Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Vesna B


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on ebay about being able to make a 
complaint about unreasonable shipping charges.
If I can find that information again, I'll post a link, but perhaps someone 
else on the list has more details...


From: Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MOPO] What to do?
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 22:40:09 -0700

I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay seller today, named bravo_george
He listed the shipping charge as $7 for script, but he is now refusing to 
combine shipping and insisting that I pay him $91 for shipping them in one 
and what makes this more infuriating---he is about three miles from me but 
is refusing to let me pick them up in person,
Do ebay rules about screwing people on shipping charges apply in this case? 
 And, if they do, how do I ask that they be enforced?
No, I did not ask him in advance because I could not have conceived of 
something so idiotic.

Walter Reuben
Walter Reuben, Inc.

500 North Harper Avenue

Los Angeles CA 90048 USA


(323) 651 3313

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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread JOHN REID Vintage Movie Memorabilia

Excessive Shipping Charge Policy

Please visit my NEW Website for a huge range of Movie Posters,
Lobby cards, Autographs and movie memorabilia:




PO Box 92
Palm Beach
Qld 4221

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on ebay about being able to make a 
complaint about unreasonable shipping charges.
If I can find that information again, I'll post a link, but perhaps 
someone else on the list has more details...


From: Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MOPO] What to do?
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 22:40:09 -0700

I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay seller today, named bravo_george
He listed the shipping charge as $7 for script, but he is now refusing to 
combine shipping and insisting that I pay him $91 for shipping them in one 
and what makes this more infuriating---he is about three miles from me but 
is refusing to let me pick them up in person,
Do ebay rules about screwing people on shipping charges apply in this 
case? And, if they do, how do I ask that they be enforced?
No, I did not ask him in advance because I could not have conceived of 
something so idiotic.

Walter Reuben
Walter Reuben, Inc.

500 North Harper Avenue

Los Angeles CA 90048 USA


(323) 651 3313

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Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground

2006-08-27 Thread JR

Taking your points one at a time:

  1.  In order to have a private argument, both parties must mutually 
 agree to an off-list communication.   I have not done so and do not give 
 permission to anyone to use my email address as a means to engage in 
 private email warfare.   The use of my email address to send me an 
 uninvited email is a one-sided act and does not constitute a private 
 argument, which requires the voluntarily participation of two or more 
 people to mutually agree to do off-list.

Wrong. One person engages another without their permission all the time in 
our society. You have a choice to respond... but that choice does NOT include 
the option of violating a clear label of privacy and going public with a 
private mesasge. It is the norm for one party to initiate an engagment, whether 
it is a postive, neutral or negative engagement. This is almost always true 
when the engagement is negative -- very rarely does someone say Hello. I'd 
like permission to engage in an argument with you. Will you agree to engage in 
an argument with me so that I may continue?  Don't be silly. You know the 
world doesn't work that way -- and  it doesn't work that way on any other list 
or forum you care to name. If one makes their email address available to other 
people, by participating in a  list like this, they are taking their chances 
that one or more of those people will send them a private message without 
their permission. I get several a day from various MOPO members.!
  So do a lot of other people. It's a common occurrence. You deal with them 

People who think participating in a forum with other people doesn't mean they 
are exposing themselves to whatever may come along are fooling themselves. 
That's why there is a function in your email program to BLOCK A SENDER so that 
if you don't want to receive mail from a particular person you don't have to. 
Use it. That's why you have a DELETE key. Use it. In addition to those option, 
it would would have been perfectly acceptable for you to say something in 
public like:

Hey, Claude, I got your private email flaming me the other day, and I don't 
appreciate it. Please don't send me anything like this again.  THAT would have 
been acceptable. But forwarding the text of a clearly-labeled private email (or 
a quotation from it) is not.

And yes, Claude may well have also breached email etiquette by flaming you, but 
he did so privately and you could have done what everyone else in a similar 
situation has done before you: responded, blocked him or ignored him privately 
-- which is PRECISELY what you should have done.

 2.  I have no intention of dragging any other member of MoPo into any 
 debate or argument.   Various members of MoPo do a good job of that on 
 their own.  However, I have no intention of letting any member of MoPo 
 drag me into a personal fight.

Then you should have just ignored Claude's message, blocked his email, simply 
ignored him or fired back privately to him if you wanted to. Instead, you DID 
drag all of us into it and violated accepted email protocol on this list -- and 
any other list I know of -- by TWICE forwarding a private email to the list. To 
say now you had no intention of dragging any other member of MOPO into any 
debate or argument simply doesn't hold water. Not only did you intend it, you 
have kept this debate going... even going so far as to tell Scott that you'll 
do it again, even after he has clearly stated as the List Owner that he 
considers posting private emails to the list something he does not want to see 
done. Proclaim your innocence to someone gullible, I'm not buying it. You knew 
exactly what you were doing when you forwarded those private messages to the 

 3.  Any issue or argument arising from a discussion on MoPo needs to 
 stay on MoPo rather than taken to the private email arena.   It is, in 
 fact, the reverse of what you have stated and is actually an invasion of 
 private domain to take a public argument off the MoPo list and turn it 
 into private email flames.

Nonsense. You don't get to set the rules on MOPO, only Scott has that right. 
And on this list historically people take issues that arise on MOPO into 
private conversation every day -- and have done so for over 11 years now. 
Including heated arguments. Especially heated arugments. Maybe it's different 
on other lists you belong to, but it's commonplace here and on all the other 
lists I belong to. 

 4.  In deflecting these email flames back to the MoPo list, I am forcing 
 the sender to stay within the confines of the public arena to propagate 
 his arguments, as it is ON MoPo and NOT in private that the  argument 
 began.  I am not going to permit a public debate to be taken into the 
 private arena with me and see the attempt to do so with such emails as 
 over-stepping the boundaries of public participation on MoPo.

You didn't have to permit anything. You could have 

Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground and an explanation

2006-08-27 Thread JR

A welldocumented effort to set the record straight and your are 
quite right -- we do have a long-standing"preferred option"on MOPO 
for people who want to bash at each other to "take it outside" and continue in 
private a thread which started in public. It is not always observed, but it is 
certainly a well-established part of "normal" activity on this list and 
Jeannie's claim that you somehow fraudulently usurped her private email address 
from this list and illegally used it to send herunlawful emails is simply 

Personally, Iwas surprised at the vehemence 
ofyourmessages to her, butyou were provokedand she did 
fire first -- and so if you chose to escalate youdid havethat right 
-- and at least you did use the "preferred option" of this group and 
madeyour angry commentsprivately instead of inflicting them on the 
entire membership. All through the ensuing discussion Jeannie has been acting as 
if she did nothing to provoke your messages... that she was just sitting around 
like Little Miss Muffet on her tuffet, minding her own business and innocent 
asa lamband then suddenly mean old Claude just jumped out of the 
bushes and started sending her nasty emails for no reason at all, oh my... 
Unfortunately several people seem to have fallen for heract and rushed to 
protect the damsel in distress by proclaiming her act of posting your private 
emails in public as some kind of brave and heroic effort to "out" the deadly 
MOPO stalker...

...yeah, right... all of which may have made for some juicy 
melodramaon a drowsy summer's week on MOPO, I suppose... but was 
hardly worth all the verbiage and bad feelings it has generated. 

It is worth noting that this series of unfortunate events started off as a 
completely valid ON-TOPIC thread about movie posters which rapidly drifted 
off-topic because some people felt the need to throw in unnecessary personal 
cracks along with their otherwise valid commentary on the topic. 
Rudenessbegets rudeness,folks. I think Claude was simply 
demonstrating that escalationcan happen -- and if you want to start that 
particular mud ball rollingdown the hillside, then you really 
can'tcomplain if you cause an avalanche.

This group used to be pretty civil in the way we talked to each other, even 
when we strongly disagreed. I know it's been a long,hot summer... but how 
about we all get back to where we once belonged?

-- JR

- Original Message - 
From: Claude Litton 

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 14:56
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground and an 


Since you find my actions strange and disturbing I will explain it 
to you and the group.

The group has totally lost sight of what triggered this whole 
thread and Jeannie would not have received the private emails had she not 
insulted me publically on MoPo. I do not desire to engage in nasty emails 
on MoPo and when someone insults me I prefer to reply privately. No matter 
how eloquent or convincing a person sounds the bottom line is that my response 
was a result of insults being fired at me on Mopo and I remained silent 
publically because the rules are that there shall be no personal 

There was a discussion going on about Rixposterz listings on ebay 
which deliberately omitted the fact that they were not USA posters. JR and 
I had made comments about thesehis listings andPhil chose to 
comment. However,he also chose to make a derogatory comment about 
me.Phil hadstated his opinionabout these types of 
listings and there was no need for the personal attack which belittled and 
insultedme. I chosea returncomment without going 
overboard, since Scott Burns has a rule against personal attacks. 

Jeannie then chose to send an email to the group with further 
negative sarcastic comments directed at me. This is not the first time she 
has tried to get me into a nasty debate.At no time in any previous 
emails, later emails or that particular emaildidshe make 
acomment about the discussion concerning poster listings. All she 
did was slam me.

A number of years ago there were many personal attacks on MoPo and 
Scott Burns enacted strict rules concerning personal attacks. I have been 
a member of MoPo forclose to 10years, and enjoy it because it is a 
diversion from my business life. I am not about to engage in an open 
conflict with any members in violation of MoPo rules. On the other hand, 
when I am insulted and personally attacked, I see no problem in sending a 
Private Email to that person, explaining my feelings in the words I choose 
necessary to put my point across. 

Phil made a derogatory statement about me which began this 
situation. He is correct in statingI know nothing about him. I 
rebutted what he said with public words of my own and considered it publicly 
over. Phil did not make any further public comments which was the right 
thing to do. I do not mind debates, as this is what I have been trained to 
do, and enjoy them. 

[MOPO] Dead or Alive

2006-08-27 Thread Andy Neal

For the younger collectors

Good Posters, Flop Film???

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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Michael B

,,but no matter whether you agree to pay or not, 

EBAY wars are never pleasant

remember, unscrupulous non-paying bidders  sellers refusal to sell, 
can always retaliate with feedback. 

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2006-08-27 Thread Dave Smith

someof my best press kits from my private collection. No clunkers here! 
Please check these out:

Tautou -

BENNY AND JOON -Johnny Depp! 

CLOSER - Natalie Portman, Jude 
Law, Julie Roberts -

DAREDEVIL -Ben Affleck, 
Jennifer Garner -

DINER - Kevin Bacon, Mickey Rourke 

ELEKTRA - Jennifer Garner -

- Johnny Depp!-

-Daniel Radcliffe, Emily Watson -

-Daniel Radcliffe, Emily Watson -

-Daniel Radcliffe, Emily Watson -

LEGALLY BLONDE - Reese Witherspoon 

LOST HIGHWAY - David Lynch 


- Chevy Chase CLASSIC-

Jovovich -

- nice 1988 horror -


Washington, Ethan Hawke-

X-MEN - deluxe press kit 

X-MEN 2 -Jackman, 
Berry, etc. -

Hanks, Meg Ryan. -

USUAL SUSPECTS - Ebay store item - 
Kevin Spacey -

store item - Tom Cruise -

LETHAL WEAPON - Ebay store 
item - Mel Gibson
See all my listings at:

Thanks for looking and be sure to see my feedback!Sam 
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Re: [MOPO] Butch Cassidy poster question

2006-08-27 Thread pj angel
I'm sure Bruce doesn't need me to help promote but I think he just forgot this part.If I may be so bold...Bruce has also allowed his databases to be included on personal websites. Which I have done on mine... you are interested in linking directly to his Current Auctions, Image Archive, or Sales Results database on your site, you will want to e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or Phillip, or Bruce). 
   Note that such links can improve your standing in all of the search engines, including Google.Can't thank him, and his crew, enough. Thanks fellas!pj  Bruce Hershenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  When wondering about whether posters exist, it ALWAYS pays to check our free Sales Results Database FIRST! Obviously, many collectors do so regularly, since over 900,000 pages have been viewed there in just over a year!Doing so in this case would yield the fact that we HAVE sold an original 1969 insert, as well as an R73 insert.The results were as follows:BUTCH CASSIDY 
 THE SUNDANCE KID 1969 insert - UF lesser $162.50 04/26/2005BUTCH CASSIDY  THE SUNDANCE KID 1969 insert - R73 G-VG $38.00 06/25/2002Therefore, it IS 100% this poster exists, since unlike any price guides or other price databases, OUR database only contains CONFIRMED results, so there is NO chance this is a "guessed at" price or result.It would next make sense to check the 59,000 images in our Poster Image Archive (over 3 MILLION pages have been viewed there in just over a year!), to see if the image of the 1969 insert is among the 59,000 images there. Alas, it is among the over 50,000 images of items we have sold that are not yet uploaded, but are waiting to be uploaded.I will try to dig out this particular image from our archives and post it on Monday.The above two databases are, for the time being, completely free and available to everyone, and it always makes sense to turn to them early with
 questions of "does this exist?", "what has it sold for?", and "what does it look like?"BruceVisit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at www.filmfan.com___How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MoPo Mailing ListSend a message addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]In the BODY of your message type: SIGNOFF MOPO-LThe author of this message is solely responsible for its content.
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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Doug Taylor


I sympathize
with you. I had a similar experience with seller legionoutpost.
I bought a single, linen backed OS from him at $200 and he charged me $41
shipping from NY to Florida.
I offered every alternative I could think of, including picking up the
poster. He wouldnt accept any alternatives and said he
wishes that Id asked his shipping charges before I bought.

I guess the only
way to really avoid this is to ask every possible question to every possible
sellera grueling process.

legionoutpost as a seller.


From: MoPo List
Behalf Of Walter Reuben
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:40
Subject: [MOPO] What to do?

I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay seller today, named

He listed the shipping charge as $7 for script, but he is
now refusing to combine shipping and insisting that I pay him $91 for shipping
them in one parcel.

and what makes this more infuriating---he is about three
miles from me but is refusing to let me pick them up in person,

Do ebay rules about screwing people on shipping charges
apply in this case? And, if they do, how do I ask that they be enforced?

No, I did not ask him in advance because I could not have
conceived of something so idiotic.

Walter Reuben

Walter Reuben, Inc.

500 North Harper Avenue

Los Angeles CA


(323) 651 3313

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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Richard Auras
 I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. Thanks

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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Doug Ball


I guess the sellers got you by the 

I had a similar experience a couple weeks ago from 
an ebay store in California. I bought two water damaged standees for a dollar 
and they tried to get $45. more for shipping. I sent them a check for one dollar 
and told them to do what ever with the standees. I kept to my end of the 

I feel these type of sellers are dishonest and help 
give ebay a bad name! All auctions should have a shipping price, even if over 
inflated. At least in the end we know what is to be paid.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:40 
  Subject: [MOPO] What to do?
  I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay seller today, 
  named bravo_george
  He listed the shipping charge as $7 for script, 
  but he is now refusing to combine shipping and insisting that I pay him $91 
  for shipping them in one parcel.
  and what makes this more infuriating---he is 
  about three miles from me but is refusing to let me pick them up in 
  Do ebay rules about screwing people on shipping 
  charges apply in this case? And, if they do, how do I ask that they be 
  No, I did not ask him in advance because I could 
  not have conceived of something so idiotic.
  Walter Reuben, 
  500 North Harper 
  Los Angeles CA 
  90048 USA
  (323) 651 
  Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at
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  In the BODY of your message type: SIGNOFF MOPO-L
  The author of this message is solely responsible for its 
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Re: [MOPO] Collectibles Insurance Agency

2006-08-27 Thread Kainbach

Hello Stephanie,

I use this insurance agency since seven years. I had one loss almost two 
years ago and they paid my loss immediately. I can recommend them highly.


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Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground and an explanation

2006-08-27 Thread Randall Petersen
Title: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo Playground and an

Jeannie has been inflicting her over-bearing, self-righteous
attitude on NSFGE for several months now. I guess that wasn't
enough ego boosting for her, so she's decided to take on MoPo as

And the reason that she's never said anything useful about movie
posters here (or on NSFGE, for that matter) is because she really
knows nothing about them. All she collects is Star Wars. 

I imagine that she'll now toss back some long-winded diatribe
against all of us who dare to question her righteousness, but I for
one won't respond, either publicly or privately.

Oh, and for those who didn't have time to read koose's novel, or
who had an epileptic seizure from all the flashing colored lights,
what he said, in essence, was: Jeannie, you're erudite, you make
some good points, but if you don't play by the MoPo rules, Scott has
every right to kick you off the mailing list.

Sounds good to me.


At 6:34 AM -0400 8/27/06, JR wrote:

A welldocumented effort to
set the record straight and your are quite right -- we do have a
long-standingpreferred optionon MOPO for
people who want to bash at each other to take it outside
and continue in private a thread which started in public. It is not
always observed, but it is certainly a well-established part of
normal activity on this list and Jeannie's claim that you
somehow fraudulently usurped her private email address from this list
and illegally used it to send herunlawful emails is simply

Personally, Iwas surprised at the
vehemence ofyourmessages to her, butyou were
provokedand she did fire first -- and so if you chose to
escalate youdid havethat right -- and at least you did use
the preferred option of this group and madeyour
angry commentsprivately instead of inflicting them on the entire
membership. All through the ensuing discussion Jeannie has been acting
as if she did nothing to provoke your messages... that she was just
sitting around like Little Miss Muffet on her tuffet, minding her own
business and innocent asa lamband then suddenly mean old
Claude just jumped out of the bushes and started sending her nasty
emails for no reason at all, oh my... Unfortunately several people
seem to have fallen for heract and rushed to protect the damsel
in distress by proclaiming her act of posting your private emails in
public as some kind of brave and heroic effort to out the
deadly MOPO stalker...

...yeah, right... all of which may have
made for some juicy melodramaon a drowsy summer's week on MOPO,
I suppose... but was hardly worth all the verbiage and bad
feelings it has generated.

It is worth noting that this series of
unfortunate events started off as a completely valid ON-TOPIC thread
about movie posters which rapidly drifted off-topic because some
people felt the need to throw in unnecessary personal cracks along
with their otherwise valid commentary on the topic.
Rudenessbegets rudeness,folks. I think Claude was simply
demonstrating that escalationcan happen -- and if you want to
start that particular mud ball rollingdown the hillside, then
you really can'tcomplain if you cause an avalanche.

This group used to be pretty civil in the
way we talked to each other, even when we strongly disagreed. I know
it's been a long,hot summer... but how about we all get back to
where we once belonged?

-- JR

- Original Message -
From: Claude Litton
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The MoPo
Playground and an explanation


Since you find
my actions strange and disturbing I will explain it to you and the

The group has
totally lost sight of what triggered this whole thread and Jeannie
would not have received the private emails had she not insulted me
publically on MoPo. I do not desire to engage in nasty emails on
MoPo and when someone insults me I prefer to reply privately. No
matter how eloquent or convincing a person sounds the bottom line is
that my response was a result of insults being fired at me on Mopo and
I remained silent publically because the rules are that there shall be
no personal attacks.

There was a
discussion going on about Rixposterz listings on ebay which
deliberately omitted the fact that they were not USA posters. JR
and I had made comments about thesehis listings andPhil
chose to comment. However,he also chose to make a
derogatory comment about me.Phil hadstated his
opinionabout these types of listings and there was no need for
the personal attack which belittled and insultedme. I
chosea returncomment without going overboard, since
Scott Burns has a rule against personal

Jeannie then
chose to send an email to the group with further negative sarcastic
comments directed at me. This is not the first time she has
tried to get me into a nasty debate.At no time in any
previous emails, later emails or that particular
emaildidshe make acomment about the discussion

Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Randall Petersen
Title: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

With lobby cards in particular, I often pick up multiple pieces
from each seller. I've learned through similar bad experiences to
ALWAYS ask about combined shipping before the auctions end, with any
seller I haven't dealt with before, unless the question is very
specifically addressed in their auctions. Never assume anything,
as there are too many jerks around who are convinced that gouging on
shipping is perfectly legitimate. And this includes those who
feel that they're being fair when they say something like,
Shipping for the first card is $8, add ONLY $1 for each
additional card. Right. So if I get 20 lobby cards,
the shipping is $27. Still a rip off.


From: MoPo List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Walter
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:40 AM
Subject: [MOPO] What to do?

I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay
seller today, named bravo_george

He listed the shipping charge as $7 for
script, but he is now refusing to combine shipping and insisting that
I pay him $91 for shipping them in one parcel.

and what makes this more infuriating---he
is about three miles from me but is refusing to let me pick them up in

Do ebay rules about screwing people on
shipping charges apply in this case? And, if they do, how do I
ask that they be enforced?

No, I did not ask him in advance because
I could not have conceived of something so idiotic.

Walter Reuben

Walter Reuben, Inc.

500 North Harper Avenue

Los Angeles CA 90048 USA


(323) 651 3313

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List Web Site at
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Re: [MOPO] Collectibles Insurance Agency

2006-08-27 Thread Michael B

what kind of a loss valuable item?

it might be an interesting thread to see how adjusters address paper that was once valued at less than a buck


-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Collectibles Insurance Agency

Hello Stephanie,

I use this insurance agency since seven years. I had one loss almost two years ago and they paid my loss immediately. I can recommend them highly.


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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread JR


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual 
items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and 
gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they 
are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative 
feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has 
hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just 
open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer 
to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message - 
From: Walter Reuben 


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not 
getting very many "bravo's" out of me
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Auras 


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

 I don't if I 
missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of 
him. Thanks

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Re: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread JR
Title: Re: [MOPO] What to do?


Sorry, but the approach of saying"Shipping for the first card is $8, 
add ONLY $1 for each additional card." is exactly how I ran my pulp auctions on 
eBay and it is a perfectly good approach, not a rip-off. Yes, if you buy 20 
cards $27 might seem like a lot of shipping cost to you -- but you're not 
looking at if from the seller's viewpoint. He has to put each item in a plastic 
sleeve. That costs money. He has make sure he has all of them gathered into the 
right package... don't want to leave one out... package them...that takes 
more time than a single card would...and the weight of the package will cost 
significantly more to ship.Maybe not so much more for 20 lobby cards, but 
if it were 20 pulp magazines the weight of the package would kick it up well 
over$20 for Priority Mail shipping. Even 20 lobby cards-- with sleeves and 
protective cardboard is going tobe about2 lbs... maybe a little 
more, which would kick the Priority Mail shipping up at least to $10 bucks. The 
extra $1.00 per additional item is a shipping AND handling charge. It's a very 
reasonable approach to take to the issue of combined shipping.

Besides, your example is extreme. I you had only won 3 items from him, 
would you complain that he charged you $10.00 to ship -- just $2.00 more than 1 
card would have cost? Unlikely you would find that excessive, but if you would, 
then I'm glad you didn't win any of my auctions. I'm as much against genuine 
shipping gouging as anyone else and have suffered it myself, but adding a lousy 
buck for each additional item is not anything remotely like gouging.

-- JR

- Original Message - 
From: Randall 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:01
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

With lobby cards in particular, I often pick up multiple pieces from each 
seller. I've learned through similar bad experiences to ALWAYS ask about 
combined shipping before the auctions end, with any seller I haven't dealt with 
before, unless the question is very specifically addressed in their 
auctions. Never assume anything, as there are too many jerks around who 
are convinced that gouging on shipping is perfectly legitimate. And this 
includes those who feel that they're being fair when they say something like, 
"Shipping for the first card is $8, add ONLY $1 for each additional card." 
Right. So if I get 20 lobby cards, the shipping is $27. Still a rip 


From: MoPo List 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Walter 
  ReubenSent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:40 AMTo: 

I bought 11 TV scripts from an ebay seller today, 
  named bravo_george
He listed the shipping charge as $7 for script, 
  but he is now refusing to combine shipping and insisting that I pay him $91 
  for shipping them in one parcel.
and what makes this more infuriating---he is 
  about three miles from me but is refusing to let me pick them up in 
Do ebay rules about screwing people on shipping 
  charges apply in this case? And, if they do, how do I ask that they be 
No, I did not ask him in advance because I could 
  not have conceived of something so idiotic.
Walter Reuben
Walter Reuben, Inc.
500 North Harper Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90048 USA
(323) 651 3313

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Walter Reuben

I have sent an email to ebay complaining about 
overcharging for shipping.
In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have 
a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will 
regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too 
much, but let us see.
Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 
12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship 
me all of them.
If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his 
shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive 
feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that 
he deserves.
However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, 
I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I 
realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the 
arithmetic, but one does what one can.
My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6. 

And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so 
I already have two negatives, both long ago and 
retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over 
backward in all his shipping and return policies. 
If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen 
sooner or later.
Walter Reuben

  - Original Message - 
  To: Walter Reuben 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to 
  Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his 
  outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, 
  you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the 
  reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and 
  escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra 
  $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.
  -- JR
  - Original Message - 
  From: JR 
  To: Walter Reuben ; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
  You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual 
  items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and 
  gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:
  1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something 
  they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:
  2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative 
  feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has 
  hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, 
  just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a 
  buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.
  You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Walter 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
  Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
  seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is 
  not getting very many "bravo's" out of me
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?
   I don't if 
  I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of 
  him. Thanks
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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Craig Goebel

Walter, undoubtedly you are aware that the ebayprocess 
of dropping items after 90 days after the listing endsis not entirely 
accurate insofar as it is always 90 days; if you wait until the 90th day for 
each item then leave negatives,there might betime left for the 
seller to get back and certainly he can reply in your negatives to him. I tried 
waiting one time to give a deserved negative for bad packing on the 90th day to 
avoid the relatiatory I knew would come; the listing lasted past 90 days and I 
got the retaliatory which was factually nonresponsive. Also, the calculation 
of feedback percentage via subtracting negatives (or adding positives) 
does not work by numbers of negatives (or positives), but is based on a per 
member basis, so as to remove the multiplying effect of numerous negatives (or 
positives) and in addition any time you deal with the same person again, that 
person's feedback is not counted into your percentage though it is part of the 
running totals. So he'd get 13 negatives but from one member that would be 1 
negative in 7 feedbacks for 85.7%. So as I have stated before you must be ready 
toaccept unfair retaliation in order to make the point that someone is a 
bad actor. Most worthy sellers and buyers can see them for what they are, if 
they look.

Craig, Vancouver

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:12 
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to 
  I have sent an email to ebay complaining about 
  overcharging for shipping.
  In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only 
  have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that 
  they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple 
  pieces as too much, but let us see.
  Just to put it in context---I won on ebay 
  yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me 
  $8.50 to ship me all of them.
  If ebay does not persuade the seller to change 
  his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me 
  positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the 
  feedback that he deserves.
  However, if he does not leave any feedback for 
  me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned 
  ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate 
  into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.
  My feedback is now 1804, and his is 
  And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so 
  I already have two negatives, both long ago and 
  retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends 
  over backward in all his shipping and return policies. 
  If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen 
  sooner or later.
  Walter Reuben
- Original Message - 

To: Walter Reuben 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to 


Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his 
outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. 
Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as 
the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard 
and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the 
extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message - 
From: JR 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual 
items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and 
gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something 
they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative 
feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has 
hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, 
just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for 
a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message - 
From: Walter 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is 
not getting very many "bravo's" out of me
- Original Message - 
From: Richard 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 

Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Michael B

If you really analyze what walter is saying, he is scared because ebay will not protect him against a scammer. walter's feedback is important, because it is high and he is honorable. the scammer doesnt care. scammers come and go. ebay's feedback policy often protects scammers.

i got my first bad feedback 2 weeks ago (dialmbbmbb). an enemy of mine opened an acct for the sole purpose of leaving bad feedback.he bid on my lowest priced item, a ripped poster, paid, and left bad feedback. he now has a neg one. he never bid before, will never bid on that acct, again.

you should have read the canned crap ebay responded in several emails. i posted about this 2 weeks ago, and said, for $10,00, i can destroy anyone's feedback.

warning to walter: fo not threaten to leave bad feedback in advance. that is grounds for ebay to remove based upon feedback extortion. read their stupid rules!!!



-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for shipping.

In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too much, but let us see.

Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me all of them.

If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that he deserves.

However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.

My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6. 

And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?

I already have two negatives, both long ago and retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in all his shipping and return policies. 

If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.

Walter Reuben

- Original Message - 

From: JR 

To: Walter Reuben 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM

Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message - 

From: JR 


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39

Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message - 

From: Walter Reuben 


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04

Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very many "bravo's" out of me


- Original Message - 

From: Richard Auras 


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM

Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?


 I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. Thanks


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[MOPO] CLARIFICATION about the MoPo Playground

2006-08-27 Thread David Kusumoto

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 at 10:32:29 -0700, Randall Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
Oh, and for those who didn't have time to read koose's novel, or who had an epileptic seizure from all the flashing colored lights, what he said, in essence, was:Jeannie, you're erudite, you make some good points, but if you don't play by the MoPo rules, Scott has every right to kick you off the mailing list.Sounds good to me. 
I have received two e-mails reacting to my novel-length post with the carnival lights (sorry) -- and I'd like to say:
1)Randy Petersen's comments above -- have captured in less than 30 words -- what took me 3,000 to accomplish.(Thank you, Randy, for reading my novel IN TOTAL).This is EXACTLY how I feel about Jeannie's intransigient position and what Scott Burns should do if she persists.If she doesn't like Scott's rules, no matter her rationale, she shouldn't have joined -- AND, if she breaks SCOTT's rules again -- I will support her suspension.My stated "admiration" for Jeannie was mostly a response to her writing style (vs. its CONTENT).I always notice and like people who are good with the pen.But however convincing, you must sift through to find WHAT such writers advocate and WHY. 
2)I also read Claude's note yesterday.Amazingly, I was asleep at the wheel.I did NOT REALIZE Jeannie's position, that is, the part I find objectionable (her justification to take private notes public) involved Claude!Had I known, I would've AMENDED my novel.I don't think I would've changed what I wrote, but I would've acknowledged that I KNOW Claude.
3)I've written about Claude in years past and I will re-state my PERSONAL view of him again.I don't always like the WAY he disagrees (even though I agree w/most everything he writes).I think the thing Jeannie (and sometimes others, especially new members) don't like -- is his way Claude can pound back in an e-mail.It can feel terse, brutal and personal, e.g., "if you don't agree, I'll hit you into tomorrow."This is his "public e-mail" persona.And while I don't condone this style, public or private -- Claude's true character, in my view, is made of granite.
** I have spoken to Claude -- we exchanged numbers via PRIVATE e-mail -- (it may have started over a disagreement on MoPo years ago, what else?) -- and you WILL NOT BELIEVE how different he is, one-on-one vs. in an e-mail.He is regal, gentlemanly, accomodating -- in a word, wonderful.I've also never forgotten that spectacular 2002 profile about him in Hearst's-Dow Jones' Smart Money Magazine.That's the Claude I know, not the sometimes scary, fearless and "take no prisoners" Claude others know.This is because when he surfaces at MoPo, it's usually to challenge or support someone else's view rather than praise.
** Yet this reputation is not a true reflection of how he really is.When you get to know Claude, you can disagree and discover a man with a lot of charm and charisma.In fairness, it's because we exchanged phone numbers years ago -- again, VIA PRIVATE E-MAIL -- we called each other -- and I was shocked at how he came across, almost wise and paternalistic, protective of your views, while gently explaining why he disagrees. Right out of an RKO movie.
** The suggestion, however oblique or even hidden in subtext -- that Claude Litton might have a "stalker's" mentality against people who challenge him -- is so ridiculous that it's laughable.In sum, I am one of his biggest fans.We're at opposite ends of many things, esp. politically. And thinking back, I remember not liking him at first -- in the same way people don't like me at first (and still don't today).But I got to know him and not only do I consider Claude an ace -- I consider him a friend. 

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[MOPO] FA Ending

2006-08-27 Thread Erich Linder

Hello everyone:

Tonight, the last of my auctions for this month are 
closing! Besure to stop by and have a look 

Titles ending 
this evening around 9:45 PM Eastern:

Hell on Frisco Bay Japanese
Grand Prix Japanese Style C
Star Wars Russian "Darth 
Hellraiser Japanese Style A
Marilyn Monroe Special 
Blow Up Italian Fotobusta 



Linder [EMAIL PROTECTED] (484) 

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[MOPO] FA: CLOSING!VintageHorror/Schlock,TheJerk,SERIALS,50'sNoir,Disney,LordJim,Toho!!

2006-08-27 Thread Rixposterz


 I have at least 30 Auctions closing WITHIN 4 TO 6 HOURS-lots of 
FIRST TIME LISTED, hard to find titles plus much more--SERIALS,SCI-FI/HORROR, 
NM, Hard to Find Vintage 50's FILM NOIR, LOBBY SETS---If you have a minute, 
please take a look! Here's the link to ALL Auctions plus partial list just 
below! Thanks again to Everyone! Rick
THE JERK(Steve Martin) Orig STYLE B US One Sheet BEST STYLE!
THE SEA WOLF (Edw G, Robinson/John Garfield,1941) Orig US Lobby Card!
AFFAIR WITH A STRANGER (Classic 50's FILM NOIR,1953) Orig US One 
LORD JIM (Peter O'Toole,1965) Orig US One Sheet GREAT ART!!
3 CABALLEROS (Walt Disney) US 1/2 Sheet GREAT ART! NM!!
THE MONSTER CLUB (Vincent Price,Carradine,1981) Orig Poster NM 
BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE (Toho, Sci-Fi Space,1960) BEST Orig US LC! 
CABARET (Minnelli, Grey,1971) 3 Orig US Lobby Cards! REDUCED!!
SIGN O' THE TIMES (Prince, Music,1987) Orig US One Sheet! NM BEST PRICE 
BLAZING THE OVERLAND TRAIL (1956 Western Serial) Orig US TC  3 
TALL STORY (Jane Fonda, Tony Perkins, Basketball,1968) Orig US LCSet 
BILLY THE KID VS. DRACULA (Horror/Sclock, 1965) Orig Poster 
KIND LADY(Classic 50's FILM NOIR, Lansbury) Orig US Insert 
TROPICAL HEAT WAVE (Estelita,1952) Orig US 1/2 Sheet NM!!! 
CRAZY JOE (Peter Boyle, MAFIA,1974) Orig US One Sheet!! BLOODY 

These are LESS THAN HALF of the 
Auctions I have closingWITHIN 4 TO 6 HOURS-lotsof other BARGAINS AT 
Thanks to all, Rick

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Randall Petersen

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS  for him. 13 negative 
feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if 
he has hundreds of positives.

I believe that is incorrect. It's my understanding that 13 negatives 
from the same buyer will only count as ONE hit on the seller's 
feedback score.  And I know this to be true with positive feedback. 
Basically, once you've left a particular seller one positive and one 
negative feedback, all your future feedbacks to that seller are 
meaningless in terms of affecting their percentage score.  Makes it 
much harder to hurt someone badly. Or conversely, much harder for a 
seller to artificially build up positive feedback artificially by 
bidding on thousands of their own items with another ebay ID.

Sorry, but the approach of saying Shipping for the first card is 
$8, add ONLY $1 for each additional card. is exactly how I ran my 
pulp auctions on eBay and it is a perfectly good approach, not a 

I was sure this would get a rise out of someone.  Sorry back at you, 
but I still consider it to be just another way sellers gouge buyers 
on shipping.  No matter how you try and justify it, the incremental 
cost of shipping each additional card will never be a dollar, or 
anything close to it.  Therefore, the seller is making an (admittedly 
small) amount of additional profit from shipping for each additional 
item the buyer buys, which fits my definition of gouging.  And in the 
process, punishing his or her most enthusiastic customers.

Obviously the situation is totally different for items that weigh 
more than lobby cards do.

The most reasonable way to charge shipping, imo, is to create ranges 
based on the number of items purchased, that reflect REAL differences 
in the cost of postage and time taken to put an order together.  For 
example, $8 for 1-10 cards, $12 for 10-20 cards, and so on.

As far as my example being an extreme one, that is simply not the 
case, particularly with lobby cards.  If a seller is offering one 
card that I'm interested in, he's probably offering dozens more that 
I'm also interested in. And I'm hardly the only person who buys this 
way.  As an example, one need only check the recent sci-fi lobby card 
auctions from 'brianf1242' to see that only a handful of people have 
purchased the majority of his several hundred card collection.

Now, having said all that, I certainly don't consider the 'each 
additional card for a buck' approach to be the worst type of shipping 
gouging around.  And I've definitely bought many many pieces from 
sellers who use this approach, although I am less inclined to bid 
high on multiple pieces under these circumstances.

At the other end of the spectrum, of course, are sellers like da 
Bruce.  Last week, I won 21 of his primo cards, for a total cost of 
over $2500.  My shipping charge?  Ten bucks.  I'm not suggesting that 
everyone do this, but from a buyer's perspective, it's great.


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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Randall Petersen

If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, 
then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive 
feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the 
feedback that he deserves.

Not a chance of that happening, Walter.  Sellers like this NEVER 
leave buyers positive feedback before they get positive feedback 
themselves.  They know what they're doing is wrong and that it pisses 
off customers, even if they won't admit it.  And especially since 
you've already exchanged 'words' with this joker.

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Re: [MOPO] FA eBay auctions - Disney lobby cards, arthouse one sheets

2006-08-27 Thread Philip Charles Edwards

Hi All,

Twenty four hours left on a selection of Disney animation lobby cards, arthouse and indie one sheets.

As always all shipping costs stated on the item pages and we'll combine shiping from our eBay auctions, eBay store and from our website sales at

Thanks for looking,

Phil  Mila Edwards

eBay ID cinemarts if this link to auctions doesn't work.

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 17:51:27 -0400, Erich Linder wrote
 Hello everyone:  
 Tonight, the last of my auctions for this month are closing!  Be sure to stop by and have a look soon!   
 Titles ending this evening around 9:45 PM Eastern: 
 Hell on Frisco Bay Japanese  
 Grand Prix Japanese Style C  
 Star Wars Russian Darth Puma  
 Hellraiser Japanese Style A  
 Marilyn Monroe Special Retrospective  Japanese 
 Blow Up Italian Fotobusta #8 
 Erich Linder 
 (484) 318-1288 
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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Richard Halegua Comic Art

holy mackerel -  I agree with Randall !!
I think that Randall is reasonably correct on this. There has to be 
something about the planets being in alignment.

but listen.. when I ship. I charge a single fee - $8 in the USA etc. 
I myself think is the right thing to do because one thing for sure, 
when I sell multiple items to one seller - it may cost me a little 
more to ship the package, however the benefit of being able to ship 
many items to one buyer negates the need for me to send multiple 
buyers a single item and thusly eliminates the work of making 
multiple packages.

the math is simple to me... I save time and so the buyer saves money. 
Of course this may be different if I am selling hardcover books  the 
like because the weight issue really moves up there. But I rarely 
sell a box of stuff that needs to be shipped weighing 20 pounds, or 
even just 10.

it takes myself or my girlfriend roughly 5-10 minutes to make a 
package (depends on what kind of package needs to be made)
However it takes only a few seconds or 1 minute to find an item that 
sold unless I have to look through multiple areas (believe it or not, 
my stuff is not in order. I do have to find it - but it is in a 
general area- this shelf or that shelf). So to pack 10 lobby cards to 
different buyers will take a couple hours probably. To pull 10 lobby 
cards for one buyer  make one package takes 10-20 minutes total and 
I have saved very much of my VALUABLE TIME that could be used listing 
more auctions

I might understand sometimes adding a nominal handling fee to each 
extra item, but why do it in light of saved time?? Rotman auctions 
used to charge $1 handling fee for each item and sometimes when I 
bought 30 items one week, the shipping /handling became $45, but I 
more than saved that on my bids anyway, so I just kept it in mind when bidding

I can assure everyone of one thing however.. I absolutely will not 
allow anyone to do what that seller is doing to Walter Rueben and if 
anyone sees such or is victim of such on MoviePosterBid I want to 
know about it  I will correct that problem so fast that the need for 
discussion will be eliminated. I also asked Walter to please let me 
know who it is so I can be looking out for him if he ever signs up


At 03:13 PM 8/27/2006, Randall Petersen wrote:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS  for him. 13 negative 
feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if 
he has hundreds of positives.

I believe that is incorrect. It's my understanding that 13 negatives 
from the same buyer will only count as ONE hit on the seller's 
feedback score.  And I know this to be true with positive feedback. 
Basically, once you've left a particular seller one positive and one 
negative feedback, all your future feedbacks to that seller are 
meaningless in terms of affecting their percentage score.  Makes it 
much harder to hurt someone badly. Or conversely, much harder for a 
seller to artificially build up positive feedback artificially by 
bidding on thousands of their own items with another ebay ID.

Sorry, but the approach of saying Shipping for the first card is 
$8, add ONLY $1 for each additional card. is exactly how I ran my 
pulp auctions on eBay and it is a perfectly good approach, not a rip-off.

I was sure this would get a rise out of someone.  Sorry back at you, 
but I still consider it to be just another way sellers gouge buyers 
on shipping.  No matter how you try and justify it, the incremental 
cost of shipping each additional card will never be a dollar, or 
anything close to it.  Therefore, the seller is making an 
(admittedly small) amount of additional profit from shipping for 
each additional item the buyer buys, which fits my definition of 
gouging.  And in the process, punishing his or her most enthusiastic customers.

Obviously the situation is totally different for items that weigh 
more than lobby cards do.

The most reasonable way to charge shipping, imo, is to create ranges 
based on the number of items purchased, that reflect REAL 
differences in the cost of postage and time taken to put an order 
together.  For example, $8 for 1-10 cards, $12 for 10-20 cards, and so on.

As far as my example being an extreme one, that is simply not the 
case, particularly with lobby cards.  If a seller is offering one 
card that I'm interested in, he's probably offering dozens more that 
I'm also interested in. And I'm hardly the only person who buys this 
way.  As an example, one need only check the recent sci-fi lobby 
card auctions from 'brianf1242' to see that only a handful of people 
have purchased the majority of his several hundred card collection.

Now, having said all that, I certainly don't consider the 'each 
additional card for a buck' approach to be the worst type of 
shipping gouging around.  And I've definitely bought many many 
pieces from sellers who use this approach, although I am less 

[MOPO] Before there was Disney, there was Sir John Tenniel...

2006-08-27 Thread rodxmorgan
...and before Sir John, there was J.J.GRANDVILLE

Author:  GRANDVILLE, J.J. (1803-1847)
Title:  Les Metamorphoses du Jour
Year Published:  1854
Place Printed:  Paris
Printed By:  Gustave Hazard

He created the illustrations for Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1838), 
Daniel Defoe's
Robinson Crusoe (1840) and Chevalier's Don Quichotte de la manche (1848). 
Grandville's fantastic
anthropomorphic figures combining human and animal characteristics have been 
considered among the
sources for Sir John Tenniel's illustrations in Lewis Carroll's Alice in 
Wonderland.  Precursor of
surrealism. (sic)

(Indeed a rare privilege to be able to view all 70 original anthropomorphic 
hand coloured plates.)

You have enjoyed a very rare privilege, young man.  Did you find what you were 
looking for?

No.  Tell me something, Miss Anderson.  You're not Rosebud, are you?


I didn't think you were.  Well, thanks for the use of the hall.

He puts his hat on his head and starts out, lighting a cigarette as he goes.  
Miss Anderson, scandalized, watches him.

Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread P Molitor
Hi Walter,You should make him send them to 11 different addresses. I'll volunteer mine and my work'sand be happy to forwardthem on to you, gratis. Let me know and I'll send you the addresses. --PeterWalter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for shipping.  In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too much, but let us see. 
 Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me all of them.  If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that he deserves.  However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.  My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6.   And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?  I already have two
 negatives, both long ago and retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in all his shipping and return policies.   If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.  Walter Reuben- Original Message -   From: JR   To: Walter Reuben   Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM  Subject: Re: [MOPO]
 Fw: [MOPO] What to do?  Walter,Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.-- JR- Original Message -   From: JR   To: Walter Reuben ; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU   Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?Walter,You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a
 bigger hit.You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.--JR  - Original Message -   From: Walter Reuben   To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU   Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04  Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very many "bravo's" out of me  Walter  - Original Message -   From: Richard Auras   To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU   Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM  Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?  Walter,   I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. ThanksRick  Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at  ___  How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MoPo Mailing ListSend a message addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In the BODY of your message type: SIGNOFF MOPO-LThe author of this message is solely responsible for its content.Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at  ___  How to UNSUBSCRIBE from the MoPo Mailing
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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Richard Auras
Ditto here. I think he would reconsider this policy if we did this.

- Original Message From: P Molitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDUSent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:56:59 PMSubject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
Hi Walter,

You should make him send them to 11 different addresses. I'll volunteer mine and my work'sand be happy to forwardthem on to you, gratis. Let me know and I'll send you the addresses. 

--PeterWalter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for shipping.
In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too much, but let us see.
Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me all of them.
If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that he deserves.
However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.
My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6. 
And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?
I already have two negatives, both long ago and retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in all his shipping and return policies. 
If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.
Walter Reuben

- Original Message - 
From: JR 
To: Walter Reuben 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message - 
From: JR 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message - 
From: Walter Reuben 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very many "bravo's" out of me
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Auras 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

 I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. Thanks

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread David Kusumoto
Great idea. I'll volunteer mine as well and ship back to you for free, just write me privately and I'll send you my work address.

From: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDUSubject: Re: Fw: [MOPO] What to do?Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 17:07:55 -0700

Ditto here. I think he would reconsider this policy if we did this.

- Original Message From: P Molitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDUSent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:56:59 PMSubject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
Hi Walter,

You should make him send them to 11 different addresses. I'll volunteer mine and my work'sand be happy to forwardthem on to you, gratis. Let me know and I'll send you the addresses. 

--PeterWalter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for shipping.
In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too much, but let us see.
Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me all of them.
If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that he deserves.
However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.
My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6. 
And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?
I already have two negatives, both long ago and retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in all his shipping and return policies. 
If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.
Walter Reuben

- Original Message - 
From: JR 
To: Walter Reuben 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message -
From: JR 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVEFEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message -
From: Walter Reuben 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very many "bravo's" out of me
- Original Message -
From: Richard Auras 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

 I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. Thanks

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Claude Litton

Why bother giving 11 addresses because then they have to be 
forwarded to Walter which would now incur additional postage. Just have 
Walter pay him for one and have it shipped. When it is shipped then pay 
him for the next one, etc., etc., etc. (i.e. have him send each one as a 
separate order.)

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Alan Adler

I'm in too, Walter -
Sounds like fun.
Alan Adler

On Aug 27, 2006, at 5:27 PM, Doug Taylor wrote:

I’m in.  You can have one sent to me.

From: MoPo List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
David Kusumoto

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

Great idea.  I'll volunteer mine as well and ship back to you for  
free, just write me privately and I'll send you my work address.

From: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
 Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 17:07:55 -0700
Ditto here.  I think he would reconsider this policy if we did this.


- Original Message 
 From: P Molitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:56:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
Hi Walter,
You should make him send them to 11 different addresses.  I'll  
volunteer mine and my work's and be happy to forward them on to you,  
gratis.  Let me know and I'll send you the addresses. 


Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for  
In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in  
place on overcharging for one item.  So I doubt that they will  
regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple  
pieces as too much, but let us see.
Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from  
another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me  
all of them.
If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee,  
then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive  
feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the  
feedback that he deserves.
However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave  
him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY.   I realize that my  
11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the  
arithmetic, but one does what one can.

My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6.  
And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?
I already have two negatives, both long ago and retaliatory.  Bruce  
Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in  
all his shipping and return policies. 

If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.
Walter Reuben

- Original Message -
From: JR
To: Walter Reuben
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his  
outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for  
you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his  
shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll  
be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your  
account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the  
satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message -
From: JR
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13  
individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines  
shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges  
(something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST  

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS  for him. 13 negative  
feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if  
he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your  
feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over --  
that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger  

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.

- Original Message -
From: Walter Reuben
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very  
many bravo's out of me

- Original Message -
From: Richard Auras
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

 I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the  
gouger so we can all be wary of him.  Thanks

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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do? feedback.......

2006-08-27 Thread Michael B

this thread would have a different tone if the feedback system was 

why should scammers, cheats and asses have the ability to tarnish a 
responsible bidder? non-payers can leave bad feedback. what is a 
more grotesque example of feedback stupidity.

a 9.00 transaction and a 900.00 transaction should not carry equal 
weight. but ebay is sooo stupid about this. feedback 
has become extortion by bad ebayers.


enemyof mine starting a new account for the sole purpose of leaving bad 
feedback. the facts of this scam was so glaringly vivid, but ebay 
only gave canned responses.

ebay is s fuu---kn stupidly bureaucratic. 
don't you love their canned emails from people with names like ubtyut and 
tyuirpe and wopighty and poqwerti and riotnod? ebay.a company that 
has no telephone assistance. 

i have about 40 items (not only posters) waiting to be 
listed/re-listed..but i have such a bad taste, i have no inclination to sell 
right now!!! soebay loses?
this subject surfaces all the time. but EBAY PROFITS 
FINANCIALLY FROM BAD FEEDBACK. i said this last week. they have a 
mediation center with a link similar to paypaland owned/affiliated probably by 
an ebay company that for a fee ofabout 20.00 will mediate the removal of 
feedback in "mutual feedback withdrawal" isn't possible. i posted 
this info last week.



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Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Daniel Kinske
Title: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

Mr. Ruben,

You can have one sent to me too down here in San Diego and I can take it up to either you or Woolsey on one of my Los Angeles trips (Im heading up there twice this week alone.) Ive already been to your home when you were kind enough to allow me to shoot a few Hirschfeld items.


Daniel Kinske
1690 Seacoast Drive, Unit A
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
(401) 440-0469

On 8/27/06 20:12, David Kusumoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Great idea. I'll volunteer mine as well and ship back to you for free, just write me privately and I'll send you my work address.
From: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Richard Auras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fw: [MOPO] What to do?
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 17:07:55 -0700

Ditto here. I think he would reconsider this policy if we did this.


- Original Message 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:56:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

Hi Walter,

You should make him send them to 11 different addresses. I'll volunteer mine and my work's and be happy to forward them on to you, gratis. Let me know and I'll send you the addresses. 


Walter Reuben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have sent an email to ebay complaining about overcharging for shipping.
In fact, the morons that run ebay seem to only have a policy in place on overcharging for one item. So I doubt that they will regard the $90+ that this scam artist is charging to ship multiple pieces as too much, but let us see.
Just to put it in context---I won on ebay yesterday 12 scripts from another L.A. seller, who has already invoiced me $8.50 to ship me all of them.
If ebay does not persuade the seller to change his shipping fee, then I will pay him in full, hopefully he will leave me positive feedback, and, then yes you can believe that I will leave him the feedback that he deserves.
However, if he does not leave any feedback for me, I may just leave him the 11 negatives that he has earned ANYWAY. I realize that my 11 bad feedbacks will only translate into one minus in the arithmetic, but one does what one can.
My feedback is now 1804, and his is 6. 
And, if he does leave retaliatory feedback, so what?
I already have two negatives, both long ago and retaliatory. Bruce Hershenson even has a few, and he so totally bends over backward in all his shipping and return policies. 
If you do enough business on ebay, it will happen sooner or later.
Walter Reuben
- Original Message - 
From: JR mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: Walter Reuben mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


Alternatively, if you really want the items, go ahead and pay his outrageous shipping charge and let him leave positive feedback for you. Then, you leave 13 NEGATIVE feedbacks on him, citing his shipping scam as the reason. He'll probably fall for it and you'll be able to hit him hard and escape any retaliatory feedback on your account. It might be worth the extra $75 bucks just to have the satisfaction of doing that to him.

-- JR

- Original Message - 
From: JR mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:39
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?


You have the advantage on him. Think about it. You've won 13 individual items from him, right? You tell him he either combines shipping for them and gives you a reasonable shipping quote or:

1) You'll report him to eBay for excessive shipping charges (something they are taking seriously right now), but MOST IMPORTANT:

2) You will leave 13 NEGATIVE FEEDBACKS for him. 13 negative feedbacks will send *any* seller's rating into the toilet, even if he has hundreds of positives. If he retaliates and it hurts your feedback to much, just open a new account on eBay and start over -- that's not a big deal for a buyer to do. For a seller it's a bigger hit.

You are in the driver's seat here. Just let this bozo know that.


- Original Message - 
From: Walter Reuben mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 13:04
Subject: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

seller ID is Bravo_George, and right now he is not getting very many bravo's out of me
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Auras mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What to do?

I don't if I missed it but what is the seller ID for the gouger so we can all be wary of him. Thanks

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In the BODY 

Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to do?

2006-08-27 Thread Doug Ball

I Like Claude's long as you tell him that the next 
payment will be made only after you receive each item. Maybe the guy will change 
his tune and give in. Make him pay too!


 Original Message - 

  Claude Litton 
  Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:38 
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fw: [MOPO] What to 
  Why bother giving 11 addresses because then they have to be 
  forwarded to Walter which would now incur additional postage. Just have 
  Walter pay him for one and have it shipped. When it is shipped then pay 
  him for the next one, etc., etc., etc. (i.e. have him send each one as a 
  separate order.)
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