[ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting tonight, reminder

2002-01-24 Thread Paul Mison

There's a technical meeting tonight at Codix.net, 107 Shepard's Bush
Road, London. Nearest tube station is Hammersmith; there's a map here:


The meeting starts at 6.30 for 7pm, and speakers are:

The Road To Attribute::Parameters - Richard Clamp
Beginning to Program Parrot Assembler - Leon Brocard
Idiotic Perl  - Dave Cross
Long Numbers in Perl 5- Nicholas Clark
Advent Calendar Recap - Mark Fowler

There's a web page about meetings at http://london.pm.org/meetings/

Hope you can make it.

:: paul

Implementing continuations in perl

2002-01-24 Thread Ivor Williams

Just wondering about some more magical pieces of the jigsaw.

Is there a way of getting a coderef for where you are inside caller?
Is there also a way of tricking the call stack into making it look as if you
have come from there?
Also, is there a way of generating extra stack frames including their
lexical variable space (i.e. reverse PadWalker)?

If the answer to all 3 is Yes, then I can see a way of doing continuations
in perl.

How I imagine continuations happening is as follows:

All function calls are LexWrapped into a piece of code which does the

*   Create a stack object
*   Probe and save in stack object all the lexicals of caller using
*   Save the return address in the stack object
*   Put in a back link to the previously called stack object (may need
global _head and _tail variables in the stack package's namespace) 
*   go to the original function

Execution continues as normal, but catching each function call and creating
stack objects.

Now, some code invokes the create_continuation method, which, as it is a
call, has created a new stack object for its caller. The method returns said
stack object.

At some later point, the continuation is invoked. The call stack is now
faked to look as if all the intervening functions were called, with their
lexical variable spaces, and the code returns to this point.

Whaddya think? 

Ivor Williams
Sopra Mentor Consultant
LIFFE Core Systems Development
Extn: 2436   Mobile: 07752 234832

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and solely 
for the intended addressee(s). Unauthorised reproduction, disclosure, 
modification, and/or distribution of this email may be unlawful. If you 
have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately 
and delete it from your system. The views expressed in this message 
do not necessarily reflect those of LIFFE (Holdings) Plc or any of its 
subsidiary companies.

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Dave Cross

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 09:12:41PM +0100, Merijn Broeren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Quoting Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Perl has a huge image problem. It's seen as the language that script kiddies
  use to write insecure CGI scripts. And it's difficult to argue with that 
  perception because that's pretty much what the majority of Perl code is. I
  know it doesn't seem that way to us because we see a vibrant and exciting
  community will loads of interesting things going on. The rest of the world
  doesn't see that.
 Naah, Perl is used all over the place for much more interesting stuff
 then web programming. I'm always happy if people stop CGI scripting in
 Perl and use a decent solution, be it websphere or mod_perl. Look at the
 interview about archive.org, take a look behind the scenes at major
 corps, Perl is used everywhere. Its the same discussion that was spun
 here a while ago, high level is the key, and Perl+CPAN unlocks a great
 potential. I'm much more concerned if DBI works for Perl6 then anything
 else. (Ok, kerberos, ldap, net:: etc. as well). 

I really think you're wrong about that Merijn. Sure, MSDW are doing really
cool things with Perl, and we can all name other companies that we've worked
for where interesting Perl work is going on. But I really don't think it's 
everywhere. Look at the computer press. Do you see anyone talking about Perl

The vast majority of companies don't use Perl at all. And until we do 
something about advocacy for Perl 6, that situation won't change.



  Don't dream it... be it

Forwarded : ANNOUNCE: YAPC::Europe::2002 (Munich) - Call for Participation

2002-01-24 Thread Greg McCarroll

The org committee is also arranging some sort of accomodation booking
assistance, we however need a cat herder from our ranks to organise
this. Any volunteers? Let me know and I'll give you the details.


- Forwarded message from Richard Foley [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

# $Id: call-for-participants,v 1.5 2002/01/24 11:16:45 yapc Exp $

Call For Participation YAPC::Europe::2002 - September 18-20

Registration is open from January 2002


Conference fee is set at 89 Euros.

YAPC is an inexpensive 3-day grassroots perl conference, where users, and
developers, can mingle, listen, talk, and exchange ideas about the perl
programming language.  This year's conference will be held in Munich,
capital city of Bavaria, (as near to the continental centre of Europe 
as you can get, without spotting the sea), Germany.

There will be a mixture of short and long tutorials and talks, covering
a wide variety of subjects.  This year's theme is 'The Science of Perl',
which means that we talk about science as well as everything else :-)

A huge variety of speakers and subjects on our favourite language is
gathering in Munich in 2002:  The author of perl, Larry Wall, is slated
to attend his first European YAPC, Damian Conway, perl evangelist and
speaker par-excellence, will also be participating, among many others.

We look forward to seeing you there too!

Call for Papers has been sent out and is available from the web site.

Note that because the number of participants is limited to 500,
(and particularly because the Oktoberfest has been planned to take
place directly after our conference), this time of year in Munich is
expected to be quite busy, therefore early booking for both conference
and accommodation is advisable.

- End forwarded message -
Greg McCarroll

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Andy Wardley

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 08:17:10PM +, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 so for humour sake, what would we call it?



  PP  (You said pee-pee, snicker :-)


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Andy Wardley

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:33:44AM +, Rob Partington wrote:
 The main
 problem I have with Ruby for easynet[1] is that most of the things I do
 need web frontends and I really need Template Toolkit for that.  Hopefully
 someone[2] will take pity on me and port it to Ruby RSN.  

Hi Rob, I'll be your [2]!

It's on my TODO list.  You'll be pleased to know it comes above rewrite
Emacs (and get it right this time), implement Xanadu and prove the 
Goldback Conjecture but below rewrite TT v3 (in Perl) and doing all 
the real work that I get paid for.

I was trying to engineer the circumstances that would allow me to devote
large chunks of real, working, paid-for time to further developing TT, 
porting it to Ruby and other things.  Alas, I'm now more busy than ever
with other work so it's on ice for the next few months at least.

However, I do have the benefit of working with some world class Perl 
hackers on some very interesting stuff:  http://openframe.fotango.com



Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread the hatter

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Piers Cawley wrote:

 Please, these people are *not* idiots. And if we persist in calling
 them that and treating them as if they *are* idiots then we are going
 to continue to be perceived as scary people that no sane person should
 go near.

So you're trying to tell us that you're not a scary person that no sane
person should go near, piers ?

the hatter

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Simon Wilcox

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Chris Carline wrote:

 In fact, perl 6 may be a far more attractive proposition as a CLR language due
 to its fresh implementation.

 If successful (and I wouldn't underestimate the chances of Microsoft here), it
 would mean that programmer productivity would actually start to mean something
 again. And I already know which language *I'm* most productive in.

At one level I agree and look forward to the day when I can easily work in
a language I feel most comfortable with. At another level it scares me to

In anything less than the largest software houses, a standard language
will be chosen and used because it will reduce the maintenance costs.
There is nothing more likely to derail a project than coming across code
that needs to be changed for which you don't have the available skills.

As now, certain shops will specialise in certain languages, some will
florish and others will die. In many respects building web-sites for human
consumption is going the same way. Java is winning because management
believe it is cheaper. Of course they are wrong but how do you convince
them of it ? Where are the case studies ?

Unless perl is accepted as a language of choice by *management* it will
not be pre-eminent in this space. It will always find a place in the JFDI
toolbag but it will not be the number one choice at a senior level.



RE: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clyne

Because some things work better on NT than on Unix.  As long as
decisions are made based on the suitability of the platform for the
application, then I've got nothing against NT etc.

NT and Unix SysAdmin
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Burton West [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 23 January 2002 20:12
 Subject:  Re: bad nasty evil thread
 On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 08:11:38PM +, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 So why do NT servers (or their win 2000 equivalents) exist at all?
 Because purchasing decisions are made by people who don't have to work
 with the systems;
 Because those people still think that, by dealing with a single
 established company, they have some recourse if things go wrong;
 Because those people want a pretty box, and a shiny certificate;
 Because those people have been trained to listen to salesmen rather
 to techies;
 Because those people persist in judging the value of a thing by its
 He's an oversexed dishevelled cat burglar haunted by an iconic dead
 American confidante. She's a plucky winged widow on her way to prison
 for a murder she didn't commit. They fight crime!

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Andy Wardley

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 09:04:15PM +, Chris Carline wrote:
 The key here is that Microsoft are trying to create a language-independent 
 platform; whereas the alternative (Java) ties you to the one approach.

That's not strictly true.  Microsoft are try to create a language
independant *Microsoft* platform; whereas the alterantive (Java) doesn't
tie you to one operating system.

MS want you to be able to use N different languages on your Microsoft box,
but they most certainly *don't* want you to be able to run Visual Basic or 
C# on a Linux box, for example.

C# and .NET is just another marketing smoke screen, just like COM et al 
before it.  You can safely ignore both these technologies.  Microsoft are 
going down, anyway. :-)

If, on the other hand, Parrot fulfills its potential then it will truly be
a cross-platform, cross-language solution.  Much better.


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Alex Gough

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Piers Cawley wrote:

 Roger Burton West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  that; it's the idiots we have to worry about.

 Please, these people are *not* idiots. And if we persist in calling

No, it will be the clever people that chose perl 6.

Alex Gough

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Alex Gough

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Struan Donald wrote:

 * at 23/01 17:44 + Mark Fowler said:
  This name has to go.  Perl 6 makes it sound like it's just another update
  to perl.  It's not.  It's a new beginning.

 won't that just confuse people? alternately it's the sort of thing
 people see through pretty easliy too. i

 foo? what's that? oh, i see, it's just perl with a different name

 you have to convince them that perl 6 is a good thing because it is a
 good thing rather than with a flashy name. plus i think there is
 possibly enough good feeling etc out there that it's worth hanging on
 to the name.

Before people get despondent, I met someone in a club in Oxford who
told me perl was good though bad, and asked me if perl 6 would make it
better.  Given that otherwise unconnected people are hearing about
what's happening, faffing with a name would spoil the effect entirely.

Alex Gough

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Paul Makepeace

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:08:45AM +, the hatter wrote:
 will point to perl6, and perl5 will have to be called as perl5.  And I
 pick redhat merely because it's a hugely popular distrib, and they do tend
 to want to get the new/cool/geeky options in there quickly, so the other
 distribs will copy,

I would hesitate to say other distributions copy as though Red Hat is
some standard bearer of quality or innovation necessarily...

And not that Oracle is particularly any of those things either but let's
face it, they dropped support for Red Hat in their latest release. Hmm,
wonder why./rhetoric


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Struan Donald

* at 23/01 19:25 + Mark Fowler said:
 On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Struan Donald wrote:
  * at 23/01 17:44 + Mark Fowler said:
   This name has to go.  Perl 6 makes it sound like it's just another update 
   to perl.  It's not.  It's a new beginning.
  won't that just confuse people? alternately it's the sort of thing
  people see through pretty easliy too. i
 I'm not suggesting that we hide the fact that it's Perl.  More the fact 
 that we brand it in such a way that it's clear it's not perl.  You see the 

I agree there is a branding issue here but i'm just not sure that
changing the name is the way to go. it's more about changing the
perception of perl than anything. now i have no idea how to go about
doing that but i feel that a name change won't make that much
difference in the long term unless we make people realise that it's
not the same perl. 
 The biggest opposition that perl 6 faces is for mind share.  You're
 thinking with your programming hat on.  This is the issue:

maybe i am thinking with my programming hat on but in some ways i think
this is where we have to start. if we want to persuade people outwith
the perl community to think of perl in a different way we have to
start to persuade the community to project perl in a different way. i
think it's fair to say that the perl community is perl's biggest asset
but in some ways it's also perl's biggest drawback as we're not very
good at thinking outside the community. we all assume that perl's
benefits are so obvious that once people look they will magically be
converted and it's not true. (and i know i'm over generalising here but
as a whole community it seems like a trueism)
  foo? what's that? oh, i see, it's just perl with a different name
 This does not differ from 'Perl 6.  It's just Perl with another digit.'  
 Some people will always think like that.  But using a digit will not 
 convince them otherwise

fair point.
  you have to convince them that perl 6 is a good thing because it is a
  good thing rather than with a flashy name.
 Yes!  But I don't see the point in not making a big deal out of how much 
 it's changed.  I think you're seriously ignoring the mind share issue.  

again, fair point. but why can't we make a big deal out of how much
it's changed between perl 5 and perl 6? perl has mindshare. surely we
should be trying to increase that and alter the perception of it
rather that starting from scratch?

  plus i think there is
  possibly enough good feeling etc out there that it's worth hanging on
  to the name.
 This may be true.  Maybe you want a sub-brand.  Java has this with J2EE.  
 Now I'm not saying that we reopen the whole P5EE debate again, but *never* 
 underestimate the power of branding.

shit no. take nike as the prime example of this. 

perl does need better branding. however that can start now. we all
agree that perl 5 rocks and will be about for a while. if we start
trying to make people realise that then when perl 6 arrives and rocks
harder it'll be all the easier to persuade them to take it on.

i guess that's my point. why wait for perl 6 to kickstart perl? if
perl has an image problem then why not start trying to fix that now?
the longer we wait the steeper the slope we have to climb is.


ANNOUNCE Sub::Parameters 0.01 release

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clamp

It's here, it's groovy, it's the subject of a lightning talk.



Sub::Parameters - enhanced parmeter handling

 use Sub::Parameters;

 sub foo : WantParam {
 my $foo : Parameter;
 my $bar : Parameter(rw);

 $bar = 'foo';
 print the foo parameter was '$foo'\n;

 my $foo = 'bar';
 print foo is '$foo'; # prints bar
 foo(1, $foo);
 print foo is now '$foo'; # prints foo

Sub::Parameters provides a syntactic sugar for parameter parsing.

It's primary interface is via attributes, you first apply notation to
the subroutine that you wish it to use extended parameter passing, and
of what style with the WantParams attribute. You can then annotate which
lexicals within that subroutine are to be used to receive parameters.

There are currently two styles of argument parsing supported
positional and named.

  Positional parameters
With the positional scheme parameters are assigned from @_ in the same
order as in the program text, as we see in the following example.

 sub example : WantParams(positional) {
 my $baz : Parameter;
 my $bar : Parameter;

 print $bar; # prints 'first value'
 print $baz; # prints 'second value'

 example( 'first value', 'second value' );

Positional is the default scheme.

  Named parameters
With the named scheme parameters are assigned from @_ as though it was
an arguments hash, with the variable names as keys.

 sub demonstration : WantParams(named) {
 my $bar : Parameter;
 my $baz : Parameter;

 print $bar; # prints 'bar value'
 print $baz; # prints 'baz value'

 demonstration( foo = 'foo value',
baz = 'baz value',
bar = 'bar value'  );

  Readwrite parameters
Both positional and named parameters may be marked as readwrite (rw in
the code.) A readwrite parameter is passed by reference so modifying the
value within the subroutine modifies the original.

 sub specimen : WantParams {
 my $foo : Parameter(rw);

 print $foo; # prints 'foo value'
 $foo = new value;

 my $variable = foo value;
 specimen( $variable );
 print $variable; # prints 'new value'

Alternate parameter syntax
For versions of perl older than 5.7.3 or 5.8.0 lexical attributes have
an implementation flaw. In this case there is an alternative syntax for
identifying parameters:

 use Sub::Parameters 'Param';
 sub illustration: WantParams {
 Param( my $foo );
 Param( my $bar, 'rw' );

Think about positional @foo:Parameter slurp rather than @foo = []
think about methods

Attribute::Handlers, PadWalker, Hook::LexWrap, Devel::LexAlias


Copyright (c) 2002, Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved. This module is
free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the
same terms as Perl itself.

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread David Cantrell

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Please, these people are *not* idiots. And if we persist in calling
 them that and treating them as if they *are* idiots then we are going
 to continue to be perceived as scary people that no sane person should
 go near.

I'm *proud* to be a scary person that no sane person should go near.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

This is a signature.  There are many like it but this one is mine.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting tonight, reminder

2002-01-24 Thread Graham Seaman

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Paul Mison wrote:

 There's a technical meeting tonight at Codix.net, 107 Shepard's Bush
 Road, London. Nearest tube station is Hammersmith; there's a map here:

Unlike last time, our white boards are all now pinned to the walls - in
places that aren't very convenient for use with a projector. Is anyone
bringing a projector screen?


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Lucy McWilliam

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:

 The vast majority of companies don't use Perl at all. And until we do
 something about advocacy for Perl 6, that situation won't change.

Meanwhile, Perl is earning a good name for itself in the scientific
community.  Then again, this might just be saying summat about scientists

I believe in justice, I believe in vengeance...
I believe in killing the bastards.

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread the hatter

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Paul Makepeace wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:08:45AM +, the hatter wrote:
  will point to perl6, and perl5 will have to be called as perl5.  And I
  pick redhat merely because it's a hugely popular distrib, and they do tend
  to want to get the new/cool/geeky options in there quickly, so the other
  distribs will copy,
 I would hesitate to say other distributions copy as though Red Hat is
 some standard bearer of quality or innovation necessarily...

Oh I didn't mean that in any way to sound like RH is wonderous, grand,
nice, or even desirable (what with slackware 8 safely on that tape in my
bag) but I suspect that every other distrib that wants to be taken
seriously would like to have an install base as large as RH.  And
regardless of oracles stance, I still see more pre-compiled commercial
apps say they run on RH (or 'linux' but they mean RH) than all the others
put together.  And if it's in RH and getting used, then the other distribs
really don't want to leave it out, unless they want to exclude part of
their target audience.

the hatter


2002-01-24 Thread David Cantrell

So penderel is back after dieing yet again.  I suggest that we replace it
with a machine which is actually engineered to be reliable, not something
which is designed to run Windows for half an hour between BSODs.  Bearing
in mind that we really don't push the machine anywhere near its limits,
I suggest a small Sun box.  I'll be happy to donate one.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

Considering the number of wheels Microsoft has found reason
to invent, one never ceases to be baffled by the minuscule
number whose shape even vaguely resembles a circle.
  -- anon, on Usenet

Job in Amsterdam

2002-01-24 Thread Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN)

I've just turned down a Senior Developer position in Amsterdam.  Money is
kind of crap, but the company is quite cool.  They are looking for Perl,
mod_perl, php, postgres, general geek interests, and sys. admin skills.

If anyone is interested then let me know and I'll put you through.

Accepted a job in the midlands instead.  Over Amsterdam.  I must be
unwell. :)


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Roger Burton West

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:26:11AM +, Dave Cross wrote:
But I really don't think it's 
everywhere. Look at the computer press. Do you see anyone talking about Perl

Look at the computer press. Do you see anyone talking about stuff they
haven't been paid to talk about there? Even in my peripheral position
(freelance articles) I was aware of pressure to say good things about
specific companies' products.


He's an underprivileged hunchbacked Green Beret who knows the secret of
the alien invasion. She's a brilliant gold-digging fairy princess with
an evil twin sister. They fight crime!

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Lucy McWilliam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:
  The vast majority of companies don't use Perl at all. And until we do
  something about advocacy for Perl 6, that situation won't change.
 Meanwhile, Perl is earning a good name for itself in the scientific
 community.  Then again, this might just be saying summat about scientists

And remember this years YAPC::Europe is Perl and Science

Greg McCarroll

Re: Penderel

2002-01-24 Thread nemesis

David Cantrell wrote:

 So penderel is back after dieing yet again.  I suggest that we replace it
 with a machine which is actually engineered to be reliable...

I would suggest this beast of a machine:


*claw claw* *fang*
*shred* *rip* *ad hominem* *slash*
(more attacks will require consultancy fees.)

Re: Penderel

2002-01-24 Thread Paul Mison

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 02:43:40PM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 So penderel is back after dieing yet again.  I suggest that we replace it
 with a machine which is actually engineered to be reliable, not something
 which is designed to run Windows for half an hour between BSODs.  Bearing
 in mind that we really don't push the machine anywhere near its limits,
 I suggest a small Sun box.  I'll be happy to donate one.

If it can make use of the existing 40GB IDE drive, and you can get it to
state51 (or come to some other agreement about hosting), and can look
after it once it's installed (or make sure it's running an OS that other
people are happy to admin, and find people to help), make it so.

:: paul
:: husk 

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Mark Fowler

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:

 I really think you're wrong about that Merijn. Sure, MSDW are doing really
 cool things with Perl, and we can all name other companies that we've worked
 for where interesting Perl work is going on. But I really don't think it's 
 everywhere. Look at the computer press. Do you see anyone talking about Perl

Just out of interest, where can I get press announcements for perl?  You 
know the kind of thing...

Foo said on the releasing of perl X.XX.XX.  I think we can all agree that 
perl X.XX.XX-1 was a tremendous success that has generated lots of interest 
both in the technical arena and up in the boardroom.  People are really 
keen to see what can be done with this new technology.

With the latest release of perl X.XX.XX we've really concentrated in
delivering the people all the new top features that they've been asking
for.  A lot work has gone into this release and we're confident that this
new update will have strong take up in the community when they realise how
empowering the new facilities in this release are.

Foo further joked, I'm sure that most companies will want to update their 
software to take advantage of the new power that comes with perl X.XX.XX - 
before their competitors do

If I'm a lazy journalist (tm) then I can make an entire story out of that.



s''  Mark Fowler London.pm   Bath.pm
 http://www.twoshortplanks.com/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
';use Term'Cap;$t=Tgetent Term'Cap{};print$t-Tputs(cl);for$w(split/  +/
){for(0..30){$|=print$t-Tgoto(cm,$_,$y). $w;select$k,$k,$k,.03}$y+=2}

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting tonight, reminder

2002-01-24 Thread Jonathan McKeown

--On Thursday 24 January 2002 14:21 + Graham Seaman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unlike last time, our white boards are all now pinned to the walls - in
 places that aren't very convenient for use with a projector. Is anyone
 bringing a projector screen?

I'm bringing the projector, but I will be travelling by public transport,
so I can't really bring a screen. Can anyone else help?

Jonathan McKeown, System Administrator. The College of Optometrists,
42 Craven Street London WC2N 5NG. Tel: +20 7839 6000 Fax: +20 7839 6800
Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a Charity No 1060431
http://www.college-optometrists.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The
service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:

Re: Implementing continuations in perl

2002-01-24 Thread Robin Houston

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 01:31:50PM -, Ivor Williams wrote:
 Is there a way of getting a coderef for where you are inside caller?

The coderef for where you are is an interesting concept, which sadly
doesn't map very well to perl's internals. Only subroutines have
coderefs; there isn't a coderef for some arbitrary sequence point part
way through a subroutine. So I'd say no, though I don't doubt that
it could be done with some serious internal trickery.

 Is there also a way of tricking the call stack into making it look
 as if you have come from there?

That could be done using some /fairly/ simple XS trickery. The return
stack (PL_retstack) is just an array of OP*.

 Also, is there a way of generating extra stack frames including their
 lexical variable space (i.e. reverse PadWalker)?

That would be moderately tricky I think, because there are several
different stacks to deal with: the return stack, the context stack
and the save stack at least. I'm sure it could be done, by somebody
with sufficient patience.

 If the answer to all 3 is Yes, then I can see a way of doing continuations
 in perl.

I've previously wondered about a completely different way of doing
continuations: using a pre-processing phase (source filter). If you
could translate

  sub foo {
# some stuff here
my $cc = current_continuation;
# more stuff


  sub foo {
# some stuff here
my $cc = sub {
  # more stuff
goto $cc;

would that be sufficient? It seems like an easier approach, if it
would work.


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Lucy McWilliam

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Greg McCarroll wrote:
 * Lucy McWilliam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

  Meanwhile, Perl is earning a good name for itself in the scientific
  community.  Then again, this might just be saying summat about scientists

 And remember this years YAPC::Europe is Perl and Science

I'm tempted to do a lightning talk (good practise for my viva) but I don't
actually do anything astonishing Perl-wise, it's just the biology/methods
that are quite fun.


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Simon Wilcox

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Chris Devers wrote:

 On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Simon Wilcox wrote:

  On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Chris Carline wrote:
  In anything less than the largest software houses, a standard language
  will be chosen and used because it will reduce the maintenance costs.

 I'm not sure if this is universally true or not.

It's not of course !

What I should probably have said is that in most corporates, where they're
doing development, they will only have a small team. They will tend to
standardise on one language as it cheaper to recruit for and presents a
standard code base.

In very large dev teams and bespoke software houses, then there is a good
possibility of dedicated teams such as those you mention.

On the flip side, as a buyer of software systems a corporate has to weigh
up home much it will cost them to maintain their software assets. I
suspect that many will opt to standardise. From my own experience I know
that I have been asked to build websites using NT/asp/M$SQL because
that's what we've got the skills to support even though it was far more
costly for them in development and purchase of additional software.

Then again, I've also been asked specifically to use perl because of
exactly the same reason and that's my point. Unless we can get perl to be
the language of choice then people are more likely to standardise on
something else.

  Java is winning because management believe it is cheaper. Of course they
  are wrong but how do you convince them of it? Where are the case studies?



Oh yes. Not updated since August last year. Hardly a ringing endorsement
unfortunately. Although the case studies are quite good.


I demand to have some booze

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:

 I worry that if we take the first option then Perl will be dead in five
I worry that you keep saying that. Why? What is your concern, exactly?

I think the worst case scenario is that Perl could end up being like Cobol
is today -- old, ugly, and unloved, but a lot of working systems depend on
it years after they were written, so the need to maintain it (and to have
developers that understand it) will remain into the forseeable future,
until such time that these systems can be reimplemented in something newer
(which may not be worth the effort in the first place). 

If that counts as a dead language, then okay I agree with you -- it is a
danger (though in my mind not a huge one). But that doesn't sound *that*
bad to me. It's not like Perl is going to disappear completely, is it? I
don't think so. 

I think Perl's blessing  curse is that it got so tightly bound to the web
and thus the dotcom hype, and now that dotcom has gone dotbomb, Perl may
be getting dragged down with it. Maybe. But Perl was useful before the web
came along, and it will of course remain useful if the web were to go
away. The problem is the perception that Perl is bound to the web, which
clearly isn't true, and needs to be changed. 

Chris Devers

People with machines that think, will in times of crisis, 
make up stuff and attribute it to me - Nikla-nostra-debo

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Roger Burton West

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:32:11PM +, Mark Fowler wrote:
I buy Heinz tomatoe ketchup because I know it and it's low risk - the 
ketchup is *good* *enough* and I've only got one bottle of ketchup.  I 
don't want to be stuck at home with some (possible nice, but unknown) 
ketchup to discover that it tastes terrible and have nothing to put on my 

...but this guy's _already bought and paid for_ the unknown ketchup; and
rather than taste it, he throws it away and buys Heinz. Not quite the
same decision.


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Robin Houston

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:38:06PM +, Lucy McWilliam wrote:
 I'm tempted to do a lightning talk (good practise for my viva) but I don't
 actually do anything astonishing Perl-wise, it's just the biology/methods
 that are quite fun.

Oh yeah, do it! I know a lot about Perl but very little about biology,
and I'd love to hear about it.


Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Tommie M. Jones

I am trying to get some input on a Perl based Email Archiver/Indexer.  I
chose london.pm as one of my test mail list.

The Web interface is located at http://www.intelliforge.com

I will be submitting it to freshmeat if no major errors are found.

Anyway feel free to make any suggestions.
Thank you

Get inside Atlanta's Tech Scene - http://www.atlantageek.com
'Business Intelligence' is not an Oxymoron - http://www.intelliforge.com

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Dave Cross

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:41:03AM -0600, Chris Devers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:
  I worry that if we take the first option then Perl will be dead in five
 I worry that you keep saying that. Why? What is your concern, exactly?
 I think the worst case scenario is that Perl could end up being like Cobol
 is today -- old, ugly, and unloved, but a lot of working systems depend on
 it years after they were written, so the need to maintain it (and to have
 developers that understand it) will remain into the forseeable future,
 until such time that these systems can be reimplemented in something newer
 (which may not be worth the effort in the first place). 

Yeah. That's exactly the scenario that I'm talking about. Perl as a 
latter-day COBOL.
 If that counts as a dead language, then okay I agree with you -- it is a
 danger (though in my mind not a huge one). But that doesn't sound *that*
 bad to me. It's not like Perl is going to disappear completely, is it? I
 don't think so. 

Ok, so not disappearing altogether, but if I want to continue using Pelr
I don't want my only option to be maintaining old software. In my book
that's dead to all intents and purposes.

 I think Perl's blessing  curse is that it got so tightly bound to the web
 and thus the dotcom hype, and now that dotcom has gone dotbomb, Perl may
 be getting dragged down with it. Maybe. But Perl was useful before the web
 came along, and it will of course remain useful if the web were to go
 away. The problem is the perception that Perl is bound to the web, which
 clearly isn't true, and needs to be changed. 

Oh, I agree with that. But not only is Perl perceived as being that web
language, it's perceived as being that out of date web language.

I think that Perl (and even more so - Perl 6) could be the enterprise level
language of choice for so many different areas, but we've got a lot of work
to do to persuade the mainstream that it isn't just badly-written, 
unmaintainable CGI scripts. Simply saying in a years time hey look we've
got a cool new version of Perl isn't going to do it.

Personally I blame Matt Wright.



  Drugs are just bad m'kay

Re: Advocacy thoughts - was Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Roger Burton West

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:00:41PM +, Jonathan Peterson wrote:

Neither of you can predict the future. I don't know the specifics of
this case, but Win2K (or even NT3SP3) is hardly an unreliable file
serving platform*.

In my experience they both are (assuming you meant NT4SP3).

And Penderel is hardly a testament to the reliability
of Linux machines.

I don't know who set up Penderel. I do know that no Linux machine I've
set up has had downtime from anything other than hardware failure. It's
my job to get these things right, and I do.

I can't go into much more detail of this particular case, for obvious
reasons; suffice it to say that technical issues were not a factor.


He's a suicidal guerilla barbarian whom everyone believes is mad. She's
a virginal hypochondriac mercenary with an MBA from Harvard. They fight

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Chris Ball

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:06:41AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 Anyway feel free to make any suggestions.

The From/Date show up as light grey on light blue in Konqueror, and are
unreadable.  You haven't implemented threading, which is highly
important for a mailing list.

- Chris.
$a=printf.net; Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
  It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clamp

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:06:41AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 I am trying to get some input on a Perl based Email Archiver/Indexer.  I
 chose london.pm as one of my test mail list.
 The Web interface is located at http://www.intelliforge.com

Umm, it seems not to know anything about thread structure.  Is this


Re: ANNOUNCE Sub::Parameters 0.01 release

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clamp

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 03:11:21AM +, Richard Clamp wrote:
 It's here, it's groovy, it's the subject of a lightning talk.

It's a bit buggy for perl  blead, but now it doesn't barf over the
test scripts.



Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Tim Sweetman

Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 I am trying to get some input on a Perl based Email Archiver/Indexer.  I
 chose london.pm as one of my test mail list.
 The Web interface is located at http://www.intelliforge.com
 I will be submitting it to freshmeat if no major errors are found.
 Anyway feel free to make any suggestions.
 Thank you

In case of flame, consider this a general purpose flame of the state of
the art of mail archiving software, rather than your system

Most mail archives suck.

The *thread* is the only sensible level for understanding most comments
on mailing lists, which are often short  pithy  have little substance
by themselves, but are very useful in context. Even archives which will
thread tend to make the user plod through a thousand pages, hopping
through next in thread / previous in thread stuff. Such fragmentation
also pollutes googles: I say

 I just saw Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon! The crazy bastard filmed by candlelight 
on ISO ~100
 film stock!

 everyone who replies generates a new entry in the search results!

So: display by thread. *PLEASE*. Or at least have big thread-pages as an
*option*, splitting rilly huge threads into multiple pages.

The top page that shows all the mails at various times isn't v.
informative - OK, so David Cross said something at 2010-01-01 00:00:00
(probably happy new year) - but what? How do I know which link to click?
Consider showing the first few (unquoted?) words of the mail, or

There is information overload. It is raining very heavily. I do *NOT*
want an umbrella, I want a storm drain, some dams, and a hydro plant.
And possibly some beavers to hang around, look cute, and puzzle

(um, coat please ...)

Tim Sweetman |  http://www.aldigital.co.uk/ (my opinions, etc)
A L Digital  |  It's way too broke to fix --- Placebo

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Chris Devers

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Tommie M. Jones wrote:

 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let
 me know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution 

Take a look at the mail headers. Yor message had these two:


I believe something like that should show up in all or nearly all messages
(though I understand that e.g. Outlook mangles them, so it's not 100%), so
you can probably build a threading scheme around linking these headers. 

Chris Devers

People with machines that think, will in times of crisis, 
make up stuff and attribute it to me - Nikla-nostra-debo

RE: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting tonight, reminder

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clyne

Is anyone going to be there from about 5:45pm and fancies meeting up

 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan McKeown [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 24 January 2002 15:25
 Subject:  Re: [ANNOUNCE] Technical meeting tonight, reminder
 --On Thursday 24 January 2002 14:21 + Graham Seaman
  Unlike last time, our white boards are all now pinned to the walls -
  places that aren't very convenient for use with a projector. Is
  bringing a projector screen?
 I'm bringing the projector, but I will be travelling by public
 so I can't really bring a screen. Can anyone else help?
 Jonathan McKeown, System Administrator. The College of Optometrists,
 42 Craven Street London WC2N 5NG. Tel: +20 7839 6000 Fax: +20 7839
 Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a Charity No 1060431
 This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The
 service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
 anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Leon Brocard

Tommie M. Jones sent the following bits through the ether:

 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution


Leon Brocard.http://www.astray.com/

... Do you always begin conversations this way?

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Daniel Gardner

Thursday, January 24, 2002, 4:45:32 PM, Tommie M. Jones wrote:

 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution

Take a look at RFC 2822 http://sunsite.dk/RFC/rfc/rfc2822.html

Especially the stuff about the References: header, try
section 3.6.4

Best regards,

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Richard Clamp

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:45:32AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution

Probably the most commonly referred-to start point will be:


Followed by some time studying the sources to mozilla or mutt, I'd

Then there's always examining the sources of MHonArc and pipermail for
tips on how not to do it.


Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Robin Houston

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:45:32AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution

The 'In-reply-to' header of a reply will contain the 'Message-ID' of
the parent. Some MUAs also include a news-style 'References' header.


Re: Advocacy thoughts - was Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread David Cantrell

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:00:41PM +, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
  Anyone who chooses a fileserver which won't work reliably over one that
  will -
 Neither of you can predict the future. I don't know the specifics of
 this case, but Win2K (or even NT3SP3) is hardly an unreliable file
 serving platform*. And Penderel is hardly a testament to the reliability
 of Linux machines.

Penderel is a testament to the unreliability of x86 machines.  It is my
experience, however, that on any particluar x86 box, Linux is more
stable than Billware.  With Linux you only have to worry about the shitty
hardware.  With Billware, you need to worry both about that and about the
shitty OS.  /handwave

 I doubt the pretty login screen counts for much, although possibly some.
 Seriously, what do you suppose this manager's reasons were for making
 his/her decision? Was it a simple case that he sees Microsoft as a
 predictable if unspectacular option versus Linux as a high risk option?

If he sees it as a high-risk option, then he is at best ignorant.

 Does he just think you recommended Linux only because you can't be
 bothered to learn how to administer NT properly?

If he thinks Roger is unprofessional then he should say so, and should
fire him.  That he didn't shows that he is an idiot if that is his
reason for choosing NT.

  Does he have a friend
 who had real trouble setting Samba up for some reason and now he's wary
 of it?

If he values the advice of a random friend over the advice of the person
he pays good money to to know about these things, then he's an idiot.

Was it that the decision over this file server was entirely
 trivial as far as he was concerned, and he just couldn't care less what
 gets used?

If that is the case, then he's an idiot.

 Occasionally you do get incompetant people. But usually, people have
 good reasons for making decisions, even when they make the wrong

This seems to boil down to a pointy-hair not paying attention to the
people who he pays to know about these things.  Not paying attention
to your hired experts whilst continuing to pay for the service of
those hired experts is idiocy.

Until you understand why people decide to choose technically
 inferior products, it's hard to make your technically superior product
 more popular with them.

Agreed.  But I see no non-technical reasons above which would justify
choosing something which is technically inferior.

 I've met a lot of resistance to Perl based on 'bad past experiences'. We
 all know these were usually caused by bad programmers and stupid
 timescales. But your bad experience counts for a lot more than someone
 else's good experience, which is why the 'Perl success stories' are not
 alway so convincing.

That's OK then.  Soon *everyone* will have been burnt by Java and come
flocking back :-)

 [stuff about negative campaigning being bad]

all true.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

One person can change the world, but most of the time they shouldn't
-- Marge Simpson

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Tom Hukins

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:45:32AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:
 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution

Read http://www.jwz.org/doc/threading.html


Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Dave Cross

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:45:32AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Also the Archiver does not know anything about thread structure.  If
 anyone is an email expert and has some suggestions about it please let me
 know.  I did not want to base it on the subject line so if there is
 another possible solution

You should be looking at the 'In-Reply-To' and 'References' headers.

I recommend David Woods' Programming Internet Email as a good book on
the subject.



  Don't dream it... be it

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Tim Sweetman

Robin Houston wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:36:08PM +, Tim Sweetman wrote:
  So: display by thread. *PLEASE*. Or at least have big thread-pages as an
  *option*, splitting rilly huge threads into multiple pages.
 I think Google Groups does this reasonably nicely.

So it does! Exactly what I was after. The search results, natch, give
match context, too.

So - can I get a mail client like that? :)

Tim Sweetman |  http://www.aldigital.co.uk/ (standard disclaimer)
A L Digital  |  Flat-pack project manager

Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Lucy McWilliam

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Chris Ball wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:06:41AM -0500, Tommie M. Jones wrote:

 The From/Date show up as light grey on light blue in Konqueror, and are
 unreadable.  You haven't implemented threading, which is highly
 important for a mailing list.

In Netscape the From/Date is medium green on white, which is also not
incredibly readable.  Personally, I don't mind about threading, but then
I'm weird ;-)

All the things of your childhood go with you...
Like headlights on your tail.

Re: Advocacy thoughts - was Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Jonathan Peterson

David Cantrell wrote:

   Does he have a friend
  who had real trouble setting Samba up for some reason and now he's wary
  of it?
 If he values the advice of a random friend over the advice of the person
 he pays good money to to know about these things, then he's an idiot.

No, actually I disagree, and it's an important point. I didn't say it
was a random friend. My friends are less random than my employees. I
employ people based on the best of a bunch of C.V.s that I manage to get
within a short time period, minus those ruled out by salary
restrictions, minus those that don't want the position in the end, and
filtered according to one or maybe two hour long interviews and if I'm
lucky some examples of past work.

My friends on the other hand may be people I've worked with closely for
years, selected out of all the many people I've ever worked with. Or
people whose opinions I've read on mailing lists for years. Like many of
us I tend to change jobs every 1-2 years, so I'd never know my employees
longer than that, while I've known some of my technically minded friends
for 5 years or more.

I have two employees who work for me. They are both good(ish) Java
programmers but have limited knowledge of other areas of computing. One
of them tells me he wants to use some commercial bug tracking tool that
he used in his last job. It's expensive and proprietary (PVCS tracker)
but he really wants it. My friends tell me they've got by fine with
cheap and chearful bits of web based freeware, or maybe bugzilla when
things get hairy. I overule him and tell him we'll use some PHP based
thing I installed in my lunch break (called Mantis, it's on sourceforge

Why should I do this? He's the developer who has to use it, right? I
should just give him what he recommends, after all he says it's good and
I've never even used it. Well, my job as manager is not to do whatever
my programmers say. I have to think about budget, I have awareness of
our future staffing requirements, which make the license fee look a lot
worse down the line. In fact, I had a political aim too - I recognised
this employee was rather over fond of commercial software, and I wanted
to show him that sometimes free stuff can do the job - and it's much
better to show than to tell. Plus, it wouldn't kill him to learn a bit
of PHP, if nothing else so he can compare it to Java. Plus, if I'm
wrong, it's not really a big deal to fix down the line, it's a good
chance for me to try something out. In fact, I was also quite interested
to see how he would react to being overuled by me.

The point is, I did not evaluate this based purely on What is the best
(value for money) bug tracker around. I had lots of other things on the
agenda. And I had a lot of faith in friends who assured me that for my
size projects you really don't need super duper feature rich wizzo bug
tracking tools.

Business people place a huge amount of store in the opinions of their
friends and contacts. Unless they have a good relationship with their
employees, they may place considerably less store in their opinions. If
you want your boss to listen to you, be nice to him. Yes, that's
politics, but it's a feature of human nature so we have to deal with it.

  I've met a lot of resistance to Perl based on 'bad past experiences'. We
  all know these were usually caused by bad programmers and stupid
  timescales. But your bad experience counts for a lot more than someone
  else's good experience, which is why the 'Perl success stories' are not
  alway so convincing.
 That's OK then.  Soon *everyone* will have been burnt by Java and come
 flocking back :-)

Actually I think that's true. Already Java is becoming the new VB. Want
a job in computing? Can't do anything? Read a book on Java and tell them
you are a programmer. As the quantity Matt Wright style Java and JSP
increases (and I've seen plenty already) it will lose much of its
appeal. I think Java will soon become what C is now. Neither good nor
bad, still widely used, but somehow a bit old and tired, OK for some big
old J2EE project left over from 2002 but not really the best thing to be
doing a new project in.

 One person can change the world, but most of the time they shouldn't
 -- Marge Simpson

Everyone has better sigs than me.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, +44 (0)20 7383 6092

Re: Erm, Hello?

2002-01-24 Thread Newton, Philip

Paul Johnson wrote:
 I have occassionally used ?: as an lvalue.
 Perlop used to say This is not necessarily guaranteed to 
 contribute to the readability of your program, but that
 seems to have gone from recent versions.  Anyone know why?

My guess would be that someone (with a reduced sense of humour?) patched it
away, and the patch was accepted by the maintainer. Feel free to reverse the
patch, if that was the case.

All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

Re: Advocacy thoughts - was Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Paul Makepeace

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 04:00:41PM +, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
 serving platform*. And Penderel is hardly a testament to the reliability
 of Linux machines.

I think Penderel is suffering from a bad case of


Re: Perl Based Email Archiver

2002-01-24 Thread Paul Makepeace

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 05:01:15PM +, Richard Clamp wrote:
 Probably the most commonly referred-to start point will be:
 Followed by some time studying the sources to mozilla or mutt, I'd

mutt's threading has been upgraded recentlyish and contains some rather
cool features. IMO, a really good way to run a mailing list archive is
to have a person that is responsible for breaking and linking threads,
and this edited inbox is used for archive generation.

Mutt can break/link threads (e.g. # breaks a thread) which allows
workarounds for MS in-reply-to: brokenness, and people with threaded
clients starting new threads by replying to old ones (grrr).


Paul Makepeace ... http://paulm.com/

What is the color of your third eye? It is that fool that I can see
 right in your eyes.
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Jonathan Stowe

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, David Cantrell wrote:

 On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Piers Cawley wrote:
  Please, these people are *not* idiots. And if we persist in calling
  them that and treating them as if they *are* idiots then we are going
  to continue to be perceived as scary people that no sane person should
  go near.

 I'm *proud* to be a scary person that no sane person should go near.

Er, whassat make us then ?


Re: bad nasty evil thread

2002-01-24 Thread Jonathan Stowe

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Mark Fowler wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave Cross wrote:

  I really think you're wrong about that Merijn. Sure, MSDW are doing really
  cool things with Perl, and we can all name other companies that we've worked
  for where interesting Perl work is going on. But I really don't think it's
  everywhere. Look at the computer press. Do you see anyone talking about Perl

 Just out of interest, where can I get press announcements for perl?  You
 know the kind of thing...

 Foo said on the releasing of perl X.XX.XX.  I think we can all agree that
 perl X.XX.XX-1 was a tremendous success that has generated lots of interest
 both in the technical arena and up in the boardroom.  People are really
 keen to see what can be done with this new technology.


 If I'm a lazy journalist (tm) then I can make an entire story out of that.

I think that you got the job baby :)
