[REBOL] Problem with sending attachements Re:

2000-09-12 Thread bhandley

I think Rebol does not have a built-in capability for this, however a script
will do the job.

Have a look at the following page and search for attach.r



- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Problem with sending attachements

Hey, sorry to be annoying. I'm new in Rebol and I really like it.
But I have a problem. My questions is how to send a file that can be seen as
an attachements in Microsoft Outlook.
Thank you very very much.

[REBOL] rebol weak points (i think) Re:(5)

2000-09-11 Thread bhandley

Hi, Rishi...

 By the way, did anyone write a rebapp to read/post messages on this
newsgroups rather than having it
 come in my mail box? I am having to constantly subscribe/unsubscribe on
demand depending on when I
 need to send messages.

You could also stick around and help others new to Rebol. ;-)


[REBOL] IRC Protocol (I give up ) Re:(7)

2000-09-10 Thread bhandley

message  ::= [':' prefix SPACE ] command params crlf
 prefix   ::= servername | nick [ '!' user ] [ '@' host ]

 It could be nice to have a REBOL function to actually parse (any)
 whole 'pseudo' BNF formatted description..


I agree. I started looking at a function like this (given the number of EBNF
floating around w3c.org) but unfortunately have not produced anything
remotely useful. Though the exercise taught me a heap about all sort of
things I didn't know before...
Problems struck include "backtracking". I found a relevent scscript called
search-text.r (on www.rebol.org) by Eric Long that takes regular
expressions - but again I got lost.

So I second the motion, it would be nice to a such a function :)


[REBOL] Copyrights Re:

2000-09-08 Thread bhandley

Since it is very important, you should consult a lawyer and explain to
him/her your requirements.

Different countries have different copyright laws.

Some countries have agreements between them so that if your work is
protected in one country it may also be protected in another.

The site http://www.copyright.org.au is meant to be used by Australians (in
Australia copyright protection is automatic). It has a number of useful
articles about copyright including an information sheet called "Copyright
Protection in Other Countries". This may give you a clue to what you need to

That said, it is likely that you will need to understand your home countries
copyright law before looking into other countries.

Maybe others on this list will add some other links.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 2:52 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Copyrights


 I live in Peru and I need register my products, copyrigths, etc.
 Basicly in USA, I think.
 Please, can somebody tell me what I must do or who contact ? It is very

 Thank you very much.

 Cristian G. Amayo

[REBOL] if any [not suffixes find suffixes find/last file . ] [ Re:(4)

2000-09-07 Thread bhandley

Just a note.

There is an enhancement request for find so that it return values like
John's code suggests but without requiring the loop.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 3:00 AM
Subject: [REBOL] if any [not suffixes find suffixes find/last file "." ]


 Do you mean ...
 foreach file-name file-list [
 if find/any file-name "*.r" [ print join "found " file-name ]


 cheers, john

 I think it makes sense now... but: how could I use a wildcard such as the
 find/any wildcard to find the file, e.g.:

 find/any file-list "*.r"

[REBOL] Creating an absolute path filename via join on directory and filename Re:(4)

2000-08-29 Thread bhandley

 Shouldn't they return the same thing on Rebol?
 It seems like they should.

 Is this a bug?

I doubt it. What would be the point of such information? It it is clearly
platform specific information. With my Rebol hammer, I'm seeing most
problems as nails, but is this going a little far?

[snip something I can't comment on.]

 Even if it is cool for Unix wizards to have whatever this
 info is, it will be a drag for them if they write a script
 using that info and expecting it to work everywhere...

I don't know what info is there, but I can guess, so I suspect that it may
even be a drag to expect that the information would work even on the same
platform at a later time. It may be that the result on Windows may be the
better behaviour - don't know really.



 = Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 Without the final '/', read attempts to access the directory as an actual
 file.  On mess-doss this causes an error, while on *nix it returns some
 nice binary stuff which only wizards know how to use.
 With the final '/', read returns a block of names found within the
 For example, in the MICROS~1 world:
  foo: read %Examples
 ** Access Error: Cannot open /C/bin/REBOL/Examples.
 ** Where: foo: read %Examples
  foo: read %Examples/
 == [%all.r %index.html %webprint.r %webget.r %webgetter.r %weblib.r
 r %webfind.r %webfinder.r %webcheck.r %webloop.r %webt...
 And in the *nix world:
  foo: read %java

  foo: read %java/
 == [%classes/]
  an absolute path is like this:
  Hope that's what you're after.
  By the way, somebody once said it's better to specify dirs with the '/'
 the end. I forget why...
   I want to create a configuration file which loads in some functions I
 wrote. I wrote a verbose description of the program below, but then
 "Gee, REBOL is actually more concise and easy to understand than my
   REBOL []
   rebol-dir: "/cygwin/home/administrator/rebol"
   j: join rebol-dir "/vindex.r"
   f: to-file j
   do f
   so I have two questions:
   1- how can i use "c:/cygwin/home/administrator/rebol" instead of just
   "/cygwin/home/administrator/rebol" so that I can use directories
 may be on any drive?
   2- As it stands, this script just hangs even though there is a file
 called vindex.r in the created directory path
   Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at
 ; Joel Neely  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  901-263-4460  38017/HKA/9677
 REBOL []  print to-string debase/64 decompress #{

[REBOL] Jobs/projects list? Re:(4)

2000-08-29 Thread bhandley

IfranView is a great little freeware (non-commercial use) viewer for Windows
that can handle more image formats "than you can poke a stick at" including

Does batch conversions as well. Worth checking out.



- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 9:47 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Jobs/projects list? Re:(3)

 Practically all file viewers on UNIX/Linux can view .ppm.
 I used to have a viewer for Windows but I can't find it anymore.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 4:10 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Jobs/projects list? Re:(2)

 OK. What kind of application can I use to view a .ppm (portable pixel map)

  I have finished up a good chunk of the GML parsing (grammer.r)
  and started work on the renderer (renderer.r and threed.r).  However
  RealLife and WeakMathSkills is preventing me from finishing it up.
  'do %render.r' should create a tiny 'testing.ppm' file containing
  a picture of a rendered plane.
  Although I wasn't able to finish it,  I had a lot of fun with the
  parsing.  REBOL parses like a hot knife through butter!  My problem
  is that I've never written any 3-d code in my life so that bit was
  going to be out of my reach for a while.
  If there are any enterprising programmers out there, feel free
  (no strings attached) to use this code as you please.  There are
  still about 20 hours left till the deadline.  Top prize is $1000US
  and unlimited bragging rights!

[REBOL] Please help with proxy setup Re:

2000-08-25 Thread bhandley


MAPI is a piece of technology inside Outlook/Windows.

You will need to talk to your network administrator at work. It is quite
possible that they will have to make a special setting (there are multiple
ways they could do it) on their network server machines in order for you to
be able to use Rebol or any other TCP/IP client to access your outside pop
server. When (and if) they do this, they should tell you the address you
should use for the "pop server".  Whether they do this for you will depend
on the security/network policy at your work and how much extra admin it
causes them.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 11:58 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Please help with proxy setup

 Hi, we dont have a pop server here at work, they have some beast call MAPI
(not IMAP) that is used, for example, if you want to setup Microsoft Outlook
or something.

 I have an outside ISP (Earthlink) and I know that it gets my email from

 Our proxy is
 the port by which it is accessed is 80

 So, how do I setup Rebol at work? Any help is appreciated.

 --- at home, I simply followed answered Rebol's questions and was up and
runnning in 20seconds. at home I answered as follows:

 email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 email server: pop.earthlink.net

 no proxy

 Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at

[REBOL] context of a function Re:(8)

2000-08-24 Thread bhandley

As far as I know, it is only humans that can give the word simple a meaning.
So it is humans that interpret something as simple.

"When you set out to write rules for a game you will be suprised to find
that a rule
which seems perfectly clear to you can easily be misunderstood even by
very intelligent
players. The reason is that players are very rarely starting from
scratch. There are other
games they play and other habits they have. They may therefore interpret
your rules
on another basis."

["Simplicity", Edward de Bono, Penguin Books]

Obviously the antidote for this malaise is clearer (less ambiguous)
communication. Edward de Bono also points out that simplicity does not just
happen. There is an effort seeking it. If someone has found a simple design
everyone benefits when that design is communicated clearly.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 3:36 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: context of a function Re:(6)


 On 23-Ago-00, you wrote:

  b Functions are simpler
  b than most think they are.

 Actually, REBOL is simpler than most think it is. This is the
 reason because they often complain for bugs or strange behaviour:
 humans have a lot of difficulty to grasp simplicity.

 Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
 Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] Refining functions.

2000-08-22 Thread bhandley

I've finally got paths working on functions. So you can call a refined
function fairly easily. Other may know this, but it was new on me.

In the following example f1 will called a refined version of f2. The nice
thing is how it just calls existing functions. Also, it leaves the argument
passing to the caller.

to-refined-function: function [
"Refines a function with the specified refinements."
refinements [any-block!]
] [p] [
p: to-path head insert/only head copy refinements f

f1: function [
x y
] [a-func refines] [
refines: [r2 r3]
a-func: to-refined-function f2 refines
a-func x y

f2: func [
/r2 y
] [
print ["Function f2 was called with parameter" mold x]
if r1 [ print "Refinement r1 was called." ]
if r2 [ print ["Refinement r2 was called with parameter" mold y] ]
if r3 [ print "Refinement r3 was called." ]

Now the test.

 f1 "test" "2nd-param"
Function f2 was called with parameter "test"
Refinement r2 was called with parameter "2nd-param"
Refinement r3 was called.


== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

[REBOL] Refinement Help output Re:

2000-08-21 Thread bhandley

You made all your refinements and their arguments local. You will need to
move the "/local..." after the description for "/rev".


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Refinement Help output

 I got the following function which I enhanced from a previous posting with
 some help from members of this list.  How do you get help to display the
 comments for the refinements.

 Paul Tretter

 dec2bin: func[
 "Converts Based 10 Integers to Binary"
 dn [integer!] "Base 10 Integer"
 /local holder neghold
 /pad+ zr+ [string!] "Add String to beginning of Output value"
 /pad- zr- [string!] "Add String to tail of Output value"
 /rev "Reverses the normal output of the value"][

 holder: make string! ""

 if dn = 0 [holder: "0"]

 if negative? dn [
 dn: absolute dn
 neghold: 1]

 while [dn / 2  0][
 either dn // 2  0 [insert holder 1][insert holder 0]
 dn: to-integer dn / 2

  if rev [reverse holder]
  if pad+ [insert head holder zr+]
  if pad- [insert tail holder zr-]
  if neghold = 1 [return join "-" holder]

 return holder

[REBOL] Enhancement Request - Range! datatype Re:(6)

2000-08-21 Thread bhandley

 how about?

 Is using n"to"n that different from using n"x"n for pairs? It is
 obvious that it is a range, ( in English at least).

 Other ideas?

"to" could be exclusive and "thru" inclusive like parse. Don't know what you
do about the range start though.

".." is quite concise (if barely legible on my monitor ;) ). So if we were
lucky enough to get some range math use a .. b for an inclusive range as
suggested before.
a .. b for an exclusive start point and inclusive end point
a .. b you can guess
a .. b a range that does not include the end points


[REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks.. Re:(3)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

Hi Elan,

Good question. I assumed one sort of behaviour but it is not necessarily
obvious is it?

Having thought on it a little I think the /any refinement should be
activated for the block situation or the help/documentation changed to
indicate it will not work. My preference is for the former since we should
get those other great refinements as part of the bargin.

I suspect that the behaviour should not be the same in both cases as the
cases are of different types.
Since Find is defined as "Finds a value in a series..." - its behaviour
should depend on the values of the series it is given.

The values of a string are characters so Find returns us the string with the
current index of the string set appropriately - resulting in a part string.

So, I suggest that it makes sense that the result of the find on a block
should be the block with the current index set appropriately, as it does
now, but with the /any refinement enabled to influence the matching.

Any comments?


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 2:44 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks.. Re:(2)

 Hi etcha,

  help find
  /any -- Enables the * and ? wildcards.

 Case 1:
  string: "xdefgjkljyjkljweruiouz"
  find/any string "y*z"
 == "yjkljweruiouz"

 Case 2:
  block-with-string: reduce [string]
 == ["xdefgjkljyjkljweruiouz"]
  find/any block-with-string "y*z"
 == none

 Should find's behavior be the same in both cases?

 At 12:00 PM 8/20/00 +1000, you wrote:
 whats wrong with:
  blah: "my-string"
 == "my-string"
  blah: parse blah "-"
 == ["my" "string"]
  if find blah "my" [print ["yes"]]
 its not what you want, but you cant search the string for something thats
 not there,
 eg "my*" :)
 -Original Message-
 Date: Sunday, August 20, 2000 11:42 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks..
 I would have expected this to work. Am I missing something?
  find/any ["my-string"] "my*"
 == none
 == http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

 ;- Elan [ : - ) ]
 REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
 visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

[REBOL] Is there a rebol email client app yet? Re:(2)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

Thanks for the replies Gabriele and Paolo.

I look forward to preliminary sketch info. Also, it will be very interesting
to look on the results of this effort, down the track, to analyse how
effective the environment is towards applications development productivity.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 4:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Is there a rebol email client app yet? Re:

 I thought there was a Rebol email client app project underway. I was
 wondering if anyone knows if it has produced something.
 == http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

 We're just at the beginning of the development cycle... and yet have
 to organize our cohordinate efforts. There's plenty of space,

 Today or tomorrow, I'll post a very preliminar sketch/proposal of
 user interface, based on Carl's drafts.
 If you are curious, you can join the mailing list (Rebmail) at
 Paolo Russo
 PERD s.r.l.
 Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions

[REBOL] Is there a rebol email client app yet? Re:(3)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

Thanks Andrew. I'll do that - but probably just in stealth mode :)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 6:10 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Is there a rebol email client app yet? Re:(2)

  If you are curious, you can join the mailing list (Rebmail) at
 To subscribe to this group, send an email to:
 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
 Andrew Martin
 Rebol list 'bot...
 ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks.. Re:(4)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

Hm. Which means I want a consistent behaviour (setting the index
appropriately according to the value found) even if it looks different (one
returns what looks like a part string - the other returns what looks like a
part block, not a part string).


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 11:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks.. Re:(3)

 Hi Elan,

 Good question. I assumed one sort of behaviour but it is not necessarily
 obvious is it?

 Having thought on it a little I think the /any refinement should be
 activated for the block situation or the help/documentation changed to
 indicate it will not work. My preference is for the former since we should
 get those other great refinements as part of the bargin.

 I suspect that the behaviour should not be the same in both cases as the
 cases are of different types.
 Since Find is defined as "Finds a value in a series..." - its behaviour
 should depend on the values of the series it is given.

 The values of a string are characters so Find returns us the string with
 current index of the string set appropriately - resulting in a part

 So, I suggest that it makes sense that the result of the find on a block
 should be the block with the current index set appropriately, as it does
 now, but with the /any refinement enabled to influence the matching.

 Any comments?


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 2:44 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks.. Re:(2)

  Hi etcha,
   help find
   /any -- Enables the * and ? wildcards.
  Case 1:
   string: "xdefgjkljyjkljweruiouz"
   find/any string "y*z"
  == "yjkljweruiouz"
  Case 2:
   block-with-string: reduce [string]
  == ["xdefgjkljyjkljweruiouz"]
   find/any block-with-string "y*z"
  == none
  Should find's behavior be the same in both cases?
  At 12:00 PM 8/20/00 +1000, you wrote:
  whats wrong with:
   blah: "my-string"
  == "my-string"
   blah: parse blah "-"
  == ["my" "string"]
   if find blah "my" [print ["yes"]]
  its not what you want, but you cant search the string for something
  not there,
  eg "my*" :)
  -Original Message-
  Date: Sunday, August 20, 2000 11:42 AM
  Subject: [REBOL] Find/any doesn't seem to find strings in blocks..
  I would have expected this to work. Am I missing something?
   find/any ["my-string"] "my*"
  == none
  == http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol
  ;- Elan [ : - ) ]
  REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
  visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

[REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:(3)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

That's funny. I should have checked the scripts I load by default before
checking the sources.
Now what other little gems have I unwittingly loaded? :)


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 6:04 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:(2)


 back from holiday.
 You might not notice, but Refined is a function defined in
 It was my reaction to Michael's problem, but he pointed out, that
 he didn't want to use it because of its overhead...


  Rooting around Rebol sources as the official guide book
 recommends, I came
  across the following function (which would make my /refinements
  unnecessary. Now to get it to work
   help refined
  REFINED f refinements
   Create a function doing the same thing as a function with
  refinements does
   REFINED is a function value.
   f -- (Type: any-function)
   refinements -- (Type: block)
  - Original Message -
  From: "Brett Handley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 7:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:
   Thanks for your response Michael.
   Now that's an interesting idea.
   I think your approach is good at getting the refinements of
   higher-function processed as a set, but it obscures what
 happens after
   My latest approach has been to use an additional refinement on
   sub-function called /refinements. This has an argument of type
 block that
   contains pairs of refinement-name and refinement-value.
   Inspired by your work I produced this.
   main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values r][
sub-func/refinements refinements-to-block :main-func va
   sub-func: function [/refinements refine-list][va vb vc][
   do bind refine-list 'va
   print ["va:" va]
   print ["vb:" vb]
   print ["vc:" vc]
   refinements-to-block: function [
   refinement-block: copy []
   foreach r first :hi-func [
   if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
   append refinement-block to-set-word r
   append/only refinement-block to-paren bind reduce
 [to-word r]
   compose refinement-block
   It results in this:
   va: none
   vb: true
   vc: true
   Of course it doesn't handle any refinement arguments.
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:35 AM
   Subject: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:
Well since I know you're thinking about asking for the
 solution I had
up with, I'll go all out and post it here. The actual
 solution to loop
through the function items (refinements) is not much code,
 but is
and messy-looking. I feel like I'm going through alot of
 trouble to hide
this and save a few characters in the "high-level" function,
 but the
is a little easier on the eye and made me learn about
 contexts and
; Say you have a high-level function (main-func) with a list
refinements, and you want to pass all of these refinements
 to a
function (sub-func). The bare parameter-passing code is:
main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values
 this-code: make-code "main-func" "sub-func"
 bind this-code 'some-global bind this-code
 do this-code
sub-func: function [param-list][va vb vc][
 set [va vb vc] param-list
 print ["va:" va]
 print ["vb:" vb]
 print ["vc:" vc]
; Resulting in:
va: true
vb: none
vc: true
; To support this you must define the following globally:
some-global: none
make-code: function [hi-func [string!] lo-func
 code: copy {
  refine-values: make block! []
  foreach r first :hi-func [
   if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
append refine-values get bind to-word r
  lo-func refine-values
 replace/all code "hi-func" hi-func
 replace/all code "lo-func" lo-func
 return(to-block code)
- Michael Jelinek

[REBOL] Official guide in the UK Re:(2)

2000-08-20 Thread bhandley

 It even made it to Waterstones in little old Newbury ! (Priced at GBP

That is amazing. When I was there, I really had to go to Oxford or Reading
to get something technical :)


[REBOL] Is there a rebol email client app yet?

2000-08-19 Thread bhandley

I thought there was a Rebol email client app project underway. I was
wondering if anyone knows if it has produced something.


== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

[REBOL] A novice question Re:

2000-08-19 Thread bhandley

Hi Vik,

Did you retry your program in a fresh session of Rebol? It may have been
that during your writing/testing of your program you got to a point that
triggered the Rebol GC bug (which I understand is being looked at by RT).

Regarding the keywords are they tags or text? This might change the
approach. If say your keywords are part of the text, are immediately before
and after your job posting information, and are unique enough, then you
could just ignore the tags completely and parse based on your keywords.
Something like this maybe:

parse-rules: [
some [
thru keyword-one-text
copy text
to keyword-two-text
(print text)

Also, it may not be relevant, but note that the parse function as used in
script examples ignores spaces by default (use parse/all if you want parse
to process spaces).

On a different track, Rebol version 2.3 has the ability to load markup. Like

 loaded-page: load/markup http://www.abc.net.au/news

loaded-page is now a block that contains values of type tag! and type

foreach item loaded-page [ if not tag? item [ print item ] ]

or use parse in block mode rules

abc-news-headlines: [
thru !-- start insert of main story copy --
some [ thru b copy text to /b (print text)]
!--end insert of copy for top stories--
to end

 parse loaded-page abc-news-headlines
Supply ship approaches rescue site as hopes fade
Muslim extremists collapse hostage release talks
Monsoon bus tragedy in central India
US bushfires not letting up
Gore pulls ahead in US presidential poll
Man falls overboard in crocodile-infested waters
Fighting couple force jumbo jet to land
Sport news

This is good if you know exactly what the value of some items in the block
are, but not sood good if you need to do pattern matching. For example
finding the title text is easy because we know a tag title exists in the b

 copy/part find/tail loaded-page title 1
== ["ABC Online News - Latest Bulletin"]


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 8:27 AM
Subject: [REBOL] A novice question

 I was trying to modify the web parser code from the
 User's Guide. The original code is like this:
 tag-parser: make object! [
 tags: make block! 100
 text: make string! 8000
  html-code: [
  copy tag ["" thru ""] (append tags tag) |
  copy txt to "" (append text txt)
  parse-tags: func [site[url!]] [
   clear tags clear text
   parse read site [to "" some html-code]
   print text
 My aim is to pick up listings from the web site to
 pick up jobs which begin with "keyword_one" and end
 with "keyword_two", but I would still like to get rid
 of the tags. So I tried this

 copy tag ["" thru "keyword1"] (append tags tag) |
 copy txt to "keyword2" (append text txt)
 etc.. and then use tag-parser/parse-tags modified-url.
 But this now hangs.
 Any help welcomed by this novice.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

[REBOL] problems with local vars??? Re:(5)

2000-08-18 Thread bhandley

Guru question.

Rebol functions are a dialect which is interpreted...
[ ]  At load time.
[ ]  After being loaded.
[ ]  Both of the above.
[ ]  The question is irrelevent and can be ignored without harm.
[ ]  Not enough information to say.
[ ]  Other (please specify). 


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:43 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problems with local vars??? Re:(4)

 Brett wrote:
  But I wonder if Rebol necessarily sees functions like this? Are they
 perhaps a dialect that is interpreted?
 Rebol functions are a dialect and they are interpreted.
 Andrew Martin
 ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] problems with local vars??? Re:(7)

2000-08-18 Thread bhandley

 second :f is different. It returns a "live" block of code (the body) with
 the contained words bound to the local frame of the function f.  This
 of code can be modified with and extended (with append etc. using 'bind if
 necessary) after the function is created.

 It seems clear that the
 interpreter executes the function by 'do-ing this body block.

The original reason I originally questioned the relationship between
functions and dialects in this thread was due to this "'do-ing the body
block" concept.  To make the question specific define a function f like

 f: func[/local x][x: {} append x "a" print x]

My question then is, how are the first two values (x: {}) of the body block
treated when the interpreter executes the function? In terms of purely
executing the block, logically it seems, the first two values could be
considered redundant, correct?

A related issue (maybe), I don't know if it is been asked before.

If I now use f, I get:


Compare this with another function g and its results:

 g: func[/local x][x: 0 x: add x 1 print x]

Are these results related to the execution of a function or the
interpretation of datatypes?
Any enlightenment please?


[REBOL] For bitset fiddlers and Outlook express users.

2000-08-17 Thread bhandley

Two items unrelated to each other apart from where they are hosted.


I've made available on my site a script that given a bitset will describe
that bitset in a form that the charset function will understand.  The
address is


Outlook Express

Ssh. I use it too. My problem with it has been HOW do I get my messages of
out the damnable thing once it has gorged on my precious emails? The answer
lies in telling it to "drop it's bundle". Rebol sifts the bundle. Details at


== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

[REBOL] problems with local vars??? Re:(3)

2000-08-17 Thread bhandley

  Here's your function slightly edited
  local-func: function [input][my-local-string][
  my-local-string:  ; This says make it so that my-local-string
  to the next value. (1)
  "that is local " ; This says create a string value. (2)
  print append my-local-string input; (3)

 I think it's slightly confusing to say in (2) that the literal string
 "says to create a string value".  Instead, I suggest that in (2) the
 literal string IS a string value.  (If I had my geek hat on, I'd say
 something more complicated like "serves as a reference to the string
 that was created when this source code was loaded", bit I left my geek
 hat at home today... ;-)

Yeah, it probably is a bit confusing. I confused my contexts. I intended to
to convey the sense that Rebol "does it differently", especially compared to
a compiled language (which was the example), rather than attempting to
explain the deepest truths behind Rebol (which I'm not entirely confident
on). I should have made that clear. I sould have also made clear that my
meaning referred to what happens at load - distinguishing between might
happen when Rebol script is parsed as opposed to when Rebol values are

 Every time the function referred to by to local-func is evaluated,
 my-local-string is set to refer to THE SAME STRING, rather than a
 newly-created one.

This sounds like a nice description when you have the expectation that
functions always do something (their definitions) when they are evaluated.
That they carry out all the parts of their definition when evaluated. A way
of thinking that says "this function now has program control" so it has to
do something (which is quite reasonable to imagine). But I wonder if Rebol
necessarily sees functions like this? Are they perhaps a dialect that is
interepreted? I only ask this because I'm trying to shake of my normal
assumptions of what Rebol is doing when it evaluates a "function" which is
after all a Rebol value not something like machine instructions (another

  Therefore, mutations on the value of my-local-string
 (e.g., append, insert, remove, replace ) are continuing to operate
 on the same string which ORIGINALLY (at load time) contained
 "that is local ", but which has subsequently been modified with every
 evaluation of the function.

 I don't want to sound hypercritical here!  I'm really just thinking
 out loud about how to describe the behavior of literal series values
 in REBOL, as this sort of thing keeps coming up on the list.

Yes, I know. I've collected three useful descriptions of it on my tips page.
But I feel that at least two levels of description (absolute beginner/ not
an absolute beginner) could be useful - differentiated perhaps by one using
metaphor and the other describing "the truth"...

 You certainly described the correct solution in the remainder of your
 note, but I'm wondering if making a more explicit distinction between
 load time and evaluation time will help us explain this.

Well, I think Elan can tell you that he believes it would since this
distinction is made in "The Official Guide" (p230).


[REBOL] Search for in Strings Re:

2000-08-16 Thread bhandley

The following is a literal string that contains two double quotes

 print {He said "hi".}
He said "hi".


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Search for " in Strings

 Hi List,

 I need to search for " in lines of a file to remove them, but i dont know
 do that. All other characters are no problem, but """ wont work.
 i tried ends up in an Invalid String failure.

 Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted.


[REBOL] Search for in Strings Re:(3)

2000-08-16 Thread bhandley

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:51 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Search for " in Strings Re:(2)

 The following is a literal string that contains two double quotes
  print {He said "hi".}
 He said "hi".

 gWell, to be grammatically correct, it should be:

   print {He said "hi."}
  He said "hi."

 Sorry, can't resist a correction. As an author, editor, and publisher AND
 programmer, this is one of my pet peeves. Punctuation goes inside the
 Syntax counts in English as well as REBOL.


[REBOL] problems with local vars??? Re:

2000-08-16 Thread bhandley

Hi Raimund,

The first thing is to understand that you can use my-local-string like a
variable, but it is not really a variable (in the sense of a pointer to
memory). It is a word that can refer to a value. The word my-local-string
exists in it's own right - so does the value of type string "that is local".
Doing an "assignment" associates the two.

With this in mind, Rebol does not "initialise" the variable - it actually
associates a word with a value. In C and other compiled languages when you
declare a variable you give the variable a datatype and when you assign
something to the variable your value is just a bunch of bits that conform to
the datatype. This is not the case with Rebol. In Rebol the value has the
type information. A word is a value too - a special type of value that can
be associated with another value. In Rebol everything is a value including
functions. So local-func is a word that refers to a value of type function.

Here's your function slightly edited

local-func: function [input][my-local-string][
my-local-string:  ; This says make it so that my-local-string refers
to the next value. (1)
"that is local " ; This says create a string value. (2)
print append my-local-string input; (3)

Both (1) and (2) are part of the function definition.
When (3) is actually executed, it in fact changes the value of (2). Why?
because when the line is evaluated, my-local-string is evaluted before the
append. My local string evaluates to the actual string stored in the
function definition.
You can see how the function definition has changed by calling your function
once and then using the command.
source local-func

Now, if you function read like this...

local-func2: function [input][my-local-string][
my-local-string:  ; This says make it so that my-local-string refers
to the next value. (4)
copy "that is local " ; This says create a new string value that
is a copy of another. (5)
print append my-local-string input; (6)

What would happen in (5) is a copy would be make of the string that is
stored inside the function definition and the copy would be "assigned" to
the word my-local-string. In this case when line (6) is executed the string
will change but the function will not because the function does not refer to
the copy.

Hope it helps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 12:12 AM
Subject: [REBOL] problems with local vars???


 I have quite some problems with the scope of local variables. The
 script does point it out:


 local-func: function [input][my-local-string][
   my-local-string: "that is local "
   print append my-local-string input

 local-func "Call 1"
 local-func "Call 2"

 print my-local-string


 raimund@linux:~/Development/rebol/Tests  rebol test_locals.r
 that is local Call 1
 that is local Call 1Call 2
 ** Script Error: my-local-string has no value.
 ** Where: print my-local-string

 The results suggest that locals are handled like static vars in C is that
 correct? Why does the assignemnt to my-local-string at the start of the
 local-func not inititalize the local?

 Can anyone point me to some more info about this issue?



 42 war schon immer einge gute Antwort;-))

[REBOL] AW: Search for in Strings Re:(2)

2000-08-16 Thread bhandley

I'm not sure what you meant by "informations" but is something like this
what you want?

 replace/all {2;"615165151";"L";20.15;456} {"} ""
== "2;615165151;L;20.15;456"


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 11:11 PM
Subject: [REBOL] AW: Search for " in Strings Re:

 Hi Brett,

 that was not was i was searching for. Perhaps i should be more detailed.

 i got a file with lines like this:


 what i need is a way to get rid of the quotes including informations. the
 result should look like this


 Hope you can help.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. August 2000 14:24
 Betreff: [REBOL] Search for " in Strings Re:

 The following is a literal string that contains two double quotes

  print {He said "hi".}
 He said "hi".


[REBOL] AW: Search for in Strings Re:(3)

2000-08-16 Thread bhandley

I can't let Allen finish with that...;)

You could also do

 rejoin parse/all {2;"615165151";"L";20.15;456} {"}
== "2;615165151;L;20.15;456"

Not quite as elegant though.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 11:32 PM
Subject: [REBOL] AW: Search for " in Strings Re:(2)

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 11:11 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] AW: Search for " in Strings Re:

  Hi Brett,
  that was not was i was searching for. Perhaps i should be more detailed.
  i got a file with lines like this:
  what i need is a way to get rid of the quotes including informations.
  result should look like this

 Or this works too.

  data: {2;"615165151";"L";20.15;456}
 == {2;"615165151";"L";20.15;456}
  trim/with data {"}
 == "2;615165151;L;20.15;456"

 Allen K

[REBOL] Core/View/etc. install plan Re:

2000-08-15 Thread bhandley

 If I want to install Core and View, do I need to have them separate, or
could I
 put everything together except the executables (sounds unlikely), or do I
 both installed at all?

Not entirely sure why you would have to have them in the same directory,
unless you are thinking about a single script library. I have a single
"Rebol" directory with subdirectories of "Core" and "View". Each of these
have their own standard .r files (user.r). I have a script manager that is
defined in both user.r files so that it can utilise a shared script library
for common scripts and specific script libraries if necessary.

 Is Core a subset of View?

Yup. So unless you specifically want an exe without the GUI you can get away
without Core - except that is the one that is non-beta.

 Is the latest Core inherently more stable than the latest View? Or is it
 the View-y parts of View that are less stable?

I think only RT could really answer this one properly.

 Is there an easy way of separating usr-lib and example scripts that only
 to one executable or the other?

See above.


[REBOL] Simple question regarding saving strings to files. Re:

2000-08-14 Thread bhandley


 help save
SAVE where value /header header-data

 Saves a value or a block to a file or url.
 SAVE is a native value.

 help mold
MOLD value

 Converts a value to a REBOL-readable string.
 MOLD is a native value.

 help load
LOAD source /header /next /library /markup

 Loads a file, URL, or string. Binds words to global context.
 LOAD is a native value.

 load {"stringa" "stringb" "stringc"}
== ["stringa" "stringb" "stringc"]

So you can do this

 save %your-file1.txt ["string a" "string b" "string c"]
 print load %your-file1.txt
string a string b string c

Or this (which retains the containing block in the file)...

 write %your-file2.txt mold ["string a" "string b" "string c"]
 print load %your-file2.txt
string a string b string c


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 10:47 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Simple question regarding saving strings to files.

 Hello again.
 I was just trying to write/append a series of strings
 to a .txt file and retain the format so that I get the
 a: "string a"
 b: "string b"
 c: "string c"
 How do you save the above strings to string-text.txt
 so that when I read the .txt file I get...
 "string a" "string b" "string c"
 "string a1" "string b1" "string c1"
 so that I can do a...
 str: read string-text.txt
 foreach [a b c][print [a b c]]
 Or is there a better way to do this?
 Thanks again,
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

[REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:

2000-08-13 Thread bhandley

Rooting around Rebol sources as the official guide book recommends, I came
across the following function (which would make my /refinements refinement
unnecessary. Now to get it to work

 help refined
REFINED f refinements

 Create a function doing the same thing as a function with given
refinements does
 REFINED is a function value.

 f -- (Type: any-function)
 refinements -- (Type: block)


- Original Message -
From: "Brett Handley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:

 Thanks for your response Michael.

 Now that's an interesting idea.

 I think your approach is good at getting the refinements of the
 higher-function processed as a set, but it obscures what happens after

 My latest approach has been to use an additional refinement on the
 sub-function called /refinements. This has an argument of type block that
 contains pairs of refinement-name and refinement-value.

 Inspired by your work I produced this.

 main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values r][
  sub-func/refinements refinements-to-block :main-func va

 sub-func: function [/refinements refine-list][va vb vc][
 do bind refine-list 'va
 print ["va:" va]
 print ["vb:" vb]
 print ["vc:" vc]

 refinements-to-block: function [
 refinement-block: copy []
 foreach r first :hi-func [
 if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
 append refinement-block to-set-word r
 append/only refinement-block to-paren bind reduce [to-word r]
 compose refinement-block

 It results in this:

 va: none
 vb: true
 vc: true

 Of course it doesn't handle any refinement arguments.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:35 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:

  Well since I know you're thinking about asking for the solution I had
  up with, I'll go all out and post it here. The actual solution to loop
  through the function items (refinements) is not much code, but is
  and messy-looking. I feel like I'm going through alot of trouble to hide
  this and save a few characters in the "high-level" function, but the
  is a little easier on the eye and made me learn about contexts and
  ; Say you have a high-level function (main-func) with a list of
  refinements, and you want to pass all of these refinements to a
  function (sub-func). The bare parameter-passing code is:
  main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values r][
   this-code: make-code "main-func" "sub-func"
   bind this-code 'some-global bind this-code 'refine-values
   do this-code
  sub-func: function [param-list][va vb vc][
   set [va vb vc] param-list
   print ["va:" va]
   print ["vb:" vb]
   print ["vc:" vc]
  ; Resulting in:
  va: true
  vb: none
  vc: true
  ; To support this you must define the following globally:
  some-global: none
  make-code: function [hi-func [string!] lo-func [string!]][code][
   code: copy {
refine-values: make block! []
foreach r first :hi-func [
 if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
  append refine-values get bind to-word r
lo-func refine-values
   replace/all code "hi-func" hi-func
   replace/all code "lo-func" lo-func
   return(to-block code)
  - Michael Jelinek

[REBOL] digests of REBOL list messages Re:

2000-08-13 Thread bhandley


I think that is what you are after.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:45 AM
Subject: [REBOL] digests of REBOL list messages

 Are the digests of the messages sent to this list still available ?
 For the moment, the lists.rebol.com server seems to be non-existent
 (offline or dead or something)..
 I have all the messages from the start up to 2400 collected in files
 of 100 messages/each, and the rest of the mails in my mail prog...

[REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:(2)

2000-08-12 Thread bhandley

Thanks for your response Michael.

Now that's an interesting idea.

I think your approach is good at getting the refinements of the
higher-function processed as a set, but it obscures what happens after that.

My latest approach has been to use an additional refinement on the
sub-function called /refinements. This has an argument of type block that
contains pairs of refinement-name and refinement-value.

Inspired by your work I produced this.

main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values r][
 sub-func/refinements refinements-to-block :main-func va

sub-func: function [/refinements refine-list][va vb vc][
do bind refine-list 'va
print ["va:" va]
print ["vb:" vb]
print ["vc:" vc]

refinements-to-block: function [
refinement-block: copy []
foreach r first :hi-func [
if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
append refinement-block to-set-word r
append/only refinement-block to-paren bind reduce [to-word r]
compose refinement-block

It results in this:

va: none
vb: true
vc: true

Of course it doesn't handle any refinement arguments.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 1:35 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions. Re:

 Well since I know you're thinking about asking for the solution I had come
 up with, I'll go all out and post it here. The actual solution to loop
 through the function items (refinements) is not much code, but is tedious
 and messy-looking. I feel like I'm going through alot of trouble to hide
 this and save a few characters in the "high-level" function, but the
 is a little easier on the eye and made me learn about contexts and 'bind.

 ; Say you have a high-level function (main-func) with a list of
 refinements, and you want to pass all of these refinements to a
 function (sub-func). The bare parameter-passing code is:

 main-func: function [/va /vb /vc][this-code refine-values r][
  this-code: make-code "main-func" "sub-func"
  bind this-code 'some-global bind this-code 'refine-values
  do this-code

 sub-func: function [param-list][va vb vc][
  set [va vb vc] param-list
  print ["va:" va]
  print ["vb:" vb]
  print ["vc:" vc]

 ; Resulting in:
 va: true
 vb: none
 vc: true

 ; To support this you must define the following globally:

 some-global: none
 make-code: function [hi-func [string!] lo-func [string!]][code][
  code: copy {
   refine-values: make block! []
   foreach r first :hi-func [
if (refinement? r) and (r  /local) [
 append refine-values get bind to-word r 'refine-values
   lo-func refine-values
  replace/all code "hi-func" hi-func
  replace/all code "lo-func" lo-func
  return(to-block code)

 - Michael Jelinek

[REBOL] REBOL the Official Guide Re:(4)

2000-08-09 Thread bhandley

Here here.

Received mine this morning (Sydney time). With excitement of receiving my
first internet order from America, I opened the box, flipped some pages and
found a very nice book as expected.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 4:17 PM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL the Official Guide Re:(3)

 After reading about it for days on this list (and getting increasingly
 envious), today I finally received my copy of Rebol: The Official Guide,
 the limited edition Carl Sassenrath-signed tip sheet. The CD was in the
 back, as expected, and works very well.

 Thanks Ralph and all the folks at Alexander Press who were responsible for
 getting this book into my hands (it's a hefty thing!)
 Thanks to all the folks at RebolPress for putting it all together!
 Thanks Elan and John for distilling the facts into concrete examples and
 Thanks Carl and all the folks at REBOL Technologies for manifesting your
 inner REBOLs!


[REBOL] Passing refinements to sub functions.

2000-08-08 Thread bhandley

Hi list,

Often I have a function built on another. Sometimes the lower function has
refinement that I want to surface on the higher function. If there is one
refinement I just use an either. If there are more this approach becomes a
real pain.

I've come up the solution of creating an object with the refinements as
fields and passing that. But I still have a bit of code creating the object
in the first place. An alternative is using a block with set words and
values, but I haven't figured how to use this effectively (that is I suspect
I need
bind but I haven't got it working yet).

Has anyone an elegant solution for passing multiple refinements down the


== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

[REBOL] Print on a real printer Re:

2000-08-07 Thread bhandley

I'm not sure you mean by "real" but have a look at


For example, if you are talking to a postscript printer you will have to
talk postscript yourself (as far as I know).


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 8:32 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Print on a real printer


 how can I send text to an real printer with REBOL?


[REBOL] curiosity killed the code-generator Re:(3)

2000-08-06 Thread bhandley

The word


Returns all functions.

first system/words

returns all words.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 11:20 AM
Subject: [REBOL] curiosity killed the code-generator Re:(2)

 I know that there is a way to get a list of all rebol words,
 and have used it before, but have forgotten.
 How do I do that again?

[REBOL] curiosity killed the code-generator Re:

2000-08-05 Thread bhandley

I've thought about this myself a little, just for curiosity.

I suppose if you're a Java developer then you should be able to come up with
a few situations, like help with implementing design patterns say. This then
is at the level of manipulating and interpreting Java source code.

At a different level. Another thing you could do is leave the Java source
behind and look at the Java Virtual Machine itself. In some ways this may be
simpler. You could create a Rebol program, no doubt using a particular
dialect, that would generate class files that could be directly executed on
the JVM. If you like a feature of the JVM or some library of functionality
already implemented for the JVM, this could be a way to leverage it.

Obviously these languages have their strong and weak points.
The thing is, I may be a little "uncreative" but I came to the conclusion
that at the moment, unless there is a specific feature, "just" doing it
Rebol is probably better.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 4:15 AM
Subject: [REBOL] curiosity killed the code-generator

 howdy list,

 this one falls into the "I'm just curious" catagory.  What would be some
of the benefits of writing a code-generator in REBOL, say, for Java?  That
was actually suggested to me some time ago, and a person I mentioned it to
called it a "trial by fire".  hmm.  Someone wrote some fortran tools, didn't

 I was just wondering what it helped.

 Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] Bug in either clean-script.r or the parser.

2000-08-04 Thread bhandley

I've been using clean-script heavily recently, and have now tripped over the
following problem.

clean-script mangles the attached script.

Specifically it creates an unmatched "(" for the following line. In other
tests it could be a new "[".

table-start: [text-line (emitter/start-table trim text) newline]

The thing is it handles earlier such lines correctly, which leads me to
think about the parser.

I've think I've narrowed it down to the script not "consuming" the first "["
for this line. Instead load/next gets and it will return a block value.

I tried removing some lines before this line and the error moved. Same for
when you add extra lines - BUT they have to be of the same type not just any
old line.

Any ideas?


== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol


[REBOL] web stuff Re:

2000-08-03 Thread bhandley

Just replying to one bit.

 By the way, the cookies-client.r is giving me trouble.
 there are documentation mistakes, redundancies, and inflexible
 code, and it doesn't fetch binary files like .jpg properly
 because of mishandling of cr lf chars, etc. - does anybody
 have a proper version that works or does anybody want to
 have a go at improving the blasted thing?
 For instance, what the heck is the actual
 purpose of cookie-data2?  Why are there two
 and not many (a block)?  Where is an actual example of use
 of each of these?
 Is the cookie stuff supposed to be built into Rebol,
 or do you have to get down and dirty with the http protocol

I hope that cookies will be supported in Rebol. I think that
cookies-client.r is a bit too low-level. One way I have seen it done (WebL)
is having a cookie database built into the language, which by default makes
cookies transparent to the programmer. It also allows the programmer to
manage cookie databases.  Something similar would no go astray here.  I was
going to give this method a go, but became entangled in uncertainty as to
what is the real cookie spec. actually is. Then I just got sidetracked.

[REBOL] why this not work? Re:

2000-08-02 Thread bhandley

First, your message format.

Could you please sent your emails to this list in plain text? The HTML of
outlook will probably annoy all the plain text readers of the list.

To do this in Outlook Express you can either:

1) Send all your email in plain text by Tools - Options - Send tab and
select Mail Sending Format = Plain Text.


2) For plain text only to this list. Add [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an address to
your address book. Select the properies of the this address and choose the
name tag. Check the "Send e-mail using plain text only" checkbox.


Secondly your program.

Your program is self-modifying (though you would not have intended that).

The problem line is
 if find in_file "BODY"  [body_tobe: {BODY}]

On this line the word body_tobe is referring to a string that is actually
part of your function definition. I know this sound strange but have a look
at this web page for a simpler explanation.


Change the line to read like this
 if find in_file "BODY"  [body_tobe: copy {BODY}]

There are other lines which are affected by this. Use

   source make_generic_html_locator

to see the other changes.

On a side note,  the line
 in_file: make string! in_file
is completely redundant since the result of the read is a string.

Hope it helps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11:54 PM
Subject: [REBOL] why this not work?

i just cant keep figuring out when you use this with two different files and
go say:

function file here
function second file here
function file here

btw: these are html files with one body having BGCOLOR="white" and one
simply having BODY

- start of function -

make_generic_html_locator: func [
  a [file!] "Filename to add location reference for"
 page_content: "sd"
 clear page_content
 if not exists? a [print reform ["File not found:" a] halt]
 in_file: read a
 in_file: make string! in_file
 if not find in_file "HTML" [print "File is not HTML Compliant"

 if find in_file "TITLE" [
 parse in_file [thru {TITLE} copy page_title to {/TITLE}]
  print page_title
 parse in_file [thru {BODY} copy body_attrib to {}]
 body_tobe: rejoin [{BODY} body_attrib {}]
 if find in_file "BODY"  [body_tobe: {BODY}]
 parse in_file [thru body_tobe copy page_content to {/HTML}]
  print body_tobe
  print page_content
  clear page_content
  clear body_tobe
  print "Generic Page Locator Finished"

[REBOL] Rebol novice questions Re:

2000-08-01 Thread bhandley

 It would be nice to have shell access is this possible?

I believe Rebol/Command addresses this, but I haven't used it.

 I rely on another Linux program to convert the text to a Midi file,
 and again another one to play it! though I am thinking of writing
 out the Midi File directly this time are there any Midi Rebol 
 functions to to deal with Midi files?

None that I know of.


[REBOL] For those new to list and notetab-gateway users.

2000-08-01 Thread bhandley


1) I've created a web page of a collection of posts that have been sent to
this list over the last few months. By no means is it a complete list. It is
just messages that caught my eye while learning Rebol. So if you have been
on the list for a while you will not find anything new there, but you may
find your own message :)

2) Regarding the notetab-gateway I mentioned earlier on the list. I've fixed
a bug in the notetab-gateway.r script (used to truncate input to 10k) and
I've updated the matching clipbook library so that it is a lot more clear on
how to call Rebol from Notetab.

The page for both of these is http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol


[REBOL] Using Rebol from within Notetab.

2000-07-30 Thread bhandley

I've created a web page with a few rebol scripts and in particular some
support for using Rebol from within the Notetab text editor.

Things you can do:

Write a rebol expression in a notetab text file, select it and have the
selected expression evaluted by Rebol, with the results replacing the
selected text.

Add your own clipbook entries to mine for calling on Rebol scripts to
process your text. For example, you can open a tab delimited text file
exported from Excel. Select all the text. Click on "Tab delimited to block"
and the text will be replaced with a rebol block version of the data. You
can also go the other way.

Anyway, check it out at http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol/

Have fun :)


[REBOL] parse-xml cannot be reversed Re:(2)

2000-07-30 Thread bhandley

 With a few adjustments, it should be able to handle all xml-parsed
 trees, afaik... but it's 5:48am right now, so I may be wrong. :-)

I think I stand corrected. Which is good :)

 You can also parse the whole parse-xml structure with the new block
 parser in /View and /Core 2.3. It only takes about 6 lines of
 code. :-)

 Try this:

 doc-rule: ['document none! subtags-rule]
 subtags-rule: [none! | into [some [tag-rule | substring-rule]]]
 tag-rule: [into [string! parameters-rule subtags-rule]]
 substring-rule: [string!]
 parameters-rule: [none! | block!]
 parse (parse-xml {ateststringb/c//a}) doc-rule

This is great. I was wanting to see an example of block parse with into in


[REBOL] Parse does not have not match type. Re:(2)

2000-07-30 Thread bhandley

That's brilliant Ladislav. It took a little while to understand what magic
you put there, and I learnt something as a result.

I've made a few tests so far and cannot fault it.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 4:06 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Parse does not have "not" match type. Re:

 Hi, I think, that Parse has got a bug as in:

  parse "a" [none skip]
 == true

 cc-ing to feedback. Here is a version of A-B-rule, that should
 work reliably. Test it please.

 A-B-rule: func [
 "Generate an A-B parse rule"
 A [block!] {A-rule}
 B [block!] {B-rule}
 /local o
 ] [
 o: make object! [
 A-rule: A
 B-rule: B
 res-rule: none
 bind/copy [
 B-rule (res-rule: [to end skip]) |
 A-rule (res-rule: []) |
 (res-rule: [to end skip])
 ] in o 'self

[REBOL] Parse does not have not match type.

2000-07-29 Thread bhandley

I was playing around with the idea of using rebol to convert EBNF to Rebol
parse rules. A strange occupation maybe, but I thought it might be useful
one day. Anyway, I found a rule in EBNF, as described in XML1.0 -
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml.html, for which I believe there is no
equivalent in Rebol - and I cannot see how it can be worked around.

It is the A - B rule which says "matches any string that matches A but does
not match B".

I looked into the use of this rule in the xml spec and found that it does
not relate simply to characters, so I cannot just do something with

Is there a way, or no?



2000-07-27 Thread bhandley

Hi Larry,

 one small correction.

Yep. Slipped on a banana as I was nearing the finish line. I knew I should
have gone to bed - just had to get rid of the "monkey on my back" :)

 course, Carl's example was very contrived -- how else could one short
 have 15 uses (one hidden in 'b2) of the word 'b. :-)

Indeed. Apart from 'use, hopefully Carl has run out of more uses!


[REBOL] input a bunch? Re:

2000-07-26 Thread bhandley

Um.. Read it from a file?
Read it from an url?
Read it from a Tcp/ip port?!

If you mean you want a better user interface, then you could set a
mini-webserver /cgi/ and HTML page for input :)
or use Rebol/View and construct an interface with it.

If you were using /view you could also read from the clipboard as well.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 8:37 AM
Subject: [REBOL] input a bunch?

 hey list guys,

 I have something like this:

 print "type something"
 input: somthingtyped

 this works like a champ when I type stuff in at the console.  but I'd
 prefer to get it in some other way, and pasting mucks stuff up.
 how can I get, say, a paragraph into input?  I'm typing in stuff that
 I don't know beforehand...



 Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] One more thing - Odd behavior with setting variables Re:

2000-07-25 Thread bhandley

   path: ["blah1" "blah2" "blah3" "blah4" "blah5"]
  is better written as:
  paths: [%blah1/ %"blah blah2/" ...

 paths: [%blah1/ %"blah blah2/" (i dont get it)

In this case paths is a block. A block groups a number of values. You've
shown two values - both represent rebol filenames (see the Rebol user's
guide - files - names). The first filename represents a directory, while
the second represents a filename that has a space between "blah" and
"blah2/". The % indicates a filename.

So here is an example combining both concepts that will read the "Program
Files" directory on Windows.
 read %"/c/Program Files/"

Hope it helps.

[REBOL] APL'ish operations Re:(3)

2000-07-25 Thread bhandley

 Perfect. Just what I needed. Wish there was a way to
 make simple one-off functions in a block like [ + 5]

I think you can. Again according to what you need. This is where Rebol
shines. Rebol gives you the ability to interpret blocks (and strings) in way
other than the default provided by Rebol. That is, according to your own
grammar. Rebol calls this a dialect. Admittedly this is not straight-forward
when you're beginning with Rebol. On the other-hand once you have done this
a few times, you will see opportunities for it everywhere and discover that
it really is not as complex as it sounds.

One way to achieve this is to interpret a block by stepping through it and
checking types then doing something. Another way is to use the parse
function of rebol. Parse takes a string or a block as input plus a grammar
specification that will interpret your input according to rules.

So to your example.
What would [+ 5] actually do and how would it be used?


[REBOL] Rebol Dictionary as Clipbook Library Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

 For those that aren't familiar with "Notetab" you should go visit

No I wasn't familiar with it. It is an absolutely brilliant program. Thanks
for the reference!

 You can edit your rebol scripts in "Notetab" and view the dictionary
 file without loading your browser.



[REBOL] 'dynamic append' Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

Hi Hendrik-Jan,

You're almost there - here is a simple solution.

 append/only test rejoin ["block1_"A ": copy []"]
 do last test

test: []
a: 12
append/only test rejoin ["block1_"A ": copy []"]
last-block: do last test
append last-block "whatever you want"

so now try:
== ["whatever you want"]

Brett Handley

[REBOL] context exploration Re:

2000-07-23 Thread bhandley

I really like your function Thomas. Very good!


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 1:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] context exploration


While playing with contexts, I threw together this little function to show
the words that are defined in a context (and their values in that context).
(something like that have been discussed before AFAIR, but a 1min. search
didn't find it, sooo :-)

It goes like this:

show-context: func [word [word!]] [
foreach x-word next first system/words [
if value? bind x-word :word [
print [:x-word "|" get bind x-word :word]

Attached is a script that demonstrates the use of the function with contexts
created with func, use and make object!

Best regards
Thomas Jensen

[REBOL] Rebol Dictionary as Clipbook Library Re:(4)

2000-07-21 Thread bhandley

I'm not aware of any Rebol work on this line, but I would think you could
get something going pretty quickly given the example Rebol parsing scripts
in the library.


For example, here's a variant of parse-code.r which I've called
explain-code.r It won't solve the "javadoc" feature but it might be helpful.
I wrote it to help me understand "Carl's conundrum" ( [REBOL] REBOL SCOPING
/ CONTEXT EXPLANATIONS Re:(2)). In the end it didn't help but it was a good


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:15 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Rebol Dictionary as Clipbook Library Re:(3)

 Is any work being down on a "reboldoc" format or parser -- along the
 lines of the javadoc utility 
 http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/javadoc/  -- that extracts comments
 and presents them as a standard HTML file?



2000-07-20 Thread bhandley

Echos of Yoda. :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:15 PM

 Basically, let go of your normal understanding of programming, and
 Rebol with no mind. Don't try to analyse it, just 'do it. :-)

 Andrew Martin
 Zen Rebol...
 ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] REBOL's scoping rules Re:(3)

2000-07-20 Thread bhandley

 With respect to

  So now, I don't tend to think of global variables as just that.
 Instead I
  know I can create symbols in a global context, and I can also set
 symbols in
  a specific context. And I can write Rebol descriptions that will work
  both depending on context!

 can you perhaps construct the simplest example that illustrates
 your point ?

Um.. yeah that particular ramble lacked some context :)
I was referring to the interpretation of something being different in
different contexts.
While it's not automatic, the language facilitates it. Anyway here's an

Author: "Brett Handley"
Purpose: {An example of how one description can be interpreted
  differently according to context.}

cat-description: ["The cat is" cat]

; A symbol in the global context.
cat: "Feline"

example-specific-context: make object! [
cat: "Tiddles"
work-in-context: func[][

; Make the words of cat-description have this
; context's specific meaning - is permanent.
bind cat-description 'self

print cat-description

print cat-description

[REBOL] simple foreach question Re:(3)

2000-07-19 Thread bhandley

More likely you meant this...

I've seen
farm: [
   "bill"  "chris"
   "barry"  "curtis"
foreach [pig chicken] farm [print reduce [pig chicken]]

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] simple foreach question Re:(2)

 The nice thing about foreach is that you can also parse your block
 into more than than one word (variable):

 farm: [[pigs] [chickens]]

 foreach [pig chicken] farm [print [pig chicken]]

  Boss is going to please with you aint 'e?

  "page" is being defined by the foreach.

  So for each element in the block "pages" foreach will set the word page
  the value of that element - it then
  does the body block with that value.

  You can use whatever you want:
  foreach qwrtyuiop ["one" "two" "three"] [print qwrtyuiop]
  Note that qwrtyuiop only has a value in the body block.

  help foreach
  FOREACH 'word data body

   Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series.
   FOREACH is a native value.

   word -- Word or block of words to set each time (will be local)
  d word block)
   data -- The series to traverse (Type: series)
   body -- Block to evaluate each time (Type: block)


  - Original Message -
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 4:26 AM
  Subject: [REBOL] simple foreach question

  howdy guys,
  I'm on a roll, just trying to "get" simple things. for instance, in
  the exapmle,
  pages: [ http://www.cnet.com
 http://www.news-wire.com/news/today.html ]
   loop 24 [ foreach page pages [send [EMAIL PROTECTED] read page] wait 1:00
  where did "page" come from? is it arbitrary?  if the block was of
  pigs, would it be "foreach pig pigs?
  just curious.  Let me know if I get annoying.
  Eat more spinach.


[REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(4)

2000-07-19 Thread bhandley

I would have expected [3 2 1]
not [1 1 1] nor [3 3 3].

But I find it difficult to answer what I want, because the function argument
x seems like it's in a bit of a no-mans land (I'm thinking of :x )

My brain hurts now. :)

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 5:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(3)


  Hi Ladislav, 15-Jul-2000 you wrote:
  you are right, the problem is caused by a context
 manipulation -
  Use unsets your Middle every time it gets executed. My
  is to not use Use in recursive functions, while this problem
  doesn't get corrected.
  Judging from the nature of recursiveness, that's a little hard,
 isn't it? ;-)
  Do you know if this problem has already been reported to
  Kind regards,
  Amiga is a trademark of Amiga Inc.

 You should probably report it to feedback. BTW, did you succeed to
 sort the permutations correctly?

 One more question for everybody. What do you want to see after

 blk: copy []
 probeblk: func [] [
 prin mold blk
 prin ": "
 print mold reduce blk
 recfun: func [x] [
 append blk 'x
 either x = 1 [
 ] [
 recfun x - 1
 recfun 3


[REBOL] REBOL's scoping rules Re:

2000-07-19 Thread bhandley

Judging by previous message on the list, this question will bring a variety
of responses!

Re "global variables".
Coming from a compiled-language background, it was hard for me to learn
about the immediate nature of the message I send to Rebol. More important, I
had to get out of my old ideas of thinking of variables and instead treat
words as symbolising something else. A subtle but profound difference. One
has you thinking like "I have this little box with a value in it. Now I must
remember the various allowable ways to get my value in and out of the box".
The other way leads to thinking like "I will refer to this thing here using
the name x. So now, let's intrepret x as a email".

This relates directly to context-sensitivity. The words-as-symbols idea
means that you can have a description of something that will take on
different values in different contexts. For example, applying a function to
different rebol objects. If you are from an OOP school you may be of the
opinion that this should be done through an object interface - but I believe
that this an actually an paradigm that Rebol allows for, without mandating.
It comes down to how you want to describe it.

A benefit of this approach is that it is providing a lower barrier of entry
for non-programmers. That is, when starting out with Rebol a person may not
even think of such things as scope and contexts (way too abstract) - they
are perhaps, in their mind,  using one context, perhaps like in a simple
conversation with someone else.

So now, I don't tend to think of global variables as just that. Instead I
know I can create symbols in a global context, and I can also set symbols in
a specific context. And I can write Rebol descriptions that will work on
both depending on context!


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL's scoping rules

 I've been wondering what the reasoning behind REBOL's scoping rules was
 awhile. In C, for instance, any variable that you declare in a function is
 "automatic" (that's what C calls them anyway :). They're automatically
 to the function they're defined in, etc.

 Why does REBOL have variables be globally scoped by default? I ran into
 a few days ago when I asked the list for assistance, and people helpfully
 replied (thank you). One of the things people pointed out was that I
 being careful with my recursion and kept using the same global variable
 and over again.

 Perl takes a similar approach, where everything is global unless you
 the variable 'local' or 'my', but I always assumed that this was just
 because of Perl's heritage as a "throw away" script language, in which
 you really don't have to worry about scoping so much.

 PHP takes a completely opposite approach. Any variable you declare is
 to a function, and you can't even get at global variables unless you
 explicitly get the variable through the $GLOBALS associative array, or
 declare a variable 'global' in your function.

 Anyway, I'd really like to understand why REBOL works the way it does in
 this respect, so if anyone has any insight to give I'd love to receive it.
 Thanks so much.


[REBOL] where are all the components? Re:(2)

2000-07-18 Thread bhandley

I loved reading the two post from Jake and Garold. They express things I've
been musing over for years.

My own, coupla bits:

With any description there is an irreducible amount of information that has
to be encoded. Whether this has been done as an interface or as a monolithic
program or system. The great thing that Rebol has done is to give the
"Reboler" (programmer/user) power in expressing and interpreting this
minimum of information. Maybe we call this stuff a dialect - a better
language to communicate in.  This then is how I understand RT description of
Rebol being a messaging language - an' boy don' it do that well.

So from this great ideas flow. One day I had an idea - may not be original
but hey my brain produced it - one day I'll try it too. I thought well Rebol
is so cool at languages I can buy me a voice interpreter and use it to chuck
some dialectical words at Rebol and think of the possibilites. Now how does
it work on Voyager? "Computer.." "Bip beep"

Another. I've found that I'm wanting to write input-parsers for Rebol that
take information out of existing format and place it in Rebol blocks where I
suspect I'll be able describe all sort of wonderful transformations before
forming into other formats again. One example. I got my
tab-delimited-with-quoted-strings parser thingy happening. Now if get my
Flash SWF input/output thingy happening I'll be able to combine the result
and produce a Flash spreadsheet! Cool eh? Well, ok not cool. Probably dum.
BUT I would have NEVER DREAMED of doing that before. Thats the point I

Components. In my Rebolised mind now, a component is an interpreter with
associated context. Thus, this component can be in my Rebol script, sitting
in Java, sitting in Javascript in a browser, sitting on in another process
on my machine, on another machine behind a port or maybe one day be part of
a Rebol-OS accessible from the OS prompt. This isn't new this is what is
today. Rebol has accepted it and provided another way to talk between them.
I think components arrived when system theory game them birth - just maybe
no-one celebrated at the time because they could'nt work out they were.
They're here to stay because we have a wired and distributed world to talk
to, but maybe not existing in the form the designers of COM and CORBA
thought they might.

End-of-trip. Boy that coffee was strong.

[REBOL] where are all the components? Re:(2)

2000-07-18 Thread bhandley

 "Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old
 ones. Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since

That hilarious! But mostly true!

A name to my discontent,  "distressing".
I knew there was a reason I've been playing (=fun) with Rebol instead of
working (=discipline) through Java for the last three months. Java is here
to stay, it is a great 3GL+  (+ = objects). It is a pity it didn't come out
a decade earlier - would've made my life easier. On second thought, probably
not, nothin new under the sun


[REBOL] Find cant find reference to block. Re:(6)

2000-07-16 Thread bhandley

Yes!! That is exactly the result I was looking for. Thank you for your
efforts Ladislav.

Pity it is a sequential search. Now I wonder if RT could incorporate this
functionality so that it works with hashes...?


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 5:46 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Find cant find reference to block. Re:(5)


probe find/only reverse_lookup :e ; The answer:
   [[] "a" ["added to the series"] "b" [] "c"]
   == [[] "a" ["added to the series"] "b" [] "c"]
  Thanks, but no - I tried that too. I wanted this to return [[]
 "c"] since
  that was what "e" was referring to.

 So, you needed a function sfind?

 sfind: func [
 {finds the same value as a given one in a given series}
 series [series!]
 value [any-type!]
 ] [
 while [not tail? :series] [
 if same? first :series get/any 'value [
 return :series
 series: next :series

   probe sfind reverse_lookup :e ; The answer:
 [[] "c"]
 == [[] "c"]


[REBOL] Find cant find reference to block. Re:(3)

2000-07-15 Thread bhandley

Thankyou Gabriele,

That by itself is useful to know. But, it still is different to what I was
My code was attempting to find an empty block. But not just any empty block
it was a particular empty block. But find doesn't distinguish between
particular empty blocks they look the same! Which I guess is reasonable.

Yet I can store multiple different empty blocks inside another block such
that they behave as references to blocks. Which is really handy. For example
I used this to create bookmarks in some HTML I was creating. E.g

my-html: [ html body h1 ]
append/only my-html my-bookmark: copy []
append my-html [/h1 /body /html]
append my-bookmark "How to fill in after the fact with Rebol blocks"
print my-html

But I just can't use find to find those references

my-html: [ html body h1 ]
append/only my-html my-bookmark-1: copy []
append my-html [/h1]
append/only my-html my-bookmark-2: copy []
append my-html [/body /html]

What is the index position of the block referred to by my-bookmark-2 in
 index? find/only my-html my-bookmark-2
== 4

Nope it got it wrong, the answer I wanted was 6.

But if I now do this
append my-bookmark-2 "Fill in the body"

and try the same question - it gets it right
 index? find/only my-html my-bookmark-2
== 6


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 10:55 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Find cant find reference to block. Re:


 On 14-Lug-00, you wrote:

  G find list select list 'a ; no good find can't find the
  G reference to the
  G block

 Hope this clears things up:

  find [a b c d e f g e g f h i j] [e g f]
 == [e g f h i j]
  find/only [a b c d e f g e g f h i j] [e g f]
 == none
  find/only [[a] [b]] [a]
 == [[a] [b]]
  find/only [[a] [b]] [b]
 == [[b]]


  blk: [a ["a"] b ["b"]]
 == [a ["a"] b ["b"]]
  select blk 'a
 == ["a"]
  find/only blk select blk 'a
 == [["a"] b ["b"]]

 But notice that that is the same as:

  next find blk 'a
 == [["a"] b ["b"]]

 which does one search only.

 Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
 Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] Find cant find reference to block. Re:(4)

2000-07-15 Thread bhandley

  probe find/only reverse_lookup :e ; The answer:
 [[] "a" ["added to the series"] "b" [] "c"]
 == [[] "a" ["added to the series"] "b" [] "c"]

Thanks, but no - I tried that too. I wanted this to return [[] "c"] since
that was what "e" was referring to.

[REBOL] Find cant find reference to block.

2000-07-14 Thread bhandley

Is this right? Just wondering.

list: []
append list reduce ['a copy ["a"]]
append list reduce ['b copy ["b"]]

append select list 'a "a-test" ; OK
probe list

find list select list 'a ; no good find can't find the reference to the


[REBOL] CGI and XML Re:(4)

2000-07-13 Thread bhandley

The very nature of CGI dictates that anything that is to be printed to the
output stream of the program is sent to your browser. The job of the
webserver is the make sure this happens for any cgi-program that requested.


a: probe make lit-word! "b"
 == 'b

 'b will be shown in my browser,

So in you example you have used the word "probe" which actually is a "print"
to your current output stream.
Type "?? probe" at the console prompt.

So the short answer, if you don't want it in your browser don't use print or
probe, etc.
If you need to debug an installed cgi-program, then write your debug
information to a file and look at that later, or send your debug info to the
browser with markup so it looks pretty :)
Or, if you are doing all your testing on your own Rebol based webserver on
your own machine, define a word in the webserver that will allow access to
the normal console output port. So that as the cgi script runs it will
output to the normal console for the webserver. But, it's a bit beyond me at
the moment to do this.


[REBOL] Function and variable scope Re:

2000-07-10 Thread bhandley

You could use the /local refinement like this:

list-dirs: func [
"returns dir tree as block"
dir [file!] "root dir"
/local dirtree   ; A change here
dirtree: make block! 100
foreach name read dir [
if dir? dir/:name [
   append dirtree dir/:name
   list-dirs dir/:name

Or you could the other way to define a function like this:

list-dirs: function [; A change here
"returns dir tree as block"
dir [file!] "root dir"
][dirtree]   ; A change here - this block specifies the
dirtree: make block! 100
foreach name read dir [
if dir? dir/:name [
   append dirtree dir/:name
   list-dirs dir/:name


[REBOL] adding data to hyperlinks, etc. Re:

2000-07-10 Thread bhandley
 The next feature I want to add is a commenting system. I want the reader
 be able to click on a hyperlink for "comments" which will then execute a
 script. The .cgi script will then render a page including all of the
 people have posted in regards to the news article in question. The
question I
 have is, how do I pass a value to a script from a hyperlink so that the
 script renders the correct set of comments?

Encode you hyperlink like this.
Which would be the same as if a HTML form was submitted with an input
element of "your-id" that value 123456789.

 I have thought of another option, albeit more cumbersome. During the time
 main script creates object expressions for the news articles themselves,
 script could create a separate .cgi script just for that article.
Probably overkill.

 But how can I write a script to a directory and then make the script
executable all at
 the same time? I'm thinking the web server will see the .cgi extension and
 assign it executable status, but I'm not sure that is always the case.

I'm little curious about this myself.

Hope this was what you wanted.

[REBOL] adding data to hyperlinks, etc. - RE-SENT

2000-07-10 Thread bhandley
Don't know why this went missing. So here it is again.

- Original Message -
From: "Brett Handley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [REBOL] adding data to hyperlinks, etc.

  The next feature I want to add is a commenting system. I want the reader
  be able to click on a hyperlink for "comments" which will then execute a
  script. The .cgi script will then render a page including all of the
  people have posted in regards to the news article in question. The
 question I
  have is, how do I pass a value to a script from a hyperlink so that the
  script renders the correct set of comments?

 Encode you hyperlink like this.
 Which would be the same as if a HTML form was submitted with an input
 element of "your-id" that value 123456789.

  I have thought of another option, albeit more cumbersome. During the
  main script creates object expressions for the news articles themselves,
  script could create a separate .cgi script just for that article.
 Probably overkill.

  But how can I write a script to a directory and then make the script
 executable all at
  the same time? I'm thinking the web server will see the .cgi extension
  assign it executable status, but I'm not sure that is always the case.

 I'm little curious about this myself.

 Hope this was what you wanted.

[REBOL] func[func] Re:(7)

2000-07-10 Thread bhandley

 Jeff and Brian, you guys are terrific help, and I really
 appreciate it.  Hopefully some of the other people
 on the list have the same questions as me and are
 benefitting from your wisdom, too.

Most definitely. I've got this leetle folder where I'm squirreling away
these important tidbits.

[REBOL] Where's the docs for user-defined-dialects? Re:(2)

2000-07-08 Thread bhandley

 I totally agree that there is a miserable lack of dialect creation
 or tutorials.
 In fact, I would dare say I have only seen a small handful of dialect

Maybe because not many of us are used to creating our own grammars or
protocols (yet). Prior to Rebol, these things seemed like way too much work.
For me, I've been modelling for years, but thinking of modelling in terms of
a grammar is a real brain strain at the moment. However, I feel it will
ultimately be far more versatile and powerful to work with a dialect than my
clunky old ER diagrams.

 However, the "html dialect" is a good example to study.

Another would be the simple but powerful example given by Carl in July's


[REBOL] NETSCAPE vs EXPLORER... CGI problem solved! Re:

2000-07-08 Thread bhandley

 Okay, the problem was simple (as most are when you get right down to it).
 Explorer automatically converts spaces into an %20 character (escapes
 whereas Netscape doesn't and is, thus, confused when it gets some CGI data
 with spaces in it.


 There are other ways to solve this (in my humble opinion) deficiency in at
 least early Netscape (4.03 is the latest I have or wantg, I just use it
 make sure stuff works in both flavor browsers). One way is the following
 little REBOL function:

 cgi-escape: func [cgi][
 parse cgi [some [to " " (find replace cgi " " "%20")] to end]

 That got my order forms working, but I still need to handle other
 such as ''.

I going to have to handle special HTML chars soon. I was hoping there was a
Rebol function to do this straight off. That is encode/decode HTML special

I've not used it, but as it happens I came across it yesterday while reading
my little Javascript pocket reference. Javascript has a "escape" function to
which the book documents it as "Encode a strnig for transmission. Javascript
1.0; ECMA-262; Unicode support in Internet Explorer 4." Also there is
"unescape(s)" Which decodes an escaped string.

Thought I'd pass it on, in case it became of interest  to you. Though I'd
use the Rebol approach too since it seems like it would be more reliable.

 Ah, the adventure of it all.

 --Ralph Roberts



[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread bhandley

Thats a point.
Unfortunately I don't have it (the latest version), but my sister does. I'll
get her to send me something.

 Word can also export as XML which you could parse much easier with
 Rebol. :)


[REBOL] Does rebol --do print 123 for e.g. work for ya? Re:

2000-07-06 Thread bhandley

Um, yup.

Win NT4


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 10:04 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Does rebol --do "print 123" for e.g. work for ya?

 I am just curious if running rebol with command line parameters work for
 you? I get following error:
 rebol --do "print 123"
 ** Script Error: print is missing its value argument.
 ** Where: print
 ** Press enter to quit...

[REBOL] Fun with literals (was Parser seems to have bug...) Re:

2000-07-04 Thread bhandley

Hi Brian.

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 8:35 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Fun with literals (was Parser seems to have bug...)

 Hi Brett!

 While you're reassembling, think of the advantages that this
 trick can give you. This kind of assignment can be useful for
 implementing what the C world calls static local variables.

 You can set a word to a literal string value, then append to
 that string to create a string accumulator. This allows you
 to build a string incrementally.

Yep, can certainly vouch for that. :)

 You can set a word to a literal block and store values in it.
 This allows you to use a function like a Scheme closure, a
 function with values bundled in it, like OOP in reverse. This
 technique allows OOP-like programming with better control of
 your data because it is hidden inside the function. Look at
 http://www.bigfoot.com/~brian.hawley/rebol/require.r for an
 example of how this technique can make for bulletproof code.

Gunna need a little time with this one...

 The most fun with this technique comes when you use compose
 to create your code blocks. For example, consider this:

  f: func [key] [
  table: make hash! [a "a" b "b"] table/:key

 Trivial, true, but imagine that pattern with a much larger
 hash table, or a large binary value, or a dozen charsets for
 a parse process. You can't directly represent those values
 as literals - they get recreated every time. Do that in a
 function and the function gets really slow. But do this:

  f: func [key] compose [
  table: (make hash! [a "a" b "b"]) table/:key

 and the hash table is only created once, right before the
 function is created. All calls to f then reference the now
 literal hash table, making for a very fast, memory efficient

This really helps with my "mind reassembling". I won't look at my functions
the same way again...
I also didn't realise that one could use path access on the hash like that.
I'd being using SELECT before.

 If you can use literal hash tables in a function, you can do
 one of the coolest tricks from the functional-language world,
 memoization. When you memoize a function, it remembers the
 results of the calls to the function, so that later calls of
 that value don't have to recalculate the result. You can even
 do this from the outside with a separate function, although
 REBOL's flexible args make the general case of that rather
 tricky (I'll work on it). Here's a one-arg memoize function:

 memoize: func ["One-arg memoize, kinda weak :(" 'f [word!]] [
  set f func [x /local f saved res] compose [
  f: (get f) saved: (make hash! [])
  either res: select saved :x [first res] [
  res: f x
  append saved reduce [:x reduce [res]]

 I know, it looks awkward, but this can speed up functions
 that have to go through even worse trouble to calculate
 their values in the first place. It also helps with those
 that use deep self-recursion to calculate their values, as
 REBOL's stack space is quite limited.

I couldn't get the memoize to work. But I can see what you are doing and
that is quite a gem.

 Fun stuff?

Very. Thanks very much for making those points. I'm gradually training
myself into a better understanding of Rebol rather than automatically
assuming I know what is happening based on other language experience.


[REBOL] to-path curio

2000-07-03 Thread bhandley

I was attempting to create a filename like "anz-visa-statement [30-may-2000
27-jun-2000].r" using the to-path.

What I found was:
to-path "astring[anotherstring]"
== astring/[anotherstring]

to-path "astring anotherstring"
== astring/anotherstring

and mysteriously (to me)
to-path "astring anotherstring]"
** Syntax Error: Missing [ at end-of-block.
** Where: (line 1) astring anotherstring]

also somewhat unexpectedly
 to-path #1-3-4
== 1-Mar-2004

I obviously have a limited understanding of paths. Can someone educate me in
the ways of the path please?
Or is this all there is to say about it?

I did manage to get something like my desired filename using
print rejoin [%anz-visa-statement to-path {[30-may-2000 27-jun-2000] }
anz-visa-statement[30-May-2000 27-Jun-2000].r
It just misses a space.

And finally
 print replace %anz-visa-statement--.r "--" { [30-May-2000 27-Jun-2000]}
anz-visa-statement [30-May-2000 27-Jun-2000].r

Last question: Are such filenames legal on other OSs (other than Windows)?


[REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple calls.

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley


I've been having trouble with strange results in the parser. Rebol seems to
cache the parse rules, which seems like a good idea, but I've found
something unexpected.

If you copy the code below and paste it (Win or call script in Linux) into
your Rebol session you can see how the three calls to parse will change
results even though it is the same rule and data.

If in the same session you repeat the process  you will get the same results
again - that is, the first line is right again!

Have I done something wrong?

BTW, Wouldn't it be nice if there was a parse /explain that would show the
"plan" or description of the state machine that will be used for parsing, or
whatever is used. I'm always getting confused on the parse syntax. Having
this would make it easier for me anyway!

Appears in
   REBOL/View 1-Jun-2000
   on Windows NT 4 SP 4

Brett Handley

; Here starts the code

only-string: func[ s [any-string! none!] ][ either s [s][{}]]

quoted-data-rule: [
   (cell-data: {} Print "Setting the cell-data value") ; This seems to
get ignored on subsequent calls of parse.
   {"} copy data to {"} {"} (append cell-data only-string data)
   any [
   {"} copy data to {"} {"} (append cell-data rejoin [{"}
only-string data])
parse/all {"""."} quoted-data-rule  ; This looks ok.
print cell-data ;

parse/all {"""Hrmm."} quoted-data-rule  ; This is not right.
print cell-data ;

parse/all {"""oi!"} quoted-data-rule  ; Bugger.
print cell-data ;

[REBOL] Webcam URL Re:

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley

Hm. The benefit of night time is the reflection, in the window, of the room
the camera is in.
It looks empty! No chairs nothin!
Hm Implications.. Implications.. Ah - truely virtual.


[REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple calls. Re:

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley

How embarassing. Sent the wrong code. Here is the actual problem code.

only-string: func[ s [any-string! none!] ][ either s [s][{}]]

quoted-data-rule: [
   (cell-data: {} print "--init-line--") ; This seems to be ignored on
subsequent calls of parse.
   {"} copy data to {"} {"} (append cell-data only-string data)
   any [
   {"} copy data to {"} {"} (append cell-data rejoin [{"}
only-string data])
parse/all {"""Mutter."} quoted-data-rule  ; This looks ok.
print cell-data ;

parse/all {"""Mutter."} quoted-data-rule  ; This is not right.
print cell-data ;

parse/all {"""Mutter."} quoted-data-rule  ; Bugger.
print cell-data ;

[REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple calls. Re:(5)

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley

 The colon ":" is the set-word operator, which is literally:
 set the word to the left to point to the right.
 Which is not quite assignment in conventional languages.
 I hope that helps!

I think it will.hopefully. :\


[REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple calls. Re:(5)

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley

picks jaw off ground/

Thanks Ingo,
I'll just have to go away and reassemble some brain patterns...


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 12:48 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple
calls. Re:(4)

 Hi Brett,

 maybe this little func 'll show you what's happening ...

 test: func [] [
 s1: ""
 s2: copy ""
 append s1 "Hi, I'm changed"
 append s2 "I'm not ..."
 source test

 test: func [][
 s1: "Hi, I'm changed"
 s2: copy ""
 append s1 "Hi, I'm changed"
 append s2 "I'm not ..."
 source test

 You see, s1 has literally been changed in the source-code,
 s2 has not. (It's one of the Rebol traps everyone has to
 fall into once.)

 I hope this helps


 Once upon a time [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoketh thus:
  Thanks Allen. That certainly does work.
  But, now I'm confused. Why is that different to what I had? Or, why
didn't I
  get a new empty string each call previously?

 --  _ ._
 ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _
 www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_|
  ._|  ._|

[REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple calls. Re:(5)

2000-07-01 Thread bhandley

Some time back. Brian Hawley referred to a discussion on Contexts. Which at
first I could not find.
However spurred on by my misunderstanding of what Rebol is doing, I made a
renewed attempt to find the discussion and was successful.

See the thread "Contexts, and related ideas" in...


[REBOL] A tool for tags.

2000-06-29 Thread bhandley

I thought a function that would be the complement to build-tag was in order.
So here's my attempt.

Comments appreciated.
Suggestions on improvements welcomed.
Now where did that bed get to

Oh, anyone thought up a dom (or just structured) approach to HTML in rebol


Author: "Brett Handley"
Title: "Parse-tag"
Date: 30-June-2000
Note: {Feeds off xml-language for some code.
   I didn't know if there was an easier way to do this - and without
   clutter of a object cloning. Probably better just copying and
pasting but I thought I'd highlight the commonalities.}
Note2: {I'd be more happy if this sort of (or better) functionality was
part of the package. :) }

unset [tag-language-defn tag-language]

tag-language-defn: [
unquoted-data: complement charset reduce [ " " tab ]

tag-rule: [(tag-name: none) copy tag-name name (append result to-word
tag-name) any [sp attribute] sp?]
attribute: [copy attr-name name (append result to-word attr-name) opt
[eq attr-value (append result attr-data)]]

parse-tag: func[ a-tag [tag!] ] [
   result: make block! 1
   parse/all/case a-tag tag-rule

foreach field [
space name-first name-chars data-chars qt1 qt2
data-chars-qt1 data-chars-qt2 name sp sp? eq attr-value
append tag-language-defn reduce [to-set-word :field copy get in
xml-language :field ]

; Add rule for handling unquoted attribute data
append tag-language-defn [
append attr-value '| append/only attr-value [ copy attr-data some
unquoted-data ]

tag-language: make object! tag-language-defn

parse-tag: func[ t [tag!] ] [ tag-language/parse-tag t ]

; Examples
;Use it like so...
;parse-tag a href="http://"
;Grab an attribute value
;select parse-tag a href=http://localhost/ id="a1" 'id
;or maybe...
;html: load/markup http://www.rebol.com
;foreach e html [
;either tag? e [
;if select parse-tag e 'src [print select parse-tag e 'alt]
;][ false ]
;This one might be handy for tidying up those nasty unquoted values...
;build-tag parse-tag input type=radio name='theAnimal' value="cat"
;parse-tag /a; returns empty block - don't know if this is the
best or not.

[REBOL] Calling all Brisbane Rebols Re:(2)

2000-06-29 Thread bhandley

Or Sydney! :)

Seriously though, great idea Allen. Once you work out a time, please post it
again, just in case out-of-towners "meander" by.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 11:40 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Calling all Brisbane Rebols Re:


 Care to broadcast to Albany too? lol


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 8:59 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] Calling all Brisbane Rebols

  Hi Rebols,
  I know there are few people from Brisbane on this list.
  I am thinking about organising/running a free Rebol/View workshop
  in late July or August. Numbers will determine the venue.
  If you are interested in attending please contact me directly by email
  Allen K
  ph 3366 8093
  mob 0402 246664

[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:

2000-06-28 Thread bhandley

 REBOL/Core is available for download at
 http://www.rebol.com/downloads.html and

No it aint. I cannot find it listed. So I don't know how you other guys got


[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(3)

2000-06-28 Thread bhandley

Thanks for that. I was thrown by the "version" column of the platform page
which lists it at 2.2. Should have just tried it


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 11:01 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.3 Released! Re:(2)

 brett, after you complete the form and agreement (if you wish to), the
 script will take you to platforms.html where you'll find the 2.3 versions
 available.  Let me know if you have any further problems.  dan

 At 10:46 AM 6/29/00 +1000, you wrote:
   REBOL/Core is available for download at
   http://www.rebol.com/downloads.html and
 No it aint. I cannot find it listed. So I don't know how you other guys

[REBOL] (NT) View home Re:

2000-06-25 Thread bhandley

Methinks that there is unfortunately a dependence on the registry. I forgot
to send feedback about this, but when I first installed View I had a similar
(same?) problem.

All in all I think you would be better off uninstalling and reinstalling
view. Which is what I did, and it works.
Since there is not uninstall feature (yet, I guess), you should delete the
directories (backup whatever you want to keep of course) and use the
registry editor to remove the registry key from NT's registry (insert
disclaimer here re dangers of editing the registry, loss of data... losss of
sanity... panic, pandemonium, gnashing of teeth, and maybe a couple of
tears). Then reinstall, letting the install process create the directories
for you. Then put back any scripts that you had saved.

Hope it helps.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 2:02 AM
Subject: [REBOL] (NT) View home

 How does View determine it's home? I see where it reads home, but where
does the
 actual value come from? I have it installed in E:\Program
Files\_Rebol\View and
 when I try to check for updates, it tells me there's a problem and I
should set
 up the Network stuff. When I try to do that, it asks for permissions to
 E:\Program Files\Rebol\View\user.r, which of course doesn't exists. If I
try to
 rename _Rebol to Rebol, I get a permission denied message. Wha?


[REBOL] for loop block Re:

2000-06-21 Thread bhandley

PRINT value

 Outputs a value followed by a line break.
 PRINT is a native value.

 value -- The value to print (Type: any)

The second case works because you have used a block as value.

Think of a Rebol block as a data structure.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 9:48 AM
Subject: [REBOL] for loop block

 for k 1 22 2 [print "Count is " k]
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 Count is
 == 21
 for k 1 22 2 [print ["Count is " k]]
 Count is  1
 Count is  3
 Count is  5
 Count is  7
 Count is  9
 Count is  11
 Count is  13
 Count is  15
 Count is  17
 Count is  19
 Count is  21
 Should not both be equivalent?  Why would the first form ignore the
 brackets?  Also
 for k 1 22 2 [[print "Count is "] k]
 == 21
 Say what? A Rebol "Block" is not like { } in C?
 Harry Parshall Jr.

[REBOL] Resume getting a web page? Re:(5)

2000-06-16 Thread bhandley

Hi ddaley

  It might be that the server or a proxy server between you and the page
  returning an incomplete page.
  My bet would be a proxy server that is too stupid to realise it doesn't
  the complete resource.

 Is there any way for me to find out if a server is at fault?

Given that Galt retrieved the page with no problem, sounds like it may be
between you and the server.
So, I think that Allen's suggestion of the proxy problem is worth trying.

If you using IE as browser try holding ctrlshift and clicking Refresh.
From memory I believe this sends a request to the proxy for the latest page.

In netscape, I can't remember accurately but I think it may be ctrl and
click reload. May as well try shift reload as well, and why not
clickshift reload just be sure? :)

Hope it helps.


[REBOL] Hidden object values? Re:

2000-06-16 Thread bhandley

 Here's some stuff you might not know about objects:
  o: make object! [
 [ A: 1
 [ B: 2
 [ C: 3
 [ ]
  first o
 == [self A B C]
  second o
 == [
 make object! [
 A: 1
 B: 2
 C: 3
 ] 1 2 3]

 By using 'first and 'second, you can access parts of the object.

Can I rely on this not changing? Is this a stable part of rebol?

[REBOL] Andrew, you beast! - GC too tidy? Re:(6)

2000-06-16 Thread bhandley

 The most detailed documentation for REBOL direct binding and
 contexts that I've seen is an argument on the subject that
 Gabriele and I had on this mailing list last fall. It is probably in the
mailing list archives at rebol.org with the
 subject Contexts. If not, tell me and I'll try to bundle them
 and send them to you.

Brian I would be interested in these as I have not been able to find the
messages your referred to.

Brett Handley.

[REBOL] Tool for those of us in the southern-hemisphere.

2000-06-16 Thread bhandley

Hi fellow southerners,

Ever had that annonying little hassle of trying to decode what those folks
on the northern hemisphere mean when they say "fall" or winter?

Well I've done this neat little tool that will tell you what they mean.
Check out the attachment !

Brett Handley

PS. Shiver Cold at the moment eh?


[REBOL] How and when is bind useful?

2000-06-15 Thread bhandley

It takes me awhile sometimes...
But can someone give me an example of how bind is useful please?


[REBOL] How and when is bind useful? Re:(2)

2000-06-15 Thread bhandley

Thanks Andrew. On the second read. I realised it is exactly what I need my
current programming excerise: a dialect for a specific device control app.

Thanks Petr. Your example looks so devilishly clever I think I'll go to be
and read it in the moring. :)

[REBOL] Andrew, you beast! - GC too tidy? Re:

2000-06-15 Thread bhandley

Nicely described Galt :)

 I suppose it means you
 can bind a block to another block or word
 and it will share the context of that other
 block.  I wonder what would happen if you
 unset O at this point.  Could you still
 run Dialect and have it bind and reduce another block
 to what O was bound to?

Tried it, yup it will and it won't work.

It will for a bit until the garbage collector takes away O.


Create O as in the example.

Dialect [f1 f2] ; --Ok
Unset 'O ; -- oh oh , could be trouble coming

Dialect [f1 f2] ; --Still worksPhew.

Dialect [f1 f2] ; * Crash * -- Looks like the GC was a bit enthusiastic.

[REBOL] How and when is bind useful? Re:(2)

2000-06-15 Thread bhandley

 what-not: [
 empty? trim/all copy line
 found? find trim/all copy line "WEIGHTNAMEOFPRODUCT"
 found? find radek "==="
 (to-char first radek) = (to-char 12)

 foreach line file [if not any bind what-not 'line [insert tail result

Thanks Pekr.
I didn't realise that when binding a block only the words in the block that
can be found in the context will be bound.


[REBOL] PAM links Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread bhandley

The links in your message? Oh well. Must be my end. I get 404 - not found

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 7:41 PM
Subject: [REBOL] PAM links Re:

  Hi deryk,
  The links do not work.


 I tested both links from a couple of my offshore shell accounts and they
 worked just fine.


[REBOL] parsing questions - newbie Re:(2)

2000-06-14 Thread bhandley

Hi Keith,

 well i've looked at the parse section and can't quite figure it out...
 how do you nominate that you want the parse function to take place on a
 text file say "aeros.txt" rather than a string?

The parse function works on a string or on a block.

If you want to parse a file read the file into a string like this
   file-as-string: read %aeros.txt

or maybe (on windows)
  file-as-string: read %/c/autoexec.bat

If you want to parse a web based page you can do this
   web-page-as-string: read http://www.abc.net.au/news

Then you can
   parse file-as-string parse-rules

   parse web-page-as-string parse-rules


 and how do you specify it's location?
Refer to the user manual for the word READ and for accessing files.

 and how would you strip off just what's after the colon and discard what
 before the colon?

your-string: "FORM: Popular Recording"
parse your-string [
   SKIP THRU ":"
   COPY text
   [ TO newline | TO END ]
   (print text)

 when you parse files, can it be done on a folder of files?
 i have a stack of html files that i need to extract all text in a
 particular section and then change the table cells to tabs etc but i have
 few to do and would like to run the script over the whole lot at once if

Use a loop. See the manual on looping.

 i can see no reference to how you parse files locally..there are only
 examples of web addresses or specifying a string.

The input data to parse must be a series! type. This series! can be either a
string! or a block!. So if you can make your data into a string or a block
you can use parse.

 thanks for your help

No Prob.

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