[lace-chat] Secret Pal thankyou

2003-12-10 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

You have spoilt me once again.  Thankyou so much for the wonderful CD of 450
Years of Lace.  I have read with interest everyone's comments about this CD
and now, thanks to you, I can see for myself.  I will enjoy spending time
looking through it.  You are so very kind.
Thankyou also for the lovely Xmas bobbin, postcard and also the Xmas card
which I have just realised has the pattern on the back.  I shall have to make
this for next Xmas.  The Kool Cats bookmark will go on holiday with me next
month as will the 2004 Diary which I already have things written in for next
year.  I do hope 2004 slows down for us all, this year has vanished so fast (I
need more lacemaking time).

May I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best for

Kindest Regards
from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2004-01-13 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Sorry I haven't replied sooner, I have just returned from holiday and found
your parcel waiting for me.

Thankyou so much for the lovely bobbincase, it will be very handy. Also
thankyou for the New Year bobbin, what a lovely idea, a matching pair for Xmas
& New Year. The wee needle book is wonderful, just what I need. Thankyou also
for the wee butterfly divider that I found within.  It will look very pretty
on my pillow.  How did you know that I have now started collecting wee boxes &
tins.  I will enjoy eating the contents and then adding the tin to my
collection.  As for the bookmark, it is just what I need.  The lacemaker
stencil? is lovely.  We never see anything like that over here.

Thankyou for spoiling me once again.

Like you my Christmas was a little strange.  This was the first once since my
dear mum passed away and it seemed very strange without her.  As was my
birthday a couple of weeks previous.

Sorry to hear about your daughters cat, will she get another in time ?

The weather here has been beautiful, lovely warm sunny days but it sure makes
it hard to be stuck inside working.  Nevermind, the weekend is coming.

Well, I must away.  Thankyou once again.

Kindest Regards
from New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-02-04 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou for your lovely parcel which I received today, I am absolutely
thrilled with my three bobbins.  The lovely ebony one will join my pillow when
I start my next project. One of the first people I saw making lace was a lady
who used only ebony & bone bobbins.  I love the bobbin pin, that will be very
useful ane will grace my pillow, as for my new keyring - I have always wanted
one, thankyou so much.

Thankyou also for the pretty bracelet, the Lace Guild Pin  and for the piece
of needlelace.  The little pack of playing cards will come in very handy
tomorrow as I am going away for the weekend and they are an ideal size to fit
into my handbag for those quiet moments.  The card with the cats on is very
pretty indeed.

Sorry to hear your mother in law is not very well.  Growing old is tough isn't
it.  I hope she will be happy in the home you choose for her.  My 91 year old
dad flatly refuses to go into a home, even for a few days.

We had a lovely holiday thankyou.  The weather was beautiful.  No I don't
really have a tan, I am very fair skinned so I don't go out in the sun much.
My arms have gained some colour tho but that will do me.  We have been having
a lot of rain this last week, hopefully it has finished now as this weekend is
a long weekend for us and people will be heading away to the beach again.

Well, I must away and get afew things done.  Once again many thanks for your
lovely gifts.

Best Wishes
Julie Todd

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2004-03-12 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou very much for the lovely fun parcel this month and also for the poem
"Walking with Grandad" which we really enjoyed.
I haven't been doing much lace at all lately so no I haven't started the
garter yet, it is the next project on the list.
I look forward to finding out who you are next month but till then, thankyou
once again.

Kind Regards
from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Help Please

2004-05-27 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to locate an embroidery pattern for lace bobbins that will sew on
a Pfaff 7570 sewing machine.

I would be very grateful of any help you could give me.

Many thanks

from Julie in New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2004-06-14 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou very much for your lovely parcel which I received today.  The Rainbow
bobbins are lovely and I look forward to adding them to my pillow along with
the cute divider pin.
I look forward also to 'Creating the Mood' sometime soon  :-) as for the
Lavender Pillow and the Stationery Set & Clock they will be very useful also.
Thankyou so much.

Yes I have joined in these rounds before. Like you, my first one was not a
good experience - I received one parcel only from someone in Sth Korea.  I
never heard anything from them again. But my next and other experiences have
been wonderful so they have made up for the bad start.

Are your poodles standard, miniature or toy ?  My Mum had 2 miniature white
ones afew years ago.

Thankyou once again and I look forward to hearing from you next month.

Kindest Regards
from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks.

2004-07-14 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou very much for the parcel which arrived today and also your letter
that I received yesterday.
The puffin tea towel is very cute and the scarf will come in very handy -
thankyou.  The Natesh thread is a lovely colour, I will have to find something
special to use that on.  The postcards are lovely, we never see anything like
that out here. Thanks also for the labels and the tea strainer, my Dad will
enjoy having a "proper cup of tea" as he puts it.  The little octopus is so

Life is rather hectic at present and not alot of time for lacemaking.  Never
mind, will get back to it when time allows.

Thankyou once again.

from NZ

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2004-08-22 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou for the lovely parcel which arrived on Friday just as I was heading
away for the weekend.
The contents are wonderful, I have already sampled one of the yummy chocolate
bars (oh, how I love chocolate).

The little address book is just what I need to take away with me in November
along with the stick perfume.  Thankyou for the souvenirs of your trip - one
day I hope to visit the UK but meanwhile I can enjoy looking at these.

How did you know that I have been wanting to get that particular magnet - oh
how true it is.

Once again, many many thanks.

Your Secret Pal

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[lace-chat] Planned Trip to the USA

2004-09-16 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Greetings Everyone,

I am planning a trip to the USA in November this year and was wondering if
there are any Lacemakers in the areas where I will be, namely

Fresno, California
Florence, South Carolina
and San Francisco.

I won't have alot of free time but would love to catch up with anyone that
is nearby.

from New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2004-09-30 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou so much for yet another lovely parcel. The Avon products will be much
enjoyed indeed.   I look forward to sampling the Bath Caviar while I nibble
away on the mints and catch-up on my letter writing  :-) .  Thankyou also for
the bobbins, I shall put them to good use.

Kindest Regards

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2004-11-03 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou very much for your lovely parcel & letter.  I did enjoy the
chocolates, my favourite and I just love the little teapot divider pin, it is
so cute.  The Book of Friends will be very handy and I will find a special
place for the little teddies.

I hope you are getting some relief from the physio sessions.

I can relate to what your saying about your mum finding it hard to accept that
she is getting older and needs to be looked after.  I went through the same
thing with my dad (91).  It took awhile but he now accepts that yes he does
need help and couldn't do without it.  I hope everything settles down for you

Thankyou once again and I look forward to finding out just who you are next
month.  Please forgive me if I am late in  replying next month, I am off to
the USA in 12 days with my daughters skating team for the World Competition so
won't be back until early December.

Kindest Regards

from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal - UK

2005-01-21 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou so much for your lovely parcel which arrived in this mornings mail.
I am impressed with the speed in which it got here, posted on the 17th arrived
on the 22nd.

How did you know that I was in need of some book plates ?  I was just thinking
the other day that I must name some of my books, so now I have no excuses.

The bobbins are lovely also.  I have just finished making a garter last night
so I shall spangle them and use them on my next project (haven't decided what
it will be yet).

The notepad will be very useful also, especially with a touch of lace on it.

Thankyou once again for spoiling me.

Until next month
Julie from New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Fw: Secret Pal - UK

2005-01-21 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Sorry if this is a double up.

Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou so much for your lovely parcel which arrived in this mornings mail.
I am impressed with the speed in which it got here, posted on the 17th arrived
on the 22nd.

How did you know that I was in need of some book plates ?  I was just thinking
the other day that I must name some of my books, so now I have no excuses.

The bobbins are lovely also.  I have just finished making a garter last night
so I shall spangle them and use them on my next project (haven't decided what
it will be yet).

The notepad will be very useful also, especially with a touch of lace on it.

Thankyou once again for spoiling me.

Until next month
Julie from New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2005-02-11 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

I have just returned from a Lace Day and found your parcel waiting for me.
What can I say !  Thankyou SO MUCH for the lovely glass bobbin, I have been
wanting to get one for so long and now I have one, thank you, thank you, thank

The bobbin keeper is lovely also and will be very handy indeed, the only ones
I have ever seen have been very plain and boring but this one has style.  The
bobbin pen will be very useful and again something I have admired from afar,

I feel so lucky, I can't thank you enough.  I hope your Secret Pal has spoilt
you as much as you have spoilt me.

Kindest Regards
from New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou.

2005-08-01 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,
I must apologize for not replying sooner, my computer went down the day I
received your parcel last month and we have just got ourselves a new one so
I am sorry for the delay.

Thankyou for the lovely goodies, a girl can never have enough pins, threads
or bobbins to keep her out of trouble.  Thankyou also for the Book on
Bobbins, I have been enjoying reading it.

Thank you once again

Your Secret Pal from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2005-08-17 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thank you so much for the lovely parcel of goodies you sent this month.  The
metallic threads are wonderful colours and I look forward to experimenting
with them.  The assortment of little beads has come at a perfect time, I
need to spangle some more bobbins and was needing these little fillers.  One
never seems to have enough of them do you.
I love the assortment of wools you sent also, I have a project or two that
they can be used on, underway at present.  Thank you also for the paper.  It
was very kind of you to go looking for things for me.  Much appreciated.
Thank you once again and I look forward to next month.

Kind Regards
Julie from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thankyou

2005-09-30 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

I must first of all apologies for not replying sooner, I don’t know how I
managed to do it but I overlooked sending you this thankyou.

I was thrilled to receive your parcel, thankyou so much for the lovely
spider stamp.  I have already put him to good use.
The threads, wire and beads will be very useful also.  I am slowly resorting
my bobbins, threads etc and rearranging a few spangles so your timing is
I am doing a class in a couple of weeks to make a new fancy recipe book so
the pad will be perfect for putting in it.  You must be a mind reader.  As
for the picture holder, I always have photos waiting for somewhere to put
them so it will be very useful.

Many thanks once again.

Your Secret Pal
>From New Zealand

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thank You

2005-10-20 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Many thanks for the lovely parcel, the chocolates were delicious, I had to
try one and then I couldn’t stop  :-)

The notepads will come in very handy, especially the one for keeping lace
notes in.  I usually put them somewhere safe and then not remember where
that safe is  …. Must be an age thing I think.

Thankyou also for the bobbins and thread I am about to start a new project
so they will be in use very soon.

I must tell you also that the spider stamp you sent me last month has had a
lot of use.  My grandson has taken a liking to it also so he keeps making
his mum cards covered in different coloured spiders.  It is just the right
size for him to use and he is so careful not to get ink on the wood.

Thankyou once again.

Kindest Regards
>From New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thank you

2005-11-23 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,
My apologies for not replying sooner.  My dad passed away earlier this month
and I have been busy getting things sorted and myself back on track.
Thank you for the lovely parcel once again. The bobbin roll and tidy is
lovely and will be put to good use very soon.  You are so kind to give up
your precious spare time to make this for me, I really do appreciate it.
Unfortunately I won’t be making any decorations for this Christmas but I
will certainly put the thread to good use for next years ones.  The
chocolates are yum, I just had to sample those :-)
Thank you once again and I look forward to learning who you are next month.

>From New Zealand.

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thank you

2006-03-14 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
Dear Secret Pal,

Thankyou for your lovely parcel.  The hand made scarf is very much
appreciated.  Our weather is starting to cool already so it will be very
handy.  Thank you also for the stamps, my grandson wanted to stamp them for
his mum so we have already put them to good use.
The chocolates were yum and the M & M container will come in very handy
indeed.  The only containers like that that we get here are not as long so
they don’t prove to come in handy for many things unfortunately.
The Hangtag has found a home on a new bag I have made so thank you for that
Well, until next month, many many thanks once again.

Yours Secret Pal
Julie from New Zealand

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[lace-chat] RE: The Spelling of Names

2006-08-28 Thread Barrie & Julie Todd
If you request a copy of a birth certificate or similar and it arrives with
a strange spelling of a name, don't presume that it is correct, especially
if you can back it up with other documents.

When we applied for our marriage license, the lady at the desk told my
husband that his future mother-in-laws name was spelt wrong.  He pointed out
to her that his future wife knew how to spell the name and it was indeed
correct.  She still did not believe him and said she would check her
register.  After disappearing for a few minutes, she returned with a very
red face, no apologies, just a marriage license.

A few years later my husband requested a copy of his birth certificate.
When it arrived his christian name, Barrie was spelt wrong... Barry.  When
he informed the Registrar about the mistake he was told that it was indeed
the correct spelling.  After Barrie explained to him that he had been given
this name and this spelling some 40 odd years prior, they agreed to double
check.  Guess what we received in the mail... one correctly spelt Barrie.

Julie from New Zealand

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