Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Daran

- Original Message -
To: Robin Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

 Nah, the candle is being burned from both ends. The point is that
 the small ones _are_ being poached. If you work in the same order
 as the poacher, work on lots of exponents will be replicated. If you
 work in the opposite order, only one exponent will be accidentally

A solution, then, is not to do small exponants at all.

 Brian Beesley

Daran G.

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Daran

- Original Message -
From: Maciej Hrynczyszyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mersenne List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

 ...what should I do in
 order not to waste my (my A1200) time working on numbers which may be
 taken over by someone else in some uncertain future? Currently I'm
 finishing my first exponent (that's M7505207 double-check)...

Don't disclose your exponants to a list read by Aaron Blosser.  :-)

  Maciej Hrynczyszyn banshee* _ __   __ _  __| | __ _

Daran G

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Daran

- Original Message -
From: Bruce Leenstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

 So I would urge George and Scott to at least change it so that -- if an
 exponent has been assigned to more than one person -- it stores the last
 two names until a valid doublecheck proves the exponent composite.

Better would be to store every name until a valid doublecheck proves the
exponant composite.  The extra storage would be negligable.

 Bruce Leenstra mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daran G.

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Daran

- Original Message -
From: Aaron Blosser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

 it just bothers me when someone decides to do Google
 searches in some sort of attempt to find information on someone in
 particular.  That's the sort of thing that borders on stalking, and it
 wouldn't be the first time someone's done a Google search and then
 rejoiced that they found such a juicy tidbit of information from my
 past. :)

I don't see anybody 'rejoicing'.  Quite a few people here seem to be
bothered about poaching.  You don't seem to be bothered about that, so I
wonder why anyone should be bothered about what bothers you.

 That's okay, because in so doing they've just proved
 themselves to be a kook and there's no longer any doubt as to whether I
 should ignore them. :)

No change there, then.

Personally I can think of at least two characteristics of kookdom exhibited
by you - a total disregard for the feelings of others, and making absurd
stalking allegations against them.


Daran G.

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Daran

- Original Message -
From: Steve Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

 no way!  i understand that statement is nonsense.  morality  ethics
 are not defined by people's own ideas, they are defined *absolutely*
 and NOT by any human.

 just because today's politically-correct NewSpeak people have
 redefined morality to mean whatever an individual thinks is moral,
 that doesn't mean that morality has actually been redefined.  moral
 relativism is *bullshit* anywhere you find it, including here on this

Could we please keep off-topic philosophical points off the list?  People
who feel strongly otherwise from you might be tempted to reply.  The result
could be that a heated discussion is inflicted upon those who have no
interest in it.

And that would be immoral,


Death to the extremists!


Daran G.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Aaron Blosser

  ...what should I do in
  order not to waste my (my A1200) time working on numbers which may
  taken over by someone else in some uncertain future? Currently I'm
  finishing my first exponent (that's M7505207 double-check)...
 Don't disclose your exponants to a list read by Aaron Blosser.  :-)

Very funny. :)

Hey, I contribute more computer time (with permission nowadays!!) than a
lot, so you can all quit your belly-achin'. :)

I haven't poached in a long time, probably since the changes to Primenet
which made it unnecessary (I don't even recall how long ago that
happened), nor do I think anyone else should poach now.  Only reason I
did it before was because there was no methodology to rehab stale
exponents, so I figured someone had to do it.  That's all, end of story.

PS - Be sure to read everything I say with the proper attitude... I
really am trying to smile and be friendly whenever I say anything... I
would have guessed my smiley emoticons would have given it away, but I
think some folks take me way too seriously... one of the problems of

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread Mary Conner

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Daran wrote:
 Better would be to store every name until a valid doublecheck proves the
 exponant composite.  The extra storage would be negligable.

I'd suggest that names not be stored for exponents that have been
unreserved, or where the name was last assigned that exponent more than a
year ago.  It would be relatively trivial to grab and release every
exponent in PrimeNet that is not currently assigned, thus getting
dibs on it.  It would also prevent people from using expirations
from getting around the first measure, such as by reserving a large
swath of exponents just below a major milestone and then waiting for
them to expire.  When the region just below M39 goes to double checks
this would be fairly trivial to do.  It might not hold someone back
who just cannot wait, but it should send a pretty clear message that
this kind of thing is unwelcome.

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-07 Thread bjb

On 7 Feb 2002, at 14:11, Daran wrote:

  Nah, the candle is being burned from both ends. The point is that
  the small ones _are_ being poached. If you work in the same order as
  the poacher, work on lots of exponents will be replicated. If you
  work in the opposite order, only one exponent will be accidentally
 A solution, then, is not to do small exponants at all.

This suggestion is impractical as well as mildly facetious. If you 
have clients running 24x7 with automatic PrimeNet comms (the 
least intrusive method, from the point of view of the user) then you 
get new assignments at random times - the client checks how 
much work it has left every 65536 iterations. So you are liable to 
get small exponents from time to time.

If you use manual client checkin to PrimeNet, or manual testing 
forms, then you _can_ pick a time of day when you are _unlikely_ 
to receive small exponents - but even this is no guarantee.

Mary deliberately got a big bunch of small exponents when they 
became available, presumably because she felt she would be able 
to clear them in a reasonable time on a reasonably reliable system 
(or systems). In this respect she's actually acting with the same 
motivation as the poachers, but attempting to stay within the 
cooperative spirit of the project. It is for this reason that she is 
rightly upset about being poached.

Brian Beesley
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Robin Stevens

On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:06:27PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small 
 exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of 
 the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_ ones are done first. 
 Intermediate checkins to PrimeNet will then cause unstarted 
 assignments which are no longer neccessary to be automatically 

Of course if one _keeps_ doing this, then the smallest exponents never get
processed (and perhaps they become more likely to be poached) :-)

--- Robin Stevens  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Oxford University Computing Services --- Web:
--- (+44)(0)1865: 273212 (work) 273275 (fax)  Mobile: 07776 235326 ---
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias

 That's my only point.  Rude, yes.  Morally/ethically/legally
 there's really no problem with doing it.

legally, who knows - maybe there will be a court case some day
if some awful person poaches the 10M exponent ...  

but morally/ethically there is obviously a huge problem with poaching
exponents.  (obvious to anyone who has at least a tiny clue about
what morality  ethics *mean* .)

Rob On the basis of legality I would tend to agree with you
Rob however I beg to differ on the basis of ethics and morality,
Rob however I guess everyone is entitled to their own idea of
Rob what is morally and ethically ok.

no way!  i understand that statement is nonsense.

morality  ethics are not defined by people's own ideas, they are
defined *absolutely* and NOT by any human.

just because today's politically-correct NewSpeak people have
redefined morality to mean whatever an individual thinks is moral,
that doesn't mean that morality has actually been redefined.  moral
relativism is *bullshit* anywhere you find it, including here on this

while i'm at it, due to lots of P4 PC hardware problems i have a bunch
of doublecheck exponents checked out that will probably never get
processed by my re-re-re-re-formatted P4 PC.

so am now discovering that i can unreserve them from a different
machine than the one to which they were originally assigned.  and i'm
freeing a bunch in the 7M range presently...  if these exponents are
of interest to anyone, please have at them - primenet will probably
assign them to you if you request doublechecks 5 minutes after i send
this email.



ps - subtle, aren't i?  ;) 

Rob Rob Reid
Rob 'Stalk' away ;)

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias


i really know nothing about your past except what i've read here.

it's your current comments re poaching which i have found
objectionable.  as you can see, i do feel free to comment regardless
of your possible lack of appreciation for my comments.  if you repented
 apologized for your alleged-previous-poaching-transgressions i might
think differently, but you appear to be unapologetic.  
(but i don't really expect you to care what *i* think!!!)

really - to each his own.  i do recognize your right to think that
your current pro-poaching comments are moral even if
actually they are not, just as i recognize a moral-relativist's right
to so delude themselves on whatever matter of immorality they like.
while these folks may be deluding themselves they aren't fooling me -
and i'm plenty foolish on my own accord!


Aaron See, it's the snide comments like that that I don't
Aaron appreciate.

Aaron It's attitudes like yours that are more likely to drive
Aaron people away from GIMPS than whether or not someone poaches
Aaron an assignment and results in the occasional triple check.

Aaron Fortunately I happen to know that most people who
Aaron participate are nice folks.  So the fact that a couple
Aaron people on here want to make continued references to my past
Aaron in an attempt to paint me as an uncaring and morally
Aaron reprehensible person isn't enough to dissuade me from
Aaron continued participation. :)

Aaron _
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias

 That's my only point.  Rude, yes.  Morally/ethically/legally
 there's really no problem with doing it.

legally, who knows - maybe there will be a court case some day
if some awful person poaches the 10M exponent ...  

but morally/ethically there is obviously a huge problem with poaching
exponents.  (obvious to anyone who has at least a tiny clue about
what morality  ethics *mean* .)

Rob On the basis of legality I would tend to agree with you
Rob however I beg to differ on the basis of ethics and morality,
Rob however I guess everyone is entitled to their own idea of
Rob what is morally and ethically ok.

no way!  i understand that statement is nonsense.  morality  ethics
are not defined by people's own ideas, they are defined *absolutely*
and NOT by any human.

just because today's politically-correct NewSpeak people have
redefined morality to mean whatever an individual thinks is moral,
that doesn't mean that morality has actually been redefined.  moral
relativism is *bullshit* anywhere you find it, including here on this

while i'm at it, due to lots of P4 PC hardware problems i have a bunch
of doublecheck exponents checked out that will probably never get
processed by my re-re-re-re-formatted P4 PC.  so am now discovering
that i can unreserve them from a different machine than the one to
which they were originally assigned.  and i'm freeing a bunch in the
7M range presently...  if these exponents are of interest to anyone,
please have at them - primenet will probably assign them to you if you
request doublechecks 5 minutes after i send this email.



ps - subtle, aren't i?  ;) 
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias


i really know nothing about your past except what i've read here.

it's your current comments re poaching which i have found
objectionable.  as you can see, i do feel free to comment regardless
of your possible lack of appreciation for my comments.  if you repented
 apologized for your alleged-previous-poaching-transgressions i might
think differently, but you appear to be unapologetic.  
(but i don't really expect you to care what *i* think!!!)

really - to each his own.  i do recognize your right to think that
your current pro-poaching comments are moral even if
actually they are not, just as i recognize a moral-relativist's right
to so delude themselves on whatever matter of immorality they like.
while these folks may be deluding themselves they aren't fooling me -
and i'm plenty foolish on my own accord!


Aaron See, it's the snide comments like that that I don't
Aaron appreciate.

Aaron It's attitudes like yours that are more likely to drive
Aaron people away from GIMPS than whether or not someone poaches
Aaron an assignment and results in the occasional triple check.

Aaron Fortunately I happen to know that most people who
Aaron participate are nice folks.  So the fact that a couple
Aaron people on here want to make continued references to my past
Aaron in an attempt to paint me as an uncaring and morally
Aaron reprehensible person isn't enough to dissuade me from
Aaron continued participation. :)
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias

(apologies for any duplicate postings i generated here; most
mailservers reject mail from my semi-improperly-configured linux PC.)
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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Aaron Blosser

To be honest, I don't even recall what I may have said in the past
regarding poaching of exponents.  I think it was me that applied the
word to the actual practice of nabbing exponents that were still
assigned. :)

If I recall correctly, the topic came up at a time when PrimeNet did not
expire exponents or require check ins every 60 days.

Used to be that if you were assigned an exponent, basically you had it
for a very very long time and no check-ins were required.  I think Scott
may have gone through manually and reallocated exponents that he deemed
were abandoned, but I'm not sure of the actual process.

All I know is, the only reason I ever poached exponents in the past was
when I saw one that had been checked out for over a year and had never
been checked in or updated.  And yes, there were quite a few of those at
the time.

It was that previous thread about poaching that led to the changes in
Primenet with expirations, requiring checkins every 60 days or your
exponent would expire, etc.  The way it is now, an exponent that's never
been updated will expire in roughly 120 days which isn't bad.  Compare
that to before those changes when there were exponents out there that
hadn't been checked in for 2 years and were still showing 3 or even 4
years to go.  If those weren't poached and finished, there would have
been significant gaps in the database.  And while Scott would have gone
through and cleaned such things out eventually, heaven knows he had
better things to be doing.

I think Mary's objection now is that poaching is not necessary, and
she's right.  Another objection is that if someone were going to poach
exponents, this one person in particular was doing a lousy job at
selecting which ones.  I suppose that by selecting exponents that were
on the verge of expiring, they would be reassigned to someone else in
very short order anyway, meaning he would finish them off just days
before the new owner finishes them which yeah, is frustrating.

Where I part company with yours and others opinion is what to do about
it.  In my mind, tracking down the guys name and address for whatever
reason seems to go beyond what I would consider necessary diligence.  I
think that in the future, simply mentioning this person's primenet ID to
the folks at Entropia should suffice since they could then send an email
explaining why it's bad form to nab exponents prior to their expiration.


PS - Mentions of my past on here can get confusing because, besides the
poaching threads of the past, there's also another matter from my past
which someone else posted a Google thread to (not Mary... I think it was
Nathan something-or-other).  I'm not at all embarrassed about that
incident, but it just bothers me when someone decides to do Google
searches in some sort of attempt to find information on someone in
particular.  That's the sort of thing that borders on stalking, and it
wouldn't be the first time someone's done a Google search and then
rejoiced that they found such a juicy tidbit of information from my
past. :)  That's okay, because in so doing they've just proved
themselves to be a kook and there's no longer any doubt as to whether I
should ignore them. :)

 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Steve Elias
 Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 5:44 AM
 Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted
 i really know nothing about your past except what i've read here.
 it's your current comments re poaching which i have found
 objectionable.  as you can see, i do feel free to comment regardless
 of your possible lack of appreciation for my comments.  if you
  apologized for your alleged-previous-poaching-transgressions i might
 think differently, but you appear to be unapologetic.
 (but i don't really expect you to care what *i* think!!!)
 really - to each his own.  i do recognize your right to think that
 your current pro-poaching comments are moral even if
 actually they are not, just as i recognize a moral-relativist's right
 to so delude themselves on whatever matter of immorality they like.
 while these folks may be deluding themselves they aren't fooling me -
 and i'm plenty foolish on my own accord!

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Henrik Olsen

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Robin Stevens wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:06:27PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small 
  exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of 
  the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_ ones are done first. 
  Intermediate checkins to PrimeNet will then cause unstarted 
  assignments which are no longer neccessary to be automatically 
 Of course if one _keeps_ doing this, then the smallest exponents never get
 processed (and perhaps they become more likely to be poached) :-)

The idea here wasn't that you'd never get the small ones done, but that if
someone else finished one of them out of order, it would be removed from
your reserved numbers without you wasting any work on it.

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S   URL=
  That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and
  Americans. A European says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with
  me? An American says: I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?
Terry Pratchett on

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Bruce Leenstra

Steve Elias wrote:
legally, who knows - maybe there will be a court case some day if some
awful person poaches the 10M exponent ... 

On the legal issue, if a poacher did happen to pick the lucky number . . .
The good news is that GIMPS starts out with the money, and the only evidence
the poacher has is thru GIMPS.
The bad news is, if currently the server doesn't keep track of the old
assignee when the poacher is given credit, then even if the legitimate
double-checker comes forward the documentation is on the side of the
So I would urge George and Scott to at least change it so that -- if an
exponent has been assigned to more than one person -- it stores the last two
names until a valid doublecheck proves the exponent composite.  Personally,
I agree with most of the suggestions made to the list (see

On the topic of incentives to poach: We all know that if poachers used slow
machines or waited too long before poaching so that they received the
Exponent already tested. message more than half the time, they'd lose
interest quickly. They are doing it because they have fast machines and
they've figured out when to pounce so *they* get credit. Their's is no noble
urge to quietly clean up the trailing edge of the project. They're
scavengers who don't want to get lost among the other fast machines in
front, and won't put in the time.
Making the suggested changes would take away their incentive, and encourage
*careful poachers* to wait until an exponent expires.

(  Well, I feel much better now  ;+)

Bruce Leenstra  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Elias

hi Aaron,

thanks for clarifying your position!  i'm a simpleton who lives often
below curb-height, and think poaching=stealing=wrong.  this exponent
poaching seems like a sort of stealing to me and it would surely tick
me off vastly if i found my 33M exponent was checked in a day before
my PC finished its ~3 months of work.  indeed if it did happen to me,
i would probably do as Mary has surmised and resign from GIMPS and
join another cooperative computing effort such as SETI or
anthrax-cure-finding or anthrax-genome-finding or whatever else.

i think i see your point regarding the state of 'exponent poaching'
long before i joined GIMPS, and how it is no longer useful.
thank you for educating me about the past history of poaching here
as well as the current state of the issue here.

as for parting company with my alleged opinion about what to do: i
surely do not support hassling anyone by google-searches or posting
home addresses or phone numbers or anything like that.  a quick google
search for an email address, or a query to a mailing list, does
anyone know how to contact this person so i can email them doesn't
strike me as any sort of stalking... as long as it ends there, or
ends with what i saw here: the guy's a ham-radio-dude, you can look
up his email address as a ham callsign or email this ham-mailing-list
to maybe find him.

as you might imagine by my forward use of language, i actually have
an internet stalker of my own.  he lives in the SF Bay Area, near
where i used to live, and he has done all sorts of threatening things
to myself and *many* others.  he has spent time in jail due to at
least some of: (convicted) violations of anti-stalking laws, (alleged)
firebombing of cars  businesses, and (convicted) child-porn
activities.  also he has lost some civil suits which he has initiated
against his detractors from various usenet groups.  so i understand
how horrible it is to be the target of a stalker and would never
support or contribute to such activity!



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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-04 Thread bjb

On 4 Feb 2002, at 11:52, Robin Stevens wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:06:27PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small 
  exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of 
  the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_ ones are done first. 
  Intermediate checkins to PrimeNet will then cause unstarted 
  assignments which are no longer neccessary to be automatically 
 Of course if one _keeps_ doing this, then the smallest exponents never get
 processed (and perhaps they become more likely to be poached) :-)

Nah, the candle is being burned from both ends. The point is that 
the small ones _are_ being poached. If you work in the same order 
as the poacher, work on lots of exponents will be replicated. If you 
work in the opposite order, only one exponent will be accidentally 

Brian Beesley
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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Robert Deininger

On Sat, Feb 2, 2002 10:15 PM, Mary Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is that fun?  Does that sound like fun?  Some hobby!  

George said no poaching.  He said if there was a problem with exponents
not being completed in a timely fashion, he would take care of it.  
Anybody who continues to poach is putting up a big fat middle finger to
George and GIMPS and running off legitimate participants that they
consider not worthy.

I have to agree with Mary.  I run lots of older systems that do
double-checks.  I been the victim of poachers a few times, and it really
annoys me.

Whenever an exponent is tested an extra time, work is wasted.  The current
checkin system implicitly assumes the first double check is useful, and the
next one is redundant.  If the poacher checks in first, he is rewarded. 
This seems fine at first glance, since the project wants the double check
result, and the poacher has provided what the project wants.

But as Mary points out, habitual poachers may be driving an unknown number
of people and machines away from GIMPS.  The poach that seemed innocent
when the checkin occured can have a negative impact.

It is clear that poaching does not advance the stated goal of GIMPS at all.
 At best it brings in a result somewhat sooner than would otherwise happen.
 At worst it wastes machine time and drives users away from the project.

Poaching is also completely unnecessary.  Any machine used to test poached
exponents could just as well be used to test legitimately checked-out
exponents. The expiration mechanism guarantees that no checked-out
exponents will be abandoned forever.  Poaching a slow exponent on the
chance that is might actually be abandoned is not useful.

Revisting the checkout and checkin mechanism is not a trivial amount of
work, and I'm not necessarily suggesting that.  However, if it does get
changed at some point, I would strongly suggest some anti-poaching
mechanisms be added.  For example, anyone who checks in an exponent that's
assigned to someone else should NOT get credit immediately, but only after
it expires or is given up voluntarily.  If the owner eventually checks in
the result, he should get the credit.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread bjb

There are two points of view here. They seem to be more or less 
irreconcilable. This argument repeats on a regular basis.

I have to say that:

(a) I agree completely that having an assignment poached is 
annoying to extremely offputting, especially for a relatively new 

(b) I don't see any harm in the occasional triple-check. In fact 
completing these assignments does give some information of 
limited statistical value relating to the error rate.

Personally I feel it will never be possible to eliminate the problem 
entirely. After all, we're all volunteers; as such, firm application of 
discipline is not a realistic option. Probably the best way to rectify 
the situation is to make sure that when an unexpired assignment 
completion is notified by someone other than the person/team who 
owned the assignment;

(a) PrimeNet credits the person/team who owned the assignment, 
rather than the person/team reporting completion;

(b) in the case of a double-check assignment, or when a factor is 
reported, PrimeNet notifies the person/team who owned the 
assignment so that unneccessary waste of effort can be avoided. 
This is one way in which the email address associated with each 
user could usefully be employed - waiting for a routine check-in 
leaves effort being wasted in the interim.

If (unlike Mary) you're running a _first_ test which appears to be 
poached, the probable reason is that the person who had the 
assignment before you has reported their result after allowing it to 
expire. You are _not_ wasting time by completing the assignment 
as a double check run will eventually be required - _unless_ a 
factor has been found!

As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small 
exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of 
the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_ ones are done first. 
Intermediate checkins to PrimeNet will then cause unstarted 
assignments which are no longer neccessary to be automatically 

Brian Beesley
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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Aaron Blosser

Well, I think that most people on the list know of my past... it's when
someone does a Google search on me that I think borders on stalking.
One can only wonder what you might find if you did Google searches on
everyone on this list. :)

Anyway... the gardening analogy doesn't pass muster.

First, may I point out that neither GIMPS nor PrimeNet *owns* the
Mersenne exponents being tested.  I would posit that *anyone* is free to
test *any* exponent they choose.

Clearly, the purpose of GIMPS/PrimeNet is to optimize this search by
assigning exponents in an orderly fashion.

I'm not advocating poaching since I feel that Scott/George's system
works fine.  But I am saying that if someone wants to poach exponents,
while I might disagree, there's nothing really wrong with it.

Stealing someone's plants is illegal.  Nobody owns these exponents so
there's nothing to steal.  That's my only point.  Rude, yes.
Morally/ethically/legally there's really no problem with doing it.

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RE: Mersenne: Work Being Wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Anurag Garg

I agree that having your exponents poached is extremely annoying and can
and probably does drive away new participants. When it happens repeatedly
and when the person who does it, does so repeatedly and with a clear
disregard to whether the exponents are being checked in regularly or not -
Mary checks in her progress almost daily so clearly there is no real logic
for an intelligent poacher to poach her exponents - it becomes extremely
irritating and the GIMPS community needs to find a way to stop it.

I think - and as a couple of people have pointed this out before -
when a double-check assignment is poached and the poacher turns the result
in first the result should be accepted as it is currently. As regards the
credit we can do one of two things. Either
1) Credit goes to the person who was assigned the doublecheck and the
poacher gets nothing. Apart from the satisfaction of having moved the
trailing edge and wasted their time and whatever.
2) The primenet server waits till the exponent expires in which case the
credit goes to the poacher or if the person to whom the exponent was
assigned returns a result gets credit.

This way the occasional triple checks that help keep tabs on the error
rate and such will keep coming in and credit will go where it is due. It
will also greatly reduce the incentive for poaching. I hope George and
Scott can incorporate this change without too much change in the server.

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Maciej Hrynczyszyn

Mary Conner wrote:
 Hobbies are supposed to be fun.  Poachers make it not fun.  It's like a
 bully trashing your sand castle because you're building right where he
 wants to.  Imagine yourself a first time GIMPS participant.  
 [cut history of the hypothetical newbie]

Hi. I'm new to GIMPS. I recently switched from SETI@Home looking for
something more solid, which probably makes me a good example for this
discussion :-) This entire thread scared me a lot, I must admit. Could
anybody told me - a complete newbie in this area - what should I do in
order not to waste my (my A1200) time working on numbers which may be
taken over by someone else in some uncertain future? Currently I'm
finishing my first exponent (that's M7505207 double-check) connecting to
PrimeNet server whenever it needs to, lastly on Jan 31 to get new exponent
to work on.
Is there anything more I ought to know or do? How long can I work on a
single number not worrying that anyone will consider this abandoned?

TIA and greetings to long-time participants :-)

 Maciej Hrynczyszyn banshee* _ __   __ _  __| | __ _
  ~ | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` |
   Here come the quick. There go the dead.  | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| |
   Here they come. Bright red.  |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_|
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Mary Conner

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Maciej Hrynczyszyn wrote:
 Hi. I'm new to GIMPS. I recently switched from SETI@Home looking for
 something more solid, which probably makes me a good example for this
 discussion :-) This entire thread scared me a lot, I must admit. Could
 anybody told me - a complete newbie in this area - what should I do in
 order not to waste my (my A1200) time working on numbers which may be
 taken over by someone else in some uncertain future? Currently I'm
 finishing my first exponent (that's M7505207 double-check) connecting to
 PrimeNet server whenever it needs to, lastly on Jan 31 to get new exponent
 to work on.
 Is there anything more I ought to know or do? How long can I work on a
 single number not worrying that anyone will consider this abandoned?

It's very unlikely that particular exponent will get poached.  But in
general, the best way to avoid poachers is to avoid looking like a
newbie.  If you are running Prime95, set your Options--Preferences--Days
between sending new end dates value lower, down to 1 if that is possible
(doesn't matter if you don't log in every day, if you miss a day it just
means that Prime95 will check your exponent in the next time you
connect).  You also have a default account name of S followed by five
digits, and a default computer name of C followed by an eight digit hex
number.  Change those to something more personalized.

The way things stand right now, completely avoiding poachers is not
possible if you have any exponents that are close to the top of the
Assigned Exponents Report.  Most of them will stay away if an exponent is
being checked in frequently and showing progress.  If you go on vacation
for a couple of weeks and don't log in during that time, you could return
to find your exponent poached, though.  I really hope that the people who
are poaching are reading this list, and will scurry away from the light
being shed on this matter.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Rob Reid

First, may I point out that neither GIMPS nor PrimeNet *owns* the
Mersenne exponents being tested.  I would posit that *anyone* is free to
test *any* exponent they choose.
Clearly, the purpose of GIMPS/PrimeNet is to optimize this search by
assigning exponents in an orderly fashion.
Both those statements are true however they don't really convey what is
happening in this case, someone is using GIMPS/PrimeNet reports to choose
the exponents to test and returning those results to GIMPS/PrimeNet in a way
that is not in the best interest of GIMPS/PrimeNet.

I'm not advocating poaching since I feel that Scott/George's system
works fine.  But I am saying that if someone wants to poach exponents,
while I might disagree, there's nothing really wrong with it.
Stealing someone's plants is illegal.  Nobody owns these exponents so
there's nothing to steal.  That's my only point.  Rude, yes.
Morally/ethically/legally there's really no problem with doing it.
On the basis of legality I would tend to agree with you however I beg to
differ on the basis of ethics and morality, however I guess everyone is
entitled to their own idea of what is morally and ethically ok.

Rob Reid
'Stalk' away ;)

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Aaron Blosser

 Legally perhaps not (however, they are using PrimeNet in a way that
 violates the stated terms of usage), morally and ethically I do think
 I suspect most people would think) it is wrong.  Not terribly
 that you don't think it is, I suppose.

See, it's the snide comments like that that I don't appreciate.

It's attitudes like yours that are more likely to drive people away from
GIMPS than whether or not someone poaches an assignment and results in
the occasional triple check.

Fortunately I happen to know that most people who participate are nice
folks.  So the fact that a couple people on here want to make continued
references to my past in an attempt to paint me as an uncaring and
morally reprehensible person isn't enough to dissuade me from continued
participation. :)

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Mary Conner

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Aaron Blosser wrote:

  Legally perhaps not (however, they are using PrimeNet in a way that
  violates the stated terms of usage), morally and ethically I do think
  I suspect most people would think) it is wrong.  Not terribly
  that you don't think it is, I suppose.
 See, it's the snide comments like that that I don't appreciate.

Why is this a snide comment?  It should not be surprising that someone who
has engaged in poaching before would think it wasn't wrong, otherwise you
wouldn't have done it.

 Fortunately I happen to know that most people who participate are nice
 folks.  So the fact that a couple people on here want to make continued
 references to my past in an attempt to paint me as an uncaring and
 morally reprehensible person isn't enough to dissuade me from continued
 participation. :)

First, I would like to point out that you brought yourself into this
discussion.  I made no reference to you until you decided to comment.  
Secondly, I don't think it is at all snide or uncalled for to mention that
you have poached in the past when you express your opinion that it is not
wrong.  Thirdly, why would it bother you to have your past poaching
brought up if you don't think it was wrong?

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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Maciej Hrynczyszyn

Mary Conner wrote:
 It's very unlikely that particular exponent will get poached.  But in
 general, the best way to avoid poachers is to avoid looking like a
 newbie.  If you are running Prime95, set your Options--Preferences--Days
 between sending new end dates value lower, down to 1 if that is possible

Done. Thanks.

 (doesn't matter if you don't log in every day, if you miss a day it just
 means that Prime95 will check your exponent in the next time you
 connect).  You also have a default account name of S followed by five
 digits, and a default computer name of C followed by an eight digit hex
 number.  Change those to something more personalized.

I wanted to, but it wasn't clear to me whether it was considered good or
bad manners. One never knows what are the rules of savoir-vivre in the
community he joined few days ago.
Now I know I have a free hand :-)

 The way things stand right now, completely avoiding poachers is not
 possible if you have any exponents that are close to the top of the
 Assigned Exponents Report.  Most of them will stay away if an exponent is
 being checked in frequently and showing progress.  If you go on vacation
 for a couple of weeks and don't log in during that time, you could return
 to find your exponent poached, though.  

But if I use 'Vacation or Holiday' option at least my completion date will
be postponed?

 I really hope that the people who
 are poaching are reading this list, and will scurry away from the light
 being shed on this matter.

One more question, if I may. If I want to change my scheduled work shall I
use 'Unreserve Exponent' feature or simply delete the proper line from

Thank You very much for Your help,
 Maciej Hrynczyszyn   Nada.

 I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll this time. I feel my luck could change...
   'Lucky' - Radiohead.
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Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Mary Conner

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Maciej Hrynczyszyn wrote:
 But if I use 'Vacation or Holiday' option at least my completion date will
 be postponed?

If you uncheck the computer will be on during your absence box, it
should adjust your completion date.  The bigger problem is that not having
checked the exponent in with PrimeNet during that time will attract the
attention of poachers just as checking in infrequently does.  Trying to
sneakernet or do occasional manual checkins is probably futile.  I know of
at least one GIMPS participant who is considering removing his slower Mac
boxes from GIMPS because of the poaching risk surrounding the smaller
exponents his machines can reasonably handle.  Better to put them on
another distributed computing project where his CPU will not be wasted,
but GIMPS loses.

 One more question, if I may. If I want to change my scheduled work shall I
 use 'Unreserve Exponent' feature or simply delete the proper line from

Use the Unreserve Exponent feature (or web page).  Deleting the line from
the worktodo does not unreserve it from PrimeNet.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Aaron Blosser

Aw heck, let's just agree to disagree and shake hands. :)  I'm not
terribly upset, and as I mentioned before, I have far greater things in
life to be concerned about than GIMPS, so I didn't mean to make a big
deal of it. :)

 First, I would like to point out that you brought yourself into this
 discussion.  I made no reference to you until you decided to comment.
 Secondly, I don't think it is at all snide or uncalled for to mention
 you have poached in the past when you express your opinion that it is
 wrong.  Thirdly, why would it bother you to have your past poaching
 brought up if you don't think it was wrong?

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-03 Thread Mary Conner

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Aaron Blosser wrote:

 Aw heck, let's just agree to disagree and shake hands. :)  I'm not
 terribly upset, and as I mentioned before, I have far greater things in
 life to be concerned about than GIMPS, so I didn't mean to make a big
 deal of it. :)

No problem with that here.  I had initially hoped that this whole thing
was just a mistake, and someone would quickly set things right so we
wouldn't have two users working the same exponents.  I may never know, but
I have gone back to quietly working on my exponents.  I'd like to thank
all those who sent me suggestions, I will try them out if it happens

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-02 Thread Aaron Blosser

Sounds like stalking to me.

Just live with it I guess and if the occasional exponent gets
triple-checked, I don't anticipate losing too much sleep.  Yeah, it
sucks, but what lengths should anyone go to to find the guy and say

 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Russel Brooks
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 4:35 PM
 To: Mary Conner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Mersenne: Work being wasted
 Mary Conner wrote:
  I managed to grab a bunch of those 4.5M doublechecks that George
  on Jan 10th.  A few days ago, when my machine was about to finish up
  second one of the batch I grabbed, the account k5gj submitted a
  this exponent.  A little investigation showed that this account does
 K5GJ is possibly/probably a Ham call sign.  You can find the
 owner's name and address at with a call sign search.
 It says the call sign is owned by a Thomas Cage of Amarillo Texas.
 There isn't an email listed but if he's a member of the arrl
 then he may use their address forwarding in which case you might
 be able to contact him via [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cheers... Russ

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-02 Thread Mary Conner

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Aaron Blosser wrote:

 Sounds like stalking to me.

Not to me.  The radio ham thing is a tenuous connection, except that the
name is right.  

 Just live with it I guess and if the occasional exponent gets
 triple-checked, I don't anticipate losing too much sleep.  Yeah, it
 sucks, but what lengths should anyone go to to find the guy and say

Well, with your history, I suppose that is how you would feel.  I does not
bother me that the occasional exponent gets triple checked because it
expired and both the new owner and the old owner complete it, that's
pretty unavoidable and it wasn't deliberate.  It bothers me when people
deliberately do it without caring that they may be screwing someone else
over.  There's a big difference between accepting bad things because they
just happen, and just sucking it up when someone is doing it deliberately
to you.

And I would like to point out that it is not the occasional triple
check.  I did a quick look through all the exponents that k5gj has
returned results for, and well over half, perhaps 75% are triple (or
higher!) checks.  

I asked for help reaching him because it appears he is a long time GIMPS
participant and well known, if he was joe nobody there would be no point.  
I know that I would certainly want to know if I was wasting 75% of my
computing power.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-02 Thread Aaron Blosser

Nah, I just don't think it's worth tracking down this guy's name,
address and who knows what else just because he's poaching exponents in
what is, after all, just a hobby.

Not sure what the crack about with your history means, but whatever.
I can't take this all too seriously because, really, it's just a hobby.

Like they say, you pick your battles.  I guess if someone wanted to make
a huge issue out of this, they could, but me, I'd rather spend my time
and energy on more productive things.

Just my $0.02 worth, and obviously people can and will disagree. :)

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-02 Thread Mary Conner

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Aaron Blosser wrote:

 Not sure what the crack about with your history means, but whatever.
 I can't take this all too seriously because, really, it's just a hobby.

Well, let me refresh your memory.  PrimeNet used to set expiration dates
solely on the basis of expected completion date instead of requiring
checkins every so often.  When that turned out to be not a terribly good
idea because some expected completion dates were months or even years
away, you took it upon yourself to clean up instead of raising the issue
to put a better system in place.  You ended up poaching exponents that
people were actively working on and got a lot of people mad at you.

Hobbies are supposed to be fun.  Poachers make it not fun.  It's like a
bully trashing your sand castle because you're building right where he
wants to.  Imagine yourself a first time GIMPS participant.  You sign your
machine up and don't change any of the defaults.  You get a double check
assignment.  Your machine is on most of the time, but it gets used a lot,
so it takes longer than the initial estimate.  You watch your exponent get
crunched, you see maybe one PrimeNet report out of the four the machine
makes, and four months later, you gleefully wait as the last few
iterations tick away.  Unbeknownst to you, in the meantime your exponent
has floated up near the top of the Assigned Exponent Report, where a
poacher has taken note that the exponent has been running for three
months, is expected to run another month and has not been checked in in
the last two weeks.  A month later the machine finishes, connects to
PrimeNet and you get the error, Exponent already tested.  What?!  How
did that happen? N!  You go check your account report.  No credit.  
Four months wasted.  Screw this, you say, and delete Prime95.  A friend
told you that GIMPS was a rock solid well-run project.  Obviously that's
not true.  Later on you get a much faster computer.  Are you going to go
back to GIMPS?  Only if you're an idiot!

Is that fun?  Does that sound like fun?  Some hobby!  

George said no poaching.  He said if there was a problem with exponents
not being completed in a timely fashion, he would take care of it.  
Anybody who continues to poach is putting up a big fat middle finger to
George and GIMPS and running off legitimate participants that they
consider not worthy.

 Like they say, you pick your battles.  I guess if someone wanted to make
 a huge issue out of this, they could, but me, I'd rather spend my time
 and energy on more productive things.

You spend your time the way you like, I'll spend mine the way I like.  We
can each agree to value our own time according to our own criteria.  I'm
not even sure why you bothered to respond to this, as it is surely a huge
waste of your time.

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RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted

2002-02-02 Thread Aaron Blosser

I hate it when people dredge up the past.

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 8:41 PM
 To: Aaron Blosser
 Subject: RE: Mersenne: Work being wasted
 At 06:12 PM 2/2/2002 -0800, you wrote:
 Not sure what the crack about with your history means, but
 I can't take this all too seriously because, really, it's just a
 As it is for all of us, of course.
 However, while I have no idea what Mary is talking about, a quick
check on
 Google reveals there's some stories about you out there well in excess
 the actual:

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