Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 besides which there are those (and from what i've seen, they have a pretty
 solid case - my main sources are AudioTechnology Magazine in Australia) who
 believe that 44.1kHz, 16bit audio leaves a lot to be desired - the current
 top CONSUMER audio is 24 bit 96kHz (this is the DVD Audio format).

1) they believe...
2) It's a magazine. Magazine's have sponsors. DVD want's to take off, so they
   sponsor these kind of articles.
   Yes, 24 bit 96kHz is betterthen 44.1kHz, 16 bits. But I don't believe there's
   a big change in sound. That would require:
a) a very good DA converter
b) a very good amplifier
c) a pair of very good speakers
d) a sound-proof room
e) a pair of excellent ears.
   I think most of us on this list have neither of them. 2000 people on the
   from all over the world makes a pretty good statistic base. Face it, the
   average consumer won't here the difference!

 Rupert Neve (if you have to ask who that is, don't bother responding to this
 email), aside from swearing that the best analogue will always sound better,
 feel better an generally be better than any analogue, says that he feels
 digital will be of an acceptable quality when it is 24bit 192kHz (kinda
 leaves MDs for dead, huh?).  This is because of high frequency dynamics,
 which affect the sound colour.  It is because of this that much of his gear
 has enormous frequency responses.  This makes MD look even worse than CD/DAT
 in this respect, for the ATRAC coding actually trims the frequency response
 to compress the audio more easily.

ATRAC compresses by not storing unhearable frequencies. It doesn't leave those
frequencies out of the signal in order to better compress the signal...
(ATRAC uses a fixed data rate. Therefore it's not possible to just compress the
 raw sampled data. ATRAC uses a DFFT (Discrete Fast Fourier Transformation, ie,
 a FFT in the digital domain), analyses the abtained list with frequencies and
 asigns bits to some frequencies and nothing to others.)

 Don't get me wrong, i think that MD technology is great - i have been saving
 for ages to buy a unit and have my heart set on the 831 - but it has its
 limitations, it is not really appropriate for high end pro use, and i would
 imagine that diehard audiophiles would probably prefer to use higher end
 stuff also.

Hmm, I sort of agree. MD has limitations but also inovations:
  1) CD have a very bad error-correction scheme (based on guessing...). A badly
 burned CD will sound much wors than a MD. (CD-Roms have an improved correc-
 tion schema, which explains why they only contain 640MB instead of 700MB!)
  2) Editable!! 
 Christopher Spalding
 Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

I hope this is a joke If not, you're really sad..

Ralph - gennerally not excellent and ungifted person..

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 But what the accuracy of the data comes down to is that whilst the error
 correction my cause the errors on the discs, etc to be unnoticable, it is
 still ony the machine's best guess as to what should be there, so it isn't
 exactly what the original should sound like.  It may only be the difference
 that a fanatic audiophile or experienced engineer may notice but it is still


as long as the Block Error Rate stays bellow 220 errors a second (Thanks Eric
Woudenberg for the correction ;-) ), the ATRAC-DSP will be able to recon-
struct the data as it was. Ie, There will be absolutely no difference. (Don't
compare MD with CD. The error correction system in a CD-player is bassed on
guessing, the error-correction system in a MD-player is based on storing
extra data that makes it possible to reconstruct excactly the original
signal! This is where MD is far superior).

A fanatic audiophile... The WANT to hear a difference. And they BELIEVE
there is a diffence. They don't listen to music, but they listen to their
AD converters, speakers etcetera. It's a religion for them.

I and many other listen to music. We enjoye the music made by other persons,
or sometimes the music that we played ourselve. And whether the music
is played on some low-end device or on a high-end device that doesn't
really mather. Well... it does mather, but we aren't listening to the
device. We listen to music, something created by an artist!

Ralph - going back to his roots.
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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RE: MD: Recording 9hours!

1999-09-27 Thread John Chrapowicki

Matthias wrote:

| hmm, I don't think so that it's s important to get an extra HD 
| Drive for it. 

Exactly.Why don't you simply borrow a stereo VCR, connect it to your amp
with phonos, and record in LP with a 5 hour tape?Switch the source to
'EXT' first.   You can then get some decent sleep, and copy it to MD at your


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Re: MD: Test mode?

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 If you don't know about test mode, DO NOT enter it.  It can do all
 sorts of things, including rendering your MD unusable!  Seriously.
 Very wise words, BTW doesn't anybody have, or know where to find the Service
 Manual for the Sharp MD-MT20H ? I need that, so I will know what I'm doing,
 I've got the service manual of the MS200, but It's totally different :-(
 Oh, and to be more precise about what Test mode is, it's a mode which the
 people at the service centers use to find out what's wrong with it if it
 doesn't work anymore, and if you're lucky enough, they can even restore it
 to working order by only using Test mode. (If some settings somehow got
 messed up due to electrostatic fields, miswriting to the chip or whatever
 that could've happened). The problem here is that in test mode you can also
 mess up the settings of you're MD recorder, which can indeed render it

Most common problem will probably be some 'dis-allignment' of the internal
mechanics. This can be corrected in testing mode.

For the rest.. Some devices will give you some technical information like:
- BLER (BLock Error Rate
- what's the head's possition
- version of the firmware
- etc.

Ralph - without testmode...

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: 701/702/722 Cloning possible... and realtivly easy ;)

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Hya All,
 Saw a post in about TOC cloning on 7XX machines. I
 tried it, it works ;). I've made a clearer version on my web site,
 still waiting for pictures (college digicam here I come ;).
 You can check it out at
 WAHHAY!!! I love TOC cloning, already recoved several things I wanted

Hmm, you mean TOC-cloning, ie, copying the complete contents of one discs
TOC to another disk or do you mean the transfer of track/disk-names from
one disc to another. The later is a build in feature of the 7xx, the former
is not possible (As far as we know her on the list!)

Ralph - unclonable (Due to his bionic features...)

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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RE: MD: TOSLink protective caps on sockets

1999-09-27 Thread Simon Barnes

 Simon Mackay wrote:
... optical inputs or outputs is often fitted with removeable
plastic caps
 on these Toslink connectors. snip which can easily get lost.
Alternatives: blu-tak or sticky tape

 They also present a choking hazard with toddlers if you are in a situation
As a loving parent of two surviving former toddlers, I have to say that the
choking hazards are said infants, who will attempt to place any object that
will fit, into their mouths. It's your job to stop 'em doing it (you hope).
If your MD deck is in reach, expect to find unusual objects posted into the
disk slot. I think it's valid to argue that toys and other stuff designed
for little people should not have small bits that come off and choke the
little darlings, but I don't think this extends to domestic electronics.

Should I always keep the plugs on the TOSLink connectors whenever I am not
using the connectors or can I not have the plugs on them?

The plugs keep out dust, which might later end up in the signal path. The
dust MIGHT stop the optical link working, in which case you would need to
clean it out with a Q-tip.

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RE: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Simon Barnes

 Magic wrote (in reply to me)
simon  1) Wot IS a "high frequency dynamic" ?

 Think of the opposite - low frequency dynamics. You know those really low
 sub-bass sounds you can't actually hear as much as you feel them. The same
 happen with high-frequency sound, in that they are too high for your ears
 hear, but they can still effect other senses.
Yes, I have felt low fequencies in my diaphragm, but what organ could I use
to detect these HIGH frequencies ?
Also, you still didn't say what the DYNAMIC part is. I can hear frequencies,
but I'm not sure I know what a dynamic is. I suspect it is a rate of change
of frequency or amplitude.

 There's also the effect that sampling at a low frequency rate such as
 can have on a signal. A sine wave at 22kHz sampled at 44kHz becomes a
 wave, and that does sound vastly different.
A 1kHz triangle wave DOES sound different to a 1kHz sine wave, but if I try
it at 10kHz, I can't hear a difference (because the triangularising
harmonics are above 20 kHz and inaudible), and at 22kHz I can't hear a damn
thing of either.


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Re: MD: New Sharp 702 Red REC Light - Am I missing something?

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets


 I recommend consulting the fluffy manual.  If it says somewhere that the but-
 ton or dot or whatever it is should light up, then something is wrong.  If
 the manual says specifically that it doesn't light, or if the manual never
 addresses the matter, then figure that it shouldn't light up and that your
 702 is working properly.

The 702 manual is very clear at this point. It's very clearly writtin that
the rec button doesn't light up during recording.

Ralph - Sharps manuals aren'r worse/better than Sony's...
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: MD data conversion Zip Drive Click of Death?

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Version: PGP Personal Edition 5.0
 MessageID: CaaHP/mHZnthdcqCtBY67uKlwAcg52lX


I gues somebody who stored his mail on minidisc and send it to MD-L?

lpRah - errro radeing divre :C
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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MD: Cloning On Sony 520

1999-09-27 Thread tadream


 This is the first time I tried cloning on my mini disc unit.  I was
able to get extra time on the mini disc by following the instructions on
David Tamkin's web page,
.  I was able to get 78:40 worth of time on a Memorex 74 disc.  Around
:30 before the end of 78:40 there was noise coming from the unit, a
clicking sound, and just before the time ended the unit displayed an
error message, (recording error).  The unit would not turn off, the disc
wouldn't eject or nothing, until I unplugged it, then everything went
back to normal.  Has anyone else experienced anything like this with
there Sony 520 recorder?  The unit works perfectly at all times, this
surprised me. I don't see how a person can get more from a disc
by cloning it's TOC, but of course I'm no expert, so I'm not really
surprised the unit acted up when it did.  Should I try another disc to
see if I can get the complete 80:59, or what I received from the 78:40
is what is expected with this procedure?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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RE: MD: Recording 9hours!

1999-09-27 Thread Regis . PRIQUELER

  I have heard of people using a VCR to tape audio off the radio.  I
  know how well that works though with a 6 hour tape.  
  Yeah it's good, I use 3 hour tapes on Long Play for 6 hours to record
  audio, it sounds alright. Slightly better then tape??? I don't know.
  Probably. Well worth it if you have LP video machine. 
For recording with a VCR i use a special Peritel cable for copying tapes
from camescope. On one end you've got
a classical peritel an on the other end three RCA plug 2 for the stereo
sound and one for the video signal from the camescope.
Plug the stereo RCA's on your audio system (out tape plug on your amps) and
set the source of the VCR on out/aux then
play record or just program the VCR to start at an fixed hour (don't forget
to let the radio on). On mine i've
got Long Play recording and was able to record an 8 hours radio program on a
240 tape.

Regis - trying to buy 80 min MD and Maxell color one by one (never use
Yellow and Pink MDs) in Paris.
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Re: MD: digital recording techniques

1999-09-27 Thread peterbarlow

Thanks Alexander could you just clarify for me.. Can I title my tracks
with the PC sound card ?
That would make a big difference in my  decission to but one or splash out
on a new CD player ( with digital output ). (I know I still can't title but
at least I get something more for my money than yet another sound card ).

( nearly went OTT at the weekend, thought about going for a DVD with optical
digital output. 2 birds, one stone, small fortune ).

Alternatively, what do you people think about the Sharp MD/3xCD combo unit?
I forget the model number but I guess its well known. How about Sony
equivalents? (I think the Sharp doesn't display your MD track titles ).

Peter A Barlow. email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel. +33 1 53 78 66 51
- Message d'origine -
Envoyé : samedi 25 septembre 1999 12:39
Objet : Re: MD: digital recording techniques

   Okay, so no PC bay drive gizmo. What would you recomend for digital
   recordings ?
   1. PC sound card with digital o/p
   2. integrated CD/MD hifi separate (seems funny using those two words
   same phrase, but you know what I mean).
   3. CD player with digital o/p.
   4. any others 
  CD player with digital outputs gets my vote because its what I use, but
  there is a lot of discussion at present about using soundcards with

 I'd like to get a digital in/out soundcard, but there
 are some issues that keep me from buying one:

 1. No track marks
 2. No Linux drivers
 3. Effectively no SCMS control (but I don't really care)

 Until these are remedied, I'm happy with my CD player's
 digital out.

 | Alexander Dietrich | Norderstedt, Germany |
 | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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RE: MD: (don't) forget Paris

1999-09-27 Thread Regis . PRIQUELER


You've got COBRA which sell audiophile material. I don't kown precisely
their prices but they are
10% to 20% under the market price.
You ve got the SERAP but you must have a special card (price ~ -20%) if you
want a temporary card
and the adress just ask me.



 Répondre à :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date :lundi 27 septembre 1999 12:51
 Objet :   MD: (don't) forget Paris
  === The original message was multipart MIME===
  === All non-text parts (attachments) have been removed ===
 I'm a brit living in Paris and I'm itching to get myself a portable MD
 player. I've checked out a number of mail order sites in USA and Japan and
 compared prices with those in Paris. Taking into account shipping and
 insurance it seems cheaper to buy localy. Can anyone recommend a
 place to pick up MD gear in Paris ? (If I do buy localy, I can get a 20%
 discount on Sony gear). Anyone recommend a good Sony player (ME55 perhaps
  Peter A Barlow. email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Tel. +33 1 53 78 66 51
  === MIME part removed : image/gif; ===
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RE: MD: Cloning On Sony 520

1999-09-27 Thread John Chrapowicki

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Hi Martyn,

The clicking noise you heard probably was the recording head unit coming up
against the stop.  You will get slightly different recording times from
different brands of 74m59s discs.  Also, 80m59s discs differ from 74m59s
ones in the UTOC formatting  pitch.  This means that it is unlikely that
you will get a full 80m59s from a 74m59s disc.  WARNING: It is not very
good to let the head unit bump against the stop too much, so in future (with
this brand of disc) record only up to 78m00s to play safe.  Other brands of
disc may vary slightly where the 'stop point' is reached.   Learn the stop
point of each brand and then record up to 10 seconds before that point.



| Hello,
|  This is the first time I tried cloning on my mini disc 
| unit.  I was
| able to get extra time on the mini disc by following the 
| instructions on
| David Tamkin's web page, 
| .  I was able 
| to get 78:40 worth of time on a Memorex 74 disc.  Around
| :30 before the end of 78:40 there was noise coming from the unit, a
| clicking sound, and just before the time ended the unit displayed an
| error message, (recording error).  The unit would not turn 
| off, the disc
| wouldn't eject or nothing, until I unplugged it, then everything went
| back to normal.  Has anyone else experienced anything like this with
| there Sony 520 recorder?  The unit works perfectly at all times, this
| surprised me. I don't see how a person can get more 
| from a disc
| by cloning it's TOC, but of course I'm no expert, so I'm not really
| surprised the unit acted up when it did.  Should I try another disc to
| see if I can get the complete 80:59, or what I received from the 78:40
| is what is expected with this procedure?
| Thanks in advance for any feedback.
| Martyn
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RE: MD: (don't) forget Paris

1999-09-27 Thread John Chrapowicki

Yann LEZY wrote:

| Hi !
| Last week I bought a Sony MZ-R37 from the Fnac for 1790FF (10% rebate
| thanx to Fnac membership) in Paris.
| Unlike public sales, it is shipped with 3 blank MDs, 1 pre-recorded MD
| (good when you dunno what a MD looks like... CRRAKK !) 

Wow, it sounds like Fnac MD users get that little extra 'high' from their
discs ;-)))

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MD: Minidisc in VW Golf - trying to help a desperate friend

1999-09-27 Thread Scott, Tony

Dear All,

A friend of mine has asked me to mail the list in desperation.

He has happily been using a Sharp 702 and a no name cassette adaptor in his
old Peugeot 306's cassette radio.

He just got a new job and with it a spanking new company car - VW Golf TDi
(very nice actually).  The unit in the Golf is unbranded and has a 6 CD
changer (I don't know who makes them for VW) and he has been told that you
can't specify a minidisc player for a Golf, which surprised me as my Mum has
a Polo in which she did specify an MD unit.  Anyway.  Getting it changed for
an MD unit could get quite complicated as it is a leased company car and he
likes the CD autochanger as well... so he wants to use a cassette adaptor.
The problem is, his cassette adaptor doesn't want to work (its intermittent,
crackly, fuzzy etc.).  I tried mine and it won't work at all.

Does anyone know of a cassette adaptor that would work?  Or alternatively,
do these things have any sort of line in at the back?  Any other way round
this other than ripping out the current unit and replacing it (like I said
complicated for other than technical reasons).

Thanks in advance


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Re: MD: (don't) forget Paris

1999-09-27 Thread salzberg

We'll always have Paris. . . .

Jeffrey E. Salzberg, Lighting Designer
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Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread salzberg

On 27 Sep 99, at 8:11, J. Coon wrote:
  I and many other listen to music. We enjoye the music made by other persons,
  or sometimes the music that we played ourselve. And whether the music
  is played on some low-end device or on a high-end device that doesn't
  really mather. Well... it does mather, but we aren't listening to the
  device. We listen to music, something created by an artist!
 Well put, Ralph.

I'd add that the technology is important insofar as it improves the quality of the art 
(this is a 
recurrent discussion on at least two dance-related forums, by the way).  You play 
better on a 
good mandolin than you do on a bad mandolin, I assume, but you also play better on a 
mandolin than a lesser artist might play on a good one.

Likewise, I'd rather listen to good music on a Minidisk than on a cassette, but I'd 
rather listen to 
good music on a cassette than listen to bad music on a minidisk.

 Jim Coon
 Not just another pretty mandolin picker
 If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?
 My first web page
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Jeffrey E. Salzberg, Lighting Designer
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Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Bob Willcox

On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 10:26:46AM +0200, Ralph Smeets wrote:
  But what the accuracy of the data comes down to is that whilst the error
  correction my cause the errors on the discs, etc to be unnoticable, it is
  still ony the machine's best guess as to what should be there, so it isn't
  exactly what the original should sound like.  It may only be the difference
  that a fanatic audiophile or experienced engineer may notice but it is still
 as long as the Block Error Rate stays bellow 220 errors a second (Thanks Eric
 Woudenberg for the correction ;-) ), the ATRAC-DSP will be able to recon-
 struct the data as it was. Ie, There will be absolutely no difference. (Don't
 compare MD with CD. The error correction system in a CD-player is bassed on

From my memory (its been years since I actually *knew* any of this),
the CD error correction system is two level.  First, it does error
correction and can precisely reconstruct the data if the errors are
within some threshold (similar to MD, I suppose).  Its only if the error
correction fails that it will then "guess" (interpolate) at the signal.

 the error-correction system in a MD-player is based on storing
 extra data that makes it possible to reconstruct excactly the original
 signal! This is where MD is far superior).

I am not familiar with the MD error correction system, but I'm quite
certain that CDs do this as well as stated above (though perhaps not as
well as MD, afterall, MD is about a 10-year new technology).


Bob Willcox Don't tell me that worry doesn't do any good.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I know better. The things I worry about don't
Austin, TX  happen.  -- Watchman Examiner
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Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 On Mon, Sep 27, 1999 at 10:26:46AM +0200, Ralph Smeets wrote:
   But what the accuracy of the data comes down to is that whilst the error
   correction my cause the errors on the discs, etc to be unnoticable, it is
   still ony the machine's best guess as to what should be there, so it isn't
   exactly what the original should sound like.  It may only be the difference
   that a fanatic audiophile or experienced engineer may notice but it is still
  as long as the Block Error Rate stays bellow 220 errors a second (Thanks Eric
  Woudenberg for the correction ;-) ), the ATRAC-DSP will be able to recon-
  struct the data as it was. Ie, There will be absolutely no difference. (Don't
  compare MD with CD. The error correction system in a CD-player is bassed on
 From my memory (its been years since I actually *knew* any of this),
 the CD error correction system is two level.  First, it does error
 correction and can precisely reconstruct the data if the errors are
 within some threshold (similar to MD, I suppose).  Its only if the error
 correction fails that it will then "guess" (interpolate) at the signal.

You're correct here. But the error correction system only accepts single bit
Ie, guessing mode is entered very quicly. (A dust particle is sufficient!)

  the error-correction system in a MD-player is based on storing
  extra data that makes it possible to reconstruct excactly the original
  signal! This is where MD is far superior).
 I am not familiar with the MD error correction system, but I'm quite
 certain that CDs do this as well as stated above (though perhaps not as
 well as MD, afterall, MD is about a 10-year new technology).

AFAIK, the ATRAC error correction takes place before 'decompression'. If
I understood the IEEE-ATRAC document correctly (Eric please help me out),
MD has no guessing mode. Ie, It can either correct the error or you get
a moment without sound.

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: MD data conversion Zip Drive Click of Death?

1999-09-27 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

* Ralph Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Mon, 27 Sep 1999
| I gues somebody who stored his mail on minidisc and send it to MD-L?

Nah.  Just the stupidity of a Reply-To header pointing at a mailing list
making it difficult to send a reply to the originator of a message.  It
just so happens that this one was encrypted.
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Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ 
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Re: MD: MD data conversion

1999-09-27 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

* Ralph Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Mon, 27 Sep 1999
| 2) I think it would be possible to store data on a audio disc using the
|analog interface.. Use two frequencies, one for '0' and one for '1'.

You do not remember the days when personal computers used monaural audio
cassette recorders for data storage, do you. :)

Then again, a modem -- MOdulator-DEModulator works the same way, using
analog tones to represent the bit stream.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
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Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ 
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ 
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Re: MD: New Sharp 702 Red REC Light - Am I missing something?

1999-09-27 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

* Jeff Yerkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Sun, 26 Sep 1999
| I got my Sharp 702 from the Good Guys in San Francisco.  After a few
| hours, the red "REC" light died.

That is not a light, it is button made of translucent red plastic that just 
looks like a light.  There is nothing wrong with your unit.
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Comment: For info see


Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball include an
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ unknown glowing substance which fell to
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ Earth, presumably from outer space.
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Re: MD: Where can I find an MZR-30 (or equivalent) Remote control?

1999-09-27 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

* Hamish Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Sun, 26 Sep 1999
| Can any one help?  I have misplaced (lost) the remote for my MZR-30
| recorder, this is a real bummer as some of the unit buttons are not working
| as they should.  Do any of the retailers on the net sell remotes separately?

You can get the remote directly from Sony through your local Sony service
center or Sony retailer.  The R-30's remote costs about $50.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ away immediately. Seek shelter and cover
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ head.
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Re: MD: MD data conversion

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Hash: SHA1
 * Ralph Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Mon, 27 Sep 1999
 | 2) I think it would be possible to store data on a audio disc using the
 |analog interface.. Use two frequencies, one for '0' and one for '1'.
 You do not remember the days when personal computers used monaural audio
 cassette recorders for data storage, do you. :)
 Then again, a modem -- MOdulator-DEModulator works the same way, using
 analog tones to represent the bit stream.

Well, I know that my data-recorder for my MSX computer used 1200 Hz for '0' and
2400 Hz for '1'. All those 'turbo' charging programs would somehow double,
triple, quadrople etc. the frequency in order to gain a higher speed.

Ralph - Pip, crhhh, piep piep piep pip pip pip piep piep pip pip piep
chhhr... (*)(_)(@#$*( tape broken.

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: MD data conversion

1999-09-27 Thread laerm

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Ralph Smeets wrote:

  You do not remember the days when personal computers used monaural audio
  cassette recorders for data storage, do you. :)
  Then again, a modem -- MOdulator-DEModulator works the same way, using
  analog tones to represent the bit stream.
 Well, I know that my data-recorder for my MSX computer used 1200 Hz
 for '0' and 2400 Hz for '1'. All those 'turbo' charging programs would
 somehow double, triple, quadrople etc. the frequency in order to gain
 a higher speed.
 Ralph - Pip, crhhh, piep piep piep pip pip pip piep piep pip pip
 piep chhhr... (*)(_)(@#$*( tape broken.

yeah, i remember my TI99 and playing montezuma's revenge on it...ahh, the
memories. fire up the 99, hit play on the tape drive to load the game, go
watch a half-hour sitcom, come back, wait for the game to finish loading
for a minute or two, then play. fun. ;)

a disturbance in a system.
laerm.  ##:#
 calm down my heart/don't beat so fast/don't be afraid
icq:5562209just once in a lifetime

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RE: MD: digital recording techniques

1999-09-27 Thread Tony Antoniou

No, there isn't a sound card out there which passes on track titles (it's
not something that happens through S/PDIF interfaces). The only way you can
achieve that is if you have something that either transmits the info via
infra-red or otherwise through Sony's funky S-link connection.

In all honesty, the only reasons why you would want to get a digital I/O
soundcard are:

1) Recording mp3's to MD
2) Dumping MD's to PC for some post-production processing and then dumping
back to MD if so desired.

At least, they're the 2 reasons why I use such a beastie.


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

-Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Sent:   Monday, 27 September 1999 21:04
Subject:Re: MD: digital recording techniques

Thanks Alexander could you just clarify for me.. Can I title my tracks
with the PC sound card ?
That would make a big difference in my  decission to but one or splash out
on a new CD player ( with digital output ). (I know I still can't title but
at least I get something more for my money than yet another sound card ).

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MD: blanks

1999-09-27 Thread Tor Ramstad

where ca i get cheep blanks ??

Tor Ramstad

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Re: MD: 701/702/722 Cloning possible... and realtivly easy ;)

1999-09-27 Thread David W. Tamkin

Ralph wrote,

| Hmm, you mean TOC-cloning, ie, copying the complete contents of one discs
| TOC to another disk or do you mean the transfer of track/disk-names from
| one disc to another. The later is a build in feature of the 7xx, the former
| is not possible (As far as we know her on the list!)

Peter means true TOC cloning, Ralph.  Helge Boehme figured out a way to do it
on the 701, and Peter found it works on the 702 and 722 as well.  Helge's
findings are linked off the MDCP at
http://[insertyourlocalmirrorhere]/ms701_cloning.html or through Peter's site.
He's not confusing it with Name Stamp.

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Re: MD: 701/702/722 Cloning possible... and realtivly easy ;)

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Ralph wrote,
 | Hmm, you mean TOC-cloning, ie, copying the complete contents of one discs
 | TOC to another disk or do you mean the transfer of track/disk-names from
 | one disc to another. The later is a build in feature of the 7xx, the former
 | is not possible (As far as we know her on the list!)
 Peter means true TOC cloning, Ralph.  Helge Boehme figured out a way to do it
 on the 701, and Peter found it works on the 702 and 722 as well.  Helge's
 findings are linked off the MDCP at
 http://[insertyourlocalmirrorhere]/ms701_cloning.html or through Peter's site.
 He's not confusing it with Name Stamp.

Yep, I know... It was just that a lot of people reported they could clone
a TOC on a 702 while it was just the name-stamp. It's something I'm
going to try out this evening!

Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: not just connecting the dots (was pure marketing tripe from Sony)

1999-09-27 Thread Ralph Smeets

 C A sine wave at 22kHz sampled at 44kHz becomes a triangle
 C wave, and that does sound vastly different.
 Ralph countered,
 S a 22kHz sine-wave sampled at 44kHz stays a sine wave.  ...
 S (AD/DA conversion isn't just connecting dots)
 Ergo, is a 22kHz triangle wave, sampled at 44kHz, extrapolated into a sine

Yes! Due to the lost of the harmonics that make up the triangle!

Ralph - if you dig deep enough you'll find water...
Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
"For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then some-
thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: MZR37, SBLive Value and Hoontech adapter

1999-09-27 Thread Emmanuel Thiry

 Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 13:07:59 +0100
 Subject: Re: MD: MZR37, SBLive Value and Hoontech adapter
 Emmanuel Thiry wrote:
  I'm not sure that Creative's linux driver supports digital I/O.
  Last version I had a look at was beta 0.3
 I was under the impression that the software supplied with the SBLive!
 X-Windows was the same as that supplied for Windows9x, is this not the
 I would have expected that the Linux software would have at least come
 some type of mixer, and that the controls would tally with those on
 Win9x systems.

Check : what Creative offers to
download is a tiny 120kb file, far much less than for Win9x (about
Of course mixer software for Linux exist, but they won't handle the
SBLive!'s digital I/O so long as Creative does not relase more advanced
And so long as Creative won't release the specs of this board, there
will be no other drivers from Linux developing community.

Emmanuel Thiry
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MD: MDS-JB920 Disc Error msg on insertion of MD

1999-09-27 Thread Bob Denton

It is a known problem and it happened on my new 920. I
swapped it for a 930.

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Re: MD: Pure marketing hype from Sony

1999-09-27 Thread Magic

Ralph Smeets wrote:

 Magic, Magic, Magic,

 a 22kHz sine-wave sampled at 44kHz stays a sine wave. If you would know
 anything about Discrete Signal Processing you would now. (AD/DA conversion
 isn't just connecting dots)

 Ralph - very sleepy...

That could be a real bastard for synthesized music at high frequencies then - most
of it consists of sharp-edged waves not dis-similar to triangle waves. The degree to
which the sine wave is reproduced also depends on the degree of oversampling used if
I remember correctly. I actually meant a square wave not a triangle wave, but it's
the same principal, just a different distortion pattern.


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Re: MD: MD data conversion

1999-09-27 Thread PrinceGaz

Hey, the ZX Spectrum (the finest 8-bit machine made) stored data
using monaural audio.  It averaged about 1500bps, not exactly
super fast, but faster than the ZX81 which was only about 300bps.

I guess given MD audio is rather better than telephone quality,
it should be able to store data with all the phase-shift stuff used by
a 56K modem.  Of course perhaps these v90 modems use signals
the ATRAC algorithm would trash?

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

ICQ: 36892193

- Original Message -
From: Stainless Steel Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27 September 1999 14:55
Subject: Re: MD: MD data conversion

 Hash: SHA1

 * Ralph Smeets [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Mon, 27 Sep 1999
 | 2) I think it would be possible to store data on a audio disc using the
 |analog interface.. Use two frequencies, one for '0' and one for '1'.

 You do not remember the days when personal computers used monaural audio
 cassette recorders for data storage, do you. :)

 Then again, a modem -- MOdulator-DEModulator works the same way, using
 analog tones to represent the bit stream.
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


 Rat [EMAIL PROTECTED]\ Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
 Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \
 PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \
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 "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MD: Sharp 702 Red REC Light - Am I missing something?

1999-09-27 Thread Jeff Yerkey

Thanks to all the group.  Sadly, I now know there's no lil red light.   
I think Alan Dowds hit the proverbial nail on the head when he wrote:

Maybe you were just so overcome by the magic of MiniDisc that you started to
see lights...


 I got my Sharp 702 from the Good Guys in San Francisco.  After a few
 hours, the red "REC" light died.  I took it back to be fixed.  (They
 could not replace it because they said Sharp is no longer shipping

 After they returned it, the red REC light still does not work in Record
 mode.  Am I missing something finicky with this unit, or did they just
 not fix it?!?!  Thanks.

Jeff Yerkey

340 Bryant St., Suite 202, San Francisco, CA 94107
T 415-882-9400  E [EMAIL PROTECTED]
F 415-882-9466   W

"Why oh why didn't I take the red pill?"

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MD: Optical Out on IBM Thinkpad

1999-09-27 Thread Derek Jacobson

This is a little off topic but I am looking for a way to get an optical
output from my IBM Thinkpad. Does anyone know of a product (or another
way) that can allow be to transfer my MP3s to Minidisc without  buying a
desktop computer.

-Derek Jacobson
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Re: MD: 701/702/722 Cloning possible... and realtivly easy ;)

1999-09-27 Thread Peter Wood

Hya All,

 Peter means true TOC cloning, Ralph.  Helge Boehme figured out a way to do it
 on the 701, and Peter found it works on the 702 and 722 as well.  Helge's
 findings are linked off the MDCP at
 http://[insertyourlocalmirrorhere]/ms701_cloning.html or through Peter's site.
 He's not confusing it with Name Stamp.
Nope, it is good and so simple.

Yep, I know... It was just that a lot of people reported they could clone
a TOC on a 702 while it was just the name-stamp. It's something I'm
going to try out this evening!
Well worth it Ralph, just sent an email to Helge actually ;). I'm
currently updating my web pages content messivly ;). I now have a 722
and it's mostly the same as the 70X's. Apart from more features. ;)


P. -
"It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches, it only takes on match to burn a 
thousand trees!" -- A Thousand Trees, Stereophonics.
Peter Wood. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - ICQ? UIN - 15779342  - FAX? USA (425) 952-7879

IRC? Find Me On DALnet #VisualBasic, #ircbar, #3cr, #B5+Trek,
#startrek, #lineone, #star_, #starrpg as Doc_Z.
/server 7000
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Re: MD: Simulating a TOC Copy on a 7xx

1999-09-27 Thread Peter Wood

Hya Keith,

Would it be possible to simulate the Toc Copy that the Sharps have and copy 
a track listing to a MD?
Why, when you can do the full thing?? Check my web page for more
details (

I understand that you can copy the labeling of tracks this way between two 
Sharps... but could you simulate it with a soundcard or something?
Or is it not cloning that you want? Explain ;)

Hed:Strong still sounding good Keith,

"It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches, it only takes on match to burn a 
thousand trees!" -- A Thousand Trees, Stereophonics.
Peter Wood. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - ICQ? UIN - 15779342  - FAX? USA (425) 952-7879

IRC? Find Me On DALnet #VisualBasic, #ircbar, #3cr, #B5+Trek,
#startrek, #lineone, #star_, #starrpg as Doc_Z.
/server 7000
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Re: MD: Error Correction Audibility (Memorex error rates)

1999-09-27 Thread Richard Anderson

Magic wrote:

The pack of 5 discs were purchased last month.

We tested some other Memorex discs in the
shop and almost all of them had BLER 40 to 60.

Which shop?  I didn't know memorex were available in the UK.
What do they look like ( i.e who makes them? )
Memtek do not make their own CDR's, so I would assume they OEM their MD's 
from someone like Xeus?


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MD: Cannot order anything!

1999-09-27 Thread Marionyt Marshall

It  sure  would be nice, if I could order some blanks from minidisc now; none of the 
links for anything works on that page!

Does anyone know what is the deal with them?

 ContinuumX 1999 --
[where X begins margin
   further of expansion]

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