Re: LyX and references

2009-09-02 Thread Pierfranco Minsenti
Hi all,

since I am in a very similar situation as Alessio, that is I am an Italian
user working with an Italian version of LyX (i.e. menues etc are translated
in Italian), and writing in English, I confirm that the normal LyX is
behaviour consists in showing in these cases (and other similar cases as
well, e.g. Indice instead of Table of contents; Bibliografia instead of
Bibliography) an Italian expression (e.g. the Italian conjunction e instead
of the English conjunction and). However the output (the PDF) is perfectly
correct showing in these cases and (not e).
So, from my experience, I also suggest that if the real problem Alessio is
experiencing consists only in the output and only in an ampersand & instead
of an and, this shoud be related to the style, that is the .bst file he is

2009/9/2 rgheck 

> On 09/02/2009 10:06 AM, Alessio Maria Braccini wrote:
>> I apologize I have not been clear. I try to clarify things with the
>> following list:
>>* (Surname1 e Surname2, year) -> I get this in LyX;
>>  This is set by the interface language: If you menus are in Italian, so
> will this be. So far as I know, LyX cannot change how it translates such
> things as "and" here based upon the document language. But maybe I am wrong.
> * (Surname1 & Surname2, year) -> I get this in the output;
>>  This is controlled by your citation style and has nothing to do with LyX
> as such.
> * (Surname1 and Surname2, year) -> I would like to get this in the
>>  output and in LyX (if possible).
>>  So you can have it in the output using a different citation style, but
> only in LyX if you change the interface language to English.
> rh

Re: Documentation specifically for using KOMA Script with LyX?

2009-09-02 Thread Jeremy
On Wednesday 02 September 2009, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Jeremy wrote:
> > Have you read the pdf documentation from the KOMA website? There is a
> > German and English version available: scrguide.pdf scrguien.pdf
> >
> > Some documentation is only available from the latest KOMA guide book
> > (available only in German)
> I'm reading a version of scrguien.pdf, but I still haven't figured out how
> to have multiple lines in my header and footer for instance. Any ideas?
> cheers
> /Christian

The German version scrguide.pdf is more up-to-date than the English 

If you want to modify the default header & footer, look into the commands

For example, in the preamble of your lyx file 
add some code defining a header:

% Define some komavars

% Define PATH

% Now define \myletterhead
 This is the first line of header.
  % This is the next line of header
 \definecolor{headercolor}{cmyk}{0.32549, 0.11373, 0, 0.23529, 0.39216}
 {Office:~\usekomavar{fromphone}} \hfill
 {Fax:~\usekomavar{fromfax}}   \hfill
 {Web:~\usekomavar{fromurl}}   \hfill
\firsthead{\usebox{\myletterhead}} %construct new koma \firsthead

We could also use saved boxes instead:

Then at top of your lyx document, you can insert some ERT code  to initialize 
your sbox letterhead:


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Julio Rojas wrote:

I made it with eqarray, but it "only" allows me to have 3 columns. How
did you add more columns?

Oops -- forgot about that.  I'm not very consistent in what I use (I 
just went back and loaded some old papers to look).  Sometimes I use 
eqnarray (which is locked into three columns), in which case I put 
"maximize" and "subject to" in the left column, indexing in the right 
column and everything else in the middle.  Most times I create a display 
equation, then create an array with five columns, and go from there.  I 
think I've used alignat once or twice.  Seems to me there's some 
objection to using a plain old array, I think maybe relating to vertical 
space (not sure), but I'm not much concerned with aesthetics, and array 
is for me the easiest route.

I tried using alignat and it works ok, except for the fact that LyX
doesn't show proper alignment (only the first column is right aligned,
while all of the others are left aligned.

But it comes out right in the DVI/PDF output, which is all I worry about.

Thanks for your help.

My pleasure,

Re: Flip x and y axis when importing tables?

2009-09-02 Thread Florian Rubach

Piero schrieb:

Hello, this is a bit off-topic, maybe, but someone may help me.
 Anyway, I need to import data tables from MS Access queries to plain LyX 
 This data should be imported with the special copy & paste tool, but I need to 
flip between the x and y axis, i.e. lines should become rows, and rows should 
become lines (roughly as if seen in a mirror standing on the page form top-left 
to bottom-right of it). E.G.


Which is the smartest way to do it? Thanks H.
I'm not sure how compatible Access and Excel are (as I don't know Access 
at all), but in Excel, you have the possibility to transpose a table. 
For pasting transposed in Excel, you could just right-click and select 
"paste contents..." (or similar, my Excel speaks german ;) and in the 
following dialogue check the "Transpose"-checkbox. Then all your content 
would be transposed and you could repaste it in Access and go your usual 
way to import Access Tables into LyX.

Hope that helps at least a little,


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Julio Rojas
I made it with eqarray, but it "only" allows me to have 3 columns. How
did you add more columns?

I tried using alignat and it works ok, except for the fact that LyX
doesn't show proper alignment (only the first column is right aligned,
while all of the others are left aligned.

Thanks for your help.
Julio Rojas

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Julio,
> Julio Rojas wrote:
>> Thanks Paul, I've tried it but the first column is right aligned and
>> the third is left aligned.
> In the alignat* example?  Shouldn't be -- the alignment alternates
> right-left-right, so the first and third columns should have the same
> alignment.  Note that the first column is intentionally left empty, so that
> the 'maximize' and 'subject to' are in the second column (and hence
> left-aligned).
>> I'm kind of new on the subject and the
>> references I have from a friend make them left and right aligned,
>> respectively. Is there an standard way of aligning them?
> I'm not sure there's a generally accepted standard.  I like to put the
> keywords (maximize, s.t.) in one column, the objective function and LHS of
> constraints in a second column, the constraint direction (=,<,>) in a  third
> column, the RHS in the fourth column and any indexing stuff in a fifth
> column, so I usually use eqnarray (critics be damned).  If I'm going to use
> alignat, then I'll put max/s.t. in column 2 (left aligned), the LHS _and_
> =/>/< in the third column (right aligned), the RHS in the fourth column
> (left aligned) and indexing in the fifth column (right aligned), which
> should work pretty well (it avoids gratuitous space in the middle of the
> constraints).
> I guess it's a matter of taste (unless the constraints get long enough that
> eqnarray sends the equation numbers into another galaxy).
> /Paul
>> -
>> Julio Rojas
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> Julio Rojas wrote:

 Thanks, I've already done that, but no option seems to be of help. I'm
 trying to put an integer programing model and every restriction should
 be numbered and aligned like:

 Maximize Z                                          (1)
 Subject to:
 Z=sum(Xi)                                             (2)
 Xi+Xj<=1                       for all i,j in P, i>>> Xi,Xj in {0,1}                        for all i,j in P (4)

 So, some rows are numbered, the left column is left aligned and the
 right column is right aligned. How can this numbered array be done?
 Julio Rojas

 2009/9/2 Ignacio García :
> Julio Rojas  writes:
>> Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
>> equation array? Or some rows from an array?
>> -
>> Julio Rojas
>> jcredbe...@...
> Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
> find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
> 19.3 and/or 19.4.
>>> Julio,
>>> Actually, I think what you want is in section 19.1.  Inside an equation
>>> array environment, Alt-m n toggles numbering of the entire array
>>> (separate
>>> number on each line), while Alt-m Shift-n toggles numbering of just the
>>> line
>>> the cursor occupies.
>>> BTW, I too write integer programs.  A while back I came across a
>>> reference
>>> to an article ("Avoid eqnarray!" by Lars Madsen, The PracTeX Journal #4,
>>> 2006) that claims that eqnarray is somehow evil.  The complaints are
>>> mainly
>>> about spacing (including the possibility that equation numbers are
>>> overwritten or crowded off the line).  He recommends AMS math
>>> environments
>>> or the mathenv package.  Then again, I came across a post on
>>> sci.op-research
>>> that as I recall advocated eqnarray.
>>> Anyway, here's an alternative I found somewhere:
>>> \begin{alignat*}{7}
>>>  & \text{maximize } & z= &  & 2x_{1} &  & + &  & 3x_{2} &  & + &  &
>>> 4x_{3}\\
>>>  & \text{subject to: } &  &  & 44x_{1} &  &  &  &  &  & + &  & 50x_{3} &
>>> \ge900\\
>>>  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & \llap{\ensuremath{x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}}}
>>> &
>>> \ge0
>>> \end{alignat*}
>>> FWIW,
>>> Paul

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:

Hello everybody, I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm 
very surprised about one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject 
that tell people "this comes from the Lyx users list".

If you look at the details in the email you will find list information which 
you should be able to your mail client to use.

  As long as I've subscribed to this mail list, all messages have the
subject line prefixed with [Lyx]. Perhaps that's because all I've used is
procmail and (al)pine as my MUA, but it's always been there.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Christian Ridderström

On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Sam Liddicott wrote:

* Paul A. Rubin wrote, On 02/09/09 15:57:

I understand there are some concerns about tampering with the subject
line (and what happens when replies and forwards occur).

What about creating a LyX-specific header (X-LyX: userlist or X-LyX:
developerlist or whatever)?  Will the list mailer (and GMANE, which is
where I get my feed) support custom headers?  It's easy enough to filter
on them in any mail client I've used.

Alas, not on my mail server. I can filter on many standard headers (like
List-ID) but not any custom header.

Hi Sam,

I've been going through this thread quickly, but I got the impression you 
had some problems in creating a filter with the software that you use. How 
about using gmane? Either the web interface or it's news interface. Maybe 
your client works well with news?

Best regards and hope this helps

Christian Ridderström   Mobile: +46-8 768 39 44

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Christian Ridderström

On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Manveru wrote:

2009/9/2 Murray Eisenberg :

I agree with the O.P. on this. This is something that, surely, is easily
fixed at the server end, so that each message going out from the server has,
say, "[LyX]" prepended to the subject.

There is many voices in favour of such feature. But not a lot of
people vote against. If may I suggest, maybe someone can create a
poll/survey for LyX users list subscribers.

I think the many voices that don't like it are tired of having this 
recurring discussion  ;-)

Personally I'm _agains_ adding something like [LyX] to the subject line. 
But then, I read the list through a news interface.


Christian Ridderström   Mobile: +46-8 768 39 44

Re: Multiple Bib - Koma

2009-09-02 Thread Pierfranco Minsenti
Hi Yannick,

I have very recently tested a solution to your problem using the biblatex
package. Even if biblatex is still beta I can assure you that it is a very
effective and easy solution, very flexible and adaptable to different needs.
Read the instruction on the LyX wiki dedicated to the use of biblatex at
It is indispensable in your case to install the biblatex package
downloadable from Also
you will have to install the Perl script bibtexall into an executable path
so that LyX will be able to compile all the files produced.
Herewith enclosed I add  an exemple I have developed modifying an original
file found in the exemples directory of the biblatex package downloaded from
The code is pure LateX but it has also been tested with LyX and the
KOMAscript report class, so it perflectly works. You just need to import
this file in LyX and make adjustements following the specific instructions
at for using biblatex with LyX.
I can also add that I haven't still used in conjunction with the LyX port of
the ClassicThesis style which I am also using, but I plan to do it very soon
and I think I will only have to modify the original files related to the LyX
port of the ClassicThesis style by commenting out fthe packages and options
related to:
1) natbib

2) backref package (you will use the specific functions provided by

besides it is absolutely important to put the biblatex package before the
hyperref package.

Herewith you can see the exemple I have obtained using pure LaTex code for
producing lists of references printed at the end of each chapter. Obviously
this example can only work in conjunction with the examples.bib file put in
the exemples directory of the biblatex package.



\defbibheading{references}{\section*{References}} % heading for the various
References sections put in each chapter
% added more vertical space among records because default space in
authorcite style is =0

{\addvspace{0.8\baselineskip}}% 0.8\baselineskip o altra misura


\title{My Dissertation}
\author{Firstname Lastname}



\chapter{Title of first chapter}


This is just filler text \parencite{massa}.
This is just filler text \parencite{augustine}. This is just filler
text \parencite{cotton}. This is just filler text \parencite{hammond}.

\chapter{Title of second chapter}


This is just filler text \parencite{hammond}. This is just filler
text \parencite{massa}. This is just filler text \parencite{cotton}.
This is just filler text \parencite{murray}.

\chapter{Title of third chapter}


This is just filler text \parencite{murray}. This is just filler
text \parencite{augustine}. This is just filler text \parencite{cotton}.
This is just filler text \parencite{bertram}.

Best wishes


2009/9/2 Yannick Wurm 

> Hello,
> I'm trying to write my thesis with the excellent Lyx port of classicThesis
> (uses Koma). However, I prefer keeping my bibliographies separate (ie one
> bibliography per chapter).
> I don't have deep understanding of Latex, but found some 2002 posts to this
> list relative to using bibunits. I tried those as well as looking at
> chapterbib.
> The simplest I could attempt to do was to compile the following example:
> Suprisingly, it doesn't work (I obtain only one single bibliography at the
> end). Here's the output:
> I'm running this on Lyx 1.6.3 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and the pdflatex version I
> think I

Re: Documentation specifically for using KOMA Script with LyX?

2009-09-02 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Christian Ridderström schrieb:

I'm reading a version of scrguien.pdf, but I still haven't figured out 
how to have multiple lines in my header and footer for instance. Any ideas?

Yes, as you can read German, browse the forum of this page: or post your 
question at this forum.

regards Uwe

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Christian Ridderström

On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Delta moins wrote:

Hello everybody, I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and 
I'm very surprised about one thing : there is no keyword in the mail 
subject that tell people "this comes from the Lyx users list". It's very 
messing because you cannot filter the mails efficiently. In addition 
sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to link with Lyx so organising 
the mail box is not so easy. I don't know if it should be done 
automaticaly by the list system or if people that send mail should add 
something like I've done for example manually. It's a pity because 
informations in the mails are often very interesting :-) It was just a 
remark to improve this list.


If you look at the details in the email you will find list information 
which you should be able to your mail client to use.

Or you can read this list through a news interface, or through the gmane 


PS. As an aside, this is one of the more frequent questions. Has anyone 
added it to the FAQ on the wiki?

Christian Ridderström   Mobile: +46-8 768 39 44

Re: Documentation specifically for using KOMA Script with LyX?

2009-09-02 Thread Christian Ridderström

On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Jeremy wrote:

Have you read the pdf documentation from the KOMA website? There is a 
German and English version available: scrguide.pdf scrguien.pdf

Some documentation is only available from the latest KOMA guide book
(available only in German)

I'm reading a version of scrguien.pdf, but I still haven't figured out how 
to have multiple lines in my header and footer for instance. Any ideas?


Christian Ridderström   Mobile: +46-8 768 39 44

Multiple Bib - Koma

2009-09-02 Thread Yannick Wurm


I'm trying to write my thesis with the excellent Lyx port of  
classicThesis (uses Koma). However, I prefer keeping my bibliographies  
separate (ie one bibliography per chapter).

I don't have deep understanding of Latex, but found some 2002 posts to  
this list relative to using bibunits. I tried those as well as looking  
at chapterbib.

The simplest I could attempt to do was to compile the following example:

Suprisingly, it doesn't work (I obtain only one single bibliography at  
the end). Here's the output:

I'm running this on Lyx 1.6.3 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and the pdflatex  
version I think I'm using is:

pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks & regards,


Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sam Liddicott wrote:

* Paul A. Rubin wrote, On 02/09/09 15:57:

I understand there are some concerns about tampering with the subject
line (and what happens when replies and forwards occur).

What about creating a LyX-specific header (X-LyX: userlist or X-LyX:
developerlist or whatever)?  Will the list mailer (and GMANE, which is
where I get my feed) support custom headers?  It's easy enough to filter
on them in any mail client I've used.

Alas, not on my mail server. I can filter on many standard headers (like
List-ID) but not any custom header.

You filter on the server?  I filter on the client (Thunderbird in my 
case, but I'm pretty sure custom headers worked in Eudora too).  For 
instance, I use the PoPFile spam filter, which writes a custom header 
that T-bird uses to send suspected spam to a designated folder.

Filtering on the server won't work for most people, because they won't 
have control over the server.  But filtering on the client side whould 
work as long as the client can read all headers (and the server doesn't 
remove the header -- don't think I've ever heard of that happening).


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin


Julio Rojas wrote:

Thanks Paul, I've tried it but the first column is right aligned and
the third is left aligned.

In the alignat* example?  Shouldn't be -- the alignment alternates 
right-left-right, so the first and third columns should have the same 
alignment.  Note that the first column is intentionally left empty, so 
that the 'maximize' and 'subject to' are in the second column (and hence 

I'm kind of new on the subject and the
references I have from a friend make them left and right aligned,
respectively. Is there an standard way of aligning them?

I'm not sure there's a generally accepted standard.  I like to put the 
keywords (maximize, s.t.) in one column, the objective function and LHS 
of constraints in a second column, the constraint direction (=,<,>) in a 
 third column, the RHS in the fourth column and any indexing stuff in a 
fifth column, so I usually use eqnarray (critics be damned).  If I'm 
going to use alignat, then I'll put max/s.t. in column 2 (left aligned), 
the LHS _and_ =/>/< in the third column (right aligned), the RHS in the 
fourth column (left aligned) and indexing in the fifth column (right 
aligned), which should work pretty well (it avoids gratuitous space in 
the middle of the constraints).

I guess it's a matter of taste (unless the constraints get long enough 
that eqnarray sends the equation numbers into another galaxy).


Julio Rojas

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Julio Rojas wrote:

Thanks, I've already done that, but no option seems to be of help. I'm
trying to put an integer programing model and every restriction should
be numbered and aligned like:

Maximize Z  (1)
Subject to:
Z=sum(Xi) (2)
Xi+Xj<=1   for all i,j in P, i:

Julio Rojas  writes:

Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
equation array? Or some rows from an array?
Julio Rojas

Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
19.3 and/or 19.4.


Actually, I think what you want is in section 19.1.  Inside an equation
array environment, Alt-m n toggles numbering of the entire array (separate
number on each line), while Alt-m Shift-n toggles numbering of just the line
the cursor occupies.

BTW, I too write integer programs.  A while back I came across a reference
to an article ("Avoid eqnarray!" by Lars Madsen, The PracTeX Journal #4,
2006) that claims that eqnarray is somehow evil.  The complaints are mainly
about spacing (including the possibility that equation numbers are
overwritten or crowded off the line).  He recommends AMS math environments
or the mathenv package.  Then again, I came across a post on sci.op-research
that as I recall advocated eqnarray.

Anyway, here's an alternative I found somewhere:

 & \text{maximize } & z= &  & 2x_{1} &  & + &  & 3x_{2} &  & + &  & 4x_{3}\\
 & \text{subject to: } &  &  & 44x_{1} &  &  &  &  &  & + &  & 50x_{3} &
 &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & \llap{\ensuremath{x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}}} &


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Julio Rojas
Thanks Paul, I've tried it but the first column is right aligned and
the third is left aligned. I'm kind of new on the subject and the
references I have from a friend make them left and right aligned,
respectively. Is there an standard way of aligning them?
Julio Rojas

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Julio Rojas wrote:
>> Thanks, I've already done that, but no option seems to be of help. I'm
>> trying to put an integer programing model and every restriction should
>> be numbered and aligned like:
>> Maximize Z                                          (1)
>> Subject to:
>> Z=sum(Xi)                                             (2)
>> Xi+Xj<=1                       for all i,j in P, i> Xi,Xj in {0,1}                        for all i,j in P (4)
>> So, some rows are numbered, the left column is left aligned and the
>> right column is right aligned. How can this numbered array be done?
>> -
>> Julio Rojas
>> 2009/9/2 Ignacio García :
>>> Julio Rojas  writes:
 Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
 equation array? Or some rows from an array?
 Julio Rojas

>>> Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
>>> find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
>>> 19.3 and/or 19.4.
> Julio,
> Actually, I think what you want is in section 19.1.  Inside an equation
> array environment, Alt-m n toggles numbering of the entire array (separate
> number on each line), while Alt-m Shift-n toggles numbering of just the line
> the cursor occupies.
> BTW, I too write integer programs.  A while back I came across a reference
> to an article ("Avoid eqnarray!" by Lars Madsen, The PracTeX Journal #4,
> 2006) that claims that eqnarray is somehow evil.  The complaints are mainly
> about spacing (including the possibility that equation numbers are
> overwritten or crowded off the line).  He recommends AMS math environments
> or the mathenv package.  Then again, I came across a post on sci.op-research
> that as I recall advocated eqnarray.
> Anyway, here's an alternative I found somewhere:
> \begin{alignat*}{7}
>  & \text{maximize } & z= &  & 2x_{1} &  & + &  & 3x_{2} &  & + &  & 4x_{3}\\
>  & \text{subject to: } &  &  & 44x_{1} &  &  &  &  &  & + &  & 50x_{3} &
> \ge900\\
>  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & \llap{\ensuremath{x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}}} &
> \ge0
> \end{alignat*}
> Paul

Re: LyX and references

2009-09-02 Thread rgheck

On 09/02/2009 10:06 AM, Alessio Maria Braccini wrote:
I apologize I have not been clear. I try to clarify things with the 
following list:

* (Surname1 e Surname2, year) -> I get this in LyX;

This is set by the interface language: If you menus are in Italian, so 
will this be. So far as I know, LyX cannot change how it translates such 
things as "and" here based upon the document language. But maybe I am wrong.

* (Surname1 & Surname2, year) -> I get this in the output;

This is controlled by your citation style and has nothing to do with LyX 
as such.

* (Surname1 and Surname2, year) -> I would like to get this in the
  output and in LyX (if possible).

So you can have it in the output using a different citation style, but 
only in LyX if you change the interface language to English.


Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* Paul A. Rubin wrote, On 02/09/09 15:57:
> I understand there are some concerns about tampering with the subject
> line (and what happens when replies and forwards occur).
> What about creating a LyX-specific header (X-LyX: userlist or X-LyX:
> developerlist or whatever)?  Will the list mailer (and GMANE, which is
> where I get my feed) support custom headers?  It's easy enough to filter
> on them in any mail client I've used.

Alas, not on my mail server. I can filter on many standard headers (like
List-ID) but not any custom header.


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Julio Rojas wrote:

Thanks, I've already done that, but no option seems to be of help. I'm
trying to put an integer programing model and every restriction should
be numbered and aligned like:

Maximize Z  (1)
Subject to:
Z=sum(Xi) (2)
Xi+Xj<=1   for all i,j in P, i:

Julio Rojas  writes:

Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
equation array? Or some rows from an array?
Julio Rojas

Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
19.3 and/or 19.4.


Actually, I think what you want is in section 19.1.  Inside an equation 
array environment, Alt-m n toggles numbering of the entire array 
(separate number on each line), while Alt-m Shift-n toggles numbering of 
just the line the cursor occupies.

BTW, I too write integer programs.  A while back I came across a 
reference to an article ("Avoid eqnarray!" by Lars Madsen, The PracTeX 
Journal #4, 2006) that claims that eqnarray is somehow evil.  The 
complaints are mainly about spacing (including the possibility that 
equation numbers are overwritten or crowded off the line).  He 
recommends AMS math environments or the mathenv package.  Then again, I 
came across a post on sci.op-research that as I recall advocated eqnarray.

Anyway, here's an alternative I found somewhere:

 & \text{maximize } & z= &  & 2x_{1} &  & + &  & 3x_{2} &  & + &  & 
 & \text{subject to: } &  &  & 44x_{1} &  &  &  &  &  & + &  & 50x_{3} 
& \ge900\\
 &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  &  & 
\llap{\ensuremath{x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}}} & \ge0



Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Delta moins wrote:

Hello everybody,
I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised about one thing : 
there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people "this comes from the Lyx 
users list". It's very messing because you cannot filter the mails efficiently. In 
addition sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to link with Lyx so organising the mail 
box is not so easy.
I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if people 
that send mail should add something like I've done for example manually.
It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
It was just a remark to improve this list.

I understand there are some concerns about tampering with the subject 
line (and what happens when replies and forwards occur).

What about creating a LyX-specific header (X-LyX: userlist or X-LyX: 
developerlist or whatever)?  Will the list mailer (and GMANE, which is 
where I get my feed) support custom headers?  It's easy enough to filter 
on them in any mail client I've used.


Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 10:44:00AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> I agree with you and have been saying so for years. But even the Mailman 
> software suggest replies go to the individual instead of the list. So much 
> for> collaboration.

Mailman might be relying on the faint hope that mail user agents
actually used the List-Post header for a "reply-to-list" function.
Mailman doesn't prevent that.

What mailman is suggesting is that you not set the Reply-To header to
the list.  The reason for that is because if list participants have
already set the Reply-To, a new Reply-To set by the list overwrites
the original mailer's Reply-To, and information is thereby lost.

My mail user agent (mutt) binds the "l" key to "reply-to-list", so
that when I want to reply just to the list, as in this case, I can.
Part of the reason I continue to use mutt on my Mac, despite some
inconveniences I've experienced under OS X 10.5, is this list-reply
feature, which I find very helpful (and which Apple Mail doesn't

I suspect we're well off-topic for this list now, however, so I'll
shut up.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 02 September 2009 04:53:28 A B wrote:

> I thought it was an unwritte rule: reply to the list, not the list AND
> an explicit email adress (unless they ask to) Or have I got this
> completly wrong?

You're somewhat wrong. On many mailing lists, the custom is to reply to the 
list and also to the individual, thereby creating the equivalent of junk mail. 
It's ugly. Me, I just leave my "reply to" blank and let the list handle it.

> Sending a personal reply on a question that might interest more people
> on the list is not optmal.

I agree with you and have been saying so for years. But even the Mailman 
software suggest replies go to the individual instead of the list. So much for 


Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 02 September 2009 04:33:07 Sam Liddicott wrote:
> * Delta moins wrote, On 02/09/09 09:28:
> > Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
> > If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.
> You're not the only one. I heartily wish it had a list-id header.
> Sam

I'm on about 10 or 15 mailing lists, and the LyX mailing lists are the only 
ones that don't have something like [LyX-Users] in the subject.


Re: LyX and references

2009-09-02 Thread Piero

> There must be some problems linked to the language settings because  
> the "e" is the italian word for "and". I have checked and the language  
> of my document is set to english. What shall I do to force the "e" to  
> and "and"?

Ciao Alessio
- did you check in Documento - [Settings] - Lingua is "english"?
- Did you specify some italian option in some babel package in the preamble?
- Did you copy-paste the text from an italian doc?


Latex export and "input" inserts

2009-09-02 Thread Renaud Lacour

I am working on a Lyx document using Lyx 1.6.4 in which several tex
documents (pstricks pictures) were inserted as "input" (not "include",
as this didn't work in subfigures). I would like to export the whole Lyx
document in Latex, however, Lyx wants to overwrite the first insert,
disabling me to save the exported document in another file.

How to cope with this?


Renaud Lacour 

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Manveru
2009/9/2 Murray Eisenberg :
> I agree with the O.P. on this. This is something that, surely, is easily
> fixed at the server end, so that each message going out from the server has,
> say, "[LyX]" prepended to the subject.

There is many voices in favour of such feature. But not a lot of
people vote against. If may I suggest, maybe someone can create a
poll/survey for LyX users list subscribers.

 gg: 1624001

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Murray Eisenberg
I agree with the O.P. on this. This is something that, surely, is easily 
fixed at the server end, so that each message going out from the server 
has, say, "[LyX]" prepended to the subject.

Many other mailing lists do this. There should be no need for the 
subscribers to have to filter.

Manveru wrote:

2009/9/2 Delta moins :

Hello everybody,
I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised about one thing : 
there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people "this comes from the Lyx 
users list". It's very messing because you cannot filter the mails efficiently. In 
addition sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to link with Lyx so organising the mail 
box is not so easy.
I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if people 
that send mail should add something like I've done for example manually.
It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
It was just a remark to improve this list.

Just sort or filter your e-mails by From: field from header of your
mails. All e-mail clients support this. At least all good e-mail

Murray Eisenberg
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower  phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Streetfax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

Re: LyX and references

2009-09-02 Thread rgheck

On 09/02/2009 08:58 AM, Alessio Maria Braccini wrote:

Hi to all,
I am using LyX for Mac and I use BibDesk to store bibliography. I 
would like to insert references into a LyX document directly from 
BibDesk so I have succesfully inserted the bibliography into the 
document I am working on. I am using apalike2 as citation style 
(because I want the surname year citation format). Everything works 
fine, I have just one small problem. My system (and LyX as well), is 
in Italian, while I am writing and english document. In each and every 
reference that has two authors, I get a reference fomatted in this way:

(Surname1 e Surname2, year)

while I would like to have:

(Surname1 and Surname2, year)

There must be some problems linked to the language settings because 
the "e" is the italian word for "and". I have checked and the language 
of my document is set to english. What shall I do to force the "e" to 
and "and"?

Are you getting this in LyX or in the output?


Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* Andrew Sullivan wrote, On 02/09/09 14:10:
> On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:38:02AM +0100, Sam Liddicott wrote:
>> The Delivered-To: header is not the same as the list-id header - I'm
>> more interested in how the message reached me (via the list or not),
>> Delivered-To: signifies something else, and my mail server does not
>> support it.
> In another message, I referred to that, and I think I'd incorrectly
> believed there's a List-Id header on this list.  You're right that
> there isn't.
> But you can cheat.  The list _does_ provide RFC2369 headers, and
> they're just as good for this purpose.  Evidently that's what I'm
> doing, since this all sorts nicely for me.

yeah; sadly Citadel mail server has support for list-id, but not the rest.


Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:38:02AM +0100, Sam Liddicott wrote:
> The Delivered-To: header is not the same as the list-id header - I'm
> more interested in how the message reached me (via the list or not),
> Delivered-To: signifies something else, and my mail server does not
> support it.

In another message, I referred to that, and I think I'd incorrectly
believed there's a List-Id header on this list.  You're right that
there isn't.

But you can cheat.  The list _does_ provide RFC2369 headers, and
they're just as good for this purpose.  Evidently that's what I'm
doing, since this all sorts nicely for me.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 08:11:26AM +, Delta moins wrote:

> that tell people "this comes from the Lyx users list". It's very
> messing because you cannot filter the mails efficiently. 

Yes, you can.  This is what List-*: headers are for.  This very topic
came up not a month ago on this list.

Almost every mail list in the world now uses the List-*: headers,
which were standardised by the IETF exactly so that list management
could be easier and more automated.  In the unlikely event you want
more details, please see RFC 2919, .

Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.

LyX and references

2009-09-02 Thread Alessio Maria Braccini

Hi to all,
I am using LyX for Mac and I use BibDesk to store bibliography. I  
would like to insert references into a LyX document directly from  
BibDesk so I have succesfully inserted the bibliography into the  
document I am working on. I am using apalike2 as citation style  
(because I want the surname year citation format). Everything works  
fine, I have just one small problem. My system (and LyX as well), is  
in Italian, while I am writing and english document. In each and every  
reference that has two authors, I get a reference fomatted in this way:

(Surname1 e Surname2, year)

while I would like to have:

(Surname1 and Surname2, year)

There must be some problems linked to the language settings because  
the "e" is the italian word for "and". I have checked and the language  
of my document is set to english. What shall I do to force the "e" to  
and "and"?

Thank you very much for your attention.

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Ethan Metsger
On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 04:40:44 -0400, Sam Liddicott   

Your message has:
From: "Manveru" 
which is not helpful.

I've been using Opera mail for a long time, which automatically sorts out  
mailing list mail.  But I note the following headers:

Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm

It should be possible to look at any one of them to decide that you're  
dealing with LyX-related mail; if you don't receive it from the mailing  
list, presumably these headers should be missing, and you'll have it in  
the main inbox (or other filter of your choice).



Re: Matlab eps files display problem

2009-09-02 Thread Hauser Helmut

Thank you Uwe and Mukhtar for your respones.
Lately I have been suggested to use the tool "convert" of ImageMagick 
after saving the Matlab figure

to solve this issue...and it works!

For everyone who has the same problem, here is little peace of matlab 
code to do the job

(assuming Linux and ImageMagick is installed) - feel free to use it.

e.g. save_valid_eps(gcf,'my_figure')   saves the current figure to 

function [] = save_valid_eps(handle,name)
% saves the figure (gcf) in a valid eps format
% using "convert" from ImageMagick
% input:handlefigure handle (e.g. gcf)
%   name   name of the file (maybe including the whole 

% NOTE: ImageMagick is needed! (using convert

% save figure first in a temporary file
% psc2 -> colored eps

%  convert it with convert from ImageMagick
unix(['convert TEMPORARY_',name,'.eps  ',name,'.eps'])
% remove temporary eps file
unix(['rm -f TEMPORARY_',name,'.eps']);


Hauser Helmut wrote:
I have a problem with eps files produced with Matlab 7.4 (export 
figures to eps)

(Note: With the older versions of Matlab this did not occur)

The problem is that it is not displayed properly on the lyx screen. It 
looks somehow distorted and only in black and white. Interestingly in 
the final ps or pdf file it looks correctly.

I guess the problem is in the matlab eps export (so no lyx problem), 
but maybe someone has stumbled over this problem and knows a solution.



Helmut Hauser
Institute for Theoretical Computer Sciences
Technische Universitaet Graz
Inffeldgasse 16b, I
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: + 43 316 873-5821
Fax: + 43 316 873-5805

Re: \...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx

2009-09-02 Thread Tariq Abdullah

Hi Vincent,


I get the following 4 errors due to above Lyx inserted code into my tex 

you can't use \spacefactor in vertical mode
Error-1 Description:


Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;

I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.

If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to

return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.

Missing $ inserted
Error-2 Description:


I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think

you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.

Latex error: Missing \begin{document}.

Error-3 Description:


You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed.

If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

Missing $ inserted
Error-4 Description:

I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think

you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.

When I comment the tex code, as shown in the following lines, in WinEdt, 
my file is compiled and I obtain the correct PDF file

% \PassOptionsToPackage{caption=false}{subfig}}

Tariq Abdullah

Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:

Lyx inserts the following tex code when using the subfig package.
The code prompts Lyx to generate an error and I can't create the 
DVI-->PDF file from Lyx.






Does anybody know how to solve this error OR how to
restrict Lyx to not insert this piece of tex code?

This line is added to guard against a user that has manually included
the caption package in the preamble.

What's the error then ? It shouldn't give an error.


Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Wednesday 02 September 2009 schrieb Sam Liddicott:
> * Kornel Benko wrote, On 02/09/09 10:33:
> > Am Wednesday 02 September 2009 schrieb Sam Liddicott:
> >> * Delta moins wrote, On 02/09/09 09:28:
> >>> Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
> >>> If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.
> >>
> >> You're not the only one. I heartily wish it had a list-id header.
> > 
> > It has, I am using this one:
> > Delivered-To: mailing list
> The Delivered-To: header is not the same as the list-id header - I'm
> more interested in how the message reached me (via the list or not),
> Delivered-To: signifies something else, and my mail server does not
> support it.

In this list it is indication of sending via the

> Sam


Kornel Benko

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

RE: \...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx

2009-09-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Lyx inserts the following tex code when using the subfig package.
>The code prompts Lyx to generate an error and I can't create the 
>DVI-->PDF file from Lyx.
>Does anybody know how to solve this error OR how to
>restrict Lyx to not insert this piece of tex code?

This line is added to guard against a user that has manually included
the caption package in the preamble.

What's the error then ? It shouldn't give an error.


\...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx

2009-09-02 Thread Tariq Abdullah

Hi Lyx developrs & users ,

Lyx inserts the following tex code when using the subfig package.
The code prompts Lyx to generate an error and I can't create the 
DVI-->PDF file from Lyx.






Does anybody know how to solve this error OR how to restrict Lyx to not 
insert this piece of tex code?

Tariq Abdullah

Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Helge Hafting

Delta moins wrote:

Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.

There are more who wants this, but also quite a few who don't want it. 
The mail can be sorted by other headers than "Subject".
Once the lyx mailing list arrives in a folder of its own anyway, having 
"[LyX] in every subject becomes somewhat irritating.

Helge Hafting

Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* Kornel Benko wrote, On 02/09/09 10:33:
> Am Wednesday 02 September 2009 schrieb Sam Liddicott:
>> * Delta moins wrote, On 02/09/09 09:28:
>>> Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
>>> If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.
>> You're not the only one. I heartily wish it had a list-id header.
> It has, I am using this one:
> Delivered-To: mailing list

The Delivered-To: header is not the same as the list-id header - I'm
more interested in how the message reached me (via the list or not),
Delivered-To: signifies something else, and my mail server does not
support it.


Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Julio Rojas
Thanks, I've already done that, but no option seems to be of help. I'm
trying to put an integer programing model and every restriction should
be numbered and aligned like:

Maximize Z  (1)
Subject to:
Z=sum(Xi) (2)
Xi+Xj<=1   for all i,j in P, i:
> Julio Rojas  writes:
>> Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
>> equation array? Or some rows from an array?
>> -
>> Julio Rojas
>> jcredbe...@...
> Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
> find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
> 19.3 and/or 19.4.
> IG

Re: Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Ignacio García
Julio Rojas  writes:

> Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
> equation array? Or some rows from an array?
> -
> Julio Rojas
> jcredbe...@...

Please have a look at Help>Math (or Ecuaciones) where you can
find a very fine description of this issue in the section 19,
19.3 and/or 19.4.


Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Wednesday 02 September 2009 schrieb Sam Liddicott:
> * Delta moins wrote, On 02/09/09 09:28:
> > Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
> > If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.
> You're not the only one. I heartily wish it had a list-id header.

It has, I am using this one:
Delivered-To: mailing list

> Sam


Kornel Benko

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

offtopic Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* A B wrote, On 02/09/09 09:53:
>> Your message has:
>> From: "Manveru" 
>> which is not helpful.
>> I'm currently sorting based on To: or Cc: having
>> which sadly also selects messages that were emailed to me.
>> I'll have to have my sorting rules like this:
>> 1. sort all list-id mailing lists
>> 2. select all messages To: or Cc: me
>> 3. sort all To: Cc: mailing lists
>> and that still won't catch Bcc messages to me (or Lyx).
>> So I just sort based on to or cc and swear and cuss from time to time
>> about the Lyx mailing list not supporting list-id header; and generally
>> fail to notice messages also sent directly to me as it's a thread I'm
>> involved in.
>> Sam
> The subject can be messed up when some programs keep adding Re: or
>  to the subject and the id
> header has to be added by the list server because there are those that
> forget to add the header.

sure, list-id should be added by the list server.

> I thought it was an unwritte rule: reply to the list, not the list AND
> an explicit email adress (unless they ask to) Or have I got this
> completly wrong?

Unwritten rules aren't rules; I generally do reply-to-all which is the
natural way to reply to all people. For most of my mailing lists it
means that the named recipients get their message from me, and the
mailing list suppresses the message to them as they are already listed
in the Cc or To headers -- although some mailing lists don't do that.

> Sending a personal reply on a question that might interest more people
> on the list is not optmal.

For sure, I don't generally do that.


Equation Array

2009-09-02 Thread Julio Rojas
Dear all, is there a way to individually label some equations of an
equation array? Or some rows from an array?
Julio Rojas

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread A B
> Your message has:
> From: "Manveru" 
> which is not helpful.
> I'm currently sorting based on To: or Cc: having
> which sadly also selects messages that were emailed to me.
> I'll have to have my sorting rules like this:
> 1. sort all list-id mailing lists
> 2. select all messages To: or Cc: me
> 3. sort all To: Cc: mailing lists
> and that still won't catch Bcc messages to me (or Lyx).
> So I just sort based on to or cc and swear and cuss from time to time
> about the Lyx mailing list not supporting list-id header; and generally
> fail to notice messages also sent directly to me as it's a thread I'm
> involved in.
> Sam

The subject can be messed up when some programs keep adding Re: or
 to the subject and the id
header has to be added by the list server because there are those that
forget to add the header.

I thought it was an unwritte rule: reply to the list, not the list AND
an explicit email adress (unless they ask to) Or have I got this
completly wrong?
Sending a personal reply on a question that might interest more people
on the list is not optmal.

Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* Manveru wrote, On 02/09/09 09:18:
> 2009/9/2 Delta moins :
>> Hello everybody,
>> I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised 
>> about one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people 
>> "this comes from the Lyx users list". It's very messing because you cannot 
>> filter the mails efficiently. In addition sometimes, mail subject is not so 
>> easy to link with Lyx so organising the mail box is not so easy.
>> I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if 
>> people that send mail should add something like I've done for example 
>> manually.
>> It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
>> It was just a remark to improve this list.
> Just sort or filter your e-mails by From: field from header of your
> mails. All e-mail clients support this. At least all good e-mail
> clients.

Your message has:

From: "Manveru" 

which is not helpful.

I'm currently sorting based on To: or Cc: having
which sadly also selects messages that were emailed to me.

I'll have to have my sorting rules like this:

1. sort all list-id mailing lists
2. select all messages To: or Cc: me
3. sort all To: Cc: mailing lists

and that still won't catch Bcc messages to me (or Lyx).

So I just sort based on to or cc and swear and cuss from time to time
about the Lyx mailing list not supporting list-id header; and generally
fail to notice messages also sent directly to me as it's a thread I'm
involved in.


Re: Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Sam Liddicott
* Delta moins wrote, On 02/09/09 09:28:
> Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
> If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.

You're not the only one. I heartily wish it had a list-id header.


Flip x and y axis when importing tables?

2009-09-02 Thread Piero
Hello, this is a bit off-topic, maybe, but someone may help me.
 Anyway, I need to import data tables from MS Access queries to plain LyX 
 This data should be imported with the special copy & paste tool, but I need to 
flip between the x and y axis, i.e. lines should become rows, and rows should 
become lines (roughly as if seen in a mirror standing on the page form top-left 
to bottom-right of it). E.G.


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 


1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

Which is the smartest way to do it? Thanks H.

Re : [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Delta moins
Ok I knew this solution and yeah it works. I will use it.
If I'm the only for who an explicit mail subject lacks it's ok.

De : Manveru 
À : Delta moins 
Cc :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 2 Septembre 2009, 10h18mn 35s
Objet : Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009/9/2 Delta moins :
> Hello everybody,
> I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised about 
> one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people "this 
> comes from the Lyx users list". It's very messing because you cannot filter 
> the mails efficiently. In addition sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to 
> link with Lyx so organising the mail box is not so easy.
> I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if 
> people that send mail should add something like I've done for example 
> manually.
> It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
> It was just a remark to improve this list.

Just sort or filter your e-mails by From: field from header of your
mails. All e-mail clients support this. At least all good e-mail

 gg: 1624001


Re: [Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Manveru
2009/9/2 Delta moins :
> Hello everybody,
> I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised about 
> one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people "this 
> comes from the Lyx users list". It's very messing because you cannot filter 
> the mails efficiently. In addition sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to 
> link with Lyx so organising the mail box is not so easy.
> I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if 
> people that send mail should add something like I've done for example 
> manually.
> It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
> It was just a remark to improve this list.

Just sort or filter your e-mails by From: field from header of your
mails. All e-mail clients support this. At least all good e-mail

 gg: 1624001

[Lyx] explicit mail subject

2009-09-02 Thread Delta moins
Hello everybody,
I'm registred to this mailing list for few weeks and I'm very surprised about 
one thing : there is no keyword in the mail subject that tell people "this 
comes from the Lyx users list". It's very messing because you cannot filter the 
mails efficiently. In addition sometimes, mail subject is not so easy to link 
with Lyx so organising the mail box is not so easy.
I don't know if it should be done automaticaly by the list system or if people 
that send mail should add something like I've done for example manually.
It's a pity because informations in the mails are often very interesting :-)
It was just a remark to improve this list.