Re: How to define utf8 function

2006-01-04 Thread Hirofumi Fujiwara

 This should be fixed in 5.0.18. See:


says ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 As of MySQL 5.0.18, the server uses the data type of a routine
 parameter or function return value as follows. These rules also apply
 to local routine variables created with the DECLARE statement
 (Section, “DECLARE Local Variables”).


  Assignments are checked for data type mismatches and
  overflow. Conversion and overflow problems result in warnings,
  or errors in strict mode.

  For character data types, if there is a CHARACTER SET clause in
  the declaration, the specified character set and its default
  collation are used. If there is no such clause, the database
  character set and collation are used. (These are given by the
  values of the character_set_database and collation_database
  system variables.)

  Only scalar values can be assigned to parameters or
  variables. For example, a statement such as SET x = (SELECT 1,
  2) is invalid.

Before MySQL 5.0.18, parameters, return values, and local variables
are treated as items in expressions, and are subject to automatic
(silent) conversion and truncation. Stored functions ignore the
sql_mode setting. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I thought that this explanation means function controls CHARACTER SET
clause properly from 5.0.18.

So, I checked on version 5.0.18, but situation is same

| VERSION()   |
| 5.0.18-standard-log |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql SET NAMES utf8;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
## I tried to make function tokyo() which returns string 'Tokyo' in
## Japanase. _utf8 X'E69DB1E4BAAC' means Tokyo in Japanese.

mysql DELIMITER //
- //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT tokyo();
| tokyo() |
| ??  |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT HEX(tokyo());
| HEX(tokyo()) |
| 3F3F |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql SELECT CHARSET(tokyo());
| CHARSET(tokyo()) |
| binary   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
*** 1. row ***
   Function: tokyo
Create Function: CREATE FUNCTION `tokyo`() RETURNS varchar(20)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Returned charater type of function is binary.


Time Intermedia Corporation
Corporate Strategy Department  Knowledge Engineering Center
  26-27 Saka-machi Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0002 Japan

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2006-01-04 Thread Jørn Dahl-Stamnes
This is perhaps a bit off-topic, but...

I tried to install and configurate phpAdmin on an internal web-server. I 
copied a default config file and created my own file. In this 
I set

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']  = '';

a 'host' shows that it is an alias pointing to another 
machine where the mySQL server is running.

However, when trying to access myPhpAdmin, I get the following error:


MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'quest'@'' (using 
password: NO) 

It seems like the host name given in the config file is ignored and that it 
try to connect to the host where the web-server is running.

It should not be like this, should it?
Jørn Dahl-Stamnes

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Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread Thomas Spahni

what is the result of

prompt set | grep LANG

? I suspect your problem is not within MySQL. Did you look at your
testfile using a editor?

Thomas Spahni

On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Dave M G wrote:

 MySQL List,

   I have recently switched over from Windows to Ubuntu Linux, in order to
 emulate as much as possible the environment I have on my web hosting
 service. The goal is to be able to develop and test my web sites more
 completely at home before uploading them.

   I have successfully installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL (Most of which
 came by default when installing Ubuntu). I'm comfortable writing PHP and
 MySQL code in a web page, but I am very much a beginner in MySQL set up
 and maintenance.

   I have all the PHP and HTML files downloaded, and now my next step is
 to copy the databases from my web hosting service to my home machine.

   A lot of my database data is bilingual, English and Japanese. I try at
 every turn to store and retrieve all data in UTF-8 format.

   Using phpMyAdmin on my virtual hosting service, I exported my database
 information to a text file, which I then opened on my local machine,
 again through the phpMyAdmin interface.

   It mostly worked. All the tables and their contents were inserted into
 the home version of the database.

   However, when viewing the web pages where content is dynamically called
 from the database, all the Japanese text appears on my home machine as a
 series of question marks.

   So far as I know, I selected to use utf-8 encoding at every available
 opportunity. I'm wondering if the problems came when saving to a plain
 text file.

   Can anyone recommend the best way to preserve text encoding methods
 when copying a database from one machine to another?

   Any advice is much appreciated.

   Thank you.

 Dave M G

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RE: myPhpAdmin

2006-01-04 Thread Peter Normann
Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:
 This is perhaps a bit off-topic, but...
 I tried to install and configurate phpAdmin on an
 internal web-server. I copied a default config file and
 created my own file. In this I set
 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']  =
 a 'host' shows that it is an alias
 pointing to another machine where the mySQL server is
 However, when trying to access myPhpAdmin, I get the
 following error: 
 MySQL said: Documentation
 #1045 - Access denied for user
 'quest'@'' (using password: NO)
 It seems like the host name given in the config file is
 ignored and that it try to connect to the host where the
 web-server is running. 
 It should not be like this, should it?

Actually, yes. The error indicates that the user ('quest') you have defined
in your config file, has not been authorized to access the database from
your host ''

If you have access to a mysql console on the mysql host, try this:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database name.* TO 'quest'@''
IDENTIFIED BY 'somepassword';


Remember to set the password in the config file accordingly...


Peter Normann

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Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Chong
Hi Alex

Thanks for this, and sorry for the late reply.

That was the entire my.cnf file in my last email. This is from SHOW
VARIABLES in mysql.

| Variable_name   | Value|
| auto_increment_increment| 1|
| auto_increment_offset   | 1|
| automatic_sp_privileges | ON   |
| back_log| 50   |
| basedir | /|
| binlog_cache_size   | 32768|
| bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608  |
| character_set_client| latin1   |
| character_set_connection| latin1   |
| character_set_database  | latin1   |
| character_set_results   | latin1   |
| character_set_server| latin1   |
| character_set_system| utf8 |
| character_sets_dir  | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/   |
| collation_connection| latin1_swedish_ci|
| collation_database  | latin1_swedish_ci|
| collation_server| latin1_swedish_ci|
| completion_type | 0|
| concurrent_insert   | 1|
| connect_timeout | 5|
| datadir | /var/lib/mysql/  |
| date_format | %Y-%m-%d |
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s|
| default_week_format | 0|
| delay_key_write | ON   |
| delayed_insert_limit| 100  |
| delayed_insert_timeout  | 300  |
| delayed_queue_size  | 1000 |
| div_precision_increment | 4|
| engine_condition_pushdown   | OFF  |
| expire_logs_days| 0|
| flush   | OFF  |
| flush_time  | 0|
| ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|   |
| ft_max_word_len | 84   |
| ft_min_word_len | 4|
| ft_query_expansion_limit| 20   |
| ft_stopword_file| (built-in)   |
| group_concat_max_len| 1024 |
| have_archive| YES  |
| have_bdb| NO   |
| have_blackhole_engine   | NO   |
| have_compress   | YES  |
| have_crypt  | YES  |
| have_csv| NO   |
| have_example_engine | NO   |
| have_federated_engine   | NO   |
| have_geometry   | YES  |
| have_innodb | YES  |
| have_isam   | NO   |
| have_ndbcluster | NO   |
| have_openssl| NO   |
| have_query_cache| YES  |
| have_raid   | NO   |
| have_rtree_keys | YES  |
| have_symlink| YES  |
| init_connect|  |
| init_file   |  |
| init_slave  |

Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Chong

I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?

On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire my.cnf
 and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.


Jonathan Chong

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Re: question about sql security

2006-01-04 Thread Gleb Paharenko

In my opinion, a good description can be found here:

wangxu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread Gleb Paharenko

However, when viewing the web pages where content is dynamically called

 from the database, all the Japanese text appears on my home machine as

a series of question marks.

You should localize the problem. Check with the text editor that files,

which you have got from phpMyAdmin really contain data in UTF8 encoding.

Do not use phpAdmin until you completely understand what's going on. Use

mysql command line client to import your databases. After you have done

the import, check with some client that the data in MySQL is still

correct and in UTF8 (use GUIs like MySQL Query Browser in case your

terminal doesn't support unicode, and you can't use mysql command line

client). Check the settings of you server with:

  show variables like '%char%';

statement. Read:

Dave M G wrote:

 MySQL List,


   I have recently switched over from Windows to Ubuntu Linux, in order to

 emulate as much as possible the environment I have on my web hosting

 service. The goal is to be able to develop and test my web sites more

 completely at home before uploading them.


   I have successfully installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL (Most of which

 came by default when installing Ubuntu). I'm comfortable writing PHP and

 MySQL code in a web page, but I am very much a beginner in MySQL set up

 and maintenance.


   I have all the PHP and HTML files downloaded, and now my next step is

 to copy the databases from my web hosting service to my home machine.


   A lot of my database data is bilingual, English and Japanese. I try at

 every turn to store and retrieve all data in UTF-8 format.


   Using phpMyAdmin on my virtual hosting service, I exported my database

 information to a text file, which I then opened on my local machine,

 again through the phpMyAdmin interface.


   It mostly worked. All the tables and their contents were inserted into

 the home version of the database.


   However, when viewing the web pages where content is dynamically called

 from the database, all the Japanese text appears on my home machine as a

 series of question marks.


   So far as I know, I selected to use utf-8 encoding at every available

 opportunity. I'm wondering if the problems came when saving to a plain

 text file.


   Can anyone recommend the best way to preserve text encoding methods

 when copying a database from one machine to another?


   Any advice is much appreciated.


   Thank you.



 Dave M G



For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: MySQL server has gone away ??

2006-01-04 Thread Gleb Paharenko


 Any reason why this happens? Should I be worried?=20

You have an old MySQL version (4.1.8), upgrade to the latest release.

Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:

 I have been using mysql client for some time when I got this error:


 mysql select * from mytable;

 ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away

 No connection. Trying to reconnect...

 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'username'@'my.ip.addr' (usi=


 password: YES)


 Can't connect to the server


 mysql quit


 $ mysql -h sql -u sqluser -p

 Enter password:

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 6669 to server version: 4.1.8-standard



 MySQL is running on a server and I have to go through a firewall to reach i=


 Any reason why this happens? Should I be worried?=20



 J=F8rn Dahl-Stamnes



For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Alex


   Please provide the log extracts from /var/log/mysql_error.log  in your  
box when the crashes occurred and also you havent mentioned the table  
types thats you are using. MyISAM tables are the deafult for your  
configuration. This table type is not recommeded for highly concurrent  
usage. If you are using this table type increase the key_buffer_size.

If you are using innodb tables increase Innodb_buffer_pool_size, it is set  
to a very low 8MB.

Please follow the link Pay  
attention to the last 4 paragraphs before user comments.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:25:39 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Alex

Thanks for this, and sorry for the late reply.

That was the entire my.cnf file in my last email. This is from SHOW
VARIABLES in mysql.

| Variable_name   |  

| auto_increment_increment|  
| auto_increment_offset   |  
| automatic_sp_privileges |  
ON   |
| back_log|  
50   |
| basedir |  
| binlog_cache_size   |  
| bulk_insert_buffer_size |  
8388608  |
| character_set_client|  
latin1   |
| character_set_connection|  
latin1   |
| character_set_database  |  
latin1   |
| character_set_results   |  
latin1   |
| character_set_server|  
latin1   |
| character_set_system|  
utf8 |
| character_sets_dir  |  
/usr/share/mysql/charsets/   |
| collation_connection|  
| collation_database  |  
| collation_server|  
| completion_type |  
| concurrent_insert   |  
| connect_timeout |  
| datadir |  
/var/lib/mysql/  |
| date_format |  
%Y-%m-%d |
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d  
| default_week_format |  
| delay_key_write |  
ON   |
| delayed_insert_limit|  
100  |
| delayed_insert_timeout  |  
300  |
| delayed_queue_size  |  
1000 |
| div_precision_increment |  
| engine_condition_pushdown   |  
OFF  |
| expire_logs_days|  
| flush   |  
OFF  |
| flush_time  |  
| ft_boolean_syntax   |  
+ -()~*:|   |
| ft_max_word_len |  
84   |
| ft_min_word_len |  
| ft_query_expansion_limit|  
20   |
| ft_stopword_file|  
(built-in)   |
| group_concat_max_len|  
1024 |
| have_archive|  
YES  |
| have_bdb|  
NO   |
| have_blackhole_engine   |  
NO   |
| have_compress   |  
YES  |
| have_crypt  |  
YES  |
| have_csv|  
NO   |
| have_example_engine |  
NO   |
| have_federated_engine   |  
NO   |
| have_geometry   |  

Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Alex
the table type whether it is myisam or innodb. create table statements are  
preferred when you have slow query issues.


On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:57:06 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?

On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire  

and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.


Jonathan Chong

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: question about sql security

2006-01-04 Thread Peter Brawley
I refer a question about sql security option of create procedure syntax
at 2005-12. But i can't quite understood with that answer.
Can you give me a example to describe the effect of set sql security
option ?


SQL SECURITY (compliance with SQL2003) specifies whether the user
of the author (DEFINER) or the INVOKER apply; the default is DEFINER.
Since 5.0.3,
MySQL has supported GRANTs for CREATE, ALTER and EXECUTE. The first
includes the latter two.

If binary logging in enabled, see



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Re: logging issue

2006-01-04 Thread Imran Chaudhry
I'm inclined to think this is a database config issue in MailScanner.
Double check the Port setting that MailScanner is using and check that
against the port that your MySQL server binds to. It is normally 3306,
and they should match. If you don't know how to check, can you send me
the output of:  netstat -tan | grep 3306

Your log output shows an error code of 110 which means 'Connection
timed out'. This is different to 'Connection refused'. Is there a
possibility of very high database activity from another source while
MailScanner is trying to get at the database? How you tried invoking
the MailScanner connection at different times of the day?

What interface does MailScanner use to connect? It looks like Perl
DBI, but you may be using ODBC? Finally, can you tell me your perl
version by: perl -v

Imran Chaudhry

Get your Digital Identity - Domain Names, Web Space, E-mail  More!

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Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Chong
Hi Alex

There are over a hundred tables for the site, and those that are
related to this query are probably about 15-30. Do you want the CREATE
TABLE syntax for all of them?

Funnily enough, the file /var/log/mysql_error.log doesn't exist ..

I'm using myISAM tables, yes.

On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the table type whether it is myisam or innodb. create table statements are
 preferred when you have slow query issues.


 On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:57:06 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
  structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
  the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?
  On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire
  and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.
  Jonathan Chong

Jonathan Chong

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Lost Connection executing query

2006-01-04 Thread emierzwa
What are your wait_timeout and/or interactive_timeout values set to?
Does the server crash and auto restart? Check server's up time.
Do both servers have the exact table schema? Same column datatypes and
indexes to be specific.
Although your data volumn may be similar, can the actual data be
Can you rewrite the UPDATE statement as a SELECT statement to see if you
can target the rows you are expecting to target?

You can check section A.2.8. MySQL server has gone away in the online
manual, which also covers your message, for list of things to try.

-Original Message-
From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:45 PM
Subject: Lost Connection executing query

Howdy all,

First off, We're running 5.0.15.

Theres a particular update statement that we run that
updates data in several tables. On our mac OSX test
server (also running 5.0.15) the query executes
quickly and without any errors or warnings.

On our linux box, which is our production box, we get
the following error as soon as the query is executed:

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server
during query

The databases have a similar amount of data in them.

I've googled on the error but mostly get pages
containing questions about the error when generated by
stored procedures and mostly on 5.0.3. We're not using
stored procedures. This is just a straight-up query.

Here's the query:

UPDATE customer_indicator 
INNER JOIN customer_search_pref ON 
customer_search_pref.customer_id =
customer_indicator.customer_id AND 
customer_search_pref.office_id =
LEFT JOIN contact_log ON 
contact_log.customer_id =
LEFT JOIN sent ON sent.pref_id =
SET customer_indicator.office_id = 33, 
customer_search_pref.office_id =33, 
customer_indicator.agent_id = 105, 
sent.office_id = 33, 
contact_log.office_id = 33, 
customer_indicator.next_message_id = 4403 
WHERE customer_indicator.customer_id = 78437 AND 
  customer_indicator.office_id = 34;

The approximate sizes of the tables involved are:

customer_indicator: 40K records
customer_search_pref: 45K
contact_log: 390K
sent: 20M (million)

So my question is, what are some possible causes of
this error? Why would trying to execute this query
cause the connection to be lost? Why would the query
work fine on our mac system and fail on the prodcution



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BIT datatype and trying to use it: data too long error. Could this be a bug?

2006-01-04 Thread Martijn Tonies
Hi there,

With the help of the people at CoreLab, we found out this problem:

 After long testing we detected source of the problem. It's
 flag in sql-mode my.ini variable.
 This variable affects only CREATE TABLE and CREATE PROCEDURE statements.

 Even if you simplify script to create server objects to


 CREATE TABLE newtab (
  CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;

INSERT INTO newtab (b) VALUES (b);

 you still get the error. We think, this is MySQL server problem. To check
 hypothesis you can call 'CALL newtab_I(1)' statement from mysql.exe
command line

Trying to call newtab_I with (1) for the BIT parameter will result into:
Data too long for column 'b' at row 1

If this is as designed, how should one use this particular datatype?

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle  MS SQL
Upscene Productions
Database development questions? Check the forum!

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Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Mangin
I created a calendar table (date only), but all
where clauses include a uid.  Is the following a
sane workaround to get a usable calendar table?
Anything else I can do?

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
create table $temp_tbl
(date date,
uid varchar(14))
select date,
? as uid
from calendar
where date between ? and ?);
$sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate);


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Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread Dave M G

Thank you for the advice.

In order to isolate the problem, I have checked to see if the text file
that I have exported from the MySQL server on my virtual host is, in
fact, in UTF-8.
By opening it in OpenOffice and selecting UTF-8 encoding, it displays
Not entirely without problems. Most of the Japanese text shows up
correctly. But about 10% of it shows like this:
I believe this is because there is probably some Japanese text that was
entered in sometime before the server upgraded MySQL to 4.1.
But, ignoring the 10% of legacy text, it seems that at the very
least, I do have a proper UTF-8 encoded text file with which to import
into my home MySQL server.

Instead of importing the data as an SQL file (which successfully
imported, but with faulty Japanese characters), I copied the text and
pasted them in as a straight SQL query. 

But it returns an error. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the file
would import into SQL as an SQL file, but the text won't work as an
import statement?

Here is the error output:

SQL query:

# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
# version 2.3.3pl1
# (download page)
# Host: localhost
# Generation Time: Jan 04, 2006 at 10:04 AM
# Server version: 3.23.37
# PHP Version: 4.3.11
# Database : `signup`
# Table structure for table `event_groups`
CREATE TABLE event_groups(

egid int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
GROUP int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
event int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( egid ) 

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'group int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  event int(11) NOT NULL de

(the error message cuts abruptly, as shown here)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread Lopez David E-r9374c

I believe group is a reserved word. change to grp.


-Original Message-
From: Dave M G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

Thank you for the advice.

In order to isolate the problem, I have checked to see if the
text file that I have exported from the MySQL server on my virtual host
is, in fact, in UTF-8.
By opening it in OpenOffice and selecting UTF-8 encoding, it
displays correctly.
Not entirely without problems. Most of the Japanese text shows
up correctly. But about 10% of it shows like this:
I believe this is because there is probably some Japanese text
that was entered in sometime before the server upgraded MySQL to 4.1.
But, ignoring the 10% of legacy text, it seems that at the
very least, I do have a proper UTF-8 encoded text file with which to
import into my home MySQL server.

Instead of importing the data as an SQL file (which successfully
imported, but with faulty Japanese characters), I copied the text and
pasted them in as a straight SQL query. 

But it returns an error. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the
file would import into SQL as an SQL file, but the text won't work as an
import statement?

Here is the error output:

SQL query:

# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
# version 2.3.3pl1
# (download page) # # Host: localhost #
Generation Time: Jan 04, 2006 at 10:04 AM # Server version: 3.23.37 #
PHP Version: 4.3.11 # Database : `signup` #

# Table structure for table `event_groups` # CREATE TABLE event_groups(

egid int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , GROUP int( 11 ) NOT NULL
default '0', event int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ( egid )

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'group int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  event int(11) NOT NULL de

(the error message cuts abruptly, as shown here)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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Re: Are these db stats normal...part 2

2006-01-04 Thread James Tu
I've also checked the error log and there isn't anything that indicates
where these aborted_client connections are coming from.  I checked today and
I have 100  more of these.


Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Kishore Jalleda
I would suggest looking at the slow query log first and figure out
what queries were taking long when the crash occurs at heavy
concurrent usage, and then try to optimize those queries, it might a
world of difference, also since you have only 1GB ram , try decreasing
the sort_buffer_size, read_buffer_size to like 500K instead of the
default 2M

Kishore Jalleda

On 1/4/06, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Alex

 There are over a hundred tables for the site, and those that are
 related to this query are probably about 15-30. Do you want the CREATE
 TABLE syntax for all of them?

 Funnily enough, the file /var/log/mysql_error.log doesn't exist ..

 I'm using myISAM tables, yes.

 On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the table type whether it is myisam or innodb. create table statements are
  preferred when you have slow query issues.
  On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:57:06 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
   structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
   the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?
   On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire
   and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.
   Jonathan Chong

 Jonathan Chong

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Re: Which Engine?

2006-01-04 Thread John Hoover
On Tuesday, January 3, 2006 1711, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You are going to need to setup your own application-level
locking scheme and rollback procedures if you don't want to use
or cannot use the locking and transaction support built into

Well, I WANT to use InnoDB, but I guess that I'll have to roll my own scheme to 
handle the (relatively few) inserts that I need on the MySQL tables.

For the tables that do not support transactions
(because they are MyISAM or something else) you will probably
need to take snapshots of the initial state of each table,
ensuring that no other process tries to update or insert to
that table while you have it snap-shotted (or you will
invalidate the OTHER process should you need to roll back). The
table-wide locks are generally good enough for that kind of
protection but they are performance killers if you have any
sort of concurrency or if your transaction takes too long.

It shouldn't take very long - just enough to insert a new user and the 
corresponding privileges. Also, new users should be relatively infrequent once 
we get the initial data loaded.

I would strongly recommend NOT using the mysql tables for your
application's security needs. I would roll my own
application-level permission tables and use them to control
access through the front end. 

My tentative plan is to have my own security levels (none, guest, user and 
admin) enforced by logic in my application, but I also want to restrict 
privileges to the minimum necessary at the database level.

Generally, my end users do not
get direct read-write access to the tables behind any
application. They may get read-only access but that's through
their own accounts, not the accounts I use to access the DB
with from the application itself. 

I'm not sure that I understand. Are you saying that all users connect from your 
application using a small set of access accounts (known to MySQL) and then you 
use your own tables to look up the actual permissions for each person (not 
known to MySQL)?

If you still need to create
user accounts on the fly, stick with the GRANT and REVOKE
statements and do that part of the processing either first or
last (outside of your other transactions) That way you can know
for sure if you got the account changed or not either before
you start the transaction or just before you commit or

That was the plan.

Lookup and be aware that certain commands contain an implicit
COMMIT when they are executed so your transaction may end
earlier than you planned if you use one of those commands.
These are usually data definition statements (ALTER TABLE, etc)
but it's better for you if you know them all.

Good point. I knew that some commands issue an implicit COMMIT, but hadn't 
thought to check all of them.

Sorry I can't be more specific but it's time to blast and
dinner is waiting.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

John Hoover
301-890-6932 (H)
202-767-2335 (W)

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Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems

2006-01-04 Thread mel list_php

Maybe your problem is linked to phpmyadmin?
I was having issues when trying to use an 'old' version (2.5.7) because the 
interface itself of phpmyadmin was set up as iso-8859-1, and that was 
causing all my data to be entered as isolatin even if the tables were 
declared as utf8.
By updating to 2.6.4 I've been able to set up the language in phpmyadmin as 
en-utf-8, and now when I use this interface the data are actually utf8 in 
the tables.


Subject: Re: Exporting utf-8 data problems
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 00:54:44 +0900

Thank you for the advice.

In order to isolate the problem, I have checked to see if the text file
that I have exported from the MySQL server on my virtual host is, in
fact, in UTF-8.
By opening it in OpenOffice and selecting UTF-8 encoding, it displays
Not entirely without problems. Most of the Japanese text shows up
correctly. But about 10% of it shows like this:
I believe this is because there is probably some Japanese text that was
entered in sometime before the server upgraded MySQL to 4.1.
But, ignoring the 10% of legacy text, it seems that at the very
least, I do have a proper UTF-8 encoded text file with which to import
into my home MySQL server.

Instead of importing the data as an SQL file (which successfully
imported, but with faulty Japanese characters), I copied the text and
pasted them in as a straight SQL query.

But it returns an error. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the file
would import into SQL as an SQL file, but the text won't work as an
import statement?

Here is the error output:

SQL query:

# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
# version 2.3.3pl1
# (download page)
# Host: localhost
# Generation Time: Jan 04, 2006 at 10:04 AM
# Server version: 3.23.37
# PHP Version: 4.3.11
# Database : `signup`
# Table structure for table `event_groups`
CREATE TABLE event_groups(

egid int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
GROUP int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
event int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( egid )

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'group int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  event int(11) NOT NULL de

(the error message cuts abruptly, as shown here)

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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MySQL 64bit static build?

2006-01-04 Thread Dave Juntgen
Hello All!
I have noticed that MySQL does not distribute a static linked binary of
MySQL x86_64.  I ran into the pthread_rwlock_wrlock hang with nptl bug
on an earlier install of Fedora Core 2.  The MySQL binary version I am
using now is mysql-pro-4.0.26-unknown-linux-gnu-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz
which is dynamically linked, by statically linking the binary on a
system with the latest patches apply to NPTL I could just install the
binary instead of upgrading to Fedora Core 4.
So, my questions are:
1)   Is there a reason for not distributing static linked binary for
64bin platforms?
2)   I am looking at compiling MySQL myself for an Intel Xeon EM64T
box using pgcc, any insight on compiler options to get the best
Thank you all for you help!
David W. Juntgen 
Medical Informatics Engineering Inc. 
Phone: 260.459.6270 
Fax:   260.459.6271 

RE: Lost Connection executing query

2006-01-04 Thread Tripp Bishop
The query fails instantly so I don't think it's a
timeout issue. 

The wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables are
set to 28800.

The server seems to be crashing and auto restarting
because as you suggested the uptime is small when I do
a show status right after attempting the query.

The schemas are identical and most of the data is the

When I try to rewrite the update as a select I get an
impossible where clause when I do an explain on the

It can't be a max packet issue because the actual
query is really small.

The query runs fine on the MAC and takes about 1
second to run.

I could break this update statement up into 4 seperate
update statements but I'd prefer to keep it as one. I
did notice that the MySQL manual suggests running
CHECK TABLE on the table(s) involved but no other
queries that operate against these tables seem to be
having trouble so it seems unlikely that table
corruption would be a problem.

We did recently upgrade the server from 4.0.40 to
5.0.15 and we did not dump the tables and reimport
them. On the MAC we did do a dump and reimport. I
wonder if that could be the cause of this problem. I
had forgetten about that important difference.



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What are your wait_timeout and/or
 interactive_timeout values set to?
 Does the server crash and auto restart? Check
 server's up time.
 Do both servers have the exact table schema? Same
 column datatypes and
 indexes to be specific.
 Although your data volumn may be similar, can the
 actual data be
 Can you rewrite the UPDATE statement as a SELECT
 statement to see if you
 can target the rows you are expecting to target?
 You can check section A.2.8. MySQL server has gone
 away in the online
 manual, which also covers your message, for list of
 things to try.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:45 PM
 Subject: Lost Connection executing query
 Howdy all,
 First off, We're running 5.0.15.
 Theres a particular update statement that we run
 updates data in several tables. On our mac OSX test
 server (also running 5.0.15) the query executes
 quickly and without any errors or warnings.
 On our linux box, which is our production box, we
 the following error as soon as the query is
 ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server
 during query
 The databases have a similar amount of data in them.
 I've googled on the error but mostly get pages
 containing questions about the error when generated
 stored procedures and mostly on 5.0.3. We're not
 stored procedures. This is just a straight-up query.
 Here's the query:
 UPDATE customer_indicator 
 INNER JOIN customer_search_pref ON 
 customer_search_pref.customer_id =
 customer_indicator.customer_id AND 
 customer_search_pref.office_id =
 LEFT JOIN contact_log ON 
 contact_log.customer_id =
 LEFT JOIN sent ON sent.pref_id =
 SET customer_indicator.office_id = 33, 
 customer_search_pref.office_id =33, 
 customer_indicator.agent_id = 105, 
 sent.office_id = 33, 
 contact_log.office_id = 33, 
 customer_indicator.next_message_id = 4403 
 WHERE customer_indicator.customer_id = 78437 AND 
   customer_indicator.office_id = 34;
 The approximate sizes of the tables involved are:
 customer_indicator: 40K records
 customer_search_pref: 45K
 contact_log: 390K
 sent: 20M (million)
 So my question is, what are some possible causes of
 this error? Why would trying to execute this query
 cause the connection to be lost? Why would the query
 work fine on our mac system and fail on the
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Re: Which Engine?

2006-01-04 Thread Chander Ganesan

John Hoover wrote:

I need some advice re my choice of a storage engine for transaction-safe 
processing and including tables that are not transaction-safe within 

The problem: We need to insert related records into several different tables 
and be sure that all the insertions succeeded. It seems that transactions are 
the recommended way of achieving this and I was thinking of using InnoDB 
tables. However, I'm not sure if that is the best engine to use - can anyone 
give me reasons for selecting a specific transaction-safe engine?

You can use BDB or InnoDB - InnoDB provides row level locking, BDB 
provides page level locking.  I'd say InnoDB is the way to go (usually).

Also, some of my insertions will involve the mySQL tables (creation of a new 
user and granting privileges, for example). According to the manuals, those 
tables use the myISAM engine and can not be changed to any other engine. What 
is the best way to handle insertion errors on myISAM tables? I had planned to 
test for an error after each operation and, if one occurred, manually undo 
whatever previous operations had already succeeded. That's a lot of work if the 
operation involves multiple tables and I'd like to know if there is a better 
alternative. Finally, if I do handle errors manually, what should I do if there 
is an error in the error handler? For example, suppose I've inserted one record 
and then an error prevents insertion of the related record so that I have to 
delete the previously inserted record. Is it possible for the delete to fail? 
If so, I'll have a partial transaction that can't be completed and can't be 
undone - what should I do to clean up?

What are your insertion operations?  Typically, you would use GRANT 
statements to add users the these tables - and those statements (if they 
fail) won't do any GRANTing.  I wouldn't grant access using insert 
statements - you'll be flushing your privilege tables regularly.

Unless you are using the Host table, I'd recommend you do the following:

1. Prior to modifying a user, use the 'show grants' statement to find 
out what access the user has - store that.

2. Perform all your GRANT operations.
3.  If a single operation fails, remove the user and execute the stored 
access (from step 1) for the user to restore his/her access. - if the 
user didn't already exist, just remove all their access.

For users that won't connect to the database directly, you probably 
don't want to create individual accounts - as if the user connects 
directly they can perform operations outside the bounds of your 
application (where you may implement business logic). 

Assuming you stick with grant statements, it shouldn't be too difficult 
to maintain integrity when you want to do your pseudo-transactions.

Use InnoDB everywhere else.

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560
Phone: 877-258-8987/919-463-0999

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ISAM tables broken

2006-01-04 Thread Simon Faulkner

An old server died during the holidays.

I had a database with 2 tables on it on an old version of MySQL
(circa Redhat 7?)

I have the latest backup of the files but not a dump (kick himself)

I put the files in the correct /var/lib/mysql/gallery and restarted 
MySQL.  It shows the gallery database but not the tables

I have tried ISAM check and it seems OK but MySQL won't open the tables.

I have even tried the files in a fresh compiled MySQL rather than the 
FC4 version in case that's a problem.

Are my tables doomed?


PS they are at

if anyone needs to see them...

There's nothing private in them.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# ls -l
total 1196
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql6511 Jan  4 15:30 tblGallery.ISD
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql2048 Jan  4 15:30 tblGallery.ISM
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql 1185360 Jan  4 15:30 tblPicture.ISD
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql   18432 Jan  4 15:30 tblPicture.ISM
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# mysqlshow
| Databases |
| gallery   |
| mysql |
| test  |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# mysqlshow gallery
Database: gallery
| Tables |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isam
isamchk  isamlog
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblGallery.ISD
isamchk: error: 'tblGallery.ISD' is not a ISAM-table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblGallery.ISM
Checking ISAM file: tblGallery.ISM
Data records:  17   Deleted blocks:   0
- check file-size
- check delete-chain
- check index reference
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblPicture.ISD
isamchk: error: 'tblPicture.ISD' is not a ISAM-table
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblPicture.ISM
Checking ISAM file: tblPicture.ISM
Data records:2640   Deleted blocks:   0
- check file-size
- check delete-chain
- check index reference
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk -r tblPicture.ISM
- recovering ISAM-table 'tblPicture.ISM'
Data records: 2640
- Fixing index 1

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Fw: Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Rhino
Oops, I meant to post this on the mailing list, not send it to the original 


- Original Message - 

To: Jonathan Mangin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Calendar table workaround

- Original Message - 
From: Jonathan Mangin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:45 AM
Subject: Calendar table workaround

I created a calendar table (date only), but all
where clauses include a uid.  Is the following a
sane workaround to get a usable calendar table?
Anything else I can do?

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
create table $temp_tbl
(date date,
uid varchar(14))
select date,
? as uid
from calendar
where date between ? and ?);
$sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate);

I have no idea what you are asking, which may explain why no one has 
replied to your question yet.

I've been working with relational databases for 20 years and I've never 
heard the term calendar table. What are you trying to accomplish? If you 
describe clearly what you are trying to do, perhaps someone can help you 
devise a way to do it in MySQL.


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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.12/220 - Release Date: 03/01/2006

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Can someone tell me why this fails?

2006-01-04 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone tell me why this fails? I'm using v4.1.11
Select IF(((Select 1+1)  Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 'WRONG')
I would expect a result of 2.
- Thanks

Re: Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Mangin

- Original Message - 
To: Jonathan Mangin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Calendar table workaround

 - Original Message - 
 From: Jonathan Mangin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:45 AM
 Subject: Calendar table workaround

 I created a calendar table (date only), but all
  where clauses include a uid.  Is the following a
  sane workaround to get a usable calendar table?
  Anything else I can do?
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
  create table $temp_tbl
  (date date,
  uid varchar(14))
  select date,
  ? as uid
  from calendar
  where date between ? and ?);
  $sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate);

 I have no idea what you are asking, which may explain why no one has
 to your question yet.

 I've been working with relational databases for 20 years and I've never
 heard the term calendar table. What are you trying to accomplish? If you
 describe clearly what you are trying to do, perhaps someone can help you
 devise a way to do it in MySQL.


A table of dates to which to join other tables,
ensuring reports that reflect days for which no
data is available.

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RE: Lost Connection executing query

2006-01-04 Thread emierzwa
Your import or CHECK TABLE sound like your best bets.

Interesting about your SELECT statement conversion though, under the
optimization section, it suggests you may still have a problem. Can you
run your EXPLAIN SELECT on your MAC for comparison?

7.2.4. How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses
Early detection of invalid constant expressions. MySQL quickly detects
that some SELECT statements are impossible and returns no rows.  


-Original Message-
From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:01 AM
To: emierzwa;
Subject: RE: Lost Connection executing query

The query fails instantly so I don't think it's a
timeout issue. 

The wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables are
set to 28800.

The server seems to be crashing and auto restarting
because as you suggested the uptime is small when I do
a show status right after attempting the query.

The schemas are identical and most of the data is the

When I try to rewrite the update as a select I get an
impossible where clause when I do an explain on the

It can't be a max packet issue because the actual
query is really small.

The query runs fine on the MAC and takes about 1
second to run.

I could break this update statement up into 4 seperate
update statements but I'd prefer to keep it as one. I
did notice that the MySQL manual suggests running
CHECK TABLE on the table(s) involved but no other
queries that operate against these tables seem to be
having trouble so it seems unlikely that table
corruption would be a problem.

We did recently upgrade the server from 4.0.40 to
5.0.15 and we did not dump the tables and reimport
them. On the MAC we did do a dump and reimport. I
wonder if that could be the cause of this problem. I
had forgetten about that important difference.



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What are your wait_timeout and/or
 interactive_timeout values set to?
 Does the server crash and auto restart? Check
 server's up time.
 Do both servers have the exact table schema? Same
 column datatypes and
 indexes to be specific.
 Although your data volumn may be similar, can the
 actual data be
 Can you rewrite the UPDATE statement as a SELECT
 statement to see if you
 can target the rows you are expecting to target?
 You can check section A.2.8. MySQL server has gone
 away in the online
 manual, which also covers your message, for list of
 things to try.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:45 PM
 Subject: Lost Connection executing query
 Howdy all,
 First off, We're running 5.0.15.
 Theres a particular update statement that we run
 updates data in several tables. On our mac OSX test
 server (also running 5.0.15) the query executes
 quickly and without any errors or warnings.
 On our linux box, which is our production box, we
 the following error as soon as the query is
 ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server
 during query
 The databases have a similar amount of data in them.
 I've googled on the error but mostly get pages
 containing questions about the error when generated
 stored procedures and mostly on 5.0.3. We're not
 stored procedures. This is just a straight-up query.
 Here's the query:
 UPDATE customer_indicator 
 INNER JOIN customer_search_pref ON 
 customer_search_pref.customer_id =
 customer_indicator.customer_id AND 
 customer_search_pref.office_id =
 LEFT JOIN contact_log ON 
 contact_log.customer_id =
 LEFT JOIN sent ON sent.pref_id =
 SET customer_indicator.office_id = 33, 
 customer_search_pref.office_id =33, 
 customer_indicator.agent_id = 105, 
 sent.office_id = 33, 
 contact_log.office_id = 33, 
 customer_indicator.next_message_id = 4403 
 WHERE customer_indicator.customer_id = 78437 AND 
   customer_indicator.office_id = 34;
 The approximate sizes of the tables involved are:
 customer_indicator: 40K records
 customer_search_pref: 45K
 contact_log: 390K
 sent: 20M (million)
 So my question is, what are some possible causes of
 this error? Why would trying to execute this query
 cause the connection to be lost? Why would the query
 work fine on our mac system and fail on the
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Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

MySQL General 

RE: Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Jay Paulson \(CE CEN\)
 I have no idea what you are asking, which may explain why no one has
 to your question yet.

 I've been working with relational databases for 20 years and I've never
 heard the term calendar table. What are you trying to accomplish? If you
 describe clearly what you are trying to do, perhaps someone can help you
 devise a way to do it in MySQL.


A table of dates to which to join other tables,
ensuring reports that reflect days for which no
data is available.

I forget the query but I know it can be done.  But can't you just have a table 
(called calendar?) with each entry having it's own row with a date column that 
gives whatever date you need in it and then other columns for any other details 
you need to have to go along with the date.  

After you have a table full of dates you can just do a query that will grab all 
the information and display it like a calendar and show you days that have 
information and days that don't have anything.

I'll see if I can't find that query for you and explain it to you.  


Re: Can someone tell me why this fails?

2006-01-04 Thread Peter Brawley


Can someone tell me why this fails? I'm using v4.1.11
Select IF(((Select 1+1)  Null) and ((Select 1+1) 
0), (Select 1+1), 'WRONG')
I would expect a result of 2.
NULL is neither equal nor unequal to anything including itself. 

To get the result you expect, write

Select IF(((Select 1+1) IS NOT Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0),
(Select 1+1), 'WRONG');


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Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.12/220 - Release Date: 1/3/2006

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Re: Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Peter Brawley


I understand what you mean by a calendar table, but like Rhino I've no
what you're asking. How to link the calendar table to other tables
depends on 
your other tables. For a fairly simple  generic example of a
calendar table see



Jonathan Mangin wrote:

  - Original Message - 
To: "Jonathan Mangin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Calendar table workaround

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan Mangin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:45 AM
Subject: Calendar table workaround

  I created a calendar table (date only), but all
where clauses include a uid.  Is the following a
sane workaround to get a usable calendar table?
Anything else I can do?

my $sth = $dbh-prepare("
create table $temp_tbl
(date date,
uid varchar(14))
select date,
? as uid
from calendar
where date between ? and ?");
$sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate);


I have no idea what you are asking, which may explain why no one has

to your question yet.

I've been working with relational databases for 20 years and I've never
heard the term "calendar table". What are you trying to accomplish? If you
describe clearly what you are trying to do, perhaps someone can help you
devise a way to do it in MySQL.


  A table of dates to which to join other tables,
ensuring reports that reflect days for which no
data is available.


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RE: Lost Connection executing query

2006-01-04 Thread Tripp Bishop
The explain resuts were from on the mac.

I knew about the where clause optimization but that
wouldn't explain why the server crashes when I issue
the update statement. It is an interesting situation

I agree that you're probably correct about the



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your import or CHECK TABLE sound like your best
 Interesting about your SELECT statement conversion
 though, under the
 optimization section, it suggests you may still have
 a problem. Can you
 run your EXPLAIN SELECT on your MAC for
 7.2.4. How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses
 Early detection of invalid constant expressions.
 MySQL quickly detects
 that some SELECT statements are impossible and
 returns no rows.  
 -Original Message-
 From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:01 AM
 To: emierzwa;
 Subject: RE: Lost Connection executing query
 The query fails instantly so I don't think it's a
 timeout issue. 
 The wait_timeout and interactive_timeout variables
 set to 28800.
 The server seems to be crashing and auto restarting
 because as you suggested the uptime is small when I
 a show status right after attempting the query.
 The schemas are identical and most of the data is
 When I try to rewrite the update as a select I get
 impossible where clause when I do an explain on
 It can't be a max packet issue because the actual
 query is really small.
 The query runs fine on the MAC and takes about 1
 second to run.
 I could break this update statement up into 4
 update statements but I'd prefer to keep it as one.
 did notice that the MySQL manual suggests running
 CHECK TABLE on the table(s) involved but no other
 queries that operate against these tables seem to be
 having trouble so it seems unlikely that table
 corruption would be a problem.
 We did recently upgrade the server from 4.0.40 to
 5.0.15 and we did not dump the tables and reimport
 them. On the MAC we did do a dump and reimport. I
 wonder if that could be the cause of this problem. I
 had forgetten about that important difference.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What are your wait_timeout and/or
  interactive_timeout values set to?
  Does the server crash and auto restart? Check
  server's up time.
  Do both servers have the exact table schema? Same
  column datatypes and
  indexes to be specific.
  Although your data volumn may be similar, can the
  actual data be
  Can you rewrite the UPDATE statement as a SELECT
  statement to see if you
  can target the rows you are expecting to target?
  You can check section A.2.8. MySQL server has
  away in the online
  manual, which also covers your message, for list
  things to try.
  -Original Message-
  From: Tripp Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:45 PM
  Subject: Lost Connection executing query
  Howdy all,
  First off, We're running 5.0.15.
  Theres a particular update statement that we run
  updates data in several tables. On our mac OSX
  server (also running 5.0.15) the query executes
  quickly and without any errors or warnings.
  On our linux box, which is our production box, we
  the following error as soon as the query is
  ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL
  during query
  The databases have a similar amount of data in
  I've googled on the error but mostly get pages
  containing questions about the error when
  stored procedures and mostly on 5.0.3. We're not
  stored procedures. This is just a straight-up
  Here's the query:
  UPDATE customer_indicator 
  INNER JOIN customer_search_pref ON 
  customer_search_pref.customer_id =
  customer_indicator.customer_id AND 
  customer_search_pref.office_id =
  LEFT JOIN contact_log ON 
  contact_log.customer_id =
  LEFT JOIN sent ON sent.pref_id =
  SET customer_indicator.office_id = 33, 
  customer_search_pref.office_id =33, 
  customer_indicator.agent_id = 105, 
  sent.office_id = 33, 
  contact_log.office_id = 33, 
  customer_indicator.next_message_id = 4403 
  WHERE customer_indicator.customer_id = 78437 AND 
customer_indicator.office_id = 34;
  The approximate sizes of the tables involved are:
  customer_indicator: 40K records
  customer_search_pref: 45K
  contact_log: 390K
  sent: 20M (million)
  So my question is, what are some possible causes
  this error? Why would trying to execute this query
  cause the connection to be lost? Why would the
  work fine on our mac system and fail on the

Re: Calendar table workaround

2006-01-04 Thread Jonathan Mangin
RE: Calendar table workaround
A table of dates to which to join other tables,
ensuring reports that reflect days for which no
data is available.

I forget the query but I know it can be done.  But can't you just have a table 
(called calendar?) with each entry having it's own row with a date column that 
gives whatever date you need in it and then other columns for any other details 
you need to have to go along with the date. 

Sorry, I thought this was a very common situation.  And, therefore,
instantly recognizable.  I'll include the full story.

my $bdate = '2005-08-01';
my $edate = '2005-08-14';
my $uid = 'george';
my $temp_tbl = 'calendar_' . $uid;

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(
create table $temp_tbl
(date date,
uid varchar(14))
engine = memory
select date,
? as uid
from calendar
where date between ? and ?);
$sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate);

$sth = $dbh-prepare(
$ as date,
concat(type,seq) as event,
value as val1,
'' as val2
from $temp_tbl
left join table1
on = $
where $temp_tbl.uid = ?
and $ between ? and ?)
from $temp_tbl
left join table2
on = $
where $temp_tbl.uid = ?
and $ between ? and ?)
order by date, event);
$sth-execute($uid, $bdate, $edate, $uid, $bdate, $edate);

These are $uid-specific reports (where .uid = ?) and
uid, of course, doesn't exist in my standard 'calendar table.'

The question:  Is creating another temporary table (that does
include both date and uid) the best thing to do here?


Can this SELECT go any faster?

2006-01-04 Thread René Fournier


I have a table called (history) containing thousands of rows. Each  
row is UNIX time-stamped, and belong to a particular account.
I would like to know which months a particular account has been  
active. (For example, maybe one account has been active since June  
2004, so the SELECT should return every month since then.) Here's  
what I'm using:

SELECT date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(history.time_sec), '%Y%m') AS month
FROM history
WHERE history.account_id = 216
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC

Showing rows 0 - 7 (8 total, Query took 0.1975 sec)


This account (216) has about 8000 rows. There are Indexes for  
account_id and time_sec. I'm running MySQL 5.0.16.

When I run EXPLAIN, I am told:

id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: history
type: ref
possible_keys: account_id
key: account_id
key_len: 4
ref: const  
rows: 6556
Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Any ideas how I can speed this up more? (I am just starting to learn  
how to improve MySQL performance but clearly have a ways to go.) Thanks.


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SELECT DISTINCT uses index but is still slow

2006-01-04 Thread James Harvard
I have a query that takes a long time even though it is only examining the 
index file. Is this normal? I would have thought that MySQL would be much 
quicker to get the unique values from an index.

select distinct date_id from data_table;
# returns 89 rows in 23 seconds

 - simple index on date_id with 2 other indices
 - just under 40,000,000 rows in table
 - index file is 730 MB

EXPLAIN SELECT gives the following:
type = index
key = date_id
rows = 39726908
extra = using index

FWIW the result is identical with 'select date_id from data_table group by 

(Using version 4.1.15 on Windows, and I can't see anything relevant in the 
change notes for 4.1.16.)

Finally, here's a CREATE TABLE:

CREATE TABLE data_table (
 is_import tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 comcode_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 date_id tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 country_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 value bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 quantity_1 bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 quantity_2 bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
 c_value bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 c_quantity_1 bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 c_quantity_2 bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
 port_id tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 KEY date_id (date_id),
 KEY country_id (country_id),
 KEY comcode_id (comcode_id,date_id)

James Harvard

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Re: Can someone tell me why this fails?

2006-01-04 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks Peter, for the quick reply.

 Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/06 11:44 AM 


Can someone tell me why this fails? I'm using v4.1.11
Select IF(((Select 1+1)  Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 
I would expect a result of 2.

NULL is neither equal nor unequal to anything including itself. 

To get the result you expect, write

Select IF(((Select 1+1) IS NOT Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 


Inconsistent rows returned examined in slow query log

2006-01-04 Thread James Harvard
I have entries in my slow query log for identical queries but, as you can see 
from the log entries below (including one irrelevant query), the number rows 
examined and returned varies. The tables are _not_ being updated.

The query cache is 'on demand', so I'm also not sure why the subsequent queries 
were not dealt with by the query cache.

Any ideas?

Thanks, James Harvard

# Time: 060103  9:45:12
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lasso[lasso] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 86  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 6733255
select sql_cache dates.date_month from data_gb_e data inner join dates on 
data.date_id = dates.date_id and dates.date_year = 1998 group by 
dates.date_month order by dates.date_month;
# Time: 060103  9:45:46
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lasso[lasso] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 70  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 7  Rows_examined: 3737912
select sql_cache dates.date_month from data_gb_e data inner join dates on 
data.date_id = dates.date_id and dates.date_year = 1998 group by 
dates.date_month order by dates.date_month;
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lasso[lasso] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 50  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 4  Rows_examined: 1585713
select sql_cache dates.date_month from data_gb_e data inner join dates on 
data.date_id = dates.date_id and dates.date_year = 2000 group by 
dates.date_month order by dates.date_month;
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lasso[lasso] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 117  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 9  Rows_examined: 5196480
select sql_cache dates.date_month from data_gb_e data inner join dates on 
data.date_id = dates.date_id and dates.date_year = 1998 group by 
dates.date_month order by dates.date_month;
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lasso[lasso] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 113  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 9  Rows_examined: 5196063
select sql_cache dates.date_month from data_gb_e data inner join dates on 
data.date_id = dates.date_id and dates.date_year = 1998 group by 
dates.date_month order by dates.date_month;

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RE: Can this SELECT go any faster?

2006-01-04 Thread Gordon Bruce
Try this 

SELECT replace(left(history.time_sec,7),'-','') AS month 
FROM   history 
WHERE  history.account_id = 216 
GROUP BY month 
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC;

This is what I get on 1 of my tables with no index on perm_user_ID , 80,000 
rows in the table and 7,000 rows where perm_user_ID = 'CSRB' on version 5.0.17.

mysql SELECT replace(left(pord_Timestamp,7),'-','') AS month
- FROM   product_order_main
- WHERE  perm_user_ID = 'CSRB'
- GROUP BY month
- ORDER BY pord_Timestamp DESC;
| month  |
| 200511 |
| 200510 |
| 200509 |
| 200508 |
| 200507 |
| 200506 |
| 200505 |
| 200504 |
| 200503 |
| 200502 |
| 200501 |
| 200412 |
| 200411 |
| 200410 |
| 200409 |
| 200408 |
| 200407 |
| 200406 |
| 200405 |
| 200404 |
| 200403 |
| 200402 |
| 200401 |
| 200312 |
| 200311 |
25 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main WHERE  perm_user_ID = 'CSRB';
| count(*) |
| 7095 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main WHERE  perm_user_ID = 'CSRB';
| count(*) |
| 7095 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main;
| count(*) |
|80774 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select version();
| version() |
| 5.0.17-nt |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: René Fournier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:23 PM
Subject: Can this SELECT go any faster?


I have a table called (history) containing thousands of rows. Each  
row is UNIX time-stamped, and belong to a particular account.
I would like to know which months a particular account has been  
active. (For example, maybe one account has been active since June  
2004, so the SELECT should return every month since then.) Here's  
what I'm using:

SELECT date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(history.time_sec), '%Y%m') AS month
FROM history
WHERE history.account_id = 216
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC

Showing rows 0 - 7 (8 total, Query took 0.1975 sec)


This account (216) has about 8000 rows. There are Indexes for  
account_id and time_sec. I'm running MySQL 5.0.16.

When I run EXPLAIN, I am told:

id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: history
type: ref
possible_keys: account_id
key: account_id
key_len: 4
ref: const  
rows: 6556
Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Any ideas how I can speed this up more? (I am just starting to learn  
how to improve MySQL performance but clearly have a ways to go.) Thanks.


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Re: Can this SELECT go any faster?

2006-01-04 Thread René Fournier
Thanks, but I don't think replace will help me, since my time_sec  
column is not DATE. Here's the table def (well, the part that matters):

CREATE TABLE history (
  id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  time_sec int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  time_msec smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  amount int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  account_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY account_id (account_id),
  KEY time_sec (time_sec),
  KEY time_msec (time_msec),
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci  

This is why I am formatting time_sec... so I can refer to them as  
months, e.g.:

SELECT date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(history.time_sec), '%Y%m') AS month
FROM history
WHERE history.account_id = 216
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC


On 4-Jan-06, at 2:05 PM, Gordon Bruce wrote:

Try this

SELECT replace(left(history.time_sec,7),'-','') AS month
FROM   history
WHERE  history.account_id = 216
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC;

This is what I get on 1 of my tables with no index on  
perm_user_ID , 80,000 rows in the table and 7,000 rows where  
perm_user_ID = 'CSRB' on version 5.0.17.

mysql SELECT replace(left(pord_Timestamp,7),'-','') AS month
- FROM   product_order_main
- WHERE  perm_user_ID = 'CSRB'
- GROUP BY month
- ORDER BY pord_Timestamp DESC;
| month  |
| 200511 |
| 200510 |
| 200509 |
| 200508 |
| 200507 |
| 200506 |
| 200505 |
| 200504 |
| 200503 |
| 200502 |
| 200501 |
| 200412 |
| 200411 |
| 200410 |
| 200409 |
| 200408 |
| 200407 |
| 200406 |
| 200405 |
| 200404 |
| 200403 |
| 200402 |
| 200401 |
| 200312 |
| 200311 |
25 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main WHERE  perm_user_ID  
= 'CSRB';

| count(*) |
| 7095 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main WHERE  perm_user_ID  
= 'CSRB';

| count(*) |
| 7095 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select count(*) from product_order_main;
| count(*) |
|80774 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

mysql select version();
| version() |
| 5.0.17-nt |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: René Fournier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:23 PM
Subject: Can this SELECT go any faster?


I have a table called (history) containing thousands of rows. Each
row is UNIX time-stamped, and belong to a particular account.
I would like to know which months a particular account has been
active. (For example, maybe one account has been active since June
2004, so the SELECT should return every month since then.) Here's
what I'm using:

SELECT date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(history.time_sec), '%Y%m') AS month
FROM history
WHERE history.account_id = 216
GROUP BY month
ORDER BY history.time_sec DESC

Showing rows 0 - 7 (8 total, Query took 0.1975 sec)


This account (216) has about 8000 rows. There are Indexes for
account_id and time_sec. I'm running MySQL 5.0.16.

When I run EXPLAIN, I am told:

id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: history
type: ref
possible_keys: account_id
key: account_id
key_len: 4
ref: const  
rows: 6556
Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Any ideas how I can speed this up more? (I am just starting to learn
how to improve MySQL performance but clearly have a ways to go.)  


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Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Mir Islam
If you are knowledgeable about the application and know which tables are
frequently accessed during the time of crash, you can send the create
statements used to create those tables. Also any indexing and how many rows
are in the table will also help.

In my opinion over a hundred tables for an application sound bit too high.
Perhaps some of table can be collapsed to fewer tables.

On 1/4/06, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alex

 There are over a hundred tables for the site, and those that are
 related to this query are probably about 15-30. Do you want the CREATE
 TABLE syntax for all of them?

 Funnily enough, the file /var/log/mysql_error.log doesn't exist ..

 I'm using myISAM tables, yes.

 On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the table type whether it is myisam or innodb. create table statements
  preferred when you have slow query issues.
  On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:57:06 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
   structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
   the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?
   On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire
   and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.
   Jonathan Chong

 Jonathan Chong

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Re: Alternative Mysql gui than Navicat for OSX

2006-01-04 Thread Mir Islam
What is it you are looking for in the application? I use DBVisualizer free
version for most of my mysql and oracle use. You can give it a try and see
if you like it or not.

On 1/2/06, Dan Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there i am looking for an alternative gui app than navicat for osx.
 Ive used CocoaMysql in the past and is limited in terms of
 administration, however has more working features than navicat ever

 I assumed this product was pretty good, however after purchasing boy
 was i wrong. I wished SqlYog had an osx version as it is a very good
 application. These people have extremely poor support and have features
 missing out of it which should be in there in the first place, like
 advanced dump options like adding bloody drop table statements LOL,
 they claimed its a feature request. Im really peeved now so i am
 telling people not to buy this product they are ignoring all my tickets

 The application systematically crashes just doing something simple , i
 cannot find any crash logs in the normal places osx apps usually use,
 and ive just found thats its storing saved queries and saved views in a
 folder called osx in my /Applications root folder not in the Navicat
 folder or a preference folder ! I had no idea what it is and like to
 clean my machine up alot and kept trashing it and couldnt work out why
 the saved queries went missing, this is extremely poor programming.

 So dont buy navicat , stick with the terminal client :D

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Re: How to create database in different location

2006-01-04 Thread Colin Charles

Chris Guo wrote:


We are using mysql as backend database for one of the application in our
company server, and there are too many data in the Mysql database. So I
wonder how I create a database on different location.

How do you define too much data in the MySQL database?

Do you want to replicate? Or use clustering?

More details are required.

Kind regards
Colin Charles, Community Engineer
MySQL AB, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
Office: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / +46 18 174 400 ext. 4528

Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Database slows down when mass users logging on

2006-01-04 Thread Alex

As per you config in my.cnf there has to be two logs

 log_error = /var/log/mysql_error.log
 log-slow-queries = /var/log/mysql_slow_queries.log

We have to have that info in error log to hunt down the issue. Also if  
possible obtain the messages from /var/log/messages (these are kernel  
messages) when the crash occurred. Without the error info from the  
mysql_error.log we cant do much.


On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 19:00:16 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Alex

There are over a hundred tables for the site, and those that are
related to this query are probably about 15-30. Do you want the CREATE
TABLE syntax for all of them?

Funnily enough, the file /var/log/mysql_error.log doesn't exist ..

I'm using myISAM tables, yes.

On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the table type whether it is myisam or innodb. create table statements  

preferred when you have slow query issues.


On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 15:57:06 +0530, Jonathan Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I also forgot to ask - when you say the tables, did you want the table
 structure? There are quite a few tables, perhaps I should just send
 the tables that are read and written to often when a user hits a page?

 On 04/01/06, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please provide details like what tables are you using, the entire
 and the information from the mysqld.err when the crashes occurred.


 Jonathan Chong

Jonathan Chong

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an backup syntax error

2006-01-04 Thread wangxu
Follow is my preform and result:
mysql backup table ht_detail to '/';
| Table  | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| test.ht_detail | backup | error| Failed copying .frm file (errno: 13) |
| test.ht_detail | backup | status   | Operation failed |
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


How to solve it?
I use 5.0.16.

RE: an backup syntax error

2006-01-04 Thread Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)

The error message (errno: 13) indicates a permissions problem. Check the
permissions of the user that is running the backups or, alternatively,
check the permissions that are set for this file.


** _/ **  David Logan 
***   _/ ***  ITO Delivery Specialist - Database
*_/*  Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd
_/_/_/  _/_/_/    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   _/  _/  _/  _/     Desk:   +618 8408 4273
  _/  _/  _/_/_/  Mobile: 0417 268 665
*_/   **
**  _/    Postal: 148 Frome Street,
   _/ **  Adelaide SA 5001

-Original Message-
From: wangxu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 5 January 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: an backup syntax error 

Follow is my preform and result:
mysql backup table ht_detail to '/';
| Table  | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text
| test.ht_detail | backup | error| Failed copying .frm file (errno:
13) |
| test.ht_detail | backup | status   | Operation failed
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


How to solve it?
I use 5.0.16.

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回复: MySQL 4.1.13 and utf-8 language encoding

2006-01-04 Thread 维斯 苏
firstly,I don't use utf8,then maybe this will help you,first dump out your in 
sql form,then find a mysql 4.1 with phpmyadmin 2.5* computer,or make one,then 
deploy your sql in the latin mode,then dump out it again,redeploy it on your 
web host,i think it will do,and no matter how you modify phpmyadmin 2.6 ,no 
matter utf8 or latin or gb,you will find ? in phpmyadmin all the time ,i 
don't know how to fix it,and it will be ok on your page

--- 维斯 苏 写道:

 just use phpmyadmin 2.5* because the 2.6* default
 use utf8,what you need to do is dump out your old
 mysql in sql form, use phpmyadmin 2.5* to redeploy
 it on 4.1*. That is it.

I don't have control over phpmyadmin version because
it is on a shared hosting plan. Can i manually modify
the SQL and explisively set collation attributes to
unicode_general_ci? because the collation attribute
does exist on MySQL 4.0, and 4.1.13 server is default
to latin1_swedish_ci. Will this work out?




Re: SELECT DISTINCT uses index but is still slow

2006-01-04 Thread C.R.Vegelin

Hi James,
I have found similar - slowdown - effects for queries.
However, it is not always clear what causes the lack of speed.
For example, I have a table with more than 9 million rows,
including a non-unique indexed item myKey (tinyint).
The query Select myKey, count(*) from myTable Group By myKey;
takes with the CLI about 25 seconds,
BUT the second time it takes only 0.01 second !
I think that the 1st query run includes loading indices into memory.
I suggest to test your query twice from the CLI.
HTH, Cor Vegelin

- Original Message - 
From: James Harvard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:28 PM
Subject: SELECT DISTINCT uses index but is still slow

I have a query that takes a long time even though it is only examining the 
index file. Is this normal? I would have thought that MySQL would be much 
quicker to get the unique values from an index.

select distinct date_id from data_table;
# returns 89 rows in 23 seconds

- simple index on date_id with 2 other indices
- just under 40,000,000 rows in table
- index file is 730 MB

EXPLAIN SELECT gives the following:
type = index
key = date_id
rows = 39726908
extra = using index

FWIW the result is identical with 'select date_id from data_table group by 

(Using version 4.1.15 on Windows, and I can't see anything relevant in the 
change notes for 4.1.16.)

Finally, here's a CREATE TABLE:

CREATE TABLE data_table (
is_import tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
comcode_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
date_id tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
country_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
value bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
quantity_1 bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
quantity_2 bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
c_value bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
c_quantity_1 bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
c_quantity_2 bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
port_id tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
KEY date_id (date_id),
KEY country_id (country_id),
KEY comcode_id (comcode_id,date_id)

James Harvard

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Re: ISAM tables broken

2006-01-04 Thread Atle Veka
Where are your .frm files, are you not including them in your directory
listing or are they missing? If they're missing, that's most likely your
problem right there.. :)

Flying Crocodile Inc, Unix Systems Administrator

On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Simon Faulkner wrote:

 An old server died during the holidays.

 I had a database with 2 tables on it on an old version of MySQL
 (circa Redhat 7?)

 I have the latest backup of the files but not a dump (kick himself)

 I put the files in the correct /var/lib/mysql/gallery and restarted
 MySQL.  It shows the gallery database but not the tables

 I have tried ISAM check and it seems OK but MySQL won't open the tables.

 I have even tried the files in a fresh compiled MySQL rather than the
 FC4 version in case that's a problem.

 Are my tables doomed?


 PS they are at

 if anyone needs to see them...

 There's nothing private in them.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# ls -l
 total 1196
 -rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql6511 Jan  4 15:30 tblGallery.ISD
 -rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql2048 Jan  4 15:30 tblGallery.ISM
 -rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql 1185360 Jan  4 15:30 tblPicture.ISD
 -rwxrwxrwx  1 mysql mysql   18432 Jan  4 15:30 tblPicture.ISM
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# mysqlshow
 | Databases |
 | gallery   |
 | mysql |
 | test  |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# mysqlshow gallery
 Database: gallery
 | Tables |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isam
 isamchk  isamlog
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblGallery.ISD
 isamchk: error: 'tblGallery.ISD' is not a ISAM-table
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblGallery.ISM
 Checking ISAM file: tblGallery.ISM
 Data records:  17   Deleted blocks:   0
 - check file-size
 - check delete-chain
 - check index reference
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblPicture.ISD
 isamchk: error: 'tblPicture.ISD' is not a ISAM-table
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk tblPicture.ISM
 Checking ISAM file: tblPicture.ISM
 Data records:2640   Deleted blocks:   0
 - check file-size
 - check delete-chain
 - check index reference
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] gallery]# isamchk -r tblPicture.ISM
 - recovering ISAM-table 'tblPicture.ISM'
 Data records: 2640
 - Fixing index 1

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Can i get a mysql technology standard

2006-01-04 Thread wangxu
Can i get a technology standard?

It include database capability,table capability,row number limit in table,blob 
object capability etc

Package failed to install

2006-01-04 Thread Andrew Burrows
Hi Mysql Users,


Have not used mysql for years and was trying to install new version.


Error = Package failed due to 

Coreutils and not installed.


How do I fix this problem?? Thanks in advace.


As I said it will tack me a few days to get back up to speed.





Re: Can i get a mysql technology standard

2006-01-04 Thread David Logan
wangxu wrote:

Can i get a technology standard?

It include database capability,table capability,row number limit in table,blob 
object capability etc...


A good read of the manual at would give you almost
all of the information that you require. Especially the page which gives the
various capabilities of the database in general.

If you look under the datatype definitions, you will find the maximum
size of each datatype and any limitations they may have.

Each engine is fairly well described in the section along with
any special features and/or limitations.



David Logan
South Australia

when in trouble, or in doubt
run in circles, scream and shout

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