Apache::Session's session size

2005-11-29 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi All,

I am experiencing intermittently missing session data. After weeks of 
investigation, we suspect the size of the data we put in the session as the 
culprit: it is too big. So I am trying to fix it by adding Storable hooks 
for objects stored in the session to create smaller serialized data.

I am just wondering has anyone experience problems with the size of the data 
put in the session using Apache::Session? The problem is so critical yet so 
intermittent that we can only fix it by trial and error.

Thank you...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: Apache::Session's session size

2005-11-29 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi Perrin,

What database are you using?  I thought the default data types for most
of them would hold a very large amount of data before having trouble.  I
suspect you are having locking problems or session data is not being
written because the session object doesn't go out of scope.

I am using MySQL 4.1 on debian sarge. The type of the field that hold the 
session data is 'longtext'. Patrick Michaud pointed me off the list that i 
should also bump max_packet_size up.

It seems that this problem occurs in peak period, so it works in thousands 
of hits except once or twice. So it can't be scoping issue.

Even if the size of your session data isn't causing this lost data, it
is a serious problem.  When your session data is large, it makes
everything slow, holds the locks longer, and hurts the performance of
your site.  You should consider putting that data into database tables
instead and only loading it as needed.

Yes, that's why I am using Storable hooks to only serialize as small 
information as possible.

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: Detecting request cancellation behind proxy servers

2005-11-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 10:11 +1000, Badai Aqrandista wrote:
 But I need to know if a request has been cancelled. The problem is that 
 need to release the session lock when someone click submit button before 

 page is fully loaded, otherwise the next page won't load because it is
 waiting for the session lock to be released by the previous process that 

 been cancelled before releasing it.

Why are you using locking with your sessions?  Are you doing something
that truly requires it?  You already have atomic updates if you use
database-backed session storage.

Actually, the locking I meant is the Apache::Session's lock. I am guessing 
that A::S lock blocks the second page to be loaded if the first page hasn't 
finished loading.

In other words, look for a way to avoid the root of the problem: doing a
slow operation and keeping the session locked the whole time.

I'll look into that. Thanks...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Detecting request cancellation behind proxy servers

2005-11-15 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi All,

I have backend apache-mod_perl processes running behind frontend 
apache-proxy servers. I am aware that it is impossible for the backend 
processes to know if a request has been cancelled, according to:


But I need to know if a request has been cancelled. The problem is that I 
need to release the session lock when someone click submit button before the 
page is fully loaded, otherwise the next page won't load because it is 
waiting for the session lock to be released by the previous process that has 
been cancelled before releasing it.

Does anyone know a workaround or a way to combat this?


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: mod_perl: How pass variables (objects) from page to page?

2005-11-15 Thread Badai Aqrandista

On 2005-11-15, at 03.11, Peter1 Alvin wrote:

 Using mod_perl, how do you keep Perl objects in RAM from page to page?  
I don't want to re-instantiate my objects on every page request, and I 
don't want the overhead of serializing my objects to a persistent store 
from page to page (I use A LOT of objects).

IMHO, if I create a lot of objects, I don't want to put them all in RAM. I'd 
rather create the objects on every request, i.e.: only store the needed 
objects in RAM. It is a CPU-Memory trade off. As someone has already noted 
in this thread, storing everything in RAM isn't scalable.

 I've done extensive reseach and I've not found any application space 
to store objects indefinitly.

To store objects indefinitely, you must serialize it into persistent 
storage. What happen when the computer goes down?

 I can't believe Perl doesn't support keeping objects in RAM.  This would 
de-qualify Perl for half of the projects I need to develop.

Objects only exist in RAM and nowhere else. If you want to make them to 
persist between request, you need to put them somewhere that can be accessed 
by different processes (and different servers, in the future). Those places 
are: filesystem, database, or memcached. Or at the least: shared memory.

Have looked around like you for a solution to this, without finding one and 
after discussing it internally, we thought that the optimal can be to write 
a custom reversed modproxy server that talks directly to the perl code 
... perhaps as a open software project 

What do you mean by 'a custom reversed modproxy server that talks directly 
to the perl code'?

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: Class::DBI and CGI::Application under mod_perl

2005-11-09 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Clinton Gormley wrote:

I have recently had a bit of exposure to Class:DBI and CGI::Application
in a project running under CGI.


What are the experiences/opinions of using these modules under mod_perl
2 on high traffic sites?

I'm currently using them on mod_perl 1, but it shouldn't matter. 
CGI::Application is lightweight and fast.  It will not give you any 

Class::DBI is significantly (about an order of magnitude) slower than 
hand-coded DBI objects, but saves you a lot of development time, so my 
current approach is to use it and replace things that end up being too 
slow.  If you want to try something else, the developer of Rose::DB::Object 
has a benchmark that shows his module falling somewhere in between 
Class::DBI and straight DBI calls, although it's still much slower than 

- Perrin

Sorry for the very late reply...

You might want to check this out: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=504724

I quite agree with it...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

RE: Masquerading requests as HTTPS

2005-09-15 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi Mark,

From my limited knowledge, SSL handshake is processed prior doing the HTTP 
request-response. Therefore, when apache or mod_perl accepts HTTPS requests, 
it can't redirect it over HTTPS unless you create another HTTPS request with 
LWP or WWW::Mechanize, for example.

But if you want to connect to a backend server, why do you need a secure 
connection anyway?

However, other probably know better...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

From: Mark Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Masquerading requests as HTTPS
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 17:05:34 -0700

Greetings. I've been scouring the list and the net for a solution for this
but my apologies in advance if I didn't get the search terms right and
missed a RTFM answer.

I work for a web hosting company and we recently purchased a pair of 

These have the ability to terminate SSL connections and then send regular
HTTP to the backend servers (running Apache 1.3.29/mod_perl 1.29 and making
heavy use of transhandlers).

My question for the list is this:
Is there any mod_perl-ish to pretend that a request is coming through SSL?
The main issue I'm facing is that I've got a couple hundred thousands 
many using mod_rewrite in .htaccess files (and a potentially very very 

number and out of my control so modifying them is not an option). Since the
BigIP is retransmitting the request as HTTP, the scheme that the backend
server is using is 'http', not 'https'. So if a redirect is generated via
mod_rewrite, it's redirecting to http://the/url/etc, not 
Presumably people doing redirects via PHP would have the same issue. 

the URL scheme looks to be somewhat inaccessible from $r and if I parse it
with Apache::URI and use the scheme method there, I don't know of a $r
method to set the URI to the modified URI object.

I've tried setting $ENV{ HTTPS } to 'on', but that didn't help.

Anybody know of a method I might be missing that would help me out?
Basically what I'm trying to accomplish is if I see a request coming in on
port 443, I want to set $r-method( https ) -- and I know there's no
method called this, but for explanation sake ;)


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Re: Crontab entry from perl

2005-09-05 Thread Badai Aqrandista
I want to schedule a perl script in crontab using a CGI script. If i try 

append in the file ie /var/spool/cron/username then apache user does not
have rights to modify this. If i give root rights to apache then it could
be very harmful . how can i make entry into cron from script.
You could have the CGI write out a file in /tmp or other and then have a 
permenant root run cron or trivial dameon poll this file and add to a users 
crontab based on the contents.

I don't see what this has to do with modperl though :)

or roll your own cron:


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

Re: maintaining shared memory size

2005-08-31 Thread Badai Aqrandista
My app is an online hotel booking system. That part is the part where it 
searches availabilities through all combination of dates, number of 
guests, rooms, packages, allotments, pricing structures, and more.

This doesn't sound like a search at all. Typically individuals know at 
least SOMETHING about the
booking they want to make. How many times do you book a hotel, but don't 
care whether it's in

Barbados or Brazil?

Yes, the user provides the dates and the number of guests (and probably a 
coupon number). Then based on that, the system searches for available room 
and package combinations on the particular hotel, based on various 

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: maintaining shared memory size

2005-08-31 Thread Badai Aqrandista

 POE sounds good to start with, right?

For a daemon to monitor a queue?  Probably not.  I'd just write a simple
script that polls a database table and forks a new process to handle any
jobs it finds.  Parallel::ForkManager is handy for this kind of thing.

Yes. POE looks overkill compare to Parallel::ForkManager.


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

Low rate ANZ MasterCard. Apply now! 
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18 years.

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-30 Thread Badai Aqrandista


I see from an earlier post on the mason-users list that your app is
using HTML::Mason and Apache::Session::Memcached.  It seems like you've
got quite a few variables to juggle in your performance bottleneck

Actually, I am using TT and Mason in this application. TT is used to support 
templates from the old version that we did not have time to port to Mason. 
The part that needs the speed is the part that uses TT.

Have you tried switching to, say, Apache::Session::MySQL to see if
 is any difference?
I used to use A::S::MySQL, but it created 2 connections for every process. 
This caused 'Too many connections' error. So I tried to use memcached. Now 
that I know how to make one connection per process (using database.table 
identifier on all sql queries), I'll probably try to use A::S::MySQL again.

One cheap way to check for memory leaks (most probably introduced by
your perl code if they exist) is to run httpd -X (non-forking mode) and
watch the memory usage of httpd while you send some requests.

You may also want to strace the process:
# httpd -X 
# strace -o /tmp/strace.out -p `pidof httpd`
# tail -f /tmp/strace.out

Then hit the server with some requests and watch the strace output.
This is especially useful for finding I/O or IPC bottlenecks.

Hmmm... Interesting... I'll give it a try...

good luck


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re:swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-30 Thread Badai Aqrandista


Rewriting things in C is a last resort.  If you must do it, try

Yes... Inline::C looks good...

Your requests take 110 seconds each?  What is your application doing?
My app is an online hotel booking system. That part is the part where it 
searches availabilities through all combination of dates, number of guests, 
rooms, packages, allotments, pricing structures, and more.

I must admit there is too much to handle in one mod_perl process. But I 
don't know any better way to design and code it. In the future, I'll 
probably move that search feature to a new process, so all the combinations 
can be calculated in parallel.

Thanks for helping...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.   

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-30 Thread Badai Aqrandista

You *do* have KeepAlive off in your httpd, right?


I mean in the backend Apache, not the frontend whatever.

Yes, I understand... I put it in the backend...

When you're happering your server, is the CPU on the server
running at or near 100%? If not, you have other problems.

Almost 100%, around 90%...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: maintaining shared memory size

2005-08-30 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Okay, so it's slow because it does a lot of work.  How does it do this 
search?  Is it a bunch of SQL queries, or a request to a remote server of 
some other kind, or an internal calculation?  Is there some possible 
caching you can do?
Lots of SQL queries and calculation based on the query results. I've cached 
most of the query results, but the calculation results can't be cached 
because they depend on user inputs.

I would probably use some sort of queue system here.  I would have the 
mod_perl process push requests onto a queue (probably in a database) and 
then have a separate daemon, maybe on a different machine, do the work and 
return the answer.  It would allow you to split the search into multiple 
pieces that happen in parallel, and handle them on multiple machines 
simultaneously.  It would also separate the web request, which is fast, 
from the slow search request.  That lets your server scale to handling many 
more clients at once, even though some of them are just waiting for their 

Good idea!!! Thanks... You've been a great help...
POE sounds good to start with, right?

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-29 Thread Badai Aqrandista

On 29 Aug 2005, at 01:15, Badai Aqrandista wrote:

I think I have to write some of the code in C. I can't find any  other 
places in the code to optimize (or probably I uncounciously  don't want to 
make changes because I don't have any test suites)...

Then how do you know what to write in C?

The part that is called the most... I  have localized it to one or two 
subroutines... But I haven't done so... My C skill is very2 rusty...

Franky, if your code is CPU bound (rather than waiting for the
database) then a MaxClients of 3 will serve your purposes.

I'll give it a try...

You *do* have KeepAlive off in your httpd, right?


Thanks a lot for the enlightment...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.   

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-29 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Then how do you know what to write in C?

I have localized one subroutine that has been heavily called in the search 
function. That should be the way to pick the candidate, shouldn't it?

I have never done this and I am worried that writing it in C would push the 
project's deadline a little bit further. However, does anyone have any hint 
on doing this? What are the recommended readings?

Anyhow, I've decrease the MaxClients to 3 and it worked!!! The speed 
significantly increases, from average of 110 sec/request to 85 sec/request. 
But, that's not enough. I need less than 10 sec/request.

Is that possible without changing hardware?

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

Sell your car for $9 on carpoint.com.au   

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-28 Thread Badai Aqrandista

top - 17:24:27 up 34 days,  9:01,  4 users,  load average: 20.67,  12.84, 

Tasks: 142 total,   7 running, 135 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 88.7% us,  7.6% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  2.0% wa,  0.0%  hi,  1.7% 

Mem:906736k total,   359464k used,   547272k free, 6184k  buffers
Swap:  3036232k total,   111564k used,  2924668k free,17420k  cached

Which processes are swapping?

Have you tried setting MaxClients to say 10 (or some other low number  
that'll ensure you don't run out of memory).

I just did, and cleared the swap before doing another testing. The result: 
Nothing swapped, but the average response time goes down by 20 seconds. I 
guess Perrin was right, with 30 MaxClients, the processes are competing the 
CPU cycles.

I think I have to write some of the code in C. I can't find any other places 
in the code to optimize (or probably I uncounciously don't want to make 
changes because I don't have any test suites)...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

Low rate ANZ MasterCard. Apply now! 
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18 years.

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re:swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-25 Thread Badai Aqrandista

If the performance you get is not enough for you, look for the
bottleneck.  This could be running out of CPU, running out of memory, or
contention for a shared resource like a database.  Then you fix it, by
changing code or buying hardware.

I think I've got the point now:

To reduce memory consumption - look for ways to do more things on compile 

To reduce CPU usage - write the most called subroutine in C
To reduce database contention - cache as much as possible

Thanks for all your help...
The journey just begins...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-24 Thread Badai Aqrandista

 Does this sound like fixing the wrong problem?

Yes.  Put a reverse proxy in front of your server, tune MaxClients so
you won't go into swap, and then benchmark to see how much load you can
handle.  Then think about tuning.

Thanks for replying...

I have put a reverse procy in front of my mod_perl servers and I have set 
MaxClient to 30. I have tried setting it to 50, but it slows down the 
response time.

This is what top gave me when I hammered the test server with httperf:


top - 17:24:27 up 34 days,  9:01,  4 users,  load average: 20.67, 12.84, 

Tasks: 142 total,   7 running, 135 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 88.7% us,  7.6% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  2.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  1.7% si
Mem:906736k total,   359464k used,   547272k free, 6184k buffers
Swap:  3036232k total,   111564k used,  2924668k free,17420k cached

22802 www-data  15   0 39664  35m 7968 S 30.7  4.0   0:05.02 apache-perl
22370 www-data  16   0 39664  35m 7968 S 12.8  4.0   0:03.45 apache-perl
13604 www-data  17   0 40096  35m 7968 R  5.7  4.0   0:30.93 apache-perl
15424 root  15   0 32060 7668 1560 S  3.8  0.8   6:49.47 memcached
13611 www-data  15   0 40036  35m 7968 S  3.5  4.0   0:17.13 apache-perl
22804 www-data  17   0 39664  35m 7968 R  3.1  4.0   0:03.01 apache-perl
13612 www-data  16   0 40032  35m 7968 S  0.7  4.0   0:33.38 apache-perl

I ran httperf to create 50 connections. This is the result:

1 connections per second - avg reply time = 103953.7 ms
10 connections per second - avg reply time = 123167.2 ms
20 connections per second - avg reply time = 121483.7 ms
30 connections per second - avg reply time = 114411.3 ms
40 connections per second - avg reply time = 130168.7 ms
50 connections per second - avg reply time = 130457.4 ms

When only creating 1 connection, the avg reply time = 3289.4 ms
When creating 10 connections, with 1 conn per second, the avg reply time = 
25929.7 ms

I have no idea where to start fixing this. It seems that the more connection 
there is, the higher the avg reply time.

Does anyone ever experienced this? Why does it happen?
Basically I just want to make my webapp ready to launch... (doesn't anyone?)


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re:swampedwithconnection?)

2005-08-24 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi all,

If the performance you get is not enough for you, look for the
bottleneck.  This could be running out of CPU, running out of memory, or
contention for a shared resource like a database.  Then you fix it, by
changing code or buying hardware.

I'll try that...

Thanks for helping me out... Especially perrin... I'll let you know how it 

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swamped with connection?)

2005-08-23 Thread Badai Aqrandista

I think I have to reword the question:

How do I maintain the size of the shared memory between apache children?
What cause a memory page to be copied (not shared) from perl's point of 

This brings the question of how to increase shared memory usage. I've tried 
to load every modules upfront. But even before any request comes in, the 
shared memory is only 7 Mb. What makes it so small?


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

Your opinion counts..for your chance to win a Mini Cooper click here 

Re: maintaining shared memory size (was: Re: swamped withconnection?)

2005-08-23 Thread Badai Aqrandista

On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 17:23 +1000, Badai Aqrandista wrote:
 How do I maintain the size of the shared memory between apache children?
 What cause a memory page to be copied (not shared) from perl's point of

Anything that writes to memory -- modifying any variable (even just
reading one in a different context) or compiling some code are the most
common things.  There's a bit more here:

Oh my, I should've kept memory consumption in mind when designing the code 
in the first place.

Anyway, to fix this, I'm trying to make my onw shared memory with 
Apache::SharedMem. But it seems that shared memory is just a memory area 
that any process can read from or write to, not a memory that can become 
part of any process's memory space.

I'd like to put the read only data in a memory area that can become part of 
any process's memory space, like threads sharing memory space. Is there any 
way I can do that? How about mmap? I have never looked into that.

Does this sound like fixing the wrong problem?

Thank you...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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swamped with connection?

2005-08-22 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi all, it's me again :D

I am still trying to improve my company's webapp performance. I'm testing it 
with httperf and autobench. The application seems to be able to respond when 
hammered by 20 connections per second and 10 calls per connection. But then, 
it doesn't respond to any request when the connection rate is raised to 40 
(with 10 calls per connection) and above.

What does the apache treats as a request (hence forks another child)?
- every new connection, or
- every http request regardless of it comes with a new connection or comes 
through an existing connection

Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

My only guess is because the connections goes over the MaxClients count 
while the existing apache children are still processing the previous 
requests. But why, then, none of the requests after 40 conn/sec is 

I'll give more detail if requested.


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: swamped with connection?

2005-08-22 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Did you run out of memory?  Is the CPU pegged?  Give us something to go
on here...

Have you read the performance tuning docs on the mod_perl site?

Yes, ages ago. I just read it again and did the calculation again. 
Apparently, yes, it runs out of memory and holds up the connection so no 
other requests can be processed.

So, here's the variables:

RAM = 700 Mb
Per process total size = 40 Mb
Shared memory = 7 Mb

So, the number of processes = (700 - 7) / 33 = 21 processes

So, does that mean it can only accept up to 21 connections?

This brings the question of how to increase shared memory usage. I've tried 
to load every modules upfront. But even before any request comes in, the 
shared memory is only 7 Mb. What makes it so small?

Thank you...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: Scope Question

2005-08-21 Thread Badai Aqrandista

So, let's reverse this.

I have a module that will be used in perl.

I want all subs in the module to share the stagte of one variable...in my 
case @context.

I also want any changes to @context to only effect the current user/request 
under mod_perl.

What's the best approach?

1. declare @context with 'my' in the package

2. add this to your module:

sub clean_context { @context = () }

3. add this to your config file:

PerlCleanupHandler MyApp::clean_context

I think that'll do the trick...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-17 Thread Badai Aqrandista

 I don't know it's even possible in mysql. Its reference docs doesn't say
 that it is (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/join.html).

Yes it does :

Hmmm... Excellent!!! I'll use it then...Will let you know how it goes...

Thanks, mate...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: Clear Registry

2005-08-17 Thread Badai Aqrandista

I use Apache::StatINC
It works fine for me, I haven't noticed needing to restart with it

Except you have two modules A and B, where A's BEGIN block depends on B's 
BEGIN block being executed beforehand, and you only change module A. In that 
case you definitely must restart.

Got bitten by that on the last project...


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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18 years.

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista


I'm assuming that each client database is contained within the same
MySQL server, and that you're not running 300 MySQL servers on different
machines or different ports?

Yes, why would I do that?

If so, you can reuse the same connections, and just reference the
different database in the query.So :

select *
from db1.table1

select *
from db2.table1

When you connect and specify a database name, you're just specifying the
default database.

I don't know it's even possible in mysql. Its reference docs doesn't say 
that it is (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/join.html).


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista
I also suspect that you didn't initialize the debugger before compiling 
your code, since none of your code appears in this output.

I got the previous output because I put in the debugger initialization...

Without initialization (Apache::DB-init), this is the top 5 output before 
the cache is filled (with dprofpp -r):

Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
33.5   23.74  5.224  1   23.747 5.2236  ELRes::ApacheHandler::handler
1.09   0.772  0.772   7869   0.0001 0.0001  Storable::mretrieve
0.87   0.615  0.615   1418   0.0004 0.0004  Storable::net_mstore
0.70   0.495  0.495   1524   0.0003 0.0003  DBD::mysql::db::_login
0.54   0.380  0.380   2902   0.0001 0.0001  DBI::_new_sth
0.51   0.359  0.388   8852   0. 0.  DBI::common::DESTROY

and this one is after it's filled:

Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
16.5   13.85 14.780  1   13.857 14.780  ELRes::ApacheHandler::handler
0.21   0.174  0.174  34766   0. 0.  Date::Simple::DESTROY
0.20   0.170  0.170   6580   0. 0.  Storable::mretrieve
0.19   0.162  0.162  99576   0. 0.  Date::Simple::as_iso
0.14   0.115  0.115  27854   0. 0.  Date::Simple::_add
0.11   0.090  0.090 25   0.0036 0.0036  DBD::mysql::db::_login

How should I interpret these outputs and what should I do about it to 
improve my app's speed? This is the first time for me to optimize a large 
perl codebase... So I need a bit of guidance here...

Thanks a lot...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

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Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

I  do all of my memcached stuff , including sessions, with mysql failover.  
its barely more code - i just make every public function address two 
private functions.


sub save {

sub load {
if ( !$_[0]-_load_memcached() )

I thought about the same thing last night, but is there any race condition 
problem if I use it for session?

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Was the previous output sorted with the -r flag though?


There's no trick, it's the same as in any language: find out what the
slow parts are by using a profiler and tinker with them until they are

You can look at the tuning information on http://modperlbook.org/ for
some advice as well.  And don't forget that there is a profiler for DBI
queries that comes with DBI.

I've done the database profiling as well...

Thanks for your help...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Okay, send it again with the top 10, sorted by -r then.  Maybe we can
make more suggestions.

Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
20.5   14.30 15.222  1   14.305 15.222  ELRes::ApacheHandler::handler
0.37   0.261  0.261  99576   0. 0.  Date::Simple::as_iso
0.22   0.151  0.153  20364   0. 0.  

0.17   0.117  0.117   6580   0. 0.  Storable::mretrieve
0.13   0.093  0.093  27854   0. 0.  Date::Simple::_add
0.09   0.065  0.065   2900   0. 0.  ELRes::Entity::DESTROY
0.08   0.058  0.058  34766   0. 0.  Date::Simple::DESTROY
0.08   0.054  0.054  41678   0. 0.  Date::Simple::_compare
0.05   0.035  0.035  12984   0. 0.  Date::Simple::__ANON__
0.03   0.020  0.020 36   0.0006 0.0005  Template::Context::filter
0.03   0.019  0.019102   0.0002 0.0002  DBI::common::DESTROY
0.01   0.010  0.010  1   0.0100 0.0100  DynaLoader::bootstrap
0.01   0.010  0.010  1   0.0100 0.0100  ELRes::App::Session::DESTROY
0.01   0.010 -0.000  2   0.0050  -  

0.  r
0.01   0.010  0.010 25   0.0004 0.0004  DBD::mysql::db::_login

As I said previously, the handler itself tops everything... I don't know why 
it happens... If I use Devel::Timer to profile its parts, I found that this 
block takes the most time to run (99.98%):

eval { $app-run };
if ($@) {
  $r-log_error(Server error: $@);
  $app-send_error(err = $@);

But the call should not be included in the handler's ExclSec time, shouldn't 
it? The eval doesn't make the call included in the ExclSec time because I've 
tested without it and it still use 99.98% of the time...

Wierd eh?

Thanks a lot...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

Sell your car for $9 on carpoint.com.au   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

It does look odd.  Maybe you are still loading some code before calling 
Apache::DB-init().  Can you post your httpd.conf, or at least the mod_perl 
part of it?

 start of mod_perl configuration ...

   use lib '/i4u/web/elres-mp';
#require Apache::DB;
   PerlRequire /i4u/web/elres-mp/etc/startup.pl

   PerlModule Apache::DProf

   PerlModule ELRes::ELRes
   PerlModule ELRes::ApacheHandler
   PerlTransHandler ELRes::ApacheHandler-trans_handler
   PerlLogHandler ELRes::ApacheHandler-log_handler
   PerlCleanupHandler ELRes::ApacheHandler-cleanup_handler

... end mod_perl configuration ...

the startup.pl script loads and require's all modules under ELRes:: 
namespace on startup time, as suggested in mod_perl documentation...

eval { $app-run }; if ($@) {  $r-log_error(Server error: $@);  
$app-send_error(err = $@); }

That's why I think you are loading some code before initializing the 
debugger -- when it doesn't know about those other subs, they don't show up 
in the profile.

the object that $app refer to is dynamically decided based on the hostname, 
for example:

a.example.com   --- $app = ELRes::Property-new()
b.example.com   --- $app = ELRes::Property-new()
c.example.com   --- $app = ELRes::Distributor-new()

both ELRes::Property and ELRes::Distributor are children of 
ELRes::TopLevelEntity and have run() method...

does this prevents the debugger to know which subroutine should be profiled? 
all the test that I've done is on the hostname whose object is of class 


Hmmm... Where can I learn more about the debugger?

I didn't know profiling needs debugger, not until I was told about it in 
this mailinglist...


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.   

Re: apache children waits for each other?

2005-08-16 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Apache::DProf uses the debugger hooks.  You can also try Sam Tregar's 
Devel::Profiler::Apache which is somewhat slower but easier to use since it 
doesn't use the debugger.

I'll look into that...

Thanks for your suggestions...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings   

Re: web application speed problem with OO modules

2005-08-15 Thread Badai Aqrandista

First, give dprofpp the flag that makes it sort by wall time, not by CPU 
time.  Otherwise, things that take most of the time in the average program, 
like I/O, will appear to be very fast.

Second, make sure you initialize the debugger before loading any of the 
code that you want to profile, like this:

require Apache::DB;

Any code that you compile (e.g. use from startup.pl) before this will not 
get profiled at all.

- Perrin

Thanks for the replies...

I'll give it a try...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

apache children waits for each other? (was: Re: web application speed problem)

2005-08-15 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Hi all,

My mod_perl web app uses memcached to cache most of the (MySQL) database 
query results and as the session storage (Apache::Session::Memcached). When 
doing performance tests with httperf, I found that apache processes waits 
for each other. I mean: all requests are accepted (apache forks off lots of 
children), then processed (no process finishes), and after a while, all the 
processes finish almost at the same time...

If I put warns in the apache handler's start and end, it gives this output 
(edited for brevity, md5 hash in the end is the session ids, just disregard 

... output from 90+ of other warns...

Start process 30324: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:00:23 
Start process 30326: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:00:23 
Start process 30325: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:00:23 
Start process 30314: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:00:23 

... after a while, suddenly the following output comes out ...

End process 29803: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:05:47 
End process 30337: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:05:49 
End process 30002: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:05:49 
End process 30003: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:05:51 

... output of other 90+ warns ...

It's like they are not processed concurrently. I wonder why does it happen? 
Is it memcached? Or is it how apache works? Or is it because of the 
benchmarking application that I use?


Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

Re: web application speed problem with OO modules

2005-08-14 Thread Badai Aqrandista

Thanks for replying...

I have done some profiling with Apache::DProfile, and this is the output of 
'dprofpp tmon.out':

Total Elapsed Time = 160.2141 Seconds
 User+System Time = 13.07412 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
92.7   12.12 13.575  1   12.127 13.574  ELRes::ApacheHandler::handler
3.13   0.409  0.409  90360   0. 0.  Date::Simple::as_iso
2.20   0.288  0.366  20364   0. 0.  

1.53   0.200  0.200  29966   0. 0.  Date::Simple::DESTROY
1.35   0.177  0.177   6565   0. 0.  Storable::mretrieve
0.66   0.086  0.086  36878   0. 0.  Date::Simple::_compare
0.58   0.076  0.076   1761   0. 0.  DBD::_::db::prepare_cached
0.46   0.060  0.060  24782   0. 0.  Date::Simple::_add
0.32   0.042  0.042   2900   0. 0.  ELRes::Entity::DESTROY
0.25   0.033  0.033   3700   0. 0.  DBI::common::FETCH
0.18   0.023  0.023   3692   0. 0.  DBI::st::fetch
0.12   0.016  0.016   1756   0. 0.  ELRes::DB::DESTROY
0.08   0.011  0.011   9528   0. 0.  Date::Simple::__ANON__
0.08   0.010  0.010  1   0.0100 0.0100  DynaLoader::bootstrap
0.08   0.010  0.010  2   0.0050 0.0050  DBD::mysql::db::_login

I doubt the ApacheHandler::handler subroutine runs that long, because it 
only shows the accumulated time used by other subroutines it calls. That 
makes the profile isn't really accurate. How do I make it to show the 
statistics of the subroutines called from the handler?

Thank you...

Badai Aqrandista
Cheepy (?)

From: Philip M. Gollucci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Badai Aqrandista [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Re: web application speed problem with OO modules
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 00:32:09 -0400

(I only try to improve the speed of the code, so the use of proxy 
shouldn't be relevant here - I think, I could be wrong).

You might try using


available here to see where your code is spending its time


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