Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-18 Thread Bill Moseley
Ok, I'm a bit slow...

At 03:05 PM 12/12/01 +1100, Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote: 

Just thought people might be interested...

Seems like they were!  Thanks again.

I didn't see anyone comment about this, but I was a bit surprised by MySQLs good performance.  I suppose caching is key.  I wonder if things would change with 50 or 100 thousand rows in the table.

I always assumed something like Cache::FileCache would have less overhead than a RDMS.  It's impressive.

Now to the results, here they are.
Package C0 - In process hash
Sets per sec = 147116
Gets per sec = 81597
Mixes per sec = 124120
Package C1 - Storable freeze/thaw
Sets per sec = 2665
Gets per sec = 6653
Mixes per sec = 3880
Package C2 - Cache::Mmap
Sets per sec = 809
Gets per sec = 3235
Mixes per sec = 1261
Package C3 - Cache::FileCache
Sets per sec = 393
Gets per sec = 831
Mixes per sec = 401
Package C4 - DBI with freeze/thaw
Sets per sec = 651
Gets per sec = 1648
Mixes per sec = 816
Package C5 - DBI (use updates with dup) with freeze/thaw
Sets per sec = 657
Gets per sec = 1994
Mixes per sec = 944
Package C6 - MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
Sets per sec = 334
Gets per sec = 1279
Mixes per sec = 524
Package C7 - Cache::SharedMemoryCache
Sets per sec = 42
Gets per sec = 29
Mixes per sec = 32

Bill Moseley

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-15 Thread Jeremy Howard

Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote:
  And ++ on Paul's comments about Devel::DProf and other profilers.

 Ditto again. I've been using Apache::DProf recently and it's been great at
 tracking down exactly where time is spent in my program.

One place that Rob and I still haven't found a good solution for profiling
is trying to work out whether we should be focussing on optimising our
mod_perl code, or our IMAP config, or our MySQL DB, or our SMTP setup, or
our daemons' code, or...

Can anyone suggest a way (under Linux 2.4, if it's OS dependent) to get a
log of CPU (and also IO preferably) usage by process name over some period
of time?

Sorry to move slightly off-topic here, but in optimising our mod_perl app we
have to work out which bit of the whole system to prioritise.

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-15 Thread Perrin Harkins

 One place that Rob and I still haven't found a good solution for
 is trying to work out whether we should be focussing on optimising our
 mod_perl code, or our IMAP config, or our MySQL DB, or our SMTP setup,
 our daemons' code, or...

Assuming that the mod_perl app is the front-end for users and that
you're trying to optimize for speed of responses, you should just use
DProf to tell you which subroutines are using the most wall clock time.
(I think it's dprofpp -t or something.  Check the man page.)  If the sub
that uses IMAP is the slowest, then work on speeding up your IMAP server
or the way you access it.

CPU utilization may not be all that telling, since database stuff often
takes the longest but doesn't burn much CPU.

- Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-15 Thread Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha

On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 09:58:09AM +1100, Jeremy Howard wrote:
 Can anyone suggest a way (under Linux 2.4, if it's OS dependent) to get a
 log of CPU (and also IO preferably) usage by process name over some period
 of time?

What about BSD Process Accounting (supported in most *nix systems) and
sysstat (iostat + sar)?

Luciano Rocha

Luciano Rocha, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The trouble with computers is that they do what you tell them, not what
you want.
-- D. Cohen

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-15 Thread Paul Lindner

On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 08:57:30PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  One place that Rob and I still haven't found a good solution for
  is trying to work out whether we should be focussing on optimising our
  mod_perl code, or our IMAP config, or our MySQL DB, or our SMTP setup,
  our daemons' code, or...
 Assuming that the mod_perl app is the front-end for users and that
 you're trying to optimize for speed of responses, you should just use
 DProf to tell you which subroutines are using the most wall clock time.
 (I think it's dprofpp -t or something.  Check the man page.)  If the sub
 that uses IMAP is the slowest, then work on speeding up your IMAP server
 or the way you access it.

 CPU utilization may not be all that telling, since database stuff often
 takes the longest but doesn't burn much CPU.

I agree 100%, wall clock time is the best metric.  Consider that most
apps are not CPU bound, they are I/O or network bound.  Wall clock
time measures that exactly.

Another useful tool is truss/strace.  Start up your server single
process (-X) and then attach to it with strace.  The -c and -r flags
to strace are quite handy..  For example here's the cumulative stats
for 'ls'

% time seconds  usecs/call callserrors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
 52.290.004508 751 6   read
 19.480.001679 560 3   write
 12.930.001115  5620   close
  6.010.000518  2323   old_mmap
  5.450.000470  2122 2 open
  1.220.000105  21 5   munmap
  0.930.80  40 2   getdents64
  0.710.61   321   fstat64
  0.290.25   4 7   brk
  0.240.21  11 2   mprotect
  0.190.16   8 2   ioctl
  0.120.10  10 1   uname
  0.090.08   3 3 2 rt_sigaction
  0.060.05   5 1   fcntl64
-- --- --- - - 
100.000.008621   118 4 total

Paul Lindner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
 Human Rights Declaration

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I was using Cache::SharedMemoryCache on my system.  I figured, Hey, it's
 RAM, right?  It's gonna be WAY faster than anything disk-based.

The thing you were missing is that on an OS with an aggressively caching
filesystem (like Linux), frequently read files will end up cached in RAM
anyway.  The kernel can usually do a better job of managing an efficient
cache than your program can.

For what it's worth, DeWitt Clinton accompanied his first release of
File::Cache (the precursor to Cache::FileCache) with a benchmark showing
this same thing.  That was the reason File::Cache was created.

And ++ on Paul's comments about Devel::DProf and other profilers.

- Perrin

RE: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Rob Bloodgood

 Another powerful tool for tracking down performance problems is perl's
 profiler combined with Devel::DProf and Apache::DProf.  Devel::DProf
 is bundled with perl. Apache::DProf is hidden in the Apache-DB package
 on CPAN.

Ya know the place in my original comment where I was optimizing a different
subsystem?  I just discovered Devel::DProf last week (after 5 *years* of
perl... smacks forehead), and was using that.  *AND* had improved a sore
spot's performance by 10% without even working hard, because of profiling.
Point taken.

 At the same time I added some code to track the time it takes to
 process a request using Time::HiRes.  This value is set as a note via
 $r-note('REQTIME').  A customlog directive takes care of dumping that
 value in the logs...

Hmm... I was already logging a status message via warn(), I did the SAME
TRICK but stored it in a local variable because I didn't need to go as far
as a customlog...

Sounds like great minds think alike! :-)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 The thing you were missing is that on an OS with an aggressively caching
 filesystem (like Linux), frequently read files will end up cached in RAM
 anyway.  The kernel can usually do a better job of managing an efficient
 cache than your program can.

Plus for some reason IPC overhead seems to seriously degrade as the size
of the overall shared memory segment increases.  I'm not sure why this is
but I think the docs for IPC::Shareable mention this.  Maybe for _very_
small amounts of data, shared memory might still be a win.


We await the New Sun

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

 So our solution was caching in-process with just a hash, and using a
 DBI/mysql persistent store.
 in pseudo code
 sub get_stuff {
 if (! $cache{$whatever} ) {
 if !( $cache{whatever} = dbi_lookup()) {

That's actually a bit different.  That would fail to notice updates between
processes until the in-memory cache was cleared.  Still very useful for
read-only data or data that can be out of sync for some period though.

 The filesystem based / time sensitive aging is a nice little thing we
 put up in CPAN. We've just not done so yet.

How does it differ from the other solutions like Cache::FileCache?  Is it
something you could add to an existing module?

- Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Jay Thorne

On December 14, 2001 03:04 pm, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  So our solution was caching in-process with just a hash, and using a
  DBI/mysql persistent store.
  in pseudo code
  sub get_stuff {
  if (! $cache{$whatever} ) {
  if !( $cache{whatever} = dbi_lookup()) {

 That's actually a bit different.  That would fail to notice updates between
 processes until the in-memory cache was cleared.  Still very useful for
 read-only data or data that can be out of sync for some period though.

  The filesystem based / time sensitive aging is a nice little thing we


  put up in CPAN. We've just not done so yet.

 How does it differ from the other solutions like Cache::FileCache?  Is it
 something you could add to an existing module?

Performance,and key structure, semantics. Its mostly different, not 


=head1 NAME

UFMEDIA::CacheOneFile - cache a scalar value in a file on disk


 use UFMEDIA::CacheOneFile;

 my $cache = new UFMEDIA::CacheOneFile(
 cache_file = '/var/cache/myapp/flurge.cache',
 max_age= 30,
 refill_sub = sub { recalculate_flurges(31337, 'blue', 42) },

 my $value = $cache-get_value;


UFMEDIA::CacheOneFile enables you to cache a single scalar value in a file
on disk.  Given a filename under a writable directory, a maximum age, and
a reference to a refill subroutine, a cache object will cache the result
of the refill subroutine in the file the first time Bget_value() is called,
and use the cached value for subsequent calls to Bget_value() until 
Bmax_age the cach
e file is more than Bmax_age seconds old.

If multiple processes share a single cache file, the first process that
reads the cache file after it has expired will take responsibility for
replacing it with an up-to-date copy.  Other processes needing up-to-date
information will wait for this to finish and will then use the new value.

=head1 AUTHOR


=head1 SEE ALSO



 - Perrin

Jay yohimbe Thorne  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mgr Sys  Tech,

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Robert Landrum

At 6:04 PM -0500 12/14/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
That's actually a bit different.  That would fail to notice updates between
processes until the in-memory cache was cleared.  Still very useful for
read-only data or data that can be out of sync for some period though.

The primary problem with everything mentioned thus far is that they 
are almost entirely based around the concept of a single server. 
Caching schemes that are both fast and work across multiple servers 
and process instances are very hard to find.  After reading the eToys 
article, I decided that BerkeleyDB was worth a look.  We discovered 
that it was very fast and would make a great cache for some of our 
commonly used database queries.  The problem was that we are running 
on 5 different servers, load balanced by Big/IP.  Again, taking my 
que from the eToys article, I began working on a data exchange system 
(using perl instead of C) which multicasts data packets to the 
listening servers.  So far, our only problems have been with the 
deadlocking (solved with db_deadlock), and a few corrupt records.

I'm considering uploading to CPAN the stuff I've written for the 
caching, but haven't had the time to make it generic enough.  I also 
haven't performed any benchmarks other than the Wow, that's a lot 
faster benchmark.  One limitation to the stuff I've written is that 
the daemons (listeners) are non threaded, non forking.  That and it's 
all based on UDP.


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Jay Thorne

On December 14, 2001 03:53 pm, Robert Landrum wrote:
 At 6:04 PM -0500 12/14/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 That's actually a bit different.  That would fail to notice updates
  between processes until the in-memory cache was cleared.  Still very
  useful for read-only data or data that can be out of sync for some period

 The primary problem with everything mentioned thus far is that they
 are almost entirely based around the concept of a single server.
 Caching schemes that are both fast and work across multiple servers
 and process instances are very hard to find.  After reading the eToys
 article, I decided that BerkeleyDB was worth a look.  We discovered
 that it was very fast and would make a great cache for some of our
 commonly used database queries.  The problem was that we are running
 on 5 different servers, load balanced by Big/IP.  Again, taking my
 que from the eToys article, I began working on a data exchange system
 (using perl instead of C) which multicasts data packets to the
 listening servers.  So far, our only problems have been with the
 deadlocking (solved with db_deadlock), and a few corrupt records.

We did stuff based on kind of an Acceptable differences concept.

Using round robinn dns, with predominantly winXX clients, you tend to get the 
same IP address from one request to tthe next. Changing, IIRC, on the dns 
cache timeout, from the soa record.  With a bigIP or something, you can 
guarantee this user locality.

So that leaves you with *appearing* to be in sync for the one local machine.

Using a database with common connections from multiple machines or the one 
writer db machine, many read db machines concept, using replication or what 
have you for updates, you can present a pretty consistent database view, with 
a maximum difference on the read side of the replication time.

We found that the database concept, plus using a local cache with a timeout 
of 5 seconds not only gave us a huge performance increase, but it gave us a 
maximum of about 6 seconds of data difference between machines. And since 
your average human viewer hits pages no faster than once every 20 seconds or 
so, it was pretty much invisible to the individual user. Of course search 
engines will be faster than this, but does being consistent for search 
engines matter all that much?

 I'm considering uploading to CPAN the stuff I've written for the
 caching, but haven't had the time to make it generic enough.  I also
 haven't performed any benchmarks other than the Wow, that's a lot
 faster benchmark.  One limitation to the stuff I've written is that
 the daemons (listeners) are non threaded, non forking.  That and it's
 all based on UDP.


Jay yohimbe Thorne  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mgr Sys  Tech,

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-14 Thread Rob Mueller (fastmail)

 The thing you were missing is that on an OS with an aggressively caching
 filesystem (like Linux), frequently read files will end up cached in RAM
 anyway.  The kernel can usually do a better job of managing an efficient
 cache than your program can.

 For what it's worth, DeWitt Clinton accompanied his first release of
 File::Cache (the precursor to Cache::FileCache) with a benchmark showing
 this same thing.  That was the reason File::Cache was created.

While that's true, there are still some problems with a file cache. Namely
to get reasonably performance you have to do the directory hashing structure
so that you don't end up with too many files (one for each key) in one
directory. Thus for every add to the cache you have to:
* stat each directory in the hash path and create it if it doesn't exist
* open and create the file and write to it, close the file

A similar method is required for reading. All that still takes a bit of
time. This is where having some shared memory representation can be a really
help since you don't have to traverse, open, read/write, close a file every
time. Witness the performance of IPC::MM which seems to be mostly limited by
the performance of the Storable module. I'm planning on doing another test
which just stores some data without the 'streaming' to see which examples
are really limited by Storable and which by their implementation, this might
be useful for some people.

 And ++ on Paul's comments about Devel::DProf and other profilers.

Ditto again. I've been using Apache::DProf recently and it's been great at
tracking down exactly where time is spent in my program. If you have any
performance problems, definitely use it first before making any assumptions.

One question though, I have a call tree that looks a bit like:
- calls f1
   - calls f2
- calls f3
   - calls f2

The two calls to f2 may take completely different times. Using 'dprofpp -I',
I can see what percentage of overall time is spent in 'f1 and children', 'f3
and children' and 'f2 and children'. But I can't see an easy way to tell
'time in f2 and children when f2 was called from f1' (or ditto for f3). Does
that make sense?


Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Rob Mueller (fastmail)

Some more points.

I'd like to point out 
that I don't think the lack of actual concurrency testing is a real problem, at 
leastfor most single CPU installations. If most of the time is spent doing other stuff in a request (which 
is most likely the case), then on average when a process goes to access the 
cache, nothing else will be accessing it, so it won't have to block to wait to 
get a lock. In that case, one process doing 10*N accesses is the same as N 
processes doing 10 accesses, and the results are still 

Perrin Harkins pointed out IPC::MM 
which I've added to the test code. It's based on the MM library ( 
and includes a hash and btree tied hash implementation. I've tried the tied hash 
and it performs extremely well. It seems to be limited mostly by the speed of 
the Storable module.

Package C0 - In process hashSets per 
sec = 181181Gets per sec = 138242Mixes per sec = 128501Package C1 - 
Storable freeze/thawSets per sec = 2856Gets per sec = 7079Mixes per 
sec = 3728Package C2 - Cache::MmapSets per sec = 810Gets per sec = 
2956Mixes per sec = 1185Package C3 - Cache::FileCacheSets per sec = 
392Gets per sec = 813Mixes per sec = 496Package C4 - DBI with 
freeze/thawSets per sec = 660Gets per sec = 1923Mixes per sec = 
885Package C5 - DBI (use updates with dup) with freeze/thawSets per sec 
= 676Gets per sec = 1866Mixes per sec = 943Package C6 - 
MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_FileSets per sec = 340Gets per sec = 1425Mixes per 
sec = 510Package C7 - Cache::SharedMemoryCacheSets per sec = 31Gets 
per sec = 21Mixes per sec = 24Package C8 - IPC::MMSets per sec = 
2267Gets per sec = 5435Mixes per sec = 2769


Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Olivier Poitrey

On Wed Dec 12, 2001 at 03:05:33PM +1100, Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote:
 I tried out the following systems.
 * Null reference case (just store in 'in process' hash)
 * Storable reference case (just store in 'in process' hash after 'freeze')
 * Cache::Mmap (uses Storable)
 * Cache::FileCache (uses Storable)
 * DBI (I used InnoDB), use Storable, always do 'delete' then 'insert'
 * DBI, use Storable, do 'select' then 'insert' or 'update'
 * MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File (uses Storable)
 * Cache::SharedMemoryCache (uses Storable)
 Have I missed something obvious?

Hi Rob,

Maybe you can add my under construction Apache::Cache module to you 
test suite ? It is availlable on CPAN.

Best regards

 O  l  i  v  i  e  rP  o  i  t  r  e  y

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread DeWitt Clinton

On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 03:05:33PM +1100, Rob Mueller (fastmail) wrote:

 I sat down the other day and wrote a test script to try out various
 caching implementations. The script is pretty basic at the moment, I
 just wanted to get an idea of the performance of different methods.

Rob, wow!  This is fantastic work!

I'm wondering if you could include a test on the Cache::FileBackend
class.  The Cache::FileCache class is not optimized for the particular
type of gets and sets that you were testing for.  In fact, each of
those requests will still need to go through the process of checking
for object expiration, which may add the overhead that you observe in
the benchmark.

Not that I'm expecting Cache::FileBackend to do significantly better
-- it still does name hashing, directory hashing, taint checking,
cloning of objects, etc.  But I am curious to see what difference it
makes.  You could try Cache::SharedMemoryBackend as well.

In general the Cache::* modules were designed for clarity and ease of
use in mind.  For example, the modules tend to require absolutely no
set-up work on the end user's part and try to be as fail-safe as
possible.  Thus there is run-time overhead involved.  That said, I'm
certainly not against performance.  :) These benchmarks are going to
be tremendously useful in identifying bottlenecks.  However, I won't
be able to optimize for these particular benchmarks, as Cache::Cache
is designed to do something different than straight gets and sets.

Again, thank you, Rob.  This is great,


Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Jeremy Howard

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Also, I'd like to see MLDBM + BerkeleyDB (not DB_File) with BerkeleyDB
 doing automatic locking, and IPC::MM, and IPC::Shareable, and
 IPC::ShareLite (though it doesn't serialize complex data by itself), and
 MySQL with standard tables.  Of course I could just do them myself,
 since you were kind enough to provide code.

IPC::ShareLite freezes/thaws the whole data structure, rather than just the
hash element being accessed, IIRC, so is probably going to have extremely
poor scaling characteristics. Worth adding to check, of course.

MLDBM+BDB without using MLDBM::Sync is a cool idea that I hadn't thought of.
That will certainly be interesting.

Another interesting option is mapping a MySQL table data structure directly
to the data structure being stored. This can be faster because you don't
have to serialise, and also don't have to update the whole structure, just
the fields that change (which is common in session handling and similar).
Unfortunately this is hard to include in this benchmark, because the
benchmark creates random complex structures. Maybe we'll create a custom one
for this option for the sake of reference, even although it won't be
directly comparable.

I'm not sure what a 'standard table' in MySQL is any more... Berkeley,
MyISAM, ISAM... I guess we can try all these, but that's benchmarking the DB
rather than the caching scheme, and we're not about to try every DB server
we can find!

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Perrin Harkins

 IPC::ShareLite freezes/thaws the whole data structure, rather than just
 hash element being accessed, IIRC, so is probably going to have extremely
 poor scaling characteristics. Worth adding to check, of course.

No, it's probably not worth it.  It would be worth adding IPC::Shareable
though, because people never believe me when I tell them to use something
else.  Having some numbers would help.

 Another interesting option is mapping a MySQL table data structure
 to the data structure being stored.

That could be useful as part of a comparison for storing non-complex data,
i.e. a single scalar value.

 I'm not sure what a 'standard table' in MySQL is any more... Berkeley,
 MyISAM, ISAM... I guess we can try all these, but that's benchmarking the
 rather than the caching scheme, and we're not about to try every DB server
 we can find!

No, of course not.  It may be that the performance characteristics of these
table types are well known already and I just don't follow the MySQL scene
well enough to know.  I thought maybe the default tables type (MyISAM?)
which doesn't support transactions would have better speed for dirt simple
storage like this.

- Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-12 Thread Rob Mueller (fastmail)

 In general the Cache::* modules were designed for clarity and ease of
 use in mind.  For example, the modules tend to require absolutely no
 set-up work on the end user's part and try to be as fail-safe as
 possible.  Thus there is run-time overhead involved.  That said, I'm
 certainly not against performance.  :) These benchmarks are going to
 be tremendously useful in identifying bottlenecks.  However, I won't
 be able to optimize for these particular benchmarks, as Cache::Cache
 is designed to do something different than straight gets and sets.

 Again, thank you, Rob.  This is great,

That's a good point. I probably should have added the features that each one
can do to help with decisions. Cache::Cache does have the most options with
regard to limiting time/size in the cache, so that could be a be factor in
someones choice.

 * Cache::Mmap (uses Storable)
- Can indirectly specify the maximum cache size, though purges are uneven
depending on how well data hashes into different buckets
- Has callback ability on a read/purge so you can move any purged data to a
different data store if you want, and automatically retrieve it on next
retrieve when it's not in the cache

 * Cache::FileCache (uses Storable)
 * Cache::SharedMemoryCache (uses Storable)
- Can specify the maximum cache size (Cache::SizeAwareFileCache) and/or
maximum time an object is allowed in the cache
- Follows the Cache::Cache interface system

 * DBI (I used InnoDB), use Storable, always do 'delete' then 'insert'
 * DBI, use Storable, do 'select' then 'insert' or 'update'
- Can't specifiy any limits directly
- Could add a 'size' and 'timestamp' column to each row and use a daemon to
iterate through and cleanup based on time and size

 * MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File (uses Storable)

 * IPC::MM
- Can't specifiy any limits directly
- Could create secondary tied db/mm hash with key - [ size, timestamp ]
mapping and use daemon to iterate through and cleanup based on time and size


Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Rob Mueller (fastmail)

Just thought people might be 

I sat down the other day and wrote a test 
script to try out various caching implementations. The script is pretty basic at 
the moment, I just wanted to get an idea of the performance of different 

The basic scenario is the common mod_perl 
* Multiple processes
* You need to share perl structures between 
* You want to index the data structure on 
some key
* Same key is written and read multiple 

I tried out the following 
* Null reference case (just store in 'in 
process' hash)
* Storable reference case (just store in 
'in process' hash after 'freeze')
* Cache::Mmap (uses Storable)
* Cache::FileCache (uses 
* DBI (I used InnoDB), use Storable, always 
do 'delete' then 'insert'
* DBI, use Storable, do 'select' then 
'insert' or 'update'
* MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File (uses 
* Cache::SharedMemoryCache (uses 

For systems like Cache::* which can 
automatically delete items after an amount of time or size, I left these options 
off or made the cache big enough that this wouldn't happen.

I've included the script for people to try 
out if they like and add other test cases.

Now to the results, here they 
Package C0 - In process hashSets per sec = 147116Gets per sec = 
81597Mixes per sec = 124120Package C1 - Storable freeze/thawSets per 
sec = 2665Gets per sec = 6653Mixes per sec = 3880Package C2 - 
Cache::MmapSets per sec = 809Gets per sec = 3235Mixes per sec = 
1261Package C3 - Cache::FileCacheSets per sec = 393Gets per sec = 
831Mixes per sec = 401Package C4 - DBI with freeze/thawSets per sec 
= 651Gets per sec = 1648Mixes per sec = 816Package C5 - DBI (use 
updates with dup) with freeze/thawSets per sec = 657Gets per sec = 
1994Mixes per sec = 944Package C6 - MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_FileSets per 
sec = 334Gets per sec = 1279Mixes per sec = 524Package C7 - 
Cache::SharedMemoryCacheSets per sec = 42Gets per sec = 29Mixes per 
sec = 32

* System =Pentium III 866, Linux 
2.4.16-0.6, Ext3 (no special file filesystem flags), MySQL (with InnoDB 
* Null reference hash is slower reading 
because it does a very basic check to see that the retrieved hash has the same 
number of keys as the stored hash
* Approximate performance order (best to 
worst) = Cache::Mmap, DBI, MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File, Cache::FileCache, 
* Rememberwhat Knuth said, "Premature 
optimisation is the root of all evil." This data won't help you if something 
else in your application is the bottleneck...
* The code is available at:

Have I missed something 

. - Grain of salt to be taken with this 

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I sat down the other day and wrote a test script to try
 out various caching implementations.

Very interesting.  Looks like Cache::Mmap deserves more attention (and
maybe a Cache::Cache subclass).

 Have I missed something obvious?

Nothing much, but I'd like to see how these numbers vary with the size
of the data being written.  And it would be good if there were a way to
ensure that the data had not been corrupted at the end of a run.

Also, I'd like to see MLDBM + BerkeleyDB (not DB_File) with BerkeleyDB
doing automatic locking, and IPC::MM, and IPC::Shareable, and
IPC::ShareLite (though it doesn't serialize complex data by itself), and
MySQL with standard tables.  Of course I could just do them myself,
since you were kind enough to provide code.

- Perrin

Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Rob Mueller (fastmail)

Just wanted to add an extra thought that I 
forgot to include in the previous post.

One important aspect missing from my tests 
is the actual concurrency testing. In mostreal world programs, multiple 
applications will be reading from/writing to the cache at the same time. 
Depending on the cache synchronisation scheme, you'll get varying levels of 
performance degradation:

1 being worst, 3 being the 

1. Lock entire cache for a 
request(Cache::SharedMemoryCache, MySQL normal - table 
2. Lock some part of cache for a request 
(Cache::Mmap buckets, MLDBM pages?)
3. Lock only the key/value for a request 
(Cache::FileCache, MySQL InnoDB - row locks?)

Uggg, to do a complete test you really need 
to generate an entire modelling system:
1. Number of concurrent 
2. Average reads/writes to cache per 
3. Ratio of reused/new entries


Re: Comparison of different caching schemes

2001-12-11 Thread Perrin Harkins

 One important aspect missing from my tests is the actual concurrency

Oh, I guess I should have checked your code.  I thought these were
concurrent.  That makes a huge difference.

 2. Lock some part of cache for a request
 (Cache::Mmap buckets, MLDBM pages?)

MLDBM::Sync locks the whole thing.

- Perrin