
runtime. (and to my opinion it can also provide what the 1st variation
provides, but with more jenerated JSPs)


Lee Elenbaas

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Germán López Castro
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:09 AM
Subject: Model 2 & 3 Architecture


I think I've got a black hole in my acknoledgement, but... could
anyone explain me what architecture 2 & 3 are exactly and where can I
get further information?


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JSP Obtain and use NT username in page

2000-05-09 Thread Yandle, Nigel

Hi all,

does anyone know how to obtain an NT user's login name from within a JSP
page/environment... If so please spill the beans,


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Do I have to Create another instance of Bean if scope is applicat ion

2000-05-09 Thread bhupesh vora

I have a data base Bean DdBean.class
I have created a instance of that bean db with scope as application in one
of the jsp pasge   ( 

now that as I have given scope as application the id should be visible in
another jsp page pls rectify if I am wrong

Do I have to Create another instance of DdBean or can I use the same
Instance of the bean in other Jsp pages

pls giude me on this

any comments on this will be highly appreciated



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JRUN with new tags

2000-05-09 Thread Aggarwal, Pawan

What is the difference between these tags:


I am using JRUN2.3 with IIS and the latter tag is not working??

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Basic Doubt

2000-05-09 Thread Gogia Nitin

> Hi,
> Till now i was using JavaWebServer 2.0 to run my JSP's and Servlets.
> But now I have decided to run my JSP's on TOMCAT 3.1.
There's a doubt why i need to install and run Apache Web Server when my
JSP's and servlets
can run well on Tomcat  (when run seperately).


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Re: *** Oracle hates JDBC Servlets?

2000-05-09 Thread Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein


I'm using Oracle 8.1.5 but I downloaded 8.1.6's "" and it works
fine for me (Java2+TomCat3.1).  As long as Oracle doesn't change their
network DB protocol, you can use the latest-and-greatest driver with
previous versions of Oracle.  It may be a better solution.

- Original Message -
From: Germán López Castro
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: *** Oracle hates JDBC Servlets?


I got the answer to my trouble with Servlets that connect to *EVIL*
Oracle8i databases. The question why they don't wanna work using
Oracle JDBC drivers but they do with JDBC-ODBC driver is the

I am using Resin Web Server, which runs over JDK 1.2 environment.
My version of Oracle8i is which internally works on JRE
1.1.7 (JDK 1.1 compatible).
When I try to connect the servlet to the database (of course it's
done by means of my web server), I have two choices:

1. Use jdbc\lib\ . This zip file contains the db
classes that come with Oracle8i. These classes are JDK 1.1 compliant.
So the system is able to load the driver into memory (a Class.forName
() opperation) but the server can't handle jdbc requests.

2. Use . This is the zip file containing the db classes
to work with JDK 1.2 . So the system loads the driver, connect
succesfully to the database, but when it asks to the database for a
result, the database can't handle jdbc requests.

1. Use JDBC-ODBC drivers. It's platform-dependent (works only over
Windows) and is coming obsolete, but ***IT WORKS***
2. Use another web server that is JDK 1.1 compliant (e.g. Apache Web
Server + Apache JServ works over JDK 1.1.8) and use .
Apache is powerful and the most used web server, but setup is awful,
because it uses its own directives.
3. Download Oracle8i 8.1.6, which is JDK 1.2 compliant, and use

I hope it can be useful for somebody.


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FW: Model 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Visweshwar Ghanakota

> > I was planning to use this approach for our project.But I couldn't
> convince
> > my manager because of the following problems with this approach ( I am
> sure
> > this will be solved in future)
> > 1.There is no direct way of sending the xml geberated out of jsp( i mean
> u
> > have jsp tags in xml page,and processed as usual) to a XSL engine.
> Well, there's not a direct way but if you use, as we do, taglibs then
> it's pretty much as if it were direct. I got this idea from Joe Milora
> (thanks Joe :)) and then my JSP pages might look like that.
>  Sample Model 3 JSP page
> <%@ taglib uri="/leafTag/" prefix="leaf" %>
> <%
>   // Retrieve the Problem set there by the Model 2 action class
>   Problem theProblem = (Problem)request.getAttribute("theProblem");
> %>
>Code="<%= theProblem.getCode() %>"
>   Title="<%= theProblem.getTitle() %>"
>   Description="<%= theProblem.getDescription() %>"
>   FAQ_URL="<%= theProblem.getFaqURL() %>"
> >
>  Sample Model 3 JSP page
> The tag XSLEval post processes the result of the JSP page(XML) with the
> stylesheed specified and that's all. The stylesheet could also be
> dynamically specified.
> > 2.Writing XSL is a pain(especially in the context where designers will
> > design the page) and there are no visual tools which will give xsl ,as
> we
> > manipulate layout or something like that.
> I agree. I hope time will solve this one but rigth now the best we've
> found is something like Excelon Stylus which lets you perform visual
> development of the XML&XML and then preview the results. What we do is
> perform first a static HTML protoype and the get from there the basis
> for the XSL page. Training your designers will also speeed up this
> process.
> > 3.This is one more layer and is it really worth it?
> That's what we are trying to see :). From the development point of view,
> I think it does. Let's see what happens with performance. As I mention,
> for some small apps. it might be an overkill but trading manteinability
> and separation of layers for some performance penalty might be worthy
> for many others.
> > If you have solutions ,please let me know because it may be my
> ignorance.BTW
> > for jsp-->xml--xsl-->html, I was looking at cocoon.
> Cocoon was basically designed for dealing with static XML but you can
> get lots of useful ideas, code and insights from having a look at it. We
> learnt a lot from it and then we are trying to apply it to dynamic XML.
> I hope this helps a bit,
> Dan
> ---
> Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Web Services
> Computer Center
> Balearic Islands University
> ---
> > Thanks for any inputs
> > vishu
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Daniel Lopez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 12:36 PM
> > > Subject:  Model 3 Architecture
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Some people asked my about this "Model 3" I talked about in my last
> > > posting about "model 2 servlet mapping question" so I thought I should
> > > explain what I meant, not to confuse people. First, before people
> starts
> > > asking about specifications and documentation, it's by no means an
> > > official name and AFAIK  it hasn't been mentioned anywhere. It's just
> an
> > > idea several people in this list seem to be using and I just have to
> > > give it a short name so... my apologies if this drrove someone to
> > > confusion. Explanation follows:
> > >
> > > After playing a while with model 2, I have to admit it's far for
> perfect
> > > and one of the places where it doesn't convince me is in the part
> where
> > > web designers (non programmers) have to deal with JSP code to generate
> > > the UI. Sure that taglibs will help and sure that tools will come up
> to
> > > help drag&drop development but it still doesn't convince me so I
> > > thought, as many others, of using XML&XSL as an extra layer(hence the
> > > name Model 3) between the generation of the data and the construction
> of
> > > the UI. The architecture goes like that:
> > > .- Controller servlet gets a request and determines the appropriate
> > > Action to be executed.
> > > .- The Action performs the business logic using the data sources
> (Files,
> > > DB) and forwards control to the appropriate JSP to "format" the
> result.
> > > .- The JSP page formats the result in XML, which is more easily
> > > understood by designers, can be used as documentation, and for which
> > > fake document sets are easily generated. The JSP can also determine
> "on
> > > the fly" which XSLT sheet will be used to generate the UI.
> > > .- The XSLT sheet transforms the XML into HTML, WML, PDF and result is
> > > sent to the client.
> > >
> > > Advantages:
> > > .- Programming part and design are completely separated. You just
> agree,
> > > at the beginning if possible, the format of the XML documents a

curious. Getting database info

2000-05-09 Thread Rick Reumann

I'm curious on opions on the fastest/best way to retrieve information
from a database using java/jsp.

For example say you have various people in a database and have
their name, phone number, address, etc. stored in there.
Where I work we don't do the database select statements in the
jsp pages but in seperate classes out on the server but obviously
call them from the jsp pages.

 I seem to think it's convenient then to create a vector of , for
example, "people" objects and then iterate through the vector
getting the information I need from each object..getPhoneNumber,
getAddress, etc. Is this a good way to get this information from a

 I'm also curious if it's worth an extra step of accessing the
database first in order to get a row count that you could then use to
give the vector a size? (will this even be worth it for a small
database that maybe only has only 1000 rows?)
Another method I've used is setting up an array of hashtables and
then calling up each hash table and getting phone number,
address, etc. that way. Is this better?

Thanks so much for any feedback. It would be greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Andrew S Tomlinson

It's interesting to hear about the broader adoption of XSL in a "Model 3".
I was (and still am) an enthusiastic adopter of XSL but I'd like to add a
note and remark that from my experience:
1. XSL is non-procedural and although it is incredibly easy to use for
operations it rapidly becomes very complex when anything a bit more
sophisticated is
required. This applies to both the features of xsl (callable templates,
attribute sets and so on) and to the XPath syntax for matching node sets.
2. lack of data-type support means having to bind in java/javascript
extension functions e.g. for date formatting
3. building XSL files is a radically different proposition to building HTML
(and by extension JSP).   This means that you lose the *division of labour*
that assigns UI construction to (presumably less *technical*) Web Designers.
Again I have found this to be the case for anything other than the most
trivial of cases.
4. lack of "self-documenting" features. It's very difficult to come back to
an XSL file after a while and figure out what some of it actually does; this
raises the bar on expectation for clear comments by the author(s). I have
the same "concerns" with SQL as with XPath but at least in SQL I can perform
an EXPLAIN PLAN to see how the DBMS engine is interpreting the command. I
would really like a similar rationalization capability in XPath.

Now, on the positive I have found it great for basic forms and the
formatting of static
tables but, as indicated above, I rapidly hit a ceiling where the increasing
required for incremental functionality was prohibitive.

How does this compare to others' experiences?

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Re: Whats a ideal development environment

2000-05-09 Thread ColdFusion Analyst

The company I work for scrapped development in CF for JSP because part of
their application uses ariba which is written in CF.

>From: Kevin McEntee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and
> reference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Whats a ideal development environment
>Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 16:46:53 -0700
>Thats interesting...
>What led you to scrap ColdFusion in favor of JSP?
>- Kevin
>ColdFusion Analyst wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> > Though I have been in the web development arena for a long time (My
> > skill lies with other application Software). Could you please help me
> > thoughts on the Following:
> >
> > 1. We have resently scrapped development in ColdFusion and substituted
> > with Ariba Trading Dynamics. the Whole site has to be recoded in JSP. Do
> > know of an ideal Integrated Development Bench I could set up to run
> > (with the 2 Ariba servers running on my machine). 1 is  Web Logic
> > application server there fore I will be using the WebLogic's
> > of JSP.
> >
> > 2. What is the best source that could get me rolling with JSP soon. I
> > read a couple of Tutorials, and have worked with java in the past.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sincerely,
> > gautam
> > 
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Has anyone ever worked with GEIS?

2000-05-09 Thread Megan Ray

Does anyone have any experience working with GEIS - division of GE?   I have
a job opportunity working for a company that will be using GEIS software -
both B2C and B2B.   I appreciate ANY information you can provide.


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Determining Browser encryption

2000-05-09 Thread Shrish Kulkarni

I want to determine whether the browser has 128-bit encryption ? Is there a
way to find this out.

Any help is appreciated..



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Re: A Bean vs a Servlet

2000-05-09 Thread Donald E. Vandenbeld

Search the archives for messages about the Model 2 design architecture.
There have been outstanding discussions of servlets, beans and jsps when
discussing this model.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 9:09 AM
Subject: A Bean vs a Servlet

>  Hi All,
>  Where can I find detailed information about when to use a bean verses
>  a servlet. I have found general information however I am looking for
>  more specific details describing the pros and cons of using a bean vs
>  a servlet from a JSP page.
>  Considerations are some of our applications have >80,000 users while
>  others have < 10.
>  Also how can I call a servlet from a JSP page without using a form
>  action ?
>  Thanks in advance
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A Bean vs a Servlet

2000-05-09 Thread DAVID BOYLE

 Hi All,

 Where can I find detailed information about when to use a bean verses
 a servlet. I have found general information however I am looking for
 more specific details describing the pros and cons of using a bean vs
 a servlet from a JSP page.

 Considerations are some of our applications have >80,000 users while
 others have < 10.

 Also how can I call a servlet from a JSP page without using a form
 action ?

 Thanks in advance

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call to a procedure in Java

2000-05-09 Thread Munish Talwar

How can we call a procedure ( Not function ) in Java and make use of OUT

Thanks in advance

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error message

2000-05-09 Thread Munish Talwar


Any body knows what this error means

got the driver registered
java.sql.SQLException: Message file 'oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.Messages' is
java.sql.SQLException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)
java.lang.String, int)
void oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(int,
void oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(int)
long oracle.sql.CHAR.longValue()
long oracle.jdbc.driver.ScrollableResultSet.getLong(int)
java.lang.Object [][]
void com.essentus.sdemand.inquiry.SalesOrder.main(java.lang.String

error code - 17059

Thanks in advance

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2000-05-09 Thread Ed de Jongh

Hi all, I'm looking to get into JSP and would like to know what is the
best(free) web server available. I'm currently running 2000 professional and
cannot seem to find the mythical IIS5


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JSP jsp:forward not working.

2000-05-09 Thread Yandle, Nigel

Hi all,

anyone know why the following code works:

response.sendRedirect (response.encodeRedirectUrl

but the following returns : Page not found


I do have jsp:forward working in another page but this one just won't play

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Re: How to call the method in another class in the same package?

2000-05-09 Thread subbarao sakhamuri

place the directory in which you are working in the
classpath.add the directory name to the classpath in
autoexec.bat file.


--- Xunming Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> here I just ask a simple question.
> I want to put two java files and created  classed in
> the same package
> e.g.
> can create fileOne.class
> But I want to use the functions of in
> when I compile using
> Javac
> it show's: "Class fileOne not found" !
> How I solve this problem?
> Thanks!
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> body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
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Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Wasetis, Ken

With iPlanet, I saw differences between the Linux and SunOS implementations
with regard to the  tag.

As a general rule, though, the forward tag seems to work much better when it
is used early on (before the  tag) in the JSP.

-Original Message-
From: Yandle, Nigel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 4:11 AM
Subject: JSP: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems


I'm using

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> ColdFusion has an advantage that it has a low learning curve. I am not as
> experienced with JSP to comment on the relative speed of development.
> CF is easier to learn an application can be developed quickly.

When I think about scalable JSPs, I still think of another two tiers of
application development (services and database) that has to be written, with
JSPs just being the first tier (presentation).  So an entire application is
generally not written in JSP, but JSP is used to control the dynamic
presentation and delivery of information returned by the other two tiers of
code that has to be written.

In highly scalable web systems, it seems that the need for a huge number of
web/presentation systems are often needed to handle all of the connections
from web browsers, and the net connections tend to be slow, causing each
transaction/tcp socket to be open for "a long time."  The other two tiers
often run on bigger iron and respond "very quickly" to the presentation tier
which then has to stream out the data back to the client over the relatively
slow net link (slow compared to the links within the server farm).

Does CF combine the "three tiers" (presentation, business logic/services,
database) into a single platform?  Multi-tier systems tend to handle changes
better, such as the inclusion of a desktop app or java applet as a client,
or a switch to using phone-based (WAP or DTMF) or PDA-based front ends --
that is, anything that is NOT a web browser, which is just one of the many
front ends used by people these days.

> In terms of performance ColdFusion has to be parsed to the CFusion Server.
> your application has been coded keeping performance in mind then it should
> not be a problem. I have recoded most applications to improve performance
> with great results. Jsp has to be compiled into servlets which may be a
> performance issue sometimes(correct me if I am wrong).

JSPs are compiled once -- unless they are changed.  Is that the same for CF,
or does CF reparse each time (ala ASP).

> ColdFusion servers can be scaled and managed easily.
> gautam

I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?  It's
unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard to
increase the general knowledge about these things.


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Re: Whats a ideal development environment

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> The company I work for scrapped development in CF for JSP because part of
> their application uses ariba which is written in CF.
> gautam

Did you mean ariba is written in JSP?  Or was there some reason why your
application couldn't be written using the same platform?  And why didn't you
just interface the CF work with the Ariba work using HTTP rather than being
forced to code on the same platform?


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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Dan Maher

Had to reply here. We have heard that a certain toy retailer has serious
scalability problems with CF and their "scaling" solution was to deploy 300+
servers each with the database loaded into memory. Can anyone verify this rumour?

> ColdFusion servers can be scaled and managed easily.
> gautam

I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?  It's
unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard to
increase the general knowledge about these things.

Associate Systems Engineer
HealthStream, The Leader in Online Healthcare Education
(615) 301-3151

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Re: Help

2000-05-09 Thread Goodwin, Christine


Apache web server is free, but you will need a servlet engine for JSP.  You
can go to and download the Tomcat pilot from the J2EE
reference section of online support (menu link on the left side of the page)
or you should try to get an evaluation copy of Servlet Exec.

Hope this helps.


>-Original Message-
>From: Ed de Jongh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:52 AM
>Subject: Help
>Hi all, I'm looking to get into JSP and would like to know what is the
>best(free) web server available. I'm currently running 2000
>professional and
>cannot seem to find the mythical IIS5
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>"signoff JSP-INTEREST".
>Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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JRUN and IPlanet -- JRUN crashes

2000-05-09 Thread Lisa Lewis

I am developing an application that uses JSP 1.0 and Servlets.
I use JRUN 2.3 Build 157 (the latest) with IPlanet webserver 4.0.  I consistently
get errors such as:

500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:  5173296


500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception: -1

After I get these errors, I must stop and restart JRUN in order to even run
the SnoopServlet.

I am running Solaris 2.7 with 256M of memory.
Does anyone have any idea of what is going on here?
I am extremely frustrated.  (I have successfully used JRUN
for servlets with Netscape Server 3.51).  I am using jdk1.2 and servlet api 2.1
There is absolutely nothing special about what I am doing.  I have a 
that is called upon pressing a submit button.  This Servlet uses the RequestDispatcher
object to forward the request to a jsp page for display.  The problem is

Thanks very much

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> ColdFusion has an advantage that it has a low learning curve. I am not as
> experienced with JSP to comment on the relative speed of development.
> Since CF is easier to learn an application can be developed quickly.

When I think about scalable JSPs, I still think of another two tiers of
application development (services and database) that has to be written, with
JSPs just being the first tier (presentation).  So an entire application is
generally not written in JSP, but JSP is used to control the dynamic
presentation and delivery of information returned by the other two tiers of
code that has to be written.

In highly scalable web systems, it seems that the need for a huge number of
web/presentation systems are often needed to handle all of the connections
from web browsers, and the net connections tend to be slow, causing each
transaction/tcp socket to be open for "a long time."  The other two tiers
often run on bigger iron and respond "very quickly" to the presentation tier
which then has to stream out the data back to the client over the relatively
slow net link (slow compared to the links within the server farm).

Does CF combine the "three tiers" (presentation, business logic/services,
database) into a single platform?  Multi-tier systems tend to handle changes
better, such as the inclusion of a desktop app or java applet as a client,
or a switch to using phone-based (WAP or DTMF) or PDA-based front ends --
that is, anything that is NOT a web browser, which is just one of the many
front ends used by people these days.

> In terms of performance ColdFusion has to be parsed to the CFusion Server.
> your application has been coded keeping performance in mind then it should
> not be a problem. I have recoded most applications to improve performance
> with great results. Jsp has to be compiled into servlets which may be a
> performance issue sometimes(correct me if I am wrong).

JSPs are compiled once -- unless they are changed.  Is that the same for CF,
or does CF reparse each time (ala ASP).

> ColdFusion servers can be scaled and managed easily.
> gautam

I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?  It's
unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard to
increase the general knowledge about these things.


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2000-05-09 Thread Gael Stehagen

I'm wondering what the best way is to restrict access to some pages.
If a user tries to access a page that requires authentication, he should
be redirected to a login-page, unless he's all ready logged in.

How do I manage this in best way?

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Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Pål Brattberg

> As a general rule, though, the forward tag seems to work much
> better when it is used early on (before the  tag) in the JSP.

Yes, this is true. And it seems to be the same with response.sendRedirect()
as well.

Very strange indeed. Or does any of you have a good explanation?

:: pål :: :  :  .

Pål Brattberg | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mob: (+46) 0704 566299 | Tel: (+46) 08 52790122

Här börjar internet |

> -Original Message-
> From: Wasetis, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 9 maj 2000 17:57
> Subject: Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems
> With iPlanet, I saw differences between the Linux and SunOS
> implementations
> with regard to the  tag.

> -Original Message-
> From: Yandle, Nigel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 4:11 AM
> Subject: JSP: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems
> Hi,
> I'm using  JSP-INTEREST".
> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> ==
> =
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> "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
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How can I view client HTTP request headers?

2000-05-09 Thread Chris Newland


I'm writing a standalone java application to test my
JSP-based service and I'd like to view the HTTP
request headers that are sent to my web server.

Does anyone have any example code / know of a 3rd
party product which does this?



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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Pål Brattberg

> What really big web sites are run on CF?

AFAIK, runs CF on the NT platform.

See for info on sites using CF.

For ColdFusion information:

:: pål :: :  :  .

Pål Brattberg | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mob: (+46) 0704 566299 | Tel: (+46) 08 52790122

Här börjar internet |

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> I found this article interesting:

That was interesting, but it lead to some concerns.  For example, JSPs can
access the database directly, but most large scale applications don't do
this because having front-ends access the database tends to increase the
number of connections to the database and often makes the code a bit less
maintainable since DB logic is spread out over presentation pages rather
than in business logic that is shared, and of course one of the "benefits"
of CF was that people skilled with presentation logic didn't have to worry
about formulating db queries and the like.

Also, CF seems to be directly tied to HTML in that you don't really write
HTML, but instead use a proprietary markup that only Allaire supports.
Since it auto-generates Javascript and these things -- which is very nice
for desktop browser applications I will certainly agree -- it seems like
it's not like JSP in that it may not be able to general XML documents on the
fly (JSPs can basically create any kind of text output file, not just HTML).
Is that true, or just a misreading of a primer?

CF does seem much more mature, with lots of goodies that are only promised
by taglets.

Is there any real-world comparison of CF template processing being faster
than bytecode processing within a JVM?  The article states that CF is
faster, but that seems amazing unless CF templates are compiled in native
machine code.


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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Mathew Olsen GCS

> I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run
> on CF?

> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Wall
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:08 AM
> Subject: Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP
> > ColdFusion has an advantage that it has a low learning curve. I
> am not as
> > experienced with JSP to comment on the relative speed of development.
> > Since CF is easier to learn an application can be developed quickly.
> When I think about scalable JSPs, I still think of another two tiers of
> application development (services and database) that has to be
> written, with
> JSPs just being the first tier (presentation).  So an entire
> application is
> generally not written in JSP, but JSP is used to control the dynamic
> presentation and delivery of information returned by the other
> two tiers of
> code that has to be written.
> In highly scalable web systems, it seems that the need for a huge
> number of
> web/presentation systems are often needed to handle all of the connections
> from web browsers, and the net connections tend to be slow, causing each
> transaction/tcp socket to be open for "a long time."  The other two tiers
> often run on bigger iron and respond "very quickly" to the
> presentation tier
> which then has to stream out the data back to the client over the
> relatively
> slow net link (slow compared to the links within the server farm).
> Does CF combine the "three tiers" (presentation, business logic/services,
> database) into a single platform?  Multi-tier systems tend to
> handle changes
> better, such as the inclusion of a desktop app or java applet as a client,
> or a switch to using phone-based (WAP or DTMF) or PDA-based front ends --
> that is, anything that is NOT a web browser, which is just one of the many
> front ends used by people these days.
> > In terms of performance ColdFusion has to be parsed to the
> CFusion Server.
> If
> > your application has been coded keeping performance in mind
> then it should
> > not be a problem. I have recoded most applications to improve
> performance
> > with great results. Jsp has to be compiled into servlets which may be a
> > performance issue sometimes(correct me if I am wrong).
> JSPs are compiled once -- unless they are changed.  Is that the
> same for CF,
> or does CF reparse each time (ala ASP).
> > ColdFusion servers can be scaled and managed easily.
> > gautam
> I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run
> on CF?  It's
> unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
> obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't
> like to share
> information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes
> it hard to
> increase the general knowledge about these things.
> David
> ==
> =
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2000-05-09 Thread Sudhir

Hi Howard,
I think tutorial on this page might help you better

Spend like about 10 minutes on the tutorial and you will fell real comfortable on
JSP pages.

Good Luck

Howard Lee wrote:

> Is it possible for me to take  a look at the code? (banner.jsp and the one
> that's calling it). Thank you very much!
> howard
> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Arnab Acharya
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 9:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [JSP-INTEREST] 
> We used:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Howard Lee [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 10:17 AM
> > Subject:  
> >
> > Has anyone tried using ? Any example would be appreciated.
> > Thanks folks!
> >
> > howard
> >
> > ==
> > =
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> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ===
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get vs post

2000-05-09 Thread Kent Symanzik

I have a login jsp with a form that uses get.  The action is handled by a
servlet.  The servlet authenticates and forwards to my main html page.  The
problem is that I want to switch to post so that the username and password
is not seen in the url but when I do this I get an error saying "HTTP method
POST is not supported by this URL".  This is after the servlet has
authenticated so I think it is a problem with my requestDispatcher.forward.

Any suggestions?


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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Dean H. Saxe

At 12:12 PM 5/9/00 , Dan Maher wrote:
>Had to reply here. We have heard that a certain toy retailer has serious
>scalability problems with CF and their "scaling" solution was to deploy 300+
>servers each with the database loaded into memory. Can anyone verify this

Yes.  Except that it was 2 clusters of 200 servers, one primary, one backup.

Now, CF does scale if attention is paid to detail when considering
scalability.  Good tight code, fast DB access, query caching, etc. all
improve the scalability of CF.

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Dean H. Saxe

At 12:31 PM 5/9/00 , David Wall wrote:
>Come on! Don't be coy.  What retailer (etoys or toysrus or amazon or who?)?
>Have they addressed the problem.  Why did they put the database on the same
>box as the CF?  I doubt that's a CF requirement.
>Imagine the fun of upgrading your web app when you have to synchronize 300
>servers at roughly the same time...


The DB is not on the same box, there is a 15 minute per machine startup
routine which loads the entire product catalog into memory for fast access
when a machine is rebooted.  Having the DB on the same box as CF is a big
no-no for reasons of performance, scalability and most of all security.

No, I do not know this first hand, but it comes from a public lecture by a
well known Allaire employee.

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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2000-05-09 Thread Gael Stehagen

I'm wondering what the best way is to restrict access to some pages.
If a user tries to access a page that requires authentication, he should
be redirected to a login-page, unless he's all ready logged in.

How do I manage this in best way?


Gael Stehagen

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

: Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

> Had to reply here. We have heard that a certain toy retailer has serious
> scalability problems with CF and their "scaling" solution was to deploy
> servers each with the database loaded into memory. Can anyone verify this

Come on! Don't be coy.  What retailer (etoys or toysrus or amazon or who?)?
Have they addressed the problem.  Why did they put the database on the same
box as the CF?  I doubt that's a CF requirement.

Imagine the fun of upgrading your web app when you have to synchronize 300
servers at roughly the same time...


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Re: How can I view client HTTP request headers?

2000-05-09 Thread Hu Jeff

The following code can be placed in a jsp or servlet.  It list request
header information like:

Accept = image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
application/, application/msword, application/,
Referer = http://localhost:8080/your_dir/
Accept-Language = en-us,zh;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding = gzip, deflate
User-Agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
Host = localhost:8080
Connection = Keep-Alive
Cookie = SESSIONID=To1010mC24918710110150832At

<%  Enumeration requestEnum = request.getHeaderNames();
while( requestEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
String key =
out.print( "" + key + " = " +
request.getHeader(key) );
-Original Message-
From: Chris Newland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 9:14 AM
Subject: How can I view client HTTP request headers?


I'm writing a standalone java application to test my
JSP-based service and I'd like to view the HTTP
request headers that are sent to my web server.

Does anyone have any example code / know of a 3rd
party product which does this?



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Re: curious. Getting database info

2000-05-09 Thread D. J. Hagberg

You will see a couple issues here:
[1] Database access can be agonizingly slow -- milliseconds and up

[2] In-Memory access can be very, very fast -- on the order of

[3] Memory space is finite, though most servers nowadays can hold up to
2Gb.  But you need to think about what you are going to do when your
cache size approaches some limit.  You will either need some decision
mechanism to toss things out of cache and some mechanism to decide when
to add things to cache.

[4] Caching breeds concurrency issues.  What do you do when the Customer
record you have cached in-memory is updated by someone else on the
server but in the meantime your web app has made changes to its copy?
You have both "detection" and "resolution" problems to solve here.

Problems [3] and [4] are the main headaches of highly-scalable systems
and become moreso (particularly [4]) when the load is distributed across
multiple servers.

-=- D. J.

Rick Reumann wrote:
> For example say you have various people in a database and have
> their name, phone number, address, etc. stored in there.
> Where I work we don't do the database select statements in the
> jsp pages but in seperate classes out on the server but obviously
> call them from the jsp pages.
>  I seem to think it's convenient then to create a vector of , for
> example, "people" objects and then iterate through the vector
> getting the information I need from each object..getPhoneNumber,
> getAddress, etc. Is this a good way to get this information from a
> database?
>  I'm also curious if it's worth an extra step of accessing the
> database first in order to get a row count that you could then use to
> give the vector a size? (will this even be worth it for a small
> database that maybe only has only 1000 rows?)
> Another method I've used is setting up an array of hashtables and
> then calling up each hash table and getting phone number,
> address, etc. that way. Is this better?

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Re: Sessions all ready defiened?

2000-05-09 Thread Kent Symanzik

Session is a reserved var name.  You cannot create your own.


- Original Message -
From: Gael Stehagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:43 PM
Subject: Sessions all ready defiened?

> I get a perculiar error, when executing a jsp-page on Tomcat3.1.
> I can't create a session if I try to name it session like this:
> <%
> HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId();)
> %>
> When I access my page from Tomcat, freshly restarted and emptied on all
> caches, I get the message:
> ___
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
> JSPwork/localhost_8080%2FCIA/
> Variable 'session' is already defined in this method.
>  HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>  ^
> 1 error
> ___
> I'm certain that I haven't created a session before!
> Where does this come from?
> If I remove "my" session, I do get a Id, from the ghost-session, so
> obviously it exists...
> Can anyone shed some light over this?
> /G
> O--
> Gael Stehagen
> 0708-882910
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Re: model 2 servlet mapping question

2000-05-09 Thread Mohan Radhakrishnan

sendRedirect() ends up in the same frame and sometimes this is a

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Dean H. Saxe

At 12:12 PM 5/9/00 , Dan Maher wrote:
>I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?  It's
>unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
>obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
>information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard to
>increase the general knowledge about these things.

Toys R Us

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Bip Thelin

> > As a general rule, though, the forward tag seems to work much
> > better when it is used early on (before the  tag) in the JSP.
> Yes, this is true. And it seems to be the same with response.sendRedirect()
> as well.
> Very strange indeed. Or does any of you have a good explanation?

If you've outputed a header to the client you can't redirect
_after_ that, that is you can't redirect when a header i.e
Content-type: text/html has been written to the client, unless
you've buffered your output. Since a response.sendRedirect()
sends a header stating the client to redirect(ASIS).


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Re: What page am I on?

2000-05-09 Thread Simon Lynch

Dear all,

Does anybody have any idea of there's a property or object in JSP that means
that you can pick up the name of the page you are currently on and use it in
the JSP scriptlets?

Thanks, Simon

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of [Vinod Govindan]
Sent: 09 May 2000 09:31
Subject: Re: !!Tomcat configuration!!

The mappingsdetails for tomcat server are in server.xml that is in the conf
directory of Tomcat! You'll have to do a bit of reading if you have to
configure such a big application. The Users Guide will show you the
necessary details.


Sent by: A   Subject: !!Tomcat
mailing list
about Java Server
specification and

05/09/00 01:41 PM
Please respond to
A mailing list
about Java Server
specification and

Hi all,
I am new to using Tomcat. Need urgent help in Tomcat
We are using Tomcat3.1 on Apache 1.3.11 . Our
application is quite huge so, we require to maintain
our own seperate directory structure for Servlets and
So the requirement is to create alias names and map it
to these directories(seperate for Servlets and Jsp's).
Thanks in advance


My home page

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Dean H. Saxe

At 12:08 PM 5/9/00 , David Wall wrote:
> > ColdFusion has an advantage that it has a low learning curve. I am not as
> > experienced with JSP to comment on the relative speed of development.
> > Since CF is easier to learn an application can be developed quickly.

Yeah, CF does have a low learning curve, which IMHO is one of its greatest
faults.  Yeah, you read that correctly, its a fault.  Because of the low
barrier to entry it allows anyone with a Windows or Linux box to throw
together some hacked up CF and voila, you have a dynamic site.  Of course,
such poor programming practices lead to poor scaling, among other problems.

My experience has shown that one of the largest downfalls of CF programmers
is their database skills or the DB behind their application.  The net
result is that the programmers use CF to do data manipulation which could
be done in SQL or stored procedures causing huge performance
bottlenecks.  Or, the DB was designed poorly thereby making it nearly
impossible to retrieve the intended data from the database in a useful manner.

>Does CF combine the "three tiers" (presentation, business logic/services,
>database) into a single platform?  Multi-tier systems tend to handle changes
>better, such as the inclusion of a desktop app or java applet as a client,
>or a switch to using phone-based (WAP or DTMF) or PDA-based front ends --
>that is, anything that is NOT a web browser, which is just one of the many
>front ends used by people these days.

No, its really 2-tiered.  The presentation and application logic are
intimately tied together, though this can be alleviated with some creative
programming.  The DB is any ODBC compliant RDBMS (Oracle, Sybase, Access

> > In terms of performance ColdFusion has to be parsed to the CFusion Server.
> > your application has been coded keeping performance in mind then it should
> > not be a problem. I have recoded most applications to improve performance
> > with great results. Jsp has to be compiled into servlets which may be a
> > performance issue sometimes(correct me if I am wrong).
>JSPs are compiled once -- unless they are changed.  Is that the same for CF,
>or does CF reparse each time (ala ASP).

CF will replace the code if it notices a changed modified date on the
file.  This can be suppressed and the script is only parsed the first time
it is hit if so desired, which is the norm for a production server.

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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session tracking on the server side (connections)

2000-05-09 Thread Stefan Freyr Stefansson


I'm wondering if there's a way to manage connections to a web application I
have?  I can put a user in a connection vector when he logs in but taking
him out is another thing.  Is there any way I can monitor all the users who
connected to that particular web app so that I can remove them from the
connection list if they don't explicitly log out?
I think I heard something about registering a listener to something and that
would give me information about disconnections and so on.  Can anyone tell
me how this is done?

Thanks alot in advance.

Kind regards, Stefan

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Re: get vs post

2000-05-09 Thread Wasetis, Ken

You won't be able to send variables in the URL when using POST, if you still
are doing that (which works fine with GET).

-Original Message-
From: Kent Symanzik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:01 PM
Subject: get vs post

I have a login jsp with a form that uses get.  The action is handled by a
servlet.  The servlet authenticates and forwards to my main html page.  The
problem is that I want to switch to post so that the username and password
is not seen in the url but when I do this I get an error saying "HTTP method
POST is not supported by this URL".  This is after the servlet has
authenticated so I think it is a problem with my requestDispatcher.forward.

Any suggestions?


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Re: session tracking on the server side (connections)

2000-05-09 Thread Sam Heisz

In one of the faqs below there is the answer to this. Search
the faq for "listener".


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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Steiner, Jeff

Cold Fusion is a great language and can be geared towards lower end
developers (nothing against CF Developers.  I have been programming in CF
since it was called the DataBase Markup Language and love it, but it is not
very difficult).  It has the same amount of scaling as an NT box does.  The
more money you pour into the hardware, the more you will get out of it.

As far as scaling to 500 servers with all of the web servers caching the
database, I believe that is overkill., being one of the most
visited sites on the internet (according to media metrix), only has about
150 web servers and another 60, live for use, SQL 7 boxes, and they do just

With regard to jsp and it's scalability, if you have one developer that is
not as well versed at  closing and killing a connection on one page, you can
lose all of your connection pooling in a matter of hours.

Those are just things that CF takes care of for you.

Jeff Steiner

-Original Message-
From: Dean H. Saxe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

At 12:12 PM 5/9/00 , Dan Maher wrote:
>I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?
>unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
>obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
>information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard
>increase the general knowledge about these things.

Toys R Us

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Wasetis, Ken

Thanks, but nope, wasn't doing any redirects either.

Actually, I've been using the JRUN Studio 3.0 beta from Allaire over the
last week, and, though I still don't know why, it does show via color-coding
schemes that the  tag just ain't right in certain places in the
code.  The  tags which are between the %> and %< tags (not in Java
code) are displayed in red, while the Java code is in black and blue (which
is what some of us look like after a lot of JSP tinkering.)  The
 tag shows in red when above or within the  tag, but not
when within the .  I haven't read an explanation for this anywhere,
but at list this tool is telling me it WON'T be interpreted correctly, even
if it doesn't tell me WHY.


-Original Message-
From: Bip Thelin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

> > As a general rule, though, the forward tag seems to work much
> > better when it is used early on (before the  tag) in the JSP.
> Yes, this is true. And it seems to be the same with
> as well.
> Very strange indeed. Or does any of you have a good explanation?

If you've outputed a header to the client you can't redirect
_after_ that, that is you can't redirect when a header i.e
Content-type: text/html has been written to the client, unless
you've buffered your output. Since a response.sendRedirect()
sends a header stating the client to redirect(ASIS).


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Re: Sessions...

2000-05-09 Thread Wasetis, Ken

If you use a bean, say loginObj, with session scope once the login is
complete, then on the other pages check for

if loginObj == null

do your sendRedirect here

-Original Message-
From: Gael Stehagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:40 AM
Subject: Sessions...

I'm wondering what the best way is to restrict access to some pages.
If a user tries to access a page that requires authentication, he should
be redirected to a login-page, unless he's all ready logged in.

How do I manage this in best way?


Gael Stehagen

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Sessions all ready defiened?

2000-05-09 Thread Gael Stehagen

I get a perculiar error, when executing a jsp-page on Tomcat3.1.
I can't create a session if I try to name it session like this:

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId();)

When I access my page from Tomcat, freshly restarted and emptied on all
caches, I get the message:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
Variable 'session' is already defined in this method.
 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
1 error

I'm certain that I haven't created a session before!
Where does this come from?
If I remove "my" session, I do get a Id, from the ghost-session, so
obviously it exists...

Can anyone shed some light over this?


Gael Stehagen

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Clint Scott

As I understand it, the final analysis showed that CF was not the culprit
but that Windows NT was responsible for the app server farm gagging and
puking.  poor allocation of memory and sockets.
The same app was run on a Sun E10K with no problems.
My main issue w/ CF is that all the apps are focused on a page and not from
an application level.  apps are very difficult to maintain because all the
code is in the page (or modules).
JSP/Servlet apps are much easier to separate domain from presentation concerns.


At 11:12 AM 5/9/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Had to reply here. We have heard that a certain toy retailer has serious
>scalability problems with CF and their "scaling" solution was to deploy 300+
>servers each with the database loaded into memory. Can anyone verify this
> > ColdFusion servers can be scaled and managed easily.
> > gautam
>I've heard this from others.  What really big web sites are run on CF?  It's
>unfortunate that this sort of technical information is not more easily
>obtained for all sorts of technologies.  Our industry doesn't like to share
>information about chosen platforms and architectures, which makes it hard to
>increase the general knowledge about these things.
>Associate Systems Engineer
>HealthStream, The Leader in Online Healthcare Education
>(615) 301-3151
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Re: Sessions all ready defiened?

2000-05-09 Thread Hans Bergsten

Gael Stehagen wrote:
> I get a perculiar error, when executing a jsp-page on Tomcat3.1.
> I can't create a session if I try to name it session like this:
> <%
> HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId();)
> %>
> When I access my page from Tomcat, freshly restarted and emptied on all
> caches, I get the message:
> ___
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
> JSPwork/localhost_8080%2FCIA/
> Variable 'session' is already defined in this method.
>  HttpSession session = request.getSession();

"session" is one of the implicit objects (i.e. automatically available) in JSP.
The servlet generated from the JSP page contains code similar to what you
have, so you don't have to do this at all; just use "session" directly. Since
the generated code also uses the variable name "session" you get this
compilation error.

I suggest you read the JSP specification. It describes this plus a lot of
other things you need to know in order to develop JSP pages.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: Do I have to Create another instance of Bean if scope is application

2000-05-09 Thread Hans Bergsten

bhupesh vora wrote:
> I have a data base Bean DdBean.class
> I have created a instance of that bean db with scope as application in one
> of the jsp pasge   (  class="sunexamples.beans.myjspbeans.DbBean" />
> now that as I have given scope as application the id should be visible in
> another jsp page pls rectify if I am wrong
> Do I have to Create another instance of DdBean or can I use the same
> Instance of the bean in other Jsp pages

When you specify application scope for a bean, it's only created the first
time someone accesses the page with the  action element. But
you still need to include the  action in all pages where you
like to use the bean, since  is used to associate the bean
with a name that you use in other action elements and scripting code. If
the bean already exists, the  action doesn't create a new bean.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Brian Burridge

I finally had a chance to catch up with the JSP email list, and found this Model 3
discussion to be both interesting and very timely. I am currently redesigning our
architecture to include XML. We currently use JSP (.91 spec right now, but we will
upgrade when we upgrade our entire architecture). We have numerous authors
throughout our company that author and publish content using FrontPage. Overseeing
it has become more time consuming than just publishing ourselves. So our new plan
is to have them all simply author, and our Internet department will do the
publishing. We also have numerous departments that produce "content" in the way of
databases. My plan is for all this data to come to us via XML. My departments task
then, is to render the XML in a web interface. So I've been playing with XSL and
trying to determine the best method to go from XML to the user. Here are a couple
of my parameters and I'd be interested to hear your comments:
1. All data will be stored in XML, or be available in XML. As for the data in
Sybase, I will need to use SQL to get it out of Sybase, and then create XML from
it. Any suggestions?
2. I want the user to get HTML by default, but be able to request an Excel document
or a PDF document (the latter for printing, the first for manipulating the data on
their own).
3. I was going to user Java classes/packages to get the data, convert it to XML,
then pass to JSP, which will apply to the needed XSL, check security, log the use
of the page, and present the rendered HTML, Excel document, or PDF.

Any suggestions/ideas/comments would be greatly appreciated.

After reading Andrews post below. I did become concerned with the complexity of
using XSL to render all the data instead of HTML. I can see where it might be more
bloat than anything else to use XSL and in my early tests, it certainly is slower.


Brian N. Burridge
Internet Architect
The Internet Group
Cox Target Media

Andrew S Tomlinson wrote:

> It's interesting to hear about the broader adoption of XSL in a "Model 3".
> I was (and still am) an enthusiastic adopter of XSL but I'd like to add a
> cautionary
> note and remark that from my experience:
> 1. XSL is non-procedural and although it is incredibly easy to use for
> rudimentary
> operations it rapidly becomes very complex when anything a bit more
> sophisticated is
> required. This applies to both the features of xsl (callable templates,
> attribute sets and so on) and to the XPath syntax for matching node sets.
> 2. lack of data-type support means having to bind in java/javascript
> extension functions e.g. for date formatting
> 3. building XSL files is a radically different proposition to building HTML
> (and by extension JSP).   This means that you lose the *division of labour*
> that assigns UI construction to (presumably less *technical*) Web Designers.
> Again I have found this to be the case for anything other than the most
> trivial of cases.
> 4. lack of "self-documenting" features. It's very difficult to come back to
> an XSL file after a while and figure out what some of it actually does; this
> raises the bar on expectation for clear comments by the author(s). I have
> the same "concerns" with SQL as with XPath but at least in SQL I can perform
> an EXPLAIN PLAN to see how the DBMS engine is interpreting the command. I
> would really like a similar rationalization capability in XPath.
> Now, on the positive I have found it great for basic forms and the
> formatting of static
> tables but, as indicated above, I rapidly hit a ceiling where the increasing
> complexity
> required for incremental functionality was prohibitive.
> How does this compare to others' experiences?
> Regards
> @
> ===
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Re: JSP/Package problem

2000-05-09 Thread Shrisha Radhakrishna

Hmmm.. I tried that too.  The compiler doesn't croak on the import
statement, but, it doesn't lile the statement where I call one of the
method's of the user-defined (unnamed package) class.
So, my question is: "Is there any way to instantiate and use a unnamed
package class in a named package class?"  I know that this is a fundamental
Java Question, rather than a JSP one.. So, sorry...


- Original Message -
From: "Hans Bergsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: JSP/Package problem

> Shrisha Radhakrishna wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> > I have a very strange/painful problem.  Ok, here I go.  I use
> > 4.5.1 to host my JSPs.  The compiler adds a "package jsp_servlet;" to
all my
> > JSP's when they are converted into servlets.  So, in other words all my
> > are in jsp_servlet package.  Now, I want to instantiate a user-defined
> > class, say x, (that is not in ANY package) from within my servlet.  So,
> > statement in my JSP would be something like:
> >
> > x temp=new x();
> >
> > The compiler throws a error that says jsp_servlet.x not found in import.
> > Obviously, its looking for x within the jsp_servlet package.  How do I
> > access the default package from within my servlet?
> This is the way Java works when you use a class in the unnamed package
> in another class in a named package. To solve it you must use an import
> statement for the class in the unnamed package, i.e.
>   <%@ page import="x" %>
> Hans
> --
> Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gefion Software
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> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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Re: JSP: jsp:forward and UNIX Problems

2000-05-09 Thread Hans Bergsten

"Yandle, Nigel" wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using

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Re: JSP/Package problem

2000-05-09 Thread Hans Bergsten

Shrisha Radhakrishna wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a very strange/painful problem.  Ok, here I go.  I use Weblogic
> 4.5.1 to host my JSPs.  The compiler adds a "package jsp_servlet;" to all my
> JSP's when they are converted into servlets.  So, in other words all my JSPs
> are in jsp_servlet package.  Now, I want to instantiate a user-defined
> class, say x, (that is not in ANY package) from within my servlet.  So, a
> statement in my JSP would be something like:
> x temp=new x();
> The compiler throws a error that says jsp_servlet.x not found in import.
> Obviously, its looking for x within the jsp_servlet package.  How do I
> access the default package from within my servlet?

This is the way Java works when you use a class in the unnamed package
in another class in a named package. To solve it you must use an import
statement for the class in the unnamed package, i.e.

  <%@ page import="x" %>

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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tomcat configuration file

2000-05-09 Thread j2ee4 d j2ee4

I had a statement in the tomcat-apache.conf fie
"LoadModule jserv_module libexec/"

When i tried to start apache, there is a errro message
"invalid command 'LoadModule', perhap mis-spelling or defined by a module not included 
in the server configuration"

I am using linux, apache and tomcat. Did i need to included any module in apache 
configuration file? Which module is it?


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Re: How should i run JSPs on JRun

2000-05-09 Thread Sudhir

I have nothing personal about JRun and infact i am currently using OrionServer.
But if you have already setup JRun and  want to test you JSP pages, then here is
the easy way to go about.

First run some of the sample JSP pages, which can be run from the start page of
JRun. Check that the name of the JSP pages is numbered as sort of "JSP10" or
similar. (I don't if this is changed now). JSP actually supports previous versions
of JSP and distinguishes the version with the filename. When file name is "JSP10"
then version 1.0 of JSP syntax is supported.

Be sure to rename your JSP file name with the extension that is most recently
supported by JRun. You can see this when you run the sample JSP examples that are
provided with JRun.

Next search for the (JSP) file name from one of the examples and  in the directory
where you installed JRun. This should give you in which directory you would be
placing your JSP pages.

The rest, start writing your JSP with the latest syntaxt and they should be working

Hope this helps.


Ramgopal Mudigonda wrote:

> Hi,
> I have PWS(Personal Web Server)  on Win'98.I've installed JRun2.3.3. Now, i've
> started PWS and JRun.But, when i call a JSP then i'm getting the following
> error:
> HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error (1157)
> Can some one suggest me as how to execute JSPs on JRun+PWS
> -Ram
> ===
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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> With regard to jsp and it's scalability, if you have one developer that is
> not as well versed at  closing and killing a connection on one page, you
> lose all of your connection pooling in a matter of hours.
> Those are just things that CF takes care of for you.
> Jeff Steiner

Actually, while I would agree that this would be a bug, it also is true that
most large scale systems would not have web pages opening DB connections
anyway, connection pools or not.  It's just a design issue that JSPs are
best used when they are related to presentation logic rather than handling
business logic, etc.  The number of pages that might query something as
simple as a "hit count" can be large, but most architects would ensure that
such a "feature" would be written once and simply called (taglib, or simple
bean.getXX() method).  This allows the implementation to change, to have the
number be memory resident rather than extracted from a database, or perhaps
calculated from a series of queries, or even having the database move to
another platform and not having to worry about changing EVERY page that
references the table directly.  There is a benefit to reuse and
encapsulation and providing services to myriad front ends, not just
HTML-based desktop web browsers.


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Re: WebSphere 2.x and JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Peter Liu


Here is the best I can do for the beta JSP.

Thanks Piotr


-Original Message-
From: Piotr Wierzbicki
Sent: 5/4/00 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: WebSphere 2.x and JSP

AFAIK Websphere Application Server (WAS) 2.x supports only JSP v 0.9x
and there's nothing you can do about short of upgrading to WAS 3.x
(supporting both 0.91 and 1.0) or choosing another appserver, possibly
supporting 1.0/1.1. And no, I could not find 0.9x specs on Sun's site.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Liu
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 18:53
Subject: WebSphere 2.x and JSP


If I have to use WebSphere 2.x, is it I can only use JSP beta, not 1.0
Is there any way to work around without changing the app server?
If not, where I can get the spec for JSP beta which supported by

Thanks all.


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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> As I understand it, the final analysis showed that CF was not the culprit
> but that Windows NT was responsible for the app server farm gagging and
> puking.  poor allocation of memory and sockets.
> The same app was run on a Sun E10K with no problems.

Very interesting.  I suppose we'll hear how this has been fixed with Win2k,

> My main issue w/ CF is that all the apps are focused on a page and not
> an application level.  apps are very difficult to maintain because all the
> code is in the page (or modules).
> JSP/Servlet apps are much easier to separate domain from presentation
> clint

Exactly my concern when I see SQL statements embedded in pages.  The main
idea behind programming for years has been to consolidate logic into
functions, then into methods, or into services -- all basically defining
functionality as a black box existing behind an API.  When that most basic
of design goals is abandoned because it's quick and easy to code, major
failures lurk around the corner as the system grows in complexity and
eventually needs to scale up.


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Re: WebSphere 2.x and JSP

2000-05-09 Thread McKee Bruce

This email is going to the wrong person
> Hi,

Here is the best I can do for the beta JSP.

Thanks Piotr


-Original Message-
From: Piotr Wierzbicki
Sent: 5/4/00 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: WebSphere 2.x and JSP

AFAIK Websphere Application Server (WAS) 2.x supports only JSP v 0.9x
and there's nothing you can do about short of upgrading to WAS 3.x
(supporting both 0.91 and 1.0) or choosing another appserver, possibly
supporting 1.0/1.1. And no, I could not find 0.9x specs on Sun's site.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Liu
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 18:53
Subject: WebSphere 2.x and JSP


If I have to use WebSphere 2.x, is it I can only use JSP beta, not 1.0
Is there any way to work around without changing the app server?
If not, where I can get the spec for JSP beta which supported by

Thanks all.


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Re: Do I have to Create another instance of Bean if scope is application

2000-05-09 Thread McKee Bruce

Please stop sending this stuff to the wrong address.
A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and  reference 
> bhupesh vora wrote:
> I have a data base Bean DdBean.class
> I have created a instance of that bean db with scope as application in one
> of the jsp pasge   (  class="sunexamples.beans.myjspbeans.DbBean" />
> now that as I have given scope as application the id should be visible in
> another jsp page pls rectify if I am wrong
> Do I have to Create another instance of DdBean or can I use the same
> Instance of the bean in other Jsp pages

When you specify application scope for a bean, it's only created the first
time someone accesses the page with the  action element. But
you still need to include the  action in all pages where you
like to use the bean, since  is used to associate the bean
with a name that you use in other action elements and scripting code. If
the bean already exists, the  action doesn't create a new bean.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: Model 2 & 3 Architecture

2000-05-09 Thread Mike Van Riper


It sounds like what you are doing is quite similar to our approach (using
XSLT at design-time to generate JSP files). I agree with your assessment of
the two variants for applying XSLT to the JSP Model 2 architecture. I'm not
sure it qualifies as a whole new model though.

How about:
  JSP Model ++2 (for XSLT preprocessing input XML to produce the JSP)
  JSP Model 2++ (for XSLT postprocessing output XML from JSP execution)

- Mike Van Riper

> -Original Message-
> From: Lee Elenbaas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 2:31 AM
> Subject: Re: Model 2 & 3 Architecture
> What i have learned is from listening in this list.
> Model 2 is setting a single entrance servlet to all your
> JSPs. that servlet
> performs common tasks like ID user and secuity tests and then
> forwards the
> request to the appropriate JSP/servlet, that JSP/Servlet jenerates the
> HTML/content that the user sees
> Model 3 adds another layer of XML. There are two variations:
> JSP/Servlet generates XML, that XML gows through XSLT (usually in the
> server) to what the user sees.
> The other approach (and the one we are testing in our
> company) is XML that
> are trasformed through XSLT to JSP pages, those JSP pages generate the
> HTML/content that the user sees.
> Both variations added a level of seperation between the UI
> design and the
> java code.
> The 1st variation has the added advantage of being more
> client responsive.
> This means you can generate using the same JSP and XML different views
> according to the user platform: browser, WAP device...
> The 2nd variation has the advantage of removing the XSLT
> overhead from the
> runtime. (and to my opinion it can also provide what the 1st variation
> provides, but with more jenerated JSPs)
> lee
> Lee Elenbaas
> ViryaNet
> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification
> and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Germán López Castro
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:09 AM
> Subject: Model 2 & 3 Architecture
> Hi-u-all.
> I think I've got a black hole in my acknoledgement, but... could
> anyone explain me what architecture 2 & 3 are exactly and where can I
> get further information?
> Thanxalot.
> Consigue tu dirección de email gratis y permanente en
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Re: JRUN and IPlanet -- JRUN crashes

2000-05-09 Thread Scott Stirling

I'd be willing to bet you're using Sun's 1.2.2_05 JVM.  Want to check?
There's a bug with class unloading in that JVM (such as the class unloading
and reloading that goes on when you are developing JSPs and servlets), which
can throw intermittent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions and hang the VM.  If
you are using that version of Sun's JVM, get 1.2.2_05a, which fixes the bug.

Scott Stirling

-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lisa Lewis
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: JRUN and IPlanet -- JRUN crashes

I am developing an application that uses JSP 1.0 and Servlets.
I use JRUN 2.3 Build 157 (the latest) with IPlanet webserver 4.0.  I
get errors such as:

500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:  5173296


500 Internal Server Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception: -1

After I get these errors, I must stop and restart JRUN in order to even run
the SnoopServlet.

I am running Solaris 2.7 with 256M of memory.
Does anyone have any idea of what is going on here?
I am extremely frustrated.  (I have successfully used JRUN
for servlets with Netscape Server 3.51).  I am using jdk1.2 and servlet api
There is absolutely nothing special about what I am doing.  I have a
that is called upon pressing a submit button.  This Servlet uses the
object to forward the request to a jsp page for display.  The problem is

Thanks very much

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Re: JSP/Package problem

2000-05-09 Thread Hans Bergsten

Shrisha Radhakrishna wrote:
> Hmmm.. I tried that too.  The compiler doesn't croak on the import
> statement, but, it doesn't lile the statement where I call one of the
> method's of the user-defined (unnamed package) class.
> So, my question is: "Is there any way to instantiate and use a unnamed
> package class in a named package class?"  I know that this is a fundamental
> Java Question, rather than a JSP one.. So, sorry...

So what is the exact error message you get? If it's not ClassNotFound or
similar, may there's a syntax error in your scriptlet.


> - Original Message -
> From: "Hans Bergsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 11:57 AM
> Subject: Re: JSP/Package problem
> > Shrisha Radhakrishna wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > > I have a very strange/painful problem.  Ok, here I go.  I use
> Weblogic
> > > 4.5.1 to host my JSPs.  The compiler adds a "package jsp_servlet;" to
> all my
> > > JSP's when they are converted into servlets.  So, in other words all my
> JSPs
> > > are in jsp_servlet package.  Now, I want to instantiate a user-defined
> > > class, say x, (that is not in ANY package) from within my servlet.  So,
> a
> > > statement in my JSP would be something like:
> > >
> > > x temp=new x();
> > >
> > > The compiler throws a error that says jsp_servlet.x not found in import.
> > > Obviously, its looking for x within the jsp_servlet package.  How do I
> > > access the default package from within my servlet?
> >
> > This is the way Java works when you use a class in the unnamed package
> > in another class in a named package. To solve it you must use an import
> > statement for the class in the unnamed package, i.e.
> >
> >   <%@ page import="x" %>
> >
> > Hans
> > --
> > Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Gefion Software

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Martin Smith

My recent reading of the Allaire site is that they're running as fast as they can
to get to be "pure J2EE", while of course trying to keep the existing customers


David Wall wrote:

> Can anybody discuss the relative merits of ColdFusion and JSP in terms of
> speed of development, scalability and manageability?
> David
> ===
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Summary of TAGLIB availability?

2000-05-09 Thread Martin Smith

I've been checking the sites mentioned here for existing (free or at
least independent of a server company) taglibs.  Not much out there yet,
apparently--mail and file (upload) handling, and sub 1.0 versions of
other stuff.  Or am I missing the motherlode somewhere??

Related question: assuming this is too new for there to be product
available, does anyone have an idea what the work-in-progress looks
like?  That is, is someone doing a JNDI (directory-access) TAGLIB?  A
report-writing TAGLIB?  A JDBC TAGLIB?  A charting TAGLIB?
Authentication? etc.



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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Glenn Nielsen

Allaire purchased JRun servlet engine last June, and in the last month or so purchased
Ejbt (?),
an enterprise level servlet engine that supports EJB.  So, what does that tell you 
Allaire thinks the future of server side dynamic content is?  Looks like they are 

I have not used CF, but IMHO, if you were to choose between CF and JSP/servlets at this
point in time, the choice would have to be an open technology like JSP/servlets over a
technology like CF.  A java based solution is more portable between OS/web
more flexible, and more extensible.

My goal for JSP is to use it for presentation only, put all the business logic in 
components such as beans and tag libs so that web publshers can create dynamic content
using a publishing tool without having to write any java code.

I have done some performance testing of different servlet engines.  Overall I have been
very impressed with performance, especially when using the Sun HotSpot JVM which can
do profiled selective optimization of java byte codes into native CPU opcodes so that
java code that gets executed frequently eventually ends up running almost as fast as a
executable.  Plus the HotSpot GC performs very well in a server environment.

Just my 2 cents, your mileage may vary.



Martin Smith wrote:
> My recent reading of the Allaire site is that they're running as fast as they can
> to get to be "pure J2EE", while of course trying to keep the existing customers
> happy.
> Martin
> David Wall wrote:
> > Can anybody discuss the relative merits of ColdFusion and JSP in terms of
> > speed of development, scalability and manageability?
> >
> > David
> >
> > ===
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> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ===
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Glenn Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder|
MOREnet System Programming   |  * if iz ina coment.  |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */   |

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread ernest wright

Question David.

Since JSPs and Servletts are exactly the same, where does the business logic
reside, in beans only?


- Original Message -
From: David Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

> > With regard to jsp and it's scalability, if you have one developer that
> > not as well versed at  closing and killing a connection on one page, you
> can
> > lose all of your connection pooling in a matter of hours.
> >
> > Those are just things that CF takes care of for you.
> >
> > Jeff Steiner
> Actually, while I would agree that this would be a bug, it also is true
> most large scale systems would not have web pages opening DB connections
> anyway, connection pools or not.  It's just a design issue that JSPs are
> best used when they are related to presentation logic rather than handling
> business logic, etc.  The number of pages that might query something as
> simple as a "hit count" can be large, but most architects would ensure
> such a "feature" would be written once and simply called (taglib, or
> bean.getXX() method).  This allows the implementation to change, to have
> number be memory resident rather than extracted from a database, or
> calculated from a series of queries, or even having the database move to
> another platform and not having to worry about changing EVERY page that
> references the table directly.  There is a benefit to reuse and
> encapsulation and providing services to myriad front ends, not just
> HTML-based desktop web browsers.
> David
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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread Kevin Duffey

> Question David.
> Since JSPs and Servletts are exactly the same, where does the
> business logic
> reside, in beans only?

Not always. Model 2 would have all forms (and even all links/requests if you
want) go to a single controller. That controller can do one of many things,
but the way I like best is what Daniel and Craig are doing..using an action
class per form/page to handle the action of that particular form. The use of
beans in this case would be entity related. Storing of the data (Model in an
MVC pattern) and get/set methods for that data, as well as any methods that
work on that data, such as storing it, retrieving it, etc. The logic
class(es) are used by the action class to perform the logic with the data
from the form, and return a result back to the action class, which then
forwards to a JSP page to display the results, or, to display a second (or
more) form in a series of forms to complete a transaction.

Ofcourse..this is but one use of JSP. You could use Model 1/1.5 and have JSP
pages call on JavaBean methods to do the logic, as well as use JavaBeans to
store session state information.

> > > With regard to jsp and it's scalability, if you have one
> developer that
> is
> > > not as well versed at  closing and killing a connection on
> one page, you
> > can
> > > lose all of your connection pooling in a matter of hours.
> > >
> > > Those are just things that CF takes care of for you.
> > >
> > > Jeff Steiner

As noted by another reply, I cant understand why any page would open a
connection. The page should be considered one of many views of data and
logic. If it is doing logic and/or persistence in it, in my opinion that is
a very bad design. The beauty of the Model 2 (and now the Model 2++ or Model
3) is that you use JSP to display the results as well as static pages. Its a
VIEW of a result. Thus, not only can JSP be used, but other client
applications can use the logic and persistence of the application and view
it in their own way. The example I always liken this to is the bank use. A
bank has a "central" database and logic server. The teller has one view of
it. The ATM is yet another view of the same data (and logic use). And the
web can be a third view of the same data. I would bet a well organized
application for banks would allow all three of these views to use the same
logic code and the same data (obviously), so that each view doesn't require
any logic in it at all. Infact, the only logic that should ever be done in
the VIEW is logic to display things..such as looping or conditional
statements to display one thing or another.  Even so, with JSP 1.1, taglibs
and/or the use of javabean "html helper" methods can keep the java code out
of JSP pages, other than the simple bean.getXXX() calls.

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Cookie Reading/Writing!

2000-05-09 Thread Nigam Shalabh

I am sending cookies in  the Response Obejct using  Servlets and later
reading using Request Object. It is working fine on some machines and not
on others. What could be the possible scenario for this to fail. Has the OS
or Web Browset something to do with it ?


Visit for eCommerce Solutions.

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Re: ColdFusion vs. JSP

2000-05-09 Thread David Wall

> Since JSPs and Servletts are exactly the same, where does the business
> reside, in beans only?
> Ernie

Well, being pedantic can be troublesome, and it's really mostly important
for either large projects or sites that will become very large.  For
example, context-free (stateless) services are harder to write a run a bit
slower, so a small site without too much traffic can get away with
maintaining lots of state.  But a huge site with massive traffic won't be
able to scale well or handle failures as well, so context-free is the way to

In this discussion, the business logic should not be in a servlet, for as
you said, JSPs are implemented in terms of servlets.  Servlets are web-only
technologies (at least now), based on HTTP.  If you have any other client
attempt to access your business logic (applet, desktop app, phone, etc.),
then servlets aren't appropriate, and I'd guess that means you'd not want
your business logic there unless the business logic is web-only, which it

In general, the "new" model is for the business logic to be in EJBs, which
are remote calls from the servlet.  If you are small enough, you can put
them in beans and skip the remote calls.  Then, you can put other front ends
that can use those same beans, or if you need to migrate, you can simply put
a Remote interface on your beans and you're off and running (assuming your
params and return values are all Serializable of course).


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Re: Cookie Reading/Writing!

2000-05-09 Thread Aggarwal, Pawan

The client web browser has options whether to accept the cookies or not!!
So thats why some m/c accept the cookies and others not

-Original Message-
From:   Nigam Shalabh [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 10, 2000 9:40 AM
Subject:Cookie Reading/Writing!

I am sending cookies in  the Response Obejct using  Servlets and
reading using Request Object. It is working fine on some machines
and not
on others. What could be the possible scenario for this to fail. Has
the OS
or Web Browset something to do with it ?


Visit for eCommerce Solutions.

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Re: Sessions all ready defiened?

2000-05-09 Thread P Sreenivasa Rao

Use directly
System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId());

instead of

> <%
> > HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> > System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId();)
> > %>
first of all go thru jsp spec,

- Original Message -
From: "Kent Symanzik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: Sessions all ready defiened?

> Session is a reserved var name.  You cannot create your own.
> Kent
> - Original Message -
> From: Gael Stehagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:43 PM
> Subject: Sessions all ready defiened?
> > I get a perculiar error, when executing a jsp-page on Tomcat3.1.
> > I can't create a session if I try to name it session like this:
> >
> > <%
> > HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> > System.out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId();)
> > %>
> >
> > When I access my page from Tomcat, freshly restarted and emptied on all
> > caches, I get the message:
> > ___
> > org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
> > JSPwork/localhost_8080%2FCIA/
> > Variable 'session' is already defined in this method.
> >  HttpSession session = request.getSession();
> >  ^
> > 1 error
> > ___
> >
> > I'm certain that I haven't created a session before!
> > Where does this come from?
> > If I remove "my" session, I do get a Id, from the ghost-session, so
> > obviously it exists...
> >
> > Can anyone shed some light over this?
> > /G
> >
> > O--
> > 
> > Gael Stehagen
> > 0708-882910
> >
> >
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> > Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Java Problem

2000-05-09 Thread David Gowe

I had the similar problem.  I was running Weblogic and each access to it
caused Dr. Watson to be executed and the server crashed.  On careful
examination, I found out that this was hapopening only on select machines
where java 1.2.2 (download) was installed.  I then uninstalled the same and
installed java 1.2 (download) and till date I have not received the Dr.
Watson error.

So Ritu, you problem could be the same.  Try using a different download of
java.  That could be the problem.

Hope this helps.   Contact if help needed.

- Original Message -
From: Ritu Kamboj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 1:55 PM
Subject: Java Problem

> Hi...
> i am trying to run a jsp  application  on  Apache- Tomcat...Server..
> But the moment i accesss data  from database...
> It starts  giving  java.exe   Application Error.
> (Like  some problem in   referenced memoryMemory couldn't be read...)
> If anybody  have  any idea..Please let me know..
> Thanks in advance..
> Ritu
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Re: Expire Page

2000-05-09 Thread David Gowe

Thanks Atif, but this did not work.
Any other ideas?
- Original Message -
From: Majeed, Atif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: Expire Page

> You can use
> HttpServletResponse.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
> or send an equivalent Meta tag
> Atif
> -Original Message-
> From: David Gowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 1:08 AM
> Subject: Expire Page
> Hello!
> I have the following requirement:
> When I use a JSP page and submit it to the the servlet, I want that page
> expire (viz.,. the user should not be able to press the back button on the
> browser and visit that page again).  Is it sufficient if we specified the
> "scope" in the usebean tag to "page". Will that only affect the scope of
> bean, or is there some additional tags to be used.
> Regards
> David Gowe
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Re: Cookie Reading/Writing!

2000-05-09 Thread Sachin S. Khanna

Disabling of cookies in the browser settings, could be one reason for such
differing behaviour.
Have a nice day.
With regards,
Sachin S. Khanna.
- Original Message -
From: Nigam Shalabh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 9:39 AM
Subject: Cookie Reading/Writing!

> I am sending cookies in  the Response Obejct using  Servlets and later
> reading using Request Object. It is working fine on some machines and not
> on others. What could be the possible scenario for this to fail. Has the
> or Web Browset something to do with it ?
> Regards
> Visit for eCommerce Solutions.
> To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff
> Some relevant FAQs on JSP/Servlets can be found at:

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Re: get vs post

2000-05-09 Thread Sachin S. Khanna

Do you have a post method in your servlet, this could be one reason for the
Have a nice day.
With regards,
Sachin S. Khanna.
- Original Message -
From: Kent Symanzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:31 PM
Subject: get vs post

> I have a login jsp with a form that uses get.  The action is handled by a
> servlet.  The servlet authenticates and forwards to my main html page.
> problem is that I want to switch to post so that the username and password
> is not seen in the url but when I do this I get an error saying "HTTP
> POST is not supported by this URL".  This is after the servlet has
> authenticated so I think it is a problem with my
> Any suggestions?
> Kent
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Apache With Tomcat

2000-05-09 Thread Gogia Nitin

I again repeat my question which i asked yesterday to which i haven't
received any replies.
What's the use of using Apache With Tomcat when Tomcat itself can service
all the requests for servlets ?

One more question
Can anyone describe what are In-process servlet containers and
Out-of-process servlet containers and how does Tomcat relates to them.
(Little Description about In-process and Out-of Process servlet containers
is given in Tomcat User Guide but more clarification, links about them will
be appreciated).

Thanks in advance.

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