Linux-Misc Digest #499

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #499, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 03:13:03 EST

  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (David)
  Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID ("Scott M. Navarre")
  GNome on Caldera e-desktop (David Liana)
  limiting buffer cache ("Fred")
  LPRng setup help ("Jess Jackson")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Ned Harkey")
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (munke)
  Re: Help installing Redhat on a laptop with pcmcia cd rom (Bob Martin)
  Re: Newbie - "Unable to initialize modem" (Bob Martin)
  What is the command to  . . . ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  'No such file or directory' (Eugene Grayver)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD (Scott Sanbeg)
  Re: accessing NTFS partition from Linux ("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: How to change a user password with one command or script? (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: MySql is Unstable (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: hdh: 3ide-scsi unsupported command dev 22:40 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Eric en Jolanda")
  Re: kdm (or xdm)  redhat logo (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) (moonie;))
  Re: 'No such file or directory' (E J)
  Chkconfig --add ??? how? ("Flej Ling")

Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.redhat,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for 
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 23:34:21 -0600

misterbooboo wrote:
 I have a 6GB HD split half for RH7 and half for Win95.
 I want to rid myself of Linux and rededicate the entire HD to Win95.
 How do I do this?
 Win's fdisk will not get me there as far as I can tell.
 Specifics appreciated.
 Thank you,
 Jon - I love Jesus Christ

To uninstall from a running linux system do the following. 

 boot into linux. 
 login as root 
 /sbin/lilo -u 
 fdisk /dev/hda# or sda depending on your hard drive. 
 delete all linux partitions 
 quit and save changes 
 reboot with a DOS/windoz boot disk. 
 enter:  fdisk /MBR

You will need to format the partition or drive back to a DOS/windows


Use the installation boot disk  CD

Use the installation boot disk and CD to boot the system and follow
through the install up to the partitioning section. Delete all linux
partitions and then choose the "Back" button and save the changes when
asked. Then reboot the system with a windows boot disk and do a: 

fdisk /MBR 

You will have to format the disk backto the DOS format. 

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than 98.873% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: "Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 'find' errors after setting up software RAID
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 05:54:02 GMT

  Yes, I am very familiar with permissions and therefore I totally agree
with what you said about how it should work.
  However: I am sorry that I was not specific enough in my question, but
this IS happening while I am logged in as root - hence my original

thanks again,

"Glitch" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 all it's saying is u don't havepermission to view the contents (this
 would be read permission) of the specified location.

 run find as root and u won't see it. RAID has nothig to do with it.
 IT's saying u don't have permission thus it is  a file system issue.
 REad the error and seek the solution.

 you will get th emessages as soon as find finds a directory in which the
 user u are logged in as doesn't have permission to access what the find
 command is accessing.

 running as root u do not get these errors however u have to be logged in
 as root

 "Scott M. Navarre" wrote:
I have set up software RAID1+0 and I am now getting these two messages
  immediately after invoking the 'find' command:
  find: /proc/6/fd: Permission denied
  find: /proc/116/fd: Permission denied
  and then 'find' continues on as normal.
After doing a 'ps -ef |grep 6', I determined the following:
  1) process '6' is 'mdrecoveryd'
  2) process '116' is 'raid1d'
So my question is:  Is it normal to get these messages for 'find'
  setting up soft RAID?  If not, then what can I do to fix it (it is a
  annoying to have these pop up everytime I look for a file).
  Thanks in advance,
Scott Navarre


From: David Liana [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux-Misc Digest #500

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #500, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 09:13:01 EST

  Re: Problems running ./configure - Please Help! (Bob Martin)
  dump and restore (Ryan Lantzy)
  network login (Lodo Nicolino)
  network login (Lodo Nicolino)
  Telnetd don't work (Carfield Yim)
  Can't install printer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: Telnetd don't work (Alexei Kichkine)
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (Carfield Yim)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Markus Amersdorfer)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again?
  Re: help with nfsd please! (Marc D. Williams)
  Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Walter Francis)
  Re: 'No such file or directory' (Chris J/#6)
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: 'No such file or directory' ("John Cusick")
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Kevin Croxen)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (John Forkosh)

From: Bob Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problems running ./configure - Please Help!
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 08:36:50 GMT

Andy wrote:
 I'm bored with trying things now...
 I am trying to compile some software which needed the libpcap package. I
 installed libpcap-0.4-29.i386.rpm and tried again.
 The configure script nearly ran all the way through until:
 checking for pcap_dump in -lpcap... yes
 checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
 checking for pcap.h... no
 configure: error: Test for pcap.h failed.
 but I've just installed the libpcap package which provides pcap.h and even
 run ldconfig to make sure.
 Ok so I'll try:
 locate pcap.h
 I'ts there!
 what's going on?
 Can anybody help me please...
 Thanks in advance...

Depends on how ./configure is testing for pcap.h. try ./configure
--help, see if there is an option for telling it where pcap.h is
located. try a symlink in /usr/include to /usr/include/pcap/pcap.h


From: Ryan Lantzy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: dump and restore
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 03:36:03 -0500

I want to do daily ncremental backups on my linux machine on one tape.
I can succesfully complete a full backup and restore it.  However, when
I do a full backup then an incremental and then I try to restore, it
only shows the files that were included in the incremental and not the

goes something like this

dump -0ufa /home /dev/nst0

dump -2ufa /home /dev/nst0

restore -i /dev/nst0

any help would be appreciated



From: Lodo Nicolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: network login
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 08:55:48 GMT

Hi am Nico.
I have a red-hat 6.2 and i need to login as root from a win pc in the
When i try to login i get the message "login incorrect".
If i login as a normal user i am in and i can do su root.
I added in the file /etc/securetty the string "pst/0", but nothing had
What did i forget ??
Thanks in advance.


From: Lodo Nicolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: network login
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 09:00:31 GMT

Ciao Io sono Nico.
Ho il seguente problema.
Ho installato una red-hat 6.2 e non riesco a logarmi come root da nessun

pc della rete.
Quando digito root al prompt ho immediatamente il messaggio "login
Se mi logo con un altro utente riesco ad entrare e a fare "su root".
Ho modificato il file /etc/securetty aggiungendo la stringa "pst/0", ma
non ho ottenuto nessun risultato.
Cosa mi sto dimenticando di fare ?
Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto.


From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Telnetd don't work
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:54:15 +0800

After installing mandrake, I find that my telnetd don't work. I have 
check inetd.conf, there is should no problem. Where can I find common 
problem and solution of telnetd??

The problem of my telnetd is after showing the Escape character, it 
don't prompt the use input name and passwd but just quit:

Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

How can I solve?


From: Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Can't install printer
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:56:29 +0800

If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
tree at printer:

ls  /dev/lp0

But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?


From: Alexei Kichkine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Telnetd don't work
Date: 09 Dec 2000 14:55:46 +0500

Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 After installing mandrake, I find that my telnetd don't work. I have
 check inetd.conf, there is should no problem. 

Linux-Misc Digest #501

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #501, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 13:13:03 EST

  nsform* (Christian Wenz)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Allen Wong)
  Changing ports for telnetd? (Patrick M Geahan)
  Shutdown and halt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LILO floppy question (James Blanford)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop ("drovar")
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Christopher Wong)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Steve)
  Re: amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MySql is Unstable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What the heck is "remadmin"?? (Penpal International)
  MC and .alias (Timo Benk)
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Colin Watson)
  Re: GNome on Caldera e-desktop (Jerry McBride)
  Re: j2sdk1.3 - jdb doesn't work (Paul F. Kunz)
  Re: Telnetd don't work (Carfield Yim)
  Re: NFS setup question (insecure port??) (Jerry McBride)
  MySQL socket problem (Mike)
  Re: limiting buffer cache (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: problems with .rhosts? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: Christian Wenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: nsform*
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 16:18:07 +0100

i recognise a couple of files under ~/tmp called nsform3A2E660D04601DA
for example.
these files contains same information about mails i got:

Content-type: multipart/form-data;
boundary=---670907394Content-Length: 1475

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_do_savemsg"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_goto"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_mid"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="rv_recover_user"

... and more.

could anybody tell me which program produce these files ???


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allen Wong)
Subject: Re: What is the command to  . . . ?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:22:07 GMT

In alt.os.linux.slackware Markus Amersdorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the command to find the occurance of a string in a group of
 files in a directory?

 find . -name '*.txt' -exec grep "Hello World" {} \;

This works, but it's alot slower than "find . -type f -name '*.txt' -print |
xargs grep "Hello World".

Linux:  If you're not careful, you might actually learn something.
  7:00am  up 1 day, 10:59,  9 users,  load average: 3.09, 3.04, 3.00


From: Patrick M Geahan[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Changing ports for telnetd?
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:30:01 GMT

Here's the problem I'm having - I'm attempting to switch ports with
regard to ssh and telnetd.  I've changed the ssh launch line to
"$PATH/sshd -p 23", which seems to work.  I've changed /etc/services for
sshd to be port 23, and telnetd to port 22.  Now, ssh incoming works OK,
but telnet incoming connects, then says "bind:address in use".  Same
problem if I switch to some other random port that I know isn't in use.

Can anyone give me any help?

===Patrick M [EMAIL PROTECTED]===ICQ:3784715==
Quote of the Week: "Where in the bible does it say `God so loved the
world that he congested bandwidth by forwarding email to everyone in 
his address book?'" - Tom Sevart in alt.folklore.urban


Subject: Shutdown and halt
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:32:48 GMT

I have Mandrake  7.2.  Everything is running  except
 for one thing:  it will not complete a shutdown.
After shutting down processes it generates the message "INIT: No more
processes in this runlevel" at  which point the machine just sits
there.  I don't want to say the box is hung, because when I hit
Ctrl-Alt-Delete the disk gets hit with something.
I can also switch to other console using ALT+ F2...F6 but I can not log.

I was trying:
shutdown -h now - the same
halt - the same
How to soleve this problem, I did not have such problems with Mandrake
7.1 and RH 6.2. On RH 7.0 I had the same problem.

P.S If this message apear two times it is because I had problems with our
news Server Rafael

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: Re: LILO floppy question
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:53:09 GMT

In article 90rrea$2oi0$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Emmanuel Beranger" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I want to boot from a floppy with LILO, offering me to boot hdb1. (I just
 want to keep self HD boot with hda1)
 I have made such a floppy with "mkbootdisk", 

Linux-Misc Digest #502

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #502, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 16:13:04 EST

  COREL detected my Winmodem! But... (Andrew Purugganan)
  Where's DEbian's rc.local? (Andrew Purugganan)
  Can't build DDD ("Generic User")
  Re: Can't use RealPlayer (E J)
  Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386 (The Phoenix)
  Re: MySql is Unstable (Dances With Crows)
  Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Alex Barylo)
  xterm and aliases (Timo Benk)
  Re: xterm and aliases (Bit Twister)
  Re: Activating the Multimedia keys (Andreas Mohr)
  How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  (Valentin 
  How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: xterm and aliases (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
(Anita Lewis)
  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: nsform* ("Garry Knight")
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for windows again? 
("Garry Knight")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: COREL detected my Winmodem! But...
Date: 9 Dec 2000 17:58:32 GMT

COREL Linux was able to detect my PCtel Winmodem, but I can only use the 
Connection Wizrd to connect (hmmm, looks like another OS to me :-)
Where does it keep the settings though? I want to be able to use the 
modem for telnet/serial connections but I can't find out what these are 
(COM port, etc)
WHen I try the dial up dialog (a different utility) and I go thru each 
ttyS0, ttyS1, etc it's either busy or doesn't respond. Any clue?

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Where's DEbian's rc.local?
Date: 9 Dec 2000 18:01:27 GMT

I came from RedHat/Mandrake Linux, and now I want to get familiar with 
Debian-style distros. RedHat has an rc.local where I can enter my custom 
boot thingies (ifconfig, alias for modules, etc). WHere can one put these 
BTW it's COREL Linux on a 2.2.16 kernel, ITH

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: "Generic User" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Can't build DDD
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:28:54 GMT

I'm trying to compile the DDD source and during the configure stage, I get
a  "Can't find -lX11 library, try using -x-include-include=DIR
and -x-include-libraries=DIR"
(or something of sorts) error. I see the* library in my
/usr/X11R6 directory
so I did as suggested and did a
./configure -x-include-libraries=/usr/X11R6/libraries
to no avail. Any ideas?



Subject: Re: Can't use RealPlayer
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:25:29 GMT

You could have put realplayer 7 beta anywhere.  I had my old realplayer 7 beta in 

$su -
password: secret
# cd /usr/local
# rm -r realplay # remove realplayer 7 beta stuff

Is the current realplayer 7 installed
You might want to check your netscape
Have all the Real Player entries point to the current Real Player 7.
Help-About Plug ins
Do you have the old realplayer 7 beta plug in?  If so, Replace it with the current 
Real Player 7

$ vi $HOME/.mailcap # edit your netscape
Have all the Real Player entries point to the current Real Player 7.

Carfield Yim wrote:

 E J wrote:

  I think you are probably the old version of real player is hiding somewhere
  living with your freshly install real player
  $ which realplay # findout where your real player is living.  The default should 
be the following
  $  /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay  # check if the real play is the right version
  On the realplay Help-About
  RealPlay [tm] (Unix)
  If real player is living in the wrong place, it is probably the old real
  player (Beta Real Player 7?)taking over from the newer real player.  Just
  remove the older player.

 How to remove?? There is no realplay package in my rpm...


From: The Phoenix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Kernel for 4Mb RAM 386
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:27:06 -0100

Andreas Schweitzer wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Phoenix wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Phoenix wrote:
Im planning to install Linux in my old 386 with 4Mb RAM.
   .. I recompiled the 2.2.12 kernel ... the kernel would hardly run
in the 386 ( the disk was allways in activity,

  But your problem also sounds like there is too much other stuff
  running. Try cutting down dameons etc. There 

Linux-Misc Digest #503

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #503, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 19:13:02 EST

  Re: MySql is Unstable (Robert Heller)
  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (Robert Heller)
  RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Michael Robbins)
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Robert Kiesling)
  Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: How do I totally remove Linux from hard drive to use whole HD for  windows 
again? (Scott Alfter)
  Re: RedHat7 cdrom: open failed (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Harold Stevens ** PLEASE 
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (David)
  Re: kernel: svc: unknown version(3) when loading nfs ("Karl Heyes")
  Re: What is the command to  . . . ? (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  Re: Changing ports for telnetd? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Chkconfig --add ??? how? (Dustin Puryear)
  Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Dustin Puryear)
  Re: Compiling DOSEMU 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7 (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem (Scooter)
  ISDN connection timeout (Aulne)
  Key Error on install ("Jason Greenbaum")

From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MySql is Unstable
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:05 true

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows),
  In a message on 9 Dec 2000 19:32:23 GMT, wrote :

DWC On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 15:04:42 -0600, Kim Houlne staggered into 
DWC the Black Sun and said:
DWC We are in the process of redesigning a couple of database programs on
DWC our website.  We use the Linux platform.  One the the programmers that
DWC we received a bid from states " that when using MySql on Linux it is
DWC slow and changes are hard to make.  We can make it work by hardcoding,
DWC but it is not scalable.  Also MySql is not set up to be a business level
DWC database.
DWC How valid do you think this statement is?  And, if it is not valid can
DWC you tell me why?
DWC This question, or something like it, comes up periodically.  There was a
DWC large amount of argle-bargle on Slashdot within the last 2 months about
DWC MySQL; go there and run a search on "MySQL" to bring up at least one
DWC article with hundreds of comments about the relative performance of
DWC MySQL and various other database engines.
DWC MySQL is probably best in an environment where most queries involve
DWC reading data instead of updating/inserting data.  If this isn't the
DWC case, you can look at Postgres or spend money on Oracle.  The setup
DWC procedure for Oracle on Linux is a royal pain in the arse, but it seems
DWC to run fast and solid once it's in there.  Haven't played with Postgres
DWC at all yet.

Postgres runs well and seems solid.  I've not done any serious timings
though.  Postgres 6.x has all of the extra goodies: transactions and
stuff like that (stuff missing from MySQL).

DWC FWIW, Slashdot gets an obscene amount of traffic, and it uses MySQL as
DWC the backend.  
DWC -- 
DWC Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
DWC Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt
DWC /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
DWC -/I hit a seg fault

Robert Heller||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /\FidoNet:1:321/153


From: Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client
Date: 9 Dec 2000 15:14:07 true

  Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  In a message on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:44:23 +, wrote :

SftP Alex Barylo wrote:
SftP  Hi all,
SftP  I need a text (not X) based visual FTP client, something like Midnight
SftP  Commander but stripped down, without the ability to run external
SftP  commands.
SftP  Any ideas/suggestions will be greately appreciated.
SftP Did you ever tried 'wget' or 'ftp'?
SftP They work great!

ncftp has all of the silly curses type stuff (which I don't use since I
fire it up with -L most of the time) -- I think this is what Alex Barylo

SftP Salut,
SftP Sinner
SftP -- 
SftP [MaDuiXa PoWeR]
SftP __
SftP   |\ Linux User # 89976
SftP =Sinner =--[]- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
SftP __|/ Linux Machine # 38068

Linux-Misc Digest #504

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #504, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 21:13:02 EST

  Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client (-ljl-)
  Re: Key Error on install ("D. Stimits")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: How to get user input in a startup script? (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("D. Stimits")
  Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subject: Re: Recommend TEXT (not X) based visual FTP client
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:23:05 GMT

In article 3a32a09f$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Robert Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sinner from the Prairy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   In a message on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 15:44:23 +, wrote :

 Alex Barylo wrote:

 Hi all,

 I need a text (not X) based visual FTP client, something like
 Midnight Commander but stripped down, without the ability to
 run external commands.

 Any ideas/suggestions will be greately appreciated.

Take a look at lynx, "man lynx"; it's a text base browser that
supports the ftp protocol.

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:48:07 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Key Error on install

Jason Greenbaum wrote:
 I am trying to install RedHat Linux 7.0 on my PC.  When I run the setup
 disk, the kernel boots and a few other things happen before I get the
 following message:
 Key Error: RIVA TNT2
 Then linux proceeds on unmount all the filesystems and cancel the install.
 FYI: I have a Viper V770 Ultra video card w/ a RIVA TNT2 processor.  Does
 anyone know a way to solve this?  Please let me know.  Thanks.

Perhaps not a solution in a true sense, but RH has a non-graphical
install mode. Using that will avoid some video card and chipset
problems. Try install that way (don't use a GUI install).


From: "Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:51:08 GMT

What I am trying to do is this:

I added the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

echo -n "Mount the RAID array [y/N]? "
read mntreply
if [ "$mntreply" = "Y"] || ["$mntreply" = "y" ]; then
  action "Mounting RAID array: " mount /dev/md2 /u
  echo "RAID mount: deferred"

but when the user enters a "y", it gives the following error:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [y: command not found

likewise if the user enters a "n", it gives the following:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [n: command not found

therefore there must be a different way to get user input inside of the
'rc.sysinit' script other than with "read"...


From: Floyd Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How to get user input in a startup script?
Date: 09 Dec 2000 16:15:31 -0900

"Scott M. Navarre" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What I am trying to do is this:

I added the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit

echo -n "Mount the RAID array [y/N]? "
read mntreply
if [ "$mntreply" = "Y"] || ["$mntreply" = "y" ]; then
  action "Mounting RAID array: " mount /dev/md2 /u
  echo "RAID mount: deferred"

but when the user enters a "y", it gives the following error:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [y: command not found

likewise if the user enters a "n", it gives the following:
/etc/rc.sysinit: [n: command not found

therefore there must be a different way to get user input inside of the
'rc.sysinit' script other than with "read"...

It appears to be working fine, as far as getting input goes.
But your conditional for the "if" statement is not doing what
you want.  The "||" following the first "[ expression ]" is
telling the shell to test the expression and if it is /not
true/, to continue and do the statement following the "||".
"[$mntreply " is expanded to "[y" if a 'y' was input, and since
there is no such command the shell is telling you that.

Read the man page for bash!

To have multiple test conditions use "-o" or "-a" between them,
and the entire set of conditions is surrounded by "[ ... ]".
Also note that "[" is an alias for "test", and therefore a
space after it is required.

if [ "$mntreply" = "Y" -o "$mntreply" = "y" ]; then ...

However, there is a better way to test your response!  Try
this shell script as an example, and work from there...


echo -n "Say yes or no!  [y/N] "
read line

case $line in
  [yY]*)  echo "Yes!";;
  *)  echo "No!" ;;

Floyd L. Davidson
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:18:14 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux-Misc Digest #505

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #505, Volume #26Sat, 9 Dec 00 22:13:02 EST

  Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Backup solution at Linux (Robert Jones)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! (Stanislaw Flatto)

Subject: Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Ad
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 01:30:54 GMT

Linuxgruven is Deceptive in their Newspaper Ad

I checked into a job opportunity with
linuxgruven a few weeks ago. I was not 'actively'
seeking employment at the time. I did this solely
based upon a fellow employee(where I currently
work) who said he saw an ad in the newspaper that
said $45K /yr, entry-level position, training for
qualified applicants. There was a little more to
the ad, but not much. It was a pretty small ad.
I'm not quoting the ad because I don't have it
laying around anymore, but it may have said,
training 'available' for qualified applicants in
the ad, instead of just training for qualified
applicants.  Whatever. The fellow employee that
gave me the ad said that he called the 888 toll
free number and inquired about the job and was
told that it involved using Linux, and since he
didn't know anything about using it but knew that
I liked Linux he was giving me the ad in case I
wanted to check it out.
I said Oh Yeah! I'll call! I was excited
at the sound of the opportunity. I would love
nothing more than to get a job implementing,
working with and using Linux. So I called. The
person on the other end asked me a couple
questions, and then gave me a number to call to
set up an appointment for an interview here in
Denver. I called the number and set up a time to
come in. I then told my current employer that I
needed the first part of that day off to go to a
dentist appointment(guess you could say that's a
little deception of my own). Then I went about
updating my resume.
The day of the interview arrived and I
went to the address, a very nice office building
in DTC here in Denver. I went into the office
suite, which was also very nice. Secretaries were
there at the front desk answering the phone
with,"Linuxgruven". A gentleman came in to
interview me. The interview lasted a while and
went very well I thought. He said a few times
that you have to be Linux certified to get the
job, but it's fairly hard to find people because
the 'talent pool' of people with Linux skills is
really shallow. Then he said
Linuxgruven 'subsidizes' the cost of the
schooling and 'reimburses' you after you have
worked for them for a year. He said the reason
you have to be certified is to make sure you know
how to do your job in the field professionally,
and even though I may currently have good Linux
skills they may not be up to a professional
level. But, if I thought that my skills were good
enough to pass the tests that I could just go
ahead and take the tests, get the certification,
thereby skipping the month of school. I agreed
that even though I have a few years of experience
of using Linux on my own, my skills probably
weren't up to the par of a professional level and
I would feel more comfortable about taking the
tests if I went through the training/schooling
first. Therefore I would plan on going through
the month of schooling before taking the tests. I
took what the interviewer said about subsidizing
the cost of schooling to mean that they paid for
the schooling as long as you work for them for a
year, but if you leave before a year is up then
you owe them the cost of the schooling. My
current employer has a deal where they want to
help you get certified(for these applications
called 'Loadrunner' and 'Winrunner' - www.merc- by covering the cost of certification.
You sign a contract that says you won't leave the
company for three months after you receive the
certification. If you do, then you owe them the
$500 for the cost of the certification, and it
would come out of your last check, I suppose. But
you get/earn the certification on your own time
after work, and it supposedly takes a few months
and a total of 160 hours. But I know for a fact
with my current employer that nothing comes out
of your own pocket to actually get the
certificate in your hand. I told the interviewer
that I had considered getting Linux certified
before, but it costs thousands of dollars. He did
mention that the tests cost $400(four of them
$100 each). The interviewer never once mentioned
that I would need $2,500 for the schooling or the
$400 to take the tests to come out of my own
pocket. He never even mentioned anything about
$2,500 at all. I didn't ask any real questions
about the details of the cost of schooling or
taking the tests because he kept making it sound
like it would all be covered by Linuxgruven, as
long I worked for them for a year after getting
I am in the position that I could quit my
job in order to totally devote my time to 

Linux-Misc Digest #506

2000-12-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #506, Volume #26   Sun, 10 Dec 00 02:13:02 EST

  can't use xterm as regular user ("mark")
  obtaining packages via ftp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CVS checkout (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?=)
  gdb problem (john connolly)
  [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk ("Lam Dang")
  Re: Can't install printer (David Efflandt)
  Re: obtaining packages via ftp (David)
  BASIS Pro5 ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: can't use xterm as regular user (Dances With Crows)
  Firestarter, ipchains, and ppp0 ("Alan Burns")
  Re: Can't install printer (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: opening application fullscreen automatically (Bryan Hoyt)
  Re: Help finding distro for laptop with 540M hard drive. (Bryan Hoyt)
  The best SQL server ("WME")
  Re: Can't build DDD (Markus Kossmann)
  Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Potter Wickware)
  ***  F_U_C_K___C_H_R_I_S_T_M_A_S  *** . KknMDQIX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape POST/passwd field problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Linux (text) files to Win 98/2000 via floppy? (Stanislaw Flatto)
  Re: Need Help installing Linux Please! ("Rodney Gray")

From: "mark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: can't use xterm as regular user
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 19:37:45 -0800

Hi all,

I just installed redhat 7.0, and compiled the kernel and everything seems
to be fine.
now when i log on as a regular user and start xterm i get the error
There has been an error whil trying to log in
If you are using Linux 2.2.x with glibc 2.1.x , this is probably due to
incorrectly setup unix98 ptys.

I said yes to unix98 ptys when i compiled the kernel.
any ideas here ??



Subject: obtaining packages via ftp
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 03:35:47 GMT


I'm a relative newbie. I am trying to update my kernel. I've gotten to
the point of configuring the new kernel. Unfortunately I have discovered
I don't have make installed. I assume it's on my CD, but haven't been
able to access it (when I type ls when in the CD directory I get nothing
- I'm not sure if that means my CD player isn't working or what - in
anycase I don't know how to determine it's exact name so I can use
rpm.). Anyway, I thought I'd try to get make by rpming over the net. How
do I do this? Where can I get the URL for wherever make might exist? And
if you have any thoughts about my CD or how to get make on there, any
info would be appreciated.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_R=FCppel?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CVS checkout
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 05:02:36 +0100


When trying to cvs checkout something, cvs puts all downloaded data onto 
the console instead of creating files. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!
Jörg Rüppel


From: john connolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: gdb problem
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:15:10 GMT

I am trying to use gdb (actually xxgdb and ddd) and I cannot get it to
display the program's source file. I keep getting an error message about
it being unable to find the init.c file. What file would that be and
where can I find it?
Thanks, JWC


From: "Lam Dang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [HELP] Toshiba Tecra 8100 doesn't see Toshiba disk
Date: 09 Dec 2000 23:16:34 -0500

At work I inherited a Toshiba Tecra 8100
laptop running Windows NT.  Its hard disk, a
12G IBM DARA-212000, initially contained a
single partition.  I used Partition Magic to
shrink this partition by 3G, created a second
partition, installed RedHat 6.2, and
installed lilo 21.5 for dual boot.  Both NT
and Linux boot up without any problem.

Today I bought a new 12G Toshiba MK1214GAP
hard disk.  This one has the same number of
cylinders, heads, and sectors as the IBM one.
It's supposed to work with the Tecra 8100.  I
was planning to install Windows 2000 and
RedHat 6.2 on it.  When I replaced the IBM
disk with the Toshiba disk, the boot-up
didn't see any hard disk.

Just to be on the safe side, I moved this
Toshiba disk to a desktop machine and
installed RedHat 6.2 on it.  It booted up
without any problem.

What am I missing here?   Do I have to run
something special for the Tecra 8100 to
recognize a new disk?  If so, what may be the
reason for it?  

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Lam Dang
dangit AT ix DOT netcom DOT com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Can't install printer
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 04:25:43 + (UTC)

On Sat, 09 Dec 2000, Carfield Yim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If I put the following line at terminal, it will print the directory 
tree at printer:

ls  /dev/lp0

But after I config my printer in X with mandrake config, it don't work, 
do anyone know why? I am using cup, where can I find more information?