2000-07-11 Thread Alexandre Dias

I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 
How can I do it?
Alexandre Dias[EMAIL PROTECTED]==Programmeur-Analyste 
- Enter-Net inc.(450) 652-7189 #11(514) 990-1683 #11ICQ# 


2001-02-23 Thread Paulo Ricardo Trainini

I need to accept requests HTTPS in apache. So I tried install
/usr/port/www/apache13-mod_ssl. It said that require the OpenSSL. So I
tried install /usr/ports/security/openssl. But it said that the OpenSSL is
already installed in base system. The version of my system is FreeBSD 4.1.

During the instalation, I don't installed the crypto collection. Maybe this
is the cause of my problem, but I don't know right.

What I do to install apache13-mod_sll to do apache accept https requests?

Thank you


Paulo Ricardo Trainini
Tel.: (51) 338.7284 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FORTNET - Soluções para Redes de Computadores
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2005-07-13 Thread kalin mintchev
hi all...

i tried http-users list without success...

i recently upgraded httpd from 1.3.x to 2.0.54. compiled httpd with mod_ssl.
OpenSSL 0.9.7e...
i remember that when building 1.3.x with mod_ssl the certificate was done
at the time of compilation of the server. now with 2.0.54 i'm trying the
instruction on:

i did follow this a few times and that didn't work. then i did this a few

it didn't work either..  in both cases the message i get is that the
connection is refused...

the only difference between the old 1.3.x apache build on the machine and
the new 2.0.54 is these two lines below in the ssl conf section.
when i start the new one i get a message that ca-bundle.crt is missing -
and it is. on the old machine it came with the apache src. there isn't
such file here now. i could copy it but maybe that's not a great idea, is it?

SSLCACertificatePath /usr/local/httpd/conf/ssl.crt
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt

i need this issue resolved relatively soon because that's the only thing
stopping this machine to go in production...

thanks a lot...


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

https to https proxy with client certificates

1999-09-08 Thread Alexander Boiler

Due to various bugs in iis server , i'm trying to protect an
 existing application by putting apache as a proxy .

client --extranet firewalliis port 443

after :
this schema works fine for moment: points now to apache server .
The client connects in ssl to apache.
Apache server is configured this way: (from httpd.conf)
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule^/index.html  http://extranet:4598/formulaire.html  [P]
RewriteRule^/(.+)  http://extranet:4598/$1  [P]

The firewall allows only apache to connect to iis server .

The session between apache and iis is not encrypted.

client 1--->firewall--2-->apache (mod_ssl , mod_proxy
   iis (extranet:4598)

I want now to use X509 certificates to access the application on iis
server .

i tried to change the rewrite rules on apache :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule^/index.html  https://extranet:4599/formulaire.html  [P]
RewriteRule    ^/(.+)  https://extranet:4599/$1  [P]

The https to https stuff in mod_proxy does not seem to work properly .
I'm using apache 1.3.9 with mod_ssl 2.4.1-1.3.9 .

1.Is there a patch allowing this kind of proxy ?
2. Does anyone tried this  before ?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Testing https

2000-07-10 Thread Diana Moreland

Hello everybody,

What methods would you folks recommend for testing https once modssl is

Thanks in advance,

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-07-12 Thread Mike King

You can't. The HTTPS protocol is special, and really needs to use port


At 10:45 AM 7/11/2000 -0400, you wrote: 
I would like to use HTTPS on another port than
How can I do it?
Alexandre Dias
Programmeur-Analyste - Enter-Net inc.
(450) 652-7189 #11
(514) 990-1683 #11
ICQ# 66771914

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-07-12 Thread Marc van Leeuwen

pas la peine de poluer pour des questions dans le 
genre Lis tout simplement la doc
Bon aller une piste quand même, tu va dans le 
fichier httpd.conf, et tu regardes où 443 est écris, et si tu remplace par un 
autre port, oh miracle
Sorry for responding in French, I guess the first 
line should get you to the meaning of the lines that follow.

  - Original Message - 
  Alexandre Dias 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 4:45 
  Subject: HTTPS
  I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 
  How can I do it?
  Alexandre Dias[EMAIL PROTECTED]==Programmeur-Analyste 
  - Enter-Net inc.(450) 652-7189 #11(514) 990-1683 #11ICQ# 


2000-07-12 Thread Mads Toftum

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 12:05:16AM -0700, Mike King wrote:
> You can't. The HTTPS protocol is special, and really needs to use port
> 443.

Please do not post in html!

What you're saying is NOT true - HTTPS could be on whichever port you want it
on - https://xxx.yyy.zz:12345/ will work just fine.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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2000-07-12 Thread Mads Toftum

On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 10:45:16AM -0400, Alexandre Dias wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 443...
> How can I do it?
Replace the 443's in the httpd.conf with whatever port number you want.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-07-12 Thread Paul

>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Alexandre Dias 
>   Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 4:45 PM
>   Subject: HTTPS
>   I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 443...
>   How can I do it?

RTFM is good advice, but I know that sometimes one wonders where in the
manual to look.

The standard configuration looks something like this:

Listen 80
Listen 443

This assumes that 80 (the HTTP default) is your standard port, and 443
(the HTTPS default) is your standard SSL port.  If, however, you don't
have root permissions (as an example), you can do this:

Listen 8080
Listen 8443

This is a common practice, and will work fine (as long as you keep
everything lined up -- make sure your Port and Listen commands for the
standard http access are in fact watching 8080, and that any virtual
host you want on the secure port knows it should be watching 8443 --
cross-port the commands, and I kinda doubt it will work. =o)

*Read The Manual*, but for a quick reference check the http.conf file.


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2000-07-12 Thread Luis Enrique Limon

just listen to a diferent port...

instead Listen 443
Listen 3000 for using ssl on a non secure port.
remember to change que virtual host definition to reflect your port change.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 443...
> How can I do it?
> Alexandre Dias
> ==
> Programmeur-Analyste - Enter-Net inc.
> (450) 652-7189 #11
> (514) 990-1683 #11
> ICQ# 66771914

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Luis E Limon
Senior SoftWare Developer
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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2000-07-12 Thread Danilo Nascimento

Hi Alexandre.
Now you now how to use a different port number for HTTPS - changing Listen 
However, remember if you change the default HTTPS port number (443) then all 
of clients will need to specify the NEW port number on the URL for your 
site. For example:
1) Using Standard HTTPS port number
2) Using non-Standard HTTPS port number, for example, 8443:

To avoid this problem, you can configure two versions of the same site, one 
using http and one using https. So the client will access the http version 
on the default port number (80) and this version will redirect the Client 
Request to the https site.

Bye, Danilo.

>From: "Alexandre Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: HTTPS
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 10:45:16 -0400
>I would like to use HTTPS on another port than 443...
>How can I do it?
>Alexandre Dias
>Programmeur-Analyste - Enter-Net inc.
>(450) 652-7189 #11
>(514) 990-1683 #11
>ICQ# 66771914

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2000-10-18 Thread Hiendl Elke

I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6 running on
Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen only to Port 443. I
am able to start Apache, but when I type: , the
whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get following:

[] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +

It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443 (Adress already in use:
make_sock: could not bind to port 443)

When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that the command was
not found 
Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
Thanx in advance



Elke Hiendl
Beraterin für System- und Netzwerkmanagement
Gesellschaft für iterative Softwaretechnologien mbH
Inselkammerstraße 4
82008 München-Unterhaching

Telefon +49 89  61 45 51 - 35 
Fax  +49 89  61 45 51 - 10

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https => http

2000-10-26 Thread Colin Chalmers

I have a problem that when an application (Turbine) accessed via https
refers to its own URL that http://...:443  is used instead of
https://... whereby the error that http is being spoken to an https port
is given.

configurartion = NT 4.0 sp5, apache 1.3.14 + openssl0.9.6 + modssl SNAP
20001016 + tomcat

I have already changed the setting

UseCanonicalName On to UseCanonicalName off

without success

Any help as to why this happens? Should I be using some form of rewrite?

Thanx in advance.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2001-01-09 Thread Miguel Jorge Medeiros de Castro fontes


is it possible to configure apache such as: if the 
client has a certificate enter page X and if client 
has no certificate enter page Y??

Miguel FOntes

Email Enviado utilizando o serviço MegaMail
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HTTPS fails

2001-02-24 Thread Natalie
Here is what I got from the log. For some hours, I could access the
encrypted site but after that it gave an error message of connection
timeout. This applies to both IE and Netscape. Any suggestion as to where
and what gone wrong?

[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [info]  Init: Seeding PRNG with 136 bytes of
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [info]  Init: Configuring temporary RSA private
keys (512/1024 bits)
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [info]  Init: Configuring temporary DH
parameters (512/1024 bits)
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [info]  Init: Initializing (virtual) servers
for SSL
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [info]  Init: Configuring server for SSL protocol
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [trace] Init: ( Creating
new SSL context (protocols: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1)
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [trace] Init: ( Configuring
permitted SSL ciphers
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [trace] Init: ( Configuring
RSA server certificate
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:17 17944] [trace] Init: ( Configuring
RSA server private key
[24/Feb/2001 14:48:42 17945] [info]  Connection to child 0 established
(server, client

Thanks & regards,

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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https proxy

1999-02-04 Thread Tim Tassonis


I have set up apache 1.3.4 to be a proxy server for http and ftp
requests, which works fine. I would now like to use it as well as a
https proxy, but I'm not quite sure which directives to set for this to
be working. What I'd like to achieve is the following:

- The proxy server listens on port 7344 for both http and ftp requests
- For https, it should as well listen on the same port
- I don't need any other functionality apart from proxy for this server

Is this possible with mod_ssl and if, how?



Tim Tassonis

Trivadis AG 
Electronic Commerce   
Sägereistrasse 24   
CH-8152 Glattbrugg
Tel.:   +41- 1-808 70 20
Fax :   +41- 1-808 70 21
Mobile: +41-79-229 36 17

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HTTPS headaches

1999-04-19 Thread Robert Barr

I'm running Apache 1.3.6 on Solaris 2.6 with the latest mod_ssl and OpenSSL.
When I run Apache with the "apachectl startssl" command, the default page
becomes visible over my intranet at http://hercules:443, where "hercules" is
the name of the localhost webserver box.

However, I get a "cannot find server" error message from my browser if I try
to connect with https://hercules:443. Additionally, the "httpd -S" command
does not show any virtual hosts configured. 

If anyone has any experience with this  kind of problem, your help would be
highly appreciated.

Robert Barr
Eikon Software South Africa
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-02-10 Thread Kenneth Mutka


I'm having some trouble setting up both HTTP and HTTPS on the same server (I
want to run both through the same Apache using Apaches virtual hosting).
Could somebody please help me out on this?
I seem to only get one of these working. Either it's HTTPS or HTTP, but
never both of them.


Kenneth Mutka
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-03-22 Thread Robert X Weeks

What Ho,

In the notes of 2.6.2 it mentions that HTTPS proxying is now available. How do I
implement this is it the same as an insecure proxy or are there new commands
like SSLProxy on?

I have rebuilt apache with  --enable-rule=SSL_EXPERIMENTAL --enable-module=proxy
and started with a fresh httpd.file but he proxy information is commented out
and I see no other proxy directive.

Have I missed something? there is nothing in the FAQ.


Bob Weeks

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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https client

2000-05-09 Thread ywae lin

does someone have some C/C++ example how to
GET / POST over HTTPS in Unix ?

thank you
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-06-14 Thread michel

Hi, I have a site with SSL. I want that if a user came in
http://www/ via automatic the user is redirect to

I have see manual, but I'm a newbie in regular expression. 
In httpd.conf I have:

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RewriteCond  %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule  (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R,L]
#RewriteRule   * https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1

out of every  

Tnx in advance

both them (Windows and M. Lewinski) suck a lot and both them are
are giving Bill some trouble.
Michel  Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of

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http + https

2002-09-20 Thread Mark Cance
Title: http + https

I’m trying to configure my server to use SSL just for requests to a specific directory.

I’ve read the manuals, installed mod_ssl + certificate and all seemed to be working fine, 

HTTP access to the server at large goes ahead and http accesses to the ‘secured’ directory are refused as desired.

However when a file know to be stored within the secured directory is requested a page not found error is displayed and the following written to ssl_engine_log, (ssl_request_log remains empty);

[20/Sep/2002 15:33:26 68075] [error] SSL handshake interrupted by system [Hint: Stop button pressed in browser?!] (System error follows)
[20/Sep/2002 15:33:26 68075] [error] System: Broken pipe (errno: 32)

I’m using the following lines in my httpd.conf to try and achieve the desired affect;

SSLVerifyClient none

SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 1

When I put the above lines in the ssl virtual host directive nothing appears to happen, http accesses to the directory are granted, though when I move it to  http accesses to the directory are refused as desired, which confuses me.

Can anyone help as I’m real stuck with this one.
BTW- as yet the CommonName used by my certificate is not applied to my server, I’m accessing the machine via its IP and acknowledging the warning dialogue my browser displays… I’m assuming this is not the cause of my trouble?

Re: https

2005-07-15 Thread Daniel Kimblad
There has been some discussion about that here lately.
RS Engelschall said he would include a script that would
produce a ca-bunde.crt from the Mozilla certdata.txt file
in version 2.8.23 of mod_ssl which should be available

kind regards

- Original Message - 
From: "kalin mintchev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:51 AM
Subject: https

> hi all...
> i tried http-users list without success...
> i recently upgraded httpd from 1.3.x to 2.0.54. compiled httpd with
> OpenSSL 0.9.7e...
> i remember that when building 1.3.x with mod_ssl the certificate was done
> at the time of compilation of the server. now with 2.0.54 i'm trying the
> instruction on:
> i did follow this a few times and that didn't work. then i did this a few
> times:
> it didn't work either..  in both cases the message i get is that the
> connection is refused...
> the only difference between the old 1.3.x apache build on the machine and
> the new 2.0.54 is these two lines below in the ssl conf section.
> when i start the new one i get a message that ca-bundle.crt is missing -
> and it is. on the old machine it came with the apache src. there isn't
> such file here now. i could copy it but maybe that's not a great idea, is
> SSLCACertificatePath /usr/local/httpd/conf/ssl.crt
> SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
> i need this issue resolved relatively soon because that's the only thing
> stopping this machine to go in production...
> thanks a lot...
> --
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

HTTPS virtualhosts

2007-04-05 Thread Michael
Hi everyone,

For starters, I'm not sure if I should be posting here or to Apache, but
they sort of steered me here, so I thought I'd start here at least -- if
not, please let me know. :-)

Anyway, I'm having issues with getting SSL and virtualhosts working with
Apache. Now, before you point me at the FAQ, it's not the obvious question.
What I'm trying to do is get multiple HTTPS hosts working on the same IP --
but using a wildcard SSL certificate.

My config is doing using mod_perl configuration, and I've copied it below.
Essentially, the idea is that I have a directory tree that looks like
/srv/www///[content|secure_content]// . That
way, I can just make a new directory/subdomain/etc., reload the apache
config, and it's all done and listening for me. And, since you can only have
one SSL cert per IP, I just have /srv/www//server.crt and server.key --
and that's the certificate used for that IP (so any HTTPS vhost created for
that IP will use that certificate). You may think that's a bit weird, but
there's a few circumstances that I want to use that - for example, wildcard
certificates I can have many vhosts per IP (within the same domain), and
also other times when I don't care if it cert mismatches, I just want an SSL

Anyway, the HTTP stuff is working great, and the config *appears* to check
out OK: 

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ ] # apache2 -S
VirtualHost configuration: is a NameVirtualHost
 default server
 port 80 namevhost
 port 80 namevhost (mod_perl:121)
 port 80 namevhost (mod_perl:177) a NameVirtualHost
 default server
 port 443 namevhost
 port 443 namevhost (mod_perl:1)
 port 443 namevhost (mod_perl:78)
Syntax OK

 however when I try to reload the config file, it complains and whinges
a lot about SSL conflicts (error.log):

[warn] Init: SSL server IP/port conflict: (mod_perl:12)
vs. (mod_perl:78)
[warn] Init: SSL server IP/port conflict: (mod_perl:1) vs. (mod_perl:78)
[warn] Init: You should not use name-based virtual hosts in conjunction with

I was sort of hoping "hmmm, they're just warnings, maybe it will be OK", but
it appears not -- when I load the page, it gives me a "Connection
Interrupted" or "Action Cancelled" (pick your browser) and I get this in the

[error] [client] Invalid method in request \x80L\x01\x03

Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to fix it at all, or why it's

Thanks for your help.


relevant apache config:




  my $www_path = "/srv/www";
  my @ip_array;
  my $ip_number;
  my @subdomain_array;
  my $subdomain_name;
  my $subdomain_address;
  my $domain_name;

  for $ip (<$www_path/*>) {

@ip_array = split /\//, "$ip";
$ip_number = $ip_array[-1];

for $domain (<$ip/*>) {

  for $http_subdomain (<$domain/content/*>) {

@subdomain_array = split /\//, "$http_subdomain";
$subdomain_name = $subdomain_array[-1];
$subdomain_address = $subdomain_name . ".";
$domain_name = $subdomain_array[-3];

$subdomain_address = "" if $subdomain_name eq "_";

push @{ $VirtualHost{"$ip_number:80"} },
  ServerName => "${subdomain_address}${domain_name}",
  DocumentRoot => "${domain}/content/${subdomain_name}",
  ServerSignature => "On",
  ErrorLog => "$domain/logs/error.log",
  CustomLog => ["$domain/logs/access.log", "virtual"],
  LogLevel => "warn",

  next if ! -e "$ip/server.crt";
  next if ! -e "$ip/server.key";

  for $https_subdomain (<$domain/secure_content/*>) {

@subdomain_array = split /\//, "$https_subdomain";
$subdomain_name = $subdomain_array[-1];
$subdomain_address = $subdomain_name . ".";
$domain_name = $subdomain_array[-3];

$subdomain_address = "" if $subdomain_name eq "_";

push @{ $VirtualHost{"$ip_number:443"} },
  ServerName => "${subdomain_address}${domain_name}",

Re: https to https proxy with client certificates

1999-09-08 Thread tvaughan

Alexander Boiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want now to use X509 certificates to access the application on iis
> server .

Without access to the client's private key, there is no way the the
apache+mod_ssl based proxy, or any proxy, can make a connection to the
other server as though it were the end user.

Or do you mean you want the apache+mod_ssl based proxy to present its own
certificate to the other server? This is possible but AFAIK is not
something mod_ssl currently supports. 


Tom Vaughan 
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Testing https

2000-07-10 Thread phil foster

configure it to a different port and fire it up. it should run fine in
conjunction with your production server.

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Diana Moreland wrote:

> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 09:32:11 -0400
> From: Diana Moreland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Testing https
> Hello everybody,
> What methods would you folks recommend for testing https once modssl is
> installed?
> Thanks in advance,
> Diana
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

IUPUI UITS System Programmer  
Pushing an elephant up the stairs
ET 012.42 (317)274-5513  

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https manual test

2000-07-27 Thread Raymond

hello again,

from modssl's FAQ page, i tried to do the https test manually by typing

openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state -debug

but what i got after i "entered" it is:

connect: Connection refused

i have been trying to make my virtually hosted site secured but i keep on 
getting a "cannot find server" when accessing it. its working when i dont 
have an ssl configuration. if i do a "httpd -S" on an ssl'ed conf, i get 
the message below.   is a NameVirtualHost
default server 
port 443 namevhost 

do hope you could give me insights on what the errors mean.

thanks a lot.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTTPS-Error

2000-10-18 Thread Adam Nealis

Hiendl Elke wrote:
> I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6 running on
> Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen only to Port 443. I
> am able to start Apache, but when I type: , the
> whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get following:
> [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443 (Adress already in use:
> make_sock: could not bind to port 443) tells
you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
tell you if something is listening to 443.

> When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that the command was
> not found 
> Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include

whereis apachectl

should help. What happens if you point your web
browser at https://localhost/ ?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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2000-10-18 Thread Hiendl Elke

when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; when I point to
https://localhost, it also hangs.
So what to do now?

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > 
> > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6 
> running on
> > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen 
> only to Port 443. I
> > am able to start Apache, but when I type: 
> , the
> > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get 
> following:
> > 
> > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > 
> > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443 
> (Adress already in use:
> > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> tells
> you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> tell you if something is listening to 443.
> > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that 
> the command was
> > not found 
> > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> apachectl.
> whereis apachectl
> should help. What happens if you point your web
> browser at https://localhost/ ?
> Adam.
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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Re: https => http

2000-10-26 Thread Bill Moran

Colin Chalmers wrote:
> I have a problem that when an application (Turbine) accessed via https
> refers to its own URL that http://...:443  is used instead of
> https://... whereby the error that http is being spoken to an https port
> is given.

This "Turbine" application is wrong.
Any access to port 443 (which expects to see an ssl connection) must
start with https://
Check the configuration of the "Turbine" application to see if there's
a way to fix it, or contact the programmer/vender and complain.

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http vs. https

2001-01-27 Thread Wayne Li

Hi all,

Now I successfully installed mod_ssl, and configure the httpd.conf as:

Listen 80
Listen 443

SSLEngine on 
SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key

And I can access the web server by both http and https. Both http://myhost/
and https://myhost/ are OK.
My question is, how can restrict a directory/file to be only accessed by
https, and others by http?

Comnetix Computer Systems Inc.
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2001-05-21 Thread Hu, Meng P (Meng Pei)


i had apache 1.3.19 + mod_ssl-2.8.2 + openssl-0.9.6a installed with no

i can start up Apache by running apachectl startssl and there is no error in
error_log file either.

But, i cannot connect to server via https with Netscape Navigator 4.7. It
only can do http.

Please help ! There must be something important that i missed.

Mengpei Hu

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https - port problem

2001-05-31 Thread Patrik Renout

Hi everybody,

Windows NT 4.0, SP6a
Opensa 0.20
Apache 1.3.12
OpenSSL 0.9.5

I have create 2 Virtual Host on my Apache Server, these 2 Host are working
with SSL.
On host is on port 443 and the other on port 444.

All work perfectly when i try to load each site on different browser, but
when i try to go from one to the other with the same browser (instance), i
get this "doctor watson" error:

"The application, , generated an application error The error occurred on
5/29/2001 @  9: 0:52.750 The exception generated was c005 at address
009d8760 ()"

If somebody can help...

I join the virtual host config in http.conf.

Best Regards

  DocumentRoot "d:/programs/apachegroup/apache/htdocs/server1"
  ServerName localhost
  ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
  ErrorLog logs/ssl/error.log
  TransferLog logs/ssl/access.log

  SSLEngine on



  SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +CompatEnvVars +StrictRequire
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

  SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

  CustomLog logs/ssl/ssl_request_log "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x
\"%r\" %b"

  DocumentRoot "d:/programs/apachegroup/apache/htdocs/webxml/server2"
  ServerName localhost
  ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
  ErrorLog logs/ssl/error.log
  TransferLog logs/ssl/access.log

  SSLEngine on



  SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +CompatEnvVars +StrictRequire
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

  SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

  CustomLog logs/ssl/ssl_request_log "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x
\"%r\" %b"

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(HTTPS): Busy, retry...

2001-09-17 Thread Jeshua Lacock

Hello et al,

I am having a hard time getting SSL running on Mac OS X 10.0.4 (Darwin 
1.3.7), Apache 1.3.20, OpenSSL 0.9.6b, mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20, egd 0.8, 
and it seems as if I am almost there, but I cannot figure out what is 
wrong.  Everything configured, built, installed and executed (with no 
errors), however when I try to connect to, I get the 
message: (HTTPS): Busy, retry: Temporarily unable to connect:  
Connection refused

( works fine, BTW)

I have made a certificate using "make certificate", then "make 
install".  I used default values for the certificate except I entered for the FQDN (I just want  a test certificate, I did not 
choose a pass phrase).  I then copied the ssl.key and ssl.crt to my 
/etc/httpd directory and have added the following four lines to my 
httpd.conf file:

   SSLRandomSeed startup egd:/tmp/entropy 1024
   SSLRandomSeed connect egd:/tmp/entropy 1024
   SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl.key/server.key
   SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl.crt/server.crt

Is there a directive missing or something I am not aware of? A FQDN 
thing? Or a permissions thing possibly?

I have exhaustedly gone over the SSL FAQ, and searched the web for help 
to no avail.

I greatly appreciate any light shed on this matter.


Jeshua Lacock
Phone: (760) 935-4481

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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ProxyPass to https

2001-11-28 Thread Ravi Babu D - CTD, Chennai.


  I've small clarification related ProxyPass , ProxyPassReverse directives
in the Apache_1.3.19 with mod_ssl2.8.3 . 
Is it possible to Proxypass to the https server ?
ie Is the following directives are correct ?
ProxyPass /test https:///test1
ProxyPassReverse /test https:///test1

Here the remotewebserver is SSL enabled server.

Thanks & Regards

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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directing http --> https

2002-02-07 Thread Owen Boyle

"Farooq Khan" writes:

> I have installed apache with mod_ssl.  Briefly, I want all http requests to a 
> VirtualHost to be redirected to https for the same VirtualHost.  Do I use 
>mod_rewrite to do
> this?
> I have set up 4 VirtualHosts in the order:
> All requests work fine.  I want all to be redirected to
> but they are defaulting to

The trouble is you haven't defined anything for requests on port 80 with
ServerName = "" so apache just serves the first port 80 VH it finds
- in this case

The solution is to create a small VH for and fill it with just
a Redirect to the https site, e.g.

  Redirect /

This will bounce any request to to the top of the https site. If
you want to be more specific so that --> then use something like:

RedirectMatch (.*)$1

Read the docs for these directives for more details. You can do a lot
with redirects and you only need to use rewrites if things get really


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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https without certificate

2002-02-08 Thread Mathieu Arnold


I was wondering if it may be possible to configure modssl to do crypto
with no certificate.
I know that it should be possible because certificates are just a way to
authenticate the server, not to establish the crypto.

Mathieu Arnold
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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HTTPS documents caching

2002-02-21 Thread Tomas Hulek

I have a question which concerning certain performance problems we are
having with large HTTP/HTTPS documents.

When our application (with extensive Java applet code) is run via HTTP, the
browser caches all HTTP documents nicely (including HTML, CSS, GIF, JPG,
JAR, CAB, XML ...). When the application is run next time, the browser
indicates what documents it already has and the server just responds with
the '304 Not Modified' message.

However, when the application runs under HTTPS, documents of type JAR, CAB,
XML (which we call from JavaScript on HTML pages) are not cached on the
client at all.

It it something that can be changed at the server level? Or is it purely a
WWW browser issue (in that case - where to find exact description of the

Thank you,

Tomas Hulek

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http and https

2002-04-18 Thread rmckeever


I have the following config:
Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6 

I notice that if i enter:

it works great. 

Now if if I enter this

I get to the same location and it is not SSL secured 

So my question is can you turn off access to http?

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https in Apache1.3

2002-05-18 Thread Nay Mooly


I installed  Apache1.3.20 and mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20 and openssl-0.9.6c.
I try http://IP address ,and success.
But I try https://IP address ,I get error message (cannot indicate).
I use

#cd openssl-0.9.6c
#./config -fPIC

#cd mod_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20
#./configure --with-apache=../apache1.3.20 --with-ssl=../openssl-0.9.6c \

#cd apache_1.3.20
#make certificate TYPE=custom

input data-

#make install
#/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
#/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl

-enter pass phrase---

 (httpd started)

Then http:// is OK ,but retry https://  failed.

I will thank you very much,if you give me some solutions.


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Re: https proxy

1999-02-04 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Thu, Feb 04, 1999, Tim Tassonis wrote:

> I have set up apache 1.3.4 to be a proxy server for http and ftp
> requests, which works fine. I would now like to use it as well as a
> https proxy, but I'm not quite sure which directives to set for this to
> be working. What I'd like to achieve is the following:
> - The proxy server listens on port 7344 for both http and ftp requests
> - For https, it should as well listen on the same port
> - I don't need any other functionality apart from proxy for this server
> Is this possible with mod_ssl and if, how?

For the plain HTTPS proxy functionality you don't need mod_ssl, because that's
done with the standard HTTP CONNECT method.  So all you need is mod_proxy.
mod_ssl is only needed when you want to establish a _gateway_, for instance a
HTTP-to-HTTPS or HTTPS-to-HTTP gateway or even a HTTPS-to-HTTPS gateway which
maps URL trees. But what you're asking about seems to be just the plain HTTPS
proxy functionality.
   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: https proxy

1999-02-04 Thread tim . tassonis

You're of course absolutely right. Thanks a lot for the answer.



Quoting "Ralf S. Engelschall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> For the plain HTTPS proxy functionality you don't need mod_ssl, because
> that's
> done with the standard HTTP CONNECT method.  So all you need is mod_proxy.
> mod_ssl is only needed when you want to establish a _gateway_, for instance
> a
> HTTP-to-HTTPS or HTTPS-to-HTTP gateway or even a HTTPS-to-HTTPS gateway
> which
> maps URL trees. But what you're asking about seems to be just the plain
> proxy functionality.
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Trying the https://....

1999-03-10 Thread Gilles L. Chong Hok Yuen

i think tt ive installed the mod-ssl correctly. Apache is properly
patched, i.e apachectl startssl works ( is on).
"/apache_1.3.4/bin/httpd -l" displays mod_ssl.c. But when i try
"", browser gives error, something like "unable to
connect to server". Do i need to put the following in the httpd.conf

Port 443
SSLVerifyClient 2
SSLVerifyDepth 10
SSLCertificateKeyFile /www/certs/
SSLCertificateFile /www/certs/
SSLCACertificateFile /www/certs/another-CA.cert
DocumentRoot /www/hosts/
TransferLog /www/hosts/
SSLLogFile /www/hosts/
ErrorLog /www/hosts/

Im trying to run a non-ssl apache server (main server) and a ssl apache
Do i need to open the port 443 in the firewall if im installing the ssl
apache server on the internal network? Will the url be then?
Also why is the apache ssl server installed in the /usr/local/apache
directory when i did "./configure --prefix=/apache/apache_1.3.4"?

Fanx again for help.

Systems Engineer, Internet Division
CSA Automated Pte Ltd, Singapore.

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
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Re: HTTPS headaches

1999-04-19 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Mon, Apr 19, 1999, Robert Barr wrote:

> I'm running Apache 1.3.6 on Solaris 2.6 with the latest mod_ssl and OpenSSL.
> When I run Apache with the "apachectl startssl" command, the default page
> becomes visible over my intranet at http://hercules:443, where "hercules" is
> the name of the localhost webserver box.
> However, I get a "cannot find server" error message from my browser if I try
> to connect with https://hercules:443. Additionally, the "httpd -S" command
> does not show any virtual hosts configured. 
> If anyone has any experience with this  kind of problem, your help would be
> highly appreciated.

No one can help you unless you show us your actually used configuration, of
course.  I guess you're virtual hosts are not configured correctly.  Start
with the supplied httpd.conf-dist file or the installed httpd.conf file. This
is prepared for SSL and should work correctly.

   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problems using https:

1999-05-06 Thread Fred Read

Having written an authentication module for Apache which has 
passed our testing and appears to be working fine we rebuilt 
Apache with mod_ssl.

We can access non secure web pages as "http://server/" and 
"http://server/~user" but "https://server/" fails with the 
following error message:

  Netscape's network connection was refused by the server:
  The server may not be accepting connections or 
  may be busy.

  Try connecting again later.

We are running:

Apache 1.3.4, 
OpenSSL 0.9.2b, 
mod_ssl 2.2.5-1.3.4

compiled with gcc and linked with Solaris ld under 
Solaris 2.7

Our experience of mod_ssl is limited so we would be grateful 
if anyone can suggest our next course of action...


If it ain't opinionated, it ain't Rich Teer.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Continuing https:// problems...

1999-06-29 Thread Jason Gilmore


I have assumedly correctly installed everything, as I receive:
It worked!
The SSL-aware Apache Web Server is installed on this Web Site.

when I load up

HOWEVER, if I attempt:

I receive the following message:
Netscape's network connection was refused by the server

The server may not be accepting connections or may be busy.

My question:

Other than modifying the httpd.conf file Virtual Host heading contained
within the  tags, there is nothing else that I
should have to do, correct? This is contained within
/home/www/apache_1.3.6/conf directory.

I also bind to 443, and not 8080

Could somebody send me a snippet of their httpd.conf file (with
important vars changed of course). However, I really can't see that I
would miss something.

Ideas? Any input is GREATLY appreciated.

-- jason

Jason Gilmore| Resident Dork
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Computing Services
(614) 292-9692  phone  | Fisher College of Business

The Ohio State University

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https not responding

1999-06-30 Thread Josh Hattery

I just compiled all the stuff listed in the INSTALL file for the mod_ssl
module.  I did everything it said to, even some of the optional stuff
without any compiling errors.  I did "make certificate" after compiling
apache and then did "make install"

Now, when i run apachectl start and do http:// it will work fine.
When I run apachectl startssl and do http:// it will run fine.
However, when i try https:// it doesn't work, it says that the
server is either busy or is not accepting connections on that port.  I
really don't have a clue what I did wrong.  I did set the CN to the same
hostname as i'm using when i test this.


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User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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https connection problems

1999-07-22 Thread Bruce E. Harris


I am having problems, still, getting Apache with mod_ssl to display on my
non-root login

I am running 
  Caldera OpenLinux 2.2, with a 2.2.9 kernel, 
  Apache 1.3.6 (owned by "nobody")
  mod_ssl 2.3.6-1.3.6

Apache is auto started in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local and when I start X under my
root login, I can view the Apache pages with both http and https, no problem.
Yet, if I log in using my usual non-root login, https errors out and Netscape 
give me "Netscape has encountered bad data from the server."

Before I upgraded my OS, and was running Caldera 1.3 Apache worked great,
both http and https with root and non-root logins. 

How can I fix this? I have tried recompiling Apache with fresh source code,
fresh mod_ssl and that changed nothing.



"Nakanunara Koroshite Shimae Hototogisu" Oda Nobunaga
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daemon question - https

1999-11-03 Thread Stephen H. Kapit

My problem has been with getting http and https running at the same time.  I thought 
that installing :80 and
:443 for each virtual host would do it. But it isn;t working.

An ISP I know is running two daemons. One for port 80 and the https daemon for port 
443.  I'm sure this would
work for me. Is this how it's supposed to be done?



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User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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HTTP & HTTPS again.

2000-02-10 Thread Kenneth Mutka

Nevermind my last mail.
I had forgotten to specify which ports it will listen to with the "Listen"
directive in httpd.conf. 

Thanks for baring with me anyway.


Kenneth Mutka
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTTPS Proxy

2000-03-22 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000, Robert X Weeks wrote:

> In the notes of 2.6.2 it mentions that HTTPS proxying is now available. How do I
> implement this is it the same as an insecure proxy or are there new commands
> like SSLProxy on?

The same CHANGES entry you mention also included this:

|   o  SSLProxyProtocol [+-][SSLv2|SSLv3|TLSv1] ...
|  (enable or disable SSL protocol flavors)
|   o  SSLProxyCipherSuite XXX:...:XXX
|  (colon-delimited list of permitted SSL ciphers)
|   o  SSLProxyVerify on|off
|  (whether to verify the remote certificate)
|   o  SSLProxyVerifyDepth N
|  (maximum certificate verification depth)
|   o  SSLProxyCACertificateFile /path/to/file
|  (file containing server certificates)
|   o  SSLProxyCACertificatePath /path/to/dir
|  (directory containing server certificates)
|   o  SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /path/to/file
|  (file containing client certificates)
|   o  SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath /path/to/dir
|  (directory containing client certificates)

> I have rebuilt apache with  --enable-rule=SSL_EXPERIMENTAL --enable-module=proxy
> and started with a fresh httpd.file but he proxy information is commented out
> and I see no other proxy directive.
> Have I missed something? there is nothing in the FAQ.

The stuff is experimental and so it is still not documented. That's
why the FAQ also does not contain anything about it. The above short
overview and the source code is the only information available for such
an experimental feature.

But keep in mind that for simple HTTPS client support in mod_proxy you
don't need this experimental stuff. mod_ssl always provides basic HTTPS
support for mod_proxy.
   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HTTPS Proxy

2000-03-23 Thread Robert X Weeks

Thank you for you prompt reply.
I am looking at implementing some secure proxing so I shall give this
experimental code a through bashing and report back

__rse replied__

The stuff is experimental and so it is still not documented. That's
why the FAQ also does not contain anything about it. The above short
overview and the source code is the only information available for such
an experimental feature.

But keep in mind that for simple HTTPS client support in mod_proxy you
don't need this experimental stuff. mod_ssl always provides basic HTTPS
support for mod_proxy.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

https not working ....

2000-04-25 Thread Anil Bisht

Hi all
Can anyone help me please

I am running apache 1.3.11 + mod ssl 2.5.1 + openssl 0.9.4

This is the way I installed
1) From the unzipped apache directory I installed apache
make install
after this
apachectl start works fine and the website is up

2) from the openssl unzipped directory I installed openssl
now I install the openssl .
   $ ./config
  $ make
  $ make test
  $ make install

after this I generated the certificate and have both the certificate and
Server.crt and server.key are stored in /usr/local/ssl/bin directory

3) from the mod ssl unzipped directory I installed modssl
$ ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.11 --with-ssl=../openssl-0.9.4
--with-key=/usr/local/ssl/bin/server.key  --enable-shared=ssl

$ cd ../apache_1.3.x  
$ make

$ make install 
now if the start the webserver it gives error
Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
 not included in the server configuration
Invalid command 'SSLCertificateFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
 not included in the server configuration
But if I comment these line the webserver starts.. but then https dosent
work can u give me some idea

Thanks and regards

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: https client

2000-05-12 Thread Jan Dries

ywae lin wrote:
> does someone have some C/C++ example how to
> GET / POST over HTTPS in Unix ?
> thank you
Try curl, or more correctly cURL. It's an open source C library
implementing the client side for various protocols, including http and
https (using openssl). It can be found at
If that doesn't do your trick, the openssl library itself
( has a few simple C examples.

Jan Dries
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-06-14 Thread Airey, John

A user redirect in the head a web page at http://www/
such as


Would achieve this (redirecting after 1 second). However, the secure
document root would have to be different!

I don't think (AFAIK) there's a way for a web server to do this.

John Airey
Internet Systems Support Officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for the
Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

-Original Message-
From: michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 June 2000 16:46
Subject: Auto HTTPS

Hi, I have a site with SSL. I want that if a user came in
http://www/ via automatic the user is redirect to

I have see manual, but I'm a newbie in regular expression. 
In httpd.conf I have:

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
    RewriteCond  %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule  (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R,L]
    #RewriteRule   * https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1

out of every  

Tnx in advance

both them (Windows and M. Lewinski) suck a lot and both them are
are giving Bill some trouble.
Michel  Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-14 Thread Balazs Nagy

"Airey, John" wrote:
> A user redirect in the head a web page at http://www/
> such as
> https://www/">
> Would achieve this (redirecting after 1 second). However, the secure
> document root would have to be different!

That does not achieve the goal.

> I don't think (AFAIK) there's a way for a web server to do this.

1) It would be really nice to respond UNDER the question, to make the thread
readable. (No offense.)

2) The auto redirect IS possible:
There are two virtual host definitions, one for the port 80 (unsecure) and one
for the port 443 (secure). In the virtual host :80 you could use something
Redirect /michel
In the virtual host :443 you might want to put a few redirect rules to switch
back to the :80 virtual host. There is a detailed example earlier on this list

Here is an example for a signup script:
RedirectMatch ^/(*)$1
that line redirects the script to the secure site, while passing all
the info to it.
So if the user does:
It becomes:

> -Original Message-
> From: michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 June 2000 16:46
> Subject: Auto HTTPS
> Hi, I have a site with SSL. I want that if a user came in
> http://www/ via automatic the user is redirect to
> https://www/
> I have see manual, but I'm a newbie in regular expression.
> In httpd.conf I have:
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> RewriteEngineon
>     RewriteCond  %{HTTPS} !=on
> RewriteRule  (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R,L]
> #RewriteRule   * https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1
> out of every 
> Tnx in advance
> both them (Windows and M. Lewinski) suck a lot and both them are
> are giving Bill some trouble.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-06-14 Thread Paul

I wrote a handler to do it.  
(BTW, I hope this helps, but PLEASE feel free to give criticisms and
suggestions.  I'm new to Apache/modperl/etc. =o)

# module for Apache/mod_perl PerlPostReadRequestHandler to redirect
#  users on the nonsecure port over to SSL (hopefully saving bookmarks)

package Apache::PortCorrect;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw( :response :methods );
use Carp ();
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

sub handler {
 $r = shift;   # the request object
 return OK if 443 == $r->get_server_port;
 (undef,$url,undef) = split(/\s+/o, $r->the_request);
 # allow HTTP:// access to some core pages and to graphics
 return OK if $url =~ m{ ^(?:/
   | /(public|teampages|pics|avgrates)/.*
   | /(home|cook)[.]shtml
   | .*[.](gif|jpg)
 # else redirect to the secure server
     $uri = "https://$" . $url; # edited :o)
 $args = $r->args;
 $uri .= "?$args" if $args;
 return MOVED;

1; # guarantee return code for load

In the config file, I just said (with minimal edit): 
PerlModule  Apache::PortCorrect
PerlPostReadRequestHandler  Apache::PortCorrect

Hope that helps. 


--- "Airey, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A user redirect in the head a web page at
> http://www/
> such as
> https://www/">
> Would achieve this (redirecting after 1 second). However, the secure
> document root would have to be different!
> I don't think (AFAIK) there's a way for a web server to do this.
> - 
> John Airey
> Internet Systems Support Officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for
> the
> Blind,
> Bakewell Road, Peterborough PE2 6XU,
> Tel.: +44 (0) 1733 375299 Fax: +44 (0) 1733 370848
> -Original Message-
> From: michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 June 2000 16:46
> Subject: Auto HTTPS
> Hi, I have a site with SSL. I want that if a user came in
> http://www/ via automatic the user is redirect to
> https://www/
> I have see manual, but I'm a newbie in regular expression. 
> In httpd.conf I have:
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> RewriteEngineon
> RewriteCond  %{HTTPS} !=on
> RewriteRule  (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R,L]
> #RewriteRule   * https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1
> out of every  
> Tnx in advance
> both them (Windows and M. Lewinski) suck a lot and both them are
> are giving Bill some trouble.
> --
> Michel  Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)  
> User Support Mailing List 
> Automated List Manager   
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)  
> User Support Mailing List 
> Automated List Manager   

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Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-14 Thread Mads Toftum

On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 05:45:46PM +0200, michel wrote:
> Hi, I have a site with SSL. I want that if a user came in
> http://www/ via automatic the user is redirect to
> https://www/
> I have see manual, but I'm a newbie in regular expression. 
> In httpd.conf I have:
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> RewriteEngine    on
> RewriteCond  %{HTTPS} !=on
> RewriteRule  (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R,L]
> #RewriteRule   * https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1
> out of every  
You could just do this on your http host:

RewriteRule ^/michel(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/michel$1 [L,R]


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-14 Thread Steve Sobol

Balazs Nagy wrote:

> > I don't think (AFAIK) there's a way for a web server to do this.
> 2) The auto redirect IS possible:
> There are two virtual host definitions, one for the port 80 (unsecure) and one
> for the port 443 (secure). In the virtual host :80 you could use something
> like:
> Redirect /michel
> In the virtual host :443 you might want to put a few redirect rules to switch
> back to the :80 virtual host. There is a detailed example earlier on this list
> (april-may).

Actually, you could just do a global redirect:

Redirect /

which redirects any url under / (the web site's root) to the
secure URL.

> RedirectMatch ^/(*)$1

I don't know that you even need to do that.

Redirect will preserve CGI parameters entered as part of the URL.

North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH
Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor
Spammers and Net-abusers: Don't bother asking me for service. See for more information.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread michel

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Steve Sobol wrote:
> > Redirect /michel

Hi again.
I have tried it, but it dows not works.
When I access to /michel I'm redirect to https://... but the page
displayed by Netscape is:

The document has moved here.
And "here" is a link to the same page (it creates a infinity link).
How can i resolve it?

Tnx in advance
Non pensate al futuro ... usate il gerundio!!!
Michel  Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread Balazs Nagy

michel wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Steve Sobol wrote:
> > > Redirect /michel
> Hi again.
> I have tried it, but it dows not works.
> When I access to /michel I'm redirect to https://... but the page
> displayed by Netscape is:
> --
> Found
> The document has moved here.
> --
> And "here" is a link to the same page (it creates a infinity link).
> How can i resolve it?

there might be several problems:
1) Check that https is up and running
2) Check that you can access the page you want to direct to by typing the URL
into the browser

Remember that the alias for /michel and /michel/ are to different alias
statements. The axample I gave you was cut out directly from my configs, so it
will work is you can verify points 1) and 2)

Good Luck.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread Balazs Nagy

Steve Sobol wrote:
> Balazs Nagy wrote:
> > > I don't think (AFAIK) there's a way for a web server to do this.
> >
> > 2) The auto redirect IS possible:
> > There are two virtual host definitions, one for the port 80 (unsecure) and one
> > for the port 443 (secure). In the virtual host :80 you could use something
> > like:
> > Redirect /michel
> > In the virtual host :443 you might want to put a few redirect rules to switch
> > back to the :80 virtual host. There is a detailed example earlier on this list
> > (april-may).
> Actually, you could just do a global redirect:
> Redirect /
> which redirects any url under / (the web site's root) to the
> secure URL.

That was not the question ;) He wanted only part of the site (the subdir

> > RedirectMatch ^/(*)$1
> I don't know that you even need to do that.
> Redirect will preserve CGI parameters entered as part of the URL.

Yes, but in his case, he might have things like 
In that case you do need to use 
RedirectMatch ^/(michel.*)$1
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread Martin Leung

Hi Michel,

Probably you defined the clause in a global manner and thus formed a loop
inside the virtual host at port 443. Try embed your setting as below:

  Redirect /michel


michel wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Steve Sobol wrote:
> > > Redirect /michel
> Hi again.
> I have tried it, but it dows not works.
> When I access to /michel I'm redirect to https://... but the page
> displayed by Netscape is:
> --
> Found
> The document has moved here.
> --
> And "here" is a link to the same page (it creates a infinity link).
> How can i resolve it?
> Tnx in advance
> Non pensate al futuro ... usate il gerundio!!!
> --
> Michel  Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread Steve Sobol

michel wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Steve Sobol wrote:
> > > Redirect /michel
> Hi again.
> I have tried it, but it dows not works.
> When I access to /michel I'm redirect to https://... but the page
> displayed by Netscape is:
> --
> Found
> The document has moved here.
> --
> And "here" is a link to the same page (it creates a infinity link).
> How can i resolve it?


redirect permanent /

(There are a few different types of Redirects that Apache can generate.)

North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH
Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor
Spammers and Net-abusers: Don't bother asking me for service. See for more information.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Auto HTTPS

2000-06-15 Thread Steve Sobol

Balazs Nagy wrote:

> > Redirect /
> >
> > which redirects any url under / (the web site's root) to the
> > secure URL.
> That was not the question ;) 

Oh, so you want me to actually *read* and *comprehend* the
question before replying? I think that's a bit much to ask. ;)

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

> In that case you do need to use
> RedirectMatch ^/(michel.*)$1

You are correct.

North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH
Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor
Spammers and Net-abusers: Don't bother asking me for service. See for more information.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

HTTPS not running

2002-07-11 Thread Shalen

  I am able to set up a http apache server using
  apache_1.3.26 and openssl-0.9.6d
   I also installed mod_ssl
   but when I write
   I am not able to get anything
  but when I write
   I see the page,
Hey, it worked
The SSL/TLS-aware Apache webserver was successfully
 I also ran 
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl
But I am not able to run https server
 Can someone guide me
  I am in urgent need to set up https server

I am referring the page

Please suggest

There is always a better job for you at
Go now

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User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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passpharse starting https

2002-09-25 Thread rmckeever


Im sure im not the only one that has ever asked this but couldnt really find
anything on google. 

What happens if you what to have your passphrase entered automatic when
starting https, especially if your not sitting at your system at 3am...

Thanks upfront...


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

http to https

2002-10-29 Thread rmckee

Im sure this has been asked but I cant find the answer.

I have Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)mod_ssl/2.8.12 OpenSSL/0.9.6e.

In the httpd.conf can I make an http link go to (redirect) an https link.

So if they click on this link:  
it will direct to 
https://system/ or 

Thanks upfront
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

https access problems

2003-06-13 Thread Konn Danley

I am new to this mailing list.  I am having a problem with external internet
access to my server.  I have the following in place:

Red Hat 7.3/2.4.18-3
Apache 1.3.27
mod_ssl 2.8.12-1.3.27
OpenSSL 0.9.7a

I have a main server running on port 80, and a virtualhost on port 443 for
the SSL.  I can access port 443 100% of the time from any client on my
internal network.  From external networks, I am having problems connecting.
I see nothing in IPTraf when these connections external connections don't
connect, nor do I get anything in my log files.  I have no problems at all
with http.  All internal clients work fine for both http and https on MSIE,
Netscape, and Mozilla.  These same clients configured for loopback through a
dial-up and back into a cable-modem can't get in.most of the time, but
once in a while.  The same symptoms occur for other people who have tried to
access my SSL website.  They have no problems with http, but https will
almost always refuse the connection or give them a page not displayed.

I found a couple of messages posted on this board which talked about the
SSLSessionCache.  I tried changing that to 'none' from 'dbm'.  When I did
this, the external connections worked!!  5 minutes later, they were gone,
and I was back to the same place that I started.  This is a very strange
problem, and I am NOT an expert.

I see that there are a lot of posts on this board concerning similiar
sounding problems.  Has anybody come up with a fix for this?  Does anybody
have any suggestions as to what I should do or try next?

Any help here is greatly appreciated.


Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

https not working

2003-06-18 Thread kulkarni veena
 I have been stuck with the problem for a long time
now. I will appreciate any suugestions to rectify this

THe thing is my https server on SunOS 5.9 serves
Netscape ok. It is only MSIE thatis not able to access
secure pages. 

what I see on the ssl_error_log is that IE and Apache
server decide on the protocol and then server
shutsdown the connection. What could be the reason?
I'm totally lost.

Part of the ssl_error_log file:
[Tue Jun 17 14:16:30 2003] [debug]
ssl_engine_kernel.c(1761): OpenSSL: Handshake: done
[Tue Jun 17 14:16:30 2003] [info] Connection: Client
IP:, Protocol: SSLv2, Cipher: RC4-MD5
(128/128 bits)
[Tue Jun 17 14:16:31 2003] [debug]
ssl_engine_io.c(1489): OpenSSL: I/O error, 2 bytes
expected to read on BIO#13c2d0 [mem: 17b978]
[Tue Jun 17 14:16:31 2003] [info] (70014)End of file
found: SSL input filter read failed.
[Tue Jun 17 14:16:31 2003] [info] Connection to child
3 closed with standard shutdown(server, client


OS: SunOs 5.9
Apache: 2.0.45
openssl: 0.9.7a
shared library: MM

Thanks in advance. 


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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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HTTPS Unknown Error

2003-08-21 Thread Nauman, Ahmed [IT]
Hi All,

I receive this error "HTTPS Unknown Error" with error code 500 from the apache server 
when i try to make a PUT request through HTTPS. Are their any specific reasons of that 
? I have a test application which gets 204 response from the same server but our live 
application gets 500 response code. This seems confusing - anyone with help will be 
highly appreciated.


-Original Message-
From: Boyle Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: RE:

>-Original Message-
>From: Dave Paris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> snip...  You claim to  
>have spent two MONTHS trying to find what I found in under 10 

Er... the difference is that you recognised the problem immediately
because you have seen it before. So you knew exactly what to type into

If you put yourself in Ian's shoes, he was using the NBVH mechanism for
ages and became very familiar with it. He then tried to extend it to
SSL, which is a reasonable thing to do, and then was suprised that it
didn't work. It is not blindingly obvious, a priori, what the problem
is. In that case, it is not so obvious what to type into Google - you
might not necessarily realise that the problem is to do with NBVH,
especially if that is not the only thing you changed.

I am making this comment because I followed a very similar route to Ian
in discovering this SSL limitation. In my case, I was tasked by my boss,
who is a competent programmer, to "set up some NBVHs under SSL". It
never occurred to me that my boss could have handed me an impossible
task and I spent weeks trying to get it to work. In the end, it was this
mailing list which enlightened me.

Since then, I've tried to help out on the list, initially by explaining
this issue whenever it came up but lately (since others also now do this
quite ably), by chipping in whenever some bright spark reckons that he's
found a workaround (it's a bit like debunking perpetual motion machine
designs). Usually, he's forgotten about authentication and is using the
same cert in all VHs...

Anyway, the point I'm making is that the original poster is obviously a
seasoned hacker (he uses openssl from the command line!) and as such
should be welcome on this list and congratulated for using mod_ssl... So
could we be a bit friendlier please?

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

>That doesn't make me one bit of a better person than you... it just  
>says that my mind works in a way that is different from yours.  I'd  
>wager there are certain tasks you accomplish quite easily that would  
>take me some effort.  It's the way us humans seem to be designed.
>Every once in awhile, it's a good thing to look at who we are 
>and what  
>we're good at and then review what we've chosen to do in life. 
> Doing a  
>job that meshes well with how you think can be all the difference  
>between looking forward to an rewarding day at the office and 
>a bruised  
>forehead from repeatedly smashing your head against a wall in  
>self-frustration.  [ of course, I'm omitting the forehead bruising  
>caused by external influences like PHBs ;-) ]   As for the 
>tone of your  
>note .. life's tough, grab a helmet.
>Kind Regards,
>On Thursday, Aug 21, 2003, at 00:05 US/Eastern, Ian Newlands wrote:
>> If I hadn't already exhausted resources I would not have made this  
>> post in the first place.  I have tried 3 different versions 
>of apache,  
>> searched through previous postings, used search engines etc. 
>bought 2  
>> books on apache and have been attempting to get this going 
>for almost  
>> 2 months now.
>> I'm glad you're amused by my frustration here.
>> If there is anyone out there that is willing to submit a serious  
>> response to this I would appreciate it greatly.
>> Regards,
>> Ian Newlands
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dave Paris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: "Ian Newlands" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 11:58 AM
>> Subject: Re: virtual hosting
>>> geeze.  is it that time of the month already for this question?   
>>> seems like it was just yesterday when it was asked last .. 
>maybe I'm  
>>> just thinking of the other 100,000 times it was asked.
>>> in all seriousness, this dead horse has been beaten so many 
>times on  
>>> this list there isn't even a carcass left to hit at this point.   
>>> please go dig through 

mod_ssl/Apache https problem

2000-09-15 Thread Pieter.Donche


I set up mod_ssl-2.6.6-1.3.12 for Apache 1.2.12 on Sun/Solaris2.6 (with 
built-in PHP4.0 and ApacheJServ-1.1.2), made a self-signed certificate 
(make certificate TYPE=custom) and launched .../apachectl startssl (with
Pass phrase) Installed everything as logged in as root.

Tried form a PC w/Netscape 4.72: 
get a message that Netscape does not recognize the authority who
signed this certificate (I can agree), clicking a few "Next"'s
gets me to the small window "You have requested a secure document", 
but then:

  Tou don't have permission to access / on this server

If I use http://my.own.server/path_to_a_subdir/someHTMLfile.html
I end up with:

  Not Found
  The requested URL/path_to_a_subdir/someHTMLfile.html was not found on this server
Using http instead of https works fine.

What could be wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any hints.


Pieter Donche, I.T. Manager   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. Math. & Computer Science  Voice: +32(0)3/820.22.02
University of Antwerp (UIA), room A2.23   Fax: +32(0)3/820.24.21
Universiteitsplein 1, B 2610 Wilrijk, BELGIUM

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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https pass-through proxying

2000-09-21 Thread Krzysztof Kraska

 We'd like 
to bring nice webpages from remote host into our namespace. But connection 
between remote host and our namespace should use SSL protocol. How can it be 
 We know 
that a dynamic mirror is done by the use of the mod_rewrite module and Proxy 
Throughput feature (flag [P]) as follows:
RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^nice_pages/(.*)$ 
<$1> [P,L]   But 
when we convert <$1> 
to <$1> it doesn't work.   Remote host and our namespace server use OpenSSL-0.9.5a, Apache 1.3.12 
and Apache1.3.12+ssl1.41 patch. 
In mod_ssl F_A_Q.htm we saw that "mod_ssl adds 
support for HTTPS to the Apache Proxy Module (mod_proxy)". Does it mean, we 
can do this using mod_ssl? 
Elizabeth & Chris

Re: AW: HTTPS-Error

2000-10-18 Thread Adam Nealis

Hiendl Elke wrote:
> when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; when I point to

find / -name apachectl -print

I suspect apachectl is in /usr/local somewhere, and
whereis isn't checking there.

> https://localhost, it also hangs.
> So what to do now?
Read and
try some of the tests. Something is running on 443, and I
suspect it's apache. Use apachectl to stop apache, then
verify there is nothing on 443.

> > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> > Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> >
> > Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > >
> > > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6
> > running on
> > > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen
> > only to Port 443. I
> > > am able to start Apache, but when I type:
> > , the
> > > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get
> > following:
> > >
> > > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > >
> > > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443
> > (Adress already in use:
> > > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> > tells
> > you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> > tell you if something is listening to 443.
> >
> > > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that
> > the command was
> > > not found 
> > > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> > It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> > apachectl.
> >
> > whereis apachectl
> >
> > should help. What happens if you point your web
> > browser at https://localhost/ ?
> >
> > Adam.
> > __
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> > User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-10-18 Thread Hiendl Elke

Hi Adam,

thanks for your kind help. But I´m still having trouble:
apachectl is in /usr/local/apache/bin but despite the permissions are o.k.,
it prompts me that the command is not found.
I already tried some of the tests: telnet localhost:80 gives me "Unknown
host" also telnet on Port 443; the same is with my full Server name. with
telnet localhost I can connect.

The openssl command also wasn`t found (??), the same with cURL.
When I try: cd /usr/sbin
# httpd -DSSL
it gives the following error-message:
[..][warn] Loaded DSO libexec/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this
module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI).
I  compiled the JServ module, because I have to include Tomcat in my
So actually, I have to problems: to get the Apache started with SSL on Port
443 and to get Tomcat to talk to Apache. All ASAP!

Any help is greatly appreciated


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 11:02
> Betreff: Re: AW: HTTPS-Error
> Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > 
> > when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; 
> when I point to
> Try
> find / -name apachectl -print
> I suspect apachectl is in /usr/local somewhere, and
> whereis isn't checking there.
> > https://localhost, it also hangs.
> > So what to do now?
> Read and
> try some of the tests. Something is running on 443, and I
> suspect it's apache. Use apachectl to stop apache, then
> verify there is nothing on 443.
> > 
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> > > Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> > >
> > > Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6
> > > running on
> > > > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen
> > > only to Port 443. I
> > > > am able to start Apache, but when I type:
> > > , the
> > > > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get
> > > following:
> > > >
> > > > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > > >
> > > > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443
> > > (Adress already in use:
> > > > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> > > tells
> > > you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> > > tell you if something is listening to 443.
> > >
> > > > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that
> > > the command was
> > > > not found 
> > > > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> > > It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> > > apachectl.
> > >
> > > whereis apachectl
> > >
> > > should help. What happens if you point your web
> > > browser at https://localhost/ ?
> > >
> > > Adam.
> > > 
> __
> > > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)   
> > > User Support Mailing List  
> > > Automated List Manager
> > >
> > 
> __
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)   
> > User Support Mailing List  
> > Automated List Manager
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

R: AW: HTTPS-Error

2000-10-18 Thread Adinolfi Giovanni

I had the same error, but on Windows NT system, I have resolve this changed
the httpd.conf file, I had changed:

load module
LoadModule anon_auth_module modules/ApacheModuleAuthAnon.dll
LoadModule dbm_auth_module modules/ApacheModuleAuthDBM.dll
LoadModule digest_auth_module modules/ApacheModuleAuthDigest.dll
LoadModule cern_meta_module modules/ApacheModuleCERNMeta.dll
LoadModule digest_module modules/ApacheModuleDigest.dll
LoadModule expires_module modules/ApacheModuleExpires.dll
LoadModule headers_module modules/ApacheModuleHeaders.dll
LoadModule proxy_module modules/ApacheModuleProxy.dll
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ApacheModuleRewrite.dll
LoadModule speling_module modules/ApacheModuleSpeling.dll
LoadModule info_module modules/ApacheModuleInfo.dll
LoadModule status_module modules/ApacheModuleStatus.dll
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/ApacheModuleUserTrack.dll
LoadModule ssl_module modules/ApacheModuleSSL.dll

The modules into unix system have .o or .so extention

and have add listen directive with port 443

in this mode when I try connecr manualy through openssl I had success.

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Hiendl Elke
Inviato: mercoledì 18 ottobre 2000 11.31
Oggetto: AW: AW: HTTPS-Error

Hi Adam,

thanks for your kind help. But I´m still having trouble:
apachectl is in /usr/local/apache/bin but despite the permissions are o.k.,
it prompts me that the command is not found.
I already tried some of the tests: telnet localhost:80 gives me "Unknown
host" also telnet on Port 443; the same is with my full Server name. with
telnet localhost I can connect.

The openssl command also wasn`t found (??), the same with cURL.
When I try: cd /usr/sbin
# httpd -DSSL
it gives the following error-message:
[..][warn] Loaded DSO libexec/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this
module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI).
I  compiled the JServ module, because I have to include Tomcat in my
So actually, I have to problems: to get the Apache started with SSL on Port
443 and to get Tomcat to talk to Apache. All ASAP!

Any help is greatly appreciated


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 11:02
> Betreff: Re: AW: HTTPS-Error
> Hiendl Elke wrote:
> >
> > when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:";
> when I point to
> Try
> find / -name apachectl -print
> I suspect apachectl is in /usr/local somewhere, and
> whereis isn't checking there.
> > https://localhost, it also hangs.
> > So what to do now?
> Read and
> try some of the tests. Something is running on 443, and I
> suspect it's apache. Use apachectl to stop apache, then
> verify there is nothing on 443.
> >
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> > > Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> > >
> > > Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6
> > > running on
> > > > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen
> > > only to Port 443. I
> > > > am able to start Apache, but when I type:
> > > , the
> > > > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get
> > > following:
> > > >
> > > > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > > >
> > > > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443
> > > (Adress already in use:
> > > > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> > > tells
> > > you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> > > tell you if something is listening to 443.
> > >
> > > > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that
> > > the command was
> > > > not found 
> > > > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> > > It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> > > apachectl.
> > >
> > > whereis apachectl
> > >
> > > should help. What happens if you point your web
> > > browser at https://localhost/ ?
> > >
> > > Adam.
> > >
> __
> > > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)

Re: AW: HTTPS-Error

2000-10-18 Thread Armand

Caldera keeps apachectl in /etc/httpd/bin   I would issue something like

apachectl start ; tail /var/log/httpd/apache/error_log

and see what kind of error log it generates

For more specific info about Caldera+Apache and other Caldera related
subjects check out and go to
Apache->Armand Document


Hiendl Elke wrote:
> when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; when I point to
> https://localhost, it also hangs.
> So what to do now?
> > -Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> > Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> >
> > Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > >
> > > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6
> > running on
> > > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen
> > only to Port 443. I
> > > am able to start Apache, but when I type:
> > , the
> > > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get
> > following:
> > >
> > > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > >
> > > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443
> > (Adress already in use:
> > > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> > tells
> > you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> > tell you if something is listening to 443.
> >
> > > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that
> > the command was
> > > not found 
> > > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> > It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> > apachectl.
> >
> > whereis apachectl
> >
> > should help. What happens if you point your web
> > browser at https://localhost/ ?
> >
> > Adam.
> > __
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> > User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: HTTPS-Error

2000-10-18 Thread Armand

Hiendl Elke wrote:
> when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; when I point to
> https://localhost, it also hangs.
> So what to do now?

Are you really typing in http_s_ as above in your post?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-10-18 Thread Hiendl Elke

Really, I´m not kidding!

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Armand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 16:51
> Betreff: Re: AW: HTTPS-Error
> Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > 
> > when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; 
> when I point to
> > https://localhost, it also hangs.
> > So what to do now?
> Are you really typing in http_s_ as above in your post?
> Armand
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-10-19 Thread Hiendl Elke

Hi Armand,

thanks for the link; I think I will try once again from scratch. But I don`t
need PHP at all (can I just skip these steps?), but I have to use mod_jserv
(Tomcat as servlet-container). Any experience how to build it and avoid the
error message about EAPI/DEAPI?


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Armand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 16:49
> Betreff: Re: AW: HTTPS-Error
> Caldera keeps apachectl in /etc/httpd/bin   I would issue 
> something like
> apachectl start ; tail /var/log/httpd/apache/error_log
> and see what kind of error log it generates
> For more specific info about Caldera+Apache and other Caldera related
> subjects check out and go to
> Apache->Armand Document
> Armand
> Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > 
> > when I type whereis apachectl it prompts me "apachectl:"; 
> when I point to
> > https://localhost, it also hangs.
> > So what to do now?
> > 
> > > -Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Adam Nealis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2000 10:18
> > > Betreff: Re: HTTPS-Error
> > >
> > > Hiendl Elke wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have Apache1.3.12, modssl 2.6.6-1-3-12 and openssl 0.9.6
> > > running on
> > > > Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I configured my Apache to listen
> > > only to Port 443. I
> > > > am able to start Apache, but when I type:
> > > , the
> > > > whole thing just hangs; when I look in  the error.log I get
> > > following:
> > > >
> > > > [] [error] [client] Invalid method in request +
> > > >
> > > > It also tells me, that it could not bind to Port 443
> > > (Adress already in use:
> > > > make_sock: could not bind to port 443)
> > > tells
> > > you how to manually check your HTTPS server. This will
> > > tell you if something is listening to 443.
> > >
> > > > When I try to start with apachectl startssl, I am told that
> > > the command was
> > > > not found 
> > > > Sounds all very strange to me, can anybody help me?
> > > It sounds to me that your PATH doesn't include
> > > apachectl.
> > >
> > > whereis apachectl
> > >
> > > should help. What happens if you point your web
> > > browser at https://localhost/ ?
> > >
> > > Adam.
> > > 
> __
> > > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)   
> > > User Support Mailing List  
> > > Automated List Manager
> > >
> > 
> __
> > Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)   
> > User Support Mailing List  
> > Automated List Manager
> __
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
> User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Free HTTPS benchmarking tool?

2000-12-15 Thread Adam Nealis

I've been digging around for a few hours today
looking for something to give me an idea of
my web site responsiveness. It doesn't have to
be too sophisticated, but it must support
cookies during runs (to see anything useful on
my site you must log in via a  on the
Home Page). Oh, and do SSL too ;).

All I found was http_load which I'm not
convinced worked. Also webstone 2.5 + SSL, but
it was a bit awkward not least because of the
requirement of using rexe so I didn't get as far
as an actual run.

I considered lynx-ssl, but I couldn't fathom a
way to give it a list of URLs and have it hammer
the site that way. The -crawl option in lynx was
tempting, but since the live site allows one to
post information I am nervous to point a crawler
at the site. OTOH since we store state information
in cookies I might be able to get lynx to work with
that, and fire off zillions of lynx processes, one
per list.

Like I said, I'm not rying to be too sophisticated

Has anyone any suggestions?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: http vs. https

2001-01-28 Thread Deim Agoston

> And I can access the web server by both http and https. Both http://myhost/
> and https://myhost/ are OK.
> My question is, how can restrict a directory/file to be only accessed by
> https, and others by http?
Use the 

ps.: you can use mod_rewrite to always rewrite these directories address
from http:// to https://

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: http vs. https

2001-01-28 Thread Deim Agoston

Hello !

And how did you manage your DocumentRoot settings ? Because I followed the
instructions and settings and I just see the default redhat page, which
says I should change the documentroot. But why shuold I ? I just keep the
pages in a directory set up to virtual domains and all of them have a
seperate directory under this virtuals directory. So how does it possible
to use the same directory just with https://... Should I use the
mod_rewrite every time ?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: http vs. https

2001-01-29 Thread Owen Boyle

Wayne Li wrote:
> My question is, how can restrict a directory/file to be only accessed by
> https, and others by http?

Think of the SSL server as a distinct VirtualHost so make sure the
content directories don't overlap. E.g something like:

HTTP virtual host:
DocumentRoot /home/user/html/plain_HTTP
SSL virtual host:
DocumentRoot /home/user/html/ssl_stuff

If you must have SSL stuff under the HTTP DocumentRoot then use:



Owen Boyle
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

.htaccess and https:// connections

2001-02-06 Thread James Hastings-Trew

I think others have asked this question as well, but I would like a portion
of my secure site to be blocked to access unless a name and password is
entered. I have create a valid .htaccess file, pointing at a valid .htpasswd
file, and it works provided that part of the site is accessed through an
http: connection -- it correctly query's for the name and password before
showing the page. However, when accessed through a  https: connection, no
such query pops up - the script is run and the page shows as if there were
no .htaccess file at all.

I have tried putting the directives directly into the httpd.conf file, but
the result is the same either way I do it - the .htaccess file only seems to
work if the connection to the page is made through an unsecure connection. I
would like the sessions to this page (an admin page to be used by authorized
users off-site) to require authorization and be through an SSL session. The
chances of anyone guessing the directory/script name is low, but still

Any ideas?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Allow from env=HTTPS

2001-03-13 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg


I'm trying to create an access rule so that users can access
the website unsecurely from inside the office and have to use https
to access it from the outside.

I put this in a .htaccess file:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=HTTPS
Allow from

However, this doesn't work. The "Allow from env=HTTPS" line _never_
works, however hard I try.

If I execute a CGI script that prints the environment variables, I
can see that "HTTPS=on". Also if I put the following in the .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}on
RewriteRule .*  -   [E=secure:on]

.. I can see from the output of the mentioned CGI script that the
environment variable "secure" is set to "on" as well. So it appears
that mod_rewrite does see the HTTPS variable, but that mod_access
doesn't ... I've read the mod_access source, and it should work.

The only problem could be the order in which the modules are loaded
and the requests are processed - but that shouldn't matter, right,
as the EAPI hooks that mod_ssl uses make sure that HTTPS is set
very early (I read the mod_ssl source and that seems to happen).

So why doesn't it work ?

Oh - apache 1.3.14, mod_ssl 2.7.1

Go not unto the Usenet for advice, for you will be told both yea and nay (and
quite a few things that just have nothing at all to do with the question).
-- seen in a .sig somewhere
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

sometimes http sometimes https

2001-03-13 Thread Justin Naik

does anyone know why if I use a 


from a servlet to a jsp - I get a http jsp but if I do a 


I get a https page (obviously showing servley address in url window)

I don't see why?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-05-22 Thread Owen Boyle

"Hu, Meng P (Meng Pei)" wrote:
> Hi,
> i had apache 1.3.19 + mod_ssl-2.8.2 + openssl-0.9.6a installed with no
> error.
> i can start up Apache by running apachectl startssl and there is no error in
> error_log file either.
> But, i cannot connect to server via https with Netscape Navigator 4.7. It
> only can do http.
> Please help ! There must be something important that i missed.

Did you actually define an SSL virtualhost? The server can now do HTTP
or HTTPS but you must tell it what protocol to use with each
virtualhost. You need something like:

  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /path-to-key-file
  DocumentRoot  /path-to-https-content  


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Https web page entrance.

2001-05-23 Thread Dariusz Siedlecki

My problem is (Apache,mod_ssl,mysql,php3/4):

When I enter web page which use php/mysql (forum), IE told me that I enter
Secure Page, I can look at cert, it told me about some dangerous links etc.

But when I enter the link of topics, every times ask me about security.
Every time I have to click OK, to see the web.

It's normal ?

Can I only one click, that I know that is secure web, and it have got some
dangerous links(cgi web count), and use https, without clicking "OK" every
page link ???

What is the biggest bug of Microsoft  ?
>Absence of "kill -9"<---

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: https - port problem

2001-05-31 Thread zze-BOGATIRSKY Jeremy apprenti FTRD/DMI/LAN

Hi everyone,

I have just installed an Apache server with SSL.
It works, but I can only read my html pages, I can't access to my cgi
scripts in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.
My browser says : "You don't have the permission to access /cgi-bin".
May be this problem comes from the SSL configuration in the httpd.conf.

Does someone know if there is something especially to change ?
I only change Port and Listen directives in the httpd.conf.

Configuration :
Red Hat 6.2
Apache 1.3.20
OpenSSL 0.9.6a
ModSSL 2.8.4-1.3.20

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: https - port problem

2001-05-31 Thread McCaffity, Ray

I had to add suexec to get around this.  I created another
user and group (like www and www) and run Apache as this user.
(edit your httpd.conf, change from "nobody") also compile in
a suexec user.  If you've done if successfully, when you do a
httpd -l, you'll see a line that says "suexec wrapper created successfully".
Then chown all of the cgi-bin files to this user.

-Original Message-
From: zze-BOGATIRSKY Jeremy apprenti FTRD/DMI/LAN
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: RE: https - port problem

Hi everyone,

I have just installed an Apache server with SSL.
It works, but I can only read my html pages, I can't access to my cgi
scripts in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.
My browser says : "You don't have the permission to access /cgi-bin".
May be this problem comes from the SSL configuration in the httpd.conf.

Does someone know if there is something especially to change ?
I only change Port and Listen directives in the httpd.conf.

Configuration :
Red Hat 6.2
Apache 1.3.20
OpenSSL 0.9.6a
ModSSL 2.8.4-1.3.20

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: https - port problem

2001-05-31 Thread zze-BOGATIRSKY Jeremy apprenti FTRD/DMI/LAN

Thanks you very much Ray. It seems to be that.


-Message d'origine-
De : McCaffity, Ray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : jeudi 31 mai 2001 15:13
Objet : RE: https - port problem

I had to add suexec to get around this.  I created another
user and group (like www and www) and run Apache as this user.
(edit your httpd.conf, change from "nobody") also compile in
a suexec user.  If you've done if successfully, when you do a
httpd -l, you'll see a line that says "suexec wrapper created successfully".
Then chown all of the cgi-bin files to this user.

-Original Message-
From: zze-BOGATIRSKY Jeremy apprenti FTRD/DMI/LAN
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: RE: https - port problem

Hi everyone,

I have just installed an Apache server with SSL.
It works, but I can only read my html pages, I can't access to my cgi
scripts in /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin.
My browser says : "You don't have the permission to access /cgi-bin".
May be this problem comes from the SSL configuration in the httpd.conf.

Does someone know if there is something especially to change ?
I only change Port and Listen directives in the httpd.conf.

Configuration :
Red Hat 6.2
Apache 1.3.20
OpenSSL 0.9.6a
ModSSL 2.8.4-1.3.20

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: ProxyPass to https

2001-11-29 Thread John . Airey

>-Original Message-
>From: Ravi Babu D - CTD, Chennai. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 28 November 2001 11:10
>Subject: ProxyPass to https
>  I've small clarification related ProxyPass , 
>ProxyPassReverse directives
>in the Apache_1.3.19 with mod_ssl2.8.3 . 
>Is it possible to Proxypass to the https server ?
>ie Is the following directives are correct ?
>ProxyPass /test https:///test1
>ProxyPassReverse /test https:///test1
>Here the remotewebserver is SSL enabled server.
Yes, although I would use

ProxyPass /test/ https:///test1/
ProxyPassReverse /test/ https:///test1/

But that means that you have to remember the trailing / (which purists will
point out should always be added if you are requesting the default document
for a directory. Most browsers add this automatically)

The following should work as well:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)$
RewriteRule  ^(/test/.*)$   https:///test1/$1 [P]

No doubt someone else knows a more elegant usage of mod-rewrite.

John Airey
Internet systems support officer, ITCSD, Royal National Institute for the
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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: directing http --> https

2002-02-09 Thread ulairi

Quoting Owen Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If you want to be more specific so that 
> -->
> then use something like:
> RedirectMatch (.*)$1

Won't this create an infinate loop? 
I could be wrong, but I think RedirectMatch will pick up the hit via http or https, 
and attempt to send the user to$1 even if the user came via https in the 
first place.

mod_rewrite seems to be the only alternative I've seen so far. If I'm wrong, let me 
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: directing http --> https

2002-02-10 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> Quoting Owen Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> If you want to be more specific so that 
>> -->
>> then use something like:
>> RedirectMatch (.*)$1
> Won't this create an infinate loop? 
> I could be wrong, but I think RedirectMatch will pick up the hit via http or https, 
>and attempt to send the user to$1 even if the user came via https in 
>the first place.
> mod_rewrite seems to be the only alternative I've seen so far. If I'm
> wrong, let me know...

Either you have to put the RedirectMatch only into the  of
the HTTP-only virtual server or (in case you do it globally) you have to
use a RewriteRule with a RewriteCond which checks the %{HTTPS} variable
to avoid looping.
   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: https without certificate

2002-02-10 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> I was wondering if it may be possible to configure modssl to do crypto
> with no certificate.


> I know that it should be possible because certificates are just a way to
> authenticate the server, not to establish the crypto.

No, the server certificate is also important and required for the secure
exchange of the crytography parameters of SSL/TLS. Without this, the
client and server would not be able to securely exchange the necessary
symmetric encryption parameters.
   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: directing http --> https

2002-02-11 Thread Owen Boyle

> > RedirectMatch (.*)$1
> >
> Won't this create an infinate loop?
> I could be wrong, but I think RedirectMatch will pick up the hit via http or https, 
>and attempt to send the user to$1 even if the user came via https in 
>the first place.

It depends on the "context" - i.e. where you put the directive in the
httpd.conf file. If you put it outside of any virtualhost container it
will have "server-config" context which means it will apply globally to
all VHs. Then you will have trouble... 

However, if you have virtualhosts defined and you put the directive
inside a VH container, it will have "virtualhost" context which means
that it will only apply to that VH. 

Since you are using VHs, you must put the directive inside the plain
HTTP VH for "". Then it will only apply to HTTP requests to

> mod_rewrite seems to be the only alternative I've seen so far. If I'm wrong, let me 

mod_rewrite is great and I'm a big fan, but it is a sledge-hammer to
crack a nut in this instance.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: https without certificate

2002-02-11 Thread Mathieu Arnold

"Ralf S. Engelschall" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> > I was wondering if it may be possible to configure modssl to do crypto
> > with no certificate.
> No.

too bad

> > I know that it should be possible because certificates are just a way to
> > authenticate the server, not to establish the crypto.
> No, the server certificate is also important and required for the secure
> exchange of the crytography parameters of SSL/TLS. Without this, the
> client and server would not be able to securely exchange the necessary
> symmetric encryption parameters.

well, that's right, but, if I don't really care about that much security
and would just like some crippled http to get rid of young kiddies ?

Mathieu Arnold
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: https without certificate

2002-02-11 Thread Owen Boyle

Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> > > I know that it should be possible because certificates are just a way to
> > > authenticate the server, not to establish the crypto.
> >
> > No, the server certificate is also important and required for the secure
> > exchange of the crytography parameters of SSL/TLS. Without this, the
> > client and server would not be able to securely exchange the necessary
> > symmetric encryption parameters.
> well, that's right, but, if I don't really care about that much security
> and would just like some crippled http to get rid of young kiddies ?

Read Ralf's reply again - the certificate actually *contains* the
server's public key. The browser uses this to encrypt a session-key and
send this back to the server. Thereafter, the browser and server use
this common session key to communicate throughout the rest of the

Without a certificate, the browser can *never* establish communication
with the server. It's like opening a locked door without a key. Read
some of the docs for more details.

If you don't care about authentication (or rather, if you believe your
clients don't care about authentication) then make a self-signed
certificate as described in the mod_ssl docs (see the website). This
will provide the free certificate you need to get SSL working.


Owen Boyle.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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