Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-30 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

rgheck wrote:

Try the attached. You'll get a warning about counter redefinition, but 
it works.

Thanks, but it works and it doesn't 

I made a small change to the layout file you sent, and it works 
wonderfully now. Except that I somehow have a feeling that it is an ugly 
hack... I have attached the layout that works -- both for the LyX 
display and for the generated outputs.

Thanks for your help.

-- Philip

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[report]{amsreport}

Format 4


Style Bibliography
LabelString   "Bibliography"
Series  Bold

Style Standard

Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-30 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

This works as intended for the dvi/ps/pdf versions. I guess I am being 
greedy, but if only I could make LyX display the theorems with a 
sequential numbering, instead of prepending the subsection number to 
the theorem
Try the attached. You'll get a warning about counter redefinition, but 
it works.

Thanks, but it works and it doesn't : The theorems are displayed in LyX 
with sequential numbering, but when I try to compile the file into dvi 
using Ctrl-D, I get the same error as before : \theoremstyle is not 


Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Rudi van der Linde

John wrote:

For the TeX (or LaTeX) expert you can still indulge your love of (or need for)  
the arcana of the TeX language and LaTeX macros for special effects and 
tinkering via LyX's Evil Red TeX (ERT) dialogue box.
IMHO I don't think its such a good idea to tell new people about the 
"Evil" ERT box at such an early stage.  The "Evil" in ERT is quite cute 
but may be off-putting to potential users of the product if a feature 
thereof is "evil", i.e. difficult to use.

One can possibly only mention that LyX has a mechanism that allows one 
to use TeX directly if one would like to.

As for the "improved" text - its all good :)  

I am, personally, not one for convincing new users on the merits of a 
product through a whole lot of "arm waving" but I can see the benefits 
thereof.  Thus,  either of the two paragraphs will work for me, although 
John's version will probably attract more people.

Great suggestion.

Rudi van der Linde

This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a disclaimer. 
Please refer to or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for full 

Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Typhoon
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:04:58 -0700
"William R. Buckley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am reminded of the biblical warning, of not casting pearls.

I think that LyX is a pearl of great beauty.


> wrb

RE: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread William R. Buckley
 Actually, I go back to IBM 370/155 days, the first computer for
which I wrote programs, and the language was APL.  Heck, I
have a PDP 11/34a with core and a 2.9BSD license.  And, just
to state my political position, FreeBSD is the real thing and
wish it had taken root instead of Linux.  On the other hand, I
am much more open to other operating systems, and list among
those I have used the oddities like Irix, and the strange extensions
of C to be found in the VAX world.

As for the use of LyX, I made merely an observation of behavior,
and gave counsel (apparently rejected) as to the value of changing
the behavior of a tool.  I am all for leaving the behavior as is, with
the caveat that it be documented, so that others will know of this
limitation in interfacing, between operating system behavior and
tool expectation.  That you find it insulting suggests a degree of
intolerance warranting others to curb their offerings of observations.
Is that really what you want?

As to the paper, I did mention not long ago that
I had no more questions.  It might have occurred to you
that my reason for having no more questions is that I have
largely completed the task set, producing the paper, and
finding myself now in minor changes to font character, like
boldness, and italics, and slant (don't understand the
difference with italics), etc.  Still have not found strike-though,
nor underscore (these go the length of a field of characters,
like a word, a sentence, or a paragraph, such as you typically
find in the text of laws to be changed by the initiative process,
with strike-through indicating text to be deleted).  But, I don't
need these; just notice that they are not in the same place as
the bold, italic, etc.

This means that Ventura Publisher remains useful to me
when in the Windows world, and LyX remains useful to me
in the Windows world.

Finally, I have been building my computers since the 1970s,
and when I want more than one operating system on a box,
I use removable hard drives.  Would prefer the high dollar
stuff, hot swappable and all that but, powering down, swapping
a bay, and powering up is a good alternative to layers and
layers of abstraction software.  Makes my life simpler.

The only reason that I used LyX on Windows is that you make
it an offering.  I could easily have used it on another computer,
one with FreeBSD or Linux (some redhat variation).

I am reminded of the biblical warning, of not casting pearls.


> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Shepard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 2:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: WRB - Observations
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, William R. Buckley wrote:
> > It is unreasonable to expect the entire Windows using community to 
> > avoid a mechanism that is part of the Windows operating system.
>However, William, I think it's reasonable to expect the 
> entire Windows using community to defenestrate to linux, 
> *BSD, even OS X or open solaris.
> All open source projects have fits trying to work with 
> Microsoft's proprietary, patented, non-standards-compliant 
> way of doing things. Heck, even Microsoft's web browsers and 
> Word cannot be backwards compatible with their own former specs.
>I've heard and read all the reasons why one must remain a 
> Microserf. And, as far as I'm concerned, that's a personal or 
> business decision that's none of my business. However, if you 
> want to use open source applications built to open standards, 
> then understand that almost all of these were originally 
> build for linux or one of the *BSDs, those are the platforms 
> the developers use, and making them available to the Windows 
> world is a courtesy, not a requirement. I, as a linux user 
> for more than a decade, have to suffer from web sites and 
> Microsoft-specific data file formats that just don't play 
> nicely with any of the options available to me. However, the 
> developers of tools such as OpenProject do a fantastic job of 
> reverse engineering data file formats, and each release is 
> better than the one before. In the meantime, I live with 
> what's available to me.
>I'm confident that there is a current replacement for 
> Ventura Publisher that is designed for all the quirks, bugs, 
> and other "features" of Windows.
> Perhaps that would better serve your needs. You might also 
> look at VMware's free offerings that will let you run a 
> virtual linux distribution on your Windows box, and use linux 
> versions of applications with that linux distribution. Or, 
> grab a live CD (Knoppix, Ubuntu, whatever) that will boot 
> linux on your machine, allow you to run linux apps and save 
> your work, then leave your machine totally untouched when you 
> halt it and remove the disk.
> Rich
> -- 
> Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  Integrity  
>   Credibility
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
>  Voice: 5

Re: question about lyx

2008-03-30 Thread Typhoon
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:18:00 -0500
Scott White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using LyX 1.5.4 on my Windows XP box.  I am creating some
> documentation and will probably be posting it to the intranet in
> html.  MS Word generated html works but is pretty lame.  Someone told
> me about LyX and how great it was so I decided to give it try.  I
> open LyX, created a new file, pasted in my word document and began
> converting my stuff to LyX.  I quickly fixed my numbered lists, and
> added sections, subsections, etc.  After a couple of hours my
> document finally started to look presentable.  Somethings still
> bother me:
> 1) everything is justified.  How can I change it to left alignment?

Put \raggedright in the preamble.

> 2) the first line after a section, subsection, subsubsection begins
> at the left margin, but the other paragraphs under it are indented ie
> Section Name first paragraph
>second paragraph
>third paragraph
> 3) when I export to html, a css and html file are generated, I need
> to keep this to 1 file.  I found
> but
> I don't know how or where to run the command.
> 4) when I test the resulting file for w3 validation it tests as
> valid, but I get warnings about NET-enabling start-tag requires
> SHORTTAG YES on   As I understand this the  is for XHTML and not HTML
> so why is this here?
> 5) finally the resulting html is better than Word but not great, ie:
>   //extra space
>   // needless new line and extra space
> // way too much whitespace
> My Document 3
> This is the first line in my document however when the html is
> generated the line gets broken up by spans
> Why are there so many spans?  Why is span and class separated by a
> newline?
> Thanks,
> _
> Watch “Cause Effect,” a show about real people making a real
> difference.  Learn more.

Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread John
On Monday 31 March 2008 01:07:40 pm Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
> Hello all,
> For those who haven't seen it, the new LyX website is now at:
> We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do
> you all think?

Just one carping criticism: 
I don't think the 2nd par is punchy enough and doesn't do justice to how 
brilliant LyX is.

You have:

LyX combines the power and flexibility of the TeX typesetting system with the 
ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for 
creation of mathematical content and structured documents. In addition, 
staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation 
come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a 
theatre play or film script. A broad array of ready, well designed document 
layouts are built in.
I'd prefer something like this:

Achieve effortless superiority in document production!
Without learning any special language or code,  just type your content into a 
Graphic front end and the superb TeX typesetting system will give you 
beautifully presented documents laid out to professional standards developed 
over the centuries. Mathematics, academic stuff like reference lists and 
indexes, tables of contents - all available with mouse clicks (or quick keys 
if you want to learn them). It's just a mouse click to generate a Table of 
Contents (LyX looks after the page numbering for you).

You choose from pick lists the type of document you want: letter, book, 
report, theatre play, film script etc. LyX accepts your content and sends it 
to TeX to be typeset appropriately for your chosen format.

For the TeX (or LaTeX) expert you can still indulge your love of (or need for)  
the arcana of the TeX language and LaTeX macros for special effects and 
tinkering via LyX's Evil Red TeX (ERT) dialogue box.

John O'Gorman
> Rex

RE: question about lyx

2008-03-30 Thread Scott White

> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:38:22 -0400
> CC:
> Subject: Re: question about lyx
> Scott White wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using LyX 1.5.4 on my Windows XP box. I am creating some documentation 
>> and will probably be posting it to the intranet in html. MS Word generated 
>> html works but is pretty lame. Someone told me about LyX and how great it 
>> was so I decided to give it try. I open LyX, created a new file, pasted in 
>> my word document and began converting my stuff to LyX. I quickly fixed my 
>> numbered lists, and added sections, subsections, etc. After a couple of 
>> hours my document finally started to look presentable. Somethings still 
>> bother me:
>> 1) everything is justified. How can I change it to left alignment?
> Other people will answer this question. But let me say: LaTeX is
> generally print-oriented, and in that world, justified is the standard.
> Note that LaTeX microspaces, etc, so this looks proper. If you're going
> to convert to HTML, it probably doesn't matter, since HTML doesn't do
> justification, does it?

Actually I am fairly sure it does.  align="justify" is valid html tag.  The 
current LyX functionality does not use this tag.  I just don't want to be 
surprised in the future if LyX started to use it.  

>> 2) the first line after a section, subsection, subsubsection begins at the 
>> left margin, but the other paragraphs under it are indented ie
>> Section Name
>> first paragraph
>> second paragraph
>> third paragraph
> This is normal English typesetting style. If you want no indentation,
> see Document>Settings>Text Layout. If , contrary to everything any
> typesetter will tell you, you nonetheless want the first paragraph
> indented, get the indentfirst package and \usepackage{indentfirst} in
> your Document>Settings>Preamble.
> For what it's worth, I prefer no indentation. But that's just me.

I personally prefer no indentation what so ever.  I like blocks of text with a 
newline between paragraphs, but again that is just me.  This typesetting style 
is taking some getting used to.

>> 3) when I export to html, a css and html file are generated, I need to keep 
>> this to 1 file. I found 
>> but I 
>> don't know how or where to run the command.
> Which command? If it's some alternative HTML convert business, then the
> answer is probably: Export to LaTeX; run LaTeX on your exported file;
> then run whatever the HTML conversion command is.
> Of course, you can always just take the CSS file and put it between
> .

Sorry I meant converter string: noexist $$i ;latex2html -no_auto_link 
-no_navigation -html_version 2.0 -no_subdir -info 0 --split 0 $$i

I don't know what to do with it, but I forgot about just copying and pasting 
into the style section.

>> 4) when I test the resulting file for w3 validation it tests as valid, but I 
>> get warnings about NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES on As I 
>> understand this the is for XHTML and not HTML so why is this here?
> This has nothing to do with LyX and everything to do with whatever HTML
> converter you are using. See Tools>Preferences>Converters, and look for
> HTML to see what you're using.

htlatex $$i is the converter listed, but looking at my directory structure I 
think it is MiKTeX 2.7.  Looking at this screen maybe the converter string from 
above should go here??  Basically I just downloaded 
LyX-154-1-Installer-Bundle.exe and selected all of the defaults.

A quick Google for latex to html and tex4ht looks OK. has a list of converters I 
think I will try.  I will give plastex a try first though.

>> 5) finally the resulting html is better than Word but not great, ie:
>> //extra space
>> // needless new line and extra space
>> // way too much whitespace
>> My Document 3
>> This is the first line in my document however when the html is generated
>> the line gets broken up by spans
>> Why are there so many spans? Why is span and class separated by a newline?
> Try various converters. Some of them do better than others, and which
> one does best can depend upon the document. I hear plastex is pretty good.
> The nice thing here is: You have lots of options. And if you want to
> "clean up" the LaTeX a bit before you convert, you can write a
> perl/python/ruby/sed script to do it for you.


Watch “Cause Effect,” a show about real people making a real difference.  Learn 

Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Les Denham
On Sunday 30 March 2008 19:07, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
> For those who haven't seen it, the new LyX website is now at:
> We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do
> you all think?


I like the look, and I'm particularly impressed with how quickly it has gone 
from a suggestion for an improvement to a fait accompli.


Re: question about lyx

2008-03-30 Thread Joost Verburg

rgheck wrote:
Other people will answer this question. But let me say: LaTeX is 
generally print-oriented, and in that world, justified is the standard. 
Note that LaTeX microspaces, etc, so this looks proper. If you're going 
to convert to HTML, it probably doesn't matter, since HTML doesn't do 
justification, does it?

HTML does support justification.


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread rgheck

rgheck wrote:

Michael Wojcik wrote:

rgheck wrote:

William R. Buckley wrote:

I noticed that when trying to browse for the graphic file of
a figure inserted into a document via the LyX user interface,
and upon trying to utilise a shortcut (as the means to more
efficiently select the proper directory that is to be browsed),
it happens that LyX copies the shortcut to the Graphics
dialog box, instead of opening the directory indicated by
the shortcut.  I believe this behavior is not what LyX
developers intend.  Rather, double-clicking on the shortcut
should result in an opening of the indicated directory.
If so, then this is a bug in Qt for Windows. Soft links work 
perfectly fine in Linux.

I don't think this is a bug in Qt, though arguably it's a missing 
feature. Shortcuts are not first-class filesystem objects in Windows. 
They're files that are treated in a special manner by Windows Explorer.

LyX uses Qt for its file dialogs, etc, so if this doesn't work 
correctly, it's got to do with Qt, bugs or otherwise.

As someone else pointed out, this is wrong. The dialogs are native, and 
their behavior is controlled by Microsoft, not by us. Good luck getting 
them to do anything.


Re: question about lyx

2008-03-30 Thread rgheck

Scott White wrote:


I am using LyX 1.5.4 on my Windows XP box.  I am creating some documentation 
and will probably be posting it to the intranet in html.  MS Word generated 
html works but is pretty lame.  Someone told me about LyX and how great it was 
so I decided to give it try.  I open LyX, created a new file, pasted in my word 
document and began converting my stuff to LyX.  I quickly fixed my numbered 
lists, and added sections, subsections, etc.  After a couple of hours my 
document finally started to look presentable.  Somethings still bother me:
1) everything is justified.  How can I change it to left alignment?

Other people will answer this question. But let me say: LaTeX is 
generally print-oriented, and in that world, justified is the standard. 
Note that LaTeX microspaces, etc, so this looks proper. If you're going 
to convert to HTML, it probably doesn't matter, since HTML doesn't do 
justification, does it?

2) the first line after a section, subsection, subsubsection begins at the left 
margin, but the other paragraphs under it are indented ie
Section Name
first paragraph
   second paragraph
   third paragraph

This is normal English typesetting style. If you want no indentation, 
see Document>Settings>Text Layout. If , contrary to everything any 
typesetter will tell you, you nonetheless want the first paragraph 
indented, get the indentfirst package and \usepackage{indentfirst} in 
your Document>Settings>Preamble.

For what it's worth, I prefer no indentation. But that's just me.

3) when I export to html, a css and html file are generated, I need to keep 
this to 1 file.  I found but I don't 
know how or where to run the command.

Which command? If it's some alternative HTML convert business, then the 
answer is probably: Export to LaTeX; run LaTeX on your exported file; 
then run whatever the HTML conversion command is.

Of course, you can always just take the CSS file and put it between 

4) when I test the resulting file for w3 validation it tests as valid, but I 
get warnings about NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES on   As I 
understand this the  is for XHTML and not HTML so why is this here?

This has nothing to do with LyX and everything to do with whatever HTML 
converter you are using. See Tools>Preferences>Converters, and look for 
HTML to see what you're using.

5) finally the resulting html is better than Word but not great, ie:
  //extra space
  // needless new line and extra space
// way too much whitespace

My Document 3

This is the first line in my document however when the html is generated
 the line gets broken up by spans
Why are there so many spans?  Why is span and class separated by a newline?

Try various converters. Some of them do better than others, and which 
one does best can depend upon the document. I hear plastex is pretty good.

The nice thing here is: You have lots of options. And if you want to 
"clean up" the LaTeX a bit before you convert, you can write a 
perl/python/ruby/sed script to do it for you.


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread rgheck

Michael Wojcik wrote:

rgheck wrote:

William R. Buckley wrote:

I noticed that when trying to browse for the graphic file of
a figure inserted into a document via the LyX user interface,
and upon trying to utilise a shortcut (as the means to more
efficiently select the proper directory that is to be browsed),
it happens that LyX copies the shortcut to the Graphics
dialog box, instead of opening the directory indicated by
the shortcut.  I believe this behavior is not what LyX
developers intend.  Rather, double-clicking on the shortcut
should result in an opening of the indicated directory.
If so, then this is a bug in Qt for Windows. Soft links work 
perfectly fine in Linux.

I don't think this is a bug in Qt, though arguably it's a missing 
feature. Shortcuts are not first-class filesystem objects in Windows. 
They're files that are treated in a special manner by Windows Explorer.

LyX uses Qt for its file dialogs, etc, so if this doesn't work 
correctly, it's got to do with Qt, bugs or otherwise.

The real bug is that Microsoft introduced them in the first place, 
rather than using a proper filesystem mechanism; and the fix is to 
avoid them whenever possible, since they're a clumsy, half-implemented 

It's arguable that Microsoft is itself a bug.


question about lyx

2008-03-30 Thread Scott White


I am using LyX 1.5.4 on my Windows XP box.  I am creating some documentation 
and will probably be posting it to the intranet in html.  MS Word generated 
html works but is pretty lame.  Someone told me about LyX and how great it was 
so I decided to give it try.  I open LyX, created a new file, pasted in my word 
document and began converting my stuff to LyX.  I quickly fixed my numbered 
lists, and added sections, subsections, etc.  After a couple of hours my 
document finally started to look presentable.  Somethings still bother me:
1) everything is justified.  How can I change it to left alignment?
2) the first line after a section, subsection, subsubsection begins at the left 
margin, but the other paragraphs under it are indented ie
Section Name
first paragraph
   second paragraph
   third paragraph
3) when I export to html, a css and html file are generated, I need to keep 
this to 1 file.  I found but I don't 
know how or where to run the command.
4) when I test the resulting file for w3 validation it tests as valid, but I 
get warnings about NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES on   As I 
understand this the  is for XHTML and not HTML so why is this here?
5) finally the resulting html is better than Word but not great, ie:
  //extra space
  // needless new line and extra space
// way too much whitespace

My Document 3

This is the first line in my document however when the html is generated
 the line gets broken up by spans
Why are there so many spans?  Why is span and class separated by a newline?


Watch “Cause Effect,” a show about real people making a real difference.  Learn 

Re: Bibtex bibliography

2008-03-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Jean-Michel Bouffard wrote:

I am currently writing my Master thesis with Lyx. I have a simple problem
with Lyx and my bibliography. I inserted a Bibtex bibliography in my
document and it automatically creates a header with the title
"Bibliography". My problem is that I need to name this section
"References" instead of "Bibliography". Is there a way to remove to
automatic header so I could use my own?


  Have you tried \renewcommand{Bibliography}{References}?


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Bibtex bibliography

2008-03-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Jean-Michel Bouffard schrieb:

My problem is that I need to name this section 
"References" instead of "Bibliography". Is there a way to remove to 
automatic header so I could use my own?

When you are using a book or report class, add this to your document preamble:

\addto\captionsenglish {\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}}

When you are using an article clas, use

\addto\captionsenglish {\renewcommand{\refname}{References}}

When your document language is e.g. Frech, replace "english" by "french" in the 
above commands.

regards Uwe

Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Pavel Sanda
> I like it much more than our current webpage.
> But there are some bugs: This page

btw i think the listing of translated things is very outdated.
either update or delete it?

> When will the new webpage will replace the old one- with the release of LyX 
> 1.6.0 of LyX 1.5.5?

i would bind it with cleaning TODO page, not with the release of some
lyx version.


[announce] preview test release of LyX 1.6 alpha1 for Windows

2008-03-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Hello LyX testers,

I uploaded a new snapshot of the upcoming LyX version 1.6.0 for Windows. The first alpha of LyX 1.6 
was build a week ago, this version includes additionally the bugfixes from this week (erything until 
SVN commit 24066).

NOTE: LyX 1.6 is in alpha state! That means it is not stable enough for a beta 
test release, so
expect crashes and inconsistencies. This preview release is build for 
interested LyX users who want
to check out the new features of LyX.

The new features of LyX are listed here:



The installer for this version can be downloaded from:

(General infos about the installer can be found here: )

This LyX version can be installed side by side to an existing LyX 1.5 
installation when you unchek
the installer option update the ".lyx" file extension settings. It will be installed 
as "LyX


Please report bugs, regressions, and crashes at .
Here is a list of the known crashes, and regressions to LyX 1.5.4:


happy testing and best regards

Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Uwe Stöhr schrieb:

But there are some bugs:

Here's another one:

This page contains email adresses as direct links leading to spam:

regards Uwe

Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Rex C. Eastbourne

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:

What do you all think?


  Sharp as a tack! Very professional and impressive. Kudos to all of you.


Glad you like it Rich! Christian, Joost, Jean-Marc, Pavel, and others 
were all instrumental in putting this all together.


Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Rex C. Eastbourne schrieb:

We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do 
you all think?

I like it much more than our current webpage.
But there are some bugs: This page
contains a link to
but the correct link is

When will the new webpage will replace the old one- with the release of LyX 
1.6.0 of LyX 1.5.5?

regards Uwe

Bibtex bibliography

2008-03-30 Thread Jean-Michel Bouffard


I am currently writing my Master thesis with Lyx. I have a simple 
problem with Lyx and my bibliography. I inserted a Bibtex bibliography 
in my document and it automatically creates a header with the title 
"Bibliography". My problem is that I need to name this section 
"References" instead of "Bibliography". Is there a way to remove to 
automatic header so I could use my own?



Re: New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:

What do you all think?


  Sharp as a tack! Very professional and impressive. Kudos to all of you.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

New LyX website

2008-03-30 Thread Rex C. Eastbourne

Hello all,

For those who haven't seen it, the new LyX website is now at:

We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do 
you all think?


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Joost Verburg

Paul A. Rubin wrote:
I don't think so.  Contrast the behavior of the Insert -> Graphics 
dialog with the File -> Open dialog. 

With both dialogs I get exactly the same behavior (the .lnk file is 
opened). File -> Open hides shortcuts by default because it's looking 
for .lyx files while Insert -> Graphics shows all files (*.*).


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

William R. Buckley wrote:

It is unreasonable to expect the entire Windows using community
to avoid a mechanism that is part of the Windows operating system.
The proper solution, distasteful as it may be, is to implement code
which facilitates this *hack* (I always think of a hack as a desirable
gem of programming prowess, but I digress).

Well, it is an open-source project.  Have at it!  :-)

 Otherwise, you have
a product that does not really work in the Windows world.

I am firmly (if not happily) rooted in the Windows world, by dint partly 
of circumstance (my college is a Windows shop) and partly of investment 
in software over the years.  At the same time, I have been a happy and 
contented LyX user since version 1.3.something.  So apparently the 
inability to follow a link in the graphic selection dialog, however odd 
(given that the File -> Open dialog works fine), is not exactly 
crippling.  It might be a tad inconvenient, but I have to work with four 
different flavors of Windows (XP Home, XP Pro, Server 2003 and Vista 
Home Premium), and it's a tad inconvenient coping with the 
inconsistencies of those.  To say LyX "does not really work" because the 
graphics dialog doesn't follow LyX is an overstatement.

As Rich notes elsewhere, most FOSS software starts on Linux or another 
Unix variant and, if you're lucky, gets ported to Windows by the grace 
of some unpaid developers.  If there is an occasional vicissitude in 
using a FOSS program on Windows, I can (and do) live with that.


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Joost Verburg wrote:

Rich Shepard wrote:

However, if you want to use open source applications built
to open standards, then understand that almost all of these were 
build for linux or one of the *BSDs, those are the platforms the 

use, and making them available to the Windows world is a courtesy, not a

LyX supports Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac OS X and it should work fine on 
all these platforms. There is no reason why one of these platform should 
get more support than others.

About this shortcut issue: LyX uses the standard Windows dialog for file 
selection. So this is a bug/feature of Windows itself. I guess it is 
designed this way because selecting a shortcut itself should also be 

I don't think so.  Contrast the behavior of the Insert -> Graphics 
dialog with the File -> Open dialog.  Suppose I have a shortcut on my 
desktop to C:\whatever\whoever.  In the File -> Open dialog, I browse to 
the desktop and double click the shortcut.  This browses to 
C:\whatever\whoever in the dialog, and I can select a file.  In the 
Insert -> Graphics dialog, I browse to the desktop and double click the 
shortcut.  This time, the shortcut (.lnk file) is selected as the file 
to insert.  The former behavior is both "Windows standard" (if that's 
not an oxymoron) and the intended behavior, but in any case I can't see 
a logical reason why the two dialogs should behave differently.


Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Joost Verburg

Rich Shepard wrote:

However, if you want to use open source applications built
to open standards, then understand that almost all of these were originally
build for linux or one of the *BSDs, those are the platforms the developers
use, and making them available to the Windows world is a courtesy, not a

LyX supports Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac OS X and it should work fine on 
all these platforms. There is no reason why one of these platform should 
get more support than others.

About this shortcut issue: LyX uses the standard Windows dialog for file 
selection. So this is a bug/feature of Windows itself. I guess it is 
designed this way because selecting a shortcut itself should also be 


Re: custom document language

2008-03-30 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Luis Rivera schrieb:

I might need some other native languages from Mexico (Nahuatl, Cora, Huichol,
Purepecha and Tarahumara are up in my to-do list as well).

LaTeX doesn't have a package that supports these languages. What you need is a package that provides 
translations of words like "Part", a package that provides correct hyphenation, and perhaps also a 

Even OpenOffice don't offer this and this the program with the best language 
support I know.

regards Uwe

RE: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, William R. Buckley wrote:

It is unreasonable to expect the entire Windows using community to avoid a
mechanism that is part of the Windows operating system.

  However, William, I think it's reasonable to expect the entire Windows
using community to defenestrate to linux, *BSD, even OS X or open solaris.
All open source projects have fits trying to work with Microsoft's
proprietary, patented, non-standards-compliant way of doing things. Heck,
even Microsoft's web browsers and Word cannot be backwards compatible with
their own former specs.

  I've heard and read all the reasons why one must remain a Microserf. And,
as far as I'm concerned, that's a personal or business decision that's none
of my business. However, if you want to use open source applications built
to open standards, then understand that almost all of these were originally
build for linux or one of the *BSDs, those are the platforms the developers
use, and making them available to the Windows world is a courtesy, not a
requirement. I, as a linux user for more than a decade, have to suffer from
web sites and Microsoft-specific data file formats that just don't play
nicely with any of the options available to me. However, the developers of
tools such as OpenProject do a fantastic job of reverse engineering data
file formats, and each release is better than the one before. In the
meantime, I live with what's available to me.

  I'm confident that there is a current replacement for Ventura Publisher
that is designed for all the quirks, bugs, and other "features" of Windows.
Perhaps that would better serve your needs. You might also look at VMware's
free offerings that will let you run a virtual linux distribution on your
Windows box, and use linux versions of applications with that linux
distribution. Or, grab a live CD (Knoppix, Ubuntu, whatever) that will boot
linux on your machine, allow you to run linux apps and save your work, then
leave your machine totally untouched when you halt it and remove the disk.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: custom document language

2008-03-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Liviu Andronic wrote:

Does LaTeX support such rarely encountered languages?


  Up through about Red Hat 6.x, they had an installation language option of
"redneck"; appropriate since they're located in North Carolina. :-)


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: custom document language

2008-03-30 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Luis Rivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hñat-ho.
>  Got you? :)
>  I might need some other native languages from Mexico (Nahuatl, Cora, Huichol,
>  Purepecha and Tarahumara are up in my to-do list as well).

Does LaTeX support such rarely encountered languages?

RE: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread William R. Buckley
It is unreasonable to expect the entire Windows using community
to avoid a mechanism that is part of the Windows operating system.
The proper solution, distasteful as it may be, is to implement code
which facilitates this *hack* (I always think of a hack as a desirable
gem of programming prowess, but I digress).  Otherwise, you have
a product that does not really work in the Windows world.


> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Wojcik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: WRB - Observations
> rgheck wrote:
> > William R. Buckley wrote:
> >>
> >> I noticed that when trying to browse for the graphic file 
> of a figure 
> >> inserted into a document via the LyX user interface, and 
> upon trying 
> >> to utilise a shortcut (as the means to more efficiently select the 
> >> proper directory that is to be browsed), it happens that 
> LyX copies 
> >> the shortcut to the Graphics dialog box, instead of opening the 
> >> directory indicated by the shortcut.  I believe this 
> behavior is not 
> >> what LyX developers intend.  Rather, double-clicking on 
> the shortcut 
> >> should result in an opening of the indicated directory.
> >>   
> > If so, then this is a bug in Qt for Windows. Soft links 
> work perfectly 
> > fine in Linux.
> I don't think this is a bug in Qt, though arguably it's a 
> missing feature. Shortcuts are not first-class filesystem 
> objects in Windows. 
> They're files that are treated in a special manner by Windows 
> Explorer.
> The real bug is that Microsoft introduced them in the first 
> place, rather than using a proper filesystem mechanism; and 
> the fix is to avoid them whenever possible, since they're a 
> clumsy, half-implemented hack.
> The closest analog to soft links in Windows are NTFS 
> junctions, and they work fine with Qt and LyX, as far as I can see.
> --
> Michael Wojcik

Re: WRB - Observations

2008-03-30 Thread Michael Wojcik

rgheck wrote:

William R. Buckley wrote:

I noticed that when trying to browse for the graphic file of
a figure inserted into a document via the LyX user interface,
and upon trying to utilise a shortcut (as the means to more
efficiently select the proper directory that is to be browsed),
it happens that LyX copies the shortcut to the Graphics
dialog box, instead of opening the directory indicated by
the shortcut.  I believe this behavior is not what LyX
developers intend.  Rather, double-clicking on the shortcut
should result in an opening of the indicated directory.
If so, then this is a bug in Qt for Windows. Soft links work perfectly 
fine in Linux.

I don't think this is a bug in Qt, though arguably it's a missing 
feature. Shortcuts are not first-class filesystem objects in Windows. 
They're files that are treated in a special manner by Windows Explorer.

The real bug is that Microsoft introduced them in the first place, 
rather than using a proper filesystem mechanism; and the fix is to 
avoid them whenever possible, since they're a clumsy, half-implemented 

The closest analog to soft links in Windows are NTFS junctions, and 
they work fine with Qt and LyX, as far as I can see.

Michael Wojcik

Re: custom document language

2008-03-30 Thread Luis Rivera
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Luis Rivera schrieb:
> > How can I pick a language for a document not included in the drop-down 
menu from
> > LyX? I want to typeset a document in a language not included, and I 
can't figure
> > out how to include it.
> This is not easily possible. LyX supports nearly all languages suppoterd 
> by the babel package and 
> other available language packages. In the next version, LyX will 
> additionally support Albanian, 
> Bahasa Malaysia / Bahasa Melayu, Interlingua, Latin, Lower Sorbian, 
> Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin letters), North Sami, and Vietnamese. 
> What is the language you need?


Got you? :)

I might need some other native languages from Mexico (Nahuatl, Cora, Huichol,
Purepecha and Tarahumara are up in my to-do list as well).

As you see, I may be asking for a far more general solution, and I prefer not to
ask to have them all included in hard-coded menus. It wouldn't be functional for
all 7589 languages in ISO 639-3.



Re: Spacing after definition/theorem/remark-environments

2008-03-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Dominik Böhm wrote:

I am writing my thesis with a line spread of 1.3. After the
mathematical environments, LaTeX usually puts some spacing. When I
change the general line spread from 1 to 1.3, the spacing after the
mathemaical environments like definition/theorem/etc. doesn't get

Odd -- it does for me.  You are using Document -> Settings... -> Text 
Layout -> Line Spacing -> Custom to do this?
