Re: CPAN and META.yml: no_index dir vs directory

2006-07-06 Thread Randy W. Sims

Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006 21:39:06 -0500, Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

   On Jul 5, 2006, at 7:47 PM, David Golden wrote:

  Some potential options:
  (a) Add directory as a synonym to the spec and add dir as

  something that CPAN sites recognize.
  (b) Change the spec to directory -- if CPAN sites are the only

  real user of META.yml no_index, then the pain should be minimal.
  (c) Change CPAN sites to follow the spec, despite breaking many

  distributions' current indexing.

   Randy Sims keeps some statistics on the META.yml files that exist on
   CPAN, perhaps he could tell us the relative frequencies of 'dir' vs.
   'directory' in the wild?

The page is there,, but does
not provide direct statistics so I made up my own.

Now it does. ;)

no_index/dir 13
no_index/directory 1397

My numbers are a bit different since I count only the most recent 
version of each distro rather than every occurrence on CPAN.

Hmm, it looks like there is a strong correspondence between distros 
using 'directory' and distros produced by Module::Install. There goes 
Adam, breaking rules and rebelling against established conventions.

Hehe. Just kidding. I think I like 'directory' better myself anyway.


Re: Testing an FTP module

2006-04-02 Thread Randy W. Sims

Scott W Gifford wrote:

I just uploaded to CPAN some FTP-related modules
(Net::FTP::AutoReconnect and Net::FTP::RetrHandle).  In one of the
unit tests, I connect to and retreive MIRRORED.BY to make
sure everything works OK.

Just in the last little bit, though, I've noticed that a connection to is timing out.

So my questions are:

  * Is a reliable way to access CPAN?  Is there a more
reliable way, besides looking and MIRRORED.BY?

  * Is testing by connecting to CPAN an appropriate thing to do?

I would guess not. Certainly not without asking permission.

  * If not, what's a better way to do unit tests for a network

Write or bundle a tiny server, or query the user to provide an ftp server?

Thanks for any thoughts!



Re: Games::RoundRobin::Schedule or Games::Schedule::RoundRobin

2006-01-30 Thread Randy W. Sims

Dr Bean wrote:

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Dr Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-01-30 13:30]:

Scoring, however, is perhaps another area that could have its
own module.

However, I think it’s not unnatural in the least to have a
Games::RoundRobin for scheduling and Games::RoundRobin::Scoring
for scoring.

Wouldn't that mean I would be claiming a name that a more
ambitious module had more right to use? libtour models a lot more
of the administration of a tournament, eg it allows for
preliminary rounds and finals, managed programmatically.

If anything, I’d be inclined to suggest
Games::Tournament::RoundRobin instead. You are referring to a
very specific kind of scheduling/scoring, a point which the
::Schedule/::Scoring namespaces don’t really capture,
irrespective of the level at which they appear.

I never really thought about that. I guess the reason I didn't
include 'Tournament' is because I wanted to keep the length of
the name down to 3 levels.

Perhaps I should call it Tournament::RoundRobin::Schedule. Most
of the content of the modules in the Games hierarchy have little
to do with the content of this module.

Generally, names are from generic to specific, so it'd be




But that name can apply to many things, such as process scheduling[1]. 
If the algorithm is not generic enough to apply to anything, it needs 
more context (when naming: context on left, detail on right):


or similar...


Scheduling can include many things, eg dates and venues, but
timetable scheduling seems to be the name for software that makes
timetables, a similar sort of problem.

Dr Bean, Taiwan

Re: Looking for a name for a module

2005-11-12 Thread Randy W. Sims

David Golden wrote:

José Castro wrote:

 - you give it a set of texts (usually two, but can be more)
 - without knowing the language of each text, the module tells you how
   likely it is that those texts are translations of each other

It would probably be something in the Text of Lingua namespace, 
and it

would probably include something like Translations or Parallel.

I tend to think of language things in Lingua and text processing in 
Text, so I'd lean towards Lingua.  After that, my first thought was the 




I'm not sure if it makes sense to shorten it to the existing 
Lingua::Translate namespace for consistency sake:


As I look at this, I lean slightly towards compare since it definitely 
compares, but doesn't necessarily identify.

Often, 'similar' is used in this context, algorithms that compare or 
rate things for equivelance.



Re: Module::Build Question: Installing Templates in a user-specifiable directory

2005-09-21 Thread Randy W. Sims

Shlomi Fish wrote:

Hi all!

Hi Shlomi,

Sorry for the delayed response.

I've written a module using Module::Build and CGI::Application. I'm using 
several Template Toolkit templates all placed in one directory. (placed 
inside the module tree under ./templates/). I'm setting this template 
directory to the default TT search path using $self-tt_include_path().

Now, I'd like to install this module in the path system eventually. The 
templates directory should be installed in someplace like 
/usr/share/shlomif/myapp/templates, but one that can be over-rided by the 
installer, or calculated from various parameters like $DESTDIR, etc. 

There are a few ways to do this depending on how much flexibility you 
want. Some of this is detailed in Module::Build::Cookbook. The simplest 
method requires enumerating your custom files:

use strict;
use warnings;

# probe for directory for template files
sub tt_inc {
 # detect install path
 return '/var/tmp/templates';

use Module::Build;
my $builder = Module::Build-new(
 module_name  = 'Foo',
 license  = 'perl',

 install_path = {
 templates  = tt_inc(),

 templates_files = {
 'templates/' = 'templates/',

$builder-add_build_element( 'templates' );



The method add_build_element() tells MB about a type of file it should 
know about. The 'install_path' entry in the constructor gives a default 
location where files of that type will be installed on the users system. 
The ${type}_files entry (i.e. the templates_files entry in the 
example above) provides a map from the files location in the build 
directory to it's relative install path.

A slightly more complex version that doesn't require enumerating files 
might look like:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Module::Build 0.2611;

my $build_class = Module::Build-subclass( code = '---' );

  sub find_templates_files {
  my $self = shift;

  my %files;
  use File::Find;
  find( sub {
return if -d;
$files{$File::Find::name} = $File::Find::name;
  }, 'templates' );

  return \%files;


# probe for directory for template files
sub tt_inc {
 # detect install path
 return '/var/tmp/templates';

my $builder = $build_class-new(
module_name  = 'Foo',
license  = 'perl',

install_path = {
  templates = tt_inc(),

$builder-add_build_element( 'templates' );



In this example the ${type}_files argument to the constructor is 
replaced by a find_${type}_files() method in a custom subclass.

Taking it one more step, you can provide a method, 
process_${type}_files() in place of find_${type}_files() which 
allows you more flexibility, for example if you wanted to create the 
template files on the fly:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Module::Build 0.2611;

my $build_class = Module::Build-subclass( code = '---' );

use File::Path;
use File::Spec;

  sub process_templates_files {
  my $self = shift;

  my $tt_dir  = File::Spec-catdir( $self-blib, 'templates' );
  mkpath( $tt_dir );

  my $tt_file = File::Spec-catfile( $tt_dir, '' );
  open( my $fh, $tt_file ) or die $!;
  print $fh 'baz';
  close( $fh );


# probe for directory for template files
sub tt_inc {
 # detect install path
 return '/var/tmp/templates';

my $builder = $build_class-new(
module_name  = 'Foo',
license  = 'perl',

install_path = {
  templates = tt_inc(),

$builder-add_build_element( 'templates' );



In all the examples above the user can override the default install path:

perl Build install --install_path templates=/path/to/templates

I'd also like to have a generate .pm file that reads something like that:

package Shlomif::MyApp::DefaultConfig;

sub get_templates_dir
return /usr/share/shlomif/myapp/templates;


Or a different value in case it was installed somewhere else. This is so web 
scripts that uses this CGI Application will know where to find its templates.

Hmm, MB has some support for creating a custom configuration file. I'm 
not sure if the current release is flexible enough to allow what you 
want; I haven't really played much with that yet myself. The other 
option would be to define a subclass similar to the examples above that 
overrides the 'ACTION_code()' method. Call the super class method at the 
top, then write out your own module into the blib directory.


Re: Checking for boilerplate

2005-08-24 Thread Randy W. Sims

Ricardo SIGNES wrote:

* Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-08-22T15:07:47]

RJBS and I are going to put some tests into Module::Starter to check for
boilerplate.  Watch for it tomorrow, maybe tonight.

Just a little while ago I uploaded 1.41_01, which adds:

  * t/boilerplate.t
  * some bug fixes
  * simple email address obfuscation
  * hook for new, improved plugin architecture

The boilerplate check is simple, but should catch the main offenses --
as long as people test before uploading.

I've played with the new version a bit on Debian Linux and Windows. Just 
a few very very minor comments:

1) I'm not a big fan of email obfuscation, though I might be in the 
minority. Most forms are just as easy to parse as a regular email 
address. And obfuscation feels too much like surrendering. Just my 
opinion. But an option might be nice if not too much trouble.

2) I like the boilerplate tests in M::S. It feels like an appropriate 
place since M::S puts it in, it might as well create tests to make sure 
it gets removed. However, I use M::S a lot for creating quick test 
distros, and that sometimes makes the failing tests annoying. But my 
usage is probably unusual in this reguard. It'd be nice if there were an 
option to diable it, but I can easily create a wrapper that fixes it 
for my purposes.

3) I goofed on the commandline and typod `module-starter --module Foo 
--mb --version` and scratched my head for a while looking for the 'Foo' 
directory. Should have type 'verbose'. Maybe 'version' could be an 
exclusive option, generating an error in the presence of other options? 
Or I should learn to type better.

4) Since M::S can generate distros with a Build.PL it might be nice if 
it also included one. ;)

# vi:et:sw=4 ts=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.6.1;
use Module::Build;

my $build = Module::Build-new(

module_name  = 'Module::Starter',
license  = 'perl',
dist_author  = [
'Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED]',

script_files = [ 'bin/module-starter' ],

requires = {
'Test::More'= 0,
'ExtUtils::Command' = 0,
'File::Spec'= 0,
'Getopt::Long'  = 0,
'Pod::Usage'= 0,


*NOTE you must also add to Makefile.PL

PL_FILES= {}, # don't auto expand 'Build.PL'

And, optionally, do a `perl Build.PL`  `perl Build distmeta` to update 
your META.yml file.

Re: Checking for boilerplate

2005-08-24 Thread Randy W. Sims

Wasn't paying attention when I copied prereqs from Makefile.PL

Randy W. Sims wrote:
4) Since M::S can generate distros with a Build.PL it might be nice if 
it also included one. ;)

# vi:et:sw=4 ts=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.6.1;
use Module::Build;

my $build = Module::Build-new(

module_name  = 'Module::Starter',
license  = 'perl',
dist_author  = [
'Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED]',

script_files = [ 'bin/module-starter' ],

build_requires = {
'Test::More'= 0,

requires   = {
'ExtUtils::Command' = 0,
'File::Spec'= 0,
'Getopt::Long'  = 0,
'Pod::Usage'= 0,



Re: Perl6 goes where?

2005-07-28 Thread Randy W. Sims

Ken Williams wrote:

On Jul 28, 2005, at 6:26 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:

As far as distinguishing, there a lot of talk in the past in the 
context of Apache2 about adding a field (generation) which serves 
basically the same purpose - It distinguishes between multiple code 
bases intended for different targets.

Personally I really don't like the idea of the generation field.  I 
think it's too strict a mechanism for a nebulous notion.

Doh! I guess that was kind of a dumb idea since we already have

  perl: 6.0

in META.yml which works perfectly well for that.

Re: Perl6 goes where?

2005-07-28 Thread Randy W. Sims

Ovid wrote:
 --- Ken Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jul 28, 2005, at 6:26 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:

That's true.  All the smarts could be centralized in the indexer.

But then there's the problem of making sure when someone's browsing
CPAN manually (on a regular mirror or on or wherever)

that they don't accidentally download perl6 modules when they meant
download perl5 modules.  CPAN(PLUS)? may use only the index files,
people's brains don't.

 Because we still put require 6 in Build.PL and their perl Build.PL
 chokes and they see pretty quickly what's going on (we hope.)  Then at
 least there's a chance of them figuring out how to resolve the problem.
  So far, putting stuff in the indexer is the best idea I've heard.

Hmm, this could probably be fixed easily also. Either by using a Apache 
handler for directory listings (?not too familiar with web development, 
but isn't that what is used when a directory listing is requested?) or 
by having PAUSE generate/update an index file for each module/author 
directory at the time of submission. If it's a P6 distribution, the 
listing could display a special icon. Not sure how this would affect 
performance of the server...

Might be a good idea to run this whole scenario by Andreas Koenig, and 
then by the folks over on the perl6.language list. There may be valid 
reasons for wanting a seperate server, but I can't think of anything 


Re: Request for Comments - Tree::Node module?

2005-06-29 Thread Randy W. Sims

imacat wrote:

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:42:32 -0500 (CDT)
Randy Kobes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

requests for making up ppm packages. Alternatively, there
are free C compilers for Windows, including Visual C++ 7,
for people willing to build their own perl.

Could you tell me where to obtain it?  Thank you.

Borland C
Microsoft C

Note: you must compile Perl and all modules with the same compiler (or C 
runtime library).

Re: Failing Reports due to 3rd Party Software...

2005-06-19 Thread Randy W. Sims

Barbie wrote:

From: Jos I. Boumans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why the need for such an immensive framework? to be able to probe for
any type of file/function on any type of OS is not going to be trivial.

To look for every possibility yes that would be emmense. However, I wasn't
expecting to go that far. There are a few cross-platform ways of looking for
libraries and apps, as has been indicated by have_library() and the like. By
refering to Module::Install, I meant the check module would be part of the
distribution, and be called within Makefile.PL/Build.PL before calls to the
appropriate build mechanism.

Although a long way from being done, there is a spec for a small 
scripting language[1] that has been discussed and mostly agreed on, at 
least experimentally, for describing requirements on modules, external 
libs, header files, programs, OS, perl features (threading, large file), 
etc. The plan is to include it as part of the META.yml spec and to write 
a module[2] that reads, writes, and validates the requirements described 
in the META.yml file. With a way to describe all requirements in 
META.yml and a module to validate it it would be possible for CPANPLUS 
to grab the META.yml, validate it, and then decide whether to download 
the actual module. ???

The tentative plan is to put the generic lib, include, program, compiler 
detection code in the Probe::* namespace so other modules like 
ExtUtils::CBuilder can also access the functionality.

This is all tentative and apparently a good ways off; mostly because I'm 
very slow.



Probing requirements (was: Re: Some ideas)

2005-04-08 Thread Randy W. Sims
Robert Rothenberg wrote:
I'm all for something like this, though I prefer requires_libraries 
instead. (Listing libraries distinct from applications is a grey area, 
so best to put them under one term.)

Come to think of it, why not recommends_libraries too?
What is needed is some standard set of library and application names.
Implementing platform-independent logic to find these libraries is 
another matter.

Here's an idea. A module namespace called Config::Libraries, such as
which returns a hash of relevant information about the library. Some of 
the hash keys would be standardized, such as one to return a path to 
where the library or application is installed, another to return the 
version.  (It would return undef if the library was not installed.)

This information would be read from an adequate text configuration file 
format (YAML or IniFile).

There should be another interface to update the config file easily, 
along with a command-line script to do this.

Library installation utilities can use this script, or users can use it 
to manually update the config as needed.

The module would have some messy installation procedure that sets up an 
initial script. Ideally it should have Platform-specific parts inside 
generic wrapper methods.  There might be a separate installation file 
for each application that uses these methods to configure itself: this 
way adding a new library to the utility is a matter of adding script.

Pseudo-library names could be given to special capabilities that some 
systems do not have.

The downside is controlling the library namespace. Whoever controls the 
Config::Libraries module would have the de facto control, which is 
probably good enough for the time being.

That said, who has time to work on such a project? I've got my hands 
full already.
Eventually there will likely be a series of modules in Probe::* to deal 
with this sort of stuff. If no one else is interested I guess I'll 
eventually get around to it. The functionality is needed for 
Module::Build, specifically for either the proposed fields to the META 
spec or dEx[1] which is intended as an alternative solution to many of 
the proposed fields in the META spec.

There will be things like:
Probe::OS - Gather info on the operating system
Probe::FileSys - maybe incorporate ideas Schwern posted on p5p recently, 
detecting sensitivity, preservability of case, etc
Probe::Locations - where to install parts of apps, config files, data files

(IIUC, this namespace was once proposed for this use, but noone has 
developed it.)

At least this is what I'm thinking at the moment. It's subject to 
change. And this is a long way into the future. Lots of stuff to be done 


Re: RFC: some thoughts about daemons and related modules

2005-03-09 Thread Randy W. Sims
Baltasar Cevc wrote:
One possibility would certainly be to generalize Net::Daemon
to something like a App::Daemon or Proc::Daemon (the latter
exists, but has only a limited functionality, concentrates just
on the real daemonizing and does not take care about PID etc.)
or something in that direction.
Have you checked with the author of that module to see if he/she is 
interested in extending the module? Perhaps a collaboration? Or maybe 
you can inherit from it, and extend it yourself?


Re: better SEE ALSO sections

2005-02-28 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andrew Savige wrote:
Shamless plug: since you are a relative newbie, you might find
this article:
an interesting read, especially the section Testability and Test Suite.
Also check out the perl-qa mailing list for all kinds of testing  
quality issues.

Re: Name for GStreamer bindings

2005-02-26 Thread Randy W. Sims
Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 09:43 +0100, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

 use constant Gst='Multimedia::Gstreamer';
I just realized that this won't work.  I don't just need Gst to
be an alias for Media::GStreamer, I need Gst::* to be an alias
for Media::GStreamer::*.  That also seems to rule out the approach.
Why? Sure, you need many constants, not just one, but does that

No, not really.  It seems a bit cumbersome, but I guess it would work.

Something that doesn't seem to have come up in debate here is
that the distribution and main module namespace need not dictate
the package names for classes. You could well stick everything in
Gst:: even though your modules are called Media::GStreamer(::.*)?.

This sounds very evil, but might actually work!  This would solve the
problem in a pretty elegant way:  No top-level CPAN pollution, but a
usable namespace.

Is this a bad idea even if it's clearly documentent?

That's the question.  What do others think?
I'd consider it a very bad practice. Imagine if many authors started 
doing the same. There could be unpredictable collisions all over the 
place. It defeats the CPAN scheme for ensuring unique namespaces.

I still don't see the problem of using a proper namespace. Arguments of 
length are not compelling. What's wrong with a descriptive name? The 
name Gst means nothing to most people. It's fortunate that not all 
authors have the view that modules interfaced to external libs get their 
own TLN. There are some bad examples out there, but for each there is a 
good counter example, eg XML::LibXML.


Re: Name for GStreamer bindings

2005-02-22 Thread Randy W. Sims
Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
GStreamer is a powerful and pretty popular media framework.  GNOME
already uses it extensively, and KDE just started to.  It's based on
GLib and uses its object oriented C API style.  The objects have names
like GstQueue or GstElement.
For similar objects like GtkWindow or GnomeIconList in other libraries,
us Gtk2-Perl people tend to directly map them to namespaces:
Gtk2::Window and Gnome2::IconList.  For smaller libraries like libwnck
or librsvg, on the other hand, we try not to pollute the top-level
namespace: Gnome2::Wnck::Screen, Gnome2::Rsvg::Handle, etc.
For GStreamer, I would tend towards using Gst as a namespace.  It
matches the C objects' names.  It's short to type, which is not
unimportant since it's not like the typical Perl OO module where the
full package name only appears once when using the constructor -- the
GStreamer bindings contain a lot of objects with their own constructors,
many of which almost all programs will use.  It's not directly
GNOME-related.  And lastly, Gst has a precedent: the Python bindings
also use this namespace.
On the con side, there's of course the introduction of a new top-level
namespace.  One that is an abbreviation and not easily recognizable.
So, if you were to write Perl bindings for GStreamer, what namespace
would you use?
I don't see any advantage of using Gst over GStreamer as a name, they 
both describe the same thing and GStreamer is a tad more helpfull (to 
google a description). Then Gnome part as mentioned seems irrelevant. 
Glib is possibly usefull info, but probably better conveyed via 
documentation as an implementation issue. It might be nice to say 
somethnig about what it does: plugin, pipeline... I can't think of a 
better word.

Multimedia::Pipeline::GStreamer ???

Re: URLs to Modules

2005-02-07 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andrew Savige wrote:
--- Ovid wrote: 

Perhaps this is a silly question that I should know the answer to, but
is there a canonical url I can list for a module and always have that
point to the latest version?  Right now, my choices seem to be:$AUTHOR/$MODULE-$VERSION/
Or the awful search URL which returns too many results:${MODULE}mode=module
I really feel like I should know this (grr ...)

From the late Iain Truskett's use.perl journal
Given a dist: DateTime::Format::HTTP 

These are all the same page: 

And to go straight to the module's docs:
Further to Iain's list above, this seems to be an alternative
way to go to the module docs:
If anyone knows of any others, please let us know. 
In addition to those listed...
Modules by author:
Any file in a specific dist:
or any directory in a specific dist:
A specific dist:
I use /dist/ all the time, but rarely use /author/ and /src/ directly.

Re: When Did a Module Become Core?

2005-01-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
James Keenan wrote:
What is the simplest way to determine for a given CPAN module (a) 
whether it is part of the Perl core; (b) when it became part of the core 
(i.e., which version of Perl); and (c) which version is considered core?

Re: Subclassing a mailer

2005-01-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
Scott R. Godin wrote:
For a project I'm on, I'm pondering whether or not to subclass one of 
the various Mail::* implementations out there, with an eye for 

Does anyone have any recommendations in this regard? gotchas  things I 
should watch out for ? pointers? examples? :)

I don't understand why you want to subclass Mail::Mailer. You haven't 
given us enough information. Are you looking to add some functionality 
not present in any of the mailers? What kind of functionality?


Re: MakeMaker META.yml and license

2005-01-09 Thread Randy W. Sims
Gabor Szabo wrote:
does anyone know how to add the license field to the META.yml
file when using Makefile.PL ?
I know how to do it from Build.PL and as far as I know MakeMake
does not yet support it out of the box. Is there a workaround ?
Workarounds are discussed in the thread beginning at

Does anyone know when will MM support it ?
Not sure when Michael's gonna get it in there, but Marcus has a patch in 
RT for it:

Re: Module naming advice

2005-01-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
David Wheeler wrote:
On Jan 4, 2005, at 2:47 PM, Bruce J Keeler wrote:
I've always felt that this one should have a lowercase name, since it's
rather pragma-ish.  Are pragmas allowed outside of the core Perl
distribution?  Maybe it should be submitted as a core pragma, actually.
It's a really lightweight beast, and very useful.  Would certainly get
my vote.

I agree that it should be lowercased; yes, there are modules on CPAN 
that look like pragmas (such as only). I personally would prefer, 
however, that the name tell me that it's doing something more than 
loading a class; class and module don't do that. Here are some other 

* alias (too close to Aliased?)
* nickname
* moniker
* pseudonym
* aka
* anonym
* handle (not a file handle, though, might be confusing)
* label
* term
* shortcut
I kind of like aka, actually. But nickname, moniker, and shortcut are 
all good, too.
There is Package::Alias[1]. Does the same thing, but I haven't used it.
I like the idea of it being a pragma; 'aka' seems kinda perlish.
It'd be nice if this was supported in perl, so it would be possible to 
alias entire namespaces

use aka 'Apache2::Apache::' as 'Apache::';  # ;-)
Which would all all modules in the first namespace to be addressed as if 
they were in the second, including munging %INC so it does the right thing.


Re: CPAN Testers and PREREQ_PM doesn't work very well!!!!!!

2004-12-22 Thread Randy W. Sims
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:
cpansmoke is being re-added for 0.050_04.
What is missing now is people using/testing CPANPLUS 0.50_xx to help
Jos find and crush bugs.
Yeah, a more productive place to discuss this might be the 
cpanplus-devel list:

and/or the perl-qa list:

New Module Idea: Starbuck's Async Message Protocol

2004-12-12 Thread Randy W. Sims
I've just been inspired:
Starbuck's is finally getting the recognition they deserve as a great 
impetus and source of stimulation for the software engineer.

I'll have a venti Chai Latte with a squirt of peppermint, and a script 
to cleanup all the week-old rss feeds from my Thunderbird mailbox, please.


Re: [rfc] File::Corruption

2004-10-18 Thread Randy W. Sims
Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004, Christopher Hicks wrote:

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
is the namespace appropriate?
I'd rather see it called something like File::DetectCorruption or 
something that makes it clear that your module isn't here to corrupt 

That seems like a little too much typing for my tastes.  File::Corruption,
File::CheckSum or the like sounds better to me. 

Re: Let's eliminate the Module List

2004-08-25 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 8/24/2004 9:28 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randy W. Sims) writes:
hmm, are you going to generate multiple indexes? It might be
interesting if we could search over the various fields provided by

I am only going to generate one index, but this is because Plucene indexes are
better than you think they are. :)
Plucene allows me to index documents with multiple fields, like so:
  type: module
  name: Email::Simple
  category: email
  author: SIMON
  description: ...
  synopsis: ...
  rating: ...
In fact, I can just index META.yml plus the documentation pretty much as is
and get the data in the right fields. There's a lot more fields you can (and I
will add) of course, such as when the module was released, the license, and so
Very cool. You're right. I was thinking of the old-fashioned type text 
indexes. I've been doing a little reading on P/Lucene, and it's very 

Oooh, I think I like it
I think I like what Im feelin
Even though its such a surprise
But you know
Oooh, I think I really like it
I think I like what I feel
And changes really open your eyes
  - Boston, lyrics to I think I like it
When you have such an index, to find all the good email handling modules,
search for category:email rating:4-5. Or email author:SIMON, it comes to
the same thing. :)
Is that a bug? ;-)
Browsing is just searching metadata.

Re: Let's eliminate the Module List

2004-08-23 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andy Lester wrote:
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 10:43:38PM +0100, Nicholas Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
There is nothing stopping anyone on this list prototyping their own
improved substitute for (although it helps if you have
a public facing webserver if you want to show it to others).
Yet no-one does.

I'm working on it.  I've already pulled the minicpan (a la Randal's mini
mirror) and I'm working on the Template Toolkit-fu to make reasonable
If anyone's interested in helping out, let me know.
Looks like you and Simon should collaborate. Is it possible or realistic 
for it to have pluggable search  browse engines. I still think 
sourceforge-like hierchical catagories (Topics) in META.yml would make 
for good light-weight search and improved by-catagory browsing (modules 
can list multiple catagories). There may be other usefull info in 
META.yml like OS Platform and requirements, etc that could be used in 
advanced searches. Also, some info might be pulled from cpanratings.

Web development is not my area, but I've been trying to remedy that. 
I've been trying to setup a local cpanratings to play with and hopefully 
do some work on, but it's going slow right now. When I do get up to 
speed, I'd be willing to do some work...


Re: Which namespace for a build system?

2004-08-23 Thread Randy W. Sims
[ Actually, I'm going ahead and CC'ing the list because I'm going to 
suggest something that others will probably disagree with ;-) ]

Nadim Khemir wrote:

-Original Message-
Is this a build system for perl modules or a generic build 
system? Is it 
an application or a library? Is the documentation available; 
I'd like to 
learn more about it.

It' a generic build system aimed at replacing gmake, cons and the like. I'ts
a meta-build system, a nice name to tell that it is not complete :-). 
I'm going to suggest that it is reasonable for an application of this 
sort to have its own namespace. It has a very specific use, and it is 
not generally applicable to other perl apps.

I don't like the name PBS. Probably because, if you mention it anywhere 
in the U.S., people the of the Public Broadcasting Corp, a publicly 
funded educational TV broadcasting network.

PBS is a set of modules that let you build a build system. Since it's
written in perl, you can add your own libraries and even have your own
syntax if you wish to but the plain syntax is perl and it looks rather
good and easy.
The best doc to start with is the presentation I gave at perl nordic
workshop the slides are on their site.
In the unix perpetual tradition, the documentation is the code. Seriously,
the documentation that is available is very old and very confusing. It was
my goal to re-document the system this summer but I simply didn't. As there
are only 2 or 3 users for the system and I know them, we haven't had the
necessity to document more (the system is easy to understand as it is rule
based). I want to release the system to see if there are other are
interrested and in that case I will write a proper documentation.
I can just about guarantee that it is not going to be used without some 
documentation. I suggest it is useless to post it without docs, and 
possibly a couple of samples.

PBS is  reseach project that turned wellbut I still want to do some research
(like iontegration between CM and build systems)
One advantage of PBS is that it is quite fun to use and build debugging is
one of the base for the program.
Hey, that's two ;-)

Re: Which namespace for a build system?

2004-08-21 Thread Randy W. Sims
khemir nadim wrote:
I'm going to polute witha new top level namespace! PBS::
Don't anyone have any idea of where we should put this type of modules?
Is this a build system for perl modules or a generic build system? Is it 
an application or a library? Is the documentation available; I'd like to 
learn more about it.

I'd appreciate some input.
Cheers, Nadim.

Re: name for singlethreaded web server framework module

2004-08-21 Thread Randy W. Sims
david nicol wrote:
I am writing a module that provides HTTP interface using select,
for simple web applications without a web-server, and without
POE or other modules.
Configuration will be by mapping paths to coderefs.
Planning to call this cute beastie HTTP::Server::Selecting.
I'm not sure how descriptive Selecting is. Maybe HTTP::Server::Simple 
or HTTP::Server::Synchronous ?


Re: Let's eliminate the Module List

2004-08-20 Thread Randy W. Sims
Christopher Hicks wrote:
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Hugh S. Myers wrote:
2. Push hard on the notion of adding a keywords item to the 'standard' 
for pod documentation.

What should those keywords be?  Who decides?  I'm personally much more 
interested in seeing a dmoz-ish hierarchy so related modules can be 
easily found and compared.

I agree[1]. A static list of catagories like DMOZ or SourceForge uses 
would provide for improved, more consistent searches and an improved 
by-catagory browsing catalog. Catagories could be added to META.yml for 
easy indexing by Fixed catagories make it more likely 
that similar modules will be found together both when browsing 
by-catagory and when searching. And you eliminate the abuses of keywords.


Re: Where do people learn how to document a module?

2004-08-16 Thread Randy W. Sims
Hugh S. Myers wrote:
Good suggestions all. OTOH---I can't help but think that it wouldn't hurt to
have a few more documentation tools, for both old and new authors. I'm
working on a script using B::Deparse that will when done at least generate a
skeleton document framework for subs and globals.
Pod::Coverage might be usefull. I think it provides a way to list all 
undocumented subs which in the case of the script you're talking about 
would be all non-private subs. Using it would guarantee that the pod 
generated by your script would rate as 100% covered.


Re: Mail::Vacation abondoned?

2004-08-13 Thread Randy W. Sims
Adam Monsen wrote:
(this was originally posted in comp.lang.perl.modules, but received no response)
I need a vacation autoresponder that can (at least) be used within
I'll write one unless someone knows of a useful one. Features I need:
* doesn't respond to mailing lists
* doesn't send to the same email more than once in a user-configurable
time period
* simple, useful interface
(any other suggestions?)
I'd like to take over the Mail::Vacation namespace and fill it with
some code that works. The tests fail, it won't install, and I tried to
contact the author 10 days ago and haven't heard back.
Would someone please advise me on this? Would there be a better
mailing list to try, module-authors possibly?
If getting ownership of the namespace is just hassle, I could
certainly create a new one. I am just trying to proceed thoughtfully.
How about abstracting it to a general autoreply module; It's applicable 
to a lot of situations other than vacation. (Mail::AutoReply) Filtering 
based on header fields is a must, primarily for the reason you mention 
above, but also as a general autoreply users might want to selectively 
respond to messages meeting certain criteria.

Another idea that comes to mind is letting it monitor remote mail (POP3) 
or run as a proxy in addition to running as a filter, although that 
might arguably be left to other modules so users can assemble them 
anyway they wish depending on the functionality desired???

Just some ideas,

Re: Namespace for Z-machine parse/translate module

2004-08-13 Thread Randy W. Sims
Amir Karger wrote:
--- Randy W. Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Amir Karger wrote:
* Games::Zmachine - well, Z-machine isn't technically just for
games.  I say technically because the most useful Z-machine
program I've seen is a Befunge interpreter.  But this module is
really doing more munging than gaming.
This is the namespace I'd expect to find it in, but since I'm not
clear on the translating part, I don't know if that should be the
complete name.

Let me explain. No, there's too much. Let me sum up.
This is not an interpreter, where you run foo zork1.z3 and get to
Zork. Games::Rezrov does that. What my program does is take
Z-machine commands like (in a simplified Z assembly language):
1220add 3 top_of_stack - local1
1225jg local1 global1a ?branch
1230call sub_foo local1 2
1235print_paddr 2a3b
and translates them to:
L1220: $local[1] = 3 + pop @stack;
L1225: goto L1250 if $local[1]  global_var(26);
L1230: z_call(1476, $local[1], 2);
# print  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
# (I don't put a literal print in there because the text
# at that address can change (within limits)!)
L1250: output_text(decode_text(2a3b));
snip /
This is why I was not so inclined to make this a Games:: module. As I
mentioned in the original post, there have been some non-games written
in Z-code. But I think a more compelling reason is that this module is
parsing and translating. To me, those are more Language-y than Game-y

On the other hand, I guess you can make the argument that the
end result is a playable game.  And people aren't really coding in
Z-code for anything but fun at this point.
Okay, I think I understand a little better now. This isn't really a 
Zmachine. This module deals with Zcode, transling it. So, I think I 
would use Zcode in preference to Zmachine in the name. I'm about 50/50 
on the names Games::Zcode vs. Language::Zcode. They both make sense from 
a certain perspective: I would be more likely to look for it in 
Games::*, but it seems to fit more with the other modules in Language::*.


Re: Namespace for Z-machine parse/translate module

2004-08-09 Thread Randy W. Sims
Amir Karger wrote:
[Warnocked on cpl.modules]
I've written a module that parses Z-machine files[1] and translates
into executable Perl scripts.  In the future, it'll be translating to
other languages: first on the list is PIR.  I'd like to CPAN-ify it,
and wanted to ask about namespace.
That's interesting. Are the scripts then independent of the module?
* Games::Zmachine - well, Z-machine isn't technically just for games.
  I say technically because the most useful Z-machine program I've
  seen is a Befunge interpreter.  But this module is really doing more
  munging than gaming.
This is the namespace I'd expect to find it in, but since I'm not clear 
on the translating part, I don't know if that should be the complete name.

[1]For those unfamiliar with the Z-machine
Long live Zork!
FYI, there are lots of Zgames over at and the 
original Zork at

Re: Ratings and Reviews ne Modules

2004-08-01 Thread Randy W. Sims
Sorry for the delay. I haven't abandoned this; it's just been a long 
week, and there are some issues here that I've thought of that I'm 
unresolved on, but I'll bring that back up another time...

Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Randy W. Sims
# on Saturday 24 July 2004 03:06 pm:

If it does get added, does it get added to all the 
documentation pages or just the main documentation page?

Could you give an example of what is 'main'?  I mean the page with the 
rendered version of the pod.  On my tour, I clicked the bigger-bolder link 
above the search-result entry 
( not the 
smaller-seemingly-less-important one below it 
If you look at the page linked to by the less-important url, you'll 
see links to all the pod docs for that module. I was asking if you 
intended that the ratings be added the headers of all of that modules docs.

To me, the former contains information which will let me make an informed 
decision about the module (e.g. the programmer's reference to the API which 
it provides) while the latter gives lots of links, ratings, test results, and 
related stuff, but only tells me this about the module in question: Simple 
Common Gateway Interface Class and I have already seen that exact 
information in the search-result entry.
The latter links to all of the modules docs, the README, META.yml, etc. 
for all versions of that module. It's provides a junction point that 
leads to all info on that module. This is always the first place I go. I 
look at the README first, then the main pod. Then I can look at the 
META.yml if I need to check out dependencies, etc. before installing.

One other thing to consider: if ratings are added to the search results 
page, eg., then placing them 
on the documentation page is duplicating info that has already been made 

I would also like to see a simple yes/no count in addition to the
rating/reviews.  If you have a list of 35 people use this::module and
700 said 'use this::other::module instead', that helps raise awareness
about the other module, and allows you to make a decision more quickly
based on the experiences of others.
Are you referring to the N persons recommend X instead
of (or in addition to) Y type recommendations? I'm not sure CPAN is
worth the added complexity. I don't think the target audience is big
enough to justify a lot of extra features; the ratings should be
enough, but I could be wrong...

I'm not sure right now how useful it would be or how many others would find it 
useful, but yes the N,X,Y is along the lines of what I mean.  The reason that 
I mention it is simply that I had the idea that it might be useful in 
selecting modules (yes, it's a popularity contest and should be ignored in 
favor of an informed decision based on reading the manpage, but we can't 
ignore information that isn't there.)

I'm sort of groping for something to 'season' the average-rating.  Since I am 
suggesting that the average rating be displayed at the top of the manpage, I 
thought I should provide an idea which would allow it to mean more than 5/5 
(e.g. one person rated it 5/5:  'big whoop'.)
agreed. I think where ever average ratings are displayed it should 
include the number of reviewers, eg this module rated 4.5 stars by N 

I think '600 people said it's useful' may be more helpful than one mediocre 
review.  60 raving reviews would tend to bend your decision more, but it's 
easier to get 600 people to say 'ok' than it is to get 60 to say 

I'm worried about some of the items that are on the list. Some that seem 
obvious like adding ratings to the search results on Search I'm not sure 
about any more. If ratings are used to compare modules (as opposed to 
judging each according to its merrits), some modules might be 
overlooked, especially new modules. Are ratings usefull? I won't argue 
that reviews are usefull. And ratings provide a summary of reviews, so 
are helpfull in that respect. But can ratings be harmfull? ...


Re: module name for Wily (a text editor) interface client?

2004-08-01 Thread Randy W. Sims
Sam Holden wrote:
I asked this in comp.lang.perl.modules and was pointed here, so
here I am.
Firstly, wily[1] is a (mostly) workalike of Acme[2] an editor
under plan9.
Wily provides only basic functionality with a very different but very
small interface (with lots of mousing, meaning many people will *hate*
it). It doesn't for example have a means of doing search-and-replace
(though everyone who uses wily will have an external program that adds
that to it in some way).
It does however, allow external programs to interface to it (and
possibly add some of the missing functionality). The module I've written
implements that interface and allows perl to communicate with wily.
Basically it allows a perl script to interact with wily the way
LISP code might interact with emacs (I think anyway, not being an
emacs user).
I can't work out a namespace for the module on CPAN. In fact I can't
even work out a category (Commercial Software Interfaces is close, but
wily isn't commercial...)
Namespace wise, Text::Wily was suggested on comp.lang.perl.modules, but
the module itself has almost nothing to do with text - it interfaces to
a text editor which I think is a very different thing.
Acme::Wily is another option, but that's subverting the meaning of the
Acme namespace and putting it somewhere that makes it harder to find.
I'd suggest something like: App::API::Wily

Re: Ratings and Reviews ne Modules

2004-07-24 Thread Randy W. Sims
[Did I not reply to list in my previous message?]
Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Randy W. Sims
# on Thursday 22 July 2004 10:45 pm:

- Module Version: 3.05
+ Module Version: 3.05   Source  
The ratings are one click away on the dist page.

Yes, but as I said on the 'tour', I don't want or need to click there unless 
I'm trying to download the tarball.  And, since I use the command-line CPAN 
to do the install, I don't need to download the tarball from my browser.  So, 
I almost *never* see that page.

Lincoln D. Stein   CGI
^^ click ^^
^^ here  ^^
Module Version: 3.05   Source

My point in putting the star-bar here --^ is that it makes the ratings 

This accomplishes two things:
  1.  makes ratings more useful (e.g. while I'm reading the manpage (which is 
what drives the decision as to whether it is what I'm looking for) I can see 
the rating (and maybe I should also see a count of how many have rated it.))

  2.  raises awareness about ratings (oh!  there are ratings?), thus getting 
more people to rate/review modules.
I think one of the best ways to raise awareness is to add the ratings to 
the search results from Search. I'm still not sure that I agree about 
putting it on the documentation page, but I have added it to the 
outline. If it does get added, does it get added to all the 
documentation pages or just the main documentation page?

If ratings are good for anything, they are going to be taken with a grain of 
salt.  A 5-star rating vs a 0-star rating is not going to swing me away from 
my own judgement.  They simply give me something else to consider.

I would also like to see a simple yes/no count in addition to the 
rating/reviews.  If you have a list of 35 people use this::module and 700 
said 'use this::other::module instead', that helps raise awareness about the 
other module, and allows you to make a decision more quickly based on the 
experiences of others.
Are you referring to the N persons recommend X instead 
of (or in addition to) Y type recommendations? I'm not sure CPAN is 
worth the added complexity. I don't think the target audience is big 
enough to justify a lot of extra features; the ratings should be 
enough, but I could be wrong...

Maybe we need to start prioritizing and weeding out the list at this point?
I hope others are interested in helping to implement these improvements. 
I'm going to try, but I have two obstacles: 1) the usuall problem--time, 
and 2) this is not my area of expertise. I have no experience with CGI, 
setting up Apache, etc. It's an area I've never really gotten into, but 
I hope to use this as an opportunity to learn a little.


Re: Ratings and Reviews ne Modules

2004-07-22 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/22/2004 5:50 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:
We just need to organize and do it.
1st crack at organizing ideas/suggestions made in this thread and in 
Ask's TODO list. Comments/Omissions?

Also available at
I) CPAN Ratings
  A) Abuse
 Authors abusing the system for political statements, to sabatoge
 authors of similars modules, etc.
1) The usuall solution is a Karma type system. Number of reviews
   contributed by a reviewer. Thumbs up/down for individual reviews
   by a reviewer (Helpfulness ratings). Thresholds on Karma that
   automatically invoke a moderator.
2) See also item I.C.1.
  B) All Reviews Pages (per module):
1) Header with average rating and other summary information.
  C) All Reviews Pages (per reviewer):
1) Header with reviewer information. (Obfuscated email address
   for one thing; try to keep people accountable).
  D) Searching
1) If the number of reviews per module gets large, sorting on
   rating/date/version may be useful.
2) Search results should include direct link to all reviews.
3) Search results should include average rating. (average per
   version?  overall average?)
4) Allow direct search for reviews. I.E. don't send user off to
   CPAN Search, but do try to use it behind the scenes.
  E) Browsing for modules (?)
1) By module/author.
  F) Author's Administrative interface
1) Edit review? - Original author only.
2) Delete this review - Original author only.
  G) Top rated modules list - Would this encourage abuse?
  H) RSS Feeds
1) RSS feed of sitewide recent reviews
2) Include rating numbers in the RSS feeds
3) Subscribe to reviews of certain distributions
   (preferably by author)
4) Reviews of modules by a certain author (for CPANID.rss feeds)
   [RWS: Same as above?]
  I) Ratings
1) If a reviewer reviews two or more versions of a module, how are
   the averages calculated?
2) Expand set of rated attributes?
3) Let 'Overall' rating be calculated based on other specific
   attributes or let there be some additional type of 'overall' that
   is calulated, and let it be used in summaries--to _encourage_ a
   more balanced review (and discourage abuses).
  J) Other
1) Reviews in other languages (with filters etc).
2) Parse Embperl-2.0b9 correctly.
3) Include the other rating numbers on [some page].
II) Misc:
  A) Module Pages
 Usage tips  experiences not directly related to reviews. Doesn't
 have to be organized around modules; it can be organized around
 topics (ala emacswiki). Linked to from CPAN Ratings? CPAN Search?
  B) Best of breed reviews.
 A single comparative review written on several similar
 modules. How would this show up in a search? Does this belong
 with CPAN Ratings?
III) Search CPAN:
  A) make /d/ work
 Bug seemingly in Search CPAN for (others?) possibly due
 to '.pm' being part of name. This appears on the module dist page
 for links to CPAN Testers  CPAN Ratings as 404 errors.
  B) Sorting
 Search results by relevance/rating.
  C) Searching
1) Improve searching with Keywords (META.yml)

Re: Reviewing reviewers

2004-07-22 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/22/2004 11:41 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Randy W. Sims
# on Thursday 22 July 2004 07:56 pm:

  A) Abuse
 Authors abusing the system for political statements, to sabatoge
 authors of similars modules, etc.
1) The usuall solution is a Karma type system. Number of reviews
   contributed by a reviewer. Thumbs up/down for individual reviews
   by a reviewer (Helpfulness ratings). Thresholds on Karma that
   automatically invoke a moderator.

Okay, so if I go on a bashing-fest and then you come through and thumbs-down 
all of my reviews, I'll go through and thumbs-down your reviews too and then 
bash on your modules if I haven't made it there already.  Does that trigger a 
karma threshold of some sort?  Seems that it would be hard to detect.

How about peer-review of peer-review:
If I say that your review was bad, I think the next step is for you to defend 
your review (unless it has previously gotten a thumbs-up, in which case I 
must support my thumbs-down with a critique of your review.)

There may be a somewhat recursive process of attack and rebuttal here, but the 
point is that a mean review is likely not going to be defended, and even if 
it had received a spurious thumbs-up, a critical dismissal of said mean 
review is likely to be supported rather than dismissed (thus giving weight to 
the dismissal and counting further towards the thumbs-down.)

Recursion to level 3-or-so (pi) of the attack-rebuttal tree may invoke a 
moderator (or just a chanting, blood-lusting crowd/mob.)

Additional weight can be given to reviewers who have posted many reviews and 
received many thumbs-up, etc.  But, the idea behind the tree is that it 
localizes the debate to the review in question (rather than risk weighting 
solely on what may have been karma generated by a flaming disagreement about 
a completely different module's merits.)

Absolute dead-beats can still be identified by their failure to provide a 
rebuttal or continually reaching level pi() with nonsensical or null 
I don't think anything this complicated or involved is needed. Neither 
am I convinced that the Karma solution is the best or a complete 
solution. However, This is pretty much the system that uses 
and it works pretty well IMO. Also, for this to get into back and forth 
arguments/bashing, the reviewers would have to attempt to track all of 
their reviews. The system would not provide an easy way to do that-there 
is no legitimate need for such a feature since the system is about 
reviews not reviewers. That's not to say it's not possible, but it's not 
easy either. I think that will discourage a large percentage of abuse, 
and high percentages is the best you can shoot for.


Re: [Module::Build] requires_one_of

2004-07-19 Thread Randy W. Sims
Ken Williams wrote:
On Jul 18, 2004, at 10:08 AM, David Wheeler wrote:
On Jul 17, 2004, at 8:57 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
Agreed. I'm racking my brains (and the brains of those around me), 
but I'm not coming up with anything. I like finding the right 
language for things, though, so I'll have to think about it...

Hrm, I kind of like Smylers' suggested term, abstract. Maybe 
abstract_requires in Module::Build?

Sorry I haven't had a lot of time to chime in - we had the baby niece  
nephew over the weekend.

Unfortunately abstract is already taken  in the META.yml: it's a short 
descriptive phrase of the module.

Regarding the concept-formerly-known-as virtual packages, I think I'd 
like them to tie into the features concept more.  I think perhaps it's 
time to write that boolean requirement specification stuff, and then we 
can use that both in the normal requirement specs and the requirement 
specs for a declared feature.

The idea would look something like this:
  in the Build.PL --
 features = {
  # Old-style requirement spec
  'yaml_support' = {
 description = Can read  write YAML 
 requires = { 'YAML' = 0.13 },
 recommends = { 'YAML' = 0.49 },
  # New-style requirement mini-language spec
  'dbi_support' = {
 description = Can read  write 
 requires = q{
  DBI = 1.0 ,
  (DBD::mysql = 1.5 || DBD::Postgres)

This method will require a complete expression parser, which is 
admittably easy to implement. It just seems a little more error prone. 
Also, expressions can be arbitrarily complex which can make it more 
difficult to write expressions in a human readable format (David's 
example hints at that complexity). That's why I liked extending the 
existing format: less parsing for humans and machines.

features = {
  dbi_support = {
description = Can read  write databases,
requires = {
  DBI = 1.0,
  db_driver = q{ [mysql] || [pg] },
  [mysql] = {
DBD::mysql = 1.5,
DataTime::Format::mysql = 0
  [pg] = {
DBD::Pg = 0,
DataTime::Format::Pg = 0
This way most of the parsing is already done; Most all the terms are 
already broken down into indivisible fields. It's more human readable 
(IMO), though, perhaps a little more verbose. The macros help diffuse 
the complexity of expressions.


Re: Cpan Ratings

2004-07-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/17/2004 11:36 AM, James Keenan wrote:
Pardon my ignorance, but ...
What is the 'default phone-home behavior' in the Makefile.PL's about 
which Randal was complaining?

Is it the author's 'Perlish' coding style, in which he places 
statement-ending semicolons at the start of the line?  Or something else?
First, let me say that I did not intend for any names to come up, nor 
did intend my previous message as any type of specific accusation. I was 
only pointing out an example of percieved misuse that I had stumbled 
across a while back, and that I thought was relevant to this discussion.

For anyone who wants to see the Makefile.PLs in question they can still 
be found on some mirrors by googling for, say, 'CGI-Builder-1.24'. 
Currently, I find them at

There are two separate issues here. The first, whether this author did 
violated some implicit moral code in the way he/she wrote the 
Makefile.PL. This issue only matters in that if it was something really 
wrong, then the reviewer might be justified in doing what he did. The 
behavior in question is that the Makefile.Pl will check to see if LWP is 
installed, and if it is try to contact the author's website to see if 
there is a more recent version of the module and if so to notify the 
user. I guess the main problem with this is that it does so without 
giving the user a choice.

I don't agree with this behaviour. As an option it would be acceptable. 
Note that there is a module on CPAN that also polls for modules across 
the internet: ExtUtils::AutoInstall. The major difference, as it relates 
to this discussion, is that it polls CPAN, a known and trusted site. 
However, I don't think this justifies the reviewers actions.

And that is the second issue, the one relevant to this discussion: Was 
this a misuse of CPAN Ratings?


Re: [Module::Build] requires_one_of

2004-07-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/17/2004 12:25 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
On Jul 16, 2004, at 7:48 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:
It looks like maybe we could use 'virtual' packages like I mentioned 
below to solve this:

Erm, that should have been:
  db_driver: [postgresql] || [mysql]
DBD::Pg: 0
DataTime::Format::Pg: 0
DBD::mysql: 0
DataTime::Format::mysql: 0
Keys in brackets (that is legal YAML isn't it?) are not evaluated until 
they are encountered in the value part of an expression who's key is not 
also a macro.

Square brackets denote virtual packages or macros. This should solve 
all the issues you mention as far as YAML goes. The Build.PL file is 
much more flexible; we can express these dependencies in many ways. 
There is not much of an issue there.

Yes, that works for me.
Note that there is an implication for and CPANPLUS. When a 
requirement with an OR condition is encountered they will have to either 
prompt the user for a selection or select the first option as a default. 
I'm not sure if there are any other compatability problems as I'm not 
real familiar with their implementation. But the author's should 
probably be consulted before making a final decision.

Also, if there were a single module that all tools used to check 
requirements, it could include builtin macros for common virtual 
packages: DBD, DBM, Archiver, Encryption, ...


Re: [Module::Build] requires_one_of

2004-07-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
David Wheeler wrote:
On Jul 17, 2004, at 10:12 AM, Randy W. Sims wrote:
Also, if there were a single module that all tools used to check 
requirements, it could include builtin macros for common virtual 
packages: DBD, DBM, Archiver, Encryption, ...

Hrmm, yes, that would be nice, too. Did you just volunteer to write it? :-)
Well, there's a rough start on one at that I 
started several months ago, but haven't had time to finish (I haven't 
been very productive at anything for the last couple months :-( ). 
Amoung other things it takes all the version checking code out of 
Module::Build so that it can be used by other modules. I'll try to take 
a look at getting polished off if it seems like a good idea to everyone.


Re: Module name? CPAN::Distribution::Depends

2004-07-16 Thread Randy W. Sims
Robert Rothenberg wrote:
I am working on a module that when given a CPAN distribution, it will 
determine what modules that distribution depends on by scanning the 
META.yml file or if that one is not present, the Makefile.PL file.
A while back I started on a module to read, write,  validate the 
META.yml file according to the spec. I'm not sure if it's usefull or 
relevant, but it can be found at

I haven't really looked in detail, but I do know that there are a lot of 
modules that do this using various approaches. Are you sure you have 
looked at them all and that none are similar enough to use or extend 
instead of creating another module? Like I said, I haven't really 
investigated myself, so I'm just asking.

Is that a good name for it?
I think some of the modules that perform this task are in the Module::* 
namespace. That's shorter and seems more appropriate.

It differs from existing modules in that it merely parses the 
Makefile.PL file rather than try to compile or run it and look for what 
modules it requests. For most modules on CPAN, it is quite adequate.

(The parsing module is actually Module::MakefilePL::Parse--which is 
already on CPAN, although that may not be the best name...)

The purpose of this is for a larger project that checks testing results 
from CPAN Testers for a module and specific platforms.  The lack of test 
results for some platforms is sometimes because needed modules do not 
work on specific platforms.  This information would be useful to module 


Re: META.yml keywords

2004-07-16 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/14/2004 3:44 PM, Mark Stosberg wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 03:11:11PM -0400, Randy W. Sims wrote:
Fergal Daly wrote:

Does META.yaml have a place for keyowrds?
The spec doesn't currently provide for keywords. I do think it would be 
a good idea, BUT I think it needs to be done in a way to avoid abuse. 
I'd hate to see META.yml files grow by the kb as authors add every 
conceivable keyword they can think of and try to manipulate the search. 

The search algorithm could pay attention to the first X keywords and
ignore the rest. Or at least, it could heavily weight the first few.
I think this is part of how search engines prevent the same kind of
above of the meta-tag keyword system. You can put as many keywords as
you want into the list, but I think the search engines only really care
about the first few.
That seems a reasonable approach to overcoming the abuse problem. There 
is, however, another advantage to the catagory approach: Searching would 
likely be more consistent. It would help authors to place their modules 
so that they can be found with similar modules. It would also help 
ensure that users looking for a particular type module will get back a 
result set that is likely to contain all/most of the modules of that type.

I would prefer something like this over the choosing from the fix list
Having free-form tags is a feature I like on:
It allows new classifications to spontaneously appear.
I will conceed that there are definate advantages to the keyword approach.

Re: META.yml keywords

2004-07-16 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/16/2004 8:54 AM, Ken Williams wrote:
On Jul 14, 2004, at 2:11 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:
The spec doesn't currently provide for keywords. I do think it would 
be a good idea, BUT I think it needs to be done in a way to avoid abuse.

I think maybe it would be better to put keywords right in the pod for 
the module, so they become part of the documentation too.  This is 
similar to the way they often appear in academic papers, right after the 
abstract - and people often find it useful for pinpointing the subject 
Is it usefull to have in the pod? It seems like meta information to me; 
i.e. it seems like it would only be usefull to indexers. I am concerned 
that META.yml might become a huge document if everything gets put in 
there, but I think if we agree that it would be usefull to have 
keywords/catagories, then the best place is in META.yml. This also has 
the benefit that you can have a lightweight indexer that only has to 
look in one place.


META.yml keywords (was: Re: Finding prior art Perl modules)

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
Fergal Daly wrote:
Does META.yaml have a place for keyowrds?
The spec doesn't currently provide for keywords. I do think it would be 
a good idea, BUT I think it needs to be done in a way to avoid abuse. 
I'd hate to see META.yml files grow by the kb as authors add every 
conceivable keyword they can think of and try to manipulate the search. 
As limiting and as clumsy as it seems, I think that if keywords are 
added then it should be from a limited set of keywords, i.e. more of a 
classification scheme, really, where modules can appear under multiple 


Re: META.yml keywords

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
Matthew Sachs wrote:
On Jul 14, 2004, at 12:11, Randy W. Sims wrote:
Fergal Daly wrote:
Does META.yaml have a place for keyowrds?

As limiting and as clumsy as it seems, I think that if keywords are 
added then it should be from a limited set of keywords, i.e. more of a 
classification scheme, really, where modules can appear under multiple 

Keywords are necessarily specific to the domain of the module, so I 
don't think that any global entity can designate an appropriate fixed 
set.  For instance, my module Net::OSCAR implements the protocol used by 
AOL Instant Messenger, so I'd give it keywords [OSCAR, AIM, IM, 
AOL Instant Messenger, instant messenger, instant messaging, chat].
Classification for a module would probably be something like:
Net :: Protocol
Communications :: Chat :: AOL Instant Messenger
(That last comes from's topic system)
With the classification above AND a good one line synopsis of the module 
(which is already part of META.yml) most, if not all, of your keywords 
are covered.


Re: New module: Regexp::Trie

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/14/2004 5:29 PM, David Landgren wrote:
I gave a talk at the French Perl Workshop in June about some work I was 
doing to produce really large (i.e. length($re)  5) regular 
expressions for Postfix access maps. (Postfix can be compiled with the 
PCRE library). A number of people expressed interest in the approach and 
wondered if and when it would be available as a module on CPAN.

The idea is that sometimes you have a large set of regular expressions 
(e.g. 2000), and you want to test whether a string matches any of them. 
You don't particularly care *which* expression matches, the fact that 
one matches is sufficient. Brute forcing it with a loop is not very 
efficient. Concatenating them with | is not efficient either, if a large 
subset of the expressions share a common prefix.

I know about Jarkko's Regex::PreSuf and another module whose name 
escapes me this instant, but they both suffer from the limitation of not 
being metacharacter-aware. For instance:

use Regex::PreSuf;
print presuf(qw(a\d+foo a\D+123));
The module I'm developing works with variable length tokens, and thus 
deals with the above correctly:

use Regexp::Trie;
my $rt = Regexp::Trie-new;
$rt-add( qw/a \\d+ f o o/ );
$rt-add( qw/a \\D+ 1 2 3/ );
print $rt-re;
(modulo me getting the backslashes escaped correctly here -- the 
algorithm does the right thing).

The above example contains (IMO) too much make-work code, so I'm 
planning on distributing a number of helper packages as well, which will 
take care of the general cases. I'm thinking of something like

my $rt = Regexp::Trie-new(
Regexp::Trie::Lex::simple(qw( a\\d+foo a \\D+123 ))
print $rt-re;
I.e., the Regexp::Trie::Lex::* namespace, whose packages simply have to 
return an object that contains an 'add' method. The Regexp::Trie::new 
constructor will simply take the returned object and call its 'add' 
method until exhaustion, and fill up its own internal structure.

As another example, I have a set of regexps that should never contain a 
bare . (dot) metachar. To do so is an error. Writing a seperate lexer 
package for this allows such error-checking to take place.

I spoke with Nicholas Clark about the item in the latest perltodo, 

=head2 common suffices/prefices in regexps (trie optimization)
Currently, the user has to optimize Cfoo|far and Cfoo|goo into
Cf(?:oo|ar) and C[fg]oo by hand; this could be done automatically.
This is apparently a non-trivial undertaking to do in core and he 
suggested I pursue the release of this module regardless (I'm targetting 
5.005_03 as a baseline anyway).

If I haven't put you to sleep by now, I have the following questions:
1. Has this been done before (i.e. shoot me now and put me out of my 
I haven't seen anything, but I haven't really looked either. I do see it 
as being a usefull module though.

2. Is Regexp::Trie a good name? (I fall into the regexp is spelt with a 
p camp, but if Regex is preferred that's fine by me. I can never 
remember which, if either, is deprecated).
Definately in the Regexp::* namespace. Trie?
3. Is the lexer namespace a good idea? Or is there a better way do to 
this? I'm open to any design suggestions on this issue since nothing is 
written yet.
What about Japhy's new Regexp::Parser ?
Thanks for reading this far,
David Landgren

Re: Future of the Module List

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/14/2004 5:51 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 12:40:03PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

* Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-07-14 19:26]:
Some of them _are_ registered, but that document you're
referring to hasn't been regenerated since 2002/08/27!  I wish
the CPAN folks would just remove it if it won't be generated
Does anyone else here think that the list should probably just be
done away with entirely?

The _file_ should go, yes. The concept of registering modules is different.

Given the fact that most authors seem to not register their stuff, the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list is slow as heck, and that the web pages never get
regenerated, yes.

Those are all fixable. Volunteers?
The real issues are bigger and deeper. I've appended a couple of emails.
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:37:12AM +1300, Sam Vilain wrote:
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 01:32, Tim Bunce wrote;
  I'd like to see a summary of what those needs of the community
  are.  (Maybe I missed it as I've not been following as closely as
  I'd have liked. In which case a link to an archived summary would
  be great.)
  It's very important to be clear about what the problems actually
I don't really want to argue this side of things, I think that the
problems pretty much speak for themselves.  But I hate unspoken
consensus, so let me suggest a few from my perspective; this applies
to the combined Perl 5 modules list / using

I'll play devils advocate here and point out some alternative remedies
for the problems. By doing so I'm _not_ trying to detract for your
suggestion, which I like, I'm just trying to show how existing mechanisms
could be improved incrementally.

 a) searching for modules for a particular task takes a long time and
unless you get your key words right, you might not find it at
all.  Refer the recent Mail::SendEasy thread.

Calls for a richer set of categories and cross-links of some kind.
(Editorial content alone is basically just more words to a search engine.)
Are we talking about the same thing: perl.module-authors:2601 ?
 b) it is very difficult to find good reviews weighing the pros and
cons of similar modules; they exist, but are scattered.
CPAN ratings was a nice idea, but has too many First Post!
style reviews to be useful in its current form IMHO.

Argues for moderation of reviews and a minimum review length.
A was this review helpful mechanism would also help to bring
better reviews to the top.  Also the should not
just show the overall rating, it should show the underlying three
individual ratings (docs, interface, ease of use).
This is definately a trouble area. Not long ago I was exploring the 
cpanratings site and discovered the unhelpful rampage by one 
particular reviewer Maybe breaking 
the reviews into catagories would be helpful? Rate: installation, 
interface, robustness, overall, etc.

 c) it is nearly impossible to tell which modules are the wisest
choices from a community size point of view; using modules that
are more likely to fall out of maintenance is easy to do.

Argues for more stats. I think useful *relative* download stats
could be extracted from a sample of CPAN sites. Also
could provide relative page-*view* stats for modules.
Narrow the interface for CPAN such that all viewing takes place on a 
single server where it can be monitored, and all download requests are 
distributed to mirror sites (ala

As for the best of the best, I still believe there is a lot of merrit in 
the list built from dependencies idea.

 d) some great modules are not registered (I am referring of course
to such masterpieces as Pixie, Heritable::Types, Maptastic :),
Spiffy, Autodia, Want ... and those are just the ones missing
in my bag of tricks)

Argues for fixing the registration process.

This is why I am mailing you to ask: what's going on?  Why is such
an outdated module list being published in an authoritative location,
and where can I get an up-to-date list?

Module List *document* was maintained by hand.  When managment of
the Module List *data* was automated there was a desire to automate
maintainance of the document but the document had a slightly richer
structure than the data. That small hurdle meant automation never
happened and the document was left unmaintained.
Around the same time became functional so the
document had less relevance and busy people had other things to do.
I'll happily conceed that the *document* isn't important these days.
But I feel strongly that the *principle* (of moderated naming and
categorization) is.
The main pieces currently missing are:
1. Automated handling of module registration. [Where has that got to?]
2. Better integration of registration data into
   So registration details are includes in search results, for example.
3. A 'fast path' process to 

META.yml keywords (was: Re: Finding prior art Perl modules)

2004-07-14 Thread Randy W. Sims
Fergal Daly wrote:
Does META.yaml have a place for keyowrds?
The spec doesn't currently provide for keywords. I do think it would be 
a good idea, BUT I think it needs to be done in a way to avoid abuse. 
I'd hate to see META.yml files grow by the kb as authors add every 
conceivable keyword they can think of and try to manipulate the search. 
As limiting and as clumsy as it seems, I think that if keywords are 
added then it should be from a limited set of keywords, i.e. more of a 
classification scheme, really, where modules can appear under multiple 


Re: new module: Time::Seconds::GroupedBy

2004-07-13 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 7/13/2004 8:01 PM, Bruno Negrão wrote:
Oh, what a sadness. Indeed i never saw the DateTime project before.
But still my module is far easier to use than DateTime::Format::Duration.
Do you believe it is worth to publish it in Time::Seconds::GroupBy?
Not sadness, experience. Actually this was an exercise on the perl QotW 
(Quiz of the Week) mailing list[1]. So you are not the only one to write 
this code and then throw it away :-) It does seem this task is 
adequately provided for by at least 2 other modules, so...


Re: Perl's Sacrifice Stone

2004-07-10 Thread Randy W. Sims
khemir nadim wrote:
I started a vonlontary review on Perl Monks. I don't know if it's the best
place but since they have reviews I thought it would be a good place to
start with (and I couldn't think of a better place). It hasn't given any
result so far :-) . If some of you would be nice enough to review the module
I put there or put a module that they want to be reviewed, that might start
things up.
Hmm, we have:
1) Simon's code review ladder:

2) Ask's CPAN Ratings:
3) Perl Monks' Reviews:
Each has a slightly different focus, but there is some overlap. A part 
of me wonders if they should be at least loosely linked together instead 
of remaining 3 independant but related review tools for authors  users; 
maybe one review site with two faces, one to help module users find 
modules and the other to help module authors improve their modules.


Re: ANNOUNCE: WWW::Map 0.01

2004-07-10 Thread Randy W. Sims
Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jul 2004, Scott W Gifford wrote:

Right now I'm leaning towards either keeping WWW::Map or going with
WWW::MapService.  I think the former is actually reasonably clear given
the WWW namespace, which is all about interacting with web stuff, not
generating HTML or anything like that.
I like WWW::StreetMap, since that's exactly what they are, and is
short and unambiguous.  I don't think WWW::MapService is much better
than WWW:Map, but then again I don't think WWW::Map is that bad.  :)

Calling it StreetMap would definitively remove the possibility of making
links that aren't to actual addresses, which as someone pointed out, is
possible with at least MapQuest.  You can plug in Minneapolis, MN and
it'll give you a map of the area.
I'm not sure it does. I've worked alot with mapping software (mostly 
DeLorme StreeAtlas and MapQuest), and I always think of a street 
map/atlas as a tool to _locate_ or _find_ any type _place_ or _location_ 
 whether it by address, by place name, by postal code, by coordinates, 
etc. You might also (if you haven't already) consider possible 
extensions such as routing directions.


Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-24 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 6/24/2004 11:11 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
Hi everybody!
I'm going to be documenting a system of (30+) programs with is mostly scripts, 
rather than modules.  I know you can just put pod text in your scripts, but 
I'd like to also integrate the usage messages into the pods (or get them from 
the pods.)

I've seen pod2usage() and this would work, but most of these scripts have some 
defaults set for variables that can be changed with the GetOptions flags and 
I'd like to show these defaults at least in the help message.

my $rounding = 0.01;
'round=f' = \$rounding,
'help'   = sub {usage()},
sub usage {
print usage:  $0 filename\n;
print options:  --round float   (default  $rounding)\n;
Since the strings printed by usage() in this case are generated on the fly, 
the values which have already been set are available to be printed.  With 
pod2usage() and perldoc, this is not the case.  Is there any way to make this 
work without having to maintain duplicate information?

Preferably, something that would try to do() the file up to a certain point, 
gather the variables and perform a substitution (maybe on a tag like 
Yeah, I alway thought that was a weakness of the core pod modules. 
Fortunately, it's easy to subclass them to do what you want. You'll want 
to subclass Pod::Text, override the proper method to add a new escape 
sequence (say $variable_name), then maybe override the constructor to 
take a hash with the values for the variables or possibly something more 
elaborate like evaling the variable name in the caller's context.

I've done similary on several occasions and it is fairly trivial. If you 
have trouble, I can probably dig up an example.


Re: New module: CGI::Tooltip

2004-06-18 Thread Randy W. Sims
Becky Alcorn wrote:
The javascript library that we're using only works in browsers as far as we
know, and as far as our development goes we think of this kind of
functionality as a natural extension of what the CGI module does for us.
It seems that there is some overlap between the Javascript, HTML and CGI
namespaces.  The suggestions we have so far are:
There is even a HTML::Widget and a HTML::Widgets namespace which might apply
also (although which would you use?).
I like HTML::Tooltip. That would be the first place I would look. It has 
nothing to do with CGI and Javascript is an implementation detail. 
HTML::Tooltip describes the module perfectly IMHO.


Re: Duplicated modules

2004-05-13 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 5/13/2004 7:19 PM, IvorW wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: Jose Alves de Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 May 2004 11:23
Subject: Re: Duplicated modules

Having said that, are we just reinventing Perlmonks?
That, I do not know... :-|

Ah, you do not know of the monastery. Check out, 
which is a thriving on-line community and discussion forum, which is
completely searchable.

Perlmonks is not everybody's cup of tea (sorry, please excuse the UK idiom),
but everyone must admit that the site has an extensive linked set of
documentation, which includes numerous tutorials and FAQs which can be
used as reference, even when not actively participating in the site.
It would be much nicer if it was readable as a nntp or at least a 
mailing list; I've always found http-based discussion boardss awkward to 
navigate and difficult to figure out what I have and haven't read. 
Wonder why this hasn't been done?


Re: Module::Starter released

2004-04-06 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andy Lester wrote:
I've just released Module::Starter 0.02, meant as a replacement for h2xs.
I just reinstalled Debian on my laptop with the default perl (5.6.1). 
The following are the modules required and requested for 
Module::Starter and its dependents. Not complaining or making any 
judgement, just thought it interesting.


Re: Module::Starter released

2004-04-05 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andy Lester wrote:
I've just released Module::Starter 0.02, meant as a replacement for h2xs.
I just reinstalled Debian on my laptop with the default perl (5.6.1). 
The following are the modules required and requested for 
Module::Starter and its dependents. Not complaining or making any 
judgement, just thought it interesting.


Re: Module::Starter released

2004-04-05 Thread Randy W. Sims
Andy Lester wrote:
I've just released Module::Starter 0.02, meant as a replacement for h2xs.

I think h2xs is very out of date as far as current best practices for
modules.  It's also very intimidating for people who just want to create
a module, and have no need for all the compiler hoohah that h2xs throws
at you.  Module::Starter is meant to make things much eaiser.
Attached is a patch with preliminary support for Module::Build support. 
I added a 'builder' option for specifing whether to use M::B or 
MakeMaker; default is still MakeMaker. I also added a 'license' option 
as M::B likes to have it and the next version of MakeMaker will also 
support it (for META.yml) although it is not in the current snapshot.

One thing that may be desirable is to add options for Build.PL and 
Makefile.PL to co-exist, using one of Module::Build's compatability modes.

Another addition would be to allow module-starter to write a module for 
an already created project. For example, if you create a project 
'module-starter --module='Foo::Bar'', and later, you decide you need 
another module to add to the existing project. 'module-starter 
--module-only --module='Foo::Bar::Baz''.

diff -urN Module-Starter-0.02-orig/ Module-Starter-0.02/
--- Module-Starter-0.02-orig/ Sun Apr  4 23:32:12 2004
+++ Module-Starter-0.02/  Mon Apr  5 19:44:32 2004
@@ -45,12 +45,15 @@
 =item * $email
+=item * $license
 our $verbose = 0;
 our $force = 0;
+our $license = undef;
 our $author = Module Author;
 our $email = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
@@ -63,6 +66,7 @@
 dir = $dirname,
 modules = [ module names ],
 distro = $distroname,
+builder = 'Module::Build', # Defaults to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
@@ -78,6 +82,10 @@
 die Must specify an author\n unless $author;
 die Must specify an email address\n unless $email;
+unless ( defined($license) ) {
+warn Defaulting to 'perl' license type\n;
+$license = 'perl';
 my $distro = $args{distro};
 if ( not defined $distro ) {
@@ -93,7 +101,13 @@
 push @files, create_t( $basedir, @modules );
 push @files, create_cvsignore( $basedir, $distro );
-push @files, create_Makefile_PL( $basedir, $distro, $modules[0] );
+if ( $args{builder} eq 'Module::Build' ) {
+push @files, create_Build_PL( $basedir, $distro, $modules[0] );
+} else {
+push @files, create_Makefile_PL( $basedir, $distro, $modules[0] );
 push @files, create_Changes( $basedir, $distro );
 push @files, MANIFEST;
 push @files, 'META.yml # Will be created by make dist';
@@ -172,7 +186,7 @@
 my $module_file = File::Spec-catfile( @dirparts,  $filepart );
 open( my $fh, , $module_file ) or die Can't create $module_file: $!\n;
-print $fh _module_guts( $module );
+print $fh _module_guts( $module );
 close $fh;
 print Created $module_file\n if $verbose;
@@ -301,6 +315,49 @@
 print Created $fname\n if $verbose;
 return Makefile.PL;
+=head2 create_Build_PL( $basedir, $distro, $main_module )
+Creates a Build.PL for the given module distro.
+sub create_Build_PL {
+my $basedir = shift;
+my $distro = shift;
+my $main_module = shift;
+my @parts = split( /::/, $main_module );
+my $pm = pop @parts;
+my $main_pm_file = File::Spec-catfile( lib, @parts, ${pm}.pm );
+my $fname = File::Spec-catfile( $basedir, Build.PL );
+open( my $fh, , $fname ) or die Can't create $fname: $!\n;
+print $fh HERE;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+my \$builder = Module::Build-new(
+module_name = '$main_module',
+license = '$license',
+dist_author = '$author $email',
+dist_version_from   = '$main_pm_file',
+requires = {
+'Test::More' = 0,
+add_to_cleanup  = [ '$distro-*' ],
+close $fh;
+print Created $fname\n if $verbose;
+return Build.PL;
 =head2 create_Changes( $basedir, $distro )
diff -urN Module-Starter-0.02-orig/bin/module-starter 
--- Module-Starter-0.02-orig/bin/module-starter Sun Apr  4 23:17:02 2004
+++ Module-Starter-0.02/bin/module-starter  Mon Apr  5 19:41:07 2004
@@ -15,21 +15,29 @@
 my $distro;
 my $dir;
+my $builder = 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker';
 distro=s =   \$distro,
 module=s =   [EMAIL PROTECTED],
+builder=s =  \$builder,
 author=s =   \$Module::Starter::author,
 email=s =\$Module::Starter::email,
+license=s =  \$Module::Starter::license,
 force =\$Module::Starter::force,
 verbose =  \$Module::Starter::verbose,
 version =  sub { print module-starter v$Module::Starter::VERSION\n; exit 
1; },
 help = sub { pod2usage(1); },
 ) or pod2usage(2); 
+pod2usage(2) unless ( $builder eq 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' ||

Re: NAME field

2004-04-02 Thread Randy W. Sims
Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
Good point. Any suggestions?

With this module it's possible to have 1 Conf frontend using one
of the provided backends: String, File, SQL, INI for now, but
later probably Win32::Registry, maybe Wx::Config.
I wasn't really concerned about namespaces when I wrote this.
I like modules with short names.
Anyway It would be:


Sorry, Config is a core module (see perldoc Config). Look at other 
modules that do what you want:

Browse by catagory:
Browse by module name:
Search for keywords:
Those are just examples, you may find more with different search 
keywords, etc.

There are a lot of modules out there that handle config files. 
Research what is available. If possible use or enhance an existing 
module. If you really believe you have a unique module, the above 
research will help suggest an appropriate name.

I'm not trying to discourage you, but there is already a lot of 
repitition and junk on CPAN. It's an authors responsibility to do the 
research before tossing another module on the heap.

My suggestion for a name (if you find that your module offers something 
unique) would be Config::something, where something hints that it's 
a front end to multiple output formats, maybe Multi


Re: NAME field

2004-04-01 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 4/1/2004 5:25 AM, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:

Dear All,

I'm just wondering. I've uploaded a few modules last days,
of which:
Why? There are already several namespaces where configuration type 
modules are located, primarily Config::*. Why do you feel the need to 
place your modules in a different namespace?


Re: Reshaping the modules list: a starting point, help remove the bias.

2004-02-24 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 02/24/04 13:51, Smylers wrote:
Sam Vilain writes:

I've performed an initial re-work of the modules list.  Please look
over the sections of the list that you are most in touch with and
provide feedback.
After this stage, I'll try and fit the modules from the existing lists
and the Phalanx project into it one by one, and see how I get on.

Obviously this is a moving target; it won't be possible to change the
list once now and then stick to it forever more: as modules are written
the categories inevitably will have to adapt.  In general it's much
easier to see as new modules come along where to create (or split)
categories; that also prevents premature over-splitting, to make a
theoretical distinction between modules that are never written.
In other words, try going through your next step of taking the Phalanx
and existing list and putting the modules there into categories --
that'll show how well the categories work in practice much better than
people reading though it here will be able to do.
Presumably modules are allowed to be in multiple categories if they
happen to do something that pertains to them?  (If not the whole thing
is very likely to be doomed -- people will think differently about
classification, and indeed how to navigate the tree, and having to pick
only a single category will lead to many people not finding what they
were looking for.)
Related to this, are categories allowed to make multiple appearances?
This is the only sane way to deal with categories that have multiple
inheritence -- DMoz (Google Directory) does this with some kind of
'symbolic link', where among a particular's category's subcategories are
links to elsewhere in the tree.  For example some people might think of
web interfaces being under 'interfaces', so put a link there.
Again this helps reduce disputes, and avoids the fruitless search for
One True Hierarchy.

Networking - raw communication, including IPC:

You have 5 categories that all start Networking -, which suggests they
collectively are really another level of hierarchy.

Networking - providing services:

  - Server and Daemon Utilities - Web Services Frameworks:
 - Apache:
 - OpenFrame
 - etc, submissions welcome :)
  - Web Services Components:
 - Lots of the Apache sections from above could be moved here
  - Authentication, Security and Encryption:
 - Authentication Systems
 - Encryption algorithm implementations
 - Security interfaces

It isn't clear to me exactly what these are (except for the 'Apache'
stuff), and where CGI-related modules would go, including the 'bigger'
run-an-entire site modules such as HTML::Mason, CGI::Application, and
the wiki things.
There are also many modules which exist to provide an interface to a
particular website (banks, URL-shortners, search engines).

I haven't read all of the previous thread, but I would think a catagory 
scheme like would be descriptive  flexible enough to 
provide a better long-term solution. To provide usefull information, the 
description tags don't neccessarily have to be hierarchical.


Re: pageranking perl modules

2004-02-20 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 02/20/04 01:22, David Manura wrote:
Since there has been some discussion recently on improving search results, here's an initial attempt to apply the 
Google-inspired PageRank algorithm on Perl modules when interpreting 
module dependencies as links:

The top rated modules are provided below:

This seems like a good approach; I'd be interested in seeing more of this.

I think what would improve the relevency the most is a better data set.  
The CPAN data set was generated from the 'prereq' keys in the 
Module::CPANTS::asHash module, and this is only a rough representatation 
of the linking structure.  It would have been better to download all the 
CPAN modules and do source code analysis directly on them.
I use Randal Schwartz' minicpan script to gather 
statistics about metadata, to list distributions with nested Makefiles, 
multiple XS files, etc. (ex.

The only problem is that Randal's script sometimes grabs more than just 
the most recent version of some modules which can skew statistics somewhat.


Re: Event::IO::Listener/Linear modules proposal

2004-01-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 1/3/2004 11:22 PM, David Robins wrote:
I have two modules that make use of the module that would be more 
generally useful that I'd like to contribute to CPAN:

Event::IO::Linear - aggregates received data into 'lines'; handles timeouts; 
buffers writes.  Works with either Unix or Internet sockets (and presumably 
anything else based on IO::Socket).  I'm open for new names for this one as I 
realize 'linear' doesn't have a whole lot to do with lines in the perl sense 
Well, perl can read a file line by line where line is defined by the 
_record_ seperator. So maybe it should have 'Record' in the name?

Event::IO::Listener - simple server object that spawns new connections.

Code is at: (not in CPAN 
distribution format yet).

Re: Licenses for Perl Distributions As Displayed on

2003-12-23 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/23/2003 8:21 PM, James E Keenan wrote:

I recently used the Feedback section on to ask the 
following question:

I've noticed that the CPAN interface for modules now includes a
space for the module's License -- but that few modules have any
entry here (e.g.,
0.22/ ).
Is this because when we use h2xs to set up the skeleton of a
distribution, nothing special is done for License?
Or is it because MakeMaker doesn't yet do anything for special
for License in the way that it does for, say, YAML?
What should I do to get something that will show up in License?
Or should I not (yet) bother?

Graham Barr picked up my query and was kind of enough to respond 
quickly, as follows:

The license details are taken from the META.yml file. Both
MakeMaker, Module::Build and Module::Install can all generate
META.yml files. If they all support all fields, I do no know.

Per consultation with people on this list, in my two CPAN distributions 
I have allowed MakeMaker (v6.16) to automatically generate the META.yml 
file, and I have not made any edits in that file once generated.  The 
file thus generated contains no License information and, if I understand 
Graham correctly, that means no License info is going to show up on the main page for each distribution.

Is there anything I could do to generate the License info?  Perhaps more 
to the point, at this point in the development of META.yml, _should_ I 
do anything about this?  (I'm not losing any sleep over this.  It's just 
that I'm always puzzled when I see License:  Unknown on my distros' 
main pages, when I've included the standard language about same terms 
as Perl itself in the POD.)

The latest snapshot of MakeMaker does have support for a LICENSE 
parameter in your Makefile.PL. You could also set the NO_META flag in 
Makefile.PL and then manually edit the META.yml file (I dislike this 
option). Or, you can do the Right Think and make the switch to 
Module::Build :-)


Re: Simple multi-level tie

2003-12-17 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/18/2003 12:25 AM, Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp wrote:

Wrapping hashes with arbitrary inflate/deflate methods.

This is a tool that adds syntactic sugar to hashes. I developed it for
the purpose of making complicated storage in hashes tied to DBM files
nicer. It doesn't matter if you use CGI::query_string, Storable,
join/split, pack/unpack, or even just use this to do some kind of wacky
filtering, this tool isn't a marshalling tool, it is a syntax helper.
What I want to know is, is Tie::HashWrapper a good name? If you don't
like that name, what might you call it? HashWrapper sounds kind of dorky
to me, but that's what first came to mind and I didn't want to spend all
day trying to name it, I wanted to play code monkey.
It's a horrible name. Sorry. :-)

The name needs to say what it is or what it's for, not how it's done. 
Some people hate the Tie namespace (I'm one of them), but it has become 
standard for tied modules. So:

Tie::MLDBM::Any_* (something)
Tie::MLDBM::Custom_* (something)
where * says something about having custom marshalling methods. 



2003-12-06 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/5/2003 1:05 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:

Are you volunteering?
Since I opened my big mouth, I guess I am. :o

Now what exactly was I volunteering for again?


On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 07:39:04PM -0500, Randy W. Sims wrote:

On 12/4/2003 3:50 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 11:42:07AM +0100, Steffen Goeldner wrote:

Randy W. Sims wrote:

Maybe DBMS::BTrieve::???
That looks good!

But that's a new namespace. The horse has well and truly bolted on
the db module namespace issue.  They're all over the place.
I think reusing an existing namespace is better than creating yet
another one.
I don't know (or can't remember) how the BTRIEVE::SAVE module got
into the module list, but since it is that's the right place for
new  BTrieve modules.

I missed that namespace. In fact, browsing I notice that things are 
/really/ getting out of hand. Maybe we need some CPAN police, volunteers 
for each of the domains listed at, that must explicitly 
authorize new modules in that domain.

Then we can have a Great CPAN Migration effort to herd some of the 
strays into the proper namespace. If there was just an easy procedure 
for migrating packages without the compatibility concerns...


A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain;
And drinking largely sobers us again.
- Alexander Pope

Re: Fwd: How to put a path into a module during build time?

2003-12-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/4/2003 12:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Savige replied to me offlist with a good solution.
Taking a hint from lib/Net/
my $file = __FILE__;
my $ref;
$file =~ s/;
That is definately a more elegant solution. I only have two problems 
with it:

1) I did not think of it. ;) I let myself get boxed in by the question. 
(Must think outside the box. Time for another read of Conceptual 

2) The purpose of a Mailing List is NOT for people to post questions and 
get answers. The purpose of a Mailing List is for people to post 
questions and *everyone* to learn from the answers. --Andrew, please 
share with all of us next time. =)

Thank you all for your help!

This may be a good question to stick in a FAQ or some documentation
somewhere. This solution isn't specific to MakeMaker, and I can't say if
MakeMaker is the right place for this question, but the MakeMaker docs
were the first place I looked to find this answer, so who knows.
Thanks again,
Josh I.


2003-12-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/4/2003 3:50 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 11:42:07AM +0100, Steffen Goeldner wrote:

Randy W. Sims wrote:

Maybe DBMS::BTrieve::???
That looks good!

But that's a new namespace. The horse has well and truly bolted on
the db module namespace issue.  They're all over the place.
I think reusing an existing namespace is better than creating yet
another one.
I don't know (or can't remember) how the BTRIEVE::SAVE module got
into the module list, but since it is that's the right place for
new  BTrieve modules.

I missed that namespace. In fact, browsing I notice that things are 
/really/ getting out of hand. Maybe we need some CPAN police, volunteers 
for each of the domains listed at, that must explicitly 
authorize new modules in that domain.

Then we can have a Great CPAN Migration effort to herd some of the 
strays into the proper namespace. If there was just an easy procedure 
for migrating packages without the compatibility concerns...


Re: when an object gets possessed by an evil spirit

2003-12-03 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/3/2003 3:06 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:
Obviously there is a solution to this problem. Enter the magic CLONE 
function called when a new thread is spawned (perl_clone is called). If 
a package defines this function, perl will call it. When CLONE is called 
Perl has already cloned $y. So what you need to do is to go and change 
$y's guts to point to a new C struct, initialized from the original C 
struct. But without changing $y, i.e. it's external appearance must not 
change. Only the IV slot needs to be changed. So here is where my 
question comes into the picture. How to call that method that will 
substitute the IV slot without changing the object. It's going to be 
used by many XS modules so we'd better choose a good name for it so we 
can all talk about the same method.

I chose the name 'possess' as if the object 'being possessed by some 
evil spirit'. Remember that the external object must stay the same 
(since it lives in the user's space, e.g. script and we can't touch it).

Liz wrote a module Thread::Bless which provides a framework for this 
issue, and she called this method 'fixup'.

Now that hopefully you understand the problem and what the method is 
trying to achieve, Liz and I are trying to get more ideas from you.
I'm a C++ guy, so this kinda makes me think of auto_ptr's and their 
reset method except that doesn't actually copy... actually this sounds 
more like a copy constructor; what about copy_construct() ??? But then I 
 like possess also since it has that connotation of something magic and 
scarry going on... better double check those docs before invoking a 

thesaurus says possess: bedevil, diabolize. ;)



2003-12-03 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/3/2003 11:12 AM, Steffen Goeldner wrote:

Hi, I'm about to release two modules:

The first, BTRIEVE::XS, is a simple XS wrapper module for
Btrieve's single function API. I.e., you can call Btrieve's
C function BTRCALL() in perl as BTRIEVE::XS::Call().
The second, BTRIEVE::API, provides methods for common
Btrieve operations (on top of BTRIEVE::XS):
I agree with Nicholas, about putting it in another namespace. Maybe 
DBMS::BTrieve::??? Also the names shouldn't really reflect the 
implementation, so XS is out. And every module has an API.

I don't see any reason why this all couldn't be in a single module (with 
an XS part and a perl part), and name it something like 
DBMS::BTrieve::Direct to indicate that it communicates directly with 
BTrieve and doesn't use DBD or ODBC, etc.


Re: when an object gets possessed by an evil spirit

2003-12-03 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 12/3/2003 8:27 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

Randy W. Sims wrote:
I'm a C++ guy, so this kinda makes me think of auto_ptr's and their 
reset method except that doesn't actually copy... actually this sounds 
more like a copy constructor; what about copy_construct() ??? 

Thanks, Randy.

I haven't done C++ for a long time, but if I remember correctly 
copy_construct() is invoked on the existing object and it doesn't modify 
the original, but returns a new object. Here the situation is different: 
Perl has already invoked its copy_constructor and gave you the resulting 
object, so all is left is to copy the C struct and modify the passed 
object's IV slot. So this is sort of a copy_construct on the guts of the 

So it's more like a deepcopy_reconstructor()? Yea, I don't know a nice 
way to say that.

But then I like possess also since it has that connotation of 
something magic and scarry going on... better double check those docs 
before invoking a possession.

thesaurus says possess: bedevil, diabolize. ;)

let's call it scary_function() then ;)

% perldoc -f possess
  possess SPIRIT
  this function is NOOP before midnight, but after the midnight
  will make your code do scary things, altering the TIMTOWTDI to
  TIASWTDI (as in There Is A Scary Way To Do It). You must be at
  least 16 years old to use this function.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain;
And drinking largely sobers us again.
- Alexander Pope

Re: ExtUtils::MakeMaker or Module::Build

2003-11-20 Thread Randy W. Sims
Orton, Yves wrote:
But as we start to put this together we run across 
Module::Build.  In

the past I have always used ExtUtils::MakaMaker.  Is there 
a preference

(if one were starting from scratch), to using one over the other?

Personally my feeling is that Module::Build isn't mature enough for release
ready code.
The fact that without manual intervention what it produces isnt compatible
with CPAN is IMO a serious argument against using it, and poses serious
questions in my mind about its suitability in 5.10.  Luckily it will be a
long time before 5.10 is released, so Ken has lots of time to get it right.
BTW, it shouldnt be seen that I am critical of Kens efforts, I actually
think his project is quite a good idea and will eventually be an excellent
replacement for older tools. But IMO it is not production worthy code at the
current time.
I dont know the logic behind using instead of, but the
fact that it doesnt create the later by defualt (or so I have been told) is
in my eyes a serious mistake that will greatly reduce its overall uptake in
the market.  And for those people releasing code without a, I
wonder at the point of putting such things on CPAN. (Others such as Randal
Schwartz have said the same thing)
Module::Build has a compatibility feature that does in fact produce a 
Makefile.PL file for distribution. In addition, you can have both a 
Build.PL and a MakeMaker Makefile.PL if you want to go that route.

Another serious issue with Module::Build is that for the last ages on Win32
it doesnt. Have a look at the transaction report of trying to install it
(using itself) from CPAN.  It doesnt play nicely with CPAN's prerequisite
system, (a program would have caused CPAN to autoload these
prerequisites on my system by default) and fails build.
Module::Build has worked on Windows since version 0.16 (it also now 
works on Cygwin as of 0.21); I ported it. Unfortunately the latest 
release (0.21) had some Windows bugs that I didn't catch before it was 
released. Despite this last release, I have found it to be very stable.

There are nearly 200 distinct distributions on CPAN that now use 
Module::Build. And the number continues to inch upward. M::B is 
scheduled to appear in perl 5.10 and ultimately to replace MakeMaker, 
see perldelta. M::B doesn't require a make tool, so on 
platforms that do not include easy access to make, users can still build

install pure perl modules.

I agree that the makeless make is a worthy objective, and Kens efforts are
to be applauded. But IMO currently its a bit of a waste that these modules
use it and are on CPAN. First off this means that they are unavailable to
Win32 users, a group that make up the majority of the Perl user base
(whatever the *nixens think). And for those that havent bothered including's and only's, well that code wont install cleanly from
the cpan shell.
thats my take on using Module::Build.

I believe current releases of CPAN(PLUS)? do natively support Build.PL 
files, but I don't use either of them. (I prefer manual installs).

I'm not arguing; I just wanted to clarify a few points. ;) Module::Build 
is a long way from being complete, but I think it's further along than 
you think, and it's catching on relatively fast.

BTW, If you want to see who and what is using Build.PL, I generated a 
report a while back at


Re: [Module::Build] (RFC) META.yml Specification Update

2003-11-15 Thread Randy W. Sims
And here it is in pod format.

=head1 NAME

Module::Build::META-spec - Specification for FMETA.yml


 --- #YAML:1.0
 name: Module-Build
 version: 0.20
 license: perl
 distribution_type: module
   Config: 0
   Cwd: 0
   Data::Dumper: 0
   ExtUtils::Install: 0
   File::Basename: 0
   File::Compare: 0
   File::Copy: 0
   File::Find: 0
   File::Path: 0
   File::Spec: 0
   IO::File: 0
   perl: 5.005_03
   Archive::Tar: 1.00
   ExtUtils::Install: 0.3
   ExtUtils::ParseXS: 2.02
   Pod::Text: 0
   YAML: 0.35
   Test: 0
 generated_by: Module::Build version 0.20


This document describes version 1.1 of the FMETA.yml specification.

The FMETA.yml file describes important properties of contributed
Perl distributions such as the ones found on CPAN.  It is typically
created by tools like Module::Build and ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

The fields in the FMETA.yml file are meant to be helpful for people
maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing
installation tools (like or CPANPLUS), or just for people who
want to know some stuff about a distribution before downloading it and
starting to install it.

=head1 FORMAT

FMETA.yml files are written in the YAML format (see

See the following links to learn why we chose YAML instead of, say,
XML or Data::Dumper:

=over 4

=item *

Module::Build design plans


=item *

Not keen on YAML


=item *

META Concerns



=head1 HEADER

The first line of a FMETA.yml file should be a valid YAML document
header like C--- #YAML:1.0.

=head1 FIELDS

The rest of the FMETA.yml file is one big YAML mapping whose keys
are described here.

=head2 name


  name: Module-Build

The name of the distribution.  Often created by taking the main
module in the distribution and changing :: to -.  Sometimes it's
completely different, however, as in the case of the libww-perl
distribution (see L

=head2 version


  version: 0.16

The version of the distribution to which the FMETA.yml file refers.

=head2 abstract


  abstract: Build and install Perl modules.

A short description of the purpose of the distribution.

=head2 license


  license: perl

The license under which this distribution may be used and
redistributed.  See LModule::Build for the list of valid options.

=head2 distribution_type


  distribution_type: module

What kind of stuff is contained in this distribution.  Most things on
CPAN are Cmodules (which can also mean a collection of modules), but
some things are Cscripts.

=head2 requires


Data::Dumper: 0
File::Find: 1.03

A YAML mapping indicating the Perl modules this distribution requires
for proper operation.  The keys are the module names, and the values
are version specifications as described in LModule::Build for the
requires parameter.

INote: The exact nature of the fancy specifications like
SCEgt= 1.2, != 1.5, Elt 2.0 is subject to change.  Advance
notice will be given here.  The simple specifications like C1.2
will not change in format.

=head2 recommends


Data::Dumper: 0
File::Find: 1.03

A YAML mapping indicating the Perl modules this distribution
recommends for enhanced operation.

=head2 build_requires


Data::Dumper: 0
File::Find: 1.03

A YAML mapping indicating the Perl modules required for building
and/or testing of this distribution.  These dependencies are not
required after the module is installed.

=head2 conflicts


Data::Dumper: 0
File::Find: 1.03

A YAML mapping indicating the Perl modules that cannot be installed
while this distribution is installed.  This is a pretty uncommon

=head2 requires_packages


  - libiconv:
  version: 1.9
- iconv
- charset
- iconv
  - zlib
- z

A YAML sequence of fields whose names are the names of non-perl
distributions which are required by this distribution.  Each field is
a YAML mapping that more specifically describes the requirement.

=head3 version


  version: 1.9

A version specification indicating the required version(s) of the
required distribution.

=head3 has_library


- iconv
- charset

A sequence of names of loadable or linkable libraries provided by this
distribution which must be present for the distribution to be
considered present.

=head3 has_program


- iconv

A sequence of names of executable programs provided by this
distribution which must be present for the distribution to be
considered present.

=head2 dynamic_config

(RFC) (PATCH) META.yml Specification Update

2003-11-13 Thread Randy W. Sims
Ok. So, I've gone over the spec and referenced this thread and my 
archives of past meta discusions on module-authors, and I've come up 
with a preliminary patch for Ken and anyone else interested. This is a 
patch against which:

* Added more YAML rationale articles.
* Fixed existing link to YAML discussion thread to point to new site.
* Added and deprecated the private field.
* Added abstract, configure, requires_os, excludes_os, and 
no_index fields.
* Bumped version.

Comments and suggestions?

--- META-spec.html.orig 2003-11-13 19:02:25.0 -0500
+++ META-spec.html  2003-11-13 22:30:55.0 -0500
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 h2 align=centerSpecification for the META.yml file/h2
-pThis document describes version 1.0 of the META.yml specification./p
+pThis document describes version 1.1 of the META.yml specification./p
 The META.yml file describes important properties of contributed Perl
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
-The fields in the META.yml file are meant to be helpful to people
+The fields in the META.yml file are meant to be helpful for people
 maintaining module collections (like CPAN), for people writing
 installation tools (like a 
href=; or a 
href=;CPANPLUS/a), or
-just people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before
+just for people who want to know some stuff about a distribution before
 downloading it and starting to install it.
@@ -23,10 +23,19 @@
 META.yml files are written in the a href=;YAML/a format.  
The reasons we chose
-YAML instead of, say, XML or Data::Dumper are discussed in a 
href=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00405.htmlthis
+YAML instead of, say, XML or Data::Dumper are discussed in a 
 thread/a on the MakeMaker mailing list.
+pSee Also:/p
+lia href=;Not keen on 
+lia href=;META 
 The first line of a META.yml file should be a valid a 
href=;YAML document header/a
 like nobrtt--- #YAML:1.0/tt/nobr.
@@ -56,6 +65,12 @@
 The version of the distribution to which the META.yml file refers.
+Example: bOne line description of the distribution./b
+A short description of the purpose of the distribution.
 Example: bperl/b
@@ -129,6 +144,56 @@
 distribution is installed.  This is a pretty uncommon situation.
+nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;version: 1.9br
+nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- iconvbr
+nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- charsetbr
+nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;- iconvbr
+This mapping contains a sequence of fields whose names are the names
+of non-perl distributions which are required by this distribution.
+A number of subfields may be provided to more specifically describe
+the requirement.
+Example: b1.9/b
+A version specification indicating the required version(s) of the
+required distribution.
+nbsp;nbsp;- iconvbr
+nbsp;nbsp;- charsetbr
+A sequence of names of loadable or linkable libraries
+provided by this distribution which must be present for
+the distribution to be considered present.
+nbsp;nbsp;- iconvbr
+A sequence of names of executable programs
+provided by this distribution which must be present for
+the distribution to be considered present.
 Example: b0/b
@@ -147,6 +212,111 @@
 bring lots of security, packaging, and convenience improvements.
+Example: bauto/b
+If the distribution requires configuration, this field indicates whether
+the configuration process is ttinteractive/tt and requires user
+intervention, ttscriptable/tt and requires intervention unless
+an answer script is provided, or ttauto/tt and can configure its
+self automatically.
+Example: bdarwin/b
+This field contains a sequence of operating system names
+(ex. tt$^O/tt in perl) that are required for this distribution.
+This is an implied white list such that this distribution will not
+run on any operating system unless it is listed in this field. For
+an alternative way to manage operating system dependencies see
+bexcludes_os/b below.
+piNote: If this field is specified, then bexcludes_os/b must
+not be specified.
+Example: bMSWin32/b
+This field contains a sequence of operating system names
+(ex. tt$^O/tt in perl) 

Re: Tie::Array::Sorted

2003-11-12 Thread Randy W. Sims
Simon Cozens wrote:
Hi. I'm about to write a module which presents an array in sorted order;
$a[0] will always be the least element by some comparator. Miraculously,
there doesn't seem to be such a beast on CPAN already.
Is Tie::Array::Sorted a reasonable name for it, or would another one be more
Sounds like a set/multiset/bag structure.


Re: How to indicate a dependency in my module

2003-11-12 Thread Randy W. Sims
Bruno Negrao wrote:

Hi Aristotle, (in portuguese your name is written Aristteles:)

I can't believe noone understood what you were talking about and
went off to lala-land. :-/
:-) hehehehe lala-land, that was fun!
Yes, they simply ignored what I asked them.
Even if I use the technique you suggested, when an automated cpan-tester
went to install my module, it will fail if it didnt have daemontools
installed, right?
I updated my test script avoiding it to fail if it cant find the
daemontools package installed. I would like to print a warning message to
the STDERR in order to advise about it, but I dont know how a cpan-tester
would react if it find some output to STDERR...
What do you know about it?


I was not ignoring your problem. Other than what had already been 
sugested there is currently no way to elegantly solve your problem which 
is why I wanted to discuss alternative mechanisms to solve this problem 
in the future. Hopefully you will soon be able to solve your problem by 
editing the META.yml file in your distribution. For now your only 
options are to skip or fail during 'make test' or to abort during 'perl 
Makefile.PL'. Most module authors choose the later.


Re: How to indicate a dependency in my module

2003-11-10 Thread Randy W. Sims
darren chamberlain wrote:

* Randy W. Sims RandyS at [2003-11-10 15:49]:

Also, as I noted in the AFS thread the other day, this info should be 
written in META.yml so that cpan-testers can determine programatically 
whether a module should be tested. Info like required non-perl packages 
and libraries, whether the build/test/install process is interactive (or 
scriptable) or automated, and whether it runs only on certain OSs or 
excludes certain OSs.

I like this idea; I must have not been paying close enough attention to
your other message.  How could it be done, though?  I can see a simple
exression - expected value scheme working for a lot of things (e.g.,
$^0 eq 'MacOS', or eval { getpwuid }; ), but how would things like
AFS be detectible?

I'm making this up as I go, but I'm thinking that META.yml would just 
contain a list of required packages and possibly the minimum version 
required. Initially, that should be enough to flag it for cpan-testers. 
Ideally, there would be a module (Module::Build::Configure) that could 
try to determine whether those requirements are satisfied for a 
particular system. This could be done by a which/where like routine to 
search for binaries, looking for config files, analyzing the install log 
of package managers like rpm, dpkg, etc.

In addition for larger packages like Apache there could be, for example 
an Module::Build::Configure::Apache module that provided other usefull 
info about that package like paths and other configuration info that 
might be usefull to module authors.


Re: FAIL AFS-Command-1.3 darwin 6.8

2003-11-06 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 11/6/2003 10:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While I applaud the effort to automate testing of new releases posted
to CPAN, this is adding absolutely no vlaue in this case.
I am not looking forward to getting one of these for every platform
someone decided to test this on.
This particular module can NOT be tested automatically, without some
manual configuration.  The tests can not automatically determine the
configuration of your AFs infrastructure; you have to tell me.
Therefore, everytime I post this module, these tests are going to
fail.  The same is going to be true for DBD::Sybase, or any of the
RDBMS modules which need to be configured with a data server, and/or
database name.  

Is there a mechanism for telling the automated CPAN testing to skip
this module?  I do NOT want to hack the code to make the test skipped
by default, because then unsuspecting administrators who install the
module without reading my documentation will be give a false positive.
I would prefer to have the tests fail by default, but I don't want all
these emails telling me something I already know.
Sounds like a job for META.yml. It would seem to be the best place to 
list things like:

Is the module specific to a certain platform(s)?
Does testing require manual intervention?
Does install require manual intervention?
Does the module have external dependencies?

A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain;
And drinking largely sobers us again.
- Alexander Pope