RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Mark R. Jonkman

Hi Kerry

>I got a little lost in the part about the 4
> and the 3 and 0 and the 4th 0 of the third minor seventh.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson

That's the problem with you exBostonians.. you lose a little
hair and you get totally befuddled by by the 4th 0 of the
third minor seventh. you should take up hockey as a
specator sport... it might help clear up your mind a bit ;-)


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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Mark R. Jonkman

Hi Steven

did you try to do the following

set someFile = new( Xtra "FileIO")
errorCode = openFile(someFile, FilePath, 0)
errorCode = delete someFile 
errorCode = closeFile( someFile )
set someFile = 0

it might work just a wild stab in the dark

Mark R. Jonkman

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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file? SOLVED...

2001-08-09 Thread Steven Sacks

> Gosh! Wouldn't it just be easier to delete the file and then rewriting to
> it rather than going through all those repeats and stuff?

Easier?  Maybe, but as much fun?  I say thee nay!  =)

Deleting the file requires recreating the file and then writing
to the file again.  What's easier?  Running a repeat loop, or
doing complex file management?  The repeat loop won't fail, whereas
the File IO might act up at any time.  Best to minimize the work
the computer has to do (in this case a 90MHz Pentium I).  I might
be a victim of superstition here, but it feels like a safer bet
to run a repeat loop than have to recreate the file over and over.

I am saving CONSTANTLY to this file.  Deleting, creating, and
writing to a file over and over doesn't seem a good idea. I'm
thinking that after thousands of times of doing that, the hard
drive would start losing sectors and require defragging.

Of course, I'm no hard drive/OS tech, so I'm just guessing.
At any rate, it works now, so all is good.


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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file? SOLVED...

2001-08-09 Thread pranavn

Gosh! Wouldn't it just be easier to delete the file and then rewriting to
it rather than going through all those repeats and stuff?

Pranav Negandhi
New Media Applications.
Learnet India Limited, Mumbai.
Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410

I figured out a workaround, clunky as it may be.

set gTheWriteText = removeQuotes(gTheWriteText)

  if the last item of gTheWriteText = " 3110" then
put SPACE after gTheWriteText
  end if

on removeQuotes dataString
  repeat with a = 1 to the number of chars in dataString
if char a of dataString = QUOTE then delete char a of dataString
  end repeat

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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file? SOLVED...

2001-08-09 Thread Steven Sacks


I figured out a workaround, clunky as it may be.

set gTheWriteText = removeQuotes(gTheWriteText)

  if the last item of gTheWriteText = " 3110" then
put SPACE after gTheWriteText
  end if

on removeQuotes dataString
  repeat with a = 1 to the number of chars in dataString
if char a of dataString = QUOTE then delete char a of dataString
  end repeat
  return dataString

This puts a space over the 0 where the 3110 would be.
But now the last item in the list when it brings it back in
will be "321 ".

So, I just delete the last char of dataString if it = SPACE
before putting quotes back into the list.

on replaceQuotes dataString
  if the last char of dataString = SPACE then delete the last char of
  repeat with a = 1 to the number of items of dataString
if char 1 of item a of dataString = SPACE then delete char 1 of item a
of dataString
put QUOTE before item a of dataString
put QUOTE after item a of dataString
  end repeat
  return dataString

I just realized, though, that I could have solved that problem
differently by just saying string(value(x)) since they are numbers.

I hope this helps somebody else.  You can retrieve the number of
characters in a file using FileIO, so you can easily add a bunch
of spaces to the end of your string you are writing and delete
them all when you read them:

repeat while the last char of dataString = SPACE
  delete the last char of dataString
end repeat


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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Sean Wilson

> FileIO obviously doesn't overwrite an entire text file
> when it writes to a file, it just writes from char a to char b.
> If there are more characters already in the text file beyond
> char b, they remain untouched.

I've had the same problem. The only workaround I could come up with was to
delete the contents and write it out again amended. Some delete functions
would be really useful - other than just the entire contents; which is all
it seems to provide.

Could you use BudAPI's ini functions instead?

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RE: File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Steven Sacks

I'm using Director 6 so I can't use dot syntax  :(

Allow me to get a little more detailed.

FileIO obviously doesn't overwrite an entire text file
when it writes to a file, it just writes from char a to char b.
If there are more characters already in the text file beyond
char b, they remain untouched.

I have a linear list I am saving to a text file.
I am converting the linear list to a string and removing
the brackets and quotes.  Let's say the end result is a
string 100 characters long.

I write the 100 character long string to a text file.

Now, in one case, the string is 101 characters long, and
it writes that to the text file.  Now the text file is 101
characters long.

If I write my 100 character long string to that text file,
it only overwrites the first 100 characters of the text
file, leaving character 101 there.  The next time I read
that file, it reads the last item in the list with a 0
at the end of it, which effectively breaks my code.

I tried to add a space to the end of the string to overwrite
the trailing zero, but when it wrote 3110 it wrote "3110 "
which added 2 spaces to the overall length. Same problem.

I've decided that the only way to really handle this is to
do a short repeat where it checks to see if the last char
of the string is a space, and if so, delete it.  This should
solve the problem, in theory.  If you have any other ideas,
please let me know.

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 1:12 AM
> Subject: Re:  File IO - how do I erase text in a file?
> >Is there  Some way to just delete
> >the last char of the text file each time it opens
> >it to save and then write to it
> How about:
> theText = readFile (theFile)
> delete theText.char[theText.length]
> writeString (theFile, theText)
> Does that do what you want? I got a little lost in the part about 
> the 4 and 
> the 3 and 0 and the 4th 0 of the third minor seventh.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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Re: File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

>Is there  Some way to just delete
>the last char of the text file each time it opens
>it to save and then write to it

How about:

theText = readFile (theFile)
delete theText.char[theText.length]
writeString (theFile, theText)

Does that do what you want? I got a little lost in the part about the 4 and 
the 3 and 0 and the 4th 0 of the third minor seventh.


Kerry Thompson

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File IO - how do I erase text in a file?

2001-08-09 Thread Steven Sacks


I have a problem with File IO I'm trying to solve.

I am writing a list to a text file and the last item
in the list is 3 numbers long, except in one case, it
is 4 numbers long and the last one is 0.  Well, when
it writes to the file with a 3 number final item after
it has written with the 4 number item, the 0 stays at
the end, breaking my code.

So, it is simply inserting text from char 1 to the
length of the string of the list, which means the 0
stays there. 

What would be the best solution to this problem?
Deleting the file and creating the file each time
I write to it seems like too much work.  Is there
an easier way to do this?  Some way to just delete
the last char of the text file each time it opens
it to save and then write to it would be best.


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RE: Putting text into sprite not member

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

>hasn't this question been asked and answered in the past few days here
>or on Direct-L?

Sure has. Check the header--the message was sent Monday. We're getting 
duplicates--I've seen a few others go drifting by in the stream.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: volume up and down buttons

2001-08-09 Thread pranavn

You haven't declared 'vol' as a global in the scripts for the volume up and
volume down.

You can also shorten your scripts like so:

For volume [+]

on mouseUp me
global vol

vol = max(7, vol + 1)
the soundLevel = vol
end mouseUp me

For volume [-]

on mouseUp me
global vol

vol = min(0, vol - 1)
the soundLevel = vol
end mouseUp me


Pranav Negandhi
New Media Applications.
Learnet India Limited, Mumbai.
Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410

I am very new to Director and lingo especially so bear with me please.
I have a volume icon and a plus and a minus sprite and i want to make
the volume go up incrementally on clicking plus and doown clicking minus

I've put these scripts in:
...set the soundLevel to 7
end if

for volume [ - ]

on  mouseUp
if the soundLevel > 0 then
set vol to soundLevel
set vol to vol-1
set the soundLevel to vol
set the soundLevel to 0
end if

But I get error-
variable used before assigned a value

Can anyone please set me straight? Thanks

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RE: volume up and down buttons

2001-08-09 Thread Sean Wilson

> But I get error-
> variable used before assigned a value

You need to declare "global vol" at the top of each of your mouseUp


on startMovie
global vol
set vol to 4
set the soundLevel to vol

-- for volume [ + ]
on  mouseUp
  global vol
  if vol < 7 then
set vol to vol + 1
set the soundLevel to vol
  end if

-- for volume [ - ]
on  mouseUp
  global vol
  if vol > 0 then
set vol to vol - 1
set the soundLevel to vol
  end if

However, this doesn't update your volume icon.
Which version of Director are you using?

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volume up and down buttons

2001-08-09 Thread mirianam

I am very new to Director and lingo especially so bear with me please.
I have a volume icon and a plus and a minus sprite and i want to make
the volume go up incrementally on clicking plus and doown clicking minus

I've put these scripts in:

on startMovie
global vol
set vol to 4
set the soundLevel to vol

on  mouseUp
if the soundLevel < 7 then
set vol to soundLevel
set vol to vol+1
set the soundLevel to vol
set the soundLevel to 7
end if

for volume [ - ]

on  mouseUp
if the soundLevel > 0 then
set vol to soundLevel
set vol to vol-1
set the soundLevel to vol
set the soundLevel to 0
end if

But I get error-
variable used before assigned a value

Can anyone please set me straight? Thanks

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2001-08-09 Thread gregory david lewis

I'm an illustrator and not a programer.
I am working on a director prodject that uses puppet sounds. The puppet
sounds work ok
but I would like to add a button that would controll the volume of my
How do I do this?

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Downloading a file from CD-Rom

2001-08-09 Thread Sabrina Stokes

Good evening,

This is my first day using this mailing list. So in advance I'm sorry if
these questions have been asked...
Within a CD-Rom we are developing, the end user is able to click and
choice a destination (on their desktop) for the document ex) .doc. I'm
not exactly sure how to go about doing this. Does anyone have any
sugestions? Thanks in advance...
One more dumb question I am unable to locate the FileIO Xtra, but I am
able to view the xtra in the folder. Where can I find it once I am using
Director? Thanks


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Re: SV: collisions ?

2001-08-09 Thread Terry R. Schussler

At 2:07 PM -0300 8/9/01, Agustín María Rodríguez wrote:
>I´ve modified this example from balls to boxes and some other things. I
>hope it
>solves your problem.


Don't forget to set the collision.mode property to the desired collision
processing method.

>Movie script:
>on CallSpcript me

This should be

on callScript me



...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on accessResources
  coolSites = [ \
"";, "";, \
"";, "";, \
"";, ""; ]
  gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources

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RE: Comunications between projectors

2001-08-09 Thread Terry R. Schussler

At 12:50 PM -0400 8/9/01, Al Hospers wrote:
>> If I've two running projectors (proj_1 and proj_2) is there a
>> way to pass
>> parameters from proj_1 to proj_2 without writing to HD.
>1 - why no HD writing? getPref/setPref would work pretty well.

This can create a crash in some circumstances and i/o errors in others.
Not safe.

>2 - are they running on the same machine?
>3 - how about a peer to peer MultiUser Server?

Best approach!  However, you do not need a server - just the Multiuser
Xtra.  Examples of this type of code are posted at

...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on accessResources
  coolSites = [ \
"";, "";, \
"";, "";, \
"";, ""; ]
  gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources

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Re: CurrentScript

2001-08-09 Thread Terry R. Schussler

At 3:51 PM +0200 8/9/01, Yariv Alter Fin wrote:
>Dear List,
>At the finishing line of our soon-to-be-online project we are deep
>into the phase of shockwave debugging. Using the alertHook handler,
>all error messages are displayed in a text field, and the user is
>requested to restart/reload. Problem is, that since the entire
>application happens in one frame, we need to know the name of the
>script where the error has occured, since errors such as "Script
>error: object expected" are rather impossible to trace within the
>complex application code... The question is therefore, does anyone of
>a property of the sort of 'the currentHandler' or 'the
>CurrentScript'? at the moment i am planning to add a line to each
>handler, registrating it as the current one. also for this it would
>be handy to be able to autimatically retrieve the handler's name...
>any suggestions?

This is a long desired feature - currently only available using server-side
Lingo and the Multiuser Server.  Best approach (sloppy but it works) is to
have each handler post their symbol (or other ID) to a global variable when
they start running:

on yourHandler ...
  gCurrentHandler = #yourHandler
  -- actual code goes here
end yourHandler

>Another question is regarding 'traping' error and the return codes
>the alertHook handler returns. does anyone know what these -1,0,1 and
>2 actually mean...?

Search the Macromedia Technotes at using the search phrase
"alerthook" - you will find all of the details you need.


...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on accessResources
  coolSites = [ \
"";, "";, \
"";, "";, \
"";, ""; ]
  gotoNetPage coolSites[random(1, 6)]
end accessResources

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RE: Putting text into sprite not member

2001-08-09 Thread Al Hospers

hasn't this question been asked and answered in the past few days here
or on Direct-L?

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Etaoin Shrdlu
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 3:46 AM
> Subject:  Putting text into sprite not member
> Is it possible to update a specific text or field sprite with
> changing the text of its member? [ sprite(spriteNum).member.text]
> I have multiple text fields that are created by the user, and
> rather than go the sloppy route of creating loads of separate
> empty text or field cast members, I'd like to keep it clean
> with just one member, where different instances have different text.
> But I've no clue how to do this. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> e.s.
> "It's very easy to be radical in order to be a radical. Being
> radical for a purpose takes commitment, and a willingness to
> pay for your screw ups." -Paul Mobbs
> _RSUB__
>  go there now - - - - ->
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pulling folder and file names

2001-08-09 Thread Jeremy Thobe

I'm new to the list so I apologize if you've already dealt with this.

What I need to do is be able to access and put(on screen) the names of 
all the sub-folders, and the files within them, sometimes four or five 
layers deep.  I want to not only be able to display them, but the user 
has to be able to click on the names to access the files.  The files are 
sound clips so I want to select the ones I want to play and build a 
running playlist.  I'm starting out however with just trying to figure 
out how to pull all this information in and display it.  Any help, 
pointers, or even directions on where to find out would be much 


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Re: flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread grimmwerks

You could've just set sprite(flashsprite).static = true

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Re: flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread phid

on 8/10/01 6:34 AM, phillip louderback at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi all,
> I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a background
> and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
> projector, v8) but the video is flickering like mad.
> if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
> can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be
> appreciated.
> phillip louderback
> __
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I could neverr beat that one so I made the moviers out of flash exported to
quicktime , worked a treat

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QT video flashes between DTS and notDTS

2001-08-09 Thread phillip louderback

hi again,
i'm toggling a quicktime between direct to stage and
not DTS. when i turn it back on it becomes invisible
and then flashes on. Is there a workaround? thanks
phillip louderback

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Fwd: test lingo filter

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

Hey Tab--

This could be trouble. I've gotten spammed from this "I Hate Spam" alias 
before. It looks like he/she is testing to see if their mail gets through 
your spam filter.

I have them filtered out in Eudora, but not coming through Lingo-L.

Kerry Thompson

>X-Authentication-Warning: majordomo set sender to 
>From: I Hate Spam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Lingo-L Digest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Mailer: PocoMail 2.5 (974) - Registered Version
>Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 14:28:16 -0400
>Subject:  test lingo filter
>test test
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RE: MUI Xtra question

2001-08-09 Thread Tom Jacobs

On 8/9/01 at 2:12 PM, Robert Wingate shared the following:
>  > Either one is better than trying to code MUI...what a headache!
>Aw, come on. MUI is really straightforward, and it pretty much does what
>you tell it to. The current shockwave-unsafety is the biggest headache!
>This article makes it easy:

For me, typing a hundred lines of code is a headache compared to 
dragging and dropping a few icons. Personal preference, I guess. I've 
been writing code for years, but I still prefer graphical interfaces.

Tom Jacobs-InterVision
(541) 343-7993 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: thanks flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread phillip louderback

thanks a million, toggling the static of the swf seems
to be helping.

--- Kerry Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a
> background
> >and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
> >projector, v8) but the video is flickering like
> mad.
> >if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
> >can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be
> >appreciated.
> If the swf isn't animating, you can set its #static
> property to true, and 
> make it not DTS--two DTS sprites will definitely
> compete. Also, make sure 
> it is paused.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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test lingo filter

2001-08-09 Thread I Hate Spam

test test

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RE: MUI Xtra question

2001-08-09 Thread Robert Wingate

> Either one is better than trying to code MUI...what a headache!

Aw, come on. MUI is really straightforward, and it pretty much does what
you tell it to. The current shockwave-unsafety is the biggest headache!
This article makes it easy:

I haven't seen any of the visual-mui tools that I liked better than the
control I get from Mui itself (granted, I probably haven't seen them


* Rob Wingate, Software Human*
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Re: flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread ifmp

>From: phillip louderback <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:  flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering
>Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2001, 12:34 PM

>I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a background
>and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
>projector, v8) but the video is flickering like mad.
>if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
>can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be

Turn your Flash movie into a QuickTime movie and use it non-DTS. Or, run
the QuickTime over it (your Flash movie running non-DTS) non-DTS also.
Otherwise, as a Flash movie, it would have to be static and non-DTS.
Another option is to cut the Flash movie into 4 separate movies and run
them _beside_ the QuickTime movie. Buttons in any one of them could
still talk to Director, etc, etc.

Steve Bennett

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Re: flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

>I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a background
>and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
>projector, v8) but the video is flickering like mad.
>if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
>can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be

If the swf isn't animating, you can set its #static property to true, and 
make it not DTS--two DTS sprites will definitely compete. Also, make sure 
it is paused.


Kerry Thompson

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Re: flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread Colin Holgate

>I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a background
>and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
>projector, v8) but the video is flickering like mad.
>if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
>can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be

If the Flash sprite is animated, that's life. If it's a still picture 
you're using, try setting the static of the Flash member to true.


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Re: SV: collisions ?

2001-08-09 Thread Agustín María Rodríguez

I´ve modified this example from balls to boxes and some other things. I hope it
solves your problem.

Behavior attached to some sprite:

on mouseUp me
  box=w.newModelResource("box", #box)
  box1=w.newModel("box1", box)
  box2=w.newModel("box2", box)




  box1.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#col, ("callscript"))
  box2.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#col, ("callscript"))

Movie script:

on CallSpcript me
  on col me, colData
  datlist=[coldata.modela, coldata.modelb, coldata.pointOfContact,
  sendAllSprites (#collisionNotification, datlist)

Another movie script puts the info into the stage:

on collisionNotification me, collisionData
  sprite(me.spritenum).member.text = string(collisionData)

on beginsprite me
  sprite(me.spritenum).member.text = ""


Magnus Ewald wrote:

> Hi List
> Im a 8.5 newbie and i am trying to get the collision detection working with
> a "setCollisionCallback()", but i cant get it to work. I have 2 models,
> "box" and "box2", how do I easyest ,to say, show an alert message when these
> collide ?
> thanx /magnus
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flash 4 swf and QT direct to stage flickering

2001-08-09 Thread phillip louderback

hi all,
I'm trying to use a flash 4 interface as a background
and then play a quicktime direct to stage (director
projector, v8) but the video is flickering like mad.
if i use a bitmap as the background it runs fine.
can't qt and swfs coincide? any help would be
phillip louderback

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RE: CD playing using MCI command

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

>while this is true, it has nothing to do with playing an audio CD
>track, which was the original question and in fact was the subject of
>the posting... 

Ah... good catch, Al. I zoned in on the part about casts and such, and 
missed the part about Red Book. Thanks for setting it straight :-)


Kerry Thompson

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RE: Comunications between projectors

2001-08-09 Thread Al Hospers

> If I've two running projectors (proj_1 and proj_2) is there a
> way to pass
> parameters from proj_1 to proj_2 without writing to HD.

1 - why no HD writing? getPref/setPref would work pretty well.

2 - are they running on the same machine?

3 - how about a peer to peer MultiUser Server?

> Something like "tell (projector) to..." as with MIAW?



Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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RE: CD playing using MCI command

2001-08-09 Thread Al Hospers


> I have complete documentation about MCI commands from
> Microsoft, but (as other things) it does not work.

hmmm. interesting statement. I have done a lot with MCI & once you get
over some conceptual hurdles it worked quite well. while it is
depricated, the support for MCI is still there in Windows 2000. dunno
abut XP tho.

Kerry responded:
> You can use sound playFile, and you don't need to import the
> audio into a cast.
> If you're using Director 8 or later, there is a whole new set
> of sound
> commands that give you a lot of control over audio.  Check the Lingo
> dictionary, Lingo by Feature, under "Sound."

while this is true, it has nothing to do with playing an audio CD
track, which was the original question and in fact was the subject of
the posting... 

I suggest that you go to the Penworks web site & look at the CD Pro
Xtra. it is free and does what you need quite well. these are the
folken who host this mailing list.

click here:


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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Comunications between projectors

2001-08-09 Thread Andrea Boratto

If I've two running projectors (proj_1 and proj_2) is there a way to pass
parameters from proj_1 to proj_2 without writing to HD.

Something like "tell (projector) to..." as with MIAW?



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Re: CD playing using MCI command

2001-08-09 Thread Kerry Thompson

>Is it the good idea to play large sounds (songs) from
>an audio track added to CD via MCI commands rather
>then importing to cast and say puppetSound. ?

MCI has been deprecated by Microsoft for several years, and has only legacy 
support. I'd stay away from MCI.

You can use sound playFile, and you don't need to import the audio into a cast.

If you're using Director 8 or later, there is a whole new set of sound 
commands that give you a lot of control over audio.  Check the Lingo 
dictionary, Lingo by Feature, under "Sound."


Kerry Thompson

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RE: CD playing using MCI command

2001-08-09 Thread jayp

What os are u don't support mci any longer

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Peter Rosa
Sent: 09 August 2001 15:56
Subject:  CD playing using MCI command
Importance: High

Hi all Director lovers,

how exactly should I use the mci() command in Director ?
I have complete documentation about MCI commands from Microsoft, but (as
other things) it does not work. I just try to play an Audio-CD track
from Director.

Is it the good idea to play large sounds (songs) from
an audio track added to CD via MCI commands rather
then importing to cast and say puppetSound. ?

Any ideas should be great.

Best regards

Peter Rosa

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CD playing using MCI command

2001-08-09 Thread Peter Rosa

Hi all Director lovers,

how exactly should I use the mci() command in Director ?
I have complete documentation about MCI commands from
Microsoft, but (as other things) it does not work.
I just try to play an Audio-CD track from Director.

Is it the good idea to play large sounds (songs) from
an audio track added to CD via MCI commands rather
then importing to cast and say puppetSound. ?

Any ideas should be great.

Best regards

Peter Rosa

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Re: Giving focus to an editable text member

2001-08-09 Thread Yariv Alter Fin

Yes! It Works! and Thanks A Bunch.


>Take a look at the keyboardFocusSprite
>Yariv Alter Fin wrote:
>>  Dear All,
>>  Just a little question: does anyone know how to give 'focus' to an
>>  editable text member, so that the cursor will already be blinking
>>  inside it without the user having to click the text area first...?
>>  Yours,
>>  Yariv
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Re: Giving focus to an editable text member

2001-08-09 Thread LePhuronn

I think the comand you're after is "the keyboardFocusSprite" or words to
that effect.

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Re: Giving focus to an editable text member

2001-08-09 Thread Florian Bogeschdorfer

Take a look at the keyboardFocusSprite


Yariv Alter Fin wrote:
> Dear All,
> Just a little question: does anyone know how to give 'focus' to an
> editable text member, so that the cursor will already be blinking
> inside it without the user having to click the text area first...?
> Yours,
> Yariv
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2001-08-09 Thread Yariv Alter Fin

Dear List,

At the finishing line of our soon-to-be-online project we are deep 
into the phase of shockwave debugging. Using the alertHook handler, 
all error messages are displayed in a text field, and the user is 
requested to restart/reload. Problem is, that since the entire 
application happens in one frame, we need to know the name of the 
script where the error has occured, since errors such as "Script 
error: object expected" are rather impossible to trace within the 
complex application code... The question is therefore, does anyone of 
a property of the sort of 'the currentHandler' or 'the 
CurrentScript'? at the moment i am planning to add a line to each 
handler, registrating it as the current one. also for this it would 
be handy to be able to autimatically retrieve the handler's name... 
any suggestions?

Another question is regarding 'traping' error and the return codes 
the alertHook handler returns. does anyone know what these -1,0,1 and 
2 actually mean...?


Best Regards,


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Giving focus to an editable text member

2001-08-09 Thread Yariv Alter Fin

Dear All,

Just a little question: does anyone know how to give 'focus' to an 
editable text member, so that the cursor will already be blinking 
inside it without the user having to click the text area first...?



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Re: Archives

2001-08-09 Thread Cole Tierney

>I know this has been asked and answered, but
>where are the archives for this list? I could have sworn I bookmarked them.
>Kerry Thompson

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RE: best mpg player: directMedia or mpegXtra?

2001-08-09 Thread jayp

There was a time when mpeg xtra was the best because it used MCI strings
that winodws was famous for...however as the OS moved on the support for
MCI declined and problems arose in the mpegxtra and it was just not a
viable option anymore for Os systms higher than win95
Direct show replaced MCI which microsoft currently contiunes to
supportThere fore DirectMediaXtra works great with machienes on
crrent Os sytemsive had no problems...
All I can u get mpeg xtra u will be disappointed in
Direct media is great..  The only other alternative is ONSTAGE mpeg
Whiich is too really goodthough I personally feel more comfortable
with direct media...having used for so long..
Hope this help


-Original Message-
Sent: 09 August 2001 03:27
Subject:  best mpg player: directMedia or mpegXtra?

For a consumer title...?

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XP protection

2001-08-09 Thread Andrew Dempsey

You can also use the DirectOS Xtra from  I actually prefer it in
many ways for most of my tasks.

Andrew Dempsey
Multimedia Developer and Consultant
Cairo, Egypt
Phone/Fax:  (+202) 267-7691

>Well Andrew, that's exactly the way I want to do it. Most of it is
>working already, Just that hard disk key was missing. I have looked at
>BuddyAPi but could not find such a function (probably not included in
>Macintosh, which is my developer platform) but now I'll look for it again.
>Thank you very much.
>best regards, Florian

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SV: collisions ?

2001-08-09 Thread Magnus Ewald

Hi List

Im a 8.5 newbie and i am trying to get the collision detection working with
a "setCollisionCallback()", but i cant get it to work. I have 2 models,
"box" and "box2", how do I easyest ,to say, show an alert message when these
collide ?

thanx /magnus

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