[MMouse]: (an update from UP) Re: MM [tickets] In Ft Worth

2000-08-18 Thread Jacob Parker

What UP Records told me (Britt):

Hey Jacob

Here's what I have learned (directly quoting an email I received).

"I should have the tickets in the stores by Monday.  There are 3 ticket 
locations...Dallas (good records), Mid Cities (CDX), Ft. Worth
(CD Tradeworld) and I will have some here for people in Denton. "

Hope that helps
Take care

I'm being somewhat gracious and sending this on to the MM list... ;)

so, um, if there's no way of ordering these by phone or online ("will call" 
type of thing), could I please somehow arrange paying for these by mail-- 
through some nice person??

also, ask these ticket vendors if I can order them by phone or something... 
for I live in Oklahoma, and I know at least 15 or so people who would love 
to go to this show.


Thanks if you can help,


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[MMouse]: Re: Nader (of the same opinion)

2000-07-26 Thread Jacob Parker


I agree with Rachel here, very much. Basically, no matter what, Gore and 
Bush WILL ultimately be the 2 choices to be "reasonable" about voting in the 
next race... not that I care at all about either, but, since I am Anti-Bush 
(crooked, face-value liaden Republican... look at the man's eyes!... there's 
gotta be something evil about him), I think I'm going to register to vote to 
essentially vote Gore because, in carrying my voice of reason, I think Gore 
will do less damage or, likewise, more reform... even though he strikes me 
as a patsy, who should have stopped at Vice President (hell, it seems like 
Tipper did more than him-- but I don't bother with politics too much, so 
maybe I'm wrong).

NOTE!: I in no way agree with the action of voting for the people "bound" 
for office, but I'm trying to think rationally, as the human that I am, and 
vote for someone, in this case, I detest the least-- cuz HELL, if others 
actually thought for once, I might vote differently (i.e. I don't promote 
such thinking)

On a similar note: I was thinkin' today: "What if Hillary Clinton, or some 
other female, ran for President and won?" ... for the reason that we'll say 
Bill is still married to the old bag... so my thought is: do you think he'd 
divorce her after the race... in fear of being known as [the] First Bitch, 
among his colleagues and the nation? (emphasis on both words btw)

ahh well--

I'm off to apply some Icy Hot, in case "the mob" (or should I call it "the 
posse"?) decides to flame my ass.

and then, Rachel, don't fret... "when in Rome, does as the Romans do"-- but 
you got you're own style so flaunt it if you can, within reason... who can 
help it if most Romans are thoughtless?

Raining on the ashes,


In reply to:
--- MESSAGE modestmouse.v001.n1072.10 ---

From: Rachel  White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nader
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 15:31:33 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
that's nothing new.
I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up to
us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another Bush
to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah blah..but

I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and set
me straight.  My conscience needs to be at peace.help.

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[MMouse]: elvis?

2000-07-18 Thread Jacob Parker

Ok, so I'm not gonna continue on with the Led Zeppelin discussion, since I'd 
rather not take sides and fuel the fire.

However, I do think Led Zeppelin has some beautiful work(s). I by no means 
have pursued listening or buying any of their stuff in the past few years, 
but they do have an apparent impact... Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips-- I 
know that fer sure. From what I understand, they helped pick rock n' roll up 
from a fairly stagnant pop culture in the late 60's.

oh well. I, for one, lost a lot of respect for Jimmy Page and the band when 
Page came in and "endorsed" the likes of Puff Daddy. ick! ;)

... and then David Bowie-- I still love Bowie no matter what, mostly for his 
earlier (70s) stuff, but Bowie must've sold the rights to someone so Puff 
Daddy could tear up "Let's Dance". It's as if Puff Daddy was given 
permission to tear up all the good music. And it's especially terrible when 
Jessica Simpson, I think that's who did it, took a bad 80s song and remixed 
the music, or a riff, to fit her voice and big tits. What's the world coming 

a remix of the 60s, 70s, and 80s? (society on the whole)

However, Elvis was brought up a minute ago... and I still wonder what he did 
for music, IN MY OPINION-- he started something, but I have yet to hear 
something I actually like or take to. I mean, I listen to the Oldies station 
mostly when I get sick of my mix tapes and he's one of the main artists I 
just cannot stand to listen to.

maybe someone can cite who Elvis has influenced, but...


Also, Doug Martsch better than Jimi Hendrix on guitar?...

Doug is great, but how can you substantiate that?... how can you qualify 
such a thing? I understand maybe you're going for a matter of opinion as far 
as their styles go, but the better of the 2?

fuck it, DOOD!


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[MMouse]: Re: ween (to get or not to get)

2000-07-14 Thread Jacob Parker

In reply to this letter (at the bottom),

I regurgitate a basic economic principle: "The value of a good is 
subjective." We base our lives on different perceptions of good and bad and 
how those filter onto and affect our resulting utility.

I'm sure most everyone on this list gets "fucked up", or at least wants 
to... so I see no relation in them "getting" or not getting Ween. I 
personally haven't heard anything by Ween except what I saw on that movie 
with David Spade, which I thought was largely stupid (the random Ween 
segment)... since they could've gotten They Might Be Giants and stole the 
show who knows?

And then personally, I enjoy people who make music for music, an art for an 
art... and a dollar or 2 on the side to survive toward their own utility... 
but I'm trying to say I don't care about the bases any band carries-- yet I 
hold no argument there since what it is that floats your boat, does.

just a thought in succeeding to sound stupid,


>--- MESSAGE modestmouse.v001.n1045.4 ---
>From: "Toni Rickman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ween
>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 16:21:52 CDT
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>All I can say is, if you don't "get" Ween, then you must not get fucked up.
>That's what there music is all about.  Being fucked up and goofy, and I
>happen to be both, which is probably why I love them so.  After all, if you
>can't make fun of life and be happy, then what's the point of it?  Plus, I
>like cheesy classic rock, punk rock, country, pop, and psychedelic.  I like
>it all, and they definitely cover all the bases.  And that's all I have to
>say on the matter.
>Thank you, and WEEN RULES.

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[MMouse]: GYBE!... (reply to me offlist also if you could)

2000-07-13 Thread Jacob Parker


I've been paying attention to every comment I hear about Godspeed You Black 
Emperor!... and it seems unanimous that especially everyone who's seen them 
in concert at least likes them (loves 'em, whatHAVEyou).

My inquiry is: where is the cheapest and fastest mailorder outlet that I can 
get one of their albums?-- I haven't tried in town (Tulsa), but I NEED to 
mailorder, since I always enjoy the feeling of an album coming in the mail, 
despite the chance of a prolonged wait.

Plus, I don't wanna search in town and find that it's an import and costs 
twice as much as I would ever need to pay.

Also, I would definitely need suggestions (which album best defines... "this 
a great GYBE album to get started on-- more "accessible"), and, mind you, I 
have a record player...

please help.

Also, I've heard a lot of suggestion from the FLips list, but I wanted to 
hear from another source if anyone digs the Moles? which album to get, if 

Oh, and I like pants too... but I'll keep out of that silly thread.

I'd rather discuss lampshades...

and how it makes my light shine,


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[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n1022

2000-07-03 Thread Jacob Parker

I have to agree with the letter I'm replying to, for the most part.

To tell you the truth, I've never heard anything by Death Cab for Cutie-- 
I'd go out and buy something right now, but I'm kinda starpped for funds as 
far as my CD collectin' days go. I have too many other CDs, I feel, I would 
like to get just because of where I'm at right now-- I used to LOVE Sonic 
Youth so much-- that's why I now have every major album release (except I 
still have yet to find a copy of "Sonic Death", or whichever early album it 
is that has "I Dreamed I Dream")... but I rarely listen to them anymore. As 
I have said before, I found the Flaming Lips, which in my mind have evolved 
much more than SY... despite the fact that you're gonna hear more about a 
NYC band rather than an OKC, OK band.

[further debate I don't wanna get into]

However, I've never seen SY, and I've tried-- trust me. But no one comes to 
Oklahoma anymore-- Modest Mouse came once to Tulsa for a 40-minute 
"Indie/ALternative" festival and then OKC before that with Red Stars Theory 
(when I was not really familiar with the Mouse)...

point being: I'd still go see SY, no matter how self-indulgent and 
extravagant I think they've gotten--
I saw the West 54th St. (?) performance that was on PBS and loved every 
second... and I think they'd put on a beautiful show regardless... but if I 
were left to the Flaming Lips vs. Sonic Youth-- I'd see the Lips (cuz I'm in 
tune with Wayne's head) ... however, if it were the Mouse vs. the other 2, 
I'd go see Isaac just because I wouldn't know what to expect, since every 
show I've seen has been especially unique-- and Isaac's got some pedal 
action goin on upstairs that I just LOVE.

... and those drums!

heck fire,

Jacob-- the boy who never knew

Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Re: Death Cab for Cutie or Sonic Youth

gobs of people like sonic youth better if only because they haven't heard 
cab yet, even so I'm sure sonic youth would be favored by the majority 
they have so many fans. Me personaly i'm not sure who I like better, I do
listen to death cab a whole lot more than I do sonic youth so maybe I like 

Rachel White wrote:

>Are you saying what I think you're saying?  Is there actually someone out
>there who likes sy better?  Not that it wouldn't be completely fine with me
>-- it would be -- I just didn't think it possible.
> >  It would be better to actually debate the mouse and Sonic Youth than
> >  Death Cab, there isn't really anything sonic about Death Cab in my
> >  opinion.
> >
> >  but that's me.
> >  John

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[MMouse]: sorry for the long, pointless, OFF-TOPIC email (everyone wants to live forever)

2000-06-23 Thread Jacob Parker

In response to this: (NOTE:nevermind, I just end up rambling on about 
nothing, really)


I agree with this in many ways, but in many ways I want to disagree with 
this. These human beans you speak of-- they are...
but often I find myself at the point that I need to give them a chance, 
because they really need to give themselves a chance--

I don't know... for instance, I go to school in Oklahoma at OSU (a state 
college).. and my first 2 years thus far, I've put up/"tempered" myself with 
people totally the opposite of myself-- a lot of face-value kinda people. 
Yuo see, I'm in a fraternity-- one that did haze until about 7 months ago, 
so I had to go through that shit as well (most of which is gone... for which 
I also feel like I can write a nice play on fiction and the small reality). 
For 2 years, I fell sheltered to these people-- a few assholes, just like 
you know them-- and then some pretty decent people... mostly my drinking 
buddies (go to parties and laugh and gawk at the dumbass, red red meat 
mannequins walking about the devil's den-- more face value than you can 

I feel like I'm always gonna run into people like this-- I didn't join this 
thing for the fun of it, the merit, etc. I was more or less pushed into upon 
my passive, yet very hesitant hand, by my stepdad and a brother already at 
the same college and in this THING. An experience, I guess. I'm like the 
only introvert in a house so unruly and unorganized. I've just learned to 
come to terms with people like this. I've come to realize only so many 
people can be your best friends (travelling to OKC and Norman, OK almsot 
monthly to see my beloved friends).

We're all consumers, to some extent-- and this consumerism is at the root of 
our inhumanity, I feel. We are currently in somewhat of an economic boom-- 
society is happy... and thus all of these shit groups (N' Sync, etc.)... and 
MTV gets ratings based on it-- with their statistics pooling from their TRL. 
I, too, hate how people consume from the shelf conveniently in front of 
them. I hate how people will pick up their cell phone- mid-conversation in 
the car, at a coffee shop, etc.

Society sucks-- it really blows ass, and until we have another recession, 
upon my theory anyway, no one will look to other options-- as what so 
conveniently and "timed" happened with Nirvana-- people became more "human" 
it seemed.

You know: I just hate how opinions separate each man from one another... I 
saw "Pleasantville" earlier, again. I love that movie almost despite the 
plot-- it is the very sociological premise that hits me frantically.

Everything isn't perfect-- it's not how each individual wants to be (someone 
else's perfect)... it can never happen. Anything that man creates, he can 
just as well easily fuck it up or otherwise corrupt it-- (SEE organized 
religion, politics, [mass-]production VS hand-made crafts and items).

so if you don't see what I'm saying, why not ream someone for not being a 
human being rather than gawking at them just like they do you?

I think everyone should at least like or pay some attention to the Flaming 
Lips, but that only seems somewhat common in the UK (they're still unheard 
of to MANY people in Oklahoma-- their home state, since we've really only 
got a tap on the country biz)

grow up-- cuz you're always gonna be flippin' off that guy who swerves into 
your lane.

but to answer your question, Loring:

there is a significant relationship between popularity and quality;

basic assumption of economics: "The value of a good is subjective"...

and you're right, these mindless beand will never discover the extent of 
their media-induced brainwashing--

and it still confuses me, but I don't get mad over it.

cuz : "well, you're livin' your life- that's the price you pay"

but I think now... I haven't said anything at all to the point, and now 
you're all gonna rag on me for being a FRAT boy (when I'm more sensitive and 
caring and philosophical than any of you will ever even care to give a shit 
about)... so, honestly, I don't give a rats ass what you indie elitists 
think-- I wear clothes everyday, for example-- and that's what they are... 
they may not be representative of the thoughts constantly flowing through my 
head (keeping my severed head awake at night), but at least I know that the 
nice 25 year old girl that I work with that has bleach blonde hair (and a 5 
year old kid) has suffered more in her lifetime than any of you emo shits 
can stomach-- and yet she's a surprisingly upbeat person. sorry-- I have to 
say I very much dislike the Get Up Kids-- I feel like anyone can do that...

the music people listen to lets you into their minds-- if it be N' Sync, 
they are commonly mindless, in my opinion, and I pay little attention to 
them, since there are too many people in this world for me to meet so why 
even bother-- I'll grace their presence, just as they will be in the movie 
of my life... but why condemn them since they are

[MMouse]: pardon me...

2000-06-19 Thread Jacob Parker

excuse me,

but I forgot in my previous letter to say which song by the Talking Heads i 
thought of whilst listening to 'paper thin walls'  and i finally found 
it, which is: "Don't Worry About the Government"


discuss... and "Cc:" me a copy if you agree/disagree (reply to this), if you 
ever so see fit..



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[MMouse]: in reply to a few things

2000-06-19 Thread Jacob Parker

hiya. (this is long, if you have the while)

ok, i began writing the stuff below on wednesday of last week, but i now get 
around to finishing this letter (disclaimer: before you throw stones at me, 
i think this album will grow on me, which is a good thing, but i still think 
it's overproduced-- and then, otherwise, a huge step away from their 
previous style, except that it's the Mouse-- great stuff relatively) :

first, i bought the album yesterday, of course. and i finally listened to it 
twice today at work--

and I am of the same opinion as star for the most part. For one, the songs 
that were on the Japanese-only EP (minus 'wild packs of family dogs')-- 
especially 'dark center of the universe' is overproduced (tamer, if you can 
catch where I'm going) than what is on the EP... 'dark center of the 
universe' was such a dancable piece with more noticable drums on the EP. and 
then there are some songs on the EP where I don't understand AT ALL why they 
were not brought onto this album ("night on the sun"-- yes, i know it's on 
an EP BUT...). Also, the drumming in general doesn't seem representative of 
Jeremiah-- his great ability-- where a song like 'Truckers Atlas' is nicely 
introduced/driven by his creative beat (i refer to it as an "around the 
world" beat).

This album may grow on me-- and I'm not saying that I hate it, but the music 
seems somewhat uninspired (and the lyrics fit, I suppose, but not as 
intuitive- lack of the one-liners but are still good), MAYBE after the 
production. I have a problem with some of the production-- and I miss the 
aspect of long, meandering songs on this album, as opposed to Long Drive and 

On another note, 'paper thin walls' is a favorite thus far-- it reminds me a 
lot of a song by the Talking Heads (). I think I read somewhere that MM 
were/are inspired by the talking heads. There are some great sounds imbedded 
throughout, though. for instance, similar sounds (a track playing 
backwards?) to that of "the fruit that ate itself".

I like it better now-- just not a favorite. and when I'm critical of this 
album as a work of art/music, i am just expressing my opinion-- i.e. don't 
badger me cuz i'm not indie enough (just a precaution), or i'm that much 
less of a mouse fan for not loving it.

in some instances, i can't identify with it-- for instance, the first song 
where isaac's chorus involves "the art of fucking people over"-- i need to 
analyze the lyrics a little beyond what i'm catching among an earful of 
music, but i've become too karmatic lately to where, ya know, fuck people 
over-- because I fear the shit coming back my way somehow, some other time. 
maybe that's not what isaac means, but...

also, i never did mention/review the show i saw in denton, TX in 
mid-march... ok, so I LOVED the show. my friend johnny made a comment to the 
effect of isaac "finally learning how to play guitar-- good". we actually 
left before the show ended (sorry, please don't bash me). they played over 2 
hours-- all great stuff, and then a lot of unrecognizable stuff. we left due 
to the fact that (a) our backs hurt from standing so long, (b) the venue was 
packed and really quite small, (c) the venue was packed with an abundance of 
ASSHOLES... now people, if you're at a show such as this, please refrain 
from shoving your fucking way through innocent people trying to enjoy the 
show, just as much as you are, when you know you can't get much further than 
the people you just so rudely shoved aside... and if you're horribly drunk, 
be polite or just stay the fuck out! i swear i wanted to chop off somebody's 
head at that show-- ya know, the next person that stands right in front of 
me or shoves me aside is gonna find a spark glistening atop the flaming 
head... (d) we never got a good view of the stage, isaac, especially 
jeremiah-- we saw eric, i did anyway, most of the show.

but a great show in their presence. people you can really identify with 
on-stage but not down below in shitsville-- missed the nice, indie kids i 
thought'd be consuming the place.

on a side note, have the mouse ever done any/many covers by bands they were 
influenced by? or otherwise? cuz ya know, i'd greatly love to hear isaac 
belt out the "Fa, feh-feh fa fa" chorus in the Talking Heads song "psycho 
killer"... or the Pixies "where is my mind?"-- something along those 
lines... something they'd enjoy covering.

i think i'm done now. sorry i rambled, but i rarely post to this list-- but 
the flaming lips list, love it! they got an FTP and all...

if anyone is to reply to this letter, please "Cc:" me a copy, since I will 
often delete the digest because they fill up my inbox (somedays like up to 5 
a day, rambling on about hockey, or some other THING... sorry, I've never 
been to a hockey game-- quite repressed living in Oklahoma. it doesn't 
bother me (misc. posts)-- i'll read it if i feel like it, but ... i'm 
committed elsewhere-- real life, a prom

[MMouse]: Fayetville -- MM show

2000-02-14 Thread Jacob Parker


I'm desperately wondering if there's anyone on the list from or near 
Fayetville, AR, who can give me (likely in the future to come) a phone 
number, and some other information, so as to purchase tickets (for the MM 
show there coming up) or a good soul who can purchase tickets for me (upon 
arrival of a check), since I live some significant distance away in Oklahoma 
(Tulsa/ Stillwater for school). The show lands nicely on my spring break, 
and I'm just attempting to make some sort of contact to ensure I'll have a 

so please respond if you can help.

Thanks much,

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[MMouse]: video killed the radio star

1999-10-21 Thread Jacob Parker


Among all the fighting (whatever! ... please don't attack me for 
implementing a broad expression), et al:

HBO's Reverb airings, after glancing over it another time, I saw, maybe, a 
few updates to their show air times. Sorry for the non-MM content, but it 
seems hopeless anyway, right? (note: my method of copying and pasting 
neglected to cut the parts out I or even you may not want to see, but there 
are some groops worth taping/viewing, yes/no?)

6: Oct. 26 Tibetan Freedom Concert Part 1: *Beastie Boys/
(so-so*) Blondie/The Cult

7: Nov. 2 Tibetan Freedom Concert Part 2: Rage Against the 
Machine/(ba!)Live/*Cibo Matto

8: Nov. 9 TBD/(*?)Wilco/*Flaming Fips

9: Nov. 16 Collective Soul/Fountains of Wayne/Beth Hart (which I'll skip 
that week)

10: Nov. 23 Moby/Super Furry Animals/*Cornelius

11: Nov. 30 *Pavement/*Built to Spill/Calexico


Charlie Brown

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[MMouse]: shirts and stares

1999-09-20 Thread Jacob Parker


Don't post much, but I thought I'd mention that I was watching mtv, god 
forbid, and there was a an english vj awhile back who announced shit(well, 
years now). anyway, one day he was on one of those crazy mtv vj masquerades 
where he was out playing paint ball... yet, wait!... he was wearing a 
HaloBenders shirt.


anyway, I neglected to add myself to the toll... I'm from Oklahoma. great 
state of... the Flaming Lips and little else. why anyone stay here but to 
settle down is beyond me.

but as far as great shows:
the flaming lips in austin last summer at SXSW, as well as built to spill... 
there were other indie greats such as sparklehorse, granddaddy(are they in 
any sense yet?)

parking garage rooftop session at OU with Dub Narcotic (they were in town 
during SXSW also) and the Microphones... such nice people, except Calvin was 
a bit of a recluse.

flaming lips, sebadoh (first time seeing 'em) in OKC (MABD tour about a 
month ago)

MM for a good 40-minute session at an indie fest in Tulsa... loved every 
minute of it

but i'm not much for words tonight

reality would have it... oh, nevermind. don't know if i can live with 

misnomers in pure economics,


p.s. i thought stereolab was played over one of the VW bug commercials... 
Have a nice night.

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[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n439

1999-08-03 Thread Jacob Parker

right about now i hate living in oklahoma...
(so neh... neh, i retort anxiously though pertinently)


ho ho

ha ha


I'm in seattle at the moment... and i can go and see ween (wait, no, that 
was tonight, so nevermind)... who are they again??... never invested in that 
stock. anyway, yeah. sorry, shouldn't be writing electronic mail. what? 
electronic? how? wheretofore?

anyway, soon to return to oklahoma... and flaming lips and ... yeah.

but i need to realize 'hey, i'm public'

oops. sorry. bye (to describe my exxpression, put and press your pointer 
finger upon your chin and smile as if you blasted gas gas... though, i 
didn't, but it's silly, ain't it?)

HAKoB <--- drunk ass...as drunk there again

 'who took my bikini' said???>

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [MMouse]: Go to this site and faint...
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 23:46:20 EDTMIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<< http://www.goldenvoice.com/coachella >>
right about now i hate living on the east coast.

<<< end apparent translucent trrransmission

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[MMouse]: edit the sad songs and a survey

1999-07-24 Thread Jacob Parker


Ok, I think that "Think (let tomorrow bee)" on Sebadoh's Bubble and Scrape 
is one of the saddest, more lovesick atuned songs. So... does this hold 

And a belated survey (and it's a long one, so... sorry):

NAME: jacob

SEX: male

AGE: 19

PLACE: oklahoma... don't ask me why...landlocked, christian suburbia... and 
a state school that has a lovely library lawn with no volunteers to sit on 
it, and picnic.. read, or otherwise

EYE COLOR: blue/green... with sunflowers


YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOWS?  conan obrien,the simpsons (except i tend to step in 
lately about 7 minutes before it ends)... what's on, really (it allows me 
not to hear myself think so much... and i do)

FAVORITE MAGAZINE? the onion, rolling stone to see/laboriously find their 
occassional homage to sonic youth and other good shit

FAVORITE SMELL: like a favorite color, it depends on my mood... but incense 
is always nice (indecisive, am i)... pillsbury cinnamon rools in the morn, 
and the brief whiff of gasoline and the rainbow at my footsteps away to pay

WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: having no one to confide in/even talk 
to/bullshit with, that special friend/someone to drink with... 'feeling 
yourself disintegrate' because nothing you want to do seems possible

BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: sound and vision... almost knowing a show is 
going to be good, merely by them tuning up... (i can stand and say 'love' 
is/was always perplexing and difficult)

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKENDS: acting upon what the weekend has in 
store for me... if nothing, then it's not my favorite. (not being at work or 
worrying about some form of work, unless it's otherwise enjoyable)

FAVORITE SOUNDTRACK: the one's i make... but the 'trainspotting' one is good 
(brian eno, lou reed, new order)... KIDS was the best Folk Implosion venture 
(but they have a new one coming out... anyone heard it)

great, another damn day, want to go back to sleep... (what's the director 
have in store for me now?)

DO YOU GET MOTION SICKNESS? only when i read in the car.

ROLLER COASTERS-DEADLY OR EXCITING? who wrote this question? they're on 
occassion, somewhat exciting, like an airplane ride... will it 'derail'?

PEN OR PENCIL?  only in moderation of the other... separate but equal

HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? when at home, we have this 
caller ID... so it's when my parents tell me to (telemarketing bitches 
[,fuck off!])... otherwise, it's rarely for me, so when i get there

FUTURE SON'S NAME: ... it's been awhile since I considered 'the boy''s name.


FAVORITE FOOD: what's cookin'? (mood, i mention again)

DO YOU GET ALONG WELL WITH YOUR PARENT(S): it depends... I don't often 
connect. but my biological father is an insensitive ass (girl's track 

CROUTONS OR BACON BITS: croutons... scared by the whole 'cooked worm' 
conspiracy behind bacon bits

DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE? yes, ... only if it/I was able to get me where i want 
to go.

DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? not for sometime... i was very keen about 
my snoopy stuffed animal... it was like a Barbie for awhile (they had a line 
of clothes for it)

WHAT TYPE OF CAR WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? my stepdad's-brother's hand-me-down 
'87, i think,  Mitsubishi montero. stick. the type your brother fucks up... 
esp the tape player fast-forward/rewind over and over blairing, and killing, 
the speakers with pantera, metallica, sepultura, slayer... the poop of 
modern day heavy metal.

THUNDERSTORMS COOL OR SCARY? both, depending on their nature and their 
implied, or not so implied, personification. nature's bowel movements are 

look at everyone else's answer before I decided. I'd rather go back into 
their time and meet them... maybe even myself then c. 5 years ago, and 
straighten myself out.

FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC: "I never met a[n alcoholic] I didn't like"--- Abraham 


WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE POET? My mind is poetry, so I'd rather stray from that 
and turn on the boob tube.


that one out on my own... I want the responsibility of being a father, but 
like anything I'd want as a job, I wouldn't want to consider it a 'job'.

parents deeply discourage it, I'd rather now fanatsize it... next

on the back of my neck... just plug me in.

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yes... this doesn't necessarily mean it's been 
mutual and then i wouldn't fail to consider being in love with my friends, 
since they all make pieces of the puzzle (me). but infatuation, so dubbed 
then 'love', has always led astray... who wants to 

[MMouse]: Sonic Youth in Austin- Help... please

1999-06-28 Thread Jacob Parker


Ok, here runs my story:

At first I was planning to go see SY in Santa Fe as a part of a greater road 
trip... and then they slapped "BENEFIT" on it with a $50 charge on it. I 
realize this is the almighty [or whatever] for some of you... but they've 
kind of fizzled in me with the rest of the collection and the advent of some 
good Northwest bands (MM, BTS... to name a few). Though, the ideals, beliefs 
are intact. ANYWAY, I tried to get tickets for the show in Austin or at 
least arrange it through my aunt who lives there. Well, I wait for people to 
commit, being the nice 'friend' that I am, and I hold off.. longer than I 
wanted to, but a guy at Waterloo Record Co. says "oh, we have 300 for one 
night and 500 for  the other". They're sold out by Saturday. And... blah 
blah (I'll spare you the pissing and moaning), but I'm sorry to post to all 
the lists, but I would like to know if any humble soul could help me out 


So..., if anyone has spare tickets, like say 5 at the most (1 at the least) 
preferably for Wednesday night, I'd be very grateful and pay with a check 
promptly (or cash). Also, face value, yes/no? I'm willing to bargain a 

If not, I still have the Flaming Lips AND Sebadoh in OKC and a trip to 
Seattle ahead... I'll live, but the question is: will I ever live to see SY?

Yeah yeah, I'm sobbing... more like begging... but it happens. I see [a] 
more personal truth in the 'meaning' behind built to spill everyday, being 
that when everything seems to be going your way...


Now, laugh for a minute ...and I hope the lists can forgive me for posting 
off topic.

But one can also see the 'truth' behind the first words one sees when going 
to the flaming lips site, once having seen one of their shows, especially 
the current tour... the way Wayne opens up his arms to the crowd while 
singing with a warm, light, caressing gesture that tickles the chin and 
urges face to release a smirk up... like he knows something greater that you 
don't,yet that notion is all[most] a joke since he's [POSSIBLY] just like 
you or I. Understand?, maybe not.

"Smile your last one with the Flaming Lips...",


P.S. I tried to compensate.

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[MMouse]: rent my opiate #2

1999-06-07 Thread Jacob Parker

Liz wrote:
all i have to say is thet the earth is not an empire. all people care about
are politcs and land ownership and who's fucking who over when it's humanity
fucking itself over.

hmmm... sentence #1 holds water. #2, well, politics is/are like religion: 
both seem much crooked, and then much like the media and its distant cousin 
the internet. I suggest that you all read Marilyn Manson's article in 
Rolling Stone (well, it interested me), and, oh, take a sociology course in 
college if you're so destined but get recommendations for an insightful, 
entertaining professor/instructor...
otherwise, you be muddled by an old fart much like society looks at the body 
and not the bunny brain- cute. "You are not your body"(Douglas Coupland). 
and, liz, i'm not being negative at ya... only thing wrong is you need to 
explain your modifiers- they're a little cryptic/misleading. also, i just 
want a small, modest house, small yard... cuz you know overpopulation will 
be the demise of us all or maybe just the ice caps melting engulfing the 
world and us all... will braid matter then? (sorry for the semi-waterworld 
also, look for the new flaming lips import single 'race for the prize' (from 
'the soft bulletin') if you enjoyed zaireeka, for it will be 2-disc with a 
personal favorite of mine 'driving to work (in the year 2025)' and another 
from zaireeka.

wishing i had a friend to hold onto and a liberal arts or private school to 
afford, oh, and a summer job away from this fucking state of Oklahoma mind,


"all i wanted to do was sing the saddest song, and for you to sing along"-- 

and to think i'm getting paid to take time out of my day to write this 
poop... yep

and, hi, carrie. hope these people aren't eating you alive

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[MMouse]: frying on the symptom

1999-02-19 Thread Jacob Parker

hmmm... as far as smoking pot, i greatly enjoy listening to music, much 
more actually than when sober. favorites being halobenders, stereolab, 
and, oh, the pixies (but them moreso when i'm drunk). however, it's odd 
really that such a question should come into my life. I hate returning 
home to my surburbanite hometown, meeting up with friends who either 
dropped out of college or didn't make it, for varied reasons 
nonetheless. they can praise issac's lyrics, but i mainly look back on 
them in retrospect, more of a lesson than a more-than-life rut.

It's sad really to see all those people i love, more when i saw them 
everyday in high school, resort to constant, excessive pot-smoking, 
speed, crank, 'shrooms, drinking (which i condone, but responsibly [i.e. 
rule out the chances of a DUI)... and all the like. i can't relate, 
having chosen life (yes, to take cliche to heart)... they're all such 
wonderful people... but FUCK IT!

not to be selfish, just to figure what i want out of life than to 
intoxicate it all away,


p.s. i wrote this awhile back, but it never seemed to get through. i'm 
sorry to continue the thread.
also, it's nice to go home (my sarcasm)to see one of my friends (from 
high school) get a DUI, and another to have his parents discover pics of 
him and friends snorting all sorts of shit and drop acid... especially 
when they went to the police.
and then being drug around by my merry pot-smoking friends through the 
shittiest parts of tulsa, ok to get high and eventually end up at 
denny's on the other side of town bahhh

and this never seems to make it to the correct address... maybe now

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