Re: Convert Cookies--HTTP Request Headers?

2003-04-05 Thread Michael Robinton
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 04:10:03PM -0500, Kruse, Matt wrote:
 I have a unique need purely for testing purposes. I'm not very familiar
 (yet) with mod_perl handlers in Apache, so I've had a rough time
 anything going.
 Here is my goal:

 For every request to Apache:
   1. Parse the cookie coming in via the request header
   2. Pull out each value (ex: NAME=bob;TITLE=boss)
   3. Convert them to HTTP Request Headers

Ok, I'm confused: the cookies are already in the request header,
and you want to 'convert' them into a request header?

   4. Pass the request on to the requested resource (a script of some

 So, if I have a cookie like: NAME=bob;TITLE=boss
 My program would then see the following headers in the request:

If you're using an Apache handler, see Apache::Cookie for unpeeling

If you're running a classic CGI program, see CGI::Cookie for unpeeling

 This will help me simulate a Single-Sign-On situation where the
 authentication handler passes all authenticated user information to the
 resource via headers.

When you say 'HTTP request headers', did you really mean to say 'CGI
parameters', as the CGI module uses the term?


 Matt Kruse

Also see:   Apache::FakeCookie on CPAN

for testing cookies without having to load httpd. It replaces the httpd
server for generating cookie responses during development and testing of
Apache-perl modules


Re: Shroud+ Perl obfuscator....

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Robinton
 And if they do have something to protect, they should put their
 thinking caps on and realize that this sort of security is called
 obfuscation for a reason: it does not accomplish anything except to
 make the results hard to read.  If you're giving away or selling the
 perl source, obfuscating it doesn't have any significant effect.

I beg to differ. Crypt::License turns the perl source into a non-text
file that appears to be pure binary when you try to open it. There is
less info readable than you would find in the average C object. That is
what is distributed to the target machines for execution. Only the decrypt
engine can decode the file in the presence of the necessary key ...
and then, it goes directly into the perl intrepreter. Sure, a clever
person could recover it at that point, but the point of most of these
exercises is to make it not convenient or cost effective to do so. It works
quiet nicely with mod_perl as well as autoloadable modules


RE: Obfusacating the source

2002-11-22 Thread Michael Robinton
I am in the process of releasing these two modules which together provide
perl source obfuscation. They are not uniquely Apache oriented though I've
never used them for anything else, thus the designation in Crypt. They
have been used in production for over 2 years with little in the way of
updates so they could be termed stable. The name has been changed so
that it fits into the CPAN hierarchy a little better.


They may be found at:

README from Crypt::License


This module set provides tools to effectively obfuscate perl source
code and allow it to be decoded and executed based on host server, user,
expiration date and other parameters. Further, decoding and execution can
be set for a system wide key as well as a unique user key.

In addition, there are a set of utilities that provide email notification
of License expiration and indirect use of the encrypted modules by other
standard modules that may reside on the system. i.e. sub-process calls by
Apache-AuthCookie while not in user space.

Tools and Makefile.PL additions are included to allow the creation of
encrypted distribution binaries with commands

make crypt
make cryptdist

Basic operation:

Encryption uses a modified RC4 algorithim to convert the text perl file
a binary consisting of bits -- this is a non-text file. When perl
to load the module if first encounters use Crypt::License; at the
beginning of the file which in turn decrypts the stream of bits and
delivers it directly to the perl interpreter.

Details in the POD's


Re: BUG:Apache::Cookie v1.0

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Robinton

 * Michael McLagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-21 11:45]:
  There is a bug in Apache::Cookie.  It doesn't handle a cookie with
  zero bytes in it!

 This is because Apache::Cookie is implemented in C, and C uses NULL as
 the end of string terminator.

No quite accurate. C has no concept of a string. There are a number of
library functions for string handling that use '\0' as the string

If somebody rewrites Apache::Cookie to replace those functions, it will
be able to handle such cookies.

 This is probably something that needs to be done in Perl, since I doubt
 there's a way to check for embedded NULLs in a string in C...

/* We assume there will always a '\0' to be found. */
char *
find_nul(char *str)
  while (*str) {

  return str;

What interests me much more is *why* a cookie should be able to contain
*any* control character. If you want binary data in a cookie, you should
encode it somehow.

If the '\0' was a '\n', things would be much more interesting ...

Lupe Christoph

hmmm... that's not really to point. Apache::Cookie is supposed to be
modeled on and replace CGI::Cookie. If you examine the code in CGI::Cookie
you see that when the values are extracted from the input hash, they are
escaped and then placed into the string format used for a cookie. There is
no limitation at all on what characters may be place in the values that
are submitted for XXX::Cookie-new($r,%hash). The present situation really
is a bug in implementation due to the nature of the C lib used to process
the value portion of the cookie string. I suspect the same is true about
the cookie name since it is processed in a similar way in CGI::Cookie.

We're not discussing what is allowable in the cookie itself, only the
compatibility of the Apache::Cookie vs CGI::Cookie implementation on which
it is patterned.


Re: mod perl and apache with ssl and openssl

2002-09-25 Thread Michael Robinton

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Allan P. Magmanlac wrote:


Can anyone advise me on how to build
 apache server with ssl and openssl and
 using mod perl.

 this is how I do it WITHOUT mod perl support
 cd to modssl soure directory and then run the following command
 ./configure \
 --with-apache=../apache_1.3.26 \
 --with-ssl=../openssl-0.9.6g  \
 --prefix=/usr/local/root/httpd_1.3.26 \
 --with-crt=/usr/local/root/httpd/usr/local/www/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt \
 --with-key=/usr/local/root/httpd/usr/local/www/conf/ssl.key/server.key \

 So how would I do it WITH mod perl support. (exact commands would
 be appreciated)


Sure, here's my receipe. Works every time

make sure open-ssl is built and installed
in apache-xxx/

untar and run the Fixpatch script for the appropriate version of

rm apache/src/Configuration
rm /usr/src/apache/src/Configuration.apaci

edit /usr/src/apache/src/Configuration.tmpl and
modules, i.e.
activate mod_info.o, mod_rewrite.o, mod_so.o libproxy.a
or whatever you plan to use


in mod perl source directory
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=/usr/src/apache/src \

in apache directory
./configure --with-layout=Apache \
make install


[ANNOUNCE] Apache::Test::CookieEmulator 0.04

2002-09-03 Thread Michael Robinton

Test::Apache::CookieEmulator - test tool for Cookies without httpd

 use Test::Apache::CookieEmulator;

 loads into Apache::Cookie namespace

This module assists authors of Apache::* modules write test suites
that would use Apache::Cookie without actually having to run and
query a server to test the cookie methods. Loaded in the test script
after the author's target module is loaded,

   Usage is the same as Apache::Cookie


problems installing libapreq-1.0

2002-08-31 Thread Michael Robinton

I have two identical hosts with the following

apache apache_1.3.26
ben apachessl_1.48

on one, libapreq-1.0 installs just fine, on the other I get this error:

In file included from
 from apache_request.h:5,
 from apache_request.c:59:
openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory
#error Don't use OpenSSL/SSLeay versions less than 0.9.2b, they have a
serious security problem!
make[1]: *** [apache_request.o] Error 1

I can't figure out what the problem is. all the include files appear to be
in the same places on both machines. I've rebuilt everything from scratch
on the machine that fails :-(

Any ideas??


Re: problems installing libapreq-1.0

2002-08-31 Thread Michael Robinton

never mind. It appears that the order in which things are done is
important. I finally got it to work by reinstalling mod-perl for the
umpteenth time and then again trying libapreq. Strange, the old version
that was installed would no re-install until I did this.

 I have two identical hosts with the following

 apache apache_1.3.26
 ben apachessl_1.48

 on one, libapreq-1.0 installs just fine, on the other I get this

 In file included from
  from apache_request.h:5,
  from apache_request.c:59:
 .h:75: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory
 #error Don't use OpenSSL/SSLeay versions less than 0.9.2b, they have a
 serious security problem!
 make[1]: *** [apache_request.o] Error 1

 I can't figure out what the problem is. all the include files appear
 to be in the same places on both machines. I've rebuilt everything
 from scratch on the machine that fails :-(

 Any ideas??

odd authetication situation

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Robinton

I have a modperl handler that sets a cookie and does a redirect if the
cookie was not present. The redirected page eventually loads the same page
again. In addition, this page is called from a protected portion of the
site that requires Basic Auth.

When the redirect calls the mod_perl routine the second or some
subsequent times, $r-connection-user and $ENV{REMOTE_USER} are both
empty or non-existent yet the page does not appear to fail the
authentication request and executes and returns html.

The failure is repeatable though not consistently so, maybe 70% or more.

I'm scratching my head on this one. Any ideas??


Re: odd authetication situation

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Robinton

 Maybe you can try to add specifically:
 $r-connection-user('who_the_user_is') before the cookie access
 control returns OK in the module. Note that some of the cookie
 authentication modules are based on access-only control so
 $r-connection-user() can return a value in late phases only if one
 assigns it at the first place.

 Peter Bi

hmm... let me see if I understand what you are saying

It is necessary to specify $r-connection-user('current-known-user');
before I send OK so that on the next contact by the browser to the web
server $r-connection-user will have the correct value???

Is this because of keep-alives and using the same child process??
I would think that the client would send the token for each connection.
 then what about the Cookie??  It appears that gets lost sometimes,
but not as often as the authentication token. This fuzzy behavior makes
redirects where cookies and tokens are expected very dicey...


 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Robinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:05 PM
 Subject: odd authetication situation

  I have a modperl handler that sets a cookie and does a redirect if the
  cookie was not present. The redirected page eventually loads the same
  again. In addition, this page is called from a protected portion of
  site that requires Basic Auth.
  When the redirect calls the mod_perl routine the second or some
  subsequent times, $r-connection-user and $ENV{REMOTE_USER} are both
  empty or non-existent yet the page does not appear to fail the
  authentication request and executes and returns html.
  The failure is repeatable though not consistently so, maybe 70% or
  I'm scratching my head on this one. Any ideas??

Re: odd authetication situation

2002-08-28 Thread Michael Robinton

Peter wrote:

 Maybe you can try to add specifically:
 $r-connection-user('who_the_user_is') before the cookie access control
 returns OK in the module. Note that some of the cookie authentication
 modules are based on access-only control so $r-connection-user() can
 return a value in late phases only if one assigns it at the first place.

Point of clarification...
The authentication I'm writing about is BASIC AUTHENTICATION. apache takes
care of all of that. It appears as though the client is not sending it,
but I don't know why ... and if not, how it manages to pass the
authentication portion of the apache request loop.

the example I'm using does the following:

AuthType Basic
AuthName MagicName
require valid-user

scriptA.plx -redirect to scriptB.plx
scriptB.plx -redirect to scriptA.plx CONDITIONALLY

if the CONDITION is met, the redirect is not done
i.e. cookie present + user present

what happens.. scriptA always has ENV{REMOTE_USER} and
$r-connection-user valid

scriptB rarely has them both valid

either script can set the same cookie if it is not present.
The cookie is always present for scriptA and usually but not always
present for scriptB



naming convention

2002-08-13 Thread Michael Robinton

I have a proposed perl / modperl module that will go to CPAN

  Graphics::ColorPicker : A perl module for WYSIWYG web
  applications that allow selection of HEX color numbers

I think this is an appropriate name, but have not submitted in
this category before. Please advise.



Re: naming convention

2002-08-13 Thread Michael Robinton

Stas wrote:
 Michael Robinton wrote:
  I have a proposed perl / modperl module that will go to CPAN
Graphics::ColorPicker : A perl module for WYSIWYG web
applications that allow selection of HEX color numbers
  I think this is an appropriate name, but have not submitted in
  this category before. Please advise.

 I guess that this module is not extending mod_perl functionality,
 but simply optionally uses it and therefore you better off
 discussing this at [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] without
 even mentioning mod_perl so not to confuse people. If my guess is
 wrong (you provided too little info) and it *requires* mod_perl it
 should probably be named something like Apache::ColorPicker, but
 again, you've provided too little info to tell.

Sorry bout that. It does optionally use mod_perl -- it tests
eval{require Apache} and proceeds, otherwise uses print statements to STDOUT


 FWIW, it doesn't seem to do anything on mozilla-1.0/linux.

hmm works fine on my mozilla-1.0/linux build #2001061002
tested on above + windoze MSIE5.5, Netscape 4.7, Mozilla 1.0
If you can tell me more that would be nice.


hiding perl code

2002-07-25 Thread Michael Robinton
  separates POD from mixed module   used by makeCrypt, makePOD, makeLicenseMod

=head1 AUTHOR

Michael Robinton, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Copyright 2000 Michael Robinton, BizSystems.
All rights reserved.

=head1 SEE ALSO

LBZS::License::Notice(3), LBZS::License::Util(3)


=head1 NAME

  BZS::License::Notice -- perl extension for License


  require BZS::License::Notice;



=over 4

=item BZS::License::Notice-check($input_data_ptr)

  $input_hash_ptr = {   # optional parameters
'ACTION'= 'default /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi',
'TMPDIR'= 'default /tmp',
'INTERVALS' = 'default 5d,30d,60d',
'TO'= 'default [EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  # mandatory parameters
'path'  = 'path to LICENSE',
'expires'   = 'seconds until expiration',

The Bcheck routine will send a notice message at the requested or default
intervals IF the temporary directory exists and is writeable AND if the
Bexpires parameter exists and is positive AND the LICENSE file exists and is
readable. Substitutes can be made for the default values for ACTION, TMPDIR,
TO, and INTERVALS. Valid suffixes for INTERVALS are w=weeks,
d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds (default if no suffix).

Bcheck returns an empty array on any error or if Bexpires does not exist. It 
returns an
array of the INTERVALS values in in seconds, highest to lowest, if a check
is performed.

Note that the hash can be combined with the hash used for the module and that they share common variables Bpath and
Bexpires. All other hash keys are lower while
hash keys are upper case.



This Library is proprietary software and may be used only with the
permission of the author.

Copyright 2001 Michael Robinton, BizSystems

=head1 AUTHOR

Michael Robinton, BizSystems [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting mod_perl-1.27 Apache-2.0.39

2002-07-14 Thread Michael Robinton

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, eric wrote:

 I've tried every which way and still can't get mod_perl to compile.


apache 2.x is not supported well at this point
You didn't say which SSL you were running, but if it's ben's apache-ssl,
this simple set of instructions will work.

build and install openssl9.6x (b or c) at least unpack apache_1.3.26
copy apache_1.3.26_ssl_1.48.tgz into apache directory, uppack and run
rm apache/src/Configuration
rm apache/src/Configuration.apaci

edit apache/src/Configuration.tmpl to enable standard modules you may want
that are commented out. Typically that will be something like
... mod_info.o, mod_rewrite.o, mod_so.o libproxy.a

now go to the mod perl directory
modperl-1.26 or 1.27

perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=/usr/src/apache/src \

make test   # broken
make install

This will build modperl and copy the appropriate modules to the apache src
directories.  Answer YES to the questions asked by script

go back to apache directory and run

./configure --with-layout=Apache \
make install

all done :-)


[ANNOUNCE] release of LaBrea::Tarpit 1.03

2002-06-05 Thread Michael Robinton

LaBrea::Tarpit is an enhanced reporting module that generates web pages
showing the activity of worm and trojan attacks agains your netblock. It
uses Tom Liston's LaBrea daemon as a front end to provide data for the

New Features
* paginated reporting, much nicer than the BIG long page

*stubs for yet to be announced tracking of ICMP
  and UDP scans w/ DShield reporting

* remote daemon operation -- daemon will run on remote host and can
  be interrogated to retrieve data for web-scripts. See my demo sites
at:  -- runs on the local host  -- is in another city,

  different primary network supplier. Both web sites are hosted on
  the same web server and report in real time.

other interesting stuff added in recent releases:

dshield reporting --
  reports new attacks to
old bad guy reports --
  lets you know when an attacking host has been
  your tarpit for a predetermined length of time
other sites reports --
  shows a summary of the activity of other sites running LaBrea::Tarpit

Grab the new release from the download site, there is a button on the
demo site to reach it.

If anyone has a good idea what category all this should be classified
under, I'll submit it to CPAN.


RE: Porting to OS X

2002-06-04 Thread Michael Robinton

From: Noam Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Porting to OS X
Date sent:Tue, 4 Jun 2002 13:43:11 -0400

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Can anyone give me a rough idea how much time it would take to move a
server serving
mod_perl websites from UNIX to OS X?  It uses Apache::Session,
HTML::Mason, CGI,
and Apache::OpenIndex, among others,  and uses both AuthHandlers and

I know it's difficult to estimate without knowing how big the websites
are, what kind of
functions they call, etc., but if you could give me an idea of what kind
of problems I can
expect to encounter and how difficult they are to work around, I can give
a quote to my

Noam Solomon

I'd be very interested in how this progresses. I recently helped a
collegue to get a cgi program running under apache using standard perl on
OSX -- I found that the perl distribution that comes with OSX is the
original 5.6 rather than more up to date versions AND that the
application, which runs on an aging 486 with 64 megs in our shop and uses
about 4 megs including mod_perl enhanced apache, took 40 megs on OSX and was very slow.
This was on a G4 with 500 megs of memory.


Re: [Fwd: Re: Cheap and unique]

2002-04-30 Thread Michael Robinton

 I'm just curious - what's wrong with the function you're already using?

 Mod_Perl hangs on to it's PID, so it's no longer unique. (I _believe_)


I use the above.

If you create a global for the child process then that is adequate since
the PID belongs to the child and will be unique at least for a second
until the next time tick -- it's not plausible to create 65k children in
one second. If you need the variable global across multiple servers then
include a unique part of the host address as part of the variable in
addition to the time stamp.


bug I think.

2002-04-06 Thread Michael Robinton

Apache/1.3.22 Ben-SSL/1.47 (Unix) DAV/1.0.3 mod_perl/1.26

The function


causes Apache to segfault

when run from a terminal or as a normal cgi script it works fine
when run with mod_perl it crashes.

sample cgi is the part commented out.


my $proto = 'tcp';
my $proto = 'tcp';

my $name = getservbyport($port, $proto);

#print EOF;
#Content-type: text/html
#htmlbody bgcolor=#ff
#$port, $name

use Apache;
my $r = Apache-request;

my $html = q|html
body bgcolor=#ff
$port, $name

$_ = length($html);
$r-print ($html);
return 200;   # HTTP_OK

Re: SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-04-02 Thread Michael Robinton

 On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 10:12:32AM -0800, Kirk Rogers wrote:
  Hi all,
  So I went ahead and tried to install apache-ssl and am following the
  instructions to the T.
  I've acquired:

 Man this is terrible.

 Having to compile, install, integrate everything yourself is a huge
 waste of time. Your are duplicating all the efforts put in by the
 distributions, for zero added value. Plus you've got an upgrade
 nightmare waiting for you.

It is quite easy actually.

do it this way

build and install open_ssl

untar apache in /usr/src
ln -s apache_version apache

cp  apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz into the apache directory
untar apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz
run ./FixPatch

If you wish to use mod_so or any of the other non-standard modules
rm src/Configuration
rm src/Configuration.apaci

edit src/Configuration.tmpl  as required
i.e. for mod_rewrite, mod_so, etc

untar mod_perl distribution
in the mod perl source directory, ...
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=/usr/src/apache/src \

make test   # broken
make install

in apache directory
./configure --with-layout=Apache \
make install

Re: Cookies and IE in mod_perl

2002-03-24 Thread Michael Robinton

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002, Jesse and Rebecca Stay wrote:

 Ok - I got rid of the Apache::Cookie stuff, and am now doing things manually,
 but it still doesn't generate a cookie in IE.  It still works in Netscape.  I
 get a redirect, but no cookie.  Here is my code:

 my $r = Apache-request;

 $r-err_headers_out-add('Set-Cookie' = 'userSession=test;; path=/; expires=Mon, 25-Mar-2002 03:30:43 GMT');
 $r-headers_out-add(Location = $redir);

 my $headers_out = $r-headers_out;
 foreach (keys %$headers_out) {
 warn $_=$headers_out-{$_};

 return OK;

I think this should be
  return 302;

Re: BerkeleyDB Problems

2002-03-12 Thread Michael Robinton

 On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:06:00AM -0500, Mark Matthews wrote:
  I am moving a website that now resides on a i686 server running RedHat
  6.2 with perl v5.005_03 to another i686 server running Suse 7.1 with
  perl v5.6.1.

  The website uses a number of cgi scripts that read and write from
  BerkeleyDB files using the tie function.
  The site is currently running fine on the RedHat server, but when
  testing the scripts on the Suse box I am finding the the scripts are
  failing complaining that the db file cannot be opened.

  The function calling the script is as follows...
  $db = blurb;
  tie(%BLURB, DB_File, $db, O_RDONLY, 0664) || die(Error: could not
  open $db: $!\n);
  Things I have tried so far..
  - I have checked that the BerkeleyDB file (blurb) in the right path,
  is readable/writable.
  - I have checked  that the DB file is not corrupt by ftping it back to
  the RedHat box and testing it.. Works fine..
  - the command file blurb shows that the db file is Berkeley DB
  version 5, native byte-order) and my guess is the version of DB_File
  cannot read that DB version.   I have installed earlier versions of
  DB_File on the Suse box with no luck.
  - I have successfully created a new db file using tie. The file
  is version 7.
  Since these scripts do infact work on the RedHat server, what do I
  to do to get them to work on the Suse server

 DB_File is usually implemented on top of whatever the latest
 Berkeley DB is available.  The file formats are usually not
 compatible from major version to another major version.  I believe
 RH 6.2 uses bdb v2 and Suse uses a newer version 3 or 3.1.  Use the
 rpm -q -a command to find out which versions are which.

 Anyway, you need to try out the db_upgrade command, it should
 upgrade the db file to the latest format.  It might not be installed
 by default, so check your local docs.  (I think it's in db3-utils,
 or some such..)

 You might also try out the BerkeleyDB module for access to more
 interesting features provided by the later versions of this library.
 In particular the transactions subsystem is very, very cool.

 Good Luck


It's more complicated than that :-(

Newer versions of Linux (e.g. RedHat 6, SuSe 6) ship with a C library
that has version 2.x of Berkeley DB linked into it. My particular
version has 2.x with header files for 3.x. To make matters worse,
prior to Perl 5.6.1, the perl binary itself included the Berkeley DB
library. This has caused me some headaches which I've solved by
building and installing BDB v 4.x and including the following at the
beginning of the apachecel / httpsdctl file.

# fix up problem with C-lib database
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/lib/

The LD_PRELOAD environment variable to point to the new shared
library, Perl will use it instead of the version of Berkeley DB that
shipped with your Linux distribution.

Maybe this will work for you as well. If you use DBD, make sure and
re-install the DBD / DBI modules with the new pointers to the
database lib.

Michael Robinton
4600 El Camino Real - Ste 206
Los Altos, CA 94022

Re: ssl advice? modssl vs. apache-ssl vs. ?

2001-04-14 Thread Michael Robinton

 I've just taken a quick look at the modssl site and the apache-ssl site.
 Does anyone want to comment on the pros and cons of these 2 approaches?
 Can mod_perl co-exist with either or both of these?
 All responses welcome, including "don't do it, go back, save yourself!".
Don't know anything about modssl, I've been using apache-ssl + mod_perl 
for several years and am quite happy with the results. 

Currently up to: on 2 production and 1 development system 

Hope this helps
Mod_perl development  telecommuting available

RE: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-05 Thread Michael Robinton

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

 On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  Brian, you've been taking a beating on this thread.  I don't want to add
  to it, but you did raise a couple of interesting questions in this post.
 The Big Thing for a serious project is providing a lot of services.  If
 you look at Weblogic server, you get all database, sessions, message
 queuing, directory access, blah blah blah for free.  Basically, the
 programmer lives in a little cocoon where a truckload of services are
 available and he only has to worry about his code.
  Maybe they need some more work in certain areas if they don't function
  correctly "out of the box" for most people.
 There are a whole lot of people who just can't understand how to install
 Apache::Session.  They shouldn't need to.
Give a man a dump truck full of leggos, motors and gears and you can build 
some really interesting stuff, give man an end mill or a lathe and he can 
build a rocket ship to the moon. You figure out which one is Weblogic and 
which one is Apache-modperl :-)


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Re: Wanted: Modperl/Mason consultant:

2000-11-29 Thread Michael Robinton

where are you located??

Michael Robinton
4600 El Camino Real - Suite 206B
Los Altos, CA 94022

650 947-3351

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Robert Monical wrote:

 We have an Apache/Modperl/Mason/Oracle system and no programmers 
 experienced with the front end environment. (details available on request). 
 We are the Oracle programmer/DBA and Unix admin guys and fumble around in 
 the Perl as needed.  Slowly coming up to speed on Perl. The Apche server is 
 Solaris Intel, the Oracle database (7.3.4) may be on Solaris or Windows NT.
 Our conclusion is that we need some adult supervision to get over some of 
 the rough spots as we develop proficiency in this tool set. We are further 
 handicapped by the reality that we each only have a few hours a week to 
 devote to the Web side of our application. I don't even have time to stay 
 current with the modperl mailing list.
 The types of problems you would help us with include.
 -- On a new Apache server we were bringing up, our program would not write 
 a file.  It took us two days to decide to look at the permissions on the 
 directory in question and give everybody write privilege. You would have 
 asked the question very early on.
 -- Whilst working on a tedious but routine fix, in a moment of paranoia I 
 managed to convince myself that changes to the /usr/local/lib/perl  tree 
 were not getting picked up by Apache unless I rebooted the host 
 machine.  You would have calmed me down and suggested that I look deeper 
 into my database logic.
 -- We have a nasty problem where sessions seem to refuse to die unless the 
 client browser exits. Still don't know where the problem is.
 -- You will take us to the magical world of modperl debugging. It will be 
 like Disney World, only better. I'm sure of it.
 -- Very proficient  with Modperl and Mason.  Experience with CGI a plus.
 -- Focus. The abrupt departure of the Web team left a lot of "gotta do's" 
 in the application system. You'll need to overlook those and focus on the 
 problem at hand.
 -- We would probably need less than 5 hours a week of your time. We have 
 flexible hours.
 -- Sense of humor: we'll be pretty punchy by the time we need your services.
 -- You will have to execute a non-disclosure/non-compete agreement drawn up 
 by our ubiquitous legal staff.
 If this is of interest to you, please forward a resume and rate to me at 
 robert monical
 "Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude and good company."
  Lord Byron
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Re: Dynamic Directory Protection - An authorization related question.

2000-09-03 Thread Michael Robinton

 I am trying to implement a database driven solution for a small university
 website (300+ users) and quite happy with Authentication and Authorization
 packages provided by mod_perl. However, there doesn't seems to be a solution
 to dynamically protect a directory without restarting Apache.
 What I will like to do:
 Store the URI Directory need to be protected in the database with the
 permitted Groups.
You can do that by changing the user portion of that authenticates the 
credentials and returns the session key. Place the allowed directories in 
the encrypted key. In the auth- session key portion you can check all 
kinds of things like the allowed path, session expiration, specific files 
you want disallowed in various directories, etc...

Re: Apache::ASP #include file

2000-08-26 Thread Michael Robinton

  Recently, I reinstalled mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my system in order to
  fix a problem I was having with ASP not using the new version of perl on
  my system. However, I'm having problem with some old code.
 That functionality was never intended to be supported, and 
 am surprised it ever worked!  How painful would it be for
 you to change your includes to be like !--#include file=""--
apache_ssl and mod_perl co-exist nicely together, try that instead. I've 
a couple of these in production environments that work very well.


Re: Apache::ASP #include file

2000-08-26 Thread Michael Robinton

 On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Michael Robinton wrote:
  apache_ssl and mod_perl co-exist nicely together, try that instead. I've 
  a couple of these in production environments that work very well.
 I don't understand... what does SSL have to do with this?
 -Philip Mak ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Oops, responded to the wrong thread ... gotta backup and take another look

Re: RFC: Apache::Reload

2000-08-12 Thread Michael Robinton

On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

 According to Matt Sergeant:
  package Apache::Reload;
 What I've always wanted along these lines is the ability
 to load something in the parent process that would take
 a list of directories where modules are always checked
 and reloaded (for your local frequently changed scripts)
 plus one filename that is checked every time and if it

I use this simple library module. It is called from the beginning of the 
first script encountered in a set of scripts. This substitutes for a 
require statement for the corresponding modules.

Call as:

unshift @INC, './lib';
require '';
LibChk::Install (# check libraries for currency


# version 1.01 6-16-00
# copyright Michael Robinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#   WARNING!! httpd must be 'HUP'ed if this library is modified
# check for library changes and load if necessary or not present
package LibChk;
use vars qw ( %Modified );  # library modification times

# Input:list of libraries (path must be in @INC)
sub Install {
  foreach my $i (@_) {
if ( ! exists $Modified{$i} ||  # if undefined time
 ! exists $INC{$i} ||   # missing
 $Modified{$i} != (stat "./$INC{$i}" )[9] ) {   # or changed
  delete $INC{$i} if defined $INC{$i};
  require $i;
  $Modified{$i} = (stat "./$INC{$i}" )[9];

Re: redirecting a domain

2000-07-16 Thread Michael Robinton

Sure, load the page in a frame that hides the second url request

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Sam Carleton wrote:

 I have an apache question and I have NO idea where to post it.  Is there
 a newsgroup or mailing list simply for apache?
 I have multipal domain names:  I would like to
 configure apache such that when someone goes to, they are
 "redirect" to  They are both the exact same web site, I
 simply want the domain name to show up as  Any thoughs
 on how to do that?

Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Michael Robinton

  There are a large number of happy, silent Apache::Session users.
 Yes, I am a silent and happy Apache::Session user. You're right Jeffrey,
 happy users should not be silent.
Ditto that. Have Apache::Session serving content for a dynamic chat page. 
It gets hit every 30 - 45 sec by every user in the chat room -- thousands 
of hits an hour. It's been running for months without a shutdown or reboot.

Re: Compiling mod_perl as a DSO? (fwd)

2000-01-30 Thread Michael Robinton

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Bill Bradford wrote:

 Is it possible to compile/install mod_perl as a DSO, on an existing
 pre-compiled copy of apache (with mod_so enabled), yet?  If so, 
 how?  I couldnt find it in the docs... and I'm tired of having to
 statically compile the module in... so any help would be appreciated.
I read on the list at one time that the DSO verson has a memory leak. 
Don't know if this is still true or not. The static version apparently 
did not have that problem. If someone knows the answer to this I'd like 
to know myself as the DSO version is considerably easier to put together 
with other modules.


Re: calling htpasswd from perl ...

1999-12-09 Thread Michael Robinton

you use the crypt lib and do a dual password entry. no confirmation is 
needed if the two passwords match. Everything is handled by the perl 
script, you don use htpasswd. Crypting is very straightforward.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (in palo alto)

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, dave_dunstan wrote:

 Hi gang, I hope this isn't too off-topic, I figure someone will know the
 answer right away. I (my client) wants to manage user permissions at a
 shared-hosting server. I'd certainly use .htaccess, except this particular
 client wants a gui to do this sort of thing (a little form, a little cgi,
 boom bing).
 Here's my question - since I can't use an Auth module and a database, can I
 write up a widget that will write .htaccess and .htpasswd files ...?  I'm
 thinking I can call htpasswd from perl, but I'm not sure how I'd have perl
 "confirm" the new password at the confirmation prompt from htpasswd.
 Any help would be much appreciated!
 Is this just a cracked idea altogether?
 Happy Holidays!
 Dave Dunstan
 Mission Control Consulting LLC
 301 8th Street, Suite 215
 San Francisco CA 94103
 ph 415.701.0088
 fx 415.241.0807