2004-10-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Oct 8, 2004, at 5:21 PM, John Mathis wrote:
um...1 means true.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Buddy API

2004-09-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 18, 2004, at 10:24 AM, Petro Bochan wrote:
I wonder what's your screen res?
For working in Director? The more the better.  ;-) Personally, I'm 
reasonably happy with my two LCD displays at their native resolutions. 
1920x1200 + 1440x900 = 3.6m pixels.

The less hiding and unhiding of panels, the more I like it. Also, OSX 
does not offer the sliding interface groups (whatever they are called) 
that the Windows version does.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Buddy API

2004-09-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 18, 2004, at 8:13 PM, roymeo wrote:
 If I got too comfortable with a second monitor, I'd be really whiny 
when I went on-site with only my laptop.
No doubt. Whenever I travel now I feel like I have one eye closed. 
Certainly in no condition to do anything serious.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Buddy API

2004-09-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 17, 2004, at 12:51 PM, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:
Really a bad idea to start switching monitor resolutions -
That isn't always the case. Depends on the audience. In my case, I make 
a lot of kiosks which get run on rental PCs, and set up by on-site 
staff. The more the software can do to optimize the setup, the more 
likely the program will be running correctly.

Now, for something distributed to the public, to run on personal 
machines, well, it should be carefully considered.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Re: shockwave3d texture problems

2004-09-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 17, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Julian Rodriguez wrote:
I agree with that. Director interface looks obsolete.
I don't think so. I like the Director interface - at least on OSX.
 I can't believe Director still has only one Undo (I don't know 
MX2004, but MX does).
One undo. To be honest, I rarely use it. I never know just what I might 
be undoing.

Also, there is the impossibility to stick the videos inside the 
projector to protect them.
If they are encoded as FLV (Flash video) they can be embedded. Other 
techniques also exist.

And the impossibility to change the icon in the projector file (I 
think that changed in MX2004).
?? Yes. I guess that has changed. You can have custom icons.
One thing more: Director should remember the zoom I am using on a 
project, because if I'm working on a 1024x768 project, it always opens 
100% zoomed.
Perhaps true. I don't really consider that a huge issue though.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Re: shockwave3d texture problems

2004-09-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 17, 2004, at 9:18 PM, Julian Rodriguez wrote:
Thanks for the tips. That's why I said the developers were improving 
Director. But you can't deny there are quite a few things to do before 
it's perfect.
Anyway, I am interested in this FLV thing... How can I encode my 
videos in this format?
The very best way with the most options and highest quality?
You'd need Squeeze for Flash Video
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Memory Inspector

2004-09-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 17, 2004, at 1:32 AM, John Waller wrote:
I'm using Dir MX (not 2004) with MacOS 10.3.4.
I went to use the Memory Inspector and could not find it. I looked up 
the manual and it says it should be under Window/Memory Inspector. The 
Help says the same but it is not there. And I cannot see it anywhere 
There is no memory inspector on Mac. The way OSX manages memory... 
apparently Director wouldn't be able to tell what was actually going 
on. That feature became Windows-only with DMX.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Flashpaper 2 in Director

2004-09-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 14, 2004, at 2:47 AM, Emre Eldemir wrote:
i've seen and used the useful tutorial on using flashpaper 1.1 in
director but the code doesn't seem to carry across to the latest
version. i've tried to apply the flashpaper 2.0 API info but i can't
seem to get it to work even on the simplest level...
Do you have a link for that tutorial?
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Flashpaper 2 in Director

2004-09-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 14, 2004, at 10:56 AM, Emre Eldemir wrote: 
Thanks Emre (and Chuck for writing the little article.)
I just followed the simple technique described, and had no problems  
whatsoever. But then, I'm not sure the document I am using is  
FlashPaper2. I'm not positive how to tell. In the upper left it just  
says Macromedia FlashPaper

Other than the fact that it is hideously slow, as most things Flash  
are, it seems to be working just fine.

You say it hasn't worked even on the simplest level? What isn't  
working? What have you tried?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l LDM's and TELL is NOT obsolete whatever MM says

2004-09-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 13, 2004, at 11:43 AM, Evil Kosh wrote:
I like it!!! it looks a lot cleaner than nested tell statements so I 
think I'll use that from now on, it's annoying that director can't 
figure out the right scope to be in, perhaps they should work a little 
bit harder at MM to earn that paycheck they think they deserve.
That is a bit harsh there, Evil. Director is a pretty complex beast. 
And it isn't like the developers of Director can come here and ask Rob 
how best to format a one-line mouseEnter statement which will fix their 
problems, right? Somehow I think the scope is a bit larger than that.

I think the folks at Macr. who we know from this list and others are 
earning their paychecks. Does that mean Director is *perfect*? No. Of 
course not. Frankly, I hate all the techniques involved in LDMs and 
MIAWs. I want real multi-windowed apps, and a true nested hierarchy, 
myself. In the meantime, we make do with what we've got.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Projector problem

2004-09-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 13, 2004, at 6:00 PM, Teo Mattiozzi Petralia wrote:
I'm working on a G5, running OSX 10.3.2. I'm trying to update a 
project done several years ago using Director 5 or 6, using Director 
MX 2004. All I have to do (I thought) is to open the .dir files with 
MX 2004 and save them. (I have done that, and everything was all 
Then I have opened the stub.dir file and try to publish it for OSX and 
classic versions, but here the problem; as soon as the program start 
(just the black screen of the stub file), it crash. This happen with 
both projectors, OSX and classic, the only difference is that in 
classic mode, there is a message coming up saying There is an invalid 
castmember [] in this movie and then crash.
Can be a missing xtra - particularly if the xtra was of the type which 
adds other types of cast members.

If I run the project in authoring mode through Director it works fine.
Then you probably have the needed xtra, but it isn't available to the 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Projector on NT Problem

2004-09-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 14, 2004, at 12:44 AM, Anand Ravi wrote:
thanks for all the replies. I am using D8.5. Yes, when I tested it 
myself on
a NT4 SP6 system, I did not get the Dr. Watson error. I also agree 
that it
looks like a machine specific problem.
Yep. Sure enough, sounds like an individual machine issue.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Minor lingo questions

2004-09-06 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 6, 2004, at 9:09 AM, Petro Bochan wrote:
1. About lists. Let's say i've got a bunch of hefty #bitmap members in 
cast and i made up my mind to add them all to a linear list to easily
manipulate them. As far as i understand, Lingo manages lists entirely 
RAM, so i wonder, will a lingo list duplicate all tose members in 
memory or
just create references to them (in RAM of course) and that way 
I suppose there could be two answers to that. Generally it would store 
references. Though in the case of storing something like 
member(bitmap).image, you would be creating and storing a duplicate 
of the current state of the member's image, rather than a reference.

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Re: lingo-l baOpenFile, a level up

2004-09-03 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 3, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Baker, Geoff wrote:
Ahem, yes if I could read I would have noticed that. However, I just
upgraded to 3.7 which is greater than 3.51 and no go. Still can't do
baopenfile(@::M1T2_03_210a.pdf,) or 

Perhaps I'll write Gary and ask him.
Please let us know, since it looks like we are supposed to be able to 
do that now.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 2, 2004, at 2:39 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:
anArray = string(float).split(.)
That's pseudo ActionScript!
Does that not actually leave out some steps though?
I don't know of any Lingo split function. You'd need to instantiate 
an object, etc. to get access to that method, no?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 2, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Pedja wrote:
For Christ's a single liner people!:)))
 pVal = 1234.90899
 splitList =

 put splitList
Nice. Hideous, but nice.
I had this -
 pVal = 1234.90899
testArray = (PRegEx_Split([string(pVal)], \.)
But note that it only gives a list of strings representing the numbers.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Getting Started

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 2, 2004, at 4:53 PM, Fred Westermeyer wrote:
I have V12 for about two years now have not started to work in it,
where is a good starting place to get started?
1) Join the V12 mailing list. A number of helpful folks there.
2) Download a couple of the samples from INM, and have a look through 
them to get an understanding of the approach.
3) Start out with a simple goal. Maybe use the V12 tool to build up a 
small DB that you can tap into from Director. That way you can explore 
your own data, which you already have familiarity with.

The cool part about such techniques, is working with small databases is 
exactly the same as working with large databases. Keep that in mind, 
and you'll have fun. Once you master the little stuff, you find out 
that the big stuff is no different.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 2, 2004, at 5:18 PM, Pedja wrote:
 pVal = -18267.8932
  splitList = [integer((abs(pVal)-(abs(pVal) - 
integer(getNormalized(vector(pVal,0,0))[1])),(abs(pVal) -
integer(abs(pVal)-0.5)) * integer(getNormalized(vector(pVal,0,0))[1])]

 put splitList
 -- [-18267, -0.8932]
Just when things couldn't get any uglier... vector math.  ;-)
Well done!
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 2, 2004, at 7:50 PM, Pedja wrote:
Okidoki...don't like my vectors!?
You've asked for's a refined version and 2x faster then with
pVal = -18267.8932
splitList = [integer((abs(pVal)-(abs(pVal) -
integer(abs(pVal)-0.5* (pVal/sqrt(power(pVal,2))),(abs(pVal) -
integer(abs(pVal)-0.5))* (pVal/sqrt(power(pVal,2)))]
 put splitList
If you can make it better just with bloody Lingo let me know...
Nope. You kicked it. I still kind of like the Preg_ex approach for the 
simplicity, but I don't doubt the parenthetical power of your 
lingo-based solution.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 3, 2004, at 1:19 AM, Carl West wrote:
I'd hate to have to de-bug this kind of code.
No doubt. Great fun as list-code, but in reality a few short concise 
lines is preferable for real work.

Still, nice lingo-flexing you guys.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Getting separate parts of a number

2004-09-01 Thread Troy Rollins
On Sep 1, 2004, at 10:32 PM, John Waller wrote:
Maybe I could convert to a string and search for decimal point and 
extract numbers before that etc. but this seems a bit long winded.
Convert it to a string and use offset to locate the decimal point. 
May sound long-winded, but should be a pretty straightforward function 
to build.

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Re: lingo-l Cast window icons

2004-08-31 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 31, 2004, at 10:09 PM, John Waller wrote:
I've looked at the Macromedia website and cannot find any obvious 
upgrades apart for the Xtras upgrade which I assume will not affect 
this situation. I have also looked at the Apple website and they have 
an upgrade to 10.3.5 which I will download sometime when I am at a 
fast internet connection, but I have no reason to expect that this 
will fix my problem.
It won't. It is a bug. Sometimes the icons disappear, other times they 
are assigned the wrong icons. This is pretty well known, but since it 
is only cosmetic, it is generally ignored. Macromedia knows about it as 

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Re: lingo-l testing

2004-08-25 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 26, 2004, at 1:38 AM, Buzz Kettles wrote:
is Lingo-L functioning for me?
That's kind of subjective, Buzz.
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Re: lingo-l propsave Xtra and images

2004-08-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 17, 2004, at 3:03 PM, Michael von Aichberger wrote:
The propsave Xtra that I think many of you have already used, should 
be able
to save all sorts of Director media types, including images. Well, I 
tried to save images, but I didn't work. The media type of the restored
image was #unknown.

I tried it both within a list and without (the image alone), nothing 

Could someone point me in the right direction?
Putting into a propsave list most definitely works for 
images. I've done it many many times.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: AW: AW: lingo-l propsave Xtra and images

2004-08-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 17, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Michael von Aichberger wrote:
Kind of complicated, or did I miss something? In case this is the way 
to go
with propsave, can anyone confirm, that vlist can save lists with pure 
objects in it?
I can't confirm that. With both PropSave and vList, I've always used for storage, and then just put the media into a cast 
member and grabbed the image for use with copypixels(). Didn't really 
seem as complicated as when you write it all out like that. ;-)
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Lingo to control two computers simultaneously???

2004-08-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 17, 2004, at 9:24 PM, Mike Cash wrote:
My question is, is there a way to do this via Lingo instead (i.e. one
presentation switch controlling one computer and Lingo feeding a 
command to
the second computer via Ethernet/USB or something)?
The Multi-user xtra is the way this is generally done.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l WatcherHelper (UIhelper)

2004-08-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 8, 2004, at 11:41 PM, 2702NET wrote:
I have WatcherHelper PPC Xtra in my projector's Xtras folder. Isn't 
that what I should be doing w/MX (i.e. isn't WatcherHelper - 
As I recall, I needed UIhelper to make it work. I suspect the sleep 
method moved around a bit as to which xtra it was included in. Try it 
with UIHelper in the projector's xtras folder.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l WatcherHelper (UIhelper)

2004-08-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 8, 2004, at 11:58 PM, 2702NET wrote:
Ah...since UIhelper is gone...pull it from an older version of 
Director, then? Hm...hope I still have that 8.5 CD.
OK. It varies over platforms and versions. Is WatcherHelper manually 
placed in the Xtras folder?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l FIXED - WatcherHelper/UiHelper wirdness

2004-08-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 9, 2004, at 12:43 AM, 2702NET wrote:
I moved the handler to the top_of_the_page, and guess what?? No error 
anymore in authoring or runtime.

I moved the on idle handler back down to the bottom again just to 
confirm and, sure enough, that was it.

Seems weird and wrong. Perhaps I'm missing something. At least it's 
working now.
That's the first I've heard of that one.
Ah well, sometimes asking why just isn't worth it.  ;-)
Sounds like you found the workaround.
FWIW, I usually put the sleep functions in its own script, and I keep 
it in an external library, so on projects which need it, I can just 
drag it in.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Word problem -not OT-

2004-07-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 26, 2004, at 3:52 PM, Diego Landro wrote:
My client does not want to convert
files to PDF format and display them with the PDF Xtra, he wants them
displayed in a customized UI, so PDF Xtra does nort fit in the 
Impressario will allow you to use PDFs and a custom UI.
It's impossible to paste .doc files into Director. Sorry about your 
death at the client's hands.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l projector icon formats in OS X

2004-07-25 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 26, 2004, at 1:21 AM, Slava Paperno wrote:
What graphic formats does the projector icon accept in Publish 
Settings under Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)? I've tried pict and tif and 
png, but my projector still has the standard Director icon. Help 
doesn;t explain this, a search for a technote doesn'r bring anything 
up, and I don;t have the manuals. Thanks for any tips!
It needs an icns file. These files don't show up with the icon in 
get info they are more of a resource format.

I make them with IconBuilder Pro myself.
That said, there is nothing stopping you from using the get info, copy 
paste routine after the projector is made.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l All those DLLs

2004-07-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 15, 2004, at 11:12 AM, Stephen Ingrum wrote:
ummm what dll files? I've never included those dll's with any 
project before- is this a MX 2004 thing?
For fast start projectors, the DLLs are external.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l All those DLLs

2004-07-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 15, 2004, at 12:18 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:
For fast start projectors, the DLLs are external.
There's more to it than that. It's a matter of insuring that your
projector plays at all.
But if the projector is not Fast Start, aren't the DLLs simply included 
within the executable?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l All those DLLs

2004-07-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 15, 2004, at 1:04 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:
That typically does not include the .dll in the executable. In fact, if
you don't specifically load the .dll in your code, at the right time,
you will get errors, either at run time or during the build (I don't
remember exactly--it's been too long).
So, then, you are suggesting that there is no such thing as a single 
icon self-contained executable Director movie on Windows? I don't think 
that is the case.

If you don't mind a slow start up, all the xtras, the DLLs, the movie, 
the casts (if internal), can all be wrapped into one runtime file, as 
far as I know. That is the reason that a ghost xtras folder appears 
temporarily when you run one of them - no?

Note that I do the fast start routine myself, and externalize 
everything, but I don't believe you HAVE to, as you've described. I 
think in the case where you don't, the projector behaves kind of like a 
self-extracting executable, which extracts, runs, then does a clean up 

But then, I could be wrong.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l I'm on vacation

2004-07-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 9, 2004, at 9:34 AM, James wrote:
I'm on vacation until July 29th.  I won't be answering emails until I 
get back.  Enjoy the summer!
Seems James is going to have a lot of answering to do.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Autoresponders

2004-07-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jul 9, 2004, at 12:53 PM, Tab Julius wrote:
(2) If you see an autoresponder, TELL ME, but DON'T reply back to the 
list - that just makes more traffic and creates another autoresponder 
Aw. Sure, spoil the fun.
Great, no more appalled embarrassment for those returning from holiday.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l dual monitor projector?

2004-06-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 24, 2004, at 7:24 PM, Pedja Guzvica wrote:
 I like to have 15 apps running at the same time and
not hearing any complains about not having enough memory
OS9 is dead. Give it a rest.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Seeking Shockwave math website

2004-06-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 24, 2004, at 9:00 PM, Stephen Ingrum wrote:
 Only problem is that I can't remember which formula is for which 
problem(almost 40)

Almost 40 formulas?
Or years?
I turned forty this year, and I've never felt so... old.
My kids complain because I have to turn my techno and house music up so 
loud. I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed in the morning if 
I've stayed up past 3am.

It sucks.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: OT: junk - was lingo-l Seeking Shockwave math website

2004-06-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 24, 2004, at 11:08 PM, Stephen Ingrum wrote:
No kids yet, we're still practicing.
WOW 3am???
I program better than I did when I stayed up till 3, but I haven't 
seen the other side of 1 in a while.
Well youngster, let me tell you something I've learned...  ;-)
Once you have 4 kids... the house gets marvelously quiet around 11pm, 
and the programming comes easier.

Now, granted, I don't generally get anything useful done in the morning 
until around noon. In fact, we don't even open our office until 
10:30am. But then, we're three hours ahead of all our clients.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Justa stupid 2 myself

2004-06-23 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 23, 2004, at 4:38 PM, Pedja Guzvica wrote:
Stupid question..huh:) but after undergoing a serious treatment in a 
institution 6 years ago my i-dictionary has gone realy bad (wife, real know!:) does AFAIK stand for
As far as I know, it stands for as far as I know.
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Re: lingo-l Justa stupid 2 myself

2004-06-23 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 23, 2004, at 8:52 PM, Pedja Guzvica wrote:
Huh...sorry...I'm totally bleaming beer! Just realised that I'm pissed
and worst of all I've posted crap code :) reckon should be like
this(ish) :)
I hope somebody else has got the car keys...   ;-)
I wouldn't doubt that is pronounced thish right about now.
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Re: lingo-l Direct Communication Xtra

2004-06-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jan 2, 1999, at 12:40 PM, Hotmail wrote:
Hi list admin.,
I would like to say that i want a [runtime functional] Direct 
Xtra no matter it pops-up a demo alert or a trial period reminder, I 
do not
want any crack or serial number for the xtra, The project i am working 
on is
PERSONAL and not commercial, I am a junior director developer and i 
need to
get the most of this xtra to develop a custom NETWORKING solution for 
me and
my guys, Finally i am still asking for help and i am waiting for your 
Unless you are doing something esoteric you don't need anything more 
for networking than the MultiUser xtra. Which is part of Director, 
though you may need to put it in your xtras folder yourself, depending 
on the version of Director you are using.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l pass with prepareMovie not possible?

2004-06-12 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 12, 2004, at 5:04 AM, Jakob Hede Madsen wrote:
Besides: We all know that Director is one big broken mug anyway...  ;-)
Right. The one with the cool picture on the side that you can't bring 
yourself to throw away.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l pass with prepareMovie not possible?

2004-06-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 10, 2004, at 3:11 AM, Jakob Hede Madsen wrote:
Well, like I wrote previously; HE CAN.
May I suggest that you test it yourself?
Fair enough. I can confirm that it CAN work. I'd still wonder about the 
case where it actually *needs* to. But, who is to say for someone 
else's project? Go for it.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l pass with prepareMovie not possible?

2004-06-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 9, 2004, at 4:07 AM, Roland Schroth wrote:
It is important that I can have more than one movie script with 
preapareMovie and startMovie procedures.
Is it?
Yes, I can see where it could possibly make things simpler, but it is 
obviously not the only way to skin the cat. Director developers have 
ALWAYS worked within this limitation. You must be doing something 
pretty remarkable that having multiple versions of those scripts 
getting triggered is imperative.

How exactly do you intend to dictate the order in which they are fired?
My point is - you probably just need to re-think the issue. There is 
almost assuredly an alternate approach which is actually better... and 
that would actually work, where that one, won't. At least not reliably.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Problem with goToNetPage on OSX

2004-06-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 8, 2004, at 11:41 AM, Mathew Ray wrote:
Yes, there is no single extra (that I am aware of) that works for both 
Some do, but they are certainly the exception. PregEx would be an 
example, I believe.

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Re: lingo-l Swapping images problem

2004-06-08 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 8, 2004, at 11:51 PM, Hermann Brandi wrote:
My problem is that when the image swaps returns to
the original one almost immediately. Why is happening this? I'm using 
script as part of the larger one:

if dosIsFileExist(productImage) then
  member(3).filename = productImage
  member(3).filename = noImage
end if
I'm not sure that this tells us enough. Is there a frame script 
involved somewhere? What is calling this handler? You said this was 
part of a much larger script... have you tried setting a breakpoint to 
determine if this script is getting called without your being aware of 

*Something* is almost certainly resetting your values. From what you've 
offered, it *sounds* like it is due to an exitframe handler or the 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Verbose vs Dotose

2004-06-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Jun 2, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Peter Bochan wrote:
I get an error using this:
and this one works
put the name of member 1 of castLib 1
Does that mean that it'll work only in verbose syntax?
Try this -
trace member(1,1).name
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lingo-l Re - Lingo Training and List Threads

2004-05-29 Thread Troy Rollins
(Sorry for the double post. I didn't realize I had replied with an
inappropriate subject line. In the interest of clean list threads...)
On this topic, if you are lucky enough to use a threaded mail reader 
(like Apple Mail), you know that replying to a message, and changing 
the subject line does not generate a new top level topic. You must 
actually start a new mail, as I have with this one. So, if you truly 
want clean list threads, and are changing the topic, you must do so by 
creating a new mail addressed to the list. A good rule of thumb is - if 
you are deleting all the previous message content, and changing the 
subject... you really should start with a freshly created email. One 
day, all mail readers will show sorting by threads...

On the topic of Lingo training... I don't think it is out of the 
question, but I would imagine most of your clientele would be local to 
you.  If you go that road, you might consider using your space, 
equipment, and curriculum to can some of the training and sell it on 
CD, etc.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Shell Xtra

2004-05-28 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 28, 2004, at 7:47 AM, Valentin Schmidt wrote:
I've updated the win version of the xtra yesterday, the new version has
callback functions for catching stdout and stderr output during
execution (see new readme and demo.exe/demo.dir).
Outstanding. Can the same be accomplished with OSX?
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Shell Xtra

2004-05-27 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 27, 2004, at 12:03 PM, 2702NET wrote:
Nice that you're developing this...potentially very handy. This is 
right in line w/a project I'm working on at the I can do 
some real world banging on it.
Same here. And cross-platform! Kudos.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Dot syntax for 'delete the last char of...'

2004-05-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 26, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Tom Jacobs wrote:
Actually, when I try this I get: Handler not found in object
However, Jeremy's suggestion...
 delete myString.char[myString.length])
does the trick.
This is the one I do, too. But I think it is debatable that the command 
is dot syntax. I would think that would look more like

Wouldn't it?
But using something like that gives a script error - expected OF.
Not quite sure where OF belongs in the whole dot syntax scheme.
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Re: lingo-l Dot syntax for 'delete the last char of...'

2004-05-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 26, 2004, at 3:51 PM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
Try myString.char[myString.length].delete()
Wrong type?
This is also why I don't use dot syntax for word chunk stuff.
Should the above work? It doesn't for me.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Importing multiple images problem

2004-05-26 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 26, 2004, at 10:21 PM, Irv Kalb wrote:
Is there any reason why these images must be all imported into 
Director?  It might be easier to deal with these images if you had 
them all as external images in a single folder.  Then you could have 
one (or more, depending on what your needs are for the catalog) 
graphic members that link to an external file.

To set this up, you import one image, which could just be a blank 
image, and select Import Link only (or what ever it is called.  Then 
at run time, you build up a string of what the real file name is, and 
set the filename of the member.
Or, if you are looking to protect the content, use Director to put 
the image content into an embedded database. Arca, for instance. Arca 
even has a free image import tool you could use to batch catalog them, 
which works very well.

The actual problem sounds like a memory issue. Using a database should 
remove that, as well as make the overall application perform better. 
Why you are getting a memory issue from the import, is tough to say.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l turning off useHypertextStyles thru Lingo REPOST

2004-05-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 24, 2004, at 5:50 PM, Slava Paperno wrote:
I guess this wasn't a very exciting problem :-) No responses...
Both Alex da Franca and Chuck Neal replied. How much better can you do?
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l RE: OT: panorama software

2004-05-23 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 23, 2004, at 6:54 PM, Bertil Flink wrote:
The link doesn't seem to work.
I looked at it again today and it works fine.  I put it on my website 
for anyone who'd like it:
Same here.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l html in D8 or D9

2004-05-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 20, 2004, at 7:53 PM, nik crosina wrote:
I had to use HTML in Drector once (well, it was either that or 
converting 100s of files to text, and pic and reconstruct them in 
director 8.1
dir is not veyr good at rendering anything but VERY basic HTML, maybe 
you can look into using th eweb Xtra. it uses IE to display webpages, 
and works great with webpages. i see no reason why it could not be 
used to display local files as well.
The issue is really no better in D10.
The above would seem to be an option on Windows, and I believe that 
Windows-only folks can do something with Active X and IE... though I 
wouldn't know, really, as that isn't a cross-platform solution, and I 
force myself to pretty much ignore such tools. Still, it would be VERY 
cool if there were a cross-plat plug in which had the same API, but 
used Active X on Windows, and Web Kit on OSX. I don't deliver on or 
even run OS9, so I can't speak for how important that is, or how many 
developers would pay extra for that compatibility.

While HTML has its own issues with text rendering, it may open up some 
new solutions to otherwise difficult text display. Director's internal 
HTML support, which I do use, is... less than ideal. And Flash? Even 
less so, IMO.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l overwriting lingo commands

2004-05-18 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 18, 2004, at 8:18 PM, Valentin Schmidt wrote:
on alert any
Don't you actually want alerthook?
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Re: lingo-l fileIO changes T to t ?!?!?

2004-05-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 13, 2004, at 3:45 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

put symbol(PT)
-- #pt
put symbol(PK)
-- #PK
put symbol(Po)
-- #Po
put symbol(mm)
-- #mm
put symbol(MM)
-- #mm
It seems the combination of letters pt/PT/pT/Pt always renders #pt.'s as if Director has #pt reserved for something already.
Anyone (umm...Tom Higgins?) got any thoughts on this anomaly?

I think you do somewhere in your code.

PUT symbol(PT)
-- #PT
At least on DMX2004 under Panther.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l fileIO changes T to t ?!?!?

2004-05-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 13, 2004, at 3:59 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

I think you do somewhere in your code.

PUT symbol(PT)
-- #PT
And don't forget, once you've done this, even once, it is registered in 
the symbol table that way. You would need to close Director and restart 
to be sure. For instance, now that I have done the above in the message 

PUT symbol(pt)
-- #PT
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Re: lingo-l fileIO changes T to t ?!?!?

2004-05-13 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 13, 2004, at 4:27 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

You would need to close Director and restart to be sure.
Or, as Roy tested... even that doesn't work. You'd also have to open a 
different or new project file.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l playing MPEG from server

2004-05-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 11, 2004, at 10:53 AM, nik crosina wrote:

does anyone know a reliable Xtra that does streaming and mpeg playback?
I know of direct emdia xtra, streaming media xtra, mediaplay xtra, etc 
but none of them seem to do it either reliably or with a low enough 
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Re: lingo-l Flash components: mouseUp and mouseUp Outside

2004-05-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 10, 2004, at 10:32 AM, Brennan wrote:

I am finally getting some time with DMX 2004, and one thing I noticed 
that the old fashioned hypercard pushbutton from the toolpalette has 
replaced by a flash component.
Yeah. Those are neat. Take a look and play around. Then, never ever use 
them again.

Add just one of those things to a Director project and watch the 
performance hit. Their Tree, or Listbox? Forget them. They are so slow, 
and have so many caveats to their use that they can kill an otherwise 
good Director project.

Somehow Macromedia missed it, but Imaging Lingo's time has finally 
come. It really shows just how bad Flash's performance is in the UI 
field. The tool palette should have IL components in it, not Flash.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Flash components: mouseUp and mouseUp Outside

2004-05-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 10, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Alex da Franca wrote:

just paying a bit attention to linked director movies, better spoken 
the ability of importing director movies, not just linking them, would 
lead to the encapsulation, we need so badly in director.
fixing the remaining few issues with LDMs would open up the door for 
teamwork and protected components.
when people say they need something like movieclips, they do not mean 
they need flash in director, but rather something LIKE movieclips, but 
with directors flexibility.
unfortunately the descision makers at macromedia seem to think, that 
it is the name 'flash' which sells and nothing else.
so instead of offering a tool, which is an evolution for a flash user, 
they make director a flash player, which is (and can only be) worse 
than taking the flash player in the first place.
translating lingo into javascript doesn't help much, IMHO.
it is not the language difference between lingo and AS, which make me 
stick to director, I just don't know flash that well and do not know 
the keywords and functionality of flash that well, rtegardless, if 
they resemble lingo, javascript or C, if I would dig into flash, it 
would be the easiest part. I don't care if I have to learn:
'movieclip.tell.something()' or 'tell something to movieclip' I'd have 
to learn both of them in the first place.

of course that is just my personal opinion.

Macromedia doesn't seem to recognize that Director without Flash is 
still very much an option - maybe now more than ever. Processor speed 
and general system speeds have benefited all the cool stuff Director 
has been able to do before, but can do much faster now. Imaging and 3D 
are both dramatically faster now. Flash, is still a pig, even on a fast 
system (when it comes to heavyweight processing... like the Flash Tree 

Comparing Flash components to native lingo components is quite comical. 
Flash benefits from encapsulation... that is about the only place it 
wins. With proper LDM support, it wouldn't even have that.

I don't mind using Flash for things that Flash is good for... we 
include lots of interactive animations in our Director stuff, it is 
great for that. But for data handling UI components? Please. That is no 
solution. Native stuff both looks better, and performs better.

Director deserves better.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Playback platforms.

2004-05-10 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 10, 2004, at 4:38 PM, John R. Sweeney Jr wrote:

Can Director run on Windows CE? Didn't find anything on the MM site, 
so I
thought I'd ask the masses.

Werner Sharp's site has an xtra for PocketPC conversion, but the site 
looks a bit stale.

I recently did a project in Flash for PocketPC. It went OK, but Flash 
is a processing pig on any platform. It doesn't get made better in 
PocketPC processors.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Is there no way to create a projector that maximizes?

2004-05-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 2, 2004, at 9:20 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

where sr is a field member sat on the stage. I make the projector, 
having set the Display Template options to have a maximize box, and 
the maximize works as it should. The stage changes to fill most of the 
screen, and the rect of the stage figure has changed. Clicking the 
maximize button again shrinks the stage back to the normal size.

If I do a resize before maximize twice, it returns to the resized 
Further on that thought, does anyone have, or know of any generic 
window geometry behaviors? Something designed to scale objects or 
maintain their spacial relationships depending on window size and 

Just seems like one of those wheels which should not have to be 
continually reinvented. Especially for application projectors which 
primarily use OSControls and text members.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Is there no way to create a projector that maximizes?

2004-05-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 2, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Colin Holgate wrote:

The whole issue is harder than you might think.
Not really. I think it would be pretty hard.

I've done some window geometry in Director, but only on a custom 
per-app level. But in thinking about it, it seems that it could be 
behaviorized (within certain tolerances.)

I guess I'm thinking of something which is attached to each sprite (or 
in the case of something like WFS each multiSprite) which determines 
its window geometry behaviors. Of course, that would require some sort 
of manager object to keep it all neat and tidy.

This geometry behavior could offer options to determine how that object 
handles a window size/shape change. Options like #fixedSize, 
#scaleUniform, #scaleHonly, #scaleVonly, #fixedPosition, 
#positionRelativeTo (could be other sprites, could be an edge of the 
window) ... etc.

I just hate making OS looking apps that are at a fixed window size, and 
custom geometry routines every time are boring. Since there really is 
no animation or fancy effects in these types of apps, it may be a more 
simplistic set of tools that are required.

Just thinking out-loud, I suppose. Though if anyone has any thoughts, 
considerations, or examples, I'm open.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l charToNum() on very large string

2004-05-01 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 1, 2004, at 11:07 AM, 2702NET wrote:

Ultimately, I guess I'll probably look at cooking something up in 
RealBasic and launching that from my projector. It'd be nice to make 
it work natively in Lingo though.
I'd be surprised if PregEx wasn't fast enough. It's certainly as fast 
or faster than anything done in RB.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l charToNum() on very large string

2004-05-01 Thread Troy Rollins
On May 1, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

But wait, I tested it anyway, and it turns out that the property list 
lookup to save doing chartonum() ends up taking longer than just doing 
the chartonum, so no prize for Buzz at all!
No fair. Buzz should at least get an alternate approach award.

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Re: lingo-l Unwanted highlight

2004-04-27 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 27, 2004, at 11:04 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Has anybody run into this? Any idea what's happening?
I've seen plenty of unwanted selection stuff. I've used workarounds 
that include toggling the editable, and off-screen text entry fields.

I don't have any good explanation as to why it happens though. My 
assumption was that at some point in those processes, the window 
momentarily loses focus (of some kind) to a background task (printing. 
etc.), and when it returns... it selects all the text in the first 
editable text sprite it encounters... probably for... well, some 
reason.  (?)
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l How to make Windows-style controls?

2004-04-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 22, 2004, at 5:22 AM, Andrew Dempsey wrote:

Just bought it and started playing with it.

Not sure how old you are, but this xtra has been a standard for some 
time now. Yes, it completely opens new doors for Director development.

Just be careful not to use them in projects which are supposed to have 
custom interfaces... it gets tempting sometimes... so easy just to 
throw in a scroller, progress bar, whatever.

The amazing part is when you build a project, and then look at it on 
other platforms. So cool.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l How to make Windows-style controls?

2004-04-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 22, 2004, at 11:20 AM, Jeff Gomes wrote:

Troy Rollins wrote:
The amazing part is when you build a project, and then look at it on 
other platforms. So cool.
I like changing the system appearance settings while my projector is 
running, and watching the controls instantly change to match.  But 
then I've always been easily entertained.  ;)
True. I also did some testing with ShapeShifter (the haxie for OSX 
which allows themes.) It worked amazingly well. Everything except the 
tab panel changed themes really nicely. I can only assume that the tab 
panel is not a true OS Control, but is modeled after it. The tab panel 
is also Jaguar styled, even under Panther. All and all though, an 
incredible implementation which allows Director to rival other 
cross-platform development tools which offer native controls.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Outlook error generated by Director

2004-04-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 22, 2004, at 3:12 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I am suspecting that it was caused in a Flash sprite I
have on the stage.
Yes. I generally start with that suspicion myself.  ;-)

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Re: lingo-l How to make Windows-style controls?

2004-04-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 20, 2004, at 9:47 AM, Andrew Dempsey wrote:

I am interested in making a program in Director that looks and feels 
like a
normal Windows program, i.e., where the buttons look like typical 
buttons for whatever version of Windows the user has (98/ME/2000/XP), 
forms, combo boxes, drop down lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc. 
look like nornal controls for that version of Windows.
It's called OSControl Xtra. Get it. Use it, love it.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l communication between 2 shockwave movies on the same html page

2004-04-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 20, 2004, at 2:48 PM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

If you have Flash MX or MX2004 you can use Flash LocalConnection 
objects to
communicate directly between Shockwave movies.
You don't even need Flash for that, just DMX or DMX2004.

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Re: lingo-l MPEG Media Viewer

2004-04-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 17, 2004, at 11:38 AM, nik crosina wrote:

- My client wants to be able to protect the viewer once the customised 
content is put in place (video files, graphic files and the .ini / 
config file) and we are thinking of authoring a separate application 
that creates a checksum that is stored with all the files and used to 
verify that the viewer or any of its contents have not been changed 
(e.g. by a third party substituting its graphics and video files, and 
passing it off as their work).
Does any of you have any experience with that?
You could also use something like the vList xtra to contain and save 
the cast members with encryption... it could also save your INI 

 You might consider providing your client an authoring tool which would 
allow them to set up the casts and the INI files, and save the vLists.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Ideas on how Record User Setting

2004-04-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 16, 2004, at 4:44 AM, Viktor Iwan wrote:

using buddyapiXtra..i'm able to check folder, files if they're exist.
but.. all the files and folder is predetermine by me..the author.
While the other suggestions are fully correct, if you are already using 
BuddyAPI, and you intend to continue (like you are using the xtra for 
other things as well), it can do the things you want - you just aren't 
using it correctly.

Look at the Buddy docs for things like baGetFolder. It opens a dialog 
where the user can select a folder, and puts the result into a 
variable... you then refer to that variable as the path for the other 
operations you wanted to do.


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Re: lingo-l Lingo and PHP

2004-04-15 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 15, 2004, at 7:49 AM, David Benman wrote:

I've been trying to use Lingo's postNetText to get a $_POST var to 
but it isn't connecting properly. Also, this could hypothetically get
data TO my database, but I'm not even sure how I would get data FROM 
database this way.
If you take a look at the info on postNetText, you'll find that it 
can receive a return from the server as well as sending a request. 
Post is something of a conventional misnomer.

Look also at netID and netTextResult.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l MX 2004 channel naming?

2004-04-14 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 14, 2004, at 2:21 PM, Baker, Geoff wrote:

So how do I name a channel in MX 2004?
Double click the channel's number in the score window.

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Re: lingo-l 3D maze game

2004-04-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 11, 2004, at 6:30 PM, Steve Rachels wrote:

You can make them show up by unchecking the direct to stage button, 
but 2d
sprites are under the 3d world otherwise.

If you have 3d sprites from some program like Max, you can clone them 
the Maze world, which is probaly more what you would want in the 
You can, as well, map 2D sprite objects onto new 3D planes that you 
define through Lingo.

Every time these sort of questions arise I recommend 3DPI xtra. You 
simply can't go wrong with that tool and the price. If you are doing 
anything at all with 3D it is a virtual requirement. If nothing else, 
it will teach you a lot about the SW3D capabilities, and your own 
models. Check it out, if you haven't already.

RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l 3D maze game

2004-04-11 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 11, 2004, at 7:04 PM, Steve Rachels wrote:

How do you map 2d onto the 3d models using 3dpi?  Is there a tutorial
somewhere?  Havn't tried that yet.
3DPI is not required to do that, but it helps. Using 3DPI, or just 
plain ol' lingo, you need to create a new 3D plain and a shader for it 
which includes a 2D texture. You'll find that using 3DPI this is a 
pretty intuitive process, through lingo alone, you'll have some tricky 
stuff to deal with (first time out, anyway.)

There are more than a couple good books on SW3D, and nothing has 
changed about it in the last 2 versions of Director, so even older 
books are fine.

Beyond that, play around in 3DPI (which has even been updated for 
DMX2004.) You will learn so much just from opening a 3D world and using 
it as an exploration and experimentation tool.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l find property-names of flash obect

2004-04-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 5, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Valentin Schmidt wrote:

As they enumerated
in the object inspector, there must be a way to find them, but can this
be done with lingo?


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lingo-l Wayward Flash Components

2004-04-05 Thread Troy Rollins
We built and installed some Flash components for use in a project. 
After removing them, from Director's components folder, they still show 
up. After removing them from the 
library:applicationsupport:macromedia:directormx2004:components folder, 
and it still shows up. A complete search of my hard disk does not show 
the file - but it is still available in Director.

Something about the catalog.xml and Director's component cache... how 
does one clear this cache? Or is it something else entirely?

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Re: lingo-l Wayward Flash Components

2004-04-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 5, 2004, at 1:31 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

Something about the catalog.xml and Director's component cache... how 
does one clear this cache? Or is it something else entirely?
Found it. Delete the aptly named dirapi.mch file hidden deep in your 
user prefs.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Wayward Flash Components

2004-04-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 5, 2004, at 5:49 PM, Buzz Kettles wrote:

Just a question as an aside,

Did you try to install one of these non-existent components?
Install?... Well, we had placed components of our own in the Director 
components folder, which we needed for one project. It was the removing 
part that didn't work. The component names had been cached...

Did Director give a useful error msg, or did something not so nice 
Letsee, useful error message... ah no. My component library panel 
still showed all the removed components, though adding them to the cast 
would only make a phantom (non-component) cast member. Also, since we 
had replaced Text Area temporarily... that button disappeared from my 
tool palette, even though the textArea.SWC was still in my components 
folder. Basically, Director lost its mind, and was using ONLY the cache 
to determine what components to use. No errors or messages of any kind. 
Just basic loss of functionality.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Wayward Flash Components

2004-04-05 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 5, 2004, at 6:38 PM, Buzz Kettles wrote:

If I remember correctly, that file gets rewritten upon quitting -
Did these ghost components show in a later session?
Oh yes. Until the file was deleted, then recreated on the next quit.

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Re: lingo-l ENC: Flash Tree Component

2004-04-02 Thread Troy Rollins
On Apr 2, 2004, at 2:32 PM, [CWS] Fabiano wrote:

I have already tried getSelectNode(), found in Flash MX 2004, but
Director says that the property was not found.
Thanks in advance for saving my weekend from working.
Mark Jonkman's article on the Macr. web site has some info about one 
way to do this.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l exit button

2004-03-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 24, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

How do i make a quit button or exit button with Yes or No button.
You don't. You make an exit dialog with Yes and No buttons. I use a
MIAW. You could use a MUI dialog if you feel masochistic.
Checked out the latest MUI-GUI xtra?

Very nice MUI. Works great in association with OSControl xtra. Those, 
and the DMX2 improvements are really getting Director to be an app 
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Launching a UNIX program on Mac OSX

2004-03-23 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 23, 2004, at 2:17 PM, Chris Rasmussen wrote:

We have a Director app that we want to use to launch a UNIX program 
OSX using the BuddyAPI baRun program, but it doesn't seem to work. Can 
give me any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Not posting example code?

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Re: lingo-l Midi and Director

2004-03-17 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 17, 2004, at 8:22 AM, Brennan wrote:

(If anyone is going to make an Xtra, they might consider opening 
wired actions to lingo instead, i.e. so that we could send messages to
wired movies, which would give us MIDI and a whole lot more in one fell
I'm for this answer. I'm sure a number of us would be willing to pay 
for such an xtra.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Need Help On Mpeg

2004-03-16 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 16, 2004, at 4:39 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

With QuickTime, it can handle MPEG-1 files. I don't think QT supports
MP2, though--correct me if I'm wrong, guys.
Only with the $20 plug in decoder. Covers Apple's licensing costs I 
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Re: lingo-l delete string

2004-03-09 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 9, 2004, at 1:46 PM, Daniel Nelson wrote:

delete aString.char[i]
That still works.

Is it just an issue of the documentation? ScriptExecutionStyle?
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Re: lingo-l MIAW, Flash and redrawing

2004-03-07 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 7, 2004, at 5:49 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

Does anyone knows what can I do to get ride of this redraw problem?
the stageColor = the stageColor?

I was using this (successfully) the other day. It still seems to be 
undocumented - in fact, stageColor is not in the lingo dictionary.

So, I wonder, what would the scriptExecutionstyle = 10 version of this 

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Re: lingo-l MIAW, Flash and redrawing

2004-03-07 Thread Troy Rollins
On Mar 7, 2004, at 6:13 PM, Jeff Gomes wrote:

So, I wonder, what would the scriptExecutionstyle = 10 version of 
this be?
_movie.stage.bgColor = _movie.stage.bgColor ?
I think so, Jeff. Thanks.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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Re: lingo-l Text bleeding through

2004-02-27 Thread Troy Rollins
On Feb 27, 2004, at 3:13 PM, Kerry Thompson wrote:

Have you:
tried different channels?
re-created the member?
Ok, got it. It was a DPE (Dumb Programmer Error).

I was looking at the wrong sprite. That cast member is used someplace
else, and the locZ was being set to the lastChannel.
Long week Kerry?


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Re: lingo-l absolute vs relative pathnames

2004-02-24 Thread Troy Rollins
On Feb 24, 2004, at 7:05 PM, Harry Goldberg wrote:

Nope - that didn't work either. Whenever I Get Info on the 
castmember from the cast window and then fill in the cast member's 
name, the name is replaced with the entire path to the quicktime 
movie. A path which is incorrect when the movie is placed on a web 
How about, put the QuickTime on the server, and then link to it.
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Re: lingo-l Resource Hacker

2004-02-22 Thread Troy Rollins
On Feb 22, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Alan Neilsen wrote:

I have downloaded Resource Hacker, and am trying to use it to change 
the icon on my Director MX project (Called Directors' Duties.exe). 
Perhaps somebody can tell me what I am doing wrong. (1) I open my exe 
file in Resource Hacker, (2) I go to Actions/Replace Icon ..., (3) I 
select the icon I want to use (DD.ico), (4) I replace the icon, then 
(5) I save.
When I do this process and go to save, ResHacker ask me if I want to 
overwrite the original file - I tell it I do, and I end up with only 
the one projector file.

Note that the projector icon does not generally change on my authoring 
machine, and I'm not sure why (registry thing?), but it does change for 
the CD or distribution media.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, February 20, 2004, at 03:22 PM, roymeo wrote:

More clearly

(Director 9.0)

I would like to be able to access the SPRITE properties like blend, 
locH, color, not the script property-properties.

x = #fontSize
put sprite(21).member.getProp(x)
will return my fontsize, just as if I'd typed in

put sprite(21).member.fontsize

that's the way object stuff works.  So I could pass a generic function 
an object and a symbol and it could get and change the property that 
that symbol represents in the object.
Actually, such direct access of properties is not always the right 
way to work in OOP.

Having a handler on the sprite which returns its properties is.

Irv's online book has a lot of great stuff on such topics and how to 
accomplish them in Lingo.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, February 20, 2004, at 03:43 PM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

  (The flash guy is already done with his code...his screen objects 
are full objects.)
It's much easier to write code in Flash using the kiddy 
point-and-click UI, true.
I'd love to be able to insert the selected cast member name into the 
active script, for instance. Or even have a copy member(name of 
member) into clipboard. Same with sprites and channels.

Is there already a way to do that with any of these, and I've just 
never found it? Or is it a wish-list item?
RPSystems, Ltd.

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Re: lingo-l Accessing sprite(x) properties via variable

2004-02-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Friday, February 20, 2004, at 04:02 PM, roymeo wrote:

Yes, OOP-Nazi, you are right.
Me? I'm hardly that.  Just seemed to me that asking the sprite to tell 
you what you wanted to know was better in this case. Not to mention 
that *you* were the one who said - that's the way object stuff works.

Whatever. Good luck with it.
RPSystems, Ltd.
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