[MOSAIC] Literacy Coaches

2009-05-02 Thread j browne
A great book for anyone trying to figure out how 
to build community in a school is Learning Along the Way

by Diane Sweeney.  When our Literacy Coaches were
hired, the 'job' description was vague...This book helped
put things into perspective, and at the same time Coaches
realized that their job was to help teachers.  Teachers that 
were receptive to a coach coming into their classrooms were

approached first...other teachers needed to realize that coaches
were not there to 'evaluate' them. 
Check out this book for some more

ideas.  I think you can find it on Amazon .

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Re: [MOSAIC] teaching parents how to read to their children

2009-07-27 Thread j browne

You may find some additional information here to share with  parents...
Lots and lots of information.


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Re: [MOSAIC] Teaching students to evaluate text

2010-03-15 Thread j browne
Is he familiar with Elin Keene's "Mosaic of Thought"...that book opened my 
eyes to comprehension and how I read!  It became my go to
text as I read it with a Study Group at my school.  I became a better reader 
and I know I became a better teacher of comprehension because of that book.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 6:36 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] Teaching students to evaluate text

One of my colleagues (a 4th grade teacher) approached me today about 
beginning to teach his students how to evaluate the texts they read and 
deepen their comprehension. At first, I thought he might consider 
determing importance of the information in the text, but he is looking for 
something more - evaluating within a text and possibly evaluating across 
texts. I'm not even sure he knows where he's going yet - he's excited to 
take his kids somewhere else and I think he'll know more about that 
direction and things he wants to teach once he gets going

Does anyone have any experirence with teaching this, or suggestions that 
he might try? I admit, this is new for me as well.


Reading Specialist
Medford, NJ
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Re: [MOSAIC] [OT] 5th grade word study

2007-07-19 Thread j browne
You may find what you need here...it
 is a power point presentation given by Amanda Arens and Karen Loman
at the Four Blocks Leadership Confernce last January.

You can find additional Conference notes at www.wfu.edu/fourblocks


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Re: [MOSAIC] word study_resource books

2007-07-19 Thread j browne
I forgot to add the link for two new books that may be helpful too.

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Re: [MOSAIC] 3rd grade word study_Linda

2007-07-19 Thread j browne
In the Four Blocks, the third grade word study is similar to what is being
done in the 1st and 2nd grades depending of course on the backround that the
children already have in  4Blocks Word Study.
The first day you would introduce the five new word wall words; second day,
sort the words; third day making words activities and the fourth and fifth
day would be extending lessons with additional vocabulary work that
sometimes is also done during Guided Reading.
The link below will give you information that Deb Smith(a member of this
group) has complied regarding vocabulary.  I am sure you will find many
ideas here for your use.

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Re: [MOSAIC] (mosaic) 3rd grade word study and vocabulary

2007-07-19 Thread j browne
If you are familiar with the 4Blocks, the 1st,2nd, and 3rd grade Word Block
are similar in format...First day intro. 5 new word wall words.  Second day
review words,  Third Day, Making Words, Fourth Day, review and Sorting Fifth
day Review new and previously introduced words.
Vocabulary instruction can also be part of the word block but usually
'spills' into the Guided Reading Block when you are introducing content
specfic words or words that are needed for Guided Reading.
Deb Smith, a member of this group, has a lot of ideas to share in the link
(the first time I tried to send this email, it didn't come through, so I am
trying again.}

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Re: [MOSAIC] Round Robin Reading

2007-07-21 Thread j browne

I am sure you have considered this, but how about setting up a schedule for
partner reading.  That way, when your TA is filling in, the kids will
already be assigned a partner and will know what is expected of them during
their reading time.  The TA will be able to observe, assist, and monitor the
class, as well as see how well the kids do in this environment...everyone
will be on task!


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Re: [MOSAIC] Round Robin Reading_partner reading

2007-07-23 Thread j browne
Just a clarification...when I mentioned partner reading, I was talking about
two kids, that I partner up,  sitting together and reading a section.
Partner reading , in my room,  is completely orchestrated by me. I pick the
partners.  I use DRA levels and match kids up.  If I had 24 kids in my
class, I would list them from highest DRA to lowest, cut my list in half,
and then the person listed number 1 would be partnering with person number
13.  I do this because I want the highest working with the middle student,
and the middle student working with a lower reader.  I find that if two
'higher' readers are together, they tend to be a little bossy, and their
personalities actually work better with a middle reader.  My middle readers
work nicely with a lower reader and seem to be more helpful then bossy.
Hope this makes sense.
Oh, there are days when some partner groups don't work out and I have to
make changes, but on the whole, it seems to work .
Sometimes I do let the kids choose their own partners, but mostly partner
groups in my room are set up by me.

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Re: [MOSAIC] (Mosaic) textmapping

2007-08-16 Thread j browne
Hi Linda,

Thought I would jump in on the textmapping question...I have used it
successfully in grades one and four...In first grade we scrolled the book,
My Little Sister Ate One Hare...a counting book by Bill Grossman, and had a
lot of fun with all of the counting activities...
In fourth grade we used it  with our social studies text...it helped
tremendously with outlining, and also with identifying the conventions in a
non fiction text...
I think you will find that textmapping can be used with almost any
grade...and there are so many uses for it too!


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Re: [MOSAIC] (no subject)

2008-01-10 Thread j browne
I'm not sure what grade you are talking about,
but on the following link, you will find someideas
that you may want to share with parents.



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[MOSAIC] Authors and Illustrators

2008-03-09 Thread j browne
You can  find video interviews with Patricia Mac Lachlan and 50 other
authors and illustrators at this site.


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Re: [MOSAIC] Kindergarten preparation

2008-04-18 Thread j browne
Check out www.readingrockets.org... you will find
some handouts for parents that you may want to include...
handouts can be downloaded in several languages...


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[MOSAIC] Centers/Literacy Stations

2008-05-24 Thread j browne
Would someone please explain to me the difference between Centers and
Literacy Stations.

Perhaps it's me, but I never had success with centers. I always felt they
were too
much work and I guess I wasn't organized enough to keep up with them.
When our district embraced the Four Blocks framework, I was thrilled.  I
really felt
I had a handle on what the kids were doing at all times and knew  that they
were fully engaged in
each Block.  We have since moved to a more Reading and Writing workshop
approach and
that seems to suit our students as well.
Now the buzz is  that we are going back to groups and Literacy Workstations.
I am a little
bit concerned.  My philosophy has been that teachers teach children and not
I know I can count on this list serve to help me see the light.
Thanks for any input on this subject.

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Re: [MOSAIC] Creating a plan for family involvement in literacy

2008-06-08 Thread j browne
You may get some ideas from these sites:
and it's partner


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Re: [MOSAIC] Book leveling site

2008-08-22 Thread j browne

I like the leveling site at Scholastic.
Lot's of good suggestions for other books too.

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Re: [MOSAIC] RtI_Attention Debbie

2008-09-06 Thread j browne
Debbie Wrote:

 We keep an assessment wall in our conference room that does not show 
teacher or student names on the front of each card, but it is a great visual 
for keeping us all tuned in to how many kids are having trouble and how much 
trouble they are having.

Jean says:
Hi Debbie,
We also are using an Assessment Wall at our school to help us address the 
needs of all students at our school. Please
email me off list. I would like to share what we are doing at our school and 
find out a little bit more about how you are
using your Assessment Wall.


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[MOSAIC] Assessment Wall

2008-09-07 Thread j browne
Debbie Wrote...
> We have a large bulletin bard in our conference room that we use for this. 
> DRA levels go across the top. Individual cards with numbers on the front 
> and student info on the back.are pinned under the correct DRA level.  They 
> are color coded for grade level so at a glance it is easy to see where the 
> students are and if there are any students drastically behind grade level. 
> We also use colored dotd on the front to indicate special services. I hope 
> this makes sense teacher name is not on the cards. I also maintain an 
> excel data base with all students and their DRA levels. This allows me to 
> monitor progress because I put the date in the cell that indicates the 
> level. I use this database to also keep students and teachers names aqnd 
> the assessment wall number assigned to each student. I think the 
> assessment wall is a Linda Dorn thing so you might find pictures and more 
> info on her site. Sorry I don't hqave an exact site but you can google it. 
> HTH. Debbie
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Jean says:
This sounds exactly how we are using our Assessment Wall.  At this time, I 
am the one in charge of imputing data and keeping our data base up to date. 
Teachers have taken over moving their own cards and this has certainly 
helped not only with maintaince of the wall, but encouraging those teachers 
whose students were not moving along to ask for additional help and/or begin 
to focus on SSR and DRA. I can send you more information tomorrow that I 
have on our Wall. All of my info is a school.

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Re: [MOSAIC] persuasive texts

2006-09-19 Thread j browne
 'I Wanna Iguana,' by Karen Kaufman Orloff

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Re: [MOSAIC] strategies for figuring out unfamiliar words

2006-10-06 Thread j browne
> 3.  (similar to #2?) Look for chunks I know in the word, blend them
> together and make a couple of gueses at how this word might sound.  Does
> that sound like any word I've ever heard before and might know the
> meaning of?

One thing I would add is that I ask my students to "say" all of the letters.
This way I know they are looking at the whole word  and since I tell them
brains are always looking for patterns', they may retrieve something they
know to
help them.
I have used this same strategy with first graders and fourth graders.


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Re: [MOSAIC] what book is GRTFBW?

2006-11-09 Thread j browne
Guided Reading the Four Blocks Way
by Pat Cunningham, Dottie Hall, Jim Cunningham (2000)

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Re: [MOSAIC] textmapping and social studies.

2006-12-12 Thread j browne
I have just introduced the use of textmapping to one of the fourth grade
teachers that I work with.  We used it for Social Studies in  Guided Reading
.  I felt it was necessary to model determining importance with our SS book
because the content is so dense, and by using the scroll and seeing the
whole layout of the unit, the kids had a good idea of what we were planning
to do.  Not only did we list the elements of non-fiction text, but we could
easily determine what was going to be important and worked in groups to
highlight important information.  Needless to say,  modeling everyday has
been essential . I certainly feel  like the total experience has been great!
Taking in slow through the chapter will enable the group to prepare for
working  in groups in the next chapter...


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Re: [MOSAIC] Differentiated Instruction

2007-02-22 Thread j browne
I agree with you 100%.  I can;t understand why Administrator's think
Differentiated Instruction and
homogeneous grouping should go hand in hand.

Our district has been following the 4Block format for several years.  The
school I work in was
privileged to have Pat Cunningham, one of the creators of the Four Blocks
framework, come to
visit our school. Pat wrote about our school in her book,Schools That Work,
that she co-wrote
with Dick Allington. Our Self-Selected Reading Block and the Writing Block
are completely
differentiated during the individual conferences we have with each child.
Notes are taken each week
when we meet with individual students so that instruction can be tailored to
the individual needs .

Of course the SSR block has each student reading books on their own levels.
How much more differentiated can
you get? The Guided Reading Block allows teachers to choose from various
formats while practicing
comprehension strategies.

Our district was one of the lowest performing schools in the state, but we
have made steady gains over the years
and are certainly moving in the right direction.  I believe that Four Blocks
was a big part
of our turn around.

But here is the kick...just today I was notified that I will have to attend
a meeting on differentiated instruction and
then set up a grade level unit specifically detailing how I am going to
differentiate in the classroom. I wanted to
scream, " Have you been around to the classrooms lately?"

Hmm, I wonder what supervisor went to a presentation on Differentiated
Instruction and decided to make this requirement.

Thanks for letting me get this all out.


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Re: [MOSAIC] 2nd language learners

2007-05-06 Thread j browne

Check out www.colorincolorado.org
you may find some useful information at this site.


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Re: [MOSAIC] Combining reading, writing, and history standards

2007-07-18 Thread j browne
I just returned from Washington where I presented a workshop called
"Integrating Rich Content into the Reading Blocks." Mainly the presentation
focused on  how our district is creatively using this block of time to
provide required reading instruction without sacrificing rich content such
as Science and Social Studies and linking all information to our Core
Curriculum Content Standards in Writing, Language Arts and Social Studies.
If you would like a copy of the packet that was distributed, please email me
off list and I will email the link to you as soon as it is available on

BTW, the conference was the Quality Educational Standards in Teaching(QuEST)
Conference that is a biannual conference hosted by my teacher's union , the
American Federation of Teachers.


- Original Message - 
From: "kimberlee hannan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group"
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:31 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] Combining reading, writing, and history standards

> I am sitting down with a few teachers in my department soon to put
> three sets of standards:  reading, writing, and history.  I have empty
> syndrome.  I hardly know where to start.  Do any of you teach both ELA and
> History with a combined set of standards.  What does that look like?  How
> you do it?  Do you give them equal time or do you emphasize one or the
> other?
> Any ideas or opinions?
> -- 
> Kim
> ---
> Kimberlee Hannan
> Department Chair
> Sequoia Middle School
> Fresno, California 93702
> Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't
> change, kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give
> everything, have no regrets.. Life's too short to be anything but happy.
> ___
> Mosaic mailing list
> Mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
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> http://literacyworkshop.org/mailman/options/mosaic_literacyworkshop.org.
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