Re: Module caching

2003-08-01 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello all,
 I am working on a large modperl app, and one of the features of this is a
 plugin system that allows others to write and install modules. Everything is
 good as far as this goes, but the problem is updateing/deleting modules. It
 seems as though the code is cached until an apache restart (i.e code changes
 don't take effect, version numbers don't change). Is there a way to flush
 the INC hash of all the children programmatically, without a restart? I have
 looked at Apache::Reload and Apache::StatINC and tried to replicate the
 code, but it doesn't seem to be working.

The best thing I happened to meet here:
- apache compiled with mod_perl as DSO (for instance debian linux version)
- graceful restart which is invisible for the clients but reloads perl
  interpreter when mod_perl is DSO

Re: each considered harmful?

2003-06-16 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 Calling keys() (or values()) in void context is quite efficient.

Nice to now. So it seems the correct idiom for using each is:

   keys %hash;
   while( my($k,$v) = each %hash ) {

 p.s. I've shown an example, so we can have this issue documented
 together with other mod_perl gotchas. It's interesting that I don't
 remember this issue being reported earlier.

Maybe it could be of some interest where I happened to get this
problem. I got it in my custom TransHandler implemented to reduce stat
calls and to obtain 'select from multiple directories' effect.

... (config file) 

'/img' = [ '/alternative/img', '/myapp/install/img' ],
'/css' = [ '/alternative/css', '/myapp/install/css' ],

... (transhandler file, simplified of course) ...

sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r-uri;
... detecting dynamic handlers ...
while( my($url, $dirs) = each %STATIC_FILES ) {
if( $uri =~ m{$url/(.*)$} ) {
foreach my $d (@$dirs) {
my $file = $d/$1;
if( -f $file ) {
   return OK;

Re: each considered harmful?

2003-06-16 Thread Marcin Kasperski
  sub handler {
  my $r = shift;
  my $uri = $r-uri;
  ... detecting dynamic handlers ...
  while( my($url, $dirs) = each %STATIC_FILES ) {
  if( $uri =~ m{$url/(.*)$} ) {
  foreach my $d (@$dirs) {
  my $file = $d/$1;
  if( -f $file ) {
 return OK;
 ah, a real-world example. Just what we need. Care to write a short pod
 section using this example, explaining the problem and the solution?
 plain text or pod will do. we will add it to the coding chapter.

Hmm, let's use my english-like language...

The problem:
- the application static files are installed in /myapp/img,
  /myapp/css, ...
- local site customization can be made by installing customized files
  in /custom/img, /custom/css...
- in both cases they are accessed via /img/..., /css/... urls

The solution - we use custom transhandler to check whether the
customized version exists and use it if so.

( Marcin Kasperski   | Working overtime sucks the spirit and motivation  )
( |   out of a team. (Wells)  )
( O CVS i zarzdzaniu wersjami:   )

Re: each considered harmful?

2003-06-15 Thread Marcin Kasperski
  Does there exist some way to protect before this problem (some kind of
  auto-destructor, finally, whatever which would automatically rewind
  the hash internal iterator while leaving the context)?
 Not really a mod_perl problem, but you can read about the solution in
 the docs for each.
 There is a single iterator for each hash, shared by all each,
 keys, and values function calls in the program; it can be reset
 by reading all the elements from the hash, or by evaluating keys
 HASH or values HASH.

I found this note before asking, believe me... 
But it seems to me that this solution is not satisfactory - calling
'keys' or 'values' is inefficient and destroys most gains from
iterating over the hash using each...

( Marcin Kasperski   | Communication takes place between people, documents   )
( |are secondary. (Booch) )
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

Re: mod_perl slower than expected?

2003-06-14 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 Is there anything I may be missing about the general configuration or 
 environment of mod_perl which may be causing this strange situation?

Try profiling...

Some time ago I found my modperl app to be fairly slow because I
turned on use Carp (and was carping errors and warnings). After
disabling carping it was almost 10 times faster. I have also found
that SWIG generated interface to some C++ library is very inefficient
in some places (especially destructing a lot of objects) and manually
written XS module happened to be a few times faster (it was the case
with a lot of small objects). I think there are also other similar
potential problems...

( Marcin Kasperski   | Most of the bad things that can happen to a project   )
( | are the result of miscommunication. (Booch)   )
( Porady dla programisty Oracle: )

each considered harmful?

2003-06-14 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Hmm, probably well known but ... I have not met any direct warning of
this problem so far.

 our %SOME_CONFIG = (
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3,

 while (my($k,$v) = each %SOME_CONFIG) {
 if( ... ) {
  return; # or last, or throw exception

You probably see the problem - when this code is re-executed (next
request), the loop iterates just over 'the rest' of the hash.

Does there exist some way to protect before this problem (some kind of
auto-destructor, finally, whatever which would automatically rewind
the hash internal iterator while leaving the context)?

Re: stopping concurrent logins

2003-04-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Todd White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i'm sure this is not a novel need, but i have failed to find or come up
 with just yet any (non-cookie) solution yet.  i'm trying dearly to avoid
 cookies, but if that's the best or only way to do this, feel free to speak
 up.  i'd love to hear from someone who has already tackled the problem of
 stopping concurrent web logins to a protected web space.
 realizing that ultimately people can share their username/password to a
 for-fee protected web site, we would at *least* like to avoid the
 possibility that two people could both be logged in at the same time from
 two different computers.  the use of IP address doesn't seem adequate
 since many users come through a router/proxy running NAT.

Hmm, as people are logged in, there must be some kind of session. 

So the only thing you need is to make sure that there can be at most
one session for given user id - in fact, to invalidate any 'older'
session(s) while logging in in the 'new' one.

( Marcin Kasperski   | In any large change, 1/3 will think it is great, 1/3  )
( |   will think it is stupid, and 1/3 will wait (Reed)   )
( Porady dla programisty Oracle: )

Re: Segmentation fault - is the culprit?

2003-03-31 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Richard Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using a subclass of to throw exceptions when a DBI
 error happens.  The SEGV only happens after I return SERVER_ERROR
 in response to the thrown and propogated error.

I do not know whether it can be related to your problem but for me
some cryptical problems disappeared when I replaced default
with the newer version from CPAN.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] mod_perl Developer's Cookbook available in Polish

2003-02-10 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 for our native Polish speakers (as well as the archives), the Polish
 translation of the mod_perl Developer's Cookbook appears to be
 available and shipping.

Thanks! That's the great news for me (especially considering that 
69z =~ 18$ and I can buy it nearby).

( Marcin Kasperski   | Osoba jest omegalizacj ewolucji uniwersalnej na  )
( | okrelonym odcinku etapowym (Teilhard de Chardin) )
( Wygeneruj dokumentacj:  )

Configuration in module vs in apacheconfig...

2003-01-22 Thread Marcin Kasperski
{ yes, I saw the chapter in Stas Bekman's book, that's not exactly
  what I discuss }

So, there is some mod_perl application. It has a lot of configurable
elements - from urls being used to constants predefining contents of
different drop-down boxes.

Currently the config information is spread between:
- apache config file included to httpd.conf (let's call it myapp.conf),
  where different urls and directories are both mapped to handlers
  and PerlSetVar'ed so the application can use them when needed,
  log formats are defined etc
- separated application module (let's call it, where 
  the things like lookup contents, default field values, customizable
  validation criteria or database passwords are kept

I would like to integrate those two.

After some initial consideration I found, that moving config from to myapp.conf does not seem to be reasonable. Imagine
PerlSetVar'ing arrays and hashes which can refer one to another...

Currently I think about the opposite: putting everything configurable
and writing apache config in the style like:


$PerlRequire = $MyConfig::InstallDir . '/';

$PerlConfig .= ENDCONF;
  Location $MyConfig::SomeUrl
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler myapp::Handler::Some
  Location $MyConfig::OtherUrl
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler myapp::Handler::Other

if($MyConfig::Debug) {
  $LogLevel = 'debug';
  $PerlConfig .= PerlWarn On\n;
} else {
  $LogLevel = 'warn';


(and more, and more, the above is just a sample to show what I am
 thinking about, in fact most of the apache config would be done this

The questions are:

1) As I checked, it seems that such a config would more-or-less
   work. But I am a bit afraid of the restart semantics. How can
   apache behave when graceful-ed or restart-ed having such a
   configuration? Would it be same or different when mod_perl is
   DSO'ed and when is statically linked?

2) I found that some Set*Handler directives are processed differently
   when specified in myapp.conf and when specified in perl with
   Apache-push_handlers (in particular the RestartHandler specified
   with push_handlers was not executed while restart although it was
   called on startup). Should I be afraid of anything similar after
   following such a config change?

3) Do you think that this is the good/bad idea from any other reasons?

Re: [mp1] Partial success working on Tru64/DSO

2003-01-21 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 (... revisiting old thread about my problems with compiling 
 apache/mod_perl as DSO on Tru64 unix)

My problem is still not solved but I get it up to the point where it
probably lies in some customary modules (which does not behave
correctly when unloaded/reloaded) and is not directly related to

As I got the minimal success (some simple mod_perl application
worked), I report here the way I compiled perl/apache/mod_perl in
that case. Maybe it will help someone in similar situation.

Below I cite the main parts of the script I used (with unnecessary
details omitted):



# ... cut a lot of other modules which are out-of-topic here


unpack() {
  if [ -d $1 ]; then
 rm -rf $1
  echo -n Unpacking $1...
  gunzip -c $DIST_DIR/$1.tar.gz | tar xf -
  echo done


if [ ! -d $WORK_DIR ]; then
mkdir -p $WORK_DIR

if [ ! -d $INST_DIR ]; then
mkdir -p $INST_DIR


  # Some commments:
  # -Uinstallusrbinperl in my case I use customary install directory
  # -Uuseshrplib there is a makefile problem and compilation error
  #  when we define it (which we try to patch below, so please 
  #  experiment if you like)
  # -Uusemymalloc on 64bit platforms it is recommended according to some docs
  # -Ubincompat5005 we don't want coredumps caused by name conflicts
  #  of malloc/free
  # -Dusemultiplicity it helps a bit with DSO reloading
sh Configure -des -Dprefix=$PERL_INST_DIR -Uinstallusrbinperl \
  -Uuseshrplib -Uusemymalloc -Ubincompat5005 \
make test
make install

# don't forget it when installing outside defaults 


build_module() {
  cd $WORK_DIR
  unpack $MOD
  perl Makefile.PL $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
  make test
  make install

build_module $DIGEST_MD5_VERSION
build_module $MIME_BASE64_VERSION
# ... cut others ...




perl Makefile.PL $PERL_MOD_DBG $PLTRACE \
 USE_DSO=1 \

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Marcin Kasperski wrote:
  It seems to me, they had problem with the '-Wl,-rpath' issue which I
  found to be minor and easily patched (by the way: maybe someone would
  want to correct it in distribution?).
 I wasn't following that thread, but if you send a patch that solves
 that problem, I'd be more than happy to commit it to the main distro.

Hmm, so far I can only offer 'half-patch' and the problem explanation
(I do not understand configure scripts well enough to guess how to
correct them).

The problem is that the 
option (which, by the way, is returned by
perl -V:ccdlflags
when perl is compiled with -Duseshrplib) is not an option for 'ld' but
for 'cc'. In fact it means 'dear cc, be so kind and pass to ld 
the option -rpath /tools/perl/lib/5.6.1/alpha-dec_osf/CORE). ld does
not know '-Wl' and complains. As 
perl -V:ld
returns 'ld', maybe this is the problem in perl, not in modperl, but I
am not sure.

I patched it just by replacing 'ld' with 'cc' in the Makefile
generated by configure script - such correction caused link step to
succeed (and 'unresolved PL_perl_destruct_level to be reported while
apache startup' :-( )

Currently I plan to check the opposite correction (using -rpath
... and ld as link command), maybe this will change something.

( Marcin Kasperski   | Working overtime sucks the spirit and motivation  )
( |   out of a team. (Wells)  )
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

Re: apache2 + mod_perl2 + dbd::oracle

2002-12-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Fabian Kreitner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello all,
 I have problems connecting to an oracle db using mod_perl but cant
 figure out where the problem is. The script works fine from the bash
 but not through perl::registry. The script only sets the environment
 variables and then tries a connect.
  !! ERROR: 12154 'Error while trying to retrieve text for error
  ORA-12154 (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)'

Either you removed message files from your Oracle installation (not
very likely) or you failed to set ORACLE_HOME so that OCI libraries
below DBD::Oracle notice this variable.

Double check the way you set your environment.

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 The problem is that the 
 option (which, by the way, is returned by
 perl -V:ccdlflags
 when perl is compiled with -Duseshrplib) is not an option for 'ld' but
 for 'cc'. In fact it means 'dear cc, be so kind and pass to ld 
 the option -rpath /tools/perl/lib/5.6.1/alpha-dec_osf/CORE). ld does
 not know '-Wl' and complains. As 
 perl -V:ld
 returns 'ld', maybe this is the problem in perl, not in modperl, but I
 am not sure.
 I patched it just by replacing 'ld' with 'cc' in the Makefile
 generated by configure script - such correction caused link step to
 succeed (and 'unresolved PL_perl_destruct_level to be reported while
 apache startup' :-( )
 Currently I plan to check the opposite correction (using -rpath
 .. and ld as link command), maybe this will change something.

I tried it - I left ld as link command but replaced in Makefile
   -rpath /tools/...
The results are exactly the same: link succeeded,
PL_perl_destruct_level is unresolved while running apache.

( Marcin Kasperski   | Communication takes place between people, documents   )
( |are secondary. (Booch) )
( Sztuczki i kruczki w C++:   )

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 The results are exactly the same: link succeeded,
 PL_perl_destruct_level is unresolved while running apache.

I found the workaround to avoid this effect: slightly patching apache
build procedure so that the httpd binary is linked with perl helped. The error disappears... now I get the coredump
during the application startup. In case I manage to diagnose this core
somehow, I will mention it here.

( Marcin Kasperski   | A complex system designed from scratch never works)
( |and cannot be patched to make it work. (Booch) )
( Porady dla programisty Oracle: )

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-05 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Marcin Kasperski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  The results are exactly the same: link succeeded,
  PL_perl_destruct_level is unresolved while running apache.
 I found the workaround to avoid this effect: slightly patching apache
 build procedure so that the httpd binary is linked with perl helped. The error disappears... now I get the coredump
 during the application startup. In case I manage to diagnose this core
 somehow, I will mention it here.

After recompiling perl, apache and modperl with debugging enabled I
got the following backtrace. Does it reminds anything to anyone?  I
suspect something wrong in the fact, that perl_startup is called so
late (during processing some PerlModule...)

(Carp module mentioned there just happened to be the first PerlModule
 mentioned in my apache config)

/apache-1.3.27, modperl-1.27/

Core file produced from executable 'httpd'
Thread terminated at PC 0x3ffbff67de8 by signal SEGV
(ladebug) where
0  0x3ffbff67de8 in S_new_he() hv.c:26
#1  0x3ffbff6b194 in Perl_share_hek(str=0x3feed70=@, len=1, hash=66) hv.c:1484
#2  0x3ffbff688c8 in Perl_hv_store(hv=0x140048cb0, key=0x3feed70=@, klen=1, 
val=0x140048d80, hash=66) hv.c:413
#3  0x3ffbff681f0 in Perl_hv_fetch(hv=0x140048cb0, key=0x3feed70=@, klen=1, 
lval=1) hv.c:210
#4  0x3ffbff03b7c in Perl_gv_fetchpv(nambeg=0x3feed70=@, add=1, sv_type=4) 
#5  0x3ffbfefe56c in S_init_main_stash() perl.c:2523
#6  0x3ffbfef9c18 in S_parse_body(env=0x0, xsinit=0x3000180ecd8) perl.c:951
#7  0x3ffbfef9b0c in perl_parse(my_perl=0x140034040, xsinit=0x3000180ecd8, argc=3, 
argv=0x11fff9c48, env=0x0) perl.c:895
#8  0x3000180f58c in perl_startup(s=0x14001e860, p=0x14001e818) mod_perl.c:702
#9  0x30001817070 in perl_cmd_module(parms=0x11fffbe10, dummy=0x14001fdd8, 
arg=0x140020260=Carp) perl_config.c:582
#10 0x12001cee8 in invoke_cmd(cmd=0x30041842828, parms=0x11fffbe10, 
mconfig=0x14001fdd8, args=0x11fff9daf=) http_config.c:918
#11 0x12001d3ec in ap_handle_command(parms=0x11fffbe10, config=0x14001f250, 
l=0x11fff9da0=PerlModule Carp) http_config.c:1030
#12 0x12001d4f8 in ap_srm_command_loop(parms=0x11fffbe10, config=0x14001f250) 
#13 0x12001db48 in ap_process_resource_config(s=0x14001e860, 
p=0x14001e818, ptemp=0x140338818) http_config.c:1332
#14 0x12001ea30 in ap_read_config(p=0x14001e818, ptemp=0x140338818, 
#15 0x120010208 in standalone_main(argc=4, argv=0x11fffc018) http_main.c:5071
#16 0x120010ce8 in main(argc=4, argv=0x11fffc018) http_main.c:5456
#17 0x12000aad8 in __start(...) in /home/marcink/tools/apache/bin/httpd

When I removed PerlModule directives and sticked only with
PerlRequire, it occured that I must add 'use Apache;' on the beginning
to use things like Apache-push_handlers (on normal installations it
was not necessary, here I got ). And then I got similar coredump:

Core file produced from executable 'httpd'
Thread terminated at PC 0x3ffbff67de8 by signal SEGV
(ladebug) where
0  0x3ffbff67de8 in S_new_he() hv.c:26
#1  0x3ffbff6b194 in Perl_share_hek(str=0x3feed70=@, len=1, hash=66) hv.c:1484
#2  0x3ffbff688c8 in Perl_hv_store(hv=0x140048cb0, key=0x3feed70=@, klen=1, 
val=0x140048d80, hash=66) hv.c:413
#3  0x3ffbff681f0 in Perl_hv_fetch(hv=0x140048cb0, key=0x3feed70=@, klen=1, 
lval=1) hv.c:210
#4  0x3ffbff03b7c in Perl_gv_fetchpv(nambeg=0x3feed70=@, add=1, sv_type=4) 
#5  0x3ffbfefe56c in S_init_main_stash() perl.c:2523
#6  0x3ffbfef9c18 in S_parse_body(env=0x0, xsinit=0x3000180ecd8) perl.c:951
#7  0x3ffbfef9b0c in perl_parse(my_perl=0x140034040, xsinit=0x3000180ecd8, argc=3, 
argv=0x11fff9c48, env=0x0) perl.c:895
#8  0x3000180f58c in perl_startup(s=0x14001e860, p=0x14001e818) mod_perl.c:702
#9  0x30001817274 in perl_cmd_require(parms=0x11fffbe10, dummy=0x14001fdd8, 
arg=0x140020260=/home/marcink/src/tests/ perl_config.c:613
#10 0x12001cee8 in invoke_cmd(cmd=0x30041842800, parms=0x11fffbe10, 
mconfig=0x14001fdd8, args=0x11fff9deb=) http_config.c:918
#11 0x12001d3ec in ap_handle_command(parms=0x11fffbe10, config=0x14001f250, 
l=0x11fff9da0=PerlRequire /home/marcink/src/tests/ http_config.c:1030
#12 0x12001d4f8 in ap_srm_command_loop(parms=0x11fffbe10, config=0x14001f250) 
#13 0x12001db48 in ap_process_resource_config(s=0x14001e860, 
fname=0x1400112f0=/home/marcink/src/tests/apache.conf, p=0x14001e818, 
ptemp=0x140235818) http_config.c:1332
#14 0x12001ea30 in ap_read_config(p=0x14001e818, ptemp=0x140235818, 
#15 0x120010208 in standalone_main(argc=4, argv=0x11fffc018) http_main.c:5071
#16 0x120010ce8 in main(argc=4, argv=0x11fffc018) http_main.c:5456
#17 0x12000aad8 in __start(...) in /home/marcink/tools/apache/bin/httpd

Re: References for modperl usage in financial institutions?

2002-12-04 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 Yes, please post your success stories here (...)

I am more than happy being now able to add the new nice
reference. Please, patch my English where necessary...

Polish internet bank named Inteligo ( recently
migrated its transactional web service (the application used by the
bank clients to make different kinds of payment orders, check account
balances etc) from complicated Java-based solution to the modperl
application. The application implements web frontend to the business
services implemented by the main bank system and accessed via the bank
middleware. It is worth mentioning that the application constitute the
main access channel for the bank clients.

After a few days of productional use the application is perceived to
be much faster and lighter than the one previously used.

Two words of warning: 
- inteligo 'informational' website (the pages visible under still use PHP and probably will continue to,
- don't treat this as easy 'perl is faster than Java' claim, there was
  a lot of design and programming work behind the new application...

Being a person who suggested using this technology and worked in a
core development team I can admit that modperl fulfilled myp
erformance expectations and allowed to develop complicated application
fairly quickly.

Thanks to all the people who developed this nice piece of software and
its documentation and to everyone who answered my and my colleagues
questions during the project.

PS If only someone had some idea how to solve the DSO/Tru64 problem...

DSO/Tru64 (was Re: References for modperl usage in financial institutions?)

2002-12-04 Thread Marcin Kasperski
  PS If only someone had some idea how to solve the DSO/Tru64 problem...
 We really need to find people on these platforms (True64, AIX,
 HP-UX, etc.) who can help to reproduce and resolve this kind of
 probs. If you know of those willing to help please ask them to
 subscribe on this list.

I am using Tru64 - and if you have any suggestions of what to try, I
will do it...

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-02 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Marcin Kasperski wrote:
 In short: I tried different compilation methods with two possible
 a) apache and modperl compile succesfully but I get coredump while the
application is starting (in all cases SEGVs, in some cases core's
confused the debugger, in other I managed to notice __at_fork in
  b) everything seem to compile succesfully but I get dlopen:
 /tools/apache/libexec/ symbol
 PL_perl_destruct_level unresolved
while the application is starting
  Maybe it is worth noting, that I happened to get b) also when I
  compiled perl with shared perl library (in contrary to suggestion
  found in modperl docs that building perl with shared library should
 2 years ago, there was a similar struggle as you can see from this
 thread: May
 be those participants are still using True64 and can give you some

It seems to me, they had problem with the '-Wl,-rpath' issue which I
found to be minor and easily patched (by the way: maybe someone would
want to correct it in distribution?). And all they wanted was to get
statically linked modperl. This is the thing I already have.

Maybe I will post a question to tru64-managers...

( Marcin Kasperski   | (...) the only completion criterion for the Analysis  )
( |   and Design phases is - the date. (Martin)   )
( Nie gub zgosze bdw:

Re: [mp1] Still can not get working DSO configuration on Tru64

2002-12-01 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 In short: I tried different compilation methods with two possible
 a) apache and modperl compile succesfully but I get coredump while the
application is starting (in all cases SEGVs, in some cases core's
confused the debugger, in other I managed to notice __at_fork in
 b) everything seem to compile succesfully but I get 
dlopen: /tools/apache/libexec/ symbol PL_perl_destruct_level 
while the application is starting

Maybe it is worth noting, that I happened to get b) also when I
compiled perl with shared perl library (in contrary to suggestion
found in modperl docs that building perl with shared library should

Re: [mp1] callback called exit (many times)

2002-11-29 Thread Marcin Kasperski
  Am I right deducing, that I should attempt recompiling perl with
 Try to, but this doesn't solve the original problem. You still have to
 try to narrow down the code that causes the problem. Using ab or a
 similar load tester might help to stress test.
 Using tools to prevent situations when the server runs out of memory
 is very important. See the online docs for more info. Using these
 tools should probably solve the problem altogether, without using any
 special compilation options.

The memory problem itself is already diagnosed (some non-apache
process allocated more than it was expected, therefore less memory
remained for apache/modperl processes) and I will work on
it. Nevertheless I'd like to improve apache behaviour in lack of
memory conditions - if possible.

Thanks for all the hints.

( Marcin Kasperski   | In any large change, 1/3 will think it is great, 1/3  )
( |   will think it is stupid, and 1/3 will wait (Reed)   )
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

[mp1] callback called exit (many times)

2002-11-28 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Recently I happened to get the error log flooded with the message
callback called exit
(repeated a couple of million times, probably by one process or a few

This was some side-effect of the lack of memory (earlier in the logs I
found messages about allocation failures), which in turn was caused by
some non-apache process allocating too much. Nevertheless, I am trying
to find what happened to my apache/modperl process
(processess?). After all, aborting some processes due to lack of
memory is ok, but filling the whole disk with error log is not.

It is possible that the problem is not caused by the modperl itself
(for instance some of additional modules we implemented in both C and
perl could go wild). But trying to understand the problem I would like
to ask the following questions:

a) Have anyone anywhere observed similar behaviour?

b) When is the message 'callback called exit' printed - and can it be

c) Do you have any idea of what should I pay attention to?

( Marcin Kasperski   | Krlik to brzmi dumnie! Wszystko dla szympansa!   )
( |   Chomikiem jestem, wszystko mi wolno! (Mroek)   )
( Sztuczki i kruczki w C++:   )

Re: [mp1] callback called exit (many times)

2002-11-28 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Marcin Kasperski wrote:
  Recently I happened to get the error log flooded with the message
  callback called exit
  (repeated a couple of million times, probably by one process or a few
  This was some side-effect of the lack of memory

 Hope that the following somewhat helps:

Thank you for the pointer.

Am I right deducing, that I should attempt recompiling perl with

The perl I use describes itself as below so probably this option is
not turned on:

$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=dec_osf, osvers=5.1, archname=alpha-dec_osf
uname='osf1 banach.softax.local v5.1 1885 alpha '
config_args='-des -Dprefix=/opt/igowwwroot/tools_test/perl -Uinstallusrbinperl 
-Duseshrplib=1 -Dusemymalloc -Ubincompat5005'
hint=previous, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef usemultiplicity=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=define use64bitall=define uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-std -fprm d -ieee -D_INTRINSICS -I/usr/local/include 
cppflags='-std -fprm d -ieee -D_INTRINSICS -I/usr/local/include -DLANGUAGE_C'
ccversion='V6.4-009', gccversion='', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib 
libs=-ldbm -ldb -lm -liconv -lutil
perllibs=-lm -liconv -lutil
libc=/usr/shlib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-shared -expect_unresolved * -O4 -msym -std -s 

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options: USE_64_BIT_INT USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under dec_osf
  Compiled at Nov 21 2002 15:05:28

Re: References for modperl usage in financial institutions?

2002-11-20 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Thanks for all the people who sent me the references (both here and to
private email).

Maybe it would be good idea to add some such references to the 'sites
running modperl' page. My business client after taking a look at said 'nice, but there
are mostly technical sites, almost no business...'

I would also rename 'Technologies Extraordinare' link to something
like 'Who is using modperl' but that is different story...

( Marcin Kasperski   | In any large change, 1/3 will think it is great, 1/3  )
( |   will think it is stupid, and 1/3 will wait (Reed)   )
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

Re: How do I force a 'Save Window?'

2002-11-20 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 Bonus Points : Use
 Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=blabla
 and pre-set the name of the file on disk.

I tried it hard (in my case I generate PDF files. No way. Internet
Explorer ignored it. Finally I decided to perform redirect to URL
ending with /blabla.pdf - then it worked more-or-less as expected.

( Marcin Kasperski   | A reusable framework that is developed by itself will )
( |probably not be very reusable. (Martin))
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

References for modperl usage in financial institutions?

2002-11-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski
I am looking for some examples of modperl being used in financial
institutions (banks, brokers, ... but also large e-commerce).  I spent
a few hours searching the internet but it seems such a information is
not easily available.

I am interested in both official and unofficial information. Technical
details are not necessary.

Thanks in advance for any reply. 

( Marcin Kasperski   | Working overtime sucks the spirit and motivation  )
( |   out of a team. (Wells)  )
( Dokument biznesowy w LaTeXu:

Re: RFC: Template::YetAnother

2002-11-16 Thread Marcin Kasperski
Thomas Klausner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yes, this is a RFC for Yet Another Templating System. I know that
 there are a lot of those around. But this own might be
 different/interesting (at least I think/hope so...)

One note: while talking about templating systems for generating HTML,
it can be inspiring to take a look at the Zope Page Templates (yes, I
know, this is the python/zope world, not perl...). They found the nice
idea of injecting loops/ifs etc into HTML in the way which does not
spoil HTML markup. 

Their introduction is on
and reference is in

Here are some examples (copied from the introduction)

   title tal:content=here/titlePage Title/title

   The URL is span tal:replace=request/URLURL/span.

   table border=1 width=100%
tr tal:repeat=item container/objectValues
  td tal:content=repeat/item/number#/td
  td tal:content=item/idId/td
  td tal:content=item/meta_typeMeta-Type/td
  td tal:content=item/titleTitle/td

( Marcin Kasperski   | Osoba jest omegalizacj ewolucji uniwersalnej na  )
( | okrelonym odcinku etapowym (Teilhard de Chardin) )
( Wygeneruj dokumentacj:  )

Re: How can I tell if a request was proxy-passed form an SSL server?

2002-11-14 Thread Marcin Kasperski
John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Assume I have a front-end (non-mod_perl) proxy server that supports both
 HTTP and HTTPS.  I want to know, from within my Perl code on the back-end
 (HTTP-only) mod_perl server, if the current request was ProxyPass-ed to me
 based on an original HTTP or HTTPS request from the user.
 There doesn't appear to be a way to add headers to the proxy request on a
 per-virtual-host basis using mod_proxy, and I don't see any other headers
 that I can use to distinguish between an HTTP or HTTPS front-end server.
 Any ideas?

What about the simple manual solution: frontend server proxies 
/some/url to /http/some/url on backend for HTTP and to /https/some/url 
on backend for HTTPS. Or something similar...

( Marcin Kasperski   | Communication takes place between people, documents   )
( |are secondary. (Booch) )
( Moje prywatne strony:  )

Re: [mp-1 ?] Apache::Util::escape_html could handle single quotation

2002-11-12 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 namely i had a bad feeling about this.  we should not be implementing
 escape_html to begin with, the functionality should all be in apache.

The main point in this case: someone decided to escape  (double
quote) in escape_html. For HTML, ' (single quote) is practically
equivalent (and can be used at the same places for the same
purpose). I see no reason to differentiate handling of single and
double quote while generating HTML pages.

The reason to use escape_html vs HTML::Entities is clear - the
speed. And at least in my case one needs to escape just , , ,  and '
- the characters which can spoil the way browser interprets HTML.

( Marcin Kasperski   | Software is not released, it is allowed to escape.)
( |   )
( Moje prywatne strony:  )

Re: [mp-1 ?] Apache::Util::escape_html could handle single quotation

2002-11-12 Thread Marcin Kasperski
 some of us on modperl-dev had a discussion with Doug recently about
 expanding Apache::Util::escape_html() to do things like HTML::Entities
 (such as high-bit characters) and it was decided it was a bad idea.
 and doug's reply:

One additional remark: while suggesting escaping of single quote, I'd
vote against escaping national characters in escape HTML. For
instance, I generate iso-8859-2 encoded Polish pages and I want my
national characters to be left as-is while the text is escaped...

To end the whole argumentation: I suggest escaping ' as this character
is unsafe in HTML. Simultaneously, I suggest keeping advanced entities
out of this utility function.

Re: [mp-1 ?] Apache::Util::escape_html could handle single quotation

2002-11-11 Thread Marcin Kasperski
  Your patch seems to me to be partially wrong (you missed similar
  addition a few lines above, while calculating the destination
 Erm, yeah, so I see, now that you mention it.

And this patch version seem to be correct

(oh, maybe someone could consider also adding some test case to
 t/net/perl/ but it does not seem to be very important)

  Nevertheless, I write here about the problem because I would really
  like having such a change in the mainstream modperl distribution.
  Keeping my own patched modperl distribution, integrating changes etc
  is a bit troublesome (organizationally).
 I'm think that, with mod_perl 2.0, mod_perl 1.x might not be high on
 maintainer's list of stuff to do, but Jim Winstead would probably
 accept a (proper!) patch and release libapreq-1.01.

Hmm, should I do something to send it to him or is he reading this

Regards (and thanks)

( Marcin Kasperski   | Communication takes place between people, documents   )
( |are secondary. (Booch) )
( Dokument biznesowy w LaTeXu:

[mp-1 ?] Apache::Util::escape_html could handle single quotation

2002-11-08 Thread Marcin Kasperski
I use Apache::Util::escape_html to perform fast HTML-escaping of the
data before displaying it. Unfortunately, this function handles
, ,  and  but does not handle ' (single quote) - which 
can be escaped as apos;

It would be nice if apos was handled. After all, in HTML file it is
almost equivalent to double quote (it is only the matter of style
whether one uses a href=some url or a href='some url').
Moreover, there happen situation where on can not change quotation 
model like in (adapted real example I happened to have trouble with):

   a href=javascript:somefun('[%some_var%]')

(where some_var is a variable escaped with escape_html and unfortunately
 it can happen to contain apostrophe mark)

It seems to me that it would suffice to slightly change the 
function my_escape_html in src/modules/perl/Util.xs by
adding new else-if in both if sequences.

PS I do not know how the thing looks in modperl-2 but in case there is
similar problem, I would suggest similar solution.

( Marcin Kasperski   | A reusable framework that is developed by itself will )
( |probably not be very reusable. (Martin))
( Z kart bezpieczniej?  )

Re: [mp-1 ?] Apache::Util::escape_html could handle single quotation

2002-11-08 Thread Marcin Kasperski
darren chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * Marcin Kasperski [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-11-08 16:22]:
  I use Apache::Util::escape_html to perform fast HTML-escaping of the
  data before displaying it. Unfortunately, this function handles
  , ,  and  but does not handle ' (single quote) - which 
  can be escaped as apos;
 Hey, this is an easy one.  Apply the attached patch to
 mod_perl-1.XX/src/modules/perl/Util.xs, and single quotes will be
 turned into apos;

Your patch seems to me to be partially wrong (you missed similar
addition a few lines above, while calculating the destination
size). Nevertheless, I write here about the problem because I would
really like having such a change in the mainstream modperl
distribution. Keeping my own patched modperl distribution, integrating
changes etc is a bit troublesome (organizationally).

Re: memory usage problem!

2002-10-09 Thread Marcin Kasperski

Plamen Stojanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I load 2Mb data from a database in perl hash and perl takes 15Mb
 memory. As I use this under mod_perl - perl never returns this
 memory to the OS. I must set a little number for MaxRequestsPerChild
 in order to restart perl interpreter not to eat a lot of memory.  Is
 there any solution to avoid such memory usage?

Simple: dont load this into memory. You can achieve this in multiple ways:
- (if you really need to get this as hash) use DBM hash, mapping those
  resources to disk instead of memory
- (if you can reconsider) use your database to sort the data according
  to your needs and just process it incrementally (for instance just
  scan record-after-record, do not keep the data in memory but just
  print them to the output socket)

( Marcin Kasperski   | A reusable framework that is developed by itself will )
( |probably not be very reusable. (Martin))
( Dokument biznesowy w LaTeXu:

How would you organize custom logging?

2002-10-09 Thread Marcin Kasperski

I am to provide some custom logging in my mod_perl
application. Omitting some unnecessary details, I need to store some
information after processing each request, putting this info into some
central log (be it file or database) common for all apache processes
and (if possible) common for multiple machines.

I would like to ask for any suggestions/hints/patterns/... but there
are also some specific qustions:

1) Apache somehow gathers notes from multiple processes into single
access.log and error.log. Is it possible to reuse this functionality
somehow for writing my custom information somewhere else? Considering
such functionality is already present I would not like to reimplement
logic protecting from simultaneous write from multiple processess...

2) Looking at the name, seems it is LogHandler where custom logging
should take place. But does it really give real advantage over just
logging on the end of PerlHandler? If so, how should I pass data
between handlers - just stick to some perl global variable or use

3) Are there any tools of 'gather logs from multiple machines to the
central location' you would recommend?

( Marcin Kasperski   | Communication takes place between people, documents   )
( |are secondary. (Booch) )
( Nie gub zgosze bdw:

Not a subroutine name... (was Re: problem with $r-push_handlers())

2002-09-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski

  mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name or CODE reference!

 I have observed similar problem myself. I got the same error when I
 wrote in my
 when I replaced it with 
 sub { MyApp::Main::on_child_init(); });
 it works as expected.

It is probably worth noting, that in my opinion the first syntax
should work and there is something wrong in mod_perl code...

Is it something 'well known' or 'by design'?

Upgrading frontend apache - is it worth it?

2002-09-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski

I use well known configuration 'thin apacheproxy proxying fat mod_perl
apache'. Currently I use apache1 and for now I do not plan upgrading
mod_perl server to apache2. But I think about upgrading the frontend
apache to apache2 - mainly because I hope that multithreaded proxy can
be a bit more efficient and less memory consuming than the
multiprocess proxy.

So the question: is it really worth doing? Has anyone performed
similar upgrade or compared proxying efficiency of apache1 with
apache2? Can the analysis be influenced by using proxy to decode SSL

Thanks in advance for your replies.

( Marcin Kasperski   | For waterfall, milestones are commitments. For itera- )
( |  tive development, they are decision points. (Martin) )
( Porady dla twrcw serwisw WWW:  )

Re: /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 198: 12577 Segmentation fault $HTTPD -t

2002-09-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski

Andrew G. Hammond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm trying to use some modules I wrote through PerlModule in httpd.conf
 The modules are tested and correct.  They appear to work when they're
 auto-loaded.  However, I wish to load them on startup of the web server.
 When I add the following line to my httpd.conf:
 PerlModule Bounce::Handler
 and attempt to apachectl configtest I get:
 /usr/sbin/apachectl: line 198: 12577 Segmentation fault  $HTTPD -t
 Any suggestions about what I might have done wrong?

Modules loaded in are initialized once in the parent
process instead of being initialized in each of the child

The question is: which modules do you use.

( Marcin Kasperski   | You have the right to peace, fun, and productive  )
( |and enjoyable work. (Beck) )
( Sztuczki i kruczki w C++:   )