RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I actually like the logo without the underscore. I don't 
:: think an underscore is very collaborative with art. The "_" 
:: has always been irritating me a little.

I don't see any reason why the underscore can't be incorporated
"discreetly".  I had an idea that we could have the "dp" together (like
in the new logo) with a small underscore directly beneath them.

:: I know that there is history and nostalgia involved here but 
:: dropping an underscore at least in the logo is a nice 
:: evolution IMHO. The whole "mod_" just happens to be the 
:: original Apache naming convention for modules, I believe, 
:: and let's not forget that the Apache folks never thought 
:: they would get the kind of success they have. Given the 
:: choice, I don't think they would have stuck with this kind 
:: of naming convention.

This doesn't matter.  The simple fact is, the name is mod_perl.  It's
established, known and the author has stated quite clearly that it will
not change.

:: The underscore really belongs to the "C/C++" language and 
:: isn't really so much of a standard in Perl. True, "Perl", 
:: "Apache" and "mod_perl" are all children of "C/C++" but they 
:: should have some independence - they are in their 
:: adolescence now (if not even adults). 

If the underscore "belongs" anywhere, then it also belongs in Perl.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  <--  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: I agree here. But then, TMTOWTDI is a big part of Perl 
:: culture. I suggest a democratic solution: present the logo 
:: and the favorite logo-based button as "the" logo and button. 
:: Then, also present a page which has some alternate buttons 
:: on it, including the two winners of the present contest. 
:: Make the page with the official logo and button easy to find 
:: so users will see it first.

But an important part of any "product" is its brand.  I personally
believe that the logo/button/banner should be uniform throughout, with
one font and one colour scheme.  One area where we do have creative
license is with banners - providing that the recognised mod_perl logo
still features within.

:: Since there was a landslide winner I would say there is 
:: probably no need for alternate logos although it may be 
:: interesting for historical reasons (the Google logo archives 
:: do it the right way, in my opinion: 

The logos at will remain
online "forever" for historical/nostalgic purposes.

:: DR>I really like the 
:: new logo, and in fact I voted for it. However, I 
:: DR>just realized that the logo uses "modperl", whereas 
:: mod_perl's name 
:: DR>is "mod_perl", with the underscore. Does anyone else see 
:: this as a 
:: DR>problem?
:: BM>It's a graphic design so I don't see that it needs to follow the 
:: BM>Apache module naming convention exactly... It's a design -- it 
:: BM>doesn't have to be accurate to the name.
:: I agree with both these statements. I think the issue isn't 
:: that the design must follow the name, but that users often 
:: get confused between the two, and if the design doesn't 
:: follow the name, that confusion will certainly be 
:: exacerbated. Of course, this is probably not a big problem 
:: as long as the conventional term is used in the 
:: documentation and website and as long as "modperl" on Google 
:: leads to the mod_perl site.

I think the logo should feature an underscore, however it's used.  We
are promoting a brand, a product...  its name needs to be consistent
wherever it's used - how else will we get pointy-haired bosses to
recognise it?

:: I might also point out that any mod_perl hostnames come out 
:: as modperl (since underscores are not allowed in hostnames) 
:: and that modperl is often used as a directory name even 
:: though underscores ARE allowed in filenames.

I don't think that's relevant at all.  People name their files and
directories in whatever way suits them.  And hostnames, well that's just
a convention we can do nothing about and, thus, a non-issue.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  <--  Temporarily off-line

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Jonathan M. Hollin

:: A thought - what about putting the suggestion of an 
:: underscore by putting bars underneath the d and p of 
:: "modperl"? Just a suggestion to Michael as presumably he is 
:: revisting the design for the buttons.

I had a similar idea - a single bar under the "dp" yet keeping the "dp"

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group  <--  Temporarily off-line

Re: loss of shared memory in parent httpd (2)

2002-03-18 Thread Stas Bekman

Eric Frazier wrote:
> Hi,
> This may be totaly ignorate crap, but I noticed this when I was reading the
> ps man page on BSD 4.5 about sys/proc.h flags
> This one I noticed.. 
> P_SYSTEM   0x00200System proc: no sigs, stats or swapping
> Could this mean what I think it means? That a process with this flag set,
> won't be swaped out?? 

I've spent some time with our friend google and here is what I came up 
with (it's hard to search for things which can be called in many 
different ways):

I've searched for P_SYSTEM and it seems that it's a *BSD thing and also 
when you set it you don't get sigs delivered. e.g. see the discussion here:

There is also: madvise(2) - give advice about use of memory
Has anybody tried to use it? Can this help? There is some discussion here:

Here is another observation and explanation of the swapping/mem 
unsharing phenomena on linux.

Finally, apparently it's relatively easy to patch the linux kernel to 
enabling mlock for non-root processes:

> At 03:55 PM 3/12/02 +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
>>Oops. Premature sending...
>>I have two ideas that might help:
>>- reduce number of global variables used, less memory pollution by lexicals
>>- make sure that you have the most up-to-date (kernel) version of your 
>>OS.  Newer Linux kernels seem to be a lot savvy at handling shared memory 
>>than older kernels.
>>Again, I wish you strength in fixing this problem...
>>Elizabeth Mattijsen
> (250) 655 - 9513 (PST Time Zone)


Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Now PHP::Session 0.05 with save/destory implementation is going on its
way to CPAN. 

0.05  Mon Mar 18 16:36:27 JST 2002
* added Boolean type (ext/var.h in PHP source code)

0.04  Fri Mar 15 16:14:32 JST 2002
* added destroy()

0.03  Fri Mar 15 16:01:35 JST 2002
* added session ID validation
* implemented save()

At Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:40:28 +0900,
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> Announcing new module: PHP::Session.
> This module enables you to read / write (write is not yet implemented
> though) PHP4-builtin session files from Perl. Then you can share
> session data between PHP and Perl, without changing PHP code, which
> may be a hard work for us Perl hackers.
> This is something you'll never want to do, but imagine the cases where
> you should co-work with PHP coders, or take over another company's PHP
> code.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa 

RE: :Parallel error

2002-03-18 Thread Nicolai Schlenzig (DXD)

What does:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install LWP::Parallel
do for you?
I don't use the specific module in question, but by using CPAN for installing it 
usually tells you what dependancies there might be. Given that this module is in CPAN 
// Nicolai

-Original Message-
From: Parag R Naik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:35 PM
Subject: LWP::Parallel error

 I get the following error  . can any body help .i install 
ParallelUserAgent-2.51.tar.gz does it require some additional modules .

Can't locate object method "new" via package "LWP::Parallel::Protocol::http::Socket"

Parag R Naik
Phone : 5093100(off)
Tough times dont last for a long tough people always do.
To send secure email get my certificate from  :

Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread John Kolvereid

Hi Stas,
   I am currently running w/ openssl-0.9.6b.  ALso, I
tried your suggestion:

 perl -MCPAN -eshell
 cpan> install URI HTML::HeadParser LWP
make test still could not find LWP...

But thanks anyways.
  John Kolvereid
--- Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Kolvereid wrote:
> > Hi Ade,
> >I am sending the errs as an attachment. 
> Thanks.
> It helps to actually *look* at the build log:
> > Will configure via APACI
> ...
> > o ssl_module uses ConfigStart/End
> >   + SSL interface: mod_ssl/2.8.5
> >   + SSL interface build type: DSO
> >   + SSL interface compatibility: enabled
> >   + SSL interface experimental code: disabled
> >   + SSL interface conservative code: disabled
> >   + SSL interface vendor extensions: disabled
> >   + SSL interface plugin: Built-in SDBM
> >   + SSL library path: /usr/local/ssl
> >   + SSL library version: SSLeay 0.9.0b
> 29-Jun-1998
> > Hint:  Use OpenSSL version 0.9.3 or higher!
> hint, hint: install openssl 0.9.3 or higher!
> > Checking for LWP::UserAgent..failed
> > Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at (eval 2) line
> 3.
> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/LWP/ line
> 108.
> > 
> > The libwww-perl library is needed to run the test
> suite.
> > Installation of this library is recommended, but
> not required.
> > 
> > Checking for HTML::HeadParserfailed
> > Can't locate HTML/ in @INC (@INC
> contains: ./lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at Makefile.PL
> line 1154.
> > 
> > The HTML-Parser package is needed (by libwww-perl)
> to run the test suite.
> install URI and HTML::HeadParser packages.
> Most likely you've installed an RPM or a similar
> package of libwww-perl 
> without installing its prerequisites.
> Do:
> perl -MCPAN -eshell
> cpan> install URI HTML::HeadParser LWP
> need to specify explicitly since LWP is already
> installed.
> and 'make test' should work.
> Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just
> Another mod_perl Hacker
>  mod_perl Guide  

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread Stas Bekman

John Kolvereid wrote:
> Hi Stas,
>I am currently running w/ openssl-0.9.6b.  ALso, I
> tried your suggestion:
>  perl -MCPAN -eshell
>  cpan> install URI HTML::HeadParser LWP
> make test still could not find LWP...

Nope, according to your original report (the relevant part of it is 
attached below) it did find LWP, but it couldn't load its LWP::UserAgent 
because it couldn't locate URI and HTML::HeadParser.

Now can you check that they are installed in the same location as LWP? 
What do you get from running these?

find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep
find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep
find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep

assuming that all your perl libs are installed under /usr/lib/perl5 as 
in your report

can you run

%perl -MURI -e1?

>>>Checking for LWP::UserAgent..failed
>>>Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib
>>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at (eval 2) line
>>>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
>>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/LWP/ line


Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi John,

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, John Kolvereid wrote:

>   Thanks for sticking in there w/ me.


>  There are a great many options and the number
> of combinations is awesome.

True, but there's no point worrying about the number of combinations,
you need to worry about setting things up the way you want them.

> Only 1 is correct,

It's not really like that.  (You just have to decide how you want
things to be set up...:)

> I ran the build again for the mod_perl and apache using
> APACHE_PREFIX and APACHE_SRC and SSL_BASE.  When finished I tried
> the apachectl startssl and got the same LoadModule error as before.

I really think you should forget ssl for the moment until you get a
grip on compiling and configuring Apache and mod_perl.  And PLEASE
don't run apachectl until you know what it's going to do.  You can
start Apache without using a script.

> I tried the httpd -l and mod_so.c WAS present.  To be certain I did
> a 'which httpd'.  It was using the one in /usr/sbin but that's not
> new, it is dated Oct 19 2000.

That's not the one you're running.  'which' tells you what will be
used if you call the binary directly without giving the full path to
the binary, but if you try to run it with 'apachectl' then you could
be using a different one.  Why not just delete it, or rename it if you
want to keep it?  Keep a notebook to record the changes you make so
that you don't forget what you've changed.  In my last message I asked
you to run the binary by calling it with the full path name.  Don't
rely on the path in your environment by running a binary without the
full path name at this stage, you'll only confuse yourself even more.

> Moreover, the httpd.conf in the conf directory is dated Mar 4.

When you do 'make install' the scripts won't overwrite your existing
configuration.  If you delete, rename or move the conf directory and
then re-install you'll get a new httpd.conf.

> There is one dated Mar 17 (today) named httpd.conf.default but it
> does not include any reference to mod_perl.

If you compile mod_perl in statically it doesn't have to have a
loadmodule directive for mod_perl - in fact it shouldn't have one.
You need a completely new httpd.conf which is installed at the time
you build Apache and mod_perl.  But do please read it when you've
finally made it, because there are as you have said lots of things
you need to think about.

> What should I try next.

All the things I've said in my last three messages.  They *will* work
if you clean everything up like I said, RedHat 6.2 really has no
problems with Apache and mod_perl.


RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread OCNS Consulting


Try the following:

$ perl Makefile.PL \
  USE_APXS=1 \

$ make
$ make test
$ make install

This will build mod_perl as a DSO outside of the Apache source 
tree using the Apache APXS option - .

Let us know.


-Original Message-
From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:03 PM
To: OCNS Consulting; Ade Olonoh
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

Hi RB,
  Here is the configuration I tried:
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
Both w/ and w/o the APACHE_PRFIX and APACHE_SRC lines.
The errors are attached.  Please advise.  Thanks.
--- OCNS Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John,
> Consider building mod_perl as a DSO outside of
> Apache. Look for the 
> section title "Build mod_perl as DSO outside Apache
> source tree via 
> APXS" in the file INSTALL.apaci.
> This should work for you. Let us know.
> RB
> -Original Message-
> From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 6:09 PM
> To: Ade Olonoh
> Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install
> Hi Ade,
>   I followed your suggestion and went to 
>   Most of their steps I had followed before.  Now I
> tried to config mod_perl w/ the following config
> file
> as they had suggested:
>   perl Makefile.PL \
>   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
>   APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
>   SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
>   APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl, \
> --enable-shared=ssl, \
> --enable-module=proxy, \
> --enable-shared=proxy, \
> --prefix=/usr/local/apache, \
> --enable-module=rewrite' \
>   DO_HTTPD=1 \
>   USE_APACI=1 \
> when I try to do a 'make' I get errors such as 
>   *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop
> I can get it to make and make install if I leave out
> the APACI_ARGS, but then it doesn't know how to
> create
> Apache w/ ssl.
>   Yes I do have an existing Apache which I created
> w/
> mod_ssl.  It has been working fine.  My goal is to
> add
> mod_perl.  Any suggestions.  Please advise.
>   Thanks.
>John Kolvereid
> --- Ade Olonoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Then I try running
> > >  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately I get the msg:
> > >   Syntax error on line 206 of   
> > > /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > >   Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps
> > mis-spelled or
> > >   defined by a module not included in the server
> >  
> > > configuration
> > >   could not locate Module SSL (line 206
> > httpd.conf)
> > 
> > Are you installing on top of an existing Apache
> > directory?  In other
> > words, was /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> created
> > by the install, or
> > did it already exist before you built Apache?  It
> > looks like the conf
> > file might expect Apache to have been built with
> > support but it
> > wasn't in actuality.
> > 
> > In case you haven't seen this already, you might
> > take a look at this
> > guide to installing Apache with mod_perl and
> > mod_ssl:
> >
> > 
> > The options it suggests should work for you here.
> > 
> > 
> > --Ade.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

SVG version of logo

2002-03-18 Thread Matt Sergeant

Animated version of the new mod_perl logo:

If you want a button, download it and change the width/height attributes
to 100 x 22 (or smaller/larger as appropriate).


<:->Get a smart net

RE: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...

2002-03-18 Thread Joe Breeden

Could you make it flaming? ;)

> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Sergeant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 12:31 PM
> To: Jonathan M. Hollin
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] The New "mod_perl" logo - results now in...
> OK, here's my attempt at SVGing the logo. Works in Adobe's SVG viewer
> (Linux and Windows). I'll work on animating it next (making 
> the cog spin).
> -- 
> <:->Get a smart net

RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread OCNS Consulting


Consider installing the latest version of Apache 1.3.23.


-Original Message-
From: OCNS Consulting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:53 AM
To: John Kolvereid; Ade Olonoh
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install


Try the following:

$ perl Makefile.PL \
  USE_APXS=1 \

$ make
$ make test
$ make install

This will build mod_perl as a DSO outside of the Apache source 
tree using the Apache APXS option - .

Let us know.


-Original Message-
From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:03 PM
To: OCNS Consulting; Ade Olonoh
Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
Subject: RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

Hi RB,
  Here is the configuration I tried:
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
Both w/ and w/o the APACHE_PRFIX and APACHE_SRC lines.
The errors are attached.  Please advise.  Thanks.
--- OCNS Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John,
> Consider building mod_perl as a DSO outside of
> Apache. Look for the 
> section title "Build mod_perl as DSO outside Apache
> source tree via 
> APXS" in the file INSTALL.apaci.
> This should work for you. Let us know.
> RB
> -Original Message-
> From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 6:09 PM
> To: Ade Olonoh
> Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install
> Hi Ade,
>   I followed your suggestion and went to 
>   Most of their steps I had followed before.  Now I
> tried to config mod_perl w/ the following config
> file
> as they had suggested:
>   perl Makefile.PL \
>   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
>   APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
>   SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
>   APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl, \
> --enable-shared=ssl, \
> --enable-module=proxy, \
> --enable-shared=proxy, \
> --prefix=/usr/local/apache, \
> --enable-module=rewrite' \
>   DO_HTTPD=1 \
>   USE_APACI=1 \
> when I try to do a 'make' I get errors such as 
>   *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop
> I can get it to make and make install if I leave out
> the APACI_ARGS, but then it doesn't know how to
> create
> Apache w/ ssl.
>   Yes I do have an existing Apache which I created
> w/
> mod_ssl.  It has been working fine.  My goal is to
> add
> mod_perl.  Any suggestions.  Please advise.
>   Thanks.
>John Kolvereid
> --- Ade Olonoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Then I try running
> > >  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately I get the msg:
> > >   Syntax error on line 206 of   
> > > /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > >   Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps
> > mis-spelled or
> > >   defined by a module not included in the server
> >  
> > > configuration
> > >   could not locate Module SSL (line 206
> > httpd.conf)
> > 
> > Are you installing on top of an existing Apache
> > directory?  In other
> > words, was /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> created
> > by the install, or
> > did it already exist before you built Apache?  It
> > looks like the conf
> > file might expect Apache to have been built with
> > support but it
> > wasn't in actuality.
> > 
> > In case you haven't seen this already, you might
> > take a look at this
> > guide to installing Apache with mod_perl and
> > mod_ssl:
> >
> > 
> > The options it suggests should work for you here.
> > 
> > 
> > --Ade.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Latest version of mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread OCNS Consulting

Where's the latest snapshot of mod_perl?

OCNS, Inc.

RE: Latest version of mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Nicolai Schlenzig (DXD)

Where's the homepage of

It should say something about ...

Sorry for the sarcasm... but please... what effort did you do to find it yourself?

Best regards

Nicolai Schlenzig
This mail does not reflect my company's
oppinion on the subject in question but
is my personal response and cannot be
held against my company in any way.

> -Original Message-
> From: OCNS Consulting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 3:13 PM
> Subject: Latest version of mod_perl
> Where's the latest snapshot of mod_perl?
> RB
> OCNS, Inc.

checking a site for ssl cert?

2002-03-18 Thread Kirk Rogers

kind of a long shot but does anyone know if its possible to check a site for
ssl certificate information from a mod perl handler or perl script?


Perl 5.7.3 breaks mod_perl tied handles [PATCH]

2002-03-18 Thread Charles Jardine

I have been testing my mod_perl-1.26 applications under perl 5.7.3.

I have discovered that the tying of STDIN and STDOUT does not work.
This is caused by a change in the internals of the implementation
of tied handles in Perl. The following extract from the source
of Perl (pp_sys.c ll 764 ff) describes the change

methname = "TIEHANDLE";
how = PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar;
/* For tied filehandles, we apply tiedscalar magic to the IO
   slot of the GP rather than the GV itself. AMS 20010812 */
if (!GvIOp(varsv))
GvIOp(varsv) = newIO();
varsv = (SV *)GvIOp(varsv);

I have got myself going by patching mod_perl as below. This
patch makes mod_perl work with 5.7.3, but, of course, stops it
working with 5.6.x. It is beyond my knowledge to make this patch
version dependent, as it needs to be.

*** /tmp/sccs.I.aOiqMon Mar 18 14:41:11 2002
--- perlio.cMon Mar 18 12:18:22 2002
*** 54,61 
  #define TIEHANDLE(name,obj) \
  { \
dHANDLE(name); \
!   sv_unmagic((SV*)handle, 'q'); \
!   sv_magic((SV*)handle, obj, 'q', Nullch, 0); \
  #if 0
--- 54,61 
  #define TIEHANDLE(name,obj) \
  { \
dHANDLE(name); \
!   sv_unmagic((SV*)GvIOp((SV*)handle), 'q'); \
!   sv_magic((SV*)GvIOp((SV*)handle), obj, 'q', Nullch, 0); \
  #if 0

Charles Jardine - Computing Service, University of Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel: +44 1223 334506, Fax: +44 1223 334679

Re: checking a site for ssl cert?

2002-03-18 Thread Issac Goldstand

Kirk Rogers wrote:

>kind of a long shot but does anyone know if its possible to check a site for
>ssl certificate information from a mod perl handler or perl script?
it's all exported into %ENV if you do:

SSLOptions + StdEnvVars


RE: checking a site for ssl cert?

2002-03-18 Thread Kirk Rogers

What about a standalone CGI script?  Is there some module or package I need
acquire or is it also exported into %ENV?


>-Original Message-
>From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:16 AM
>Cc: modperl
>Subject: Re: checking a site for ssl cert?
>Kirk Rogers wrote:
>>kind of a long shot but does anyone know if its possible to check
>a site for
>>ssl certificate information from a mod perl handler or perl script?
>it's all exported into %ENV if you do:
>SSLOptions + StdEnvVars
>  Issac

2 httpd processes looping in SQL statement

2002-03-18 Thread Andre Terroux

Hi Team, new subscriber here hoping someone can help me out. I'm getting a
weird behavior with Apache: after running for a while, always two httpd
processes have to be restarted because they use up around 8% of CPU each.
Does this ring a bell to anyone? The following are a truss output and gcore
stack of one of the faulty process. The truss output shows a continuous
looping: a read, 9 calls to sigaction and a write. The gcore stack shows the
process deep in Any feedback would be appreciated - thank you -

4812/1: psargs: /usr/up/mms/tools/apache/bin/httpd
4812/1: read(5, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 8192) = 524
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: write(5, "\0\01F02\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 24)  = 24
4812/1: read(5, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 8192) = 488
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0
4812/1: new: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: old: hand = 0xFE8C7CB4 mask = 0xFFBFFEFF 0x1FFF 0 0
flags = 0x000C
4812/1: sigaction(SIGPIPE, 0xFFBEF3E8, 0xFFBEF4E8)  = 0

   current LWP ($lwp) is l@1
=>[1] __sigaction(0x0, 0xd652048, 0xffbef440, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1), at 0xff2168f4
  [2] _setsighandler(0xfe8e529c, 0xd0, 0xffbef344, 0xfe8de000, 0xd,
0xffbef460), a
t 0xfe8c8dfc
  [3] _sigaction(0xd, 0xffbef460, 0xffbef440, 0xd98958, 0xd, 0xfee7b52c), at
  [4] Perl_rsignal(0xd, 0xfee82608, 0x80, 0x, 0x74, 0x74), at
  [5] Perl_magic_setsig(0x47e19c, 0xfef18400, 0xfef17c00, 0x34, 0x435d18,
0xd), at
  [6] Perl_mg_set(0x47e19c, 0x210, 0x0, 0xdd210c, 0x7, 0x80803), at
  [7] Perl_pp_sassign(0x47e19c, 0xfef18534, 0xfef18400, 0xfef18400,
0x4f6810, 0x4f
680c), at 0xfee8843c
  [8] Perl_runops_standard(0xfef18534, 0x0, 0xfef18400, 0x1, 0x0,
0xffbef74d), at
  [9] Perl_call_sv(0xfef18400, 0xfef18000, 0xfef18400, 0xfef18800,
0xfef18400, 0xf
ef18000), at 0xfee35a20
  [10] perl_call_handler(0x6d916c, 0xaac, 0x800, 0xb24, 0xc00, 0xca8), at
  [11] perl_handler(0xfef1260c, 0xfef18808, 0xfef0b194, 0x0, 0x74, 0x74), at
  [12] ap_invoke_handler(0x6b7c20, 0x148394, 0x0, 0x0, 0x18, 0x18), at
  [13] process_request_internal(0x6b7c20, 0xfec3114c, 0xff31ae30,
0xffbef970, 0x4,
 0x1), at 0x748bc
  [14] ap_process_request(0x6b7c20, 0x4, 0x6b7c20, 0xffbef9fc, 0xffbefa0c,
at 0x74948
  [15] child_main(0x1b, 0x680d0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x21860, 0x69e94), at 0x69c30
  [16] make_child(0x17d670, 0x1b, 0x3c57292f, 0xff239164, 0xff239164,
 at 0x69f2c
  [17] perform_idle_server_maintenance(0x, 0x134a, 0xe, 0x17d670,
, 0x13883c), at 0x6a3e0
  [18] standalone_main(0x1, 0xffbefd14, 0x165e24, 

Re: [OT] checking a site for ssl cert?

2002-03-18 Thread Issac Goldstand

IT's a feature of mod_ssl, not of mod_perl, so the answer is no, it does 
not need another module to be accessed by standalone perl.


Kirk Rogers wrote:

>What about a standalone CGI script?  Is there some module or package I need
>acquire or is it also exported into %ENV?
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:16 AM
>>Cc: modperl
>>Subject: Re: checking a site for ssl cert?
>>Kirk Rogers wrote:
>>>kind of a long shot but does anyone know if its possible to check
>>a site for
>>>ssl certificate information from a mod perl handler or perl script?
>>it's all exported into %ENV if you do:
>>SSLOptions + StdEnvVars
>> Issac

Re: 2 httpd processes looping in SQL statement

2002-03-18 Thread Perrin Harkins

Andre Terroux wrote:
> Hi Team, new subscriber here hoping someone can help me out. I'm getting a
> weird behavior with Apache: after running for a while, always two httpd
> processes have to be restarted because they use up around 8% of CPU each.

This is probably caused by a bug in your perl code.  You should try to 
figure out what sort of request triggers it.  Maybe you can add some 
logging to your application or use the MOD_PERL_TRACE feature to figure 
it out.

- Perrin

Re: Perl 5.7.3 breaks mod_perl tied handles [PATCH]

2002-03-18 Thread Stas Bekman

Charles Jardine wrote:
> I have been testing my mod_perl-1.26 applications under perl 5.7.3.
> I have discovered that the tying of STDIN and STDOUT does not work.

Great work, Charles! 

the output of 'diff -u' is a preffered format for patches :)


> This
> patch makes mod_perl work with 5.7.3, but, of course, stops it
> working with 5.6.x. It is beyond my knowledge to make this patch
> version dependent, as it needs to be.

here is the one that works for all 5.x versions. Tested with 5.7.3 and 

Index: src/modules/perl/perlio.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/src/modules/perl/perlio.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 perlio.c
--- src/modules/perl/perlio.c   13 Jun 2001 21:27:51 -  1.7
+++ src/modules/perl/perlio.c   18 Mar 2002 15:48:39 -
@@ -51,12 +51,25 @@
 #define dHANDLE(name) GV *handle = gv_fetchpv(name, TRUE, SVt_PVIO)
 #define TIEHANDLE(name,obj) \
 { \
   dHANDLE(name); \
   sv_unmagic((SV*)handle, 'q'); \
   sv_magic((SV*)handle, obj, 'q', Nullch, 0); \
+#define TIEHANDLE(name,obj) \
+{ \
+  dHANDLE(name); \
+  sv_unmagic((SV*)GvIOp((SV*)handle), 'q'); \
+  sv_magic((SV*)GvIOp((SV*)handle), obj, 'q', Nullch, 0); \
 #if 0
 #define TIED tied_handle

Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Cookbook Chapter 4 online!

2002-03-18 Thread Geoffrey Young

just in case anyone is interested, is hosting Chapter
4 from the mod_perl Developer's Cookbook starting today:

this is in addition to chapters 1, 7, and 16 which are already
available at our website (

happy reading!


Re: here is a good modperl question on perlmonk

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Smith

On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 02:54:47PM -0800, Paul Lindner wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 04:53:56PM -0600, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
> > 
> > > My suggestion would be to install a Linux on your developer's PC and
> > > keep with the distributed model. Now everyone can use a common web tree
> > > and at integeration, bring all of them to a staging box, QC it and ship
> > > it to production.
> > 
> > Giving everyone their own Apache daemon, which uses their checked out tree
> > of code, on a central dev server is really not a problem either.
> One other tip... write a small script (or modify apachectl) to start
> apache with a port number matched to your unix UID.  This keeps
> developers from using clashing port numbers.
>   httpd -c "Port $UID" -c "Listen $UID"
> etc..

(returning from spring break...)

Just keep in mind that this won't work (afaik) on systems that need
more than 16 bits for the uids.  (Here at TAMU we are going that
direction -- unified UIDs across all our unix boxes -- 80,000 people
> 16 bits -- developers are part of those 80,000.)

What I did was very similar except I created a `testserver' script
that checks out the CVS tree, sets up the configs, and starts the
server.  After starting it, it lets the person know which port they
can use -- I hard code that into the script for now (small group of
developers -- < 10).

The UID thing can also run into problems if the UID is below 1024
(several of ours are).

But for small groups of users with all uids between 1024 and 65535,
using the uid as the port can work most of the time (6000 won't work
if X Windows is being used, for example).


mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-18 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W


I am still trying to figure out why my setup of mod_perl does not have
multipart POSTs.  I rebooted my machine, and found that, whereas I reported
before mod_perl would try to reload the page (which it should not but send
out a text/plain attachment for download), it appears the script (running as
a perl handler) does not see any of the multipart POST.  Vanilla posts are
not a problem, though.  Even if the information being sent via multipart is
_not_ a file to upload to the server, the information is lost in transit.

Here is what is odd.  

The same scripts/modules unmodified and running as perl_cgi are okay.
Multipart forms allow me to upload files, et cetera.  In short, I am
confident the problem is not with my programming.

I am using the code snippet, POST2GET, to capture the one-time read of POST
and storing as if it was retrieved via GET.

Any ideas how to debug this?

I REALLY REALLY would love some feedback.  I would love to think that all my
effort to stay away from M$ ASP are worth it -- esp. when I stand up to
defend Perl, Apache, and mod_perl in an environment that is decidely


RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread John Kolvereid

  That may have worked.  No descernable errors. 
What's the best way to test it.  Meanwhile I will be
looking in 'Apache Modules w/ Perl & C'.  Please
advise.  Thanks.

  John Kolvereid

--- OCNS Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John:
> Consider installing the latest version of Apache
> 1.3.23.
> RB
> -Original Message-
> From: OCNS Consulting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:53 AM
> To: John Kolvereid; Ade Olonoh
> Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install
> John:
> Try the following:
>   $ perl Makefile.PL \
> USE_APXS=1 \
> WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs 
>   $ make
>   $ make test
>   $ make install
> This will build mod_perl as a DSO outside of the
> Apache source 
> tree using the Apache APXS option -  eXtenSion (APXS) 
> support tool>.
> Let us know.
> RB
> -Original Message-
> From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 8:03 PM
> To: OCNS Consulting; Ade Olonoh
> Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install
> Hi RB,
>   Here is the configuration I tried:
> perl Makefile.PL \
> APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
> APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
> USE_APXS=1 \
> WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
> DO_HTTPD=1 \
> Both w/ and w/o the APACHE_PRFIX and APACHE_SRC
> lines.
> The errors are attached.  Please advise.  Thanks.
> --- OCNS Consulting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > John,
> > 
> > Consider building mod_perl as a DSO outside of
> > Apache. Look for the 
> > section title "Build mod_perl as DSO outside
> Apache
> > source tree via 
> > APXS" in the file INSTALL.apaci.
> > 
> > This should work for you. Let us know.
> > 
> > RB
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: John Kolvereid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 6:09 PM
> > To: Ade Olonoh
> > Cc: mod_perl Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl
> install
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Ade,
> >   I followed your suggestion and went to 
> >
> > 
> >   Most of their steps I had followed before.  Now
> I
> > tried to config mod_perl w/ the following config
> > file
> > as they had suggested:
> >   perl Makefile.PL \
> >   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
> >   APACHE_SRC=/home/ssl/apache_1.3.22 \
> >   SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
> >   APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl, \
> >   --enable-shared=ssl, \
> >   --enable-module=proxy, \
> >   --enable-shared=proxy, \
> >   --prefix=/usr/local/apache, \
> >   --enable-module=rewrite' \
> >   DO_HTTPD=1 \
> >   USE_APACI=1 \
> > 
> > when I try to do a 'make' I get errors such as 
> >   *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop
> > I can get it to make and make install if I leave
> out
> > the APACI_ARGS, but then it doesn't know how to
> > create
> > Apache w/ ssl.
> >   Yes I do have an existing Apache which I created
> > w/
> > mod_ssl.  It has been working fine.  My goal is to
> > add
> > mod_perl.  Any suggestions.  Please advise.
> > 
> >   Thanks.
> >John Kolvereid
> > 
> > --- Ade Olonoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Then I try running
> > > >  /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl
> > > > 
> > > > Unfortunately I get the msg:
> > > >   Syntax error on line 206 of   
> > > > /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > > >   Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps
> > > mis-spelled or
> > > >   defined by a module not included in the
> server
> >  
> > >  
> > > > configuration
> > > >   could not locate Module SSL (line 206
> > > httpd.conf)
> > > 
> > > Are you installing on top of an existing Apache
> > > directory?  In other
> > > words, was /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
> > created
> > > by the install, or
> > > did it already exist before you built Apache? 
> It
> > > looks like the conf
> > > file might expect Apache to have been built with
> > DSO
> > > support but it
> > > wasn't in actuality.
> > > 
> > > In case you haven't seen this already, you might
> > > take a look at this
> > > guide to installing Apache with mod_perl and
> > > mod_ssl:
> > >
> >
> > > 
> > > The options it suggests should work for you
> here.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --Ade.
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage
> >
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage

Re: Trouble w/ LWP during mod_perl install

2002-03-18 Thread Stas Bekman

John Kolvereid wrote:
> Hi Stas,

John, please keep the thread at the list, unless you are asked to take 
it offlist.

>   Results:
> location
>   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linus/Apache
> UserAgent
>   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/LWP
> HeadParser
>   unavailable

install HTML::HeadParser first. than install LWP from sources, and make 
sure that it passes all the LWP tests. only then, if you still have a 
problem with 'make test' it's a modperl problem, before that it's OT.

> When I run
>%perl -MURI -e1
> I get
>No such job %perl

:) I use % as a prompt example, of course no need to copy-n-paste %


Hope you get it right now.

Using is the easiest way to go about Perl modules installation.

perl -MCPAN -eshell

(this time I'm not including the % prompt :)

> What should I do next.  Please advise.  Thanks.
> --- Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>John Kolvereid wrote:
>>>Hi Stas,
>>>   I am currently running w/ openssl-0.9.6b. 
>>ALso, I
>>>tried your suggestion:
>>> perl -MCPAN -eshell
>>> cpan> install URI HTML::HeadParser LWP
>>>make test still could not find LWP...
>>Nope, according to your original report (the
>>relevant part of it is 
>>attached below) it did find LWP, but it couldn't
>>load its LWP::UserAgent 
>>because it couldn't locate URI and HTML::HeadParser.
>>Now can you check that they are installed in the
>>same location as LWP? 
>>What do you get from running these?
>>find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep
>>find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep
>>find /usr/lib/perl5 | grep
>>assuming that all your perl libs are installed under
>>/usr/lib/perl5 as 
>>in your report
>>can you run
>>%perl -MURI -e1?
>Checking for LWP::UserAgent..failed
>Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at (eval 2) line

>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at



Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-18 Thread Issac Goldstand

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...  Apache, on it's own, 
does not support any internal parsing of POST data, multipart or 
otherwise, so why should mod_perl?  For this, we have the 
Apache::Request library in mod_perl (Which is the mod_perl interface to 
the libapreq library for Apache's C API).  libapreq supports 
multipart/form-data, even without a file upload...


Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:

>I am still trying to figure out why my setup of mod_perl does not have
>multipart POSTs.  I rebooted my machine, and found that, whereas I reported
>before mod_perl would try to reload the page (which it should not but send
>out a text/plain attachment for download), it appears the script (running as
>a perl handler) does not see any of the multipart POST.  Vanilla posts are
>not a problem, though.  Even if the information being sent via multipart is
>_not_ a file to upload to the server, the information is lost in transit.
>Here is what is odd.  
>The same scripts/modules unmodified and running as perl_cgi are okay.
>Multipart forms allow me to upload files, et cetera.  In short, I am
>confident the problem is not with my programming.
>I am using the code snippet, POST2GET, to capture the one-time read of POST
>and storing as if it was retrieved via GET.
>Any ideas how to debug this?
>I REALLY REALLY would love some feedback.  I would love to think that all my
>effort to stay away from M$ ASP are worth it -- esp. when I stand up to
>defend Perl, Apache, and mod_perl in an environment that is decidely

RE: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs

2002-03-18 Thread Vuillemot, Ward W

Just to re-iterate a previous post.  Here is what I have done thusfar.

My httpd.conf file:
# **
# **
# limit POSTS so that they get processed properly

  PerlInitHandler POST2GET

# force reloading of modules on restart
PerlFreshRestart on
# Perl module primitive mother load on start/restart
#PerlRequire lib/perl/
# FLOE application (mod_perl)
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlModule floeApp

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler floeApp
  PerlSendHeader On

And the relevant two snippets of code from the script are:
## process incoming
# if submitted
my %hash = undef;
my $initialList = $q->param('initialList') || '';
my $upload = $q->upload || undef;
my $fh = $upload->fh if defined($upload);
if (defined($upload) && $upload) {
$initialList = '';
while (<$fh>) {
$initialList .= $_;

## some processing is done to the POST'ed data
## and eventually. . .

## send file to client
print   "Content-type: text/plain\n";
print   "Content-Disposition: attachment;

foreach my $value (sort keys %$hash) {
next unless ($value);
print "$hash->{$value}$CRLF$value$CRLF";


$q is the Apache::Request object.  When running in CGI mode it is simply
pointing toward the object.

I did not mean to presume Apache was doing anything to anything.
Apache::Request does not seem to appear to support/handle multipart in my
present config.  I do not know why.  All I have changed in my code is to use
Apache::Request instead of CGI.   Otherwise, the scripts are untouched.
Same machine, same httpd.conf other the mod_perl changes, same scripts. . .
.then why cannot I not see anything being passed via multipart/form-data

   :  -Original Message-
   :  From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   :  Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 9:37 AM
   :  To: Vuillemot, Ward W
   :  Subject: Re: mod_perl does not see multipart POSTs
   :  I'm not sure I understand what you're asking...  Apache, 
   :  on it's own, 
   :  does not support any internal parsing of POST data, multipart or 
   :  otherwise, so why should mod_perl?  For this, we have the 
   :  Apache::Request library in mod_perl (Which is the 
   :  mod_perl interface to 
   :  the libapreq library for Apache's C API).  libapreq supports 
   :  multipart/form-data, even without a file upload...
   :   Issac
   :  Vuillemot, Ward W wrote:
   :  >All,
   :  >
   :  >I am still trying to figure out why my setup of mod_perl 
   :  does not have
   :  >multipart POSTs.  I rebooted my machine, and found that, 
   :  whereas I reported
   :  >before mod_perl would try to reload the page (which it 
   :  should not but send
   :  >out a text/plain attachment for download), it appears 
   :  the script (running as
   :  >a perl handler) does not see any of the multipart POST.  
   :  Vanilla posts are
   :  >not a problem, though.  Even if the information being 
   :  sent via multipart is
   :  >_not_ a file to upload to the server, the information is 
   :  lost in transit.
   :  >
   :  >Here is what is odd.  
   :  >
   :  >The same scripts/modules unmodified and running as 
   :  perl_cgi are okay.
   :  >Multipart forms allow me to upload files, et cetera.  In 
   :  short, I am
   :  >confident the problem is not with my programming.
   :  >
   :  >I am using the code snippet, POST2GET, to capture the 
   :  one-time read of POST
   :  >and storing as if it was retrieved via GET.
   :  >
   :  >Any ideas how to debug this?
   :  >
   :  >I REALLY REALLY would love some feedback.  I would love 
   :  to think that all my
   :  >effort to stay away from M$ ASP are worth it -- esp. 
   :  when I stand up to
   :  >defend Perl, Apache, and mod_perl in an environment that 
   :  is decidely
   :  >M$-bent.
   :  >
   :  >Thanks!
   :  >Ward
   :  >

Asia To USA Shipping Rates

2002-03-18 Thread service

We have a full collection of wholesale freight rate calculators at

Our new calculator is here and it will calculate rates from Asia to over 30 US cities 
including customs clearance and delivery.


Hope to see your business grow!


Virginie ML DeJaham Bordelais
APX (Air Parcel Express, Inc.)
Customer Service and Sales

Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Marceusz


We have a product that at the moment uses a combination of CGI and mod_perl. 
While in the future it will be totally ported to mod_perl, until we figure 
out exactly how we'd like to overcome the 'expat' issues we're stuck with a 
mixed-mode enviroment.

Here however is the current problem. The cgi script under a specific set of 
circumstances (signing up a new account) copies a directory using a fork to 
the system's cp command and they're created as user: apache group: apache.

I'm not by nature a linux mod_perl programmer and thus I'm not totally up on 
the nuances of what I'm doing here. I needed a quick solution to copying a 
template directory to a user directory when a new user account was created, 
and since it happened only once during the user's process I figured a fork to 
cp was worth the performance hit for the simplicity it provided. Single line 
of code vs some directory recurison scheme.

The problem is when I later try access the files or directories under either 
mod_perl or the cgi process the server returns an error unless I set the 
chmod to 777 on the files. This is obviously not good.

I have done some looking into using $> before I write the file but I hadn't 
found anything about using this under mod_perl ... let alone mod_cgi ... 
except that generally it's a bad idea to setuid to root. um yeah ... I wasn't 
gonna do that ... I just didn't want to give the world 777 access to files 
that run under apache:apache. I also didn't want to follow bad with worse 
implimenetation wise.

Is there a simple secure method for copying a directory from a template 
directory to a user directory and then giving access to the (new) user 

Any other considerations here?

::who will be happy if someone even says "Go Read the Nautilis book ... it 
covers Recursion in depth"::

Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Frank Wiles

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:17:35 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> We have a product that at the moment uses a combination of CGI and mod_perl. 
> While in the future it will be totally ported to mod_perl, until we figure 
> out exactly how we'd like to overcome the 'expat' issues we're stuck with a 
> mixed-mode enviroment.
> Here however is the current problem. The cgi script under a specific set of 
> circumstances (signing up a new account) copies a directory using a fork to 
> the system's cp command and they're created as user: apache group: apache.
> I'm not by nature a linux mod_perl programmer and thus I'm not totally up on 
> the nuances of what I'm doing here. I needed a quick solution to copying a 
> template directory to a user directory when a new user account was created, 
> and since it happened only once during the user's process I figured a fork to 
> cp was worth the performance hit for the simplicity it provided. Single line 
> of code vs some directory recurison scheme.
> The problem is when I later try access the files or directories under either 
> mod_perl or the cgi process the server returns an error unless I set the 
> chmod to 777 on the files. This is obviously not good.
> I have done some looking into using $> before I write the file but I hadn't 
> found anything about using this under mod_perl ... let alone mod_cgi ... 
> except that generally it's a bad idea to setuid to root. um yeah ... I wasn't 
> gonna do that ... I just didn't want to give the world 777 access to files 
> that run under apache:apache. I also didn't want to follow bad with worse 
> implimenetation wise.
> Is there a simple secure method for copying a directory from a template 
> directory to a user directory and then giving access to the (new) user 
> directory? 

   You may want to look into useradd and /etc/skel on a Linux system.  It
   has everything you are trying to accomplish handled automatically
   by using the standard Linux user creation techniques. No need to 
   re-implement the wheel. :) 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Asia To USA Shipping Rates

2002-03-18 Thread service

We have a full collection of wholesale freight rate calculators at

Our new calculator is here and it will calculate rates from Asia to over 30 US cities 
including customs clearance and delivery.


Hope to see your business grow!


Virginie ML DeJaham Bordelais
APX (Air Parcel Express, Inc.)
Customer Service and Sales

Re: Asia To USA Shipping Rates

2002-03-18 Thread Geoffrey Young

> We have a full collection of wholesale freight rate calculators at

Aaaahhh!! Ask, anybody, make it stop!!!


Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Smith

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 07:27:40PM +0900, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> Now PHP::Session 0.05 with save/destory implementation is going on its
> way to CPAN. 
> 0.05  Mon Mar 18 16:36:27 JST 2002
>   * added Boolean type (ext/var.h in PHP source code)
> 0.04  Fri Mar 15 16:14:32 JST 2002
>   * added destroy()
> 0.03  Fri Mar 15 16:01:35 JST 2002
>   * added session ID validation
>   * implemented save()

Will there be a way to specify each of the actions as PHP allows?
For example, in a project I have, we use PHP4 sessions, but they are
stored in a MySQL table so they can be shared across web machines
without worrying about NFS problems.

Basically, it would be nice to have PHP::Sessions provide the
serialization mechanism for use by Apache::Session without it
worrying about how to store the information.


Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Marceusz
In a message dated 18-Mar-02 7:36:55 PM GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You may want to look into useradd and /etc/skel on a Linux system.  It
   has everything you are trying to accomplish handled automatically
   by using the standard Linux user creation techniques. No need to 
   re-implement the wheel. :) 

That's just it ... we didn't want to have to create whole new user accounts for everybody. Just a small directory of files for a demo of our web-app. 

I'd be happy if all the apps weren't apache:apache ... but I was thinking there had to be a better solution than `chown nobody:nobody $directory -R` (just an example !!)

I will take a look though at /etc/skel ... I hadn't heard of it.


Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread Robert Landrum

At 3:42 PM -0500 3/18/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 18-Mar-02 7:36:55 PM GMT Standard Time, 
>>You may want to look into useradd and /etc/skel on a Linux system.  It
>>   has everything you are trying to accomplish handled automatically
>>   by using the standard Linux user creation techniques. No need to
>>   re-implement the wheel. :)
>That's just it ... we didn't want to have to create whole new user 
>accounts for everybody. Just a small directory of files for a demo 
>of our web-app.
>I'd be happy if all the apps weren't apache:apache ... but I was 
>thinking there had to be a better solution than `chown nobody:nobody 
>$directory -R` (just an example !!)

To change default file permissions of newly created files
perldoc -f umask

To change ownership of a file without a fork*
perldoc -f chown

To change permissions of a file without a fork*
perldoc -f chmod

To create directories without a fork*
perldoc -f mkdir

* on most *nix based systems


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

At Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:06:56 -0600,
Jim Smith wrote:

> Will there be a way to specify each of the actions as PHP allows?
> For example, in a project I have, we use PHP4 sessions, but they are
> stored in a MySQL table so they can be shared across web machines
> without worrying about NFS problems.

You're very happy :)
Then you don't have to play with this module of nightmare.

> Basically, it would be nice to have PHP::Sessions provide the
> serialization mechanism for use by Apache::Session without it
> worrying about how to store the information.

Yes, what I'm planning now is Apache::Sesion::PHP, which gives your a
way to handle PHP4 session files transparently via Apache::Session

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

At Tue, 19 Mar 2002 06:03:56 +0900,
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

> > Basically, it would be nice to have PHP::Sessions provide the
> > serialization mechanism for use by Apache::Session without it
> > worrying about how to store the information.
> Yes, what I'm planning now is Apache::Sesion::PHP, which gives your a
> way to handle PHP4 session files transparently via Apache::Session
> interface.

Current implementation of PHP::Session is already modularized enough
for you to use serialization part as a standalone code. See
PHP::Session::Serializer::PHP for it. (Though its synopsis says "DONT

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[DIGEST] mod_perl digest 2002/03/04

2002-03-18 Thread jgsmith


  mod_perl digest
   March 4, 2002 - March 17, 2002


Recent happenings in the mod_perl world...

  Hope everyone had a fun and safe spring break 
  (for those that had a spring break).


  o mod_perl status
  o module announcements
  o application announcements
  o available mod_perlers
  o mailing list highlights
  o links

mod_perl status

  o mod_perl
- stable: 1.26 (released July 11, 2001) [1]
- development: 1.26_01-dev [2]
  o Apache
- stable: 1.3.23 (released January 24, 2002) [3]
- development: 1.3.24-dev [4]
  o mod_perl 2.0
- in development (cvs only) [?]
  o Apache 2.0
- beta: 2.0.32 (released February 14, 2002) [5]
  o Perl
- stable: 5.6.1 (released April 9, 2001) [6]
- development: 5.7.3 [7]

module announcements

  o Apache::GTopLimit 1.01 - Limit Apache httpd processes [8]

  o Apache::FillInForm 0.01 - mod_perl interface to HTML::FillInForm

  o Apache::VMonitor 0.7 - Visual System and Apache Server Monitor

  o Embperl 2.0b6 - system for building dynamic websites with Perl

  o PHP::Session 0.05 - read and write PHP4 session files [12]

application announcements

  o Bricolage 1.2.3 - full-featured, open-source, enterprise-class
content management system [13]

available mod_perlers

  o Paris, France (contracts, telecommute, or full-time; may be
willing to move) [14]

mailing list highlights

  o mod_perl training companies [15]

  o developer mod_perl environment [16]

  o site host providers that support mod_perl [17]

  o mod_perl list moved to [18]

  o new mod_perl logo chosen [19]


  o The Apache/Perl Integration Project [20]
  o mod_perl documentation [21]
  o mod_perl modules on CPAN [22]
  o mod_perl homepage [23]
  o mod_perl news and advocacy [24]
  o mod_perl list archives
  - modperl@ [25] [26] 
  - dev@ [27] [28]
  - advocacy@ [29]

happy mod_perling...








Re: Permission conflict between mod_cgi and mod_perl

2002-03-18 Thread James Lum

To change set the default /etc/skel files and to use useradd on linux, 
you need to run as root ... but the cgi code normally runs with the
userid of the web server (nobody or www) and thus cannot successfully
invoke the useradd command.
To successfully invoke the useradd command, you could do one of
the following:
1. use suid perl and set the owner as root ... but i do not know if you 
   can run a suid perl program under modperl.  (anyone? will this work?)
2. run the web server as root ... DO NOT DO THIS! ... it will cause
   security problems.
3. use apache suexec and set root as the owner of your cgi program,
   but modperl and suexec do not work together. :(
your best bet for what you want to do is to use suid perl ... but it 
would sure be nice if suexec and modperl worked together ... especially 
since most cgi programs need to save data for the userid of the cgi
program ... especially when virtual hosts are supported ... and 
shopping cart cgi programs need to save all kinds of tracking data.

in any of the above alternatives, be nice to your sys admin, since
root access is needed.


Frank Wiles wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:17:35 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We have a product that at the moment uses a combination of CGI and mod_perl.
> > While in the future it will be totally ported to mod_perl, until we figure
> > out exactly how we'd like to overcome the 'expat' issues we're stuck with a
> > mixed-mode enviroment.
> >
> > Here however is the current problem. The cgi script under a specific set of
> > circumstances (signing up a new account) copies a directory using a fork to
> > the system's cp command and they're created as user: apache group: apache.
> >
> > I'm not by nature a linux mod_perl programmer and thus I'm not totally up on
> > the nuances of what I'm doing here. I needed a quick solution to copying a
> > template directory to a user directory when a new user account was created,
> > and since it happened only once during the user's process I figured a fork to
> > cp was worth the performance hit for the simplicity it provided. Single line
> > of code vs some directory recurison scheme.
> >
> > The problem is when I later try access the files or directories under either
> > mod_perl or the cgi process the server returns an error unless I set the
> > chmod to 777 on the files. This is obviously not good.
> >
> > I have done some looking into using $> before I write the file but I hadn't
> > found anything about using this under mod_perl ... let alone mod_cgi ...
> > except that generally it's a bad idea to setuid to root. um yeah ... I wasn't
> > gonna do that ... I just didn't want to give the world 777 access to files
> > that run under apache:apache. I also didn't want to follow bad with worse
> > implimenetation wise.
> >
> > Is there a simple secure method for copying a directory from a template
> > directory to a user directory and then giving access to the (new) user
> > directory?
>You may want to look into useradd and /etc/skel on a Linux system.  It
>has everything you are trying to accomplish handled automatically
>by using the standard Linux user creation techniques. No need to
>re-implement the wheel. :)
>  -
>Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  -

Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Smith

On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 06:03:56AM +0900, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> At Mon, 18 Mar 2002 14:06:56 -0600,
> Jim Smith wrote:
> > Will there be a way to specify each of the actions as PHP allows?
> > For example, in a project I have, we use PHP4 sessions, but they are
> > stored in a MySQL table so they can be shared across web machines
> > without worrying about NFS problems.
> You're very happy :)
> Then you don't have to play with this module of nightmare.

I tried to write such a module last year.  PHP sessions are a bit of
a nightmare to parse efficiently, afaik.  I'm glad someone's gone to
the trouble to try and make a usable and distributable module.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] PHP::Session

2002-03-18 Thread Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

At Mon, 18 Mar 2002 15:46:20 -0600,
Jim Smith wrote:

> > > Will there be a way to specify each of the actions as PHP allows?
> > > For example, in a project I have, we use PHP4 sessions, but they are
> > > stored in a MySQL table so they can be shared across web machines
> > > without worrying about NFS problems.
> > 
> > You're very happy :)
> > Then you don't have to play with this module of nightmare.
> I tried to write such a module last year.  PHP sessions are a bit of
> a nightmare to parse efficiently, afaik.  I'm glad someone's gone to
> the trouble to try and make a usable and distributable module.

Exactly, it *is* a nightmare. See my dirty duplicated source code!

I guess the format is designed to be easily parsed by C, but very
difficult by Perl :)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa