Re: [maemo-developers] Porting Qt to Maemo

2007-02-07 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 04:42 PM 2/7/2007, Andrew Barr wrote:

That's just my preference. I don't see why anyone shouldn't try to port
Qt to these would be an interesting technical exercise if
nothing else. It would be nice if Nokia could open-source some more of
the ITOS stack so that the community can have a little more flexibility
in hacking at these tablets...regardless of your choice of GUI toolkit.

you can't port, one is C and one is C++, it requires a total rewrite.

Just my two cents,


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Porting Qt to Maemo

2007-02-07 Thread Shawn Gordon
oh man, you're opening a can of worms with this one.  I really wish 
Nokia had used Qt because we have a big library of apps for 
Qt/Embedded (or whatever it is called now), it just seems like Maemo 
is never quite done.

At 02:51 PM 2/7/2007, Andrea Grandi wrote:


today I did a little test with Qt and Maemo 2.2 SDK. I recompiled Qt
4.2.2 into the Scratchbox with maemo 2.2 installed and I was able to
run a little Qt-HelloWorld inside the "emulator".

I wonder if it would be possible to realize a real port of Qt into
Maemo and make it run on Nokia 770/800.

In my opinion this could be possible.

We should strip out parts that are not necessary, for example:
examples, documentation, headers and possibly other stuff like opengl,
variuos db drivers ecc we should try to reduce the size the most
we can.

Once this is done, we could also write application using Qt/C++ and
not only GTK/C.

What do you think about this? Anyone is interested in this project and
want to help me?

Best regards,

Andrea Grandi
maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 12:23 PM 4/19/2006, Philippe De Swert wrote:

Hello Shawn,

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 11:59 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to
> mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a company who
> was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and what Sharp
> and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could learn from (I
> don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just honestly think it
> would have been faster and cheaper than going the route they did, but
> I am not privy to the information that went in to making that decision).

Why would Qtopia be faster and cheaper?

faster because it is done, has been used, refined, debugged and 
developed for for years, so other than device drivers in the kernel 
it wouldn't have taken hardly any time at all to get it up and running.

cheaper - I'm assuming cheaper based on what I know of the licensing 
costs and the costs to hire a bunch of developers for years to 
develop and support the software.  Nokia is not going to just rely on 
the open source community for something that they depend on, they 
will certainly have their own developers and these are going to be 
far more expensive than simply paying a small per unit license cost 
(I'm talking ones of dollars per unit).

I am not trying to troll here
but both have wide support in the Free Software community. (However in
the embedded space GTK might have an edge. GPE is atm better supported
and has more active developers than Opie for example. And I am not
stating that because I happen to be involved with GPE, but because both
Opie and GPe are involved with familiar we know about each other
projects and we even co-operate on certain parts.)

Keep in mind that Opie is simply a fork of the GPL version of Qtopia, 
so they get the advantage of all the things I spelled out above.

> Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company
> already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, and there was
> a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing
> software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount
> and grew very rapidly.

Well Nokia might not have had applictions readily available before the
product was released. But I do remember porting an app in the maemo SDK
before the device was actually available

> What was done right:
> 1.Sharp actually located about 50 companies and individual developers
> 2.They worked with Handango to create a web site where commercial and
> 3.Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded
> community and keep the line of communication open.

Ok. That indeed are valid points that could contribute to success with
an "open" project. However *again* I see no reason why Qtopia would have
been an advantage. In it's own right I believe the technical choice GTK
vs QT(opia) has nothing to do with the success of these projects. As you
point out political choices are much more important. Nokia has supported
Gnome and has hired professional companies to support them as can be
seen in Ari Jaaksi's presentation from Boston see (slide 7): .
So the one thing they really need to do is having somebody that can put
time in co-ordinating the community and pass on all interesting
developments to the people in Nokia who take the decisions. This last
part has not yet been done. And if they manage to pick up the good
things from the community it will become a killer product. So they
definitely need to work on point 3. Apart from that the used toolkit
point is completely moot. The 770 would probabely be as good/bad as it
is now regardless of GTK or QT.

I'm not espousing the benefits of one technology over another here, 
I'm simply making the point of how the business was and was not well 
handled in my opinion.




| Philippe De Swert
| GPE developer:
| Emdebian developer:
| Please do not send me documents in a closed
| format.(*.doc,*.xls,*.ppt)
| Use the open alternatives. (*.pdf,*.ps,*.html,*.txt)


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 API changes, signals and properties (was: ANN: Eagle)

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 12:39 PM 4/19/2006, Philippe De Swert wrote:


On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 12:10 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:

> I've got to say that this review

> is pretty much spot on, much as I like the device, from a reviewer
> perspective there is nothing I disagree with in this review, I had
> all the same experiences other than the network connection one.

There are indeed very valid points mentioned in the review. However I
think we need to change something in the attitude that is taken towards
this product. This is meant to be an open device, so some compromises
had to be made. AFAIK it would be impossible to distribute the device
with wmv codecs without some complicated agreements/demands from MS. And
honestly I really want to avoid any DRM stuff.

I'm totally against DRM, see my iTunes competitor 
that I started a couple years ago, we use FLAC and OGG formats.  My 
company was the first one to make a portable ogg player by producing 
software to play Ogg on the Sharp Zaurus years ago.

Also his complaints about flash are annoying. Nokia cannot help it that
Macromedia is plain evil and writes hugely inefficient software. Their
flash plugin eats up to 90% of cpu on my old P3 800Mhz laptop, which is
absolutely horrible for the amount of displaying it needs to do. Also
they do not support recent flash for GNU/Linux. It even gets worse if
you look at flash support for ARM. I don't even think the reviewers
websites would be viewable on a normal PDA either. On top of that I
recommend anyone to read the EULA that comes with the flash plugin.
Personally it kept me from installing the bloody plugin, and I probabely
never will again unless I really need too. I hope that GNASH will be in
working order soon.

yes, FLASH blows, but this is about managing expectations, you have 
to control as much as possible what peoples expectations are for this 
device, and without a clear description to the market then they are 
going to have some standard expectations for the device, right or 
wrong, and that is what you can control.

> With
> the lack of software, it's really not clear what you should do with
> this device.  Nokia (or maybe it was just the press) has made it seem
> that things like VoIP will be coming any day now, but they

Also I don't know if expecting a PIM suite was realistic on a device
called Internet tablet. Nokia never marketed this as a PDA. Though the
reviewer did look at it as it were one. And who needs a PIM now that we
have google/yahoo calendar...

EVERYTHING has a PIM on it, you'd be amazed at how many people use a 
PIM on every dang piece of equipment they have.  Simple example:  I 
never wanted to do a PIM on the Zaurus because it already had one, 
but Lineo asked us to put together a proof of concept for a new 
calendar app for possible future devices, which we did and they 
really liked then they went under, so we decided to release it and 
people gobbled it up and demanded we do an address book, memo and 
todo apps and email - pretty much all of which were already on the 
device by default.  To this day our PIM apps are our biggest selling 

For the rest it is perfectly adequate as
an internet device (at least for me). I would just love official ogg

You'd need to port Tremor or write your own integer replacement 
library for the floating point.  Tremor isn't particularly efficient, 
but it worked ok with the 206mhz StrongARM when we used it.

> haven't.  My company has all sorts of cross platform VoIP solutions,
> I would have ported it to the 770 months ago but I didn't want to
> compete with a free solution included with the device, but nothing
> has come out yet.

Well that was your choice. And you can hardly blame Nokia for you not
porting that application. And to be honest bringing out one of these
solutions might have been beneficial for the whole development story.

Please understand the point I'm making.  It discourages the 
developers.  Why will I spend time on that if I think Nokia is coming 
out with something shortly instead of doing something else?

> My whole intent in getting involved with the conversations today is
> to try to do something productive because I'd really like to see the
> 770 (or its offspring) succeed.

Well I think everybody is waiting for some constructive action. I think
there has been enough conversation. This is an open device, with a
starting community. So if you come with a good idea, a tech-demo and a
clear plan I am sure you will find people supporting it to make it a

we're a commercial software company.  We have plans for a few freebie 
apps, but our focus is going to be commercial software, to me whether 
it is open or not doesn't matter (no offense, it just doesn't), I&

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 API changes, signals and properties (was: ANN: Eagle)

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon
I think you're not appreciating what I'm trying to say, email is 
notorious for not getting the proper tone across.  I'm not attacking 
anyone, I'm expressing my concern at the current situation.  I would 
also say that it is not at all obvious to me that the developers are 
working hard.  I do not in any way mean that as a slam against them, 
I'm just saying that I haven't seen anything that would tell me 
that.  That said, I don't read all the email on this list either.

I think the device is gorgeous, I do think that some of the UI design 
ideas are not at all intuitive though, and the decision on the MMC 
card was really not a good one, they are expensive, hard to find and 
do not go very high on capacity.  No one is going to forgive the 
price point if it is too under powered for what they expect it to do, 
it could be $50, it doesn't matter.  I'm a programmer and I was a 
reviewer for magazines for year as well, I know how these things are 
approached.  If there isn't an option for a beefier unit with more 
features, then it is judged on its features and stability regardless 
of price.  Nokia is famous for their rock solid hardware, so 
something that comes out and seems more like a test unit is going to 
upset a reviewer even more.

I've got to say that this review 
is pretty much spot on, much as I like the device, from a reviewer 
perspective there is nothing I disagree with in this review, I had 
all the same experiences other than the network connection one.  With 
the lack of software, it's really not clear what you should do with 
this device.  Nokia (or maybe it was just the press) has made it seem 
that things like VoIP will be coming any day now, but they 
haven't.  My company has all sorts of cross platform VoIP solutions, 
I would have ported it to the 770 months ago but I didn't want to 
compete with a free solution included with the device, but nothing 
has come out yet.

My whole intent in getting involved with the conversations today is 
to try to do something productive because I'd really like to see the 
770 (or its offspring) succeed.

At 10:48 AM 4/19/2006, you wrote:

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 09:14 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> I gotta say as a third party developer that the state of Maemo is
> rather frustrating, it seems like a far from done piece of work and a
> moving target.

Are you seeing API breaks, or are you complaining that improvements are
happening? Is this an attempt to complain about progress while also
demanding that progress happens?

>   I've seen a lot of complaints on industry reviews of
> the device as well to the stability and selection of software
> included on the device.  What's happening at Nokia to help with this
> and remove the perception that the device is a beta unit?

I think it's fairly obvious that Nokia's developers are working very
hard. They appear to be working on general stability, bug-fixing, and
new functionality. Attacking them will slow them down.

I've seen only one or two reviews that think if suffers from a lack of
functionality, but they have compared it with either larger and more
expensive products (such as mini laptops) or with less capable devices
such as phones and PDAs which don't fullfill the main 770 use case
(using the web).

The other reviews seem to be very positive, and forgiving of a few
glitches with the recognition that it's a first, that it's meant to do
one thing well, and that it has limited resources to keep the price

Murray Cumming


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon
I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to 
mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a company who 
was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and what Sharp 
and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could learn from (I 
don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just honestly think it 
would have been faster and cheaper than going the route they did, but 
I am not privy to the information that went in to making that decision).

Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company 
already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, and there was 
a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing 
software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount 
and grew very rapidly.

What was done right:

Sharp actually located about 50 companies and individual developers 
(of which we were part) about 6 months before the release of the 
device, flew us all to San Jose, gave us a limo ride to the hotel, 
put us up with food and lodging, gave us a day seminar on the device 
and gave us devices.  They hired some people that were specifically 
meant to interface with the developers and actually were almost 
always available in IRC for immediate chat and feedback.

They worked with Handango to create a web site where commercial and 
free applications could be hosted.  I don't care for the site much, 
but at least it was a central repository that Sharp would point to.

Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded 
community and keep the line of communication open.

What was not done right:

Sharp in Japan wouldn't trust Sharp Americas decisions and really 
pulled the rug out from under them.  One example was that while they 
got the device in places like Best Buy they never sent anyone out to 
the stores to educate the sales people, so consequently they steered 
people away from the device.

Sharp Americas support team kept getting gutted and the contact 
people in Japan kept changing till the point that you could no longer 
get information and it basically killed off any interaction between 
Sharp and the developers to the point that I was actually told by 
Sharp that they didn't want third party developers to do anything for 
the device.

Sharp Japan making major changes to the OS and backend engine without 
telling any of the 3rd party developers and we only found out after 
the devices were released and then documentation was thin or non-existent.

Confusing licensing - the Opie and OZ initiatives were really pushed 
by one of the people at Sharp US to try and commercialize his own 
embedded system, the problem was with the licensing because if you 
strictly followed the license, then a commercial application could 
not be legally sold for a device running Opie and OZ (I don't want to 
get mired in this again, I spent a lot of time working on this with 
lawyers at the time, and this was the end result).  It was confusing 
to the point that Trolltech couldn't even explain it.

Those are some bullet points of what we went through.  We still sell 
a good amount of software for the Zaurus and Archos every single day, 
even with these issues.  My point here is not advocacy for one 
windowing toolkit over another, it is to illustrate what works and 
doesn't work in this environment.  I'd be more than happy to have a 
really detailed conversation with Nokia on this and share more 
details of my experience.

At 10:51 AM 4/19/2006, Kasper Souren wrote:
The product is on the market for less than half a year. There are 
already tens of usable free software applications ported or created. 
That's pretty impressive for the first 'open product' of such a big 
company. I'm not complaining. I'm a pretty satisfied customer _and_ 
developer myself.

Just a little thank you to all the Nokia folks who made this possible...
maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 API changes, signals and properties

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 10:03 AM 4/19/2006, Marius Vollmer wrote:

"ext Shawn Gordon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What's happening at Nokia to help with this and remove the
> perception that the device is a beta unit?

We are hanging around on mailing lists and browse blogs, waiting for
someone to tell us what to do. ;-)

I'm engaged in private conversations with 2 people at Nokia involved 
with the 770 about our issues and they agree with everything, but 
we're still waiting for something to happen.  My concern is that 
these conversations have been going for 5 months now with no visible 
progress.  There could be progress behind the scenes, but I'm not 
privvy to it, so I'm expressing my frustration here.  The other 
frustration is that we have a number of applications on other devices 
that we'd port to the 770 except that Nokia has given the impression 
that these are coming any time now, so we haven't done it, but the 
apps haven't shown up either.

I think the device is really nice, but maemo itself just seems far 
from complete and it gives the whole experience a beta feel.  Not to 
dredge up the whole decision of what to use on the device again, but 
Qtopia would have been a lot less of a hassle.

maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Maemo 2.0 API changes, signals and properties (was: ANN: Eagle)

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon
I gotta say as a third party developer that the state of Maemo is 
rather frustrating, it seems like a far from done piece of work and a 
moving target.  I've seen a lot of complaints on industry reviews of 
the device as well to the stability and selection of software 
included on the device.  What's happening at Nokia to help with this 
and remove the perception that the device is a beta unit?


At 08:52 AM 4/19/2006, you wrote:

On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 08:51 -0300, ext Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> Hello,
> Eagle ( was ported to
> Maemo/Hildon 

In your blog you had mentioned this:

> However I opted to not port every component, like HildonColorButton
> or HildonNote because I think they're not well designed, they don't
> even provide signal "changed", used by Eagle's DataWidget to persist
> data automatically. As API will change in Maemo 2.0, I won't bother
> with this until then.

HildonColorButton and HildonNote APIs are not changing in any signifcant
way, so don't let that stop you from including more widgets in the
supported list.

Hildon-related API changes are more or less limited to HildonApp and
AppView and gtk_infoprint (and widgets no one was supposed to be using
anyway)  See for a bit more

HildonColorButton doesn't need a specific "changed" signal, it is
already provided, though it's called "notify::color" and the callback
signature is slightly strange
(The older version of generated API documentation misses some crucial
bits like signals and properties, the new API has slightly better
generated documentation in

It's a less known feature in GObjects that all properties have implicit
"changed" signals associated with them. It has the benefit that you
don't need multiple "foo-changed", "bar-changed", ... signals for
complex objects.

So the lack of "extra" signal is intentional and we plan to use the same
design in new widgets as well, see HildonProgram for example.

Tommi Komulainen<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] tkcPanels for Nokia 770

2006-03-01 Thread Shawn Gordon
I accidently sent the announcement to our general announce mail list 
to this list as well, instead of making the situation worse by 
sending yet another email and saying "woops", I figured I'd just let it lie.

At 10:39 AM 3/1/2006, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
On 3/1/06, Shawn Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Our first 
application for the Nokia 770 is now available, it is a > port of 
our tkcPanels game.  You can see the screenshots at > and > 
read about the product and purchase at > > > There is 
not a demo for the 770 at this time. This kind of 
announces/advertisments would probably belong to the maemo-announce 
list, if even there (I'm  not sure about the policy, the listinfo 
page states that "any announcement related to Maemo" but that might 
be a little broad). > This is really a fascinating device, you 
should check it out - >,1522,,00.html?orig=/770 I'm pretty 
sure anyone subscribing to maemo-devel would already know that ;) -- 
Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Interesting 
stuff at


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] first commercial app from theKompany

2006-03-01 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 09:56 AM 3/1/2006, you wrote:

On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 09:45:48AM -0800, Shawn Gordon wrote:

> We've just released our first commercial game for the 770 called
> tkcPanels.  You can see the screenshots at
> and
> read about the product and purchase at

Clicking on the 'add to cart' link, I got a "You must choose a valid
product to add to the cart" error. :)

You have to select the item, there are 3 or 4 versions of it so click 
on the combo box just above the 'add to cart' that says 'tkcPanel Versions'



Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] tkcPanels for Nokia 770

2006-03-01 Thread Shawn Gordon
Our first application for the Nokia 770 is now available, it is a 
port of our tkcPanels game.  You can see the screenshots at and 
read about the product and purchase at

There is not a demo for the 770 at this time.

This is really a fascinating device, you should check it out -,1522,,00.html?orig=/770


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] first commercial app from theKompany

2006-03-01 Thread Shawn Gordon
We've just released our first commercial game for the 770 called 
tkcPanels.  You can see the screenshots at and 
read about the product and purchase at

There is not a demo for the 770 at this time.


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] screenshot tool?

2005-12-14 Thread Shawn Gordon


We've been hunting around for a tool to take screenshots on the 
device but haven't found one.  Any suggestions?  thanks.

Best Regards,
Shawn Gordon
ProgRock Records
(949) 713-3276
Tune into the best progressive rock station on the planet -

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] screenshot tool?

2005-12-12 Thread Shawn Gordon


We've been hunting around for a tool to take screenshots on the 
device but haven't found one.  Any suggestions?  thanks.


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] RFC: Qtopia Nokia N770 (maemo) porting layer

2005-11-08 Thread Shawn Gordon

I've been watching this thread with interest, and I have some feedback for you.

Qtopia is about a 3mb footprint, it is pretty small, has its own 
framebuffer and doesn't rely on X, this is for Qt2x.  Qt3 was never 
made in to an embedded version because of its size.  I'm told that 
Qt4x was modularized better so it could be used for embedded again, I 
don't think anyone is doing it yet.

OPIE is a problem from a licensing and compatibility point of 
view.  OPIE is a fork of the GPL version of Qtopia and as time has 
gone on it has become less compatible.  The other issue is the 
license, you cannot bundle a non-GPL app with OPIE and it is 
technically a GPL violation to use a non-GPL app with it because the 
application is now using the GPL versions of the libraries.  The 
other problem for a commercial software company is that you can't 
rely on the fact that it is going to be available unless of course 
you have found some way to static link everything together, it would 
be like running a Qt app under GNOME basically.

I have a huge investment in Qtopia development, nothing I'd like 
better than to be able to just run them on the device without having 
to rewrite the UI, but short of Nokia changing their mind and 
licensing Qtopia, any effort is just going to remain in the realm of 
the hobbyist IMO.

At 11:11 AM 11/8/2005, you wrote:

2005/11/8, Clemens Eisserer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > ...which makes these sound a bit funky. If you use *anything*
> > GUI-related that is already implemented, you'll drag Gtk+ in. Which
> > will mean that you need to have both Qt and Gtk+ libraries in memory
> > at the same time, which I think is not too hot on the current
> > hardware.
> >From this point of view I think GTK2 was the completly wrong choice as
> Maemo's GUI toolkit. Its slow (mameo contains even a hacked version
> which tries to speed it up a bit) and heavyweight (megs of code
> splitted in many different shared-libs), but it was choosen for
> compatibility as the whole Xserver based approach. (fox-toolkit  or
> fltk are much more efficient)

If Maemo would get a hacker every time somebody said that...

I assume Qt has not got "megs of code" then?
The Qt site boasts that:

"The Qt Class Library  is a growing library of over 400 C++ classes [..]"

That doesn't sound lightweight to me ;)

Gtk+ is, in my opinion, fast enough for the 770, the bulk of the
performance issues come from the limited memory from which the (AFAIK
non-gtk) system services occupy a fair share and from the fact that
there is virtually no acceleration for the graphics.

> I think with this decision in mind a port of QT would not be that bad
> either since it would allow running apps on your Maemo powered device
> which would not be able to run otherwise or would not look that good.

I'm all for a Qt version, diversity is good.

It's having both of them in memory at the same time that is bad. Which
also means that running programs for both at the same time would be
bad too.

And as said, most of stuff already done is in Gtk+, so you'd
effectively have to write the GUI bits from scratch. But hey, in case
you haven't noticed, Maemo is free software ;)

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Powered by
maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Gtk vs. Qt

2005-07-26 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 08:26 AM 7/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


> Kate, your initial work looks very promising, but I'm curious
> why you're
> doing a port of Qt itself instead of Qt/e, which is
> significantly smaller
> (less features of course)?

Maemo (and therefore the Nokia 770 device) uses X11 and there is no place 
for Qt/e
which does not use X. Qt/e emulation to get some software running on the 
maemo and the current
maemo compliant device is a great idea if it will work, if you ask me. 
However, replacing

the X11 with Qt/e / qtopia would be really bad idea (IMHO).

you've actually done the work, so you know more than I am, I'm simply 
throwing out questions based on my understanding.  My intent has never been 
to replace X11 or Maemo, but to have a qtopia app run in it, rather like 
when we sell Qt apps and someone runs them on a GNOME desktop, we include 
the libs required for it to run.  You miss some things like cut&paste in 
this environment due to no shared clipboard (at least last time I 
checked).  Now what immediately comes to mind is that your file dialogs 
will probably look and work differently, but even on the Zaurus we've 
always had our own look and feel in our apps.

I have compiled both Qt3/X11 and Qt4/X11 for maemo. I haven't tried to put 
the Qt4 to the

device yet since it is quite huge with the default options.

We've done a little Qt4 porting on the desktop so far and it's a heck of a 
lot of work.  Even moving Qtopia apps to Qt is not particularly trivial, it 
kind of depends on the function of the app though.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Gtk vs. Qt

2005-07-26 Thread Shawn Gordon
Kate, your initial work looks very promising, but I'm curious why you're 
doing a port of Qt itself instead of Qt/e, which is significantly smaller 
(less features of course)?  Lorn mentioned qt/e4, I don't know what the 
state of that is currently, but if that's what get's running in Maemo then 
we might as well port the UI to Hildon since porting to qt/e4 is probably 
going to be just about the same effort and we'd rather be native.

Basically there is a huge library of free applications and our commercial 
applications that run on qt/e2 that ships with all the Zaurus's (Zaurii) so 
any effort to get some emulation working would be most effective if it 
targeted the platform that is currently in the largest deployment.  I'm 
apparently jumping in to this whole topic late, so I don't know what has 
been discussed before, but I think we're the only hardcore commercial 
developers of qtopia applications around, so we have some specific ideas in 
this regard.


At 05:15 AM 7/26/2005, Kate Alhola wrote:

ext Eero Tamminen wrote:


On Maemo platform I regard Qt a bit like libSDL as I think both of them
to have similar problems:
- User interface looks different (different colors, pixmaps, font family
 & size and they don't change when device theme is changed)
- User interface works differently (no special widgets for touchscreen
 usage, uses menubar to open menus instead of a titlebar)
- Do not integrate with the input method (in Maemo this is integrated
 with the individual widget usage so that input method comes up
 automatically only when needed and goes away when not needed)
- Naively takes pointer/keyboard grabs "unnecessarily" and/or doesn't
 release them when required (in some rare cases could end up locking the UI)
- User cannot switch to SDL application through Task Navigator
 (should be easiest to fix)

I.e. there would be quite a lot work to integrate Qt library properly
to the Maemo platform in addition to it taking a lot of additional
memory as Qt libraries wouldn't be shared with the other application

Also the Qtopia emulation layer would be usefull for porting Qt/Qtopia 

There is work to do but it looks a like that there is lot of interest to 
have possibility

to port QT / Qtopia applications and so there is good reason to do this work.
I think that it is much more usefull to do this port as open source 
project and produce
shared library that can be used multiple applications instead that every 
app developper

will make their own port and spend lot of memory with statically linking.

I just checked size of native arm and it was 10917826 
bytes ( 10Mbyte !! )

It is large and may be that many Qt applications need to be in RS-MMC card but
still if some application is written with Qt, there is only two choices, 
run it even
it uses lot of memory and has some diferencies in look and feel or then 
not run it all.

Of cource the major things with Maemo intergration should be resolved like 
this input
methods and pointer/keyboard issues that you mentioned. Also look and feel 
compatilble themes

would be nice thing to have.

maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Re: Nokia developer contact

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon
 >very nice, nothing against that, but don't go bullying on maemo for
> >being different. I personally carry a deep resentment against QT/e (not
> >QT, not qtopia), but that doesn't stop me from working and having fun
> >with the Opie people, it just puts me in a foul mood when I read stuff
> >like this. Choice is good, so don't stuff qt/e down our throats.
> >
> >still with regards,
> >
> >Koen Kooi
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > regards,
> > >
> > > Koen
Jeferson Lopes Zacco
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Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 02:24 PM 7/25/2005, you wrote:

I really think that this place isn't the right place for asking your

It's the perfect place as evidenced by your well thought out response below:

The difficulty involved in porting Qt based apps to Gtk can vary
a lot. Personally, If I were you and I _really_ wanted to do it. I'd try
to get libqt to work under the scratchbox environment. Then package it as
statically linked to your application executables. Hang on, isn't that
against Trolltechs UA? Anyhow.

Remember there is a difference between the open source version and the 
commercial version, we have a commercial license, which might still be a 
problem, I'm in the research phase right now.

  You're part of a business that has chosen to specialise in writing apps
for embedded devices (I'm guessing here). You chose Qt as your platform,
which was shipped with the zaurus. Now, tell me if I'm wrong. I'm guessing
you plan on trying to sell applications to users of the N770 when it gets
shipped. Cool, nothing wrong with that. It isn't however a good idea, in
my opinion, to write apps that:
  a) Will look crap on stock devices. (Unless Qt can be hildonised)
  b) Do not look like other apps on the device.
  c) Don't interface with the core platform.

well, we don't know that any of those items will be true yet do we?  That 
is the point of researching it.  First we find out if it is a viable short 
term option technically, then we do a proof of concept to see how it works 
in reality.  If it doesn't look and work naturally on the device (like most 
Java apps on the Zaurus) then it won't make sense to do it that way.

  So, personally. Even though the wording by koen may have sounded hard.
Unless you plan on helping/starting/doing some Qt modifications to make it
interface, at least a little, with hildon/libosso.

who knows, we might - like I said, this is all research right now

You should really get
your development team to read some docs at ''. It took
me less than a week to get good enough to write apps in Gtk + Hildon +

oh, we know all about Gtk, but take a look at 
and you tell me what is going to be faster, rewriting all those apps or 
have a way to make them run 'as is' and react naturally on the 
device.  From the user experience perspective they don't care what OS is on 
it, or the toolkit used to get there, they want apps that do what they 
want, are easy to use and typically attractive.  That is what my focus 
is.  Maybe in a week we'll find that there is no reasonable way to have our 
apps run 'as is' and we will have to start porting.  Like I said, our 
presentation layer is nicely partitioned from the transaction layer for the 
most part, so we would typically just be rewriting the UI, which might be 
relatively trivial, but we won't know till we get in to it deeper.

maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 02:17 PM 7/25/2005, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Shawn Gordon wrote:
> At 01:36 PM 7/25/2005, you wrote:
> Shawn Gordon wrote:
>> At 11:12 AM 7/25/2005, you wrote:
>> Shawn Gordon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Seems that everyone I knew at Nokia from the "Media Terminal" days is
>>> gone, and we'd like to talk to them about porting our library of
>>> applications to the 770 ( - given that we
>>> use Qt/e-Qtopia, I've been watching the discussion on that topic with
>>> interest - has anyone tried taking a Qtopia app and getting it to
>> run by
>>> just including the Qtopia libs required for it?  Aside from that, a
>>> contact at Nokia would be really appreciate, I've seen some names
>> around
>>> but no email addresses.  Feel free to reply privately if needed.
>> Thanks.
>> Do you mean rebuilding qtopia to use QT/x11, or bypassing X and using
>> QT/e or (*gasp*) qvfb on X?
>>> Qt/e has its own framebuffer and doesn't use X, which is part of the
>>> appeal for it on embedded devices, I think the footprint is about 3mb
>>> (Lorn, correct me if I'm wrong) - for my purposes I don't care
> about X,
>>> I'm just trying to figure out if we can kind of carry our own
>>> environment along and have it work and look reasonable within the
>>> existing framework, I'm sure someone will port Opie to the device at
>>> some point and try using our applications on it, and some of them
> might
>>> even work like that.  Our applications are typically well partitioned
>>> between the presentation and application layer, so a port isn't
> terribly
>>> hard, but anything to make the process quicker is a good thing from
> our
>>> perspective.
>  kernel concepts or any other company.>
>> Koen, seriously, have a tall cool drink of water - you are way off base
>> on what you are accusing me of doing.  I've got no idea what Qt/e
>> propoganda you are referring to, my company has been happily making and
>> selling applications for the Sharp Zaurus since before it was officially
>> released, coming on 4 years now, with over 30 products.  I'm not here
>> espousing it to be better or worse than anything else, we are very aware
>> of what it can and cannot do, but that is not at all the point of the
>> discussion that *I* am trying to have.  You are being rude as hell with
>> your "This does that DEAL WITH IT" type comments, they are uncalled for
>> and out of line.  Try reading what I actually wrote.

I sincerely apoligize for being rude. I just got pissed of by the fact
that QT/e got dragged into the discussion again. The opie project proves
that you can support X11 by changing a config option.
I've used several apps from you company, which were very nice apps. I
just found the qtopia env to limiting. Couple that with Lorn spreading
FUD on opie-devel (see the QT4 thread) and I get a bit paranoid.

I stopped paying attention to all the zaurus, opie, openzaurus discussions 
years ago, so I have no idea what might be getting discussed.  All I really 
know is that supposedly the next major release of Qt/e is going to be based 
on Qt4 but until there is a device using it, it doesn't matter to me.  The 
point you seem to be missing in everything I wrote is that I stated the 
fact that our apps are Qtopia, I didn't say anything else about it or 
rewriting the rom or making Qtopia run on the device.  I just want my apps 
to run in the current environment and if there is a way for me to do that 
and leave them essentially unchanged as a first cut, then so much the 
better for us to get software out by the release of the device.  I could 
care less about any of the holy wars about what everyone likes, we did our 
technical review of toolkits years ago and made our decision and we've been 
happy with it, I don't need to convince anyone else and I'm not trying to.

>> I have to say that this is the nastiest developer mail list I have ever
>> joined,

We are still celebrating a QT/e free device and platform (and we are
probaly gnome zealots too), on a *gtk* centered mailinglist. This is no
excuse, but I wouldn't expect a parade and a visit from the president
when saying you want to use QT/e.

I really don't get your animosity.  Every toolkit has its plusses and 
minuses, but as far as I know, Qtopia is the only embedded desktop on 
embedded linux that is being used in the real world on real devices at the 
moment, it must be on about 10 different Zaurus and the Archos and some 
other things.  I'm not aware of any

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 01:36 PM 7/25/2005, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Shawn Gordon wrote:
> At 11:12 AM 7/25/2005, you wrote:
> Shawn Gordon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seems that everyone I knew at Nokia from the "Media Terminal" days is
>> gone, and we'd like to talk to them about porting our library of
>> applications to the 770 ( - given that we
>> use Qt/e-Qtopia, I've been watching the discussion on that topic with
>> interest - has anyone tried taking a Qtopia app and getting it to
> run by
>> just including the Qtopia libs required for it?  Aside from that, a
>> contact at Nokia would be really appreciate, I've seen some names
> around
>> but no email addresses.  Feel free to reply privately if needed.
> Thanks.
> Do you mean rebuilding qtopia to use QT/x11, or bypassing X and using
> QT/e or (*gasp*) qvfb on X?
>> Qt/e has its own framebuffer and doesn't use X, which is part of the
>> appeal for it on embedded devices, I think the footprint is about 3mb
>> (Lorn, correct me if I'm wrong) - for my purposes I don't care about X,
>> I'm just trying to figure out if we can kind of carry our own
>> environment along and have it work and look reasonable within the
>> existing framework, I'm sure someone will port Opie to the device at
>> some point and try using our applications on it, and some of them might
>> even work like that.  Our applications are typically well partitioned
>> between the presentation and application layer, so a port isn't terribly
>> hard, but anything to make the process quicker is a good thing from our
>> perspective.

Koen, seriously, have a tall cool drink of water - you are way off base on 
what you are accusing me of doing.  I've got no idea what Qt/e propoganda 
you are referring to, my company has been happily making and selling 
applications for the Sharp Zaurus since before it was officially released, 
coming on 4 years now, with over 30 products.  I'm not here espousing it to 
be better or worse than anything else, we are very aware of what it can and 
cannot do, but that is not at all the point of the discussion that *I* am 
trying to have.  You are being rude as hell with your "This does that DEAL 
WITH IT" type comments, they are uncalled for and out of line.  Try reading 
what I actually wrote.

I have to say that this is the nastiest developer mail list I have ever 
joined, I can't imagine that this kind of interaction with developers is 
going to do much to get people developing (no offense to the several kind 
people who emailed me publically and privately).  I don't know anything 
about any wars you might have had on this topic, and it is rude and nasty 
of you to jump down my throat as if I was involved with your personal 
issues on this topic.

Yes, I know all about the QT/e (and the propaganda coupled with it), but
the 770 (device) and maemo (X11/GTK platform) use X, so there is no way
you can 'look reasonable within the existing framework' if you want to
use QT/e painting directly to the framebuffer. To make it abundantly
clear: the 770 is a *device* which you can do with what you want, but
maemo is a platform that relies on X and to a lesser extent on GTK. The
previous QT (be it X11 or /e) discussion ended with the note people
should stop trolling about QT/e and it's suppossedly superiority and
start working on making QT work with hildon and osso. Maemo uses X and
GTK, if that offends you or doesn't fit in to your current development
platform, don't bother this list. Maemo uses X, deal with it. All these
'Yes, but qt/e is better' threads start to annoy and aren't
constructive. Maemo uses X, curse all you want, but that's the truth.
Don't like it? Produce something better and tell us the results, just
don't start this pre-emptive whining about QT/e.
I guess I should now better and stop feeding the trolls (haha, trolltech
toolkits and trolls), but I think it's time to post a big note to and stating: "Not interested in QT/e, piss off".
QT is well designed and allows you to build qtopia with X support, no
problem there. Maemo is a platform, not a device, so pimping opie (a
nice platform, which is going to switch to QT4/x11, btw) or QT/e annoys
the crap out of me and judging from the reactions on IRC, a lot of other
people. Maemo uses X, deal with it. Feel free to install what you want
on your *device*, but stop bothering us with FUD about X being
inappriate on embedded devices.
To make it very clear: QT is nice, a hildonized QT would be a neat thing
to have, hildonized KDE apps aren't evil, but maemo is primarely a
X11/GTK platform. Whining about QT/e in the platform (not even the

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 01:26 PM 7/25/2005, Mattias Schlenker wrote:


Not unless you plan on porting the applications to Hildon & Gtk.

Perhaps I'm being misunderstood.  KDE is a totally different beast than 
Qtopia, I don't think it makes sense to try and port that myself, and I'm 
not trying to replace a toolkit or compare environments, what I'm trying to 
determine is if there is a realistic way to have our Qtopia based apps run 
on Maemo as an intermediate step to a native port so we can get our apps 
out quickly.

Oh no. Not another flamewar, please.

Both Maemo and Qtopia are good (if not great) examples of free software.
We had discussions on porting Qt and flamewars on the best environment
for the N770 before and did not find a solution that satiesfies all
people debating here.

We do not have the RAM for supporting both Qtopia/KDE and Maemo/Gnome at
the same time, but taking a subset of "the other" library, integrating
the app and porting it this way is a good thing. As much as I do *not*
like the K Desktop Environment, I like Trolltech's efforts of providing
a portable library for any OS.


I might just be some kind of car mechanic (and even worse journalist)
tinkering around with his own distribution (called "lesslinux"), so do
not take me too seriously... :-)

 Mattias Schlenker  / Tel 0851 9441369 oder 0160 7352988
 Freyunger Str. 42 /
 94034 Passau /
maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 12:51 PM 7/25/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 09:38:07PM +0200, Florian Boor wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> Shawn Gordon wrote:
> > Seems that everyone I knew at Nokia from the "Media Terminal" days is
> > gone, and we'd like to talk to them about porting our library of
> > applications to the 770 ( - given that we
> i'm not from Nokia, but i'd like to talk about it - so where do we start?

How about a Qt/KDE mailing list? I'm not going to get into a rant. I just
don't think this is the place for that type of discussion. Not unless you
plan on porting the applications to Hildon & Gtk.

what is the deal with the animosity about Qt for goodness sakes?  This is a 
real world situation, there is a rather large library of code out there 
that works with Qt/e and there are apparently a number of people interested 
in finding a way to get it to work in this environment without having to 
rewrite the app if possible.  ther are people who made X based roms for the 
Zaurus and those conversations all were taking place in various qt embedded 
lists and IRC forums.  This is a technical discussion on how to solve a 
problem not "mine is better than yours" rant.

maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Nokia developer contact?

2005-07-25 Thread Shawn Gordon


Seems that everyone I knew at Nokia from the "Media Terminal" days is gone, 
and we'd like to talk to them about porting our library of applications to 
the 770 ( - given that we use Qt/e-Qtopia, I've 
been watching the discussion on that topic with interest - has anyone tried 
taking a Qtopia app and getting it to run by just including the Qtopia libs 
required for it?  Aside from that, a contact at Nokia would be really 
appreciate, I've seen some names around but no email addresses.  Feel free 
to reply privately if needed.  Thanks.

Best Regards,

Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list