re-linking external files to an external cast with lingo

2001-07-27 Thread debi

I have an external cast that keeps loosing its members.  It contains around
200-300 video clips.

Now, I have around 50 director files that use various video clips from this
external cast.

I need a way to automatically relink the cast members I need in each
director movie as the director movie loads and begins to play.

I have tried the following:

on startmovie
  append the searchPaths, the moviePath & "QT1"
  append the searchPaths, the moviePath & "QT2"
  append the searchPaths, the moviePath & "QT3"
  append the searchPaths, the moviePath & "epm1"

The director files are in the same directory as well as the quicktime movie
cast.  The linked quicktime movies are in folders:  qt1, qt2, qt3, and epm1.
The files that are needed in each director movie are placed in the score but
appear off screen until they are clicked to play.  They are then moved into
position and set to play.

I can't switch items on the fly because a certain button when clicked will
play a certain movie file.  Or at least when it is linked it does.

Any help and or ideas will be appreciated.


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Re: V-OT: Automated Responses

2001-07-27 Thread Tab Julius

If you get one, just let me know.

As of a minute ago, Adam is no longer with us.  If anyone else sees an 
autoresponder going to the list, let me know.

List members, if you are going on vacation, PLEASE unsubscribe from the 
list, or send it to another mailbox, or get on the digest or SOMETHING.  We 
go through this twice a year, usually - summers and winter holidays, and 
it's tiresome, to say the least.


- Tab

At 04:24 AM 7/28/01 +0100, LePhuronn wrote:
>Is it just me or are these automated responses when you're on holiday REALLY
>F*G ANNOYING?!?!? Forgive the language, but they really get me.
>My mail box is big enough without having to read "Sorry, but Fred is lucky
>enough to actually go on holdiay and is sunning himself as we speak. He will
>reply to you when his back is a nice golden brown". And the bloody things
>end with "Have a Nice Day!" HAVE A NICE DAY?!?! How can I when I've
>downloaded for the 100th time something that reminds me yet again that I'm
>too busy and too broke to have a break!
>Fume...fume...breathe...OK, I'm better now.
>OK, they do have a useful purpose (like if colleagues are trying to contact
>you if they don't know you're out), but to indiscriminately activate them
>for lists such as these I find to be most inconsiderate.
>Anyway, I will stop ranting now and filling up your mailboxes like the
>hypocritical little nonce that I am...
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V-OT: Automated Responses

2001-07-27 Thread LePhuronn

Is it just me or are these automated responses when you're on holiday REALLY
F*G ANNOYING?!?!? Forgive the language, but they really get me.

My mail box is big enough without having to read "Sorry, but Fred is lucky
enough to actually go on holdiay and is sunning himself as we speak. He will
reply to you when his back is a nice golden brown". And the bloody things
end with "Have a Nice Day!" HAVE A NICE DAY?!?! How can I when I've
downloaded for the 100th time something that reminds me yet again that I'm
too busy and too broke to have a break!

Fume...fume...breathe...OK, I'm better now.

OK, they do have a useful purpose (like if colleagues are trying to contact
you if they don't know you're out), but to indiscriminately activate them
for lists such as these I find to be most inconsiderate.

Anyway, I will stop ranting now and filling up your mailboxes like the
hypocritical little nonce that I am...


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Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2084

2001-07-27 Thread Adam Fletcher

Thankyou for your email.

Adam is out of the office until Tuesday 31st July.

He will reply to your email at the earliest convenience.

Have a good day!

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Re: OT Video and Matrox G300 Video Capture Card

2001-07-27 Thread Garman Herigstad

> when I go
> > to capture this video, a message saying that the G300 cannot copy
> > copyrighted material, it seems there is a signal or something
> > coming through
> > and blocking the card.

> No workaround it seems. Maybe that Broadcast VHS decks can "strip" the SCMS
> code as pro Digital Audio deck can? If not, you will have to "go to the
> source".

Yes, it used to be the broadcast decks with TBC (time based correctors)
could manages these problems, or just running the video thru a TBC would
filter it out.  But that was years ago.




"Minor 6th: That's a sad Bonnie."  -Jamey Aebersold

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Re: action called on attaching behavior to sprite

2001-07-27 Thread LePhuronn

I actually used this feature in one of my uni projects not so long ago - an
interactive tutorial system then talks between Director in authroing mode
and MIAWs.

The only way I could get the routines I wanted to run ONCE was to call them
from the "isOKToAttach" handler, although this may cause some erratic
behaviour if you're cropping images through Lingo - it was fine for me to
send messages around, but actual sprite manipulation might mess things up.

Give it a try though...

Thinking about it, are you wanting to set any properties for the crop or
not? If it's fully automated then I think the "RunPropertyDialog" handler
only runs the once and runs before "GetPropertyDescriptionList" if it


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RE: OT Video and Matrox G300 Video Capture Card

2001-07-27 Thread Bastien Bouchard

when I go
> to capture this video, a message saying that the G300 cannot copy
> copyrighted material, it seems there is a signal or something
> coming through
> and blocking the card.

That is "Serial Copy Management System", a code wich prevent copy from
commercially distributed audio and video material.

I remember that some old edition of Matrox video capture tool did not comply
to it, so you can capture SCMS protected material. I don't know if this is a
hardware or software implemented protection.

> Apart from maybe going to the source and getting a clean copy
> which may cost
> the client a bit more, is there another way around it..

No workaround it seems. Maybe that Broadcast VHS decks can "strip" the SCMS
code as pro Digital Audio deck can? If not, you will have to "go to the

Bastien Bouchard
Logique multimédia

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Re: Tab's New Book (was: South Africa or something)

2001-07-27 Thread Kurt Griffin

> whatever you do, please don't loose that approach.

Gee, and Karina was so postive about the book...

:) Kurt

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Re: action called on attaching behavior to sprite

2001-07-27 Thread R. Bhakti Klein

oh i didn't see that post of buzz's. that's interesting, although i
don't see why it should have to call it twice. anyhoo, yes setting a
boolean property the first time is a fine and dandy workaround...

Kerry Thompson wrote:
> >Does anybody know the way to call a handler as soon as a behavior is
> >attached(after getPropertyDescriptionList has been initialized) to a sprite
> >in authoring?
> I think Buzz Kettles posted something about this the other day. If I
> remember right, he said that GPDL is called twice--once to put up the
> dialog, and again when you finish.
> Maybe you could check to see if the properties have been set, then call
> your handler. I haven't tried it, but it's an idea.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
  -- Mother Theresa

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RE: Is Media Cleaner to blame?

2001-07-27 Thread Bastien Bouchard

> I have talked extensively with technical support at Macromedia.
> It doesn't
> help to know that "I am the only person that has reported this problem."

M... i would be rather surprised that you are the only one...

I had myself frequently the same trouble in the past with QT (or swf) when
authoring on NT, and still have it with avi files on Win 2000. IMHO, this is
absolutely unrelated to your file encoder or wathever (i wonder how it could

The safe trick is simply to specify the file path of each video on
startMovie (or before playing them, so you can use just one cast member and
switch the media in it -usefull when you play with 300 videos oin a project-
;-) ):

member("myvideomember").fileName = the applicationPath & "myvideo""

Bastien Bouchard
Logique multimédia

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Re: action called on attaching behavior to sprite

2001-07-27 Thread Kerry Thompson

>Does anybody know the way to call a handler as soon as a behavior is
>attached(after getPropertyDescriptionList has been initialized) to a sprite
>in authoring?

I think Buzz Kettles posted something about this the other day. If I 
remember right, he said that GPDL is called twice--once to put up the 
dialog, and again when you finish.

Maybe you could check to see if the properties have been set, then call 
your handler. I haven't tried it, but it's an idea.


Kerry Thompson

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OT Video and Matrox G300 Video Capture Card

2001-07-27 Thread Theo Starr

Hi Everybody

This is OT..

I am doing a CD-Rom using Director and Flash, the client has given me a
video (his own) to use and display some of it, on the CD Rom but when I go
to capture this video, a message saying that the G300 cannot copy
copyrighted material, it seems there is a signal or something coming through
and blocking the card.

I have permission to use the video and video is one that is professional
done and is sold commercially.

Apart from maybe going to the source and getting a clean copy which may cost
the client a bit more, is there another way around it..

Any help will be appreciated

Theo Starr
Almityand-Mega Multimedia

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RE: RE: Best way to post graphic to web?

2001-07-27 Thread Al Hospers

> Or the MUS.

most interesting... the MUS xtra will take an arbitrary file from your
local machine & allow you to post it to a web server!

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Re: action called on attaching behavior to sprite

2001-07-27 Thread R. Bhakti Klein

just call it before the return statement.

although i gotta warn you, when i tested it here, it ran the handler
twice. anyone know what's up with that? one method, one call from the
gpdl handler, but the handler runs twice.


Morgan Bonar wrote:
> Hey all,
> Does anybody know the way to call a handler as soon as a behavior is
> attached(after getPropertyDescriptionList has been initialized) to a sprite
> in authoring? I am trying to create a utility that crops sprites during
> authoring.
> Thanks.
> Morgan
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
  -- Mother Theresa

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread R. Bhakti Klein

do you know where the movies are, relatively? the relative pathnames?
you could always set the filename of member property for the qt movies
at the beginning of the movie.
i don't know how slow it would be for 300 movies, but it's a way around
the problem.

debi wrote:
> I need help!
> I have a massive project that seems to be loosing its links to externally
> linked QuickTime movies.
> One minute they are there in the cast...  I can click and open them...  play
> them...  run the director file and all is well.
> Another time I can double-click the thumbnail image of the same cast member
> and all I get is a gray box with a control strip.  And in that case
> naturally the file will not play in the director movie.  The file seems to
> be no longer linked to the cast.  I can re-link the cast member and it will
> play, but I am not guaranteed that it will save that way and play when the
> project is opened another day.
> I have talked extensively with technical support at Macromedia.   It doesn't
> help to know that "I am the only person that has reported this problem."
> The only suggestion I have from them is that this might possibly be an issue
> with Media Cleaner and the way it processes QuickTime files.
> I processed over 300 video clips that seemed to work fine during the initial
> testing.  And most continue to work now.  But there are those that will
> loose the link in the cast.  At least when I double-click the thumbnail I
> get nothing.
> They were processed through Media Cleaner version 4.0.3  using the
> professional version of Sorenson version 2.   To create QuickTime movies
> included in a Director 8.0 project on Windows 98 and Windows NT computers.
> The problem has appeared in edit mode and as a projector.  It is sporadic..
> I cannot predict which movies will play and which will not.  Today, ones
> that were great for months failed to open.
> I have had the problem on various windows machines and with different
> projects.  So it seems to be more on the side of director having trouble
> with reading the file as opposed to an operating or system problem.
> Like I said, one minute the file is linked, the next it is not, or may not
> be.  And sometimes if I close director and start over all is well...
> sometimes not.
> But one thing is for sure, it is Director 8.0.  QuickTime 4.1.2,  QuickTime
> files compressed with Sorenson 2, with an average of 80kps.
> If any of you can shed some light, please let me know.
> Debi
> (I really do miss mTropolis)
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
  -- Mother Theresa

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action called on attaching behavior to sprite

2001-07-27 Thread Morgan Bonar

Hey all,
Does anybody know the way to call a handler as soon as a behavior is
attached(after getPropertyDescriptionList has been initialized) to a sprite
in authoring? I am trying to create a utility that crops sprites during


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Is Media Cleaner to blame?

2001-07-27 Thread debi

(Sorry - I posted this under the wrong subject before so I just want to

I need help!

I have a massive project that seems to be loosing its links to externally
linked QuickTime movies.

One minute they are there in the cast...  I can click and open them...  play
them...  run the director file and all is well.

Another time I can double-click the thumbnail image of the same cast member
and all I get is a gray box with a control strip.  And in that case
naturally the file will not play in the director movie.  The file seems to
be no longer linked to the cast.  I can re-link the cast member and it will
play, but I am not guaranteed that it will save that way and play when the
project is opened another day.

I have talked extensively with technical support at Macromedia.   It doesn't
help to know that "I am the only person that has reported this problem."

The only suggestion I have from them is that this might possibly be an issue
with Media Cleaner and the way it processes QuickTime files.

I processed over 300 video clips that seemed to work fine during the initial
testing.  And most continue to work now.  But there are those that will
loose the link in the cast.  At least when I double-click the thumbnail I
get nothing.

They were processed through Media Cleaner version 4.0.3  using the
professional version of Sorenson version 2.   To create QuickTime movies
included in a Director 8.0 project on Windows 98 and Windows NT computers.

The problem has appeared in edit mode and as a projector.  It is sporadic..
I cannot predict which movies will play and which will not.  Today, ones
that were great for months failed to open.

I have had the problem on various windows machines and with different
projects.  So it seems to be more on the side of director having trouble
with reading the file as opposed to an operating or system problem.

Like I said, one minute the file is linked, the next it is not, or may not
be.  And sometimes if I close director and start over all is well...
sometimes not.

But one thing is for sure, it is Director 8.0.  QuickTime 4.1.2,  QuickTime
files compressed with Sorenson 2, with an average of 80kps.

If any of you can shed some light, please let me know.


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread debi

I need help!

I have a massive project that seems to be loosing its links to externally
linked QuickTime movies.

One minute they are there in the cast...  I can click and open them...  play
them...  run the director file and all is well.

Another time I can double-click the thumbnail image of the same cast member
and all I get is a gray box with a control strip.  And in that case
naturally the file will not play in the director movie.  The file seems to
be no longer linked to the cast.  I can re-link the cast member and it will
play, but I am not guaranteed that it will save that way and play when the
project is opened another day.

I have talked extensively with technical support at Macromedia.   It doesn't
help to know that "I am the only person that has reported this problem."

The only suggestion I have from them is that this might possibly be an issue
with Media Cleaner and the way it processes QuickTime files.

I processed over 300 video clips that seemed to work fine during the initial
testing.  And most continue to work now.  But there are those that will
loose the link in the cast.  At least when I double-click the thumbnail I
get nothing.

They were processed through Media Cleaner version 4.0.3  using the
professional version of Sorenson version 2.   To create QuickTime movies
included in a Director 8.0 project on Windows 98 and Windows NT computers.

The problem has appeared in edit mode and as a projector.  It is sporadic..
I cannot predict which movies will play and which will not.  Today, ones
that were great for months failed to open.

I have had the problem on various windows machines and with different
projects.  So it seems to be more on the side of director having trouble
with reading the file as opposed to an operating or system problem.

Like I said, one minute the file is linked, the next it is not, or may not
be.  And sometimes if I close director and start over all is well...
sometimes not.

But one thing is for sure, it is Director 8.0.  QuickTime 4.1.2,  QuickTime
files compressed with Sorenson 2, with an average of 80kps.

If any of you can shed some light, please let me know.


(I really do miss mTropolis)

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Smith

> According to the manual, the only things you can't do in a 
> prepareMovie handler are go, play, and updateStage.
> I create global objects from parent scripts in the prepareMovie 
> handler all the time.
Great! Thanks for the info.

Alex Smith

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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on everyframe

2001-07-27 Thread Irv Kalb

Too much trouble to do the parent script/stepFrame thing???  Here's 
all the code you need (untested):

-- Movie script
global goExitFrame  -- global object Exit Frame

on prepareMovie
   goExitFrame = new(script "ExitFrame")

on stopMovie
   goExitFrame = 0

--  ExitFrame  Parent script
on new me
   add(the actorList, me)
   return me

on mCleanUp me
   deleteOne(the actorList, me)

on stepFrame me
   -- do whatever you want here on each frame event

No need to monkey around with the score at all.  You would have to 
add some checking if you are moving between movies.


At 3:29 PM -0400 7/27/01, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>yes, it is too much trouble to use the actorlist.  But I can't only 
>use the dummy sprite method either, because then the enterFrame
>handler would never get passed to the frame scripts.  The only thing 
>I have found that helps is to use the pass method which passes
>the event message on up the hierarchy to the next in line.
>Charlie Fiskeaux II
>The Creative Group
>859/858-9054 x29
>cell: 859/312-3883
>- Original Message -
>From: "Buzz Kettles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: "Kendall Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:17 PM
>Subject: Re:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on 
>every frame
>the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.
>Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every
>sprite, use a dummy sprite.
>Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it
>across the frames you want to watch.
>put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it & do your Lingo watching ...
>At 1:45 PM -0500 7/27/01, Kendall Anderson wrote:
>>Hey -
>>Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>>   > That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically
>>interrupted by a frame script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in
>>>   frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler
>>>in the movie script.
>>Can't you just instantiate an object into the actorlist and respond to
>>stepframe events?
>>Wouldn't this have the same effect? (this is how I've done it in the
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>>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Irv Kalb

According to the manual, the only things you can't do in a 
prepareMovie handler are go, play, and updateStage.

I create global objects from parent scripts in the prepareMovie 
handler all the time.


At 4:34 PM -0500 7/27/01, Alex Smith wrote:
>Tom could you elaborate on what is not possible in the prepareMovie handler.
>I started with D4 but didn't come back till d7 and there was no prepareMovie
>in D4 as I remember, so I'm a bit shaky with the do's and don'ts of
>prepareMovie  I've been having trouble initializing a parent script when
>using just one-frame programming.
>>  FYI: frame 1 of the score is always drawn *before* the startMovie event
>occurs, therefore beginSprite handlers on sprites in frame 1 will execute
>before your startMovie handler does. This occurs by design and is therefore
>labeled as "expected and normal behavior". Move sprites into frame 2 or
>begin using a prepareMovie handler (be careful, in the prepare movie handler
>not all Lingo is possible).
>>  Hope that helps,
>  > Tom


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Buzz Kettles

This is one of the reasons that prepareMovie was introduced.

prepareFrame also happens before startMovie

For these and other reasons, many people have decided it's just 
easier to not use frame 1 (beginning all sprites in at least frame 2).



At 2:07 PM -0400 7/27/01, Slava Paperno wrote:
>In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in channel 1 
>executes before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable 
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Re: File IO

2001-07-27 Thread Kerry Thompson

>it could be because the script instantiates the xtra on every iteration...
>try moving the xtra instantiation code before the loop starts, and
>set theFile = 0 after the loop finishes, so that only a single
>instance of the xtra is used for all operations.

Good idea, but setting theFile = 0 eliminates the instance of the file 
Xtra. The script I was using creates an instance each time through the 
loop, then disposes of it when it's done.

I found the problem, though. I was creating the file names by taking the 
name of the cast member and appending ".txt". In the process, some of the 
file names were too long for the Mac.

Error trapping doesn't help much--when you try to create a file with a name 
that's too long, Director simply crashes. It doesn't even return an error. 
Bad, bad.

I'm doing it on Windows now--longer file names there.


Kerry Thompson

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RE: mpg files on cdrom

2001-07-27 Thread Robert Wingate

> So there is native support of mpg files on Win with WMP?

Yes. For that matter, ASF (WMV, whatever) is actually similar in format
to MPG. WMP plays it nicely.

I'm a Mac guy at heart, and you have to give it to Apple for finally
getting a modern OS out the door. But while they were pouring resources
into its development, they really dropped the ball with streaming video.
Byte for byte, WMP and Real streaming quality now blow QuickTime away.
And they started the desktop video revolution. For the best quality
streaming video, WMP is my 1st choice, then Real, and QuickTime is 3rd.
On Windows _and_ Mac. You read right -- WMP for Mac's quality is better
than QT for Mac.


* Rob Wingate, Software Human*
* *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Smith

> Most notably the score and cast members are not yet loaded into memory
when prepareMovie executes, therefore you cannot puppet sprites, you cannot
access member properties, etc. What you can do is act on movie level
properties, things like the soundDevice, properties and commands that are
not score/frame/member specific can be executed. I don't really have a
clearer outline other than saying "don't touch score/member items in
prepareMovie handlers".
OK thanks for that info.
> Test test test...
The story of all programmers.
> As I said, you can also simply move your sprites in the score so that
frame 1 is not used at all (this is my usual technique, I leave frame 1
Yeah having problems with that though don't have time to hunt down it all
now but will tackle it later.

Thanks for the help,
Alex Smith

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Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2083

2001-07-27 Thread Adam Fletcher

Thankyou for your email.

Adam is out of the office until Tuesday 31st July.

He will reply to your email at the earliest convenience.

Have a good day!

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RE: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Thomas Higgins

> Perhaps instead of pointing out little parts of the process, 
> it'd be more 
> helpful to point towards the completely accurate documentation

Perhaps I was just trying to respond quickly and provide a helpful tip. The question 
was whether or not frame 1 beginSprite events occur before startMovie handlers, I 
answered that. It wasn't really a question about the overall ordering of events. Sure 
a longer in depth response may have been "better", but I thought I'd share what I 

Should I not answer questions if I only have time for a quick response or two?

I don't know why this feels like your being aggressive towards me but it does. The 
lists these days (not just here, geez go over to dirGames-L for even more) seem to be 
going downhill with the receptiveness to input from people (I'm getting blasted way 
too much for trying to help). Your little "Perhaps instead of..." language is what 
feels so grating to my eyes and brain.

Maybe I just need to step back and look at things again, I'm dropping out of here for 
the day, good bye.


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RE: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Thomas Higgins

Most notably the score and cast members are not yet loaded into memory when 
prepareMovie executes, therefore you cannot puppet sprites, you cannot access member 
properties, etc. What you can do is act on movie level properties, things like the 
soundDevice, properties and commands that are not score/frame/member specific can be 
executed. I don't really have a clearer outline other than saying "don't touch 
score/member items in prepareMovie handlers".

Test test test...

As I said, you can also simply move your sprites in the score so that frame 1 is not 
used at all (this is my usual technique, I leave frame 1 empty).


> -Original Message-
> From: Alex Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:34 PM
> Subject: Re:  order of handlers execution
> Tom could you elaborate on what is not possible in the 
> prepareMovie handler.
> I started with D4 but didn't come back till d7 and there was 
> no prepareMovie
> in D4 as I remember, so I'm a bit shaky with the do's and don'ts of
> prepareMovie  I've been having trouble initializing a parent 
> script when
> using just one-frame programming.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> > FYI: frame 1 of the score is always drawn *before* the 
> startMovie event
> occurs, therefore beginSprite handlers on sprites in frame 1 
> will execute
> before your startMovie handler does. This occurs by design 
> and is therefore
> labeled as "expected and normal behavior". Move sprites into 
> frame 2 or
> begin using a prepareMovie handler (be careful, in the 
> prepare movie handler
> not all Lingo is possible).
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Tom
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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Buzz Kettles

At 1:13 PM -0700 7/27/01, Kerry Thompson wrote:
>>btw (sprite -5) is the frame channel
>You can also address a frame script by sendSprite(0, #someMessage)
>So I guess the frame channel is both -5 and 0?


>Kerry Thompson
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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RE: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Roy Crisman

Perhaps instead of pointing out little parts of the process, it'd be more 
helpful to point towards the completely accurate documentation:

Page 190 of the Using Director Shockwave Studio book:  topic subtitle (for 
those looking at the non-paper version):

Understanding the order of messages in a movie

when a movie starts:
-playing of sounds, drawing sprites, porforming transitions and palette 

When Director plays a frame, events occur in this order:
-playing of sounds, drawing sprites, porforming transitions and palette 
-timedelays via tempo, idle events, keyboard n mouse-

When a movie stops, events occur in this order:

And then, if you flip a couple pages to 193:  topic subtitle (for those 
with the clumsy online version):

Determining when handlers receive a message

This will tell you what order the following scripts receive messages:

Movie Scripts
Attached Behaviors
Frame Scripts
Cast Member Scripts

You'll have to look at that documentation for the correct order.

--here I thought standard operating procedure was to read the dictionary, 
read the using book, and then read the dictionary again.--

At 01:03 PM 7/27/01 -0700, you wrote:
>FYI: frame 1 of the score is always drawn *before* the startMovie event 
>occurs, therefore beginSprite handlers on sprites in frame 1 will execute 
>before your startMovie handler does. This occurs by design and is 
>therefore labeled as "expected and normal behavior". Move sprites into 
>frame 2 or begin using a prepareMovie handler (be careful, in the prepare 
>movie handler not all Lingo is possible).
>Hope that helps,
> > -Original Message-
> > From: R. Bhakti Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:01 PM
> > Subject: Re:  order of handlers execution
> >
> >
> > i wouldn't call it normal or reliable.
> >
> > but it does seem to be what usually happens.
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > --bhakti
> >
> > Slava Paperno wrote:
> > >
> > > In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in
> > channel 1 executes
> > > before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable order?
> > > Slava
> > >
> > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest
> > mode, go to
> > >  To post messages
> > to the list,
> > > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email
> > > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.
> >  Thanks!]
> >
> > --
> > R. Bhakti Klein
> > Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
> >
> > ··
> > Baritone, Wicki6
> >
> > ···
> > "On Earth, you can only do little things;
> > but you can do them with a lot of Love."
> >   -- Mother Theresa
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer

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RE: Windows Media in dir 8.5

2001-07-27 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 08:06 27/07/2001, Robert Wingate wrote:
> > Has anyone used WMV (windows media video) in a projector?
> > I know there is supposedly support for windows media and real
> > media under 8.5.
>The only WMV support I know of in Director is via the WMP ActiveX
>control, but it works well. D8.5 supports RM playback as well, much
>better than it used to with the antiquated RM ActiveX control.

There's also Tabuleiro's StreamingMediaXtra

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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RE: mpg files on cdrom

2001-07-27 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 08:14 27/07/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>Use QT5 only if you don't mind licensing an installer for Windows. If
>you'd rather not deal with those issues, use each platform's native
>player: QT on Mac, WMP on Windows.<<
>thanks Robert, that was my point. So there is native support of mpg files
>on Win with WMP?

The native support is through DirectShow (formerly ActiveMovie). WMP is 
just an application that uses the DirectShow technology, much like 
Tabuleiro's DirectMediaXtra and their newer StreamingMediaXtra that 
supports the newer Windows Media file formats.

There's also the antiquated and deprecated MCI support.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Alex Smith

Tom could you elaborate on what is not possible in the prepareMovie handler.
I started with D4 but didn't come back till d7 and there was no prepareMovie
in D4 as I remember, so I'm a bit shaky with the do's and don'ts of
prepareMovie  I've been having trouble initializing a parent script when
using just one-frame programming.


> FYI: frame 1 of the score is always drawn *before* the startMovie event
occurs, therefore beginSprite handlers on sprites in frame 1 will execute
before your startMovie handler does. This occurs by design and is therefore
labeled as "expected and normal behavior". Move sprites into frame 2 or
begin using a prepareMovie handler (be careful, in the prepare movie handler
not all Lingo is possible).
> Hope that helps,
> Tom

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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Kerry Thompson

>btw (sprite -5) is the frame channel

You can also address a frame script by sendSprite(0, #someMessage)

So I guess the frame channel is both -5 and 0?


Kerry Thompson

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RE: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Thomas Higgins

FYI: frame 1 of the score is always drawn *before* the startMovie event occurs, 
therefore beginSprite handlers on sprites in frame 1 will execute before your 
startMovie handler does. This occurs by design and is therefore labeled as "expected 
and normal behavior". Move sprites into frame 2 or begin using a prepareMovie handler 
(be careful, in the prepare movie handler not all Lingo is possible).

Hope that helps,

> -Original Message-
> From: R. Bhakti Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:01 PM
> Subject: Re:  order of handlers execution
> i wouldn't call it normal or reliable.
> but it does seem to be what usually happens.
> :-)
> --bhakti
> Slava Paperno wrote:
> > 
> > In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in 
> channel 1 executes
> > before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable order?
> > Slava
> > 
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest 
> mode, go to
> >  To post messages 
> to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email 
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. 
>  Thanks!]
> -- 
> R. Bhakti Klein
> Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
> ··
> Baritone, Wicki6
> ···
> "On Earth, you can only do little things;
> but you can do them with a lot of Love."
>   -- Mother Theresa
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on everyframe

2001-07-27 Thread Buzz Kettles

The enterframe & exitframe go to all sprites (they don't need to be passed)

drop this onto several sprites and in spots in the frame channel -
you'll see that all of them fire!

on enterFrame me
   put sprite(me.spriteNum), the frame, "enter"

on exitFrame me
   put sprite(me.spriteNum), the frame, "exit"

btw (sprite -5) is the frame channel



At 3:29 PM -0400 7/27/01, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>yes, it is too much trouble to use the actorlist.  But I can't only 
>use the dummy sprite method either, because then the enterFrame
>handler would never get passed to the frame scripts.  The only thing 
>I have found that helps is to use the pass method which passes
>the event message on up the hierarchy to the next in line.
>Charlie Fiskeaux II
>The Creative Group
>859/858-9054 x29
>cell: 859/312-3883
>- Original Message -
>From: "Buzz Kettles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: "Kendall Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:17 PM
>Subject: Re:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on 
>every frame
>the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.
>Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every
>sprite, use a dummy sprite.
>Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it
>across the frames you want to watch.
>put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it & do your Lingo watching ...
>At 1:45 PM -0500 7/27/01, Kendall Anderson wrote:
>>Hey -
>>Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>>   > That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically
>>interrupted by a frame script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in
>>>   frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler
>>>in the movie script.
>>Can't you just instantiate an object into the actorlist and respond to
>>stepframe events?
>>Wouldn't this have the same effect? (this is how I've done it in the
>>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>>  To post messages to the list,
>>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on everyframe

2001-07-27 Thread Carl West

Buzz Kettles wrote:
> the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.
> Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every
> sprite, use a dummy sprite.
> Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it
> across the frames you want to watch.
> put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it & do your Lingo watching ...


End your enterFrame behaviours with 'pass' and use an enterFrame handler
in a movieScript

617.262.8830 x246

"Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of
knowledge, you forget something that you knew before. It is of the
highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out
the useful ones."
  -Sherlock Holmes in 'A Study in Scarlet'

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Charlie Fiskeaux II

yes, it is too much trouble to use the actorlist.  But I can't only use the dummy 
sprite method either, because then the enterFrame
handler would never get passed to the frame scripts.  The only thing I have found that 
helps is to use the pass method which passes
the event message on up the hierarchy to the next in line.

Charlie Fiskeaux II
The Creative Group
859/858-9054 x29
cell: 859/312-3883

- Original Message -
From: "Buzz Kettles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Kendall Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:17 PM
Subject: Re:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.

Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every
sprite, use a dummy sprite.

Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it
across the frames you want to watch.

put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it & do your Lingo watching ...



At 1:45 PM -0500 7/27/01, Kendall Anderson wrote:
>Hey -
>Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>  > That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically
>interrupted by a frame script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in
>>  frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler
>>in the movie script.
>Can't you just instantiate an object into the actorlist and respond to
>stepframe events?
>Wouldn't this have the same effect? (this is how I've done it in the
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Irv Kalb

Yes it is.  If you want to execute code before the beginSprite 
handler of sprite 1, use the "on prepareMovie" handler.


At 2:07 PM -0400 7/27/01, Slava Paperno wrote:
>In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in channel 1 
>executes before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable 


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
   (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)

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Re: order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread R. Bhakti Klein

i wouldn't call it normal or reliable.

but it does seem to be what usually happens.



Slava Paperno wrote:
> In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in channel 1 executes
> before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable order?
> Slava
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
  -- Mother Theresa

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email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on everyframe

2001-07-27 Thread Buzz Kettles

the actorlist method seems like too much trouble.

Since the messaging hierarchy sends enterFrame/exitFrame to every 
sprite, use a dummy sprite.

Put an unfilled shape, linewidth = 0 in the score and spread it 
across the frames you want to watch.

put an 'on enterFrame me' handler on it & do your Lingo watching ...



At 1:45 PM -0500 7/27/01, Kendall Anderson wrote:
>Hey -
>Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
>  > That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically 
>interrupted by a frame script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in 
>>  frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler 
>>in the movie script.
>Can't you just instantiate an object into the actorlist and respond to
>stepframe events?
>Wouldn't this have the same effect? (this is how I've done it in the
>[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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>Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

order of handlers execution

2001-07-27 Thread Slava Paperno

In my tests, the beginSprite handler of the sprite in channel 1 executes 
before the startMovie handler. Is this the normal, reliable order?

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RE: bug on czech windows?

2001-07-27 Thread Stephane Comeau

Thanks, just the kind of lead I was looking for. 

Ugh...that bug does kinda suck, now doesn't it.  Know if this has been
reported with repro steps to MM?

> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Aernoudt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:30 AM
> Subject: RE:  bug on czech windows?
> There is the antialiasing bug
> If Unicode codepage is enabled, with Central European support and you
> chars above ASCI 128 and you antialias them you get a fatal error.
> Have fun.
> HTH,
> Chris.
> -Original Message-
> Of
> Tab Julius
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:28 PM
> Subject: Re:  bug on czech windows?
> One thing you might czech (sorry, couldn't resist) is if the problem
> really due to Czech Windows, or if that's just a decoy, and it's
> due
> to their configuration.
> If it was Director related, the bug would probably also occur on
> similar to Czech.  Director itself is not localized to Czech, so it's
> something on the Czech configuration.
> Do you know what the script error is?
> Do you have the source?  If so, you can start tracking down to find
> line of the error.
> I'd try to get the source and narrow down the offending line (maybe
> running
> the .DIR directly will help - you can do this), and work from there.
> - Tab
> At 11:56 AM 7/26/01 -0700, Stephane Comeau wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've got a bug report that I'm trying to track down where a shockwave
> >movie that works well otherwise will generate a script error and then
> >C++ runtime error when played back on a Czech version of windows with
> >system locale and default language set to Czech.  No user input other
> >than mouse clicks in involved, and apparently the error happens
> >user interaction in any case.
> >
> >I'm just starting to try to debug this (ie. next step, install czech
> >on a test box) and was wondering if this issue might sound familiar
> >anyone, particularly you European types.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Steph
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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Kendall Anderson

Hey -

Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
> That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically interrupted by a frame 
>script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in a
> frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler in the movie script.

Can't you just instantiate an object into the actorlist and respond to
stepframe events?

Wouldn't this have the same effect? (this is how I've done it in the


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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Ivan Preziosi

Ok, i realized that the framescript is overriding the movie script in this
so maybe the only solution is to create a handler to be put in a movie
script and to call it in every framescript (exitframe, enterframe,
or at least you can use a frame event you won't use again in the application
(like a prepareframe event), but you can't use it in any framescript. Or
another idea is to use "on stepframe" event, but it only works with objects
in the actorlist, and maybe this needs some other infos.

I hope to be of some help...

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

> And if you put a
> on exitframe
> handler in a movie script??
> it should work
> Ivan Preziosi
> ShockWave Developer
> Web Developer
> - Original Message -
> From: "Charlie Fiskeaux II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Lingo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:52 PM
> Subject:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every
> > I'm resending this because the first time didn't come through the list:
> > Is there an easy way to create a handler that executes on every frame
> regardless of any other handlers that are executed on that
> > frame?  (I.e. something maybe to be put in a movie script that won't be
> hierarchically interrupted by a frame script.)
> >
> > Charlie Fiskeaux II
> > The Creative Group
> >
> > 859/858-9054 x29
> > cell: 859/312-3883
> >
> >
> > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
> >  To post messages to the list,
> > email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]
> >
> >
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look for file

2001-07-27 Thread JUAN COLON

hi everyone,
how can u search for a specifc file in a network in different computer. do u 
use the ip address or netlingo filextra3. any ideas wuld be appreciated. 
also can u search a field for fiels that the computers in the network might 
have might have.


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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Charlie Fiskeaux II

That's why I said "something that won't be hierarchically interrupted by a frame 
script".  If there is an exitFrame handler in a
frame script, it will get executed and not the exitFrame handler in the movie script.

Charlie Fiskeaux II
The Creative Group
859/858-9054 x29
cell: 859/312-3883

- Original Message -
From: "Ivan Preziosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: Re:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

And if you put a
on exitframe
handler in a movie script??

it should work

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

- Original Message -
From: "Charlie Fiskeaux II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lingo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

> I'm resending this because the first time didn't come through the list:
> Is there an easy way to create a handler that executes on every frame
regardless of any other handlers that are executed on that
> frame?  (I.e. something maybe to be put in a movie script that won't be
hierarchically interrupted by a frame script.)
> Charlie Fiskeaux II
> The Creative Group
> 859/858-9054 x29
> cell: 859/312-3883
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
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> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Re: RE: Best way to post graphic to web?

2001-07-27 Thread Kurt Griffin

>> I've got postNetText() working to put text in a net
>> directory, but how do I
>> send a graphic to the web? I'm not talking about emailing it,
>> I just want to
>> use Director to send a graphic from my desktop to a folder on
>> my web site.
> there is no native way to do this. you need an FTP Xtra like DirectFTP
> from Direct Xtras or XtraNet from HumanCode (no longer supported).

Or the MUS.


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Re: Best way to post graphic to web?

2001-07-27 Thread Stephen Recker

on 7/26/01 7:15 PM, Al Hospers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I've got postNetText() working to put text in a net
>> directory, but how do I
>> send a graphic to the web? I'm not talking about emailing it,
>> I just want to
>> use Director to send a graphic from my desktop to a folder on
>> my web site.
> there is no native way to do this. you need an FTP Xtra like DirectFTP
> from Direct Xtras or XtraNet from HumanCode (no longer supported).

Al, Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try.

> Another way, inexpensive but fairly complicated, is to estabilish a text
> connection with the ftp server you want the files to be placed on (using
> MUXtra), and using the protocol described in some RFC (i can't remember the
> number now) establishing a FTP connection using the appropriate commands as
> described in the RFC. I once did it with a mail server to read mail from the
> web, but it showed to be fairly complicated and longer to develop. (you'll
> probably have to parse yourself the responses from the server and so on).
> Anyway it'll be great fun (i didn't have any was just for fun).
> Ivan Preziosi


Interesting idea, but I'm on "The Deadline that Ate My Life"...also, way too
many multi-syllable words for me to even try to comprehend at this point ;-)
Thanks, though.


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Tab's New Book (was: South Africa or something)

2001-07-27 Thread Karina Steffens

> Um, there might be something in the works.  :)

That's great to hear!
A whole new generation of would-be-and-current Lingo programmers is in for a
treat :)

>Any topics in particular
> that you think might need a good looking at?

Well, of course the leap from D-5 to D-8.5 is quite extensive, not just the
dot syntax but a bunch of new features that have cropped up in the meantime.
Quite a few of them are hard to learn all by yourself, and we all know what
the docs are like :/ Imaging Lingo in D8 got an especially appalling
treatment in the docs, although the new 8.5 3d features are better covered
(they'd need to be, too...). But I doubt I'm telling you anything you don't
already know...
One of the things I think authors sometimes overlook is that the latest
features need better coverage, not _worse_ (For example., I bought
Rosenweig's Director 8 Special Edition to learn about things like imaging
lingo and timeOut objects, and only got a few paragraphs about these
subjects. It was disappointing to say the least, although in other respects,
it is a very good Director book).

But it's not just the features that matter, but also methodology. I think
one of the strengths in the old book was the step by step approach and
encouragement for the rank beginners, like I was at the time - whatever you
do, please don't loose that approach.

My Two Cents,

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RE: mpg files on cdrom

2001-07-27 Thread grimmwerks

>>Use QT5 only if you don't mind licensing an installer for Windows. If
you'd rather not deal with those issues, use each platform's native
player: QT on Mac, WMP on Windows.<<

thanks Robert, that was my point. So there is native support of mpg files
on Win with WMP?

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Re: Best way to post graphic to web?

2001-07-27 Thread Ivan Preziosi

Another way, inexpensive but fairly complicated, is to estabilish a text
connection with the ftp server you want the files to be placed on (using
MUXtra), and using the protocol described in some RFC (i can't remember the
number now) establishing a FTP connection using the appropriate commands as
described in the RFC. I once did it with a mail server to read mail from the
web, but it showed to be fairly complicated and longer to develop. (you'll
probably have to parse yourself the responses from the server and so on).

Anyway it'll be great fun (i didn't have any was just for fun).

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

- Original Message -
From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 4:15 AM
Subject: RE:  Best way to post graphic to web?

> > I've got postNetText() working to put text in a net
> > directory, but how do I
> > send a graphic to the web? I'm not talking about emailing it,
> > I just want to
> > use Director to send a graphic from my desktop to a folder on
> > my web site.
> there is no native way to do this. you need an FTP Xtra like DirectFTP
> from Direct Xtras or XtraNet from HumanCode (no longer supported).
> hth
> Al Hospers
> CamberSoft, Inc.
> alcambersoftcom
> A famous linguist once said:
> "There is no language wherein a double
> positive can form a negative."
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
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RE: Windows Media in dir 8.5

2001-07-27 Thread Robert Wingate

> Has anyone used WMV (windows media video) in a projector?


> I know there is supposedly support for windows media and real 
> media under 8.5.

The only WMV support I know of in Director is via the WMP ActiveX
control, but it works well. D8.5 supports RM playback as well, much
better than it used to with the antiquated RM ActiveX control.

> Our compressed windows media files run much smoother than 
> indeo or cinepak - can they be used in a projector?

Yes, use the ActiveX control. You're in for a treat when you play them
back full-screen.

* Rob Wingate, Software Human*
* *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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RE: mpg files on cdrom

2001-07-27 Thread Robert Wingate

> AFAIK there isn't a WMP for Mac.

Actually there is, and it plays mpg better than QT (heresy, I know,
coming from a Mac guy).

> Use QT5 - it supports MPEG1 on both platforms ;)

Use QT5 only if you don't mind licensing an installer for Windows. If
you'd rather not deal with those issues, use each platform's native
player: QT on Mac, WMP on Windows.

> I didn't realise Macs could handle .wmf

They don't need to -- WMP plays lots of formats besides wmf, some of
which QT also plays.


* Rob Wingate, Software Human*
* *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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Re: Lingo-L Digest V1 #2082

2001-07-27 Thread Adam Fletcher

Thankyou for your email.

Adam is out of the office until Tuesday 31st July.

He will reply to your email at the earliest convenience.

Have a good day!

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Re: RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Ivan Preziosi

And if you put a
on exitframe
handler in a movie script??

it should work

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

- Original Message -
From: "Charlie Fiskeaux II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lingo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject:  RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

> I'm resending this because the first time didn't come through the list:
> Is there an easy way to create a handler that executes on every frame
regardless of any other handlers that are executed on that
> frame?  (I.e. something maybe to be put in a movie script that won't be
hierarchically interrupted by a frame script.)
> Charlie Fiskeaux II
> The Creative Group
> 859/858-9054 x29
> cell: 859/312-3883
> [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
>  To post messages to the list,
> email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

RE: Checking parameters

2001-07-27 Thread Enrique Nivasch

I am finally calling the checkParam routine at the beginning of the 
beginSprite for the following reasons.

The range doesn't work since one parameter has to be less than another one. 
the checkParam issues an abler specifying the sprite number with the 
offending parameter so I can know which instance of the behavior to check.

Thanks all,


Sr. Enrique
Libros, Multimedia y Software en Castellano

Visite nuestra tienda online:
Dirección electrónica
Teléfono y Fax:
 +972 9 744 4701
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 Sr Enrique
 P.O. Box 875
 Ra'anana 43108

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RESEND - creating a handler that executes on every frame

2001-07-27 Thread Charlie Fiskeaux II

I'm resending this because the first time didn't come through the list:
Is there an easy way to create a handler that executes on every frame regardless of 
any other handlers that are executed on that
frame?  (I.e. something maybe to be put in a movie script that won't be hierarchically 
interrupted by a frame script.)

Charlie Fiskeaux II
The Creative Group
859/858-9054 x29
cell: 859/312-3883

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Re: File IO

2001-07-27 Thread Christian Wach

Kerry Thompson wrote:

> Am I missing something simple here? I wrote a little utility to copy the
> script text out to text files, and it crashes my Mac on about the 15th
> iteration.
> on copyScripts castLibName, targetDir
>   repeat with i = 1 to the number of members of castlib (castLibName)
> if member(i, castLibName).type  = #script then
>   theFile = 0
>   theFile = new (xtra "fileio")
>   theFileName = member(i, castLibName).name & ".txt"
>   theText = member(i, castLibName).scriptText
>   createFile(theFile, targetDir & theFileName)
>   openFile(theFile, targetDir & theFileName, 0)
>   writeString(theFile, theText)
>   closeFile(theFile)
> end if
>   end repeat
> end
> It's a movie script, and I'm calling it from the message window:
> copyScripts ("Scripts", "Freddy Kruger:In Development:HMProject:Scripts
> (Demo):")
> It successfully writes out about 20 files, then crashes to the debugger.
> Maybe I'm too tired.

it could be because the script instantiates the xtra on every iteration...

try moving the xtra instantiation code before the loop starts, and
set theFile = 0 after the loop finishes, so that only a single
instance of the xtra is used for all operations.

might also be worth errorchecking each operation with status(theFile)
before moving on to the next



Christian Wach

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Windows Media in dir 8.5

2001-07-27 Thread Andy Innes

Has anyone used WMV (windows media video) in a projector?

I know there is supposedly support for windows media and real media under

Our compressed windows media files run much smoother than indeo or cinepak -
can they be used in a projector?



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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Loading messsge between movies & interfaces.....

2001-07-27 Thread Malcolm Beddows

Hey Guy's -

Pre-loading & Unlading messages on CD-Rom streaming Mpg's...

My question is - when the movie finishes, it's taking a long time
for the interface to load ... Is there a loading sequence (lingo) i can
so as people don't loose interest and close the CD down ( slow loading only
on low spec machine).

I understand u can have a pre-load animation or message - but can u have an
unload animation - message...?

Thanks - 


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Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

2001-07-27 Thread Ivan Preziosi


my Iexplorer version is: 5.50.4522.1800
 does this explain something?

I am puzzled by this but i used external event to call a Js function
that returned me values using evalscript. And it works fine.

Ivan Preziosi
ShockWave Developer
Web Developer

- Original Message -
From: "Pekka Buttler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:39 PM
Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?

> Even the sample movies which Macromedia provides say it don't work in IE5.
> Strange...
> Pekka
> > -Original Message-
> > Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> > Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 14:28
> > Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> >
> >
> > Strange to me, i just made a shockwave applet that makes use of
> > externalEvent and evalScript and it runs well even under IE5. I'm pretty
> > sure of it
> >
> > I just controlled, and it runs smooth on my IE5 under win2000pro.
> > It passes data to and from javascript, java and a db.
> >
> > What's the case?
> >
> > Anyway the external parameter way is really intresting and will
> > surely come
> > useful in the future.
> >
> > Ivan Preziosi
> > Multimedia Developer
> > Web Developer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Pekka Buttler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:11 PM
> > Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> >
> >
> > > That's true, but be warned that evalscript does not work in IE
> > 5 (neither
> > > platform)
> > >
> > > Macromedia says it's a browser limitation. With IE5 covering
> > about 30% of
> > > the WinDos users and 40% of the macusers that is a serious limitation.
> > >
> > > You can always use a Javascript which structures the HTML for you and
> > saves
> > > the cookie into the SW parameters.
> > >
> > > Look in the Macr. technotes for "sw1" or "ExternalParamName"
> > >
> > > Pekka
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> > > > Behalf Of Ivan Preziosi
> > > > Sent: 25. heinäkuuta 2001 11:09
> > > > Subject: Re:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Sure man,
> > > > you should do it by JavaScript, using externalEvent and
> > > > evalScript commands.
> > > > What a fool I am not thinking of it before...
> > > > eh eh eh...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Ivan Preziosi
> > > > ShockWave Developer
> > > > Web Developer
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -
> > > > L'albero della liberta' deve essere
> > > > irrorato di quando in quando
> > > > dal sangue dei padroni.
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:27 PM
> > > > Subject: RE:  Cookies and Shockwave Milk?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > How can I pull information from a cookie that was set
> > > > > > on the previous page?  Is this possible from within
> > > > > > director.
> > > > >
> > > > > not directly.  you could have a Javascript function
> > that did it
> > > > > tho.
> > > > >
> > > > > hth
> > > > >
> > > > > Al Hospers
> > > > > CamberSoft, Inc.
> > > > > alcambersoftcom
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > A famous linguist once said:
> > > > > "There is no language wherein a double
> > > > > positive can form a negative."
> > > > >
> > > > > YEAH, RIGHT
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >

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RE: does this crash make sense?

2001-07-27 Thread Trevor & Helen Geddes

Hi Sean
Thanks for the suggested workaround
I posted a similar problem a few weeks ago and got no response - I found
when you change the colour of individual words in a text cast member with
some fonts and font styles the words are displaced - usually to the left. I
also had encountered the slow-down problem.
Your workaround is very helpful (I am using Director 7.02) - it solves the
speed issue which is very helpful.
I find however that the charPosToLoc function is not reliable with some
fonts (eg Comic Sans Bold) - it incorrectly reports the position, expecially
as the words get further from left hand side of the text frame. Presumably
this is linked to the movement of the words when changing colour I
experienced before. This means that it is difficult to align the shape
sprite for some fonts.
However this is definitely an improvement on having the text displace as the
colour of a word changes.
I don't know if you have any comments on this.
Thanks again for the workaround
Trevor Geddes

>> Hi Slava,

>> The text member has only about 500 characters, but there's a noticeable
>> delay before the color changes after the mouseclick. This happens
>> with many
>> text members in the same movie.
>> Has this been noted before? Do these crashes make sense?
>> If so, is there a workaround?

>WORKAROUND: for D8 and above: use imaging lingo and copyPixels() (to the
>stage) a highlight over the word clicked. D7.02: use a series of off-stage
>shape sprites with add/lighten/(insert approprite inkType) and move these
>into position by calculating the rect using charPosToLoc from the text

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RE: bug on czech windows?

2001-07-27 Thread Chris Aernoudt

There is the antialiasing bug

If Unicode codepage is enabled, with Central European support and you use
chars above ASCI 128 and you antialias them you get a fatal error.

Have fun.



-Original Message-
Tab Julius
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: Re:  bug on czech windows?

One thing you might czech (sorry, couldn't resist) is if the problem is
really due to Czech Windows, or if that's just a decoy, and it's really due
to their configuration.

If it was Director related, the bug would probably also occur on languages
similar to Czech.  Director itself is not localized to Czech, so it's
something on the Czech configuration.

Do you know what the script error is?

Do you have the source?  If so, you can start tracking down to find the
line of the error.

I'd try to get the source and narrow down the offending line (maybe running
the .DIR directly will help - you can do this), and work from there.

- Tab

At 11:56 AM 7/26/01 -0700, Stephane Comeau wrote:
>I've got a bug report that I'm trying to track down where a shockwave
>movie that works well otherwise will generate a script error and then a
>C++ runtime error when played back on a Czech version of windows with
>system locale and default language set to Czech.  No user input other
>than mouse clicks in involved, and apparently the error happens before
>user interaction in any case.
>I'm just starting to try to debug this (ie. next step, install czech os
>on a test box) and was wondering if this issue might sound familiar to
>anyone, particularly you European types.

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