screen driver

1999-11-07 Thread Avi Boots

Hi List,

How can i change the screen driver to panasonic sl90 19" ?
Is KDE knew to handle this screen ?
How can i change the screen resolution to 1024*768 ?
How can i stop the "cut" of windows head's ?


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Re: TigerJet ISDN under Linux ?

1999-11-07 Thread Hetz Ben Hamo

If your friend uses KDE then tell him to download and install KISDN.

This program will auto detect the card (ofcourse, if he compiled the
ISDN as modules), and it will run smoothly


Ilya Konstantinov wrote:
 A friend of mine has recently got Linux from me, but he wasn't able
 to setup his dial-up connection to NetVision using his ISDN card he
 uses fine under Windows 98.
 Is anyone here using a TigerJet ISDN card under Linux?
 Could it be that the card actually uses someone other's chipset so
 it can be supported via some generic driver (just as RealTek 8029
 supported with ne2k-pci.o ?) ? is bragging about being MS Windows NT compatible
 (and that's not too promising :)
 -- Toastie
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No Subject

1999-11-07 Thread Sergey Getmanovich

 Hello all.
I have a realy "BIG" problem it's almost an year i 
am trying to config my ppp in the LINUXes listed above and I can't the problem 
is the same : chat finishes to dial ,cheking user name and password and get's 
connected but when the pppd starts it
just disconnects in 5-10 seconds(the USER and the 
PASS are 1000% OK[i ve tried to connect to w-angle,IZ,netvision and even and nothing helps me pppd man,and other 
documentation did not worked]) :(
Thets my sad :((( story:( . If 
some one can help me ...PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE

P.S sorry for the terible english :)
you Sergey.

slackware linux 3.5(RH 5.0 ,5.1) ppp problem

1999-11-07 Thread Sergey Getmanovich

 Hello all.
I have a realy "BIG" problem it's almost an year i 
am trying to config my ppp in the LINUXes listed above and I can't the problem 
is the same : chat finishes to dial ,cheking user name and password and get's 
connected but when the pppd starts it
just disconnects in 5-10 seconds(the USER and the 
PASS are 1000% OK[i ve tried to connect to w-angle,IZ,netvision and even and nothing helps me pppd man,and other 
documentation did not worked]) :(
Thets my sad :((( story:( . If 
some one can help me ...PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE

P.S sorry for the terible english :)
you Sergey.

Re: SOT: regarding linux-unfriendly ISPs

1999-11-07 Thread Nir Simionovich \(Rin Solo\)

Hi Dorit,

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Dorit Ben-Shalom wrote:

 Again, what I am 
 wondering about
 is what will happen to
 'simple' linux calls.

  Well, I don't know what you consider simple, but I've known people to
lose their heads about installation of sshd :-)
In any case, I don't belive that they will start charging for things that
take about 2 minutes to give you a pointer and lead you the way. Second, I
think that what they are trying to establish is a support center for
business use. For example, a business that has a linux based server or
servers installation, and they might need help with it.
  For example, lets take a very simple office that wants to have its own
domain name, mail server, FW but they don't want to pay for 8 IP
addresses, and they have about 20 PC's. So that business would need help
configuring IP Masq, FW, Sendmail, sshd, ftp, and apache. On a very simple
installation process, from our point of view as Linux experts (if we can
call ourselves expert, I don't like the superlative my self), may look in
the eyes of the customer as a virtually impossible task. 
  Also, need I remind you that a lot of companies use linux cause it
doesn't cost money, but they pay heaps of money for a pay/kill
administrator (such as myself or other people on the list). In their case,
the support center would be a cheap and efficient way to deal with small
problems, that don't require a linux "expert", so to speak.
  I know that I sound like I'm pro Netvision, but I'm really not. I'm very
supportive to any firm who would offer Linux support. I admit that actcom
were the first (I think), and amir is a good friend of mine (we've been
working on Linux Installation parties in the Technion for 2 years now).
But again, I must remain objective and weigh all the information in an
objective view, and from my point of view, it is a good thing.

Best regards,
  Nir Simionovich
  Artnet Experts, Ltd
  Netcom Group

 . Technionus Dormus Farmus Administratus Regularus .
   Taub Computer Center, Technion   Cellphone:054-898834
   The Network Flight Recorder Project  Phone:04-8282741
   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pager:058-474747
   Admin : vipe, heller, tux  (05437)
   n-cc, n-teg, n-dorms
   bluf, cdserver
Linux is not an Operating System, It's a way of life - Dare to live it!

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Re: SOT: regarding linux-unfriendly ISPs

1999-11-07 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

"Nir Simionovich (Rin Solo)" wrote:

   I know that I sound like I'm pro Netvision, but I'm really not. I'm very
 supportive to any firm who would offer Linux support. I admit that actcom
 were the first (I think), and amir is a good friend of mine (we've been
 working on Linux Installation parties in the Technion for 2 years now).
 But again, I must remain objective and weigh all the information in an
 objective view, and from my point of view, it is a good thing.

Having the "opportunity" to answer tech support questions from time to
time at GalaNet, a local ISP here in Jerusalem which I sysadm,
Anyway, I had by now few customers call up with questions about Linux.
Obviously they were newbiews. Guiding to install PPP via Linuxconf is
a good solution for RedHat, but some distros just don't have it. Yep,
I'm ashamed to admit I don't know the whole PPP scripting procedure by
hand but
it's kinda complicated to dictate such instructions to type in by phone,
having to explain how to launch an editor etc etc. As I understand, such
support should have large experience about the shortest/easiest way to
do common
tasks on different distros. Especially that we run all our servers on
I sometimes feel uncomfortable about not being able to answer such
easily. Pretty sure not as easy as Windows 95 tunning is.

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov a.k.a Toastie

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Project Proposal (was: Re: SOT: regarding linux-unfriendly ISPs)

1999-11-07 Thread Omer Zak

Suggestion for a project for a youngster who is looking for a niche which
would give him satisfaction, fame and riches:

How about developing PPP configuration scripts for the other

Then the Technical Support would need only to tell the newbie to download
the script from their Web site and run it and answer its questions (of
course, presented in a nice GUI - which Tk and Python can easily provide).

Someone with close connection to Technical Support (enough to hear about
commonly-occurring problems) can utilize the information to improve the
scripts to recognize common problems (such as failure to install an
essential package) and solve them automatically (of course, after getting
confirmation from the user!).

On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Ilya Konstantinov wrote:

 Anyway, I had by now few customers call up with questions about Linux.
 Obviously they were newbiews. Guiding to install PPP via Linuxconf is
 a good solution for RedHat, but some distros just don't have it. Yep,
 I'm ashamed to admit I don't know the whole PPP scripting procedure by
 hand but
 it's kinda complicated to dictate such instructions to type in by phone,
 having to explain how to launch an editor etc etc. As I understand, such
 support should have large experience about the shortest/easiest way to
 do common
 tasks on different distros. Especially that we run all our servers on
 I sometimes feel uncomfortable about not being able to answer such
 easily. Pretty sure not as easy as Windows 95 tunning is.

 --- Omer
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(known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to pay me US$500.- (plus any
legal expenses incurred by my trying to collect the amount due) per
unsolicited commercial/political/religious E-mail message - for the service
of receiving it.

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Re: screen driver

1999-11-07 Thread Avi Boots

 Hi List,
 How can i change the screen driver to panasonic sl90 19" ?
 Is KDE knew to handle this screen ?
 How can i change the screen resolution to 1024*768 ?
 How can i stop the "cut" of windows head's ?
I work with redhat linux 6.


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MD5 passwords on Caldera

1999-11-07 Thread Ury Segal

Just got Caldera 2.3 ( Calanit sells it ).

It is very nice and easy installation.

But it have a problem -

It is not preconfigured to use MD5 passwords ( which I run n a NIS
server ).
It gets the passwords from the NIS server but does not understand that
are in MD5 format ( and in shadow on NIS, another beast, but this
works )

The thing responsible for it is PAM.

I tried to play with PAM configuration and different versions of PAM,
but to no avail.
Caldera website is a mess.

Any ideas ?


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Re: Project Proposal (was: Re: SOT: regarding linux-unfriendly ISPs)

1999-11-07 Thread Nir Simionovich \(Rin Solo\)

Hi Omer,

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Omer Zak wrote:

 Suggestion for a project for a youngster who is looking for a niche which
 would give him satisfaction, fame and riches:
 How about developing PPP configuration scripts for the other
 Then the Technical Support would need only to tell the newbie to download
 the script from their Web site and run it and answer its questions (of
 course, presented in a nice GUI - which Tk and Python can easily provide).

  Your idea in it self is wonderful, but I see a small snag about it. In
general terms, all login scripts for all ISPs in Israel should be the
same. As they are all compatible to the Windows 95 login scheme. If we are
to take ISDN connections for example, I've configured kisdn with no
special parameters, and it worked like a charm both connecting to Actcom,
Netvision, Internet Gold and the Technion, without changing anything.
  Now, as far as I can recall, each of the X-windows envs, has it's own
modem and dial-up configuration program that users can use. But the real
problem isn't getting them connected via that tool, the problem is as
follows. Imagine the following Tech support phone call:

Tech: Hello, how may I help you ?

Cust: Hi there, I would like to configure my modem under RedHat 6.0.

Tech: Are you currently running in X-Windows ?

Cust: No, I can't start my X, it says something about a missing X-Server.
  I don't have an X-Server in my network.

Tech: No, No, and X-Server is . you need to install it. What is your
  display adapter ? 

Cust: Oh, I have blah-blah-blah

Tech: Oh, I'm sorry, that card isn't supported yet by linux. Ok, lets
  try a generic blah-blah-blah



Cust: Ok, I got X going. Now what ?

Tech: well, you need to install the blah-blah-blah.rpm

Cust: rpm ? I didn't buy a motor, I bought a Linux box, blah-blah-blah

Tech: ...

Cust: ...

Tech: did you install dialup support in your Linux box ? while
  you were installing it ?

Cust: Ah  No. I thought it ment that I let other people connect to 
  my modem.

  At this point the Tech-guy would most probably go crazy, after sending
over 30 minutes understanding the customer. So, as I said before, nothing
is simple. Never say that it is simple, cause no matter how simple it is
to you, cause you are used to one thing, you never know what you might
  What would eventually happen is that ISPs would create their own
customized Linux distributions. For example, lets take Actcom, they will
make a few distributions for their clients, one as a workstation, one as a
dial-up mail server, etc, etc, etc  which at this point, seems like
the best idea that I could think of.

Best regards,
  Nir Simionovich
  Artnet Experts, Ltd

 . Technionus Dormus Farmus Administratus Regularus .
   Taub Computer Center, Technion   Cellphone:054-898834
   The Network Flight Recorder Project  Phone:04-8282741
   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pager:058-474747
   Admin : vipe, heller, tux  (05437)
   n-cc, n-teg, n-dorms
Linux is not an Operating System, It's a way of life - Dare to live it!

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Re: slackware linux 3.5(RH 5.0 ,5.1) ppp problem

1999-11-07 Thread Guy Cohen

I had the same problem 1.5-2 years ago with slackware 3.5.
If i'm not mistaken it comes out with pppd-2.2.3 witch is bit buggy,
try to install the latest pppd and try your configuration again.
If that will not work feel free to mail me in private. send me
your /etc/ppp/options file, chat-script and the script you run (or command
line) when you start the connection. 

At this (Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 09:07:53PM +0200) day, Sergey Getmanovich wrote:
|   Hello all.
| I have a realy "BIG" problem it's almost an year i am trying to config my ppp in the 
|LINUXes listed above and I can't the problem is the same : chat finishes to dial 
|,cheking user name and password and get's connected but when the pppd starts it
| just disconnects in 5-10 seconds(the USER and the PASS are 1000% OK[i ve tried to 
|connect to w-angle,IZ,netvision and even 
| and nothing helps me pppd man,and other documentation did not worked]) :(
|Thets my sad :((( story:( . If some one can help me ..PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE
| P.S sorry for the terible english :)
|Thank you Sergey. 

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mail problem -act2

1999-11-07 Thread dorit ben shalom

As a staff member in one of Isreal's universities,
I also have an account on that university's misguided
mail server.
I need to set the



flag on that machine too.
The people in charge are less than happy to touch the file.

Any work arounds?



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another netscape question

1999-11-07 Thread dorit ben shalom

I couldn't get rid of the icons in my
nsmail folders,
so I decided to erase the files themselves.
But netscapre re-creates then when booting.

Any advice?



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Netvision support for Linux issues?

1999-11-07 Thread Hetz Ben Hamo


Where did u see that Netvision officially support Linux issues (besides
PPP)? Any URL?

I'm talking about the thing someone said here - something like they
support MS products.

Oh, btw, they are not such a big supporters. MS Support in Israel
(compared to Novell) simply SUCKS HARD. Call MS Israel and ask them a
single question about NT. Oops - they don't officially support NT..

So who supports NT for customers who are not affiliated with Compaq?
TEAM. Call Team and ask them something sirious (example - SQL and SMS
connection, or something abotu ODBC) - Ooops - they donno what to

The support here in Israel regarding MS products sux as I said. You can
get help about something that can be found on the MS Technet, but
nothing more complicated..

It just reminded me that when our company bought an SMP ready machine
with 1 processor - the company (which I will not name here) said that in
order to use SMP - they need to tell them NOW so the machine could work
- the SMP only "works with 2 serial numbers follow". It took me 3 days
to stop laughing.


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Re: telnet problem

1999-11-07 Thread dorit ben shalom

Could it be a _speed_ problem?

(It happens _sometimes_ with my backbone connections
and always with my dialup connection)

Thanks again!


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Re: Project Proposal (was: Re: SOT: regarding linux-unfriendly ISPs)

1999-11-07 Thread Omer Zak

Given the realities of Customer Support as presented by Nir (isn't it
wonderful to have access to someone who actually knows what is going on
with customers? :-) ), I am amending my suggestion so that PPP
configuration scripts (and other technical support scripts) would have a
version which doesn't need X-Window.

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Nir Simionovich (Rin Solo) wrote:

 Hi Omer,
 On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Omer Zak wrote:
  Suggestion for a project for a youngster who is looking for a niche which
  would give him satisfaction, fame and riches:
  How about developing PPP configuration scripts for the other
  Then the Technical Support would need only to tell the newbie to download
  the script from their Web site and run it and answer its questions (of
  course, presented in a nice GUI - which Tk and Python can easily provide).
   Your idea in it self is wonderful, but I see a small snag about it. In
 general terms, all login scripts for all ISPs in Israel should be the
 same. As they are all compatible to the Windows 95 login scheme. If we are
 to take ISDN connections for example, I've configured kisdn with no
 special parameters, and it worked like a charm both connecting to Actcom,
 Netvision, Internet Gold and the Technion, without changing anything.
   Now, as far as I can recall, each of the X-windows envs, has it's own
 modem and dial-up configuration program that users can use. But the real
 problem isn't getting them connected via that tool, the problem is as
 follows. Imagine the following Tech support phone call:
 Tech: Hello, how may I help you ?
 Cust: Hi there, I would like to configure my modem under RedHat 6.0.
 Tech: Are you currently running in X-Windows ?
 Cust: No, I can't start my X, it says something about a missing X-Server.
   I don't have an X-Server in my network.
 Tech: No, No, and X-Server is . you need to install it. What is your
   display adapter ? 

[... snipped ...]

 --- Omer
By sending me unsolicited commercial/political/religious E-mail message/s
(known also as "spam"), you irrevocably agree to pay me US$500.- (plus any
legal expenses incurred by my trying to collect the amount due) per
unsolicited commercial/political/religious E-mail message - for the service
of receiving it.

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Re: another netscape question

1999-11-07 Thread Alex Shnitman

On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 06:11:02PM -0500, dorit ben shalom wrote:

 I couldn't get rid of the icons in my
 nsmail folders,
 so I decided to erase the files themselves.
 But netscapre re-creates then when booting.
 Any advice?

Use Navigator Standalone instead of Communicator and it won't do it,
as well as save you a few megabytes of RAM.

Alex Shnitman|
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Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more
"user-friendly".  ...  Their best approach, so far, has been to take all
the old brochures, and stamp the words, "user-friendly" on the cover.
-- Bill Gates, Microsoft, Inc.

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