Re: Sound in Lazarus applications

2008-01-17 Thread Adrian Maier
On Jan 16, 2008 10:38 AM, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello ,

 Did anyone integrate sound capabilities into a Lazarus application ?
 (in a cross-platform way  :-D  )

 I'm thinking about having the ability to play sounds when certain
 certain actions are
 done by the user or when to play back  work complete after a long
 running task

Thank you guys for the links.  I hope to find time for research in the
weekend , probably .

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Sound in Lazarus applications

2008-01-16 Thread Adrian Maier
Hello ,

Did anyone integrate sound capabilities into a Lazarus application ?
(in a cross-platform way  :-D  )

I'm thinking about having the ability to play sounds when certain
certain actions are
done by the user or when to play back  work complete after a long
running task

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] google android contest

2008-01-10 Thread Adrian Maier
On Jan 10, 2008 7:36 AM, willem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to participate in the google android contest.

 I want to argue to google that the lazarus object pascal platform is a
 better choice  than Java.

It's unclear what are you trying to accomplish :  to convince google
that they should switch to pascal from the already available
java-based API and SDK  ?  This won't happen ...

Or to convince them to accept into the contest projects that are written
in other languages ?  Is this currently possible ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] google android contest

2008-01-10 Thread Adrian Maier
On Jan 10, 2008 11:36 AM, willem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want google to convince them to accept a contest project thats is written 
 in Free Pascal.
 Therefore I did make a Wiki at

There is this phrase that I don't understand in your wiki page:
My first idea is to use also the Lazarus object pascal IDE.
In the Article about Language benchmarks you can see that Free Pascal
is the number ONE compiler for Android !

But that page 
an article about benchmarks in general with some lists of benchmarks.
It contains no
direct reference to FreePascal or Android  !

I am not familiar with porting FreePascal to other platforms
/opertaing systems, but I doubt
that it is possible to create a Lazarus application in just a few months.

This is the architecture of the Android OS :
- the red part is the Linux kernel
- in green we have some C/C++ libraries (including libc)
- the blue components are java

It is probably possible to have a FPC program that runs on top of the
Linux kernel
and uses those green C/C++ libraries.  But unless I'm wrong about this
, a FPC program
can't use any of those Java libraries directly .

In order to have a real android application that is truly integrated
with the other
android applications  you'd need to re-implement in pascal much of the
functionality of the
Application Framework.

The bad thing is that you can't be sure about what libraries you can
build on : the
android applications are supposed to use the java API  , so the
underlying C/C++
libraries can be changed without notice .

So, I don't think it's possible to have a functional application
finished for the March contest.

Not to mention that the android emulator is most likely a desktop
implementation of the
android java API  :  so probably it's impossible to actually run any
non-java applications
at this time .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] google android contest

2008-01-10 Thread Adrian Maier
On Jan 10, 2008 1:03 PM, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not to mention that the android emulator is most likely a desktop
 implementation of the
 android java API  :  so probably it's impossible to actually run any
 non-java applications
 at this time .

Sorry about the incorrect assumption above:   the android emulator is
apparently  using qemu ,  therefore it contains the entire operating system.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Unable to build the current Lazarus with fpc 2.0.4

2007-11-19 Thread Adrian Maier
On Nov 16, 2007 9:14 PM, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I disabled FakeMethods for 2.0.x.

Everything is fine after this fix. Thanks Mattias !

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Unable to build the current Lazarus with fpc 2.0.4

2007-11-16 Thread Adrian Maier

I'm getting the following error when trying to build the latest (svn)
Lazarus :

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.4 [2006/08/20] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2006 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling lazarus.pp
Compiling main.pp
Compiling /stuff/am/src/lazarus/designer/designer.pp
Compiling customformeditor.pp
customformeditor.pp(1285,38) Error: identifier idents no member PropertyPath
customformeditor.pp(2291) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
customformeditor.pp(74,12) Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [lazarus] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/stuff/am/src/lazarus/ide'
make[1]: *** [ide] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/stuff/am/src/lazarus/ide'
make: *** [ide] Error 2

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Object Pascal (Delphi Lazarus) developers are spoilt

2007-11-09 Thread Adrian Maier
On Nov 9, 2007 7:27 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's just amazing how many cool features we have in the compilers and
 especially the IDE's.  The biggest _cool_ feature is the jumping
 between Interface and Implementation sections for a method

 Anybody done this before?  How complicated would the code parsing be
 to enable something like that. Note: I've never written a pascal code
 parser before.  All I'm interested in is the jumping feature, no
 syntax highlighting etc...
 But then again, if the FPC's text IDE supports that, my problem is
 solved. If it doesn't, maybe I can implement it in their instead.

Hello Graeme ,

Any editor that knows how to handle ctags  (vim,emacs,probably others)
should be able to
provide this jumping  as long as you provide a 'tags' file in the
directory where you are
editing the sources.

I have done a quick test and ran :   ctags  *.pas
which has successfully generated the tags file for all the pascal
files in the current directory.
I've opened the pas with vim,   and i can go on a procedure call and
press ctrl+]   which
jumps to the definition of that procedure.  Ctrl+T jumps back .
In my case the procedure was defined in the same source file,  but
there is no reason for
this mechanism not to work with functions defined in another file.

The version of ctags that i've used is :  Exuberant Ctags 5.5.4

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Object Pascal (Delphi Lazarus) developers are spoilt

2007-11-09 Thread Adrian Maier
On Nov 9, 2007 12:28 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 09/11/2007, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Adrian.  Up 'till now I never even knew about ctags! :-)
  I just tried that but can't seem to get vim to do the jump?

 Ah, I think I got it.  It can jump from the implementation section to
 the interface section, but not other way round (as the first jump).
 Still very handy, thanks!

I'm glad it helps.

I've never used ctags with Pascal,  only with C/C++ sources .  Since
ctags is something created initially for c   it's possible that
parsing pascal is not perfect.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] The reliability of this mailing list

2007-10-20 Thread Adrian Maier
On 10/20/07, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 19/10/2007, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How reliably does the mailing list work?  A few days 
  i've posted a question that was re-sent quickly to everybody , and also 
  some good answers very quickly.

 I've had myself randomly unsubscribed from the mailing list. Though in
 that case, I would have thought the mailing list 'server' would reply
 and say I am not allowed to send messages, but it never does that.
 To this day, if I don't get a response within about 2-3 days, I check
 on GMANE to see if the message actually got through.  Lately it's been
 working fine for me again.

It's a good idea to verify the message with Gmane.

It looks like i am still subscribed,  but my original question didn't make it
through the list.
Also, it looks like sometimes i'm receiving messages in batches : the last
9-10 threads arrived during this night all ,  after at least one day
with no list

  However, yesterday i've posted another question which didn't appear yet.
  Do each posting need to be accepted manually by a moderator ?!

 As far as I know, only HTML messages get moderated.  So the bottom
 line, *always* send emails in plain text! :-)  You get the same
 message across, it's smaller in size and everybody can read it.

I prefer text emails as well  :)

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] The reliability of this mailing list

2007-10-19 Thread Adrian Maier

How reliably does the mailing list work?  A few days ago
i've posted a question that was re-sent quickly to everybody , and also received
some good answers very quickly.

However, yesterday i've posted another question which didn't appear yet.
Do each posting need to be accepted manually by a moderator ?!

Or the spam filters are sometimes too hungry ?

I'm curious to see when this posting appears on the list ...

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Custom editing of a TStringGrid cell (with PickList)

2007-10-18 Thread Adrian Maier

I'm looking for ideas for making a TSringGrid behave exactly the way i like .
One of the columns ('Category') has a short list of pre-defined values , so
i've set the buttonStyle of that column to cbsPickList  and defined a
select editor event handler:

procedure TTrackTimeMainForm1.StringGrid1SelectEditor(Sender: TObject; aCol,
  aRow: Integer; var Editor: TWinControl);
  case aCol of
   0: {category}
  end; {case}

My problem with this approaches is that i need three clicks:
-  one for selecting the cell
-  one for getting into the editing mode
-  one for clicking the small button that opens the pickList
This is horrible for the user, even if it's an application for my own use.

How could I display the list of possible values with just one click ?
I realize that it must be possible to use the grid's OnClick , but maybe
there is some better/simpler solution that I'm not aware of .

PS:  i'm on Linux using the fpc 2.0.4 , latest svn Lazarus and the gtk

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Getting a color based on the R,G,B components

2007-10-17 Thread Adrian Maier

Is it possible to create at runtimne a TColor  based on the three
components R,G,B
given as numbers ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Getting a color based on the R,G,B components

2007-10-17 Thread Adrian Maier
Henry ,Paul,
thanks for your answers !

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Setting the date format - TCalendar

2007-10-01 Thread Adrian Maier

When using  TCalendar : by default the date format returned by  TCalendar.Date
is ShortDateFormat. Is it possible to set the date format so that
it wouldn't
be neccessary to convert the date to the desired format every time i am
accessing the selected date ,  with :

Edit1.Text : = FormatDateTime('dd-mmm-', Calendar1.DateTime);?

Adrian Maier

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Re: Elastic tabstops

2007-09-24 Thread Adrian Maier
On 9/11/07, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For people like me that don't know how to execute a *.jar files
 (smile) here is the syntax.

 java -jar ETNotepad.jar

 The more I played with that demo editor the more I liked the idea of
 implementing 'elastic tabstops' in Lazarus.  I believe this will be a
 excellent addition to the editor and should make code formatting


These elastic tabstops seem to be a nice new feature, because allows
to properly indent the source code even if the font is proportional (
it's tricky
to find a fixed-width font that works with Lazarus_gtk1 and looks nice at
the same time ... ).

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Future Directions for Lazarus/FPC ? pythonise... !

2007-08-01 Thread Adrian Maier
On 7/31/07, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Also, someone who comes on the freepascal website for the first time can
  very easily get the impression that FPC lacks any kind of database access.
  Just try it for yourself:
  - imagine that that you know nothing about fpc
  - go to
  - go to Documentation
  - open any of the reference docs.  You'll find nothing about sqldb,
  mysql, firebird or postgres...

 That is because there is no reference documentation for these units.
 The reference documentation is exactly that: reference documentation.
 If none is available, we don't show it on the website.

 The correct place IMHO is under 'packages', where a small explanation
 of available packages should be placed. It badly needs updating.

Oh, now i see them.
I agree that the units that are not fully documented can't be included in
the official reference manual.

But in IMHO they deserve at least being mentioned in the Documentation page :
in addition to the units documented in the reference manuals,
there are also many contributed/unofficial/whatever  units . You can find
more about these units here, here and here  .

  FPC surely has a lot of documentation,  but it's scattered and sometimes
  you need to be very determined to find the piece of information that you

 A known problem. Some people thought the wiki would help out here, but
 it doesn't seem to happen.

Well, a wiki can't magically get organized by itself. Wikis are chaotical by
definition  :-D

If it is known that the documentation has issues ,  i guess that the most
constructive thing for me to do is to raise issues on mantis when i spot
an error or have an improvement idea, like :
- in page Packages,  clicking on Documentation  opens an old version
  of that page (which doesn't include the link to FCL reference for example).
  Apparently the old page is docs.html  and the new one is docs.var.

- the Units and the Contributed Units pages seem to both refer to
  units. Perhaps these should be unified ?

- the Documentation  page is unnecessarily bloated because the manuals
are listed twice:  once the PDF versions and then the HTML versions.
A table with 3 columns would be clearer :  title,  link to HTML version,
link to PDF version.  (like this : )

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Future Directions for Lazarus/FPC ? pythonise... !

2007-07-31 Thread Adrian Maier
On 7/31/07, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Charl van Jaarsveldt wrote:

  Python has great support for arrays and dictionaries as part of the
  language. To me that is a great feature. I agree that the rest of it is just
  libraries that can just be included in your application.

 You have the same in free pascal: default array properties.


In my opinion it is pretty easy to get under the impression that FPC has no
lists or dictionaries.  They are placed inside a unit with the cryptic name
contrns .

The docs are lacking a proper navigation/indexing system. Please see
this issue :

The problem is that for finding something you kind-of need to already know
the name of the unit that contains that functionality.

Also, someone who comes on the freepascal website for the first time can
very easily get the impression that FPC lacks any kind of database access.
Just try it for yourself:
- imagine that that you know nothing about fpc
- go to
- go to Documentation
- open any of the reference docs.  You'll find nothing about sqldb,
mysql, firebird or postgres...

FPC surely has a lot of documentation,  but it's scattered and sometimes
you need to be very determined to find the piece of information that you

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Transferring file with SFTP from a Lazarus application

2007-05-16 Thread Adrian Maier


Does anyone happen to know whether a (free)pascal unit for SFTP or SCP
file transfer exists ?  I am working on a (win32) application that has to get
some data files from a server and then upload back another file.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Transferring file with SFTP from a Lazarus application

2007-05-16 Thread Adrian Maier

On 5/16/07, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adrian Maier schreef:

 Does anyone happen to know whether a (free)pascal unit for SFTP or SCP
 file transfer exists ?  I am working on a (win32) application that has
 to get
 some data files from a server and then upload back another file.

I don't know about such components. I would use putty and its command line tool 
to upload the file.

Vincent, Michael, thanks for your answers.

Using this pscp seems to be a good solution. I hope that it returns an
appropriate return code ,  so that my application can detect when there
was a problem with the transfer.

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Ugly screenshot in the Lazarus Tutorial page on the wiki

2007-04-30 Thread Adrian Maier


I have noticed that this page
contains a link to a screenshot
that (in my opinion)  is quite ugly and should be replaced with
anything else .

Is this mailing list the right place for my comment regarding the wiki ?  (my
apologies in case it isn't ..)

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Writing conduits for synchronising with Palm devices

2007-04-12 Thread Adrian Maier


Does anyone have experience in writing conduit applications with
freepascal/lazarus ?
(a conduit is an application that synchronizes a certain database on
the Palm with the
I need to write a new application and i'd like to use lazarus. The
application will :
- download a set of pdb files from a (s)ftp server
- copy the pdb's to the palm
- (later)  get the pdb's from the palm
- upload the pdb files to the server.

All that i could find so far regarding pascal and palm was the
delphi-conduits project
(   but this one is
not exactly
what i need,because my application doesn't need to actually read/manipulate
the data stored in the pdb's .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Document editing (doc, rtf) and/or interfacing with external editors

2007-03-29 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/29/07, Razvan Adrian Bogdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have 2 questions about document editing with Lazarus/FPC and i hope
that someone reading the list might know the answer to at least one of
them, the best way would probably be editing documents internally in
a Lazarus app but it might be a bit of a problem so interfacing with
external editors is a good alternative.

Is there any way to edit documents in doc/rtf format with lazarus ?
How to interface with external document editors like MS Office,
OpenOffice, AbiWord, etc. ?

1)It is possible to run any of those editors from within a Lazarus application,
as separate processes.

2)OpenOffice can be run as a server that waits for connections and can
communicate with other programs. I have seen a Java application that
was batch processing documents in several steps : one of those steps
was to use OpenOffice for converting from doc to xml  .
So,  in theory it should be possible for a Lazarus application to do the same
thing and communicate with OpenOffice through sockets .   I don't know exactly
how much of OpenOffice's  functionality is available for the programs that are
connecting to it.

3)As far as i know, it is not possible to embed MS Office through OLE
(it's not crosss-platform...).

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Document editing (doc, rtf) and/or interfacing with external editors

2007-03-29 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/29/07, Razvan Adrian Bogdan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/29/07, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1)It is possible to run any of those editors from within a Lazarus 
 as separate processes.

That wouldn't be a problem, yes.

In this case , it looks like this is the way to go.

 2)OpenOffice can be run as a server that waits for connections and can
 communicate with other programs. I have seen a Java application that
 was batch processing documents in several steps : one of those steps
 was to use OpenOffice for converting from doc to xml  .
 So,  in theory it should be possible for a Lazarus application to do the same
 thing and communicate with OpenOffice through sockets .   I don't know exactly
 how much of OpenOffice's  functionality is available for the programs that are
 connecting to it.

OOo has Java and C++ support as well as scripting even for VB syntax
but no pascal or plain C, i have no idea how the protocol looks like.

I don't know more about the protocol either.  You'll have to do some research
in OO's  docs.
But,  assuming that OpenOffice is a server who is waiting for tcp/ip
connections ,
it wouldn't matter which language is the client written with. Once you
the protocol it should be possible to implement in pascal a client for it .

 3)As far as i know, it is not possible to embed MS Office through OLE
 (it's not crosss-platform...).

Win only is enough for now but Lazarus doesn't support ActiveX (COM)


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Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] PostgreSQL

2007-03-28 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/28/07, Darmawan Sugiarto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for your support but it's  not work...
I try change  like this


But If i change PQConnection1's properties It's work before I compile my code...
If I compile my code I see that error I don't know where is the mistake???

Unfortunately i have no windows machine around to try creating a small
application that connects to postgres.

Have you verified that it is possible to connect to postgres with the
psql  using
the same  parameters that you are using in your application ?

Command prompt :
psql  -h localhost  -U superuser   db

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] PostgreSQL

2007-03-27 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/28/07, Darmawan Sugiarto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hello guys...
I used PostGreSQL 8.0.3 and WIn32

I try to connect my first project with Lazarus to PostGreSQL but there is an
error...EDatabaseError - could not translate host name to
address: Unknown host...
Here my simple code

procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);

You could try to set the hostname to 'localhost'  instead of ''  .
Or specify the ip address of your ethernet card  ( by default  PostgreSQL
accepts only local connections ).

But first of all,  you should make sure that PostgreSQL accepts TCP/IP
connections .  Are you able to connect with :
psql  -h  -U user   database_name

Also : (this may not work in Win32) in Linux it is possible to leave
the hostname
empty , which means that the program will connect to postgresql using
local sockets (which don't exist on windows).


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Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Fonts in gtk1 (partially offtopic)

2007-03-07 Thread Adrian Maier


I am compiling Lazarus with the gtk1 interface (in Mandriva Linux 2007),
and unfortunately can't find any font for the code editor that looks

a) I'm wondering what fonts are other people using?

b) In the Select a font dialog when selecting most of the fonts, it
says The selected font is not available.  What does this mean? Is it
possible to do something so that those fonts can be used?

c) Also, when running my application (built with lazarus)  it also uses a
very ugly (hard-to-read) font.  In order to change it is it true that it can
be configured with the ~/.gtkrc file?
Does anyone happen to know some links with clear information about
setting fonts for gtk1 applications?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Fonts in gtk1 (partially offtopic)

2007-03-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/7/07, Henry Vermaak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 07/03/07, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am compiling Lazarus with the gtk1 interface (in Mandriva Linux 2007),
 and unfortunately can't find any font for the code editor that looks

 a) I'm wondering what fonts are other people using?

 b) In the Select a font dialog when selecting most of the fonts, it
 says The selected font is not available.  What does this mean? Is it
 possible to do something so that those fonts can be used?

 c) Also, when running my application (built with lazarus)  it also uses a
 very ugly (hard-to-read) font.  In order to change it is it true that it can
 be configured with the ~/.gtkrc file?
 Does anyone happen to know some links with clear information about
 setting fonts for gtk1 applications?

 Adrian Maier

see this:

it works for me, but you might have to fiddle a bit.  i also use the
terminus font for the editor.  was the cleanest one i could find...

I don't have Terminus in the font list.  The code editor seems to be unable
to use most of the fonts that exist on the system.  Where does this
limitation come from ?

Thanks for the link, Henry.

I have found that in the wiki, too (a little bit after posting my
questions) and
it makes the font a little smaller (which is a good sign because i know
that is has an effect).
But I haven't been able to configure a font properly. I admit that i don't
understand how the font system actually , and i don't know how to write
this of font names: -adobe-helvetica-.- .  Am i the only one who kind
this overly complex?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Fonts in gtk1 (partially offtopic)

2007-03-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 3/7/07, Marc Santhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 07.03.2007, 12:39 +0200 schrieb Adrian Maier:

 I am compiling Lazarus with the gtk1 interface (in Mandriva Linux 2007),
 and unfortunately can't find any font for the code editor that looks

 a) I'm wondering what fonts are other people using?


Thanks Marc. This font is ok.

Size 15

with screen size 1600x1200 looks good for me. Somewhat similar to the
old BorTE-font, maybe some people remember it from BPW/TPW on early
Windows versions ...

 c) Also, when running my application (built with lazarus)  it also uses a
 very ugly (hard-to-read) font.  In order to change it is it true that it can
 be configured with the ~/.gtkrc file?
 Does anyone happen to know some links with clear information about
 setting fonts for gtk1 applications?

Ask your favourite search engine for GTK theming. There are tutorials
on that topic, too.

You can assign attributes (including colour, font, ...) to classes of or
single widgets in the .gtkrc file.


style h1
font = -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

style h2
font = -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

style label-14
font = -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
widget_class *GtkFrame* style h1
widget_class *GtkLabel* style label-14

In your application you've got to:

gtk_init (@argc, @argv);
gtk_rc_parse( your_preferred_rc_file )
... other inits ..
gtk_main ();

I see.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] WikiHelp

2007-02-23 Thread Adrian Maier

On 2/23/07, Darius Blaszijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Why don't you just make an example of what you mean? This way you can
actually show what is possible. A picture says more than a thousand words.
Just post a link here.


The url posted by Christian links to a Deutsch site , where there is a very
short description and the windows executable.  I'm on linux, so the win binary
is not of much help.

I think that Christian is not receiving the feedback he needs simply because he
didn't make it clear enough what the WikiHelp application is, and how
does it work.
You give WikiHelp an url and it downloads the wiki pages recursively ? In this
case, how is it different from wget ?   Does it also allow browsing of the
downloaded pages?

Some screenshots and a longer description (in English...) would help people
understand what WikiHelp is about.

The idea of having a tool for having a local copy of the wiki is a good one,
for at least these reasons:
- all of the Lazarus articles, tutorials, etc  are on the wiki
- some people don't have web access all the time
- browsing a local copy of the wiki is faster , assuming that browsing is done
  with a viewer called from within the ide. (Reading the local copy of the
  wiki with a web browser wouldn't be good enough,  and it wouldn't be worth
  the trouble).

I have no idea how would WikiHelp fit into this .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Linux snapshot and fpc 2.1.1 ??

2007-01-30 Thread Adrian Maier



Is there a way to use the Linux daily snapshot (for instance
lazarus-0.9.21-20070124.i386.rpm) with fcp 2.1.1 instead of fpc 2.0.4 ?

Or, maybe it is possible for the Lazarus team to provide daily snapshots
for Lazarus + fpc-2.1.1, just like they do for Windows?

Thanks, and keep on the good work !!

Hello Paul,

If you update Lazarus frequently you may find more handy to update
from the subversion repository instead of downloading the daily snapshots.

In this scenario, you could install whichever version of fpc you like,
and separately checkout the lazarus sources and compile them.
When you want to update lazarus you would get the differences with
' svn update ' and then recompile lazarus with ' make '.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Treating TProcess output

2006-12-14 Thread Adrian Maier

On 12/13/06, Arí Ricardo Ody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm developing little application for compress/uncompress data using
tarball or Zip with a graphical front end.

When I submit a tarball command with an error via TProcess I am not
receiving the same messages that appear in the screen when I type the
same tarball command via linux konsole.

Hello Ari,

Well, all the programs have 3 standard files : input, output and
error.  The 'standard
error' is usually used for writing errors, warnings and other messages.

The standard error is different from the standard output because it is
desirable that
the messages (which could be just warnings or debugging messages)
don't pollute the
program's output.   Also, a separate standard error allows a program to have its
output redirected through a pipe  , and at the same time write
progress information
on the screen.

When you run a program from the command line : both 'standard output' and
'standard error'  are associated to the screen (console).
But when calling the same program with TProcess , the program's output will
be separated :   some data go to TProcess.Output  , and some other data go to
TProcess.StdErr .

You have two options:
-  add   the poStderrToOutPut  to  the Options of your TProcess object
.  This will tell
 TProcess to Redirect standard error to the standard output stream.

- or, read the messages from TProcess.StdErr   similarly to how you read from
 TProcess.Output  .

The second option is probably better .

I sent an e-mail to this mailing list with the source of the
procedure where I'm trying to catch the tarball output via
TProcess.Output. No one answer my e-mail. No problems, I'm not complaining.

In my example, the length of messages generated in the konsole is
less than 2kb, the length of linux Pipe. I suppose that I'm not
losing data by this way.

I'm writing to ask if someone knows some place where I can get more
information about this matter.


Greetings from Sao Paulo - Brazil


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Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] repository

2006-12-11 Thread Adrian Maier

On 12/11/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

George Birbilis schreef:
 All this is possible, but IMHO it is nonsense to put effort
 into creating such a snapshot.

 I think there is some intelligence test, test if people
 persevere enough. If a person cannot find the link to getting
 the sources from the home page and follow those instructions
 to get a svn checkout, it is unreasonable to expect such a
 person to provide sensible patches.

 I can't say I agree, people with experience and skills don't have the time
 to spend reading all those instructions etc. So they must be very determined
 to fix or enhance something that bugs them in Lazarus or if they like very
 much to contribute something back to Lazarus. In both cases the time they
 lose in setting this up (if they don't get discouraged and give up in the
 first place) is lost from time they'd give in reading the sourcecode and
 possible fixes/enhanchements they'd do (and contribute).

Maybe, maybe not.

 Regarding size, we could have a clever autodownloader/installer that reads a
 config/instructions file online from Laz site and grabs the correct FPC
 archive from FPC site, unpacks it etc., same with Laz files and places them
 were needed

Yes, please implement this. I cannot wait for your patches, because I have been
dreaming for something like this for two years now and I never seem to come to 
there always thinks I like to do more or find to be more missing in Lazarus.

 Regarding the .svn folder I believe if it's standard it should be in the
 snapshot (it doesn't take much size after all) so that one can go on and use
 the SVN after they initially get a snapshot (for quickstarting)

It is standardized for all platforms, but not for all versions. For example, if 
created the sub directory with svn 1.4, you cannot read it with svn 1.3.

The .svn directories would certainly double the size of the snapshot.  The
size of the .svn directories  is the price paid for being able to do
'svn status' ,
'svn diff'  without touching the server.

However, snapshots can only be updated by downloading a newer one  - which
is a big disadvantage because of their size.
Using the svn version is much more convenient than the snapshots because
updating is way cheaper .

On the other hand, it would be nice to have an Update Lazarus option
in the menu
for synchronizing the files that exists on the local machine with
those that exist on
a server .   This functionality would be configurable to allow choosing between
updating to the latest development version or to the stable version(s).

I'm thinking about something similar to rsync (that can synchronize a
local directory with a remote one  with minimal data transfer : it
only transfers
the modifications ).  Unfortunately (as far as i know) rsync is not truly
cross-platform : some time ago when i needed a rsync client for windows i found
only one based on the cygwin emulation.

But it doesn't seem to be extremely hard to build something like :
- the Lazarus tree is put on a ftp server
- inside the tree there is a file containing (for axemple) the list of
  files and their md5 checksums
- when a user clicks Update Lazarus , the program downloads the list of files
  and compares it to what exists on the local machine. And then downloads
  the files that were added or modified.

Probably this is just an idea for the future : for Lazarus 1.0  and
beyond ?   Right now
Lazarus is under active development and updating through svn works just fine in
my opinion .

Adrian Maier

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Re: SPAM-LOW: Re: [lazarus] TXMLDocument help

2006-12-04 Thread Adrian Maier

On 12/5/06, Tony Pelton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/4/06, Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, Lee wrote:

 I've only used a couple of XML DOM/Libraries and each seems to work
 differently than this although its probably just semantics.


i've done quite a bit of XML work over the years in Java for my day job.
any DOM implementation i've used in Java represents :

fooa value/foo
as (2) nodes, foo being the parent of a TEXT node, and the text
node child being the node whose value is a value.


As the others have already mentioned:  when using DOM it is expected to have
a child node of type text . (this is probably true for SAX parsers, too)

I'd like to add just one thing:  it is not guaranteed to have only one child
node of type text.  The value can be splitted across several text nodes.
So, in order to get the value you may need to access all the child nodes
of type text and concatenate their values.

a couple of other concepts that help to clarify why the DOM works this way :
fooa valuefoo2has another value/foo2/foo.

a value, the text node, and foo2 are both child nodes of foo.
(forgive me, i always forget CDATA syntax ...)
foo!CDATA[a value]]//foo
... is structurally equivalent to ...
fooa value/foo

this is very convenient from an API perspective, as the programmer
typically doesn't care about the type of the node holding the text
and it's behavior, you just want the text value, and again, it's
convenient that you don't have to worry about whether it is a plain
text node, or a cdata node.

if you _needed_ to know, you can interrogate the node for its type.

 For instance, with .net, I would access that value (123) with Node.InnerText.

my $0.02 ...

try to avoid learning how standards based mechanisms work by using MS
API's as your reference implementation.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Python interpreter linked with a Lazarus application

2006-11-23 Thread Adrian Maier

On 11/23/06, Uwe Grauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adrian Maier wrote:

 I am trying to run a python program from a Lazarus application. Executing
 it with TProcess is working fine,  but it is slow from the user's
 perspective : it takes a few seconds until the program shows up.

 The python script works with no problems when it is run on its own.

 The lazarus application is compiled with gtk1. The python application is
 also using wx  (which uses gtk on linux).

 So,  my question is  :  is it possible to have problems because the
 gtk library is used at the same time from  pascal and  python ?
 Other ideas?

 Best wishes,
 Adrian Maier

You should look at P4D (Python for Delphi).
AFAIK it also works with lazarus.

Thanks for the tip,

but I've dropped the idea of linking python with the pascal application.   I'll
call an external python program and communicate with it with pipes probably.

I knew that Python for Delphi exists , but looking at the site i haven't seen
any reference to freepascal.   Does it work with freepascal in a cross-platform
way ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Sloppy behaviour while editing (probably because of the window manager)

2006-11-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 11/7/06, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:09:59 +0100
Bogusław Brandys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Adrian Maier wrote:
  While editing source code in Lazarus, i am currently noticing the
  following behaviours:
  (Linux ;  Lazarus (svn) compiled with gtk2 ; freepascal 2.0.4.)
  1) In XFCE4:  after choosing a method/property from the code
  completion popup,
the focus is set to the window that contains the menu and tools
  (instead of
the editor window).
So, i must click on the editor before going on with typing code.
  2) In KDE, the behaviour is even more annoying:   apart from the
  above problem ,
i also need to click on the code completion popup because it is
  not getting
focus and therefore the arrows don't work .
  As you can imagine, this behaviour is quite irritating .  A lot of
  mouse clicks...
  This is probably not a bug in Lazarus, but the window manager.
  What do you think ?

If it works with gtk1, then it is a LCL gtk2 interface bug. Does it
work with gtk1 for you? Under gnome it works with gtk1.

In gtk1 it works fine.   So in this case it's a gtk2 problem.

 Well,I think it might be  a Lazarus code completion bug. I think that
 correct behavior is not show it modally (eating focus) but let user
 type further code and bold part of code currently typed - like in

Under linux/gtk1/gnome I can type code, when the completion box is
open. Cursor keys UP/Down switches selection. Return key closes box and
replaces identifier with selection. Shift+Return appends identifier.
Escape closes box without change. Normal key ('a'..'z') appears in the
source editor and reduces the shown possibilities in the box.

 I found it very handy.If this is too difficult maybe it's
 possible to allow using Ctrl+J even inside code part

To avoid misunderstanding:
Ctrl+J is code template. Do not confuse this with Ctrl+Space identifier
completion (Delphi slang: code completion) and Ctrl+W word completion.
All three show the completion box.

I was referring to identifier completion: Ctrl+Space , followed by dot to
see the object's methods and properties.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Sloppy behaviour while editing (probably because of the window manager)

2006-11-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 11/7/06, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 11:09:34 +0200
Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[...] On 11/7/06, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 05 Nov 2006 12:09:59 +0100
  Bogusław Brandys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Adrian Maier wrote:
While editing source code in Lazarus, i am currently noticing
the following behaviours:
(Linux ;  Lazarus (svn) compiled with gtk2 ; freepascal 2.0.4.)
1) In XFCE4:  after choosing a method/property from the code
completion popup,
  the focus is set to the window that contains the menu and
tools (instead of
  the editor window).
  So, i must click on the editor before going on with typing
2) In KDE, the behaviour is even more annoying:   apart from the
above problem ,
  i also need to click on the code completion popup because it
is not getting
  focus and therefore the arrows don't work .
As you can imagine, this behaviour is quite irritating .  A lot
of mouse clicks...
This is probably not a bug in Lazarus, but the window manager.
What do you think ?
  If it works with gtk1, then it is a LCL gtk2 interface bug. Does it
  work with gtk1 for you? Under gnome it works with gtk1.

 In gtk1 it works fine.   So in this case it's a gtk2 problem.

Then please create bug report, so it is not forgotten.


  To avoid misunderstanding:
  Ctrl+J is code template. Do not confuse this with Ctrl+Space
  identifier completion (Delphi slang: code completion) and Ctrl+W
  word completion. All three show the completion box.

 I was referring to identifier completion: Ctrl+Space , followed by
 dot to see the object's methods and properties.

Maybe you mean 'dot' followed by Ctrl+Space?

Sorry for not being clear. In fact it was : enter the beginning of the
variable, press ctrl-space so that the editor completes the name ,
then press dot . After a short delay the popup normally appears
without the need to press Ctrl-space again after the dot.

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Sloppy behaviour while editing (probably because of the window manager)

2006-11-04 Thread Adrian Maier


While editing source code in Lazarus, i am currently noticing the
following behaviours:

(Linux ;  Lazarus (svn) compiled with gtk2 ; freepascal 2.0.4.)

1) In XFCE4:  after choosing a method/property from the code completion popup,
  the focus is set to the window that contains the menu and tools (instead of
  the editor window).
  So, i must click on the editor before going on with typing code.

2) In KDE, the behaviour is even more annoying:   apart from the above
problem ,
  i also need to click on the code completion popup because it is not getting
  focus and therefore the arrows don't work .

As you can imagine, this behaviour is quite irritating .  A lot of
mouse clicks...

This is probably not a bug in Lazarus, but the window manager.  What do you
think ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] oracle

2006-10-18 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/18/06, Dwi Kristianto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dear all,

is there any oracle client component for lazarus?
need it a.s.a.p


As far as I can see, the sqldb unit has support for oracle databases. I haven't
tried it myself though .
The sqldb tab contains TIBConnection, TODBCConnection, TPQConnection,
TMysqlConnection   -  but no TOracleConnection .

I think that, until the TOracleConnection is added to the palette, you
could do one of:
- create the connection manually , or
- if you are on Windows, use the odbc component.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] oracle

2006-10-18 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/18/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 As far as I can see, the sqldb unit has support for oracle databases. I
 tried it myself though .
 The sqldb tab contains TIBConnection, TODBCConnection, TPQConnection,
 TMysqlConnection   -  but no TOracleConnection .

That's simply because it is not registered. You can add the registration
yourself: open registersqldb.pas in lazarus/components/sqldb,
add oracleconnection to the uses list, and add the following
before the line with TPQConnection, which is line 61.

I suspected that it's trivial to add it if you know enough details about how
is Lazarus implemented ,but not that it's  *so* easy !

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] First Success with Lazarus!

2006-10-15 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/15/06, Nataraj S Narayan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So, if i create and delete components in the code itself, rather than
using at design time, will bring down the size?

I doubt that it works that way.  You would still use those components,
no matter how exactly you added them to the application .

Did you also try the upx packer?  Maybe it would shrink the program more
than 2.7 mb.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Advice about creating database-aware application with Lazarus

2006-10-10 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/10/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well... As I read it, that's not the problem. All changes are made in an
update-buffer first. So if you do a 'delete' in the grid, the records
get deleted in that buffer. Thus the record should disapear immediately
in the grid. But not yet on the database.

The 'delete'-sql is only send to the database on the .applyupdates
command. And committed on the .commitretaining. Thus that can happen
much later. (on the click on the 'save' button)

But if I understood you correctly, the delete fails immediately. That
means that there's a problem in the deletion of records in a grid. Or in
the .delete from Tbufdataset. You first have to test that. Easiest way
is to add a button 'delete' which does sqlquery1.delete. That'll delete
the current record, and it should be immediately visible in the grid.
Else you could do a .refresh after the .delete, to be sure that the grid
gets refreshed. (If not, it's a bug, btw)

I've added a button which calls query1.Delete.  The row disappears
from the grid now. So, it looks like TdbNavigator's Delete button does
something different than it's supposed to do ?

However, when I press Save (which does applyupdates and commitretaining)
the program crashes with  :

TApplication.HandleException Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $0821AE3F  TCUSTOMDBGRID__UPDATESCROLLBARRANGE,  line 1336 of dbgrids.pas
 $0821B013  TCUSTOMDBGRID__DOLAYOUTCHANGED,  line 1402 of dbgrids.pas
 $0821CB35  TCUSTOMDBGRID__ENDLAYOUT,  line 2164 of dbgrids.pas
 $0821B660  TCUSTOMDBGRID__LAYOUTCHANGED,  line 1568 of dbgrids.pas
 $08219DA2  TCUSTOMDBGRID__ONDATASETCHANGED,  line 814 of dbgrids.pas
 $0821E518  TCOMPONENTDATALINK__DATASETCHANGED,  line 2722 of dbgrids.pas
 $0807DE10  TFORMASIMPLA__ACTIONCOMMITEXECUTE,  line 85 of forma_simpla.pas
 $081755F2  TCONTAINEDACTION__EXECUTE,  line 110 of


function TContainedAction.Execute: Boolean;
 Result := (ActionList  nil) and ActionList.ExecuteAction(Self)
   or ((ApplicationActionComponentnil)
and ApplicationActionComponent.ExecuteAction(Self))
   or inherited Execute //
- line 110
   or (SendApplicationMessage(CM_ACTIONEXECUTE, 0, PtrInt(Self)) = 1);

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Advice about creating database-aware application with Lazarus

2006-10-09 Thread Adrian Maier


I am in the process of learning how to build applications with
Lazarus. The goal is to
rewrite some text-mode applications in Lazarus, so that they have a GUI .

Unfortunately, building data-aware forms proved to be quite difficult so far.

I have a form that includes:  a TdbGrid and a TdbNavigator.  I want to
use the same
form to acces any of three different tables,  by specifying one sql
query or another.
- deleting rows doesn't work for any of the tables.  The user is asked
to confirm, but
 the row is not deleted.
- updating works , for the tables that have a simple primary key
- for the table that has a 3-column primary key,  i have been able to
specify a custom
 sql command .  The update reaches the database, but the transaction
is no longer
 committed.   The same save button commits the data for the other
tables, though.
As you can see, there are many problems that frustrating and not easy
to be solved by
a newbie.

I'm not sure whether the problem is only my lack of knowledge,  or the
support for
PostgreSQL is simply not mature enough.  I suspect that working with Firebird is
better supported, because i have noticed that people around here tend
to use firebird.

So, i have several questions:
a. Are there Lazarus users who have positive experience with
developing data-aware
applications using sqldb to access PostgreSQL?

b. Are there any better solutions (except sqldb) to access PostgreSQL?
It is hard to
find documentation about sqldb, except from the source code and a set
of examples.

c. What is the approach that I should follow : should I consider
dealing with the database
manually?  Simply associating a TdbGrid with a TsqlQuery is far from
working out-of-the-box
(at least with sqldb and postgres) .

I'm not sure at all that the problem is  sqldb  ;  maybe the
combination  postgres+sqldb+lcl
is not tested enough yet.  What is its exact status?
Or maybe there are small tricks that are evident for the experienced

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Advice about creating database-aware application with Lazarus

2006-10-09 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/9/06, Christian Ulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - deleting rows doesn't work for any of the tables.  The user is asked
 to confirm, but the row is not deleted.

maybe its deleted and not drawn in the dbgrid ??

Nope.  I am monitoring all the commands that are sent to the database,
and I haven't seen any DELETE.
Also, after restarting the program the row is still there. I'm pretty sure that
for some reason the delete command is not executed at all.

 I'm not sure at all that the problem is  sqldb  ;  maybe the
 combination  postgres+sqldb+lcl
 is not tested enough yet.  What is its exact status?
 Or maybe there are small tricks that are evident for the experienced

I have also problems with sqldb + mysql but i think this is mostly the
mysql implementation from fpc.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Advice about creating database-aware application with Lazarus

2006-10-09 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/9/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 14:05 +0300, Adrian Maier wrote:

 I have a form that includes:  a TdbGrid and a TdbNavigator.  I want to
 use the same
 form to acces any of three different tables,  by specifying one sql
 query or another.
 - deleting rows doesn't work for any of the tables.  The user is asked
 to confirm, but
   the row is not deleted.
 - updating works , for the tables that have a simple primary key
 - for the table that has a 3-column primary key,  i have been able to
 specify a custom
   sql command .  The update reaches the database, but the transaction
 is no longer
   committed.   The same save button commits the data for the other
 tables, though.

Are you sure all queries has the same transaction?

Yes, I think.

It's only one form. In the OnActivate event handler, there is a 'case'  where I
set the sql query according to a parameter.  So, the bahaviour is supposed
to be the same for the three different tables.

 I'm not sure whether the problem is only my lack of knowledge,  or the
 support for
 PostgreSQL is simply not mature enough.

I would guess it's both.

The problem that you encountered so far, weren't postgres-related. So
switching to fb won't help much.

Switching isn't an option anyway. In fact i am porting an older
application, and
I have no plan to reimplement all the reports so that they work with another

 c. What is the approach that I should follow : should I consider
 dealing with the database
 manually?  Simply associating a TdbGrid with a TsqlQuery is far from
 working out-of-the-box
 (at least with sqldb and postgres) .

Just submit bug-reports. There are so many things you can do with the
database-utils, it's impossible to check them all. For some it will work
out-of-the-box, for others it oculd be somewhat more difficult.

I see.

Multiple-fields-primary keys, for example, I consider as a bad design.
(I can imagine some exceptions, but those are really rare) Must db-
programmers won't use them, so for them it works 'out-of-the-box'...

Well, this case is rare indeed : I have only one such table. But it's an
important one and it makes sense to have a 3-column primary key. This
issue is now solvable, but i haven't decided yet exactly how ( i could either
specify the queries manually ,  or use a surrogate key ).

The current big problem is that deleting rows doesn't work. After confirmation,
the grid flickers a litlle (the data is re-read i think) and the row
is still there !
There is no DELETE sent to the database .

Any ideas?how is the deletion supposed to work?

Just submit bug reports if you found them, and ask here for help. That's
probably the best you can do, and the best for fpc/lazarus.

Yes, I know that.

I am currently in a quiet period at work and have plenty of time to experiment.

The bad thing is that I have the feeling that the progress is too slow . And my
messages seem to show up on the list after many hours, therefore I can try the
advices only the second day.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Advice about creating database-aware application with Lazarus

2006-10-09 Thread Adrian Maier


On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Adrian Maier wrote:

 On 10/9/06, Christian Ulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - deleting rows doesn't work for any of the tables.  The user is asked
   to confirm, but the row is not deleted.
  maybe its deleted and not drawn in the dbgrid ??

 Nope.  I am monitoring all the commands that are sent to the database,
 and I haven't seen any DELETE.
 Also, after restarting the program the row is still there. I'm pretty sure
 for some reason the delete command is not executed at all.

Did you call applyupdates ?
I think SQLQuery does some buffering of commands ?

Yes:  I have a save button that does:

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-06 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/6/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/5/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm using Sqldb to access a PostgreSQL database.  Is it possible to 
find out
easily what sql commands is sqldb generating and trying to execute ?
I have a DBgrid which is associated to a table.
After updating a row and executing query.ApplyUpdates  , the program 
an exception :
An error occurred while applying the updates in a query: preparation 
of query
failed. (PostgreSQL: ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character 132). 


 What you could do: compile the sqldb-unit with debuginfo and place a
 breakpoint on line 1181. And then take a look at qry.sql.text. Or simply
 place a 'writeln(qry.sql.text);' on that line. Recompile fpc and try

I was hoping that recompiling sqldb wasn't neccessary .  But if there's no
other way ...

I have added some writelns inside pqconnection.pp just before the
PQexec calls.
The query that causes the error is :

' prepare prepst2 (int,int,numeric,text,int,text,int) as update PROD
set mag=$1,cod=$2,pu=$3,den=$4,p_vinz=$5,um=$6,stoc_ini=$7 where '

Which is incomplete...   It looks liek it wasn't able to detect the columns that
form the primary key.   This table has a PK made up of 3 columns.
Can sqldb handle multi-column primary keys ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-06 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/6/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/6/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/5/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using Sqldb to access a PostgreSQL database.  Is it possible to 
find out
 easily what sql commands is sqldb generating and trying to execute ?

 I have a DBgrid which is associated to a table.
 After updating a row and executing query.ApplyUpdates  , the program 
 an exception :
 An error occurred while applying the updates in a query: preparation 
of query
 failed. (PostgreSQL: ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character 

  What you could do: compile the sqldb-unit with debuginfo and place a
  breakpoint on line 1181. And then take a look at qry.sql.text. Or simply
  place a 'writeln(qry.sql.text);' on that line. Recompile fpc and try

 I was hoping that recompiling sqldb wasn't neccessary .  But if there's no
 other way ...

I have added some writelns inside pqconnection.pp just before the
PQexec calls.
The query that causes the error is :

' prepare prepst2 (int,int,numeric,text,int,text,int) as update PROD
set mag=$1,cod=$2,pu=$3,den=$4,p_vinz=$5,um=$6,stoc_ini=$7 where '

Which is incomplete...   It looks liek it wasn't able to detect the columns that
form the primary key.   This table has a PK made up of 3 columns.

Can sqldb handle multi-column primary keys ?

Apparently it doesn't  :-(  or it doesn't work for postgres.

Replacing the 3-columns primary key   with a single-column primary key caused
the problem to disappear.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-06 Thread Adrian Maier

  The query that causes the error is :
  ' prepare prepst2 (int,int,numeric,text,int,text,int) as update PROD
  set mag=$1,cod=$2,pu=$3,den=$4,p_vinz=$5,um=$6,stoc_ini=$7 where '
  Which is incomplete...   It looks liek it wasn't able to detect the columns 
  form the primary key.   This table has a PK made up of 3 columns.

  Can sqldb handle multi-column primary keys ?
 Apparently it doesn't  :-(  or it doesn't work for postgres.

Indeed. Somewhere in the code there's a comment like: 'ToDo: Multiple
fields-indexes should be parsed here...'

 Replacing the 3-columns primary key   with a single-column primary key caused
 the problem to disappear.

Could you write a bug-report for it? Also mention that it should
generate an error, if something like this happens. Instead of sending
incomplete requests to the db-server.

Ok, I will .

As a temporary solution you can do:

sqlquery1.updatesql := 'update PROD set mag=$1,cod=$2,pu=$3,den=
$4,p_vinz=$5,um=$6,stoc_ini=$7 where ...';

But then complete, offcourse. That way it doesn't try to generate the
update-query automatically, but it uses the query that you provide.

I'll try this approach.

Many thanks for your help, Joost !

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-05 Thread Adrian Maier


I'm using Sqldb to access a PostgreSQL database.  Is it possible to find out
easily what sql commands is sqldb generating and trying to execute ?

I have a DBgrid which is associated to a table.
After updating a row and executing query.ApplyUpdates  , the program generates
an exception :
An error occurred while applying the updates in a query: preparation of query
failed. (PostgreSQL: ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character 132). 

Enabling the statement logging in postgres doesn't help in this case,
because the
sql command is not recognised at all,  and therefore it doesn't show
up in the log.

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] test (please ignore)

2006-10-05 Thread Adrian Maier

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-05 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/5/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using Sqldb to access a PostgreSQL database.  Is it possible to find out
 easily what sql commands is sqldb generating and trying to execute ?

 I have a DBgrid which is associated to a table.
 After updating a row and executing query.ApplyUpdates  , the program generates
 an exception :
 An error occurred while applying the updates in a query: preparation of query
 failed. (PostgreSQL: ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character 132). 

 Enabling the statement logging in postgres doesn't help in this case,
 because the
 sql command is not recognised at all,  and therefore it doesn't show
 up in the log.

It's more then 132 characters long, so it should be in the log?

The size is not important. I meant that i've configured postgres to
write in the log
all the queries that are executed, for debugging. Yet,  the query
which generates
the error is not recognized as a query at all,  and only the error
appears in the

Since it's with applyupdates. The SQL is probably parsed incorrectly.
You can look what the updatequery.sql, modifyquery.sql etc. are. Maybe
that that already reviels the problem.

I'm afraid that i still don't understand how can I see those queries.
are  the update.sql, modifyquery.sql  that you are referring to?

In the program i have the following variables:
-  Fconnection  : tSQLConnection;
-  Ftransaction : tSQLTransaction;
-  query1: TSQLQuery;
-  ds1: TDatasource;
-  DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
-  DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;

The initialisation:






The user updates some values in the grid, and then presses a button that does :

 query1.ApplyUpdates;   ---  the exception is generated here

I use identical code for other two tables  -  and updating works !   I
have no idea
what is different about this table.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] How to debug when accessing database with sqldb

2006-10-05 Thread Adrian Maier

On 10/5/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 17:19 -0400, Adrian Maier wrote:
 On 10/5/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm using Sqldb to access a PostgreSQL database.  Is it possible to find 
   easily what sql commands is sqldb generating and trying to execute ?
   I have a DBgrid which is associated to a table.
   After updating a row and executing query.ApplyUpdates  , the program 
   an exception :
   An error occurred while applying the updates in a query: preparation of 
   failed. (PostgreSQL: ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character 132). 

   Enabling the statement logging in postgres doesn't help in this case,
   because the
   sql command is not recognised at all,  and therefore it doesn't show
   up in the log.

  It's more then 132 characters long, so it should be in the log?
 The size is not important. I meant that i've configured postgres to
 write in the log
 all the queries that are executed, for debugging. Yet,  the query
 which generates
 the error is not recognized as a query at all,  and only the error
 appears in the

Can't you specify to log all the commands which are sent?

This is precisely what I've tried.  All the other statements are
written in postgres's
log, but the query we are talking about is not logged. Apparently it is
very broken and parsing it fails at a very early stage , therefore PostgreSQL
doesn't consider it to be a statement .

  Since it's with applyupdates. The SQL is probably parsed incorrectly.
  You can look what the updatequery.sql, modifyquery.sql etc. are. Maybe
  that that already reviels the problem.

 I'm afraid that i still don't understand how can I see those queries.
 are  the update.sql, modifyquery.sql  that you are referring to?

Seems that they aren't public.

What you could do: compile the sqldb-unit with debuginfo and place a
breakpoint on line 1181. And then take a look at qry.sql.text. Or simply
place a 'writeln(qry.sql.text);' on that line. Recompile fpc and try

I was hoping that recompiling sqldb wasn't neccessary .  But if there's no
other way ...

Thanks Joost !

Adrian Maier

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Lazarus and Ajax (was: Re: [lazarus] Database programming)

2006-09-08 Thread Adrian Maier

On 9/8/06, Cesar Romero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Burkhard Carstens escreveu:
 Am Freitag, 8. September 2006 01:18 schrieb Adrian Maier:
 On 9/7/06, Tony Maro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On that note I'd LOVE to see a series of Lazarus frameworks for
 implementing an Ajax application...  That stuff is hard to code!

 An interesting dream indeed:  to choose an 'ajax'  library instead of
 gtk/qt/etc ,
 then rebuild the lazarus application  and obtain some kind of cgi
 that would be the web version of the application.

 Let me know, when the first beta is available! I'd test it immediately!

Me too :-D

Ok. For all the people who are interested: the release will be exactly
on 8 oct ,
12:35 GMT. The date can be changed anytime, and the year is not sure
at all;-)

Now seriously.  I've found the link to that library.  It's called Wt:
a C++ Web Toolkit

Assuming that this Wt has enough features, it might be possible to wrap it from
LCL.  But there is surely a lot of work involved, and I guess that
only the basic
controls will be supported.  It is interesting to investigate nevertheless.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 9/6/06, Micha Nelissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 Not scalable ? In what way ?

 It's not multi-user and network-capable.

This is also simply not true. It is multi-user capable, and can use
files from a network share, but it's all done in the client, using file

So, you depend on the client to do the right thing and lock the files
properly.  This should be dbms's job , not the client's .

In my opinion, using dbf files over shared folders is a solution only
if you have an already working dbf-based application and you want to
make it multi-client and network-capable  without changing too much .

If you start a new application, I see no reason not to use something
better  -  that supports goodies like transactions and SQL .  For a
new stand-alone application I'd choose embedded-firebird with no
hesitations. If  later it is decided to make the application multi-user, the
change to the client-server version of firebird would be easy.

Sqllite might also be an option, but AFAIK Firebird's sql implementation
is superior.

It does not support transactions, true; but this is a feature, not about

Yes transactions are just a feature , but a very important one.

Best wishes,

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 9/6/06, bouquinique [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One of the advantage off TDBF ( I 'm an user of it ): It dont't need
other than himself. For me this pont is very important, firebird or SQL
engines are not installed on all the computers. Créate fonctions to
export dbf files in other formats like SQL, CSV, Or Firebird is not much
Otherwise firebird is also good.


Minimizing the requirements of your application is a good thing.

But what you don't seem to be aware of is that embedded firebird is essentially
a set of DLLs (or *.so in linux)  and the database file.  So you only need to
install a few more files _together_ with your application .  And the benefit is
huge: you gain access to all the features of a real database system (with its
sql  language, transactions, constraints, etc)  without loosing anything .
It's not neccessary to install the whole firebird server on each computer !

This is funny:  in this thread i become an advocate of firebird although
in fact i mostly use PostgreSQL .   :-)

Cheers !
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 9/7/06, Tony Maro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 23:55 -0700, Adrian Maier wrote:

 If you start a new application, I see no reason not to use something
 better - that supports goodies like transactions and SQL . For a
 new stand-alone application I'd choose embedded-firebird with no
 hesitations. If later it is decided to make the application multi-user, the
 change to the client-server version of firebird would be easy.

 Its a question of the right tool for the job, not a question of is a
screwdriver superior to the hammer.  Each tool fits a different use.

Sure, each tool has its place  (or else it would cease to exist because of
the lack of users).

The question is whether the features of a more complex tool is worth the
overhead that it adds,  in a specific situation.  Each should of course  do
his/her own evaluation and choose what fits best.

I'd use TDbf for a networked 5 user LAN environment, but if you want
something that works under more latency, for instance over the Internet, or
if you have more users you'll probably want a client-server transaction
based DB model.

My preference for a sql-based dbms is not neccesarily related to the number
of concurrent users, but to the features that are available to the developer.

For example, joining manually 4 tables with sums and 'group by'  is not fun at
all, compared to executing a simple sql query .  It would have been a huge
pain to generate the reports in my applications without a SQL engine !

If you want a single user application (or a few networked users) that is
database enabled and doesn't require the end-user to know how to set up a
database server, then products like TDbf are the answer.

Or products like sqllite, firebird ...   ;-)

This discussion seems reminiscent of old discussions over networked use of
Paradox versus going with... what was the C/S database engine Borland

Are you referring to Interbase?

So if you want to compare TDbf you'd compare it against text-file based
database engines, Paradox, dBase components, etc.  Other than the
possibility of porting an old open-sourced text-file database engine for
Delphi, I think TDbf is probably unique in it's class for Lazarus support.

As a producer of commercial software for non-technical end-users, I'd never
consider producing a MySQL, Firebird or MsSQL application.

Aren't most of the applications made for non-techincal users (except from
compilers, IDEs and other development tools)   ?  :-)

The end-user level of expertise is too high for my market.  With TDbf I only 
to let the user pick a directory to store the data in, and provide an easy way 
do backups.

What extra actions should the end-users perform if the application uses sqllite
or embedded-firebird ?   If would be even cleaner because the database
is a single
file instead of a directory full of dbf and ndx files.

On the topic of embedded firebird, I've never used it in Lazarus (is it
even available and stable in Lazarus?) but the comment on their website The
embedded runtime is  2 MB is reason enough for me to stick with TDbf.  My
total app with TDbf is smaller than that.

You surely know better how to choose your tools according to the
specific details
of the application(s) you build .

Cheers  !
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Adrian Maier

On 9/7/06, Tony Maro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On that note I'd LOVE to see a series of Lazarus frameworks for implementing
an Ajax application...  That stuff is hard to code!

An interesting dream indeed:  to choose an 'ajax'  library instead of
gtk/qt/etc ,
then rebuild the lazarus application  and obtain some kind of cgi that would
be the web version of the application.
I have seen some place a c++ library that contained some classes that can be
used to write web applications in a gui-style . I might still have the
link noted
down somewhere.

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Minor issue while compiling Lazarus

2006-08-27 Thread Adrian Maier


I have noticed that after :
make clean ;  svn update ; make

it fails with this error:
lazarus.pp(114,1) Error: Can't call the linker, switching to external linking

If I execute make again,  the error no longer appears and Lazarus is
built successfully.

Is this a known issue?

The system is Linux (slackware 10.2), with fpc 2.0.4rc2 and the latest
Lazarus (obtained with svn).

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Minor issue while compiling Lazarus

2006-08-27 Thread Adrian Maier

On 27/08/06, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

Maybe you should do make clean all instead of only make

This made no difference.  make clean all gave the same error.
If others can't see the same error this means that there is something
strange only
here on my machine.Sorry for the noise  ;-)

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] parameterized queries

2006-08-24 Thread Adrian Maier

On 23/08/06, Zlatko Matić [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you give me the download link for fpc-2.0.4-rc3 ?

I think that's it :

Are the 2.0.4 release candidates not really visible on purpose?  I
could not find
no references on the website. In order to find them, one needs to browse the directories manually .   In my opinion a new RC  qualifies
as a news item   ( so that people would find out about it and test ... ) .  And
perhaps a Beta section could be added to the Download page .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] parameterized queries

2006-08-24 Thread Adrian Maier

On 24/08/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They were announce of the fpc mailing lists and people were invited to
test them.
Further more the Lazarus snapshots were modified to use the release
candidates too. This has been announce on this mailing too.

Not all possibly interested users are subscribed to (all of the)
mailing lists.
I'm just saying is that the RCs are hard to find from the fpc web site.

It is not interesting for the developers, if people just use the release
candidate. They are looking for people to really test and provide
feedback. So the availability was as not widely announced a real release.

This makes perfect sense.  Speaking of feedback,  in my case using 2.0.4 rc2
is now a must  because it contains significant fixes in the sqldb+postgresql
area.  The rc2  is the only one that allowed me to have a working (editable)
TdbGrid against PostgreSql.   I haven't  tried rc3 yet.

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] parameterized queries

2006-08-24 Thread Adrian Maier

On 24/08/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 11:45 +0300, Adrian Maier wrote:
 On 24/08/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It is not interesting for the developers, if people just use the release
  candidate. They are looking for people to really test and provide
  feedback. So the availability was as not widely announced a real release.

 This makes perfect sense.  Speaking of feedback,  in my case using 2.0.4 rc2
 is now a must  because it contains significant fixes in the sqldb+postgresql
 area.  The rc2  is the only one that allowed me to have a working (editable)
 TdbGrid against PostgreSql.   I haven't  tried rc3 yet.

Then you should better use the snapshots. There are now already fixes in
the 2.1.1 snapshot for postgres, which won't make it in 2.0.4.

The rc's were only meant to test the installation-procedures on all
different platforms. And maybe to see if there were any show-stoppers.

It looks like I was  overestimating the importance of the rc's ...

That's why it's more usefull for the developers if people use the
snapshots. Bugs like the sqldb-bug should already be found before we
start building release candidates.

Woudln't be using svn  equally useful for the developers?   I don't like
snapshots:   they are big  compared to a  'svn up' .  When trying  development
versions i'd rather go all the way and use svn .

This is the branch that will eventually become the 2.0.4 release : , right  ?

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] Detecting when the current line changes inside a TSynEdit

2006-08-16 Thread Adrian Maier


I am writing a small html editor ; the purpose is to translate html pages in an
easy way.   I have two TSynEdit controls :  one is read-only and displays the
original file ,  and the 2nd is editable and is used to write the
translated text.
I wish to synchronise the two TSynEdits:   when i move up and down in the
editable SynEdit2,   i'd like to make sure that the corresponding line is
visible in SynEdit1.

So, the question is which event could i use to detect when the user moves
the cursor (caret) to another line ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: Detecting when the current line changes inside a TSynEdit

2006-08-16 Thread Adrian Maier

On 16/08/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am writing a small html editor ; the purpose is to translate html pages in an
easy way.   I have two TSynEdit controls :  one is read-only and displays the
original file ,  and the 2nd is editable and is used to write the
translated text.
I wish to synchronise the two TSynEdits:   when i move up and down in the
editable SynEdit2,   i'd like to make sure that the corresponding line is
visible in SynEdit1.

So, the question is which event could i use to detect when the user moves
the cursor (caret) to another line ?

I've found a solution.  It might not be the best one, but it does what i want:
everytime i press a key in SynEdit2, it highlights the corresponding line in
the other SynEdit1.

procedure TFrmMain.SynEdit2KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
 Shift: TShiftState);
 if l1l2 then begin

I am very impressed to see how easy it was to write this small editor (in about
one day), considering how little experience i have with Lazarus.

Best wishes,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-26 Thread Adrian Maier

On 25/07/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006, Bisma Jayadi wrote:

 I would consider 250 tables rather moderate.

 Wow... if 250 tables still considered as moderate, I wonder how many tables
 will you considered as huge? I've build some large scale database application
 but I never use more than 200-300 tables. If the tables more than 300 (max
 500, IMO) then I think there's something wrong with the system design, and
 the system need to be redesigned or separated.

In enterprise class systems 500 tables or more is not uncommon.

Indeed.  250 tables would be limiting.  There are certainly bigger
applications that
have more than that. For example I've worked on a project with Geneva
billing system
and that database was huge in number of tables and views.

Adrian Maier

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Re: saving TdbGrid data to PostgreSQL

2006-07-23 Thread Adrian Maier

On 18/07/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmm. i think i found something : TSQLQuery's ApplyUpdate method
 seems to send 'update'  commands to pgsql. I have to keep looking,
 though, because deleting rows generates an ugly runtime error
 (Clear of selection failed ( PostgresSQL ERROR: current transaction is
 aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block) ).

Make sure that you're using the latest versions of fpc.

And that error isn't that ugly. You have done something wrong,
thereafter postgresql closed the transaction, but you still tried to do
something else with that transaction. That's what it says.

Please try with fpc 2.1.1 or 2.0.4-rcx


I've upgraded to 2.1.1 (from svn so that i could upgrade easier in the future).
I've started over to writte the small application, using a smaller
table. To sum up:
- i have a TdbGrid that gets properly populated with data read from a
PostgreSQL table,
with 4 fields :   ID serial primary key, NAME varchar(20),  AGE
numeric,  DT date .
A TdbNavigator is asociated to the dataset.
- insert seems to work
- update seems to work
- if the AGE field already has a value, I can't set it to empty
(NULL). It complaints
that :  ' ' is not a valid float value.   So, there is an issue with
NULL values.
- when i delete a row,  it asks me to confirm.   Later i get an error
when I press on
a button called Save which does:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

In the console it writes:

TApplication.HandleException Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $081FDD77  TCUSTOMDBGRID__DOLAYOUTCHANGED,  line 1388 of dbgrids.pas
 $081FF899  TCUSTOMDBGRID__ENDLAYOUT,  line 2149 of dbgrids.pas
 $081FE3E2  TCUSTOMDBGRID__LAYOUTCHANGED,  line 1554 of dbgrids.pas
 $081FCB54  TCUSTOMDBGRID__ONDATASETCHANGED,  line 800 of dbgrids.pas
 $0820121C  TCOMPONENTDATALINK__DATASETCHANGED,  line 2703 of dbgrids.pas
 $08106964  TCONTROL__CLICK,  line 1876 of ./include/
 $08158C8F  TBUTTONCONTROL__CLICK,  line 57 of ./include/
 $0815A6E5  TCUSTOMBUTTON__CLICK,  line 187 of ./include/
 $0815AAB1  TBUTTON__CLICK,  line 298 of ./include/
 $0815A8AA  TCUSTOMBUTTON__WMDEFAULTCLICKED,  line 242 of ./include/
 $080FDE7B  TWINCONTROL__WNDPROC,  line 3399 of ./include/
 $0811B6C9  DELIVERMESSAGE,  line 3514 of

The Button1Click method is the only piece of code i've written manually. What
am I doing wrong?

The database tutorial in the wiki has indeed a section about PostgreSQL, but it
only explains how to obtain a read-only TdbGrid (which works for me,too), and
nothing about actually editing the data.

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] saving TdbGrid data to PostgreSQL

2006-07-18 Thread Adrian Maier


This is probably a newbie question.  I have a small form that contains
a TPQConnection,
a TSQLTransaction, a TSQLQuery, a TDatasource, a TdbGrid  and a TDBNavigator.

The program is able to connect to the database , get the data and populate the

Now I'd like to improve the program: i wish to save the modified data back to
the database.
I have an exit button that currently only calls the transaction's
commit method.
But this is not enough :   by monitoring postgresql's logs i have seen that no
inserts or updates are executed.

So, what should I do to save the modified data to the database?

Thank you,
Adrian Maier

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Re: saving TdbGrid data to PostgreSQL

2006-07-18 Thread Adrian Maier

On 18/07/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This is probably a newbie question.  I have a small form that contains
a TPQConnection,
a TSQLTransaction, a TSQLQuery, a TDatasource, a TdbGrid  and a TDBNavigator.

The program is able to connect to the database , get the data and populate the

Now I'd like to improve the program: i wish to save the modified data back to
the database.
I have an exit button that currently only calls the transaction's
commit method.
But this is not enough :   by monitoring postgresql's logs i have seen that no
inserts or updates are executed.

So, what should I do to save the modified data to the database?

Hmm. i think i found something : TSQLQuery's ApplyUpdate method
seems to send 'update'  commands to pgsql. I have to keep looking,
though, because deleting rows generates an ugly runtime error
(Clear of selection failed ( PostgresSQL ERROR: current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block) ).

Adrian Maier

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Re: saving TdbGrid data to PostgreSQL

2006-07-18 Thread Adrian Maier

On 19/07/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmm. i think i found something : TSQLQuery's ApplyUpdate method
 seems to send 'update'  commands to pgsql. I have to keep looking,
 though, because deleting rows generates an ugly runtime error
 (Clear of selection failed ( PostgresSQL ERROR: current transaction is
 aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block) ).

Make sure that you're using the latest versions of fpc.

And that error isn't that ugly. You have done something wrong,
thereafter postgresql closed the transaction, but you still tried to do
something else with that transaction. That's what it says.

Please try with fpc 2.1.1 or 2.0.4-rcx

Now I'm confused:  where could I find those versions?  svn?  because
in the download section only 2.0.2 appears.


Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus/Freepascal Propaganda

2006-06-18 Thread Adrian Maier

On 17/06/06, Marco van de Voort [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How about changing the word propaganda to Marketing.  For me that word has
 a negative conation.  To me propaganda implies lying and Marketing
 implies spreading the word or message.

To me propaganda implies lying by a state, and marketing lying by a corporation.

This is true ...

Marketing is not neutral, but commercial. It does not mean exactly
spread the word,
but more likely build a strong image of something, so that people
would buy it
(sometimes at the expense of quality ...).  Anyway, the idea of seling makes the
term marketing not to fit very well in our case.

Propaganda sounds better  ( even though the word might have an issue
because it was used in expressions like communist propaganda ).

The most neutral term i can think of is Promoting FPC/Lazarus .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Re: Detecting user cancel

2006-05-19 Thread Adrian Maier

On 5/19/06, Arí Ricardo Ody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Suppose computer is doing a long processing.
Then, someone that can copies some information
that is available only during this processing,
tries to interrupt the processing. I want to
detect this and delete the privileged
information(that otherwise would be encripted -
sources of a interpreted language).


My feeling is that deleting that information when the program is
killed would only partially solve the problem , and would only
give a false feeling of security.  For instance:
- since it's a long-running operation,   it might be possible to
 copy the sensitive information before the processing ends ?
 (we are talking about some temporary files , right ? )
- someone might run the program inside a debugger,  and stop the
 execution of the program just before the privileged information
 is deleted   - giving that person enough time to inspect
 all the secrets.

Perhaps it would be better to keep that information in memory in some
kind of buffer ?  that memory would be freed after the application is
killed ;   (again - i'm assuming that you are currently storing  the
information in some temporary files).

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Re: Detecting user cancel

2006-05-19 Thread Adrian Maier

On 19/05/06, Arí Ricardo Ody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Lazarus application will manage a list of programs to be converted
and will run a tool(once for each file of the list) that uses an
interpreter to execute sources that would writed in a ramdrive. I
have no way of establish a communications with the interpreter in the
way it takes the sources from a buffer of memory and not from a
real drive. If you know what I mean...

Hmm. I see.  There is nothing you can do if the interpreter accepts
input only from files. It's a shame that you can't pass the sources to the
interpreter through pipes.

Just curious: what interpreter is it ?

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus Help System Requirements

2006-05-11 Thread Adrian Maier



Windowze has 2 help system versions (*.hlp files and *.chm files).

Un*x based systems have man (doesn't have links, discarted, sorry).

I heard that *Linux (GNU/Linux, and others) doesn't have one.

The man pages are not the only help format in Unix.

In Linux/Unix  there are also the info pages , which do support links.
Some info pages also have an index ( i'm not sure when this index is
generated) .
The program is called 'info' . Info can be used to acces the regular man
pages, too.  (plus you can go to the related items in SEE ALSO by simply
going on the item and pressing enter).

By googling for more info about info, i've found that Info is in fact
the official
documentation format  of the GNU project :

Info might be really interesting : it is possible to generate several
help formats
from a single source : html, pdf, info, dvi, xml .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] question about the code completion feature of Lazarus

2006-05-10 Thread Adrian Maier

On 5/10/06, Alexander Todorov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/10/06, Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have noticed that sometimes the code-completion (Ctrl-space) is not
 entirely accurate.   I mean,  sometimes it contains class members that
 in fact don't exist  ( the non-existance is detected at compilation time ).

 For instance :  i have an objectconnection: TSQLConnection .
 If later in the code I enter :connection.   ,  the code-completion list
 contains a procedure CheckConnection.   But the compiler says that
 there is no CheckConnection method.

 Where could this kind of discrepancies come from?

The code-completion list contains all class members, not only those
who are public or protected.

I see.
Well  -  displaying only the members that are accesible seems tricky
because this depends on the context   ( a protected method should
appear inside a derived clas  )  .

But maybe the methods could be marked somehow (with a tiny icon)
so that one can easily spot the difference ( red circle = private,
yellow circle =protected, green circle = public )  ?   Just an idea ...

Thank you guys for the answers,
Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] FPC question

2006-04-19 Thread Adrian Maier
On 4/19/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Adrian Maier wrote:

  On 4/19/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is this a problem with PostrgreSQL itself or the component in lazarus
  wrapping it?
  It's a problem of postgres. A transaction 'block' is started with the
  sql-command 'begin', from that comand on, all queries are executed
  within that transaction. Using another connection is not possible.
  Unless, offcourse, you start a new connection. Or closes the transaction
  (commit, rollback etc)
  Please pardon me for jumping in the middle of the thread, but your
  phrase made me really curious.   The behaviour you described seems
  to be the normal one, once you execute begin (transaction) . What
  other behaviour would someone expect postgres to have ?

 To allow several concurrent transactions.

Is this implemented inside the database engine, as some special SQL
commands ?   Is it possible to start more transactions simultaneously
from firebird's interactive utility?how does one specify that a certain
SQL command has to be executed inside one transaction or another  ?

 Interbase/Firebird allows to start several concurrent transactions in
 1 connection. AFAIK Oracle and MS-SQL too (named transactions).

I'm not sure about this.
Oracle has named transactions, but those are just labels that are given
to long-running transaction - so that they can be easier identified. Also,
in Oracle it is possible that a stored procedure be executed in an
'autonomous' transaction ( i've used this once for writing a procedure
that wrote debugging information to a table ; in case of error the messages
would have been rolled back unless they were inserted by an autonomous
transaction).  But i believe that these autonomous transactions are a different
beast from the feature we are talking about.

 This is extremely handy.

I understand this.
Yet,  my feeling is that this feature is an interbase/firebird
extension , and that
it would be possible to achieve the same by using more standard features like
cursors and savepoints.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] FPC question

2006-04-19 Thread Adrian Maier
On 4/19/06, Joost van der Sluis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, pseudo-code, see Michaels mail for the real commands.

Yep, I've seen them.   Interesting. It's good to know about them .

  Indeed, it's not visible.  Therefore: the same user can see that record
  in one place, and at the same time he doesn't see the record in another
  place. Is this truly a good thing ?

 No. I would use one transaction for one user.
This happens in a middle-tier application, i guess.

 Or you can decide to use one transaction for each form, or one for each
 thread. That's all up to the developer.

I see.

Just a last note (maybe this is useful for someone):
When using postgresql and there are too many users, it is possible to use
connection polling  :

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Which distribution to use in order to install lazarus without problems?

2006-03-27 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/27/06, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:48:59 +0200
 v.scozzaro '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Which distribution to use in order to install lazarus without problems?
  It completes of the gtk+

 Every distribution I know can be installed without development packages, so
 there is no distribution without problems. This is the same for every other
 development software, that is not in the standard packages of the

In Slackware there are no separate devel packages (each package contains
both the runtime and the devel) .  I haven't tried running Lazarus on Slackware,

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] Size of Executable on Win32

2006-03-17 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/17/06, Sergio X [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi list. I'm new lazarus user. I think lazarus is a great tool. But I have
 some questions:

 1) On Win32 the executable has 5 - 6 Mb for a simple program (the program
 don't have any code, only the main window). There are some configuration for
 reduce the size of the executable?

There is a utility (called strip) that you can use to remove the
debugging information,
which reduces the executable size.

You can find information about this here:

 2) How can write components? I search in new project menu, but I can´t find
 the option to start write.

I am a newbie, too .  Perhaps others can answer you.

Adrian Maier

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] TProcess and EProcess (probably offtopic)

2006-03-15 Thread Adrian Maier

My question is probably more suitable for another list. In fact I
had asked it on fpc-pascal,   but now I am no longer able to
post on that list because my mails are rejected by the sorbs
spam checker who blacklisted [].
Very irritating ...

Anyway, here is my problem:
I am trying to call other processes with the TProcess class and
to detect possible errors with the EProcess exception.
The compiler says it doesn't know what EProcess is.

  p := TProcess.Create(nil);p.CommandLine := 'psql';
  p.Options := p.Options + [poStderrToOutPut,poNewConsole,poWaitOnExit];
  on EProcess do ShowMessage('EProcess !');

Michael van Canneyt answered me that i should write :

  on E : EProcess do ShowMessage('EProcess !');

instead, but the compiler still doesn't recognize EProcess.

I have downloaded the fpc 2.0.2 sources and looked for EProcess,
but i couldn't find it. Is EProcess a new functionality that
doesn't exist in fpc 2.0.2  ?   But the FCL manual installed with
fpc 2.0.2 says that TProcess.Execute rasies the EProcess exception
in case of error !

Please enlighten me where could I find this EProcess exception .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] TProcess and EProcess (probably offtopic)

2006-03-15 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/15/06, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Adrian Maier wrote:
  Please enlighten me where could I find this EProcess exception .

 There is an error in the documentation.
 It should be Exception instead of EProcess.

 But the implementation needs to be changed to use EProcess, I just
 anticipated on that when I was writing the docs, and subsequently
 forgot to change the sources :/ :/

 So: use Exception for the moment, but be prepared to change this to
 EProcess in the future.

Ok,  I'll do that. Thank you Michael!

Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] renaming units

2006-03-14 Thread Adrian Maier

When creating new units,  Lazarus names them Unit1, Unit2, etc.

How do i change the names of these units?

If i modify at the top of the file unit Unit1; to unit MenuPef;,
the compiler says:   Error:  Illegal unit name: MenuPef.

I've also tried to rename the file, but this of course did not work : it
complained that the original file cannot be found .

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] renaming units

2006-03-14 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/14/06, Pēteris Bērzs-Bērziņš [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I gess u also should rename unit names in project file and all files witch is 
 using touse untis.

Indeed.   I had to:
- change the name of the unit at the top of the source file
- exit Lazarus
- rename the files (pas, lfm, lrs)
- edit the project file
- start Lazarus
- fix other compilation errors ( like changing the included file
   name in the initialization section of the unit ).

It's a little messy, but it seems to work just fine.

Adrian Maier

 -Original Message-
 From: Adrian Maier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:39 PM
 Subject: [lazarus] renaming units


 When creating new units,  Lazarus names them Unit1, Unit2, etc.

 How do i change the names of these units?

 If i modify at the top of the file unit Unit1; to unit MenuPef;,
 the compiler says:   Error:  Illegal unit name: MenuPef.

 I've also tried to rename the file, but this of course did not work : it 
 complained that the original file cannot be found .

 Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] renaming units

2006-03-14 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/14/06, Mattias Gaertner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:38:57 +0200
 Adrian Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  How do i change the names of these units?

 Save the unit. The IDE opens a save dialog, where you can choose the name.

That dialog appears only the first time , when the unit has just been
created ...

 Or use File - Save as directly.

I'll try this the next time.

Thanks for the info,
Adrian Maier

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[lazarus] newbie to lazarus

2006-03-11 Thread Adrian Maier

I have an application that I plan to convert to lazarus. The application
is quite simple:  the user is presented a list of options. Based on the
user's choice I need to be able to call other programs ( data-entry forms,
reports, scripts, etc ).

So far I find it quite hard to get up and running. I have seen the tutorials
in the wiki and they are ok as a starting point. But I haven't found any
reference documentation for the various classes and units.
The LCL documentation (work in progress) will be probably someday
the kind of documenation i'd like to have available , but unfortunately it's
not useful yet because it's just a unit browser with almost no descriptions

So, my question is how do you manage to actually write programs
with lazarus with so little documentation?  Do you know Delphi's classes
already? Are you using some other reference manuals ?

At least a list with the most commonly used classes and their description
would prove useful.
For example:  how should someone know when to use TNotebook or
TPageControl?  What's the difference, since they seem similar when
added to a form?  What about TTabControl?

My intention is not to criticise (it's a project based on volunterr work and I
certainly have no right to ask for anything). I'm  just trying to get some tips
about how and where could I find the details needed to be able to actually
use Lazarus for creating new amasing programs.

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] newbie to lazarus

2006-03-11 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/11/06, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are converting your application from Delphi, you can use the
 Delphi help files.  If you don't have Delphi, I think you can actually
 down the help files from the net (sorry can't remember the link, but
 Google should help).

Nope.  I'm not converting from Delphi (and i have never programmed in
Delphi, actually) .  It's a text-mode application based on writeln,
textcolor, Crt.

 Otherwise you can try the Delphi Basics website.  It is an excellent
 site with tons of examples.

 Your other option, is to look at the Lazarus source (ide directory),
 to see how things get used.  This has worked really well for me.

I see.  Thanks

Adrian Maier

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Re: [lazarus] newbie to lazarus

2006-03-11 Thread Adrian Maier
On 3/11/06, Matthijs Willemstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 15:34 +0200, Adrian Maier wrote:
  So, my question is how do you manage to actually write programs
  with lazarus with so little documentation?  Do you know Delphi's classes
  already? Are you using some other reference manuals ?

 But the cut a long story short, use Delphi documentation if you cannot
 figure it out yourself and when you have figured it out, add it to the

Ok,  I'll try to get some Delphi reference manuals and see how it goes.

Thanks for the answer
Adrian Maier

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