Re: These students are asking for help. Be nice to them.

2001-03-09 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

If this idea catches on, some of us are going to have to change careers. ;-)

Galactic Geek wrote:
 *** Please help a group of students gain practical experience ***
 We are a group of students with varying degrees of technical expertise.  We
 are studying computer programming in an engineering college in India and want
 to gain some practical experience.  In a bid to gain experience, we are
 offering to do web site development projects for free.  What we ask in
 exchange is a "Certificate of Recommendation" if the project is completed
 successfully.  Again, we charge no money for doing these web projects; we are
 doing this to gain "real life" programming experience.  It is our belief that
 these kinds of projects will help us get "real" jobs when we graduate from
 The skills that we bring to table comprise HTML, JavaScript, style sheets,
 database programming, Oracle, SQL Server, Java, ASP, Unix, Windows 2000 and
 many many more.
 Please visit us at-
 We don't want to turn this into your typical "get-rich-quick" chain-letter,
 but would humbly like to ask you to forward this e-mail to your friends and
 family members.  If not you, maybe, they could use our services.  What
 business doesn't need a well-designed, professional-looking web site?  Now,
 they can get one for free.  Just visit us at and see
 what we can do for you.  Thanks a lot for your attention. Team Members
 Get free email and a permanent address at

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Re: number of pgsql childrens on persistant DBI connection

2001-02-20 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack


Are you sure no one else is going against your database using persistent connections?

How many database handles are you using in your mod_perl apps? Each Apache child 
process will require one persistent connection to your database for each different 
database handle.

If you have a database server that contains multiple databases, and you're accessing 2 
different databases on the same server with your mod_perl/DBI/Apache-DBI apps, you're 
going to have double the number of persistent connections to your databases then 
you're going to have child processes.

Additionally, if you use one database handle for normal interaction, and another 
database handle for transactions [to prevent committing a transaction across tables 
until all have been updated] you're going to end up with 1 persistent connection to 
your postgresql database for each DBI database handle, even though they are accessing 
the same database. I think... :)

Emmanuel Pierre wrote:
 Hi all,
 on my DB server I have 245 "idle" postmasters process for 130 httpd
 persistant DB connections alive.
 can anyone give me a clue how to manage this number of
 unused/idleschildren and how to have them quickerly deallocated ?
 this way, I jumptoo quick on 'too much connection'...
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Re: General Question

2001-02-12 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Yes, I remember Gunther recommending the javascript approach a while back, and I think 
it is a good solution, but I just can't stand javascript. I always surf with it turned 
off, because it frequently causes my browser to hang. It's a personal hang-up.

I was really interested in just learning how the server handled it, and Stas squared 
me away. My fear was that it would cause my server to hang, which was my usual 
experience under Windows NT, but my Linux box just slows to a crawl, and doesn't hang. 
I can live with that. :)

Have a good night!

Mike Wojcikiewicz wrote:
 If youre looking for a solution, i suggest putting in a little javascript
 on the form..
 FORM blah onSubmit="return submitme();"
 script language="JavaScript"
 var clicked = 0;
 function submitme() {
 if(clicked == 0) { clicked = 1; }
 else { return false; }
 return true;
 as for the other processes, its been my experience that they complete and
 die off after apache is done... ie lagging your server to hell.. depends
 on your configuration though
 Michael Wojcikiewicz
 Web Application Developer
 ICQ: 944221
 On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  I press the submit button on a form 55 times in 15 seconds. Each request would 
normally return data to the browser within ten seconds due to the time it takes the 
database query to execute.
  What happens to the 54 earlier processes, since I submitted the request 55 times? 
How do Apache  mod_perl handle the processes to nowhere?

General Question

2001-02-11 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I press the submit button on a form 55 times in 15 seconds. Each request would 
normally return data to the browser within ten seconds due to the time it takes the 
database query to execute.

What happens to the 54 earlier processes, since I submitted the request 55 times? How 
do Apache  mod_perl handle the processes to nowhere?


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Re: problems installing mod_perl when apache is already installed...

2001-02-01 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Try installing it DSO. The following link will provide some directions.

 Webmaster wrote:
 I'm looking forward to start using Apache and mod_perl together...etc. The common 
E-commerce scenario. I will also be planning to put in Embperl, and use MySQL. I have 
a RH 7.0 system with Apache 1.3.12 already installed and previously configured by me. 
Now I'm trying to install mod_perl but I'm having problems cuz it seems like I can't 
find the Apache source anywhere!!! Obviously if it comes pre-installed, then it would 
be a RPM package. I queried...but stillI can't find the source...
 I'm looking at trying this with mod_perl installation:
 # cd /usr/src/mod_perl-1.25
 # perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_x.x.x/src \
 # make  make test  make install
 but these seem to be instructions for installing Apache also...but I don't want to 
uninstall, for fear of dependency conflicts with modules
 Is there a way to solve this problem???
 perhaps this problem can be solved if I find a mod_perl rpm packagebut I can't 
find one anywhere on the netcan anyone help with this???

Re: Perl / DBI Job - Telecommute - Full Time

2001-01-30 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

A post office box in FL?

CargoTel, Inc.
PO Box 660572
Oviedo, FL 32766

Doesn't sound very professional...

"Greg Balfanz, CargoTel" wrote:
 We have a ground floor opening for a perl programmer for a
 TELECOMMUTING situation for web/wireless/telecom system development.
 Thank you,

Re: Perl / DBI Job - Telecommute - Full Time

2001-01-30 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I guess so, but I find it a bit difficult to imagine why someone successful enough to 
sell 3 sites for a total of $85M uses a PO Box; pays to list the domain name for only 
1 year; is located in an area that is 98% rural where the median housing value is 
under $90,000; doesn't list an actual company address anywhere on the site, and lists 
himself as the administrative contact for the site. Shouldn't he have one of his 
toadies at least handle the administrative contact for the DNS name? I would...

I must be a bit too jaded...

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi Buddy,
 On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  A post office box in FL?
  CargoTel, Inc.
  PO Box 660572
  Oviedo, FL 32766
  Doesn't sound very professional...
 With $85M I guess he doesn't worry too much about that.
 'Course if I had $85M I think I'd go on holiday for a while.


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Error message -- out of free buffers:

2001-01-27 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I receive the following error message in my Apache error_log after pressing the submit 
button in "machine-gun like fashion" on one of my forms that requires roughly a minute 
to process each request using Apache::DBI, mod_perl and PostgreSQL. 

[Sat Jan 27 15:03:07 2001] null: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  out of free 
buffers: time to abort !
[Sat Jan 27 15:03:07 2001] null: 
[Sat Jan 27 15:03:07 2001] [error] [Sat Jan 27 15:03:07 2001] null: Couldn't execute 
statement: ERROR:  out of free buffers: time to abort !
[Sat Jan 27 15:03:07 2001] null: 

I did it out of curiosity, and to see if it would hang the server [it didn't :) ], but 
was wondering if it is possible to increase the number of free buffers, and how I 
would go about doing it. I'm not even sure if they are operating system dependent, or 
application dependent, but there seems to be enough memory available on my Linux box...

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:517176 254588 262588 115020  70368  92680
-/+ buffers/cache:  91540 425636
Swap:   530104  0 530104


Re: Error message -- out of free buffers:

2001-01-27 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Sorry for the post. It appears to be a PostgreSQL configuration issue, and not an 
Apache/mod_perl issue.

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscripts that contain un-shared memory

2001-01-17 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I have a wide assortment of queries on a site, some of which take several minutes to 
execute, while others execute in less than one second. If understand this analogy 
correctly, I'd be better off with the current incarnation of mod_perl because there 
would be more cashiers around to serve the "quick cups of coffee" that many customers 
request at my dinner.

Is this correct?

Sam Horrocks wrote:
 I think the major problem is that you're assuming that just because
 there are 10 constant concurrent requests, that there have to be 10
 perl processes serving those requests at all times in order to get
 maximum throughput.  The problem with that assumption is that there
 is only one CPU - ten processes cannot all run simultaneously anyways,
 so you don't really need ten perl interpreters.
 I've been trying to think of better ways to explain this.  I'll try to
 explain with an analogy - it's sort-of lame, but maybe it'll give you
 a mental picture of what's happening.  To eliminate some confusion,
 this analogy doesn't address LRU/MRU, nor waiting on other events like
 network or disk i/o.  It only tries to explain why you don't necessarily
 need 10 perl-interpreters to handle a stream of 10 concurrent requests
 on a single-CPU system.
 You own a fast-food restaurant.  The players involved are:
 Your customers.  These represent the http requests.
 Your cashiers.  These represent the perl interpreters.
 Your cook.  You only have one.  THis represents your CPU.
 The normal flow of events is this:
 A cashier gets an order from a customer.  The cashier goes and
 waits until the cook is free, and then gives the order to the cook.
 The cook then cooks the meal, taking 5-minutes for each meal.
 The cashier waits for the meal to be ready, then takes the meal and
 gives it to the customer.  The cashier then serves another customer.
 The cashier/customer interaction takes a very small amount of time.
 The analogy is this:
 An http request (customer) arrives.  It is given to a perl
 interpreter (cashier).  A perl interpreter must wait for all other
 perl interpreters ahead of it to finish using the CPU (the cook).
 It can't serve any other requests until it finishes this one.
 When its turn arrives, the perl interpreter uses the CPU to process
 the perl code.  It then finishes and gives the results over to the
 http client (the customer).
 Now, say in this analogy you begin the day with 10 customers in the store.
 At each 5-minute interval thereafter another customer arrives.  So at time
 0, there is a pool of 10 customers.  At time +5, another customer arrives.
 At time +10, another customer arrives, ad infinitum.
 You could hire 10 cashiers in order to handle this load.  What would
 happen is that the 10 cashiers would fairly quickly get all the orders
 from the first 10 customers simultaneously, and then start waiting for
 the cook.  The 10 cashiers would queue up.  Casher #1 would put in the
 first order.  Cashiers 2-9 would wait their turn.  After 5-minutes,
 cashier number 1 would receive the meal, deliver it to customer #1, and
 then serve the next customer (#11) that just arrived at the 5-minute mark.
 Cashier #1 would take customer #11's order, then queue up and wait in
 line for the cook - there will be 9 other cashiers already in line, so
 the wait will be long.  At the 10-minute mark, cashier #2 would receive
 a meal from the cook, deliver it to customer #2, then go on and serve
 the next customer (#12) that just arrived.  Cashier #2 would then go and
 wait in line for the cook.  This continues on through all the cashiers
 in order 1-10, then repeating, 1-10, ad infinitum.
 Now even though you have 10 cashiers, most of their time is spent
 waiting to put in an order to the cook.  Starting with customer #11,
 all customers will wait 50-minutes for their meal.  When customer #11
 comes in he/she will immediately get to place an order, but it will take
 the cashier 45-minutes to wait for the cook to become free, and another
 5-minutes for the meal to be cooked.  Same is true for customer #12,
 and all customers from then on.
 Now, the question is, could you get the same throughput with fewer
 cashiers?  Say you had 2 cashiers instead.  The 10 customers are
 there waiting.  The 2 cashiers take orders from customers #1 and #2.
 Cashier #1 then gives the order to the cook and waits.  Cashier #2 waits
 in line for the cook behind cashier #1.  At the 5-minute mark, the first
 meal is done.  Cashier #1 delivers the meal to customer #1, then serves
 customer #3.  Cashier #1 then goes and stands in line behind cashier #2.
 At the 10-minute mark, cashier #2's meal is ready - it's delivered to
 customer #2 and then customer #4 is served.  This continues on with the
 cashiers trading off between serving customers.
 Does the scenario with two cashiers go any more slowly than the one with
 10 cashiers?  No.  When the 11th 

Re: [OT] Availability of Jobs -- was Re: [SOLICITATION] Programmeravailable for contracting..

2001-01-10 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Most year-end bonuses should be paid by the end of this month, while many were already 
paid out EOY 2000. Since the US stock market is in decline, many people assume their 
EOY 2001 bonuses will pale in comparison to 2000's. What better time to look for 
greener pastures. [Not including the over-compensated dot com folks who were over-paid 

mehryar wrote:
 Im not sure about the contract positions but this is traditionally the
 time of the year when people decide its time for a change, its endemic to
 all other types of industries not just the software industry.
 And to alleviate your paranoia a little, a report I read last month said
 software jobs were actually on the increase, rivalling the ever
 hungry system administration job market.
 On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
  I notice that there have been many more job postings from employment
  seekers have occurred in the last few weeks versus jobs. Whereas it used to
  be many more jobs wanting mod_perl vs seekers of jobs.
  Is this an odd time of year for many contractors where the contract ends
  around the holiday season? Or is this starting to be a symptom of dotcoms
  going bust and the development market starting to level out?
  Or perhaps I am being a bit paranoid. :)


Re: Apache::SizeLimit for unshared RAM ???

2001-01-09 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

IMHO, he has a point. I'd also benefit from memory usage based upon an application 
threshold. He has a good idea...

Rob Bloodgood wrote:
 I have a machine w/ 512MB of ram.
 unload the webserver, see that I have, say, 450MB free.
 So I would like to tell apache that it is allowed to use at most 425MB.



2001-01-08 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

 Bad generic advice.  You should use persistent connections when it
 makes sense to use them.
 BLH Whether or not you use mod_perl is irrelevant.
 It is relevent if you want to use Apache::DBI.


I was a bit more specific in my follow-up email which I sent direct since I didn't 
think it was necessary to post it to the list, but I may have been mistaken. It's 
difficult to provide detailed advice when you don't have all the information, so I did 
my best.

Subject: Re: DBI
   Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 17:56:53 -0500
   From: Buddy Lee Haystack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Joe Grastara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   References: 1

When I first "migrated" from a Windows environment, I was absolutely amazed at how the
Unix people cobbled together independent pieces of software to solve systems 
issues that plagued me in corporate americana.

A couple of issues.

When you use the Apache DBI module to maintain persistent connections to your database,
each Apache child process inherits one of the database handles, and caches the
connection. This means that your database will have to be able to have one database
connection open for each Apache child process running. If you have Apache configured to
spawn 20 child processes, the database your connecting to will have to be able to 
at least the number of connections opened by just the single webserver.

I use PostgreSQL, which is compiled to handle just over 30 open connections. My website
uses 20 of those connections, which allows just over 10 other people to open up
connections to the database.

There is some undocumented command in DBI that will allow you to open a connection with
the Apache DBI module installed, but not cache the connection. I used this to connect 
an HR database that was rarely ever accessed.



Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscripts that contain un-shared memory

2001-01-06 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Does this mean that mod_perl's memory hunger will curbed in the future using some of 
the neat tricks in Speedycgi?

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Sam Horrocks wrote:
   Don't agree.  You're equating the model with the implemntation.
   Unix processes model concurrency, but when it comes down to it, if you
   don't have more CPU's than processes, you can only simulate concurrency.
   This url:
   says the default timeslice is 210ms (1/5th of a second) for Linux on a PC.
   There's also lots of good info there on Linux scheduling.
 Thanks for the info.  This makes much more sense to me now.  It sounds
 like using an MRU algrorithm for process selection is automatically
 finding the sweet spot in terms of how many processes can run within the
 space of one request and coming close to the ideal of never having
 unused processes in memory.  Now I'm really looking forward to getting
 MRU and shared memory in the same package and seeing how high I can
 scale my hardware.
 - Perrin


Re: Measure of performance !!!

2000-12-22 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Didn't someone already mention that it takes longer to connect to an Oracle database?

If you don't use the Apache::DBI module, the Oracle database will be slower because it 
takes longer to connect to it for each request. By using the Apache::DBI module you 
effectively negate the time it takes to re-connect to the database for subsequent 
requests. You really need to use Apache::DBI to test for the differences in database 
performance, otherwise the excessive time to connect to the Oracle will always result 
in Oracle handling fewer requests than other databases that handle connections more 

Edmar Edilton da Silva wrote:
 Hi all,
 Some days ago I sent a question about performance of Oracle and MS SQL Server 
databases, but I don't got any answer that help me. I have installed on my machine:
 Linux Red Hat 6.2
 Apache 1.3.14 (installed on machine 1 )
 mod_perl 1.24-1
 DBD::Sybase ( to access the MS SQL Server database )
 Oracle (installed on machine 2 )
 MS SQL Server (installed on machine 3 )
 I know using the Apache::DBI module the connection time is reduced, but I need to 
make some tests of performance without Apache::DBI. The Oracle and SQL Server servers 
are running on different machines that Web server. I undestand one Oracle connection 
consumes more resources that SQL Server, but there is a thing that I don't undestand, 
when I ran the tests for SQL Server the machine 1 works properly, but when I ran the 
tests for Oracle the machine 1 works much more slow. Same with the database servers 
installed on different machines that Web server, does one connection Oracle consume 
more resources on the machine 1 that a SQL Server connection? Why? Why does the 
machine 1 work much more slow for Oracle? Please, if someone must help me I will be 
very thankful. Happy hollidays for everyone.
 Edmar Edilton da Silva
 Bacharel em Ciência da Computacão - UFV
   Mestrando em Ciência da Computacão - UNICAMP


Re: recommendation for image server with modperl

2000-12-19 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Tell me more...

How about memory leaks  mod_perl issues?

Justin wrote:
 I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would
 just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.
 After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end
 apache processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls,
 (difficulties: high load average and load spikes, kernel time
  wasted scheduling lots of httpds, higher than expected latency
  on simple requests), I switched all images to another IP
 address on the same box (extending their IMG SRC somewhat
 obviously), but now served by mathopd.
 Mathopd is a simple select based, http 1.1 (keep alive)
 compliant tiny webserver that is very configurable. I was
 doubtful that it would hold up (it comes with zero documentation ..
 the docs say "read the source"). But it has not crashed *once*,
 and its very nice to see just one 22mb process with 500+ minutes
 of cpu time (for several weeks of work), and have images
 come in fast and reliably.
 It uses select and as many file handles for a proc as you have.
 If load increases beyond (say) your limit of 1024 fds, it re-uses
 currently unused but kept-alive fds, meaning a graceful
 degradation. It is also exceedingly fast, much faster than
 apache serving images (that doesnt matter, but it does mean
 its frugal with your CPU).
 Of course I still have 120+ apache httpds (now just being front
 end for *page* requests), and my wish is that mathopd would add
 proxy and regexp rewrite capability, then I could do away with
 apache completely on the front end !! or I guess apache2 with
 mod_rewrite and mod_proxy would solve that, at the risk of
 thread related teething problems.
 Just a recommendation from left field.


Re: load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-17 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

How much of a performance penalty does using Apache::SizeLimit have? Is there some 
quantitative way of setting how often to check process size with the 
"Apache::SizeLimit::CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS = 10;" that results in the best performance?

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 I find Apache::SizeLimit is more effective than setting MaxRequests,
 because it won't kill off your well-behaved processes and thus spares
 you from extra process spawning, re-opening databases, etc.
 Make sure you don't set Apache::Resource to kill anything that's close
 to "normal".  It does a harsh kill which can leave your users with a
 "document contains no data" and possibly mess up open dbm files, etc.
 It works well for catching runaways though.
 - Perrin

Re: memory leak in win32

2000-12-13 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I've had memory leak issues on Linux [so I don't know how appropriate this advise is 
for Windows], and the fix that worked the best for others  myself was to actually 
kill the apache server  restart it. The process takes seconds, and can be automated  
scheduled for off-hours. If you search the archives you'll even find a log-rotation 
program that someone was kind enough to post. Just change it to suit your needs.

Son Chang wrote:
 I'm experiencing a memory leak with Apache 1.3.14 with mod_perl 1.23 and
 perl5.6.0 on Windows NT4.0 and Windows2000.
 I've been running some test with a very simple ModPerl handler which just
 outputs an HTML page with hello world in it.  Also, I made sure to undef all
 variables that I use.
 In general, the child processes grow with each request.
 Also, if I set MaxRequestsPerChild to 20 so the child process dies and
 restarts after every 20 request, this fixes the problem for the child
 processes.  However, with this configuration, there's a memory leak
 problem with the parent process.  After the child process dies and
 restarts, the parent process grows in size.  This happens every time the
 child process dies and restarts.
 So with either configuration, I have a memory leak problem.
 What can I do to fix this problem?

Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection (and a proposal!)

2000-12-06 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I've always considered mod_perl similar to an artist's canvas, while Java is more like 
a craftsman's tool kit.

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Re: Retrieve OID from newly added record

2000-11-08 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Be warned that the OID field for a PostgreSQL record may not always be a unique value. 
 Visit the PostgreSQL Hackers list for more information. 

Consider creating your own unique value using a combination of time/IP/random number, 
or using a sequence. Although the condition rarely arises, it has bitten a few people. 
Don't make the same mistake I did.

Have Fun!

Tim Tompkins wrote:
 According to the DBD::Pg docs,
 Returns the OID of the last INSERT command.
 Tim Tompkins
 Programmer / Staff Engineer
 - Original Message -
 From: "cbell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 1:28 PM
 Subject: Retrieve OID from newly added record
  Hello everyone, does anyone know how to retrieve the Object Identifier
  (OID) from a record that was just inserted into a postgres database from
  within perl?
  These are the commands I'm using to insert the record:
  $sth = $dbh-prepare("Insert into inventory Values ($id)");
  $rc = $sth-execute;
  $rc will tell me whether or not the insert was successful or not, but
  that's it.
  If I insert records from the psql utility, the OID is returned on the
  screen after the insert, so I know it's there.  I just need to know how
  to get it from within modperl.  I want to get this number so I can
  insert a bunch of records in another file using the OID as the key.
  Thanks in advance!


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-08 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Actually, I did search through the archives for log rotation and memory leaks, but was 
not able to find any information specifically linking memory issues to log rotation.

If it were not for all the helpful people on this list, I wouldn't have known about 
all the options I have to minimize the adverse effects of this bug.

Some on this list even suggested that I was the only person suffering this issue, but 
evidently this is not so. Since I've just subscribed to the list, I wouldn't have any 
knowledge of your previous posts, which most assuredly would have helped me.

I don't think it's an issue of RedHat, or any other distribution, not providing enough 
documentation that's the issue here. I just feel that many people could benefit from 
the inclusion of a warning about mod_perl, DSO  Apache in the location that the 
Apache Group maintains for this on their website "Apache 1.3 Dynamic Shared Object 
(DSO)  Support []." It certainly can't hurt, 
and is were most people would logically go for information. 

Let's face it, many people who purchase a major distribution probably aren't going to 
use mod_perl; consequently, the vendors may not even be aware of any issues. The 
knowledge base of the contributors to this list can help many people, especially on 
this issue, because everyone has to rotate logs sooner or later. From the responses to 
this particular issue we have seen that quite a few people have had the same 
experience, even when mod_perl is compiled statically in Apache.

Addressing an issue openly, thoroughly, quickly and responsibly is what separates open 
source projects from our poor, closed source brethren. 

If anyone feels offended or slighted by my somewhat ineloquent, or poorly considered 
posts, you have my sincerest apologies. Life is too short for conflict.

I think this post has gone on a bit too long, and sapped too much time from everyone's 
schedule, so I'd like to end it now so that you all can get back to more productive 

I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out, especially the following: Jens-Uwe Mager 
for pointing out the source of the issue; Christian Gilmore for the rotation scripts; 
G.W. Haywood for the perls of wisdom; Gunther Birznieks for yet another option; 
Ri?ardas ?epas for the piped rotatelogs program suggestion, and Roger Espel Llima for 
pointing out that the same issue exists with mod_perl compiled statically.

Have a great Day!

Douglas Leonard wrote:
 First off, the complaint about the lack of documentation for DSO being
 experimental is a bit offbase IMO.  It isn't up to the mod_perl group to
 make sure RedHat includes complete documentation in their build of
 Also, this issue has been talked about many times on this mailing list.
 Sometime after mod_perl 1.20 was released there was talk that the DSO
 problems had been fixed.  I can remember putting out a post myself on
 exactly how to cause the process size to grow using HUP or USR1 when using
 mod_perl 1.21 and 1.22-dev in order to disprove this.  It is always best
 to check one of the archives first for this kind of problem IMO.
 I find it best to do a daily staggered shutdown/restart of each apache
 server and rotate the logs via a custom script.  One minute of downtime
 per server per day isn't exactly noticeable when you have a load balancing
 system set up.
 On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  Thanks, but as a RedHat [or other typical major distribution] user, I
  would never see the documentation you mentioned below. Since DSO is
  still experimental, would it not be an absolute necessity to include
  that information in the location where most users are directed to look
  for information about all things Apache? The first place I go to look
  for information is on the online documentation, and I know that the
  "experimental" nature of using DSO is not mentioned anywhere in
  "Apache 1.3 Dynamic Shared Object (DSO)
  Support" [].
  It appears as if the "experimental" nature of DSO's under Apache is
  fairly well removed from view.
  Had the information you included below been clearly listed on Apache's
  website, in the proper location, many people would have made a choice
  not to use DSO. It appears as if the Apache Group has been a little
  less than candid in Apache's true support for DSO.
  IMHO There really needs to be a warning in the documentation on their
  website explicitly stating the info you've included below.
 Douglas Leonard


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  The morning after "logrotate" runs on my system, the memory usage
  increases by about 30 megabytes, and continues to do so after each
  weekly run of the "logrotate" utility.
 What happens if you then do a graceful restart?

The logrotate scripts use HUP to restart the server. I don't think the USR1 would be 
appropriate for log rotation - according to the Apache documentation:

"At present there is no way for a log rotation script using USR1 to know for certain 
that all children writing the pre-restart log have finished. We suggest that you use a 
suitable delay after sending the USR1 signal before you do anything with the old log."

  Has anyone else had this experience?

Nope.  But then I don't do it that way.

I'm all ears. ;-)


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Thank you very much! Now I know why most of the people on this list don't use DSO.

Is there any other work around for this situation other than rotating my logs less 
frequently? Maybe a different method of rotating my logs like using the TERM signal 
instead of the HUP signal?


Jens-Uwe Mager wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 05:49:05PM -0500, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  I'm using
  RedHat Linux v6.1 on an Intel PII SMP box
  Apache v1.3.14
  mod_perl v 1.23
  Apache::DBI 0.87
  DBI v1.13
  DBD Pg v0.93
  PostgreSQL v6.5.3
  The morning after "logrotate" runs on my system, the memory usage
  increases by about 30 megabytes, and continues to do so after each
  weekly run of the "logrotate" utility.
  Has anyone else had this experience? I'd like to rotate my logs
  weekly, but at this rate I'll run out of ram in a couple of months.
 This happens if mod_perl is compiled as a DSO, this will not happen if
 mod_perl is compiled statically into the httpd core. I believe that this
 has something to do with the way perl allocates variable and stashes
 them away in static or global variables. If mod_perl is compiled as a
 DSO, httpd will completely unload and reload all DSO's on a restart and
 cause all global/static variables to be reset to NULL, forgetting all
 traces about previously allocated memory. If mod_perl is built
 statically, it will not be reloaded and thus all global/static variables
 persist and perl will re-use the memory allocated.
 Jens-Uwe Mager
 HELIOS Software GmbH
 Steinriede 3
 30827 Garbsen
 Phone:  +49 5131 709320
 FAX:+49 5131 709325
 Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

 What happens if you then do a graceful restart?

The memory consumption increases by about 1 megabyte for each child process every time 
I issued the USR1 signal. Which is kind of what I expected given Jens-Uwe Mager's 
explanation of DSO's failings with mod_perl.

I can always rotate my logs manually, or use the Apache rotatelogs program that 
Ri?ardas ?epas recommended, although if the "rotatelogs" program restarts the server 
I'll be back to square one - the program's man page just states that it doesn't kill 
the server, but does that mean that it doesn't restart it? I'm leaning along the lines 
of just killing the process, rotating the logs, and restarting it. It should take no 
more than 5 seconds once a week a 4:00am.

What concerns me even more is the fact that I have Apache restart child processes 
after they each serve 100 requests [MaxRequestsPerChild 100] it's a RedHat default 
that is supposed to reduce memory leaks, but with mod_perl  DSO it may actually have 
the opposite effect. I can easily increase the value, or remove it altogether. Any 

I take it that by far the most prudent course of action would be to role my own, and 
compile mod_perl statically. I may have to do just that, but I won't have the time to 
do so until December; consequently, I need a temporary fix to last about a month.

I'd like to thank everyone for helping me.

Have a great day, and any additional input will be greatly appreciated!

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi there,
 What happens if you then do a graceful restart?


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I may have missed that, but it dosen't mention the "experimental" nature of DSO in the
"DSO has the following disadvantages:" section of the documentation located at

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi again,
 On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  Maybe someone should include this information in the Apache
  documentation covering the DSO issues. It would be very helpful to
  people starting out, such as myself.
 It *does* say in the docs that DSO is experimental.


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Thanks, but as a RedHat [or other typical major distribution] user, I would never see 
the documentation you mentioned below. Since DSO is still experimental, would it not 
be an absolute necessity to include that information in the location where most users 
are directed to look for information about all things Apache? The first place I go to 
look for information is on the online documentation, and I know that the 
"experimental" nature of using DSO is not mentioned anywhere in "Apache 1.3 Dynamic 
Shared Object (DSO)
Support" [].

It appears as if the "experimental" nature of DSO's under Apache is fairly well 
removed from view.  

Had the information you included below been clearly listed on Apache's website, in the 
proper location, many people would have made a choice not to use DSO. It appears as if 
the Apache Group has been a little less than candid in Apache's true support for DSO. 

IMHO There really needs to be a warning in the documentation on their website 
explicitly stating the info you've included below.

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi again,
 On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  I may have missed that, but it dosen't mention the "experimental"
  nature of DSO in the "DSO has the following disadvantages:" section
  of the documentation located at
 Extract from my copy of the Guide source (install.pod):
 =head2 Build mod_perl as a DSO inside the Apache Source Tree via APACI
 With Apache 1.3 there is support for building modules as Dynamic
 Shared Objects (DSO).  So there is support for DSO in mod_perl now,
 too.  Your mileage may vary.  Almost certainly it will.


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack


I was under the mistaken impression that I was finally finished with the 
administration side of things...

Oh well...

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  The memory consumption increases by about 1 megabyte for each child
  process every time I issued the USR1 signal.
  I can always rotate my logs manually, I'm leaning along the lines of
  just killing the process, rotating the logs, and restarting it. It
  should take no more than 5 seconds once a week a 4:00am.
  What concerns me even more is the fact that I have Apache restart
  child processes after they each serve 100 requests
  [MaxRequestsPerChild 100] it's a RedHat default that is supposed to
  reduce memory leaks,
 It tends to reduce the effect of them.  The leaks are still there.
  but with mod_perl  DSO it may actually have the opposite effect. I
  can easily increase the value, or remove it altogether. Any
 I'd say compile static and do that anyway.  Definitely don't remove it
 nor set it to zero.  You aren't out of the memory leak woods just
 because you don't use DSO.  100 is towards the upper limit of what I'd
 use, and towards the lower limit of what most other people will use.
  I take it that by far the most prudent course of action would be to
  role my own, and compile mod_perl statically. I may have to do just
  that, but I won't have the time to do so until December;
 It shouldn't take very long to compile.  Takes me ten minutes using a
 file called makepl_args.mod_perl containing my configuration options,
 in the top level of the mod_perl directory.  The command line goes:
 c2h5oh:/usr/src/mod_perl#  perl  make  make install
 Then I just stop the old server and start the new one.


Re: Memory Usage

2000-11-07 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Thanks Christian!

Scripts would be nice.;-)

I take it you've used DSO much more than I have, so I'm interested in any information 
in addition to that provided by the kind "G.W. Haywood" to the following:

"What concerns me even more is the fact that I have Apache restart child processes 
after they each serve 100 requests [MaxRequestsPerChild 100] it's a RedHat default 
that is supposed to reduce memory leaks, but with mod_perl  DSO it may actually have 
the opposite effect. I can easily increase the value, or remove it altogether. Any 

Christian Gilmore wrote:
  I'm leaning along the lines of just killing the
  process, rotating the logs, and restarting it. It should take
  no more than 5 seconds once a week a 4:00am.
 This is exactly what I do, except I have it scripted. The downside is that
 your service is unavailable for a few seconds (maybe more depending upon
 the length of time it takes for the parent to wipe out all the old
 children). I'd be happy to share the script, provided my boss doesn't
 mind. :)


Memory Usage

2000-11-06 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I'm using

RedHat Linux v6.1 on an Intel PII SMP box
Apache v1.3.14
mod_perl v 1.23
Apache::DBI 0.87
DBI v1.13
DBD Pg v0.93
PostgreSQL v6.5.3

The morning after "logrotate" runs on my system, the memory usage increases by about 30
megabytes, and continues to do so after each weekly run of the "logrotate" utility.

Has anyone else had this experience? I'd like to rotate my logs weekly, but at this 
I'll run out of ram in a couple of months.




Re: Want to work at a Game company?

2000-05-18 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Is this the proper forum for this posting?

"Graf, Chris" wrote:
 If you like the idea of working with unique, talented people and wearing
 jeans and a t-shirt to work, you're just the person we're looking for.
 Origin is a long-standing leader in the PC-gaming industry, and an acclaimed
 pioneer in the online gaming genre.  We create Virtual Worlds that set the
 standard for interactive entertainment. We're currently searching for an
 Internet Developer to assist in the creation and maintenance of Internet
 applications and to support the creation of programming that will be
 compelling and interactive, enticing people to enter and explore our worlds
 with a focus on building and strengthening our relationships with the
 visitor/user-community.  Additionally, to assist in high-level coding during
 HTML production/implementation and identify new advanced programming
 technologies for web site development.  Qualified candidates should have:
 ·   Proficient with Perl and SQL.
 ·   Experience with Internet tools.
 ·   Must be able to write and implement JavaScript and HTML.
 ·   Must understand SQL and demonstrate query writing ability.
 ·   Must possess an understanding of server administration.
 ·   Computer science degree or 2-3 years Internet programming experience
 ·   The ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment, thrive in a
 team atmosphere and effectively work with all levels of mgmt.
  Located in the scenic hills of Northwest Austin, we offer a unique and
 casual work environment along with competitive salaries and a comprehensive
 benefits package. Origin offers challenging projects, excellent
 opportunities for advancement, and the freedom to be as creative as you can
 possibly be.  At our facility, you will find an on-site fitness-center,
 café, free video games, pets and more.   For immediate consideration, please
 send resume and salary requirements to: Origin Systems-Human Resources, 5918
 W. Courtyard Drive, Austin, TX  78730 or fax to 512-346-7905 or email
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  No phone calls please.  We are an equal Opportunity

Re: Want to work at a Game company?

2000-05-18 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I don't think an apology is in order. According to Jason's reply, you did the right 

IMHO, it would be really nice if there were a separate list [or website] tailored for 
mod_perl job opportunities. I know that I would subscribe / visit. ;-)

Have a GREAT day!

"Graf, Chris" wrote:
  This was the default posting from HR. I should have thrown in the mod_perl
 requirement when sending to this list. All of our Perl is mod_perl, but HR
 didn't want to scare anyone away who might have been a good Perl programmer,
 but had never used mod_perl before (if it's possible to be good without
 using it). I know that most people on this list already have good jobs that
 they love, so maybe it isn't the best place to find someone. I am hoping to
 support any members of our community who feel like they could have more fun
 at work.  I apologize for the spam.
  -Original Message-
 From:   Jason Bodnar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Thursday, May 18, 2000 12:00 PM
 To:     Buddy Lee Haystack
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Graf, Chris
 Subject:Re: Want to work at a Game company?
 Yes it is. Doug has always encouraged mod_perl related jobs to be posted to
 this list.
 On 18-May-2000 Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  Is this the proper forum for this posting?
  "Graf, Chris" wrote:
  If you like the idea of working with unique, talented people and wearing
  jeans and a t-shirt to work, you're just the person we're looking for.
  Origin is a long-standing leader in the PC-gaming industry, and an
  pioneer in the online gaming genre.  We create Virtual Worlds that set
  standard for interactive entertainment. We're currently searching for an
  Internet Developer to assist in the creation and maintenance of Internet
  applications and to support the creation of programming that will be
  compelling and interactive, enticing people to enter and explore our
  with a focus on building and strengthening our relationships with the
  visitor/user-community.  Additionally, to assist in high-level coding
  HTML production/implementation and identify new advanced programming
  technologies for web site development.  Qualified candidates should have:
  ·   Proficient with Perl and SQL.
  ·   Experience with Internet tools.
  ·   Must be able to write and implement JavaScript and HTML.
  ·   Must understand SQL and demonstrate query writing ability.
  ·   Must possess an understanding of server administration.
  ·   Computer science degree or 2-3 years Internet programming
  ·   The ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment, thrive in
  team atmosphere and effectively work with all levels of mgmt.
   Located in the scenic hills of Northwest Austin, we offer a unique and
  casual work environment along with competitive salaries and a
  benefits package. Origin offers challenging projects, excellent
  opportunities for advancement, and the freedom to be as creative as you
  possibly be.  At our facility, you will find an on-site fitness-center,
  café, free video games, pets and more.   For immediate consideration,
  send resume and salary requirements to: Origin Systems-Human Resources,
  W. Courtyard Drive, Austin, TX  78730 or fax to 512-346-7905 or email
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  No phone calls please.  We are an equal Opportunity
 Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems
 Lisa:   Remember, Dad.  The handle of the Big Dipper points to the
 North Star.
 Homer:  That's nice, Lisa, but we're not in astronomy class.  We're in
 the woods.
The Call of the Simpsons

Re: [RFC] Benchmarking Apache::Registry and Perl Content Handler

2000-04-14 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack


Can you please provide the technical specifications for the hardware that performed 
these tests.


Stas Bekman wrote:
 Disclaimer: the numbers here are too low for mod_perl, because my machine
 is to slow :( I'll rerun the same tests on a much faster machine
 before releasing the new version of the Guide.
 =head1 Benchmarking Apache::Registry and Perl Content Handler
 =head2 Empty scripts
 First lets see the overhead that Apache::Regsitry adds. In order to do
 that we will use an almost empty scripts, that only send a basic
 header and one word as a content.
 The script running under CApache::Registry:
   use strict;
   print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
   print "Hello";
 The Perl Content handler:
   package Benchmark::Handler;
   use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
   sub handler{
 $r = shift;
 return OK;
 with settings:
   PerlModule Benchmark::Handler
   Location /benchmark_handler
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Benchmark::Handler
 The benchmark:
   % ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost/perl/benchmarks/
   Requests per second:21.27
   Time taken for tests:   43.924 seconds
   Connnection Times (ms)
 min   avg   max
   Connect:0 3   218
   Processing:   223   435   679
   Total:223   438   897
   % ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost/benchmark_handler
   Requests per second:49.03
   Time taken for tests:   20.394 seconds
   Connnection Times (ms)
 min   avg   max
   Connect:0 1   201
   Processing:59   201   605
   Total: 59   202   806
 So we can see that the average added overhead is about:
   438 - 202 = 236 milli-seconds
 per script.
 =head2 Heavy Scripts
 Of course this overhead is insignificant when the code itself is
 significantly heavier and slower. Let's leave the above code examples
 umodified but add some CPU intensive processing operation (it can be
 also an IO operation or a database query.)
   my $x = 100;
   my $y = log ($x ** 100)  for (0..1);
   % ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost/perl/benchmarks/
   Time taken for tests:   121.944 seconds
   Requests per second:8.20
   Connnection Times (ms)
 min   avg   max
   Connect:011   950
   Processing:   747  1204   888
   Total:747  1215  1838
   %ab -n 1000 -c 10  http://localhost/benchmark_handler
   Time taken for tests:   41.166 seconds
   Requests per second:24.29
   Connnection Times (ms)
 min   avg   max
   Connect:0 3   150
   Processing:73   407  1211
   Total: 73   410  1361
 META: something is wrong here! It shouldn't be that slower. Should try
 run it on a faster machine!
 Stas Bekman | JAm_pH--Just Another mod_perl Hacker  | mod_perl Guide
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://perl.org|

Re: Mod_Perl install - no apxs error

2000-04-09 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Some cut  paste from previous messages...

For RedHat DSO specific steps in the mod_perl guide see:

No need to recompile Apache. My DSO setup works quite well!

**EDIT the "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" file

#uncomment the line below under the section
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
LoadModule perl_modulemodules/

#uncomment the line below under the section
# Extra Modules
AddModule mod_perl.c

#add the following line
ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"

#uncomment the following lines
# If the perl module is installed, this will be enabled.
IfModule mod_perl.c
  Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
  Location /perl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
I use my setup to test, so I execute both mod_perl  standard perl
scripts from the same CGI directory...
Now, anything that is accessed as will
run as a mod_perl script, and anything accessed as will run as a non_mod_perl
Use this setup only if you want to test
scripts as both normal cgi  mod_perl scripts, otherwise you'll need
to point
the "Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line  "ScriptAlias /perl/
"/home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line to point to another CGI directory of your

Hope this helps!

Kenneth Frankel wrote:
 I have tried almost every variation of installation instructions, and all
 have failed.  I can't find anything in the FAQs so please help me.
 Situation: Redhat 6.1 Linux 2.2.12, with pre-installed Apache
 httpd.  Removed pre-existing httpd from PATH.  Installing new Apache to
 different path.  Source versions: apache_1.3.12, mod_perl-1.22.


Re: [slightly OT] redhat linux 6.1

2000-04-04 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I haven't built any rpms myself, but I am using Redhat v6.1, Apache v1.3.9-8, perl 
v5.00503-6, and mod_perl v1.21-2. They were all downloaded from RedHat's FTP site as 
rpms, and worked fine after installation. I think many people encounter difficulty in
correctly modifying the httpd.conf file after installing mod_perl. 

If you wish, I can send you my httpd.conf file which also contains entries for the 
Apache DBI module.

You may also want to have a look at:

 Bryan McGuire wrote:
 Has anyone built RPMs for redhat 6.1 with apache/1.3.9 and mod_perl 1.2.2 where DSO 
actually works. If not, I would like to know how to do it.  It's a shame that redhat 
linux 6.1 is shipping with a broken mod_perl, and I believe it would help the cause
 for mod_perl if linux 6.1 users could simply download an easy to use, drop-in 
replacement for the apparently broken mod_perl-1.21-2.i386.rpm

Re: how to debug why apachedbi doesn't work?

2000-04-03 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

I have RedHat v6.1  it is working fine, so I'll just send you my http.conf file for 
you to compare to your own.

Adam Gotheridge wrote:
 env: redhat 6.2, apache, modperl installed from rpm. ApacheDBI-0.87 installed.
 If I put either
 PerlModule Apache::DBI
 PerlModule Apache::AuthDBI
 in httpd.conf, apache doesn't start, there are no errors to the screen, and there
 is nothing in the apache error log. How can I determine why this is not working?

Re: installing with apache

2000-04-02 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Depending on your particular setup this will probably vary a bit. I'm a RedHat user  
find that the mod_perl DSO module makes my life a bit easier, although a majority of 
mod_perl users roll their own, and swear by mod_perl's increased stability 

I checked the "Apache Bible," and you should get a good start on getting your system 
running by adding a couple of lines to your httpd.conf file, but use your own 
particular directory structure.

**EDIT the "httpd.conf" file by adding the following lines...
ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"

Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
   Location /perl
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI
I use my setup to test, so I execute both mod_perl  standard perl scripts from the 
same CGI directory...
Now, anything that is accessed as will
run as a mod_perl script, and anything accessed as will run as a non_mod_perl script.
Use this setup only if you want to test
scripts as both normal cgi  mod_perl scripts, otherwise you'll need to point
the "Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line  "ScriptAlias /perl/
"/home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line to point to another CGI directory of your choice.

Hope this helps!

R Joseph Wright wrote:
 On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  Have you had a chance to look over the excellent documentation located at 
 Yes, it's very good documentation, but nowhere do I find where it tells
 what line to put in httpd.conf and where.  I get the sense from reading the
 docs that if you compile mod_perl statically into apache there is no extra
 configuration necessary.  I just can't find it, maybe I'm too tired |-O.
  R Joseph Wright wrote:
   On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Doug MacEachern wrote:
 After having compiled mod_perl and apache together, shouldn't mod_perl be
 enabled in httpd.conf?  It isn't.  Have I done things correctly?
no, you need to add the mod_perl configuration to httpd.conf yourself.
   Then here is part II of the question:
   Where do I tell it to load mod_perl?  I know the order in which modules are
   loaded is important.

Re: installing with apache

2000-04-01 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Have you had a chance to look over the excellent documentation located at 

R Joseph Wright wrote:
 On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Doug MacEachern wrote:
   After having compiled mod_perl and apache together, shouldn't mod_perl be
   enabled in httpd.conf?  It isn't.  Have I done things correctly?
  no, you need to add the mod_perl configuration to httpd.conf yourself.
 Then here is part II of the question:
 Where do I tell it to load mod_perl?  I know the order in which modules are
 loaded is important.

Re: Installation

2000-03-31 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Why not try RedHat v6.1? Installing it is a snap! I had it up  running in no time. 
After installing the rpm file for mod_perl, just follow the directions to activate it 
in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf then reboot to activate the changes if your a former
Windows user.;-)

No need to recompile Apache. My DSO setup works quite well!

**EDIT the "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" file

#uncomment the line below under the section
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
LoadModule perl_modulemodules/

#uncomment the line below under the section
# Extra Modules
AddModule mod_perl.c

#add the following line
ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"

#uncomment the following lines
# If the perl module is installed, this will be enabled.
IfModule mod_perl.c
  Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
  Location /perl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
Now, anything that is accessed as will
run as a perl script... Use this setup only if you want to test scripts as both normal 
cgi  mod_perl scripts, otherwise you'll need to point the "Alias /perl/ 
/home/httpd/cgi-bin/" line  "ScriptAlias /perl/ "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/"
line to point to another directory of your choice.

Hope this helps!

 Annette wrote:
 I have been trying to install mod_perl for the last couple of weeks and I still have 
not been successful. I am new to Linux and have installed RedHat 6. I used the Custom 
set-up and installed mod_perl during the installation. I entered the command 'perl
 -v' and it tells me that I have perl loaded but not mod_perl. Does anyone know what 
I have to do to enable mod_perl, tell if I have it enabled, or where I can read about 
the installation under RedHat 6. I have tried installing it using src files,
 followed the directions line by line and still nothing. Is this the right mailing 
list to ask this question? Where should I go if not? Apache is up and running just 
fine. Any input would be appreciated.

Re: How to keep Connection: Keep-Alive

2000-03-31 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

If you're referring to a database connection, the Apache DBI module
keeps the connection alive, not the mod_perl module.

Jaime Teng wrote:
 How do you make perl script (either on Linux+Apache+Mod_perl
 or in NT+IIS4 environment) make a "Connection: Keep-Alive".
 On both environment, the connections always closes after the
 perl script finished execution.
 Any idea?

Re: How to keep Connection: Keep-Alive

2000-03-31 Thread Buddy Lee Haystack

Hello Dr. Frog!

Any relation to Kermit?

I'm not sure Jaime is referring to PostgreSQL [my favorite open source DB] in 
particular, or even database persistence in general.

Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog wrote:
 r u  talking about db persistence?
 postgres does concurrent persistence checking
 what does this mean?
 it means it handles the whole db in such a way that  coding persistence
 into your perl progs really isnt nessecary
 as postgres handles it all for youn automagically
 btw anyone notice how much mysql has been dropping out at freshmeat
 Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
  If you're referring to a database connection, the Apache DBI module
  keeps the connection alive, not the mod_perl module.
  Jaime Teng wrote:
   How do you make perl script (either on Linux+Apache+Mod_perl
   or in NT+IIS4 environment) make a "Connection: Keep-Alive".
   On both environment, the connections always closes after the
   perl script finished execution.
   Any idea?