SELECT by LEFT(col,1)={letter} ?? improvements and sarge update to 4.1

2005-07-28 Thread M.E. Koch
Hello dear all-mighty list :)

I do run mysql in 4.0.24 and have the following very slow query.

select tbl3.colname from tbl
.. (some left joins)

the tbl.col has no index nore will it ever get one because auf
the tbl structre. (this would make no sense becaus only 8tsd.)
rows in the table total 82tsd rows have to get selected like

As you might guess the query is much too slow.

Now I have the chance (and time) to do the following.

Doing a seperate table for this on col like

| id |   colnames  |

how would i have to index it? I think colnames should get
a fulltext-field but how would it beccorect? Just one letter
or do the whole field.
colnames type = text (varchar might be ok with 255 chars).

What would you suggest?

the other thing is that I would like to update to 4.1.x on 
my debian sarge. Has anybody done this yet?

do I have to just: apg-get remove mysql ?
and apg-get install mysql-4.1

wich packages are needed.. will there be much mor performance?

Bon Vibes and Thank you


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Re: SELECT by LEFT(col,1)={letter} ?? improvements and sarge update to 4.1

2005-07-28 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde


you should have posted 2 threads ;)

the other thing is that I would like to update to 4.1.x on 
my debian sarge. Has anybody done this yet?

do I have to just: apg-get remove mysql ?
and apg-get install mysql-4.1

just apt-get install mysql-4.1 to get things runs smoothly
(which would uninstall the previous mysql, switch if off, install the 
new one, and start this one again).
Still have a look at the options changes between both versions. (should 
not be a problem though).

Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.

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Re: What does this error mean?

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Please, check if the problem exists on the latest release (4.1.13 now).

It might be a bug like:

Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I have tried the following query and it works fine. It takes 11 seconds and

 this is a little too much, but this is another issue.


 The problem is that if I delete the following condition from it:




 The query gives the following error:


 ERROR 1032 (HY000): Can't find record in ''


 What can I do to make it work?


 Thank you.


 select straight_join sql_calc_found_rows





 substring(a.body, 1, 250) as preview,



 length(a.body) as size,

 a.id_categories, as newspaper,


 count( as visitors,

 count(aco.hash) as comments


 articles a

 inner join newspapers n on(

 inner join sections s  on( and

 inner join sections_categories sc on(

 left join articles_count act on(a.hash=act.hash_articles)

 left join articles_comments aco on(a.hash=aco.hash_articles)



 and between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'

 and a.active_view=1

 group by a.hash

 order by visitors

 limit 0,30;






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Re: Help me....i strucke down...

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

This is a line from one of your files which were attached in archive:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Test_pgms]# gcc -c -I/usr/lib/bcc/include


-I/usr/include/mysql createdb.c

Are you using Borland C++ includes with gcc?!

Ashok Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: iso-8859-1, 25 lines --]


 Hi friends,

 In the previous mail i mentioned abt the error in

 installing mysql4.1 on Linux9. that is still

 continuing, so i tried with 4.0. It's installed


 Now i'm having some doubts on running mysql client

 pgms on Linux. My sys config is,


 1.Intel P4, Intel 845 Chipset and Intel board.

 2.Linux 9.0

 3.gcc version GCC 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux



 With this mail i attached the mysql client pgm and as

 well as the error msg which i'm getting.


 Pls, help me in this.


 Thanks and Regards,




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Re: InnoDB migration between servers

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 When I strace the mysqld process it doesn't do anything, it's waiting 

Do you use the official binaries? There're additional InnoDB monitors

mentioned at:

which could provide more information. 

 When I strace the mysqld process it doesn't do anything, it's waiting 

MySQL trace files often help. See:

Andreas Unterkircher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello list,


 I'm having some mysterious problems when I try to migrate several 

 databases from one server to another one. This

 databases contain some InnoDB tables - db size is around ~3GB. On both 

 servers I'm using MySQL version 4.1.12,

 the same kernel version, same libc (2.3.2), but different architectures 

 (source x86, target amd64). Filesystem on both

 side are xfs formated (but also tried with reiser  ext3).


 I tried two ways to transfer the databases between the servers:


 *) No running mysqld on both servers (successfully shutdown, no crash). 

 Copying the whole bunch of datafiles

 (/var/lib/mysql) with rsync/scp to the other machine (files are ok, 

 md5check). Startup - Everything ok


 *) Active mysqld, both sides no clients connected. mysqldump (--opt 

 --single-transaction) from the source server,

 copy the dump to the target server (dump is fine, md5check). Import on 

 the target server - Everything ok


 Now I let my clients connecting to the new server.


 As soon as there is any data-changing query (INSERT, UPDATE) on one of 

 the InnoDB tables on the new server,

 the query hangs - the state is update. All other queries which also 

 wants to update some data gets state locked

 (like it should be).







 mysql show processlist\G

 *** 2. row ***

 Id: 16


   Host: lskeletor.:51828

 db: db_sfz

 Command: Query

   Time: 2524

  State: update

   Info: INSERT INTO 4images_sessionvars

  (session_id, sessionvars_name, sessionvars_value)


 *** 3. row ***

 Id: 34


   Host: lskeletor:52044

 db: db_sfz

 Command: Query

   Time: 2455

  State: Locked

   Info: DELETE FROM 4images_sessionvars

  WHERE session_id NOT IN ('37b5643b556224e8c6e43e11aa

 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)




 But SHOW INNODB STATUS doesn't showup these transactions:





 mysql show innodb status \G

 *** 1. row ***



 050726 19:57:16 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT


 Per second averages calculated from the last 34 seconds




 OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 1163, signal count 1160

 Mutex spin waits 1129, rounds 7484, OS waits 220

 RW-shared spins 1848, OS waits 922; RW-excl spins 20, OS waits 12




 Trx id counter 0 1797

 Purge done for trx's n:o  0 0 undo n:o  0 0

 History list length 0

 Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table 0


 ---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 15450, OS thread id 1134426480

 MySQL thread id 13, query id 1254 localhost root

 show innodb status




 I/O thread 0 state: waiting for i/o request (insert buffer thread)

 I/O thread 1 state: waiting for i/o request (log thread)

 I/O thread 2 state: waiting for i/o request (read thread)

 I/O thread 3 state: waiting for i/o request (write thread)

 Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0,

 ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0

 Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0

 537 OS file reads, 31672 OS file writes, 5620 OS fsyncs

 0.00 reads/s, 0 avg bytes/read, 0.00 writes/s, 0.00 fsyncs/s




 Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 0, seg size 2, is empty

 Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 0, seg size 2,

 355 inserts, 355 merged recs, 41 merges

 Hash table size 553253, used cells 4527, node heap has 8 buffer(s)

 0.00 hash searches/s, 0.00 non-hash searches/s




 Log sequence number 0 797420905

 Log flushed up to   0 797420905

 Last checkpoint at  0 797420905

 0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes

 2464 log i/o's done, 0.00 log i/o's/second




 Total memory allocated 329850640; in additional pool allocated 2808320

 Buffer pool size   16384

 Free buffers   0

 Database pages 16376

 Modified db pages  0

 Pending reads 0

 Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0

 Pages read 701, created 54627, written 91113

 0.00 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.00 

Re: Date/Time Problem with V5.0.6 views

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You said that you had created a view, but you continued using Tab_A

instead of Tab_A_View in your next queries. Did you want to use view

Tab_A_View? On my MySQL 5.0.9 all queries works both with view and

original table. See:

mysql desc Tab_A;


| Field  | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| datetime_field | datetime   | NO   | | |   |

| num_field  | bigint(20) | NO   | | |   |


mysql desc Tab_A_View;


| Field  | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra



| datetime_field | datetime   | NO   | | -00-00 00:00:00 |


| num_field  | bigint(20) | NO   | | 0   |



mysql Select datetime_field, num_field from Tab_A_View where

datetime_field='2005-03-10' andnum_field = 1234;


| datetime_field  | num_field |


| 2005-03-10 00:00:00 |  1234 |

| 2005-03-10 00:00:00 |  1234 |


mysql Select datetime_field, num_field from Tab_A where

datetime_field='2005-03-10' andnum_field = 1234;


| datetime_field  | num_field |


| 2005-03-10 00:00:00 |  1234 |

| 2005-03-10 00:00:00 |  1234 |



 Hello everyone,

I cannot figure this out. I have a table like the following:



 datetime_field  datetime not null,

 num_field  bigint not null


 I do a SELECT as follows:


 Select datetime_field, num_field from Tab_A

 where datetime_field='2005-03-10' and 

  num_field = 1234;


 I return 2 rows correctly.


 I then create the view:


 Create view Tab_A_View as 

 select * from Tab_A;


 I do a SELECT as follows:


 Select datetime_field, num_field from Tab_A

 where datetime_field='2005-03-10' and 

  num_field = 1234;


 0 rows returned!


 HOWEVER, IF I do the query as such:


 Select datetime_field, num_field from Tab_A

 where datetime_field='2005-03-10 00:00:00' and 

  num_field = 1234;


 2 rows returned correctly. Is there an implementation difference?








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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: optimize a sql statement

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

May be I'm wrong, but most of the time, your query is spending in

sorting results (you can check it with SHOW PROCESSLIST). If you can't

change it, you could increase the value of tmp_table_size to use

in-memory tables, if you have enough RAM.

$ $ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I analyzed the query plan again.


 1, 'PRIMARY', 'orders', 'range', 'PRIMARY', 'PRIMARY', '4', '', 348660, 

 'Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort'

 1, 'PRIMARY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'

 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'orders', 'ref', 

 'PRIMARY,orders_o_c_id','orders_o_c_id', '5', 'func', 1, 'Using where; 

 Using index'

 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'

 3, 'SUBQUERY', '', '', '', '', '', '', , 'Select tables optimized away'


In the plan,i find there are 348660 row scan in table orders.And in the 

 sql statement,orders.o_id is be used to join operation and orders.o_c_id be 

 used in the where statement.So i create a index orders_test on table 

 orders(o_id and o_c_id).

After create the index.I execute the explain again.Follow is the 



 1, 'PRIMARY', 'orders', 'range', 'PRIMARY,orders_test', 'PRIMARY', '4', '', 

 348660, 'Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort'


 1, 'PRIMARY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'


 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'orders', 'ref', 

 'PRIMARY,orders_o_c_id,orders_test', 'orders_o_c_id', '5', 'func', 1, 

 'Using where; Using index'


 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'


 3, 'SUBQUERY', '', '', '', '', '', '', , 'Select tables optimized away'



   I find the index order_test be set in the possible_keys but not set in 

 the keys.

 So i alter the sql statement with use index statement.

 Follow is the explain output after alter:



 1, 'PRIMARY', 'orders', 'range', 'orders_test', 'orders_test', '4', '', 

 519210, 'Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort'


 1, 'PRIMARY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'


 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'orders', 'ref', 

 'PRIMARY,orders_o_c_id,orders_test', 'orders_o_c_id', '5', 'func', 1, 

 'Using where; Using index'


 2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'order_line', 'ref', 


 'order_line_ol_o_id', '4', 'tpcw.orders.o_id', 1, 'Using where'


 3, 'SUBQUERY', '', '', '', '', '', '', , 'Select tables optimized away'



 Performance maybe much more bad.

 Now i have two question.

 One,Are there any probability for optimization performance using this way?

 Two,I am not able to calculate the cost time with the explain output.I have 

 learned the knowlege about 7.2.2. Estimating Query Performance in 

 help.But i can't understand.







Subject: Re: optimize a sql statement

Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 18:46:32 +0800

Thank you SGreen.But i can'optimize the sql statement like your way 

because this query must describe in one sql statement.So i think i 

maybe optimize this sql statement through creating high efficiency 

index or describe this sql statement in other method. Rewrite this 

sql statement must in one sql statement.

Follow is the original sql statement:


SELECT ol_i_id

FROM orders, order_line

WHERE orders.o_id = order_line.ol_o_id  and o_id0 AND 

not(order_line.ol_i_id = 5000)

  AND orders.o_c_id

  IN (SELECT o_c_id FROM orders, order_line

  WHERE orders.o_id = order_line.ol_o_id

AND orders.o_id  (SELECT MAX(o_id)-1 FROM orders) 

AND order_line.ol_i_id = 5000)

GROUP BY ol_i_id

ORDER BY SUM(ol_qty)DESC limit 5


Follow is the original explain output:


1, 'PRIMARY', 'orders', 'range', 

free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

2005-07-28 Thread andrew
Does anyone know a free tool to convert MySQL to MSSQL

Thank you

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Re: free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

2005-07-28 Thread Stefan Kuhn
Am Thursday 28 July 2005 11:19 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Does anyone know a free tool to convert MySQL to MSSQL


Seriously, what do you expect? A tool which transforms mysql files on disk to 
mssql files? I don't think this exists and would probably be hardly possible. 
Perhaps there are tools reading from a (mysql) db and writing to another 
(mssql) database via a programming language. But conversion of database 
files? I don't think this exists.

 Thank you

Stefan Kuhn M. A.
Cologne University BioInformatics Center (
Zülpicher Str. 47, 50674 Cologne
Tel: +49(0)221-470-7428   Fax: +49 (0) 221-470-7786
My public PGP key is available at

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Re: free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

2005-07-28 Thread andrew
So all I can do is copy tables  as they already exist?  I obviously need
to keep the structure in place


 Am Thursday 28 July 2005 11:19 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Does anyone know a free tool to convert MySQL to MSSQL


 Seriously, what do you expect? A tool which transforms mysql files on disk
 mssql files? I don't think this exists and would probably be hardly
 Perhaps there are tools reading from a (mysql) db and writing to another
 (mssql) database via a programming language. But conversion of database
 files? I don't think this exists.

 Thank you

 Stefan Kuhn M. A.
 Cologne University BioInformatics Center (
 Zülpicher Str. 47, 50674 Cologne
 Tel: +49(0)221-470-7428   Fax: +49 (0) 221-470-7786
 My public PGP key is available at

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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making mysql-client for windows behave

2005-07-28 Thread Andy Pieters
Hi all

I installed mysql client on a windows box and created a my.conf file with the 


When I type the full path of the executable, it reads the conf file, and takes 
appropriate action.

However, when I use the shortcut that is created by the mysql installer, it 
does not behave properly.  It keeps trying to connect to localhost.

I wouldn't care less, if not for the mysql icon, which seems to be embedded in 
the shortcut and cannot be applied elsewhere.  

With kind regards

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Description: PGP signature

Re: free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

2005-07-28 Thread Bastian Balthazar Bux
 Does anyone know a free tool to convert MySQL to MSSQL
 Thank you

phpMyAdmin ( version 2.6.3-pl1 has the option
to export the data in mssql format (and much others).

You need a php enabled web server able to connect to your mysql database.

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mysql v5.0

2005-07-28 Thread Gyurasits Zoltán

Hello All!

I have a question. I'm using the mysql 4.0 but I want change 5.0 because I 
would like to use some features. (Subselect etc)

Was 5.0 ever used in bigger system? Is 5.0 more realible than 4.0?
Where can I find information about critical bugs and errors of 5.0?


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Re: mysql v5.0

2005-07-28 Thread Bastian Balthazar Bux
Gyurasits Zoltán wrote:
 Hello All!
 I have a question. I'm using the mysql 4.0 but I want change 5.0 because
 I would like to use some features. (Subselect etc)

Maybe some of features you want are already included in 4.1 series, try
a search before switch to 5.0 for a production system.

 Was 5.0 ever used in bigger system? 

yes it has, configured as replication slave.
some thousand of query/hour , some gigs of data.

 Is 5.0 more realible than 4.0?

obviously not, it's still beta software.

Also beta software is subject of bigger changes than stable.

 Where can I find information about critical bugs and errors of 5.0?

Search for bugs open on 5.0 (298 atm);


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MySQL 5.0.10-beta has been released

2005-07-28 Thread Joerg Bruehe


MySQL 5.0.10-beta, a new version of the popular Open Source Database
Management System, has been released. It includes support for Stored
Procedures, Triggers, Views and many other new enhancements.

The Community Edition is now available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from our mirror sites via the download pages:

Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If you
cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try again later
or choose another download site.

This is the sixth published Beta release in the 5.0 series. All
attention will continue to be focused on fixing bugs and stabilizing
5.0 for later production release.

NOTE: This Beta release, as any other pre-production release, should not
be installed on ``production'' level systems or systems with critical
data. It is good practice to back up your data before installing any new
version of software. Although MySQL has done its best to ensure a high
level of quality, protect your data by making a backup as you would for
any software beta release.

Please refer to our bug database at for more
details about the individual bugs fixed in this version.

News from the ChangeLog:

Functionality added or changed:
  * Security  improvement:  Applied a patch that addresses a zlib data
vulnerability that could result in a buffer overflow and code
execution. (CAN-2005-2096
( (Bug
#11844 (
  * The  viewing of triggers and trigger metadata has been enhanced as
   + An extension to the SHOW command has been added: SHOW TRIGGERS
 can be used to view a listing of triggers. See Section, SHOW TRIGGERS Syntax for details.
   + The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database now includes a TRIGGERS table.
 See Section 22.1.16, The INFORMATION_SCHEMA TRIGGERS Table
 for details. (Bug #9586 (
  * On Windows, the search path used by MySQL applications for my.ini
now includes ..\my.ini (that is, the application's parent directory,
and hence,   the   installation   directory).   (Bug#10419
  * Added  mysql_get_character_set_info() C API function for obtaining
information about the default character set of the current
  * The bundled version of the readline library was upgraded to version
  * It is no longer necessary to issue an explicit LOCK TABLES for any
tables accessed by a trigger prior to executing any statements that
might invoke the trigger. (Bug #9581 (,
Bug #8406 (
  * MySQL Cluster: A new -p option is available for use with the
ndb_mgmd client. When called with this option, ndb_mgmd prints all
configuration data to stdout, then exits.
  * The namespace for triggers has changed. Previously, trigger names
had to be  unique  per  table.  Now they must be unique within the
schema (database). An implication of this change is that DROP
TRIGGER syntax now uses a schema name instead of a table name
(schema name is optional and, if omitted, the current schema will be
Note: When upgrading from a previous version of MySQL 5 to MySQL
5.0.10 or newer, you must drop all triggers before upgrading and
re-create them after  or DROP TRIGGER will not work after the
upgrade. (Bug #5892 (

Bugs fixed:
  * NDB_MGMDwasleakingfiledescriptors.   (Bug   #11898
  * IP addresses not shown in ndb_mgm SHOW command on second ndb_mgmd
(or on ndb_mgmd restart). (Bug #11596 (
  * Functions that evaluate to constants (such as NOW() and
CURRENT_USER() were being evaluated in the definition of a VIEW
rather than included verbatim. (Bug #4663
  * Execution of SHOW TABLES failed to increment the Com_show_tables
status variable. (Bug #11685 (
  * For execution of a stored procedure that refers to a view, changes
to the view definition were not seen. The procedure continued to
see the old contents of the view. (Bug #6120
  * For prepared statements, the SQL parser did not disallow '?'
parameter markers immediately adjacent to other tokens, which could
result in malformed statements in the binary log. (For example,
SELECT * FROM t WHERE?  =  1 could become SELECT * FROM t WHERE0 =
1.) (Bug #11299 (
  * When two threads compete for the same table, a deadlock could occur
if one thread has also a lock on another table through LOCK TABLES
and the thread is attempting to remove the table in some manner and
the other threadwant

RE: free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

2005-07-28 Thread J.R. Bullington
Although finding a tool that will automatically transfer files from MySQL to
MS SQL format will be hard to do, both will accept txt files that have the
CREATE statements and data in SQL.

mysqldump will do this for you. 

Just export the files to an .SQL file and load it into MS SQL.

So your command will be something like:
shell /path/to/mysql/bin/mysqldump --opt -u [username] -p
[password]  File_Name.SQL

If you want a tool to do it for you, try dbTools software
( It lets you copy tables from one database to
another, is PHP/ASP/JSP independent (as it is 3rd party), and has other data
management tools. However, you must have a Windows box in order to use it. I
do not believe they make a Linux version.


-Original Message-
From: Bastian Balthazar Bux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: free MySQL conversion to MSSQL tool

 Does anyone know a free tool to convert MySQL to MSSQL
 Thank you

phpMyAdmin ( version 2.6.3-pl1 has the option to
export the data in mssql format (and much others).

You need a php enabled web server able to connect to your mysql database.

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Message could not be delivered

2005-07-28 Thread bilogic
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Re: Doubt about query optimization

2005-07-28 Thread Ronan Lucio


Can you send us the actual show indexes from table and explain output that 
isn't shortend?

Thank you for answer my question.

Actually, the real query and tables are much more complex than
the data in the previous message.
A just tryed to optimize the information for you better understand the 

I think found what´s happening.
A SELECT WHERE city = 1 returns more rows thant a full table scan
in the table front (the real states that appear in the front page).
So, it seems MySQL choose the second option, once it has less rows
to optimize.


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simple query on an indexed col in big table is extremely slow

2005-07-28 Thread Zhe Wang

Hi, there,

 I am have a hard time figuring out why a simple query is extremely 
slow. I would greatly appreciate if you can shed some light!

 The table is in InnoDB:

CREATE TABLE `rps_hits` (
 `gi` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `cddid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `bit_score` float NOT NULL default '0',
 `evalue` double NOT NULL default '0',
 `identity` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `query_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `query_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `align_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `bz_alignment` blob NOT NULL,
 KEY `gi` (`gi`),
 KEY `cddid` (`cddid`),
 KEY `evalue` (`evalue`)

 It is a big table with more than 60 million rows, the rps_hits.ibd 
file is 22 G. All the queries I mention below were run when no other job 
were running against the database.

 I did a very simple query against the table: select gi, cddid, 
evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161. It took 4 minutes and 29.90 
seconds to pull out only 1952 rows. Whereas another simply query on gi 
select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where gi=393396 pulled out 1532 
rows in just 0.09 second.

  Expalin the above query gave:
mysql explain select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161\G
*** 1. row ***
  id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
   table: rps_hits
type: ref
possible_keys: cddid
 key: cddid
 key_len: 4
 ref: const
rows: 1376
   Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

  It looks OK.

  Then I did show index from rps_hits, all the index properties 
for each of the 3 indexes are the same except cardinality. Column gi has 
a cardinality of 3084286 and cddid has 14. Though a specific select 
count(distinct cddid) from rps_hits returned 11156. Since 11156 unique 
cddid is less than 0.01% of the total number of rows in the table, I 
believed the server decided to do a full table scan (does anyone know 
the exact percentage number of the total counts that MySQL uses as a 
criteria when deciding to do a FTS?)

  I then use use index in the query after I made sure the query 
and index were no longer in the cache : select gi, cddid, evalue from 
rps_hits use index (cddid) where cddid=3161. It still took a long time 
(2 min 59.79 sec) to return the 1952 rows.

  I also noticed that a simple query on evalue like select gi, 
cddid, evalue from rps_hits where evalue=1.97906; is also extremely 
slow even force index was used (5.78 sec for 56 rows).

  I have not been able to figure out what went wrong.  Since the 
index on gi worked fine, I am just wondering if the slowness is caused 
by the large size of the table and that the indexes on cddid and evalue 
were created as second index and third index respectively in create 
table. However I have another huge table with blob column and with 
comparable size and number of rows to this rps_hits table, if I searched 
on the third index, it was very fast.

  This problem really troubled me and I would greatly appreciate if 
anyone could give me a hint. Thank you in advance!


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Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Chris McKeever
MySQL 4.0.16

I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am
wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that
refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.
 I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once
again corrupt.

Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from
the dump, and the next day - corrupt.

I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.

I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an
identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.

Any help would be appreciated - Chris

Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI
Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should be: 79196
myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588
myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould be: 79506 parts
MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch -r or -o

Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI
Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should be: 39907
myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328
myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should be: 91
myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould be: 40193 parts
MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch -r or -o

please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
cgmckeever is the account is the domain

A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A

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MySQL Triggers

2005-07-28 Thread Fredrick Bartlett
Am I reading the documentation correctly. I cannot us a trigger to insert a
record into an other table??? I use triggers on other dbms to create an
acivity histoy table.


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Re: Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Dobromir Velev
Isn't there some information in the MySQL error log about what might have 
caused the corruption. Normally this would happen when disk or memory problem 

On Thursday 28 July 2005 17:45, Chris McKeever wrote:
 MySQL 4.0.16

 I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am
 wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that
 refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.
  I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once
 again corrupt.

 Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from
 the dump, and the next day - corrupt.

 I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.

 I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an
 identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.

 Any help would be appreciated - Chris

 Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI
 Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22
 myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
 - check file-size
 - check key delete-chain
 - check record delete-chain
 - check index reference
 - check data record references index: 1
 - check record links
 myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should be: 79196
 myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588
 myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould be: 79506
 parts MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted
 Fix it using switch -r or -o

 Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI
 Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91
 myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
 - check file-size
 - check key delete-chain
 - check record delete-chain
 - check index reference
 - check data record references index: 1
 - check record links
 myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should be: 39907
 myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328
 myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should be: 91
 myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould be: 40193
 parts MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted
 Fix it using switch -r or -o

 please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
 cgmckeever is the account is the domain

 A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A

Dobromir Velev

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Re: Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Chris McKeever
On 7/28/05, Dobromir Velev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Isn't there some information in the MySQL error log about what might have
 caused the corruption. Normally this would happen when disk or memory problem

thanks for the reply - 

from the .err file:

050722  5:20:24  read_next: Got error 127 when reading table
050722  5:23:28  read_next: Got error 127 when reading table
050722  5:23:29  read_next: Got error 127 when reading table

however, that was days ago, and since i ran the repairs, as well as
the dump - reinsert

 On Thursday 28 July 2005 17:45, Chris McKeever wrote:
  MySQL 4.0.16
  I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am
  wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that
  refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.
   I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once
  again corrupt.
  Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from
  the dump, and the next day - corrupt.
  I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.
  I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an
  identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.
  Any help would be appreciated - Chris
  Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI
  Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22
  myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
  - check file-size
  - check key delete-chain
  - check record delete-chain
  - check index reference
  - check data record references index: 1
  - check record links
  myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should be: 79196
  myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588
  myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould be: 79506
  parts MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted
  Fix it using switch -r or -o
  Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI
  Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91
  myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
  - check file-size
  - check key delete-chain
  - check record delete-chain
  - check index reference
  - check data record references index: 1
  - check record links
  myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should be: 39907
  myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328
  myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should be: 91
  myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould be: 40193
  parts MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted
  Fix it using switch -r or -o
  please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
  cgmckeever is the account is the domain
  A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A
 Dobromir Velev

please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
cgmckeever is the account is the domain

A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A

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Sleeping Processes Timeout?

2005-07-28 Thread Jason Williard

Today, I started experiencing some issues on our website with max
connections exceeded errors.  In looking into this, I found that we had too
many sleeping processes.  I was not even able to login to the mysql server
from a command line.  Is there a way to set a timeout for sleeping

This is a small example of what I am seeing when I run a 'show processlist'

| Id   | User | Host  | db| Command | Time | State | Info
|  584 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  915 |   | NULL
|  595 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  900 |   | NULL

Thank You
Jason Williard

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Re: Sleeping Processes Timeout?

2005-07-28 Thread Devananda

Jason Williard wrote:


Today, I started experiencing some issues on our website with max
connections exceeded errors.  In looking into this, I found that we had too
many sleeping processes.  I was not even able to login to the mysql server
from a command line.  Is there a way to set a timeout for sleeping

This is a small example of what I am seeing when I run a 'show processlist'

| Id   | User | Host  | db| Command | Time | State | Info
|  584 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  915 |   | NULL
|  595 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  900 |   | NULL

Thank You
Jason Williard


Your web application is probably using persistent connections when it 
does not need them. The best thing to do, if that's the case, would be 
replace all the mysql_pconnect calls in your application with 
mysql_connect (or what ever the language-specific function name is). 
You could also set the wait_timeout value in your my.cnf to something 
shorter, but this would affect all your applications and does not 
address the source of your problem.

Devananda vdv

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Re: making mysql-client for windows behave

2005-07-28 Thread SGreen
Andy Pieters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/28/2005 05:06:46 AM:

 Hi all
 I installed mysql client on a windows box and created a my.conf filewith 
 When I type the full path of the executable, it reads the conf file,and 
 appropriate action.
 However, when I use the shortcut that is created by the mysql installer, 
 does not behave properly.  It keeps trying to connect to localhost.
 I wouldn't care less, if not for the mysql icon, which seems to be 
 embedded in 
 the shortcut and cannot be applied elsewhere. 
 With kind regards

The quick answer is to modify the shortcut icon to use the full path (just 
as you did through the command line). Right-click the shortcut icon and 
bring up its properties. Change the Target setting to match your manual 
command line. Don't forget to use double quotes where appropriate. 
Actually, you may want to do this to a COPY of the shortcut icon. That way 
you don't lose any other functionality.

BTW - I know you can call the config file anything you want but the 
default name for Windows systems is my.ini and it goes in the root 
folder of your windows version. On my machine it's C:\WINNT\ . If you 
don't want to change your shortcuts but have your client always connect to 
that server you just need to rename your my.conf file to my.ini and 
move it into the correct folder. Then MySQL will find it on its own.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Sleeping Processes Timeout?

2005-07-28 Thread Juan Pedro Reyes Molina
I had a similar problem while connecting to mysql 4.0.21 throuhg MyODBC 

If so you must upgrade mysql to 4.1 or downgrade MyOdbc to 3.51.06

Jason Williard wrote:


Today, I started experiencing some issues on our website with max
connections exceeded errors.  In looking into this, I found that we had too
many sleeping processes.  I was not even able to login to the mysql server
from a command line.  Is there a way to set a timeout for sleeping

This is a small example of what I am seeing when I run a 'show processlist'

| Id   | User | Host  | db| Command | Time | State | Info
|  584 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  915 |   | NULL
|  595 | root | localhost | blogs | Sleep   |  900 |   | NULL

Thank You
Jason Williard


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Re: Hour counts

2005-07-28 Thread 2wsxdr5

Eric Bergen wrote:

This does make his code fall under the limitations of unix timestamps. 
In 30 years or so when we are all retired millionaires ;) some poor 
intern is going to have to figure out why the hour diff calculation is 

Long before then we will all be using 64 bit processors and a 64 bit
signed integer for the unix timestamps.  That will move the problem out
about 292 billion years :)

Chris W

Gift Giving Made Easy
Get the gifts you want 
give the gifts they want

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migrate Access to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Bing Du

I've been looking around for a while.  Seems there are many options and
tools that can help do it.  Guidance and directions are highly welcome.

We need to move the contents of a bunch of tables from Access to the
existing tables on MySQL.  The target tables in MySQL already have some
information.  So we need some how to map Access fields to MySQL fields.

Anybody would like to share experience about how you did your migration
and what kind of tool can best meet needs as such?

Thanks much in advance,


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Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Nguyen, Phong

I will be migrating Oracle database 9i to Mysql. Do anyone have any
experience in doing this?. Please share with us!

Thank you very much,



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Re: simple query on an indexed col in big table is extremely slow

2005-07-28 Thread SGreen
Zhe Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/28/2005 10:40:08 AM:

 Hi, there,
   I am have a hard time figuring out why a simple query is extremely 

 slow. I would greatly appreciate if you can shed some light!
   The table is in InnoDB:
  CREATE TABLE `rps_hits` (
   `gi` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `cddid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `bit_score` float NOT NULL default '0',
   `evalue` double NOT NULL default '0',
   `identity` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `query_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `query_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `hit_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `hit_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `hit_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `align_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `bz_alignment` blob NOT NULL,
   KEY `gi` (`gi`),
   KEY `cddid` (`cddid`),
   KEY `evalue` (`evalue`)
   It is a big table with more than 60 million rows, the rps_hits.ibd 

 file is 22 G. All the queries I mention below were run when no other job 

 were running against the database.
   I did a very simple query against the table: select gi, cddid, 
 evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161. It took 4 minutes and 29.90 
 seconds to pull out only 1952 rows. Whereas another simply query on gi 
 select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where gi=393396 pulled out 1532 

 rows in just 0.09 second.
Expalin the above query gave:
 mysql explain select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161\G
 *** 1. row ***
id: 1
   select_type: SIMPLE
 table: rps_hits
  type: ref
 possible_keys: cddid
   key: cddid
   key_len: 4
   ref: const
  rows: 1376
 Extra: Using where
 1 row in set (0.06 sec)
It looks OK.
Then I did show index from rps_hits, all the index properties 
 for each of the 3 indexes are the same except cardinality. Column gi has 

 a cardinality of 3084286 and cddid has 14. Though a specific select 
 count(distinct cddid) from rps_hits returned 11156. Since 11156 unique 
 cddid is less than 0.01% of the total number of rows in the table, I 
 believed the server decided to do a full table scan (does anyone know 
 the exact percentage number of the total counts that MySQL uses as a 
 criteria when deciding to do a FTS?)
I then use use index in the query after I made sure the query 
 and index were no longer in the cache : select gi, cddid, evalue from 
 rps_hits use index (cddid) where cddid=3161. It still took a long time 
 (2 min 59.79 sec) to return the 1952 rows.
I also noticed that a simple query on evalue like select gi, 
 cddid, evalue from rps_hits where evalue=1.97906; is also extremely 
 slow even force index was used (5.78 sec for 56 rows).
I have not been able to figure out what went wrong.  Since the 
 index on gi worked fine, I am just wondering if the slowness is caused 
 by the large size of the table and that the indexes on cddid and evalue 
 were created as second index and third index respectively in create 
 table. However I have another huge table with blob column and with 
 comparable size and number of rows to this rps_hits table, if I searched 

 on the third index, it was very fast.
This problem really troubled me and I would greatly appreciate if 

 anyone could give me a hint. Thank you in advance!

My first idea is to have you run ANALYZE TABLE against your table. Analyze 
table will update your index statistics (like cardinality). 

Your index cache may be too small or your the actual index may be too 
large to accomodate it in memory all at the same time. That means that you 
are using swap space to store part of your indexes on disk and it may be 
takeing just that much more time to crawl a paged index compared to one 
that can reside completely (or mostly) in memory.

How many records are returned is only important if you and your server are 
connected by a slow network or if you are receiving HUGE quantities of 
data (gigabytes) in your results. The slower the network, the longer it 
will take to transfer the data from the server to you. However, most 
modern networks take that factor out of consideration for issues that you 
are describing. My suspicion is that you memory paging and cache sizes and 
disk performance are your most likey bottlenecks.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Newb learner question

2005-07-28 Thread Bob Rea
I am learning MySQL from an older book, and some of the examples it give do 
not work in MySQL, so I am going to ask for help on those.

 select cust_contact from Customers where cust_contact like '[JM]%';
returns Empty set (0.00 sec)
What is the right way to do this?

mysql select prod_name from Products where not vend_id = 'DLL01' order by 

Empty set (0.00 sec)

Bob Rea
Dragon Networks

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Re: Newb learner question

2005-07-28 Thread Alec . Cawley
Bob Rea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/07/2005 18:19:34:

 I am learning MySQL from an older book, and some of the examples it give 
 not work in MySQL, so I am going to ask for help on those.
   select cust_contact from Customers where cust_contact like '[JM]%';
 returns Empty set (0.00 sec)
 What is the right way to do this?
 mysql select prod_name from Products where not vend_id = 'DLL01' order 
 Empty set (0.00 sec)

You have to give more information about what your database actally 
contains, and why you expected non-null results from those queries. Are 
you sure that your customers table contains a customer whose name starts 
[JM] ? Both commands look perfectly sensible to me.

If your tables are small, post the results of Select * from customers ; 
or Select * from products ;


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Re: migrate Access to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Kieran Kelleher
Make a select query in Access whose result mimics the table layout of 
the target table in MySQL. Then export the query as tab-delimited text 
and import into the MySQL table using LOAD DATA INFILE.

On Jul 28, 2005, at 12:32 PM, Bing Du wrote:


I've been looking around for a while.  Seems there are many options and
tools that can help do it.  Guidance and directions are highly welcome.

We need to move the contents of a bunch of tables from Access to the
existing tables on MySQL.  The target tables in MySQL already have some
information.  So we need some how to map Access fields to MySQL fields.

Anybody would like to share experience about how you did your migration
and what kind of tool can best meet needs as such?

Thanks much in advance,


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Re: migrate Access to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread avrombay
I've used the exportSQL script
( to dump tables
out of Access into a file that can be imported by mySQL. Since a lot of my
work is porting Access apps to web apps, it comes in very handy.

I've also written a really simple VB script that copies the records directly
from Access to mySQL via ODBC.  It uses DoCmd.TransferDatabase, if you'd
like to write your own.

I'd be happy to share it.

--  Brett

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:32 AM
Subject: migrate Access to MySQL


I've been looking around for a while.  Seems there are many options and
tools that can help do it.  Guidance and directions are highly welcome.

We need to move the contents of a bunch of tables from Access to the
existing tables on MySQL.  The target tables in MySQL already have some
information.  So we need some how to map Access fields to MySQL fields.

Anybody would like to share experience about how you did your migration
and what kind of tool can best meet needs as such?

Thanks much in advance,


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RE: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Johnson, Michael
Why are you going backwards    MySql is an 8th grade toy.

-Original Message-
From: Nguyen, Phong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:42 AM
Subject: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

I will be migrating Oracle database 9i to Mysql. Do anyone have any
experience in doing this?. Please share with us!

Thank you very much,



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general question

2005-07-28 Thread Octavian Rasnita

I am using a MySQL database on a web site, and I would like to know what
happends if someone searches in the database using a form, but after a few
seconds MySQL starts the query, that user hit the Stop button of the
Will MySQL continue its searching and also create the cache, or it will stop

If it will also stop, can I do something to let it continue searching in
order to create the cache and the next time another visitor searches for the
same thing it will get the results from the cache?

Sorry if this is a stupid question and thank you very much.


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Re: migrate Access to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Bing Du

 I've been looking around for a while.  Seems there are many options and
 tools that can help do it.  Guidance and directions are highly welcome.

 We need to move the contents of a bunch of tables from Access to the
 existing tables on MySQL.  The target tables in MySQL already have some
 information.  So we need some how to map Access fields to MySQL fields.

 Anybody would like to share experience about how you did your migration
 and what kind of tool can best meet needs as such?

 Thanks much in advance,


Thanks all who replied.  I had no problem transfering Access tables to
MySQL as they are.  My problem is we need to munge the data first before
they can be loaded into MySQL.  I see coding is inevitable.


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Dan Tappin

I was running into this all the time.

I actually had myisamchk running on a regular basis (live) via cron  
which I think was actually causing the corruption.

By chance are you running myisamchk on the live tables??  I ran the  
REPAIR TABLE... on each table, shut down mysql THEN ran myisamchk  
again and my 127 errors seem o be gone (so far).

What OS are you running BTW?

Dan T

On Jul 28, 2005, at 8:45 AM, Chris McKeever wrote:

MySQL 4.0.16

I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am
wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that
refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.
 I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once
again corrupt.

Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from
the dump, and the next day - corrupt.

I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.

I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an
identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.

Any help would be appreciated - Chris

Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI
Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table  

- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should  
be: 79196

myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588
myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould  
be: 79506 parts

MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch -r or -o

Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI
Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table  

- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should  
be: 39907

myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328
myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should  
be: 91
myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould  
be: 40193 parts

MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch -r or -o

please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
cgmckeever is the account is the domain

A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A

MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread SGreen
Johnson, Michael  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/28/2005 
01:56:33 PM:

 Why are you going backwards    MySql is an 8th grade toy.
 -Original Message-
 From: Nguyen, Phong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:42 AM
 Subject: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL
 I will be migrating Oracle database 9i to Mysql. Do anyone have any
 experience in doing this?. Please share with us!
 Thank you very much,
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe the US Air Force has an unlimited budget but the rest of us do not. 
It seems to me that they powers that be in Nguyen's shop have made a 
decision (rational or not, you know how some managers are) to move away 
from a PREMIUM-priced package like 9i to something that can perform 
comparably to 9i but at a small fraction of the cost. Calling it an 8th 
grade toy makes you sound uninformed of what MySQL is really capable of.

Sure MySQL may have a few fewer bells and whistles than Oracle but if 
you don't need to rely on all of the gee-whiz and just need fast, stable 
data storage and retrieval, MySQL is an excellent choice. Besides, most of 
those fancy things in the premium databases can be duplicated or nearly 
duplicated using very little client-side code. Of the things that cannot 
be run in client-side code (I am particularly thinking of stored 
procedures and triggers) those are coming in 5.0.x.

Do you think NASA, Yahoo, and a host of other Fortune 100 companies made a 
mistake by using MySQL in their production enviroments? I don't.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Scott Hamm
I got no experience in migrating Oracle to Mysql, but here might be what you 
were looking for:


On 7/28/05, Nguyen, Phong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I will be migrating Oracle database 9i to Mysql. Do anyone have any
 experience in doing this?. Please share with us!
 Thank you very much,
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Power to people, Linux is here.

Re: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Warren Young

Johnson, Michael wrote:

MySql is an 8th grade toy.

So why are you here?  Go haunt an Oracle mailing list.

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: general question

2005-07-28 Thread SGreen
Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/28/2005 02:18:05 PM:

 I am using a MySQL database on a web site, and I would like to know what
 happends if someone searches in the database using a form, but after a 
 seconds MySQL starts the query, that user hit the Stop button of the
 Will MySQL continue its searching and also create the cache, or it will 
 If it will also stop, can I do something to let it continue searching in
 order to create the cache and the next time another visitor searches for 
 same thing it will get the results from the cache?
 Sorry if this is a stupid question and thank you very much.

Here is what happens with nearly all web requests:

1) The browser (or some other tool) sends a message to a web server to get 
something. This usually because the user specifically asked for something, 
because an HTML page has tags in it for other content (like images), or by 
some other user action or client-side programming. Because you are 
specifically asking for something from the server, the specially 
formatted request is called either a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or, in 
a more general sense, a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). 

2) the web server receives the URI and begins the process of providing 
what was requested. In the case of a scripted response, like your example, 
it make take some time for the server to complete assembling it's 

3) the server responds with data/the browser receives the data. (Hopefully 
the browser will know what to do with whatever it asked for.)

In your sample scenario, you said that between steps 2 and 3:

2.5) user clicks STOP in the browser.

There aren't any messages in most of the internet protocols (HTTP, FTP, 
GOPHER, WAIS, etc) to cancel a response. The simplest thing for to do was 
to just ignore the response if it ever came.

So to answer your question, the server doesn't know that the user is no 
longer interested in the information so it continues to process the 
request to its full and complete resolution. With some servers there are 
ways to detect if the browser is maintaining an open connection with the 
server (waiting on a response) but most server-side scripts do not check 
that status. Because they don't check that status, the script will not 
detect that the user has hung up waiting on it's response until it is 
ready to send the actual response data. The query completes, the cache is 
filled, and whatever effort went into formatting the response is just 
wasted. Since the user doesn't want it, the response is sent to the bit 

Make sense?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: general question

2005-07-28 Thread Ronan Lucio


I am using a MySQL database on a web site, and I would like to know what
happends if someone searches in the database using a form, but after a few
seconds MySQL starts the query, that user hit the Stop button of the
Will MySQL continue its searching and also create the cache, or it will 


Interactivity between the webserver and the database is server-side.
So, when the user clicks on the stop button, it should simply ignore
the response client-side.

In other words: The server will complete his job and send you the result
but your browser will ignore it.

It´s just my thoughts. I´m not sure about it, but the logic is this.

If it will also stop, can I do something to let it continue searching in
order to create the cache and the next time another visitor searches for 

same thing it will get the results from the cache?

If you use query cache in server side (on database or on your programing
language), yes. It should works.

If you use cache base on proxy or in the client browser.
Once the result was ignored, there is no page to cache.

I hope this help you,

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: simple query on an indexed col in big table is extremely slow

2005-07-28 Thread Zhe Wang

Hi, Shawn,

   Thanks a lot for your reply.

   Running analyze table didn't help much since this table has not 
been updated after being built.

   The table has 3 single indexes. What puzzled me was that the queries 
against the first index were fast, only slow if against the second or 
third index. The column types are the same for the first and second 
index  (int(10) unsigned).

   This is my first time to encounter a slow query on an indexed 
column. I have another table which has about 750 millions rows, a search 
against the index column (int(9) unsigned) has lightening speed. Does it 
mean the key cache on my machine is big enough?

   Below are the values of the cache variables. Which variable do you 
think need to be boosted up?

   Again, thank you very much or your help!


| Variable_name| Value|


| bdb_cache_size   | 8388600  |

| binlog_cache_size| 32768|

| have_query_cache | YES  |

| key_cache_age_threshold  | 300  |

| key_cache_block_size | 1024 |

| key_cache_division_limit | 100  |

| max_binlog_cache_size| 18446744073709551615 |

| query_cache_limit| 1048576  |

| query_cache_min_res_unit | 4096 |

| query_cache_size | 67108864 |

| query_cache_type | ON   |

| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF  |

| table_cache  | 524288   |

| thread_cache_size| 512  |




Zhe Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/28/2005 10:40:08 AM:


Hi, there,

 I am have a hard time figuring out why a simple query is extremely 


slow. I would greatly appreciate if you can shed some light!

 The table is in InnoDB:

CREATE TABLE `rps_hits` (
 `gi` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `cddid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `bit_score` float NOT NULL default '0',
 `evalue` double NOT NULL default '0',
 `identity` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `query_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `query_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_from` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_to` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `hit_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `align_len` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `bz_alignment` blob NOT NULL,
 KEY `gi` (`gi`),
 KEY `cddid` (`cddid`),
 KEY `evalue` (`evalue`)


 It is a big table with more than 60 million rows, the rps_hits.ibd 


file is 22 G. All the queries I mention below were run when no other job 


were running against the database.

 I did a very simple query against the table: select gi, cddid, 
evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161. It took 4 minutes and 29.90 
seconds to pull out only 1952 rows. Whereas another simply query on gi 
select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where gi=393396 pulled out 1532 


rows in just 0.09 second.

  Expalin the above query gave:
mysql explain select gi, cddid, evalue from rps_hits where cddid=3161\G
*** 1. row ***
  id: 1
 select_type: SIMPLE
   table: rps_hits
type: ref
possible_keys: cddid
 key: cddid
 key_len: 4
 ref: const
rows: 1376
   Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

  It looks OK.

  Then I did show index from rps_hits, all the index properties 
for each of the 3 indexes are the same except cardinality. Column gi has 


a cardinality of 3084286 and cddid has 14. Though a specific select 
count(distinct cddid) from rps_hits returned 11156. Since 11156 unique 
cddid is less than 0.01% of the total number of rows in the table, I 
believed the server decided to do a full table scan (does anyone know 
the exact percentage number of the total counts that MySQL uses as a 
criteria when deciding to do a FTS?)

  I then use use index in the query after I made sure the query 
and index were no longer in the cache : select gi, cddid, evalue from 
rps_hits use index (cddid) where cddid=3161. It still took a long time 
(2 min 59.79 sec) to return the 1952 rows.

  I also noticed that a simple query on evalue like select gi, 
cddid, evalue from rps_hits where evalue=1.97906; is also extremely 
slow even force index was used (5.78 sec for 56 rows).

  I have not been able to figure out what went wrong.  Since the 
index on gi worked fine, I am just wondering if the slowness is caused 
by the large size of the 

Re: Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Chris McKeever
On 7/28/05, Dan Tappin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was running into this all the time.
 I actually had myisamchk running on a regular basis (live) via cron
 which I think was actually causing the corruption.
 By chance are you running myisamchk on the live tables?? 

I was - but not after all this crap started, but I still get those
errors even after a rebuild

 I ran the
 REPAIR TABLE... on each table, shut down mysql THEN ran myisamchk
 again and my 127 errors seem o be gone (so far).

I think I am going to put in a new harddrive and hope for tbe best

 What OS are you running BTW?

RedHat 7.3

 Dan T
 On Jul 28, 2005, at 8:45 AM, Chris McKeever wrote:
  MySQL 4.0.16
  I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am
  wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that
  refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.
   I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once
  again corrupt.
  Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from
  the dump, and the next day - corrupt.
  I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.
  I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an
  identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.
  Any help would be appreciated - Chris
  Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI
  Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22
  myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table
  - check file-size
  - check key delete-chain
  - check record delete-chain
  - check index reference
  - check data record references index: 1
  - check record links
  myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should
  be: 79196
  myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588
  myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould
  be: 79506 parts
  MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted
  Fix it using switch -r or -o
  Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI
  Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91
  myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table
  - check file-size
  - check key delete-chain
  - check record delete-chain
  - check index reference
  - check data record references index: 1
  - check record links
  myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should
  be: 39907
  myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328
  myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should
  be: 91
  myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould
  be: 40193 parts
  MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted
  Fix it using switch -r or -o
  please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
  cgmckeever is the account is the domain
  A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct
cgmckeever is the account is the domain

A href=;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Total Sum of Monthly Counts for Older MySQL 4.0.22 (Please Help)

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

It is possible to obtain your results without temporary tables, but

with user variables. For a pity you should execute three queries.

With first query you're getting the Sum:

  select @all_sum:= count( employee_id) from table_employee

where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30;

With the second - number of month (this in most cases could be figured

out without query - with direct computation in next query, or on client


  select @all_num:= count( distinct month(employee_hire_date))

from table_employee 

where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30;

And with the last query you should get what you want:

  select employee_hire_date, count(employee_id), @all_sum as Sum,

@all_sum/@all_num as Avg 

from table_employee

where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30

group by month(employee_hire_date);

Henry Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Hello MySQL users,


 Currently, I use MySQL 4.0.22 and I can do a straightforward count of

 employees hired for each month.


 select employee_hire_date, count(employee_id)

 from table_employee

 where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30

 group by month(employee_hire_date)



 Date   | Count |


 2005-01-01 | 123   |

 2005-02-01 | 50|

 2005-03-01 | 76|

 2005-04-01 | 89|



 However, I would like to do a grand total of the counts and the averages

 that would like the below.  



 Date   | Count | Sum | Avg  |


 2005-01-01 | 123   | 338 | 84.5 |

 2005-02-01 | 50| 338 | 84.5 |

 2005-03-01 | 76| 338 | 84.5 |

 2005-04-01 | 89| 338 | 84.5 |



 Since my MySQL version is 4.0.22, I am not able to use subquery and I

 prefer not to use tmp tables.  What would be the right query to solve

 for the grand total sum and average??  Any help would be greatly



 Thanks in Advance.






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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Persistent Corruption

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 MySQL 4.0.16

You run an old MySQL. Upgrade to the latest release sometimes solves 

such issues. Check if the problem remains with MySQL 4.1.13 (or 4.0.25).

Chris McKeever [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MySQL 4.0.16


 I am having this annoying persistent corruption issue, and am

 wondering if anyone has any suggestions.  I have two tables that

 refuse to stay clean.  After a myisamchk (below) they show corruption.

 I run a myisamchk -r, they get fixed, and the next day, they are once

 again corrupt.


 Finally, I did a mysqldump, dropped the tables, imported the data from

 the dump, and the next day - corrupt.


 I am at a loss, I thought the brute force method should clean it.


 I dont think it is the applicaiton itself, since there are an

 identical 24 tables (alphabet) that do not have this issue.


 Any help would be appreciated - Chris


 Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_c.MYI

 Data records:   79196   Deleted blocks:  22

 myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly

 - check file-size

 - check key delete-chain

 - check record delete-chain

 - check index reference

 - check data record references index: 1

 - check record links

 myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 79197Should be: 79196

 myisamchk: warning: Found 457872 deleted space.   Should be 459588

 myisamchk: warning: Found  79507 partsShould be: 79506 =


 MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_c.MYI' is corrupted

 Fix it using switch -r or -o




 Checking MyISAM file: EmailMessage_j.MYI

 Data records:   39907   Deleted blocks:  91

 myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly

 - check file-size

 - check key delete-chain

 - check record delete-chain

 - check index reference

 - check data record references index: 1

 - check record links

 myisamchk: error: Record-count is not ok; is 39909Should be: 39907

 myisamchk: warning: Found 719032 deleted space.   Should be 742328

 myisamchk: warning: Found 89 deleted blocks   Should be: 91

 myisamchk: warning: Found  40195 partsShould be: 40193 =


 MyISAM-table 'EmailMessage_j.MYI' is corrupted

 Fix it using switch -r or -o





 please respond to the list .. if you need to contact me direct

 cgmckeever is the account is the domain


 A href=3D;Simply Chicago Real Estate/A


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SELECT by LEFT(col,1)={letter} ?? improvements and sarge update to 4.1

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I'm unable to comment your decision about making a separate table

and how your data will be normalized after it. But, in my opinion,

if you're going to use only one letter for WHERE condition your index

will have a low cardinality (number of unique values) and optimizer

might prefer a full table scan. And indexes won't work with your

WHERE condition because you're using function from a column in

expression, not a column directly. Changing it to ' LIKE {letter}%'

probably can solve this. In your case having index only on first

character in the string makes sense for me.

M.E. Koch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello dear all-mighty list :)


 I do run mysql in 4.0.24 and have the following very slow query.


 select tbl3.colname from tbl

 .. (some left joins)




 the tbl.col has no index nore will it ever get one because auf

 the tbl structre. (this would make no sense becaus only 8tsd.)

 rows in the table total 82tsd rows have to get selected like



 As you might guess the query is much too slow.


 Now I have the chance (and time) to do the following.


 Doing a seperate table for this on col like



 | id |   colnames  |



 how would i have to index it? I think colnames should get

 a fulltext-field but how would it beccorect? Just one letter

 or do the whole field.

 colnames type = text (varchar might be ok with 255 chars).


 What would you suggest?



 the other thing is that I would like to update to 4.1.x on 

 my debian sarge. Has anybody done this yet?


 do I have to just: apg-get remove mysql ?

 and apg-get install mysql-4.1


 wich packages are needed.. will there be much mor performance?



 Bon Vibes and Thank you


















For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL Triggers

2005-07-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I'm able to insert a record with a trigger to another table at least

at 5.0.10. May be these lines from ChangeLog shows new behavior:

It is no longer necessary to issue an explicit LOCK TABLES for any

tables accessed by a trigger prior to executing any statements that

might invoke the trigger. (Bug #9581, Bug #8406)

And here is the example of how it works:

mysql create table tt(a int);

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql create table tb(b int);

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql delimiter $$

mysql create trigger ttr  before insert on tt for each row begin insert

into tb set b = NEW.a; end $$

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql delimiter ;

mysql insert into tt set a=1;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from tb;


| b|


|1 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And we see the value 1 in table tb which was inserted into table tt.

Fredrick Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am I reading the documentation correctly. I cannot us a trigger to insert a

 record into an other table??? I use triggers on other dbms to create an

 acivity histoy table.





For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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MATCH AGAINST with mixed MAX()

2005-07-28 Thread Dan Tappin
I have a table 'companies' and a table 'feedback'.  Feedback has rows  
with a id_company key that matched the  Think of it as  
the ebay rating system.

I have a simple query that works fine:

SELECT, MIN(feedback.rating), MAX(feedback.rating),  

FROM companies
LEFT JOIN feedback ON = feedback.id_company

I get my results... all is good.

Now I add a MATCH into the loop.  I want to do a full text search on  
an existing index:

MATCH (keywords, company) AGAINST ('foo bar') as rank,, MIN(feedback.rating), MAX(feedback.rating), AVERAGE 

FROM companies
LEFT JOIN feedback ON = feedback.id_company

and again I get my data... something like:

rankidmin  max  ave

Now I want to normalize the rank field i.e. rank = rank / MAX(rank):

MATCH (keywords, company) AGAINST ('foo bar') / MAX(MATCH (keywords,  
company) AGAINST ('foo bar')) as rank,, MIN(feedback.rating), MAX(feedback.rating), AVERAGE 

FROM companies
LEFT JOIN feedback ON = feedback.id_company

Except now I still get the MATCH values not the MAX = 3.444.  I've  
narrowed to down to my JOIN / GROUP BY.  If I get rid of the join the  
MAX works or if I GROUP BY feedback.rating the MAX works but I get  
duplicate results (i.e. with multiple feedback rows).

Can I do this with a single query??


Dan T

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Failure of sql-bench test?

2005-07-28 Thread Xu Qiang
I cd /usr/local/mysql/sql-bench and perl run_all_tests, just to get the 
following error: 
Got error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' 
when connecting to DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost with user: '' 
password: ''

By the way, before doing the bench test, I did this operation: 
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h gso_dev_2.workgroup password 

Is this the cause? 

How to let the bench test run?

Thanks in advance, 

Xu Qiang

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mysql command line execution

2005-07-28 Thread Jeff Richards

Is there a secure way of running mysql commands against the db from the
command line, or in some kind of secure batch mode, without making the
password totally visible? We need to procedurize things like flush
tables with read lock, unlock tables etc. Is making the password
visible on the command line the only way?



Jeff Richards
Consulting Architect
Openwave Systems Asia Pacific
+61 415 638757

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Re: mysql command line execution

2005-07-28 Thread Bruce Dembecki
You *COULD* include the information in the my.cnf file under the  
[client] area, something like this:


That would tell the client to use that unless something else is  

Of course that needs to be saved in plain text in a plain text file  
somewhere where people could get to it, so it may not be much of an  

However there are several areas that my.cnf can be stored, so there  
may be some opportunities here... Given that one of the places a  
valid my.cnf file can exist is the users home directory (where it  
would be called something like and is somewhat harder to see  
because of the leading dot) you could setup a user specifically for  
handling such tasks in your server's account management system.  
Probably avoid making such a user on a network user management system  
such as LDAP or NIS or anything, but you can build a local account  
for this user.  Assign this user a home directory, and set  
permissions restrictions on the home directory and the .my.cnf file  
so other users can't access it. Then you could su to this user and  
create a crontab to execute your scripts... because you will be this  
user your mysql command line client would read your .my.cnf file and  
use that username and password unless told otherwise by the command  
line calling mysql.

That said I stress again... it is still a plain text file and the  
password is saved in readable text... if you forget to set enough  
permissions to prevent other users from accessing the file or  
something you can run into trouble. I wouldn't consider it secure,  
but it's better than including the password in the scripts all over  
the place. You other users would need to get into this new phantom  
users home directory, find the file and read it... because the file  
is called .my.cnf it won't show on ls unless someone does an ls -a  
and then only if they have permissions to access that directory -  
given you will probably give the home directory in question  
drwx-- permissions only someone logged in as that user (or root)  
should be able to access the directory and see whats in it, and the  
file will need otbe readable by the user, so it needs at least - 
r permission, probably not much more than that.

Best Regards, Bruce

On Jul 28, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Jeff Richards wrote:


Is there a secure way of running mysql commands against the db from  

command line, or in some kind of secure batch mode, without making the
password totally visible? We need to procedurize things like flush
tables with read lock, unlock tables etc. Is making the password
visible on the command line the only way?



Jeff Richards
Consulting Architect
Openwave Systems Asia Pacific
+61 415 638757

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Failure of sql-bench test?

2005-07-28 Thread Xu Qiang
Xu Qiang wrote:
 I cd /usr/local/mysql/sql-bench and perl run_all_tests, just to
 get the following error:
 Got error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
 password: NO)' when connecting to
 DBI:mysql:database=test;host=localhost with user: '' password: ''

Sorry I didn't read the file README in the sql-bench directory before asking 
the question. 
Now I run the test with perl run-all_tests --user=mysql, and it can run 
successfully now. 

Xu Qiang

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Re: mysql command line execution

2005-07-28 Thread Michael Stassen

Jeff Richards wrote:


Is there a secure way of running mysql commands against the db from the
command line, or in some kind of secure batch mode, without making the
password totally visible? We need to procedurize things like flush
tables with read lock, unlock tables etc. Is making the password
visible on the command line the only way?



No, you can put the mysql user and password in an option file (usually 
.my.cnf).  Of course, you'll make this file readable only by the user running 
the job.  You'll need at least


in the file.  Actually, you can leave out the user=... line if the mysql 
user and the unix user are the same.

For the details, see the description of option files in the manual


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Re: Total Sum of Monthly Counts for Older MySQL 4.0.22 (Please Help)

2005-07-28 Thread Michael Stassen
Without knowing more of your requirements, I find seeing the grand total and 
overall average repeated in every row strange from a usability perspective. 
Do you really need that, or were you just hoping to get that information out 
of your query?

I'd suggest something like:

  SET @sum=0, @m=0;
  SELECT MONTH(employee_hire_date) AS date,
 @m:[EMAIL PROTECTED] as Month,
 count(*) AS Count,
 @sum:[EMAIL PROTECTED](*) AS Sum,
 ROUND((@sum+count(*))/(@m),1) AS Avg
  FROM table_employee
  WHERE employee_hire_date BETWEEN '2005-01-01' AND '2005-4-30'
  GROUP BY MONTH(employee_hire_date);

Date| Month | Count | Sum |  Avg  |
2005-01 |   1   | 123   | 123 | 123.0 |
2005-02 |   2   |  50   | 173 |  86.5 |
2005-03 |   3   |  76   | 249 |  83.0 |
2005-04 |   4   |  89   | 338 |  84.5 |

The Sum column is a running total, and the Avg column is the average so far. 
 Hence, the grand total and overall average are in the last row.  Would that do?


Gleb Paharenko wrote:


It is possible to obtain your results without temporary tables, but
with user variables. For a pity you should execute three queries.
With first query you're getting the Sum:

  select @all_sum:= count( employee_id) from table_employee
where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30;

With the second - number of month (this in most cases could be figured
out without query - with direct computation in next query, or on client

  select @all_num:= count( distinct month(employee_hire_date))
	from table_employee 
	where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30;

And with the last query you should get what you want:

  select employee_hire_date, count(employee_id), @all_sum as Sum,
		@all_sum/@all_num as Avg 
	from table_employee

where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30
group by month(employee_hire_date);

Henry Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello MySQL users,

Currently, I use MySQL 4.0.22 and I can do a straightforward count of
employees hired for each month.

select employee_hire_date, count(employee_id)
from table_employee
where employee_hire_date between 2005-01-01 and 2005-4-30
group by month(employee_hire_date)

Date   | Count |

2005-01-01 | 123   |
2005-02-01 | 50|
2005-03-01 | 76|
2005-04-01 | 89|

However, I would like to do a grand total of the counts and the averages
that would like the below.  

Date   | Count | Sum | Avg  |
2005-01-01 | 123   | 338 | 84.5 |
2005-02-01 | 50| 338 | 84.5 |
2005-03-01 | 76| 338 | 84.5 |
2005-04-01 | 89| 338 | 84.5 |

Since my MySQL version is 4.0.22, I am not able to use subquery and I
prefer not to use tmp tables.  What would be the right query to solve
for the grand total sum and average??  Any help would be greatly

Thanks in Advance.


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