Re: xfce question

2002-02-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:36:43 -0600
Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> List
> In xfce can you put icons on the desktop like in kde2 does? I
> would like to set some icon shortcuts. xfce is great.

No and never.  Xfce is dedicated to keeping the bloat out.  You can add
icons to the popup menus that appear on the panel.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: continuing xscreensaver goofiness

2002-02-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 09:21:13 -0800 (PST)
Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > morning!
> > 
> > i've had another little screen/keyboard/mouse lock while running 
> > xscreensaver-4.0 with direct rendering enabled. i've encountered this 
> > kind of thing before, when the extrusion hack would break things. at 
> > least it was kind enough to leave its locked image on the screen, so 
> > i could readily disable it.
> > 
> > problem now is that the screen is blank when the thing dies (machine 
> > continues to operate perfectly well, and it does not seem to have 
> > anything to do with the daily crom run, as we had suspected, in that 
> > this time it happened several hours after the cron run), it leaves 
> > the screen blank.
> > 
> > so the next guess is that it's a particular module.
> > 
> > there are no errors in any logfiles i can find. so now i need to come 
> > up with a way to log the activity of xscreensaver itself, as it 
> > cycles through the modules. nothing i've tried works.
> > 
> > ideas?
> > 
> > i tried to email jamie directly about this, but the mail doesn't get 
> > accepted on the other end, probably because i'm doing the 
> > drippingwithirony smtp here, but incoming is hosted elsewhere.
> I too, have noticed that my box occasionally locks up when Xscreensaver
> is chugging away.  I've tried to find a pattern, or something getting
> logged, but there is nothing.  Let me know if you make any headway.

I should have written it down.  A year or so ago I discovered that one of
the screensaver choices (if you take the default random choices) is
totally broken.  At the time I removed it, but I can't remember which one.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: no printing from kmail

2002-01-31 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 09:36:45 -0500
John Voigt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At this point, I am considering switching distros, and am considering
> both SuSE and Mandrake (I still can't bring myself to use RedHat...yet)
> and possibly others. I need to  consider both workstation and server 
> application for both home and business use, although there probably
> isn't one distro which is equally adept for all applications, I'm
> interested to hear anyone's opinions on the options.

long term, gentoo is the answer

> My main criteria are:
> - stability/security

getting there; will be more so when 1.0 is released.

> - A distro with some continuity/upgradability/sense of direction. 
> Wipe-clean/install-new gets to be a PITA very quickly, particularly with
> multiple installations in different locations, location-specific 
> configurations, etc...


> - reasonable price without unreasonable license restrictions. I don't 
> necessarily mind paying for specific commercial apps, but If I want 
> per-seat licensing, I can use Windoze and make management reasonably
> happy.

The price is right - a total of zip per seat.

> - Not bleeding edge, but reasonably current

Always.  You can stay either way and  change that at any time

> - other criteria which I haven't thought of yet ;-)

I used gentoo for a year or more - quite stable.  gentoo has ported the
FreeBSD way of installing maintenance (ports) to the linux arena.  The
gentoo portage system makes available all reasonable current versions of
software packages via on-the-fly download from any available repository. 
The only drawback at present is that this is install from source.  As
gentoo matures, they will offer pre-compiled binaries as well.

You can certainly do desktop and server support from the gentoo base.

Or, you can make the plunge and checkout the "real thing" - see my
signature below   FreeBSD offers all of what you are looking for,
but the drawback is that they don't support every imaginable peripheral

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Linux Compete for Microsoft partners

2002-01-29 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:50:19 -0800
"Condon Thomas A KPWA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But let us remember that our younger folk tend to respond well to child
> psychology.  Tell him you support his efforts to become a more well
> rounded sheep, er, person.  Nod sagely and encourage his
> experimentation.  You might even provide him with a boot partition
> (known to have sector problems) that he can use to experiment at home. 
> ;-}>  It would be good to mention the evils of FreeBSD, while you are at
> it.  

Right on!  FreeBSD - my favortite evil!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: Does anyone know Swedish?

2002-01-29 Thread Collins Richey

Here's what I can read

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:41:12 -0700
Tyler Regas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm working on one of my book projects and I need some help translating
> some Swedish text. Here it is:
> DreamHack 2001 blev en succé. Nätet, Internet och elen fungerade med
> minimala problem. Över 5000 deltagare gjorde DreamHack till världens
> största datorfestival. På denna sida kommer vi inom kort att publicera
> information från evenemanget och tillhandahålla möjligheten att ladda
> hem material från DreamHack.
DreamHack 2001 was a success. (???), Internet and all worked with few
problems.  Over 5000 delegates made DreamHack the world's biggest data
festival.  For that reason we have decided to publish information from ???
and ??? possibilities to give them the materials form DreamHack.

> Now, from what I can get from the translators online it speaks of the
> events success and that there were over 5000 attendees, but there's
> enough garbled text that its unclear. 
> I greatly appreciate anyone's assistance.
> Tyler
> PS: The Map will be uploaded tomorrow :)
> ---
> Tyler Regas
> PDA HandyMan
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the
> above URL.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-28 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 21:07:56 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:51:18 -0700
> Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > One other respondent on this thread (I lost the post) stated that ELX
> > overwrote his MBR.  I selected the don't do anything option (there
> > were three choices), and ELX definitely did not write to the MBR.
> That was me, and I only saw 2 choices. Guess that was my own fault,
> probably in too much of a hurry. 
> > One may or may not like the Windows-like setup on ELX.  I've never had
> any> use for WEBMIN, so I wouldn't have noticed the difference.
> I like elx, but I'd prefer a bit more flexibility. I'd like to be able
> to edit those launchers. And have a few more window managers built in. I
> guess I got spoiled by libranet. However, it was too far behind the
> bleeding edge, and when I started updating to testing I broke a few
> important things. So I'm searching like most everyone else. I'd like
> a small company (underdog) distro, up to date without bleeding,
> flexible, fun, stable without being rusty. Have I now eliminated
> everything? ;-)

It will be a few more months, probably, but gentoo will be the killer
distro - my $.02.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: ISO image files

2002-01-27 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 20:33:29 -0600
Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:04:51 -0800
> Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:54:06 -0700
> > "Glenn Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi, Group:
> > > 
> > > I have looked in all the familiar sources of info, and have come up
> > > empty.  I have a binary file in .iso image format.  What do I need
> > > to do to install it?
> > > 
> > > The file is in my download directory, but I want to burn a CD and
> > > install it from that.  I did this some time back, but my memory has
> > > deserted me on this one.
> > > 
> > > Can someone help?
> > > 
> > > TIA
> > 
> > The command I use to burn a cd from an iso image is:
> > cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -data filename.iso
> > Of course you need to be root, and use the proper device, determined
> > by'cdrecord -scanbus', and set your preferred speed and the
> > appropriate filename. Works for me, ymmv. Any second opinions?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Ken Moffat
> > ___
> > Linux-users mailing list -
> > Subscribe/Unsubscribe
> > info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.
>   That is what I am using, mine is a sci, but my ide does the same.
> After you have a successful burn make your self a script, Ken I know you
> know That, the devil made me do it 

On my slow machine, only speed=2 results in a good burn.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-27 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:08:09 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:27:09 -0700
> Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > kde is a pig to start on any distro, but a little
> > better on FreeBSD.  kudzu took about 30-40 seconds that I considered
> > wasted effort, so I disabled it.  I'm an xfce biggot, too.
> oops, are we talking freebsd? 
> I'm wondering about ELX.
> Is there a group I should add myself to for enabling cdrom music cd's as
> user? they work as root only. My /dev/dsp permissions are 666, and the
> cdrom I want to use for music is scd1, but permission is denied.-- 

Just stating the one prominent difference between ELX (or any linux distro
I've tried), where kde starts very slowly on my 300mz machine, and FreeBSD
where it starts in half the time.

I haven't tried music cds, so I don't know.

One other respondent on this thread (I lost the post) stated that ELX
overwrote his MBR.  I selected the don't do anything option (there were
three choices), and ELX definitely did not write to the MBR.

One may or may not like the Windows-like setup on ELX.  I've never had any
use for WEBMIN, so I wouldn't have noticed the difference.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-27 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 16:11:34 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:41:08 -0700
> Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Unless I miss my guess, Llllama, kudzu isn't designed for guys like
> > you.. I disabled it on my elx distro, because I didn't plan to
> > change any hardware, but it was certainly harmless when I had it
> enabled.
> Do you have problems on elx with the filesystems taking a long time to
> be detected? When I run df on both rc1 and rc2, I wait and wait, maybe 5
> seconds for each partition or cdrom, for it to be detected. This makes
> kde a pain on startup, since it seems to parse each desktop disk icon,
> and is always trying to verify my cdroms when no media is present. Gnome
> is not so bad, but it's still happening. (I'm in xfce now and no
> problems.(yet))-- 

I'm not sure that I understand.  I never did notice the type of problem
you describe with df.  kde is a pig to start on any distro, but a little
better on FreeBSD.  kudzu took about 30-40 seconds that I considered
wasted effort, so I disabled it.  I'm an xfce biggot, too.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-27 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 08:36:09 -0800 (PST)
Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 04:34, Net Llama wrote:
> > 
> > > Oh gawd no.  Kudzu is the biggest flaming POS i've come across in
> > all of Linux.  I've stopped counting the number of boxes that its
> > locked up, fubarred or othewise rendered useless.
> > 
> > The part of kudzu I am impressed with is it's auto-detection of added
> > / removed hardware during boot up.  Obviously, whoever is writing
> > kudzu is maintaininga  data base of quirks and features of each device
> > as encountered. better he does, than I have to.  But he's not doing
> > such a great job of it.  I've seen quite alot of hardware get
> > mis-identified.
> > Sour grapes Llllama, auto detection aint that tuff, hell, the
> > unmentionable 
> > os has had it since 1995, so it's been a long time coming. If kudzu
> > aint that 
> > good, there has to be a better one, real soon now. It's needed.
> I dunno.  I realize this isn't the univeral answer, or the popular one,
> but i'm of the the school that i'd rather 'detect' and configure my own
> hardware.  Makes for a much easier kernel building experience down the
> road.  

Unless I miss my guess, Llllama, kudzu isn't designed for guys like you
who know what they're doing and like to change the spark plug wires
themselves.  It's designed for the unwashed masses who don't give a rat's
pitooty about tinkering with the system.  Granted it's got a ways to go,
but to call it a POS is a little strong.  Most of the software we love to
use (or to hate) was a POS in its early days.  I would wish the kudzu guys
best of luck.  I disabled it on my elx distro, because I didn't plan to
change any hardware, but it was certainly harmless when I had it enabled.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: printer in Suse 7.3

2002-01-25 Thread Collins Richey

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:02:53 +1000
Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a problem with my print program in Suse and Konqueror/Kmail.
> when I go to print a mail out it brings up a window to print from, in
> ther are printer names as strings. The one I need 'lpr' is not there but
> 3 others are
> lp|lp2|y2prn_lp.vpp--auto-lp|y2prn_lp.upp auto
> the others are lp-asci and lp-raw
> None of these print of course, they just bring up an error window. Where
> can I edit these to lpr or whatever.
> It seems to be in kmail and konqueror only, I think.

I can't check out konqueror right now, but kmail prints fine.  One thing
you should realize is that 'lpr' is not a printer choice but a program
(one of the lpr - lpd - lpq series) that passes its output (using filter
definitions in printcap or cups, etc.) to the printer.  The default
printer is usually lp but this may be an alias for your actual printer

Do you actually have a printer daemon started? (ps ax | grep lpd or ps ax
| grep cups etc.).  What messages are you getting in /var/log/messages (I
presume that's the location for SuSE too).

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: (no subject)

2002-01-21 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:18:09 -0500
Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Scribbling feverishly on January 21, Douglas J Hunley managed to emit:
> > dilyard root babbled on about:
> > > pong
> > 
> > ignore him. he's a smart@$$
> There are several such on this list. I, of course, am not one of
> them. ;-)

It's the smart@$$$ on this list that keep the rest of us dumb@$$$in line.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-21 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:22:25 -0500
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Net Llama wrote:
> > --- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >>Net Llama wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Windoze will let you completely fubar the video settings to
> >>>
> >>something
> >>
> >>>above what the monitor will handle.  Good luck getting that fixed
> >>>without reinstalling the OS, when you have no video, no telnet, no
> >>>
> >>ssh.
> >>
> >>You boot into safe mode and run 640x480 and fix it. Not ALL Windows 
> >>problems require re-installing the O/S. In fact, Windows users 
> >>re-install the O/S far more frequently than is required.
> >>
> > 
> > Last I checked NT4 didn't have a safe mode.  If some luser
> > unintentionally (or otherwise) screwed the video settings, it was time
> > to see how the blind use windoze.
> Maybe not... No NT4 experience here. I've only used/supported Win 9x and
> Win2K. Win2K has a safe mode, of sorts (I forget the exact terminology 
> it uses).

NT4 and Win2K both present you a choice at boot time - normal or
plane-jane vga for emergencies.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Open Invitation

2002-01-19 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 20:08:50 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to extend an open invitation to all members of this list:
> If you are ever passing through Columbus, OH, please feel free to look
> me up. We'll do a meal somewhere, and shoot the breeze.
> It was so nice to put a face with an online persona, that I'd really
> like to start meeting more of you guys (and gals).
> Simply let me know, and we'll arrange something.

Same applies here, if anyone is coming through Denver.  I'm in the phone
book (no the listing is not under trolls!).

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: new Linux kernel

2002-01-19 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 20:04:06 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sys Admin babbled on about:
> > After 2.4.17
> > 29 days, Marcelo seems to have released Please
> ignore this. marcelo hasn't released anything. finger
> changed. sorry

FYI, gentoo has released their version of 2.4.18-pre3 with a lot of
performance patches, including something like 30x I/O (sic) performance
improvement.  If anyone is interested check the archives of gentoo-user.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Microsoft Support

2002-01-19 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:31:07 -0800

> Ah, but no one has come up with the most definitive one:
> Most Certainly Shi**y Experience
> Ray
> On 19 Jan 2002, at 8:59, Tim Wunder wrote:
> From: Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Dis-
> Subject:  Re: Microsoft Support 
> Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe>
>   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe>
> Date sent:Sat, 19 Jan 2002 08:59:37 -0500
> > Previously, Ian chose to write:
> > > Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled on about:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > > Not bad, I kinda watched this thread with amusement, in case nobody
> > > was keeping track here are the entries in no particular order,
> > > although possibly chronological.
> > >
> > > Must Consult with Someone Else,
> > > Mouse Certified System Engineer
> > > Must Confer with Someone Experienced
> > > Microsoft Certified Solitaire Expert
> > > Mandrake Consultant & Suse Expert
> > > My Certification Somewhat Exaggerated
> > > Mentally Crippled Self Evangelists
> > > My Capabilities Seriously Exaggerated
> > 
> > Valuable info like this need to be on the SxS. Bedtime reading,
> > perhaps?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0

And my preference would be

Merely Certified, Shi**y Engineer

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

New(?) Athlon bug (reported on gentoo)

2002-01-19 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips from a notice posted on gentoo by Daniel Robbins ]

You Athlon users may want to take notice.

" quite a few Athlon CPUs have a particular bug where
the Athlon will corrupt memory if it is using 4Mb page tables with AGP. 
He said that you could tell the kernel to *not* use 4Mb page tables by 
passing the 'mem=nopentium' option to the kernel at boot-time, ie via
GRUB.  I tried this and my problems completely disappeared.  I
immediately contacted some kernel developers, and now Alan Cox and
Terrence are going to try to track down this particular bug and add
support for autodetecting it to the Linux kernel."

Apparently even M$ systems are noticing this.

"So, if you are having stability problems (lock-ups, etc) on an Athlon
system, particularly with 2.4.18_pre3 which seems to make this bug more
prominent, try using the 'mem=nopentium' option which tells the kernel
to effectively work around this CPU bug."

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: which distro uses portage?

2002-01-16 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:17:56 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> > On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 18:19:41 -0500
> >
> > Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I forget. thanks!
> >
> > gentoo.  It's a rewrite from scratch (python based) of the FreeBSD ports
> > system.  It's still a work-in-progress, but I enjoyed using it.
> it should be fairly easy to pull it out of gentoo and use it elsewhere right?
> /me is having ideas with LFS and portage ;)

Just be aware that portage is still very much a moving target.
Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: FreeBSD - Part II

2002-01-15 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 08:23:35 -0700

> Dave Anselmi wrote:
> >Thanks for the post, I'm much more likely to try *BSD now.  Perhaps either Open of 
>Free the next server I need.  Since there is less hardware support (video, audio) and 
>the main desktop/window managers seem to be developed for Linux I think I'd stay away 
>from a desktop machine (just me, my brother-in-law uses FreeBSD on a laptop).  
> >
> I use FreeBSD on a desktop system as well as a laptop. While the 
> hardware support is getting better, it is, IMnosoHO, about where Linux 
> was 2 -3 years ago. Since most of my computers are 2 - 3 years old, this 
> is no problem .

I value it as a desktop system, but thus far I haven't figured any way to get 
OpenOffice on FreeBSD.

> The biggest problem I have had with installs is with network cards. 
> While FreeBSD supports many, many brands, most of them are not
< available during installation, including Tulip-chipped ones (I use
< Netgear 310's  almost exclusively). 

I beg to differ on the Netgear 310's topic.  I'm using an FA310TX which talks tulip on 
linux, but I chose the most likely looking choice (I can't remember the 3 or 4 numbers 
on the choice line, but tulip wasn't listed.  I believe it was the very first choice 
listed by the installer.), disabled the other conflicting choices), and my networking 
is working fine with the GENERIC kernel.

> The most difficult thing with installation is the disk partitioning. 
> Luckily, FreeBSD will do a good job by default, and I suggest this for a 
> newbie, as long as there is not going to be a lot of customization to 
> the system. 

Agreed, it's strange to linux eyes.  The drawback to the auto (default) choice is that 
a very small / slice is created which will limit your /home directory.  I'll probably 
windup redoing my install once I figure it all out.  Right now I have a downloads in 
the /usr slice where most of the space is available.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

FreeBSD - Part III

2002-01-15 Thread Collins Richey

Sorry, this didn't get into Part II.

12) FreeBSD uses the UFS (unix file system) which is not a journaling file system.  
fsck is required if not cleanly unmounted.  There is a feature called Soft Updates 
that changes the way meta data vs. normal data is scheduled to be flushed to the disk. 
 This is supposed to make the file system less error prone, but there are some 
indications of it worsening the problem.  FreeBSD 5.0 is working on changes to the 
file system to allow "fsck-less boot," but I don't know anything more.  The lack of a 
journaling fs is probably the biggest drawback that I can see for FreeBSD, with device 
support being a close second.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: FreeBSD again

2002-01-15 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 23:53:10 -0500
burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On January 13, 2002 09:55 am, Mike Andrew wrote:
> >
> > moi aussie?
> Yes you are.  
> Moi canuck.

moi troll, as I'm sure you all remember.
Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: How trashed is it?

2002-01-15 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 00:27:49 -0500
Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 14 January 2002 23:56 pm, Net Llama wrote:
> > >    Exactly.  You're really only HALF-root if you just do an 'su' or an
> > > 'su
> > > root'.  You need to use 'su - root' in order to attain all of root's
> > > profile, priveledges, and permissions...
> >
> > Funny, i've never had any such problems becoming root with a simple 'su'.
> Same here...

It varies by distro.  On gentoo, all I had to do was 'su'.  On elx, I had to do 'su 
-'.  I've never had to do 'su - root'.  On FreeBSD, 'su -' is required.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

kde fails to shutdown/restart

2002-01-15 Thread Collins Richey

I'm reporting this here as well as for freebsd-questions, because it is probably kde 
related and not necessarily FreeBSD related.

kde does not usually shutdown completely and, as a result, frequently fails to start 
(dcop server unable to establish communications).  I start kde from my normal user 
with 'startx'.  Most of the time I do not get a command prompt back after kde 
termination and have to 'ctrl-c'.

When the 'startx' fails, I have to su -, cd to /tmp and delete everything kde related 
that I can find.  The really critical piece seems to be 'rm -r .ICE-unix'.

I'm using the version of kde installed fro the 4.4 install CD.  I believe this kded 
2.2.2, but there is no about box that I can find to verify.

Any ideas?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

FreeBSD - Part II

2002-01-14 Thread Collins Richey

Why FreeBSD?
1) I like to tinker, and it's fun.
2) Descendant of one of the Grand old Ladies of Unix - BSD
3) Reliable (most of HotMail is still running FreeBSD)
4) Compatible - can run linux binaries
5) Can install on tiny systems - 8Meg memory anyone?
6) Good performance on large executables.

Differences from linux - my experiences

1) Most of what you already know (unix common stuff) and applications works just the 
same on FreeBSD.  Most packages in use on linux today have been ported to native 
FreeBSD or they will run as linux binaries on FreeBSD.  The latest news is that Java 
will be available on FreeBSD 4.5 later this month.
2) If any of you have followed my posts about gentoo, you are familiar with the 
installer pacakge portage, modeled after the FreeBSD ports software.   FreeBSD 
actually has two distribution methods - packages (binaries) and ports (install from 
source).  After install you setup a cvsup base and you maintain everything from ports. 
 You cd to the appropriate directory (example /usr/ports/mail/sylpheed) then type 
"make install."  Ports downloads, the source, checks dependencies, installs any 
missing dependencies on the fly, makes and installs the software, and records 
everything in its /var/db/pkg directory.
3) Within a couple of days - working from the kde base - I was able to put up the 
equivalent of what I have on any linux distro - gnome, galeon, xfce, sylpheed.  
Executing large executables (kde, gnome, galeon, etc.) is a much quicker process than 
on linux (about 2-1 startup speed).  FreeBSD appears to be more sparing with memory - 
not much swapping.  Equivalent installs from source appear to run faster than on linux 
(no exact measurements).  Installing gnome was only about a four hour process, and I'm 
sure it took much longer when I did that on gentoo.
4) Building a kernel is a totally different process than linux.  I haven't tried it 
5) FreeBSD does not use anything like the SYSV init process.  The init scripts are 
well described in the FreeBSD handbook.  There is more than one /etc. /etc and 
/usr/local/etc are the main ones.
6) FreeBSD is neither more nor less reliable than linux.  There are plenty of users 
with problems on freebsd-questions, and they usually get answers fairly quickly.  All 
the usual stuff you see on linux-users - kde, modems, dhcp, security, networking, 
cups, my disk crashed, shell scripts, mp3, sound cards, etc.  They seem not to mind 
7) I haven't upgraded to the latest Xfree yet, and I've had a few lockups in X.  Many 
of the applications on FreeBSD run from linux binaries, so that is a potential sorce 
of error.  Most of the failures I've had have been while using GTK+ apps - sylpheed, 
xfce, galeon.  I'm experimenting with running only kde to see if that makes a 
difference.  konqueror is my browser for now.  It's not so draggy as on linux, so I 
don't mind it, but I do miss the tab support under galeon.
8) Speaking of kde, there is not such thing as stable.  kde has a habit of refusing to 
start.  I have to go in to /tmp and clean out everything in sight.
9) Documentation is very good.  There's a lot of stuff at the FreeBSD main site, and 
google will find you lots more.  I was able to answer a lot of my own questions by 
RTFM and it was quick to find TFM.
10) FreeBSD primarily uses /bin/sh but you can run bash.
11) I'll stay here until something drives me away.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: FreeBSD - Part I (Planning)

2002-01-14 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 23:41:42 +1130
Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 05:43, Collins Richey wrote:
> > Ok, there does appear to be some level of interest for FreeBSD, and no one
> > seems to be mightily offended, so I'll do a few posts.
> [snip]
> Collins, rather than me hacking and slashing this text into an SxS and doing 
> it a disservice, please most me an html copy.

OK, but it'll be a couple of days before I get to it.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: FreeBSD - Part I (Planning)

2002-01-13 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 11:30:51 -0700
Andrew Mathews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins Richey wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, there does appear to be some level of interest for FreeBSD, and no one seems 
>to be mightily offended, so I'll do a few posts.
> Thanks Collins,
>  I can see a SxS coming for this in the future. 

More likely a Stumble Your Way into FreeBSD .  The interesting thing, I couldn't 
have tackled this two years ago before putting the wise counsel of this group re 
things linux under my belt.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: CD Burn Software

2002-01-13 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 14:55:55 -0600
Hemo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:40:35 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
> >
> >--- Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Ii have 3 choices on my kde menu under cd burners:
> >> cdbakeoven, gnome toaster, and xcdroast
> >> Is there a consensus of opinion as to which is best?
> >
> >None :)
> >
> >gcombust is my preference.
> >
> And I have found my best success with console tools (have no idea what
> gcombust is, though).
> I have a script that interfaces with mkisofs and cdrecord and it works
> fine for my needs.

How about putting that script in the CD section of the SxS?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

FreeBSD - Part I (Planning)

2002-01-13 Thread Collins Richey
e I did.  On 
the other hand, I almost believe you need to try it for some of the RTFM to make sense.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: second dvd (cdrom) not seen as

2002-01-13 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 06:40:18 -0500

> Skippy,
> This is from my son's box that uses SuSE 7.3 Pro, KDE 2.2.1 Kernel
> 2.4.10-4GB.  I DO NOT use hdx=ide-scsi. I have a dvd and a cdrom
> on the box. However, both are eide/atapi:

You do not mention anything about a cd-burner.  What you describe appears normal (scsi 
not needed) until you bring a cd-burner into the picture.  The burner must be scsci 
(emulated or real) and this brings everything that Mike Andrew  (et al) posted into 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: FreeBSD again

2002-01-12 Thread Collins Richey

[ mega mondo snip ]

OK, it looks like there is some interest (thunderous chorus in the background).  I'll 
put together a couple of posts and get back to you.

1) Things to think about if you want to put up FreeBSD
2) My experience with the product.

Maybe I'll even edit out the typos before posting .

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: which distro uses portage?

2002-01-12 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 18:19:41 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I forget. thanks!

gentoo.  It's a rewrite from scratch (python based) of the FreeBSD ports system.  It's 
still a work-in-progress, but I enjoyed using it.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

FreeBSD again

2002-01-12 Thread Collins Richey

Before anyone flames me, be advised that I don't intend to post ot that often.  I know 
there are many of you who don't appreciate non-linux discussions.

I'm going to be experimenting with FreeBSD for some time (I really like what I see), 
so I won't have much to say on topic.

Would anyone value an ongoing discussion about FreeBSD on the general list?  If so, 
I'd be happy to subscribe; otherwise, I'll just be lurking.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: cdrom help

2002-01-12 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:15:18 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 16:02:53 -0500
> Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Recommendation:
> > Remove all symlinks in /dev
> > Remove the kernel line "hdc=ide-scsi" 
> > Re-boot the system and look at your /dev directory. As I understand it,
> you > should then have 
> > /dev/sr0: SCSI CD-ROM or CDRW
> > /dev/sr1: SCSI CDRW or CD-ROM
> > /dev/hdc: IDE CD-ROM
> Here is what worked for me.
> I have 1 cdrw and one dvd, both shown as scsi, and the devices are scd0
> and scd1. (I've seen somewhere that sr0 and sr1 are outdated. (?)) And I
> use the lilo line append="hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi"
> This works in Redhat7.1, ELX and Libranet.
> I deleted my cdrom links in /dev (cdrom->hdb and cdrom1->hdc) and replaced
> them with ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom
> ln -s /dev/scd1 /dev/cdrom1
> Just another alternative to investigate.

Yes, elx only uses /dev/scd... /dev/sr... do not exist.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Re: Testing: Ignore

2002-01-12 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:28:26 -0500
Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Scribbling feverishly on January 12, Bruce Marshall managed to emit:
> > On Saturday 12 January 2002 12:28 pm, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > This is still a test.
> > >
> > > On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 11:31:43AM -0500, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > > Please ignore. This is only a test. If this had been a real post this
> > > > would be filled with misinformation.
> > > >
> > > > Joel
> > 
> > Yes, but how can it be an official test without the obligatory humor 
> > attached... :o)
> True. We *do* have certain standards on this list, after all.

We could always have a rerun of the "picture is worth 1K words" scenario for 
obligatory humor.Sigh, I guess Kurt is right.  We *do* have certain 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: 12 steps

2002-01-11 Thread Collins Richey

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 19:22:52 -0800
Bill Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 10:34:54AM -0600, Schmeits, Roger wrote:
> >I found this extremely funny simply because I have been in AA for several
> >years.
> >good for a chuckle.
> >
> Other than the fact that the page should have been run through
> to fix some characters, it's great (I'll see your AA and
> raise you 15 years in Al-Anon :-).

I can't raise either of you, because I've never had any problems with the golden 
elixer, but I'm forwarding this to work where I can post it in my cube.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: ELX update

2002-01-09 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 20:34:17 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Well, after a nights rest, and rebooting, ELX seems to be running much
> better, not sluggish any more, and I'm starting to like it. It does have a
> windows like feel, too much for me, but you can still ignore that if you
> want, and it did a fine job of setting up with my hardware and networking
> with my old win95 box. (Played with samba for a while to get it set up). 
> Kylix 2 OpenEdition runs well on it. Anyone tried Kylix1 on elx? I had a
> problem yesterday installing it, it stalled at building the font matrix.
> But maybe I'll try it again, since elx is running much better now.I
> do miss the choice of window managers on Libranet, which is my favorite
> distribution. IceWM, xfce, kde, gnome, enlightenment, windowmaker,
> blackbox, probably more I'm forgetting... Elx has kde, gnome, twm, period.

I'm glad to hear that someone else was please with the elx distro.  I think they did a 
fancy job.  A simple visit to and you can add xfce, etc. quite easily; 
just pick a Rehat type rpm compatible with your PC (I can't use 686, for example).  
sfce went in with no complaints.  Once you have a new wm installed, you need to update 
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession and /etc/kde/kdmrc to make the new session type available.

Let me know if you need help.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Switching to DHCPDC on Comcast:SOLVED, so far

2002-01-09 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 22:58:31 -0500
Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, tonight is the big switch in my area. @HOME even called the house
> tonight to advise me of the switch. This, on top of the two emails and one
> snail mail notice. Tomorrow morning I'll know how it went.
> Shame they couldn't spare 1% of this effort to help linux users.
> Joel

Hopefully it will go better than here in Denver.  Good old @home pulled the plug on a 
Friday night, and it was on Wednesday when I had everything working again with

If you have DHCP on linux, you shouldn't need zip in the way of support.  I have a 
simple router, and the only thing I have to do is give the router the host name that 
@home/@attbi expects.  The rest is lights and mirrors.  The Win98, WinME, linux boxes 
work without any tinkering, unless of course you don't already have DHCP support on 
Windows.  That can be either very simple or maxi horrible.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: User sound permissions

2002-01-09 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 19:46:20 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another question. I'm trying out ELX linux, but the sound for users
> doesn't work, and I can't find the audio group to add my users. (works for
> root) Is there another group that controls sound permissions, or a device
> to adjust?

Next time I boot my ELX system, I'll double check.  What I do on any system is just 
give /dev/dsp permissions 666.  Who cares about having a secure sound card, anyway!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 + xfce + sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Way - FreeBSD

2002-01-07 Thread Collins Richey

On Monday 07 January 2002 19:09, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> > The most interesting observation thus far is that KDE is much peppier
> > than on any Linux distro I've used.  KDE/Konqueror.etc. start in about
> > one third the time of the equivalent on linux.  It will be interesting to
> > see if there is an OpenOffice distro for BSD, since that one is really
> > pokey.
> anyone know if this is cause the libc on *BSD properly preloads stuff and
> doesn't do all the re-locating that glibc does?

Sounds like a good guess to me.  If I had started with this kind of KDE 
performance on linux, I probably wouldn't have been as motivated to try out 
XFCE.  I can't wait to compare the results with XFCE and SYLPHEED and even 

Standard FreeBSD comes with an ancient version of XFree, so I had to do 
considerable tinkering to get my S3 Savage card/monitor to work at higher 

FreeBSD is way behind the curve on soundcards; this is a silent install.

It does have cups, so I'll try that next.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 with KDE
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at


2002-01-07 Thread Collins Richey

On Monday 07 January 2002 19:11, Ken Moffat wrote:
> All in all elx seems quite full featured and stable so far. I'm not sure
> about the Windows knockoffs, but we'll see. Anyone have problems with the
> Mozilla and Galeon versions crashing on ELX?

Not really, I use galeon almost exclusively on elx.  I had a few crashes on 
gentoo, but not even once a week.

In their prime market (non-US), elx will probably have good luck pushing the 
Windows knockoffs.  The move away from M$ products seems to be a lot stronger 

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 with KDE
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Way - FreeBSD

2002-01-07 Thread Collins Richey

I won't bore you with a lot of details.  I just put up a FreeBSD distro 
"because it was there."

The most interesting observation thus far is that KDE is much peppier than on 
any Linux distro I've used.  KDE/Konqueror.etc. start in about one third the 
time of the equivalent on linux.  It will be interesting to see if there is 
an OpenOffice distro for BSD, since that one is really pokey.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 with KDE
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Maxtor 80 meg drive

2002-01-07 Thread Collins Richey

On Monday 07 January 2002 17:51, Joel Hammer wrote:
> Can someone point me to an up to date discussion on how to partition
> a disk this size? I want to use this disk as my primary drive (newer,
> faster, bigger) and I need some information on partitioning it. I
> use LILO.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> > I just bought a big drive. I was surprised to see they say I should
> > install an Ultra/133 PCI adaptor card. The drive is 80 megs 7200 rpm.

I presume you mean an 80GB dirve, which is indeed large.  I've experimented 
with various partitionings, but I always come back to a single partition per 
distro or a separate /home partition as second choice  Unless you plan to 
download tons of MP3/OGG files, movie clips, iso images, etc. ... I never 
manage to get more than about 5GB used (with both KDE and gnome and 
OpenOffice, and a few iso images downloaded).  So, I would carve the drive up 
into 10-15GB chunks max (I use 6.4GB max at present).

Tell us more about your plans for the drive - multiple distros, big 
databases, music library, ???

My usual distro is ELX -pre1, but I put up FreeBSD for fun.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 with KDE
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: I'm impressed with ATI!

2002-01-07 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 11:42:04 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But if you want the latest and greatest supported straight out 
> of R&D then perhaps you should settle for the M$ tax and be 
> done with it.

Even that won't help.  M$ certainly doesn't support all the latest cards
straight out of the chute.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: internal modem

2002-01-06 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 14:05:37 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Declan Moriarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2. Winmodems are CPU hungry and slow your beast down. Get the external
> > one, 
> > or an expensive card (At least 6 chips usually, vs ~3 for a winmodem).
> > If it 
> > doesn't configure as com 1 or 2, it's not a real modem.
> Please don't tell that to the real modem in my box that has been happily
> using COM3 for about 9 months.

Ditto.  Before I got cable, my external 56K modem was on COM3.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: I'm impressed with ATI!

2002-01-06 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 11:06:43 -0500 Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone searched for "Linux" on ATI's web site?  I did and found a
> decent 45 hits... one lead me to their Linux FAQ. 

Ok, my first dumb question of the day - who or what is ATI?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Fw: Re: ELX iso's...

2002-01-04 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 13:22:35 +0900 "lesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is an ELX iso ???
> -Original Message-----
> _·_o_l : Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> _ú__ : 2002_N1__4_ú 12:05
> ___¼ : Re: ELX iso's...
> >On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:04:06 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I've just ftp'ed the elx iso's for a cd customer of mine and I was
> >> wondering if anyone else may be interested in a copy? Seems to be
> >> spread across two cd images, got them both.
> >>
> >> Let me know asap, as I'm in the middle of burning stuff for
> >> tomorrow's post office visit... :')
> >>
> >
> >How do you still have a working [EMAIL PROTECTED] address?  I thought all
> >those were burned forever.

Short for iso image.  Each iso image must be downloaded to your system,
then you can use cd burner software (I use cdrecord) to burn the image to
a cd-rom.  Elx has two images - the initial bootable install cd-rom and
the second cd-rom containing other packages to complete the installation.

You're looking at 2-3 hours download time (on cable - much longer on a 56K
link) plus 15-20 minutes to burn the cd-roms.  Then you can install elx -
under 2 hours for complete install.

Just another thought.  If you are not running from a linux system, you can
download and burn the iso images from a Windows system, of course.  The
EZ-CD Creator software. for example, works just fine for burning iso

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: ELX iso's...

2002-01-04 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002 13:22:35 +0900 "lesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is an ELX iso ???
> -Original Message-----
> _·_o_l : Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> _ú__ : 2002_N1__4_ú 12:05
> ___¼ : Re: ELX iso's...
> >On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:04:06 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I've just ftp'ed the elx iso's for a cd customer of mine and I was
> >> wondering if anyone else may be interested in a copy? Seems to be
> >> spread across two cd images, got them both.
> >>
> >> Let me know asap, as I'm in the middle of burning stuff for
> >> tomorrow's post office visit... :')
> >>
> >
> >How do you still have a working [EMAIL PROTECTED] address?  I thought all
> >those were burned forever.

Short for iso image.  Each iso image must be downloaded to your system,
then you can use cd burner software (I use cdrecord) to burn the image to
a cd-rom.  Elx has two images - the initial bootable install cd-rom and
the second cd-rom containing other packages to complete the installation.

You're looking at 2-3 hours download time (on cable - much longer on a 56K
link) plus 15-20 minutes to burn the cd-roms.  Then you can install elx -
under 2 hours for complete install.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: ELX iso's...

2002-01-03 Thread Collins Richey

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 19:04:06 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've just ftp'ed the elx iso's for a cd customer of mine and I was
> wondering if anyone else may be interested in a copy? Seems to be spread
> across two cd images, got them both. 
> Let me know asap, as I'm in the middle of burning stuff for tomorrow's
> post office visit... :')

How do you still have a working [EMAIL PROTECTED] address?  I thought all those
were burned forever.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: Memory lapse

2002-01-03 Thread Collins Richey

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 10:45:33 + Declan Moriarty

> Was it Myles Green who wrote on Thursday 03 January 2002 05:12:
> > On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 19:27:49 -0700
> [snip]
> >
> > dd if=/boot/boot.0300 of=/dev/hda  bs=446 count=1
> Pardon a detail improvement, but I believe it actually is bs=512. This
> can be checked by simply doing ls -l /boot/boot.0300. The MBR is 512
> bytes long, so the memory creaks out.

Before you try anything, first create a working lilo boot disk with your
existing and functional ilo.confby changing the root=/dev/hda to
root=/dev/fd0 and then /sbin/lio.  Verify that the boot disk works, then
make your attempts to modify the mbr.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx

2002-01-02 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:48:30 -0500 Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am confused at this thread.  Why are people strung so tight about it? 
> Let's stop pissing on each other's opinions and be a little more
> rational.  Each distro has its faults and each distro has their typos. 

Yes, thank you for the rational summary.  The fact that I'm not quoting
more, should not be taken to mean that I don't agree with your entire

Occasionally, I just see red when someone picks at a distro or package for
something so insignificant as a typo.  Which fact still does not excuse my
choice of language.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: christmas and its HOT!

2002-01-02 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 15:09:54 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Oh, i agree 100%.  Most native Californians don't know how to drive in
> rain (forget snow).  I curse them all the time.  I've seen it drizzling,
> and people start freaking out like its a hurricane.  
> I'll take a downpour over a blizzard any day.
> -Lonni
> (who spent the first 25 years of his life living in NY & PA)
> --- Aaron Grewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not surprised, but if you visit Western Washington you'll probably
> > hear it more than once: "Traffic is so awful.  It's all those
> > Californians that moved here.  They don't know how to drive in the
> > rain."  CW is that if we tell everybody how awful the weather is
> > 'round
> > here, they'll stay someplace else.
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-01-02 at 14:47, Net Llama wrote:
> > > --- Aaron Grewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > We have to keep up the illusion of endless pouring rain, it's all
> > that
> > > 
> > > Feh.  Never been to northern California between December & March i
> > take
> > > it?  Its been raining here *non-stop* for the past 2 weeks. 
> > Mudslides,
> > > flooding, the works.

Same thing in Denver.  Most of the new immigrants in the past few years
are Californians, and here, like everywhere else, you hear the constant
complaint that they don't know how to drive in snow.

My only complaint after 13 years of safe freeway commuting (60 miles per
day) is the pickup drivers and SUV drivers (almost never standard cars)
that weave an S curve down the road trying to make better than the flow
will permit and seldom succeeding.  Most of these guys and gals gain about
5 car lengths on me in 15 miles, after causing a lot of brake lights to go
on.  Impossible to tell whther they are California imports or not.  The
same group usually drives 20mph above a sane speed on snow days.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Administrivia: upcoming outage

2002-01-02 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:31:33 -0500 Douglas J Hunley

> Connectivity to, and will be
> interrupted periodically this weekend (Jan 5+6) for system maintenance.
> Mail will also obviously be delayed slightly during the downtime.
> And your cry-baby whiny-butt opinion would be...?

This cry-baby whiny-butt thanks you very much for the advance warning!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: Will they recommend LINUX????

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:06:48 -0600 "R. Quenett"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> " > > Perhaps they'll urge Americans to switch to a safer OS  ;-)
> " > Not likely during the current administration.
> " 
> " Or any other.
> Government doesn't _do_ 'open'.  It's poisonous to the culture.

Fortunately, more and more foreign governments are reaching the conclusion
that M$ is the poison.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: IT jobs Florida

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 18:08:28 -0500 Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 01 January 2002 05:53 pm, you wrote:
> > On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:42:47 -0500 Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down
> > > there? This is my last northern winter.
> >
> > When I lived in Phoenix about 30 years ago, one of my co-workers at
> > the bank was originally from Bangor, Maine.  What finally triggered
> > his move was the summer.  The year before he bailed out, during the
> > period about May 20 - Sept. 20, it rained from Friday 5pm to Monday
> > 8am every single weekend. 
> I've been an insulin-dependent diabetic for 30 years and it's affected 
> the circulation in my feet. I can't tell if I have feet from October 
> till April.
> Randy Donohoe

Ugh, that makes my arthritis (I need dry climates) pale by comparison. 
Hope you reach a warmer haven soon!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: IT jobs Florida

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:42:47 -0500 Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down 
> there? This is my last northern winter.

When I lived in Phoenix about 30 years ago, one of my co-workers at the
bank was originally from Bangor, Maine.  What finally triggered his move
was the summer.  The year before he bailed out, during the period about
May 20 - Sept. 20, it rained from Friday 5pm to Monday 8am every single

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: christmas and its HOT!

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey

Skippy, eat your heart out!

While you're sweating in 30 deg + swelter and NSW is burning, I'm freezing
in Denver.

On the coldest day thus far, my central heating furnace has failed.  I've
got all the lights on and my computers and the oven for a little residual
warmth.  Up from 60 deg F. internal to 65 deg in the past hour.

On top of all that, it's a white New Year's day.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: kde

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 11:48:37 + Declan Moriarty

> Was it Collins Richey who wrote on Tuesday 01 January 2002 00:18:
> > On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 16:04:23 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Monday 31 December 2001 03:48 pm, you wrote:
> > > > On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:40:55 -0800 (PST) Net Llama
> > > >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > --- Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > are mandrake and elx the only distros that do not place kde in
> > > > > > /opt???
> > > > >
> > > > > Redhat
> > > >
> > > > gentoo.  It's really anti-LSB to use /opt for much of anything.
> > > > gentoo intends to use /opt only for binary-only packages.
> > >
> > > Ok, then according to the LSB where should Kde, Gnome, Xfce and etc.
> > > be placed?
> >
> > As I understand it, in the /usr hierarchy like any other program.  I
> > know, I know, that sucks, but that's the current drift.  It does make
> > it a little more difficult (impossible?) to run multiple kde/gnome
> > releases, although the latest gnome claims to be installible and
> > usable alongside the previous gnome.
> I thought the idea behind /opt for programs was that you could update
> your system without touching it; This never works anyhow unless you have
> gigabytes of libraries and nothing ever breaks compatability.
> -- 

You're preaching to the choir.  Take it up with the LSB goons.  It appears
that they love the Rehat way of doing things, and it's doubtful that they
will listen to reason.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Fw: Re: typo in installer

2002-01-01 Thread Collins Richey


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 13:40:04 +0530
From: root 
To: Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: typo in installer

Thanks collins,

We will be replacing the same in pre release 2
ELX team

On Monday 31 December 2001 17:59, you wrote:
> A few people on our users group (linux-users) have reported that elx has
> a typo in its greeting to new users.  I failed to notice this, but to
> some people it's a very big deal.
>   ELX Linux Welcome's You
> instead of
>   ELX Linux Welcomes You
> Please correct it in your final release.
> Thanks,

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

more elx notes - python

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

For you python types,

elx has a fairly ancient version (python 1.5) linked as python; you need
to reference python2 to get version 2.

I noticed this when a script failed to recognize builtin string methods.

I'm sure things like this will be better documented as the distro matures.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: kde

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 16:04:23 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 31 December 2001 03:48 pm, you wrote:
> > On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:40:55 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > wrote:
> > > --- Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > are mandrake and elx the only distros that do not place kde in
> > > > /opt???
> > >
> > > Redhat
> > gentoo.  It's really anti-LSB to use /opt for much of anything. 
> > gentoo intends to use /opt only for binary-only packages.
> Ok, then according to the LSB where should Kde, Gnome, Xfce and etc. be 
> placed?

As I understand it, in the /usr hierarchy like any other program.  I know,
I know, that sucks, but that's the current drift.  It does make it a
little more difficult (impossible?) to run multiple kde/gnome releases,
although the latest gnome claims to be installible and usable alongside
the previous gnome.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

A Happy New Year to all

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

Some of you, of course, are already at next year.

Enjoy the new year anyway.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: kde

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:40:55 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > are mandrake and elx the only distros that do not place kde in /opt
> > ???
> Redhat
> =
gentoo.  It's really anti-LSB to use /opt for much of anything.  gentoo
intends to use /opt only for binary-only packages.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

elx typo final

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

I've reported the infamous "typo" to elx, which is what I should have done
in the first place instead of getting involved (and helping to fuel) a
flame war.  Sigh, I guess I'm easy flame bait.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx linux evaluation continued

2001-12-31 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:39:30 + Declan Moriarty

> Was it Collins Richey who wrote on Sunday 30 December 2001 00:36:
> > Well, my beloved gentoo distro has become somewhat unstable, so I've
> > switched back to elx at least temporarily.
> >
> > A few notes:
> > 3) I found rpm versions of xfce and sylpheed, and they went in without
> > a hitch, even though not specifically designed for elx.  It appears
> > that anything redhat/mandrake crafted will work.
> I have been running Mandrake for a while now, and allow me to add that
> IMHO, Red Hat and Mandrake  are no longer fully compatible, just alike.
> Elx has probably done what Mandrake did - started with a basic Red Hat
> file arrangement and then added their own work. They have differed
> widely in areas, and Mandrake has added loads of 'drakes (Harddrake,
> diskdrake(out yet?), drakfont, rpmdrake, XFdrake,) mainly dodges so they
> don't have to explain anything. Thay have you testing for them (e.g.
> crashtester, 'cooker') before they will do that.

You're most likely right.  I haven't kept up with Mandrake since the 8.0
(???) Beta which I liked better than the final product.  They wouldn't
really explain much to me, even when I was on the 'cooker' list.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx and kylix (not)

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 17:39:43 -0800 David Aikema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On December 30, 2001 05:19 pm, Collins Richey wrote:
> > I haven't had success on gentoo with kylix, either, so I'm not really
> > surprised.
> >
> > Guess I'll kill it and move on.
> As I found out via the borland newsgroups (see 
> ) Kylix 1
> is known to have some problems with kernel 2.4.  If you're running 2.4
> you'll want to head to borland and try out kylix 2 instead which might
> operate a little bit better.  It's been working for me thus far whereas
> Kylix 1 caused nothing but problems.

Thanks, David

Will keep in mind.  The only reason I tried it now was "because it is
there" on the elx distro.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

elx and kylix (not)

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

elx does offer a trial version of kylix, but I haven't gotten this to work
yet.  Will report to elx forum as well.

The basic procedure is
0) su
1) untar the package
2) cd to kylix_trial
3) cd to borpretest
4) ./testsystem - reports good results "kylix should work"
5) ./ - install successful to /root/kylix
 instructions say to use startkylix to run
6) cd /usr/local/bin
./startkylix &
7) Get message "Generating font matrix. Please wait..." plus a dialog box
saying the same thing. 8) Now running at 45+ minutes 100% cpu with
occasional disk access.  Probably in a loop.

The following are from a ps ax display

1452 pts/1S  0:00 /bin/bash ./startkylix
 1455 pts/1S  0:03 /root/kylix/bin/Kylix
 1457 ?S  0:00 wineserver
 1458 pts/1S  0:00 /root/kylix/bin/Kylix
 1459 pts/1S  0:00 /root/kylix/bin/Kylix
 1460 pts/1R 18:20 /root/kylix/bin/transdlg Generating font
matrix. Pl ea

Top shows continuous growth of Mem. used and buff and corresponding drop
in Mem. free at each iteration. transdlg is consuming all the cpu.  Swap
is not changing.

I haven't had success on gentoo with kylix, either, so I'm not really

Guess I'll kill it and move on.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 14:10:46 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 30 December 2001 01:48 pm, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > If your typos are in a product you're selling, I won't buy it.  If
> > > > you can't proofread, how good are you at testing your software

> > > Yes, you are.  I didn't find any typos in Mandrake or Caldera
> > > distros that failed to install on my PC or in Redhat distros that
> > > had a flaky compiler/glibc environment for everyone's PC, but I'm
> > > too picky to use them any more.
> > >

> >
> > I am in agreement with Dave. Typo's are unacceptable. It truely shows
> > how much 'true' effort was put into the thing. I see more and more
> > companies putting things out with typo's in them, it's pathetic.
> > 

> Typo's or no typo's, my greatest bitch with elx is that I had to go
> change permissions on quite a few  items in order to use them as a user.
> This is not the first distro I've tried (nor probably the last) Most
> machines at this site run Caldera other than this one (my lab rat). I've
> not had to go through so many changes on the other machines as I had to
> on this one. I'm constantly looking for distro's that can be installed
> and "used" by wintendo converts and at first thought that elx would fill
> this requirement. But for now, I'll continue playing with it and see
> what the 1.0 release is like and hopefully they'll see that running
> primarily as root is really not an option. Can you imagine a wintendo
> convert running linux as root? Good grief, I shudder just thinking about
> it. JMHO and this to me is a BFD!

"You pays you money, you takes you chances."

In my case, I paid absolutely zip and got an extremely well-crafted and
functional product for the price of a few hours download and two burnt
CDs.  I also got access to a professionally constructed web site with a
well grounded plan to encourage Windows users to migrate to linux as well
as an offer to help with that endeavor.  I got a desktop environment that
will probably appeal to a lot of Windows refugees.  I got immediate
response for my questions from the developers.  I got all-in-all fewer
bugs than I ever did from Mandrake and Caldera and SuSE and gentoo distros
I've used in the past.  And just for a bonus, I got one #@!& typo in a
pre-release distro, and that fact has you anal types in an uproar.

Now Ted has a slightly more rational complaint - ease of use for device
allocation which is one of the not-so-user-friendly areas of a *nix
system.  Every distro is going to handle this differently.  Either you set
permissions to permit anyone access to devices and deal with the security
ramifications, or you set exclusive permissions and require use of root to
alter those permissions as required.  I've had much grief on Caldera
distros and others just getting pppd functions to work.  This is nothing

Granted, no distro is going to recommend running as root other than
briefly to accomplish brief tasks, nor does elx do that, but every new
Linux user is going to need to learn how and how not to use the power of

I don't have any serial devices, Ted, so I can't comiserate.  The elx
distro has been easier for me to install, manipulate, and tailor than any
I've used in the past.  I would not hesitate to recommend this one to a

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 12:58:57 -0700 Dave Anselmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Collins Richey wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > BFD!  If I had a nickel for every one of my typos, I'd be retired by
> > now.
> If your typos are in a product you're selling, I won't buy it.  If you
> can't proofread, how good are you at testing your software
> (corporately > speaking, obviously individual people may be 
> better at one or the other).
> I am admittedly too much the perfectionist, so the world seems too full
> of mediocrity to me.

Yes, you are.  I didn't find any typos in Mandrake or Caldera distros that
failed to install on my PC or in Redhat distros that had a flaky
compiler/glibc environment for everyone's PC, but I'm too picky to use
them any more.

Fortunately for some of us who are less picky, elx does work rather well. 
It's also a -pre1 release, so the 1.0 release may be even better.

You're probably better off with Debian, where a package isn't good enough
to be accepted into stable unless it's been running on every PC
architecture (including those that none of us ever plan to use) for a long
time.  By then, the spelling has also improved most likely.  By then, elx
may have corrected a few piddling typos come to think of it, and if their
responses on the elx forum are any indication, they will have corrected a
few more worthwhile things than bledding typos.

I repeat:  BFD!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:05:25 + Peter Ruskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, I read the posts from Ray, Collins and Ted with interest while
> I was downloading with a 56K modem - 3 or 4 days.  

bummer!  I shure love my cable connection!

> My box has wintendo98 (disk 1), Mandrake 8.1 (disk 2), and Mandrake
> Cooker (disk 4).  Disk 3 was ready for ELX, formatted reiserfs using
> Acronis OSS Disk Manager.  The Mandrake disks are ext3.
> Custom install was impossible. The installer's kernel doesn't know
> about ext3  

Custom install was fine for me - my other distros are ext3.  I just didn't
tell the installer to mount these partitions.  I also told the installer
to forget about updating the mbr and to create a boot disk.  The boot disk
could only boot elx, but my normal mbr had lilo for my existing ext3
distros, so everything was cool.

I'll be cloning my system to ext3 in a few days, once I have everything I
need installed.


BFD!  If I had a nickel for every one of my typos, I'd be retired by now.

> I have to boot using the floppy - with the hard disk I just get "LI".
> I've run /sbin/lilo a couple of times - no error messages with -v
> but still no good.

After trying out elx, I booted from my gentoo distro (ext3 knowledgable),
mounted the necessary partitions, and used it to update lilo.

> Important (for me) packages missing:
>   locales (installed --nodeps from Mandrake 8.1)
>   kde-i18n-de (installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)
>   kde-i18n-en_GB  (installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)
>   kde-i18n-fr (installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)
>   gkrellm (installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)
>   rsync   (installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)
>   sudo(installed OK from Mandrake 8.1)

As you can see, updating with redhat/mandrake rpms is a breeze.  I was
able to add xfce and sylpheed and grub from rpms.

> Supermount works fine using /mnt/cdrom -> /dev/scd0 and /mnt/cdrw
> -> /dev/scd1.

I've moved on to my own monolithic 2.4.17 kernel, and I don't have
whatever is needed for supermount yet, so I just altered the /etc/fstab
entries to avoid error messages.  Will investigate later.  Since I know
how to mount CDROMs and floppies, it's no big deal.

> I too have not got Webmin to start yet 

There's a note on the elx forum about needing to reinstall webmin.  I
haven't tried it, since I don't need webmin.

> By the way, I don't think it's anything like Mandrake.

Probably not on second thought.  "Mandrake" for me is the symbol of a
distro that starts many dozens of daemons by default - just in case you
ever want to try them out.  Since I don't keep my PC running forever
(average uptime is about 3 hours), I get bored waiting for them all to

One of the first things I did with elx was to remove kudzu, webmin, httpd,
linuxconf, and sendmail from the l3-5 startup scripts.  YMMV.

As you can see below, I'm also running my old favorites xfce and sylpheed,
which dropped in from rpm with no complaints.  I've posted an entry on the
elx forum about adding xfce to the kdm session choices, if you're

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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elx forum

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

After a little further research (it's hidden pretty well at the elx site)
there is an elx forum where you can exchange ideas with other users and
the developers.

At the elx site ( navigate to ELX -> Forum.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: Fwd: Re: elx linux

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 07:48:54 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --  Forwarded Message  --
> Here is the reply I received from "elx" re: some short-coming with their
> distro. Its almost scary to think that anyone would be foolish enough to
> run their system mainly as root. Their approach is starting to look and
> feel ___ almost Micro$oftish :( Has anyone been able to find any source
> code on their site? If its there, I'm definately missing it, I've looked
> but no joy.
> Subject: Re: elx linux
> Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 14:24:49 +0530 (IST)
> Hi Ted,
> This spell check is not matured in K mail , it is still an experimental
> feature which soon be made proper. In linux world every bit of code is
> written with great passion and on the best effort basis. But we are
> working to make things better. ELX believes that the main user will
> always be root and therefore it does not give full priviledges to all
> users.  To grant access to any device you can log in as root and run
> open your file manager and can grant access to any device or file.
> This is more of a secuirty feature.
> Please do keep sending your suggestions and input.

Ted, I believe you are misinterpreting their response (Indian British
English?).  What I think they are saying is logon as root and change the
permissions to grant access to a particular device which is exactly what
I've had to do for /dev/dsp on many distros to get any sounds played by
mere mortals.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: elx linux evaluation continued

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 07:32:52 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 30 December 2001 07:12 am, you wrote:
> > > > > /etc/inittab and reboot.
> > > >
> > > > [snip]
> > > >
> > > > telinit is just a link to init
> > >
> > > init 3 doesn't work either.
> >
> > init should be in /sbin. Is it there? You may need to execute
> > '/sbin/init 3'
> Works on this install of elx. I use "init 3" and seems to do what its
> suppose to. 
> On another note, I can not seem to be able (or programs) to use ttyS0 or
> any serial port as a mere mortal. ttySX is owned by root and in the
> group uucp. even if I place the user in the group uucp I can not gain
> access to ttyS0 as user. I had no problems getting lp0 up and running as
> a user (as default it is not accessable by progs run by user other than
> printing) I use Pony_program_2000 to program pics and other devices and
> at first could do so only as root. I can at least now use it as a user
> on the par port but not on the serial port. Even if I change perms on (I
> really do not like doing this) ttyS0 I still can not access it as a
> user. Am I missing something here?

You could try updating the uucp entry in /etc/group to read


where 'collins' is my normal user name.
Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: elx linux evaluation continued

2001-12-30 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 14:58:16 -1000 (HST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 30-Dec-01 Collins Richey wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > 5) Unlike every distro I've used in the past, elx does not include the
> > telinit command, so the only way I could switch to run level 3 was to
> > edit
> > /etc/inittab and reboot.
> > 
> [snip]
> telinit is just a link to init

init 3 doesn't work either.  

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: elx linux evaluation continued

2001-12-29 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 17:28:42 -0800 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 29 December 2001 04:36 pm, you wrote:
> >
> > 4) Most of my problems with the 2.4.17 kernel are not compiler
> > related, but rather due to the elx default kernel config compiling
> > everything under the sun.  When I backed out to my standard config,
> > even the much maligned(by me) gcc3 compiler works ok.  Now I'm up and
> > running on the new kernel, but elx wants something called 'supermount'
> > in the kernel.  Causes a few"failed" messages at boot, but nothing
> > serious.  Will need to track down.
> >
> Perhaps because it calls for "supermount"  in fstab.

Yes, indeed it does, but only for cdrom & floppy which are not critical 
Any idea where this little devil gets enabled in the kernel, ie save me
the tedium of going through the config?

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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elx linux evaluation continued

2001-12-29 Thread Collins Richey

Well, my beloved gentoo distro has become somewhat unstable, so I've
switched back to elx at least temporarily.

A few notes:

1) I've stripped out some of the offending daemons, so startup/shutdown is
a little faster.  Still looking at removing others, but going slow to
avoid breaking anything.

2) The sysv editor they offer on the kde menu is broken - segfaults
immediately, but they do offer tksysv which works.

3) I found rpm versions of xfce and sylpheed, and they went in without a
hitch, even though not specifically designed for elx.  It appears that
anything redhat/mandrake crafted will work.

4) Most of my problems with the 2.4.17 kernel are not compiler related,
but rather due to the elx default kernel config compiling everything under
the sun.  When I backed out to my standard config, even the much maligned
(by me) gcc3 compiler works ok.  Now I'm up and running on the new kernel,
but elx wants something called 'supermount' in the kernel.  Causes a few
"failed" messages at boot, but nothing serious.  Will need to track down.

5) Unlike every distro I've used in the past, elx does not include the
telinit command, so the only way I could switch to run level 3 was to edit
/etc/inittab and reboot.

6) The earlier reported inability to get to cd-rw devices was solved by
the earlier post from Mike Andrew - elx uses /dev/scd0... instead of

7) Still running on reiserfs - will investigate ext3 soon.

8) Even found an rpm version of aterm that works.

9) Found and fixed the beloved by mandrake, et al., but not by me, aliases
that make every rm command prompt for permission.  elx sticks this in the
~/.bashrc file, so I probably need to trash it in the skeleton file for
users as well.

10) Still finding and fixing font sizes for various apps, since elx
brought up my screen in the highest resolution available.  Yeah, I know
how to change the resolution, but I like the additional screen real estate
provided by the higher resolution.

11) Still need to drag over some of my ...rc files for xfce so I can get
rid of the ugly gray terminal screens.

May the force be with you!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX-1 system k2.4.17+xfce+sylpheed
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Re: Request for Assistance - Consulting Opportunity For Pay

2001-12-29 Thread Collins Richey

On Saturday 29 December 2001 08:39 am, you wrote:
> On December 29, Collins Richey enlightened our ignorance thusly:
> > Others will be able to help you get back to the status quo ante.
> >
> > Be advised, I've never heard of any good results using the gcc 3...
> > compiler. I'm fairly sure that the compiler is indded broken, although
> > you may have broken something else as well.  Avoid gcc 3 like the
> > plague - you've already experienced its benefits (ie none).
> I've used gcc 3.0.x without incident since it was released in June.
> The compiler is not broken. There are some problems with certain apps
> and libraries, but this has been the case with gcc for quite some
> time -- such as older version of the kernel and glibc relying on bugs
> in the compiler. In fact, I've heard reports of success *and* failure
> building the kernel with gcc 3.0.x.
> Please defined what "indded [sic] broken" means. There are more
> benefits to using gcc 3.0 than you realize -- I've been living with
> it for several months and, aside from known misfeatures, it is a better
> product than the 2.95 series: new preprocessor, better
> optimizations, more standards compliant, and so forth.

Kurt, thanks for correcting me.  I don't pretend to be an expert in these 
matters, and I respect your superior knowledge, but I keep reading that 
various products, including the kernel, don't build well with gcc 3.  I seem 
to remember advice from the kernel developers (Linux or ???) not to use gcc 
3.  I've heard rumblings that kde doesn't wok either, although I've not tried 

I have an older K6/II which doesn't benifit very much from optimizations.  
When kernel 2.4.17 (-o2 -march=i586, about as plain vanilla as you can get) 
fails in one of the driver compiles for the isdn series with a message saying 
the compiler has generated an invalid instruction, I consider it broken.  The 
other possibility is that the kernel is broken; wouldn't be the first time.

I'm sure that sometime in the next few months most of the subleties between 
gcc and glibc and most of the common products will be worked out and that 
will be the new "standard."  In the mean time, it's still too experimental 
for my tastes.

It would surely be nice if the compiler and library folks could make progress 
without breaking old things.  I still remember (not too fondly) all the havoc 
that the current glibc generated when it was new.

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Re: Request for Assistance - Consulting Opportunity For Pay

2001-12-29 Thread Collins Richey

On Friday 28 December 2001 09:44 pm, you wrote:
> Hello:
> Since I have great respect for the opinions and knowledge of the
> individuals on these lists, I'm humbly asking for your help.
> I've got the following problem:
> Linux 2.4.13 system
> GCC 2.95.3
> In an attempt to upgrade the gcc to 3.0.2 and such I've somehow
> managed to break it badly...I'm fairly sure its not gcc that broken
> but rather the libc and glibc stuff thats messed up.
> I've attempted to restore it but obviously I'm not getting it right.
> The system is 100% functional if you don't mind I can't compile
> anything from source...LOL

Others will be able to help you get back to the status quo ante.

Be advised, I've never heard of any good results using the gcc 3... compiler. 
 I'm fairly sure that the compiler is indded broken, although you may have 
broken something else as well.  Avoid gcc 3 like the plague - you've 
already experienced its benefits (ie none).

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Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-26 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 14:59:36 -0800
Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 26 December 2001 01:16 pm, you wrote:
> > Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > 
> >
> > > I've tried both with no joy. This is definately a first for me.
> > > I've never had prob's logging into webmin on any other distro
> > > (Caldera, Redhat, Mandrake nor Redmond)  I have not had much
> > > time to play with this, I'll hack at it some more tomorrow.  The
> > > login window comes up, I enter "root" and "mypassword_for_root"
> > > and each time it returns "LOGIN FAILED":(
> > >
> > > Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
> > > Westbank, B. C.
> >
> > Did you try running /usr/libexec/webmin/ /etc/webmin
> > root(newpasswd) to reset the password?
> The problem is with the webmin config file as it has the wrong host
> name. Changing this to just localhost fixed the login problem. 
>   It has been some time since I've worked with lilo so I'll have to
>   RTFM and find the correct syntax for adding the "notail" option
>   since this is runing the reiserfs file system. Other than that
>   everything else seems to just work.


/dev/hdc7   /   reiserfs   notail,auto   1 1

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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Re: is mozilla getting *more* buggy?

2001-12-26 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 08:23:19 -0500
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Net Llama wrote:
> > 

> > is mozilla getting *more* buggy?
> > From:
> > 
>Over the past month, Mozilla locks up on me *alot*, and
> > segfaults(Netscape style) almost daily.  The lock ups used to be a
> > seldom occurance, perhaps once a week, if that.  The segfaults
> > *never* happened to me, and now its almost expected. 
> Seems to be a common thread to some recent newsgroups postings, at
> least WRT 0.9.7. So I don't think you're the only one.
> The Galeon recomendation is probly a good one. I haven't
> tried it myself, but I've yet to read anything bad about it.

my galeon is based on 0.9.6, and its mostly stable, but there has been
the occasional segfault.  I've been developing some local html files,
and some of the html is flawed at times (refs to non-existent files,
for example)..  Netscape just spits out "url not found" or similar,
but galeon/mozilla crash.  A few segfaults when referencing various
web sights.  The segfaults disappear when the url is referenced
again.-- Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-25 Thread Collins Richey

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 10:53 am, you wrote:
> I also did the download of Elx.  I did 2 installs with it, same machine
> twice.

Well, this one is doa!  They've picked a compiler (gcc-3.0.2) that doesn't do 
kernels!  You'd think distro makers would learn?  This is what I would expect 
from Redhat!


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Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-25 Thread Collins Richey

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 10:53 am, you wrote:

>   After the reboot I entered KDE. Ran the config wizard that comes
> up to set up KDE Desktop. All went well. The panel and menus are re-
> done not standard KDE that we are all familiar with however its not that
> big a deal. Actually makes more sense and does not have as much
> duplication. T
>   Oh yeahOn the main desktop is an Icon for My Computer, very
> similiar in function to Windows my Computer, and also an Icon for
> Network Neighborhood, also similiar to Windows.

gnome is setup pretty much the same - the Windows user will feel right at 

>   I had 3 problems with the custom install, ELX did not configure my
> sound card correctly, nor did it configure the CD-RW or CD-R properly
> so that I could pop in a cd and browse. 

No problems with my essolo1 sound card.

Yep, you're right about the CDROMS - no devices sg0-1 and sr0-1,  I'm 
buggered how to set them up; MAKEDEV doesn't seen to work.

SCSI support is there, however.  cdrecord --scanbus returns the expected data.

> One last thing, I was disappointed with the speed it operated on my
> machine, altho it was a bit faster than Mandrake 8.1 it was much
> slower than Libranet 1.9.1 all of which I have recently tried on this
> machine. Oh well, its sold for Xmas and I had to clean it off so don't
> have to worry about it anyway. hahaha

Pretty slow here, too.  I'm compiling a kernel now and will soon pare down 
the daemons.  We'll see.

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Re: Mandrake (was elx linux distro)

2001-12-25 Thread Collins Richey

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 05:42 am, you wrote:
> Recently, somebody somewhere said:
> > ->8) All in all, this looks very much like Mandrake.
> >
> > ->Elx starts every imaginable daemon, including webmin and portmapper
> > ->and mysql.  I'll have to
> > *** Yep, that looks much like Mandrake (a.k.a. Red Hat :-). With the
> > slight difference that Mandrake 8.1 asks what daemons you want to start
> > at boot before finishing the install. That is an advance in some respect.
> > Elx sounds to me as pre Mandrake 8.1, where the so called novice
> > distributions would start the most obscure and unnecessary daemons so the
> > newbies could be more easily hacked...
> Mandrake (and afaik Red Hat) supply ntsysv, which is a console based
> program which offers you a choice of daemons to start with init; you can
> get in and simply hack the list to suit yourself. Then it works. No effort.
> There's even an explanation of what they do.

Yes, nysysv and appropriate man entries are available on elx, too.

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Re: elx linux distro

2001-12-25 Thread Collins Richey

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 02:10 am, you wrote:
> On Dec 24 Collins Richey was heard saying:
> ->Navigate to for more info.
> ->My initial experience with this distro is positive:
> ->8) All in all, this looks very much like Mandrake.
> *** My obvious reaction would be "why not use Mandrake then?" I wouldn't
> mind a bit more details about why this distro should be preferred above the
> Mandrake.

One reason (for newbies, at least) might be the uncluttered distribution 
sequence - not very many choices, since everything critical is autodetected 
under the covers.

Another reason might be - give the little guys a chance.  Also, I like to 
tinker.  My gentoo distro is so reliable, it's boring, so life on the edge 
helps me get by.

Another reason might the the substantial amount of documentation that comes 
with the distro.  Even topics like how to use autoconf, make, etc. that may 
prove helpful for newbies that want to stray into the realm of development.

Why did I climb the mountain?  Because it was there.

> ->Elx starts every imaginable daemon, including webmin and portmapper
> ->and mysql.  I'll have to
> *** Yep, that looks much like Mandrake (a.k.a. Red Hat :-). With the
> slight difference that Mandrake 8.1 asks what daemons you want to start at
> boot before finishing the install. That is an advance in some respect. Elx
> sounds to me as pre Mandrake 8.1, where the so called novice distributions
> would start the most obscure and unnecessary daemons so the newbies could
> be more easily hacked...

The daemons started aren't particularly obscure, just (from my standpoint 
only) unneeded.

FYI, everything in the distro is quite up to date.  Only the cups, e2fsprogs, 
glibc, and perl packages are one notch lower that what I have on gentoo.  Elx 
has chosen rpm 4.0.3-1, so there shouldn't be the usual problem with rpms 
that fail to install because they are packaged for the newer rpm.  All the 
development rpms have been installed, so installing more software should not 
be a problem.

I'm looking forward to putting up xfce and upgrading the kernel.

I'm not looking forward to dealing with rpm again - yuck!

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elx linux distro

2001-12-24 Thread Collins Richey

Navigate to for more info.

My initial experience with this distro is positive:

1) Download and burn two cd's worth of day (about 1hr:45mins on cable, 40 
minutes to burn on my slow cd-writer.

2) Boot from CD (I have to toggle this setting on my BIOS each time).  The CD 
detects everything necessary (including exact details of my video card and 
monitor - kudos) and starts X - everything else is eye-candy gui based.

3) Don't choose the default option if you have anything other than Windows to 
preserve on your harddrive!   elx would clear off everything but the windows 

4) I chose the custom option and chose everything except the server category. 
 This amounts to about 2.6G.  The partition selection is a bit confusing 
since they show the hard drives in one pannel and the partitions in another, 
and you can click on the hard drive choices untill you are blue in the face - 
only the partitions in the other panel are selectable.  Fortunately, the 
default choice is a reiserfs system.

5) After everything loaded down, and I created a boot floppy, the system 
booted without a hitch into run level 5.  I chose the gnome option first, and 
I still don't like gnome any better that the last time.

6) dhcp works A-OK, and there's a lot of browsers to choose from, including 
my favorite, galeon.  There were no questions to answer, but elx did the 
right thing for my tulip card.  Galeon segfaulted after the initial wizard 
series, but it came right back.

7) kde works, too, and kmail, as you can see.  The only immediate flaw I see 
is that the fstab entry for the root file system doesn't have the notail 
option, which would create a problem for grub.  I fixed that in short order.

8) All in all, this looks very much like Mandrake.  Elx starts every 
imaginable daemon, including webmin and portmapper and mysql.  I'll have to 
see how much effort it is to strip it down to a reasonable size.  Right now 
it's a pretty sluggish startup.  Should be fairly simple.  It's a standard 
sysvinit type setup with the usual Sxx and Kxx startup and shutdown scripts.  
It appears to be LSB (or Redhat) compliant - nothing in /opt except wine.  
It's supposed to be rpm based.

9) My soundcard was detected and works (elx is using alsa).  Cups was setup 
properly, and a quick visit to cups admin setup my printer in short order.  
Cups is very up to date - first time I've seen a choice for my hp lj1100.  It 
has the right interface for the lpxxx/cups stuff, so the normal lpxx commands 
work without a hitch.

10) There's a lot of documentation online - I haven't looked at it in depth.

11) This would be a really good distro for a novice - pretty painless to 
install.  If you have a speedier computer, you probably won't notice the 
lengthy startup as much.

12) Alas, no xfce or sylpheed.   I'll give these a try and put up the current 
kernel and chop away a few of the started daemons.

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Re: Which kernel?

2001-12-23 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 21:14:29 -0600
daddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm going to compile my first kernel because I need to get USB 
> support.  I've decided to upgrade from my stock 2.2.12 kernel to a 
> 2.4.??.  Should I go with the latest kernel or something different. 
> TIA.

current kernel (2.4.17) is what I'm running, and it's aok.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 22DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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Re: ELX Linux

2001-12-23 Thread Collins Richey

On Sun, 23 Dec 2001 10:50:17 -0800

> For those of you who like to try new distros, ELX Linux is available
> for download today. 
> The FTP connection didn't work but the HTTP one did. I haven't
> finished downloading it yet so don't have any other comments. 
> you can get it at
> click on download

Must have just been "max connections open" on the server.   I'm
downloading it now using the ftp connection.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 22DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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Re: christmas and its HOT!

2001-12-23 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 18:53:43 -0800
David Aikema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On December 22, 2001 06:51 pm, Lee wrote:
> > Keith Antoine wrote:
> > >  Here I am sitting with towel round waist at 6.20pm after coming
> > >  out of shower for the 4th time today, also having had the
> > >  machine shut down 4 times also.
> > >
> > > It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do
> > > little to cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today.
> > > That meant driving with aircon struggling, so much so that I
> > > burnt my hand getting back in after an hr and 30 on the steering
> > > wheel, also the safety belt buckle was just to hard to fasten.
> > > There is no sign of a good storm to cool things down.
> >
> > 37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?
> C = 5/9(F-32) so... which works out to roughly 100F

Ah, yes, you Ozzies always get it bass-ackards!  After probably the
mildest fall into winter on record, we're finally getting cold weather
- a little snow on the ground yesterday, but the Denver winter sun
will take care of that in no time.

I spent the early evening hours trailing my daughter round the mall
looking for last minute presents.  Have a Merry Sweat or Shiver,
depending on your locale!

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 22DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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Re: Windows98: Command prompt?

2001-12-22 Thread Collins Richey

On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 10:02:12 -0500
Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A bit OT but:
> Does anyone know how to get a MSDOS prompt on a window98 computer
> which doesn't list that option anywhere?

I'm not quite sure what you mean 'doesn't list that option anywhere'?

Two methods:

1) start -> programs - > look for MSDOS in the programs list
2) start -> run -> enter the word 'command' -> hit enter

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 22DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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Re: Thank You

2001-12-21 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 12:54:06 -0500
Wade Barocsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Two years ago this month, I joined this (formerly Caldera) list.  I
> didn't know anything about linux, and not alot about computers in
> general. I did know that our Microsoft OS was inadequate for the
> business needs of our small medical office.  One by one linux has
> taken over our small network.
>   I have been able to accomplish this only because of the help
>   of all of you.  

Helping each other helping - that's the name of the game.  This list
has sure saved my butt on many occasions.

It's really good to hear a linux success story.

Happy holidays.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
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Re: X410 missing includes

2001-12-21 Thread Collins Richey

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 11:03:30 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone have any idea what include files I might be missing?  make
> World goes fine, but make install blows up as follows:
> make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/src/xc/lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/sis'
> rm -f sis_alloc.o
> gcc -c -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -ldl  -Wall 
> -I../../../../../../exports/inclu
> de/X11 -I../../../../../../include/extensions
> -I../../../../../../extras/Mesa/sr
> c -I../../../../../../extras/Mesa/include  
> -I../../../../../../lib/
> GL/mesa/src/drv/common -I../../../../../../lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/sis
> -I../../../..
> /../../lib/GL/dri -I../../../../../../lib/GL/glx   
> -I../../../../..
> /../exports/include -I../../../../../../exports/include/GL  
>   -I../../
> ../../../../lib/GL/mesa/dri
> -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/GL/
> dri
> -I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support-
> I../../../../../../programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/sis  
>   -I../../
> ../../../../lib/GL/dri/drm 
> -I../../../../../../lib/GL/mesa/src/X  -
> I../../../../../.. -I../../../../../../exports/include  -Dlinux
> -D__i386__-D_PO
> sis_alloc.c
> sis_alloc.c: In function `sis_alloc_fb':
> sis_alloc.c:124: `SIS_IOCTL_FB_ALLOC' undeclared (first use in this
> function)
> sis_alloc.c:124: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
> sis_alloc.c:124: for each function it appears in.)
> sis_alloc.c: In function `sis_free_fb':
> sis_alloc.c:154: `SIS_IOCTL_FB_FREE' undeclared (first use in this
> function)
> sis_alloc.c: In function `sis_alloc_agp':
> sis_alloc.c:197: `SIS_IOCTL_AGP_ALLOC' undeclared (first use in this
> function)
> sis_alloc.c: In function `sis_free_agp':
> sis_alloc.c:224: `SIS_IOCTL_AGP_FREE' undeclared (first use in this
> function)
> make[5]: *** [sis_alloc.o] Error 1

Just a wild guess.

Sure looks like something screwed up in the kernel headers to me. 
Over several recent 2.4.x releases, I had to remove SIS_*** stuff even
to compile the kernel.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: well its eems that I can post via...

2001-12-21 Thread Collins Richey

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 22:52:05 -0500
Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well my test is complete.. I can post via but no
> via  response from attempted delivery..(will check with
> ISP in morning...)
> Your message has encountered delivery problems
> to the following recipient(s):
> Delivery failed
> 550 5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied. IP name
> possibly forged []
> No recipients were successfully delivered to.

I also had one mail returned yesterday or the day before

This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected.

Recipient: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reason:5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied. IP
name lookup failed []

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Fwd: Which One?

2001-12-21 Thread Collins Richey

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:21:22 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> > [ snips ]
> please remember to 'cc' [EMAIL PROTECTED] on this thread. he
> posted the original elsewhere and isn't on this list yet
> this is good stuff, btw...
> -- 


Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Fwd: Which One?

2001-12-20 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 12:54:33 -0600
"Schmeits, Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Studying for my MCSE was a breeze in comparsion to
> really learn Linux.  Sssh. Please dont tell anyone on the list.   

Won't tell a soul.

> My currently project is creating Linux from scratch which looks like
> an excellent way to learn the basic concepts on how Linux operates. 

LFS is good, but ... [at this point my friends (all two of them) on
the list are starting to groan - here comes the pitch again! ].  When
you've completed the LFS install, what you have is an up-to-date
complete command-line linux, but you're probably going to want more,
right?  Now you're ready for the real thing - gentoo linux
( which has everything that LFS does plus
complete gui environments (accent on the plural) and most every other
useful package.

>  I have found out through the listservs is that one must maintain a
>  stance of being a student and always learning.  I wish I could post
>  answers on Linux questions but I lack that knowledge that everyone
>  else seems to have. 

Stick with this list.  You'll learn a lot, and as you learn you'll try
new things and you'll be able to share those experiences with the rest
of us.  The only way to get the knowledge is to keep trying things and
asking questions.  Before you know it, you too will have the knowledge
that everyone else seems to have. 

> In my expierence stick with main stream distros. Redhat, Suse,etc.
> With the slimmed down kernels you have to damn expert to get some of
> that stuff to work.
> Stick with a ditros that keeps up with the latest and greatest
> trends in the open source movement.  
> Espically for beginners. You could be hanging from the ceiling  me at times> and not even know it.

There's nothing wrong with the mainstream distros (plenty of users on
this list), but I've always preferred the road less travelled.  The
mainstream distros will give you a slick gui logon and a KDE or GNOME
desktop, but you haven't a clue how it all fits together.  With gentoo
(or even LFS and its extensions for that matter) you'll get to know
the smaller pieces of the puzzle, and some of the pieces aren't even
mentioned by the slicker distros.

Also, learning to build your own kernel (it isn't that tough) is an
important learning excercise.  Once you've been through the kernel
config a couple of times, you'll discover that 90% of what's there
doesn't even apply to you and you can skip right over it.  As long as
you learn lilo (or grub) to create a standard and a test bootable
choice, you can tinker with the kernel until you get it right.  Some
of the appropriate choices are in the Step-by-Step documents.

Good luck, and keep learning.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

koffice 1.1.1

2001-12-19 Thread Collins Richey

Well, half of the stuff in kword doesn't work, and they've enable lots
of debug messages.  Jeez, it was slow enough before.

plonk -> removing now.  I'll stick with open office.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Fwd: Which One?

2001-12-19 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 22:06:27 -0500
"Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Forwarded from a newsgroup, but I'd like to know what you all
> think.. I've copied the author. Please continue to copy on
> replies...
> ,--- Forwarded message (begin)
>  Subject: Which One?
>  From: Kurtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 23:44:35 -0500
>  I am a SysAdmin, but mainly management, and in an NT/Exchange
>  environment. I will never get good at Linux as a result of hands
>  on, day to day work.  I have experience only with RedHat but have
>  not used the GUI except for when I have to, as I want to learn the
>  command-line.  
>  I sense that to learn what it is all about, I need to practice a
>  lot, compiling and recompiling kernels (I don't know anything about
>  programming beyond the Hello World stuff; basic shell scripts) and
>  figuring out how to download/install different applications.  I'd
>  like to learn VI, Emacs etc., as well.  In order to be innovative
>  and try to introduce some features that Linux offers in my work
>  environment, I'd like to be able to use the NSA secure kernel.
>  RH basically sets itself up, which is good.  But having described
>  what I want to do I'd like to solicit feedback on which variety of
>  Linux I should try, and maybe specific "projects" that I could work
>  on to get a good, well-rounded view of Linux.  I could use either
>  an old laptop, or P-133 in the corner from work.  Thanks in advance
>  for any ideas.

Just a few ideas Kurtis:

* I'm sure Doug has already let the cat out of the bag:  Join our user
group (goto and make use of the Step by Step site. 

* A P-133 or an old laptop is going to be S-L-O-W going.  I've gotten
a lot of mileage out of my K6/II300 (originally 64Meg, now 196Meg),
but that's as slow as I'd care to go.

* I've tried many distros over the past three years, and each has its
advotees (on this group as well), but my favorite is the one I
currently use ( - gentoo.  You might not like it
too well on a P-133, because all the packages are downloaded on the
fly and compiled from source.  Some of the gui products like KDE and
GNOME take upwards of 24 hours to compile on my machine.  There is
excellent documentation for installing the basic system, but you are
your own sysadmin after that.  It's a marvelous learning opportunity.

* There's certinly nothing wrong with RedHat.  You could stick with
that and learn about compiling your own kernels, for example.  If you
have sufficient disk space, you could learn about setting up a
multi-boot machine; that has the double advantage of learning and
providing you with a playground to experiment.

* If you want a simple gui environment to play with, try xfce which I

Stick around, peruse the archives, and ask questions.

Years ago you would get a lot of flak from the group if you asked the
sort of newbie questions that I did, but the group has mellowed with

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: more rpm ooops

2001-12-19 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:45:38 -0500
Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Collins Richey babbled on about:
> > > (like Doug's favorite Redmond Linux) that are beginning to
> > > assemble
> I've never used redmond... I like SuSE or linuxfromscratch...
> I just forwarded that piece cause I know several on here
> like/use/develop redmond

Sorry, the comment about Doug's favorite wasn't from me.  

I haven't tried SuSE in years; do they still have the all-in-one
mega-mondo-humonguous config file?  I've always preferred adequate
instructions for doing configs myself, or puzzle it out with a little
help from my friends.

LFS is good, but limited to command line stuff in the regular distro. 
Also I never liked the multiplicity of lists and the prevailing
ATTITUDE (my way or the highway).

Anyway, it would take a major bombshell to draw me away from gentoo. 
They are always quite current with updates of stuff that actually
works.  They're not the first to jump on the bandwagon for the latest
KDE or GNOME craze, but as soon as most of the bleeding has stopped,
they'll release a package.  It took them a few tries to get galeon
right, for example, but I'm sure glad I slogged through.

Speaking of slogging, the latest koffice install is g++ing along in
another window.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: Linux takeup

2001-12-19 Thread Collins Richey

[ snips ]

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 05:05:21 +1130
Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Folks, I've just come back from the Netherlands and I think many of
> you would be interested in the following (mercifully brief)
> observations I made while there. Europeans on this list would
> correct me, but these are impressions from an outsider.
> RS6000's are the name of the game. IBM have a big footprint. I was
> mildly surprised to see small flat boxes in the corner of just about
> any travel agent, small insurance office, even landscape gardening
> centers. I expected to see clusters of the usual wintel workstations
> and was mildly surprised to see the prevalence of single, AIX4
> workstations, not clusters., just a single box doing it's job. The
> impression I got was NT? what's that? Big Bill is not a player
> there. (just an impression folks)
> Secondly, there is a push to migrate these boxen to AIX5L, read the
> letter L. It means Linux. 

Suspicions confirmed.  I always thought the Dutch were intelligent

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: more rpm ooops

2001-12-19 Thread Collins Richey

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:23:42 -0800
Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 18 December 2001 08:49 pm,Collins Richey wrote:
> >
> > Then I discovered gentoo,
> > Ah bliss!
> > 
> Doesn't sound like a rant, sounds like it works.  Does this mean
> that there are others besides RH, Caldera, Mandrake, SuSE
> (like Doug's favorite Redmond Linux) that are beginning to assemble 
> something that is upgradable in a straight-forward newbie-able
> manner?

Don't know about the newbie-able manner portion of that, but it's
certainly straight-forward.  Anyone who's lurked/contributed on this
group for a while could certainly handle it, but a classic newbie
straight from Windoze land might prefer a "does everything for you"
distro.  Redmond Linux is certainly easy, but I can't stand the
bastardized KDE.

The proof of the pudding will be when another phase-shift occurs with
glibc that breaks all existing software (I don't know why they can't
make them compatible).  The gentoo setup will require relatively
little tweaking to install a new system, but an upgrade with glibc in
the middle is a near impossible thing.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Re: more rpm ooops

2001-12-18 Thread Collins Richey

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 17:41:54 +
Declan Moriarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 18 December 2001 15:28, you wrote:
> > Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 18 December 2001 06:56 am,Tim Wunder wrote:
> > >>Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > >>>Hi gang!
> > >>>
> > >>>I'm sure this must have come up before; please bear with me.
> > >>>What's the general approach for solving "failed dependencies"
> > >>>when the library that rpm cannot find is clearly installed?
> > >>>Specifically, I'm installing rpm-3.0.6-4.i386.rpm and
> > >>> cannot be found.  But I know it is in /lib.
> > >>>I've done rpm --rebuilddb and  updatedb.
> > >>>I'm not going to do --nodeps on rpm and risk having no rpm at
> > >>>all. Thanks!
> > >>
> > >>I'd try to find the package that contains and
> > >>re-install that with 'rpm -Uvh --replacefiles'.
> > >
> > > Oh, I forgot to mention that on my box, is a link to
> > >
> > >
> > > Does this confuse rpm??
> >
> > Who knows? I know I'M confused about RPM. AFAIK, rpm only knows
> > about what rpm installs. If you've loaded a lib via tarball, rpm
> > won't know about it.
> The problem is that rpm probably wants that file to be somewhere
> else. Find that, and a symlink fixes it. There are real fancy
> options with rpm which might help you run this down (Man rpm... read
> for an hour, try 27 times or use a package manager :), or talk to
> someone who actually has it running   Regards,

Ah, yes! - those days of RPM hell.  It's been about a year now since I
ceased to worry about that, although I'm not too sure, memory being
the fickle beast it is at my advanced age.  Missing dependencies, Red
Hat based packages trying to cram themselves into other distros,
broken systems, etc., ad nauseum.

Then I discovered gentoo, went through a little bit of sysadmin hell
until I got the picture, waited hours at the time for gnome and kde to
compile, and got a rock-solid, easily maintainable system.  I may have
to wait a few days for the latest and greatest ebuild package to be
made available, but 99% of it works, and if there are missing
dependencies, the developers correct the ebuild in short order. 
emerge rsync (the command to download the new ebuilds base), browse
the cvs change log, and install.  Almost everything has a backout path
(the old version is there until you choose to unmerge (deinstall) it.

gentoo won't really take off until they can offer binary packages, but
it's shurely been worth the effort for me.  Almost everything is a
tarball, and gentoo almost always puts things where it and other
packages can find them.

I'll probably get around to the latest koffice in a few days.

Ah bliss!

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

Fw: Re: grub and ext3 fs (solved)

2001-12-17 Thread Collins Richey

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 20:28:10 -0700
From: Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: grub and ext3 fs (solved)

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:26:48 -0700
Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does grub work at all with ext3 fs?
> I have a multiboot (Win98 and several linux partitions) system with
> grub 0.90.  Everything boots normally  using lilo.
> I built a grub boot floppy (ext2fs fs on the floppy) with the
> standard boot and grub directories, did the install to fd0 to make
> it bootable, and added a menu.lst converted from my lilo.conf.  The
> grub floppy will boot windows successfully, but any of my linux
> boots proceed normally through booting the kernel and starting all
> daemons (no error messages), but I never get a login prompt.  The
> system does respond to ctl-alt-delete, however.
> Here's a brief extract from the lilo.conf and the menu.lst files. 
> Windows is on hdc (first ide disk); there is a second ide disk hdd.
> The linux partitions are /dev/hdc8 (/boot) and /dev/hdc9 (/) and
> /dev/hdd7 (/boot) and /dev/hdd8 (/).  Both have a common /dev/hdc7
> (/home) partition.  All linux partitions are ext3 with meta-data
> journaling only and fsck turned off (tune2fs -c 0 -i 0).  hda and
> hdb are cdroms.
> boot=/dev/hdc
> install=/boot/boot.b
> menu-scheme=wb:wm:wb:wb
> lba32
> prompt
> timeout=50
> default=win98
> # current on hdd7/8
> image=/boot/bzImage-2.4.17-pre8
> label=R6K17-8
> read-only
> root=/dev/hdd8
> append="hda=ide-scsi hdb-ide-scsi"
> # new on hdc7/8/9
> image=/mnt/hdc9/boot/bzImage-2.4.17-pre8
> label=N6K17-8
> read-only
> root=/dev/hdc9
> append="hda=ide-scsi hdb-ide-scsi"
> other=/dev/hdc1
> label=win98
> table=/dev/hdc
> db-ide-scsi"
> timeout 10
> default 0
> title Win98
> root (hd0,0)
> makeactive
> chainloader +1
> title R6K17-8
> root=(hd1,6)
> kernel=/bzImage-2.4.17-pre8
> hda=ide-scsi hdb=ide-scsi root=/dev/hdd8
> title N6K17-8
> root=(hd0,7)
> kernel=/bzImage-2.4.17-pre8
> hda=ide-scsi hdb=ide-scsi ro root=/dev/hdc9
> Any clues?

Well, I got an answer from the grub list, and it works.  Our examples
(the two I've looked at on the SxS) are wrong.

Here's what the real grub stanza for a linux partition looks like

title R6K17-8
    root (hd1,6)
kernel /bzImage-2.4.17-pre8 hda=ide-scsi hdb=ide-scsi root=/dev/hdd8

ie no equals with the root or kernel parameters, and ro only seems to
be recognized after the kernel root= parameter.

Thanks to those who responded.

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon

Collins Richey
Denver Area - 12DEC2001 - WWTLRD?
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.17-pre8+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at

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