Re: \CoolProgs\Pretty Park.exe

1999-10-21 Thread Foster Bob

>This is getting annoying and I believe, criminal!

Yeah, this list seems to be infected with bozos. Time for a moderator.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: JSP customized tags (also ORIONSERVER, JRUN, BENCHMAR

1999-10-11 Thread Foster Bob

>the orionserver site has some impressive (almost unbelievable) benchmark
>comparisons( against

Haven't seen them, but it wouldn't take much to beat current JSP

>I suspect that they're achieving such a large benchmark margin by optimizing
>out unnecessary jsp varable setup

Naw. I don't think you'll find JSP variable setup is a major factor in app

I'm more inclined to suspect a better implementation. :)

They provide source code for skeptics, and invite people to submit benchmarks.
If I were comparing platforms, I'd sure do that.

They also claim to kick ASP's butt. I like it! Thank you for pointing this out.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: POST doesn't work

1999-09-15 Thread Foster Bob

Known bug. They're working on an update, I hear.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
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Re: Error in JSP Spec. 1.1 PR

1999-09-14 Thread Foster Bob

Seems like this would only be an error in the spec if there were no way to
deal with it, but you show a solution.

So I take your comment more as a helpful reminder that one cannot
mindlessly wrap arbitrary text in a CDATA section. However, one can always
find a sequence of CDATA and/or text that will hold the contents. Using
your example, at its option a processor could choose the encoding you cite


or a variety of others, including one that does not require lookahead:

[CDATA[ boolean b = f[g[6]]>]]>[CDATA[4; ]]>

Interpreting this would be no problem for a program using, e.g., a normalized
DOM representation. As for human readability, well, the XML form isn't very
readable even without this complication.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
FAQs on JSP can be found at:

Re: Two questions

1999-09-03 Thread Foster Bob

Mike McElligott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can I define a function in jsp?

Yes, that's what declarations e.g., <%! void foo() {} %>, are for.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: [Fwd: Proposal for standardized tags]

1999-09-02 Thread Foster Bob

David Navas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (I'm pretty sure this time) wrote:
>That said, I think commit and rollback don't belong in JSP pages.

Wherever they belong, the issue is ensuring that all database actions
involved in a commit use the same connection reference.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: [Fwd: Proposal for standardized tags]

1999-09-02 Thread Foster Bob

Michael Hu wrote:

>Connection attributes don't belong in the query tag, definitely.  I would
>argue connections (and query select statements) also don't belong in JSP
>pages. Sorta orthogonal.

Then how do you propose to implement commit and rollback in JSP pages?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: Java Live! chat on JSP Aug 24

1999-08-23 Thread Foster Bob

>Java Live! chat on Aug 24th with [JSP authors] at 11am PDT

Not exactly prime time for developers!

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: JSP beans and external classes

1999-08-21 Thread Foster Bob

>Are there any implementations of JSP that don't require the webserver to
>be restarted every time a change is made to an external bean or class?
>This is a _major_ problem...


Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: Free JSP Implementation for Apache?

1999-07-19 Thread Foster Bob

>I will generate revenue through my site, by way of having a
>banner on my site make me a comercial organization?

Not if you offer free ads.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: 1.0 use of Elements?

1999-07-16 Thread Foster Bob

>should I be using the 'standard' JSP elements or should I be using
>the XML equivilents

Use the standard elements. JSP 1.0 implementations aren't required to
support the XML equivalents. And don't mix the two styles. No
implementation is required to support that.

Truth is, the XML mapping is experimental and might change before it is
fully rolled out.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Can you run JSP on PWS?

1999-07-12 Thread Foster Bob

>I was wondering if I could run JSP on PWS. Does anyone know?

I'm doing it with WebSphere. I believe JRun works with PWS, as well.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: problems with jsp 1.0 and jrun 2.3.2 (build 152)

1999-07-12 Thread Foster Bob

>>Invalid UTF-8 code. (bytes: 0xfff6 0x6e)

The error message shows the result of converting signed bytes to ints
before printing them as hex. (That's bug number one. :) The codes it is
complaining about are probably 0xf6 0x6e. This is the start of a perfectly
valid UFT-8 code, but it's a four-byte code that will produce a value that
won't fit in 16 bits. The JRun process method either has a bug or is trying
to translate the UTF-8 to 16-bit Unicode, e.g., in Java. Java can't handle
a Unicode character that won't fit in one char (16-bit) variable.

Assuming it's not just a bug, the message should read:

Can't handle UTF-8 code greater than 16 bits (bytes: 0xf6 0x6e 0x?? 0x??)

This is going to be true for lot of software! It is best to stick to the
16-bit Unicode subset. But the JRun software may have better options than
barfing. For example, it might just ignore the four-byte code and leave it
in the text; it is undoubtedly in template text that will just be copied to
the output, anyway. (Of course, the user agent down the road might not
recognize the code, either, but that's not JRun's problem.)

>Didn't you use some special characters, like é, ç, à, ... Those are not
>included in the UTF-8 code.

Well, yeah, they are.

>I had to remove them entireliy, which is a big problem in my language

That would be a big problem! However, characters like é, ç, à (and anything
else you need to write French) _are_ in 16-bit Unicode, are representable
by UTF-8 in three bytes or less. This must be another problem.

Both these issues should be directed to LiveSoftware's technical

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: I have emailed the postmaster...

1999-07-12 Thread Foster Bob

>If anyone else thinks it is a good idea [FAQ at end of each message]...

I assume you mean the URL of the FAQ, not the text. Great idea!

Really, this list has gotten to be too much "I just tried JSP for the first
time and (this doesn't work/how do you do x)". No problem with helping
newcomers, but there's more to life.

For example, there is no serious discussion of the JSP 1.1 spec, and I
think that's a real problem.

Time for more than one list!

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: How do JSP compilers handle static HTML

1999-07-12 Thread Foster Bob

>...Was trying to make a comparison of how...JSP implementations
>differ in the way [output] HTML is [buffered]...

This issue was resolved in JSP 1.0, which allows you to explicitly specify
how buffering is done. See the spec.

(If you're shipping today - other than with JRun, which supports 1.0 - and
are searching for an implementation that meets your buffering needs, this
response probably isn't very helpful. Sorry.)

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Doubts reg. BEans

1999-07-11 Thread Foster Bob

>help me how to create a bean and how to send data to and from the bean

Sure. Three easy lessons.

1) A bean is just an object of a class that follows a few conventions.

2) The bean class must have a constructor with no arguments, like

3) Beans have properties, and properties have setters and getters. Consider
property name "prop" of type "Proptype". Its setter must have the form:

 void setProp(Proptype val);

(Note you must capitalize the first letter after "set"; the property name
is still "prop".) And getter:

 Proptype getProp();

Properties that have array values must in addition define array element
setters and getters. E.g.,

 void setProp(int index, Proptype item);
 Proptype getAbc(int index);

That's all JSP knows or cares about beans.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Tag libraries and JSP

1999-07-04 Thread Foster Bob

>I'm interested in the custom tag possibilities...
>Can anyone point me in the right direction?

This is the first draft of the JSP 1.1 spec.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: Q: set bean param from -OPTION- list

1999-07-03 Thread Foster Bob

>>public void setFoo(int index, String value)
>>or even something like:
>>public void setFoo(String[] values)
>>..and expect jsp:setProperty to "do the right thing" and supply me with

>In JSP 1.0/1.1, neither setProperty nor getProperty have any provision for
>indexed properties.

Whoops, wrong answer! What I meant to say that set/getProperty don't
support _indexing_ properties. But this is beside the point.

After rereading your original post (and the spec), I'm inclined to agree
that what you're trying should work.

>>But this does not appear to work for me (JRun 2.3.3, Build 152, JDK 1.2).

Sounds like a bug. Have you checked the reference implementation?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

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Re: Q: set bean param from -OPTION- list

1999-07-03 Thread Foster Bob

>> In JSP 1.0/1.1, neither setProperty nor getProperty have any provision
>> for indexed properties.

Hans Bergsten wrote:
>I don't agree. In the JSP 1.0 spec, indexed properties are mentioned
>explicitly for setProperty. The description could be clearer, but I know the
>intention was to support multi-value parameter values like the ones from a
>collection of checkboxes since I was involved in the discussion about this
>part of the specification. The JSP 1.1 spec apparently needs to clarify

You're right, what I said was wrong. JSP 1.0 explicitly supports indexed
properties in setProperty, but only to the extent that you can set using an
array value. A property with an array setter works just like a non-indexed
property. (For a property with only an indexed setter, the implementation
could produce a loop that will index the array and feed the property value to
the bean one element at a time. But the spec doesn't say it will.)

Similarly, (though the spec doesn't say it will) getProperty should have no
trouble getting an array value from a property with an array getter.

What I should have said the first time is that setProperty and getProperty
don't have any provision for _indexing_ properties. They don't allow you to
specify an index and thus do not support setting or getting individual
elements of indexed properties. This is the feature people usually look for,
e.g., to display rows of results in a scriptlet loop.

A workaround is to have your beans do the indexing. In fact, an example of
this appears in the JSP spec:

Once having set the "row" property in this bean, hopefully the column values
can be obtained from a simple, non-indexed getProperty, e.g.,

Or, you could forget about getProperty and just call indexed getters directly
in a JSP expression.

Hopefully, this reply is more accurate (and more helpful) than my last
attempt. :)

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Using taglib

1999-07-03 Thread Foster Bob

>Can someone point me in the right direction [for custom tags]?

See the JSP 1.1 spec at

I believe this has been asked and answered several times. FYI, there is
nothing in the JSP 1.0 spec except the taglib directive.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Q: set bean param from -OPTION- list

1999-07-03 Thread Foster Bob

>public void setFoo(int index, String value)
>or even something like:
>public void setFoo(String[] values)
>..and expect jsp:setProperty to "do the right thing" and supply me with

In JSP 1.0/1.1, neither setProperty nor getProperty have any provision for
indexed properties.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: i thought very few people know JSP!!!!!!!!!

1999-06-11 Thread Foster Bob

There is nothing open about ASP. But there are a couple of companies with
ASP implementations that will run outside windows.

"ASP For Unix Available from 2 Vendors
Halclyon and Chilisoft provide ASP for UNIX"


Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: i thought very few people know JSP!
Author:  Scott Fluto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:6/11/99 3:48 PM

I was wondering, is ASP as open as JSP. IE, can you get ASP for APACHE
running on a unix machine like linux so that you would have a
Linux->Apache -> ASP ?


> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Hunter
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:09 PM
> Subject: Re: i thought very few people know JSP!
> TK Sung wrote:
> > Yeah, except that, unlike ASP, you have to pay for JSP.
> > tk.
> Linux -> Apache -> GNUJSP: FREE
> Windows -> IIS -> ASP: NOT FREE
> The free path is more stable and scalable besides.
> -jh-
> --
> Jason Hunter
> Book:
> Article:
> ==
> =
> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include
> in the body
> of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: POST and browser behavior

1999-06-10 Thread Foster Bob

The original "problem" was that the user set a quantity and did a POST. The
user-visible result of the POST was evidently to redisplay the same page.
Then the user changed a quantity and instead of hitting the submit button
again, hit the back button. After going through the awkward but irrelevant
IE refresh dialog, the previous page was displayed with the previously
entered quantity. Why is this a surprise? That's what the back button does.
It's a user error.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: POST and browser behavior
Author:  Taggart Gorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:6/10/99 11:57 AM

As far as I can tell, this is a "design decision" on Microsoft's part.  My
guess is that they felt that POSTing a form is usually done for some sort of
submission of data, for security reasons, you shouldn't be able cache the
results of a POST.  (For example, you're on a public terminal, and you POST
an order at Amazon, and it then displays your address.  You leave the
terminal, and the next person to use the terminal could use the browser's
'Back' function to see the results of your POST, which maybe contains your
address, account number or whatever.)  But this is just a guess on my part.

The only way I've found to get around this is not to use POST.  Not really
much of a solution.  I've tried messing with the HTML headers, but it
appears that IE ignores whatever you send.

I've found that I don't need to use POST that often.  Submitting search
parameters, for example, work fine as GET.
And since you can't cache the result of a POST, you can't really put
anything worthwhile on the page that results from a POST.  I usually just
put a "Success!" type of page, maybe with an ID.

In the orignal message, Glen was looking to have behavior similar to Amazon.
I was thinking that Amazon used GET when you add something to your cart, but
it seems they dont.  But the page that results from the POST doesn't expire
in IE.  Wierd.

Anyways, my advice still stands - use GET if you can.

> -Original Message-
> From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lastname Firstname
> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 11:17 AM
> Subject: Re: POST and browser behavior
> I would also be interested in an answer for this.  Internet Explorer (IE)
> 4.01 experiences the same problem when the "Back" button is pressed in a
> Shipment Tracking application.  If someone has a solution, definitely post
> it to the group as I assume many other Java Servlet-based applications
> experience this problem when working under IE.
> Thanks,
> Glen Hawkins
> Application Developer
> Skyway Systems, Inc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/10/99 10:27:21 AM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:(bcc: Glen C. Hawkins/Users/Skyway)
> Subject:  POST and browser behavior
> I'm working on a JSP shopping cart implementation, and am having a problem
> getting a desired behavior. Here's what happens with my shopping cart:
> -- my cart --
> (1) User is viewing the cart,
> (2) User changes the quantity of item(s) in the cart via a form
> (METHOD=post), and submits.
> (3) Quantity is updated.
> (4) User changes the quantity of item(s) again.
> (5) User hits back button.
> (6) With IE5, user gets message "Warning: Page has expired," and
> is invited
> to hit the refresh button.
> (7) User hits the refresh button, and their quantities are back
> at what the
> were at step (3).
> This is clearly not optimal! For an example of what I'm trying to
> accomplish, check out
> -- desired behavior (e.g., as at --
> (1-5) as above
> (6) No problem -- user is simply taken back to the previous screen
> (7) User clicks on "view cart" (or whatever) and the correct
> quantities are
> displayed.
> I've looked for a setting on HttpServletResponse, but to no avail. amazon
> doesn't seem to be using any META tags or special FORM tags that
> I can see.
> Help!
> Thanks,
> chris
> ==
> =
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> in the body
> of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".
> ==
> =
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> in the body
> of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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Re: Migrating from ASP to JSP

1999-06-04 Thread Foster Bob

I haven't done this, but I'm guessing the amount of work to convert depends a
whole lot on whether the app is written like JSP pages (pretty easy) or like
servlets (can be very hard). The ASP apps I've seen, and MS's examples, are more
like servlets and seem like they would be easier to rewrite than to port.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: and serialized bean instances

1999-06-02 Thread Foster Bob

>so how come it doesn't work?

Other readers say it does, at least with the 1.0 reference implementation.
Haven't tried it myself.

>is there a newer [JSP spec]?

The paragraph is in the final spec, downloadable from

Personally, I wouldn't use the beanName syntax, but would put the bean's
.ser file in the same directory as its .class file and let
Beans.instantiate() figure it out.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: and serialized bean instances

1999-06-01 Thread Foster Bob

>I'd like useBean to instantiate a serialized bean instance

In the draft of the JSP 1.0 spec I have, under the description of useBean:

"The attribute beanName is the name of a Bean, as specified in the Bean
specification for an argument to Beans.instantiate(). I.e. it is of the
form "a.b.c", which may be either a class, or the name of a resource of the
form "a/b/c.ser" that will be resolved in the current ClassLoader."

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Xml and *.DTD file in Jsp

1999-06-01 Thread Foster Bob

>Which is the code to be added to the JSP file for a  *.dtd file calling?

At first glance, this looks like an XML question, not a JSP question. An
example from the XML standard:

Hello, world!

Where "hello.dtd" is the URI of a DTD file and greeting is the name of the
top-level element in the DTD.

Is that what you were asking?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Session problem ?

1999-05-19 Thread Foster Bob

>you will have to restart the server everytime you make a change to the bean

This is server-dependent, of course. IBM's WebSphere notices if you replace jar
files and recompiles with the new classes automatically.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: which one to use XML syntax v/s JSP syntax?

1999-05-17 Thread Foster Bob

The current situation is that JSP 1.0 engines are _not_ required to support
the XML syntax. Even if they do support it, they are not required to
support XML syntax like  anywhere but in documents that are
entirely XML-format.

The leading JSP webserver vendors can speak for themselves. But if you want
to stick to the standard and write portable documents, don't use XML

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: which one to use XML syntax v/s JSP syntax?
Author:  Sanjay Gulabani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/17/99 7:47 PM

I have been playing around with JSP 1.0 reference implementation and
JSP specification provides alternate XML syntax to JSP syntax for
writing Java Server Pages,

eg.  XML syntax


vs JSP syntax:

also <%=> in JSP versus in XML   

My question is which is meant to more preferable way? Are JSP engines
going to support both (is it mandatory).
What are the trade-offs, if any?? I prefer XML than the JSP syntax (for
simple reason that jsp syntax is less readable to me)  What are leading
JSP-compliant webserver vendors going to support?


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Re: JSP's failure with IE4 (IE?)

1999-05-15 Thread Foster Bob

That URL worked fine for me using IE 5.0. I have lots of other problems
with IE 5 but none that seem to be JSP-specific.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: JSP's failure with IE4 (IE?)
Author:  Nicholas Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/15/99 12:16 PM

has anyone noticed how IE4 (maybe IE5 not sure) will hang - not work -
with JSP sites like

is this the IE4 Apache bug that I read about in Apache week or is it
some critical, fatal flaw, or another attempt by Microsoft to stifle
rival ways of doing things??

Nicholas Roberts
+44 (0)181 960 8931
Synarchy Universalis Ltd

'In the lightless abyss, many creatures carry
constellations of luminous organs.'

Arthur. C. Clarke

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Re: JSP Compatibility

1999-05-15 Thread Foster Bob

I don't believe there is. At least, a quick search on "version" in the
public draft 1 didn't find one.

Your question/comment should probably be seen by jsp-comments, so I've
copied them on this reply.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: JSP Compatibility
Author:  Schaeffer Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/14/99 12:07 PM

I've done some porting back and forth between JSP 0.92 and JSP 1.0 and found
that I *at least* have to change the "UseBean" syntax in my .jsp file.  My
question is: is there any programmatic way for a .jsp script and/or Bean to
discover which version of JSP it's running under?  I forsee problems when we
try to sell our jsp pages and associated beans because we don't know what
environment the customer might be running and I doubt that we could insist
that the customer upgrade to the latest & greatest JSP since it breaks his
existing applications!

Rick Schaeffer

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Re: Digest/Newsgroup suggestions (was: Newbie questions)

1999-05-12 Thread Foster Bob

Wow, this is exactly what we need!

I feel really dumb for not knowing about it, but grateful nonetheless.

(Where else could I have found out that the list has exactly 1,275 subscribers?)

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Digest/Newsgroup suggestions (was: Newbie questions)
Author:  Paul Reiber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/12/99 7:18 PM

Dear Fellow Listserv-ees:

Sun maintains an up-to-date archive of this list, at:

If the volume of email or content of some of it is overwhelming,
consider browsing the above web site bi-weekly or so.

Slice off the end of the above URL and you'll find ALL of the
lists archived by Sun, ready for your perusal.  Enjoy!

-Paul Reiber

At 12:40 PM 5/12/99 -0700, Taylor Gautier wrote:
>I think besides a digest, it would be useful if a newsgroup existed that
>archived the JSP-INTEREST maillist, so that some people, like myself, could
>browse it at will instead of
>having it dominate their inbox.
>From: Kirkdorffer, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Newbie questions
>> What definitely would be helpful is that people try to maintain meaningful
>> subjects when they email.  Certainly "Newbie Questions" isn't going to be
>> terribly instructive to someone wishing to skip one post or another.
>> Dan
>> > --
>> > From: Lastname Firstname[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> > Subject: Newbie questions
>> > Is there a possibility of making two seperate lists?
>> > 1) Discussion of JSP architectural issues, direction of JSP,
>> >other intelligent discussion
>> > and
>> > 2) Problems running jserv, problems running jrun, problems running
>> >the .92 reference spec on nt, problems running 1.0 reference
>> >implementaion on Solaris, problems running 1.0 reference
>> >implementation on NT, problems running 1.0 reference on
>> >Linux, problems running 1.0 reference on Commodore 64, problems
>> >running JSP because your CLASSPATH isn't set up properly,
>> >problems writing code because you didn't read the spec, problems
>> >writing code because you don't know how to code,  . . .
>> > I'm sorry, but being on this list is becoming extremely frustrating,
>> > the S/N ratio is significantly down, and I am tired of wading thru
>> > message after message of useless garbage.
>> > -taylor gautier

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Re: Newbie questions

1999-05-12 Thread Foster Bob

Maybe we should add a third list:

3) Frustration with other two lists, complaining about lack of digests,
   wading through useless garbage.


Seriously, a digest would be nice.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Newbie questions
Author:  Lastname Firstname <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/12/99 10:57 AM

Is there a possibility of making two seperate lists?

1) Discussion of JSP architectural issues, direction of JSP,
   other intelligent discussion


2) Problems running jserv, problems running jrun, problems running
   the .92 reference spec on nt, problems running 1.0 reference
   implementaion on Solaris, problems running 1.0 reference
   implementation on NT, problems running 1.0 reference on
   Linux, problems running 1.0 reference on Commodore 64, problems
   running JSP because your CLASSPATH isn't set up properly,
   problems writing code because you didn't read the spec, problems
   writing code because you don't know how to code,  . . .

I'm sorry, but being on this list is becoming extremely frustrating,
the S/N ratio is significantly down, and I am tired of wading thru
message after message of useless garbage.

-taylor gautier

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Re: FAQ Location Reminder

1999-05-10 Thread Foster Bob

The FAQ is actually at

The below cited URL is a slow-loading home page.

Otherwise, FAQ is interesting and helpful! Many thanks Richard!

How can people contribute?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: FAQ Location Reminder
Author:  Richard Vowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/11/99 4:33 PM

The JSP FAQ is located at

I have to post this as [EMAIL PROTECTED] because the stupid listserver
doesn't accept my [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.

Richard Vowles, Senior Systems Engineer,

The Esperanto Group,
[my messages contain my own opinions, not those of my employer]

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Another configuration question...

1999-05-10 Thread Foster Bob

I did read about a bug in automatic page recompilation in the reference
implementation, but it seems to work for me. At least it works in simple
cases, where the changed page is the one named in the URL. I haven't tried
all the varieties of include.

I run it on NT 4.0. The reference implementation doesn't use or require
another server.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Another configuration question...
Author:  Michael Rumpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/10/99 10:48 AM

Thanks very much for your reply.
I am running GNUJSP at the moment because I have read that JServ is not able
to deal with Sun's JSP1.0, because of its lack of JSDK2.1 support.
What I've also read, was that there is no automatic page recompilation in
Sun's reference implementation... (!? but i am not really sure about that)
We want to develop an application with JSP and automatic page recompilation
is an important feature for us. I think I have to wait until JServ is
supporting JSDK2.1 so that it can be run under Apache/JDK1.2/JSDK2.1/JServ.


-Original Message-
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Drew Cox
Sent: Sonntag, 9. Mai 1999 03:39
Subject: Re: Another configuration question...

Hi Michael,

I couldn't see a reply on the list to your question, so I thought I
would give it a shot

Do you realise that the Sun 1.0 reference implementation is a complete
web sever, servlet runner and JSP engine ?  Many people seem to think
it's something you need to plug into an existing web server and/or
servlet runner, but it's not.  Once configured correctly, you run the
script/bat file and it starts listening on port 8080 (by default) for
http requests.  You don't need Apache and JServ to use it.

This may not be ideal if you want all requests to run through your
Apache server.  I have seen posts on this list, or maybe the servlet
one, with people talking about how to setup Apache so that it forwards
requests to the reference implementation based on the URL path, I think.
I would recommed checking the list archives.

Hope this helps.


Drew Cox

> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Rumpf [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, 7 May 1999 18:34
> Subject:  Another configuration question...
> Hi !
> Maybe the problem is already solved, if so, please someone give me a
> hint !
> I have the following configuration running:
> Sun Solaris 2.6
> Apache 1.3.6/PHP3/JServ1.0b4
> JSDK 2.0
> JDK 1.2.1_02 ( or JDK 1.1.8)
> I would like to set up Apache to make Sun's JSP1.0 reference
> implementation
> work on the configuration above.
> Is this possible or not ? And if not what do I have to change to get
> it
> running.
> If this is not working I would like to use GNUJSP but I could not find
> the
> 0.91 specification for JSP to find out what exactly GJSP 0.9.9
> supports.
> I am trying for one week now and I did not manage to get any other
> system
> running
> Michael Rumpf

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Re: Use of out.println () for -%=

1999-05-10 Thread Foster Bob

Nope, it's the JSP engine. The browsers are conforming to the HTML

Except after begin tags or before end tags, line ends are white space.

"Except within literal text (e.g. the PRE element), HTML treats contiguous
sequences of white space characters as being equivalent to a single space
character (ASCII decimal 32)."

HTML 4.0 has a wordier but essentially equivalent rule in

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Use of out.println () for -%=
Author:  Son Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/10/99 5:48 AM

Noticed you used println() -- this will insert a carriage-return. Both IE
5.0 & Netscape 4.51 will render this as a space. Its the [undesire] behavior
from the browser not JSP engine.

>From: Foster Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Use of out.println () for <%=
>Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 16:10:08 -0700
>The reference implementation uses out.println() for JSP expressions, e.g.,
>   test expr [<%=abc"%>]
>translates to something like:
> out.write("test expr [");
> out.println("abc");
> out.write("]\r\n");
>This appears in a browser as:
>test expr [abc ]
>Note space before ]. This seems a pretty clear violation of 5.4(3):
>   An expression is transformed into a Java statement to insert the value
>   the expression, converted to java.lang.String if needed, into the stream
>   currently named by the implicit variable out. No additional newlines or
>   space is included.
>(Thanks to Alex Vernet.)
>To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body
>of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Re: Newbie question (can't load JSP pages)

1999-05-10 Thread Foster Bob

Add tools.jar to your classpath. It's in \jdk1.2\lib.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Newbie question (can't load JSP pages)
Author:  "Blackmore; John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/10/99 6:17 PM

Hi there,

Just getting started, but I can't seem to get JSP 1.0 working. Has anyone
seen the following output when trying to load something like

Unhandled error! You might want to consider having an error page to report
such errors more gracefully

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
at com.sun.jsp.compiler.Main.compile(
at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspLoader.loadJSP(
at com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.sun.web.core.Context.handleRequest(
at Code)

My best guess is that my classpath is wrong, but I've included JDK 1.2.1 and
the JSP1.0 directories. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

John Blackmore

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Re: A Compatibility Proposal

1999-05-08 Thread Foster Bob

Whether to retain the tags is your decision, but moving them to the jsp
namespace is questionable. Unless you have advance knowledge these tags
will appear in a future version of JSP, you should put them in your own
namespace and allow developers to include a taglib directive specifying
your namespace. This way, your tags will work in 1.1 and developers won't
have to rewrite the pages that use your tags.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: A Compatibility Proposal
Author:  Magnus Stenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/8/99 6:44 PM

>why not say:
>   A portable Tag Extension Mechanism will be available in JSP 1.1.   The
>  following extension tags must be implemented in 1.1 compliant servers
>   .  Implementing these tags
>   (albeit non-portably) is optional for JSP 1.0 servers.

Orion does just that in it's 1.0 implementation. We have not removed the
0.92 tags, but rather moved them to jsp: as you suggested,
we use jsp:includeIf/jsp:excludeIf though (note the casing, tags are case
sensitive in the 1.0 spec).

/Magnus Stenman
Orion WebServer -

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Re: A Compatibility Proposal

1999-05-07 Thread Foster Bob

Why have a taglib directive if there is no standard for tag extensions?

Obviously it's there because some JSP implementors were planning to
introduce their own non-standard tags (heck, they already have) and/or
wanted to jump the gun on extendable tag libraries.

This is a tricky situation, standards-wise. Given the thirst frequently
expressed here for more HTML-writer-friendly JSP pages, I'd guess people
will use these vendor-specific tags. Which could easily mean that pages
written for one implementation won't run on another, which is no standard
at all.

It is way more important to ensure this doesn't happen than to squeeze a
few more tags into JSP 1.0.

Given that everything can't happen overnight, Sun has chosen a sensible
middle ground. The taglib directive, together with the set of guidelines
for tags (rather quietly blended into the 1.0 spec) makes it at least
possible that pages using extended tags won't have to be rewritten to work
with JSP 1.1.

I'd expect Sun to be working closely with implementors to ensure that
"pre-release" tag extension mechanisms can work in other vendors'
implementations, and can easily conform to the eventual 1.1 standard.

Meanwhile, the right short term answer for friendly coexistence with HTML
designers is to develop a programming style that minimizes the amount of
raw Java in JSP files and makes maximal use of the standard tags that _do_
exist in 1.0.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: A Compatibility Proposal
Author:  Scott Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/7/99 5:30 PM

1.0 already has this.  That's the point of the taglib directive.   JSP
Implementations are perfectly free to implement their own tag extensions.

Granted, it's not standardized yet, but I'd rather the JSP team focus on
cleaning 1.0 up, shipping it, and then focusing on standard tags.

We've already waited far too long to get 1.0.  I really don't want to delay 1.0
until everyone gets their favorite feature added.

2.8.4 the taglib directive

"This directive declares that the page uses custom tags, ..."

Scott Ferguson
Caucho Technology

Ben Engber wrote:

> Optional support in 1.0 is an excellent idea.  As with a lot of people on
> this list, the non-scripting tags were THE selling point of JSP for me.
> Instead of saying something like:
>LOOP, EXLUDEIF, INCLUDEIF are postponed until when a Tag
>Extension Mechanism is made available...
> why not say:
>A portable Tag Extension Mechanism will be available in JSP 1.1.   The
>following extension tags must be implemented in 1.1 compliant servers
>  .  Implementing these tags
>(albeit non-portably) is optional for JSP 1.0 servers.
> At least then we'll have the stubs to design pages without scriptlet code
> all over.  In fact, it's not even necessary to define the names or formats
> of those three tags.  Even this would be fine:
>JSP 1.0 compliant servers should implement these three functions ...
>These functions will be formalized as part of a Tag Extension
>Mechanism in JSP 1.1.
> My reasoning here is that it will probably be less intrusive to port from
> one extension tag syntax to another than it would be to port from a
> scriptlet-based page to a tag-based page.  Not to mention making planning
> ahead easier.
> -Ben
> At 09:13 AM 5/7/99 -0500, Mark A. Kolb wrote:
> >I predict, however, that as soon as 1.1 becomes available, someone is going
> >to write and release a tag library that implements the 0.92 tags (it might
> >even be me :). To save much anguish in the meantime, then, I would like to
> >suggest that the 1.0 spec include optional support for such a tag library,
> >now.
> ===
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Re: Use of out.println () for <%=

1999-05-06 Thread Foster Bob

Yes, your examples show exactly what the problem is. :) If your JSP source

test expr [<%=abc"%>]

The translator should produce source like:

test expr [abc]


test expr [abc

It's a bug.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Use of out.println () for <%=
Author:  "Kirkdorffer; Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/6/99 4:12 PM


But wouldn't this produce page source that looks like this:

test expr [abc

And if you created a page with:

test expr [abc

test expr [abc]

This DOES render like this:

test expr [abc ]

test expr [abc]

At least it does in NN 4.5 and MS IE 4.0 on my Win NT box.

Daniel Kirkdorffer, NACN IS
Sr. Consultant, Syllogistics LLC

> --
> From: Foster Bob[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 1999 4:10 PM
> Subject:  Use of out.println () for <%=
> The reference implementation uses out.println() for JSP expressions, e.g.,
>   test expr [<%=abc"%>]
> translates to something like:
> out.write("test expr [");
> out.println("abc");
> out.write("]\r\n");
> This appears in a browser as:
> test expr [abc ]
> Note space before ]. This seems a pretty clear violation of 5.4(3):
>   An expression is transformed into a Java statement to insert the value
> of
>   the expression, converted to java.lang.String if needed, into the stream
>   currently named by the implicit variable out. No additional newlines or
>   space is included.
> (Thanks to Alex Vernet.)
> Bob
> ==
> =
> To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the
> body
> of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".

Use of out.println () for <%=

1999-05-06 Thread Foster Bob

The reference implementation uses out.println() for JSP expressions, e.g.,

  test expr [<%=abc"%>]

translates to something like:

out.write("test expr [");

This appears in a browser as:

test expr [abc ]

Note space before ]. This seems a pretty clear violation of 5.4(3):

  An expression is transformed into a Java statement to insert the value of
  the expression, converted to java.lang.String if needed, into the stream
  currently named by the implicit variable out. No additional newlines or
  space is included.

(Thanks to Alex Vernet.)


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Re: The importance of processRequest ()...

1999-05-05 Thread Foster Bob

Since we haven't seen any details on tag extensions, I guess I'll have to
take your word that they're powerful.

But I think without any further details I can take issue with the notion
that extending the "tag language" with application-specific verbs is an
improvement over calling reusable components using open interfaces
expressed in a standard way.

If every programmer develops his own little mini-language... Oh, my.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: The importance of processRequest()...
Author:  Hans Bergsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/5/99 6:59 PM

John Langley wrote:
> and a 'use case' in the form of "guarded pages"
> a.k.a. required login.
> I noticed in the 1.0 preliminary spec. that the "processRequest
> machinery" is listed under the heading of "Postponed for Evaluation
> in Future Releases". I would like to voice a strong positive statement
> in favor of including the processRequest() machinery (as soon as
> possible). Here's why...
> [...]

The problem with processRequest in Beans is that by adding it, the Bean
is no longer a Bean, it's a "JSP Bean". This may be mostly academic, but
JSP 1.0 lays the groundwork for a much better alternative namely the
Tag Extension framework. The Tag Extension framework will let you define
your own tags that by definition are "active". You could for instance
develop a


tag that does your login check, redirects to loginURL if the user
is not logged in and aborts the processing of the rest of the page.
If the user is logged in it lets the processing continue.

With "JSP Beans" and processRequest you can do all of this in one shot.
You have to use a property to check the result of the validation in
/ tags, or actually scriptlets now since these
tags do not exists in 1.0.

So besides being more powerful, the Tag Extension mechanism provides
a much nicer syntax than the generic  syntax and avoids
overloading the Bean concept with functionality that doesn't belong

The only problem is that a portable API for Tag Extension implementations
will not come until JSP 1.1. Until then you can use the scriptlet
based solution suggested by others.

Hans Bergsten   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software

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Re: The importance of processRequest ()...

1999-05-05 Thread Foster Bob

Careful. My reading of the spec is that JSP 1.0 engines are not required to
accept the  form of the <% tag. (See the last paragraph of
section 3.1.) This is described as part of the XML format, for which
support is not required. By the same logic, even if they do support XML
format engines need not recognize this tag form in a non-XML format

Because I could be wrong and probably a lot of people are going to make the
assumption you did, I'm copying jsp-comments to invite clarification.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: The importance of processRequest()...
Author:  Scott Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/5/99 8:16 PM

But you can easily replace the processRequest functionality with the following:

  <% login.processRequest() %>

Or you can use login.processRequest() if you hate
the special tags.

The old processRequest was a gross hack.  It should remain dead.

Scott Ferguson
Caucho Technology

Eric Lunt wrote:

> I completely agree with John here.  I know that the whole "event processing"
> mechanism (.jsa stuff) is being "figured out" for JSP 1.1, and
> belongs in that family of events, but there are some problems that are
> *much* easier to solve with the processRequest() machinery as it stands
> in JSP 0.92.  The "guarded pages" example John presents is a good one, and
> I have a couple of other beans that require the request to initialize
> their state.  I can get around with with a common include file or scriptlet,
> but it's less than ideal.

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Re: JSP 1.0 isthreadsafe typo ?

1999-05-04 Thread Foster Bob

Yeah. I'd guess this is the sort of thing to copy to

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: JSP 1.0 isthreadsafe typo ?
Author:  Gabriel Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/4/99 2:22 PM

page 44 the footnote (1) regarding isthreadsafe starts off with "If
isthreadsafe="true"".  I am assuming this is a typo and it should be "false".
Any comments?

Gabriel Wong

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Re: Using

1999-05-04 Thread Foster Bob


Really, I didn't do that for a religious reason. I expect some tools will
do a better job of supporting the standard tags than they will pulling
stuff out of arbitrary Java code.

Of course, if pressed I can come up with some religious reasons. You could
skip the action tags altogether and just write out the code. Of course,
every programmer will do things differently, which will increase the number
of bugs and make the pages harder to maintain. How's that? :)

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Using 
Author:  "Kirkdorffer; Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/4/99 2:10 PM

Given your example below uses a scriptlet to loop through your data, why not
just chuck the use of jsp:getProperty and use the scriptlet to do the whole
job.  That can't be that sacreligious.  For example:

<% for (int row = 1; row < customers.size(); row++) { %>

<% out.println(custName.getCustName(row)); } %>

or something along those lines.


> --
> From: Foster Bob[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 2:03 AM
> Subject:  Re: Using 
> I don't know any way to access indexed properties in jsp:getProperty. But
> I
> don't think this is a problem.
> First of all, there are issues with indexed properties. Those which are
> arrays require that all property values be instantiated simultaneously
> before any property is accessed. This is obviously inefficient, and a very
> large result set can cause memory management issues. Those which have get
> methods with an index argument imply, at the very least, random access,
> which is not always possible (e.g., result sets in JDBC 1.0) or efficient.
> There are two obvious ways to work around the "limitation" in getProperty
> with a clean design. I use row,column terminology below, but the same idea
> applies to any two-dimensional matrix of properties.
> 1. You can have your data beans return as an indexed property a "row bean"
> which contains all of the "column" values. Then you can access the row
> bean
> using simple properties.
> 2. Or, you can make your data beans act as simple iterators, e.g., with a
> next() method, so that the simple properties returned by the bean refer to
> the current row
> The latter is very natural to use with the JSP tags provided and does not
> require extra objects to be instantiated (or any of the drawbacks of
> indexed properties). For example,
> <% while ( { %>
> <% } %>
> One or the other should work for most people.
> Bob Foster
> Symantec Internet Tools
> __ Reply Separator
> _
> Subject: Using 
> Author:  Volker Stiehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
> Date:5/4/99 7:22 AM
> A very simple question: is it possible to use  for
> indexed
> properties (for example in a for-loop) or is this tag only appropriate for
> simple properties?
> Thanks.
> V. Stiehl
> ==
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Re: Using

1999-05-03 Thread Foster Bob

I don't know any way to access indexed properties in jsp:getProperty. But I
don't think this is a problem.

First of all, there are issues with indexed properties. Those which are
arrays require that all property values be instantiated simultaneously
before any property is accessed. This is obviously inefficient, and a very
large result set can cause memory management issues. Those which have get
methods with an index argument imply, at the very least, random access,
which is not always possible (e.g., result sets in JDBC 1.0) or efficient.

There are two obvious ways to work around the "limitation" in getProperty
with a clean design. I use row,column terminology below, but the same idea
applies to any two-dimensional matrix of properties.

1. You can have your data beans return as an indexed property a "row bean"
which contains all of the "column" values. Then you can access the row bean
using simple properties.

2. Or, you can make your data beans act as simple iterators, e.g., with a
next() method, so that the simple properties returned by the bean refer to
the current row

The latter is very natural to use with the JSP tags provided and does not
require extra objects to be instantiated (or any of the drawbacks of
indexed properties). For example,

<% while ( { %>

<% } %>

One or the other should work for most people.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Using 
Author:  Volker Stiehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/4/99 7:22 AM

A very simple question: is it possible to use  for indexed
properties (for example in a for-loop) or is this tag only appropriate for
simple properties?
V. Stiehl

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Re: How to access JSP beans from each other ?

1999-05-03 Thread Foster Bob

Sorta pooling the responses to this thread...

Last I looked JDBC could make database connections without reference to an
application object.

Why don't you just use the connection pooling built in to JDBC 2.0?

You don't need request time attribute values to initialize a bean. You can
write scriptlets either within the useBean tags or afterward. All
jsp:setProperty does is call a set method. You can do the same. Scriptlets
are always "request time".

(Tho it is a pain in the butt that request time attribute values are
optional. Which means: Don't use 'em. I hope other pro-standardization folk
will let Sun know how they feel about optional features.)

Otherwise, the idea of a bean that gets a connection which is used by other
beans in the same request is a good one.

Beans are Java Beans, described by the spec for same, which means no extra
arguments in get methods.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: How to access JSP beans from each other ?
Author:  Drew Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/4/99 3:21 PM

Well done Scott, it's good to see some people have been able to digest
the 100+ pages of the new spec and make some sense of it (I'm still on
my 1st reading.)

I think I understand what you are saying here.  It seems that this
method requires the explicit passing of some type of a context object,
that the bean method then uses to get access to object stored in the
required scope, such as the implicit application object.  This requires
the embedding of scriptlets, which I would like to avoid, not much hope
with 1.0 though :-{

It would be nice if this context object was somehow available implicitly
in every bean method, so that I could access it from the getXxx method
that is called when you use a  tag, without extra work.
Maybe if the engine automatically passed the pageContext to all getXxx
bean methods ?

Still, the runtime attribute mechanism looks like it can provide
something equivalent.

Thanks for you suggestions,

Drew Cox
Barrack Consulting

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Ferguson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 4 May 1999 13:45
> Subject:  Re: How to access JSP beans from each other ?
> This is one of the cool things about JSP 1.0.  Beans are stored in
> their
> corresponding scope variable.
> So, application scope beans are stored in the 'application' implicit
> variable.  You can then pass the application object (or the
> pageContext) to
> the bean.
>  scope='application'/>
> <%
>   test.doSomethingCool(application);
> %>
> Where 'doSomethingCool' uses application.getAttribute("DBConnection")
> to get
> the database connection.
> Or if your JSP engine supports request time attribute values, you
> could
> initialize test by:
> Then you could pull out the connection using:
>   pageContext.getServletContext().getAttribute("DBConnection");
> Scott Ferguson
> Caucho Technology
> Drew Cox wrote:
> > I hope l'm missing something simple, but how do you get a reference
> to a
> > JSP bean defined with USEBEAN from within another JSP bean ?
> >
> > Specifically, l would like to do some simple DB connection pooling
> by
> > creating an "application" scope bean "DBConnection", that loads the
> > driver & creates a connection object which it stores in an instance
> > variable.
> >
> > This would do some checking to ensure it was only created once.
> >
> > The idea is that other beans used on the JSP page could access the
> > connection stored in the "DBConnection" bean to create their query
> > statements.
> >
> > But, l can't find a method by which l can get access to other beans
> > defined at any JSP scope level from wlthin the bean code.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Drew
> >
> >
> ==
> =
> > To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in
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> > of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email
> to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".
> ==
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Re: server-side includes in JSP 1.0

1999-05-03 Thread Foster Bob

>When doing translation-time inclusion, should the content be included in a
>pre-process step (before translation), or during translation?

What difference would this make?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: server-side includes in JSP 1.0
Author:  Jack Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:5/3/99 11:11 AM

My reading of the JSP 1.0 spec is that there are three kinds of
server-side includes:

1. Translation-time inclusion: <%@ include file="relativeURLspec" %>
Content is included when JSP is translated into a servlet. Included
content can be JSP.

2. Request-time static inclusion: 
Content is included when request is made. Allows you to dynamically change
which file is included. Included content is not parsed as JSP.

3. Request-time dynamic inclusion: 
Dynamic content is included when request is made. This is equivalent to
the callPage method from previous specs/implementations. Maps to
RequestDispatcher.include in JSDK 2.1. Included content is parsed as JSP.

First of all, bravo for making the spec much more explicit in this area.
However, I think that #1 is still a bit ambiguous. When doing
translation-time inclusion, should the content be included in a
pre-process step (before translation), or during translation? It seems
like the right answer is the former, but the spec should probably be very
specific here so that SSI will be consistently implemented by the
different JSP runners.

Jack Humphrey
Software Developer, Trilogy Software, Inc.

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Re: The JSP 1.0 Specification is now in Public Review!

1999-04-30 Thread Foster Bob

Yes, I like it, too.


Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: The JSP 1.0 Specification is now in Public Review!
Author:  Nic Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:4/30/99 2:23 PM

Very true, but as a member of the 'other' camp (I use
only scriptlets), I have to say:

III like it!

But, in all seriousness, the JSP team have NO way of pleasing everyone,
but I, for one, AM pleased. A little too much XML-type stuff for
my taste, but I'm not forced to use it, which I _love_.

Thanks people. A bit on the late side, but _I_ think its worth it :)


(yes, this is my opinion, not that of my employer (Inprise New Zealand))

Taggart Gorman wrote:
> The understatement of the century:
> "A fair amount of changes have happened between 0.92 and 1.0."
> - JSP 1.0 Prelim Spec
> Looks like the question of  and  tags versus scriplets has
> been answered for 1.0 - those of us who believe in no Java code in their
> HTML pages are out of luck until 1.1.
> And the processRequest "machinery" has postponed, too?  I've been completely
> wiped out.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Connie Weiss
> > Sent: Thursday, April 29, 1999 5:08 PM
> > Subject: The JSP 1.0 Specification is now in Public Review!
> >
> >
> > This is the message you've been waiting for and we've been most anxious
> > is the message you've been waiting for and we've been most anxious
> > to send out: the JSP 1.0 specification is now available for public review.
> > You can downloaded the specification via:
> >
> >
> >
> > The reference implementation will follow very shortly, and we'll let you
> > know as soon as it is available (even sooner than "real soon now" :).
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who has hung in there and supported us as we put this
> > together. We look forward to receiving comments from all our JSP partners.
> > as JSP partners.
> >
> > The JSP Team
> >
> > ==
> > =
> > To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include
> > in the body
> > of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".
> >
> ===
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Re: Login revisited: forward () vs redirect ()

1999-04-09 Thread Foster Bob

Seems to me what you are doing wrong is allowing unguarded access to a page
you think should be accessible only after login. Suppose the user gets to
http://server/path/to/ProtectedPage.html by accident? Or by hacking around?

I don't think depending on paths being "secret" is much security. Either
the path should be unreachable via a standard HTTP (or other external)
request or the page should protect itself.

A more secure design would be to use JSP for all protected pages, and check
for a valid login at start of processing each such page.

Like a previous responder, I would love to hear what others think.


Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Login revisited: forward() vs redirect()
Author:  Christopher Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:4/9/99 12:34 PM

I am hitting a wall trying to implement my desired login architecture.

What I want is this.  A user wants to get to ProtectedPage.html, but I want to
interpose a login-checking servlet, which forces the user to login if necessary,
then sends them to the desired page after successfully login in.  I am using the
'extended path' approach but the 'query parameter' approach could also be used
to the same effect (and the same problems).

The following works.  User goes to


I intercept this with my GatewayServet, forward() to a jsp page which does a
login.  Replies to the login with a second jsp page which confirms the login (I
could probably eliminate this second page in the final version.  This is mainly
there to help me debug.)  Then they press 'OK' which sends then back to:


Notice that this is exactly the same URL that we started with.  This feeds us
back to the servlet, but this time it notices that the user has successfully
logged in.

All this works fine.

Now the problem.  If I try to use forward() to get to
/path/to/ProtectedPage.html, it fails because static .html pages are not
supported by forward.

If, instead, I rename the target page to /path/to/ProtectedPage.jsp, and again
try to use forward(), it will eventually hit a non-active source (a .gif or
.html frame) and barf again.

If it use sendRedirect() instead, then this gets us to the desired page, but the
URL that appears in the user's browser is:


Notice that the GatewayServlet part has been eliminated.  This is not what I
want because the user could directly bookmark this page and get to it directly
without going through the servlet guard.

Other discussions on this list have indicated that this general approach works.
What am I doing wrong???


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Re: UptoDate Info on JSP Needed

1999-04-08 Thread Foster Bob

I'm hoping they are more ambitious than that.


Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: UptoDate Info on JSP Needed
Author:  Gabriel Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:4/8/99 3:55 PM

David Hecksel wrote:

> My guess is that they will time a beta, or the GM, with JavaOne in June (at
> least one could hope).

Oh! Oh! Here goes another rumour SUN TIES JSP 1 RELEASE TO COINCIDE WITH

Gabriel Wong

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Re: Java + Javascript

1999-03-12 Thread Foster Bob

Interesting. I hope when JSP 1.0 comes out, ESP will not be just
"reminiscent of JSP" but conformant to JSP. :)

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Java + Javascript
Author:  Josh McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/11/99 5:53 AM

Take a look at ESP (EcmaScript Pages), "a servlet add-on that
allows you to write servlets directly in JavaScript and Html while
retaining all the power of the Java language and the servlet object

It looks pretty cool. Please let me know what you think of it if you
try it out.


---nicolas pujol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there anyway for JSP's java to have access to the browser's object
> (javascript)
> Liveconnect from netscape does but I think it is limited to netsape's
> browsers.
> Any thoughts
> Nicolas

Get your free address at

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Re: SJSP and Apache/JServ

1999-03-11 Thread Foster Bob

This thread seems odd to me, but I'm willing to be educated.

The GNU Source License  places no
restriction on how software can be _used_. It only deals with distribution.
Since server software can be used without redistributing it, the license has
little practical effect.

Therefore, I'd conclude that GNUJSP  or
GSP  are free for commercial or any
other use.

Of course, one would prefer the reduced-pain-in-the-ass Apache model license but
what is the practical issue?

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: SJSP and Apache/JServ
Author:  Stepan Schejbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/11/99 8:27 PM

It _IS_ free for non comercial purposes.

Try imagine someone making money on products based on yours
which you have developed many many hours.

Joe Shevland wrote:

> I'm sorry if this is a dumb post, but I've been swamped with the various
> implementations of JSP etc...
> My question: is there a truly Open Source JSP implementation i.e. not Gnu,
> not SJSP etc.? One that is free for commercial and non-commercial use?
> I keep getting excited by the new releases only to read the license and
> people are trying to make commercial use out of a specification drawn up by
> Sun; to me this is wrong. I can understand people trying to charge for
> *products* based on the JSP specification, and also if they significantly
> add functionality to a JSP implementation, but not just a bare-bones
> rewrite.
> Anyone for an OpenJSP team :) ?
> Cheers,
> Joe.
> --
> Joe Shevland
> Principal Consultant
> Turnaround Solutions Pty. Ltd.
> Ph:  +61-03-6224-9146 * Fax: +61-03-6223-2556
> --
> Make money and the whole world will conspire to call you a gentleman. - Mark
> Twain
> > -Original Message-
> > From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stepan Schejbal
> > Sent: Thursday, March 11, 1999 9:34 AM
> > Subject: SJSP and Apache/JServ
> >
> >
> > I make SJSP Apache/JServ compatible.
> >
> > Corrected version is at
> >
> > tested environment: OS/2 Warp, Apache 1.3.4, JServ 1.0 Beta 2
> >
> > [SJSP is SUN's 0.92 JSP implementation]
> >
> > ==
> > =
> > To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include
> > in the body
> > of the message "signoff JSP-INTEREST".  For general help, send email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "help".
> >
> ===
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Re: Basic JSP Question

1999-03-10 Thread Foster Bob

Websphere uses JDK1.1.6 and supports JSP .91. Both setAttribute() and
callPage() are done differently in JDK2.0.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Basic JSP Question
Author:  Jarrett Jimmy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/10/99 3:08 PM

I just started using JSP.  So far, I am having no luck.  I've read the spec and
successfully ran the demos provided.

Machine Specs:
Windows NT
JDK1.2 (or JDK2.0)

I'm trying to run a Servlet that accesses a .jsp file on my local machine.  At
this URL
it contains this snipet of code:

// To send the Bean to a JSP file for content formatting and display
// 1) Set the Bean as an attribute in the current request object
((com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceRequest) req).setAttribute("dataBean",

// 2) Use callPage to invoke the JSP file and pass the current request object
((com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceResponse) res).callPage("/DisplayData.jsp",

Now, this seems extremely straightforward.  However, when I try to compile this
code, I keep
getting an error (class def not found error).  The class that can't be found is
com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceResponse.  Do I need a different version of the
JSP or the
JSDK?  Or, is this a class file that's provided by Servers?

I'm only using the servletrunner that comes with the JSDK2.0 to test my

Any and all help will be extremely appreciated.


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Re: Websphere basics - Error 405

1999-03-05 Thread Foster Bob

I'm currently running WebSphere 2.0 trial version with NT 4.0/PWS.

JSP pages and HTML go in your web root folder, default is Inetpub\wwwroot. Beans
and servlets go in the servlet folder, default is WebSphere\AppServer\servlets.

I have no idea what behavior you will see if you have MSIE open JSP pages as
files. I'd suggest not doing that. Go thru your server.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Websphere basics - Error 405
Author:  Larry Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/5/99 3:15 PM

I have a simple html doc that contains a form whose action is
"login.jsp".  Login.jsp has a websphere  tag in it. The html, jsp,
and bean are all in the same directory.  (We know we may nee to move the
bean, but when we comment out the bean tag, we still get the errors.

We are running Websphere 2.0 Standard Edition under NT 4.0/IIS.

When I submit the form using a "Get" method, the webserver asks whether
I want to download or execute the file.  When I submit with a "Post"
method, I get error 405 Method not allowed.

We have associated JSP with the text/html mime type and assigned MSIE to
open it.

As best as we can make out, Websphere is not noticing the call to the
jsp file, and IIS is then rejecting the attempted POST or treating the
GET as a request for a file whose extension (.jsp) it does not

Lawrence J. Kramer
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Spidertek Corporation
550 Pinetown Rd
Fort Washington, PA  19034
215.628.9099 ext. 17

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Re: My view on JSP

1999-03-05 Thread Foster Bob

Hmmm. A frame thread on the JSP list. It _is_ more fun than talking about
the 1.0 spec that hasn't been released. :)

Your reference doesn't cite one of the most egregious frame problems: what
happens when a form using SSL is framed. On some browsers (IE), there is no
indication that the form is SSL-protected (if, indeed, it is). Twice in the
past couple of weeks I've been asked to type a credit card number into a
framed form. Sorry, lost sale.

But the worst frame abuse I have seen is in Hotmail, which frames any link taken
from mail you receive. Wherever you go, whatever you do, Microsoft wants to

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: My view on JSP
Author:  Rod McChesney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/5/99 2:17 PM

The problem is that bookmarking a framed page typically bookmarks the
frameset oage itself, which means that if the real content is in a
middle frame, the visible content is not actually getting bookmarked.
This is very frustrating when you click on the bookmark and get back
the home page instead of the page you intended to save.

> No one would want to bookmark an individual frame.

Maybe not, but they want to bookmark the page they see in front of them,
and the default behavior of frames prevents that.

As for back and forward, their behavior depends on which frame has
focus. So if a middle frame has focus and users click Back, it
is not the same as if the top or bottom frame has the focus and they
click Back. This can also be very confusing.

There are sites designed to work with this behavior -- is a great example of a heavily frame-based
site that works very well indeed. But for adding standard navigation
controls at the top or bottom of the page frames are not so good.

I'm a little surprised you haven't run into these issues...they are the
reason most of the heavily used portal-type sites moved away from
frames, as I understand it. See
for some other points; the article dates to 1996 but I don't believe
newer browsers have fixed these problems.

Rod McChesney

Kirkdorffer, Daniel wrote:
> Bookmarking isn't an issue as no part of the page has meaning without the
> rest of the page.  No one would want to bookmark an individual frame.  Like
> anything else the back and forward buttons can be used, but nothing dramatic
> will happen if they are.
> Dan
> > --
> > From: Rod McChesney[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 1:34 PM
> > To:   Kirkdorffer, Daniel
> > Subject:  Re: My view on JSP
> >
> > > This improves the interface in a manner that is
> > > transparent to the user,
> >
> > Except for bookmarking and the behavior of the Back and Forward
> > buttons, that is...have you found some way around those issues?
> >
> > Rod McChesney, Korobra Corporation
> >
> >
> > Kirkdorffer, Daniel wrote:
> > >
> > > Not wanting to start a frames debate, I should point out, like many
> > things,
> > > it all depends on how they are used.  I often use frames to create
> > "static"
> > > header or footer sections for a page that sandwich scrollable data
> > display
> > > areas.  For example, the footer may contain the action buttons (who
> > wants to
> > > have to scroll to the bottom of a page to access these all the time?).
> > For
> > > example I'm developing a form that is actually comprised of 6 horizontal
> > > zones, each a frame.  This improves the interface in a manner that is
> > > transparent to the user, and allows for me to change the content of each
> > > frame without having to change the whole page, which would be a much
> > more
> > > complex and less elegant approach.
> > >
> > > Dan
> > >
> > > > --
> > > > From: Craig R. McClanahan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Reply To: Craig McClanahan
> > > > Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 9:31 AM
> > > > To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Subject:  Re: My view on JSP
> > > >
> > > > "Kirkdorffer, Daniel" wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > [snip]
> > > > > 2) Craig's example below begs for a feature that is lacking right
> > now:
> > > > the
> > > > > ability to "re-target" a page.  Craig talks about the common need to
> > > > > conditionally display a page.  Well I develop pages that use frames,
> > and
> > > > > often find that the target of my next page might need adjusting
> > > > depending on
> > > > > what happens server side.  However a page's target is determined at
> > the
> > > > time
> > > > > a server side call is made, and cannot be adjusted after the fact.
> > I've
> > > > > sent SUN a request for the ability to change target at redirect or
> > > > callpage
> > > > > time.  I certainly hope it makes it into JSP 1.0.  That's assuming
> > it
> > > > can
> > > > > even be done.
> > > >
> > > > I think your last sentence above is the key

Re: [Fwd: Flaky Websphere Compile probs]

1999-03-03 Thread Foster Bob

No, I haven't seen anything unreasonable from WebSphere's JSP.

I didn't see this problem after commenting out some stuff so the page would
actually run, e.g.,

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

if (true/*session != null*/)
//Integer sValidated = (Integer) session.getValue ("session.validated");

if (true/*sValidated != null && sValidated.intValue() != -1*/) {

Welcome validated user;


Try isolating the problem a little more.

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: [Fwd: Flaky Websphere Compile probs]
Author:  ritchie turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:3/3/99 5:35 PM

Ok, the craftsman is blaming his tools, I've spent quite a few hours
today trying to parameterize an applet with JSP and have given up
because I get inconsistent results. I've had it working then I removed a
space or something innocuous and it stopped working etc.

The code below works without the applet but does not work with the
applet (not the substitition on parameter).

Here's the crappy output with the applet

Welcome validated user;

Untitled Document


HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

if (session != null)
Integer sValidated = (Integer) session.getValue ("session.validated");

if (sValidated != null && sValidated.intValue() != -1)

Welcome validated user;



Re: jsp

1999-02-22 Thread Foster Bob

I hope it doesn't waste people's time to point out that there is nothing
"standard" about JSP .91 or .92, and until 1.0 is released, we don't know
that .92 is "more standard" than .91. Not all progress is incremental!

Bob Foster
Symantec Internet Tools

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: jsp
Author:  Jingwei Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:2/22/99 11:17 AM

I have IBM's WebSphere which supports JSP specification 0.91 and JRun's
JSP 2.3 which supports JSP specification 0.92. I want to use 0.92 but I
also want to stay with standard JSP. JRun's JSP has it's own tags and
stuffs. Is there any other product(s) that supports standard JSP 0.92? I
am use Win NT and IIS. Thanks.

Lucent Technologies

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