Re: [WSG] IE 6 Horizontal Menu Shift

2007-02-19 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 20, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

When you click on a link in Win XP IE6 the whole list moves

I've tried lots of things, but can't seem to find the bug.

URL: <>
CSS: <>

% margins bug

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] CSS and non-standard properties

2007-02-13 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 14, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Ben Buchanan wrote:

I don't immediately see the benefit to the UA developers using a
custom rule... Why not just use the real thing? I can only assume
there's something about the process that I'm not aware of.

Take border-radius.
When it was first implemented in Gecko, centuries ago, they used (and  
still use):

that was more or less what a then draft was suggesting.
Fast-forward, WebKit uses
according to more current drafts.
The advantage of using vendor prefixes for experimental properties is  

Once a CSS3 draft enters a more stable stage (last-call) or similar,  
the vendor can always alias their implemented name to the real thing,  

Who knows what the real property name will be ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Sending correct MYME-TYPE and content

2007-02-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 11, 2007, at 3:33 AM, Pierre-Henri Lavigne wrote:

Regards to I just  
discovered, I was just wondering if we could use :

[snip code]


Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Clearing floats with overflow

2007-02-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

Katrina wrote:

If children of a container are floated, as far as I understand,  
they are then taken out of normal flow and the container collapses.

Now, if overflow:hidden is applied to the parent container, then  
the height of the parent container is adjusted to include the  
heights of the floated children.

That is correct.

This is where I get lost: I understand overflow to describe what  
should happen to children/content that 'overflows' the parent  

Since the floats are out of normal flow, how come overflow applies  
at all? Have I misunderstood the basic concept of floats or  
overflow or something else altogether?

Are the children now back into normal flow or has the container  
been taken out of normal flow or what is going on?

No, floated children of a container with overflow set to 'scroll',  
'hidden' or 'auto' are not  put back in the normal flow.

You should have a look at 9.4.1: Block Formatting Contexts [1]
Essentially, an element with overflow set to e.g. 'hidden'  
establishes a new block formatting context. Very much simplified,  
that element creates it's own little box that contains everything  
within it, and nothing can escape out of that box.

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Noobie: Padding-top, padding-bottom

2007-02-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

 Dan Dorman wrote:

Firefox, Opera, and IE don't seem to apply top or bottom margins or
padding to inline elements

Each of these browsers does apply padding to inline elements (OK, IE  
sometimes get it wrong... nothing new there). But applying padding to  
an inline element doesn't affect the line-box(es).
Margin-top and margin-bottom have no effect on inline, non-replaced  

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Form Widgets

2007-02-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

1. Form controls are UI widgets more than html elements.
2. CSS 2.1 doesn't define which properties apply to form controls
3. Most form controls can't really be defined/described in terms of  
CSS 2.1.
4. many users prefer form controls that can not be styled (OS  
specific). I had a huge amount of feedback in that sense when I  
developed my alternative form controls package for Fx Mac [1].

The same can be seen through Camino feedback mail.

Barney Carroll wrote:
The reason WebKit apps didn't allow this was because they were  
developed at a time when standards awareness was very low,
That is not true.  Rather, something like: nobody bothered to spend  
time developing an implementation that allows author styling.

and the functionality of forms is something extremely important to  
convey - something that if styled wrong might easily confuse the user.

But that is certainly true.
I recently came across an 'award wining theme' for a well-known  
blogging software package. Thing was/is using one of those fancy  
Image replacement methods for submit buttons. Unreadable grey on grey  
text in mouse type. Barely noticeable difference between page  
background and widget. No text label.

I prefer the un-style-able widgets in my browser (Camino).

Firefox 3 Mac will have native form controls. Those will be more or  
less sensitive to author styling. A user preference to allow/disallow  
that author styling is in the pipeline (similar to what Opera Mac has).

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Bizarre IE Float/Clearing Bug

2007-01-31 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Feb 1, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Mordechai Peller wrote:


Thanks, but to clarify, the posted code isn't the code from the  
page, rather it's a generic example to illustrate the bug. The  
actual code is in the following form:

so the alternative I had in mind is:

But let's say the markup is as follows:


in which case there is no alternative which isn't much less  
semantic (e.g., giving each pair its own dl). What would suggest then?

I don't think the good-people-at-MS (tm) ever read 9.5.1 in CSS 2.1  
[1], and particularly the 5th point in the ordered list.

Both IE 6 and IE 7 are completely broken on that. (usual...)

Solutions for both your form and your definition list: float only the  
label / the .
I use that quite frequently and that works reasonably well in  
iExploder. In some cases the parent container, e.g. the  may need  
a 'haslayout' trigger.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Styling form elements in Safari

2007-01-30 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jan 31, 2007, at 12:08 PM, TomGou wrote:

Am I correct in assuming there isn't a way to style an input of  
type submit in Safari to match what I've styled that shows in

Firefox and Netscape?

button text

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Remove 3D Border Effect from Firefox Tables

2007-01-30 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

It is always a good idea to check the CSS-discuss wiki
might have enough links, tips and tricks to do what you want.
(and you can always update it...)

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Styling a Code Listing

2007-01-25 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jan 26, 2007, at 1:12 AM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I'd appreciate any comment that would help me improve this article:

Why the need for a background image ?

(the div is there to give 'layout' for iExploder if needed, might be  
useful for decoration as well)

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Growing height and changing colspan when using display none/block in FF and Saf

2007-01-15 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jan 16, 2007, at 6:47 AM, Ron Jonk wrote:

I display and hide a row. When clicking on a link I swap the class  
of the row from  .show {display:block} to .hide{display:none}.
In IE it works OK but when I display the hidden row in safari and  
Firefox the whole row that I display again has the width of the  
first cell of the row above and the space between the hidden row  
and the row above grows.

You need to switch between display:none and display:table-row (the  
default display value for ).

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Background image rendering

2006-12-01 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Dec 2, 2006, at 4:50 AM, Tom Livingston wrote:

html, body{ position:relative; font:100%/1.2 Verdana, Arial,  

sans-serif; background-color:#fff; color:#888; height:100%; padding:0;
html#home{ background:url("../images/home_bgimage.gif") 50% 0 no- 
repeat;}";>"; id="home">

The background-color on body is covering the background-image on html.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Background image rendering

2006-11-27 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 27, 2006, at 11:14 PM, Nick Fitzsimons wrote:

Sounds logical. However, I am using IDs on the body to give, among  
things, different bg images to site sections. Can I give the HTML  
element an
ID instead? I just never heard of doing this type of thing to that  

Afraid not, the HTML element can only have lang and dir attributes:

This only applies to HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1.
XHTML 1.0 allows for the id attribute on HTML.
AvK has some details and references

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] moz-inline-box or block

2006-11-23 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 23, 2006, at 7:13 PM, Keryx webb wrote:

Alt. 1:

elem {
display: -moz-inline-block;
display: inline-block; /* some say this one is really buggy */

Alt. 2:

elem {
display: -moz-inline-block;
display: inline-box; /* not intended for (X)HTML, but XUL */

Alt. 3:

elem {
display: table-cell; /* Could give me the desired effect */
display: inline-block;

Option 1 is *really* buggy on Gecko 1.7 and Gecko 1.8.x (Fx 1.0 to 2.0)
For option 2 I guess you mean

elem {
display: -moz-inline-box;
display: inline-block; /* not intended for (X)HTML, but XUL */
Indeed not intended for X)HTML, no guarantees it will be supported  
(in HTML) in the future. Some people @mozilla would like to remove  
it, except for form controls.

Option 3 will give you the best results.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] what's causing ie7 to ignore the "valid div rules?"

2006-11-22 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 22, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Dwain Alford wrote:

hey, it's 0100hrs where i am; i've been at this for some time now.   

for the brain fart.

On 11/22/06, Matthew Pennell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/22/06, Dwain Alford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in ie7 the "valid" div hangs over the "container" div.  all other
> browsers that i can check render the div inside the container  
with a 1em
> margin.  what do i need to do to fix this so ie7 will render  

Is your IE 7 window narrower than in other browsers ?
The only problem I can see on that page are the 3 icons in the #valid  
That is too narrow to contain the images in *all* my browsers {1],  
end the images are pushed out.

Correct behaviour, small human error.

Add this to your #valid rule block:  background:yellow;
then resize your window in different browsers. You'll see.

IE 6 is saved by its own stupidity (expands the container to match  
the content).

[1] Firefox 2.0, Safari, Opera 9,  IE mac, IE 7 windows,...

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: WebKit: '-khtml' ?!! (Was: Re: [WSG] Safari DOM inspector)

2006-11-17 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 18, 2006, at 8:23 AM, James Ellis wrote:

If you run recent version of Konquerer you get a pretty good  
realisation of
what Safari will render a site as - all you have to do us run a  
Linux box or

if you don't want to do that run up a KDE distro Live CD like Kubuntu.
There are quite a few bugs in Safari that don't show up in Konqueror,  
and vice-versa.
example: E:last-child is completely br0ken in Safari but works fine  
in Konqueror.

Mac users can install the whole KDE on top of OS X via the Fink  
project and run it side by side. Compiling took a little over 24  
hours on my PowerBook. It runs wonderfully well.

It's the right way to do vendor specific extensions to CSS e.g -moz- 
blah and

-khtml-blah etc etc. So ,for instance, Gecko is supposed to ignore
everything vendor specific and non -moz-*. I don't think IE has any  

rules, -opera-* maybe ? dunno.

For Opera: -o-*
Afaik, MSIE didn't have any, up till now. I heard about -mso-, but  
not seen.

Anyway, most of those vendor only extensions are for internal use  
only [*], and shouldn't be used in an author stylesheet.
Except for a few that are implementations of css3 drafts, such as: - 
webkit-border-radius or -moz-border-radius, to name one that is  
relatively stable. Even then, use only on an experimental basis, the  
implementation could change, etc.

[*] or for XUL in Gecko's case.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari DOM inspector

2006-11-16 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 16, 2006, at 9:07 PM, Barney Carroll wrote:

Thanks for the info - I downloaded the OmniWeb 5.5.1 trial  
(gorgeous tabs system, incidentally); and it renders the page in  
question, with bug, exactly like the current release of Safari.  
Excellent (for my purposes).

Possible. Omniweb 5.5.1 doesn't use the latest of the latest version  
of Webkit, but a snapshot form June or July 2006, iirc.

However I see no sign of a WebInspector... It's not immediately  
apparent from OmniWeb's interface, Omni don't seem to think it's  
worth mentioning  in their list of fancy features, and a site  
search for 'inspector' only finds instances of it in their other  
products (all irrelevant in this case).

You have to turn it on :-)
Close Omniweb and type the following (exactly !) in a new terminal  

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
(one line, watch out for wrapping).
And you'll see that it is still missing some panes.

(to keep it ore on topic, aka debugging tools)
One feature is sorely missing in WebKits inspector: the ability to  
live edit properties and values for an element. I use that the whole  
time with Gecko's DomInspector. IE's toolbar also has this option.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari DOM inspector

2006-11-16 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 16, 2006, at 7:48 PM, Barney Carroll wrote:

Today I found this fantastic utility []. WebKit  
is a terribly vague name, but I suppose 'the WebKit nightly build'  
about sums it up. I fired it up and went to look at my bug in  
question and got so distracted by its fantastic inspection frames  
(metrics! woo!) that it took me a while to notice that the bug in  
question had disappeared.

WebKit is the rendering engine behind Safari. What you have  
downloaded is a nightly build of what will be Safari 3.0 in Spring  
2007. And yes, Safari 3.0 will have a WebInspector, just as OmniWeb  
5.5 already has one - not a surpirse, as it uses the same WebKit  
rendering engine.
And it is very possible that a bug you see in Safari 1.3/2.0 doesn't  
exist anymore in those nightly WebKit builds. One would hope that  
some bugs get fixed, after all...

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] display: table causing Gecko based browsers extra space for

2006-10-31 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Nov 1, 2006, at 10:22 AM, Tee G.Peng wrote:

Thierry suggested adding display: table or inline-table in dd and  
dt. 'Inline table' doesn't solves the Safari's problem for (1) but  
the 'table' does, however it resulting bigger spacing (top and  
bottom) in Gecko based browsers. playing with margins or paddings  
doesn't fix the problem. Any solution for this?

One thing though, the 'display:table' only work when declared in  
both dt and dd.

Without 'display:table'
With 'display:table'

Gecko (Firefox 2.0) is doing something strange with that display:  
table, as if it inserts an extra table-row before the link, inside  
the . When I check that on a recent Gecko trunk build, that  
doesn't happen (means: a bug has been fixed).

As for Safari, it does also has a bug there (also fixed in recent  
nightly builds). Instead of using 'display:table' to establish a  
block formatting context, try using 'overflow:hidden'. That doesn't  
cause any problems in any modern browser here (Opera, Safari, gecko).  
You might want to hide that from IE 6 and maybe 7.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessible Multi-Column List

2006-10-26 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 26, 2006, at 7:26 PM, Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

The methods I describe in this article use ems for positioning, not
My favorite method is the last (#6).  Have you found that it doesn't
survive cross-browser?  I'd be interested in your findings.

I saw your example 6, and it looks great. I maybe nitpicking but the
columns don't line up in Safari 2.0.4 or Opera 9.0.2 Mac. I know  

got a small audience generally, but I'm hoping to find something more
x-browser if possible.

Do you know a workaround for this?

Unfortunately, there are no workarounds. It all depends on how the  
browser decides to round off the numbers: assume the computed height  
of one  is 2.1em (font-size/line-height/padding); this might  
compute to 33.6 px (@font-size=16px). Then you have to take the total  
computed height of one column (number of  by 2.3em). Depending on  
how browsers round the numbers of, you end up with a few (screen) px  

How do you slice pixels on screen ? All browser use different methods  
with Gecko being one of the more 'exact'.
In the case above, assuming five  in a column, Gecko will compute  
the following numbers: 33/34/33/34/33 (equals 167px, where as the  
compute height of the column is 168px). Other browsers will round off  
the height of each  to 33px but make the total computed height  
168px. See where we are going ?

Note: I simplify slightly above.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Forget about Opera and Mac (and Windows Vista) ??

2006-10-25 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 26, 2006, at 8:09 AM, Taco Fleur wrote:

I thought I'd post this question as a separate item, as it probably  
got lost

in my previous post.

Should I be thinking about fixing up the issues in Opera and on the  
Mac or

just say "tough luck!"

All pages validate, and I have no idea what  
is causing

the issues, mainly with the 4 top buttons.
7966358.JPG (Explorer 5.2 on Mac)
7966370.JPG (Opera)
7966382.JPG (Opera)

The issues with IE 5 Mac are dead easy to fix.
The  around those 4 buttons is floated, but you don't specify a  
width for it.
Remember that IE 5 Mac is a CSS 2.0 browser, and that a width is  
**required** on floated boxes.


The Opera issues are puzzling.

And then there is
Internet Explorer V7
I have no experience with IE7, is it maybe still in Beta, is that  
why it is

displaying this badly? The pages validate properly.

IE 7 has been released recently and will be pushed through software  
update soon.

It doesn't look as bad as on your screenshots.
The main issue seem with those grey headings and the more button.
div.h3 seems to have a width of 0 (zero).

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] tabindex doesn't work

2006-10-24 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 25, 2006, at 5:25 AM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

Yes I did.  I have the 'enable tab browsing' selected both in  
Safari and Firefox.

hmmm, embarrassing! I guess the problem is I don't know exactly how  
to 'tab'.  Ok how do you do that in Mac?

For both Firefox and Safari: Go System Preferences (from the Apple  
Menu) > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts and enable Full  
Keyboard Access (--> All Controls).

Additional for Safari: Open Safari > preferences > Advanced tab and  
check the second textbox.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] link:active = keyboard focus?

2006-10-23 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:34 PM, Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media] wrote:

This is real strange: I am trying to change the style of a link  
when the
user tabs onto it with the keyboard. I assumed that the active  
pseudo class

would do the job, but maybe I am wrong?

Here the code to my example:

I would love for the link to turn red when the user tabs onto it. But
Firefox doesn't do it at all and IE6 does it if I first tab onto it  
and then

move the mouse over it. (?!)

Am I overestimating the abilities of the active pseudo class?

You should use the :focus pseudo-class in this case.
a:active points to the moment you click the link, or hit the return  
key if you use the keyboard  (activate the link).

IE win is broken here. It doesn't recognise the a:focus pseudo-class,  
and treats a:active as if it were a:focus instead, and even then...

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE6 -> IE7

2006-10-18 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

Looks like that thing has been released

Time to lock one of my VirtualMachines out of software update to keep  
IE 6, and have the other one allowed to proceed, me thinks.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Pure CSS dropdown Menu, take II

2006-10-16 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 17, 2006, at 2:21 AM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I followed all suggestions made after I published the first demo  
and came up

with this...

Keyboard users can go from one top level item to the next without  
having to

go through the nested links (the enter key toggles the sub-menus).
Regarding pointing devices; I went with vertical sub-menus rather than
horizontal ones (avoiding diagonal paths) and I added a 10px  
cushion all

around the sub-menus.

Is that good enough now? :)

It's not bad :-).

Nit pick: you may want to use some a:focus magic to highlight the  
links in the toplevel menu for keyboard users.

Oh, and it works nicely with Camino 1.0, 1.1a1 and Camino trunk  
builds (hardly surprising, same rendering engine as Fx 1.5, Fx 2.0RC  
and Gecko 1.9 trunk respectively). Camino 0.8.2 is _really_ old.
Nit pick: in your browser support list, under Mac, you mention  
'Firefox 2.5.0'. There is no beast like that. Firefox 1.5.x or  
Firefox 2.0 rc ?

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Relative positioning and Netscape 6

2006-10-15 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 16, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Andrew Ivin wrote:

I am trying to find out what Netscape 6's capabilities are as far as
relative positioning goes.
I have a page where I have a parent div, absolutly positioned, with
two relatively positioned child block level elemnets; one positioned
to the top left, the other top right.

The top right absolutely positioned element is ignoring the relative
container in NS 6, and is positioning relative to the viewport - top
right of browser window.

As always, a URL is more than useful...

And I'm not clear. Is the parent container {position:absolute} or  
{position:relative;} ?

That makes a big difference.
If the parent container happens to be styled with {position:relative}  
*and* is floated (left/right, doesn't matter), then Netscape 6  
ignores it for the purpose of absolute positioning (top + right).  
That is a bug.
Workaround: inside the floaed div, wrap the contents in a div, and  
give that div relative positioning.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Firefox print style sheet bug

2006-10-12 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 13, 2006, at 8:14 AM, Pierre-Henri Lavigne wrote:

I got the same problem in css as the following example page :

The qualified persons on the mozilla IRC were busy at the moment I  
asked support. If someone has an idea about fixing it...

I'll forward you answers if I find out more about it.

And what is the problem ?
The problems with the text, as seen in that screenshot (bold text  
that overlaps previous text/loose the white-space before the text- 
node) ?

If yes, that is an OS X 10.4 only bug with some fonts:
If something else, please give some more details, a link to an  
example page, etc.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE shrinks/pushes margins on :hover

2006-10-11 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 11, 2006, at 6:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't know where to look.
Is this the infamous "hop on :hover" or "shrinking margins" or maybe
"collapsing margins", mentioned on ? Something  


As I said, I'm pretty sure the problematic elements do not trigger  
in IE, but the symptoms sounds like those described at

It could be one of those. A link would useful. My crystal ball is at  
the repair shop.

Other possibility:

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari and bg-images for list bullets

2006-10-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Oct 10, 2006, at 6:59 PM, John Faulds wrote:

The first is the misalignment of the bg-images that I'm using for  
bullets. Every other browser including IE5 displays them how I want  
them except for Safari. I did a quick search but the only thing I  
came up with was that this was a bug that only affected earlier  
versions but it seems to be the same in Safari 2.0 too.

So, is there a solution? Does it require using a Safari-only filter?

It is a known bug with Safari: happens when the background image is  
too large for the container.
part of that bug has been fixed in nightly builds, but the 'hover'  
problems still is buggy in the latest Webkit build I have.
A bug report has been filed ages ago (2years at least in my case),  
but the engineers there are not overtly concerned, it seems.

Workarounds include: let the image move horizontally instead of  
vertically or vice-versa, use an oversized image with loads of white  
space, use different image for the various states...

Here is a page of mines that tested this (created in June 2004,  
according to my notes).

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 but mainly (unsual) Safari probelm

2006-09-23 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 23, 2006, at 8:25 PM, Tee Peng wrote:

I encounter a very strange Safari problem with floated divs.  
Running out of idea to fix it and thereby requested permission from  
client to post the page for help.

In the below 'edit-waypoint' page, on the left column at the  
bottom, there are three floated divs with extra div wrapper. The  
"notes" textarea section should stay on the right and it display  
exactly where it should be in all browser except Safari. In Safari,  
instead of staying to the right, it fall below the floated divs on  
the left.

Safari problem

width-less floats. Both #trip_edit and #trip_edit_rht are floated but  
you don't specify a width for the first one.

Not sure why Safari is not collapsing the width of #trip_edit to the  
width of its content. Maybe because div.trip_info isn't set to clear  
the previous float.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari filter

2006-09-13 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 14, 2006, at 10:32 AM, Kenny Graham wrote:

If it's for your own site then you might as well just do what works
for you, but if it's a commercial site, or something you're doing for
a client, I'm afraid you're in for a world of pain :-(

Luckilly it's a semi-personal site.  It's an interface for a database
used by me and a large group of friends.  That's why I'm able to serve
as XHTML.  I can just say "if you want access, don't use IE".  So
Safari support isn't a complete necessity, but since it's generally a
good browser, I'd rather not discourage its use among my non-nerd
friends.  But you mentioning that most mobile devices are buggy with
styles makes me strongly consider solving all this by simply not using
a handheld stylesheet.  Because of the type of site it is, styling
isn't at all necessary.  Each page pretty much consists of:  h1, h2,
ul, h2, ul, h2, ul.  IE may have many more bugs than Safari, but at
least there they can be worked around with something as simple as a
child selector or a conditional comment.

Well, it is a annoying bug in Safari. It simply ignores all media  
attributes and the 'alternate="yes"' attribute - and maybe more, but  
I didn't test further than those.

Here is my test file:
You might consider filing a bug report
(I didn't find any open bug on the subject)

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Mac Submit Buttons and margin/padding:0

2006-09-11 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 12, 2006, at 9:57 AM, Joe D'Andrea wrote:

If I use CSS of * {margin: 0; padding: 0} with the intent to set
margin and padding as-needed, things look pretty good where submit
buttons (input elements) are concerned, except for Opera on OS X:

The problem is that Opera uses some padding (5px, iirc) to define the  
width of the pill shaped box.
I would rate that as a bug (or a weakness ?) in Opera's  
implementation of Cocoa Widgets

Camino has similar problems when using the border property.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML Marquee

2006-09-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 8, 2006, at 12:28 PM, Richard Czeiger wrote:

I've updated the script and taken in to account the contrast factor  
as well as the accessibility issue.
If I were to take it to the exterme, I'd dynamically generate the  
control links.

As it is, i've chucked them into a separate

Your scripts still fails to account for Gecko browsers that are not  
Firefox:  Mozilla Suite, Camino, ... [1]

as I mentioned yesterday.

The bad detection is in this line:

// Firefox
	if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1 ||  

Change Firefox to Gecko.

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML Marquee

2006-09-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:10 PM, Richard Czeiger wrote:

I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions/criticisms...

It look like this in my browser
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/ 
20060907 Camino/1.2+

with minimum font-size set to 12px.
Barely readable for my old eyes, even as it is static.

See this for why.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with float layout (IE6 versus Firefox)

2006-09-06 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 7, 2006, at 5:27 AM, Doug Wigginton wrote:

Thanks for taking a look.  Just to confirm, on the right half of the
screen the second Green div drops below the first green div when  
you resize

to 600x800 in Firefox?

Like this:

[grey div][green div 1]
[green div 2]

and not

[grey div]
  [green div 1 ][green div2]

in your testcase, Firefox, Safari, Opera and other modern browsers  
drop the whole box containing [green div 1] and [green div 2]. That  
is the correct behaviour in this case: the width of the floated  
parent is not specified, and depends on the width of the content  
(known: the width+padding+border+margin of the 2 floated  green divs;  
the width for those divs is specified).

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML X-Browser Standard for MP3

2006-09-04 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Sep 5, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:


which has a sampler mp3 embedded on the homepage (bottom left).

Apparently it's not working in FF WIN or IE6 WIN.

It is not working for me on Camino (or other browser) Mac. I just see  
the words 'life is a Circle - Sampler'.

But I don't have any RealPlayer installed.

Why not add a link to the .mp3 file directly ? That would open in any  
app that can play mp3 files on the user's system.

(works for me, anyway)

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 RC1 oddity

2006-08-30 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 30, 2006, at 5:46 PM, Tony Crockford wrote:

here's the test page:
Test of widths IE7

in IE7 the first div is only as wide as its content and it seems to  
be because it's inside an undimensioned floated div...

which is the correct behaviour?

should an undimensioned div stretch to the full width of its  
container or only to the width of its content?

There is no reason for the child divs to shrink wrap to the width of  
their content, unless they are floated or absolute positioned). They  
should be the same width as the parent (floated) div (as in Gecko,  
Safari, and other modern rendering agents).
The floated div will be at least 800px wide (static div inside it  
that has width set) and maximum 900px wide (parent).

It you add (absolute) positioning into the mix, then things become  
completed, and in that case I surely won't let browsers decide.

Note, I notice that the first width-less div has both height and min- 
height applied. 2 'haslayout' triggers... That might complicate  
things in poor IE.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] i want my svg

2006-08-09 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 9, 2006, at 6:12 PM, Matthew Cruickshank wrote:

Here's some versions with SVG's width/height removed...

In test1a the SVG now scales based on CSS constraints which are a  
fixed pixel size. In test1b the CSS constraints are percentage  
based rules, and as you resize the browser window you'll see that  
preserving the aspect ratio means that the text will only line-up  
some of the time.

This one resizes a second SVG without an aspect ratio, and keeps  
the text pretty-much where it should be regardless of the browser  

I don't have Opera/Safari to test on unfortunately, so I don't know  
if this will work on them.

Safari doesn't support .svg. Yet. The nightly Webkit builds and  
Omniweb 5.5beta (Webjit based) do support it, and display your 3 test  
files the same way as Camino (Gecko trunk build) and BonEcho (Firefox  
2.0 beta) do. Opera 9.01 Mac is identical in display as the others.

No Firefox 1.5 on this PowerBook.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Custom Bullets

2006-08-08 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 9, 2006, at 11:50 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:

PS:  Frankly, since the list-style properties apply only to  
elements with {display: list-item}, I'm a little surprised that  
it's correctly applicable to UL at all and not just LI, but I guess  
it's just a quirk of CSS that we can give a LIST CONTAINER a LIST- 
ITEM display.  When it is applied to UL, I assume that its child  
LIs inherit the property, but I don't see the inherent advantage to  
a rule like ul {list-style...} over li {list-style...}.  Myself, I  
always roll my own lists just with li {list-style-type: none;}.

li {list-style-type: none;} applies to all li on a page, in a  or  

Personally, I do ul li {list-style: whatever}. or ul.classname li {}

CSS 2.1 Specification
12 Generated content, automatic numbering, and lists
12.5 Lists

the keyword here is:
inherited: yes

The list-marker will be applied to the descendants of the , not  
the  itself, as that on has display:block, unless otherwise  

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Safari Rendering on Windows

2006-08-08 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 8, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Samuel Richardson wrote:

* Can someone who managed to install this tell us the following: is  
there any indication about the revision number of Webkit that browser  
is based on ? (in the about box if that exist, or the UA string -  
post it please ?)
(I won't bother installing it, I have access to the real Safari and  
the WebKit nightly builds for OS X)

* This browser is almost certainly not a perfect testing ground to  
see how the release builds of Safari (1.3/2.04) are doing. The WebKit  
code is much more recent than what Apple uses for the release builds:  
some bugs are fixed, there are new bugs, etc.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Safari Rendering on Windows

2006-08-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 8, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Samuel Richardson wrote:

Apple has just released GetWebKit, it allows windows users to see  
how Safari

will render web pages without then need to install OSX.

I don't think that is an 'Apple' release. They would have announced  
it by know.  More probably, some people have taken the code and made  
it working on Windows.

PS - I don't doubt that Apple, or the open-source community around  
WebKit, is working on porting WebKit to Windows. Checkins [1] in the  
past few months point that way (Cairo graphics Libraries, etc.). And  
also improve the synergy with KDE [2].

[1] <>
[2] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Floated OL Not Displaying Numbers

2006-08-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 8, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Nello Lucchesi wrote:

I am trying to style an ordered list to display horizontally.  I  
want the display to include the numbers (markers).

At first, I tried display: inline; but that eliminated the markers  
since the items were no longer display: list-item.

So, I tried a float instead.  It works in Firefox but not IE(6).

Please see:

Can anyone explain to me why the item markers aren't displayed in IE?

Unfortunately, IE's support for display:list-item is weak, to say the  
least. Because the list-items are floated, they become display:block  
in IE (wrong). Additionally the acquire 'layout' [1] which also  
messes up with list-markers.
You list-markers are also missing in Opera (still) (tested 9.01, Mac  
OS X); that is a bug in Opera imho.

Solutions ? Not many... add the numbers manually? or use the DOM to  
append them with a script.

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Support for IE5/Mac? (was Browser stats)

2006-08-02 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 3, 2006, at 12:23 PM, SunUp wrote:

I know how to prevent v.4 browsers from getting my styles, but how do
I stop IE5/Mac from getting them?? All I know how to do is to give
them something different, not how to exclude them entirely.

wrap your entire stylesheet in a @media statement, like so:
@media screen {
/* all my ruleblocks */

then a the very top of your stylesheet, add a link to a IEMac  
stylesheet, hidden from other browsers:

  @import "/path-to/ieM.css";
/* ie mac */

That said, I never had big problems in supporting IE Mac. A few extra  
rules needed, but much less than what iExploder windows needs.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Table Attributes and CSS

2006-08-02 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 3, 2006, at 10:20 AM, Rachel May wrote:

Cellspacing from memory you can't control through css although I  
could be

wrong about that...?
cellspacing is controlled through the border-collapse and border- 
spacing properties. [1]

Presently iExploder only supports border-collapse:collapse, and  
doesn't know anything about border-spacing. Other browser have full  
support for those (although not always correct; cough cough, Safari  
and Konqueror).

border-collapse:collapse is equal to the cellspacing attribute set to 0.

PS - cellspacing and cellpadding are perfectly valid attributes for  
all DTD.

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Opera Bug? (Table-displayed, left-floated, min-width content)

2006-08-01 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 1, 2006, at 11:05 PM, Joe D'Andrea wrote:

An element with display:table shrink-wraps the width, just as a  
real table would do.
And Opera is known to be more aggressive in this than some other  

Aye. But if each item/link has a minimum width, wouldn't that count
for something? Put another way, if I had a table row with min-width
cells, would it wrap to two rows?

It is a bit more complicated. When you use display:table; browsers do  

aka, add a few anonymous boxes around your group of elements, one of  
them being a table-cell.

That table-cell wraps around all your floated blocks.
So that is different than a real table, which would contain a whole  
series of table-cells.

If you put your series of links in a (one) real table-cell, and use  
the same styling (float), odds are that you'd see similar behaviour/ 
differences between browsers.

The HTML and CSS 'table' model is a pretty complex thing, and all  
browsers use different algos to compute width (and are reluctant to  
change anything...).

And on the side, you won't need to clear those floated elements as
{display:table} establishes a new block formatting context and
contains the floated blocks any way.

True. That note was actually based on IE (which won't use display:
table but an entirely different approach, and still needed to clear
the float). I didn't need to mention it in the context of this
particular issue.

Unrelated to your test case, as IE doesn't do display:table anyway.
You'll probably need a 'haslayout' trigger for IE, which would  
achieve the same: containing the floats (and that is a bug in IE,  
anyway). [1]

[1] see my little exercises here:
which is partly a spin off from this article:

PS - If you know the number of links, and their minimum-width, you  
could give your  a minimum width as well.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Opera Bug? (Table-displayed, left-floated, min-width content)

2006-08-01 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 1, 2006, at 8:40 PM, Joe D'Andrea wrote:

Minimal Test Case:

Includes links to BrowserCam shots and a few more variations for  
good measure.


 1 2 ... 8


 p { display: table; }
 p a { float: left; min-width: 16px; }

Whatever the rationale for using a , what is the idea behind using  
{display:table} ??

... because I'm not sure this is strictly a bug. An element with  
display:table shrink-wraps the width, just as a real table would do.
And Opera is known to be more aggressive in this than some other  
Add to that, your 'table' element only contains *width-less* floated  
elements. That may complicate the computation of width.
And on the side, you won't need to clear those floated elements as   
{display:table} establishes a new block formatting context and  
contains the floated blocks any way.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Default browser stylesheet values

2006-08-01 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Aug 1, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:

Hmm - OK, answers own question - FF on my Mac, with a little  
digging ( > Show Package Contents > Contents/MacOS/res/)  
coughs up a file called html.css - which *appears* to contain the  

There's a bunch of others, too:

Those are indeed the stylesheets that control how Gecko renders pages  
by default. Except for platform-forms.css, which does not exist  
anymore in Fx 1.5. Safari uses very similar rules, stylesheets can be  
found in System -> Library -> Frameworks -> Webkit.framework and  
drill down further.
Opera's defaults are hard coded in the binary and not accessible, but  
look more or less like the sample html 4.0 stylesheet in the CSS 2.1  

iE's stylesheets are hard coded as well, and not publicly available.  
I often noticed, though, that left on its own (using defaults) that  
browser can be rather helpless. It is better to specify everything  
you need (margin/padding/line-height/...) to avoid problems.

Beside looking at the UA stylesheets, a good reference for the  
defaults is the HTML 4.01 DTD. (e.g. p, hx, div have {display:block}  
by default).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] firefox doesn't render svg file

2006-07-30 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 30, 2006, at 6:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i've been experimenting all night and firefox doesn't want to  
render the svg file at all.  i get a download dialog box about the  
svg file.  i just now found out there is not a svg plugin in the  
download actions dialog of my copy and it is the latest update.   
could someone point me in the direction to get the svg plugin that  
is supposed to be native to firefox.  i'm really disappointed.

maybe someone has a copy of firefox that will render the svg file  
on this page natively.

I've no idea what is wrong (and you file works as I expected - I  
think- in Opera).

I saved your file (+svg) to my local dev server, and there it works  
correctly, although the svg file doesn't scale to the size of the  

PS - firefox 1.5+ does not need any plugin to display svg file.  
Support is build-in.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Safari CSS bug?

2006-07-30 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 30, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Jason Witherspoon wrote:

...and I've set a few non-standard font options for headers:

font-family: Harrington, Papyrus, Herculanum, "Trebuchet MS",  
Trebuchet, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif;

These turn up fine on IE & Firefox (SeaMonkey, actually), but on  
Safari, the headers simply display as the body font.  However, the  
same font-family directive used on an  (as per the menubar)  
displays the correct font.

Because Safari, unlike other browsers doesn't create artificial  
(syntetic) bold faces when the font-family doesn't contain bold  
glyphs (on my machine, Papyrus appears to be used).
It is not a bug. The CSS specs don't require a browser to create  
artificial bold faces.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] ID Attribute for Anchor Points

2006-07-27 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 28, 2006, at 3:40 AM, James W. wrote:

I am proposing that we use:

It works on all browsers but Safari.

Issue number #1 would be that name is not a valid attribute for h2.
Issue number #2: Safari indeed does indeed have problems with anchors.
- if the user is on page xx.html and clicks on a link that points to  
an anchor on that page, it works OK in Safari.
- if the user is on page yy.html and clicks on a link that points to  
an anchor on another page (e.g. xx.html#myanchor), that FAILS in Safari.
Issue number #3: Safari doesn't move the focus to the anchor (problem  
of keyboard accessibility). The page will correctly come into view,  
but the focus is still on the point of origin (similar problems as  
with iExploder, as pointed in the article mentioned by Thierry).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Form check

2006-07-17 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 18, 2006, at 3:45 AM, Jeff Van Campen wrote:

By the way, this brings up an interesting issue. Does anyone know of
if Mozilla provides a guide to which Firefox versions are based on
which Mozilla builds?  Is the relationship even that clear any more?

Check out the user agent string. (Open the about box and you'll see it)
 ex: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: 
1.9a1) Gecko/20060713 Minefield/3.0a1

The key is v:1.9a1 which points to Gecko 1.9, the current trunk builds

Fx 1.0.x is based on Gecko 1.7
Fx 1.5.0.x is based on Gecko 1.8
Fx 2.0 will be based on Gecko 1.8.1
Fx 3.0 will be based on Gecko 1.9

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] image menu failing in safari

2006-07-10 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 11, 2006, at 2:11 AM, Warren Cardinal wrote:

I have been told that this menu is all messed up in Safari...

anyone know why?  looks fine in FF and IE on PC. I'm stumped

Step one: validate your mark-up.
Step one one: validate your mark-up.

Step two: may set a width on those floated  ? Currently, each li  
collapses in width to the width of the text node inside it.

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Re: [WSG] html validation: exactly what is it good for?

2006-07-09 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 9, 2006, at 7:53 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:

Time and time again:

- If you serve an HTML doctype as text/html (and you really should use
HTML Strict to avoid getting quirks mode in browsers like IE), then
validation isn't necessary, because you are relying on the SGML parser
with all of it's wonderful error correction to fix your mistakes when
the page is rendered. Even so, if you wonder why your CSS is not
working or your DOM scripting fails, then validating the HTML is a
good place to start.

Hear, hear.
As we all know, html parser 1 will understand and interpret your  
error in one way, while html parser 2 will have another  
understanding, and html parser 3 yet another interpretation.

It is pretty easy to install the W3C validator on your own  
development machine.

For OS X there is even a standalone package that only requires a  
double-click on a disk-image.

For OS X see those instructions on Apple's site:
There is a similar how-to article for Ubuntu Linux; I lost the URL  
unfortunately. Your favourite search engine knows about it, I guess.

- If you serve an XHTML doctype as text/html, well, don't.


- If you serve an XHTML doctype as application/xhtml+xml, then your
question would be, "why doesn't my page display at all?" And the
answer would be, validate.

Welformed XML is not necessarily valid XHTML, but that is another  

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Opera 8 and 9 difference

2006-07-07 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jul 8, 2006, at 7:12 AM, CK wrote:


This appears some nested CSS rule, which I'm unfamiliar. Would you  
elaborate, off-list if preferred, with an explanation of use and  

I used the following code to fix this in Opera 8

/* Opera */
@media all and (min-width: 0px) {
div#meny ul {
bottom: -5px;

CSS3 mediaqueries.

Only supported by Opera, so far. Gecko and Webkit (Safari) are not  
far away from supporting it too.

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[off list] Re: [WSG] Opera 9 and standards support

2006-06-27 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

David Storey wrote:

I hope you all like Opera 9.  As always if you have issues in Opera  
on your site feel free to contact me and we will help you find the  
cause of the problem.  If there is anything that Opera doesn't  
support that you come across when writing scripts then I'll also  
see what I can do.  With Opera 9 we've added DOM Level 2 Style,  
contentEditable and DesignMode which I think will be useful  
additions for many designers and support for Web forms 2.0 which is  
a peek into the future of what we are trying to achieve with the  
WHAT WG along with Mozilla and Apple.

Hi David,

Taking you at your word...

Some long-time issues:

::first-line, and  -- essentially, because Op threats :first-line  
as a block-level element

test case at (mentioned in the bug report):

Also, as seen the testcase, and mentioned in the bug report, ::first- 
line 'leaks'.

ul li::firs-line should only be applied to the li, child of ul.
However, due to the existence of the selector,  Op starts to threat  
all instances of first-line as a block.

(OK, that one is better than in Op 8)
Makes the use of ::first-line virtually impossible.

overflow (hidden/auto) adjacent to right floated block drops below/ 
clears the floated block

All those bugs are long-time issues, going back to Op 7.5 at least.

Is there a way to keep track of bugs filed ? Opera is the only place  
where I've filed bugs and never get any feedback.

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[off list] Re: [WSG] Opera 9 and standards support

2006-06-26 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

David Storey wrote:

I hope you all like Opera 9.  As always if you have issues in Opera  
on your site feel free to contact me and we will help you find the  
cause of the problem.  If there is anything that Opera doesn't  
support that you come across when writing scripts then I'll also  
see what I can do.  With Opera 9 we've added DOM Level 2 Style,  
contentEditable and DesignMode which I think will be useful  
additions for many designers and support for Web forms 2.0 which is  
a peek into the future of what we are trying to achieve with the  
WHAT WG along with Mozilla and Apple.

Hi David,

Taking you at your word...

Some long-time issues:

::first-line, and  -- essentially, because Op threats :first-line  
as a block-level element

test case at (mentioned in the bug report):

Also, as seen the testcase, and mentioned in the bug report, ::first- 
line 'leaks'.

ul li::firs-line should only be applied to the li, child of ul.
However, due to the existence of the selector,  Op starts to threat  
all instances of first-line as a block.

(OK, that one is better than in Op 8)
Makes the use of ::first-line virtually impossible.

overflow (hidden/auto) adjacent to right floated block drops below/ 
clears the floated block

All those bugs are long-time issues, going back to Op 7.5 at least.

Is there a way to keep track of bugs filed ? Opera is the only place  
where I've filed bugs and never get any feedback.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Spans & Padding

2006-06-09 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jun 5, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Ryan Moore wrote:

I am having a real problem with the this mark up.

[snip code]

The problem is in the the .featured_left_col & featured_right_col both
choose to ignore anything related to width, padding or margins?   
I'd like to be able to place a border around the featured_listing  
class but
I can't do that if I replace the featured_col.  with div's.  The  
get's eaten up and will not display.  This occurs in all major  
browsers on


Width/height does *not* apply to inline elements.

You have mark-up errors:

what is that period doing there?

white-space before the class name
class names will never be applied that way.

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Re: [WSG] Font property

2006-06-06 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jun 6, 2006, at 4:02 PM, Herrod, Lisa wrote:

From what I understand, to use 'font' as a shorthand property you  
have to

include the size and font-name as a minimum (in that order).

I thought the order of properties was important?

for example, isn't weight listed first?


{font: weight style variant size/line-height font-name}

or do you guys find it works in any order?

Yes order is important in this case. But only 2 properties are  
required: font-size and font-family.

Note that adding additional properties can lead to surprising results  

h1 { normal 1em/2 sans-serif}
the 'normal' will apply to all 3 properties: weight, style, variant

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Spans & Padding

2006-06-05 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Jun 5, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Ryan Moore wrote:

I am having a real problem with the this mark up.

[snip code]

The problem is in the the .featured_left_col & featured_right_col both
choose to ignore anything related to width, padding or margins?   
I'd like to be able to place a border around the featured_listing  
class but
I can't do that if I replace the featured_col.  with div's.  The  
get's eaten up and will not display.  This occurs in all major  
browsers on


Width/height does *not* apply to inline elements.

You have mark-up errors:

what is that period doing there?

white-space before the class name
class names will never be applied that way.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Mac and CSS

2006-05-20 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On May 21, 2006, at 1:34 PM, Veine Vikberg wrote:

Thanks for testing - and you are right - IE5 Mac - it seems like I  
have a problem with the absolute positioning of my navigation - it  
displays it exactly as intended, but 380px lower and 100 from the  
left on all pages - anyone know if this is a Mac bug, or if there  
is a workaround for it?

Definitively not a *Mac* bug :-). But possibly one in IE Mac.

That #nav is absolute positioned within a table-cell. Maybe the  
browser doesn't like that too much.
deleting all that a.p. stuff, and #nav positions itself correctly, in  
IE Mac and other browsers like Camino, Safari, iCab, Firefox, Opera  
on my PowerBook.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] onKeyPress or not onKeyPress

2006-05-09 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On May 10, 2006, at 12:09 AM, Al Sparber wrote:

Test this page for yourself:

Safari 1.0x (v85.x.x) fails this: there is simply no way to access  
links with the keyboard.
This has been corrected (by way of a user pref) in Safari 1.1 (not  
available to OS X 10.2 Jaguar, if memory serves).

iCab 3.0 does not offer keyboard access to links (via tab key).

onclick event: fails in IE Mac

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Strict on Internet Explorer 5/Mac

2006-05-08 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On May 9, 2006, at 3:05 AM, 1802 wrote:

I'm preparing a new version of my site, and I've decided to go on  
strict (yes, it's time).
Beta is "under costruction", but it seems to run well on Firefox,  
Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 6/PC. The problem is Internet  
Explorer 5/Mac: I can't see nothing with this apps.

Here the link
(lot of page are OK, but I have to ceck syntax; css are ready on  

Hi Mateo,

Your site loads fine on my side in IE Mac 5.23.

The one problem I see is the menu. You use the float property on the  
#menu li, but you don't specify a width.
IE 5 Mac is a CSS 2.0 browser, and CSS 2.0 *requires* a width for  
floats [1].

You can work around this:

* html>body #menu li {width: 1px; white-space:nowrap}
* html>body #menu li a {display:inline-block}

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Styling tbody?

2006-04-27 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Apr 28, 2006, at 1:17 PM, Kevin Futter wrote:

a de facto heading. I'd hoped to be able to group them via the  

element, but find myself completely unable to style them. I'm  
trying to

apply a border to the  sections, but it only works if
border-collapse is set to collapse, otherwise I get nothing (but  
the table
then ignores the padding applied to its parent element).  If I  
apply a

border style to the individual s, it negates the  border

Let's just say that I'm confused and frustrated :-)

Hi Kevin,

The problem is because  doesn't have a border attribute.  
For more info

on this (or any other tags):

But I'm not using an HTML attribute (), I'm using  

(tbody { border: 1px solid #CCC; }), and as far as I was aware, all
block-level elements were suitable targets for CSS borders. Are you
suggesting that if an element doesn't have an HTML border  
attribute, it

can't be styled with the equivalent CSS?

tbody can perfectly well take a (css) border, as long as the table is  
set to border-collapse:collapse.

And it does not work in iExploder.
td/th/tr is painted on top of tbody (rowgroup), assuming  a same  
width border on both elements, then the border on tbody won't be  
visible. [1]

A little painting exercise: < 

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Letterspacing body content

2006-04-08 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Apr 9, 2006, at 9:32 AM, Christian Montoya wrote:

Besides, I thought the body text of looks
better with a 1px letter-spacing. Anyone with the web developer's
extension can compare it to the default look.

So is it better with or without the letter spacing? I'm going for as
much readability as possible without having to change the color
scheme. Thanks in advance.

It is a bad idea to use letter-spacing for body text, imho.
You page looks much better at the defaults
<> with letter-spacing
<> without.
OS X, Camino and Firefox.
And no, I don't have Verdana activated.

Besides, as others already mentioned, it would be better to use ems  
for this.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Definition List for Products/Items with Image

2006-04-04 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Apr 4, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Daniel Nitsche wrote:

I had a quick go, and this is what I came up with (assuming a  


Product title
Product description - this can be as long as you like

dl { position: relative; }
dl dt { margin-left: 110px; font-weight: bold; }
dl dd { margin-left: 110px; }
</pre><tt>dl dd img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100px;  
</tt><pre style="margin: 0em;">
100px; }

As others have said, I like this better than putting the image in  
the dt.
This works in Firefox (Linux and Windows) and Konqueror, but breaks  
in IE 6
(it seems to be ignoring the absolute positioning of the image).   

someone could expand on this to make it work in IE?

As a rule of thumb, whenever you use position:relative in IE win, you  
should give the element 'layout' [1].

* html dl { position: relative; zoom:1 /* or other layout triggers */}

[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Re: [WSG] Safari and table row id

2006-03-27 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh

On Mar 28, 2006, at 2:06 PM, Daniel Nitsche wrote:

I'd try replacing the element that the anchor is on if possible,  
attach it to either the td or the ip address itself (if it is in a  
p tag

or whatever)

Also try removing the _ in the anchor names, this may cause it to  


Kevin Futter wrote:
Not sure how on-topic this is, but I'll give it a shot. I've  

internal page (sorry, no link to give you) that pulls IP  
addresses out

of a
database and allows you to 'manage' them (edit, change, add notes  

edited (on a separate edit page), I send the user back to the  
main page,

which is meant to jump down to the table row they've just finished

Works OK everywhere I need it to except Safari, which seems to  
have an

scrolling to an anchor within a table - it just stops at the top  
of the
table. I'm using URLs like this: (...)/index.php#ip_40 to achieve  

where #ip_40 is the ID of the tr element in question.

I've Googled everywhere but can't work out whether this is correct

(ie, anchor functionality not valid for tr element) or a bug in  

It definitively is a bug in Safari's handling of URL fragments. fails when coming from another page
but jumping inside a page:  does works.
Doesn't matter what elements are used.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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