Re: Parse::Lex abandoned?

2005-03-15 Thread Ofer Nave
Eric Wilhelm wrote:
How do you get enhancements to an existing module released if the 
maintainer cannot be contacted? (or refuses to reply or is just being 
unreasonable, etc.)

Would anti-pollution laws help or hurt CPAN?
How do you get more authors to do their homework before reinventing the 

How do you determine if an old module is perfect, unused, or 


How do you solve a problem like CPAN?  How do you catch a cloud and pin 
it down?

I'm thinking a CPAN wiki might help with some of these.  :)  At least in 
terms of documenting goings on and shared frustrations or efforts.  Not 
as much with the MIA authors thing, though at least people would be free 
to note how and when they last attempted (and failed) to get some kind 
of response, which is useful to see.


Re: Guide for creating Perl modules

2005-03-13 Thread Ofer Nave
José Castro wrote:
Hi, guys.
I recently wrote a guide for creating Perl modules. It's available on
perlmonks, at (If you want to I
can also send it here)
I just realized a note to this list would be in order, so here it is
PS: Yes, thoughts are welcome :-)
Jose Alves de Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You mention three ways to create a distribution skeleton (h2xs, 
Module::Starter, and ExtUtils::ModuleMaker), but don't comprehensively 
explain the differences, or how to decide which to use.  The pargraph 
"Looks pretty much the same as the result of h2xs, right? But don't let 
that fool you! Apart from the new files that test your POD 
documentation, the contents of those files are different from the ones 
generated with h2xs. Give a try to both systems and check out the 
differences." isn't very useful.

Other than that, it's a good guide.  The thing that bothers me is that 
there are too many of them.  This is best illustrated by looking at the 
collection of links you've assembled at the bottom - which I greatly 
appreciate, btw.

I know perl culture thrives on TIMTOWTDI, but sometimes it can drive me 
crazy.  Wish there was one definitive place to check for all the info I 
needed.  Or maybe two - one objective (here is the process of using 
PAUSE) and one subjective (here is some advice, and a comparison of 
skeleton creators, etc).  Remember, the point of this is to guide 
intimidated newbies into becoming productive members of perl society.  
If they have to track down and mentally assimilate fifteen web pages of 
varying authority, wisdom, and timeliness, they're going to end up 
confused.  As I still am.  :)


Re: plugin manager module - namespace suggestions please

2005-03-10 Thread Ofer Nave
Baltasar Cevc wrote:
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> * Baltasar Cevc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-10 13:25]:
>>   use Modularizer;
> Well, I can't think of anything really helpful right now, but I
> have to register that that name is pretty horrible. It should
> definitely be in Module:: and mention Plugin somehow. Maybe
> something like Module::Plugin::Framework (or ::PluginFramework),
> though I don't know about that.
Thanks for your informations.
I agree on the first point ;-)
However, Module:: does not seem like a matching "category" to me.
Apart from some modules that could live anywhere else, too,
Module:: contains modules related to packaging, locating and
extending perl modules.
The approach of the code I wrote is to split up an application
into modules or plugins or whatever one may call it.
Framework sounds good and matches what the code does, I would say.
Greetings from the finally sunny city of Regensburg, Germany
App::Pluggable?  Or, reconsidering your words ("Module::Pluggable 
concentrates on bringing some modules together, whereas my module is 
written from the point of view of somebody splitting an application into 
modules"), perhaps App::Modular.

Lastly, since it looks like your functionality automatically loads 
modules on deman, perhaps App::AutoLoading.

Wow.  I've always been OCD about properly naming 
variables/functions/modules/tables/columns/etc.  I can see this group 
becoming addicting.


Re: what namespace for future new module ?

2005-03-10 Thread Ofer Nave
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Cédric Bouvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-10 10:25]:

Thank you for the hint. I quickly looked on CPAN and there
doesn't seem to be many modules under Cluster::, besides
Cluster::Init which is more geared towards High Availability.

I don't find Cluster:: sounds right.
Parallel: alone isn't sufficient since this involves multiple
computers, not just multiple processes. I think something in
Net:: would be most appropriate.
And while cluster is the means to do this, what you're doing as
such is usually referred to as distributed execution or some
So maybe Net::ComputeDistributed? It's a little long, but I think
it's absolute precise in describing the purpose.

I think it's a mouthful, and still not quite right.
There is currently no Distrib:: or Distributed:: namespace.  How about 
starting one?  Like Parallel::, but implying across hosts, not just 
procs, as A. Pagaltzis so well puts it.

In your case, your module could be Distributed::Simple.
And just to add yet another chef to the kitchen, there's also "Grid", as 
in grid computing, which is a more specific application of distributed 


Re: RFC: some thoughts about daemons and related modules

2005-03-09 Thread Ofer Nave
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Baltasar Cevc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-09 14:45]:

would the solution be to extend something like Proc::Daemon or
to "downgrade" Net::Daemon (which seems more similar to what I
thought about).

I think ideally Proc::Daemon should be extended to cover all
common functionality, and Net::Daemon updated to extend
Proc::Daemon. That assumes reasonably compatible APIs of course,
or one might possibly support both API styles in both modules if
they are disparate -- so long as it doesn't break backward
compatibility. Of course you shouldn't hesitate to copy stuff
back from Net::Daemon to Proc::Daemon if desirable.

Can someone explain what appears to be the general purpose of the Proc:: 
namespace?  I can interpret 'proc' many ways, so I'm not exactly sure.


Re: RFC: some thoughts about daemons and related modules

2005-03-08 Thread Ofer Nave
Baltasar Cevc wrote:
Hi everybody,
yesterday, when writing the core of another daemon intended to run
on one of the servers I administer, I caught myself copy-pasting
code from other daemons. Not some lines but more or less the whole
main part.
After a bit of thinking, I realized that there must be a better
solution. Probably hidden somewhere in CPAN. However, even after
searching quite a long time; I haven't found one.
None - or should I rather say that I found a whole bunch of them?
There are modules (App::Control, Proc::PID::File, File::PID etc.),
all of them doing just one thing, exactly in the standard Unix
But at least as far as I can see, in this specific case, it leads
into having quite some code a in every daemon which is more or
less redundant.
(slight tangent)
Pidfile manipulation is genericly useful, even outside of daemons.  For 
example, I have normal, command-line applications that use pidfiles to 
ensure only one instance is run at a time, to prevent screw-ups if our 
scheduling software goes wacky.  I also use a pid-collection-file for 
another app I wrote.  It runs dozens of processes on dozens of remote 
machines, and as each process starts up, it adds it host and pid info to 
the collective file.  That way, if the main process crashes or is 
killed, I can use a quick utility I wrote to read through the 
pid-colleciton-file and track down and kill the remote child processes.

In other words, I'd love to see this type of stuff available outside the 
context of daemon class.  :)

You said you encountered "App::Control, Proc::PID::File, File::PID etc." 
as part of your research.  What did you learn about them?  Can you write 
up a quick comparison?  Are any of them actually useful?

(so looking forward to that cpan wiki - coming soon, I believe)

Re: Parallel::Simple - bound args syntax

2005-03-02 Thread Ofer Nave
Buddy Burden wrote:
In my case, it's much easier to pick off the first entry than the list.

my $opts = @_ && ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? pop : {};
my ($proj, @files) = @_;
(from some code of mine; I have many functions defined like this)
-- Buddy
Ok, fine.  That was a total bluff on my part.  :)

Re: Parallel::Simple - bound args syntax

2005-03-02 Thread Ofer Nave
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Ofer Nave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-02 03:55]:

I hate to force people to create an anonymous hash when it can
be implied.  Plus I'm already checking for hashref as the first
param to allow options to be specified, so I'd have to change
that... to what, I don't know.

Ah, I forgot about that.
Of course the optional hash of options is usually passed last...
(DBI comes to mind; I'm sure there are more? Can't think of any
right now.)

DBI takes a quasi-fixed list of params, not the open list/hash contents 
that prun accepts.  In my case, it's much easier to pick off the first 
entry than the list.

I am still (and always) open for additional suggestions... in the 
meantime, I'm going to implement your [ $subref, @args ] syntax and try 
to think of a sane way to test forking code.


Re: Parallel::Simple - bound args syntax

2005-03-01 Thread Ofer Nave
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Ofer Nave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-01 23:45]:

I realize that since I can tell listrefs apart from strings and
code refs, I could allow this:
$coderef2 => [ $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ],
Which would run $coderef1 once, but run $coderef2 three times,
once for each arg.  If you wanted to pass more than one arg at
a time, you could create sublists:

Leave it out.
It looks like a great idea to you right now with the one or two
examples you developed this on, but you'll get sick of it very
quickly if you start to use it on a larger scale. Don't try to be
too clever, it will bite you once in maintenance mode.
I've done things like that several times in the past and they
always end up obfuscating the code more than they help. This is
really something that must be solved on the language level, à la
currying and compositing operators, not on the level of
individual APIs by overloading the semantics of various data
If you feel it is really important to make this particular use
case easier, use an API like this:
   [ $coderef2, $arg1 ],
   [ $coderef2, $arg2 ],
   [ $coderef2, $arg3 ],
whose meaning is reasonably easy to guess without having to study
the documentation too closely.
For reducing redundancy, this allows you to fall back on regular
Perl idioms:
   map( [ $coderef2, $_ ], $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, ),
Now the prun() function has one fewer interface conventions, and
I can understand half of what's going on with my regular Perl
knowledge before I've even read your docs.
There is also precedent in taking an anonymous array with a
coderef in the first slot as a shortcut for "call this code with
these parameters"; offhand I remember that Tk does it this way
but there were other places I saw it. I believe that is because
it is a pretty natural notation.
And your code also has less to guess, because the number of
arguments doesn't change depending on whether I pass arguments to
some coderefs or not.

That seems reasonable.
For similar reasons, I would suggest that you don't allow named
subs as in
   foo => $coderef1,
   bar => $coderef2,
but rather require
   prun( {
   foo => $coderef1,
   bar => $coderef2,
   } );
so that you only have to check one easily expressed condition.

I hate to force people to create an anonymous hash when it can be 
implied.  Plus I'm already checking for hashref as the first param to 
allow options to be specified, so I'd have to change that... to what, I 
don't know.


Re: Parallel::Simple - bound args syntax

2005-03-01 Thread Ofer Nave
Mark Stosberg wrote:
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 02:40:36PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:

# getting fancy with arg binding
my @hosts = qw( foo bar baz );
prun( map { my $host = $_; sub { test_host( $host ) } } @hosts )
 or die( Parallel::Simple::errplus() );

I think this is simpler, because I can guess what it does without
reading more documentation. 

My idea of simple here is clarifying the call some:
my @host_tests;
for qw( foo bar baz ) {
push @host_tests, sub { test_host( $_ ) };
prun (@host_tests) or die( Parallel::Simple::errplus() );

I don't think that's going to do what you expect.  The values in $_ are 
not going to be captured in the anonymous sub because $_ is a global 
variable.  That's why I created a new lexical variable to capture the 
value on each loop inside the closure.

It's not clear your code refs would interact with arguments that may
already be passed into them, before they get to prun().
It's also not 'normal' to mix hash and list calling styles, or to use a
code ref for a hash key. 


The mixed hash/list calling styles is a seperate discussion - that was 
already part of the initial design, and not part of the topic of this 
email, which is whether or not the args binding feature is an 
appropriate addition for the module.  Also, I'm not using code refs as 
keys anywhere.  Simply putting a code ref on the left side of a => 
operator won't stringify it.

In summary, I don't think the suggested addition would be 'simple'.

Ah, that's the real question!  I'm still not convinced either way, but 
I'm leaning towards including it.


Parallel::Simple - bound args syntax

2005-03-01 Thread Ofer Nave
I just started using Parallel::Simple in some production code (good to 
exercise it before releasing it), and came across a situation where I 
wanted to call the same function a variable number of times based on the 
number of args in a list.  This is what Parallel::ForkControl's forte 
is, but in keeping with wanting a Simpler interface, I used my prun 

# getting fancy with arg binding
my @hosts = qw( foo bar baz );
prun( map { my $host = $_; sub { test_host( $host ) } } @hosts )
  or die( Parallel::Simple::errplus() );
However, that looks ugly - and ugly isn't simple.  So I thought of how I 
could support this case, and I realize that since I can tell listrefs 
apart from strings and code refs, I could allow this:

 $coderef2 => [ $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ],
Which would run $coderef1 once, but run $coderef2 three times, once for 
each arg.  If you wanted to pass more than one arg at a time, you could 
create sublists:

 $coderef2 => [ [ $arg1a, $arg1b], [ $arg2a, $arg2b ] ],
And it would just work.  You could still use named style, too, of course:
 foo => $coderef1,
 bar => $coderef2 => [ $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ],
So.. I don't think there's any question that this is useful.  The 
question is - is this too complicated for a ::Simple module?  Or does it 
fit right in, because it let's you do far more complex logic with a 
simple, concise syntax?


Re: Divide by 0? Was: Re: Introduction Letter

2005-03-01 Thread Ofer Nave
Austin Schutz wrote:
	I suppose I could try to create a use divide 0/undef/inf/crap pragma.
Then you could do whatever you want. You'd still get a surprise if you ever
forgot it though..

I think that's the best answer.  Not a good idea for most programs, 
wonderful idea for math programs - which can simply say "use infinity;" 
or something along those lines at the top.

BTW-I'm reading Perl 6 Now, and I believe there was mention there about 
Perl 6 having support for infinity and possibly other equally strange 
notions.  I'm at work, though, so I don't have access to the book right now.


Re: new module: Parallel::Simple

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Ofer Nave wrote:
Well, I'm off to learn the Test::* libraries.  It's about time, I say.
Incidentally, I sorta picked a tough module to start learning how to 
write tests for.  Does anyone have advice on how to write tests for my 
Parallel::Simple module?


Re: Introduction Letter

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Andrew Savige wrote:
BTW, this slip-up is also a good advertisement for ensuring that your
test suite tests all examples given in your documentation to ensure
that they actually work.

Hey, good point.  I'll start with that, then.
I'm familiar with the make-up of the 16-bit return value of the system call.
What I want to learn more about is the possibility that a process could
crash and yet return a 0 exit code.  I had not thought that possible,
and hence, had seen no need to test for $? & 127.

I did a simple test on Linux.
This is file crash.c:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   return 5 / atoi(argv[1]);
After compiling with:
cc crash.c
running this Perl program:
use strict;
sub div_by_zero { exec("./a.out $_[0]"); die "should not be here" }
defined(my $pid = fork()) or die "fork: $!";
if ($pid == 0) {
   warn "child, my pid $$\n";
   div_by_zero(0);  # sig 8
   # div_by_zero(); # sig 11
warn "parent, my pid $$\n";
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $rv  = $? >> 8;
my $sig = $? & 127;
warn "$$: rv=$rv sig=$sig\n";
parent, my pid 12091
child, my pid 12092
12091: rv=0 sig=8
Replacing div_by_zero() above with:
sub div_by_zero { 5 / shift }
parent, my pid 12133
child, my pid 12134
Illegal division by zero at line 2.
12133: rv=255 sig=0
Perl is catching this one it seems. However, using this one:
sub div_by_zero { warn "sleeping"; sleep(60) }
then manually killing the child process (with SIGTERM), produces:
parent, my pid 12356
child, my pid 12357
sleeping at line 3.
12356: rv=0 sig=15
It's pretty rare and no biggie to me, but if I were implementing it
I would check the signal value in addition to the return value.

That's why I wanted to get this on CPAN.  I knew others could point out 
things I'd never think of.  ;)

I just checked my code.  Here's what it's doing right now:
   $child_registry{$child}[1] = $? >> 8;
   $successes++ if ( $? == 0 );
I'm only saving the 8-bit exit value for the user to inspect, BUT I'm 
only considering the execution successful if all 16 bits are off, so 
that means your crash example above would be marked as a failure, even 
though the exit value is 0.

It seems like categorizing non-zero $? values as failures is still a 
good idea, but since it is possible that a block could fail and still 
return 0, that will confuse users inspecting the return value trying to 
figure out what went wrong.  The obvious solution is give the user all 
16 bits, instead of $? >> 8 for them.

Which sucks, cause no one likes doing the $? >> 8 part.  It's ugly.  I 
was hoping to Keep It Simple by doing it for them.


Re: better SEE ALSO sections

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Ofer Nave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-02-28 22:55]:

I've been thinking for a while that it would be great to have a
CPAN wiki for things like:
I enjoyed writing the Parallel::* comparison, and I believe it
is useful, but honestly, it doesn't belong in the SEE ALSO
section of my module.  It belongs someplace neutral, someplace
that can be maintained and expanded by the whole community.

This is somewhat of a permathread on this list. It has been a
topic of discussion several times before in the time I've been
subscribed (I sort of kicked off one them). So far nothing
tangible and successful has really come from it. There's the
recently opened CPAN::Forum may or may not offer something
useful. There is some kind of "unofficial" CPAN wiki somewhere, I
think. The problem is that documents like your (excellent)
comparison require a lot of time and effort. They don't happen
easily or naturally. Someone has to care enough.
I openly admit I haven't invested much effort in developing an
idea and/or pursuing one; and I conclude that I'm the norm, since
not much is happening. The problem is, this is a hard problem to
Really, the format doesn't matter, be it a wiki, Perlmonks
section, subsite, regular web forum, mailing list,
namespace for review PODs on CPAN, or whichever of the myriad of
other suggestions. It simply requires a lot of volunteers willing
to do a lot of work to study modules in depth, compare them, and
write up their experiences. Where the writeups end up is
irrelevant so long as they have a coherent location they can be
referred from; the hard part is the process of getting those
writeups prepared and written.
*That*'s why we still don't have a solution. It's not a technical

Valid points, but I disagree on one - I think it IS partly a technical 
problem.  Jimmy Wales tried to start a free online encyclopedia called 
Nupedia before Wikipedia was a twinkly in his eye, and it failed 
miserably after getting 24 articles total.  The problem was a technical 
one - you had to submit articles, have them reviewed and approved, etc.  
When Wikipedia was launched, it had 1000 articles within a month, 
because the form factor was right - want to change something?  The edit 
button is right at the top.  Go for it.

Making something easier makes it more likely that people will do it.  
You might have only 5 volunteers that are willing to submit reviews like 
the one I wrote as patches to existing POD.  But I bet you have 50 who 
are willing to add notes about modules they know about to existing 
reviews on a whim while reading the existing review page.  You say "It 
simply requires a lot of volunteers".  As difficulty goes down, 
volunteers appear.  They're already there, but they're below the current 
threshold.  Don't recruit - lower the threshold.

And a good domain name helps.  Like  It takes all of two 
minutes to install MediaWiki.  I just did it, and I'm a poor excuse for 
a sysadmin.

BTW-Part of the problem is that there is SO much already out there, and 
it's overwhelming, so some people just get turned off by not know where 
to start or what it all means.  Would be nice to see one big map with 
all major perl rescoures (in reverse domain name order):

This is just me fooling around for 15 minutes trying to come up with 
everything I can find that is official or quasi-official.  I'm sure I 
missed a few lesser-known subdomains of and

As an intermediate perl programmer with a strong desire to learn what's 
out there, and see how I can participate in the perl community, I find 
this all very overwhelming.  I can probably write one line descriptions 
of more than half the sites listed above, but it has taken months of web 
surfing and hanging out to be able to do just that, and be able to skim 
through that list with a partial sense of understanding, instead of 
seeing it all blur into one confusing mess.


Re: better SEE ALSO sections

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Andy Lester wrote:
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 04:05:09PM -0500, Mark Stosberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

I was hoping for more of a comparison with Data::Page, which is similar but
already established.

AND at 100% Devel::Cover coverage, thanks to yours truly! :-)

I've never heard of Devel::Cover, so I just looked it up - BAD ASS!
Arg.  I've been using perl since 1999, and I still haven't integrated 
what many of you would consider the core set of tools into my personal 
toolbox.  Many of the modules you use on a daily basis I might not have 
even heard of before.  I sometimes wish there was a simple check list - 
"here's the list of modules you should learn, in this order, before you 
can call yourself a professional perl programmer".

Well, I'm off to learn the Test::* libraries.  It's about time, I say.

Re: better SEE ALSO sections

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Mark Stosberg wrote:
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 08:57:04AM -0500, Christopher Hicks wrote:

This is a phenomenal initial cut of a POD.  The review of relevant other 
modules in SEE ALSO and the philisophical differences with each deserves 
particular note.  Bravo.

I share your appreciation.
I agree that this part of the documentation is frequently sub-optimal
from a users perspective, especially when a new alternative appears 
when they are several standard options. 

For example (and not to pick on a particular module), here's one that was
just released today:
I was hoping for more of a comparison with Data::Page, which is similar but
already established.

I've been thinking for a while that it would be great to have a CPAN 
wiki for things like:

1) articles comparing sets of similarly themed/purposed modules
2) guide to namespaces (if your module ties a list, should it go under 
Tie:: or List::?  both of which are existing namespaces;  and what the 
hell is B, Class, and Devel for?  Not always obvious to the new-comer... 
generally requires becoming familiar with several modules in the 
namespace, and then the purpose *sometimes* becomes apparent)
3) perhaps even a full directory of all modules, DMOZ style (manually 
maintained by interested volunteers)

For example, I recently started looking for a module that would simplify 
file locking for me.  I know how to use flock, but sometimes I don't 
feel like dealing with the technical details - I just want a locked 
file, and I want it now.  (similiar motivation prompted my 
Parallel::Simple module :)  A cpan search turned up:

IO::File::flock( IO-File-flock-0.10 26 Apr 2004 )
IO::File::flock( IO-File-Lockable-0.31  16 Jul 2004 )
IO::LockedFile::Flock  ( IO-LockedFile-0.23 20 Feb 2003 )
File::Flock( File-Flock-104.111901  19 Nov 2004 )
What are the differences?  Is one more actively maintained?  Is one more 
popular, and therefore better tested?  Most importantly... which one do 
the senior perl guys rely on?  If Randal Schwartz and Dave Rolsky use a 
module regularly and can't imagine living without it, then that's 
probably the module I should be learning if I want to be a better 
programming.  But without information, a newbie like me is taking a stab 
in the dark.

I know the cpan has a minimally working ratings/review system, as well 
as the cpan testers system - both of which are great (testers more than 
ratings), but that's too limited.  The wiki could evolve new conventions 
and new structures for information faster than the CPAN developers, and 
allow anyone to contribute with almost no barrier to entry.  For a 
language specifically marketed to lazy programs, this might be a perfect 

I enjoyed writing the Parallel::* comparison, and I believe it is 
useful, but honestly, it doesn't belong in the SEE ALSO section of my 
module.  It belongs someplace neutral, someplace that can be maintained 
and expanded by the whole community.

Incidentally, I settled on IO::LockedFile.  Very simple interface, good 
for many purposes.


Re: Introduction Letter

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Buddy Burden wrote:
With all due respect to Andrew, please remember that his is but one 

I've also now removed any traces of the run() synonym.  You're right 
- why complicate things with no benefit.

I didn't see anything wrong with the concept.  Personally I would have 
done it the other way around (i.e. make prun a synonym for 
Parallel::Simple::run), but that's a minor point.  To me, run is a 
perfectly reasonable name for the function when fully qualified, but 
it makes sense not to export (even only when requested) such a simple 
function name into the global namespace.  In fact, I might go even 
further and name it par_run or somesuch.  But that's just me.

True, but my own thoughts were already somewhat in tune with Andrew's 
suggestion.  Having two names was cluttering the docs, with the only 
benefit being the lack of the redundant 'p' on fully-qualified calls.

Oh, and I do agree with the comments about using
*Parallel::Simple::run = \&prun;
instead of the way you've done it.  That's the proper way to create a 
"synonym" IMHO.

What's funny is that I actually like the parentheses, since I strive 
to avoid any ambiguity, but I left them off here because I was trying 
to make my first CPAN module as perl-ish as possible - when in Rome 
and all that.  I'll add parentheses back on.

Using the "without parends" style is perfectly valid.  It won't cause 
a bareword error unless the subroutine is undefined.  Many people 
prefer it.  I personally use both ... I know that would drive many 
people crazy as inconsistent, but I actually feel that sometimes it 
seems more natural with and sometimes without.  Bottom line is go with 
whichever you personally prefer.

Personally, I almost always prefer parens on function calls.  For 
built-ins, my philosophy is more complicated, and I won't go into it 
here.  :)

I've added them for the docs, since the point of docs is to make things 
as clear as possible.  Users can always do their own thing, as usual.  :)

Seriously?  Is there anywhere I can learn more about this?

perlfunc system
just for a start.
No, I'm familiar with the make-up of the 16-bit return value of the 
system call.  What I want to learn more about is the possibility that a 
process could crash and yet return a 0 exit code.  I had not thought 
that possible, and hence, had seen no need to test for $? & 127.


Re: Introduction Letter

2005-02-28 Thread Ofer Nave
Andrew Savige wrote:
--- Ofer Nave wrote: 

Here's the POD for my new Parallel::Simple module:

To me, offering both:
just makes the interface bigger -- more for the user to read and
grok -- without any benefit (at least, none I can see). Suggest
you drop the second form (which does not currently work correctly
because the class name is passed as the first parameter and is not
being shifted). Ditto for offering the run() synonym for prun().

I realized last night that it's impossible for me to support both 
syntaxes with anything better than a total hack, so I'm throwing it 
out.  In fact, I've replaced all occurances of the word 'method' with 
'function'.  It's no an OO module, it doesn't need method calling 
syntax.  I just tried to put it in initially because 'class methods' 
seem all the rage now, and I thought I'd just follow the example of 
those I respect.

I've also now removed any traces of the run() synonym.  You're right - 
why complicate things with no benefit.

Naming. I wonder if your:
   { use_return => 1 },
is the recommended Perl style for named parameters? I thought not
until I noticed HTML::Parser uses this style. Alternatives are
CamelCase style (a la XML::Parser, for example):
   { UseReturn => 1 },
or dash-option style (a la CGI, for example):
   { -use_return => 1 },
I'm damned if I can find a reference clearly stating which one of
these three styles is preferred. Can anyone point me to a reference
on this?

I've seen all three.  They're all good, so I'm up for using any one of 
them.  I chose all-lowercase initially to match the identifer naming 

Your example:
  die( Parallel::errplus );
should be written:
  die( Parallel::errplus() );
to avoid bareword error under use strict.

Again, I copied that convention from the greats - in this case, 
DBI::errstr.  In the examples, Tim never includes the parentheses.

What's funny is that I actually like the parentheses, since I strive to 
avoid any ambiguity, but I left them off here because I was trying to 
make my first CPAN module as perl-ish as possible - when in Rome and all 
that.  I'll add parentheses back on.

Incidentaly, the above should have read "die( Parallel::Simple::errplus 
);".  I left out the 'Simple::'.  Amazing where you find bugs nowadays.  :)

Just a couple of micro-optimizations I noticed.
This function synonym:
sub run { prun( @_ ) }
is better implemented as:
sub run { &prun }
This special form of sub call makes current @_ visible to called
subroutine. I suppose the primitive-obsessed might prefer:
*Parallel::Simple::run = \&prun;

After sending my email out, I discovered that realpath() is an alias in 
the Cwd module and hit the source to see how it's being done.  They're 
using the function aliasing style, which I believe is the fastest ( 
*alias  = \&function ), so I changed my code to that style.  Of course, 
five minutes ago I got rid of the alias entirely (per your suggestion), 
so this is no longer relevant.

In a couple of places, I noticed:
The /o modifier is meaningless here and should be removed.

You get the return code here:
   $child_registry{$child}[1] = $? >> 8;
yet miss getting if it died hard from a signal via:
   $? & 127;
Further getting whether it dumped core via:
   $? & 128;
is probably overkill. Not sure how this would affect your interface,
but I've seen cases where a process crashes yet returns a $? >> 8
of zero while $? & 127 is 11 (SIGSEGV).

Seriously?  Is there anywhere I can learn more about this?

Re: Introduction Letter

2005-02-27 Thread Ofer Nave
  to determine whether you are now the parent or child... 
almost like
  just calling fork yourself.  :)

  Provides control over how many child processes to allow, and 
  new forks until some previous children have exited.  Let's child
  determine the process exit value.  Provides a trigger 
mechanism to
  run callbacks when certain events happen (child start, child 
  and start blocking).  You must supply a callback for the 
child exit
  event to inspect the exit value of the child.

  Conclusion: While also designed for repetitive, looped tasks, 
it is
  far more flexible, being a thin wrapper around fork rather than
  taking over child creation and management entirely.  Useful 
  if you want to limit child processes to a certain number at a 
  and/or if the native system calls scare you.

  Different in that it executes shell commands as opposed to 
  tines or code blocks.  Provides all the features of the open3 
  tion, including explicit control over STDIN, STDOUT, and 
      all 'jobs'.  Lets you monitor jobs for output and exit events 
  associated details for each event).

  Conclusion: Great for shell commands!  Not great for not 
shell com-

  Written by Ofer Nave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Sponsered by Shopzilla,
  Inc. (formerly
  Copyright 2005 by Shopzilla, Inc.
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it
  under the same terms as Perl itself.


Lincoln A. Baxter wrote:
Hello Ofer,
Motivate us!
Tell the list why we should look at it.  What does it do? How does it
solve a problem that is not already solved, or solves it better?
I get the sense from the brief comment you made about IO:: that it has
to do with some mechanism for implementing parallel IO?  

Pasting the POD is often a good way to do this.

On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 16:28 -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:

Hello everyone.
I just subscribed to this list, I just recently received my PAUSE 
account, and I just finished writing/documenting/testing the first perl 
module that I've written for CPAN.  I'd like to know what is considered 
a good set of practices for new modules with regards to:

1) naming
2) requesting feedback on design/implementation
3) announcing the module
4) informing authors of similar modules
In this case, the I've already named the module Parallel::Simple, but I 
imagine things would be trickier if I want to call it IO:: something or 
create a new top-level namespace.

Here's the module, if anyone is interested:
I've already sent copies to my local perl mongers group and posted it on 
comp.lang.perl.modules, and I've gotten a little bit of feedback on it.  
I'm comfortable with the design as it stands right now, and only need 
write some formal tests before it will be ready for its first upload.



Introduction Letter

2005-02-27 Thread Ofer Nave
Hello everyone.
I just subscribed to this list, I just recently received my PAUSE 
account, and I just finished writing/documenting/testing the first perl 
module that I've written for CPAN.  I'd like to know what is considered 
a good set of practices for new modules with regards to:

1) naming
2) requesting feedback on design/implementation
3) announcing the module
4) informing authors of similar modules
In this case, the I've already named the module Parallel::Simple, but I 
imagine things would be trickier if I want to call it IO:: something or 
create a new top-level namespace.

Here's the module, if anyone is interested:
I've already sent copies to my local perl mongers group and posted it on 
comp.lang.perl.modules, and I've gotten a little bit of feedback on it.  
I'm comfortable with the design as it stands right now, and only need 
write some formal tests before it will be ready for its first upload.
