Re: Start MySQL with --intit-file?

2009-04-29 Thread Andy Smith


  try putting the full path to the init file, and also try putting  
the update command after the two grant commands (if you put it first  
and the user r...@ didn't already exist then the password  
will not be set for that user) and put a flush privileges as the last  
line ,

thanks Andy.

Quoting Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle


I am trying:

[r...@server1 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart --init-file=cloudsql.sql
Stopping MySQL:[  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:[  OK  ]

the cloudsql.sql file contains:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('xxx') WHERE User='root';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON mysql.* TO 'root'@'';

But I still get that I cannot connect from

I still dont see what I am doing wrong...


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Re: Mysql on Ultrasparc T2 and floating point performance

2009-04-23 Thread Andy Smith

Hi Dan,

Yes, actually, I already know that parallel performance will be much
improved, however, I was expecting more improvement on single threads as
well, since the specs say that it takes 40 clock cycles just to access the
FPU on the T1, but something like 6 clock cycles on the T2.  So just from
that perspective it seems like there should be a significant improvement for
single threads, not just parallel performance.  At least that's the way I
read the docs from Sun on this.  At any rate, my expectations here are
clearly wrong, and I guess I'd just like a better understanding of why I'm
getting it wrong.

Hi Rod,

  I wouldn't expect any noticable difference running a single query  
that is taking anthing than less than a second if the only technical  
difference is that it takes 34 less clock cylces to access the FPU,  
thats 34 clock cycles on a cpu with 1GHz clock. The additional FPUs  
and reduced clock cycles to access the FPUs simply improve preformance  
when running mutliple threads that require FPU calculations, ie almost  
no overhead up to 8 simultaneous FPU calculations and less overhead  
when the number of simultaneous calculations goes over the number of  
physical FPUs due to the reduced clock cycles to access a FPU.
In general my understanding of the T1 vs T2 architectures is that the  
CPU and FPU cores are essentially the same regarding preformance per  
thread but with additional threads per core and additional FPUs and  
some other nice bits like on board Gig Ethernet and support for 2  
socket servers, plus any bump in the clock speed over the older boxes  

thanks Andy.

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Re: Sun bought by Oracle

2009-04-20 Thread Andy Smith
Only time will tell what will happen, but I have read a few articles  
saying Oracle had been interested specifically in buying MySQL from  
Sun as it gives them an open source DB offering (which they dont have  
now right?), and that brings with it contact with potential customers  
for support or non-free solutions etc... However that was from the  
internet press so its all just rumours and supositions ;)

cheers Andy.

Quoting Krishna Chandra Prajapati

Whats the future of 'MySQL' under Oracle ?

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Re: MySQL runs on 16-cores server

2009-04-11 Thread Andy Smith


  In what way can having more cores slow down MySQL (or any other app  
for that matter)? Are you simlpy referring to the fact that some  
mutlicore servers might be slower in single threaded preformance than  
a higher clocked single core system? If I have a mutlicore system with  
fast single threaded performance I wouldnt expect it to be slower in  
almost any cases with something like a mutliprocess database system,

thanks Andy.

Quoting mos

Using more cores with MySQL doesn't mean it will run faster. In  
fact, it could slow it down. Make sure you have done benchmarking  
with your current computer so you can compare the difference. InnoDb  
and MyISAM don't scale well with multi-cores I'm afraid.

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Re: Replica questions

2009-03-12 Thread Andy Smith


Hi Bryan

  Actually changing the slave setup after a reboot is a very bad  
idea, you will have inconsistent data on your slave because every  
transaction made from when you rebooted the server to when you reset  
the position will not be copied from the master. Thats the point of  
the position information, that MySQL can know what data has been  
replicated and what data has not been.
My understanding is that you should never have to reset the binlog  
position info after initial setup unless you are reinitialising your  
slave with a new copy of the data from the master because the slave  
broke for whatever reason. I have several DBs copied to slaves and  
have never had to reset anything following a reboot of the slave (or  
master for that matter).

If you are finding replication stops after a reboot then I think you  
have a serious problem, but don't know what that might be. Post some  
more info and someone on the list can probably help,

thanks Andy.

Quoting Bryan Irvine

The information is there and the replica can connect on a reboot but
only if that information has not changed correct?

e.g. I reboot the slave, and on the master just run reset master;
the bin.01 could change to bin.02 and the pos change from 98
to 15443 or some such.  If I do that do I then need to re-run the set
master to statements when the slave comes back up? or can that be
handled automatically?


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Re: Replica questions

2009-03-12 Thread Andy Smith

BTW there is a list specially dedicated to replication configurations:

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Re: Best RAID for a DB + LVM?

2009-02-23 Thread Andy Smith
What RAID level to use, whether to use SCSI or SATA etc are all pretty  
much how long is a piece of string? questions. If you have a really  
high end hardware array RAID 5 may be faster than RAID1+0 is on a  
cheaper system.


RAID 5 = slower
SATA = slower
RAID 1+0 = faster
SCSI = faster
more physical disks = faster
more expensive controller = faster


If you want to compare specific hardware you'll need to get your hands  
on it or find someone else who has already done a comparison. But it  
will make a huge difference to performance what disk array you have  
hooked up, just depends how much you want to spend

Quoting Waynn Lue

I currently have a RAID 5 setup for our database server.  Our space is
running out, so I'm looking to increase the disk space.  Since I'm doing
that anyway, I decided to re-evaluate our current disk array.  I was told
that RAID 5 isn't a good choice for databases since it's slower to write.
In addition, I've also been considering setting up LVM to take quick db
snapshots, after reading various links on the web (and posts to this list).

So on to the questions!  First, if that's what I eventually want to do (get
a new RAID server with LVM), do I need to do anything special to set up LVM
on the new system?  Second, what is a good RAID setup for databases?  RAID
10?  0+1?  Third, I have the choice of using SATA or SCSI in conjuction with
the RAID drives I choose.  How much of a difference is there in using SATA
instead of SCSI, especially in light of whatever RAID I end up going with?

Thanks for any insights,

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Re: Install problem: log file issue

2009-02-12 Thread Andy Smith
It could be that your my.cnf isn't being read (permissions or in the  
wrong directory), or that you have multiple my.cnf files.


That is intentional.  I want to write the log to a non-standard location.

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Re: Instance scale-out

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Smith

Hi Claudio,

  I don't think its your English, I agree with you that its not just  
confusing it is wrong.

Each server must have its own network interface

At least for my 10 years experience in IT and UNIX I would understand  
network interface as physical network interface unless specified as  
otherwise. Maybe the MySQL community has a differenet opinion :P


cheers Andy.

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Re: Instance scale-out

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Smith

Quoting John Daisley

I would say in terms of the MySQL server the interface is either a TCP/IP
Port, a Named Pipe, shared memory or a UNIX Socket. Depending on the host
operating system it can use any of those interfaces but each instance must
have its own interface.

Just to chip in on this, an interface can obviosly mean a lot of  
things depending on the context and I accept the above discription in  
relation to MySQL. However in the text originally referenced the term  
used was network interface which I think most Sys/DB admins etc  
would understand to be a network interface in the sense the operating  
system considers it, ie a physical or virtual IP network intreface at  
the OS level.
With regards the MySQL requirement the original text was discussing, I  
believe it is in reference to a TCP port which will normally be  
sitting on an OS level network interface hence I think this is badly  
worded in the text.

thanks Andy.

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frequent issues restoring mysqldump file

2009-01-14 Thread Andy Smith


  I'm not asking this as a specific question, more a general gripe  
looking for some kind of explanation.

I don't do mysql restores very often, but many times when I have tried  
I get nasty errors as if its bombing out due to dodgy characters, or  
quote problems etc.
Normally I am doing restores across the same major and minor revision  
(ie 5.1), but quite possibly with a point release difference.

Its just quite frustrating, and also for such an old and widely used  
product surprising that a simple backup and restore doesnt work at  
least 99% of the time.

So I suppose, Im asking is there anything people like me regularly do  
wrong that might cause this, or do other people experience similar  
issues and is there anything that can be done to improve matters? :S

thanks for any help :)

PS Im no MySQL expert but have used it a fair bit as well as Oracle  
and many Unixs and open source bits and pieces and Im usually quite  
good at making them do what I need ;)

cheers Andy.

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RE: mysql dump problems, no data dumped

2008-11-04 Thread Andy Smith
This is a known bug, Ive installed MySQL 4 client binaries as a work


From: Andy Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 2008-10-30 18:26
To: ''
Subject: mysql dump problems, no data dumped

 Im having an issue using mysqldump to dump a DB from comercial app which
includes mysql 4.0.18-pro. It doesnt however include mysql dump for online
backups so Im using the one installed by default in my linux dist which as
you can see below is version 10.11. My problem is that the dump is exiting
with exist status 0 but Im not getting any of the data dumped. The WHOLE
dump is shown in text below: 

RE: mysql dump problems, no data dumped

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Rick,

  ok sorry, heres a bit more detail, and I see some more useful stuff I
didn't see before too (I still duno whats wrong but guess will be helpful to
those more knowledgeable!).

I believe its using InnoDB for the tables, previously I was seeing an error
24 which from digging around can be related to too many open files, so I
then tried with single transaction mode and get the successful backup exit
status, but in verbose mode I see that there are obvious issues.

mysqldump -v --single-transaction
--socket=/usr/AdventNet/ME/OpManager/mysql/mysql.socket OpManagerDB
-- Connecting to localhost...
-- MySQL dump 10.11
-- Host: localhostDatabase: OpManagerDB
-- --
-- Server version   4.0.18-pro
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
-- Retrieving table structure for table ADGRAPHS...
-- Skipping dump data for table 'ADGRAPHS', it has no fields
-- Retrieving table structure for table ADMonitorRuleList...
-- Skipping dump data for table 'ADMonitorRuleList', it has no fields
-- Retrieving table structure for table ADServiceRuleList...
-- Skipping dump data for table 'ADServiceRuleList', it has no fields
-- Retrieving table structure for table ADServicesDefinition...
-- Skipping dump data for table 'ADServicesDefinition', it has no fields
-- Retrieving table structure for table ADWMIPolledData...
-- Skipping dump data for table 'ADWMIPolledData', it has no fields
-- Disconnecting from localhost...
/*!40103 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */;

/*!40101 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */;
/*!40014 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */;
/*!40014 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */;
/*!40111 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */;

-- Dump completed on 2008-10-30 19:06:25

Without single transaction I get this:

mysqldump --socket=/usr/AdventNet/ME/OpManager/mysql/mysql.socket
-- MySQL dump 10.11
-- Host: localhostDatabase: OpManagerDB
-- --
-- Server version   4.0.18-pro
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
mysqldump: Got error: 1017: Can't find file:
'./OpManagerDB/WANIntfTypes.frm' (errno: 24) when using LOCK TABLES

This file mentioned does exist in the location where all the datafiles for
the OpManagerDB DB are stored:

file WANIntfTypes.frm
WANIntfTypes.frm: MySQL table definition file Version 7

Thanks, Andy.

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mysql dump problems, no data dumped

2008-10-30 Thread Andy Smith

Im having an issue using mysqldump to dump a DB from comercial app which
includes mysql 4.0.18-pro. It doesnt however include mysql dump for online
backups so Im using the one installed by default in my linux dist which as
you can see below is version 10.11. My problem is that the dump is exiting
with exist status 0 but Im not getting any of the data dumped. The WHOLE
dump is shown in text below: 

-- MySQL dump 10.11 
-- Host: localhostDatabase: OpManagerDB 
-- -- 
-- Server version   4.0.18-pro 
/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; 
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; 
/*!40103 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */; 

/*!40101 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */; 
/*!40014 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */; 
/*!40014 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */; 
/*!40111 SET [EMAIL PROTECTED] */; 

-- Dump completed on 2008-10-27 13:50:53 

Can anyone help me? I need to work out why no data is written, 

thanks Andy. 

Re: replication problem

2003-08-14 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 12:16:40PM -0400, walt wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 August 2003 11:50 am, Andy Smith wrote:
  $ cat mysql/
  Looks fine to me. :(
 Looks fine to me as well
 Are you still getting the 1200 error when you try 

Yes, afraid so..

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-14 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 07:00:33PM -0700, Steven Roussey wrote:
  So does anyone else have any ideas what is going on here?  Shall I
  report this as a bug?
 Did you post how you setup the servers to load the different my.cnf
 files? Hopefully you don't have one at a default location.

I don't use an /etc/my.cnf for this reason.  The main one uses
/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf and the slave one /data/mysql-backup/mysql/my.cnf.

Is there a quick way to have it tell you which files it is reading
and what settings will get set?

 Otherwise, it sounds like the config information is not properly set --
 either some user setup error that is alluding all of us, or a config
 loading error in MySQL. I'd like to check how the config files are
 located, etc., before doing a bug report.
 My two cents.
 PS: I'd also have both servers running the latest version, just in case
 it was a bug that was already fixed.

Good point, I might as well try that now.

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-14 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 11:23:31AM -0400, walt wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 August 2003 11:13 am, Andy Smith wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 03:59:53PM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:
   On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:52:54AM -0400, walt wrote:
I don't see
in your master setup. I see log-bin, but I think that only applies to
updates done directly to the database (not replication updates). I'm
not 100% sure about that, but it may be worth looking into.
   OK, so why would that prevent my _slave_ from even doing slave
  OK, so I added log-slave-updates to the master and it did not fix
  my problem.  Thanks for your help though!  Any other suggestions?
 I just noticed that you have
 a mix of port numbers. Can you try
 `netstat -an | grep 3306`
 from the command line and see if the master is indeed listening on that port?

$ netstat -an | grep 3306
tcp0  0* LISTEN  

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-14 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 03:59:53PM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:52:54AM -0400, walt wrote:
  I don't see 
  in your master setup. I see log-bin, but I think that only applies to 
  updates done directly to the database (not replication updates). I'm not 100% 
  sure about that, but it may be worth looking into.
 OK, so why would that prevent my _slave_ from even doing slave

OK, so I added log-slave-updates to the master and it did not fix
my problem.  Thanks for your help though!  Any other suggestions?

SCSI is usually fixed by remembering that it needs three terminations: One at
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Re: replication problem

2003-08-10 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 11:39:26AM -0400, walt wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 August 2003 11:26 am, Andy Smith wrote:
   I just noticed that you have
   a mix of port numbers. Can you try
   `netstat -an | grep 3306`
   from the command line and see if the master is indeed listening on that
  $ netstat -an | grep 3306
  tcp0  0* LISTEN
 There is one more thing I can think of to check...
 Can you send me a copy of the file. I've had to manually change it before after changing the 
 master in the my.cnf file. I found out later that you could do 

I assume you mean from the slave.  This is a newly set up slave
specifically for this purpose, so all I did was use CHANGE MASTER..

$ cat mysql/ 

Looks fine to me. :(

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-09 Thread Andy Smith
So does anyone else have any ideas what is going on here?  Shall I
report this as a bug?

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 02:19:21PM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:
 Hi folks, trying to set up replication and I'm getting this problem
 which I can't see how to fix despite reading of the manual and
 I have set up a master and a slave according to the manual.  The
 master runs 4.0.12 and the slave runs 4.0.14, they are both actually
 on the same machine (it's a long story, but it's what I need).  I
 did LOAD DATA FROM MASTER on the slave which completed successfully,
 and then I tried SLAVE START:
 ERROR 1200: The server is not configured as slave, fix in config file or with CHANGE 
 but.. it is!
 on the slave:
 mysql show slave status\G
 *** 1. row ***
   Master_User: repl
   Master_Port: 3306
 Connect_retry: 60
   Master_Log_File: angora-bin.001
   Read_Master_Log_Pos: 20102800
Relay_Log_File: angora-relay-bin.001
 Relay_Log_Pos: 4
 Relay_Master_Log_File: angora-bin.001
  Slave_IO_Running: No
 Slave_SQL_Running: No
Last_errno: 0
  Skip_counter: 0
   Exec_master_log_pos: 20102800
   Relay_log_space: 8
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 On the master:
 mysql show master status;
 | File   | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
 | angora-bin.001 | 24954609 |  |  |
 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
 Any ideas what I missed?
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thoughtless whats the best place you've ever done it?
G-Shock mum and dads bed
MrMoves Adam, you were abused???!! ;)

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-08 Thread Andy Smith
On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 07:54:18AM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 07:00:33PM -0700, Steven Roussey wrote:
   So does anyone else have any ideas what is going on here?  Shall I
   report this as a bug?
  Did you post how you setup the servers to load the different my.cnf
  files? Hopefully you don't have one at a default location.
 I don't use an /etc/my.cnf for this reason.  The main one uses
 /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf and the slave one /data/mysql-backup/mysql/my.cnf.

..and so putting the my.conf into /data/mysql-backup instead wasn't
very useful.  Problem solved.  Sorry for the annoyance, and thanks
to all who tried to help.

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replication problem

2003-08-06 Thread Andy Smith
Hi folks, trying to set up replication and I'm getting this problem
which I can't see how to fix despite reading of the manual and

I have set up a master and a slave according to the manual.  The
master runs 4.0.12 and the slave runs 4.0.14, they are both actually
on the same machine (it's a long story, but it's what I need).  I
did LOAD DATA FROM MASTER on the slave which completed successfully,
and then I tried SLAVE START:

ERROR 1200: The server is not configured as slave, fix in config file or with CHANGE 

but.. it is!

on the slave:

mysql show slave status\G
*** 1. row ***
  Master_User: repl
  Master_Port: 3306
Connect_retry: 60
  Master_Log_File: angora-bin.001
  Read_Master_Log_Pos: 20102800
   Relay_Log_File: angora-relay-bin.001
Relay_Log_Pos: 4
Relay_Master_Log_File: angora-bin.001
 Slave_IO_Running: No
Slave_SQL_Running: No
   Last_errno: 0
 Skip_counter: 0
  Exec_master_log_pos: 20102800
  Relay_log_space: 8
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

On the master:

mysql show master status;
| File   | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| angora-bin.001 | 24954609 |  |  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Any ideas what I missed?

I remember the first time I made love.  Perhaps it was not love exactly but I
 made it and it still works.
 -- The League Against Tedium

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Re: replication problem

2003-08-06 Thread Andy Smith
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:32:23AM -0400, walt wrote:
 Can you send a copy of your my.cnf file for both the slave and master







(master is also a slave from another-host and is replicating the db
liveservices, it should be noted that this replication is working
fine and has been for a very long time)

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compressed replication

2003-03-28 Thread Andy Smith
Can replication be compressed?

Is it already in a binary format which could not be compressed

If run through openssl would that serve to compress it too?

Also, there are a couple of references to compressed client
connections in the manual.  Does this work and is it indeed
compressed, or is the option something that has never been


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Re: InterBase vs. Mysql

2003-02-18 Thread Andy Smith
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 05:06:17PM +, Ben Clewett wrote:
 This will be my last posting.  I don't belive I am being constructive 
 and have no wish to instantly be hated by the whole of MySQL.

Probably wasn't wise to make a post about how you felt MySQL was
expensive (huh?) and their staff rude, then.  Don't worry, it'll
only be archived publically for the rest of eternity

 Therefore, if I was to use ODBC, I would not be using your API in my 
 application, and could install MySQL under the GPL and use my 
 application without licence?  (If I so choose.)

If all you're doing is connecting to a MySQL server, without using
the MySQL client libraries, then I fail to see what relevance
MySQL's license has to you.  However, IANAL.  If your product is
actually going to make any money anyway then it will be worth
consulting someone who is.

 Michael T. Babcock wrote:
 You forget that (as someone else pointed out, perhaps Ben) MySQL's 
 Copyright still lies with MySQL AB.  You can fork the code and modify 
 and distribute it _under the GPL_ but that doesn't buy you anything -- 
 you don't then have the right to link it against a commercial program or 
 even to relicense it.  All you have is a renamed version of MySQL that 
 is still under the GPL.  That's not what you're hoping for, is it?
 This may be true.  I am a programmer, not a solicitor.  It does seem to 
 fly in the face of Ritchard Stallman's origional idea and intent of the 
 GPL.  So your software may be folked, but then not used as it then 
 violates some other law.  If that's the case, so be it.  I better 
 copyright all my GPL projects ASAP...

Everything you produce has your copyright, but the instructions for
using the GPL do specifically tell you to put Copyright you in

AFAIK the default amount of rights someone has with your product is none at
all.  The copyright holder then decides what you can do with it by
means of the license, the GPL being a popular example in the open
source/free software world.

I find it quite amusing that you are going on about Richard Stallman
in this, your rant about how MySQL AB won't let you use their GPL
software in your _closed source_ commercial product.  If on the
other hand, your product is GPL itself, or you don't actually need
to use any of MySQL AB's GPL'd stuff, then I fail to see what your
problem actually is.

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Re: CREATE TABLE, NOT NULL fields, and empty strings (auto)

2003-02-10 Thread Andy Smith
On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 04:33:15PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure if you have checked the manual yet, but following
 links seem to be somewhat related to your query:

Please could these stop.  Already I have noticed various people
reposting old mails back to the list, someone rejecting mails that
don't have mysql/query in them which leads some people to repost
even though the list has already seen it, and a couple of other
scripts gone mad.  All of this seems to vreate double or more
traffic to the list which is pure waste.

If this script must be run on emails coming in, why not send the
results only to the poster?

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Re: working around lack of subselects

2003-02-09 Thread Andy Smith
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 09:52:11AM -0500, Brent Baisley wrote:
 As long as the foreign keys are index it should be pretty quick. There 
 really is no way to get around processing every record in table data. 
 As that table grows, your query will get slower. But a 157K rows isn't 
 really a whole lot.

Thanks Brent.  I know 157K rows isn't a lot, but you probably don't
realise just how budget this hardware is. :)

Anyway I'm pleased to say that I was pleasantly surprised at how
fast the query completed even on this less than ideal server, it
takes around a minute.  As I only need to do it once a day and even
once a week would be acceptable, there's plenty of room for growth

Thanks for reassuring me there. :)

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working around lack of subselects

2003-02-06 Thread Andy Smith
Hi folks,

I have a problem that normally I'd want to use subselects on.  Here
it goes:

Table t1 has a column data_id.  Table t2 has a column data_id.  Both
are foreign keys for the autoincrement primary column id of the
table called data.

I wish to delete every row from data which is NOT referenced in
tables t1 and t2.  The manual seems to suggest doing a three table
left join and matching on both t1.data_id and t2.data_id being NULL.
I am concerned this would take way too long, though I can get away
with only doing this query say once a week.  t1 currently has
221,422 rows, t2 has 18,726 rows, and data currently has 157,791
rows.  Is this really the best way?

I'm stuck with MyISAM table type and the hardware I'm doing this on
is decidedly budget.

Anyone got any recommendations?

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Where have SRPMs gone?

2003-02-02 Thread Andy Smith
Hi folks,

Where have the links to MySQL SRPM packages gone from ??

I found being able to build binary RPMs from your SRPMS to be
useful, please could you make these files available again?

(yes I am aware I could build them from a .spec file if that is
still included on the .tar.gz, and this is what I'll do if I am told
that you do not intend to provide these files any more).

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Problems with upper/lowercase mappings

2002-12-06 Thread Andy Smith
Hi folks.

I have an application in which I require the only case equivalencies
to be a-z A-Z.  What I mean is, e/E should be regarded as identical
in strings, but neither e/É (E-acute) nor é (e-acute)/É (E-acute)
should be regarded as identical.

When the application was first written I was completely ignorant of
this issue and so did no special coding, and used plain VARCHAR
columns.  Now I find that eéÉ are all regarded as the same by MySQL,
but not by the client app I have connected to it.  I'm now trying to
work out how to fix that.

My first idea was to use the BINARY attribute on those columns.
This would seem to make the likes of e/É (E-acute) not match, which
is what I want.  Of course this would also prevent e/E from being
regarded as the same, so my plan was then to make sure that anytime
a string was taken from the client I would use LOWER() on it.  I was
happy with that plan until I discovered:

mysql select lower(É);
| lower(É) |
| é  |

(if this isn't coming out in your email, E-acute comes out as
e-acute when you use LOWER() on it).

There is no way I can make my client app regard é and É to be
identical, even if I want it to, even if it would seem logical to
you that it should be so.  This cannot be changed.  So, I'm now at a
loss as how to store and work with this in MySQL.  I need to use
some of those columns as keys, and for joining tables, too.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can make this work?

Thanks for your time!

The electric guitar - like making love - is much improved by a little
 feedback, completely ruined by too much.
 -- The League Against Tedium

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2002-07-24 Thread Andy Smith

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 09:22:55PM -0600, Steve Dickey wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how to get an RPM that provides the  I am trying to install the 
 php-mysql-4.1.2-7.i386.rpm and it says that this is a requirement.  It 
 comes in an older version of the mysql database rpm but I have 3.23.51 
 installed and apparently that one does not come with this library???  I 
 am having trouble getting PHP to work with mysql.

That is part of the mysql-4.x RPMs (as opposed to the mysql-3.x

SCSI is usually fixed by remembering that it needs three terminations: One at
 each end of the chain. And the goat.
 -- Andrew McDonald, HantsLUG

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Opposite of --skip-networking?

2002-07-17 Thread Andy Smith


I've compiled mysql-4.0.2-alpha from source, and I cannot seem to
get it to bind to an interface and allow TCP connections.

When I do a SHOW VARIABLES I see skip_networking=ON yet I am not
starting mysql with --skip-networking.  To reverse this situation I
tried putting:

set-variable = skip_networking=OFF

in my.cnf, but it told me it was an unknown variable.

Anyone got any ideas?

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Re: Opposite of --skip-networking?

2002-07-17 Thread Andy Smith

On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 01:24:41PM -0700, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 08:04:47PM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:
  I've compiled mysql-4.0.2-alpha from source, and I cannot seem to
  get it to bind to an interface and allow TCP connections.
  When I do a SHOW VARIABLES I see skip_networking=ON yet I am not
  starting mysql with --skip-networking.  To reverse this situation I
  tried putting:
  set-variable = skip_networking=OFF
  in my.cnf, but it told me it was an unknown variable.
  Anyone got any ideas?
 Is there a rogue .my.cnf file or my.cnf lurking about elsewhere maybe?

Ah, you're absolutely right.  In /etc/my.conf there appears


The problem is, I need to run multiple mysql servers on this
machine.  Is there a way I can reverse the effect of
skip-networking, or else skip reading /etc/my.cnf (the one in the
basedir and $HOME/.my.cnf is enough)?

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2001-03-16 Thread Andy Smith

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Norrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 March 2001 01:23
To: Andy Smith

Andy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Can you use a mysql database with drumbeat2000 
a smith

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