Re: The ultimate OpenBSD email server

2012-08-19 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 19 août 2012 à 14:15, Stuart Henderson a écrit :

 On 2012-08-16, Joel Carnat wrote:
 - roundcube and suhosin don't play well together ;

 there is no general problem with roundcube and suhosin playing
 together, you just have to follow the documentation about disabling
 session encryption (clearly documented in the installation guide,
 and checked for by the installer).

yep, that's what I meant: you have to disable encryption to have them work

Re: The ultimate OpenBSD email server

2012-08-16 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 15 août 2012 à 16:16, L. V. Lammert a écrit :

 On Wed, 15 Aug 2012, Mikkel Bang wrote:

 But with so many people recommending so many different tools, it gets hard
 to come to a conclusion. Looks like I'm finally arriving at this though:
 postfix (postfix-anti-UCE.txt) + dspam - what do you guys think?

 Take a look at mailserv, The admin interface
 is nice, and all components are integrated.

This looked interesting so I had a look at it for a few hours.
My (2 cents) conclusions are:
- it has a pretty interface indeed ;
- it has a few configuration bugs (php modules are not enabled and it expects
5.2, not 5.3) ;
- it is supposed to use sqlgrey but it seems it isn't linked to postfix ;
- why isn't it using spamd(8) ;
- it stores clear passwords ;
- roundcube and suhosin don't play well together ;
- it has to be installed with its own mysql db. no way to use external (if not
using the console).

I have written a quick review on my WordPress instance.
Just PM for the URL if you wish to read more.


About `ldapctl stats` metrics

2012-08-14 Thread Joel Carnat

I've setup some RRDtool magic to graph ldapd(8) metrics (OpenBSD 5.1/i386).

Using `ldapctl stats`, I was expecting:
requests = search requests + bind requests + modify requests

But after a few ldapsearch/ldapadd/ldapdelete testings, it seems requests
grows faster than the sum of * requests.

A simple ldapsearch increments search and bind by 1 but increments
requests by 3. An ldapadd increments bind and modify by 1 but increments
requests by 3. The ldapdelete (to suppress the previous entry) increments
bind, search and modify by 1 but requests is incremented by 4.

What does requests counts that doesn't appear in other metrics?


Re: Q: username policy in install and in adduser

2012-08-13 Thread Joel Carnat
AFAIK, there is every likelihood that a third-party software (like Web or Mail
server) will not be case-sensitive and will mix data for Foo and foO users.

Le 13 août 2012 à 15:20, Eike Lantzsch a écrit :

 The choice of usernames during OBSD install is more restrictive than
 For example install does not allow capital letters in usernames.
 I read up the facts but I'd like to know the reasons.

 I do not seem to find an answer to my question: What benefit is there in not
 using capital letters in usernames?
 1) usability-wise (I can imagine)
 2) security-wise?
 3) administration-wise
 4) programming reasons of the installer?

 Thank you for your time

Re: kvm and Openbsd 5.1

2012-07-20 Thread Joel Carnat

Le 20 juil. 2012 à 19:29, Alessandro Baggi a écrit :

 Hi list,
 today I've installed OpenBSD 5.1 amd64 on a kvm (linux slackware) kvm
version is 1.0.1.

 Starting machine with 4 core, and it crash.
 Disabling mpbios see only one core and not smp.

 Then, I've updated kvm to 1.1.1 but the results are the same.

 There is someone that has started obsd on kvm and avoid this problem?

 This problem is kvm related?

 Another, someone has tried obsd 5.1 on ESX?

I have 5.0 and 5.1 working well, with 2 vCPU, on my ESXi 5.


smtpd, virtual users/domains and maildir creation

2012-06-15 Thread Joel Carnat

I am playing with OpenSMTPD and am configuring a virtual domains and users

In smtpd.conf.local, I have set:
  map vdomains { source db /etc/mail/vdomains.db }
  accept for virtual vdomains deliver to maildir /home/vmail/%d/%a/
In /etc/mail/vdomains, I have set:   true true  vmail vmail

So far, the mails are accepted but I face an error when the first mail is
received ;
when the full home directory does not exist yet:
  Jun 15 15:12:36 openbsd smtpd[6293]: dcd4684048255931:,
  delay=0, stat=Error (cannot mkdir maildir: No such file or directory)

When this error occurs, /home/vmail already exists and is own by
Now, if I run:
  # mkdir /home/vmail/
  # chown vmail:vmail /home/vmail/
And send the same mail (to, it is received correctly and
the remaining vmail/new directory tree is created.

Is there some parameters to set so that smtpd creates the whole directory
itself or is this an expected behaviour ?


Re: smtpd, virtual users/domains and maildir creation

2012-06-15 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 15 juin 2012 à 17:03, Gilles Chehade a écrit :

 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 03:28:42PM +0200, Joel Carnat wrote:


 I am playing with OpenSMTPD and am configuring a virtual domains and users

 In smtpd.conf.local, I have set:
  map vdomains { source db /etc/mail/vdomains.db }
  accept for virtual vdomains deliver to maildir /home/vmail/%d/%a/

 reads ok, except that you should remove '{' and '}', they were required but
 made them optional to ease transition as I will remove them next release.

ok, I'll correct my config, thanks.

 In /etc/mail/vdomains, I have set:   true true  vmail vmail

 reads ok

 So far, the mails are accepted but I face an error when the first mail is
 received ;
 when the full home directory does not exist yet:
  Jun 15 15:12:36 openbsd smtpd[6293]: dcd4684048255931:,
  delay=0, stat=Error (cannot mkdir maildir: No such file or directory)

 When this error occurs, /home/vmail already exists and is own by

 Now, if I run:
  # mkdir /home/vmail/
  # chown vmail:vmail /home/vmail/
 And send the same mail (to, it is received correctly and
 the remaining vmail/new directory tree is created.

 Is there some parameters to set so that smtpd creates the whole directory
 itself or is this an expected behaviour ?

 OpenSMTPD only creates the Maildir itself so you need to make sure you
 create a directory for each of the domains you plan to handle if you are
 using the domain as part of the path.

 Should we have an option to let it create all directories in the path ?
 I dunno, it's pretty easy to pre-create them and let the code be as strict
 as it is right now :-)

right ; like know what you are doing :)
I was just surprised as my actual Postfix / Dovecot configuration did the
mkdir -p themselves.
I'll just keep the create the directories step in my notes ;-)

While I'm there, I ended filling my /etc/mail/vdomains with such
directives:  accept vmail

This does works and allows virtual aliases to be defined. And all my test
mails went to my user account.
I'm not just sure if this is the right way to do it as I didn't find such
mapping described in the docs.
But I found using one map aliases (...) per virtual domain not very

What's the proper way to host virtual aliases for virtual domains ?


Re: smtpd, virtual users/domains and maildir creation

2012-06-15 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 15 juin 2012 à 17:37, Gilles Chehade a écrit :
 What's the proper way to host virtual aliases for virtual domains ?

 The proper way is the one you're using ;-)
 Also, one thing you could do is create a fallback address:

 if you want to also catch every user of the domain that does
 not have its own key: whatever   # enable vdomain any user w/out key

thanks a lot.

filtering recipients for a secondary mx using smtpd

2012-06-15 Thread Joel Carnat

Using OpenBSD 5.1, I have configured OpenSMTPD to act as a secondary MX.
I have configured this, in smtpd.conf:
  # secondary mx
  map v2mx { source db /etc/mail/v2mx.db }
  accept from all for virtual v2mx relay

And this, in /etc/mail/v2mx: accept

The smtpd can now relay properly for that particular domain (which I don't
really aim to use but this is just a test:). But I would like smtpd to filter
the acceptable RCPT ; so that I don't get my mail queue filled with junk

Can I, and how, tell smtpd to only accept for such
secondary mx.


PHP issue with native Apache and ProxyPass

2012-06-06 Thread Joel Carnat

I have an OpenBSD 5.0 server, running the native Apache and providing a local
WordPress instance which works great. The Apache also proxyfies simple
websites (only HTML/CSS/JS, like xymon, munin, sogo) using the
ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse directives.

I wanted to proxyfy another WordPress instance, running on a remote OpenBSD
5.1 installation.
So far, the remote installation works like a charm.

But when I configure the reverse-proxy, URL with PHP files and variables
aren't managed properly.

The remote website is located on (DocumentRoot is
The proxy directives I set up are:
ProxyPass /test/
ProxyPassReverse /test/
(I modified WordPress so that it publishes itself as

Working URLs look like:
Any such URL doesn't work:

The proxy log says:
[Wed Jun 6 10:58:31 2012] [error] [client] File does not 

The Web navigator says:
TITLE404 Not Found/TITLE
H1Not Found/H1
The requested URL /test/xmlrpc.php was not found on this server.P

But, from the LAN and the proxy server itself, running `ftp` gets the file properly from the 5.1

Anyone gets why only PHP files with variable passed are not translated
properly by my configuration ?

Thanks a lot.

Acceleration for Qemu ?

2011-11-06 Thread Joel Carnat

I was planning on using qemu to run several instances on various OSes on my
OpenBSD 5.0/amd64 server.

As a first try, I ran an OpenBSD 5.0/i386 instance using qemu-0.14.1p4:
# ifconfig tun0 link0
# ifconfig bridge0 add tun0 add bge0 up
# qemu -nographic -m 128 -net nic -net tap,ifname=tun0 -no-fd-bootchk -hda

Then I configured munin-server in the vm to poll the amd64 server and the
local munin-node.

On the virtual machine side, I get:
# top -o cpu -n 1
load averages:  2.77,  3.35, 22:54:30
42 processes:  2 running, 39 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states: 17.6% user, 33.1% nice,  8.8% system,  0.1% interrupt, 40.4% idle
Memory: Real: 31M/72M act/tot Free: 44M Cache: 22M Swap: 0K/259M

  568 _munin84   10 6396K 5268K run   - 0:57 48.68% perl

On the server side, I get:
# top -o cpu -n 1
load averages:  2.28,  1.72, 22:55:16
96 processes:  93 idle, 1 zombie, 2 on processor
CPU0 states: 11.7% user,  1.2% nice,  2.3% system,  0.1% interrupt, 84.7%
CPU1 states: 11.2% user,  1.1% nice,  2.2% system,  0.0% interrupt, 85.4%
Memory: Real: 421M/1140M act/tot Free: 6811M Cache: 611M Swap: 0K/512K

 5764 root  640  207M  156M onproc/1  -13:43 84.38% qemu

I read that kqemu is not available anymore but wondered if there were some
tricks to accelerate the Qemu instances ?


Re: I don't get where the load comes from

2011-05-31 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 31 mai 2011 ` 00:15, Paul de Weerd a icrit :
 On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:44:29PM +0200, Joel Carnat wrote:
 | Hi,
 | I am running a personal Mail+Web system on a Core2Duo 2GHz using
 | It is mostly doing nothing but still has a high load average.

 Wait, what ?  ~1 is 'a high load average' now ?  What are that
 database and webserver doing on your machine 'doing nothing' ?  What
 other processes do you have running ?  Note that you don't have to use
 lots of CPU to get a (really) high load...

well, compared to my previous box, running NetBSD/xen, the same services
and showing about 0.3-0.6 of load ; I thought a load of 1.21 was quite much.

 Do you see a lot of interrupts perhaps ?  Try `systat -s1 vm` or
 `vmstat -i`.

# vmstat -i
interrupt   total rate
irq0/clock9709553  199
irq0/ipi  1291416   26
irq96/uhci0   1170
irq98/ehci0 20
irq97/azalia0   10
irq101/wpi0 10
irq101/ahci0   3323496
irq147/pckbc0   60
irq148/pckbc0  380
Total11700128  240

 Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

 | I've check various stat tools but didn't find the reason for the load.
 | Anyone has ideas?
 | TIA,
 | Jo
 | PS: here are some of the results I checked.
 | # uname -a
 | OpenBSD 4.9 GENERIC.MP#819 amd64
 | # sysctl hw
 | hw.machine=amd64
 | hw.model=Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz
 | hw.ncpu=2
 | hw.byteorder=1234
 | hw.pagesize=4096
 | hw.disknames=cd0:,sd0:01d3664288919ae7
 | hw.diskcount=2
 | hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=45.00 degC
 | hw.sensors.cpu1.temp0=45.00 degC
 | hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=45.50 degC (zone temperature)
 | hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=On (power supply)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt0=11.10 VDC (voltage)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=12.71 VDC (current voltage)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour0=4.61 Ah (last full capacity)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour1=0.52 Ah (warning capacity)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour2=0.16 Ah (low capacity)
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour3=5.20 Ah (remaining capacity), OK
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0=0 (battery full), OK
 | hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw1=1 (rate)
 | hw.cpuspeed=800
 | hw.setperf=0
 | hw.vendor=Dell Inc.
 | hw.product=XPS M1330
 | hw.serialno=CK0W33J
 | hw.uuid=44454c4c-4b00-1030-8057-c3c04f4a
 | hw.physmem=3747008512
 | hw.usermem=3734933504
 | hw.ncpufound=2
 | # top -n -o cpu -T
 | load averages:  1.19,  1.14, 23:39:09
 | 78 processes:  77 idle, 1 on processor
 | CPU0 states:  1.8% user,  0.0% nice,  0.7% system,  0.1% interrupt, 97.4%
 | idle
 | CPU1 states:  2.4% user,  0.0% nice,  0.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 96.8%
 | idle
 | Memory: Real: 238M/656M act/tot  Free: 2809M  Swap: 0K/8197M used/tot
 |  3230 root   20 2156K 3152K sleep/1   netio 0:00  0.20% sshd
 |  1867 sshd   20 2148K 2368K sleep/0   select0:00  0.05% sshd
 | 19650 www   140 5640K   30M sleep/0   semwait   0:59  0.00% httpd
 |  4225 www   140 5984K   42M sleep/1   semwait   0:58  0.00% httpd
 |  3624 www   140 5644K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:53  0.00% httpd
 | 24875 www   140 5740K   32M sleep/1   semwait   0:52  0.00% httpd
 | 22848 www   140 5724K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:50  0.00% httpd
 | 13508 www   140 5832K   31M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
 | 24210 www   140 5652K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
 |   510 www   140 5660K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:46  0.00% httpd
 | 20258 www20 5536K   32M sleep/0   select0:46  0.00% httpd
 |  6543 www   140 5772K   32M sleep/0   semwait   0:43  0.00% httpd
 |  9783 _mysql 20   55M   30M sleep/1   poll  0:20  0.00%
 | 19071 root   20  640K 1416K sleep/1   select0:09  0.00% sshd
 | 10389 root   20 3376K 2824K sleep/0   poll  0:07  0.00% monit
 | 21695 _sogo  20 7288K   18M sleep/1   poll  0:05  0.00% sogod
 |  1888 named  20   20M   21M sleep/1   select0:05  0.00% named
 | 18781 _sogo  20   15M   29M sleep/1   poll  0:04  0.00% sogod
 | # iostat -c 10 -w 1
 |   ttycd0 sd0 cpu
 |  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
 |07  0.00   0 0.00  20.64   7 0.14   2  0  1  0 97
 |0  174  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
 |0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  2  0 97
 |0   57  0.00   0 0.00  32.00  17 0.53

Re: I don't get where the load comes from

2011-05-31 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 31 mai 2011 ` 02:19, Gonzalo L. R. a icrit :
 Take a look of this

I found this article before posting.

But one thing that didn't convinced me is that, if I shutdown apmd and
configure hw.setperf=100, the load drops down to 0.30-0.20.

I don't get how A high load is just that: high. It means you have a lot
of processes that sometimes run. can show load variation depending on
CPU speed only.

 El 05/30/11 18:44, Joel Carnat escribis:

 I am running a personal Mail+Web system on a Core2Duo 2GHz using
 It is mostly doing nothing but still has a high load average.

 I've check various stat tools but didn't find the reason for the load.

 Anyone has ideas?


 PS: here are some of the results I checked.

 # uname -a
 OpenBSD 4.9 GENERIC.MP#819 amd64

 # sysctl hw
 hw.model=Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz
 hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=45.00 degC
 hw.sensors.cpu1.temp0=45.00 degC
 hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=45.50 degC (zone temperature)
 hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=On (power supply)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt0=11.10 VDC (voltage)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=12.71 VDC (current voltage)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour0=4.61 Ah (last full capacity)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour1=0.52 Ah (warning capacity)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour2=0.16 Ah (low capacity)
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour3=5.20 Ah (remaining capacity), OK
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0=0 (battery full), OK
 hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw1=1 (rate)
 hw.vendor=Dell Inc.
 hw.product=XPS M1330

 # top -n -o cpu -T
 load averages:  1.19,  1.14, 23:39:09
 78 processes:  77 idle, 1 on processor
 CPU0 states:  1.8% user,  0.0% nice,  0.7% system,  0.1% interrupt, 97.4%
 CPU1 states:  2.4% user,  0.0% nice,  0.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 96.8%
 Memory: Real: 238M/656M act/tot  Free: 2809M  Swap: 0K/8197M used/tot

  3230 root   20 2156K 3152K sleep/1   netio 0:00  0.20% sshd
  1867 sshd   20 2148K 2368K sleep/0   select0:00  0.05% sshd
 19650 www   140 5640K   30M sleep/0   semwait   0:59  0.00% httpd
  4225 www   140 5984K   42M sleep/1   semwait   0:58  0.00% httpd
  3624 www   140 5644K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:53  0.00% httpd
 24875 www   140 5740K   32M sleep/1   semwait   0:52  0.00% httpd
 22848 www   140 5724K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:50  0.00% httpd
 13508 www   140 5832K   31M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
 24210 www   140 5652K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
   510 www   140 5660K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:46  0.00% httpd
 20258 www20 5536K   32M sleep/0   select0:46  0.00% httpd
  6543 www   140 5772K   32M sleep/0   semwait   0:43  0.00% httpd
  9783 _mysql 20   55M   30M sleep/1   poll  0:20  0.00% mysqld
 19071 root   20  640K 1416K sleep/1   select0:09  0.00% sshd
 10389 root   20 3376K 2824K sleep/0   poll  0:07  0.00% monit
 21695 _sogo  20 7288K   18M sleep/1   poll  0:05  0.00% sogod
  1888 named  20   20M   21M sleep/1   select0:05  0.00% named
 18781 _sogo  20   15M   29M sleep/1   poll  0:04  0.00% sogod

 # iostat -c 10 -w 1
   ttycd0 sd0 cpu
  tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
07  0.00   0 0.00  20.64   7 0.14   2  0  1  0 97
0  174  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  2  0 97
0   57  0.00   0 0.00  32.00  17 0.53   1  0  1  0 98
0   58  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   7  0  7  0 86
0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  1  0 98
0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  1  0 98
0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   2  0  0  0 98
0   57  0.00   0 0.00   4.00   1 0.00   0  0  1  0 99
0   58  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  0  1 98

 # vmstat -c 10 -w 1
  procsmemory   pagediskstraps  cpu
  r b wavm fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr cd0 sd0  int   sys   cs us
  1 1 0 243420 2866736  655   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   15  1828   77  2
  0 1 0 243636 2866336  234   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   10   540   47  0
  0 1 0 243668 2866304   95   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   17   329   44  1
  0 1 0 242848 2867552  644   0   0   0   0   0   0   08  1445  115  1
  0 1 0 243612 2866352 1076   0   0   0   0   0   0   09  2436   44  0
  0 1 0 243668 2866288  117   0   0   0   0   0   0

Re: I don't get where the load comes from

2011-05-31 Thread Joel Carnat
Le 31 mai 2011 ` 08:10, Tony Abernethy a icrit :
 Joel Carnat wrote
 well, compared to my previous box, running NetBSD/xen, the same services
 and showing about 0.3-0.6 of load ; I thought a load of 1.21 was quite

 Different systems will agree on the spelling of the word load.
 That is about as much agreement as you can expect.
 Does the 0.3-0.6 really mean 30-60 percent loaded?

As far as I understood the counters on my previous nbsd box, 0.3 meant that
cpu was used at 30% of it's total capacity. Then, looking at the sys/user
I'd see what kind of things the system was doing.

 1.21 tasks seems kinda low for a multi-tasking system.

ok :)

I don't get where the load comes from

2011-05-30 Thread Joel Carnat

I am running a personal Mail+Web system on a Core2Duo 2GHz using Speedstep.
It is mostly doing nothing but still has a high load average.

I've check various stat tools but didn't find the reason for the load.

Anyone has ideas?


PS: here are some of the results I checked.

# uname -a
OpenBSD 4.9 GENERIC.MP#819 amd64

# sysctl hw
hw.model=Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz
hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=45.00 degC
hw.sensors.cpu1.temp0=45.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=45.50 degC (zone temperature)
hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=On (power supply)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt0=11.10 VDC (voltage)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=12.71 VDC (current voltage)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour0=4.61 Ah (last full capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour1=0.52 Ah (warning capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour2=0.16 Ah (low capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.amphour3=5.20 Ah (remaining capacity), OK
hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0=0 (battery full), OK
hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw1=1 (rate)
hw.vendor=Dell Inc.
hw.product=XPS M1330

# top -n -o cpu -T
load averages:  1.19,  1.14, 23:39:09
78 processes:  77 idle, 1 on processor
CPU0 states:  1.8% user,  0.0% nice,  0.7% system,  0.1% interrupt, 97.4%
CPU1 states:  2.4% user,  0.0% nice,  0.8% system,  0.0% interrupt, 96.8%
Memory: Real: 238M/656M act/tot  Free: 2809M  Swap: 0K/8197M used/tot

 3230 root   20 2156K 3152K sleep/1   netio 0:00  0.20% sshd
 1867 sshd   20 2148K 2368K sleep/0   select0:00  0.05% sshd
19650 www   140 5640K   30M sleep/0   semwait   0:59  0.00% httpd
 4225 www   140 5984K   42M sleep/1   semwait   0:58  0.00% httpd
 3624 www   140 5644K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:53  0.00% httpd
24875 www   140 5740K   32M sleep/1   semwait   0:52  0.00% httpd
22848 www   140 5724K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:50  0.00% httpd
13508 www   140 5832K   31M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
24210 www   140 5652K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:48  0.00% httpd
  510 www   140 5660K   30M sleep/1   semwait   0:46  0.00% httpd
20258 www20 5536K   32M sleep/0   select0:46  0.00% httpd
 6543 www   140 5772K   32M sleep/0   semwait   0:43  0.00% httpd
 9783 _mysql 20   55M   30M sleep/1   poll  0:20  0.00% mysqld
19071 root   20  640K 1416K sleep/1   select0:09  0.00% sshd
10389 root   20 3376K 2824K sleep/0   poll  0:07  0.00% monit
21695 _sogo  20 7288K   18M sleep/1   poll  0:05  0.00% sogod
 1888 named  20   20M   21M sleep/1   select0:05  0.00% named
18781 _sogo  20   15M   29M sleep/1   poll  0:04  0.00% sogod

# iostat -c 10 -w 1
  ttycd0 sd0 cpu
 tin tout  KB/t t/s MB/s   KB/t t/s MB/s  us ni sy in id
   07  0.00   0 0.00  20.64   7 0.14   2  0  1  0 97
   0  174  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   0  0  0  0100
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  2  0 97
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00  32.00  17 0.53   1  0  1  0 98
   0   58  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   7  0  7  0 86
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  1  0 98
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  1  0 98
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   2  0  0  0 98
   0   57  0.00   0 0.00   4.00   1 0.00   0  0  1  0 99
   0   58  0.00   0 0.00   0.00   0 0.00   1  0  0  1 98

# vmstat -c 10 -w 1
 procsmemory   pagediskstraps  cpu
 r b wavm fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr cd0 sd0  int   sys   cs us sy
 1 1 0 243420 2866736  655   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   15  1828   77  2  1
 0 1 0 243636 2866336  234   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   10   540   47  0  1
 0 1 0 243668 2866304   95   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   17   329   44  1  0
 0 1 0 242848 2867552  644   0   0   0   0   0   0   08  1445  115  1  1
 0 1 0 243612 2866352 1076   0   0   0   0   0   0   09  2436   44  0  2
 0 1 0 243668 2866288  117   0   0   0   0   0   0   07   369   46  1  1
 0 1 0 243836 2866112  337   0   0   0   0   0   0   07   818   86  0  1
 0 1 0 243428 2866728 1216   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   11  2920   69  1  2
 0 1 0 243640 2866332  212   0   0   0   0   0   0   06   313   38  1  0
 0 1 0 243684 2866284   96   0   0   0   0   0   0   08   334   48  1  0

pid file for ldapd(8)

2011-05-27 Thread Joel Carnat

Is there a way to tell ldapd(8) to write it's PID in /var/run ?


ldapd and The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable

2011-01-21 Thread Joel Carnat

On a Ubuntu Linux 8.04 machine, I can't query my OpenBSD 4.9 ldapd(8).
It works from the local OpenBSD and from a remote NetBSD server.
All machines have the CA file installed in the OpenSSL directory
and the ldap.conf file configured to use that particular CA file.

Here's what I get on the Linux box:
$ ldapsearch -d 1 -x -H ldaps:// -D 
cn=email,dc=tumfatig,dc=net \
-W -b ou=users,dc=tumfatig,dc=net
Enter LDAP Password: 
ldap_new_connection 1 1 0
ldap_connect_to_host: TCP
ldap_new_socket: 3
ldap_prepare_socket: 3
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying
ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 3 tm: -1 async: 0
TLS: can't connect: The Diffie Hellman prime sent by the server is not 
acceptable \
(not long enough)..
ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)

Not sure if that matters, but the OpenBSD's openssl.cnf (which was used to 
and sign the CA and certificate files) contains:
default_bits = 4096

Is there a way to tell ldapd(8) to use a bigger DH value ?


ldapd and namespace access

2011-01-05 Thread Joel Carnat

I would like to limit the access to my ldapd content.

I've read ldapd.conf(5) but there are bits I don't get.

The policy I would like to apply is:
(1) allow anyone to authenticate
(2) allow read access to all namespace by users that have been authenticated
(3) allow write access to their own object to users that have been
(4) deny any other access

Right now, I configured
(1) allow bind access by any
(2) allow read access by self  // how to replace self by any
authenticated ?
(3) allow write access by self
(4) deny read access to any by any

For the moment, I am able to authenticate but won't go further:
  result: 50 Insufficient access

What would be the correct rules to implement my policy ?


Re: ldapd and self-signed certificate

2010-11-15 Thread Joel Carnat
-Message initial-
@:  Joel Carnat;
Cc: Philip Guenther;;
De: Martin Hedenfalk
Envoyi: lun. 15-11-2010 11:44
Sujet:  Re: ldapd and self-signed certificate
 15 nov 2010 kl. 00.01 skrev Joel Carnat:

  -Message initial-
  @:  Joel Carnat;
  De: Philip Guenther
  Envoyi: dim. 14-11-2010 02:25
  Sujet:  Re: ldapd and self-signed certificate
  On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Joel Carnat wrote:
  I want to use LDAP to store postfix, apache and dovecot users.
  This sounds a quite simple need so I plan to use the native ldapd.
  Then I created a self-signed certificate in /etc/ldap/ using directions
  The ldapd starts and listens to ldap and ldaps ports.
  But when I run: # ldapmodify -x -H ldaps://ldapd.tumfatig.local -D
  cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local -W -f /tmp/tumfatig
  I get: additional info: error:14090086:SSL
  routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
  The ldapd (in debug mode) says: SSL library error: ssl_session_accept:
  error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
  Can I use ldapd with self-signed certificate ?
  Did I miss a step ?
  There are two aspects to verifying a cert:
  1) does it have a valid signature?
  2) is the CA that signed this trustable at all?
  The point of this is to know whether you can trust the contents of the
  cert so that you're protected from Man-in-the-Middle attacks.  If you
  accepted any self-signed cert then anyone could generate a cert that
  claimed to be your server, then splice your TCP connection and snoop
  and modify all your data.
  So, you need some way to know which certs to trust; that's where #1
  and #2 come in.  #1 validates that this cert can be traced back to a
  particular CA, while #2 is where you decide whether that CA is okay.
  #1 is done automatically by the OpenSSL code; #2 is done by putting
  all the CAs you want to trust in location(s) that OpenSSL checks.
  For a self-signed cert, step #1 is basically trivial, while #2 is done
  by either putting a link to the cert in /etc/ssl/certs/ with a name
  that's derived from a hash of the cert's subject, or adding the cert
  itself to /etc/ssl/cert.pem.  The latter is easy but you may find it
  cluttered.  To do the former, do something like:
 ln -s $cert_file /etc/ssl/certs/`openssl x509 -noout -in
  $cert_file -subject_hash`.0
  Note that /etc/ssl/cert* are the default trust paths for practically
  all openssl-based apps, so a cert added there will be trusted for lots
  of things.  If you don't like that idea then you'll need to look at
  how to set the CA paths for the apps you want to trust that cert.
  That's fairly specific to the involved app.  starttls(8) describes the
  settings for sendmail, ldap.conf(5) describes it for the OpenLDAP
  libldap and clients, etc.
  Philip Guenther
  Thank you for this detailed explanation.
  For the moment, I just testing things in a closed environment.
  This is why I used self-signed certificates. In a real environment, I
  would go with certificates signed by publicly known CA.
  I did try creating /etc/ssl/certs and linking my self-signed certificates
  as you describe. But that doesn't seem to work neither.
  I also took one of my certificates, signed by a publicly know CA but I
  still got the same message... I checked the certificate and it contains
  the path to the CA.
  But I still get the tlsv1 alert unknown ca error :(

 As Philip pointed out, you can specify the trusted CA certificate (or the
 certificate itself in case of self-signed certs) as specified in
 provided you are using OpenLDAP.

 Try this in you ~/ldaprc:
 TLS_CACERT /path/to/ldapd.crt


That worked, thanks.

In fact, the self-signed certificate I generated had a weird expire date.
Now, having the certificate copied in /etc/ssl/certs/ and referenced in
/etc/openldap/ldap.conf enables the SSL connection.

Thanks a lot guys!

Re: ldapd and self-signed certificate

2010-11-14 Thread Joel Carnat
-Message initial-
@:  Joel Carnat;
De: Philip Guenther
Envoyi: dim. 14-11-2010 02:25
Sujet:  Re: ldapd and self-signed certificate
 On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Joel Carnat wrote:
  I want to use LDAP to store postfix, apache and dovecot users.
  This sounds a quite simple need so I plan to use the native ldapd.
  Then I created a self-signed certificate in /etc/ldap/ using directions
  The ldapd starts and listens to ldap and ldaps ports.
  But when I run: # ldapmodify -x -H ldaps://ldapd.tumfatig.local -D
  cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local -W -f /tmp/tumfatig
  I get: additional info: error:14090086:SSL
  routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
  The ldapd (in debug mode) says: SSL library error: ssl_session_accept:
  error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
  Can I use ldapd with self-signed certificate ?
  Did I miss a step ?

 There are two aspects to verifying a cert:
 1) does it have a valid signature?
 2) is the CA that signed this trustable at all?

 The point of this is to know whether you can trust the contents of the
 cert so that you're protected from Man-in-the-Middle attacks.  If you
 accepted any self-signed cert then anyone could generate a cert that
 claimed to be your server, then splice your TCP connection and snoop
 and modify all your data.

 So, you need some way to know which certs to trust; that's where #1
 and #2 come in.  #1 validates that this cert can be traced back to a
 particular CA, while #2 is where you decide whether that CA is okay.
 #1 is done automatically by the OpenSSL code; #2 is done by putting
 all the CAs you want to trust in location(s) that OpenSSL checks.

 For a self-signed cert, step #1 is basically trivial, while #2 is done
 by either putting a link to the cert in /etc/ssl/certs/ with a name
 that's derived from a hash of the cert's subject, or adding the cert
 itself to /etc/ssl/cert.pem.  The latter is easy but you may find it
 cluttered.  To do the former, do something like:
 ln -s $cert_file /etc/ssl/certs/`openssl x509 -noout -in
 $cert_file -subject_hash`.0

 Note that /etc/ssl/cert* are the default trust paths for practically
 all openssl-based apps, so a cert added there will be trusted for lots
 of things.  If you don't like that idea then you'll need to look at
 how to set the CA paths for the apps you want to trust that cert.
 That's fairly specific to the involved app.  starttls(8) describes the
 settings for sendmail, ldap.conf(5) describes it for the OpenLDAP
 libldap and clients, etc.

 Philip Guenther

Thank you for this detailed explanation.

For the moment, I just testing things in a closed environment.
This is why I used self-signed certificates. In a real environment, I
would go with certificates signed by publicly known CA.

I did try creating /etc/ssl/certs and linking my self-signed certificates
as you describe. But that doesn't seem to work neither.

I also took one of my certificates, signed by a publicly know CA but I
still got the same message... I checked the certificate and it contains
the path to the CA.

But I still get the tlsv1 alert unknown ca error :(

  Joel Carnat

ldapd and self-signed certificate

2010-11-13 Thread Joel Carnat

I want to use LDAP to store postfix, apache and dovecot users.
This sounds a quite simple need so I plan to use the native ldapd.

I have installed 4.8 GENERIC.MP#335 amd64 and configured ldapd as follow:
#   $OpenBSD: ldapd.conf,v 1.2 2010/06/29 02:50:22 martinh Exp $

schema /etc/ldap/core.schema
schema /etc/ldap/inetorgperson.schema
schema /etc/ldap/nis.schema
schema /etc/ldap/courier.schema

listen on lo0
listen on lo0 ldaps certificate ldapd
listen on em0
listen on em0 ldaps certificate ldapd
listen on /var/run/ldapi

namespace dc=tumfatig,dc=local {
rootdn  cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local
rootpw  xxx
index   sn
index   givenName
index   cn
index   mail

Then I created a self-signed certificate in /etc/ldap/ using directions from
The ldapd starts and listens to ldap and ldaps ports.
But when I run: # ldapmodify -x -H ldaps://ldapd.tumfatig.local -D
cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local -W -f /tmp/tumfatig
I get: additional info: error:14090086:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
The ldapd (in debug mode) says: SSL library error: ssl_session_accept:
error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca

Can I use ldapd with self-signed certificate ?
Did I miss a step ?

Thanks for your help.

HTC P3300 not recognised by uipaq

2008-07-31 Thread Joel CARNAT

I read on uipaq(4) that HTC SmartPhone are supported.

I plugued my HTC P3300, running Windows Mobile 6, on my Eee PC running
4.4/i386, but it does not attach to uipaq:
  ugen0 at uhub1 port 2 HTC Generic RNDIS rev 2.00/0.00 addr2

usbdevs says:
 port 2 addr 2: full speed, power 100mA, config 1, Generic
RNDIS(0x0bce), HTC(0x0bb4), rev 0.00, iSerialNumber

Did I miss something ?

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Re: [ landisk ] - install w/o the serial console

2008-07-23 Thread Joel CARNAT
Le Mar 22 juillet 2008 14:05, Thomas Schoeller a icrit :

 maybe this helps.

Yeah ! Using the boot code from miniroot did the trick !
My Plextor PX-EH40L (hw.model=I-O DATA USL-5P) is now running 4.4-beta :-)

Thanks a lot !


 On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 03:43:34PM +0200, Joel CARNAT wrote:

 I have a serial console on my Plextor PX-EH40L which seems to be broken
 now (no RX available). After quite a few testings of various OSes, the
 disk is now blanked. Until I get a new serial console, I'd like to try
 OpenBSD 4.4 on that disk. I couldn't find the procedure to manually
 install OpenBSD on it. I'm not talking about the
 part :) I can probably manage that one. I'm more concerned about making
 the installation bootable.

 Is the INSTALLBOOT(8) command enough to prepare the disk to boot the
 system ?

 Let's say I boot OpenBSD/i386 on my laptop.
 Prepare and untar /landisk binaries onto /mnt ; the disk being pluggued
 via an IDE/USB adapter and recognised as /dev/sd0.
 Would the following commands make the disk bootable ?
 # cp -p /mnt/usr/mdec/boot /mnt/boot
 # /usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /mnt/usr/mdec/biosboot sd0


[ landisk ] - install w/o the serial console

2008-07-17 Thread Joel CARNAT

I have a serial console on my Plextor PX-EH40L which seems to be broken
now (no RX available). After quite a few testings of various OSes, the
disk is now blanked. Until I get a new serial console, I'd like to try
OpenBSD 4.4 on that disk. I couldn't find the procedure to manually
install OpenBSD on it. I'm not talking about the disklabel/fdisk/newfs/tar
part :) I can probably manage that one. I'm more concerned about making
the installation bootable.

Is the INSTALLBOOT(8) command enough to prepare the disk to boot the system ?

Let's say I boot OpenBSD/i386 on my laptop.
Prepare and untar /landisk binaries onto /mnt ; the disk being pluggued
via an IDE/USB adapter and recognised as /dev/sd0.
Would the following commands make the disk bootable ?
# cp -p /mnt/usr/mdec/boot /mnt/boot
# /usr/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /mnt/usr/mdec/biosboot sd0


Re: use ifstated to modify pf/rdr

2005-05-25 Thread Joel CARNAT
On Wed, May 25 2005 - 12:58, Jason Dixon wrote:
 On May 25, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Joel CARNAT wrote:

 I would like to use ifstated (OpenBSD 3.7/i386) in the case (except I'll use
 SMTP server, not HTTP) to modify the $web_servers macros when one of
 server if detected to be down (no SMTP response, or no ping, whatever
 I found no such example on google and don't know where to start...
 Has anyone already done such a thing ?
 Anyone can provide me with the pf.conf part and ifstated.conf ?
 I've already use ftpsesame and play with the pf tags but I don't get
 how to produce them with ifstated...

 If you want to monitor servers and remove them from availability, use
 PF tables to store address lists.  Then use your script (shell, perl,
 etc) to monitor them and delete them from the table if they become
 unavailable.  When they come back to life, just add them to the table.

 well... I thought ifstated would do that automagically (and was meant to
 do such things). did I misunderstood it's use ?

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