Re: Multiuser Xtra and databases

2003-06-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:01  PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:

Is it possible to use multiuser xtra to connect to databases like 
oracle etc. I need to connect and retrieve some data. If possible I'd 
to run away from third part xtras, but...
You'll probably want to use a PHP/ASP intermediary.

ps: DirectorMX doesn't use multiuser anymore??
Yes it does (on all platforms), but the xtra has been moved to the 
"goodies" folder on the distribution CD. Macromedia needs to reconsider 
this. That xtra can serve many purposes - more than what the Flash 
Communications Server alone can offer.

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Re: Multiuser Xtra and databases

2003-06-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 02:58  PM, Evan Adelman wrote:

is that really the case? if the solution involves ASP, you're probably 
right, you need a webserver. but php, perl, and the like are actually 
separate executables that you could include (1. the distribution 
licenses are pretty loose if i remember, and 2. all the perl 
executables and lib that come in the distro i have are 13MB - good 
enough to include on a cd)

if writing in those languages is a problem, then that's a different 

chiming in for no particular good,
Actually, that is pretty much what I considered as well. I only 
originally mentioned ASP at all because some folks use it. Here at my 
place it wouldn't even be considered, since we are a "PHP house" for 
that type of authoring.

I also don't see the speed hit as having significant impact - after all 
*something* will be communicating with the database. PHP is designed to 
do that job. It is extremely responsive with Director requests for 
data. No webserver or webserver technologies? mySQL will be running 
somewhere... locally? But PHP can't?

I'd have to agree, "if writing in those languages is a problem, then 
that's a different matter."

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Re: Multiuser Xtra and databases

2003-06-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 03:38  PM, Rodrigo Peres wrote:

This project will be running from Kiosk. It will among other things 
prices. The client use the barcode in package, and the system go to the
database and get the price, description and present on screen.
I've never heard about PHP executable where I can find it?? Or Perl
executable?? And how can I send it with instalation CD?? And more 
deal with webserver is ok, but how can I talk to the .exe to grab the
retieved information from database?
I'm not sure I have an experienced answer to supply if you don't want 
to use PHP as CGI. In theory, it could be distributed independently as 
described, but I haven't done it that way.

Used as CGI the process is very clean and straightforward, with 
Director doing all the thinking, and PHP acting as a "phone line" to 
the DB.

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Re: linking of cast - can't get it to work...!

2003-06-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 09:28  PM, nik crosina wrote:

This does only occur once I burn the project on to a CD (or run it 
over a network), not when I run the stub in my development machine.

Any ideas, anything i am missing here?
Have you tried adding the various folders to "the searchPaths"?

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Re: : DMX issues (summary)

2003-06-19 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 01:34  PM, Kevin McFarland wrote:

I'm trying to summarize known DMX issues, here is what I have come up 
with so far, from looking at past threads and notes. Any others I'm 

* font width on OSX
* exitLock broken on OSX?
* modifier key bugs on OSX, fixed by rebooting
* inaccurate soundLevel value returned on OSX
* some Buddy issues on OSX
Maybe I'm the only one seeing this one - idle projectors in OSX 
consuming huge CPU resources for no apparent reason. I notice on my 
Powerbook that the CPU fan comes on whenever there is a projector 
running, or even a shockwave in the browser - my own, or anyone else's. 
CPU averages 80% utilization when the projector is in the background 
looping on a frame with no scripts (other than go to the frame.)

If this doesn't qualify as an "issue" to be reported, does anyone see 
similar results, or have found a way to eliminate the CPU hogging?

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Re: : DMX issues (summary)

2003-06-19 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 12:41  AM, Howdy-Tzi wrote:

The way Macromedia has explained this is that Director projectors 
don't actually hog the cpu, they just eat up unused cycles.  If I 
recall correctly, this is aimed to handle animation.
Yeah; I believe taking the framerate down can reduce it, as of course 
can unchecking "animate in background" but if you have processes that 
must be running, that's not such a hot plan of course. ;)

Also looking over the cpuHogTicks setting might be of value here.
Thanks, I'm looking into this. I would agree that it does seem to "play 
nicely" most of the time. The disconcerting part is primarily the fact 
that projectors and shockwaves (nearly) always trigger a Powerbook's 
CPU fan. So whenever you launch a Director based app, after a few 
seconds it sounds like a little airplane revving up - something I 
normally associate with rendering in 3D or other computational heavy 
tasks... not something caused by a little app or utility.

It is not so big a deal in projectors which have a lot of video or real 
time animation. The ones that bother me are the little tools that I 
write which use OSControl xtra for all the interface components. They 
are so lightweight that it seems crazy to start the fans blowing - 
which also reduces laptop battery time, of course.

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Re: : DMX issues (summary)

2003-06-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 10:43  AM, Daniel Nelson wrote:

Yes, I wish there were an option to say "hey, this is just a regular 
app, not a multimedia project".  It's so very easy to make great 
looking and functioning stuff in Director that it would be nice if it 
had the ability to act just like other applications.
Exactly, DMX (with some xtras) is capable of very credible 
cross-platform shareware utilities. The versatility of powerful 
multimedia options, as well as OS native behaviors creates a compelling 
reason that it not only could - but *should* be used in this way. In 
the past, I have used alternate authoring tools to create "utilities" 
and Director to create "multimedia." It is a really nice benefit to do 
both in the same package - and then, when one wants to create a 
multimedia enabled utility, it starts to get great.

Many of the small utilities I write are meant to be running pretty much 
all of the time... minimized, in the dock, offscreen, whatever. The 
fan-starting, CPU-hogging behavior prevents anything like that from 
being distributable. Even if it is actually "playing nice."

What's the wish list URL? Since Macromedia changed their site around, I 
don't visit too often.

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Re: : DMX issues (summary)

2003-06-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 12:17  PM, Daniel Nelson wrote:

You can send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Done. Thanks.

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Re: Flash animation in Director

2003-07-04 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 01:21  AM, Rishi Jindal wrote:

I am working on a presentation that involves a lot of Bitmap (800 X 
coming after one another (Like Powerpoint) I am wanting to use Flash
animation at the same time as when my bitmap show on stage but I notice
that the Flash animaton tends to slow down or stop wherever there is a
transition frame . Any comments or ideas on how to improve performance

It sounds like you are using Director transitions. They will hold the 
playhead in place until they are complete, which will stop everything 
else. You'll probably want to use imaging lingo for your bitmap 
transitions, if you don't want to try that, you could also get a 
dissolve for your bitmaps by tweening the blend values over time.

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Re: It's not about Breeze - it's about the Breeze pitch

2003-07-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 01:36  PM, Allen Stare-IMM wrote:

I have a problem with the tone of the 'Breeze' presentation and the
implication that a multimedia designer/consultant is a *BAD* thing.
Macromedia appears to be interested in trying to become a tool for 
everyone, rather than just "developers." Who can blame them for that?

In turn, they decided that the appropriate marketing strategy to make 
that point was to publicly put a big knife in our backs. The Breeze 
marketing approach is absolutely traitorous. THAT I can blame them for.

I have been getting emails from my clients and associates, regarding 
their receipt of the Breeze marketing. They were offended, for me.

Macromedia has placed its stake in the ground. I am now placing mine. 
Macromedia will see no more of my company's money. We've now purchased 
alternate tools, and mandated their use over Macromedia tools wherever 
possible, and have mapped a permanent migration plan away from all 
Macromedia products. It is expensive and difficult, but Macromedia has 
forced the issue by clearly identifying where they stand.

Is that the result you were looking for Macromedia? Do you think you 
are so big and important that you can blatantly screw your customer 
base, and expect us to bend over?

Time will tell. But you won't be getting my thousands of dollars per 
year anymore. We have multiple developers, all currently using MM 
products. I'm willing to replace every piece of software we own before 
writing you another check. We DO have alternatives.

PLUS, we'll be starting a new marketing campaign of our own... you'll 
be reflected in it equally as well as you have portrayed companies like 

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Re: Xml parser xtra question

2003-07-28 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 03:07  PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

When debugging, is there any way to see the structure of parsed xml
under the variable tabs (DMX interface).  Currently, all I see there is
the instance of the xtra: .  I'd like
to be able to see a tree view of the data.  Am I missing something?
When you parse the data, you parse it into an object variable... drag 
that into the object inspector, and viola ... tree-viewed for debugging.

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Re: XML heirarchy in object inspector / Was: Xml parser xtra question

2003-07-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 08:53  AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I must be missing something.  I'm not seeing how to display parsed XML
as a tree view in the object inspector.  Anyone know?
(In my lingo, the instanced/parsed xtra is named gXML.)
If you are sure that is what contains the parsed data, and not the Xtra 
itself, then you have several ways -

Highlight and drag the variable name to the Object inspector.

Highlight the name, and click the "view in Object Inspector" icon in 
the script window toolbar.

Type the variable name into the left column in the Object Inspector.

It works - I do it all the time.

Try this test - instantiate the XTRA into a variable. Parse the data. 
Use the "makeList" function to move the data into a new variable. Take 
a look at that variable's contents in the Object Inspector. You might 
get different results.

If that doesn't work, post your parsing code.

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Re: XML heirarchy in object inspector / Was: Xml parser xtra question

2003-08-04 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 02:14  PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I took your suggestion and did a makeList() function in the object
inspector, and it worked (thank you).
However, I'd rather not look at the data that way. I'd still just like
to get a simple tree view.  Is this possible?
Not too sure how the object inspector is displaying it differently than 
a tree view. While the top line will attempt to display the data as a 
horizontal list, you should be able to use the disclosure arrows to 
look at the file more in tree format. If that still doesn't meet your 
needs, look into the TreeView XTRA and "roll your own."

(Personally, I think the OI does a fine job of allowing me to drill 
down through an XML. Perhaps you haven't fully examined the "spin down" 

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Re: XML heirarchy in object inspector / Was: Xml parser xtra question

2003-08-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 08:32  AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

The top line just displays the instance of the xtra, without any spin
down/tree view widgets.  In the OI, I can see the tree with the
makeList() method, but not any other way.  Any thoughts, or should I
just figure out the tree view in my head, which is what I've been 
Here is what I do.

Parse the XML.
Use makeList()
Null out the original XML XTRA (myXML = 0)
Manage the list in the OI.
Use the list as the data source - NOT the original XML.
Refresh list as necessary.

So, what about that approach doesn't work for your project?

Note that XML will frequently have some extra layers of parent nodes 
that you don't need once you have things in Director. The makeSubList() 
is an excellent opportunity to trim off that fat. Then your list is a 
cleaner list to parse through normal program operation, and helps to 
keep your XML paths shorter.

The point is - once the XML is parsed, you don't need to have the Xtra 
around anymore.

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Re: cpu usage

2003-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 05:48  PM, Mathew Ray wrote:

There was just a lengthy discussion of this very topic on Direct-L.
Rather than me rehashing all the details, See the thread titled "CPU
usage on OSX":
Check out that thread. I started it, and the general consensus was that 
was the way Director is built to work. I'm not sure we have any means 
of changing its behavior, and it rules out using Director for any type 
of utility application which is meant to be run all of the time.

Especially on notebook computers, including Powerbooks.

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Re: cpu usage

2003-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 07:55  PM, Tony Åström wrote:

By the way, the Windows clients have notis
the 100% cpu usage and what shall I tell them?
- "Modern CPUs run HOT when idling at 100% continuousl" -
Yep. That's what you tell them.

That and the fact that the CPU fans in notebooks will start up shortly 
after launching your program, and will not shut off until shortly after 
you quit it. The CPU and fan combination will use up notebook batteries 
at faster than twice their normal rate.

I don't imagine they will be too happy. Unfortunately, I've yet to hear 
of a fix.

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Re: Director MX - 2004

2003-09-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 10:15 AM, Dan Sheridan wrote:

Does anyone know if Macromedia will be updating Director MX - to the 
2004 product line? And does Director MX now require a new Flash Asset 
to use Flash 2004 swfs etc?
Macromedia posted a FAQ somewhere that says there will indeed be such a 
Director version.

It is the general belief that there would need to be a new Flash asset 
xtra to support any new features in Flash. The Director dev team is 
aware of that also.

I'm in somewhat the same boat. We currently use DMX, but our Flash 
developers are chomping at the bit for 2004 studio.

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Re: Director MX - 2004

2003-09-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 10:40 AM, Kraig Mentor wrote:

Flash MX 2004 allows for exporting in earlier Flash formats, if thats 
any help in your situation.
Maybe. We'll probably pick up a copy and test. Flash MX would export as 
Flash 5 as well, but if you scripted anything against the Flash 5 
rules, you had problems.

One of the biggest strengths that Director has enjoyed is the full 
compatibility with the latest Flash version. Everybody else had to work 
with a version back and Flash 5. Now even Director is in the version 
back mode.  ;-(

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Re: fill effect

2003-09-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, September 14, 2003, at 01:26 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

is it possible to do a fill effect with a bitmap (not
regular color). ie. i have a bitmap that i would like
to use as a fill effect. is it possible for the bitmap
to cover were you click, just like you would with a
regular fill effect.
Take a look over copyPixels() and floodfill(). That is a good place to 

I'll admit I'm a relative newbie at imaging lingo, but what you are 
asking doesn't seem too hard.

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Re: undocumented Lingo

2003-09-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 09:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I haven't tried floodfill().. but it may be useful on a project I am 
starting. What are the parameters(arguments) that it requires??
According to James Newton's book -

imageObject.floodfill(, )

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Re: Cursor property - solved

2003-09-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 01:27 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:

This makes code less redundant, and, what was my aim, reauable.
Not to mention appropriate and functional.  ;-P

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Re: 8.5 3D recommended book?

2003-09-29 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, September 29, 2003, at 05:26 AM, Robin Pereira wrote:

Director's Third Dimension: Fundamentals of 3D Programming in Director 
(With CD-ROM)
by Paul Catanese (Author) (Paperback
I've read just about all of them. Paul Catanese's book is by far the 
most comprehensive and advanced. It lays open on my desk right now, and 
I can't say enough about its quality and coverage of the subject. I 
also found James Newton's book quite good, but Paul's is more focused 
on 3D, and touches on imaging lingo, while James' book is the other way 

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Re: english to spanish / spanish to english translation in director

2003-09-30 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 11:21 AM, Evan Adelman wrote:

Even then, however, Kerry's examples fail pretty miserably in Babel 
Fish (English->Spanish->English => The alcohol is arranged, but the 
meat is weak. & He lead a block and gave return in a small > restaurant.)

Ya. That ampersand really threw me.


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Re: Mousedown safari bug

2003-09-30 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 02:09 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

Hey - has anyone seen the weird mousedown bug in safari where you have 
move the mouse during a mousedown in order for it to register? You can 
an example at
I've seen it in more than Safari.

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Re: buttons in front of videos

2003-10-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, October 12, 2003, at 03:53 PM, director wrote:

im trying to put graphics (buttons)in front of video.
is this possible. i know there is a mask feature. i
have tried this feature but no luck.
Not sure where you normally hang out, director, but we generally frown 
on the anonymous folk around here. The lack of signature and a yahoo 
address kind of suggests that you don't even own Director. This isn't a 
porn list. I'm surprised the other guys even answered you, they usually 
have better ways to use their time.

You'd also be advised to supply some information. Platform, Director 
version, type of graphics you are using, what type of video, what 
you've already tried...
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: thanks

2003-10-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, October 12, 2003, at 10:38 PM, director wrote:

i am not the
best at it but i give it my best and if i get stuck i
turn to the pro's "you guys"
OK then DS-NYC - is your question answered?

If not, you should supply a few more details on what you are trying to 

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Re: OS wars

2003-10-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 10:34 AM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

There are plenty of cogent points, the most important being (in the 
words of
Mac's OSX campaign), WinXP just works, OSX doesn't, regardless of what 
Boy, you do make an excellent  and well qualified point there. "OSX 

Personally, I think you should keep believing that. I rue the day I 
pitched every PC my company owned in to the dumpster and replaced them 
with these darn elegant, crash-free Macs. I keep getting all these 
irritating emails from my staff thanking me. Now, they are getting all 
superior and having contests in continuous up-time and "most 
applications running concurrently," broken up by fits of laughter about 
how easy stuff is to do. I hate that.

And the G5 speed myth? Don't believe it. Speed isn't everything after 

Stay on WinXP. You sound the sort that is poorly suited to such 
experiences. In fact, I join you in slamming the Mac arbitrarily and 
without salient points. Trust us folks, enhanced productivity isn't the 
last word in computing. Your PCs will serve you better in the long run, 
and poor highly productive environments like those at my shop are 
nothing to be envied.

Windoze Rulz!! (And that is the last point I'll make in these insipid 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Those OS's again and a question

2003-10-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 11:42 AM, Peter Witham wrote:

Actually a question for you all, what's your opinion on what appears 
to be
the new tactic of having to upgrade Director everytime a new version of
Flash comes out rather than just updating the Xtra like in the old 
It sux. Not because I don't want the new version of Director - I always 
do, and always will. But because it causes a compatibility gap for too 
long. I think Flash should come with a replacement Director Xtra when 
it is released to maintain compatibility. Director upgrades are worth 
the money to me, and it doesn't take the Flash xtra to make it so. In 
fact, what it does is prevent me from upgrading multiple seats of Flash 
until the new version of Director is released.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Giving back

2003-10-15 Thread Troy Rollins
(Since some of you guys aren't on Direct-L)

This community has been exceedingly generous over the years. The folks 
on this list alone remind me on a daily basis why I choose Director as 
my authoring tool of choice. While I can't offer as much in the way of 
Lingo expertise as some of the others, being only "experienced" and not 
"geek/genius", I have always looked for an opportunity to return the 
favor, in some way.

I guess today is that day. I've taken a little time to write a utility 
that should be of assistance to any Director developer who creates CDs 
(and maybe other projects.) I know that other utilities of the same 
nature as this one have cropped up over the years, but I don't know of 
any freely available current version - so I made one.

Xtra Xporter examines your movie for required xtras (those listed in 
your Movie/xtras panel), and makes copies of them into your movie's 
distribution folder - supporting "fast start" projector distribution. 
I've always found this part of development to be a PITA, so I figured 
others might as well. Here are some notes on usage-

- Requires DMX, running on OSX or Windows (OSX will also compile your 
OS9 xtras for distribution)
- Requires BuddyAPI (Uses 4 or 5 Buddy functions)
- Runs as an MIAW from your xtras menu
- Allows inclusion of Xtras not in your movie's list
- Allows removal of Xtras in your movie's list for the purposes of Xport
- Recursively searches within your Xtras folder (or in the case of 
Classic, your Classic Xtras folder)
- Creates an Xtras folder alongside your movie file and copies your 
xtras to it
- Saves you time, and reduces the distribution PITA
- Is something many of you could obviously write for yourself, but this 
saves you the time and effort
- Is distributed as a DXR, but a DIR will be available for anyone 
seriously willing to improve and return (without copyright statements 
- It ain't FileXtra4 (a truly generous and inspiring "Give back"), but 
it is pretty cool
- Has the Zav stamp of approval and is compatible with his ToolOpener 
thingie, in fact, Zav will have a version made available with his tools 
which has been "sexed up" with his cool Asset Generator, providing much 
more stylish buttons.

Xtra Xporter is available for a limited time for just $49.95... 
(kidding)... Xtra Xporter is free (as in beer.) I'll probably post this 
thing for download somewhere, but for now, email me offlist if you 
would like a copy. I'll put a bow on it, and send it right over (all 

Thanks again for a great list, folks!

RPSystems, Ltd.
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2003-10-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 02:48 AM, Peter Bochan wrote:

If SMUS should be installed on a special pc, then will the IP address
for dependant computers be the # Server IP address and port:
of the initial computer? I mean via which IP address will dependant
computers connect to the main pc?
I may not fully understand what you are asking, but it sounds as though 
you are intending to use a SMUS, but are considering the issues as 
though you would not be, and would be making peer level connections. If 
you use the SMUS, each client does not need to know the IP address of 
the other clients, only that of the server, which becomes the 
"mailman." To reach beyond your router, assuming the server is also 
using a "local" IP, you would need to set up port forwarding on the 
router to the port that the SMUS is using on the server.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: parent

2003-10-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 04:32 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:

Just to make sure I understand this properly:
member("3d").model("Father").parent = member("3d").model("Child") - 
statement means that the "father" is the parent of/to "child"? If yes,
then if I change the father, the child will change as well, right? And
can one child have many parents?
OK. Now I think you are just goofing on us.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: parent

2003-10-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 05:03 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Just to make sure I understand this properly:
member("3d").model("Father").parent = member("3d").model("Child") - 
statement means that the "father" is the parent of/to "child"? If yes,
then if I change the father, the child will change as well, right? And
can one child have many parents?

On the off chance you are serious, then no, changing Father would not 
change Child. And no too, any object can only have one parent. That 
parent can have a parent too though.
Additionally, the lingo stated would set the child as its own grandpa.

Well, actually it would set the child as the parent of the father... 
so, close enough.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: parent

2003-10-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 05:27 PM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

Just to make sure I understand this properly:
member("3d").model("Father").parent =
member("3d").model("Child") - this
statement means that the "father" is the parent of/to "child"?
Nope. It makes "child" the parent of "father" (you set the "father"'s 
parent property to the "child" model). Switch it around if you want 
"father" as the parent model:
Thomas, I am officially appointing you my public relations person and 

Didn't like the "its own grandpa" explanation, huh?
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: parent

2003-11-01 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, November 1, 2003, at 02:46 AM, Peter Bochan wrote:
OK. Now I think you are just goofing on us.
I made that comment because everything in the first example of 
"understood" items was SO wrong, it seemed improbable that you were 
even serious. No, I doubt the list moderator would kick you out for 
that. Though list participants may not enjoy untangling such conundrums 
enough to actually help you - on the other hand, some might. When not 
too busy, I enjoy a good coding conundrum.

member("3d").model("Child").parent = member("3d").model("Father") - 
Father is parent. That means that the Child has property of a parent,
and transfers/gives that property to Father, right?
This example is the reverse/inverse of the first, and is more correct. 
When you say "transfers/gives the property", yes, it adds itself to the 
list representing the children of the parent object, and is another way 
of accomplishing the same thing "addChild()" performed from the parent 
end of the equation does.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: parent

2003-11-01 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, November 1, 2003, at 03:50 PM, Peter Bochan wrote:

No, I doubt the list moderator would kick you out for
that. Though list participants may not enjoy untangling such
enough to actually help you - on the other hand, some might. When not
too busy, I enjoy a good coding conundrum.
Thanks all for the answers. And Troy, you'll see, one day, I'll be able
to participate in discussions just like all other experienced users.
Peter, don't take me so seriously (lord knows I don't.) The fact is, I 
found your first example funny. People who work in Lingo all day every 
day end up having an odd sense of humor. You got good answers on both 
your recent questions - from a Macromedia Representative, a guru who 
makes some cool online coloring books, and a yahoo like myself.

And, I still think you were goofing on us with that first one.  ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Mac 10.3 and Director MX Bugs...

2003-11-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, November 6, 2003, at 10:03 AM, Baker, Geoff wrote:

Anybody else notice these three bugs in MX and OS 10.3?

1) When you first open a cast in list view you don't see all your cast
members. You have to toggle between views to "see" all of them.
2) In the cast window, in list view, you no longer can see cast member
3) In the debugger window, no matter how hard you try you can't make 
name field bigger which is a real P.I.A.
Not running Panther, but I would say these are "operating system 
incompatibilities" and not "bugs." AFAIK, DMX has not been approved or 
updated to run on Panther.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Re: Shockwave Multiuser Server 3.0 and Lingo for Multi-user interfaces

2003-11-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 12:15  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have just begun to work with development for my first multi-user
interface. I am using Shockwave Multiuser with Director. My question 
is if
anyone reccomends any documentation that I should review to better
understand what I need to do.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: HTML and email

2003-11-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 10:40  AM, 2702NET wrote:

The only reasonably reliable method is to use the DirectEmail Xtra 
from (there are some other free ways to attack the 
problem - but I don't recommend them).

This is definitely your best bet, but even w/the Xtra you'll need to 
be aware of Port 25 blocking issues (many ISPs block users from 
sending email through any mailserver but their own).

One option is to allow the user the option of entering their own 
mailserver to avoid the Port 25 issue. Much more on this in the 
excellent and comprehensive DirectEmail documentation.
I agree. The other reasonable option is to use a server-side script and 
SendMail on the server. Simply have your Director app "postNetText" to 
the script, and let your (or your client's) server do the work.

The port 25 blocking thing is a real thorn, and it is pretty arguable 
whether or not it actually achieves its intended purpose. But there you 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: dumb question - opening a folder

2003-11-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 07:38  PM, Todd Culley wrote:

How do you open a folder for browsing with director?  I know how to 
open a
file in Director using fileIO, filextra, fileXtra4, and buddyAPI but I 
see any commands to open just the folder.

You use buddy, baGetFile, or baGetFolder... set a "default directory". 
The file browser opens. If you use "*.*" as the file type, it shows all 
files and folders. Besides that, what more are you trying to do? Like 
allow double-clicking to launch a file or something? What do you want 
the folder dialog to return? I'm missing the problem because this "just 

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: dumb question - opening a folder

2003-11-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 11:43  PM, Todd Culley wrote:

You use buddy, baGetFile, or baGetFolder... set a "default directory".
The file browser opens. If you use "*.*" as the file type, it shows 
files and folders. Besides that, what more are you trying to do? Like
allow double-clicking to launch a file or something? What do you want
the folder dialog to return? I'm missing the problem because this 
Thanks for the response Troy, I wasn't intending to get a folder 
but open to a folder in windows explorer.  I have a project where 
1.0 was just a data dump of a lot of files with a nice interface, like 
you would see on a CD-ROM when you buy a book.
I see. Well, sounds like you have a plan.

Don't forget, you can also get a folder list, and "roll your own" file 
and folder browser - for instance if the aesthetics of the native 
Windows one hurts your sensibilities, and blows the "nice interface" 
you have going.

Either way, good luck with it !
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: HTML and email

2003-11-19 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 11:29  AM, Diego Landro wrote:

Now i get the point, thanks "2702Net", though i have a valid email
account it wont work because the end user ISP would block the use of
another mail server, and i just can´t work that around, can I? Well i
guess ill have to have an error check (suppose i get some error when
this blocking happens) and if it occurs then ill have the user assign
its own smtp adress. That should work, right?
Diego, you would seriously be better off having a server-side script. 
This would allow Director to do the network stuff natively and "behind 
the scenes", while the server could do what it does well - and you 
would avoid ALL of the issues and downsides. The user would not need to 
know any technical info... that's what developers are for, right? 
Director is really good at posting information to servers, and the 
script required on the server is relatively simple - certainly simpler 
than what you are trying to do. If you don't know how to do that part, 
such scripts are out there and available for modification, or you could 
have one custom written for you by any savvy web author in under an 
hour's time.

No xtras (or related expense) required, either.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Object inspector

2003-11-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 11:38  AM, grimmwerks wrote:

Is there going to be a quick fix for the panther/OI problem? Seems a 
shame that the BEST new feature can't even be used
I would doubt that they will do any patches for DMX, as it does work 
properly in the OSen it was designed for. My guess would be that the 
upcoming version will be Panther compatible. Of course, you'll have to 
pay for it.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Panther - object inspector

2003-11-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, November 22, 2003, at 05:42  PM, Tony Bray wrote:

So as the Mac OS was updated Word "broke". Apple, at the time, did 
some "fiddles" so that Word would work.
Eventually, however, Apple told Microsoft that if they didn't fix 
their Word program then Apple would recommend and support Word > Perfect.
Funny -- Word became 32 Bit compliant!!!

Unfortunately I can't find a Director Perfect ;-(
No, it ain't perfect.  ;-)

But if you've played with the alternatives, you know it is the closest 

Plus, anybody taken by surprise that Panther broke some stuff in 
Director should probably take "OS Upgrades 101." Definitely not a good 
thing, but also definitely not a surprising thing.

While getting panther compatibility is gonna require paying for an 
upgrade, maybe that upgrade will have some cool new features and 
workflow improvements. Personally, I'm looking forward to a second OSX 
compatible version. There is room for improvement in what we have now, 
and lots of opportunity for things we've never had. Stuff which didn't 
exist when DMX came out, and stuff that just wouldn't go in to what was 
effectively a "1.0" release.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Tweening a bitmap image using lingo

2003-11-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, November 22, 2003, at 11:45  PM, Blake Coglianese wrote:

Is it possible to move a bitmapped sprite across the stage using 
lingo. I know I can use locH and it will put the sprite in a specific 
place on the stage but can I use lingo to move that sprite from one 
point to another and make it look like its animated?
The short answer is yes.

The thought provoking answer is - consider doing what you already know, 
but incrementally, and over a period of time. I believe if you know 
enough to formulate this question, you know enough to formulate the 

Perhaps read the manual. Remember what animation is: movement, and 
time. And consider the elements of your question.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Flash file in Director.....after done playing how can I make it go to the next frame.

2003-11-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 03:31  PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Another alternative is to make a behavior and put the goToNextFrame in
the behavior, and put the behavior on the flash sprite and then within
flash, say getURL("event: goToNextPage");.  If that doesn't work, try
this:  Make a global variable like such:
On startMovie
gGoAhead = FALSE
Perhaps make the global as such -

global gGoAhead

Wouldn't want anyone thinking that a lower case g makes a variable 
globally scoped.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Sending xml data

2003-11-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 10:54  AM, nomshar wrote:

How to send xml data from one movie to another?
Use a file, a socket connection via MUS or MU xtra, or an XML socket.

If you want more specifics, we're probably going to need more info to 
go on.

Two local movies? Networked movies? CD-ROM? Hard disk? ShockWave safe? 
Same machine? Different machines?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: AW: AW: Sound recognition and comparison

2003-11-27 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 03:19  AM, Florian Bogeschdorfer 

Just to be clear, though...this Xtra won't work for Mindy's project
because it's only for analyzing audio at the audio input.
No, you are wrong, sorry. With a couple of sound cards you can use 
That's what it says on the website.
I think you'd have to admit, though, that the techniques described to 
accomplish this are somewhat less than typical for a standard computer 
user's configuration, and are only really useful on a system set up to 
be used specifically for the purpose.

Perhaps not ideal for the discussed project as defined.

That said, the xtra is extremely cool and impressive. Seems very fast 
and responsive. Also, I'm not clear from looking at its documentation 
whether or not it supports the generation of convenient list data for 
analysis in the way that AmplitudePro does.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: How to extend a score sprite through Code.

2003-12-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, December 5, 2003, at 11:46  PM, Saravanan appya wrote:

I have some problems working with lingo through Code pls help me out 
from my issue.

1.)  I want to increase the sprite frame through code.
Consider "Puppeting" the sprite channel instead.

2.) I want to reduce the width of the flash file through Code by 
finding the sprite which contains width is equal to 800 and change 
that to 790.
Change the rect or width property of the sprite.

3.) Is there any way to change the external cast link to another 
specified file..
Change the cast's filename property.

To do these things, lookup "puppet", "rect", and "cast.filename" in the 

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Director vs realbasic

2003-12-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, December 6, 2003, at 01:35  PM, grimmwerks wrote:

So I've started thinking about realbasic, especially with the 
plugins  (4400 different cross platform calls to things like scanners,
cameras, cd burning, etc)...

Personally I'd prefer to see director step up since it's been around 
but realbasic has been growing leaps in bounds in a short time.

I'd like to hear what other director dev people think about realbasic 
shortcomings, where it works, etc.
There's been a discussion about this on Direct-L.

In a nutshell -

My company supplements our coding efforts with RB (2 pro licenses and a 
bunch of plug ins.) It is nowhere near as fast or elegant to develop in 
as Director, but offers some capabilities that are hard to simulate. 
With the MBS plugs, it can do a lot - but really should only be used 
for stuff which looks OS native... like applications. It is weaker in 
multimedia and media support. Nice database connectivity, good speed of 
processing, and decently x-plat. (Director requires less OS specific 
tweaking though.) No internet browser delivery.

Unless you primarily develop applications, you can really only add RB, 
not use it as a suitable Director replacement. To try making "Director 
style" apps in RB, Director will blow your doors off. We use it to 
develop internal utilities, and some client projects that need to look 
and work like "real applications" where OSControls xtra is not quite 

Nice tool, I'm glad we have it in the toolbox. Not as broadly capable 
as Director (at least in the scope of projects we do at my shop.)
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Load XML document

2003-12-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, December 8, 2003, at 08:24  AM, nomshar wrote:

When I run this movie in browser in Internet I see something like this:
 "Current load 0/0".
And nothing else happend. Where is the error?
The XML Parser Xtra is at its most buggy in ShockWave movies. I've used 
it very successfully in projectors - but the same techniques fail when 
put on the web. You will very likely find that it is unusable (at least 

Use the Flash XML Parser, or Andy White's XML parser, which has the 
benefit of being straight Lingo.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Strange error on XP with MPEG Advance Xtra

2003-12-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, December 8, 2003, at 06:18  AM, Brennan wrote:

The problem seems to go away if I shift the MPEG one frame forward in 
score (so that the full screen bitmap being used to conceal the 
flicker appears first). This leads me to suspect some kind of
incompatibility between MPEG advance and XP, but with the error message
being in the system language, I also assume it is not coming from the
Since the Xtra uses DirectShow on Windows - maybe there is something 
about the installed version of DirectShow?

I've had no problems with the MPEGadvance xtra on XP or XP Pro.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Load XML document

2003-12-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, December 8, 2003, at 10:42  AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Right now, I'm using the XML parser xtra in a projector project, and 
doing something at home that also uses the XML parser xtra, but in a
Shockwave piece.  I'm curious, what are the bug issues you've
encountered for it in Shockwave?
General failures.

That xtra is well-known to be buggy. Check the archives on this list or 

My experience in Shockwave has been that it will *almost* always work 
on some machines, while not working at all on others - especially if 
using "ParseURL" - sometimes the data simply never returns.

That said, I've shipped several projector based projects that use it 
without a single complaint.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Load XML document

2003-12-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, December 8, 2003, at 11:33  AM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I wonder if it would be worth it in Shockwave, to make a flash global
newObject("XML"), then getNetText(the xml on the web), then parse it
with in the flash newObject, thereby altogether avoiding using both the
XML parser xtra and Andy White's scripts in Shockwave.
Seems to be the course some folks have been taking. I actually do very 
little web delivery, so fortunately my proving of the bugs were in a 
test and not a delivered project - but they are indeed there.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: word-wrapping with hyphenation in Director

2003-12-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 01:07  PM, Valentin Schmidt wrote:

You can download a beta version from
unfortunately no mac version yet, but it could easily be ported (as 
I find someone who actually needs it, so please send me a note if you
need it for mac)

We need EVERYTHING for the Mac.  ;-)

Single platform tools in an x-plat development environment are just 
plain irritating.

And yes, I can see a use for a tool like that.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: figuring out the previous handler

2003-12-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 04:32  PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Neat, so I'm wondering if Director has an equivalent.  I have a 
that can be called by one of two other handlers, and I'd like to be 
to find out which is the handler that calls the current one.  I'm not
sure if ancestor is the right term.
I don't believe there is such a critter.

Why d'you want to know? There might be other ways to deal with 
whatever it is you're trying to do.
I have a program that has this need, too. Several handlers calling the 
same handler and that handler responds *slightly* differently depending 
which handler originated it. I resolved the issue by sending a 
parameter along with the call identifying the original caller.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: accessing the timeoutlist, part II

2003-12-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 07:49  PM, Irv Kalb wrote:

This is excellent news for the Director community!

Sending one large e-cake to celebrate his return.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: accessing the timeoutlist, part II

2003-12-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 11:24  PM, grimmwerks wrote:

I _really_ don't want to be one of those troll naysayers -- hell I 
feed my
family from ONLY director development -- but I've got to start facing 
that there are 1000 flash gigs to 1 director gig
And probably 2,000 flash developers to 1 Director developer.  ;-)

I don't mean to sound negative -- but why exactly? Does this ensure 
Director will  see the rapid development that Flash has?
Ensure that? No, I doubt it. But it *may* mean that Director will 
evolve in new and interesting ways. JT is undeniably an innovator with 
an advanced vision. Personally, I take his re-involvement as an 
extremely positive turn. DMX was basically just getting Director 
current with modern OSen, perhaps DMX2004 will see some exciting new 
capabilities in the tool, and help to carve itself a space which is 
less easily stepped-on by Flash and its ilk. Macromedia seems aware of 
the market's confusion, and yet decided to keep Director in the 
line-up. I'm convinced they have their reasons, and the news about JT 
only adds to that - IMO.

Though to be honest, I still think Director is pretty darn cool right 
now. It can only get better with JT's involvement.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Changing name of a file

2003-12-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, December 14, 2003, at 02:12  PM, Fabrice Closier wrote:

The method Sean discribe, baCopyFile is the one i'am using now,
Uh... baRenameFile?

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Re: Flash not asynchronous within Director?

2003-12-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 12:26  PM, Mendelsohn, Michael 

Anyone experience something like this?
Flash has no means to know what the getURL Lingo call was supposed to 
do. No, it will not wait for Director to respond to it before moving to 
the next line.
Why would it?

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Re: Flash not asynchronous within Director?

2003-12-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Mendelsohn, Michael 

Why would it?
I just thought it would work like stepping into a script, but 
not.  ;-)

No, as you've found, it won't really do that in this case. The GetURL 
could make a call that literally send Director off doing who knows 
what. You have to think of the Flash movie as an additional independent 
program running within your Director environment. Lots of 
communications options available, but they essentially process their 
scripts on their own timeframe.

Maybe in the case you described, you could simply have Director inform 
Flash that the variable has been set, and to continue its thing.

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Re: 3D newbie questions

2003-12-19 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 02:30 AM, Peter Bochan wrote:

1. When the movie with the 3D member is running in authoring
mode, all other
applications significantly slow down (including os applications like 
explorer). (Dir 8.5.1, win2k)
Is this normal?
Even in authoring mode, you may find you get better system behavior if 
you employ "Zav's Sleep Trick."

Try putting the following in a movie script, and running your program -

on idle
sleep 1
This curbs the CPU overdrive issue caused by Director in "play" mode in 
general, and helps a bunch when using 3D. This will also work for 
projectors, but in both cases, authoring and projectors, you need the 
watcherhelper xtra (AKA the UIhelper on some system types) available, 
as that is where the sleep function resides.

For me, I wouldn't be doing 3D in Director without this technique 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: 3D newbie questions

2003-12-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, December 20, 2003, at 06:32 PM, Bruce Mitchener wrote:

I've tried doing this using masterapp's mappFeedGenericTimeSlice, but 
it doesn't really seem to help.  Is this because our app is already so 
overburdened that something like this wouldn't help because idle isn't 
called often enough to make a difference?  Or does 
mappFeedGenericTimeSlice not do quite the same thing as the sleep from 
I don't know, I don't have masterApp (I'm on OSX.)

But, I can tell you that the sleep trick with the internal xtra, on my 
machine changes CPU usage from 100% to between 0-20%, depending on the 
actual content being displayed.

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Re: AW: 3D newbie questions

2003-12-21 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, December 21, 2003, at 02:01 PM, Michael von Aichberger wrote:

Anybody with an answer to my second question (how to increase the 
number of
slices a cylinder primitive is made up of)?
In my case, I'd likely import one!!  ;-)  (I'm not very good at 
modeling by script.)

But, one idea is to look into subdivision surface values for the 

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Re: Shockwave 3D: positioning textures

2003-12-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Monday, December 22, 2003, at 03:54 PM, Michael von Aichberger wrote:

Does anybody of those of you, who have already bought all presents and
finished decorating the Christmas tree, know, how to do this?
Let me start by asking if you have licensed 3DPI?

If you haven't, and are working with SW3D, you *really* ought to. It 
will answer many of your questions before you have to ask them.

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Re: the controlDown on a Mac

2003-12-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, December 31, 2003, at 09:42 PM, Slava Paperno wrote:

I'm trying to understand why in my movie this works differently under 
Windows than under Mac OS X.

In Windows, if I keep the Ctrl key pressed as I tap letter keys, each 
time a letter key is tapped, its keyCode appears in the message 
window. That's what I expect.

The app I'm working on right now uses the command key in a similar way, 
and there are editable fields on the stage, and I don't get that 
behavior under OSX... in other words, I see the behavior more like the 
Windows behavior you described. But, that is the command key. Oh, and I 
use the stop event if the command key is down to prevent "bleed though" 
to the fields.

So, apparently the control key may be governed by different rules. In 
fact, using control on Mac is not typical, generally used for context 
menus and right clicks, not commands... that would be usually done with 
the command Key. That is how it would map if you used the command key 
in your app? Control on Windows and Command on Mac. Perhaps the 
solution is a search and replace?

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Re: dir viewer

2004-01-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 10:18 AM, Emre Eldemir wrote:

I try to find "dir viewer" (shockwave files) like "swf viewer"
There isn't one.

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Re: dir viewer

2004-01-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Troy Rollins wrote:

I try to find "dir viewer" (shockwave files) like "swf viewer"
There isn't one.
What I should have said is "there isn't an official one from 
Macromedia, similar to the Flash Player." There are, of course, ways 
for you or others to write your own.

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Re: Dir MX 2004 and MP3

2004-01-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, January 6, 2004, at 11:22 AM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

Adding MP3 encoding would
not benefit as many people as will the MIAW changes we implemented this
release, nor would that come close to range of effect that our 
publishing changes will have.
I see the projector publishing... but what are the MIAW changes? 
Docking? For tool xtras?
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Re: Truth or fiction

2004-01-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, January 6, 2004, at 05:40 PM, Matt Wells wrote:

I did not say my software would grab any email addresses nor would I
attempt to invade anyone's privacy. The reason I'm looking to find out
how this is done is because a competitor's software claims this and I
would like to find out the definite truth behind this. It surprises me
that you would make these claims so easily against me when you have no
idea what I'm trying to do or where my intentions lie. It saddens me
that someone that is so prominent in this list is so quick to throw 
false accusations and would take the time to look on my website to do
You *did* appear rather adamant about finding out specifically *how*, 
while several people assured you of it quite surely being possible. I 
imagine Kerry has experienced spam (or dinner-time telemarketing) from 
your industry, as have we all. Those two things together *do* sound 
like they add up to a new "creative" marketing "concept." I don't know 
that he was making any claims as much as pointing out a "coincidence." 
(Someone in a well known spamming industry being adamant about getting 
the specific technique to create a spamming engine.)

I'd add my confirmation that without a doubt it is possible, I haven't 
done it, as it would be unethical, but I do know how. There is nothing 
hard about it, and your competition probably has a reasonable success 
rate with achieving that goal on the poor unwary consumer who has 
autorun enabled.

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DMX04 & Third Party Xtras (Thomas?)

2004-01-06 Thread Troy Rollins
OK Thomas, here's some for the FAQ -

For those of us who's third-party xtras collection is an even higher 
investment than Director itself, how should we expect our transition to 
go? Currently I have many OSX & Win32 xtras, fully functional in DMX. 
Will these continue to work properly - or will there be pain and 

Oh, and, speaking of transitions... any chance those have been fixed 
for OSX?

AND, should we expect the same ol' 1980's paint window? Or any 
improvements with connectivity to Fireworks?

Flash member grouping under one Flash xtra instance?

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2004 - OK Tom, QuickTime.

2004-01-07 Thread Troy Rollins
Please tell us about any improvements in the QuickTime xtra, 
specifically performance, and ability to work with "wired" quicktime 

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One more biggie for DMX2004 Tech FAQ - MU xtra.

2004-01-07 Thread Troy Rollins
All that cool Flash functionality is great, but a lot of us use, the 
Multi-User Xtra... and enjoy the fact that we can do things which can't 
be done (easily) with the Flash solution.

I won't hold out hope that support for the server will return anytime 
soon, but I HAVE to hope that the Xtra is still supplied and functional 
in peer-to-peer and server connectivity and communication.

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Re: Scrolling without tears

2004-01-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Tony Wilson wrote:

The problem I have is that the images appear to tear when they are 
at anything other than the slowest speed of 1 pixel per frame. Is there
any way to stop this tearing effect?
You may find that the best results could be achieved by off-loading the 
graphics work to openGL. Consider using SW3D for this - even though it 
is a 2D effect.

Just a thought.

To be honest, I was kind of hoping that DMX2004 would allow the use of 
openGL for "2D" image layers without using the 3D API, but that is one 
for Mr. Higgins.  ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Fscommand? Event? getURL? Href?

2004-01-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 02:52 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

It gets reimported into Director, and makes that link in the swf sprite
not visible!  Huh?!?!
Any advice on this one is *greatly* appreciated.
Dude, you are making it too hard. Director isn't a browser and 
FScommands don't work here.

Lookup "getURL" and "lingo:"
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Re: Re: Prevent second click

2004-01-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 9, 2004, at 12:43 PM, Cole Tierney wrote:

(Better late than never :) You could temporarily disable all mouseDown 
events with:
   set the mouseDownScript = "dontpassevent"

...then when you get back to your thumbnails:
   set the mouseDownScript = ""
If you happen to be using the mouseDownScript, you'd need to save and 
restore it.

Happy Friday!
On this topic, anyone know of a good way of preventing the escape key 
from registering and quitting the projector?

the ExitLock = TRUE

is not a good choice, as it prevents the window's close box (or red 
ball on OSX) from closing the window (= abnormal behavior.)

Catching (the keyPressed) for charToNum(27) doesn't seem to work either.

To get my app to behave more like an "app", I'd prefer it if the escape 
key didn't instantaneously kill the projector, but that the rest of the 
ways to quit continued to work normally.

Anyone got a technique?
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Re: multi-select dropdown menus?

2004-01-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, January 10, 2004, at 02:53 PM, Frank Coleman wrote:

I need something quick and dirty that works without me having to do a
massive retrofit -- I just don't have time to deal with it.  One would
think this would have been solved long ago, but I've been scouring the
web to little avail.  I have about a half-dozen different examples from
here and there, each with one fatal flaw or another.  Even the 
OS Control Xtra has every widget imaginable -- except this one!
I don't know of any technique which is going to be doable in a day (or 
less.) But Jim Andrew's "Windows for ShockWave" has a fast, flexible 
approach to putting these types of things together. But even that would 
be like "rolling your own, with assistance."
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Re: Re: Prevent second click

2004-01-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 09:50 PM, Alan Neilsen wrote:

I am not sure if this helps Troy, but in the Macromedia/DirectorMX 
folder is an ini file called DIrector ini. This can be copied and 
packaged with the projector (same directory) and must be named the 
same (ProjectorName.ini). Within this ini file, the relevant bit you 
need is:

; EscapeOk=1
; This property is only used by projectors.
; Overrides the projector's escape lock setting.
Thanks Alan. That is too funny, I came across this same stuff today, 
and tried it earlier. It seems to be just another way to "exitLock = 
TRUE"... in other words, while shutting off the escape key behaviors, 
it also shuts down the close box (or ball) in the window title bar.

At this point I'm still being forced to accept the ol' "escape key 
insta-close" as the least of available evils.
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Re: Re: Re: Prevent second click

2004-01-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 10:12 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Are you sure about that? If you set EscapeOk=0, wouldn't the close box 
still work, but escape would not quit?
That is not the results I saw today (Virtual PC, Win98SE)

I'd love for it to work as described, I just didn't see that in my 
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Re: Re: Re: Prevent second click

2004-01-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 10:50 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

I'd love for it to work as described, I just didn't see that in my 

Yes, it does seem to lock out the close box as well (even on the Mac).
I appreciate the confirmation.

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DMX 2004 question for Tom

2004-01-15 Thread Troy Rollins
Hey Tom,

One more -

Has anything been done about the ability for MIAWs and even the stage 
windows to rob focus from the message window? Or certain types of MIAWs 
preventing text entry into entire other windows?

Just happen to be struggling a bit with that now, and using silly 
workarounds, so it was at the front of my thinking.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: why palletized images?

2004-01-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Slava Paperno wrote:

What else should I check?
Shockwave compression settings for the bitmaps?

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Re: why palletized images?

2004-01-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

What else should I check?
Shockwave compression settings for the bitmaps?
That wouldn't explain why they look wrong in authoring.
Shooting in the 8-bit dark.
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vList xtra

2004-01-26 Thread Troy Rollins
Hey all,

So, I've recently added vList xtra to my Director repertoire 
(previously devoted to propSave for such functions.)

But now, after fully reading the docs, it has me wondering - how are 
people employing this tool? The question comes from the fact that vList 
supports a lot of new list handling methods. Are you using vList only 
for saving files, or do you use vList in memory as well for general 
list handling?

I'm about to rework an application to support a more complex file 
format, but I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile to redo some of my 
other lists which don't get saved, but could benefit from some of 
vLists functions... which got me to wondering the above question. In a 
nutshell - do you end up using vLists for all of your lists?

Thanks for any input.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: vList xtra

2004-01-27 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, January 27, 2004, at 04:41 AM, Luke wrote:

I'm a big-fan of vList (I think vList members should become a standard
generic 'data' type cast member for Director).
If it was, how would you use it differently, or do you already use it 
now in that way? (Notwithstanding the cool pregEx techniques you 

What I'm trying to determine is since I have to do some rework on my 
project to integrate vList anyway, is there any advantage to taking it 
deeper and modifying some of my other lists in the project to be using 
vList - even though I don't really need those lists as external files. 
This project makes extensive use of lists, including many 

Using vList for external files is a no-brainer, that's why you buy it. 
I honestly had no idea it was a cast member xtra until I started 
working with it, and then it made me begin to wonder where its place 
was... as a file format, or as a general list tool in addition. Some of 
its built-in methods would seem oriented to the latter.

As an example, using propSave xtra, you use Director internal lists, 
and then call propSave to save the Director list to a file. vList 
however, has methods to allow it to actually BE the internal list if 
desired, as well as the ability to behave as a substitute cast file as 
grimm mentioned.

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Re: Flash components

2004-01-30 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 30, 2004, at 02:17 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

There's no way of using the built in flash components in fmx04 (ie 
within director, is there? They seem to be as2.
Not DMX, no. DMX2004 is supposed to allow this.
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Re: Flash components

2004-01-30 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 30, 2004, at 02:44 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

There's no way of using the built in flash components in fmx04 (ie 
within director, is there? They seem to be as2.
Some but not all components are FlashMX, not MX04. Try saving them 
back a step and see if they still work.
But of course, that would be using it as an SWF - and not actually as a 
component. Don't I read correctly that DMX2004 allows use of components 
as components?

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Re: Flash components

2004-01-30 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, January 30, 2004, at 03:14 PM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

That having been said, we do have support for the general component
architecture (write a SWC, have it publicly expose certain properties 
methods, have those props initializable via the Property Inspector in
Director), so folks can write their own, use some they found on-line, 
It's just that a lot of the current SWC files in Flash MX 2004 were 
with the specific intent of only using them in Flash authoring thus
excluding use in Director unless exported first as normal SWF files, 
Should work fine for us. We write our own SWC files, and are 
anticipating doing updates to some of our custom stuff to support their 
use in Director.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: Parallax

2004-02-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 5, 2004, at 04:28 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I used 2d, three sprites on top of one another and with a left and 
button, moved the top one 3px, the middle one 2px, the bottom one 1px
either left or right depending on whether or not the directional 
are pressed on exitframe.  The text in my foreground is one big see
through 1-bit bitmap.
That effect works. Pretty cool.

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Re: Help needed

2004-02-07 Thread Troy Rollins
On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 04:35 AM, Saravanan appya wrote:

I am creating a tool to get datas frm a xml file and generate a 
xml file as i discribed if any one have used a xmlparser pls send me a 
code sample file with all the xml funtionality..
Like, one that parses *your* data?

The parser is built-in to Director, or there are several alternative 
tools. Unfortunately, you pretty much have to tell it what you want it 
to do with each specific XML file. No one can provide you a parser for 
your specific data... certainly not without seeing a sample of the data 
and XML formatting. XML is a standard, but it isn't *that* standard.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: XPOST: Audio Xtra interest

2004-02-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On Tuesday, February 10, 2004, at 09:35 PM, Neil wrote:

In it's initial release it would be a windows only xtra. A possible 
Mac version is currently being investigated.
Make it OSX / Windows and name your price.

Yep. I could use that.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 10:38  AM, Craig Taylor wrote:

Also, I know there have been threads about this, but the conclusion is 
there really is no way of protecting video files (MPEG-1) from being
accessed outside of the protected program.  Correct?
"Protect" to what degree? You can't make it impossible, but you can 
make it harder to get them.

There have indeed been such discussions, and the results range from 
changing the file extensions of the movies, to encapsulating the movies 
in a database or vList file, to modifying their headers with BinaryIO 

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Re: password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 12:34  PM, Craig Taylor wrote:

Troy, you mentioned changing the headers - new ground
for me - relatively easy process?  Is there somewhere you can direct 
me for
more info?

UpdateStage has the BinaryIO xtra. Its documentation has some links 
that are useful when working with binaries.

I am using the xtra, but not in the way described (not for copy 
protection), but I did take a look at it, and it seems doable - by 
someone with the inclination (or contract.)

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Re: password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 01:24  PM, Mathew Ray wrote:

Since you don't mind writing to disk, hopefully it won't be a problem 
to write these videos to the hard disk... Since you can't collage 
video together in memory (pity), you actually have to place it on a 
disc so that director can get a path to the file.
I was thinking about this earlier this week. It is a shame "RAM disks" 
fell out of fashion, would be useful to construct a completely virtual 
path to a file held only in RAM.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: password protection

2004-02-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 05:22  PM, Deane Venske wrote:

Why not think about using Valentina DB, you could store the MPEG 
videos into the database as BLOB and even encrypt this. That way your 
video can't be accessed outside your program.
How exactly would you then access them yourself? How would you set a 
file path for the video which is contained in the DB, Valentina or 

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: MX 2004 LDMs (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 01:05  PM, Kraig Mentor wrote:

JS was actually put in to encourage the transition to VB as MS is 
That's not even a little funny.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Merits of JS in Director

2004-02-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 02:21  PM, Mathew Ray wrote:

and verbose syntax has been depricated, so you can't rely on it being 
around for any future versions.

Even for text and fields and all the things that ONLY verbose seemed to 
work with...?

I know, RTFM.   ;-)

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Merits of JS in Director

2004-02-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 05:20  PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

It isn't significant, but it is easy to show:

-- "824 1028"
I'd say that is significant. It shows dot syntax, in that example, to 
about 25% slower.
Ugh. The "Zork code" really needs to go away.

"Put the key in the backpack."

I hate coding like that.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Director MX 2004 - LocalConnection

2004-02-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 09:04  PM, Thomas Higgins wrote:

If you're in MX 2004 why not do these instead of using tell or
This is very good.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: Dot syntax (was: Merits of JS in Director)

2004-02-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Thursday, February 12, 2004, at 11:32  PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

Dot syntax really comes into its own with lists and accessing 3D 
members. Without dot syntax things would be painful, but it doesn't 
mean you can't use verbose if you're in the mood to do so, especially 
if you get a speed advantage.
Speaking of 3D... I really like the fact that in DMX2004, I can have a 
custom 3D panel set which includes 3DPI, and ShapeShifter, and it loads 
them up for me, and docks them properly - all with one menu selection. 
(Would have loved assignable hot keys though.)

This is looking like the DMX we really wanted. It isn't perfect, but it 
comes a lot closer than anything else available. It would seem that the 
Director team has both been listening, and doing a little thinking of 
their own.  ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: MU xtra for 04?

2004-02-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 04:16  AM, grimmwerks wrote:

Is there an ..cough ...updated MU xtra able to be recognized by 04 even
though it's no longer supported?
I haven't done anything serious yet, but it seems to be working. 
Mauricio from Tabuleiro said things looked good as well.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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