Re: NFS filesystem

2002-01-25 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:52:23 -0500 "Michael W. Holdeman"

> Setting up another Fileserver, and SAMBA server. I am interested in
> teh most stable filesystem for this server. Reiser I have been told is
> not the best choice, and I have had corruption problems with it.
> EXT3?, or EXT2, the old standby. 

I've had good success with ext3. 

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Re: code red retaliations

2002-01-25 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:42:55 -0500 "Douglas J Hunley"

> the script I used would turn the damn computer off...
> I abandoned it after a while though cause a lawsuit would definately
> suck..-- 

Ayup, getting sued can ruin your whole day...

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Re: Intel compiler

2002-01-28 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 08:41:15 -0800 (PST) "Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My take on the whole affair is that Intel is making sure it's new P4
> > is properly supported... in that its' new optimizaions are being
> > exploited by this compiler. That said... I'll find out shortly if
> > its' worth the salt. The curious thing is... they want $500.00 for
> > the fully supported product... 
> I don't know that this is their reasoning.  Intel worked very closely
> with various OSS groups to make sure that their I64 had good support
> in Linux.  I think Intel is just looking to make a buck.

Likely so. Various folks from Intel also participate in GCC development.
Intel has a vested interest in making sure that code will run on the
IA64 platform.

> Keep in mind that even if the Intel compiler is faster, better etc
> than gcc, this isn't all that much of a coup.  THe Portland Group has
> been putting out 'commericial' grade compilers that whip the GNU
> compilers in performance for years.


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Re: init and defunct process cleanup

2002-01-28 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:12:42 -0500 "Douglas J Hunley"

> I have a process or two that are listed as  and are owned by
> init. It was my understanding that these types of processes would get
> init as their parent, and periodically init would scan its children
> and remove the defunct ones. These processes seem to be hanging
> around. They don't respond to kill signals at all (I sent kill -$i
> where i was 1-15) and they are still there. Can I signal init to tell
> it to cleanup its children?-- 

Orphaned processes (processes whose parents have died) get owned by
init, which then reaps their exit codes and cleans them up neatly. A
zombie process is one whose parent did not call wait* on it, so its
entry remains in the process table until a reboot.

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Re: interest in an annual SxS get-together?

2002-02-02 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on January 22, Andrew Mathews managed to emit:


> offered, t-shirts, tux penguins, pictures of me, well maybe not me, but
> Kurt, Doug, Lonnie, Burnsie, Kantoine, and Mike Andrews at least. 

Do we *really* want to see a picture of Kantoine in a thong? ;-)

Don't plan any hasty moves.  You'll be evicted soon anyway.
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Re: Linux Cartoon

2002-02-04 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on February 04, burns managed to emit:
> This is a classic:

Classic indeed!

You love your home and want it to be beautiful.
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Re: Header include question

2002-02-06 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on February 05, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> List / Kurt if he is there
>   I am having a small problem. I have the old stl headers being used 
> before the new version. Would like to know if there is a enviro var that
> is set with the -I include files. I have a envir variables set & set into my path
> but they are not seen unless they have no file by that name anywhere else.
>   Any ideas how to get arounf this?

I don't really understand what the problem is.

Go to a movie tonight.  Darkness becomes you.
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Re: Header include question

2002-02-06 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on February 06, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 07:58:04 -0500
> Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scribbling feverishly on February 05, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> > > List / Kurt if he is there
> > > 
> > >   I am having a small problem. I have the old stl headers being used 
> > > before the new version. Would like to know if there is a enviro var that
> > > is set with the -I include files. I have a envir variables set & set into my
> > > path but they are not seen unless they have no file by that name anywhere
> > > else.
> > > 
> > >   Any ideas how to get arounf this?
> > 
> > I don't really understand what the problem is.
> > 
> > Kurt
> > -- 
> Kurt
>The header files and there sub directory files are not seen, if there is a
> corresponding file in the oldder header files in /usr/.. In Windows there is a
> envirment variable to set paths for headers. That way certain headers will be seen
> before others. Is there something similar in Linux/Unix. Or do I need to move my
> stlport stl library to /usr.

Okay, now I understand. -I /some/dir should place specified headers
at the front of the list; that is, the standard headers should be
searched *after* directories specified with -I. However, you have to
use -I- *before* -I because -I only looks for #include "foo.h", not
for #include . Bear in mind that -I directories are scanned
left to right. 

You might also find it useful to use the -nostdinc option, which
turns off searching the standard system directories for include
files. The downside to this should be clear, though.

Finally, use the -H option to tell GCC to print the names of the
header files it is using.

For more infomation, have a look at the "Preprocessor Options" and
the"Directory Options" nodes of the GCC info file.

You definitely intend to start living sometime soon.
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Re: Header include question

2002-02-06 Thread Kurt Wall

On, Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:34:03 -0600, Rick Sivernell typed:

[mondo snippage]

> I understand, I have a handle on it now.
> I just knew you were the one to ask. I really
> appreciate your help Thank you.

Glad to help.

Viagra -- strong enough for a man; made for a woman.
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Re: Thanks Douglas Hunley

2002-02-06 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 06, Douglas J Hunley managed to emit:
> Michael Hipp babbled on about:
> > What's the *proper* way to do this (verify the libs)?
> rpm -q -a|more
> >
> > P.S. I recommend you run XFree86 in 100 DPI mode for best results.
> >
> > How is this done?
> xdpyinfo|grep resol
> then tell me how you run X? through xdm? or startx? or other?

If you startX from the command line,

$ startx -- -dpi 100

If you use a display manager (gdm/xdm/kdm), edit the file that 
starts the X server and add -dpi 100 to the command line.
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Re: Where to get

2002-02-07 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 06, Michael Hipp managed to emit:
> On Wednesday 06 February 2002 03:09 pm, Net Llama wrote:
> > rpm --rebuild 
> >
> > If all goes well, you end up with a binary RPM in
> > /usr/src/OpenLinux/RPM/
> [snip]
> > > After I did that would I have
> >
> > You'll have an RPM named libstdc++-libc-foo-whatever-i386.rpm
> As long as you'll indulge me, I'll keep asking questions. Thanks.
> Bear in mind that I'm on a hard-driving search for that holy grail of 
> files:
> So which rpm would I do --rebuild on? I searched the rpm database and the 
> above lib file doesn't exist anywhere within. So how would rebuilding help?

On my Red Hat box, it comes from the gcc source rpm.

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Re: A Fat-Finger Fixer

2002-02-07 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 07, Kevin O'Gorman managed to emit:
> Okay, I'll bite.  What is it?  There's no man page for 'shopt', nor any
> mention of it in the bash manpage as a builtin, so I'm mystified.  That's
> on eD2.4, anyway.

I don't recall which bash version was the default in eD 2.4, but methinks
shopt is bash 2.x. In any event, shopt -s cdspell sets the cdspell 
option, which has the following effect:

cdspell If set, minor errors in the spelling  of  a
directory component in a cd command will be
corrected.   The  errors  checked  for  are
transposed characters, a missing character,
and one character too many.  If  a  correcĀ­
tion  is  found, the corrected file name is
printed, and the  command  proceeds.   This
option  is only used by interactive shells.

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Re: kernel recommendations

2002-02-08 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 07, Collins managed to emit:
> I've been off the linux lists for a couple of weeks.
> Is 2.4.17 a "safe" kernel for upgrading?

I've used it without incident.

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Re: Ping

2002-02-11 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 11, Ian managed to emit:

Pong. Game, set, match.

New England Life, of course.  Why do you ask?
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Re: HELP!! (fixed - not solved)

2002-02-12 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 11, daddy managed to emit:
> On Sunday 10 February 2002 07:34, Michael wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 08:23:49 -0500
> >
> > Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:
> > >You may want to check your system for a "rootdisk" folder.
> > >Mike
> >
> > ===
> > OOOPS!  I meant "rootkit"
> >
> > Mike
> If I have one what does that mean?

That you've been hacked.

Why do they call a fast a fast, when it goes so slow?
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Re: (no subject)

2002-02-12 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 12, Cyberclops managed to emit:
> What in hell is this s**t?

A stock, witty reply to "ping". As in "ping pong".

A slightly less hostile question would have sufficed.

"If that man in the PTL is such a healer, why can't he make his wife's
 hairdo go down?"
-- Robin Williams
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For Our Aussie Friends

2002-02-13 Thread kurt . wall

"Sydney, 800 miles S. of Nova Scotia ( - After what 
witnesses described as an all night blinder during which it kept 
droning on about how it was always being bloody ignored by the whole 
bloody world and would bloody well stand to do something about it, 
Australia this morning woke up to find itself in the middle of the 
North Atlantic."

Morton's Law:
If rats are experimented upon, they will develop cancer.
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Re: who has built Mozilla from source?

2002-02-13 Thread kurt . wall

Typing furiously on February 13, Net Llama managed to emit:
> Subject basically asks it all.  Has anyone successfully built Mozilla
> from source?  If so, what kind of voo-doo monkey magic did you need to
> get it to build into a fully functional package?

Got any chicken feet?

"I will make no bargains with terrorist hardware."
-- Peter da Silva
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Re: Workstation 3.1

2001-07-02 Thread Kurt Wall

Shawn Tayler offered this little gem:
% I am curious as I am not a developer (at least not yet).  Would I
% be able to qualify?

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Re: YOU READ MY MIND (was Re: building a new distro)

2001-07-03 Thread Kurt Wall

Andrew Mathews offered this little gem:
% Question is, what standards should be adhered to? I woult think FHS (
% ) would be common sense, as would be LSB (
% ) just for starters. This needs a consensus
% before any package inclusion discussions.

Ummm, unless things have changed, the FHS URL refers to the same
standard as the LSB. I can't get to the Pathname site to confirm
this, though. It certainly *used* to be the same, though. Regardless,
the FHS (2.0 *or* 2.1) represents a good starting point, for most
of the reasons pointed out in the various Rationale sections scattered
throughout the spec. I don't agree with all of them, but neither
does anyone else.

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Re: KurtWerks? Or does he?

2001-07-03 Thread Kurt Wall

Les Bell offered this little gem:
% Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% >>
% Last disastrous buisiness decision he made was
% marketing the Kurtwerks(tm) Tin Hat. Turned out to be just tin foil, so
% no-one was fooled.
% <<
% Huh? It stopped the aliens controlling our thoughts, didn't it?
% Pity it didn't sell so well in Orem.

[smirks and chuckles] Yow!

Sole agent for the KurtWerks(tm) Tin Hat
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Re: KurtWerks? Or does he?

2001-07-05 Thread Kurt Wall

Andrew Mathews offered this little gem:
% GNL/Linux (Gnu's Not Linux)

Here, here!

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Re: FW: Security Alert Consensus #104

2001-07-06 Thread Kurt Wall

Taplin, Simon S offered this little gem:
% I know the debate about posting security warnings is still ongoing, but how
% about I just post this when  I get it, its only once a week.

How about not, at least until the debate concludes? I monitor
a number of security lists as it is and, frankly, get enough
duplicate email messages already as a result. Another duplicate
is quite unnecessary. 

Why not simply post the URL, if you must post it at all?


[286 lines of noise snipped]
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Re: Advice?

2001-07-06 Thread Kurt Wall

Glenn Williams offered this little gem:
% Hi, Group:
% Are there any caveats, warnings, pitfalls or advice I should heed 
% before installing SuSE 7.2 Personal with the firewall and journaling 
% file system (Reiserfs) options enabled?

Back up early and often.
Save your /boot partition.
Create a resuce disk.
Don't put vital data on it.
Don't expose a fresh installation of *any* distro to
   the Internet until you've updated with all security patches
   and welded security holes shut.

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Re: Advice?

2001-07-06 Thread Kurt Wall

Glenn Williams offered this little gem:
% Thanks, Kurt
% Good ideas.


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Re: exucutimg binaries

2001-07-07 Thread Kurt Wall

Lee offered this little gem:
% Trying to install BootMagic on a Manrake 7.0 that is already installed
% on the hd. Plan on adding SuSe  later. Have BootMagic on a Partition
% Magic 4.0 disk. When I try to execute the file with
% /mnt/cdrom/BOOTMAGIC/ setup.exe Enter, I get a'" can't execute binary
% file" error message. If i try . /mnt/cdrom/BOOTMAGIC/setup.exe I get the
% same error message. Questions: 1) can BootMagic be installed from the
% Partition Magic cd on an already installed Linux system, 2) how do I get
% the binary file to execute from the cd?

I'm guessing that you have to run a Windows binary from the
Windows operating system, unless you have Wine installed. Also
make sure that the CD is mounted with the "exec" directive in 
/etc/fstab, or at least not with the "noexec" directive.

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Re: Stale lock file?

2001-07-08 Thread Kurt Wall

Vern W Heesch offered this little gem:
% I am running eW3.1 (beta) and am having a problem with the floppy. If I
% try to mount it from the terminal it tells me it is already mounted. I
% can cd to /mnt/floppy and see the files. If I click on the floppy icon
% on my desktop it tells me it is already mounted or busy. I can't umount
% it from the desktop icon because it doesn't have umount on the menu,
% it's still mount. If I try to umount from the terminal it says it cannot
% create link /etc/mtab~, perhaps there is a stale lock file?
% Can someone explain to me what the 'stale lock file' is all about, and
% maybe a solution to this? This happened before and I couldn't figure
% anything out so I rebooted. Would be nice if I could fix this without
% having to reboot.

Hmm. Have a look /in /var/lock for the offending file. Look also
for a dot file in /etc. Is there already an /etc/mtab~ owned by
another user? What happens if you simply log out all users?

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Re: linux swap priority

2001-07-09 Thread Kurt Wall

% Hash: SHA1
% I just noticed that on SuSE, swap is mounted w/ a priority of 42. I
know that 
% if you don't specify a priority it gets a priority of '-1'.
% I understand what the swap priority is for (man 2 swapon), but why
set it to 
% 42? Is that better than -1? Or is it just a Douglas Adams reference?

42 is better than -1 (re-read the swapon man page). Is that the
priority or the nice value? -1 has always worked for me. Of course,
value goes all the way to MAXINT (32767, or some such), so 42
isn't as good as 420.

It could be an Adams reference, too.

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Re: linux swap priority

2001-07-10 Thread Kurt Wall

Auyeung at Technet Systems offered this little gem:
% Sorry to interrupt,
% Does the newer kernels still have the 127M limit on swap partition
% size?

Not since late in the 2.1 series.

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Re: Compiling SRPMs and i386, versus i686

2001-07-10 Thread Kurt Wall

Shawn Tayler offered this little gem:
% Ok,
% Here is todays really stupid question, I am quite sure.

No question is too stupid to ask. Some questions are, however,
to stupid to answer.  This is not one of of them.
% I was starting to compile the KDE2.1.1 src rpms on my newly installed
% OL 3.1 system.  I noticed that the compiled RPMs end up in the i386
% directory under src etc  Is this because my Kernel is a stock
% precompiled one?  Or are things just done that way?  Is there a way to

No, it has little to do with your kernel. Rather, it is more about
RPM's default build options.

% get an optimazation of the compiled code to  better utilize my P3-500? 
% Would it behove me to do a Kernel compile of my own first then do these
% other compiles?
Yes. Find /var/lib/rpm/rpmrc (or some such).  Change the default
buildarch to i686. Another way to help is to locate the the options
in that same file that pass options to GCC and add one or both of
"-march=686 -mcpu=686" to the options line (which currently reads
something like "-O2 ".

% Just looking for a little wisdom from the list

I've got a wisdom tooth you can have, if you think it will help...

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C Shell Ref [Was: Re: Stupid newbie network question]

2001-07-10 Thread Kurt Wall

Susan Macchia wrote:

% in C-shell:
% $ setenv DISPLAY :0

Speaking o' C shell, can you recommend a good tutorial reference
for C shell? I've been a ksh kind of guy since I got started with
Unix, so it's time I branched out.


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Re: Compiling SRPMs and i386, versus i686

2001-07-10 Thread Kurt Wall

Net Llama corrected my CRS, noting:
% That's a beautiful nugget of info.  However, on the RH based systems
% that i'm using at the moment all the files in /var/lib/rpm end in .rpm,
% and are binaries.  Mine was in /usr/lib/rpm.

Varies from distro to distro, and the FHS has changed things, too.
You can also twiddle/create /etc/rpmrc or $HOME/.rpmrc to get the
same effect. /{us,va}r/lib/rpm/rpmrc modifies RPM's behavior at the
global level. $HOME/.rpmrc modifies it on a per user basis.

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Re: packet socket: mmapped IO?

2001-07-11 Thread Kurt Wall

Net Llama offered this little gem:
% I'm building 2.4.6  (yes, the final is out!) and ran across the option
% under Networking Options for "Packet socket: mmapped IO".  The
% description sounds nice "If you say Y here, the Packet protocol driver
% will use an IO mechanism that results in faster communication.  If
% unsure say NO".
% if this is such a great thing, why would i say NO?  I honestly
% don't even understand what it does.  Would there be any benefit to
% activating this for a ppp dialup connection?  Any risks?

mmapped packet socket IO only buys you great benefits if you use
the packet socket stuff. But, to break it down somewhat, mmapped IO 
is I/O to a memory map, an in-core image of a disk file. Obviously,
I/O to memory is vastly faster than I/O to disk, and an mmapped file
doesn't update the disk version until explicitly flushed (bdflush,
for example, doesn't update the on-disk file). Most modern "cat"
implementations, for example, use mmaps (memory maps), rather than
long sequences of disk reads followed by writes to stdout. You won't
see the difference for small files, but compare the performance of
catting, say, a 10MB file, to reading that same file in using vi.

I'm still sorting out the packet socket stuff, I'm afraid.

% I still haven't figured out why Netscape & Mozilla get sluggish under
% 2.4.x kenels, so i'm kinda grasping at straws for solutions.

Netscape and Mozilla are still broken, and the new VM code in the
kernel hasn't helped. I've no problems with Opera in this regard.

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Re: ssh2 issues

2001-07-11 Thread Kurt Wall

[EMAIL PROTECTED] offered this little gem:
% I had added my box in /etc/hosts on the SolBox before writing that last
% email.  Good question, though...

Add "-d" (debug) at the server end, then. Perhaps add it at the
client end, too. I believe that you can add the "+x" or "-x"
equivalent to the configuration file in /etc/ (/etc/sshd.conf,
methinks) to fix that little inconvenience.


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Re: Stupid newbie network question

2001-07-11 Thread Kurt Wall

Susan Macchia offered this little gem:
% I suspect if you look at fatbrain and do a search (probably an o'reilly
% book out there), you'll find a decent one.  I learned C-shell so long
% ago on SunOS 2.something that didn't use any other reference but man. 
% It was the first shell I learned and so, of course out of habit, it is
% the shell I use.  But I have to say that I think that kshell is better
% for writing scripts.  I like C-shell for UI...IMHO

[nods] I use ksh/sh/bash/zsh out of habit, but I keep hearing
that csh is good for programming. I'd like to see for myself.
csh will have a tough go of it though, now that Korn has released
ksh as open source...  Thanks for the input.  

Say, did you ever solve your X programming dilemma (how to identify
the client GUI system)?

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Re: PGP stuff

2001-07-11 Thread Kurt Wall

Net Llama offered this little gem:
% I kinda agree with Collins on this.  THe amount of bandwidth that is
% getting wasted with pgp (or gpg) public keys on a public mailing list is
% just attocious.  I rather doubt who is saying what on this list, as long
% as its civil & informative.

Umm, I don't quite follow that last sentence. But, I'm with the
dromedary and Collins on this one. PGP is important, to be sure,
but I consider it unnecessary on a public list.

My 2 shekels..

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Re: Error on mail to the group.

2001-07-11 Thread Kurt Wall

Collins Richey offered this little gem:
% Any clue why I got the following?  The mail in question was actually
% delivered to the group.  I've never gotten anything like this from my mail
% service before.
% Fw: Mail System Error - Returned MailError on mail to
% Begin forwarded message:
% Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 18:44:26 -0700
% From: Mail Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail
% This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
% Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
% The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
% each recipient was rejected.
% Recipient: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% Reason:5.7.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied
% Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% if you feel this message to be in error.

Are you sure there wasn't more information (like a full
mail header)?  The MTA at thought your were trying
to relay mail, which you were, in a way (to the list, of course),
to it refused to do so and bounced the message. I got one of
these from a few days ago, as memory serves.

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Re: X display problem (was Re: Stupid newbie network question)

2001-07-12 Thread Kurt Wall

Susan Macchia offered this little gem:
% > 
% > Say, did you ever solve your X programming dilemma (how to identify
% > the client GUI system)? 
% No, I could find no way to identify the "windowing system" to which an
% app is displayed.  I have customers who use Exceed or ReflectionX and
% the default fonts/window sizes chosen for, say Tru64, don't look right
% under Exceed/ReflectionX, which is why I would like to dectect this. 
% Our application does allow the user to customize said sizes/fonts, but
% not until after running it with the default fonts/sizes for Tru64.  Ho,
% hum...
% Thanks for asking anyway :-)

Sure. I posted a reply with some suggestions, but my memory of Xt 
and Xlib programming has grown a shade rusty, so I wasn't sure if
they would work.

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Re: PGP stuff

2001-07-12 Thread Kurt Wall

Glenn Williams offered this little gem:
% Well, it sorta makes sense if you substitute "rarely" for "rather" but 
% I am just guessing.

I was tweaking the Llama in the first sentence, although I
wasn't quite sure what he meant, either. No big deal. He 

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SuSE Gripes [Was Re: KernelBuild 2.4.6]

2001-07-12 Thread Kurt Wall

Bruce Marshall offered this little gem:


% Just found another 'wide decision' in SuSE 7.2
% Tried to add a user...   like webmaster.   Should be an easy thing to do.
% Nope...  It es verboten to add a user uhnless it be 2 to 8  chars in  length!!
% Dumb...  totally dumb.

No, neither dumb nor totally dumb. Only recently has support for
user names longer than 8 characters developed. As long as you stay
within a strictly Linux (and, I believe, a strictly 2.4+ kernel
and glibc >= 2.1, but I could be mistaken) long user names are 
fine. But, they are extremely non-portable - if you use NFS and/or
NIS (or NIS+) with non-Linux *NIXen systems, long user names may
cause problems. Big UIDs, on the other hand, are no problem.

% But just go to command line and use YAST  instead of the gui YAST2.   No 
% problems, no questions asked.
% Dumb...  totally dumb.

The GUI tool is behind. BFD. Point-and-click system administration
is bad idea, anyway. ;-)

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Re: Sylpheed test

2001-07-12 Thread Kurt Wall

Bruce Marshall offered this little gem o' intolerance:
% On Thursday 12 July 2001 22:30, Andrew Mathews wrote:
% >  This is a test. For the next few words the sylpheed email program will
% > be checking wordwrap and non html settings. If this had been a real
% > message you would have been notified by extra sensory perception.
% > Remember, this is only a test.
% >
% > -
% > Andrew Mathews
% This is Kmail testing for intruder emailers.  Intruder alert!!!

Consider yourself LARTed for having a sig line that exceeds
the standard 3 lines, lacks the obligatory "-- \n" separator,
and that includes ASCII art.

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Re: Sylpheed test

2001-07-13 Thread Kurt Wall

[posted and mailed]

Andrew Mathews wrote:
% Okay, I'm completely lost here. I wanted to test sylpheed to see if it
% had any features I wanted. I created one message to test the word wrap
% at 72 and no html so as not to offend anyone else. I have no idea why
% Bruce would want to killfile me because of that. Not like we had a flame
% war or anything. My sig is the same as I've used for a couple of years
% now, and is listed in the SxS. Oh well, I try to be courteous and verify
% I'm not violating the common rules and someone gets their knickers in a
% twist. Maybe Les Bell wasn't so wrong after all. But before I go, What's
% a LART?


Sorry for the confusion. I LARTed Bruce for a petty PLONK, not you,
although you sig line *is* too long ;-).

A LART is Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool. I prefer the fire and
brimstone variety, others prefer heavy and substantial.

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Re: SuSE Gripes [Was Re: KernelBuild 2.4.6]

2001-07-13 Thread Kurt Wall

Bruce Marshall opined:
% On Friday 13 July 2001 00:39, Kurt Wall wrote:
% >
% > No, neither dumb nor totally dumb. Only recently has support for
% > user names longer than 8 characters developed. As long as you stay
% > within a strictly Linux (and, I believe, a strictly 2.4+ kernel
% > and glibc >= 2.1, but I could be mistaken) long user names are
% > fine. But, they are extremely non-portable - if you use NFS and/or
% > NIS (or NIS+) with non-Linux *NIXen systems, long user names may
% > cause problems. Big UIDs, on the other hand, are no problem.
% Well, all that you say kinda flies in the face of my having users like 
% webmaster and hostmaster under an eD2.4 system.  Why was it possible on a 
% 2.2.14 kernel?

I *did* write "but I could be mistaken." eD2.4 isn't *that* old, 
either. In any event, this is pointless so I'll drop the subject.
I've been up too long meeting deadlines, and I'm a grumpy curmudgeon
on my bet day anyway.

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Re: SRPM weirdness

2001-07-15 Thread Kurt Wall

Net Llama offered this little gem:
% I've suddenly run into a very odd problem trying to rebuild SRPMs.  In
% the past I was always able to download foo.src.rpm and run the following
% as root without any problems:
% rpm --rebuild foo.src.rpm


% File /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ppp-%{Version}.tar.gz: No such file or
% directory 
% That last line is the problem.  It dies at that point.  I tried a
% different SRPM and it died with a similar error.  The directory
% structure /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ exists.  Any ideas?

It certainly is. You're not using Caldera's version of RPM, but
someone else's, arguably Red Hat's. Somewhere under /usr/lib/rpm
you'll find a file named *macros* - look at it's defintion of
"%(Version}" and I think you'll figure out how to fix the problem.

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Re: SRPM weirdness

2001-07-15 Thread Kurt Wall

Net Llama offered this little gem:


% Well, its the Caldera built SRPMs that are failing.  SRPMs built by
% other distros or people are fine.  I'm not using rpm -3.0.6 from
% Caldera, i'm using Redhat's version.  Hrmm...perhaps that's the problem.
% BTW, what's a macro with respect to rpm? 

RPM macros are one name that represents another or that expand
to some value that can be programmatically determined at run
time (vis-a-vis RPM).

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Re: what are you doing about the ORBS mess?

2001-07-15 Thread Kurt Wall

Douglas J. Hunley offered this little gem:
% I finally landed a new job and have been really busy this week. I just got 


% caught up (kinda) and am at a loss about the ORBS thing. My current 
% uses for it's DNS spam blocking. Should 
% I swith that to What have you guys done about it? 
% Please don't chime in w/ "you shouldn't do that. it censorship" or any of 
% that other crap. If that's what you want to talk about, go to /. 
% I have sites to run and policies to follow. Thanks

ORBS have effectively shot themselves in the head. In any event,
while I agree that DNS-based spam blocking is effective, I think
it a blunt tool that hurts innocent users who've no idea what
their ISPs are doing. What really pisses me off, though, is
the ORBS random tests - they tested my mailserver once, discovered
no open relay, but came back again two days later anyway. ORBS
were blocked at my firewall thereafter until I took my server down
when I moved. They stay on my personal shit list until I get a
personal letter apologizing for attacking my server.

I know little about MAPS, so, for once, I have no opinion. ;-)

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Re: List problems?

2001-07-16 Thread Kurt Wall

Tom Jandl offered this little gem:
% Has anyone else been getting "ghost" messages dated June 28th thru July 13th
% from this list today?


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Re: Multipage images with convert

2001-07-17 Thread Kurt Wall

% Could someone show me the command using convert (Part of the
% package) to combine two or more tiff files into one large tiff file,
% best yet, a large jpg file, which will display in a browser like

In general, "convert fromfile.tiff tofile.jpeg". The magic 
incantation depends on what you want to do. I think you may
prefer the "montage" command, another part of ImageMagick.
"combine" may also do what you want:

combine fig1.tiff fig2.tiff combined.tiff

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RE: Help with PDF files

2001-07-18 Thread Kurt Wall

> Behalf Of Mike Andrew
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:55 AM
> Subject: Re: Help with PDF files
> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 06:34, Vern W Heesch wrote:
> > Didn't dawn on me that txt files contain no formatting. 
> Sooo, any ideas on
> > something that CAN write to PDF and maintain the original 
> formatting? I
> > tried a few searches but only came up with the Adobe 
> windows program. But I
> > don't want to use windows.

enscript, ps2pdf

Use enscript (or nenscript, depending on distribution) to
create PostScript output of your text file. Then, use
ps2pdf to turn the PostScript into PDF. I have *no* idea
why you'd want to do this, though. Ain't none o' my bizness,


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Re: We're being scanned (and attacked)

2001-07-20 Thread Kurt Wall

Douglas J. Hunley offered this little gem:
% Some joker started scanning my ports VERY heavily today. I'm also getting 
% beaten by that new IDA worm (the IIS one). Some kiddies have a shit load of 
% scripts and are trolling for vulnerable machines (thank god for apache/linux).
% Portsentry and my other tools are doing their best, but we're still getting 
% hammered. hang in there

Ayup. I was getting thumped earlier, but it seems to have died down
for the time being. I want to know where the a*hole that wrote this
lives 'cause I've got a club I'd like to apply to his/her head. 
Forcefully. Repeatedly. 

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Re: SCSI Zip Drive SuSE 7.1

2001-07-20 Thread Kurt Wall

Mike Andrew offered this little gem:
% On Friday 20 July 2001 05:39, Jason Joines wrote:
% > /dev/sdb4 did the trick.  Thanks for the help!
% Always a pleasure. Welcome to this wonderful group of penguins.

...with the occasional odd duck like Mike thrown in just to 
keep us all on our toes.

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Re: Reiser FS

2001-07-21 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 01:20:09PM -0700, Jim Bonnet wrote:
> There is a tool that will blow away your mbr, dd
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/[device-node] bs=512k count=1
> Im not sure what fdisk /mbr does, but you can take a look using hexdump -c on 
> the drive before and after so you can get a feel for what it does..

fdisk /mbr replaces the active boot sector with a backup copy.

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Re: Linux-users -- confirmation of subscription -- request 425196

2001-07-21 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 10:19:51AM -0700, Net Llama wrote:
> *sigh*  Is it so hard to follow instructions?

Can't follow instructions if they don't get read in the first
place. ;-) 

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Re: Linux-users -- confirmation of subscription -- request 425196

2001-07-21 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 03:41:28PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> confirm 425196

Do be so good as to read the *entire* message explaining how to
confirm your subscription request.

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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-22 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 06:57:46PM -0700, Ken Moffat wrote:
> I'd like to know the differences I can expect to encounter if I go from
> eD2.4 to RH7.1. There are probably many subtle differences, and I
> thought someone might have some thoughts?

Newer kernel; newer X; slicker tools; the installation assists you in
setting up a firewall (similar tool available post-install); Linuxconf
is deprecated; BIND jumps to verison 9.0; bindconf is the new BIND
configuration tool; apacheconf is the new Apache configuration tool;
Sendmail jumps tp 8.9; smarter security configuration in general.

I think I'm familiar with this book, too. Has some warts, but the
information is mostly accurate.


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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-22 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 10:07:17PM -0700, Net Llama wrote:

[Llama holding back snipped]

> bombed out on 3 of the 4.  I've since replaced it on the 4th with SuSE
> as I was quite sickened by the perpetual POS that kde2 has become. Its

[more self-restraint snipped]

Y'know, FVWM2 is again starting to look attractive as a window 
manager how that both GNOME and KDE have surpassed it in terms
of bloat and speed... ;-)

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Re: yowee!!

2001-07-22 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:54:44PM -0400, dep wrote:
> alan cox refuses to come to u.s., says developers get arrested there. 
> maddog says he's nuts. (well, i'm greatly oversimplifying, but that's 
> kind of the effect.)

Zounds, Batman! Alan Cox is one of the cooler heads in the free
software community. Must be bleed over from the G8 mess. Ick. 

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Why Apache Has Three Configuration Files

2001-07-22 Thread Kurt Wall

ROFLMAO. I was doing some research and stumbled across this
philosophical explanation why Apache has three configuration,
the use of two of which is deprecated:

I especially liked the final note:

"... and if someone doesn't put the answers to these questions into a
FAQ someplace, you are all at risk of being assaulted again with yet
another excerpt from my rejected scripts for "Kung Fu: The Legend
drags its Lame Ass into Cyberspace' ..."

Blessed Be,

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Broken DNS?

2001-07-22 Thread Kurt Wall

Hi, list,

Since my move, I've had to rely on my ISP's services for KurtWerks
because I cannot obtain affordable broadband connectivity in my new
location. Anyway, I have a fixed range of IP addresses, one of which
is assigned each time I dial-in. When David's mail server is providing
back up MX services for, I invariably receive 550 errors when
sending mail to the list because the reverse lookup on my IP address
understandably fails. Is that a foobar of my own (bad masquerading
rule somewhere) or of my ISP? If the former, I'm not enough of a
masquerading whiz to fix it. If the latter, I'll lean on the ISP to
fix it. If more information is required, I'll provide that, too,
publicly if it doesn't expose too much information about my setup,
privately if I feel it does. 

Thanks and all,

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Re: Reiser FS

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 06:41:37AM -0700, Jim Bonnet wrote:
> uh, a backup copy of what? If you are running linux/unix how is fdisk /mbr 
> going to provide a backup copy? It must copy those bytes from somewhere that 
> windows likes..

Sorry. A backup copy of the boot sector. fdisk /mbr is DOS/Windows only.
> Does grub/lilo install a backup copy of the mbr in the same place as windoze? 

Not in the same place. LILO does provide a restore option, but the
command line option for restoring the original boot sector using LILO
escapes me just now.

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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 05:59:54PM -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> On Sunday 22 July 2001 13:14, Net Llama babbled:
> > > dig up some documentation on their package manager.  I forget
> >
> > 'man tar'  ;)
> bit of an oversimplification there LLama... 'man pkgtool' would be correct 
> (but who actually uses that?)

As an arrogant man myself, I recognize arrogance when I see it. :-)
There are literally thousands of installations using pkgadd and its
kin. Why, I can think of three right off hand that use it, and they
haven't a Linux box in the house.

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Re: blowing away boot records and partition tables

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 06:01:37PM -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> I understand that 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xx bs=512k count=1'
> will zero out the MBR, but does it also get the partition table? or should a 
> count of 2 (3?) be used?
> thanks!

Oops. "bs=512k" means 512 kilobtyes. Strongly recommend you try
"bs=512" instead. 

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Re: blowing away boot records and partition tables

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 10:25:19AM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 July 2001 09:31, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> > I understand that 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xx bs=512k count=1'
> > will zero out the MBR, but does it also get the partition table? or should
> > a count of 2 (3?) be used?
> > thanks!
> oooh, that aint what you want at all. you specified a scribble of one single 
> block of 512,000 bytes 
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xx bs=512 count=1

Of course, Mike "The MBR King" beat me to it...

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Re: Fwd: New column

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 07:35:27PM -0400, Randy Donohoe wrote:
> Thanks for the exposure, that'll help a lot. Two-second pings aren't 
> bad, over here in the hills of eastern Kentucky our signals come in on 
> surplus DC mine cable.

We use carrier pigeons to transmit our packets in Holladay, UT.

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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 05:45:01AM -0700, Kenneth G. Moffat wrote:
> This sounds dangerously close to an endorsement 


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Re: Broken DNS?

2001-07-23 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 08:24:18AM -0400, dep wrote:
> On Monday 23 July 2001 01:11 am, Kurt Wall wrote:
> | Since my move, I've had to rely on my ISP's services for KurtWerks
> | because I cannot obtain affordable broadband connectivity in my new
> | location. Anyway, I have a fixed range of IP addresses, one of
> | which is assigned each time I dial-in. When David's mail server is
> | providing back up MX services for, I invariably receive
> | 550 errors when sending mail to the list because the reverse lookup
> | on my IP address understandably fails. Is that a foobar of my own
> | (bad masquerading rule somewhere) or of my ISP? If the former, I'm
> | not enough of a masquerading whiz to fix it. If the latter, I'll
> | lean on the ISP to fix it. If more information is required, I'll
> | provide that, too, publicly if it doesn't expose too much
> | information about my setup, privately if I feel it does.
> the way around this i'm using -- smpt on local machine, pop elsewhere 
> -- is a masquerade envelope, which is fairly easily set up in 
> sendmail. is this the kind of thing you're seeking?

I use envelope masquerading. Alas, this doesn't seem to be the
solution I seek. I shall continue my quest...

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Re: Fwd: New column

2001-07-24 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 10:38:44PM -0500, David A. Bandel wrote:
> Kurt Wall wrote:
> > 
> > We use carrier pigeons to transmit our packets in Holladay, UT.
> > 
> Then I assume you are in full compliance with the new RFC2549, IP over
> Avian Carriers with Quality of Service, which updated RFC1149, Standard
> fo the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers.

Alas, no. I'm totally retro and have not enabled QoS. I didn't
realize RFC1149 had been updated, either. Thanks for the tip.

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Re: Way off topic

2001-07-24 Thread Kurt Wall

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 07:56:27PM -0700, Shawn Tayler wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 22:18:50 -0400, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> >This is so wy  off topic, I have to ask:"how many of these hillarious 
> >things have you had?"
> >
> >  :o)
> One is enough!

Sure, if its a one gallon bottle. *-)

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Re: Broken DNS?

2001-07-24 Thread Kurt Wall

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 12:20:00PM -0700, Keith Morse wrote:
> I'm sorry as this probably won't answer your question, but won't the
> reverse lookup have resolve to a mx record.   At the very least you might
> want to pose this question to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] user's
> list.  Chuck Mead is the maintainer and seriously knowledgeable about all
> things mta/mda/mua/et al.

No need to apologize. I'm still poking around for an answer, but,
fortunately, it happens infrequently enough that it is low on my list
of things to fix.


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Re: dying harddisk

2001-07-26 Thread Kurt Wall

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 02:49:43PM +0800, Auyeung at Technet Systems wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> My harddisk running RH7.0 is developing bad sectors.
> What is the name of program that will run a surface scan on
> a Linux system?
> I man fsck and it seems that  fsck is not the answer?


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Re: The Strangest Things In My Mailbox!

2001-07-26 Thread Kurt Wall

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 12:26:25AM -0600, Myles Green wrote:
> in fact, it was one of their dial-up help-desk people who first turned
> me on to linux way back when - right after i said 'what do you mean
> reformat the drive and reinstall !?! again !!? blah! blah! blah! there's
> got to be *something* better than this!!'. all he said was 'do a search
> on for linux... but you didn't hear that from me' =)

I downloaded my first few Slackware disks Way Back When (c) from, of
all places, America Online. Talk about dripping with irony. ;-)

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Re: dying harddisk

2001-07-26 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 01:07:11AM +0800, Auyeung at Technet wrote:
> Thanks, Rick, Jinm and Kurt,
> I have a backup and so dd to another hd. Put the new hd into another box (
> totally different
> hardware ) and to my surprise, on boot up Anaconda detected the change and
> reinstalled the new modules correctly --- no more kernel panic --- I think I
> start to fall in love with this distro!

I believe the critter that does this is named kudzu. Anaconda is the
installer. Glad the problem is solved, however.


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Re: Linux Courses

2001-07-27 Thread Kurt Wall

On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 03:22:41PM +0200, Taplin, Simon S wrote:
> I'm looking at doing some Linux training while working. I see in Linux
> Journal that there are two main OS independent version, the LPI  LPI (Linux
> Professionals Institute) and the SAIR GNU linux. Which is better? And why?

My 2 shekels: LPI is the only alternative worth considering because
I would have to study to pass their certification. Note that LPI does
not provide training, they define certifications and the tests to 
achieve those certifications.

I don't like SAIR for several reasons:

1. "GNU/LInux" - 'nuff said.
2. Tobin Maginnis is an ass and even more arrogant than me - he was 
   with LPI back before LPI *was* LPI, when LPI was just a group of 
   linux-cert mailing lists. Some discussion didn't go his way, he
   asserted "Tobin Maginnis *is* Linux certification," and went away.
3. The tests are fluff.
4. They keep spamming me.
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Re: Possible virus

2001-07-27 Thread Kurt Wall

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 07:57:47PM -0700, Net Llama wrote:
> --- Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Net Llama wrote:
> > > Then why are you so afraid of opening it?
> > 
> > Because the damned thing might end up in a non functioning binary
> > which takes up HD space.
> Oh, but the email that it came with, that you downloaded, somehow isn't
> taking up the very same exact amount of HD space?  Please give me
> directions to your alternate dimension.  Life sounds quite ideal there.

Geez, Lonnie. Who peed in your cornflakes this morning? ;-)

I suppose the message might be in an IMAP store, in which case he has
not necessarily downloaded the message. Just a thought. Maybe not even
a good one.


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Re: RH 7.1 /boot directory. Info please

2001-07-28 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 04:24:39PM +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
> the following TWO non obvious files exist in my /boot folder. Can someone 
> shed a little light on them for me?
> ONE:
> kernel.h -> kernel.h-2.4.3
> kernel.h-2.4.3
> these were introduced at the 2.4.3 update it was not supplied on the distro's 
> cd at 2.4.2

That's not true, at least not here. I have their 2.4.2 twins installed
on a box here. They are part of the kernel-headers package:

$ rpm -qf /boot/kernel.h-2.4.2

> The contents should be self explanatory, but, I can find no script that does 
> this, and I don't know what the contents would be subsequently used for

I'm guessing the files, or, rather, their contents, are used by Red
Hat-specific tools, perhaps by the RHN utilities (up2date, etc.).

> vmlinuX->
> vmlinuZ-> 
> vmlinuz is a modularised, non- multi processing kernel. ( I hate the word 
> SMP, too confusing). Both are approx the same size, and apart from booting 
> the damn thing, what would vmlinuX be?

Beats heck out of me. I'm only using Fuscia Fedora to finish a couple
of projects, then I'm off to Slackware.

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Re: fine. no more orbl

2001-07-29 Thread Kurt Wall

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 09:17:51PM -0600, Collins Richey wrote:
> Now I'll get bitchy.
> 1. You provided no warning for this unilateral action.  Nobody has a clue

By long tradition, system administrators are free to do as they see
fit with the system(s) they administer. While it may have been more
courteous to users to have provided some warning in advance, I
maintain that you are out of line to complain about the unilateral
action because, bottom line, you get to use, for free and without
strings, a service someone else provides. I know you know this, but
perhaps it helps to be reminded. Eh?

> when they get a "return address denied by mail service" message.  I tried
> unsubscribing and resubscribing, but that did no good.  The icing on the

The mail headers provided all of the information you needed. Doug is
right, too, if an ISP doesn't close an open mail relay, even though
they are not now a spam source, they *will* eventually become one.
Code Red should remind everyone how easy it is to scan a range of
addresses. It only takes about 10 more lines of code to scan every
port on an address for one that can be probed more completely for
potential exploit.

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Re: procmail question

2001-07-30 Thread Kurt Wall

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 07:00:40AM -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> on a system with procmail as the LDA, which gets executed first, 
> /etc/procmailrc or $HOME/.procmailrc ?
> thanks


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Re: Screen capture

2001-07-30 Thread Kurt Wall

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 12:29:52AM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
> I am getting daft but I can't seem to use xv to grab a screen which has
> multiple open windows on it. It just give me the window the cursor is in.
> My attempts to grab a rectangle don't work well across several screens.
> Any insight appreciated.

Try xwd instead. It will grab the whole screen, I believe:

$ xwd -screen | convert - dump.jpeg

Grabs the root window, pipes the output to convert, which reads its
stdin and dumps the result in dump.jpeg.

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Re: I have returned

2001-07-30 Thread Kurt Wall

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 03:43:20PM +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:
> Sorry but I am back <|;-00.Did 4630 km wothout leaving
> my home state, and now feel like a stunned mullet after a final drive of
> 1150 yesterday and today. Had a magnificent time and now need to d/l the
> photos and work on them and get them up online. Got as high as I could,
> north with a conventional car, before turning back.
> Shorts, thongs and a singlet were the order of the day.

Welcome back. The thought of seeing you in a thong makes me shudder
and sends a chill down my spine, though. ;-)

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Re: Testing, ignore

2001-07-31 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Auyeung at Technet say:
> Wondering how many of us would just delete the mail when we see the subject
> line saying
> "testing -- ignore " ?

Evidently, not many. ;-)

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RE: FTP and freesco (solved)

2001-07-31 Thread Kurt Wall

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tim Wunder
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 6:55 PM
> Subject: Re: FTP and freesco (solved)
> I know, don't respond to your own posts (especially if nobody 
> cares). But if 
> we can talk about Keith Antoine's thongs, a reply to my own 
> post sould be OK. 

Well, it wasn't his thongs we were talking about so much as his, well,
um, uh...

> Who knows? Someone might find it on the archive and get some 
> use out of it...

That's the spirit. Actually, it is fodder for a quick Step-by-Step.

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Re: Centering a postscript document

2001-07-31 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Joel Hammer say:
> Well, I have RTFM on convert, including the home page for ImageMagick, and
> can't even begin to see how to do this simple thing. I don't want to emboss,
> add texture, shear, etc. any image. 
> All I want to do is take a postscript file printed by quattropro and get it centered
> on a page. Sounds simple but it is too much for me.

I'd use something like enscript with the appropriate incantations to
center it as required plus the option to write the output to a file.

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Re: Volume Control in Realplayer8:SOLVED (Blame TakeConsole)

2001-07-31 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Mike Andrew say:
> why does yahoo keep telling me I am a failure? I know that.

Reminder, perhaps? ;-)

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Re: Screen capture

2001-08-01 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Ronnie Gauthier say:
> Looks like I'm having tennis shoe for breakfast :-(

Yum, yum! My favorite.

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RE: Header Files

2001-08-01 Thread Kurt Wall

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Chris Kassopulo
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:15 AM
> To: Linux Users
> Subject: Header Files
> Greetings,
> Anyone know where I can snatch a copy of the header files for 
> kernel 2.4.4 without downloading the whole enchilada?

An RPM named kernel-headers, perhaps? You DO NOT want to use
kernel headers that do not match your running kernel.


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RE: NIC Addresses

2001-08-01 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, Jason Joines told us:
>  Is there a way to obtain the IP address associated with a given 
> NIC address?  I have used arping to go the other way but 
> haven't found 
> anything that does this.

Doesn't RARP (reverse ARP) do this?


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Re: Strange file.

2001-08-01 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Lee say:
> Still haven't found a way to remove my delinquent Win file. But, net
> lama was right. Something else was devouring my hd space. Got rid of it
> with $ cleandir -a +365 /home/user. Now have 45% of my hd available. A
> definate improvement over 2%.

What's the output of "lsattr" on that file? Or have we been here

Big M, Little M, many mumbling mice
Are making midnight music in the moonlight,
Mighty nice!
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RE: wu-ftpd and session limit per ip

2001-08-02 Thread Kurt Wall

Linuxism Chang asked:
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 2:13 AM
> To: linux-users
> Subject: wu-ftpd and session limit per ip
> Is it possible to limit each IP to login wu-ftps once only at any 
> time?

Yes. See the host-limit directive for /etc/ftpaccess. From
the man page:

Limit  to  simultaneous connections per
host IP address at times , displaying  if the user is denied access. Limit check
is  performed at login time only. If multiple "host-
limit" commands can apply to the current session, the
first applicable one is used. Failing to define a
valid limit, or a  limit  of  -1,  is  equivalent  to
unlimited.   is in same format as the times in
the UUCP L.sys file.


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Re: The Worm: How you doin'?

2001-08-07 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard dep say:
> On Friday 03 August 2001 06:26 pm, Lee wrote:
> | Let's not forget that RedmonLinux is just down the street.
> tough.

Collateral damage. ;-)

flytrap n. 

 [rare] See firewall machine.

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Re: /tmp full

2001-08-08 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Mark Heinrich say:
> I am unable to start KDE because my /tmp is full.  I deleted the files that
> I thought I could and there are only two or three left but I am still
> getting an error that my /tmp is full.  How can I see how much space /tmp
> has allocated and how much is free?  How can I increase the amount of space
> /tmp has?  TIA

Space usage:
df -h /tmp
du -s /tmp
What's using /tmp?
lsof +d /tmp
lsof +D /tmp

The philosopher's treatment of a question is like the treatment of an illness.
-- Wittgenstein.
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Re: CD burning: request for test was Re: usb card reader

2001-08-09 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Mike Andrew say:
> this is the crux of the matter Kantoine, sybil is kernel 2.4.x and I need it 
> confirmed that append= is NOT needed (after all) in a 2.2.x kernel. There has 
> to be a better (tm) way of doing thingz.

"append=" is not required.

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Re: Linux-Mandrake 8.0 messenger

2001-08-09 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Mike Andrew say:
> On Thursday 09 August 2001 21:59, joshua brow wrote:
> > For attn Mike Andrews,
> Huh? What did I do?

Good grief, there's simply no telling what you've done this time.

Ideas don't stay in some minds very long because they don't like
solitary confinement.
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Re: help with printing pdf files

2001-08-09 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Mike Andrew say:
> can someone help me please. if i try and print (via ghostview) to my 
> laserjet, the printer just blinks at me. I have no trouble printing in 
> general, just (apparently) massaged postrcrpt files.

When a printer winks at you, be afraid, be very afraid.

> i thought enscript passed thru postcript as is?

I've had no trouble. Anything interesting in the log or from lpc? Then
again, I only use enscript for sending text to a Postscript. What
about plain old "lpr". This works for me.

Serfs up!
-- Spartacus
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RE: multiple pppd

2001-08-09 Thread Kurt Wall

> sir, in the interface name "ppp0",
> "ppp" is the deivce type, what is "0"?
> port number? device alias?
> that could aid my search :)

The interface number. If you have five PPP interfaces,
they would be numbered ppp0, ppp1, ppp2, ppp3, and ppp4.

> and how could you use ifconfig to change ppp0 to ppp1 after ppp0
> was up? I did come across asolution by accident while playing
> with pppoe and dial-out pppd.

I'm not sure you would. ppp1 refers to a different interface
than ppp0. I have two NICs, eth0 and eth1, and getting them 
confused or forcing one to be the other would cause a great
deal of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.


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Re: DNS log question (BIND)

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Federico Voges say:
> Hi!
> Can anyone tell me the meaning of these messages??
> Aug 11 07:12:44 drakis named[30669]: Lame server on '' (in 
> Aug 11 07:14:48 drakis named[30669]: bad referral ( !< 
>208/ from [].53

This is a FAQ. The BIND FAQ at answers it very

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Re: easy ftp

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard markh say:
> Here's a newbie question for you:  I've been ftp'ing files using
> Netscape file by file.  How do I get a whole directory at once?  The
> reason I'm asking is that I'd like to upgrade to XFree 4.1, KDE
> 2.1.2, and sometime soon kernal 2.4.5 (I'm running a stock 2.2.14
> from eD2.4)  TIA

With Nutscrape, you don't. ncftp lets you do "get dirname" and
grab the entire directory. gftp and KDE's equivalent graphical ftp
client (I forget its name) do the same.

To our sweethearts and wives.  May they never meet.
-- 19th century toast
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Re: Question on script

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] say:
> I have a small script that pings my ISP every so often so the ISP 
> doesn't shut my server connection down for lack of activity. The script 
> is as follows
> #!/bin/sh
> ping -i 600>/tmp/pinglog.txt
> On my desktop I have set up an icon to start the script called pingit. 
> The execute line is
>  /root/pingit &.

Lose the period, if it's there. I don't think it is necessary to run
it in the background, either. Moreover, you need to do something with

ping -i 600 > /tmp/pinglog.txt 2> /tmp/pingerr.txt

The other problem is that ping must run in a terminal, so create the
shortcut to run in a terminal (I believe there's a checkbox for this

> !pingit &

What's with the "!"?

> I get an error msg that has to do with the '&'
> If I try to run it with just !pingit, it says that there is no such command.

Right. The script is named "pingit" not "!pingit". Try:


The shell has a special meaning for "!".

 "It's not the despair... I can stand the despair.  It's the hope."
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Re: test-please ignore

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard easwari say:
> test

Note the date: "Thu, Jan 01, 1998." 

... relaxed in the manner of a man who has no need to put up a front of
any kind.
-- John Ball, "Mark One: the Dummy"
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[veering OT]Re: test-please ignore

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard Michael Scottaline say:
> On Sun, 12 Aug 2001 18:30:27 -0600
> Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:
> KW> In the last episode, we heard easwari say:
> KW> > test
> KW> 
> KW> Note the date: "Thu, Jan 01, 1998." 
> KW> 
> KW> Kurt
> ===
> Wow!!  Even snail mail *might* have been faster, no Kurt???
> Mike

Our wagon train based networking is faster. ;-)

Q:  What's yellow, and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
A:  Zorn's Lemon.
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Re: Question on script

2001-08-12 Thread Kurt Wall

In the last episode, we heard [EMAIL PROTECTED] say:
> Thanks Kurt.
> That fixed things.


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