Re: Capture right mouse click in image

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
Obviously i was not explicit enough in describing the problem. Event
structures work on VI's only (as far as I know). It may even be
possible to set it up to detect an event on an external (not your own)
frontpanel. BUT NOT on a associated sub window such as an IMAQ image
(not a picture on the frontpanel).
And the IMAQ Event does not discern left and right click.

Re: Week returned by Format Date/time String

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
I have found two resources about date and time and their formats.

One is the a
Standard 8601/a, the second is a german a
href=;page/a. On
this page along with other information all definitions used by Windows
is listed.

According to this page the ISO Standard has been established in Europe
and most industrial countries. In USA it is ANSI X3.30-1985(R1991) and

Since the ANSI definition you mentioned allows only Sunday (Jewish) or
Monday (Christian) as first day of the week it ignores the Islamic
world. For them the first day is Saturday. I could not gather
information about Buddhistic or Hinduism based countries.

For my application and the market aimed the ISO format is the one
which will be choosen. Using %W and handling of week 0 should do it.


Re: Capture right mouse click in image

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
Obviously i was not explicit enough in describing the problem. Event
structures work on VI's only (as far as I know). It may even be
possible to set it up to detect an event on an external (not your own)
frontpanel. BUT NOT on a associated sub window such as an IMAQ image
(not a picture on the frontpanel).
And the IMAQ Event does not discern left and right click.

Re: Invoking an event from another event

2004-03-01 Thread Kumar
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the template. I think now I know what you were talking


Re: Week returned by Format Date/time String

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
The german page has also an a


Re: Invoking an event from another event

2004-03-01 Thread Kumar
Thanks a lot Grant,

Your example came close to what I wanted to do.

Re: What is the most efficient way of passing large amounts of data through several subVIs?

2004-03-01 Thread Gabriela Tillmann
I have real huge sets of data originating from an image-like (many
pixels) data aquisition that is interpreted according to a similar
large set of objects with many properties. This is all fed also
through different GUI windows.
Before I had this fed into and out of the sub vis via
ontrols/indicators as learned.
Now I just finished converting into keeping the master set of data in
gobal variables and creating a local copy at the entry of the sub VI.
Background of this not so common approach is, that once a front panel
was open ( as in a user interface happens eventually) the data in the
controls/indicators is still using up memory, Whereas since LV 7, I
can release  local memory like copies of global variables on exit.

Of course in a man/machine interface speed is not so essential and
timing performance may require a different approach, but my problem
was reaching the all terminating limit of 2GB / process.
Linux 64 with lots of RAM might have helped otherwise ;-)

Re: Search string in Array

2004-03-01 Thread shoneill
Hi, it's me again,

I just wanted to add that you maybe need to be careful with upper and
lower-case letters.  Since the upper-case letters are lower in the
ASCII table than the lower-case letters, zz is the last possible
match, not ZZ.  If all your letters are upper-case, this won't
make any difference, but just in case.


Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Hi Dennis Knutson, thanks a lot for your help. I am using
ScopeExplorer as a scope. I am sorry, I don't really understand in
which form the data will be. Shall I use the Read Visa vi like another
person suggested and if yes how can I found out about the GPIB


Re: Search string in Array

2004-03-01 Thread Date Difference
Dear Shane,

Thank you for your comments.I verified with my requirement and it is


Re: Hiding Main VI's Window in built application

2004-03-01 Thread Yonatan Tidhar
From my experience (6.1)
At the top level VI:
A) if I use property node FP.Open and wired False Value to it and the reference input 
is empty
at run time when the property node is called the vi FP is close and the vi executing 
B) If I open reference in the top level vi to it self and wire it to the property node 
the FP panel is close and the vi keep running.
C) In the executable app the top level vi FP is show always - I think the show FP when 
load is ignored.

my question are: 
1) way did closing the front panel of the vi is stop the vi execution (case A)?.
2) can I build app that the top level vi FP didn't open by default (silent mode)?

Yonatan Tidhar

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 09:37:12 -0500
From: Scott Hannahs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Hiding Main VI's Window in built application
X-NHMFL-MailScanner: Found to be clean

  At 11:41 +0200 02/23/2004, E. Blasberg wrote:
A colleague wants to build an application where a Password dialog
appears and only if the correct password is entered would the 
main VI appear.

1) Launch Password which then uses VI server to launch Main VI
2) Embed the password VI in the Main VI, but move the Main VI 
3) Find a way to have the Main VI not show until the password is entered.

I think #1 is a clear winner.  First you throw up the password
dialog, but in parallel, open a reference to Main.VI.  This will 
cause the to load while the user is entering the password.

Ah, but doesn't loading the Main show its window (exactly what he's
trying to avoid?)

No.  Opening a reference to a VI does not open its window unless it
has been set to open window when loaded in the VI properties.  You 
have to have the main vi, explicitly show its front panel when it is 
called by the password vi.  Or you can have the password VI show the 
front panel, just before it runs the main VI.

There is an example:

(watch out for line wraps by your email client!)

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How to use Labview to control measurement in a vector network analyzer?

2004-03-01 Thread ccc
I just purchased LabView7.0. I would like to use this software to
control wireless propagation channel measurements in a vector network
analyzer (Agilent 8722ES). I have also purchased the GPIB PCMCIA card
for my laptop. I would be grateful if someone could let me know where
can I get some information or manuals that will guide me for this

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Sorry, the scope is a Lecroy Scope Explorer version 2.12.


Re: Instrument driver for Hewlett Packard E3631A

2004-03-01 Thread 2com
That is not an instrument driver for LabVIEW 5.1.
That are the drivers for LabVIEW 7.x and 6.x.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
Thanks a lot.


Re: Can you find and replace all sub-VI's in memory at once?

2004-03-01 Thread Isaak
The only other sub-vi replacement situation in which you would not
need to re-link sub-vi's is if the connector pane has not changed and
the only change to the connections on the connector pane is that the
only additional controls/indicators have been added to some empty
terminals. In this case, you just need to save the change to the

So there is a small possible future time savings advantage of choosing
connector panes with extra unconnected terminals when you first write
a VI which will likely change and will be called from many callers.
But if you change a control type or the connector pattern, or remove
an item association from any terminal of the connector pane, relinking
will be necessary.

If the problem justifies the effort, you could always write one or
more sub-vi call wrappers that use VI server methods to set and get
the sub-vi's control/indicator values by iname/i. If your sub-vi
has certain inputs that only take effect in some types of calls, this
could allow you to have different simplified wrapper sub-vi interfaces
to the same core sub-vi.

RE: [A] Infinite continuous logging of 16 TV (A+V) channels

2004-03-01 Thread Bruce Ammons
I would initially say it is not feasible.  You would need multiple PCs
with several IMAQ cards (+ audio) each to get all the data into a
system, and very large, fast hard drives to store the data.  The drives
would fill up very quickly.

If you went to on demand recording of selected channels, it becomes
reasonable, but still big.  It would depend on the actual requirements.

One thing I would consider if you decide to do a system like this is to
look at video to firewire converters that combine a video and audio
signal and convert it to digital video for firewire.  I don't know if
this format is compatible with the NI firewire drivers (I doubt it), but
that might compress the video enough to record several channels on a
single computer.  They might be cheaper than IMAQ cards, which could
only handle one channel each.  They would also take care of
synchronizing the video and audio for you.  I don't know if the quality
would be considered professional quality, though.

I would probably just look at a large tape machine that records several
channels to a large magnetic tape, and have backup system ready when you
need to change the tape.


Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
(810) 687-4288 Phone
(810) 687-6202 Fax

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Roman Golubovski
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 4:24 AM
Subject: [A] Infinite continuous logging of 16 TV (A+V) channels


This is out of my expertise so I am posting it on the forum. A friend
from a TV station would like to set a system for continuous 24h (or
on-demand) recording of 16 TV channels (composite or AV) with
professional quality.

What would be the cheapest and most efficient solution HWSW - single or
multiple IMAQ cards, single or multiple PCs, drivers, software, ...,
considerations on reliability?

I appreciate any info regarding any aspect, especially concrete

Thanks in advance,

Roman Golubovski, MSc Dipl-EEng

IVI and traditional drivers for same device

2004-03-01 Thread Seifert, George
I need to load both traditional and IVI drivers for an HP33120a. I loaded the 
traditional driver first and used it on a project and want to keep it so I can update 
the project. The directory it installed in was hp33120a. I tried to install the IVI 
drivers for the 33120 and it insists on installing in the hp33120a directory. So I 
renamed the hp33120a directory for the traditional driver so the IVI drivers would 
install, thinking I could rename the IVI drivers directory once it installed. Now LV 
(7.0) won't recognize the new directory for the IVI drivers and doesn't show up in the 
function palatte. I tried to edit the palatte but I can't seem to find any way to get 
it to recognize the new directory. Any ideas?


Medtronic Neurological, Inc., Sullivan Lake 
MS: N240 
800 53rd Avenue NE 
Columbia Heights, MN 55421-1200 
(763) 514-7264

Re: Process enum labels dynamically...

2004-03-01 Thread Dr. Imad
If you mean by labels of enum, the strings, then you cannot do that
for an enum.  This is how an enum is
You can use a ring and change / set the strings using the strings
attribute property. For an enum type, this property is a read only.
However you can create a enum type-definition and change its strings,
This would affect all the instances of the type definition.  , and
yes, the strings (of the type def) have to be changed manually

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread Dennis Knutson
Like I said in my answer to one of your other postings, you've got the
wrong driver. The HP34401 is a DMM. You should be able to use the VISA
Open from the Instrument I/OVISAVISA Advanced palette to open a
connection to the instrument. If you create a VISA resource name
control or constant you should be able to click on the little arrow on
the right side to see a list of all valid VISA resource names on your
system. This is assuming that you've had MAX do a scan for
instruments. Do this by expanding the Devices and Interfaces listing
in MAX, select the GPIB0 listing, and right click on it.

Re: Process enum labels dynamically...

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
You cannot set the strings of a Enum control or indicator. See help
under Programmatically controlling VIsVI Server properties and
methodsGeneric ClassGObjectControlPropertiesNumericNamed

We use a Menu Ring. This one you can set with the Strings[] property.


Re: Labview GPIB connection.

2004-03-01 Thread ninskaya
This question has been mailed to Dennis Knudson.

Re: Labview GPIB connection.

2004-03-01 Thread Dennis Knutson
An HP34401A instrument driver will not work for a LeCroy scope. I
don't know why the driver uses the old VISA Open function but that's
the only thing that should work in the driver assuming that you have
the correct address. Do a scan for instruments in MAX to verify the
address or check the scope's menu.

Re: Open a labview window to display GPIB data.

2004-03-01 Thread Dennis Knutson
ScopeExplorer is not a scope. It is a program that communicates with
LeCroy scopes. Go to LeCroy's web site for A
Drivers/A or NI's Instrument Driver Network for A
and download the driver for your brand of hardware. If you have a
choice, get a LabVIEW driver as opposed to an IVI driver. An IVI
driver will work but it's a bit harder to setup and you won't be able
to modify the program or even see the code unless you also have
LabWindows/CVI. In either case, with the driver you won't have to do
any VISA Reads yourself unless you feel like you want to recreate what
has already been done for you. The A
href=;Instrument Driver Network/A
main page has some links to definitions of the different types of
instrument drivers and how they should be used.

Re: Update from 2.0

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
I'm not sure if LV 5.0 can load LV 2.0 VIs. If this is true first
convert your VIs to LV 5.0 and then to 6i and then to 7.0.
If LV 5.0 cannot load 2.0 VIs contact NI support. They have a
conversion toolkit which will convert all versions.


Re: arabic

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
Look a
This one is for chinese but it will also apply to arabic I think. Send
your email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I can forward you another
email from NI Stuff for another solution.


Re: LabVIEW coding using wnaspi32.dll

2004-03-01 Thread waldemar.hersacher
Dear Ian,

The problem with this structure is that it holds a pointer to a
callback function, parameter void(*SRB_PostProc)();  // Post
routine. This is not supported under LV. If you can guarantee that
this function will never be called by setting of some of the other
parameters or will not be nesseccarilly be called to complete
succeefully you can fill this with a U32 containing 0. Maybe this will
be the only way by design that this function is not to call.
The next one you cannot do is the BYTE*SRB_BufPointer;//
Data Buffer Point
 parameter. You cannot tell LV that the element in the Cluster should
only contain a pointer to the data and not the data itself.
LV does not store array data directly in a cluster. So the last three
parameters cannot be represented as data in a cluster. Maybe this will
be corrected by the Adopt to type Property in the Configure DLL

This is done by using Initialize Array with a U8 and 32 elements set
to 0. This will create a buffer.
This is done by bundle by name.

But for problem 1b 2b will not do the right thing. It will insert a
handle to the array and not a pointer to the array.

The only chance you have is building a wrapper DLL or CIN to avoid
those pointer operations.


Using Compound Aritmetic function

2004-03-01 Thread Sam Chillingworth
I have the readings from eight sensors going into an OR compound
arithmetic function and would like to perform a task when any ONE of
the values on the eight sensors goes below 450 (max is~ 500).
However, as, if only one is below 450 the rest are not obiviously
'false' will be outputted.  So its odds on that 'true' is never
Does anyone know a way to use the single reading with the compound
aritmetic or perhaps antother method?



RE: SubVI location utility?

2004-03-01 Thread Junginger, Johann

I have been using the Find Used and Unused VI's at

It works very well. 

Johann Junginger.

-Original Message-
From: Ross, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:10
To: info-labview
Subject: SubVI location utility?

In a recent thread Greg McK mentiuoned a some subVI location utilities?
 If y'all know where I can get one, please let me know.  I did wander
around the OpenG site a bit but nothing jumped out at me.



Re: Process enum labels dynamically...

2004-03-01 Thread Jim Kring
Yes, you can change (write) the strings of an enum.  However, the VI
containing the enum must be idle (not running) in order to write to
this property (it doesn't matter for reading).  To do this, open a VI
reference from another VI and then get a reference to the enum by
getting a panel reference, and then searching through the Controls[]
for one with a Label.Text whose name is the same as your target enum.


Re: Using Compound Aritmetic function

2004-03-01 Thread ocrts
I think you need to clear up your question a little more.  When one or
more elements in an OR ca function is true, the output will be true,
so if you don't care how many are below 450 (what I'm calling the TRUE
state), the output will be what you want, just use a case statement
with your task in the TRUE case.


Re: Call to WinAPI Kernel32.dll doesn't work in runtime

2004-03-01 Thread Jeremy L
Hi Allen,

is a link that talks a little bit more about Error 21.  If I
understand your problem correctly, I would lean towards making sure
that you have all of your DLLs on the target machine and that they are
located in an accessible directory.  Good Luck!

Jeremy L.
National Instruments

Re: LabVIEW modules for Varian Mult-Gauge Controllers?

2004-03-01 Thread JDesRosier

A good resource for instrument drivers is the NI website at this URL:

If you cannot find an instrument driver for your device on this site,
you should submit a request for the driver by clicking the [request
driver] link. Also, if the device has a RS-232 port, you can use
LabVIEW's VISA express VIs to communicate with the instrument.

You may also want to flash an email to the manufacturer to see if they
can provide you with a LabVIEW instrument driver for the device.

I hope this helps. Have a great day!

Joe Des Rosier
National Instruments

Re: I have a problem during the collect data and save it in file with the HP8753C

2004-03-01 Thread Matthew C

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

It sounds like your instrument is hanging or freezing when you try
to read and save data from it in LabVIEW.

I took a look at the context help for that particular VI.  It appears
that if you attempt to read data from the HP8753 while it is also
taking measurements, it can cause the instrument to hang.  This may be
the problem you are experiencing.

Look over your program and ensure that the instrument is not trying to
take new measurements as you read data from it in LabVIEW.  Sequence
structures may be useful in this regard.  If you are still
experiencing problems, however, let me know.

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: buffered digital output

2004-03-01 Thread GrantM
Hello Thijs,

The Port List connection of the DIO Config.VI should be wired with
an array of the digital ports you wish to use.  Each port has 8
digital lines.

Unfortunately, the E-series devices do not support hardware-timed
digital I/O.  You could still output your points in a software loop,
but you would not be able to guarantee 1000 Hz.For a card that
does support this, look at the a
For further assistance in obtaining the correct board, go to and click on Contact NI at the top to speak with a
customer support representative.

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: Confounded and Ranting

2004-03-01 Thread Howard, John
I wonder if the following would be useful.

How about a tool using a tree view control, which would present a hierarchical
overview of a LabVIEW application in the left pane of a window, and detailed
VI/Library information in the right pane.  One of the details presented could
be where the VI is loaded from.  I could even see something along these lines
becoming the main user interface for a LabVIEW project management tool.  There
are probably a lot of feature that could be included in such a tool that would
be very handy to people working on multiple projects.  Perhaps you could
define project properties such as automatic prefixes/suffixes for all VI's in
a project.  Integration into a configuration control engine could be included.
 VI's actually loaded in memory could be highlighted somehow.  I could keep
going, but I think you get the idea.

Would something along these lines be beneficial to a lot of developers or just
a few crazy ones such as myself?  :)  (Needless to say, what I am picturing is
not original.  It kind of resembles the GUI for many text based IDEs such as
Visual Studio.)

John Howard

 George Gatling (Contractor) 03/01/04 11:05AM 
Thanks for the great feedback here!  It seems that at some point a save 
operation failed and caused labview to write to the temp folder.  I rarely 
save things outside of the normal folders and never to something buried and 
hidden in Documents and Settings.  Also the hard drive is not even close to 
full... some 10% full with 100GB remaining.  But many other things could 
cause a file write to fail.  Then I suspect that I got presented with a 
search dialog starting in the temp folder (although I did not notice this 
at the time).  After i had chose the first VI there, the garbage path was 
now in found vi/* and so it likely started pulling sub-vis from both the 
main and the temp depending on which parent was trying to load the file 
into memory.  This would explain the seemingly random pattern of temp vs 
main files.  The end of the story is it took about an hour to sort out, but 
I did eventually fix it.

I think this is a very important topic, and if you have further
questions or gripes, it is a good time to cover them.  Might even have
something to do with what I'm working on.

I agree that this is an important topic, but the idea of further questions 
or gripes is mindbendingly open ended.  I can say on a very high level that 
I am not satisfied with the way labview manages files and filenames.  It is 
much harder to say what would make me happy.  But I will let it percolate
  for a few days and see what revelations come to me :)

Re: labview advantages Over other languages

2004-03-01 Thread BeckyB
Hello arbm -

First and foremost, you want to stress that LabVIEW is a programming
language designed specifically with engineers and scientists in mind.
You can point them to the a href=;LabVIEW
website/a where they can learn more about the product and view
demos.  Let them know about the great support NI offers for its
products and the NI developer zone where customers share ideas and

Have a great day!

Becky B.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: pid with transfer function

2004-03-01 Thread Jeremy L
Hi Comerford1,

is a link to an example PID Controller program that may help.

Jeremy L.
National Instruments

Re: VI's to demonstrate RZ and NRZ sampling?

2004-03-01 Thread Shea C
Hello St Augustine,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding sampling examples in LabVIEW. It
sounds like you would like to demonstrate different sampling
techniques. Is there any specific hardware that are using that you
would like to demonstrate these effects of some of these things. I
have provided some links that should get you headed in the right

This link applies to aliasing...

Other resources similar to this can be found on the website by
clicking the support tab at the top of the home page. Then scroll down
to Example Code towards the bottom of the page. There you can search
for =93Referenced Sampling Demonstrations=94 or topics similar to this. I
hope these resources help. Let me know if I can further assist you.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Where can I download VISA IC?

2004-03-01 Thread sivanarendra
I am trying out VISA on Win XP. I need VISA IC to figure out what
instruments VISA can recognize.

Re: Update from 2.0

2004-03-01 Thread Robert M
Hello Tx,

Unfortunately, LabVIEW 5.0 cannot convert VI=92s from LabVIEW 2.0.  Info
about the free upgrade toolkit can be found a

Have a nice day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: XY dot plot slows down over time

2004-03-01 Thread Matthew C
Hello Amir,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

I am assuming that you are building X and Y arrays using shift
registers within a loop and using these arrays as the inputs to the
Express XY graph VI.

If this is the case, during every iteration of the loop, the XY graph
essentially redraws all data (new and pervious).  As you accumulate
more and more data, this process slows down considerably as the XY
Graph has more to plot.

You may want to consider using a chart.  A chart does not re-plot all
of the previous data in the way a graph does.  A chart plots one point
at a time as it arrives.

I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have further questions.

Matthew C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Re: Using Compound Aritmetic function

2004-03-01 Thread Sam Chillingworth
Sorry if it was a bit muddled, I think I know what to do now.
Use AND instead of OR.  Then use the false statement of the case for
my task when all the sensors readings are not more than 450.

Re: Hiding Main VI's Window in built application

2004-03-01 Thread Scott Hannahs
Because in A, once you close the front panel there is no reference to the VI, unless 
it has opened its own reference.

At 1:38 PM +0200 3/1/04, Yonatan Tidhar wrote:
 From my experience (6.1)
At the top level VI:
A) if I use property node FP.Open and wired False Value to it and the reference input 
is empty
at run time when the property node is called the vi FP is close and the vi executing 
B) If I open reference in the top level vi to it self and wire it to the property 
node the FP panel is close and the vi keep running.
C) In the executable app the top level vi FP is show always - I think the show FP 
when load is ignored.

my question are:
1) way did closing the front panel of the vi is stop the vi execution (case A)?.

Re: Select disabled item in tree

2004-03-01 Thread Shea C
Hello Ben,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding tree controls. It sounds like
once a branch is disabled you cannot enable it again. It might help me
to look at some simple code demonstrating the problem but there are a
few suggestions that I can make. It seems like you need a control that
would allow you to enable the branch on a value change of the control.
One possible solution may be to use a LED next to each branch that
would allow you to do this and use this value change in the Event
Structure to enable the branch again. This could get complicated
however and you might want to rethink your approach of controlling the

I hope these resources help. Let me know if I can further assist you.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

Fatal internal error:memory.cpp,line 593

2004-03-01 Thread wewe
I need some help.

Can some please explain what i am doing wrong here.  i have created a
Dll from a LV 7.0 vi.  The header file looks something like this:

typedef struct {
long dimSize;
double elt[1];
} TD2;
typedef TD2 **TD2Hdl;

typedef struct {
double f0;
double df;
TD2Hdl magnitude;
} TD1;

void __cdecl Spectrum(double freq, double amp, TD1 *Spec);

And i have the following code where i allocate memory and attempt to
call 'Spectrum':-

  TD1 *Power;
  double frequency=10, amplitude=1;
  Power = (TD1 *) malloc(sizeof(TD1));
  (*Power).magnitude = (TD2**)malloc(sizeof(TD2));
  *(*Power).magnitude = (TD2*)malloc(5000*sizeof(TD2));

  (*Power-magnitude)-dimSize = 5000;

  for (i=0; i500; i++) {
  (*Power-magnitude)-elt[i] = 0;

  Spectrum(frequency, amplitude, Power);

I keep getting Fatal internal error: memory.cpp, line 593 when it
tries to call Spectrum.  I believe i have allocated memory correctly
although i may be wrong.  (I was getting 'exception' errors before).
The VI i used to create the Dll contains a basic 'Function Generator'
(sine wave) and a 'Power Spectrum'.
I have looked at the Knowledge base and dll examples that come with LV
7.0 and have tried setCINArray and NumericArrayResize but have not had
any luck.  It seems like the documentation is for LV 6.0 and 6.1.

Has anybody seen this or have any idea why i am getting this?


Re: Inputing multiple files at once

2004-03-01 Thread shplinky
thank you very much... i really appreciate your help!

RE: CDR Writing with LabVIEW

2004-03-01 Thread Holland, Guy
Thanks Rolf.  I see they also have an SDK that you can download from the Nero website. 
 It seems you have to install the Nero software package in order to use the 
neroapi.dll.  I found a website the sells it for $7.99.  This is a great starting 
point and I appreciate your help.

Thanks again,

Guy Holland
Intralase Corp.

-Original Message-
From: Rolf Kalbermatter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 2:45 AM
To: Holland, Guy
Cc: Info LabVIEW (E-mail)
Subject: CDR Writing with LabVIEW

Holland, Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't remember if this topic was covered before but I am interested in writing data 
to a CD
programmatically from within LabVIEW.  Has anyone out there tried this?  Does it 
matter which
type of CDR it is or is there a common interface for all CDR's?I would like to 
check if
there is a blank CD in the drive, if so, write the data to CD and then open the drive 
and send
a message that tells the user it is complete.  I'm using LV7.0 on Win2k.

CIT Enginering has developed a LabVIEW library NeroVIEW for Windows to control the
Ahead Nero Burning Rom software directly from a LabVIEW program. It was developed
for Nero 5.5 but should work just as well in Nero 6.

Alternatively Nero supports also a command line interface tool which you could call
with the System Exec function.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BVtel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk
Netherlands mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hitting Back Space in Remote Panel while entering character in string control

2004-03-01 Thread Shaun Martin
Cut and paste this snippet into your the HEAD of your HTML document
to make IE ignore the backspace.

lt;script language=JavaScriptgt;lt;!--
function mykeyhandler() {
   if (window.event  window.event.keyCode == 8) { // ignore the
  window.event.cancelBubble = true;
  window.event.returnValue = false;
  return false;

document.onkeydown = mykeyhandler;

Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-01 Thread CoastalMaineBird
I'm chasing a weird timing problem.  LabVIEW 7.0 + Windows 2000

I have a VI (called the Object), whose purpose is to store and
retrieve numerical values by name.

The name is hashed, converted to an array index and the values are
read / written to an array slot.

That all works fine.

I have a tester for the Object.  It generates random names and random
values. starts a timer, stores the values (say 1000 of them),marks the
timer, reads the values, and marks the timer again.  The point is to
judge the execution time of the Object.

That all works fine.


I measure a particular case at 11.44 mSec for 1000 writes.
Repetitions result in numbers similar to 11.44

I then load a particular VI from a program I'm having trouble with.
The trouble is it's taking more time than expected to process data.

This VI is normally set to execute at TIME CRITICAL priority.

This VI uses (indirectly) the Object.

If I load this VI WITHOUT RUNNING IT, and run the tester, the
execution time goes from 11.44 to 27.08 mSec.

The VI is NOT RUNNING, yet it's presence affects the execution time of
a VI it uses.

If I change its priority to NORMAL or BACKGROUND, then the tester
reports the shorter times (11.44 or so).

If I change its priority to ANYTHING above NORMAL, I get a 27+ mSec
time.  I can change it back to normal, and get the normal execution

Why does a given VI's priority affect it's subVI's execution time IF

And how do I fix it?

Re: Hitting Back Space in Remote Panel while entering character in string control

2004-03-01 Thread A. Senthilnathan
Thanks Shaun Martin for your help, the code snippet was very useful.
Now the back space is not going to the previous page.

Still it is not able to clear the last character entered in the remote
panel string control. Is there any labVIEW settings to do this?

Re: Why does priority of NON RUNNING vi affects execution time of subVI?

2004-03-01 Thread CoastalMaineBird

If I put the Object VI (normal priority) in a brand-new VI, the
tester shows the faster execution time.

If this new VI is set to ABOVE NORMAL priority, the execution time
balloons upward again.

If I raise the TESTER's priority to match (or exceed) the new VI's
priority, it's back down again.

In other words, it looks like calling a lower priority VI from a
higher priority VI puts a fence around that  lower-priority VI, EVEN

Other VIs of the same lower priority suffer the penalty of that

RE: Hiding Main VI's Window in built application

2004-03-01 Thread Yonatan Tidhar
Yes I thought so, but way should the execution should be depend
Were the front panel is open or not? No meter if I leave open reference to the VI
I was expect that the vi execution will continue until the code ends.

Yonatan Tidhar

 Bae systems

   ROKAR International Ltd

-Original Message-
From: Scott Hannahs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 21:11
To: Yonatan Tidhar; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Hiding Main VI's Window in built application

Because in A, once you close the front panel there is no reference to the VI, unless 
it has opened its own reference.

At 1:38 PM +0200 3/1/04, Yonatan Tidhar wrote:
 From my experience (6.1)
At the top level VI:
A) if I use property node FP.Open and wired False Value to it and the 
reference input is empty at run time when the property node is called 
the vi FP is close and the vi executing terminated.
B) If I open reference in the top level vi to it self and wire it to the property 
node the FP panel is close and the vi keep running.
C) In the executable app the top level vi FP is show always - I think the show FP 
when load is ignored.

my question are:
1) way did closing the front panel of the vi is stop the vi execution 
(case A)?.
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Re: Call Library node with function returning C string

2004-03-01 Thread RLD
I prefer cautious, (but paranoid might also apply).  I had a bad
experience back in the LV3/4 era when we forgot to size the string
buffer connected to the input side of a string in the CLN argument

Thanks for the clarifications, I will sleep better now.
