KR> Lightning

2012-10-12 Thread
I've just learned of these within the last year.  I have a friend who
owns an LSA version in New Mexico.  He sent me a description of the plane
in an email recently: 

"The second picture is our airplane called an "Esqual VM-1". It was a kit
from Spain and is now produced in this country as a "Lightning" (shown in
the first picture). Our's was amateur built in Wisconsin with the current
manufacturer of the certified version involved in building and test
flying it. He is also our advisor when we have questions. The lightning
is available as either an LSA version (similar to ours) or certified
version (the first picture shown below). It has an air cooled Jabiru 3300
engine good for 120 HP. There are a few changes to get it into the LSA
Category, but it still has a not to exceed speed of 207 MPH and a gross
weight of 1320 lbs. Empty weight is 750. Not bad for an LSA. Of course,
they have derated the engine by reducing rpm from 3300 to 2800 and
re-pitched a ground adjustable prop.. They have also changed the wing
tips, changed the flap length and the aileron depth to get the low stall
speed of 40 MPH for the LSA. It is a fun to fly airplane and is over
stressed for an LSA. It fly's on less than 5 gal per hour and we can get
120 indicated at all altitudes available for the LSA. That = almost 160
mph over the ground at 10,000 ft. The lightning is specified to do 190
MPH. We are very happy with what it can do. We have had to do some
up-dates like add a 406 mh. ELT, do some accessory work and fix a couple
of minor problems. We bought it from the estate of a friend who died of
cancer. There is a group of five who are the owners under an LLC, non
profit corporation."

Mom 55 dates 25
Breakthrough in Science Makes Mom Look Younger Without Surgery

KR> mixture meter presentation and weather links enclosed

2012-10-06 Thread
I perked right up with Marks' mention of his weather link.  On this
topic, let me mention the one I use that really makes obsolete ADDS and
the other sites I previously used simply because it incorporates them:


Woman is 57 But Looks 27
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

KR> Weather

2012-10-03 Thread
>From my perspective the weather couldn't have been nicer.  It was
absolutely gorgeous from Wednesday morning when I left SEE to when I got
home Monday afternoon after overnighting in Pueblo to visit with a
friend.   Going back west it took 2½ hours longer to get home than it did
to get from SEE to MVN (10.9), but still only a long day's flying - 13.3.
  The sky is full of winds and weather and I've found the KR, mine
anyway, is perfectly capable of handling any reasonable measure of

Thank you Larry for such a superb job of hosting.  I doubt in our
lifetimes we will again see such a well-attended Gathering.   


Woman is 57 But Looks 27
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

KR> Winds and high altitude runways

2012-09-25 Thread
I'm glad Steve is okay.  He's not the first to lose a KR with crosswinds
at high altitude runways.  There was a fellow from Texas coming back from
Oshkosh who wrecked one at St. Johns, AZ (5600 ft.) coming home.  His was
on takeoff and I've learned taking off can be more dangerous than landing
at higher altitudes.  Heavy with a fresh load of fuel, taking off at
Trinidad one very windy afternoon, strong gusty wind directly cross, I
got picked up and literally blown off the runway.  I was barely able to
stay afloat using ground effect and gradually, very gradually, was able
to build some speed and climb out of it.  Had there been a tree or
building along the runway Ken Cottle's nice plane would have been toast. 
So I really make an effort to hold the plane down until it's ready to fly
when confronted with that circumstance.  I took that lesson to heart as
I've seldom felt more helpless or vulnerable in an airplane as I did that
windy afternoon at Trinidad.

Landing . . . winds can get anyone.  Sparky lost his original KR landing
here at KSEE when a dust devil caught him.  He hit the rudder pedal, the
pedal bar broke (it was the original flimsy tubing called for in the
plans), and he and his KR went for a ride that didn't end well.  Sparky
didn't get hurt.  It's amazing how many times a KR winds up a pile of
wood and fiberglass and the pilot walks off.  

I'm leaving KSEE this morning (Wednesday) at 3 AM.  I'll get fuel at St.
Johns and a couple other stops and be at Mt. Vernon tonight.  My oxygen
bottle is full and winds are on the tail all the way (or so the charts
say . . . they're often wrong) so although I'm more interested in coffee
than root beer I plan to bring Ken's KR-1.5 to the Gathering.  There's
rumor that Ken himself might make this one.  


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KR> Tire Talc

2012-09-15 Thread
I got a container of it at NAPA a long time ago.  I assume it would be
cleaner than over the counter stuff with perfumes or whatever.  I keep
the container vaccuum-sealed to keep the talc  dry since I don't need it
very often.  I use it liberally and do partially inflate the tube  and
I'm careful and so far have never pinched a tube or had a flat on my
Rosenhaun wheels and Nanco (currently) tires.  Anyway - tire talc.  


Woman is 57 But Looks 27
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

KR> KR on eBay

2012-08-11 Thread
This showed up on eBay this morning.  Very well equipped panel with a
Revmaster 2100.  Seller says it needs to be "re-certified" and that he
can't afford a hangar in a part of the country where hangars are about
the cheapest anywhere.  Those things don't make sense, however this looks
like a great opportunity for someone.  Comes with both a Sterba and a
Prince - looks like a turnkey airplane to me.


Woman is 57 But Looks 27
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

KR> Propellers

2012-08-06 Thread
> "The 'p' tip on the Prince prop does improve performance and is

I used to believe this when I bought a beautiful 52 X 54 from Lonnie a
few years ago.  I did get good performance from it but had to take it off
the first time I ran into rain.  The leading edges dissolved.  I had paid
for the "leading edge protection" he had at the time - whatever it was. 
I could find no evidence of any protection but, in any case, it didn't
work.  I understand he has gone to Sterba's technique of embedding
urethane in the leading edges.  Ironically, it was Lonnie who many years
ago gave Ed the urethane he currently uses for leading edge protection,
so Lonnie has gone full circle on this issue.

Re the p-tips, as time went by I got to know Paul Lipps - I'd read his
work in Contact Magazine and other magazines and went up to Santa Maria
two years ago to balance his prop and talk to him about props and
aerodynamic issues with my KR.   He happened to mention that he had cut
the P-tips off a Prince prop and goten not only more RPM but also, when
run at the same RPM as when the p-tips were on,  more thrust.  He has
been  (he died a few months ago unfortunately) taking first place for the
last several years in a couple of the categories at Reno with his prop
designs.  The P-tip idea is dead in the water and I think even Lonnie
would admit that in light of Lipp's documented testing and if he knows
he's talking to someone who has done a bit of research.   I plan to have
Lonnie take my tips off and put urethane on the leading edges . . . I
just haven't gotten around to getting the prop to him yet.  He refinished
it (for a price) after my leading edge problem so it's still sitting in
the shipping box - a brand new black 52 x 54 P-tip.  I'd sell it for $800
if anyone's interested.  Meantime I'm using a 52 x 56 Sterba and a 52 x
53 Sterba re-worked and re-finished by Ed.   The Prince has some
sophisticated blade shaping that gives it a slight edge in efficency over
the Sterba  but the P-tips only add drag.  I guess they make the prop
quieter too . . . that's why Hartzell used them in limited fashion, but
that could have been a gimmick for Hartzell just as it has been for
Prince..  You don't see them in widespread use.   Paul would say that
prop noise is evidence of thrashing the air, wasting energy.  His props,
even at Reno turning almost 4000 RPM are amazingly quiet.

Lonnie plays with lots of prop designs and has incorporated Paul Lipp's
concepts into some of them - such as a very small tip to reduce drag and
progressive compound angles with more attention to the root area.  Most
props actually produce negative lift at the root area.  Paul's don't. 
Here's a quote from Paul Lipps and a link to the article it came from: 
"And any prop that further complicates a wide tip with a wide,
turned-under or turned-up tip really throws away engine power.  Those may
look very techie, but they aren’t very efficient!"


That's interesting about how the tip Mach speed relates to efficiency. 
I've known for years that my engine and 52 inch props have their sweet
spot at between 3000 and 3100 RPM.  It varies a bit with altitude.   I've
been thinking it was just my engine/prop/altitude and the way they fit
together, but I'm now reminded that mach tip speed is also an important


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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KR> KR for sale

2012-08-04 Thread

Somebody needs to buy this plane!  It looks like a classic racer and with
the 23 foot wingspan and light weight this one will land slow and fly
high really well.  With 115 horsepower and such a slick airframe it must
do close to 200 cruise.   Aluminum tank, sidestick, this airplane is a
real work of art.  Look at that woodwork!   Please buy it somebody. 


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KR> unsubscribe

2012-08-02 Thread
> Please take me off the list, Thanks,

No way, furtrapper.  When you signed up it was for a minimum of two years
and there's no weaseling out of it now.  It's clear that building or
buying and flying a KR is what you should be doing instead of some of the
other things you might be doing that aren't so creative.Asking
someone else to take you off the list is not going to happen unless you
make the moderator really mad.  You're just going to have to stay on the
list until everyone has a chance to vote on whether you deserve to have
your contract abrogated.   Sorry furtrapper, you're stuck. 


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KR> Flying high

2012-07-30 Thread
For anyone who appreciates the advantages of flying routinely at 10K and
above, I'm prompted by the current thread on density altitude to report
on my roll-your-own oxygen system I put in the plane the middle of 2010. 
The text below the  line are excerpts from a  post of mine in
another forum I was participating in at the time.My aircraft is Ken
Cottle's KR-1½ with the Diehl wings and GP 2180 with Ellison carb.  What
got me started on the oxygen project was coming across the Deakin article
at the link here:

Deakin refers in that article to Mountain High's EDS (Electronic
pulse-demand Delivery System) which is just a fancy name for a "demand" 
regulator - that is, it only releases oxygen when breathing in.  Most
aircraft O2 regulators are "constant flow" - wasting as much as 3/5's of
the oxygen in the cylinder.   When I checked, Mountain High wants about a
thousand bucks for their entry level model.   

I wondered what the difference was between the Mountain High EDS system
and a "medical" demand regulator.  There's none, except the EDS regulator
automatically compensates for altitude using a built-in altitude sensing
device.  Using a pulse oximeter (which one should have anytime using
oxygen in any case), it's easy enough to determine if the "pulse dose"
needs to be increased.  There's a dial on my regulator that is graduated,
allowing larger and larger pulse doses to be released when triggered by
the negative pressure of breathing in.  I adjust the dial as necessary. 
It also has a constant flow setting.  The regulator lies beside my leg in
the cockpit with the bottle extending into the baggage area.   

Altitude headaches are now a thing of the past and night vision (and
thinking) is improved, especially after a long day flying.  


June, 2010

Works beautifully and with the pulse demand (pulse dose) regulator I can
cross the country and back without refilling the 21 cu. ft. cylinder.
Only downside perhaps for you is the demand regulator only has one outlet
- adding a Y fitting would probably not work. Passengers are best when
unconscious anyway: 

Project is finished and works fine. I took it up to Big Bear yesterday -
a trip just long and high enough to test the setup.

My hydrostatic test at the dive shop was $17.50 and my 21 cu. ft. "E"
cylinder cost $5.25 @ .25/cu.ft. to fill with AVOX. There was several
days delay since the Navy brought in a bunch of bottles and took priority
at the facility where the dive shop has their testing done.

Pulse Demand Regulator: $35 including shipping
"E" O2 cylinder with pressure gauge, including shipping: $30
Oxisaver cannula - $10 + shipping
Pulse oximeter including shipping - $30
$17.50 (every three years) + $5.25 each complete refill

I got everything on eBay.


A demand regulator eliminates the waste of a constant flow regulator.  It
can extend the usable oxygen by a factor of at least 3 and maybe as much
as 5.  I haven't done it yet but I think I can cross the U.S. and back on
one tank.  My primary motivator was to elininate the killer headaches I
used to get, especially the first day of a trip.  I always go high so
adding such an effective ox system to the plane was a really valuable and
inexpensive enhancement to the utility of the aircraft.  The tank is
secured lies alongside the bottom of the starboard side


Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

KR> Jet Coat

2012-07-11 Thread
I think their "lifetime guarantee" only applies to the person who had the
job done and then only if you have the receipt.  

My jet coat pipes are rusting at the crossover and when I called them
they really didn't want to hear about it.  My pipes came with the engine
and they look nice and are holding up well, except at the crossover.  All
I can say is keep the receipt - they apparently don't keep records.  


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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KR> Pitot tube

2012-07-09 Thread
> "But you're right, that wouldn't cause a fluctuation on 
the mode C unless you fiddled around with them constantly, and even then
would be minor, at least on my plane."

Mine too I guess.  My occasional jumpy readings are due to a dirty
transponder antenna just as I thought.  It's right in the line of exhaust
and picks up a film of grease over a period of hours - just like the
bottom of my fuselage under the wing.  I usually make a point of keeping
the antenna clean but sometimes I forget.  Your idea of putting it inside
the fuselage is a good one.  I should have done that.  I'll put it on my
TO DO list.  


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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KR> Pitot tube

2012-07-07 Thread
Reading the excellent treatise on making a pitot-static system raised a
question in my mind.   In the article the author refers to the effects of
taking static pressure from the interior of the cockpit.  I do that with
my encoder and although my read-outs always closely match my actual
altitude, especially since I sent the unit back to the factory for
calibration, controllers sometimes complain that my readout is "jumpy".  

The author suggests that static pressure will fluctuate due to vents
being opened or closed.  I don't open and close vents randomly and nobody
else does either except for those kids three rows up who are bored and
have to play with all the buttons and knobs so I'm not sure why taking
static pressure from my cockpit would cause jumpiness in my Mode C,  but
it's worth looking into.  It's easy enough to include the encoder in the
static line so I'll do that next time I have things apart.  I like
keeping controllers happy.


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

KR> Carbs and Dribblers

2012-07-03 Thread
Love my EFS-2 and GP2180.  Another of the many advantages of the Ellison
is it's resistance to carb ice formation.  You still need to have carb
heat - useful if nothing else for good mixture distribution in cold
temps, but the Ellison (and perhaps Rotec) is less prone - especially if
top mounted.  


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

KR> Gap seals

2012-07-02 Thread
As a supplement to whatever one uses to cover up the wing joint, I've
used white Scotch 35 2-inch wide tape to seal any gaps and seams.  It's
very difficult to find in the 2 inch width - but it's out there.  My only
known source is a sailplane business at Warner Springs:

A roll is $26 but it lasts a long time.  I've not been able to find it
anywhere else.

Another source of good tapes for gap seals and other airplane uses (such
as the elevator hinges) is this place below.  They have a minimum order
so I've never ordered from them but they have some very interesting


Woman is 57 But Looks 35
Mom publishes simple facelift trick that angered doctors...

KR> Aerobatics

2012-06-26 Thread

Sounds like you just need something to make DCA happy.  On KRNET
somewhere there is an in-depth structural analysis done by someone many
years ago that if memory serves should be perfect for your needs.  I'm
currently out of town and with a slow internet connection so cannot go
looking (just tried), although I have it on file at home and will send it
to you if someone doesn't give you a pointer to it before that.  


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KR> Wheels

2012-05-15 Thread
> "I have a KR1 project that I started before I was run over by a drunk
in a very large pickup truck. And as you can imagine the medical went
away as soon as they started writing prescriptions for pain

Don't need the wheels but am very interested in the pain medication.  

Mike :-)

Woman is 57 But Looks 24
Mom releases simple facelift secret that angered doctors...

KR> Manual "Sparky" Sparks

2012-05-03 Thread
"I have flown a KR2 only once (owned by a guy called "Sparky" in
California-Thank you Sparky- Is he still around ??) and found it very
responsive especially in pitch. I could handle it easily because of my
experience in light helicopters. But it is definitely more sensitive than
your average plane."

Sparks currently flies his KR and Pietenpol all around SoCal.  He's
introduced many people to the controls of a KR over the years, including

With the 2 up the standard, original KR is extremely pitch sensitive
thanks to the CG shift to the rear.  No fun, but doable of course.  


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KR> VW engines

2012-04-19 Thread
Aerovee uses cast cranks if I'm not mistaken.  It was learned long ago
not to use cast cranks for VW powered aircraft.  If I'm wrong, and
Aerovee has gone to forged cranks somewhere along the line, then
obviously the alloy used in what they bought off the shelf at the sand
buggy shop needs improvement.  I've never heard anyone who knows VW
conversions say anything very respectful about the Aerovee.  Bob Hoover
lumped them with what he called the "kiddy trade".   

Aerovee's, in my humble opinion, are just aftermarket off-the-shelf crap
with pretty red paint.  That stuff is designed to last one sand buggy
season.  You need to watch out for HAPI's too.  If someone inherits
either one of these engines you need to take them all apart, see what
you've got, and put them back together using a bulletproof crank, hub,
and top-quality everything else.   


It's good procedure with the Type I to do the valves with every oil
change  - 25 hours.  Going 100 hours between adjustments is asking for a
burned valve, usually left rear exhaust.  

VW conversions, at least the two I'm familiar with (GP and Revmaster),
are very trustworthy and wonderful engines when operated within their
temperature limitations and when maintained as specified in their
manuals.  I did my top end on my GP a couple winters ago and fully expect
it to go another thousand hours before it needs another one.  The sweet
spot for my engine and prop combination is 3150 RPM WOT at altitude (8K
and above). 


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KR> Belly Board

2012-04-13 Thread
Another name is non-split flap . . . ?

Drag flap.  Dive brake.  Uniflap?


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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KR> A Few Questions

2012-04-09 Thread
> "If you swap the wheels, would that not reverse the relative location
of the brakes.  However, once you put on your wheel pants, you should not
know the difference."

Not until you tap the left brake and head off right into the weeds . . .


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

KR> First Flight

2012-03-21 Thread
"Thanks to those who commented on my first flight.  .  ."

My two cents on this is that I've never been a fan of "high speed taxi
tests" or anything else that can cause trouble on or near the ground. 
The ground is not our friend. 

Once you've confirmed control integrity and your CG is somewhere within
reason,  I would give that plane full throttle on a long runway (in case
you need to abort for some reason)  and get up in the air where you can
take your time and find out exactly what is going on.  Messing around
near the ground is just asking for trouble.  You sound like an
experienced pilot who would know partial stalls when you have one but a
KR (in comparison to planes familiar to you)  is so light and sensitive
you may not have recognized the ocillations as partial stalls.  Since it
is so lightly loaded and the airfoil so forgiving, what you experienced
may have been just what someone suggested earlier.  

My advice is to get up in the air and far away from the ground.  Get
yourself a good margin and go fly and you'll probably find out there's
nothing wrong at all with your airplane. 


57 Year Old Looks 27
Local Woman Reveals Wrinkle Secret That Has Doctors Angry.

KR> Landing Lights

2012-02-27 Thread
"Does anyone have any suggestions,. . ."

I bought some small, oval 50W halogens on eBay and mounted them on my
drag flap.  I didn't want to tamper with the Diehl skins nor go through
the work of running wires out to the tips but the tips would be the ideal
place.  The drag flap location works okay.  I've got them on individual
switches and one is aimed for landing and the other for taxiing (it's a
taildragger).   I'm sure there are brighter bulbs around than the ones I
bought and I may upgrade to them in the future.  Others here will have
better ideas I'm sure.  


57 Year Old Looks 27
Local Woman Reveals Wrinkle Secret That Has Doctors Angry.

KR> KR on Barnstormers

2012-01-31 Thread
I don't know why Steve Glover hasn't mentioned it on the net but there's
his KR with the coolest canopy/cockpit setup I've ever seen at a price
that is far less than what any builder will have invested by the time
they get an airframe and engine together.  If I didn't have a cool KR
already I'd be on this one in a heartbeat.  For anyone who wants to
bypass the building process and get in the air, this is the one.  Buy
this flying airplane and spend the money you would have spent on building
on putting a fancy panel in this one.  


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KR> New website KR photo

2012-01-30 Thread
> how about we go down memory lane a bit and get the guys
to dig out some pics of the KR pioneers in the seventies and early

Dean . . . I've been surprised to learn that some homebuilders thinking
of what plane to build are getting the idea from others (non-KR owners to
be sure) that the KR is a "dated" design.  Ken Rand came before Rutan and
before Neibauer so the KR truly is dated in that sense, and some of the
early ones do look pretty pedestrian.  I wish I had a picture of my first
KR in flight, but I don't.  With the gear retracted and a sleek canopy
(instead of that bubble look that many early ones had) and a tasteful
paint job (not like Langford's :-), an early model would be be a nice
representative to greet the website visitor.  Sparky had a very
sleek-looking one too.  People are still building Pietenpols, so being
dated isn't a bad thing in any case.  In the case of the KR they are
probably thinking it's dated since it doesn't come in kit form.   Anyone
going to KRNET should soon see that the KR can be shaped into whatever
one wants.  That fellow down there in RSA who had the one with tip tanks
looked quite sleek . . . can't remember his name just now . . . the one
who died in the flat spin.  In any case, the replacement for Joe's KR
ought to look at least as sleek . . . a taildragger this time would be

Here's some old KR material for anyone interested.   My first KR was the
purple-trimmed one with the Maloof prop.   The opera windows on some of
the early ones were useful and added style.

My email program usually breaks links so you may need to fix it.


57 Year Old Looks 27
Local Woman Reveals Wrinkle Secret That Has Doctors Angry.

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 354, Issue 30

2012-01-27 Thread
ACK makes a fine encoder that has held up well.  It's only good to 30,750 feet 
though.  Otherwise it'll work fine and it's only $205 at the first place I 
checked just now.  It may be available for even less with some shopping.  

Remember to keep the antenna clean.  It's usually right in the exhaust 
slipstream and if you don't keep it clean ATC will start complaining that the 
altitude readout is jumping around.  When people think they have an encoder or 
transponder problem often it's nothing more than a dirty antenna.  


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KR> Corvair crank

2011-12-27 Thread
Given that this engine has become such a popular powerplant for experimentals, 
I would have thought someone would be building a forged crank for this motor by 
now since it is the "heart" of any engine.  

Forged cranks ended the crankshaft failures with the VW's so looks like this is 
going to be necessary with the Corvairs if anyone is to trust their engines in 
the future.

Good save there Mark and a great write-up, as usual.  


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
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KR> eBay items

2011-11-26 Thread
There's an EFS-2, a Leburg ignition, .044 heads & some other items
currently on eBay from seller "umgibso1".

EFS-2 eBay item # 270860981451

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KR> Hardtofind Toggle

2011-11-23 Thread
> I am looking for a double pole toggle switch that has three switch
positions. Up will be "on" for pole number 1. Down will be "on" for pole
number 2 and the centre position will be "on" for both pole 1 & 2.
I have no idea if such a switch even exists.

Dene Collett

Rivonia Hardware.  They have everything.  


57 Year Old Mom Looks 27
Mom Reveals $3 Wrinkle Trick Angering Doctors...

KR> KR-2 Plans

2011-11-11 Thread
Sorry guys.  I just re-posted the ad from Barnstormers.  The plans are
currently on Barnstormers.  They are not my plans.  I screwed up!  


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

KR> KR-2 plans

2011-11-10 Thread
KR-2 PLANS • $150 • AVAILABLE FOR SALE • Unused KR-2 plans for sale.
Serial # 7145. • Contact Donnie Watson, Owner - located Hallsville, TX
USA • Telephone: 903-238-9390 • Posted October 28

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KR> Jet Hot Coating

2011-10-22 Thread
Dan said, 

> Good that the heat stays in the exhaust, but
> when you want to pull carb heat or cabin heat, it can be an issue. 

H, hasn't been a problem with my pipes.  I put cabin heat in last
winter (and love it!).  I put a shroud along the pipe that runs back from
the left front cylinder - the straightest and longest stretch of pipe
I've got, and I'm comfortable in a T-shirt even with the bitterly cold
days we have in San Diego in the winter.  No really . . . despite the
balmy reputation SoCal has in the minds of many who live in places like
Minnesota, it does get surprisingly cold here.  I've seen it in the low

I used the silver duct hose from a local VW shop to pipe the heat to a
heat box on the firewal with a flapper valve controlled by a cable with a
friction lock handle on the panel - strictly the old conventional
airplane heater shroud idea.  There's a leak or two or three or four
where the shroud joins the pipe and I would have patched them if heating
was marginal - but it's not.  It's more than ample for the coldest days
and very, very nice for winter flying.  So Dan, I haven't seen an "issue"
with getting heat off the jet coated pipes.  

I've had carb heat all along and use it for winter flying.  With the
Ellison I don't think I've ever had carb ice but use carb heat anyway a
lot of the time to help with evening out the mixture temperature?  Is
that why I do it?  Mark said why it's a good idea to use carb heat in the
winter . . . I don't remember just now why I do it. 


57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
Mom Reveals $5 Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!

KR> Jet Coat

2011-10-21 Thread
I have jet-coated pipes and have some corrosion on one section - the
crossover at the bottom.  I called them re their "lifetime guarantee" and
was told to take a hike.  I can't recall just how and why they weaseled
out of re-doing the work - probably because I didn't have the original
invoice.  Under ideal conditions I suppose they hold to their guarantee,
but they definitely have some fine print.  They aren't David Clark.   I
ended up using steel wool on the corrosion and spraying with high temp
paint.  They've held up well over time.  They look nice.  


57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
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KR> Tip tanks

2011-10-19 Thread
Outboard tanks, tips or not, increase the structural ability of the wing
to handle sudden increases in lift.  Tip tanks, if canted like the later
310's for instance, are thought to decrease tip drag.   

The KR wing is strong enough that carrying fuel in the tips isn't
relevant for strength issues, to my mind.  And disturbing the tip vortice
is more easily done than by building a fake tank.  

If someone wants to do it though, why not?  Potential imbalance issues
can be provided for easily.  


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KR> Jabiru on a KR

2011-09-27 Thread
Look up Willie van derl Walt on the archives and email him to see what he
has to say about his Jabiru on his plane Shreck.  He may have some data
and if not, at least he'll have some valuable things to say about the


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KR> 40th Anniversary

2011-09-23 Thread
> I make a solemn vow that once the Black Bird is flying again, I will do
> NOTHING that will put her on the ground again other than safety issues
> are beyond my control.

Ha.  :-)

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KR> Mailbox hi-jacking

2011-09-21 Thread
There's a number of ways to prevent this but my primary approach has
been, since the beginning of the internet age, to not use mailboxes at
all.  The spamming software sneaks in just to mine the addresses - I'm
not at all clever but I knew this from the beginning (read it in PC
Magazine I suppose) and use folders for everyone's email I want to keep. 
It's just as easy to go to a folder and create an email to someone as it
is to use a mailbox.   There are data mining programs that specifically
target the mailboxes of the major email clients and websites.  Why make
it easy for them?

Of course, an unprotected computer can be mined for whatever is on it,
including folders, but I pay attention to the basics and I've been okay
so far.  I get minimal spam even though every time I post to this
newsletter our emails get posted for the taking.  When it shows up I just
report it and that particular spam goes away.

Glad everyone had safe flights and a good Gathering.  It's been a real
rocky patch lately and glad KR's have made no contributions to it.
Great to see Steve's new KR-1 in this era of stretched,  extended and
expanded KR's.  They're all beautiful (except that one from Arkansas with
the shark teeth . . . :-)


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KR> Glover's Barnstormer KR

2011-09-14 Thread
This one makes me wish I didn't already have a KR.  The single-place
cockpit with sliding canopy, canted instrument panel with lots of room
for some nice screens, taildragger config, just calls to be made into a
showpiece once the cockpit is re-done.  A KR can't possibly be built with
a Revmaster in it for less than twice what he's asking ($8500) so in
addition to being one of the nicest looking KR's I've ever seen, it's
also a steal.  Some people like building and more power to you, but for
those who want instant gratification, this is the one.  


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KR> Passwords

2011-09-09 Thread
>  If anyone wants a password created for them for free that can be used
for pretty much anything, just go to Google and search for "free
password generator".

> Here is one that seems to work well:


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KR> Passwords

2011-09-08 Thread
> To subscribe, e-mail . It's completely FREE,

Krnet may be free but over the years many happy customers have taken
advantage of my password service that costs $5 for each custom password I
provide.  Yes, members can make up their own but I have many years of
experience in designing and implementing passwords, each one backed by a
guarantee of either money back or replacement.  If anyone wanting a
custom password would please email me directly, for $5 U.S. (pesos also
accepted - no dracmas or lira though)  I will be happy to provide a
password tailored to your needs that will work on krnet and many other
aviation sites.  



P.S.  All of San Diego County is without mains current tonight.  It's
very spooky driving around a place where 1.5 million people live and
there be no street lights, store lights, house lights, etc.  Except for
headlights, the brightest light around tonight is the Moon.  

If this were Oakland or LA, the rabble would be hauling TV sets out of
the stores.  Here all is calm.  

If anyone is after the Greatest Distance Flown Award this year they won't
have me to compete with.  I'm seeing my mom through final days and weeks
of life and haven't had time to get the plane tuned up for any long
trips, or even short ones for that matter.  Have fun.

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KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 353, Issue 235

2011-08-28 Thread
> and would like to share the expense of a room.

Hardly necessary.

I have found very nice motel rooms near the freeway in Mt. Vernon for
$32/night.Clean as a whistle and free coffee in the morning.  Several
to choose from, no reservations necessary.  


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KR> Jabiru

2011-08-26 Thread
> I seem to recall Richard Shirley is running a J3300 in his KR1 without
any problems. 

That's said too lightly . . . no problem with it causing any trouble with
being "too much power" or anything like that . . . but he does have to
run at reduced throttle in cruise to keep temps under control.  

I suspect there's more to be said by him about the subject of "without
any problems."  

Paul Hanson, Chapter 14 has rebuilt his Jab twice that I know of.  He's
had engine failures in flight (Tailwind) and seats come unglued and
numerous other problems.  He has not a good word to say about that
engine.  He finally sold the plane and the engine at a loss.  Of course,
I rarely hear of anyone ever making a profit with these Experimentals.

I expect that link to get mangled in transit so if anyone wants to see a
biplane version of a Tailwind Google "Spirit of Flight Offshoot".  Very
unusual and interesting conversion.   

Paul's accident:

Endless troubles with the Jabaru 3300 basically discouraged Paul from
flying any more, that and age.

My very uninformed impression of them is that they are beautiful to look
at but are overpriced and unpredictable.


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2011-08-13 Thread
TruTrak makes great instruments.  Nobody seems to be bidding on this one.
 Currently at $20.  It's a $500 instrument when new.

eBay item# 320741526734


57-Year-Old Mom Looks 25
Mom Reveals $5 Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!

KR> KR-1, 2 project & parts

2011-07-28 Thread
Thurman is a long-time-back KR guy.  Sorry to see he's hanging it up . . . age 
gets us all eventually.  


57 Year Old Mom Looks 27!
Mom Reveals $5 Wrinkle Trick That Has Angered Doctors!

KR> Great American Propeller Company ?

2011-07-21 Thread
If you can't find them I'd get on the Yahoo "Propeller Group" and see if
someone locally is willing to do the repair you mentioned earlier.  
If that's not viable take a picture or two of it and send them to Ed
Sterba and see if he'll repair it.  If it's just tip cracks I'm sure he'd
do it even though it's not one of his.


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KR> Back seat on KR

2011-07-19 Thread
Is this similar to what you're thinking of doing?

Mike Stirewalt

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KR> Troy Petteway's KR

2011-07-12 Thread
Somebody may have already posted this and I missed it, but here it is anyway.  
A few days ago I noticed Troy Petteway's KR is for sale on Barnstormer's.  


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KR> Change in propeller size from 54" to 52"

2011-07-05 Thread
> Aside from the clearance benefit, have any of you made such a change or
know of 
the results of a smaller prop with the same pitch?

Yes.  Long ago one of my Sterbas was cut down from 54" to 52" and in fact
this was done with the same size engine you reference.   The result was
an additional 100 RPM.  

You might send that prop back to be refinished.   Just suggesting this is
an option - that crack doesn't automatically trash the prop.  I had some
small cracks on the tips of a well-used Sterba which he repaired and
refinished (for free!) and did not take any diameter off of the prop.  It
looks like new and it's 25 years old.  Cracks can be repaired.  


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KR> Sliding canopy

2011-07-02 Thread
> Am looking for pics and any info available on installing a sliding
canopy on a KR2S.

Steve Glover had (has?) a KR in Florida with a very neato sliding canopy.
 Contact him ( for pictures or aircraft location.  Meanwhile,
here's some good pics of a sliding canopy on a CX-4.


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KR> Fuel injection

2011-06-29 Thread
> Carburetors do work just fine, and I wouldn't think you're going to get
better fuel economy than the 42 mpg at 160 mph that I'm getting now...

I'm getting 38 mpg with an Ellison and a GP2180 at 150-155.  These
numbers are slowly improving as I continue my quest for that "perfect
prop" and do some aerodynamic cleanup long overdue.  Mine is a single
place unlike Mark's so it's apples and oranges but just thought I'd
mention it.


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KR> County Tax Question

2011-06-29 Thread
This thread is getting the taxes confused.  Mr. Baca was referring to an
annual 1% County Tax that the County of Los Angeles levies on aircraft,
boats, & other "luxury" or utility vehicles.  Since this is a recurring
fee it is a good investment to get the valuation down to a realistic
level.  The lower the better.  If you can show that the value is less
than 5K they won't bother you anymore if you're lucky.  Some are and some

What Mr. Cooper is talking about is a sales tax or, here in California,
also called a Use Tax which is due upon purchase or upon bringing the
plane, boat or other vehicle into California.  This was 8.75% when I
bought my KR in Nebraska and was billed using FAA registration records. 
I think most states have something similiar.  


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KR> Aircraft Tax Question

2011-06-27 Thread
In my negotiations with the County Tax people just south of you I took pictures 
of my airplane in a disassembled state and included some early articles from 
Kitplanes and other magazines which contained the info that the plane has a VW 
engine and can be built for $3000 in materials - you can find all of that 
online.  Include the Popular Mechanix cover story with a picture of Ken Rand 
and his original KR-1.  Put a nice package of this info together for them - 
educate them. They only know RV's and factory builts when it comes to planes so 
you have to inform them of just how inexpensive and special the KR is - made 
out of styrofoam and plywood.  

This is a better route than asking owners what they think their airplanes are 
worth.  We all think our planes are worth at least $25K.  


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KR> Wing skins

2011-06-26 Thread
> I've always thought I could save some weight if I replaced mine with
the Dan
Diehl skins ( vacuum bagged) but haven't been able to confirm how much I
could save.

I don't know about weight savings - probably insignificant in the long
run.   I can say this about them though, after almost 25 years mine still
look as smooth and clean as the day they were put on.  The sharp little
trailing tips look like they've been repaired once or twice where
somebody has banged into them (well before I owned the plane) but that's
very minor.  The surfaces themselves and wing tips, top and bottom, are
like new - literally.  After all this time (plane finished in 1987 by Ken
Cottle, Columbia, MO), that's amazing.  

Steve Glover now has custody of the Dan Diehl molds and has also built
molds for the new AS5048/45 airfoil.   I've been reading it's ten MPH
faster so I would sure be looking at that if I were building wings or
buying them from Nvaero.


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KR> KR incident minor

2011-05-17 Thread
Back in the early 80's I had my first KR ramped here at KSEE while doing
some wing tank repair.  While working on it one day, someone who had been
driving down the nearby road came running over to ask me all kinds of
questions about the plane.  This fellow turned out to be Louie Brochetti,
a boat builder.  He had no experience with planes or with flying as I
recall, but he was a master of fiberglass work and this fiberglass plane
(they weren't that common back in the 80's) really caught his interest.  

So he built one.  His was one of the earliest fixed gear models around
these parts.  Most KR's were retractables back then.  He did a beautiful
job on it.   Sparky did the first flight, as he has done on so many KR's
over the years.  

Louie had a brake lock up and ran it off the runway when doing some of
his early flights.  I left the country about then so don't know exactly
how it all evolved, but he ended up selling it to a local pilot who flew
it quite a bit and then re-sold it to someone up in Oregon.  Story was
they crashed and totalled it on the way back to Oregon, however it must
have been rebuilt since this is the same airplane that's once again run
off the runway at Oceano.  It was converted to tricycle gear somewhere
along the way.  

Louie's old plane lives on . . . !


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KR> Geared Drives' Loses Owner in Crash

2011-05-10 Thread
This must have been the crash that involved the Ravin 500, really gorgeous 
Comanche look-alike that comes from South Africa.  I think it was the only 
example of that type here in the U.S.  

Really sad, for everybody involved.  

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KR> Quiet Technologies "Halos"

2011-05-07 Thread
I've been playing with the idea of ANR's for a long time and about a year
ago decided, when it was time to get a new and better set of headphones,
to take a serious look at the Halos.  It came to my attention via the
AOPA forum that the Halos were having kind of a double sale.  Normal is
$399 and I ended up getting them for $324.   

If you take a set of the yellow foam earplugs that we all have and put
them correctly in your ears - that's how quiet the Halos are, since
that's exactly how they work - except you can hear the radio crystal
clear.  And thanks to the very high quality noise suppressing mic, ATC
can hear me, also apparently crystal clear.  I've been asking for a radio
check with the mic at varying distances from my lips.  The response is
always five by five.  

There's not much else to them.  Earplugs, mike, and a headband that you
don't even know is on your head it is so light and unobtrusive.  It's
really only there to hold the mic in position.  Although my Peltor's have
the thinnest headband of all the headphones, these new "tubephones" give
me even more clearance between my head and the canopy.  I need all I can

No more clamping pressures from ear cups.  No more pressing my
eyeglass/sunglass stems into my temples.  No more sweaty earpads.  

Some say the Halos are just as quiet as the best ANR's.  I'm sure happy
with them.  


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KR> Roy Marsh

2011-05-06 Thread
"I took several rolls of film that day; I have the paper photos around
somewhere. If I recover those, it would be fun to scan and post them for
group to see."

That would be a great bit of history.  I hope you come across the prints.

If I recall correctly what Paul told me, Roy has been flying a Bonanza
now for
quite a while.  The wife found it more comfortable.  


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KR> Roy Marsh

2011-05-04 Thread
I flew up to Santa Maria last fall to do a prop balance job and was told
by Paul Lipps that Roy still comes out to the occasional EAA meeting and
other aviation get-togethers in that area.  His plane had a new Revmaster
turbo when it was sold three or four years ago.  Somebody in Oregon
restored it and had it for sale . . . I remember talking to the person on
the phone.  Time flies . . . it may have been longer ago than that.   The
plane still looked like new in the sale pictures.  


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KR> Why so much white paint?

2011-05-02 Thread
> "I was at the Boeing aircraft plant near Seattle on a tour, they said it's 
> because white weighs less then color paint . . ."

That just makes sense.  It's lighter!  

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KR> kr props inc 52x48 for sale

2011-04-26 Thread
> i dont know about that as mine is a 1835 and i only get about 2700

This could be due to the fact that air is thicker over there.  One would
think with all the rain and fog that the air would be less dense, however
it seems to be the other way around.  That is why the Vickers Vimy would
fly just fine as long as it stayed in the atmosphere around the UK.  As
soon as they got some distance away they started having all sorts of
trouble.  There are other examples, such as the Sea Mew - planes that fly
just fine in the UK but which you never see anywhere else.  This may
sound fishy.  

Out of curiosity, who made your 52 x 48 prop?  


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KR> Electric Artificial Horizon

2011-04-25 Thread
> Maybe it's time for a little glass in my cockpit...

There's still no bids on the TruTrak ADI below.  It's well worth $600 or
a bit more.  I'd go as high as $800 for one that's been treated as nicely
as this one appears to have been treated.  Actually, I don't think anyone
buys expensive electronics and abuses them.  

This one is 3 1/8" and will exactly fit your T&B empty space.

Item number:  260773310655


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KR> kr props inc 52x48 for sale

2011-04-25 Thread
> this is great cruise prop 

I know prop numbers don't exactly correspond between differing
manufacturers but it's hard to imagine someone's numbers are so far off
that 48" pitch would be considered a good cruise prop.  The Sterba 52 x
52 I just sent back to Ed for refinshing will turn a 2180 at 3550 RPM
WOT.  That's hardly cruise.  I'd think with a 52 x 48 you'd be turning
that same engine somewhere near 4000 RPM.  That would be excellent for
getting out of a 300 foot grass strip with trees at the end, but not so
good for going anywhere.  


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KR> Electric Artificial Horizon

2011-04-24 Thread
If you are going to steal it, the Falcon will probably be cheaper than
what this fellow on eBay is expecting to get for his TruTrak ADI below,
but an AI is something you want to be able to implicitly trust.  I
wouldn't want something that occasionally "does something funny."  

I see the auction below has no bids so it will probably go for around
what he started the bidding off with - $600.  With the GPS model (as this
one is - it comes with a GPS puck that plugs into the back of the
instrument) Gulf Coast Avionics wants $1200+ for a new one.  This one on
eBay looks like new.  TruTrak will do for free any service work that
might ever be necessary (even if you're not the original owner) but since
these things are all solid state it isn't likely to ever need anything. 
Mine never has.  Great instrument.   The GPS track readout replaces a DG
for all practical purposes and reduces scan.

eBay Item #260773310655


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KR> (no subject)

2011-04-21 Thread
> "But the cleaner you build the plane, the more you will want some additional 
> drag to help with the landings. Flaps or a belly board . . ."

 . . . make life a lot easier when landing.  My belly board is fairly 
ineffectual but better something than nothing.  I use it every landing.  

For a great belly board design go find Jim Morehead's build site.  His belly 
board is fantastic and so is the deploying mechanism he designed.


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KR> Forum erratic

2011-04-20 Thread
Seems to be lots of postings are coming up missing on the forum lately. 
I'm hardly getting anything.

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KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 353, Issue 106

2011-04-16 Thread
> "Tail wheel touches and AOT decreases sharply, lift decreases and the wing 
> stalls. You drop from a foot or so like a sack of spuds." 

Hey . . . that sounds like a normal Langford short field landing :-).  

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KR> Prop news - GP2180

2011-04-13 Thread
I've had a lot of distractions from flying the last six months so am just
now, these last three weeks, getting my new Sterba 52 x 56 on and settled
in.  I've flown it twice at low altitudes - once for fifteen minutes and
tonight for twenty.  I'm getting the prop bolts/new wood used to each
other before taking the plane on a high altitude cross country.  At lower
altitudes, 3.5 and below,  I'm seeing at 3000 RPM the same speeds or
better that I was seeing at 3200-3250 with the Sterba 52 x 52.  Oil temp
is running lower too as is GPH.   This is the second time I've been
surprised at how much heat is generated from the wasted friction of
higher RPM's.  I'm seeing the usual 1000-1100 rate of climb (weather here
is still cold) at 90 instead of 80.  Acceleration on the runway does
suffer some from what I've been used to with the flatter-pitched Sterba
but the rewards* once in the air are well worth the loss.

* Rewards:  lower fuel flow, lower oil temps, lower noise, faster speed.

Comparing the new prop to the Prince 52 x 54 P-tip, once level at 3.5 and
3000 RPM I'm getting a little better performance - that's an initial
impression based on two short flights, so that's not conclusive. 
However, that P-tip I'm afraid doesn't do anything except create drag.  
I took the Prince off and had it factory refinished after running into a
little rain Gathering before last.  The urethane leading edges on the
Sterba hold up very well in rain I know from past encounters.  I
understand Prince has gone to a steel-embedded-in-composite leading edge
in his most recent models.  That should work.  His previous extra cost
"leading edge protection" sure didn't.   

The story will be told when I get it up around 9K and higher - cross
country cruising altitudes.  The added pitch really comes into its own up
where the air is thinner.  My cross-country at 9 - 11 thousand at
3000-3100 RPM has been an average of 147 MPH with the Prince.  (I need
some aerodynamic clean-up but that's another matter.) 

Based on the low-altitude performance I'm seeing, I'm very much expecting
to see a higher average cruise number at the same altitudes and RPM's as
when I had the Prince on.   

More later on this subject.  

I often read postings re prop pitch numbers in the 40's.  If one is
flying a KR out of a short grass field with obstructions I guess a
high-turning prop is necessary but really, we spend most of our time
cruising so it's always made sense to me to have a prop optimized for
that.  Going for a climb prop is a mistake in most cases in my opinion. 
At 52 x 56 I've got more pitch than you generally hear about with a 2180
and even another inch wouldn't hurt.  I'm seeing 3100 at full throttle
and my full throttle RPM goal is 3000.  I may try a 52 x 57 someday.

My rate of climb is still at 1000 plus or minus (depending on weight and
outside temps) even with this coarsely pitched prop and on hot days the
lower oil temp due to the slower turning engine will be most welcome.


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KR> Retractable Landing Gear / full stall landings

2011-04-05 Thread
Jim Morehead's tri-gear is capable of full-stall landings I'm pretty
sure, especially easy to do with two people in it since the CG shifts to
the rear.  I didn't have enough time with it to actually do a full stall
landing but I was really pleased with the ability to get a high angle of
attack on landing.  We were close.  With my taildragger I can't even come

Regarding doing three-point landings in high winds, especially
crosswinds, I learned long ago (with my first KR, a standard retractable)
that it was just asking to get blown off the runway.  You can't BEGIN to
get the wing down low enough to counter the crosswind without hitting the
runway with the wingtip.  

Light crosswinds yes, you can fool around with three-point landings
(taildragger I'm talking about), but you get 25 knots gusting at 90
degrees to the runway (as we recently had a couple weeks ago here) and
the only way you'll get it on the runway is to fly it on and pin it down.
  I LOVE doing pattern work when we get really strong winds around here -
it's practice for those times when landing in Raton, NM or St. Johns, AZ
in the middle of the afternoon with the winds howling.  The idea of
three-pointing in these conditions is ludricrous.  


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KR> Radio

2011-04-05 Thread
I second or third those who have suggested the SP400.  I've got two very
good ICOM handhelds already and have been putting off buying the SP400
since it just seems extravagant.  That ILS is a wonderful feature however
and the writing is on the wall . . . just a matter of time and impulse.  


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KR> Navaero?

2011-04-03 Thread
Steve is probably just very busy organizing after the move - also very
busy building some beautiful custom parts for the KR he's working on for

He's very much in business with some great things on the horizon.  


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KR> KR plans & book

2011-02-16 Thread
eBay Item# 360344099921

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KR> Brake bleeding

2011-02-15 Thread
I used to do brakes (Rosenhaun) from the bottom up but dirty oil and
particulates settle to the bottom of the lines - so pumping it right back
up through the system doesn't seem the best way to me - besides I always
made a mess in the cockpit AND at the bottom as a hose comes off from
squeezing too hard on the pump handle.I was probably doing something
wrong . . .

These days I just crack the bleeder and pour fresh oil into the
reservoirs at the top.  When I get fresh bright red oil coming out the
bottom I tighten the nut and top off the reservoirs and I'm done. 
Gravity did my work for me.  

I've got a vaccuum pump for brakes but haven't needed it.  Another tool
for the collection.


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2011-02-03 Thread
> it's just not worth trying to eek out the last remaining drops of power
at the expense of reliability and safety. 

With everything when we're up in the air, especially with the engine,
leaving lots of margin is a good thing.


I don't need it since I've got one, but an eBay alert came in this
morning on a TruTrak ADI with GPS.  The owner upgraded to something
fancier and is auctioning this one with a 30 day guarantee.  If anyone's
been thinking of putting an AI in without the complications of a vaccum
system this is a relatively inexpensive and very useful way to do it. 
The GPS track readout takes the place of a DG so it's two instruments in
one, three if you include the inclinometer.   Item #350436691909.  I paid
about $1200 at Gulf Coast Avionics so if this one went for no more than
$750 or so it would save a few hundred dollars and probably work just as
well as a new one.   From what I've read and from my own experience with
TruTrak, even if it needs some sort of adjustment TruTrak would probably
do it for free even if you aren't the original owner.  They aren't
sticklers when it comes to warranty or lack of one.


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KR> iFly700

2011-01-18 Thread
This deal may not last more than a day or so, but refurbished iFly700's
are selling just now for $449.  

Those who have had a chance to use a variety of portable navigators are
impressed with these units and reports of direct sunlight readability are
surprisingly positive.  

Keeping them updated is amazingly inexpensive.


Globe Life Insurance
$1* Buys $50,000 Life Insurance. Adults or Children. No Medical Exam.

KR> Flying Wild Alaska

2011-01-15 Thread
I was looking forward to it and IMHO it's watchable if you turn off the
sound.  The constant stream of blatent aeronautical misinformation,
artificial drama, and one of those announcers so common on TV these days
who can't speak in a normal tone of voice but instead seem to be trying
to breathlessly dramatize a scary story to a class of ten year olds . . .
not a great description but they're everywhere on TV it seems.  South
Park does a great parody of these clowns.  

I grew up in Alaska and learned to fly in Anchorage and the watching the
scenery, seeing familiar places,  is great.  Hard to mess that part of it
up.  I'll watch it again for sure, finger on the mute button as usual.  


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2010-12-30 Thread
I've had TruTrak's ADI with GPS readout for about three years in bad
weather and good and it's been perfect.  Even at this late date, if I
wanted to upgrade to an EFIS or add an autopilot, TruTrak would give me
full credit for what I paid for the ADI.  Their customer service is
amazing - check Van's Air Force forums for further comments.


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KR> Stalls

2010-12-03 Thread
> Been re-reading 'Stick and Rudder' (Langewiesche)

> Artful flying is okay too.  

The second one is by Michael Maya Charles, recent (very briefly) editor
(took J. Mac's place for two issues) of Flying.  I've admired his writing
since his first story in Flying back in the 80's called "Freight Dog."

I sure found Langewiesche's chapter on Landings helpful when I was
learning to land my first KR - retractable with a Maloof prop.  He
abolished my fear of hitting the prop when trying to get the plane on the
ground.  Until then every landing had been a stressful affair -
especially with winds - since I only had five and a half inches between
the runway and my prop tips when in a level attitude.  After reading his
chapter on Landings, I stopped worrying about applying forward stick.  
That was a relief.

If I was a flight instructor I would require anyone aspiring to learn to
fly to read S&R before they ever got in the plane for a lesson. 
Nowadays, many if not most flight instructors have never read
Langewiesche or even heard of him.  And most the students can barely
speak English, much less read it.  Maybe it's been translated into

I wish my KR would DO a full-power stall but it just keeps climbing . . .


I see Mark's prediction that board participants would only go two weeks
before they started re-posting everything they reply to was accurate.


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KR> Rudder bars

2010-11-11 Thread
> When I pressed the right brake peddle to stop the turn the entire
peddle, along with the 
master cylinder fell off on the floor.

This is how Sparky lost his original KR.  He was flaring here at SEE, got
caught with a gust/whirlwind and when he stomped on the rudder while
recovering it broke leaving him helpless.  There's more to that story but
the plane wound up in a ball.  As so often happens, the plane absorbed
all the stress and Sparky came out unscathed but the 800+ hour KR-2 was
destroyed.  He and Murry built that KR and built it very light.  Sparky
thought they had used extra-thin aluminum but from what I'm learning with
this incident of Larry's it appears that's what was in the plans.  


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KR> Aluminum fuel tank

2010-11-06 Thread
If you can make a composite tank so it comes out easily I guess it would
be as good as aluminum.  The key issue is being able to take it out to
get to things below it like brakes, behind the panel area, behind the
firewall area, etc.  Getting upside down head first in a KR is damn near
impossible and extremely unpleasant.  I've thanked the builder of my KR
many times for putting in a removable aluminum 17½ gallon header tank.

When I got my plane it reeked of gas fumes but it wasn't the fault of the
tank.  It was because every single fuel connection was loose and leaking.
 Once I took the tank off and tightened all connections there have been
no fumes.  When I started smelling fuel recently I found the brass fuel
valve leaking and replaced it.  No more fumes.  My tank is 23 years old
and has had a lot of use.  There are indications that it has been
repaired at some point, but that was a long time ago and there's been no
problems since.  Since I damned near killed myself with gas fumes flying
my KR back from where I bought it, I'm extremely sensitive to gas fumes
and will tolerate none.  I highly recommend an aluminum tank.  If it's
leaking, just fix it!  Wrapping it with composite doesn't seem like an
optimum solution.

As for a composite tank, good luck.  Just make sure it's removable.  


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KR> Landing lights

2010-11-03 Thread
I was faced with the same dilemma, where to put them?  Anywhere in the
leading edge of the wings would be ideal but I didn't want to cut into
the very nice Diehl wings.  I thought of the wheel pants and I thought of
fairing them in right where the gear legs meet the fuselage, but I ended
up putting them in the belly board.  I aimed them at night with the plane
a little nose down and they've worked fine.  I wish they were strong
enough to see 1000 feet down the runway but they'll do.  The main thing
they are good for is taxiing at night without running off the edge of the
taxiway at strange airports or hitting some runway debris.  


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KR> Cylinder Heads

2010-11-02 Thread
> Running an engine to rich does not burn valves. 

Well, without putting too much of a point on it, you're quite wrong.  

Running rich not only creates deposits that get lodged between the valve
faces and seats and allow the combustion gasses to blow through and burn
the metal, but these deposits also prevent the valve from cooling which
it does through full contact with the seat.  About 75% of the total valve
cooling comes from full contact with the seat.  If it can't fully seat
it's easy to understand why the result is a burned valve. 

Along with these issues, the unburned deposits resulting from a
continuously-rich mixture also build up between the valve stem and its
guide eventually impairing the free movement of the valve.  The spring
eventually loses its battle with the stem/guide friction and at that
point the valve can no longer fully seat.  This struggle between the
spring and the valve stem/guide also contributes heat to the mix.  

All of this is part of the same process, and it comes from continuously
running rich.  

If one doesn't have a carb with a mixture control I suppose one is stuck
with taking the heads off at frequent intervals to clean things out. 
Early planes and early carbs didn't have mixture controls and in those
days it was normal to take the engines apart frequently.

I've found it valuable to treat my converted VW engine as I would an
aircraft engine (which, come to think of it, it is isn't it!)  With that
in mind, in the current issue of Sport Aviation there is a good article
by Mike Busch on using CHT instead of EGT for leaning.  In addition,
there is a wealth of information out there by John Deakin, Mike Busch,
and the late Bob Hoover.  I think even Langford has written on this
subject.  Old timers' wagging fingers aside, there's no excuse these days
with our internet access for not understanding how destructive running an
engine continuously rich is.

Here's some good links:

Richening the mixture has its place - on takeoff and initial climb and
anytime you're running above 75% percent power and need the fuel for
cooling.  From what I've seen though, there are many really badly
informed pilots who never touch their mixture controls and fully expect
to have to take the heads off every 200-300 hours and clean out all the
black stuff.  It's what they "learned" from some other ill-informed
person and they've never questioned this "wisdom".  

Thanks to the easy access these days of new and good information that
some very smart people have been kind enough to provide for free, there
is no longer any excuse for adhering to the practices of the ignorant. 
That being said, everybody ought to run their engine as they see fit. 
You'll get back exactly what you put into it.


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KR> Cylinder heads

2010-11-01 Thread
> I still think a cylinder head recondition and 2 exhaust valves at 250
hours for only $200 is pretty good. 

As far as cost goes, that is pretty good.  I guess.  Did you have it all
apart and just replace the two burned valves?

Burning exhaust valves at 250 hours . . . or at any number of hours . . .
is not "normal" or "to be expected from VW's".  Burned valves are telling
you you're doing something wrong and I would want to find out what it is.

I have no idea why you think it's "typical" to take heads off at 250
hours just to take a look.  If Steve said this its only because he knows
most ill-informed people are going to run their engines without touching
their mixture control - thinking they are being "easy" on the engine by
running rich.  If you run around rich and fill up your engine with carbon
and other unburned byproducts of combustion then I agree you're going to
have to take your heads off fairly often and clean things up.  There's no
reason to load them up in the first place.  If you run your engine this
way, this probably explains the burned valves since carbon & unburned
byproducts of combustion build up on the seats and lodge between the
valve face and the seat and lead to "burned valves."  

Use your mixture control properly and you'll keep a clean and happy


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KR> Hinges

2010-10-31 Thread
My hinges have about 1200 hours on them and 23 years and seem like new -
no looseness, no creaking, and I don't even lubricate them.  I suppose I
should . . .


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KR> Cylinder Head Recondition

2010-10-30 Thread

> ( Isn't that a sign that you have been running a bit lean? )


It's a sign that the valves haven't been adjusted frequently and/or as

Lean is good.  As long as you are at 75% power or below there's nothing
you can do with the mixture control that can harm your engine, except
running it too rich.


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KR> Wing tanks/Fred Keller

2010-10-25 Thread
My first KR had 12.5 gallon tanks per side plus a 12 gallon header.  With
the Revmaster and Maloof CS prop I had 1200 SM range with reserves.  I
remember filling all the tanks and taking off without problem - with just
me in it.  It was the "standard" KR and was really only suitable for one
person sitting in the center.  That gave head room and elbow room too. 
Feet on the outboard rudder pedals.  Center stick.  Very nice.  


Fred's KR is hanging in the Museum of Alaska, Transportation and Industry
in Wasilla.  If you look way in the back at the picture below, you can
see it.


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KR> Retractable gear

2010-10-20 Thread
Dan said, 

>"the first thing I would do, would be to get rid of that retract gear,
and the next thing would be to put in dual sticks."

And then once you'd done that, you'd decide to put in a different engine
or wings with the new airfoil.  Face it Dan, you'd rather take these
things apart and put them back together than fly them.  

Why dual sticks?   Do you fly with a hand on each stick?  


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2010-10-20 Thread
Mark just finished posting the rules and every respondee to Steve
Glover's long post refused to delete it in their posting.  What's wrong
with you?


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KR> Retractable gear

2010-10-19 Thread
I feel like sticking up for the retractable gear.  My first KR had them
and they worked beautifully.  The covers that covered the wheels when
retracted acted as speed brakes with the gear extended.  I don't know if
these wheelcovers/drag brakes were part of the original design, but I
think so.  I stressed the heck out of that gear when learning to fly and
land the KR . . . and later on rough strips.  Never a problem.  I don't
know why there is such bias against the retractable gear . . . it's
certainly not universal.  

In those instances where the downlocks failed I suspect it was because
somebody didn't build the gear correctly or use a heavy duty spring bar .
. . I don't know.  I'm pretty sure - based on my experiences with my own
gear - that something went awry in the building process or the KR was way
heavy.  Or the people in it were way heavy.My gear was fine. 
Sparky's was fine for 800+ hours.  Others' planes with retractable gear
work fine.  I'd just as soon have them now instead of the fixed gear that
I've got.  They're slick.  

Some KR's are built and modified these days to an extent that puts them
beyond the weight Ken's original gear was designed for, so for these
later, fatter KR's I suppose fixed gear is advisable.


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KR> Flexible tubing

2010-10-16 Thread
Well I'm feeling pretty dumb for not doing a little more looking before
asking for help.  I went down to my closest VW place and they have all
sizes of exactly what I'm looking for.  

I get my KR posts in digest form so will not read any responses until
this evening, but thanks in advance to any who have replied.  


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KR> Flexible Ducting

2010-10-15 Thread
I just found scat tubing at Wicks and even the Y fitting I'm looking for.
 I don't really need aviation grade ducting however - this aluminum stuff
I've got that looks like dryer duct works fine and I'm thinking if I just
knew where I can get it locally (in diameters of 2" and 1½") it will not
only be cheaper but also avoids delay and shipping expense.  Still
looking for help on this . . .



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KR> Flexible Ducting

2010-10-15 Thread
I've got some 2" and even some 1" flexible aluminum tubing used as blast
tubes on my engine.  Also for carb heat ducting.  It's like the dryer
ducting that comes from Home Depot except HD and Lowes only have it in
large diameters.  

I'm installing cabin heat and need some of this stuff with a diameter of
2" and 1½".  I can't find it on line either.  

I tried to see what diameters Aircraft Spruce has in scat tubing but
their website won't come up with anything whether I call it flexible
tubing, scat tubing, duct, etc.   Just not my day to be finding this

This is probably expecting too much but I'd also like to find a Y fitting
in these diameters.  

Suggestions anyone?



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KR> Free airplanes

2010-10-06 Thread
Well, almost.

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KR> Prince 52 x 54

2010-10-03 Thread
I've got a recently refinished and immaculate black Prince P-tip for sale
for $850.  I paid over $1200 with a four month wait and spent another
$347 to repair leading edge abrasion from rain.  These props do not hold
up in rain.  Neither do Catto props or any of the composite props I know
of.  One needs to use prop tape to protect the leading edges and this
causes degradation in performance (according to Paul Lipps).   

This prop is newly returned from the factory and has no blemish, scratch,
nick, or any imperfection.  It's exactly like new only without the four
month wait.  If the serial number on it wasn't the same I would think
Lonnie had just sent me another prop.  Comparing it with my Sterba 52 x
52, I've found the 52 x 54 Prince to be perfect for cross country flying
(unless you run into rain).  It has the 6-bolt pattern for the GP2180
Force One hub.  

Lonnie says he installed new and improved leading edge protection but I'm
just going to go back to my Sterba until I get a new prop of custom
design and urethane leading edges. 

Pictures on request.

Email me at if interested.  



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KR> Jim Morehead's Drag Flap

2010-09-27 Thread
I am reminded that Jim took his idea from Tony Bingelis.  Pictures at the
link below.

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$160,000 Mortgage for $547/mo. FREE. No Obligation. Get 4 Quotes!

KR> Cruise Speed/Dive Brakes

2010-09-26 Thread
I've always assumed cruise speed meant, for a normally aspirated engine,
full throttle at 7-8 thousand feet.


My belly board has holes.  It came that way.  A long time ago I was
wondering if it would be more effective if I filled in the holes and so
did some research regarding why WWII dive bombers had holes in their drag
surfaces.  It turns out that lightening the metal was a consideration,
primary however was that without the holes the planes became very
difficult to control once in a dive.  Putting holes in the metal helped
with this control issue, but it also reduced drag.  

I found that in covering up my holes with tape did make the drag flap
more effective.  The tape was a periodic hassle to replace though, so
until I get around to cutting some wood to exactly match the
various-sized holes - that is to say, doing the job correctly - I'm
living with the holes.  It only goes down about 45º degrees, if that, and
does not make a lot of difference.  But it helps, so I always use it.

Jim Morehead's has the right idea for a drag flap.  It is large, goes
down to almost 90º, has a very nicely designed deployment lever, and
worked beautifully.  It really slowed the plane down with no fuss.  I
would copy Jim's design if I were building a KR with a belly drag flap.  


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KR> Langford's cruise

2010-09-25 Thread
> Mine cruises at 178 mph with full fuel.  

I was just looking at a "Cleanex" with the 3100 Corvair (120 HP in his
specs) and it would appear your plane does significantly better with this
engine than the Sonex does.

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KR> EFB software

2010-09-17 Thread
> It ain't cheap, however.

It also has some other, more serious drawbacks according to many postings
I've read over the last few years on the AOPA "Flight Bag" forum. 
Slowness has been a very major complaint - bloated code.  Other
complaints have to do with lock-ups and inexplicable behavior (bugs).   
A number of users have given up on it and gone to other solutions.  I
never see the program discussed anymore other than that the company
provides chart updates for the AV8OR ACE.  Between the two high-end
packages - Seattle Avionics and Flight Prep - the nod has definitely gone
to the latter although the buzz these days doesn't include either one.  
If you are an AOPA member and can get into the forums (actually, I'm not
sure you have to be a member come to think of it), do a search and see if
my impressions are accurate.  I haven't seen Voyager discussed in months
even though EFB's and EFB software are constant hot topics.

If you get it I would sure give it a good workout within your money back
period and see if it's worth keeping.  

I went for a ride in a 337 this afternoon whose owner has a 3G iPad
loaded with Skycharts.  I've been thinking the iPad was useless in direct
sun but I have been wrong.  I found it very usable.  Another friend has
Foreflight on his iPad and  took it on a trip in his Glasair from KSEE to
Arlington Fly-In and raves about it.  He did a demo for me in the hangar
and all I can say is "wow".  Foreflight is $75/yr and is being enhanced
and improved on a daily basis.  

The company that produces Flight Guides is soon due to release their EFB
offering.  Their little books have been amazingly good over the years and
I'm sure they'll do a good job with their new software.  In order to be
competitive it will surely do everything the other products do plus some
ideas of their own.  GA is in the doldrums yet the world of GPS-based
navigation and planning packages is blossoming like crazy.  And new
screen technology - brighter, faster with less power drain, is coming
anytime now.  


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KR> still struggeling with high oil temps VW 2180

2010-09-15 Thread
I concur with checking your temp gauge.  Many bad and expensive decisions
have been made using incorrect oil temperature gauges/probes.  Better
that it's reading high than low however.

I fight oil temps every summer with my GP2180.  I've also got the Jet
Coat pipes and a standard VW oil cooler.  I use 240º as an ultimate red
line and treat it as a semi-emergency if it ever gets that high.  In the
summer on climbout it's easy to hit 240º if I'm not careful.  I am
careful though, and stage climb.  In the winter or at altitude my set-up
is perfect so I haven't made any changes.  I've played with oil viscosity
- Steve says a lighter oil will dissipate heat faster but I've seen no
difference using lighter oil and have gone back to 20/50 (full

It's good that you are concerned about the high temps as heat is the
killer of VW engines.  A Revmaster cooler would be a very nice solution
and probably a necessity if you fly two up in the hot season.  Since mine
is a single seat I can get away with what I've got as long as I watch it
. . . and I do.  On hot days it's tedious gradually working up to the
cooler air above without overheating the engine.  

What you are experiencing is pretty normal I think.  These engines put
out a lot of heat when working hard in an airplane.  The standard VW oil
cooler was designed for car use.


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KR> KR's & Lancairs

2010-09-07 Thread
The link work when I tested it but doesn't when posted to the net.  I've
yet to find a photo hosting site that works reliably.  


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KR> KR's & Lancairs

2010-09-07 Thread
It took some searching but I finally found a picture of Lance's KR.  It
is obvious from the great attention to aerodynamic detail that this was
designed by someone to whom speed was all important.  It appears to be
going 200 Knots just sitting still.¤t=

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