Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Attached is a better patch where everything is implemented:

- correct encoding for the fontenc package. Mostafa tested this and gave his OK 
for this issue.

- special quotation mark definitions for Farsi. Mostafa tested this and gave 
his OK for this issue.

- fix for bug 2929 - use \textAR and not \R. Improved version of Dov's patch. 
Mostafa also tested
  this successfully.

- use the document language also for the TOC. This is a special arabi-package 
thing. Please test.

- To make the TOC settings work and also for other issues, arabic must be 
loaded to babel too when
  farsi is the document language. Please test.

Mostafa, when you give your OK I'll commit it. When there are possible problems with the two new 
things, I'll only commit the uncritical and tested issues from above.
(With this patch now also your example_lyxified.lyx you sent two days ago to be added to LyX's 
examples compiles for me.)

Dov, OK by you?

I think we have now a clean setup for boths languages based on the arabi 

José, can this go in? I think it's worth because without this patch Arabic is not usable and for 
Farsi only with preamble hacks.

regards Uwe
Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(revision 18849)
+++ lib/languages	(working copy)
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 # Esperanto has no country code
 esperanto   esperanto	"Esperanto"	false  iso8859-3  eo	 ""
 estonianestonian	"Estonian"	false  iso8859-15 et_EE	 ""
-farsi   farsi	"Farsi"		true   utf8   fa_IR	 ""
+# the definitions are only used due to bugs in the arabi-package - remove them if they become unnecessary!
+farsi   farsi	"Farsi"		true   utf8   fa_IR	 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@R{#1}}}\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotright}{LFE}{62}\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotleft}{LFE}{60}"
 finnish finnish	"Finnish"	false  iso8859-15 fi_FI	 ""
 # We redefine \og and \fg (guillemets) for older french language definitions
 french  french 	"French"	false  iso8859-15 fr_FR	 "\addto\extrasfrench{\providecommand{\og}{\leavevmode\flqq~}\providecommand{\fg}{\ifdim\lastskip>[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Index: src/BufferParams.cpp
--- src/BufferParams.cpp	(revision 18849)
+++ src/BufferParams.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -855,6 +855,13 @@
 	bool const use_babel = features.useBabel();
 	if (use_babel) {
 		language_options << features.getLanguages();
+		// arabic must also be loaded when farsi is the document language
+		// this is hopefully not needed with future versions of the arabi-package
+		if (language->lang() == "farsi") {
+			if (!features.getLanguages().empty())
+language_options << ',';
+			language_options << "arabic";
+		}
 		if (!language->babel().empty()) {
 			if (!language_options.str().empty())
 language_options << ',';
@@ -892,9 +899,17 @@
 	if (fontsDefaultFamily != "default")
 		os << "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\"
 		   << from_ascii(fontsDefaultFamily) << "}\n";
+	// set font encoding
 	// this one is not per buffer
-	if (lyxrc.fontenc != "default") {
+	// for Arabic and Farsi we also need to load the LAE and LFE encoding
+	if ((lyxrc.fontenc != "default" && language->lang() == "arabic") ||
+		(lyxrc.fontenc != "default" && language->lang() == "farsi")) {
 		os << "\\usepackage[" << from_ascii(lyxrc.fontenc)
+		   << ",LFE,LAE]{fontenc}\n";
+		texrow.newline();
+	} else {
+		os << "\\usepackage[" << from_ascii(lyxrc.fontenc)
 		   << "]{fontenc}\n";
@@ -1144,8 +1159,16 @@
 		lyxpreamble += from_utf8(features.getBabelOptions());
-	lyxpreamble += "\\makeatother\n";
+	// these definitions are needed by the arabi-package
+	// when the document language is Arabic or Farsi, the language is set
+	// as the language for the TOC
+	if (language->babel() == "arabic")
+		lyxpreamble += "\\TOCLanguage{arabic}\n";
+	if (language->babel() == "farsi")
+		lyxpreamble += "\\TOCLanguage{farsi}\n";
+	lyxpreamble += "\\makeatother\n\n";
 	int const nlines =
 		int(lyx::count(lyxpreamble.begin(), lyxpreamble.end(), '\n'));
 	for (int j = 0; j != nlines; ++j) {
Index: src/Font.cpp
--- src/Font.cpp	(revision 18849)
+++ src/Font.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -756,6 +756,13 @@
 			base.language()->lang() == "farsi") {
 			os << "\\textLR{";
 			count += 8;
+		} else if (language()->lang() == "arabic") {
+			os << "\\textAR{";
+			count += 8;
+		} else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
+			base.language()->lang() == "arabic") {
+			os << "\\textLR{";
+			count += 8;
 		} else if (isRightToLeft() != prev.isRightToLeft()) {
 			if (isRightToLeft()) {
 os << "\\R{";
Index: src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp
--- src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp	(revision 18849)
+++ src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -2286,6 +2286,8 @@
 			if (par.getParLanguage(buf.params())->lang() ==

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern
I will test this now. But even if it all works, this is *not* OK as it 
is --- it breaks ArabTeX Arabic. Please see the email I sent earlier 
tonight for a patch which separates between arabi and arabtex. This 
patch should be implemented over the arabic_arabi language.

I'll get back to you regarding how this works.


Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Attached is a better patch where everything is implemented:

- correct encoding for the fontenc package. Mostafa tested this and gave 
his OK for this issue.

- special quotation mark definitions for Farsi. Mostafa tested this and 
gave his OK for this issue.

- fix for bug 2929 - use \textAR and not \R. Improved version of Dov's 
patch. Mostafa also tested

  this successfully.

- use the document language also for the TOC. This is a special 
arabi-package thing. Please test.

- To make the TOC settings work and also for other issues, arabic must 
be loaded to babel too when

  farsi is the document language. Please test.

Mostafa, when you give your OK I'll commit it. When there are possible 
problems with the two new things, I'll only commit the uncritical and 
tested issues from above.
(With this patch now also your example_lyxified.lyx you sent two days 
ago to be added to LyX's examples compiles for me.)

Dov, OK by you?

I think we have now a clean setup for boths languages based on the arabi 

José, can this go in? I think it's worth because without this patch 
Arabic is not usable and for Farsi only with preamble hacks.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

I will test this now. But even if it all works, this is *not* OK as it 
is --- it breaks ArabTeX Arabic.

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for Arabic documents so it is also not 
used. My patch requires arabi for both languages.

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the missing babel interface and, more 
important, due to the missing input encodings. The latter was bug 2927 which is now fixed for a 
while but since then the arabi-package is required for Arabic.
But once arabi is installed on your system, it will be used automatically, so ArabTeX is already not 
an option. Even if you load it in the preamble it will only be used for Arabic-only documents. As 
soon you have another language in your document arabi will be used again due to its babel interface.

So why not using my solution? Note that I created it by the requests of Mostafa.

Please see the email I sent earlier 
tonight for a patch which separates between arabi and arabtex. This 
patch should be implemented over the arabic_arabi language.

I haven't received an email from you yet.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

I will test this now. But even if it all works, this is *not* OK as it 
is --- it breaks ArabTeX Arabic.

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for Arabic 
documents so it is also not used. My patch requires arabi for both 

In the email I sent a few days ago, I explained exactly how to get LyX 
working in Arabic, with either ArabTeX or Arabi. As explained there, it 
is possible to perform a small one-time setup of LyX, and then use 
ArabTeX for Arabic in LyX. So LyX has been supporting Arabic to a 
certain extent for quite a while, using ArabTeX. The changes you are 
proposing now break that support.

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the missing 
babel interface and

ArabTeX is not babel-based, and therefore doesn't require a babel interface.

, more important, due to the missing input encodings. 

ArabTeX can use many different encodings, including a 
transliteration-type encoding which uses plain ASCII, I think. It does 
not include cp1256 by default, AFAICT. However, (a) it does include 
other encodings (iso-8859-8, for example), which LyX did support until 
recently, I'm not sure if it still does; (b) as you have pointed out, 
one can use ArabTeX with the cp1256 encoding provided by arabi. Why 
would someone want to? Because arabi is not yet perfect; the fonts for 
ArabTeX are nicer; because that's the way it used to be done. The point 
is, we used to support it, and we shouldn't just drop that support if 
it's not absolutely necessary.

The latter was bug 2927 which is now fixed for a while but since then 
the arabi-package is required for Arabic.
But once arabi is installed on your system, it will be used 
automatically, so ArabTeX is already not an option. Even if you load it 
in the preamble it will only be used for Arabic-only documents. As soon 
you have another language in your document arabi will be used again due 
to its babel interface.
So why not using my solution? Note that I created it by the requests of 

Because it breaks ArabTeX, that's all. The patch I sent in earlier 
tonight (see below) separates between ArabTeX and Arabi, so that on top 
of it, it should be possible to implement your patch without breaking 
ArabTeX. Then your solution can be used.

Please see the email I sent earlier tonight for a patch which 
separates between arabi and arabtex. This patch should be implemented 
over the arabic_arabi language.

I haven't received an email from you yet.

Yes, there seems to be a problem with email to the newsgroup --- look at 
the times of the emails I (and others) sent to the newsgroup tonight, 
vs. their arrival times. If it doesn't arrive by tomorrow, I'll resend it...

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Uwe Stöhr schrieb:

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for Arabic 
documents so it is also not used.

Bug 2928 is the prove for my statement. Bug 2928 occurs because the \R command is not defined. But 
when ArabTeX was loaded \R would have been defined. When you load ArabTeX with the line

in the document preamble, bug 2928 doesn't occur.

So my patch can't break arabTeX as it is already not used.
Correct me when I'm wrong.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Uwe Stöhr schrieb:

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for 
Arabic documents so it is also not used.

Bug 2928 is the prove for my statement. Bug 2928 occurs because the \R 
command is not defined. But when ArabTeX was loaded \R would have been 
defined. When you load ArabTeX with the line

in the document preamble, bug 2928 doesn't occur.

So my patch can't break arabTeX as it is already not used.
Correct me when I'm wrong.

see If you 
follow the instructions there, ArabTeX works perfectly alright in LyX.

regards Uwe


Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

So my patch can't break arabTeX as it is already not used.
Correct me when I'm wrong.

see If you 
follow the instructions there, ArabTeX works perfectly alright in LyX.

You procedure requires a lot of manual changes, and it also proves that arabTeX is currently not 
used directly by LyX.

The goal is that the uses only has to set the document language to Arabic in LyX's document settings 
menu and can start. With my patch and arabi this is possible.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern
I'm resending this message, as only about half my emails seem to be 
getting through tonight. My apologies if you're receiving it twice...

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

I will test this now. But even if it all works, this is *not* OK as it 
is --- it breaks ArabTeX Arabic.

I don't understand. Currently ArabTeX is never loaded by LyX for Arabic 
documents so it is also not used. My patch requires arabi for both 

In the email I sent a few days ago, I explained exactly how to get LyX
working in Arabic, with either ArabTeX or Arabi. As explained there, it
is possible to perform a small one-time setup of LyX, and then use
ArabTeX for Arabic in LyX. So LyX has been supporting Arabic to a
certain extent for quite a while, using ArabTeX. The changes you are
proposing now break that support.

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the missing 
babel interface and

ArabTeX is not babel-based, and therefore doesn't require a babel interface.

, more important, due to the missing input encodings. 

ArabTeX can use many different encodings, including a
transliteration-type encoding which uses plain ASCII, I think. It does
not include cp1256 by default, AFAICT. However, (a) it does include
other encodings (iso-8859-8, for example), which LyX did support until
recently, I'm not sure if it still does; (b) as you have pointed out,
one can use ArabTeX with the cp1256 encoding provided by arabi. Why
would someone want to? Because arabi is not yet perfect; the fonts for
ArabTeX are nicer; because that's the way it used to be done. The point
is, we used to support it, and we shouldn't just drop that support if
it's not absolutely necessary.

The latter was bug 2927 which is now fixed for a while but since then 
the arabi-package is required for Arabic.
But once arabi is installed on your system, it will be used 
automatically, so ArabTeX is already not an option. Even if you load it 
in the preamble it will only be used for Arabic-only documents. As soon 
you have another language in your document arabi will be used again due 
to its babel interface.
So why not using my solution? Note that I created it by the requests of 

Because it breaks ArabTeX, that's all. The patch I sent in earlier
tonight (see below) separates between ArabTeX and Arabi, so that on top
of it, it should be possible to implement your patch without breaking
ArabTeX. Then your solution can be used.

Please see the email I sent earlier tonight for a patch which 
separates between arabi and arabtex. This patch should be implemented 
over the arabic_arabi language.

I haven't received an email from you yet.

Yes, there seems to be a problem with email to the newsgroup --- look at
the times of the emails I (and others) sent to the newsgroup tonight,
vs. their arrival times. If it doesn't arrive by tomorrow, I'll resend it...

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

So my patch can't break arabTeX as it is already not used.
Correct me when I'm wrong.

see If you 
follow the instructions there, ArabTeX works perfectly alright in LyX.

You procedure requires a lot of manual changes, and it also proves that 
arabTeX is currently not used directly by LyX.

Yes, that is correct. For many many years this was how LyX supported 
Hebrew as well as Arabic. AFAIK, they still don't work "out of the box", 
and there's a certain amount of setup required by the user. This does 
*not* prove that there aren't Arabic users out there using ArabTeX in 
LyX. And those users, if they exist, will not be happy if we break it.

The goal is that the uses only has to set the document language to 
Arabic in LyX's document settings menu and can start. With my patch and 
arabi this is possible.

I applaud that goal, but not at the expense of breaking backwards 

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the 
missing babel interface and

ArabTeX is not babel-based, and therefore doesn't require a babel 

But LyX currenly uses babel to handle the different languages. Therefore arabi will be used when LyX 
inserts \selectlanguage{arabic}.

I don't understand why you don't want to have ONE package for Arabic AND Farsi. This fixes many 
problems and keeps it maintainable. Having support for two packages side by side requires much more 
maintaining work and expect it will introduce new problems we are currently not aware of.

, more important, due to the missing input encodings. 

ArabTeX can use many different encodings, including a 
transliteration-type encoding which uses plain ASCII, I think. It does 
not include cp1256 by default, AFAICT. However, (a) it does include 
other encodings (iso-8859-8, for example), which LyX did support until 
recently, I'm not sure if it still does;

Yes but not cp1256 which is required on Windows.

(b) as you have pointed out, 
one can use ArabTeX with the cp1256 encoding provided by arabi.

Yes, but then you use automatically arabi not arabTeX, see my explanation above.

arabi is not yet perfect; the fonts for 
ArabTeX are nicer; because that's the way it used to be done.

Every pacakge has its disadvantages. I mean we can discuss this again and again without changing 
this. But we have to decide what package to use arabTeX OR arabi - both is not an option.

The point is, we used to support it, and we shouldn't just drop that support if 
it's not absolutely necessary.

We never supported this since the user has to some manual adjustments before it works. When LyX 
would automatically load arabTeX when the user uses Arabic as document language then you can say we 
support it.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

To repeat myself: ArabTeX without arabi can't be used due to the 
missing babel interface and

ArabTeX is not babel-based, and therefore doesn't require a babel 

But LyX currenly uses babel to handle the different languages. Therefore 
arabi will be used when LyX inserts \selectlanguage{arabic}.

I don't understand why you don't want to have ONE package for Arabic AND 
Farsi. This fixes many problems and keeps it maintainable. Having 
support for two packages side by side requires much more maintaining 
work and expect it will introduce new problems we are currently not 
aware of.

I would like to have one. But right now we have two packages for Arabic, 
neither one of which is perfect; and one of them has been supported for 
a long time, so suddenly switching to the other and breaking 
compatibility with the traditionally supported one doesn't seem right.

Certainly I see advantages to using Arabi. For example, I don't think it 
will be possible to mix Hebrew and Arabic using ArabTeX, I think it 
*will* be possible with Arabi. But until Arabi is the clear winner --- 
and currently it's not, it still has many problems --- I don't think we 
should drop ArabTeX.

, more important, due to the missing input encodings. 

ArabTeX can use many different encodings, including a 
transliteration-type encoding which uses plain ASCII, I think. It does 
not include cp1256 by default, AFAICT. However, (a) it does include 
other encodings (iso-8859-8, for example), which LyX did support until 
recently, I'm not sure if it still does;

Yes but not cp1256 which is required on Windows.

(b) as you have pointed out, one can use ArabTeX with the cp1256 
encoding provided by arabi.

Yes, but then you use automatically arabi not arabTeX, see my 
explanation above.

arabi is not yet perfect; the fonts for ArabTeX are nicer; because 
that's the way it used to be done.

Every pacakge has its disadvantages. I mean we can discuss this again 
and again without changing this. But we have to decide what package to 
use arabTeX OR arabi - both is not an option.

Both *is* an only an option, I think it's a *must*.

I have sent a patch which does that, I resent it about three times 
already, but it doesn't seem to be getting through...

The point is, we used to support it, and we shouldn't just drop that 
support if it's not absolutely necessary.

We never supported this since the user has to some manual adjustments 
before it works. When LyX would automatically load arabTeX when the user 
uses Arabic as document language then you can say we support it.

I don't understand that approach. By that measure, we don't support 
Hebrew, either, because I still have to setup the keymap myself; because 
there's a whole Wiki page dedicated to how to get Hebrew working in LyX, 
which proves that it doesn't exactly work out of the box --- and that's 
only the Windows instructions, for linux it a bit more complicated; 
because until about a month ago, RTL was turned off by default, so the 
user had to turn it on manually. But the fact is that I've been using 
LyX to write complex Hebrew documents for the past five years, and I 
would be very upset if suddenly all that was broken "because we didn't 
really support it up until now".

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-21 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

and one of them has been supported for 
a long time, so suddenly switching to the other and breaking 
compatibility with the traditionally supported one doesn't seem right.

As I said we never supported arabTeX directly. So we don't switch to something.
Mostafa, what is your opinion here?

But anyway, to your patch:

- better use arabic_arabtex and arabic_arabi. If this is a fileformat change, 
fine by me.
- your patch is incomplete, you miss the fontencoding issue. What font encoding 
is required by
  arabTeX? I can add this to your patch when we made a decision what to support.

We never supported this since the user has to some manual adjustments 
before it works. When LyX would automatically load arabTeX when the 
user uses Arabic as document language then you can say we support it.

I don't understand that approach. By that measure, we don't support 
Hebrew, either, because I still have to setup the keymap myself;

Why that? We support now unicode so you should be able to type directly without 
using a keymap.

because there's a whole Wiki page dedicated to how to get Hebrew working in LyX, 
which proves that it doesn't exactly work out of the box

Hmm, you can drop the binding file issue there and when you have a Hebrew keyboard also the keyboard 
map section.
For me it only took 5 minutes to set up Hebrew: Installing the culsmus.exe that brings the Hebrew 
fonts to LaTeX and that's it. (Btw. it was me who created this wiki page originally.)

Of course you have for every language first set up LaTeX by installing packages, but with support I 
mean that you don't have to use preamble hacks or fiddling with the preferences to make things work 
when you change the document language.

With your recipe in
I cannot write an Arabic and immediately later an English document. Docments with mixed languages 
are also not really possible. arabTeX simply don't work correctly for me. I tested this out hardly 
half a year ago and gave up, but now with arabi, everything concernig the infrastructure works:

- no special other package to install to get the input encoding
- I can mix languages as much as I want without editing the preamble or ERT
- I can type Arabic and Englich documents without modifying the preferences 
when I switch
- when you have an Arabic keyboard, you don't need a keyboard map file
- babel support: no need to translate the names manually in the preamble for 
every document

All this is also possible with Hebrew, so this is what I call support. But all this is not possible 
with arabTeX. Sure also arabi has it's drawbacks but as the infrastructure is ready with it, we can 
build in small workarounds like the ones for Farsi in my patch.


Besides this I would commit at least the Farsi related stuff of my patch as this improves 
typesetting Farsi enormously.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Mostafa Vahedi
Dear Dov and Uwe,

ARABI is a good package for Farsi that supports BABEL. But it has some (even 
many) limitations. About Arabic I believe that I am not the person who should 
decides at this moment. I need more time for that one.

I would like to keep the possibility of using ArabTeX (NOT necessarily 
SUPPORTING) with LyX. Although ArabTeX is not based on BABEL but I think it can 
be used beside the BABEL.

What I suggest is not to hurry for using ARABI for Arabic. Please give me some 
time so that I can figure out what is the best way to deal with ArabTeX and 
ARABI. It is just a matter of time. Please keep the current status of Arabic as 
it is.

Maybe it is not possible (currently) to do all things automatically in writing 
Arabic and Farsi but at least we can make it easier for the users. Isn't it?

Thanks for all your help and support,

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Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Mostafa Vahedi

> Attached is a better patch where 
> everything is implemented:

> - correct encoding for the fontenc 
> package. Mostafa tested this and
> gave his OK for this issue.

This is exteremly OK.

> - special quotation mark definitions 
> for Farsi. Mostafa tested this and
> gave his OK for this issue.

This is OK. It should be removed later
as you have mentioned it.

In fact there are three commands not
two commands. The command
will make problems when we want the Arabic
based on ARABI as the main language.
Therefore remove this one from the
file "languages" and keep the other two.
We should use this command only if the 
main language is not Arabic_ARABI.

> - fix for bug 2929 - use \textAR
> and not \R. Improved version of Dov's
> patch. Mostafa also tested this 
> successfully.

No. I have not yet. In fact this is
not basically a bug. 

> - use the document language also for 
> the TOC. This is a special arabi-package 
> thing. Please test.

It needs more investigation. We should
find the correct point in the source
at which we could place the command

> - To make the TOC settings work and also 
> for other issues, arabic must be loaded 
> to babel too when farsi is the document 
> language. Please test.

This fix should be temporarily too and so
it should be removed later if the bug
is fixed later. I will test it.

> Mostafa, when you give your OK I'll commit 
> it. When there are possible problems with 
> the two new things, I'll only commit the 
> uncritical and tested issues from above.
> (With this patch now also your 
> example_lyxified.lyx you sent two days
> ago to be added to LyX's examples compiles 
> for me.)

OK. I will prepare a clean patch for
all these topics except the issues that
are related to Arabic, because Dov
and Uwe are working on this topic too.


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Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Mostafa Vahedi schrieb:

- use the document language also for 
the TOC. This is a special arabi-package 
thing. Please test.

It needs more investigation. We should
find the correct point in the source
at which we could place the command

I think I have found it out: It must be called after babel. And futhermore to be able to use this, 
also arabic has to be loaded for babel when \TOClanguage{farsi} is used.

Both is implemented in the patch.

OK. I will prepare a clean patch for
all these topics except the issues that
are related to Arabic

When you have tested the TOClanguage and the additional arabic call, I could also provide a clean 
patch out of mine that don't touches Arabic.

thanks and regards

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Dov Feldstern
(Again, resending because it didn't arrive the first time; sorry if you 
got it twice)

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

The question is, should we really go to all this trouble? (Well, not 
so much, but (a) should we separate between ArabTeX and Arabi, and (b) 
should we update lyx2lyx to deal with the language change, for 
backwards compatibility with something which we don't know whether or 
not it exists?) Or maybe you're right --- we should just stick with 
Arabi, that will be the only Arabic support that LyX provides.

Sorry about all this mess :( .

What do you say?

Mostafa said he will investigate further and that he needs some time for 
it. I propose we postpone this after LyX 1.5.0. When no fileformat 
change is needed, this can be also implemented to Lyx 1.5.1. If not we 
can so it in LyX 1.6.0.

regards Uwe

I am in favor of applying the attached patch, and then applying Uwe's
changes on top of the arabic_arabi language. The idea being that we
support ArabTeX as much as it is currently supported (but not full
support, by any means); and we're beginning to support Arabi for Arabic,
too, but there's still work to be done. Hopefully, this will be good
enough to draw some real Arabic users in, and they'll be able to help
out with how best to continue. And if not, then there's no point in
putting any more work into it. But the basis will be in.

I don't think that a format change is needed, because  we're using new
languages, not changing the interpretation of existing ones. If there
are users out there who have existing documents in ArabTeX, they'll have
to replace all "\lang arabic" with "\lang arabic_arabtex", but that's
all. I think this is reasonable.

BTW, there's one more stage that I left out of the ArabTeX instructions,
which may  be why you were having trouble, Uwe. With this, it works,
including chapters, etc. (copied straight from Dekel's instructions):

4. Get the file
and put it in ~/.lyx/layouts/
Run LyX and select the edit->reconfigure menu, and exit from LyX

5. Now you are ready to start writing Arabic documents:
Start a new document, open the document layout popup (layout->document
menu) Select article(Arabic) as the document class, default as the
encoding, and English as the language (not Arabic!), and press OK.
Use the F12 key to switch between Arabic and English.

Index: src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp
--- src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp (revision 18851)
+++ src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp (working copy)
@@ -2286,6 +2286,9 @@
if (par.getParLanguage(buf.params())->lang() ==
os << "\\textFR{";
+   else if (par.getParLanguage(buf.params())->lang() == 
+   os << "\\textAR{";
+   // currently, remaning RTL languages are arabic_arabtex 
and hebrew
os << "\\R{";
Index: src/Font.cpp
--- src/Font.cpp(revision 18851)
+++ src/Font.cpp(working copy)
@@ -752,10 +752,18 @@
if (language()->lang() == "farsi") {
os << "\\textFR{";
count += 8;
+   } else if (language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
+   os << "\\textAR{";
+   count += 8;
} else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
+   base.language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
+   os << "\\textLR{";
+   count += 8;
+   } else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
base.language()->lang() == "farsi") {
os << "\\textLR{";
count += 8;
+   // currently the remaining RTL languages are arabic_arabtex and 
} else if (isRightToLeft() != prev.isRightToLeft()) {
if (isRightToLeft()) {
os << "\\R{";
Index: src/Text.cpp
--- src/Text.cpp(revision 18851)
+++ src/Text.cpp(working copy)
@@ -369,7 +369,8 @@
if (isPrintable(c)) {
Language const * language = font.language();
if (language->rightToLeft()) {
-   if (language->lang() == "arabic" ||
+   if (language->lang() == "arabic_arabtex" ||
+   language->lang() == "arabic_arabi" ||
language->lang() == "farsi") {
if (Encodings::isComposeChar_arabic(c))
return 0;
Index: src/rowpainter.cpp

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread José Matos
On Friday 22 June 2007 17:04:25 Dov Feldstern wrote:
> I don't think that a format change is needed, because  we're using new
> languages, not changing the interpretation of existing ones. If there
> are users out there who have existing documents in ArabTeX, they'll have
> to replace all "\lang arabic" with "\lang arabic_arabtex", but that's
> all. I think this is reasonable.

  I am sorry Dov, replacing "\lang arabic" by "\lang arabic_arabtex" is a file 
format change and an easy one to implement in lyx2lyx. Better yet, if I 
understood what you said it means that all the previous users of Arabic were 
using arabtex, right?

  If you, Mostafa and Uwe agree on a set of patches to be applied before rc2 
this can proceed.
José Abílio

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr

I applied the following patch:

Mostafa Vahedi schrieb:
Attached is a better patch where 
everything is implemented:

- correct encoding for the fontenc 
package. Mostafa tested this and

gave his OK for this issue.

This is exteremly OK.

This is included in the committed patch.

- special quotation mark definitions 
for Farsi. Mostafa tested this and

gave his OK for this issue.

This is OK. It should be removed later
as you have mentioned it.

I added a comment regarding this.

In fact there are three commands not
two commands. The command
will make problems when we want the Arabic
based on ARABI as the main language.
Therefore remove this one from the
file "languages" and keep the other two.
We should use this command only if the 
main language is not Arabic_ARABI.

OK, done in the commited patch.

- fix for bug 2929 - use \textAR
and not \R. Improved version of Dov's
patch. Mostafa also tested this 

No. I have not yet. In fact this is
not basically a bug. 

OK I droped it from the patch.

- use the document language also for 
the TOC. This is a special arabi-package 
thing. Please test.

It needs more investigation. We should
find the correct point in the source
at which we could place the command

- To make the TOC settings work and also 
for other issues, arabic must be loaded 
to babel too when farsi is the document 
language. Please test.

This fix should be temporarily too and so
it should be removed later if the bug
is fixed later. I will test it.

What is your result for these two? Only with them I can compile the example_lyxified.lyx you sent to 
the list.

regards Uwe

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Uwe Stöhr schrieb:

I applied the following patch:

I corrected it:


Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-22 Thread Uwe Stöhr
Attached is Dov's latest patch. I added the font encoding stuff and the fileformat change. It is 
furthermore needed to load arabtex in the preamble when the language is arabic_arabtex, I added this 
to the patch. Please test.

Dov wrote:

> +arabic_arabtex arabic   "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""

When arabtex is used, babel should not be loaded (because babel is not supported by arabtex and to 
avaoid interferences with arabi), I therefore corrected this line.

All other parts of your patch are OK.

I tested the last hour all combinations of languages to be save that our patch does not have any 
drawbacks and I think it is save to apply.

There is one thing that needs to be improved: As I told you arabtex must be loaded in the preamble, 
but it must be loaded whenever arabic_arabtex is used in the document, also when arabic is not the 
document language. I don't know how to implement this. Currently I hae this:

if (language->lang() == "arabic_arabtex") {
os << "\\usepackage{arabtex}\n";

But this is only the document language. How can I test if one of the languages used in the document 
is arabic?

thanks and regards
Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages	(revision 18861)
+++ lib/languages	(working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 # name  babel name	GUI name	RTL?   encoding	  code	latex options
 afrikaans   afrikaans	"Afrikaans"	false  iso8859-15 af_ZA	 ""
 americanamerican	"American"	false  iso8859-15 en_US	 ""
-arabic  arabic	"Arabic"	true   cp1256 ar_SA	 ""
+arabic_arabtex ""	"Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""
+arabic_arabi arabic	"Arabic (Arabi)"   true  cp1256 ar_SA ""
 armenian""		"Armenian"	false  armscii8   hy_AM	 ""
 austrianaustrian	"Austrian"	false  iso8859-15 de_AT	 ""
 naustrian   naustrian	"Austrian (new spelling)" false  iso8859-15  de_AT	 ""
Index: lib/lyx2lyx/
--- lib/lyx2lyx/	(revision 18861)
+++ lib/lyx2lyx/	(working copy)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
("1_2", [220], generate_minor_versions("1.2" , 4)),
("1_3", [221], generate_minor_versions("1.3" , 7)),
("1_4", range(222,246), generate_minor_versions("1.4" , 4)),
-   ("1_5", range(246,275), generate_minor_versions("1.5" , 0))]
+   ("1_5", range(246,276), generate_minor_versions("1.5" , 0))]
 def formats_list():
Index: lib/lyx2lyx/
--- lib/lyx2lyx/	(revision 18861)
+++ lib/lyx2lyx/	(working copy)
@@ -1749,6 +1749,34 @@
+def convert_arabic (document):
+if document.language == "arabic":
+document.language = "arabic_arabtex"
+i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
+if i != -1:
+document.header[i] = "\\language arabic_arabtex"
+i = 0
+while i < len(document.body):
+h = document.body[i].find("\lang arabic", 0, len(document.body[i]))
+if (h != -1):
+# change the language name
+document.body[i] = '\lang arabic_arabtex'
+i = i + 1
+def revert_arabic (document):
+if document.language == "arabic_arabtex":
+document.language = "arabic"
+i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
+if i != -1:
+document.header[i] = "\\language arabic"
+i = 0
+while i < len(document.body):
+h = document.body[i].find("\lang arabic_arabtex", 0, len(document.body[i]))
+if (h != -1):
+# change the language name
+document.body[i] = '\lang arabic'
+i = i + 1
 # Conversion hub
@@ -1782,10 +1810,12 @@
[271, [convert_ext_font_sizes]],
[272, []],
[273, []],
-   [274, [normalize_font_whitespace_274]]
+   [274, [normalize_font_whitespace_274]],
+   [275, [convert_arabic]]
 revert =  [
+   [274, [revert_arabic]],
[273, []],
[272, [revert_separator_layout]],
[271, [revert_preamble_listings_params, revert_listings_inset, revert_include_listings]],
Index: src/Buffer.cpp
--- src/Buffer.cpp	(revision 18861)
+++ src/Buffer.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 namespace {
-int const LYX_FORMAT = 274;
+int const LYX_FORMAT = 275;
 } // namespace anon
Index: src/BufferParams.cpp
--- src/BufferParams.cpp	(revision 18861)
+++ src/BufferParams.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -895,9 +895,9 @@
 	// set font encoding
 	// this one is not per buffer
-	// for Farsi we also need to load the LAE and LFE encoding
+	// for arabic_arabi and farsi we

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-23 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Attached is Dov's latest patch. I added the font encoding stuff and the 
fileformat change. It is furthermore needed to load arabtex in the 
preamble when the language is arabic_arabtex, I added this to the patch. 
Please test.

Thanks for taking care of the lyx2lyx stuff! I added the requisite 
comment to the FORMAT file --- could you just check your name (I'm not 
sure my accents are correct) and email?

Regarding your change for the arabtex preamble --- I don't think this 
code will ever be used, because one of the specific instructions for 
using ArabTeX is to *never* switch the document language to "Arabic 
(ArabTeX)". It doesn't work if you do that. The document language should 
always be English (or whatever your primary language is, but *not* 
Arabic (ArabTeX) ). The preamble stuff currently gets added by the 
manual changes to the preferences file during the one-time setup.

So I removed this code in the attached patch. I guess once we know how 
to activate it even if the language is used anywhere in the document, 
then we can add it in again, and we won't need this change in the 
preferences file.

Dov wrote:

 > +arabic_arabtex arabic   "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""

When arabtex is used, babel should not be loaded (because babel is not 
supported by arabtex and to avaoid interferences with arabi), I 
therefore corrected this line.

I know this is not correct, and I had originally removed it, but then 
the language switch commands (added to the preferences during the 
one-time setup for ArabTeX) were not taking effect. It looks like the 
language switch commands are currently used only if babel is activated. 
That's why I had added "arabic" to the babel column, just so that the 
language switch commands would be used. I realize that this is not 
strictly correct, and may even cause trouble when trying to mix with 
other languages --- but that's the way it's currently done. We could 
achieve this by changing the code (in Font.cpp, I think), but I'd rather 
make more intrusive changes to the actual code only when we really know 
what we should be doing, and at the moment I don't feel that we do.

In the attached patch I added back "arabtex" instead of "arabic" (+ a 
comment explaining this), just to make it a little clearer. This seems 
to work. Again, once we know what should really be done, we can fix it 
in the correct way.

All other parts of your patch are OK.

I tested the last hour all combinations of languages to be save that our 
patch does not have any drawbacks and I think it is save to apply.

There is one thing that needs to be improved: As I told you arabtex must 
be loaded in the preamble, but it must be loaded whenever arabic_arabtex 
is used in the document, also when arabic is not the document language. 
I don't know how to implement this. Currently I hae this:

if (language->lang() == "arabic_arabtex") {
os << "\\usepackage{arabtex}\n";

But this is only the document language. How can I test if one of the 
languages used in the document is arabic?

I don't know how to do this in the code. Currently, this is not a 
problem if the required commands are added to the preferences file 
(during the one-time ArabTeX setup), as explained above.

thanks and regards

Thanks for your work and comments!
Index: lib/languages
--- lib/languages   (revision 18871)
+++ lib/languages   (working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 # name  babel name GUI nameRTL?   encoding   code  latex options
 afrikaans   afrikaans  "Afrikaans" false  iso8859-15 af_ZA  ""
 americanamerican   "American"  false  iso8859-15 en_US  ""
-arabic  arabic "Arabic"true   cp1256 ar_SA  ""
+# ArabTeX doesn't actually use babel, but something is necessary here in order
+# to activate the language-switch mechanism
+arabic_arabtex arabtex "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""
+arabic_arabi arabic"Arabic (Arabi)"   true  cp1256 ar_SA ""
 armenian"" "Armenian"  false  armscii8   hy_AM  ""
 austrianaustrian   "Austrian"  false  iso8859-15 de_AT  ""
 naustrian   naustrian  "Austrian (new spelling)" false  iso8859-15  de_AT  
Index: lib/lyx2lyx/
--- lib/lyx2lyx/  (revision 18871)
+++ lib/lyx2lyx/  (working copy)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
("1_2", [220], generate_minor_versions("1.2" , 4)),
("1_3", [221], generate_minor_versions("1.3" , 7)),
("1_4", range(222,246), generate_minor_versions("1.4" , 4)),
-   ("1_5", range(246,275), generate_minor_versions("1.5" , 0))]
+   ("1_5", range(246,276), generate_minor_versions("1.5" , 0))]
 def formats_list():
Index: lib/lyx2lyx/

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-25 Thread Dov Feldstern
Any thoughts on this? Attached a newer version of the patch, the only 
difference is incrementing the format number by one, after Jurgen's 
format change.

Dov Feldstern wrote:

Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Attached is Dov's latest patch. I added the font encoding stuff and 
the fileformat change. It is furthermore needed to load arabtex in the 
preamble when the language is arabic_arabtex, I added this to the 
patch. Please test.

Thanks for taking care of the lyx2lyx stuff! I added the requisite 
comment to the FORMAT file --- could you just check your name (I'm not 
sure my accents are correct) and email?

Regarding your change for the arabtex preamble --- I don't think this 
code will ever be used, because one of the specific instructions for 
using ArabTeX is to *never* switch the document language to "Arabic 
(ArabTeX)". It doesn't work if you do that. The document language should 
always be English (or whatever your primary language is, but *not* 
Arabic (ArabTeX) ). The preamble stuff currently gets added by the 
manual changes to the preferences file during the one-time setup.

So I removed this code in the attached patch. I guess once we know how 
to activate it even if the language is used anywhere in the document, 
then we can add it in again, and we won't need this change in the 
preferences file.

Dov wrote:

 > +arabic_arabtex arabic   "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""

When arabtex is used, babel should not be loaded (because babel is not 
supported by arabtex and to avaoid interferences with arabi), I 
therefore corrected this line.

I know this is not correct, and I had originally removed it, but then 
the language switch commands (added to the preferences during the 
one-time setup for ArabTeX) were not taking effect. It looks like the 
language switch commands are currently used only if babel is activated. 
That's why I had added "arabic" to the babel column, just so that the 
language switch commands would be used. I realize that this is not 
strictly correct, and may even cause trouble when trying to mix with 
other languages --- but that's the way it's currently done. We could 
achieve this by changing the code (in Font.cpp, I think), but I'd rather 
make more intrusive changes to the actual code only when we really know 
what we should be doing, and at the moment I don't feel that we do.

In the attached patch I added back "arabtex" instead of "arabic" (+ a 
comment explaining this), just to make it a little clearer. This seems 
to work. Again, once we know what should really be done, we can fix it 
in the correct way.

All other parts of your patch are OK.

I tested the last hour all combinations of languages to be save that 
our patch does not have any drawbacks and I think it is save to apply.

There is one thing that needs to be improved: As I told you arabtex 
must be loaded in the preamble, but it must be loaded whenever 
arabic_arabtex is used in the document, also when arabic is not the 
document language. I don't know how to implement this. Currently I hae 

if (language->lang() == "arabic_arabtex") {
os << "\\usepackage{arabtex}\n";

But this is only the document language. How can I test if one of the 
languages used in the document is arabic?

I don't know how to do this in the code. Currently, this is not a 
problem if the required commands are added to the preferences file 
(during the one-time ArabTeX setup), as explained above.

thanks and regards

Thanks for your work and comments!

Index: src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp
--- src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp (revision 18885)
+++ src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp (working copy)
@@ -2286,6 +2286,9 @@
if (par.getParLanguage(buf.params())->lang() ==
os << "\\textFR{";
+   else if (par.getParLanguage(buf.params())->lang() == 
+   os << "\\textAR{";
+   // currently, remaning RTL languages are arabic_arabtex 
and hebrew
os << "\\R{";
Index: src/Font.cpp
--- src/Font.cpp(revision 18885)
+++ src/Font.cpp(working copy)
@@ -756,6 +756,14 @@
base.language()->lang() == "farsi") {
os << "\\textLR{";
count += 8;
+   } else if (language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
+   os << "\\textAR{";
+   count += 8;
+   } else if (!isRightToLeft() &&
+   base.language()->lang() == "arabic_arabi") {
+   os << "\\textLR{";
+   count += 8;
+   // currently the remaining RTL languages are arabic_arabtex and 

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-25 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Dov" == Dov Feldstern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dov> Any thoughts on this? Attached a newer version of the patch, the
Dov> only difference is incrementing the format number by one, after
Dov> Jurgen's format change.

I'll let Jose decide about whether it is good enough now, but I do not
like much the hardcoding which is flourishing in he code base. I think
it is time to understand what are the interesting features in
languages and to put them in the lib/languages file (probably by
changing its format to match more closely layout files.

On a question more related to the actual patch: is it really necessary
to have special code in InsetTabular? This looks very zrong to me.
Isn't there some incarnation of Font::latexWriteStartChanges that
would work?


Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-25 Thread Dov Feldstern

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Dov" == Dov Feldstern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dov> Any thoughts on this? Attached a newer version of the patch, the
Dov> only difference is incrementing the format number by one, after
Dov> Jurgen's format change.

I'll let Jose decide about whether it is good enough now, but I do not
like much the hardcoding which is flourishing in he code base. I think
it is time to understand what are the interesting features in
languages and to put them in the lib/languages file (probably by
changing its format to match more closely layout files.

Jean-Marc, I'm glad you're saying this, because I feel very much the 
same way, but I felt that I had already held this patch up enough 
already, and I do think that it should go in for now...

In it's current form, the patch only has hardcoding in places where 
language hardcoding already existed previously, most of it for a very 
long time. So I think that for now this should go in --- especially 
since there's also the format change involved, and not laying the 
foundation for that now will mean waiting until 1.6... I think there are 
a *lot* of multi-language issues which have to be worked out in LyX, but 
that's not for now...

On a question more related to the actual patch: is it really necessary
to have special code in InsetTabular? This looks very zrong to me.
Isn't there some incarnation of Font::latexWriteStartChanges that
would work?

Yeah, I don't know why it should be there... But again, I believe that 
the basis has been there for a very long time, and now's not the time to 
start fixing this...


Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-25 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

Thanks for taking care of the lyx2lyx stuff! I added the requisite 
comment to the FORMAT file --- could you just check your name (I'm not 
sure my accents are correct) and email?

The name is fine there.

Btw. Why do you have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] email adress and me not?

Regarding your change for the arabtex preamble --- I don't think this 
code will ever be used, because one of the specific instructions for 
using ArabTeX is to *never* switch the document language to "Arabic 
(ArabTeX)". It doesn't work if you do that.

OK then, but besides this patch I would use the method to insert Farsi related stuff whenever Fasi 
is used.

So I removed this code in the attached patch. I guess once we know how 
to activate it even if the language is used anywhere in the document, 
then we can add it in again, and we won't need this change in the 
preferences file.


 > +arabic_arabtex arabic   "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""

When arabtex is used, babel should not be loaded (because babel is not 
supported by arabtex and to avaoid interferences with arabi), I 
therefore corrected this line.

I know this is not correct, and I had originally removed it, but then 
the language switch commands (added to the preferences during the 
one-time setup for ArabTeX) were not taking effect. It looks like the 
language switch commands are currently used only if babel is activated. 

I cannot reproduce this - works fine here or I do need a better recipe to 
We should not commit obiously wrong stuff. What you describe is a bug we should fix and not 
introducing a workaround.

I only changed in your patch the arabic babel entry in "languages" and a bit 
I'll fix the problem you described when I can reproduce it.

All other parts of your patch are OK.

José gave his OK for the case when we agreed to a solution and we tested it hardly enough the last 
days I think. Therefore I committed it:

When there are unseen side effects please shout!

Thanks for the good work and the discussions that lead to this solution and 
best regards

Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-25 Thread Angus Leeming
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Btw. Why do you have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] email adress and me not?

You do. Now you just need to learn how to use it ;-)

$ cat .forward


Re: [patch] better fix for bug 2928: make Arabic and Farsi correctly usable

2007-06-26 Thread Dov Feldstern

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dov Feldstern schrieb:

Thanks for taking care of the lyx2lyx stuff! I added the requisite 
comment to the FORMAT file --- could you just check your name (I'm not 
sure my accents are correct) and email?

The name is fine there.

Btw. Why do you have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] email adress and me not?

I don't know, JMarc gave me one when he opened my account. Just ask him, 
I'm sure he'll let you have one ;) . Or maybe you already have, and just 
never knew --- see if you have a .forward file in your home directory, 
and where it's pointing to...

 > +arabic_arabtex arabic   "Arabic (ArabTeX)" true  cp1256 ar_SA ""

When arabtex is used, babel should not be loaded (because babel is 
not supported by arabtex and to avaoid interferences with arabi), I 
therefore corrected this line.

I know this is not correct, and I had originally removed it, but then 
the language switch commands (added to the preferences during the 
one-time setup for ArabTeX) were not taking effect. It looks like the 
language switch commands are currently used only if babel is activated. 

I cannot reproduce this - works fine here or I do need a better recipe 
to reproduce.

Try the attached file. With the current situation (latest svn) I get the 
output in arabtex2-bad.dvi. Adding arabtex (or anything, it doesn't 
matter what, it could say 'dummy') to lib/languages as in my patch fixes 
it, and I get the output as portrayed in arabtex2-good.lyx.

We should not commit obiously wrong stuff. What you describe is a bug we 
should fix and not introducing a workaround.

As I explained, I'd rather put in a patch which only changes a 
configuration file (lib/languages) than start playing around with the 
actual code, until I'm sure what the correct way to solve this is. And 
right now I don't feel that I am.

Also, I think that what JMarc said last night about the hardcoding is 
relevant here...

I only changed in your patch the arabic babel entry in "languages" and a 
bit whitespace.

I'll fix the problem you described when I can reproduce it.

All other parts of your patch are OK.

José gave his OK for the case when we agreed to a solution and we tested 
it hardly enough the last days I think. Therefore I committed it:

Thanks, Uwe!

When there are unseen side effects please shout!

Thanks for the good work and the discussions that lead to this solution 
and best regards


Description: application/lyx

Description: TeX dvi file

Description: TeX dvi file