Re: [MBZ] Austin TX Rental Car Info?

2015-03-11 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
When I lived in TX, the required beer to drink with BBQ was Lone Star. 
And my favorite BBQ joint in TX is Timmy Harlow's in Abilene.
(now in CA with no TX BBQ)

On Mar 11, 2015, Dwight wrote:

From: Dwight Giles
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Austin TX Rental Car Info?
Date: March 11, 2015 11:29:19 AM PDT

Shiner Bock. Required with BBQ

On Mar 11, 2015 2:18 PM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:

 What's s Shiner?

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Re: [MBZ] Facts

2015-03-04 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
IMNSHO the problem is one group's attempt to control morality and illegal 
behavior by controlling a thing, i.e. the guns, instead of focusing on the 
actual behavior of the small number of misbehaving individuals.

For example, some nut-job shoots up a movie theater and the response from some 
is to try to ban the tool that he used rather than advocate for more mental 
health programs to deal with the cause of the shooting. As Dan said, there is a 
need for more mental health resources for those that need it.

In so doing, the controls advocated by the ban group infringe on the rights of 
the vast majority that do not exhibit the criminal behavior thus setting up 
this endless discussion.

(who advocates for my right to self-defense)

On Mar 4, 2015, Dan wrote:
From: Dan Penoff
Subject: [MBZ] Facts
Date: March 4, 2015 10:05:28 AM PST

I'm not going to intervene unless people get nasty. As long as everyone can 
agree to disagree and there are no personal attacks I'm OK with things.

While I have mixed emotions about gun ownership, I see this as a circular 
argument that will never go away I also think it points to the serious need 
for mental health resources being more available to those who need them.

Did anyone read about the coed at Oregon who reported a sexual assault, only to 
have her records shared with the defense attorneys because they fell under the 
student records laws rather than HIPAA?

Or better yet, our selective prosecution where people like David Petreaus who 
get a slap on the wrist for disclosing secret information while others who did 
far worse get incarcerated?

While I'm not about to renounce my citizenship, I will say this place is messed 

Let the discourse begin.


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Re: [MBZ] Mercedes Digest, Vol 112, Issue 30

2015-03-04 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I totally agree that we need to try another direction than the so-called war 
on drugs. I've been saying for decades that the war on drugs has been lost 
and has become a huge financial drain on our society. Rather than keeping on 
locking people up, inducing them to commit more crimes to fund their habits, 
making drug cartels rich, etc., we need to at least investigate some other 
possible ways to control drug use. Just as the attempt at alcohol prohibition 
didn't stop the use of alcohol but enabled the growth of organized crime 
syndicates, the war on drugs has enabled the growth of even more powerful 
drug cartels. I've never used drugs and haven't even tried a marijuana 
cigarette but can see the futility of the path we've been on since LBJ.

On Mar 4, 2015, Dan Penoff wrote:

From: Dan Penoff
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Facts
Date: March 4, 2015 2:27:37 PM PST
To: Mercedes List

I'm not endorsing Bill Maher by any means, but he did say something the other 
day on his show that I thought was pretty astute:

We lock up so many people in Federal prisons with mandatory sentences for 
stupid things. This has done nothing to stop the flow of drugs or for that 
matter, the drug war.  It's a giant resource suck of not only taxpayer's 
dollars but of human resources as well.

Just my $0.02.


 On Mar 4, 2015, at 4:11 PM, Rich Thomas via Mercedes 
 Not the guns yet, but the bullets now.  The Apostate has a pen and a phone!
 On 3/4/15 4:03 PM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:
 Hey - you forgot our first Kenyan Muslim non-Christian President who Wants
 to Confiscate Your Guns.  You're getting soft!

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Re: [MBZ] Facts (Randy Bennell)

2015-03-03 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Automatic weapons have been illegal in the US since the 1930s. You probably 
mean semi-automatic weapons which pretty much includes most modern rifles and 
pistols designs of the past century.

On Mar 3, 2015, Randy Bennell wrote:

Subject: Re: [MBZ] Facts
Date: March 3, 2015 10:00:43 AM PST

On 03/03/2015 11:45 AM, G Mann via Mercedes wrote:
 Thank you for your efforts to direct the thinking of these foreign
 individuals to understand this very special American Right.

You, and your family enjoy the special American right to be shot down at the 
mall by some nut who legally purchased an automatic weapon down at the sporting 
goods store.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the beauty in a well made firearm. I think 
it would be interesting to make an AK47 and have watched the video on how to do 
it.  I own a couple of .22 rifles and have been considering something a bit 
bigger. However,  I am happy with the fact that hand guns and automatic weapons 
are not common in Canada.  Let us face it, there are a lot of people out there 
who should not be permitted to have any sort of firearms. They are stupid, or 
criminally minded, or careless, or mentally unstable, bad tempered, etc. Being 
permitted to possess a weapon should require rigorous background checks, formal 
training, and ongoing checks to make sure things are not changing. Automatic 
weapons should only be had by the military for war. They should not be sold to 
anyone with sufficient cash and no obvious criminal record.

RB who will now climb down off of the soapbox

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Re: [MBZ] OT: US oil train safety report from The Associated Press

2015-02-22 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Here's a pipeline story, one that helped us win WW2. I imagine they didn't do 
an environmental impact report before installing this one...

On Feb 22, 2015, at 5:40 PM, wrote:

From: Scott Ritchey
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: US oil train safety report from The Associated Press
Date: February 22, 2015 3:24:09 PM PST

No news here.  Back in the 70s, I was part of an environmental review for
building a pipeline to get jet fuel (JP4 then) to Edwards AFB.  Pipelines
aren't perfect but they are so much better than truck or rail that the
pipeline was a hands-down winner from a safety and environmental
perspective.  Of course you need to use a lot of the stuff to amortize the
cost of building a pipeline 

 -Original Message-
 From: Mercedes [] On Behalf Of Max
 Dillon via Mercedes
 Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 4:09 PM
 To: Mercedes
 Subject: [MBZ] OT: US oil train safety report from The Associated Press
 Max Dillon
 Charleston SC
 '87 300TD
 '95 E300

From: Peter Frederick
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: US oil train safety report from The Associated Press
Date: February 22, 2015 3:37:34 PM PST
To: Scott Ritchey, Mercedes Discussion List

And you also have to maintain and repair your pipeline.  Most of the resistance 
to the Keystone XL comes from the history (rather bad, actually) of the owners. 
 They are notorious for large leaks and poor maintenance  along with slow and 
inadequate response to problems in their existing lines, and I think are 
responsible for the failure due to poor maintenance of the last two very large 
spills from pipelines.

Even with that pipelines are better than derailing trains with exploding tanker 
cars.  It appears that the new design is just as prone to failure as the old 
inadequate one when you start tossing them around.  Tar sands crude requires 
significant thinning with volatile solvents to move in any way, it is much MORE 
viscous when extracted than road tar.  This makes it worse than ordinary 


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow in Boston?

2015-02-16 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Are you just fooling around with us or do you really believe that the lunar 
landing photos were faked? 
I can tell you that I worked for Buzz Aldrin in 1972 and I knew Neal Armstrong 
(last talked to him in 2007). If they faked the landing they certainly did a 
great job of continuing the charade for many years. 
Surely you don't REALLY believe the landings were faked…..
Addison Thompson
In California where the temps have been in the 80s the past few days

From: Andrew Strasfogel
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow in 
Date: February 13, 2015 7:23:44 AM PST

Curt, you just don't get it.  The same folks who faked the lunar landing
photos have figured out a way to make it appear that the ice caps are
melting and glaciers are receding.  They are being funded by latte-guzzling
liberals who want you to drive a Prius.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:

 Whats causing glaciers to recede? Even if temperature data is being faked
 the pictures of big lakes where there used to be glaciers doesn't lie..
  From: Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
 To:; Mercedes
 Discussion List
 Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 9:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow
 in Boston?
 So if the polar ice cap isn't melting, what do you think has caused the
 worldwide rise in sea level?  The relentless inundation of coastal areas,
 such as Miami, NYC, Boston and other low lying metropoli?  Trick
 photography?  Conspiracy by the renewable energy cartel?

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Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow in Boston?

2015-02-16 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Ahhh……   My faith in the List is restored!   ;-)

On Feb 16, 2015, at 4:23 PM, Andrew Strasfogel wrote:

Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow in 

OMG you don't know me at all.

My former partner steadfastly believed the lunar landing was faked, and
nothing could shake this belief.  That was one of her fatal flaws...

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 6:44 PM, OK Don via Mercedes

 I believe that his tongue was placed firmly in his cheek - - -
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Addison Thompson via Mercedes wrote:
 Are you just fooling around with us or do you really believe that the
 lunar landing photos were faked?
 From: Andrew Strasfogel
 Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Global none-warming. was: Where to dump the snow
 Date: February 13, 2015 7:23:44 AM PST
 Curt, you just don't get it.  The same folks who faked the lunar landing
 photos have figured out a way to make it appear that the ice caps are
 melting and glaciers are receding.  They are being funded by
 liberals who want you to drive a Prius.

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Re: [MBZ] Wilton's computer [was: Re: Schnee]

2015-02-16 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I also heard it said that If there is no solution there is no problem.
Good luck!
Addison Thompson
On his Mac

On Feb 16, 2015, at 3:31 PM, Wilton wrote:

From: Alice Strickland
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Wilton's computer [was: Re: Schnee]


Nothing is hard if ya have all the answers.  A problem is not a problem once it 

Sent from my iPad

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Re: [MBZ] Installing HP Printer was Korean malware FIXED

2015-02-04 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes

On Feb 4, 2015, Curly McLain wrote:

From: Curly McLain
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Korean malware FIXED
Date: February 4, 2015 2:39:07 PM PST
 I'm thinking of investing $70 in Eset, an antivirus program that was 
 top rated in Consumers Reports in 2010. Either that or really 
 biting the bullet and switching to a Linux program or Apple.
I think the Mac is worth the money.  I am tired of fighting with M$ 
so even though XP was pretty decent.

I have been struggling all afternoon to install a HP 2840 CLJ in Mac 
10.6.8, XP or ubuntu with no success.   on the mac, it starts up a HP 
setup assistant, which can't find the printer.  end of the show... no 
way to install it manually that I can find.  the printer add thing 
does not find the printer.

XP problems, and ubunto is requiring a bunch of command line stuff I 
don't understand at all.  Jury is still out on ubuntu.  HPLIP 3.12.2 
has to be removed, and 3. 15.2 installed.  Who know what happens 
after that...

just found out.  got to where I can launch a gui interface.  Now it 
can't find the printer.  Same as on the Mac.  Stupid HP. 
Overpriced, and crappy and make you buy a new printer because they 
won't update the drivers.

I just installed an HP printer on my Mac (after the ink nozzle failed on my 
previous one). 
Have you tried going to System Preferences/ Hardware/Print  Scan? On my Mac, 
that window has a +/- thing on the left side of the window that allows adding 
or removing a printer. When I did + it gave me a new screen to add in the new 
printer. Hope you have good luck. It can be frustrating…


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[MBZ] Mercedes Super Bowl Ad

2015-01-27 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes

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Re: [MBZ] Wilton and Crabs (WILTON)

2015-01-14 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Did you ever dial in the crab angle the WRONG direction? I did - once!!! That 
was a wild touch and go.

On Jan 14, 2015, Wilton wrote:

Subject: Re: [MBZ] Wilton and Crabs
Date: January 14, 2015 12:53:39 PM PST
To: Dan Penoff, Mercedes Discussion List

The FOUR main landing gear trucks swivel.  Ya don't dial in runway heading, 
ya dial in degrees left or right of cross-wind crab to compensate for drift and 
keep gear aligned with runway heading.  As wind changes, ya hafta change the 
cross-wind crab setting manually.  If ya make a series of touch-and-go 
landings, ya hafta check and set cross-wind crab as necessary for each landing.


- Original Message - From: Dan Penoff via Mercedes
To: Mercedes List
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:21 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Wilton and Crabs


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Its coooold out there

2015-01-11 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Any idea what flight the deer were booked on? Probably heading south on 

On Jan 11, 2015, at 4:00 AM, Curt wrote:
From: Curt Raymond
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Its cld out there
Date: January 10, 2015 8:19:19 PM PST

I saw deer heading from Silver Spring to the DC airport back in early December.


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Re: [MBZ] An article that is truthful about electric vehicles

2014-12-28 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Right on! Very inventive explanation of reality.
with as small a footprint as possible

On Dec 28, 2014, at 10:39 AM, wrote:

From: G Mann
Subject: Re: [MBZ] An article that is truthful about electric vehicles
Date: December 28, 2014 9:10:47 AM PST

Man will never make the transition from tree ape to ground ape.

The tree ape defecates and it falls to the ground, he doesn't care because
he doesn't walk in it. The ground ape defecates and it falls to the ground,
he doesn't care because he has no where else to put it and does not care to
stop eating to stop defecating, so he walks around it, walks through it, or
generally blames it on another ape while continuing to defecate himself.

There are a group of humans currently dedicated to the false logic that
it's not my defecation while seizing on some construct of logic that
claims theirs stinks less or makes less mess than anyone else s. All the
while continuing to enjoy the full cultural benefits of regular defecation
[driving cars, using public transport, shopping in stores where all the
goods are brought by smelly diesel trucks, buying goods made in foreign
countries which have no don't defecate on the ground [ie EPA] rules, et al.

Such foolishness. Most who now make complaint have never built a fire to
survive without shelter, never missed an episode of The Kardassians,
enjoy the full benefit of public power and transport. Thus, have little to
draw from as to why the tree ape became a ground ape in the first place
[metaphorically ].

Get primitive if you truly believe. Cast off all the things made by
industry and delivered by transportation. Live each winter without heat or
shelter [remember, both take energy, which pollute by your logic]. Give up
gainful employment, it takes energy to travel to your work, heat and cool
the workplace, move the goods.. A.. but you can't do that.. you would
soon starve and then stop defecating ...

My, ohhh my,,, what a problem... well... back to the trees. which you
already cut down to make fire and heat.. and shelter... ooopps..

Grant... Who loves the visible steam cloud coming off the cooling ponds at
the local Nuclear power plant. It's not clean, but it moves the large
steaming pile of public defecation into the next 35 centuries so he won't
have to deal with it in his lifetime..

BS ... We all know what that is.
MS ... More of the same.
PhD.. Piled higher and Deeper
Seems to me, we have PhD's shoveling BS based on the MS principle that
somehow we can pick up the clean end of a turd. [Broad strokes here,
nothing personal intended].

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Re: [MBZ] Might be a buy!

2014-12-22 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I have a friend that has lived all over the country and now lives in MD. He 
constantly complains about how bad the drivers are in MD and sends photos of 
accidents near his house. So perhaps MD should consider inspecting the drivers 
instead of the cars…...

On Dec 22, 2014, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
From: Curt Raymond
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Might be a buy!
Date: December 22, 2014 10:13:06 AM PST

Why wouldn't a new car pass? What could possibly be unsafe in a new car that 
would make this inspection worth it?
I find there very little redeeming about Maryland and you're not helping the 
case any.
 From: Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes
To: Curly McLain; Mercedes Discussion List 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Might be a buy!

MD inspection is brutal.  It costs $75.00, takes a full hour incouding a
road test and NOBODY passes the first time around - even new cars.  There
is no point in buying a used car here unless the owner agrees to take it
through and PASS inspection.

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Re: [MBZ] OT White guys in white short sleeve shirts with short haircuts and slide rules

2014-12-21 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes

On Dec 21, 2014, at 3:29 AM, Scott wrote:

From: Scott Ritchey
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT White guys in white short sleeve shirts with short 
haircuts and slide rules
Date: December 20, 2014 6:47:44 PM PST
To: 'Rich Thomas', 'Mercedes 
Discussion List'

As shown in the video, pressure recovery at the inlet was critical to
generating thrust.  If the analog computer burped and misplaced the inlet
spike, the resulting drop in thrust was dramatic.  This event was called an
inlet unstart.  The resulting violent yaw motion was the faster than human
reflexes.  In the early days, the SR yaw autopilot had limited authority and
an unstart produced extremely violent motion at the cockpit (which was way
forward at the end of a long moment arm).  I believe at least one SR
disintegrated inflight when the yaw from an unstart exceeded aircraft
structural limits.  Later in the program, better flight and engine controls
mitigated the unstart problem.

The SR stands as a tribute to the men (and women) who built and flew it.
Those folks knew that anything worthwhile involved risk.

Wikipedia has a decent article on this amazing aircraft:


The pilot of that SR unstart incident, a test pilot for Lockheed at the time of 
the accident, is a friend of mine. He was thrown clear when the jet came apart 
but his systems, operator was killed. He went back to flying and, up until just 
recently, he was flying the L-1011 launch jet for Orbital Sciences satellite 



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[MBZ] Fw: OT - Another non-political B-52 tale - MOVING IN THE BUFF

2014-12-07 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I think that not only has the statute of limitations expired on the windshield, 
the truck itself has expired (a lg time ago)  ;-)

Subject: [MBZ] Fw: OT - Another non-political B-52 tale - MOVING IN THE BUFF
Date: December 6, 2014 2:50:31 PM PST
To: mercedes list

BTW, Addison, has the statute of limitations expired on that windshield?


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Re: [MBZ] How To Repair Maintain your Mercedes-Benz

2014-12-03 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
You bring back memories. I hadn't thought about the old days for quite a while. 
I remember Kathy very well and, as I recall, Kathy wasn't treated all that well 
back then. 
'75 450SLC back then….   ;-)

On Dec 3, 2014, Curly McLain wrote:

From: Curly McLain
Subject: Re: [MBZ] How To Repair  Maintain your Mercedes-Benz
Date: December 3, 2014 4:40:13 PM PST
To: Craig, Mercedes Discussion List

 On Wed, 03 Dec 2014 18:16:34 -0500 Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:
 You would have to understand the mindset of the MBCA.  It goes back
 many, many years.
 Oh. I take it the mindset is not healthy.

It was the same group that ran out Kathy Kennel the original MBCA 
listmom (where the term listmom originated) and former MBCA Pres.

I've had no contact with anyone in MBCA since then other than for 
contact with some former MBCA pres. exchanging Christmas cards and 
the like.

The old group like new MBs and old, and was tolerant of those who 
keep em running.  The new group was all about how much money they 
could flash, so it was new cars, and $500,000 and over new cars.

At an MBCA national driving event, one of that group, watched as his 
wife totaled a new MB on the track, and later they were laughing 
about it.   Destroying the car meant nothing to them.  Just like 
throwing out a used kleenex.This was before they were part of the 
group that took over MBCA.  It was a bloody takeover.  They fired 
pretty much everyone on the staff.  Exec. Director, Publisher, Editor 

I did not like or approve of the changes.  Kathy was a decent lady 
who did a lot for the club.  She was not rich, and didn't drive a new 
MB.  I believe hers was a 71, so it was not acceptable to the money 
crowd.  Not old enough to be classic and worth over $500,000 and not 


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Re: [MBZ] How To Repair Maintain your Mercedes-Benz

2014-12-03 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I also dropped out of MBCA back then due to the lack of car-oriented 
Too many dinners and not enough tech sessions and car shows.

On Dec 3, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Curly McLain wrote:

 You bring back memories. I hadn't thought about 
 the old days for quite a while. I remember Kathy 
 very well and, as I recall, Kathy wasn't treated 
 all that well back then.
 '75 450SLC back thenŠ.   ;-)

Kathy was our RVP when we received the charter 
for our new section.  She came out to present the 
charter.  I supported her for Prez, and later for 
listmom.  I talked to her often during the 
section formation process, and developing bylaws. 
She was a friend, and she put her heart and soul 
into MBCA and was rewarded by being kicked by the 

I tried hard to have section events that covered 
all the membership.  The core came to all 
meetings, and each type brought in a few new 


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Onsite fabrication of taller wind turbines

2014-11-13 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
One consideration that seems mostly forgotten is the environmental impact of 
wind turbines AND fields of solar panels (visual, wild life deaths, noise - yes 
wind turbines make noise, etc.). There are a thousands of acres of both in the 
desert north of Los Angeles and they are a blight. Not to mention that due to 
transmission losses they have to be sited somewhat near the end users. SO we 
all get the impacts.

On Nov 13, 2014, at 9:05 AM, wrote:

From: Andrew Strasfogel
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Onsite fabrication of taller wind turbines
Date: November 13, 2014 8:37:27 AM PST

While you jeer, sneer and cast corrosive witticisms from the sidelines,
solar and wind power are growing by leaps and bounds, here and abroad.  The
price of PV continues to plummet, and utilities are warming to the idea of
distributed generation (rooftop and community solar and wind).  Lots of
great things are going on, and it's hard to keep up.

It's not my job to educate you, however.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:23 AM, G Mann via Mercedes

 The only viable solution to over use of energy, it to run out of it and
 revert to the stone age. So, Andrew, throw away your Ipod, your computer
 access, all your electrical devices, park your Prius [forever] and learn to
 kill tasty animals and build fire.
 All efforts otherwise are futile, accept your fate.
 Imagine the effect of only one EMP delivered at high altitude over the East
 Coast. All power grids are now controlled by computers, which are most
 likely fried by EMP.  The last time we had a solar plasma flair the power
 lines and telegraph lines were melted off the poles.. Feel fragile yet?
 I offer this to all those who love to worry about things they have no
 control over.. it helps occupy their minds... ;))
 On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
 If you could make enough power cheap enough making hydrogen would be
 In California they may end up using wind power to desalinate water...

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Re: [MBZ] Veterans on the List

2014-11-12 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Addison USAFJuly 1957-July 1981

Subject: Re: [MBZ] Veterans on the List
Date: November 11, 2014 10:12:10 PM PST
To: 'Craig', 'Mercedes Discussion List'

Scott USAF 1969-1994

 -Original Message-
 From: Mercedes [] On Behalf Of
 Craig via Mercedes
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:40 PM
 To: Mercedes Discussion List
 Subject: [MBZ] Veterans on the List
 We do have several veterans on the list. As a matter of curiosity, who are
 you? In what branch did you serve or are you serving? What dates?
 Here is what I know; you will have to edit and add the rest.
 Craig USAF1971-1975
 Max   USN


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Re: [MBZ] Even a Bad Landing Makes It a Good Day (Dan Penoff)

2014-11-01 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I think that your title is wrong. It is a Good Landing by definition - any 
landing that you can walk away from is a good landing. At least that's what 
I've always heard during my 40+ years of flying.   :-)

From: Dan Penoff
Subject: [MBZ] Even a Bad Landing Makes It a Good Day
Date: October 31, 2014 7:14:31 PM PDT
To: Mercedes List

That'll buff out:

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Re: [MBZ] OT - Shotguns/Pistols

2014-10-29 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
It depends on state law in the state the sale occurs. And if it involves 
interstate transactions, federal law applies. In California, ALL sales, 
including private party sales, have to be processed through an FFL licensed 
dealer and have a 10 day waiting period during which the receiving FFL dealer 
has to process the paperwork and background check. This applies to long guns as 
well as handguns. I could go into more detail but it's best to just say check 
with a local dealer to determine state law where you want to buy a gun before 
going into the deal. 
CL500 and Sig Sauer

From: Jim Cathey

Depends upon who's selling.  If seller has a FFL he has
to obey all the checks, waiting periods, etc.  If a
private citizen, nothing.  That's the infamous loophole:
private sales.  Most of what you would see at a show is
not privately held; none of what you would see at a
store is.  Private 'sales' covers a lot of ground in
attempted legislation, things like family purchases,
inheritance, gifts, loans, emergency situations, etc.
The devil's usually in the details.

-- Jim

From: G Mann

That discussion will lead instantly to politics, so I would avoid it.

At this date, private citizens may buy or sell freely, privately owned
items. Prudence however would indicate you protect yourself by asking for
some form of ID from the buyer, and a written bill of sale, which documents
the sale showing you no longer possess the weapon and it's legal transfer
of ownership on said date. Should the weapon be used for less than legal
purpose in future you can show proof it was not in your possession at that

This also protect the buyer, in that any claim the weapon was stolen can be
put to rest with a legally executed document of sale. [at least prove YOU
didn't steal it].

The term gun show loop hole is a handy 5 sec sound bite phrase used to
inflame both sides of the issue. IMHO, the moral equal to yelling fire !
in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

If it's legally owned, it can be legally sold. If you buy and sell as a
commercial enterprise, you need a FFL and all the paperwork that comes with
it under current law, which is all that really counts, all emotions aside.

A wise man knows the laws before the prosecutor files the charge against
him for inadvertently breaking one.



From: Dan Penoff

I certainly don't want to wander into the political side of this discussion for 
obvious reasons, I'm just curious as to the mechanics of such things never 
having experienced them.

If I understand you correctly, sales like those that take place online, such as 
you would see at, are considered private sales? I realize they 
require someone with an FFL to receive the gun, but there is nothing in the way 
of a background check or anything like that taking place with these 
transactions, correct?



From: Mitch Haley

I'm pretty sure that in FL you just have to pass the NICS check if buying from 
a dealer (and fill out all necessary paperwork) or hand over the cash if buying 
from an individual.

As far as gunbroker is concerned, virtually everybody selling there is a dealer.
If you could find a local private seller you could meet him face to face and do 
a paperless transaction. If he ships it to a FFL, the FFL has to log it into 
his bound book, and fill out the paperwork and run the NICS check to transfer 
it from his inventory to you, even though the FFL never owned it.


From: G Mann
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT - Shotguns/Pistols
Date: October 29, 2014 11:01:28 AM PDT
To: Dan Penoff, Mercedes Discussion List


I am not the end all of knowledge, so I defer to any and all greater and
better informed to answer your question.

My understanding  for on line sales which involve interstate movement of
the gun sold, or any non-personal contact requires the gun to be sent to
a FFL licensed dealer, and the actual transfer then happens under the FFL
dealers license, which DOES require a background check and all the BATFE
required Federal Forms to be filled out and signed, etc etc etc..

Legally, under present law, I can not ship you a gun. I can however ship
one to myself, subject to all the state and federal laws that may apply
both in the state I am legally in when I ship, and the state I am legally
in when I receive my own weapon. Complicated? yes.

I suggest you become acquainted with a writer by name of Alan Korwin
[friend of mine] [ ] who specializes in writing
books that address gun laws as they apply in different states and federal

If ignorance is bliss, prisons must be a blissful place. Be wise, be
knowledgeable, be legal, be responsible, be a gun owner.. in that order..
is how I was taught.




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Re: [MBZ] OT Interesting Video Secure Your WiFi (Dan Penoff)

2014-10-24 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Very interesting discussion. Is there a software application (Mac) that can be 
added to our computers to show who is logged on or tried to log on to our wi-fi 

On Oct 24, 2014, at 11:28 AM, wrote:
From: Dan Penoff
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Interesting Video Secure Your WiFi
Date: October 24, 2014 5:40:08 AM PDT
To: Mercedes Discussion List

Just leave it out there, but enable security. WPA for sure, as WEP has been 
compromised for years.  Change the admin account credentials to something 
secure.  Use good password practices (8 character minimum, a mix of numbers, 
upper/lower case letters and characters, no dictionary words.)

Realize that if someone is war driving and your AP is locked down, unless 
they're specifically targeting you they'll move on.

One Christmas some years back the youngest son and I went for a slow drive 
around the neighborhood with a laptop running Kismet, an open source wireless 
sniffer. Out of maybe 80 access points, we found roughly 60 that were either 
wide open (no admin account) or still using the default admin accounts shipped 
with the hardware.

So unless you're being targeted specifically, you'll be a lousy exploit for 
someone just going around being malicious. With all the easy pickings out 
there, they'll move on.


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Re: [MBZ] Today's Attaboy (Dan Penoff)

2014-10-16 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
If you can find 255/40-18 and 285/35-18 tires for $200 delivered I want to 
know! In fact, if you can find them for $200 each you're probably doing good if 
they're quality tires.   ;-)

From: Dan Penoff
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Today's Attaboy
Date: October 16, 2014 8:38:33 AM PDT
To: Mercedes Discussion List

That sound like a good deal. Can you tell us where you bought them?

I am starting to look for tires in anticipation of mounting the R230 Launch 
wheels on my SL. Because they're different sizes from front to back I'm having 
a hard time finding a matched (brand) set, especially one that's not going to 
cost a small fortune.  I've seen some strange Chinese brands that were 
affordable, but I'm reluctant to go that route.

I need 255/40-18 for the front and 285/35-18 for the rear.


Sent from my iPad

 On Oct 16, 2014, at 11:27 AM, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes wrote:
 Not to toot my own horn, but I purchased four all weather, H rated
 195X70X14 tires online for $200 - delivered. My 83 300TD now drives like
 the road is made of buttah.  Does this rate an ATTABOY?

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Re: [MBZ] OT Non-Political B-52 tale - RADIO HANOI (WILTON)

2014-10-12 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
On Oct 12, 2014, at 7:50 PM, wrote:

Good tale Wilton. Glad you made it back that night!

One of the WSOs that flew with me in my back seat in TAC in Thailand survived a 
year over the trail. But when he went back to the US, guess where he went? - 
back to Buffs. Not long after requal he was back in Thailand for Linebacker II. 
Apparently the Sams were better one night and took out his Buff - he didn't 
make it back. 


Subject: [MBZ] OT - non-political B-52 tale - RADIO HANOI
Date: October 12, 2014 4:04:27 PM PDT
To: mercedes list

Another non-political B-52 tale:


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[MBZ] Mercedes Self-Driving Truck

2014-10-11 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Mercedes introduces a semi-truck that drives itself on the highway.|main5-article|popular-videos-5min-main|sec3_lnk1|531617
I wonder who gets the speeding ticket?   ;-)
Manual-driving CL500

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Re: [MBZ] [ADMIN] List Content (Dan Penoff)

2014-10-06 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
I've been away for a few years, so am wondering what ever happened to the 
Ritter/Easley List?

From: Dan Penoff
Subject: Re: [MBZ] [ADMIN] List Content
Date: October 6, 2014 8:16:24 AM PDT
To: Mercedes List

Dan, who was one of the original members of the lists and a founding 
member of the Ritter list

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Re: [MBZ] B-36 With Tank Treads??

2014-09-28 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
The 777 is an awesome airliner. 

On Sep 28, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Mountain Man wrote:

AT wrote:
 And in comparison to the B-36 and B-52, we now have the B-1B with an empty 
 weight of 182,000 lb, maximum gross weight of 477,000 lb...

I remember 18 years ago taking a ride on the new 777.  The pilot was
proud to compare his new 777 with the familiar B-52.  B-52 had 8
engines and the 777 had more engine power with 2 engines than the
B-52.  He named several comparisons.  Each seat had new-then, lcd
screen to watch shows - it was a spectacular ride on that aircraft,
and the price was right - $50RT promo with T-Day afternoon leave and
return on Saturday morning.  Memorable for me and 2 sons.


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Re: [MBZ] B-36 With Tank Treads??

2014-09-27 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
And in comparison to the B-36 and B-52, we now have the B-1B with an empty 
weight of 182,000 lb, maximum gross weight of 477,000 lb, a weapon load of 
125,000 lb (more than either of the predecessor bombers) and a max speed of 
1.25 Mach.

Subject: Re: [MBZ] B-36 With Tank Treads??
Date: September 27, 2014 9:21:40 AM PDT

Interesting to note that the basic/empty weight of a B-52 is 188,000lb (max 
gross weight of 488,000lb) and carry nearly the same pay load as the B-36 at 
600 mph.


- Original Message - From: Craig via Mercedes
To: Dan Penoff; Mercedes Discussion List
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] B-36 With Tank Treads??

 On Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:46:45 -0400 Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:
 Check it out:
 Yup. Also interesting are the comments:
 A wingspan of 230 feet, six piston engines and later four
 additional turbojet engines, a 278,000lb empty weight, a max bomb
 load of close to 80,000lbs and intercontinental range, the B-36
 was truly a remarkable giant of the skies.
 Very few airfields in the US during the late 1940s were long and
 fortified enough to handle the XB-36's takeoff run and original
 main gear that featured one massive tire and that exerted 156
 pounds per square inch.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/hc22dgpzlycvnwls8mpf.jpg
 This, and the fact that it would be useful to forward deploy and
 disperse B-36s during a nuclear exchange, meant that a new
 landing gear system needed to be devised.

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Re: [MBZ] Mercedes Digest, Vol 106, Issue 112

2014-09-26 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
It looks like it was in a fire!

From: Kaleb C. Striplin
Subject: [MBZ] A little sun damage
Date: September 25, 2014 5:35:58 PM PDT
To: Mercedes Discussion List

1987 Mercedes 560 SL Convertible

Sent from my iPhone

From: Meade Dillon
Subject: Re: [MBZ] A little sun damage
Date: September 25, 2014 5:43:06 PM PDT
To: Mercedes

Yep, thermonuclear radiation will do that...

Max Dillon,
Charleston SC

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Re: [MBZ] Mercedes Digest, Vol 106, Issue 71

2014-09-16 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Just to clarify, an AR-15 is often defined as a carbine, a short-barreled 

On Sep 16, 2014, at 5:00 AM, wrote:

From: Hendrik and Fay
Subject: [MBZ] OT Re: Subject: Re: N assault
Date: September 15, 2014 8:53:55 PM PDT
To: Mercedes Discussion List

And why are you stirring up emotions about this?
This list has argued the point many times about weapon classification and 
usually it ends up in a somewhat heated debate.
The article
 states a AR-15 rifle was used, which would suggest a full size weapon.
It may well have been a carbine version but we don't know that for sure.

who owns no weapons be they for assault or defence, hmmnh perhaps in this case 
they could have called it a defence rifle, perhaps retreat rifle

On 16/09/14 10:48, Meade Dillon via Mercedes wrote:
 Carbine?  No no no, he used an ASSAULT RIFLE!!! If your local media had
 correctly identified the AR-15 as an ASSAULT RIFLE, Al Sharpton and CNN and
 all the rest could have breathlessly reported and agitated and stirred up
 the righteous we know better than you crowd, and distracted us all from
 the ballooning federal debt and the miserable economy and the creeping
 inflation of our fiat currency...  Just think of the blue-state
 fund-raising opportunities that were missed!
 Max Dillon,


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Re: [MBZ] N

2014-09-15 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Good for him that he was prepared! Too many aren't prepared and become a victim.

From: Scott Ritchey
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Subject: Re: N
Date: September 15, 2014 4:37:24 PM PDT
To: 'Mercedes Discussion List'

This is another example where the US national media ignores gun stops
crime events and the only coverage is in very local or foreign media.  The
Daily Mail seems cover these often.  The national gun magazines typically
include dozens of examples in an Armed Citizen section of each issue.  

Here's local coverage of one recent event I recall which is only a few miles
up the road from me:
825/.  The only unusual part of this story is the homeowner used a carbine
instead of a shotgun or handgun.

If you google jonathan haith shooting, you won't find any (so-called)
mainstream press coverage except two local TV stations.


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Re: [MBZ] Subject: Re: N

2014-09-13 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
Do you think that those in the media have an anti-gun/anti-self defense bias? 
Naw, that just couldn't be……..

On Sep 13, 2014, at 1:41 PM, Scott Ritchey wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that when a citizen uses a gun to prevent or stop a
crime there is zero press coverage except (sometimes) at the local level
(and, interestingly some foreign press).  But when a gun is used to commit a
crime there is persistent National coverage in the electronic and print
media.   An intellectually honest person would want to know the degree that
our perceptions are being warped by this shadow Ministry of Truth.   For
example, how many Newtowns were stopped or prevented by armed citizens or
armed security personnel?   

For those that don't know, concealed carry permit/license holders are some
of the most law-abiding people in the country.  It varies by state, but most
states require extensive criminal and psychological background checks to
obtain a carry permit/license.  


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[MBZ] Subject: Re: N

2014-09-12 Thread Addison Thompson via Mercedes
With all of the statistics and claims made about gun ownership, no one has 
mentioned the huge number of people SAVED through the defensive use of a gun 
each year. You'll never read about it in the main stream media but there have 
been several studies done that indicate numbers between 500,000 and 2,000,000 
per year in the US. Here's an excerpt from just one, a CDC study ordered by 
Obama in Jan 2013:
“Defensive uses of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the 
exact number remains disputed (Cook and Ludwig, 1996; Kleck, 2001a),” the study 
reads. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses 
by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with 
estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per 
year (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving 
firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010).”
Guns are a tool, a great way to level the playing field that allows the weak 
and small to defend themselves from the thugs. Remember, the courts have stated 
numerous times that the police have no duty to protect you.

Safe driving,

From: Randy Bennell
Subject: Re: [MBZ] N
Date: September 10, 2014 8:38:57 AM PDT
To: Curt Raymond, Mercedes Discussion List

*U.S. vs. The World*

*Last year, handguns killed 48 people in Japan, 8 in Great Britain, 34 in 
Switzerland, 52 in Canada, 58 in Israel, 21 in Sweden, 42 in West Germany and 
10,728 in the United States.* (Half True
 The numbers are wildly out of date. They also omit important context, such as 
population size. But the odds of being murdered by a gun in the United States 
is far in excess of the risk in the listed countries.

More quick google research so take it for what it is worth, but this site says 
the odds are much greater in the USA than in Canada.

RB who knows lots of people that he would not want to see carrying a gun

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