Re: [MacGroup] G4Tower

2015-11-16 Thread Robert M. Klein
It’s yours!

Come pick it up most any time.  I live near Breckenridge Lane and Dutchmans 
Parkway.  Give me some available times and I will let you know what works.


From:  Tanya 
Reply-To:  Tanya , Topics related to Apple and Macintosh 
Date:  Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 9:40 AM
To:  Topics related to Apple and Macintosh computers 

Subject:  Re: [MacGroup] G4Tower

I'm sure it's gone but if you have it I would love it.

Tanya Hahn
Hahn & Associates
Marketing & Business Development 502.558.0487

From: Robert Klein 
 Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2015 8:40 AM
 Subject: [MacGroup] G4Tower

I have a G4 Tower sans hard drive that I am giving to the first person who 
asks.  Please email me off-list and it’s yours.


MacGroup mailing list


MacGroup mailing list

[MacGroup] G5 4 U

2011-11-24 Thread Robert M. Klein

I have a G5 tower without a hard drive.  Whoever wants it, let me know off
list.  You'll just have to pick it up at my office downtown.

Happy Thanksgiving.


MacGroup mailing list

[MacGroup] Corporate status

2011-09-16 Thread Robert M. Klein
I received a notice from the Kentucky Secretary of State that Louisville
Computer Society, Inc. has been dissolved.  I supposed someone forgot to
file the annual report.  The corporation can be reinstated online by an

Any response to me, please email me offline.


MacGroup mailing list

[MacGroup] .pbb files

2007-07-25 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, I'll give it a try.  I don't have the phone anymore.

On 7/25/07 12:00 PM, macgroup-request at
macgroup-request at wrote:

 2. If that doesn't work, you may need to use a PC to import the .pbb
 file into Outlook or Outlook Express, then sync contacts from iTunes
 into the phone from a PC.
  From an online forum (
 What you need to do is:
 1. Download the Cellebrite Content Manager from http://
 2. Extract and open the program
 3. select Contacts  Open Phonebook
 4. select the .pbb file
 5. select Contacts  Export and select either Outlook or Outlook Express
 Then go to Itunes, connect your Iphone, click the info tab, select
 the Contacts and Calendar buttons and choose Sync
 Hope that helps!

[MacGroup] Lightroom tip

2007-06-25 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, Jerry.  I have been meaning to ask:  I can't find a command to
restore the image in LR to the original without just clicking on the last
item in the list of develop actions or using the YY compare view or doing a
complete reset.  In other words, if I want to export the images as they were
before I massaged them, then it seems that I would have to either reset and
lose all of my work or duplicate and reset, or grab them in the finder
(where they imported to from the camera card).  There must be an easier way
to do that.

George Eastman House Exhibit at the Speed.



On 6/25/07 12:00 PM, macgroup-request at
macgroup-request at wrote:

 in the develop module, if you want to reset individual settings
 'without' resetting the entire image to scratch via the reset button,
 hold down the option key and individual reset options become
 available within the panel. best...jf

MacGroup: pdf editing

2006-06-15 Thread Robert M. Klein
There is a great freeware program for pdfs that lets you add and subtract
pages and compile pages from other files into one, among other things.  You
can get it at or wherever.  It?s called ?PDFLab.?

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MacGroup: SharePoints

2006-04-30 Thread Robert M. Klein

Thanks for the SharePoints tip.  However, on the download page, it says,
?***Caution: SharePoints only modifies the permissions on the directory that
is shared. All directories residing within the shared directory retain their
original permissions.***?

My issue is that any new folder within the shared folder has to be re-set to
share (read and write), and any Word document that I create and save to any
folder within the shared folder (not just a new one) is always ?read only.?

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MacGroup: Lost digests

2006-04-29 Thread Robert M. Klein
I haven't gotten the past several MacGroup digests.  Is there a server

I had made a request for help with a file server sharing question, but I
never saw the responses.  Is the listserve archived somewhere?

I get the digest version every day at 5 pm, but not the last 2 days.  I
would attribute it to a spam blocker, but I get it sent to 2 different email
addresses (insightbb and bellsouth), so not likely.

Please, somebody respond, and cc me off list so I am sure to get it.



| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be May 23  at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: Is anybody out there?

2006-04-28 Thread Robert M. Klein
I haven?t gotten any macgroup emails in the past 2 days.  What?s up?
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MacGroup: Interesting NYT article

2006-01-05 Thread Robert M. Klein
Check this out, Apple fans:

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 24  at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: Windows media player/NBC video

2005-12-25 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, Jerry.  I did just that and the result is the same.  I got the
latest Firefox installed (1.5), then I added the plug-in you suggested,
restarted Firefox, went to the site and the same thing happens--nothing.


 From: macgroup-digest owner-macgroup-digest at
 Reply-To: macgroup at
 Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 17:15:02 -0500
 To: macgroup-digest at
 Subject: macgroup-digest V2 #1039
 Windows Media Player. You could add ActiveX in Foxfire, ActiveX will not work
 in Safari...jf
 On Dec 24, 2005, at 3:45 PM, Robert M. Klein wrote:
  When I try to use the universal NBC viewer to see a video clip on,
  I get this message:
  The page  Screening Room has content of MIME type
 application/x-oleobject. Because you don't have a plug-in  installed for
 this MIME type, this content can't be displayed.
  Why?  How can I view your videos?  I cannot find such a plug-in  anywhere,
 on Apple's website or in versiontracker.  I have run the most recent
 software updates.
  I am using Mac OS 10.4.3 and Safari 2.0.2.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 24  at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: Error message in email

2005-10-27 Thread Robert M. Klein
Does anybody know what this means:

Message 5 does not exist.

I get this sometimes when retrieving email.  Other messages may come
through.  Am I missing email or is it blocked by spam assassin or something?
Should I care that I get this message?



| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be November 22 at Pitt Academy, 6010 Preston Highway.
| The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: Insightbb black hole

2005-02-08 Thread Robert M. Klein
I am an Insightbb customer (thanks, Jeff, for letting me know).  I just
emailed them about the problem.  BTW, their internet (incl. email) is
actually run by ATT.  They were blocking all email (which I
also have and was forwarding to insightbb) for a while last Summer so I got
deep into it with them.  Lee, if you need some phone numbers or whatever,
feel free to email me off list.


On 2/8/05 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at wrote:

 host[] said: 550- blocked
 by 550 Blocked for abuse. Please
 contact the administrator of your ISP or sending mail service. (in reply
 to MAIL FROM command) 

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be February 22. The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: Working on remote access

2005-01-12 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, Dan and Lee for your help.  I got to a stuck place, however.

Dan, you said:

Once you manually set your computer's local IP, go back to the router
interface and its port forwarding screen. This will allow you to open
specific ports to the local computer to which you manually assigned an
IP number. It should be pretty obvious how to do this. If you used for the computer, for that IP number you would forward port
548 for personal file sharing and the 20-21 range for FTP.

While accessing the Netopia interface, I went to ConfigureAdvancedInternal
Servers (set ports).  This was the only choice that mentioned or dealt with
ports.  There, there was only one dialogue box titled Internal Servers.  It
said, ?Enter a value from 1 to 65534 to disable the server?, then there were
two input boxes,  ?Web (HTTP) Server Port? . . . And a default 80 in the box
(which I presume is for the web!), and ?Telnet Server Port? . . . And a
default 23 in the box (which I presume is the one I need to fool with).  I
didn?t see a way to assign a port to a particular LAN address, however.  I
knew this was not something I wanted to mess with, so I quit.

Am I in too deep?  I haven?t tried yet, but that seems the
way to go.

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MacGroup: Connect to server

2005-01-09 Thread Robert M. Klein
Lee helped with this about a year ago but I have never gotten it to work.

I want to connect via the internet to my computer at the office, which is
connected via DSL (BellSouth).  There is a Netopia router and we have a
static IP address that I was told by them was necessary in order to connect
this way.  The office Mac has Personal File Sharing on and FTP on, and, I
think, the firewall has port 548 open.  According to the Apple support stuff
I can find, when you highlight FTP Access in Sharing, the IP address given
is supposed to tell you the one to input on the other end.  All I get is the
192.168.0.? number, which is just the local network address, I think.  Its
the same address that DHCP comes up with, too.  When I put it in from home
(GoConnect to Server), I get a query that asks for id and password.  I have
tried the id and password for my office Mac and for the router, and both
come back and say it?s wrong.  I even tried it with no id and password
input, also to no avail.

I am running 10.3.7 at both ends.

Somewhere along the line I was told that Port 21 had to be open on the
router, but BellSouth told me that it was open.  How do I know?  If I go
into the router, what setting am I looking for?

Any help will be very much appreciated.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 25. The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: TiVo

2004-11-21 Thread Robert M. Klein
I cannot imagine why anyone would want to watch TV through their computers,
but I can tell you that TiVo is the greatest invention since color
television.  Watch what you want, when you want, skip the commercials and
the stuff you don't like, subscribe to your favorite shows and forget about
programming them in each week, etc.  Watching in real time?  Answer the
phone and not miss anything.

No, TiVo is not going under.

From what I have seen, the TiVo software is the most seamless and easiest to
use.  That's really what you're paying for, the software and the
subscription service.  Otherwise, it's just a hard drive.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be November 23. The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: IE/plug-in problem

2004-10-11 Thread Robert M. Klein
I am having an issue with IE 5 on at least 2 of my Macs, one running under
OS 9, the other under 10.3.5, but it?s the same problem.  I have been trying
to access a site that uses plug-ins, specifically  Try it.
It makes the browser either hang up or crash, or I get an error message to
obtain a plug-in ?octet-stream.?  I can?t find such a plug in anywhere,
versiontracker or otherwise.  If I hit the button to view the plug-in, it
takes to some nondescript page with no guidance whatsoever.

I went to Mactopia, and could only find this FAQ:

I am having problems viewing pages that use plug-ins. What can I do?
If you are experiencing any problems viewing a page that uses plug-ins, you
will most likely need to increase the memory allotted to Internet Explorer.
To do so, quit Internet Explorer if it is running, select the Internet
Explorer icon, and then choose Get Info from the File menu. (Make sure you
select the icon for the Internet Explorer program, not an alias to the
program.) Try increasing the Preferred Size to 8000K.

Well, needless to say, that didn?t help in the OS X world.

Any ideas or help would be most appreciated.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be September 28. The LCS Web page is
| List posting address: mailto:macgroup at
| List Web page:

MacGroup: iDVD update

2004-03-16 Thread Robert M. Klein
I downloaded the updates to iLife a couple of weeks ago and tried to burn a
DVD.  To recap, I have a dual processor G5 and I was unable to burn one of
my iMovies that was about 17 minutes longs with many, many clips and photos.

After I updated iDVD, I was able to burn one on the second try.  I a couple
of scenes, there is some funky pixilation for a few seconds, but it worked!
I tried it on another iMovie, one that was a smaller, and it worked.

I reported this to the Apple guy and I am waiting to hear back if I can
safely put back the Kingston RAM that MacMall had put in.  I want to add to
the 17 minute movie, too, so we'll see if it is really fixed.  I'll let
you'all know.

Anyone need some messed up DVD-Rs?  I have plenty of coasters already.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 23. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Keyboard message

2004-02-23 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 2/23/04 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Note: The following section was composed using a keyboard (ISO-8859-1)
 that uses characters other than those in the US-ASCII character set. Some
 characters may not be displayed properly when you view this message.

When you read this message, the Note above probably was at the beginning. It
appeared before my last post.

Forgive me if this has been covered before, but why?  I am using a standard
Apple keyboard and writing email to the list in non-HTML mode.  Just


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be February 24. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: iPod headphone socket dirty

2004-02-23 Thread Robert M. Klein
Try the compressed alcohol solution that comes in a spray can at Radio Shack
or Peerless.  It works great on potentiometers (e.g., volume knob on a radio
that makes lots of static-y noise) and jacks.  If there is oil or some other
grime that is causing there to be poor contact with the plug, this will do
it.  Just a very tiny burst through the supplied plastic straw (swizzle
stick?) into the jack hole should do it.  Give it a minute to dry before
turning on the iPod or putting in the plug.  I've done this on a DiscMan and
such and it really helps.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be February 24. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: IDVD update

2004-02-22 Thread Robert M. Klein
FYI, my iDVD problem from last week has yet to be solved.  Now, I?m up to
product specialist level at Apple, and he had me email my crash logs for him
to take the engineers.  Yeeehaw.  The issue is burning DVDs on my dual
processor G5.  I can burn the tutorial demo OK, but not the iMovie project
that I authored which is 17.5 minutes long with lots of dv clips and about
200 jpg photos.  It hangs up on step 4 (multiplexing and burning) or I get
the ol? program has unexpectedly quit message.

If you will indulge me, I will recount the events for you as this might
prove useful to some of you.

After I asked for help from the list which I of course got, thank you, guys,
I followed your suggestions to no avail.  I nosed around on the Apple
website and found a release acknowledging an iDVD issue for the dual G5s,
and I read some comments in the forum about it.  So, I contacted Apple
Support and they had me try a few things.  First they suggested that I
export the movie to a full video quicktime file and bring it into iDVD that
way.  I did, and after a few tries it actually burned a DVD but it was
defective (about a third through, the video froze while the soundrack
continued).  Then they had me set up another account and try it under the
test account.  Same result.  They looked up the serial number of my machine
and asked me how much RAM it had, and I said 1 gig. They said it shipped
with 512mg, so I should take out the third-party RAM that MacMall put in and
try again, that that could very well be the source of the problem.  (Sorry,
Ward, the G5 was a surprise gift from my wonderful wife; I would have bought
it a MacTown.)  Although skeptical, I did that (2 256mg Kingston cards) and
had the same result. I used Apple-brand DVD blanks throughout, by the way.

Stay tuned.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be February 24. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: This is pretty cool

2004-01-27 Thread Robert M. Klein
While not directly related to all things Mac, this is pretty cool:


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Wiretap/Stuffit

2004-01-15 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 1/14/04 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Get version Stuffit 8.0.2. Version 8.0 had a bug where executables were
 not marked as executable (i.e. programs didn't know that they had the
 ability to run).

Bill, you were right.  I downloaded Stuffit 8.2 and then downloaded Wiretap
again, unstuffed it, and, voila, it worked.



| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Wiretap download

2004-01-13 Thread Robert M. Klein
Same thing happened:  when I went to run the installer, I got an error
message: The postinstall script was either not executable or not readable.

I'm using Stuffit Standard 8.0.

Thanks anyway.


On 1/10/04 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 17:59:10 -0500
 From: Ward Oldham woldham at
 Subject: Re: MacGroup: Wiretap
 Hey Robert,
 Try this one . . .
 It worked for me.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Wiretap

2004-01-09 Thread Robert M. Klein
I tried this download, and when I went to run the installer, I got an error
message: The postinstall script was either not executable or not readable.


On 1/5/04 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 21:09:08 -0500
 From: John Robinson profile at
 Subject: Re: MacGroup: Streaming audio
 Try this from Ambrosia:  WireTap
 John R.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Forward for the List

2004-01-05 Thread Robert M. Klein
Here is an excerpt from the MacAttorney newsletter that has a link that I
thought might interest many of you:

-- Forwarded Message
From: Randy B. Singer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 20:19:46 -0800
Subject: MacAttorney NL#43 pt2

[59] Conspiracy Against Macs In Business?

Contributed by : Richard Ure

Bob Cringely exposes the conspiracy to ensure continued employment for
system administrators at the expense of their employers and the community
generally.  (Bottom line: Macs threaten the livelihood of IT staffs.)

-- End of Forwarded Message

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: FW: Mac GPS

2004-01-03 Thread Robert M. Klein

-- Forwarded Message
From: Jessie, Customer Service [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 11:02:42 -0800
To: Robert M. Klein robert.klein at
Subject: Re: Mac GPS

Nope, no mistake, there is no Mac compatible software.
The only exception is National Geographic's Topographic software.
Best Regards,
The GPS City Team
Your GPS Headquarters
USA Phone: 866.GPS.CITY (Toll Free) / 702.990.5600 / 702.990.5603 (FAX)
USA Home Page:
USA Product Catalog:
CANADIAN Phone: 800.957.3454 / 403.735.0780 / 403.735.0785 (FAX)
CANADIAN Product Catalog:
 - Original Message -
 From: Robert M. Klein mailto:robert.klein at
 To: sales at
 Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 8:16 AM
 Subject: Mac GPS
 I can?t find your Mac-compatible GPS products.  I found plenty of maps and
 such, but no GPS stuff.  Did I miss it?

Sent using the Entourage X Test Drive.

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MacGroup: Remote access

2003-12-11 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks again, Lee and Jerry.

I will have to find out how the router was set up; I guess that means I will
have to get BellSouth to come out and do it.  I certainly have no access to
the router's set up program.  Am I missing something?


On 12/11/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at wrote:

 The software that is used to set up your router will most likely have
 an advanced option (I wish I could be more specific, but each router
 manufacturer handles this slightly differently, some use web-browser
 based set-ups and some use stand-alone programs, etc.) that allows you
 to designate how it handles types of request that come in --- just as
 Lee has outlined. 

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Remote access

2003-12-10 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thank you Jerry and Lee.

Yes, Jerry, the IP address begins with 192 and there is a router in our
office (for the DSL).  How do I set the router to forward requests to port
548, pray tell?  Is this something I can do or does the DSL provider do it?

Lee, I don?t even get the dialogue box for name and password.  I jump off
that bridge when I get to it.

By the way, that (remote) machine is still running OS 9 (my last holdout of
my 5 Macs because I can?t find a decent native X time and billing program;
someday I?ll just bite the bullet and run Classic under X or lose all my
historical data and start over with MYOB or the like). :-0


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 18:43:21 -0500
From: Jerry Yeager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MacGroup: Remote Access

A little more info will be needed to answer this one.

Go to the file sharing preference pane of the machine you are trying to
connect to and look at the IP number it lists. If it starts with 192
(as in or in 10 (as in then you are
living behind a router with NAT turned on. Your router will have to be
set to forward requests for port 548 to your machine in order for this
to work.

If, on the other hand, your IP number starts out like, oh say, then  there is something else going on.

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MacGroup: Remote Access

2003-12-09 Thread Robert M. Klein
It doesn't work.  I tried it just as you stated.  Do I designate a
particular folder as sharing, also (I did)?


On 12/8/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

  Appleshare/IP is what you want, and you don't need any extra software.
  On the server, make sure you have personal file sharing turned on and your
 firewall has port 548 open. You'll also need to know the IP address or DNS
 name of the server machine on the Internet.
  On the client machine, use the Go-Connect to Server menu item in the
 Finder. In the Server Address field type
  and hit return. You should get a dialog box into which you type your user
 name and password.
  I do this all the time from home to connect to office machines and from my
 office to home. The main thing that can go wrong is a Firewall that blocks
 port 548. 

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Remote Access

2003-12-07 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, Lee (and Henri).  I will try this tomorrow and see what happens.  I
tried connecting after reading your email but without having checked the
firewall port setting before I left the server at the office, and it didn't
work. (I did write down the server's IP address and used that.)


On 12/6/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Appleshare/IP is what you want, and you don't need any extra software.
 On the server, make sure you have personal file sharing turned on and
 your firewall has port 548 open. You'll also need to know the IP
 address or DNS name of the server machine on the Internet.
 On the client machine, use the Go-Connect to Server menu item in the
 Finder. In the Server Address field type
 and hit return. You should get a dialog box into which you type your
 user name and password.
 I do this all the time from home to connect to office machines and from
 my office to home. The main thing that can go wrong is a Firewall that
 blocks port 548.

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Remote Access

2003-12-06 Thread Robert M. Klein
How do I use file sharing/remote access via the internet?  On my Mac at work
(OS 10.3.1), I went to sharing in system preferences and checked the box
for remote login; personal file sharing was already checked, as I use that
with my other Mac at work on the network.  (Should I have checked remote
Apple desktop?  I thought that was for monitoring what folks are doing on
the network.)

What I want to do is access the folder that I have already set up for file
sharing there from my computer at home or wherever via the internet--copy
files, send files, etc. as if I were on the network there.  The Apple help
file is a joke, as it only talks about how to allow terminal access to your
computer .  On Versiontracker, I found a few utilities but they seem to want
to access the remote computer's terminal program only.

Any ideas?


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 27. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Re: macgroup-digest V1 #313

2003-10-22 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 10/22/03 5:15 PM, Marta Edie emailed:

 But a strange thing occurs when I want to play something on
 the BBC page. As soon as I click on the audio at the bottom right (
 there are several) my iTunes pop up and then iTunes tells me I cannot
 share my files unless I disconnect firewall. Clicking on the buttons at
 the top however,  bring me the BBC news or sports or weather. It is the
 strangest encounter yet I am having.

Well, I went to the BBC web site and clicked on the video buttons for news
and sports.  Instead of starting right up, it just downloaded the .ram
files.  Double-clicking on the first .ram file, started up RealOne Player,
which then automatically updated its version (a build but still v. 9.0),
then played the streaming video just fine.  No iTunes involvement.  I have
no explanation for your experience, except that I do not have a firewall.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be October 28. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: RealOne Player

2003-10-21 Thread Robert M. Klein
I have been using RealOne Player v,9.0 for quite some time under OS X
without a hitch.  You have to nose around the site to find the free version.
I use it for the New York Times stuff, too.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be October 28. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Update on County Clerk access for MacHeads

2003-10-15 Thread Robert M. Klein
Here is email I received from the Jefferson County Clerk's office today:

Unfortunately, I don't have any progress to report with our current
software.  However, in our 2004 budget I have included money to replace our
current Internet application with one that does not require interaction with
the AFP Viewer.
We have talked to our current software vendor, ACS, about a product called
VisualGov that is currently in use in Middlesex County, New Jersey
(  The drawback to that system is
that it is server-based and, as a result, has very slow response times.  We
are also looking into the possibility of having a custom application created
by a company called Twinstar, Inc. who has provided imaging support for us
in the past.  The Twinstar solution would be AS/400-based and very fast.  It
would also have the advantage of being able to be customized on the fly by
Clerk's Office personnel.
The budget item has made it through the review process here in the Clerk's
Office, but will need to be reviewed and approved by the Metro Council when
they look at our overall budget at the end of this year.  If all goes well,
we could be working on a replacement by first quarter 2004.
I wish I had something more immediate for you!

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be October 26. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Re: Epson printer problem

2003-09-14 Thread Robert M. Klein
On the Epson printer problem, I have had strange problems occasionally with
my Epson Stylus Photo 1280, software and hardware.  Although the site says
that there is a charge for telephone support after warranty, I have found
them to be very helpful and will take as much time as necessary to help you
out without charge except your long distance charge (they will ask for the
serial number and your information if you haven't called before).

In the end, it may be a mechanical problem that only can be repaired at a
shop, but that is highly unlikely because the mechanics are so simple and
generally so reliable.  I also am betting on a low ink cartridge.  I
sometimes get communication error and can't print at all when the
cartridge is low (it's obviously not really a communication error).  I can't
even check the ink level in the Epson Print Utility because there is a
communication error message given.  If that's not it, call Epson.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be September 23. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Re: macgroup-digest V1 #268

2003-09-03 Thread Robert M. Klein
Go to Mail  News Preferences, choose Reply  Forward tab and check the box
next to place insertion point before quote.


On 9/3/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Does anyone know of anyway to make the response default to
 the top?
 - -- 

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be September 23. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Re: macgroup-digest V1 #264

2003-08-29 Thread Robert M. Klein
Does anyone know how to get a Windows Media Player file into iTunes?

I checked and did some other nosing around and could not
find anything.  Even looked at a very good site:

Soundconverter won't work on 500K+ files without buying a $10 license which
I will not do before seeing how well it works because, based on the reviews,
the program is very unstable and poorly designed.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be September 23. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Good article on Apple's future

2003-07-02 Thread Robert M. Klein

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be July 22. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Groupwise issue

2003-07-01 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 6/30/03 5:15 PM, Lee Larson emailed:

 UofL has a Groupwise mail setup that I must use occasionally. Novell
 includes an IMAP gateway that works well with almost all the Mac
 IMAP-capable mail clients I have tried. (It has some problems with
 Outlook Express, when I delete mail.) This does not give access to
 other Groupwise features such as scheduling, but normal e-mail stuff
 works fine.

I wish I understood this statement.  My wife has to access her U of L email
via web access.  Is there really a way to access email from Groupwise using
a regular email program (we use Entourage)?  I tried many different settings
and could not get in.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be July 22. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Apple Announces Chip Deal and Other Moves to Lift PC's

2003-06-24 Thread Robert M. Klein

Good article.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be June 24. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Re: macgroup-digest V1 #205

2003-06-24 Thread Robert M. Klein
Oh.  I forgot.

Not MY ID and password.  Anyone who has signed up to read the NYT on the web
(no charge, no spam) can read it.


On 6/24/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at emailed:

 Now all we need is your member ID and password  :).
 Ward Oldham

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be June 24. The LCS Web page is
| This list's page is

MacGroup: Airport extreme card in PB 12

2003-04-15 Thread Robert M. Klein
I have a new PowerBook G4 12 with an Airport Extreme card (from MacTown).
My base station is not an extreme, but rather 27b1cb.

Airport works fine with my regular Platinum G4 with 3 or 4 bars in the very
same room as the new PowerBook where I get zero bars. If I carry the PB
nearer to the ABS, I get a signal, then I can carry back to that same room
and it will hold one maybe two bars. How silly is that? I am very
disappointed with that aspect of the new PB. Is there something wrong with
it? Is there a recall of the AE card for this machine?


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be April 22. The LCS Web page is

MacGroup: I can't empty trash either!

2003-04-10 Thread Robert M. Klein
Running 10.2.4, I have a folder in my trash can that has no visible contents
and some invisible files that I cannot get rid of.  I tried the latest
version of Trash It downloaded from VersionTracker.  Nothing.  I followed
the advice from April 3 of Schoun Regan in the terminal program.

Here?s what happened:
Last login: Thu Apr 10 18:15:47 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[Robert-Kleins-Computer:~] robertklein% cd .Trash
.Trash: No such file or directory.
[Robert-Kleins-Computer:~] robertklein% chflags nouchg*.*
chflags: No match.
[Robert-Kleins-Computer:~] robertklein% sudo rm*.*
sudo: No match.
[Robert-Kleins-Computer:~] robertklein% ls -la
total 40
drwxr-xr-x   15 robertkl  staff510 Apr 10 18:06 .
drwxrwxr-t5 root  wheel170 Feb 13 19:11 ..
-rw-r--r--1 robertkl  staff  3 Jan  7 21:14 .CFUserTextEncoding
-rwxr-xr-x1 robertkl  staff   6148 Mar  1 09:44 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--1 robertkl  staff  0 Feb 13 19:22 .MCXLC
-rw-r--r--1 robertkl  staff 26 Apr  9 21:15 .lpoptions
drwx--   27 robertkl  staff918 Apr 10 18:20 Desktop
drwx--   11 robertkl  staff374 Mar 23 20:44 Documents
drwx--   29 robertkl  staff986 Apr 10 18:01 Library
drwx--3 robertkl  staff102 Jan  7 21:14 Movies
drwx--  466 robertkl  staff  15844 Jan  8 11:16 Music
drwx--5 robertkl  staff170 Feb  8 10:43 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x4 robertkl  staff136 Jan  7 21:14 Public
lrwxr-xr-x1 robertkl  staff 61 Apr 10 18:06 Send Registration -
/Users/robertklein/Library/Assistants/Send Registration.setup
drwxr-xr-x5 robertkl  staff170 Jan  7 21:14 Sites
[Robert-Kleins-Computer:~] robertklein%

I was never prompted for the password.

Needless to say, the stuff is still in the trash can.  Other items get
trashed OK, but the stubborn ones stay.  It seems to be the same 7 files
that I have to hit ?continue? for when I try to empty the trash the
conventional way, the message being that I don?t have sufficient privileges.
I had tried something similar to this from the MacAddict OS X bugs issue a
few months ago, obviously to no avail. I have fixed privileges on several
occasions.  Nada.  When I go through a OS 9 startup, the trash can is empty.

Any help would be appreciated.  Please cc me off-list as I am on the digest
list and won?t see your response until tomorrow at 5 pm.

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MacGroup: Re: macgroup-digest V1 #132

2003-04-03 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 4/3/03 5:15 PM, macgroup-digest
owner-macgroup-digest at wrote:

 Does anyone know of any OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software
 that works with the Epson Perfection 2450 PHOTO scanner?

OmniPage is supposed to work, but see my submission to this list a couple of
weeks ago.  I am still waiting for the replacement CD from the publisher
that will allow the program to recognize Epson's Twain program under OS
10.2+.  I'll report back once the CD arrives.

And speaking of Al Gore . . .


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 25. The LCS Web page is

MacGroup: Hi, Big Al here

2003-03-25 Thread Robert M. Klein
OK, let?s turn off the flames and get back to business (and fun), whaddya
say, folks?

Here?s a little story to calm everyone down about the Al Gore vs. Bill Gates
Celebrity Death Match (Al Franken vs. Rush Limbaugh might be better,

I inquired here a month or so ago about recommendations for a native OS X
OCR program.  I did a little research and bought the new OmniPage Pro X from
ScanSoft.  I have an Epson Perfection scanner that uses the Twain software
(still in beta after, what, two years since OS X came out?) just fine.
OmniPage will not interface with Twain if you have Jaguar installed, only if
you have 10.1!  The set-up program simply will not recognize it when it
scans your hard drive for the program (it scans automatically and won't let
you browse to find and choose).  Jaguar has been out for about 6 months,
right, and this new, very expensive OmniPage just came out and it won?t work
under Jaguar.  I confirmed this by contacting the publisher.

Here's the kicker.  In order to just email the publisher to get ANY support,
you must pay $9.95 just to pose the question even though it is their fault
and it is a brand new program! Ten bucks for them to tell me their program
is deficient.  Having no choice but to email them or use the CD as a
coaster, I bit the bullet and emailed them.  They responded and directed me
to call them on the phone, which I did.

They said I could get a refund for the software purchase, or I could wait a
couple of weeks and they would send me an update on a CD that would solve
the problem.  It's been 2 weeks and no CD yet.  No refund of the $9.95.
How's that for customer service?

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be March 25. The LCS Web page is

MacGroup: OCR

2003-02-19 Thread Robert M. Klein
Can anyone recommend good OCR software for OS X?


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MacGroup: Quickbooks 5.0 Pro for Mac

2003-01-31 Thread Robert M. Klein
FYI, here is the log of the online conversation I had with Intuit:

Welcome Robert ... 
Connecting to server. Please wait...
Connected to
Rita has joined this session!
Rita says, Welcome to our Sales Chat. How may I help you?
You say, yes, i have QB Pro 5.0 for Macinstosh. I have used Quicken for
years and want to convert the file into QB. Now, i see that under
291331Categories:Data and Utilities, Install/ConvertQuestion:Can I convert
my data from Quicken for Mac to QuickBooks? ?Ans
You say, wer was no. Is there no solution offered at all?
Rita says, We are currently working on a fee-based data converter service
for QuickBooks Windows to QuickBooks Mac. Our current expectation is that it
will be available by 3/31/03.
You say, Unless i can convert this file, QB is worthless to me. I am using
Mac Quicken NOW. 
You say, not windows.
Rita says, At this time it is not possible to convert data from Quicken to
QuickBooks Pro 5 for Macintosh.
You say, will there be a time?
You say, can the Mac file be converted to Windows and then to Mac 5.0?
Rita says, They are working on utilities. I don't have an estimated time as
to when it will be available.
Rita says, No, it's not possible.
You say, This should have been made known to prosepective buyers, don't you
think? So I should forget about it?
Rita says, Yes you should have been told when the order was placed/
You say, Can i return it?
Rita says, If you are not satisfied with any Intuit product you purchased,
you may return it for a refund (excludes shipping and handling). Please
return your product in its entirety (CD/disks and any manuals) within 60
days of purchase, along with a copy of your sales receipt or packing slip.
Include a note explaining why you are returning it and how we should contact
you should we need to do so. For your protection we suggest that you return
your product/s via a traceable shipping method. Return everything to: Intuit
Returns Warehouse, 6060 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92121-
You say, You had that one handy! Let me make sure i fully understa??;Ind,
Rita says, Sure 
You say, Someone is working on utilities that would allow the Quicken 2002
file for Mac be converted to QB 5.0 format, right?
Rita says, Right. 
You say, Just no timetable that can be told to customers?
Rita says, Yes we do not know when it would be available.
You say, OK, then I wait a couple of months and check back. What's the best
way to check on its availability?
Rita says, You can visit the support section on our web site.
You say, OK, thank you very much, Rita. I hope folks will inform buyers of
QB 5.0 for Mac about this issue.
Rita says, You're welcome. Have a good day. : ) 

| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 28. The LCS Web page is

MacGroup: MacReporter

2003-01-30 Thread Robert M. Klein
Just want to add something that is not a problem or question to the list!

I have been using an OS X internet utility called MacReporter for a month or
so, and it is a real treat.  I installs itself into the dock, and when you
click and hold on it, a pop-up menu of plug-ins that you have selected comes
up and let's you see headlines from a wide selection of news sources,
including many Mac-only sites and VersionTracker's newest items.  It has
been bug-free so far (I hope I didn't jinx it).

Check it out at

Also, I would appreciate if someone (Lee?) could email me off-list with the
settings I need so my wife (she's on faculty) can access her U of L email
from home.  It seems that I am getting into the server but it won't let me
go farther.  I get the message that there is a connection failure.  I have
the right password, etc.  I set the POP server as and
set it so that the POP server requires a secure connection, but I've tried
it both ways.  I use Entourage.  Thanks.


| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
| be January 28. The LCS Web page is

MacGroup: AFP files

2002-11-27 Thread Robert M. Klein
I tried Bill?s suggestion of using GraphicConverter view the images on the
County Clerk?s land records site.  I downloaded the latest version. I then
accessed the records online using my browser (IE 5.1). When I clicked on the
?view image? button I got a dialogue box telling me that I did not have the
necessary plug-in to view the image (I already knew that, of course) and did
I want to copy the image to disk, etc.  I copied the image to my disk.  I
tried to open it in GraphicConverter and got the message that it was of an
unknown format.  I also tried to use the convert function; same result.  The
program definitely includes the ?AFP (Other TIFF)? format in its arsenal.

Any other ideas, folks?

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MacGroup: FW: Online Land Records Support for Mac Users

2002-11-25 Thread Robert M. Klein

Thought this was an interesting letter.  IBM couldn't just put the docs in
html or any standard format.  Any ideas on how to short-cut this or suggest
some shareware so we Mac users can see these AFP docs?


-- Forwarded Message
From: David Summerfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:46:44 -0500
To: robert at
Subject: Online Land Records Support for Mac Users

Dear Mr. Klein,

Mrs. Holsclaw's office forwarded your message to me.  Unfortunately, we
don't yet have a way for you to translate images from our web page on your
Mac.  We are, however, continuing to search for a solution.  Please allow me
update you on our efforts:

Our obstacle is an IBM software product called the AFP Viewer plug-in.
Users of our web page download the AFP Viewer to their PCs in order to
translate our land record images, stored in a proprietary IBM format called
MO:DCA, to an image format that their computers can display and print.  IBM
does not make a version of the AFP Viewer that will run in the MacOS
environment.  We have requested a Mac-compatible AFP Viewer from IBM, but we
have been informed that IBM will not be producing such a product.  IBM has
also told us that they are not interested in programming a Mac-compatible
AFP viewer for us on a contract basis.

We have asked several third-party software vendors to provide us with
estimates for creating a custom Mac AFP Viewer.  So far, all of the
potential solutions presented have been cost-prohibitive.

Our most recent, and most promising, conversations have been with a company
called Snowbound Software, Inc.  Snowbound has an existing software product
called Snapplet that they claim is both Mac-compatible and supports MO:DCA
image translations over the web.  We hope that our tests prove that
Snapplet, with a few modifications, will resolve our Mac issues.
Unfortunately, we do not yet know what the total cost of implementing the
software is, nor do we have a reasonable idea when such an implementation
might take place.

The Clerk's Office will continue to look for a way for Mac owners to use the
Online Land Records System.  In the meantime, please do not hesitate to
contact me directly if I can be of service.  Thank you very much for your
continued interest and patience.


Dave Summerfield
Director of Information Technology
Jefferson County Clerk's Office
531 Court Place, Room 201C
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
(502) 574-8590
dsummerfield at

-- End of Forwarded Message

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: Digest

2002-11-06 Thread Robert M. Klein
What ever happened to the digest idea for the group?  I, for one, would like
to see it if it?s easy for Lee.

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MacGroup: Digest

2002-11-06 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks, Lee.  I think I can say for all of us that we appreciate what you do
for us.


On 11/6/02 12:00 PM, Lee Larson LLarson at wrote:

 On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 09:42 AM, Robert M. Klein wrote:
 What ever happened to the digest idea for the group? ?I, for one,
 would like to see it if it?s easy for Lee.
 It's still on the pile of things to do. I've been really busy with
 other things, and haven't had a chance to set it up. I'll probably sit
 down over Turkey weekend and hammer it out.
 Lee Larson, Mathematics Department, University of Louisville
 Phone: 502.852.6826 FAX: 502.852.7132
 The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
 For more information, see A calendar of
 activities is at

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be November 26
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: intermittant AirPort disconnect

2002-10-18 Thread Robert M. Klein
On 10/18/02 10:45 AM, Nelson Helm helmkyny at wrote:

 I use an AirPort and DSL line.
 We have two Macs using the AirPort,
 an iMac and an iBook,
 so I can monitor the AirPort while one of them malfuncts.
 The iMac sometimes, suddenly and with no apparent reason,
 shows the AirPort as out of range or unavailable?,
 _no_ AirPort signal,
 even tho I can see with AirPort Administrative Utility on the other
 computer that the AirPort is working.
 When it changes, it changes instantly from a strong signal to out
 of range, or v.v. It does not fade in and out.
 I infer the lines are not vertical and horizontal because the graph
 prepresents a running average.

I had similar problems, although my AirPort is connected to a cable modem.
It has nothing to do with DSL.

My guess is that you or a neighbor have a cordless phone, one of the 2.4
gigabyte jobs.  My problem started when I got that phone.  It is documented
that those phones can interfere with AirPort signals, and it only happens
intermittently.  Sometimes if I change the channel on the phone, the problem
goes away.  Usually, if I just pull the power plug out of the AirPort for 30
seconds and plug it back in, it will re-boot and be fine.


The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be October 22
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: FW: Circuits: A New Microsoft Blunder

2002-10-17 Thread Robert M. Klein

-- Forwarded Message
From: The New York Times Direct [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: The New York Times Direct NYTDirect at
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:38:25 -0500
To: robert.klein at
Subject: Circuits: A New Microsoft Blunder

  Search  Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90 Days Past
Year Since 1996  


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? Game Theory: Mickey, Goofy, Donald and You #6

? What's Next: A Chip of Rubber #7
Classical Music Over the Web
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Thursday, October 17, 2002

 Ad Campaign Leaves Pie on Microsoft's Face
People accuse Microsoft of devious tactics all the time. Microsoft generally
denies the accusations ? after all, they're flanked by the best lawyers that
money can buy. 

This week, though, Microsoft gave itself a big, goopy pie in the face. On
Oct. 9, the company posted a testimonial on its Web site called Confessions
of a Mac to PC Convert. It was a first-person account by a freelance
writer about how she had fallen in love with Windows XP. She compared the
operating system to a Lexus. I was up and running in less than one day,
Girl Scout's honor, burbled the attractive, 20-something brunette in the

There was only one problem: She doesn't exist.

A with-it member of, the popular hangout for articulate nerds,
happened to notice that the woman's picture actually came from, a stock-photo agency. Associated Press reporter Ted Bridis
took it from there. He tracked authorship of the article to one Valerie
Mallinson, a public-relations woman hired by Microsoft to write the story.
Microsoft was caught red-handed.

I was dying to find out how this public-relations fiasco came to pass, but
Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla would speak only in Officialese. The article
was mistakenly posted to the Microsoft Web Site, is all he would tell me.
Once we realized that it wasn't part of the Windows XP marketing
activities, we pulled it. It's an unfortunate situation, and we take

No wonder Microsoft has become a laughingstock online. Once we realized . .
. ? Hello? Exactly how disconnected are the right and left hands of
Microsoft's marketing organization?

And then there's the feebleness of the ad itself. Not only is it a childish
attempt to mimic Apple's Switch campaign, but Microsoft's bogus customer
is hopelessly misinformed. AppleWorks pales in comparison to Microsoft
Office XP. There's no equivalent for the versatility of Microsoft Word,
Excel and PowerPoint, she writes, evidently never having heard of Microsoft
Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Macintosh.

Then she makes it worse: Internet Explorer 6 does more for me than Netscape
Navigator ever did. . . . I can name and organize my Favorites any way I
want. First of all, Internet Explorer is on the Mac, too. Second, had Ms.
Fictitious ever, in fact, used Netscape Navigator, she might have realized
that it, too, permits naming and organizing bookmarks.

To be sure, the online community is wasting no time in rubbing these gaffes
in Microsoft's face. But nobody's mentioning the most disturbing part of all
this: That it's part of a longer string of fraudulent Microsoft marketing

In 1998, the Los Angeles Times reported that Microsoft, during its antitrust
trials, hired PR companies to flood newspapers with fake letters of support,
bearing ordinary individuals' names but actually written by Microsoft PR
staff. Payments were funneled through Microsoft's PR company so that the
checks couldn't be traced.

Later, during the antitrust trials, Microsoft attempted to prove the
inseparability of Windows and Internet Explorer by showing the judge a
video. There was only one problem: The government's lawyer noticed that as
the tape rolled on, the number of icons on the desktop kept changing.
Microsoft sheepishly admitted to having spliced together footage from
different computers to make its point.

And now a phony testimonial illustrated by a photo bought from a stock-art

What does all of this say about a company's corporate psyche that it feels
the need to fabricate evidence of the public's love?

Maybe Microsoft is jealous of the genuine affection Mac fans seem to exhibit
for their machines. Or could it be that the company somehow feels rejected
by the quirky (and as far as anyone can tell, real) people in Apple's
Switch ads. 

But more likely, Microsoft's latest blunder demonstrates neither jealousy
nor wounded pride ? it's pure arrogance. The company thinks it can get away
with anything. This time, at least, it's wrong.

A screen 

MacGroup: FYI re Timeslips

2002-09-18 Thread Robert M. Klein
Just for giggles, here?s an email I just received:

We have discontinued support for our Mac product line.  If you have at least
one Windows PC in your office you can use Timeslips on that computer and
continue to use the Macs for data entry via our Timeslips eCenter service.
You can visit
for more information on this service.  I do not know of any other time and
billing software packages for the Mac.  Please let me know if you have any
other questions.
John Perry
Timeslips Sales Consultant
I don?t have the thread in the group from a few months ago about time and
billing programs for the Mac; it is essential that it be able to do the same
tasks and import all of my Timeslips data (11 years worth!).  Any

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MacGroup: Keychain password

2002-09-15 Thread Robert M. Klein
I agree.


On 9/15/02 1:50 PM, vDog vdog at wrote:

 Lee, this would be a valuable asset to the list. find them pearls...vdog
 On Sunday, September 15, 2002, at 11:33 AM, Lee Larson wrote:
 There is no archive of these messages. One could be started pretty
 easily. If there's enough interest in it, I'll do so.
 The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be September 24
 For more information, see A calendar of
 activities is at

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be September 24
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: Converting to digital video

2002-09-05 Thread Robert M. Klein
If you have a Sony DV camera of recent vintage, and I think that Sony is the
only brand, you can connect your VCR to the camera, and connect the camera
to the Mac via firewire.  With iMovie2 running, you can import the video
from your VHS tape directly into iMovie2.  (There is a setting on the
camera's menu to do that; it's in the camera manual and in David Pogue's
iMovie2 Missing Manual.)   No need to record onto the camera's digital tape
(it's only 30 minutes max anyway).  I have done it several times and it
works fine.


On 9/5/02 9:29 AM, Pat F Bass III. rickybass at wrote:

 Does anyone know of an inexpensive way to convert vhs to digital video
 so you can import into imovie
 Ricky Bass
 The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be September 24
 For more information, see A calendar of
 activities is at

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be September 24
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: No respect. So what else is new?

2002-06-20 Thread Robert M. Klein

-- Forwarded Message
From: Ptsccallcenter, Rep03 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:47:56 -0400
To: 'Robert M. Klein' robert at
Subject: RE: Mac support

We have no plans to introduce a MAC version of Mobile Media Manager.
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert M. Klein [mailto:robert at]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 11:55 AM
 To: Ptsccallcenter, Rep03
 Subject: Re: Mac support
I know.  My question was ?When??  Is it not the software to upload the
files, not the phone itself, that is incompatible?

On 6/19/02 2:39 PM, Ptsccallcenter, Rep03
PTSCcallcenterRep03 at wrote:

 Thank you for your inquiry regarding Panasonic digital TDMA wireless phones.
 Panasonic does not offer a Panasonic wireless phone that is compatible for use
 with Apple computers.
 If you have any additional inquiries regarding Panasonic wireless phones,
 please do not hesitate contacting technical support (1-800-414-4408) with the
 Panasonic Digital Communications  Security Company again.
 Panasonic Wireless - Technical Support
 Panasonic Digital Communications  Security Company
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert M. Klein [mailto:robert at]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 10:37 AM
 To: PTSC, CallCenter
 Subject: Mac support
 When are you going to support Macintosh users, such as me?  I want to download
 pictures and melodies to my Panasonic phone.
 -- End of Forwarded Message

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MacGroup: Realplayer help

2002-06-19 Thread Robert M. Klein
Maybe someone has run into this problem.  I run OS 10.1.4 and IE, and I like
to look at movie and news sites, the New York Times website, for example.
When I clink on a link to view a video of a story that I?m interested in, I
get a dialogue box that says I need a plugin ?audio/x-pn-realplayer . . .?
and gives me a link to a site to obtain it.  Well, there is no such plugin
there, and I have looked at and at the Real Network
sites.  There is no Realplayer for OS X and no such plugin there.  I
actually got a response from the Real Network support staff saying that I
had to run Real Player 8 in Classic mode in order to run any of their stuff.
Obviously, I don?t want to wait around for 10 minutes while Classic boots up
just to see a freakin? video clip.  Quicktime is not an option when the
streaming video clip is presented by the website as a Realplayer file, or is

Any ideas on what works in lieu of that nonexistent plugin or what a good
workaround might be?

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MacGroup: Actual plugin

2002-06-19 Thread Robert M. Klein
The actual plugin error message is audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin missing.

Here is is the response I got:

 Thank you for contacting RealNetworks Technical Support.
 My name is Satish. I am a RealNetworks Technical Support Engineer and will be
 interacting with you on the problem you are reporting.
 I apologize for the difficulty you have experienced. I understand that you
 receiving audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin missing error message when you try to
 play clips from net using RealPlayer on Mac X OS.
 Please note that RealPlayer 8 is compatible with, and supported under
 Macintosh Operating Systems 8.1 - 9.1.
 While you may be able to use RealPlayer 8 with Mac OS X in the Classic
 Environment, RealNetworks has not tested for compatibility and does not
 currently provide support for RealPlayer on Mac OSX.
 Please note: RealNetworks is fully committed to the Macintosh and we're
 actively working on bringing our latest technologies to the Macintosh
 platform. YEAH, SURE YOU ARE
 Please let us know if you need further assistance.
 Satish G
 Talisma Corporation
 RealNetworks Authorized Support Provider 
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MacGroup: RealPlayer

2002-06-19 Thread Robert M. Klein
Thanks for the heads-up, vDog.  And, good question!


On 6/19/02 3:19 PM, vDog vdog at wrote:

 This article today on MacWorld/UK (why dont's they have a
 The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be June 25.
 For more information, see A calendar of
 activities is at

The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will be June 25.
For more information, see A calendar of
activities is at

MacGroup: Streaming player

2002-05-14 Thread Robert M. Klein
Anyone know where to find a free streaming audio/visual player that works
under OS X?  RealPlayer and Windows Media Player don?t work under X unless
you buy the ?pro? version.  Quicktime won?t play the streaming files such as
when you want to sample a track from CDNow, for example.

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