Re: Enumerated list

1999-03-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Alexander" == Alexander Stasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alexander> Can anybody tell me how to get a list of the following
Alexander> type: (i) Case one.  (ii) Case two.  (iii) Case three.  ...
Alexander> That is, each item enumerated by small roman figures inside
Alexander> a pair of braces. I want to use this, e.g. in a theorem
Alexander> environment.

If you add
to your LaTeX preamble, you should get the desired effect for all

Hope this helps.

Re: curly quote replacement

1999-03-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "John" == John Wetterau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> Hi all, have converted to Linux & Lyx from Windows & Word,
John> FOREVER. I imported a novel that I'm writing--passed it through
John> dos2unix successfully. But (always the but) Word converted curly
John> quotes (left and right) to typewriter straight quotes. Newbie
John> question: how can I replace them? I could replace blank,
John> straight quote with blank, left curly quote, and then replace
John> the remaining straight quotes with right curly quote, but I
John> don't know how to get the curly quote into the replace
John> window. Is it possible?  

Unfortunately, this is not possible right now. The only way would be
to do the replacement on the plain text you got from word with any
good text editor.


Re: Problems compiling lyx-1.0.1

1999-03-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ramon" == Ramon Flores Seijas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ramon> Hi, I am trying to compile lyx-1.0.1 in a Sparcstation with
Ramon> linux (Redhad 5.2). But I have some problems.

Ramon> First I ran configure, without problems. But when I ran make
Ramon> the following error messages appears:

It seems to be a problem with your gettext installation. You might try
to configure with --with-included-gettext and see whether it helps.


Re: Preserving Tables in LinuxDoc

1999-03-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Hugh" == Hugh Caley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hugh> Is there any way to preserve a table when a Lyx doc is converted
Hugh> to SGML Linuxdoc?

As far as I know, linuxdoc does not support tables. This means there
is not much we can do about it, unfortunately.


Re: layout/separation

1999-03-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Robyn" == Robyn Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robyn> Layout-> Separation lets you have "Indent" *or* "Skip".  I would like
Robyn> this possible?

You can set both values in the LaTeX preamble, like

\setlength{\parindent}{1in} % this is the indentation
\setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} % this is the skip

I suggest that you set indent in the Layout->Paragraph popup and set
\parskip in the preamble. Do not use a fixed width here, it would
cause problems to LaTeX's page-breaking algorithm.


Re: Memo style?

1999-03-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nbecker> Has anyone made a memo style?  I have a LaTeX memo style.
nbecker> How can I use something like it in LyX?

nbecker> Basically it is an add-on package to use with any other, such
nbecker> as article that defines a \makecover to produce the Subject:,
nbecker> To:, From: lines at the top of the memo.

The easiest way is to replace the usual title commands with the memo
commands (I guess you do not need Title, Author and Date,
right?). Commands which should go before \maketitle are identified by
  InTitle 1
tag in their description. They should be first in the file, and
\maketitle is issued after the last one. Since you do not want
\maketitle but \makecover, you should make the two equal. For that,

  \usepackage{memo} % or whatever name

These lines will be added to the LaTeX file automatically.

I hope this helps. Tell me if you cannot make sense out of these


Re: x window problem

1999-03-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Prof" == Prof Dr Artur Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Prof> Hi,

Prof> I use Lyx 1.0.1 and have compiled with success!  After starting
Prof> I get the message

Prof> ./src/lyx BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) IOT trap/Abort

Prof> What is to do ?

That's strange... I guess from your mail headers that you are running
with Linux 2.0.33. What display depth are you using (number of
colors)? Do you get something on screen?


Re: LateX to Lyx

1999-03-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Prof" == Prof Dr Artur Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Prof> Hi,


Prof> is there any possibility to convert and LaTeX file into Lyx
Prof> format?

Try File->Import->LaTeX. To do it by hand (to fine-tune the
result), you can use the script 'reLyX' (do 'man reLyX for details).


PS: please configure netscape so that it stops to send a duplicate of
your messages in HTML. It is a bit annoying for those of us who do not
use netscape to read e-mail.

Re: lyx-1.0.1 compilation

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reynald" == Reynald Affeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reynald> Hi, When compiling lyx-1.0.0 and the related stuff last
Reynald> month, I hadn't any problem. I have decided to upgrade to
Reynald> lyx-1.0.1 and that happened :(

Reynald> make[1]: Entering directory
Reynald> `/home/users/user_dir/download/lyx-1.0.1/src' g++ -c -g -O2
Reynald> -I. -I. -I../images -I/home/users/user_dir/include
Reynald> -I/usr/local/X11R6.4/include lyxserver.C /usr/ccs/bin/as:
Reynald> "/var/tmp/ccgnl7kK.s", line 8558: error: constant value must
Reynald> be between -4096 and 4095 make[1]: *** [lyxserver.o] Error 1
Reynald> make[1]: Leaving directory
Reynald> `/home/users/user_dir/download/lyx-1.0.1/src' make: *** [all]
Reynald> Error 1

Reynald> I am rather new to the computer thing and I really don't know
Reynald> what to do.

Unfortunately, the problem seems to be in the generated assembly
language. So this is either a bug in the compiler or a bug in the
assembler. Since we do not know which C++ code line is the culprit, I
can't really help there. Moreover, the code in lyxserver.C did not
change between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1...

Are you sure you did compile with the same flags as 1.0.0 and that
your system has not changed since then?


Re: algorithm.sty has to be included manually

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Peter" == Peter Suetterlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
>> This is related to the way LaTeX works, and not to LyX.

Peter> Correct, but wrong.

Peter> "algorithm float" is a valid inset within LyX, you can select
Peter> it via menu.  So LyX has to take care that the relevant
Peter> packages get included in the preamble, not the user.  It does
Peter> so e.g. for "graphics" if you use eps-figures.

Peter> It is a bug.

Yes the code for adding \usepackage{algorithm} is missing... I am in
the process of fixing this.


Re: Algorithm

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Steffen" == Steffen Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steffen> I included '\usepackage{algorithm}' as Christoph Appel
Steffen> described and it worked. Unfortunately the label of the
Steffen> caption was still in english although the language of the
Steffen> document is german.

This is a problem with the algorithm.sty package. I do not know how to
fix this. Maybe someone familiar with this package could comment?

BTW, I just checked in a fix that will appear in 1.0.2 and make it
unnecessary to add \usepackage{algorithm}.


Re: Algorithm

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Steffen" == Steffen Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steffen> Hi Jean-Marc,

Steffen> I just checked the algorithm-package. One must redefine the
Steffen> floatnames by the following commands:
Steffen> \floatname{algorith}{newname}
Steffen> \newcommand{\listalgorithmname}{newname} Wouldn't it be
Steffen> better when LyX could change the labels automatically?

The problem is that LyX does not know the translation of 'algorithm'
in all possible languages. In general, it is the babel package which
is responsible for this, but I guess it does not have correct support
for algorithm.sty. We'll try to find a solution in next version but in
the meantime that right solution is to add some commands in the


Re: x window problem

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Andreas" == Andreas Jahnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andreas> I have got the same Problem.  I am running Lyx on different
Andreas> computers. All of them are (updated) Suse 6.0 intel
Andreas> maschines. The problem is only on one of the maschines.  If
Andreas> you start the application lyx comes up with the full (and
Andreas> korrekt) window. Then ist crashes directly.

Andreas> I had tryed to figure out somethink with the debugger, but
Andreas> there was no time to do sirious thinks.

Andreas> I guess that it is a xforms problem, but I havn't seen that
Andreas> before. My xforms version is .88. I think that is OK.

Andreas> Any suggestions how to proceed?

Is your xforms package for libc6 (aka glibc)? You can see this by
doing 'ldd lyx' on your newly compiled lyx binary.


Re: v1.0 on alpha fails with cannot map

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "William" == William M Connolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William> I'm trying to upgrade from v0.12 (which kept on crashing on
William> tables) to 1.0, but 1.0 fails to run, with:

William> /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map

William> any ideas?

William> This is on dec unix v4.0b (probably).

William> I'm running from the binary picked up from

Obvious question: do you have xforms 0.88 installed on your system? If
not, you'll have to grab it from


Re: Suggestion/Question: counting words

1999-03-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Mark" == Mark van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> I wonder if it is possible to counter the number of words in
Mark> lyx.

Mark> One can use something like 'dvi2tty dvifile |wc' or 'ps2ascii
Mark> psfile |wc' But often one wants to count words in a certain
Mark> section only.

You will get it at the end of a spellcheck session.


Re: Why are view/update dvi/postscript menuitems dimmed? (Lyx 1.0 Solaris)

1999-03-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ramon" == Felciano, Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ramon> Hi --

Ramon> I'm a relatively new user to LyX (and TeX novice), and would
Ramon> like to evaluate it for writing some papers. I've installed the
Ramon> precompiled binary for Solaris 2.6. LyX works fine except I
Ramon> cannot print or (pre)view my files -- the dvi and postscript
Ramon> menuitems in the File menu are disabled.

Ramon> I have gs, ghostview and teTeX installed, but not gv. Any
Ramon> suggestions?

I would say that LyX could not detect LaTeX correctly. One reason
might be that, when you installed it as root, latex was not configured
to work correctlyfor the 'root' user. Try to run Option->Reconfigure
and restart LyX.


Re: Memo style?

1999-03-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nbecker> I'm quite familiar with latex, but not with lyx (yet).  When
nbecker> you say "replace the usual title commands with the memo
nbecker> commands", exactly how do I do that?

For an example of a class which extends article.layout and modify it,
you could have a look at paper.layout. Normal title stuff is included
in You probably do not need anything in it, but you
could copy one of the entries (for example Title) and modify it to
suit your needs. It is not difficult to understand what the different
variables mean if you know LaTeX.

Sorry to be so vague, but I am a bit busy now and cannot provide an
explicit example. 


Re: Trouble configuring/compiling 1.0.1

1999-03-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Kevin" == Kevin Chu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kevin> I do have XForms on this system:

>> [root@localhost src]# rpm -q xforms xforms-0.88.1-1

You should install xforms-devel too. I think it is the one which
contains forms.h.


Re: More

1999-03-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Yves" == Yves Bergeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yves> I want to use seminar package (it's a slide package). Where can
Yves> I find informations to know how to use it with lyx (I want also
Yves> to have the good menus for this package) ?  Is there any web
Yves> site where we can find other package for lyx ?  Thanks.  Yves B.

You have to write a textclass for it. The format of these files is
explained in Help->Customization. Currently, LyX supports slides.cls
and foils.cls, but a new textclass would be welcome. I do not know
what is the structure of a seminar document, so I can't tell you how
easy this would be...


Re: innonvienience in theorem env and language

1999-03-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Uwe" == Uwe Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Uwe> Hi I found the following inconvenience. Suppose I want to use the
Uwe> theorem lemma etc environment and suppose I will export and
Uwe> import the file to LaTeX. For this purpose I have to select, as
Uwe> far as I know, the AMS style. This works fine as long as only
Uwe> English is chosen.

Uwe> My question is this inconvenience easy to change??

The only solution I see currently is to make a local copy of the ams*
files and customize them for the language you want. This is not really
simple, but not too difficult.


Re: Printing "comment" lines content

1999-03-24 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Yaneric" == Yaneric Roussel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yaneric> Hi!  I'm using lyx 0.12 (and i love it!)... (I'll upgrade
Yaneric> when i will have the time for it...)

Yaneric> Is it possible to print the text and the "comment" lines (for
Yaneric> a draft) ?

You could try to add in the latex preamble the following magic lines:


Note that I have not tried this.


Re: multiple footnotes in a row

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Robyn" == Robyn Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robyn> I have a section of text that I need to attach multiple
Robyn> footnotes to. i.e.  "Blah blah blah blah blah."foot foot

Robyn> foot source of the quote foot comments about the quote

Robyn> When I do this in LyX, I get:

Robyn> "Blah blah blah blah blah."32 33

Robyn> instead of:

Robyn> "Blah blah blah blah blah."32,33

Robyn> Is there an easy way to have a comma automatically placed
Robyn> between consecutive footnotes, or should I use math mode to add
Robyn> a comma "exponent" between them?

Have a look at the footmisc.sty package, which should do what you


Re: TeX capacity exceeded!

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nbecker> --Multipart_Thu_Mar_25_11:45:05_1999-1 Content-Type:
nbecker> text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

nbecker> This small file causes TeX capacity exceeded (on unix - not a
nbecker> small TeX) when run under LyX - but the same exported TeX
nbecker> file works fine.


Unfortunately I could not test for this problem, since your file needs
iom.sty, which I certainly do not have...


Re: Round brackets with citation reference

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Patrick" == Patrick Zuther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Patrick> Hi all, I am just writing my thesis with lyx (great
Patrick> program). But now I have a problem, which I cannot solve by
Patrick> myself. The style guides at my university require round
Patrick> brackets for citations, instead of the used square ones.
Patrick> Does anybody know how to change this?

Get the package cite.sty, and add the following to your LaTeX


Hope this helps.


Re: compiling lyx

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Pietro" == Pietro Abbati Marescotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pietro> Hi all, I'm new to this list but I'm not new with lyx!  First
Pietro> of all my own congratulations for the way you're keeping on
Pietro> this list!!
Pietro> I decide to write on this ML because I've some problems
Pietro> compiling Lyx 1.0.0 (!!! I know that everyone found it
Pietro> reliable..)
Pietro> when I launch ./configure the output told me that the header
Pietro> 'forms.h' is not available. I used the command 'find / -iname
Pietro> forms.h' that wrote me that I've this header and it is in
Pietro> /usr/include, as in /usr/X11/include.  Thus I try (shouldn't
Pietro> it be the default path?) to launch configure as follow:
Pietro> ./configure --with-extra-inc=/usr/include or -another time- as
Pietro> ./configure --with-extra-inc=/usr/X11/include When configure
Pietro> run it check (as its output wrote) in the directory that I
Pietro> wrote upon, but at the ned nothing changes.


What system are you using? On linux, you might need to install the
kernel sources to be able to compile. Otherwise, you could send the
file config.log (remove config.cache and re-run configure) so that we
can see what is wrong.


Re: TeX capacity exceeded!

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
nbecker> --Multipart_Thu_Mar_25_11:45:05_1999-1 Content-Type:
nbecker> text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

nbecker> This small file causes TeX capacity exceeded (on unix - not a
nbecker> small TeX) when run under LyX - but the same exported TeX
nbecker> file works fine.

I really do not understand where the problem is... All I can say is
that the error occurs in LaTeX error function (!), which is certainly
a LaTeX bug, but I can't tell why there is an error in the first



Re: Inserted text - a bug??

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> To whom it may concern ...  with the package verbatim I
Herbert> insert a lot of programm-sources into a lyx-file.
Herbert> \verbatiminput{}

Herbert> Everything works well until one file. LyX gives no error and
Herbert> makes the postscript-file right to the last page of the
Herbert> specific line in one of the inserted files. When I converted
Herbert> the LyX-file to *.tex and run Latex the following error is
Herbert> the result:

Herbert> ---begin- [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] ! Missing $
Herbert> inserted.   $ l.2141 \listing{listing3-6.txt}
Herbert> ^^M -end-

Herbert> I searched for a while and found out this line produces the
Herbert> error in LaTex and the "error" in LyX:

Herbert>   206 'T' : HoleParameter('µ','a','' ,my,a,rDummy,dt);


Herbert> It was the greek character my, written in quotas. I don't
Herbert> understand why this could be an error. Is it the fact, that
Herbert> my has the unicode-number -75 in Linux, so that the rest of
Herbert> the file is skipped?

Did you specify an input encoding like latin1? What fonts encoding do
you use: OT1 (cm fonts) or T1 (ec fonts)?


Re: Lyx - Binary version IBM RS6000 - AIX4.2

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Michel" == Michel Rixen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Michel> Hi, I'm looking for a binary version of Lyx for an IBM RS6000
Michel> AIX 4.2.  Does anybody know where I could find one?
Michel> Compilation fails because of SIG* definitions in some sources
Michel> (lyx_main.C, ...)  Perhaps the configure step does not
Michel> properly work for my  include???


Could you give us more info? In particular the output of configure and
the error message you get.


Re: Bugs in LyX?

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Florian" == Florian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Florian> Two possible bugs in LyX 1.01: 1) When the section number
Florian> depth is set to zero (in --> Layout-->Document), it's no
Florian> longer possible to use the Table of Contents popup for
Florian> navigation in the document.

It is raher a design flaw: the table of contents is like that to show
what you would have in a real TOC. This is indeed a problem for navigation.

Florian> 2) When searching and replacing a string with a leading space
Florian> (like: search pattern " --- ", replace pattern "---", hit on
Florian> 'replace all' button), the leading space is not being
Florian> replaced.

This is a known problem, which will unfortunately not be solved right


Re: Lyx 1.0.1 preview etc.

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Risto" == Risto Kuusisto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Risto> The program crashes every time i try to do something like that.
Risto> E.g in the case of preview i get the message, that Lyx isn't
Risto> able to go to the directory /tmp/...(something) and then it's
Risto> over. I have checked that the tmp-directory in question
Risto> actually exists (after the execution of Lyx). I've also checked
Risto> the rights of the directories and they seem to be OK, also in
Risto> the case of /home/risto/.lyx .  From the command-line interface
Risto> i can see also, that Lyx suggetst that i've found a bug
Risto> (somewhere i saw a number 138) from the program, but i suspect
Risto> that there's something in the installation.

I've seen this kind of problems with badly configured linux
systems. You could check that 

1/ your xforms library is effectlively for libc6 (and not libc5): you
can see that by doing a 'ldd lyx'

2/ your C library (libc6 aka glibc2) is new enough

Hope this helps.


Re: Inserting figures broken?

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Brian" == Brian Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian>When I attempt to insert figures, they always appear at the
Brian> top-leftmost corner of the page. I'd say this is broken. Has
Brian> this been fixed in a recent snapshot?

Do you mean on the screen or on paper? In the later case, this is a
LaTeX feature that you can tweak in Layout->Document (Float Placement)
by entering a list of letters among

h : here, just where the figure is inserted
t : at the top of a page
b : at the bottom of a page
p : on a page by itself

The default value for this string is 'tbp'. Note that if you try to
obtain figure just where you inserted them, you will get the same kind
of broken result that word offers, with bad page breaks and half empty
pages here and there because there was not enough room on a page.

Hope this helps.


Re: Inserting figures broken?

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Brian" == Brian Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian> You certainly did help! Now I'm using 'hb', so it's working in
Brian> that respect.  However, I'm having trouble with trying to label
Brian> things, such as "Figure 5.0" How's that supposed to be done?
Brian> Thanks in advance.

You can use the Caption layout for that. But I'm not sure that I
understood what your question is...


Re: Inserted text - a bug??

1999-04-08 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> I need the german package, so I specified latin1-encoding.
Herbert> Also I use OT1.

Herbert> From my point of view it's a problem with verbatim.sty. But I'm not
Herbert> an expert in reading and understanding those tex-files.

Yes, the problem is probably in there. However, it is not mentionned
in the documentation. You could prehaps ask in a TeX newsgroup...


Re: Chemical formulas

1999-04-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Brian" == Brian Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian> On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Brian Feldman wrote:
>> How do I do such things as superscript and subscript, especiall for
>> doing chemical formulas? I can't seem to find anything for a
>> subscript-type mode in math mode, could it be there anyway?

Brian> Sorry, I just found math-index ;)

... which you can get with _ (and superscript is ^).


Re: Citation references

1999-04-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ramon" == Ramon Flores Seijas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ramon> Hi, When I make several citation references at the same time
Ramon> they appear separated in the text. Something like:

Ramon> as we can see [1][2][3][6][15][16][17]

Ramon> But I need that they appear joined, like:

Ramon> as wee can see [1-3,6,15-17]

You have two things to do: 

1/ add all your citations in the same inset, separated with
commas. This will give you
  as we can see [1,2,3,6,15,16,17]

2/ get (if you do not already have it) the cite.sty package from
   and add \usepackage{cite} in Layout->LaTeX_Preamble. Then you will
   get the wanted result. Note that cite.sty takes care of sorting the
   keys, too.

Hope this helps.


Re: latex to lyx

1999-04-09 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Eduardo" == Eduardo M A M Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eduardo> Hi again Would somebody tell me what the following error
Eduardo> messages mean?

It probably means that reLyX got confused when reading your LaTeX
file... Could you post your file, or at least a shortened version
exhibiting your problem?


Re: extra titlepage?

1999-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Nico" == Nico Beuermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nico> Hello, using the article class with my thesis, now i've noticed
Nico> the difficulty to create a seperate titlepage without page
Nico> numbering.  To seperate the title the pagebreak command works,
Nico> but the paging is wrong.  What can i do? Is there any helpful
Nico> LaTex thing?

Try to add 'titlepage' in the Extra Option field of
Layout->Document. This should put your title in a page by itself. You
might not like the result for a thesis, though.


Re: hotkeys

1999-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Nuoo-Ting" == Nuoo-Ting Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nuoo-Ting> To Everyone, Is there anyway to assign "hotkeys" in Lyx?
Nuoo-Ting> In other words, I want the type something like "Ctrl-a" and
Nuoo-Ting> get an alpha on the screen (\alpha in LaTex).

You can try in your lyxrc something like
\bind "C-a" "math-insert alpha"

Note that I have not tried it at all... Have a look at
Help->Customization for more help, and to the files in the lib.bind
directory to have an idea of what bindings exist and how they work.

Hope this help.


Re: Chapter heading & International problem

1999-04-12 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Alex" == Alex G Pamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alex> My first problem is, changing the heading in the chapter
Alex> heading. I'm writing my document in report type and when I
Alex> select Chapter type for my text it puts automatically "Chapter
Alex> [Chapter Number]" text on the chapter heading. But my document
Alex> is in Turkish (which is supported by lyx, by the way it has the
Alex> best support for this language among all of the word processors
Alex> for Linux, better than Wordperfect 8.0 and StarOffice 5.0) and I
Alex> have to write "Bolum"(the Turkish word for Chapter) instead of
Alex> "Chapter". I tried to change the definition in
Alex> but although the change is shown in the screen, the PS output
Alex> contains "Chapter". I think (from the limited knowledge I have
Alex> about lyx & latex) the problem is about some latex thing, but I
Alex> don't know how to do it.

You should set the language to 'turkish' in Layout->Document.

Alex>  My other problem is about hyphenation, because lyx sometimes
Alex> can't hyphenate correctly in Turkish, although it is the best
Alex> among others.  But I can solve it with manual hyphenation points
Alex> or turning it off completely. Consider this paragraph as a bug
Alex> report about Turkish hyphenation .

The above hint should work too if your LaTeX has turkish hyphenation

Alex> And my most important problem, Lyx (and also Wordperfect 8.0,
Alex> but not Staroffice 5.0) sometimes (mostly in long documents >10
Alex> page) make spacing errors in the first or second line of some
Alex> pages of the document. In some pages of the document, which are
Alex> mainly the pages which doesn't have a chapter, section, or likes
Alex> on the top of the page, mostly the first but sometimes the
Alex> second line of the page (only one of them not two together)
Alex> doesn't fit to the right margin and go off the page from the
Alex> right. 

LaTeX does that when it cannot find a good point where to break a
line,   whereas   Word   would   just   add   large   spaces   in 
your line so that everything fits. You can change that by adding
'\sloppy' in Layout->LaTeX Preamble. The really best solution is to
rewrite the sentences which cause problems, but it is not very fun... 

Alex> And a little question. How can I change the spacing for a
Alex> Chapter heading. I want it to have less space at the top
Alex> part. Should I have a new style for it or is it valid if I
Alex> change the definition in (I tried but I couldn't
Alex> do it). Where can I find diffrent style files other than AMC,
Alex> etc? 

This requires a bit of fiddling with LaTeX, unfortunately. The .layout
files only reflect the settings obtained by LaTeX, they do not change
the output.


Re: toggling font styles.

1999-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Theo" == Theo Veenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Theo> Hi all, Would it be possible in LyX to TOGGLE font-bold and
Theo> font-code as is the case with font-emph, font-noun,
Theo> font-underline etc?  Currently I have to to use the character
Theo> layout dialog to reverse an unintended bold-style or code-style
Theo> and that is not very convenient. I'm am using LyX 1.0.0.

Since this is an old problem that never got fixed, your message
enticed me to have a look at it. I have commited a fix to cvs, and
hopefully it works...


Re: Parts of C-Program-Code in lyx

1999-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Alexander" == Alexander Wollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alexander> Hi everybody.  As part of my exam-paper I wrote a C -
Alexander> program and now I have to write a documentation about
Alexander> this. So I need to include a lot of examples of the
Alexander> c-source-code to my paper. I thought the algorithm - float
Alexander> would do this, but I it doesn´t seem so. Can somebody tell
Alexander> me the way to get this to work? I need the source-code to
Alexander> look like in emacs, i.e typewriter font, and indents. For
Alexander> example this one:

Alexander> struct draw_data { int num_elements; int num_vertices; REAL
Alexander> xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax; int *dof_numbers[3]; };

Alexander> Thanks for any help!!


You can either use the LyX-Code layout or include the files directly
with Insert->Include File (with the verbatim option).


Re: extra titlepage?

1999-04-14 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Nico" == Nico Beuermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nico> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
Nico> Hello, using the article class with my thesis, now i've noticed
Nico> the difficulty to create a seperate titlepage without page
Nico> numbering.  To seperate the title the pagebreak command works,
Nico> but the paging is wrong.  What can i do? Is there any helpful
Nico> LaTex thing?
>>  Try to add 'titlepage' in the Extra Option field of
Layout-> Document. This should put your title in a page by itself. You
>> might not like the result for a thesis, though.
>> JMarc

Nico> Thank you!  That works for the very first page, but i want to
Nico> include a quotation as the only thing on the second page and
Nico> don't want to have it numbered.  Is that possible?

Add the statement
marked as TeX at the beginning of your page.


Re: Problems viewing Lyx files with .ps

1999-04-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Chris" == Chris Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> Dear All, I'm trying to get some Postscript figures into my Lyx
Chris> documents. I appear to be able to import them into the .lyx
Chris> file okay, though I can't "View dvi", "View Postsript" or
Chris> "Print" as each time I get the following error:

Chris> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .ps.

Chris> |.24 ...degraphics{} \par}

Chris> The .ps files I'm using were generated with Uniras v7.0, though
Chris> I think the problem is to do with my Lyx installation.

Chris> Any ideas, anybody please?

As far as I know, you are not supposed to include .ps files, but .eps
ones. A PS file is supposed to be send on printer. An EPS file (E
stands for encapsulated) has information such as a bounding box, and
can possibly be included in another document.


Re: complose-key on sun keyboard

1999-04-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jan" == Jan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jan> Hi all, as mentioned in section 2.4.2 (Modifiers and
Jan> Mode_switch), lyx supports using the compose key. But on a sun
Jan> keyboard exactly and and only insight the lyx window it does not
Jan> work as described and expected. Typing Compose+"+U leads to a
Jan> double-quote followed by a 'U' and not to Ü. Especially
Jan> Compose+s+s to ß is necessary for writing German texts.

Do you have compose key working in other applications?


Re: complose-key on sun keyboard

1999-04-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jan" == Jan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> "Jan" =3D=3D Jan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jan> Hi all, as mentioned in section 2.4.2 (Modifiers and
Jan> Mode_switch), lyx supports using the compose key. But on a sun
Jan> keyboard exactly and and only insight the lyx window it does not
Jan> work as described and expected. Typing Compose+"+U leads to a
Jan> double-quote followed by a 'U' and not to =DC. Especially
Jan> Compose+s+s to =DF is necessary for writing German texts.
>>  Do you have compose key working in other applications?
Jan> Yes, I don't know any other application where it is not working.

OK, what does happen when you run 'lyx -dbg 1'. I am interested in
lines beginning with 'InitLyXLookup:'.

What version of X11 are you using? The stock solaris version or a
normal X11R6?


Re: umlauts in math-mode

1999-04-15 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ingo" == Ingo Kloecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ingo> Salut, I'm not able to use umlauts in math-mode. Even if I
Ingo> change in the 'text-in-formula'-mode this is not possible. In
Ingo> Latex however this is no problem. My question is whether this is
Ingo> a "feature" which will be added in a following release of LyX.

Unfortunately yes.


Re: document class

1999-04-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Holger" == hschwarz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Holger> Hello i've a question about document classes.

Holger> i've a document with document class book. The pagenumbering
Holger> starts at the table of content.

Holger> i want to have a roman pagenumbering for the table of content,
Holger> and a arabic one for the rest. Both should beginn with 1.

(marked as LaTeX) at the beginning of your document
at the beginning of the main part, and
just before the ending part of the document (bibliography, index or


Re: roots in math mode

1999-04-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> Hi is there any way in math mode to write roots other than a
Herbert> square root?  Writing in textmode is no problem
Herbert> (e.g. \sqrt[3]{3} ), but this works not in math mode.

You can insert it with
 M-x math-insert root
which is probably bound to M-m r, or something like that.

(this is for version >= 1.0.1, I think)


Re: two setup questions

1999-04-18 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Hezi" == Hezi Gildor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hezi> hi, i have two setup questions regarding lyx:

Hezi> 1) when i do:
Isert-> Figure-> then Browse
Hezi>i get a window "EPS figure with Pattern *ps

Hezi>how do i change it to be *epsi by default ?

Hezi> 2) is there a way to avoid Lyx logo when invoking Lyx ?

Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is: you can't.


Re: Urgent help with Foils

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Myriam" == Myriam Abramson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Myriam> Hi!

Myriam> I haven't had answers to my question to I'll try again.

Myriam> How to print to optionally print the comments for the Foiltex
Myriam> documents?

Myriam> The slidtex document has a \onlynotes capability to print only
Myriam> the notes. Is there something similar for comments in the
Myriam> foiltex class?

As far as I know, such a thing does not exist in the foils class. 


Re: Dig-UX4 does not react on mouse clicks

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Oliver" == Oliver Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oliver> Hy, after getting lyx 1.0.1 running on a ALPHA DUX4, it runs
Oliver> ok, but does not react on mouse clicks. Its strange, as the
Oliver> online (context sensitive) help works e.g while beeing over a
Oliver> button, and the keyboard commandos do ok as well.

Oliver> The installation worked on SOLARIS 2.5 & 2.6 with the same
Oliver> code, so it must be something with the DUX4 configuration, I
Oliver> think.


I use personally LyX on digital Unix 4.0c compiled both with gcc 2.8.1
and DEC cxx 6.1 without any problem. I do not really understand what
you mean by context-sensitive help...


Re: printing page range; kdvi?

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "John" == John Ya-ya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> Hi, all...  Two questions: When printing a range of pages, how
John> does one specify, "Print from page 3 to the last page"?  I have
John> tried everything I can think of, such as "3-", "3...", and other
John> strange things, and nothing produces anything other than an
John> error.

I just tried with 3-, and it worked... What dvips version are you


Re: complose-key on sun keyboard

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jan" == Jan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jan> Hi all, as mentioned in section 2.4.2 (Modifiers and
Jan> Mode_switch), lyx supports using the compose key. But on a sun
Jan> keyboard exactly and and only insight the lyx window it does not
Jan> work as described and expected. Typing Compose+"+U leads to a
Jan> double-quote followed by a 'U' and not to =DC. Especially
Jan> Compose+s+s to =DF is necessary for writing German texts.
 Do you have compose key working in other applications?
Jan> Yes, I don't know any other application where it is not working.
>>  OK, what does happen when you run 'lyx -dbg 1'. I am interested in
>> lines beginning with 'InitLyXLookup:'.
Jan> I can't see any line beginning with 'InitLyXLookup:'.  When the
Jan> Compose-key is pressed down insight the LyX window, 'Empty
Jan> argument!' is printed.

Can you try to run LyX with '-dbg 4' argument? This will turn on
messages about key handling.


Re: problems starting to use lyx

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Dennis" == Dennis Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dennis> I am starting to use lyx 0.12.0, which configured, made, and
Dennis> installed OK, with no options or changes to the source.  My OS
Dennis> is Slackware Linux 2.0.0 (with miscellaneous updates
Dennis> downloaded and installed (e.g., ghostscript 4.03)).  I have
Dennis> three problems that I have not found how to solve yet.

You should really upgrade to LyX 1.0.1.

Dennis> (1) When I try to print directly to my printer, no result
Dennis> appears.  If, however, I export to postscript file and
Dennis> then "lpr" it prints OK (so I have a workaround).  My
Dennis> printer is device "lp".  I have config.lp (and in
Dennis> /usr/lib/texmf/dvips/.  I read the "Dvips" section (2.6.2) of
Dennis> the User Guide, and thought I was set up OK.  I use the
Dennis> printer regularly from xfig, emacs, etc.

The printer settings have changed a bit in 1.0.x. Maybe will they work
better for you...

Dennis> (2) and (3) When I try including a .eps figure float
Dennis> (generated with xfig 3.1.4) in a document, I have two
Dennis> problems.

Dennis> First, the caption I enter in the dialogue box does not appear
Dennis> in the document window.

This caption only makes sense when you use a subfigure. Otherwise, put
your ficgure in a figure float and add a caption after it.

Dennis> Second, when I try to export (as PostScript) the page
Dennis> containing the figure, I get this error message, and no .ps
Dennis> file:

Dennis> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: eps.

Set the PS driver in Layout->Document to dvips.


Re: changing spacing

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "David" == David Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> I have a document which by default is double spaced. However, I
David> would like to change to single spacing in certain sections. Any
David> suggestions???

LyX does not (yet) support this, although KLyX does and we should
really add it. You can try to add
marked as TeX around your text.


Re: Some questions

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "claudio" == claudio  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

claudio> Hello, my name is Claudio , I'm a new Lyx user and I have
claudio> some questions about it :

claudio> 1) can I obtain to have a fixed number of text line ( i.e. 16
claudio> as for the thesis ) or I have to set space , font dimension,
claudio> margin in order to make it ?

I am amazed that such weird constraints can be placed on texts... What
happens if you have a heading? Is it supposed to have the same height
than the other lines? What font are you using? Plain roman font or a
typewriter font?

claudio> 2)How can I modify the names automatically introduced by Lyx
claudio> ? (i.e.  Chapter is in English , I want it as Capitolo in
claudio> Italian language )

If you select italian as language in Layout->Document, those names
will be correct on paper (but not in LyX).


Re: Margin note problems - LyX 1.0.1-1

1999-04-19 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "John" == John Ya-ya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> Ok, I have an addendum to this...  On 16-Apr-99 John Ya-ya
John> wrote:

>> I am working on several documents which use margin notes to show
>> the date on which particular information was entered.  A few of
>> these notes print successfully, but now I have encountered one or
>> more which will not.  When I

John> I have determined how to bypass this, although not why
John> it occurs.  For some reason, that line will not allow me to have
John> a margin note in it if I'm using the style, "Paragraph".
John> However, if I change the style to "Paragraph*", it works just
John> fine.  The note prints as expected, and so does the rest of the
John> document.  It's still puzzling, but at least now I can get
John> usable output.  :/

This error is indeed related to one of LaTeX' weird restrictions, whih
says that a footnote or margin note cannot be in the text of a
section, in particular since this text will be copied to the table of
contents (which is why paragraph* works: it does not appear in TOC)
and having the note there makes LaTeX feel strange. There is already
some code in LyX to work around this problem with footnotes, and I was
not aware that margin notes suffered from this too...

I'll try to have a look at it but don't hold your breath: this is
really tricky stuff.


Re: roots in math mode

1999-04-20 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Alexander" == Alexander Wollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alexander> Am 16-Apr-99 schrieb Herbert:
>> Hi
>> is there any way in math mode to write roots other than a square
>> root?  Writing in textmode is no problem (e.g. \sqrt[3]{3} ), but
>> this works not in math mode.

Alexander> You can create the n-th root with

Alexander> \newcommand{\nroot}[2]{\sqrt[#1]{#2}} (in your preamble!)

Alexander> Now you can write the n-th root of x like

Alexander> \nroot{n}{x}. Both pair of brackets must be in TeX-Mode
Alexander> (red).

To reiterate: since LyX 1.0.1, there is support for n-th root,
accessible with 'M-m r'.


Re: roots in math mode

1999-04-20 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Ingo" == Ingo Kloecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ingo> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> >>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Wollmann
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Alexander> Am 16-Apr-99 schrieb Herbert:
>> >> Hi >> >> is there any way in math mode to write roots other than
>> a square >> root?  Writing in textmode is no problem
>> (e.g. \sqrt[3]{3} ), but >> this works not in math mode.  >>
>> To reiterate: since LyX 1.0.1, there is support for n-th root,
>> accessible with 'M-m r'.

Ingo> Unfortunately this is wrong. I use version 1.0.1 of LyX and here
Ingo> 'M-m r' as well as 'M-m s' is bound to the square root and not
Ingo> the n-th root.  However, M-x math-insert root does work.

You're right. The shortcut has been changed only recently. It is
however only a one-line-change to lib/bind/math.bind.



Re: ttf fonts

1999-04-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Stefano" == Stefano Ghirlanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stefano> Hi, I am having some trouble with ttf fonts in lyx 1.0.0 (let
Stefano> me know if these problems are fixed in later versions). xfstt
Stefano> works, I think: I can use fonts in Netscape and they show up
Stefano> in xfontsel.  One problem is that the font I would like to
Stefano> use is called times new roman, and lyx doesn't seem to like
Stefano> spaces in the font names (set in my lyxrc):

Stefano> stefano: stefano> lyx LyX: Unknown tag `new' [around line 190
Stefano> of file ~/.lyx/lyxrc] LyX: Unknown tag `roman' [around line
Stefano> 191 of file ~/.lyx/lyxrc]

Yes, you are indeed supposed to quote here.

Stefano> If I quote the name, "-ttf-times new roman", I get:

Stefano> No font matches request. Using 'fixed'.  Start LyX as 'lyx
Stefano> -dbg 515' to get more information.

and what does
  xlsfonts -fn '-ttf-times new roman-*'


Re: Update old latex-> teTex

1999-04-21 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Emmanuel" == Emmanuel Dumas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Emmanuel> Hi I've trys to change my Latex ditribution to an old
Emmanuel> distribution (I don't know the name) to teTeX ( teTeX-0.4pl8
Emmanuel> from sgi freeware distribution). But in old I've a script
Emmanuel> texenv.csh to configure shell variable, and I found nothing
Emmanuel> equivalente in teTex, and Lyx don't want to configure
Emmanuel> correctly. I've try to put TEXMF and TETEX variable, but Lyx
Emmanuel> don't want to found package:

With teTeX, you do not need to configure your environment variables,
but rather make sure that the ls-R index of your file is up to
date. To this end, you can use the 'texhash' command or the
'texconfig' program.


Re: Possible bug - Re: Math macros, how to use?

1999-04-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "John" == John Ya-ya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> I did that and it works.  However, in so doing I was
John> inspired to try changing the *Style* of the line on which I had
John> defined the macro, and I discovered something.  A math macro
John> must be defined using the "Standard" style (at least that's the
John> only one I've found that works), otherwise LaTeX complains that
John> it hasn't been defined.  So, no help needed -- now I've found
John> the right way to do it.  :)

This may happen in some cases, indeed. Several LaTeX constructs define
local scopes (in particular the multi-paragraph things like lists or
theorems) and definitions inside them are local. This is something that
should be taken into account, I guess.

John> The way I found this out is, when I made an empty file
John> with just the macro definition and a macro use, I typed "M-x
John> math-macro msol" and the symbol I had defined in the other
John> document appeared!  I can close and open that file, and the
John> symbol still shows up even though there is now no definition of
John> the macro there; it shows up again if I use "C-m \msol".  This
John> behavior still exists if I close all other documents and re-open
John> the test one.  It finally goes back to what I would expect to
John> see -- that is, a red "msol" displayed instead of the M-with-dot
John> symbol -- if I close LyX and re-open it.

Yes, this is due to the way macros are implemented currently. This
should change in LyX 1.1.x, I guess. Mathed (the formula editor) is
currently being mostly rewritten.


Re: Problems with eps-graphics

1999-04-22 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Andreas" == Andreas Jahnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andreas> I integrate eps graphics using "Insert->Figure->Encapsulated
Andreas> Postscript" to include my graphics.  The graphics are
Andreas> produced with the QMS 820 v51.2 printer driver in Windows
Andreas> (using excel as the application). Then I run ps2epsi which
Andreas> produces the eps files.

What is the resolution of a QMS 820?

Andreas> All works fine, but the resolution of the graphics is (I
Andreas> think that, because it looks like) always 300 dpi (or
Andreas> less). I print it on a 600dpi Laser printer (HPLJ 5si
Andreas> MX/PS). The text is printed in 600 dpi, but if there is some
Andreas> grey parts the raster is quite big and not 600dpi.

One thing you could try is to print for a color printer. This should
give much better greyscales on a B&W printer.


Re: Lyx-Code and latex2html

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Adrian" == Adrian Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Adrian> Hello, I'm having some trouble exporting a document to html.
Adrian> Within the document, I have some C code which is formatted as
Adrian> Lyx-Code.  It looks fine when I print it.  However, when I
Adrian> export it as LaTeX, then run latex2html on the results, the
Adrian> file looks awful.  The code frgments appear in the same font
Adrian> as everything else, and are double spaced.  Anyone know of a
Adrian> fix?

It is probably possible to add to your preamble a definition of
LyX-Code specially for latex2html which gives a reasonable
result. Sorry I cannot be more explict, I do not know latex2html much.


Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Remy" == Remy Kolessar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Remy> Hi, I was recently thinking about a feature that would be nice
Remy> to have included in LyX, namely a word counter option. Indeed, a
Remy> lot a Journal and Conference articles are often required a
Remy> certain maximum number of words, specially for abstract or
Remy> synopsis.

and then, 

> "James" == James E Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> Excellent idea, it could even be broken down to give the work
James> count in respective sections/chapters/abstract/appendices?.

Well, I was going to have a look at it, since counting the total
number of words in a document should not be too difficult, and then
James message made me think again: either I implement a full blown
word counter which counts separately footnotes, sections appendices,
number of time the letter 'f' is used, number of occurences of the
word 'the', number of times bold+italics is used in the document,
either people will be unhappy with the feature. So I guess you'd better
stick with using spellchecking for now :) 

Moreover, spellchecking a document is certainly a very good practice
before sending it to a publisher :)


Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reuben> No! Please do a simple word count! People may want more, but
Reuben> having a simple word count is *much* better than nothing.

Hmm, I should maybe not have answered here... Now I have to actually
do it ;)

Reuben> The rest can be implemented later, and fairly simply: what's
Reuben> needed is:

Reuben> 1. Count all words


Reuben> 2. Word-count in current selection.

A bit more difficult, but I'll see

Reuben> 3. Count number of occurrences of search-and-replace
Reuben> selection.

This is already done when you do a replace all.


Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Reuben> No! Please do a simple word count! People may want more, but
Reuben> having a simple word count is *much* better than nothing.

Jean-Marc> Hmm, I should maybe not have answered here... Now I have to
Jean-Marc> actually do it ;)

Hmmm, I took a look at what is needed, and it will be yet more
spaghetti code added to lyx 1.0... I'm not sure anymore I want to do
that now, especially since it is a feature I've never needed. 

So I think I'll just cancel my offer, but if somebody wants to write
some code, I'll be glad to check it out, test it and include it in the
code base.

Sorry for the false hopes.

Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Hmmm, I took a look at what is needed, and it will be yet more
>> spaghetti code added to lyx 1.0... I'm not sure anymore I want to
>> do that now, especially since it is a feature I've never needed.

Reuben> I sympathise with this, but I hope that you *will* plan the
Reuben> feature for the next version.

We will have in next version a much cleaner way of iterating through
documents (currently the data structure is a nightmare...). Then,
wrinting a wordcount should be straightforward (probably a few lines
of scheme, if we get to add scripting language support then).


Re: Word counting options

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "James" == James E Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

James> Jean Marc Hope you were not offended by the suggestions. 

Of course not. I was just trying to discourage people for asking for
the feature :)

James> As has been said the document can easily be exported as plain ascii
James> and a a 'wc' done on that so I do not think the function is an
James> urgent one. Longer term though it may be of use as more people
James> start using Lyx having no concept of command invocation -
James> i.e. they are spoon fed from a kde/gnome desktop.

I agree that this should be on the (virtual) to-do list. However, we
have to move on to next version because much work is awaiting
us. Hopefully, with the kernel rewrite, it will be possible to
consider only a subset of a document in a somple way, thus making an
elaborate word-counting *much* easier to write.


Re: Help with unsubscribe

1999-04-23 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Filip" == Filip Miletic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Filip> Hello all. Could you help me unsubscribe from this list?

When I received your message, it had the line

in the headers. This means that *I* can unsubscribe from the list by
sending an empty message to the address 

In your case, the address will probably be a bitt different, but
something like
should work fine.


Re: Can't see non-standard environment in menu?

1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ramon" == Felciano, Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ramon> Hi --

Ramon> I'm trying to find a good layout to use for my thesis. I will
Ramon> need formats for Theorems, Algorithms, Axioms, and the like, so
Ramon> I was trying to use the AMS-LaTeX layout. However, I don't see
Ramon> any of the non-standard environments described in the "Extended
Ramon> Lyx Features" document in the LyX popup menu. Is something
Ramon> misconfigured, or is there another way to trigger these
Ramon> environments?


What are those non-standard environments you are referring to?


Re: IEEEtran - how do I use it?

1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "nbecker" == nbecker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nbecker> I have IEEEtran.layout in /usr/local/share/lyx/layouts - but
nbecker> under layout/document/class it's not listed.  How do I get
nbecker> it?

Do you have IEEEtran.cls installed? Does TeX find it?


Re: More customisation!

1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reuben> I hope LyX is gradually moving towards making it easier to
Reuben> customise at different levels to support currently unsupported
Reuben> LaTeX packages and applications. I'm interested in being able
Reuben> to customise the menus (this could also be useful to *remove*
Reuben> unused options).

Reuben> In particular, I'd like to be able to add more than one
Reuben> user-defined option to the File->Export menu. I'd like to have
Reuben> options for HTML, PDF and softwrapped text export.

I guess that next major version with allow to change the menus without
recompiling (maybe not with a GUI, though). But this means fairly
large changes, so it won't happen right now.


Re: Using LaTeX2HTML with LyX

1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reuben> I've recently been trying to use LaTeX2HTML with LyX (working,
Reuben> obviously, on exported LaTeX files), and have found the
Reuben> following problems:

Reuben> 1. LaTeX2HTML doesn't seem to like \( and \).

This is weird, since \(...\) is LaTeX and $...$ is plain TeX.

Reuben> 3. If you use [ and ] in item labels, LaTeX2HTML gets
Reuben> confused.

Reuben> Fortunately, these are all soluble: 3 is soluble manually, by
Reuben> putting braces {} around any square brackets used in labels
Reuben> (of course, these must be TeX text (red) braces); 

I thought that LyX did that already...

Reuben> I'd be interested to know of any other problems and solutions
Reuben> that others have found (by the way, I'm using LaTeX2HTML
Reuben> v98.1, which is the latest I can find).

You could maybe report the problems to its author.


Re: Newbie Q: Fonts in Lyx

1999-04-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Sasa" == Sasa Janiska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sasa> I've seen a post that it is possible to use ttf fonts with some
Sasa> font server like xstt for the screen.

I'd advise to use xfsft (from freetype project), which gives better
results IMO. 

Sasa> 1) What about the output?

You have to configure latex for that. It is a bit of work, but it is

Sasa> 2) Is it possible to use them for printing purposes or what is
Sasa> the best way to convert them (not to lose too much) for use with
Sasa> Lyx (LaTex)?

Have a look at the program ttf2pk provided with freetype 1.2

Sasa> 3) What is the situation with type1 fonts?

This is much easier, since it have been supported for some time. You
can find support files for LaTeX on any CTAN host ( in
the directory fonts/.

Sasa> For now, I'm very satisfied with the quality of fonts coming
Sasa> with the distribution, but in case I'd liek to have some more
Sasa> fancy output.

Sasa> 4) Can someone give me some advice regarding the literature
Sasa> dealing with Lyx (LaTex) customization of the classes and
Sasa> styles?  Thanks for any info.  Happy Lyx user, Sasa

All the litterature on this subject is contained in the Customization
document. It is not much but there is nothing more available.


Re: Help with layout specification

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ethan" == Ethan A Merritt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ethan> I am writing for a journal which has its own required latex
Ethan> submission format.  They provide the class files and a template
Ethan> to show how they want the submitted tex file to look. O0utput
Ethan> from LyX works fine so long as I can manage to intersperse the
Ethan> necessary tex commands with the text.  Clearly it would be more
Ethan> convenient to have a working layout specification so that this
Ethan> happened automatically, but I can only get about half way there
Ethan> on my own.

Ethan> Here's what they want for a bibliography section:

Ethan> \begin{references} \reference{Author, A.(1984). \emph{Journal}
Ethan> \textbf{Vol}, xx-yy.}  \reference{ etc } \end{references}

Hmm, it's nice to see how inventive people can get... This format
cannot be obtained currently. However, since they provide a bibtex
style, I guess you can just use that to generate the documents.

I thought a bit about it, but I do not see a simple way to add support
for that without using big kludges... Sorry.


Re: UserGuide.lyx error

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "chuck" == chuck  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

chuck> I just installed lyx from a debian linux package. When I open
chuck> UserGuide it seems to load and it can be read on the screen.
chuck> But an attempt to view dvi or print it brings up an error box.
chuck> The error precedes the title and says 'file rotating.sty not
chuck> found.'


What version of LyX did you install? Current versions do not seem to
need this file. 


Re: formula edit

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> hi, with right mouse click editing the values of a table is
Herbert> no problem.  Is there a way for formulas too? I want to
Herbert> change the directions from center to right in a matrix but I
Herbert> don't know if it is possible.  Changing the values in the
Herbert> LyX- or TeX-file is no problem, but this seems not to be
Herbert> LyX-like ... ;-) thanks herbert

Unfortunately, this is not possible currently.


Re: Subsections in amsart layout

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Mario" == Mario Parra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mario> Hello, When I use amsart document layout I get the following
Mario> undesired behaviour.  A subsection that should look like this:

Mario> 2.1 This is a subsection 
Mario> This is a paragraph under asubsection

Mario> looks like this

Mario> 2.1 This is a subsection. This is a paragraph under a
Mario> subsection

Mario> The lyx display show the lines above, but the dvi ( and the
Mario> printed postcript) look like the one below. The paragraph under
Mario> it is of type Standard. What can I do to make the printed
Mario> version look like the one above?

In fact, this is a normal behaviour: having subsections presented like
that is a design decision of the AMS LaTeX authors. This is how things
appear in the AMS publications.

The bug is in LyX WYSIWYM rendering, which does not know how to show
sections which run together with next paragraph. You will get the same
problem with the Paragraph layout in the classical article style.


Re: Problem with itemize and bullets

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Stéphane" == Stéphane Barraud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stéphane> When i use in this document the itemize paragraph style, i
Stéphane> get only - (minus) instead of bullet and other symbols.

Stéphane> Am i doing something wrong (and what) or is this a bug ?

This is the normal convention for writing enumeration in french
typography. Bullets are used in english typography, and thanks to
MSWord, everybody now think they are right to use (the same holds for
`quotes'' instead of « guillemets »).


Re: Problem with itemize and bullets

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Paul" == Paul L Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Paul> In a message dated: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:16:47 +0200 Jean-Marc
Paul> Lasgouttes said:

>> This is the normal convention for writing enumeration in french
>> typography. Bullets are used in english typography, and thanks to
>> MSWord, everybody now think they are right to use (the same holds
>> for `quotes'' instead of « guillemets »).

Paul> So that's what those are called :)

Note that LaTeX calls them « guillemots », which in fact turns out to
be the name of a bird... And not that there is some space added (a
thin unbreakable space actually) to make them look even neater :)

Paul> I wouldn't blame this on MSWord though.  I was taught to use '
Paul> and " in school long before MS was doing anything more than
Paul> selling BASIC compilers and computers were still for big
Paul> companies, governments, and the military.

Right, but those look like what real english quotes are. French quotes
are totally different. It's like all these people using Mr as an
abbreviation of « Monsieur » in place of « M. ». I wonder where they
saw that ;)

Paul> That's just part of the english language.  But looking at them,
Paul> I think the guillemets look a lot neater.  Maybe I'll switch :)
Paul> --

Paul> Seeya, Paul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Broadband Technology
Paul> Division - Bay Networks (now a Nortel Company, Eh? :)

Paul>   If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

Re: UserGuide.lyx error

1999-04-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Charles" == Charles Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Charles> Hi Version 1.0.1, dated Wed March 3 1999.  I tried to find
Charles> the place in the source for UserGuide where rotating.sty is
Charles> called for, but did not find it.

I'd be interested to see the LaTeX log for this file. When LyX is
running and just after running LaTeX, you will find it in a directory
named /tmp/lyx_tmpX/lyx_bufrtmp/UserGuide.log, where the 
are numbers. 

Could you send me this file?


Re: underscore in math

1999-04-28 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jacques" == Jacques Germishuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jacques> Hello I want to type a underscore in the math editor, but
Jacques> when I press shift_underscore I get a subscript.  How can I
Jacques> type a underscore in the math editor?

Try to type \_.


Re: Bug: LyX 1.01-1 find & replace

1999-04-28 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "chud" == chud  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

chud> Find and replace does not seem to deal properly with
chud> spaces and quotation marks.  When replacing " -- " with "---"
chud> (typographical correctness :) for instance, the string " -- " is
chud> replaced with " ---".  

This is unfortunately a known bug, which is even documented in the
BUGS document... :(

chud> Also, if " -- " is preceded by a
chud> quotation mark, the quotation mark will be replaced as well!
chud> This means that [typing illustratively here, not literally]
chud> "blah'' -- humbug" will become "blah ---humbug", which is not
chud> good.  :(

This one is new to me. I'll try to have a look.


Re: Bug: LyX 1.01-1 find & replace

1999-04-28 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Carl" == chud  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Carl> Also, if " -- " is preceded by a
Carl> quotation mark, the quotation mark will be replaced as well!
Carl> This means that [typing illustratively here, not literally]
Carl> "blah'' -- humbug" will become "blah ---humbug", which is not
Carl> good.  :(

The situation is even worse than that. It appear that the search
routine matches an inset as a space. So any inset will be killed by
search and replace :(


Re: Errors during the Latex run

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Chris" == ctdole  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> My printer has been broken for some time now and it has been a
Chris> really long time since I've printed anything. I borrowed a
Chris> friends printer and when trying to print Lyx documents that I
Chris> wrote with Lyx 1.0.1 under my recently compiled Lyx 1.0.2pre3 I
Chris> get a Missing \begin{document} error.  If I create a new
Chris> document with 1.0.2pre3 and try to print I don't get an error,
Chris> I can also print under Netscape so I know it's not the
Chris> printer. If I insert \begin{document} in the preamble I get the
Chris> same error. So basically I can't print any of the documents I
Chris> wrote under 1.0.1.

Could you send a short document showing this problem? I guess there is
something in your LaTeX preamble which should not be there...


Re: Why are EPS files so big?

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Barry" == Barry Kauler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Barry> Thanks for the responses about why a small bit-map becomes such
Barry> a huge EPS.  One thing that should be high on the wish-list is
Barry> to be able to insert bit-map images directly into Lyx, and have
Barry> Lyx encapsulate them on-the-fly when previewing and
Barry> printing. Probably cache the conversions for efficiency.  same
Barry> for vector images in other formats.  When I'm working on a
Barry> document, I often revisit an image and modify it. It would be
Barry> nice to avoid the manual conversion cycle.

Something like that is already on the to-do list. Note that postscript
level 2 has provisions to create files compressed with the LZW
algorithm, which is exactly the same as the one used in GIF files. I
would be surprised if there did not exist ways to produce such
compressed PS files.

Barry> Now dreaming further, it would be nice to have object embedding
Barry> so an image can be edited in-place, as is possible with Windows
Barry> OLE and proposed for KDE.

KLyX is supposed to get that. I guess a GnomeLyX could get that too.


Re: Running headers

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Panos" == Panagiotis Melas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Panos> Is there a way in lyx to have a shorter version of a chapter
Panos> header apart from \chapter[short]{long header} in tex mode?

Unfortunately not... Note that you can write 'short' and 'long header'
in real LyX, not all has to be in tex mode.


Re: Rotating material and references

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Jean-Pierre" == Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jean-Pierre> \refname is not a LaTeX command, but a TeX one, AFAIR
Jean-Pierre> ...Try \def\refname{{\thesection. References}

There is no such things as a 'LaTeX command' \newcommand and
\renewcommand are just wrappers around \def.


PS: granted, this does not have much to do with the original request,
but it is to set things straight...

Re: [Sebastien Loisel ] lyx

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Ingo" == Ingo Kloecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm using lyx for my thesis. Good job.
Ingo> I wrote my thesis also with lyx. It was really great.

>> Unfortunately, there are a few showstoppers. If I have a math box
>> and I put a \mathcal F as the only thing of the math box (that's
>> the Fourier transform operator), then save, then restore, it gets
>> fubarred. I'm attaching a file with the bug. This problem seems to
>> occur any time the first thing is \mathcal.

Ingo> You have to enclose the F in {}, i.e. you have to write
Ingo> \mathcal{F}.

... and you can get it directly with M-c e (emphasize) and then F.


Re: Rotating material and references

1999-04-30 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Yaneric" == Yaneric Roussel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yaneric> Hi!

Yaneric> Thanks to B. Bryant, i did some layout and i learned about
Yaneric> latex...  But i still have 3 problems...

Yaneric> The headings References must be preceding by the Section
Yaneric> number. I tried
Yaneric> "\renewcommand{\refname}{\thesection. Refences}" Netheir are
Yaneric> working... How can i do that?

The problem is that references use an unnumbered section (via
\section*), so that there is no number to show here...

Here is a workaround, to add to your preamble:


Yaneric> By default, there is a blank line between each references. I
Yaneric> have to remove this blank line... I tried to set \parskip to
Yaneric> zero just before the references -> it doesn't work...

The right thing to change is \itemsep, which is taken care of in the
example above (note that the spacing used is huge, in order to
demonstrate that is actually works :).

Yaneric> I have rotated figures. The caption have to be rotated too. I
Yaneric> tried to use in latex \landscape before the table following
Yaneric> by \portrait or to use \begin{sidewaystable}... -> it doesn't
Yaneric> work too...

I do not know about this one.


Re: use of LaTeX classes

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Hellmut" == Hellmut Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hellmut> Hi, I'm an old LaTeX user and have recently got Klyx with my
Hellmut> RedHat 5.2 LINUX.

Hellmut> My first impression is that Lyx is just what I was looking
Hellmut> for for years.  And now I have the problem to transform some
Hellmut> 'proprietary' document classes which work fine under LaTeX /
Hellmut> teTeX into Lyx (resp. Klyx) format.

Hellmut> I tried to look at the files which seem to correspond to the
Hellmut> Lyx documents I made so far, but I didn't have the time to
Hellmut> work it out by "disassembling" the process and its parts.

You should have a look at Customization.lyx, which has some discussion
on the format of LyX textclasses. The idea is that these textclasses
describe in LyX terms what the LaTeX document class do. If you have
some LaTeX knowledge and your existing code is not too different from
'classic' LaTeX stuff, using it with LyX should not be too difficult.

Good luck.


Re: Errors during the Latex run

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "ctdole" == ctdole  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ctdole> I worked with this for some time and actually thought I had it
ctdole> "fixed".  If I open a LyX document and delete the first few
ctdole> lines of text and type it back in then print (or view dvi) it
ctdole> comes out fine. No errors are generated. But if I save the
ctdole> document and open it again and print (or dvi view) I get the
ctdole> \begin{document} error. Could it have to do with my tex
ctdole> package? I running tetex-0.4pl8-11 which came with Red Hat
ctdole> 5.1.  Perhaps it's time to upgrade. Not knowing raw LaTex I
ctdole> wouldn't know how to add something to the preamble.

This probably a problem with your installation, indeed. If we want to
get more info on this, you should send the latex log file: when you
just had the error, go to /tmp/lyx_tmp/lyx_bufrtmp/, where
 is some weird number, and look for a file with extansion .log
there. It should contain a more detailed error report.


Re: Global changes to paragraph styles

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Barry" == Barry Kauler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Barry> Hi, Another newbie question!  "Layout/Paragraph..." enables me
Barry> to make changes to the paragraph style wherever the cursor is
Barry> currently located.

Barry> However, what if I want to apply the change globally, to that
Barry> paragraph style throughout the document?  I don't want to
Barry> change the original style parameters, only apply the change
Barry> globally to the current document.

Providing customizable stlyes is on the to-do list. Note however that
it will not be very easy to do in LyX in all generality since it
involves a lot of work on the LaTeX side. 

Barry> This is something I take for granted in commercial
Barry> wordprocessors.

That's why LyX is not really a wordprocessor :)

Barry> It shouldn't be too difficult to do. If the change can be
Barry> applied to one paragraph, it can be applied to others of the
Barry> same style.

No, because the styles are hardcoded right now. And we want to do
something which makes sense from the LaTeX/SGML/whatever side, not
just a random hack which looks good on screen/paper.

Barry> Changing the subject, nobody has responded to my
Barry> question about modifying the left and right margin positioning
Barry> of the Margin Note.  Is this too difficult?  I raise this again
Barry> because the Margin Note has uses far beyond just simple margin
Barry> notes. It can potentially solve the whole issue of being able
Barry> to insert margin headings and margin graphic icons. 

If you want to get to this level of details, you will unfortunately
have to get your hands dirty and have a look at a bit of LaTeX
code. You should try to get the latest version of the titlesec
package, which has a pretty good support for custom section headers,
and a pretty good documentation too. I can send you references it you


Re: FAQ: Thesis

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Julián" == jmunoz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Julián> Well, I suppose that's a faq: I am evaluating Lyx for doing my
Julián> Thesis.  The major problem I see is that I don't know if I
Julián> must redo a Layout (wich in fact I don't know 100% what it is,
Julián> and wich is very complicate?), or if it can match in classical
Julián> stlyles like "book".  Sure, the Thesis must follow a format
Julián> and a structure, so maybe I am thinking in doing some parts
Julián> with another editor.

It depends of what the requirements for your thesis are. Are they very
strict? Do you know whether a LaTeX style exists for those thesis?


Re: FAQ: Font size and type

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Julián" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Julián> Hello, I suppose that's a faq, but ...

Julián> I am unable to change the font size and type of a document. I
Julián> do this in
Layout-> Document popup but no change can be apreciated in the final
Layout-> doc I
Julián> see with "View dvi" or "View Postscript".  The
Julián> Layout->Character option works well.

It might be that LyX does not see that your document has been modified
and does not re-run LaTeX. After changing font size, try to do a dummy
change to your document (add and delete something) and re-try View


Re: "parts per thousand"-symbol

1999-05-03 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Achim" == Achim Maldener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Achim> Hi, how can I create the symbol for "parts per thousand"
Achim> (something like %o) within a LyX-document?  Thanks for any help
Achim> Achim

If you have the ec fonts installed, you can try to use
\textperthousand (marked as TeX).

Otherwise, here is a definition I found in a LaTeX FAQ:

  \raise.5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 0}%
  \lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 00}}

Just add that in your preamble, and use \promille in the text.


Re: beginning of a chapter

1999-05-04 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Achim" == Achim Maldener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Achim> Not really. I already selected 'two sides' and everything is
Achim> fine (page numbers on the right on odd pages, on the left on
Achim> even pages), but if a new chapter begins, it begins on a
Achim> new page, independent of it is odd or even. That's not really
Achim> what I want.  Achim

You are right of course. What you have to add for the report class is
'openright' in the extra option field of Layout->Document.

Hope this helps at last.


Re: beginning of a chapter

1999-05-04 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Achim" == Achim Maldener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> You are right of course. What you have to add for the report class
>> is 'openright' in the extra option field of Layout->Document.
>> Hope this helps at last.
>> JMarc
Achim> It did. But. I would prefer the page that is inserted to be
Achim> empty, but it contains the page header.  Any hint?  Achim

I am a bit running out of hints :) I seem to remember that there is a
solution, but I don't know which one... One solution might be to
switch to a better document class that report, for example one of the
koma-script family (although I am not sure they help in this
particular case).


Re: Errors during the Latex run

1999-05-04 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Chris" == ctdole  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> The upgrade helped. I only get an error the first time I output
Chris> to dvi or the printer. If I ignore the error and try again it
Chris> works. I am going recompile LyX now that I have upgrade the
Chris> tetex package and see if that helps.

I really do not understand what is going on. The only strange thing is
the version number of the setspace.sty file, which may make problems
(only one digit in the day part). You might get an updated version

or any ctan mirror nerer from your site. You should place the file at

Hope this helps.


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