Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-18 Thread Bob Hall
On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 12:44:10PM +0100, Haydies wrote:
 I have only one thing to say really on this. Data never has any meaning at
 all. It is simply data, and not information. Information is extracted from
 data and is then given meaning by the viewer of the data.

True. We were arguing about how to deal with meanings assigned by users. 
The words meaning and definition occur frequently in the thread. 
 In the case of NULL I have always thought of it is simply undefined. Thats
 what Orecal says it is, and Paradox, Interbase, informix, and the if I type
 the list of databases I've used where that was the general idea it will go
 on and on and on all day long :-)

It's a good definition, but it doesn't tell database designers when to use 
NULL. Unknown and Inapplicable give some guidance, whatever other 
problems they cause.
 As an aside, it was a sad day when codd died.

Michael Stonebreaker may be the Codd of the current generation, 
but Edward was the Codd of our fathers. ducking and running

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-17 Thread Bob Hall
. There should be 
a boolean column for credit limit existence (HasCreditLimit Boolean)
and a currency column for the amount of the credit limit. This mistake 
is so consistent that I think of it as diagnostic; if someone is 
trying to create two types of NULLs, they're probably violating 
1NF. Usually this happens when a database needs to store a new attribute 
that the original designer didn't anticipate, and someone gets clever 
and tries to create special flags for existing columns instead of 
creating new columns for new attributes.  

My disagreement with Bruce Feist is not over whether NULL is ambiguous; 
the definition that database designers use is explicitly ambiguous. We 
disagree over how to deal with the ambiguity. My contention is that it 
is rarely a problem in a well designed database. But I acknowledge that it 
sometimes may be a problem. Bruce advocates restricting the meaning of NULL 
and documenting the restriction. My problem with that is that the RDBMS 
will continue to accept NULLs and process them properly, even when they 
violate the restriction. The meaning of NULL is well known, and is 
specified in the SQL standard in one form or another, so a DBA is fully 
justified in assuming that NULL is used according to the standard in 
any given database, and has no reason to look for documentation that 
tells him otherwise. NULL is any data that should cause any comparison 
to return UNKNOWN. This could be either unknown data or inapplicable data. 

This is akin to using a char or varchar column for dates. If you put 
a date into a DATE column in an invalid format, the column will spit 
the date back and complain. If you put an invalid date into a text 
column, the column will happily store it for you and all your aggregate 
queries will return inaccurate results. Similarly, if you try to use 
NULL for data that is applicable but unknown, the column will also 
accept NULL in cases where the data is inapplicable, and your assumptions 
about the meaning of NULL in that column will be wrong. The RDBMS will 
return FALSE on all comparisons with NULL, so there will be nothing to 
tell you that the column contains invalid NULLs. My experience is that 
if it is possible to put invalid data in a column, someone will do it.
(I've done data cleanup on a subset of the payroll database for a 
multinational company. Lots of people had lots of opportunities to 
screw up the data, so they did.)

When I've needed to specify that data in a text column is unknown, I've 
used Unknown or Not Known. This has two advantages. First, it doesn't 
redefine an established term. (NULL is defined as anything that should cause 
a comparison to return UNKNOWN, which includes *both* unknown and inapplicable 
data. This definition is widely known and accepted, and it is implemented in 
the RDBMS. Changing the definition for a specific database or table is 
dangerous.) The other advantage is that it is self-documenting. Anyone 
seeing Unknown or Inapplicable will know immediately that one doesn't 
mean the other, or both.

Numeric columns are a bigger problem. You can put a number or a NULL into 
and INT column, but not Unknown or Inapplicable. In that case, the 
best solution is to allow NULLs, but add a boolean column called Unknown, 
with the restriction that both columns can't be NULL in the same row. 
So if the INT column contains a NULL, you have to specify what the NULL 
means in the Unknown column; 1 = unknown, 0 = inapplicable. If the column 
only contains non-negative integers, then you can assign -1 and -2 the 
meanings Unknown and Inapplicable. But make sure you disallow NULLs, or 
NULL will end up being used for both (as it should be if it is allowed).

But this is coming dangerously close to cleverness, which is a bad quality 
in a database designer. These problems should occur very rarely. I'll repeat 
that if you are trying to split NULL into its two meanings, you are probably 
making a design mistake, and should add columns to capture additional data, 
rather than shoehorn multiple attributes into one column. If you have 
to create multiple NULLs more than twice in your career, reexamine your 

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-17 Thread Bob Hall
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 09:58:16PM -0400, Bruce Feist wrote:
 Bob Hall wrote:
 Bruce Feist has initiated a discussion with me off the list,
 Off the list by accident, by the way.  I sometimes forget that in this 
 list I need to do a REPLY ALL.  I generally don't go private unless I 
 want to avoid embarassing someone or need to discuss something genuinely 
 of no interest to others in the group; in this case, the conversation 
 was of general interest and reasonably civil g.
 The conventional definition of NULL, whether or not it is included in 
 the SQL standard, is Not Known or Not Applicable. This is both 
 precise and ambiguous: Ambiguous because it has two possible meanings, 
 and precise because it has only those two meanings. 
 I'll agree with that.
 an unambiguous definition of NULL, found in the SQL standard, is 
 the value that always causes a comparison operator to return FALSE in 
 any known DBMS. 
 Interesting approach.  I haven't thought it through completely enough to 
 decide whether or not I can agree that this is an unambiguous 
 definition.  For instance, I'm not sure what SQL is supposed to evaluate 
 0/0 as -- is it NULL, or does it invalidate the statement computing it, 
 or is it some non-NULL null-like thing?  (Rhetorical question; I don't 
 necessarily expect an answer, although one would be nice.)

RDBMSs seem to be roughly evenly divided between those that return 
NULL and those that return an error. This leads me to believe that 
the SQL standard doesn't say what to do when 0/0 is attempted.
 I do *not* think that it's a useful definition, though, because of the 
 weakness you point out.  It doesn't tell the designer how to use the 
 feature.  I cannot think of any case where it is useful to store a NULL 
 if you don't know what it means other than that it's a value which when 
 compared to other things returns UNKNOWN!  In many ways, I see this as 
 analagous to identifying the units that a numeric field is identified 
 in; the field won't tell you whether it's in fortnights or seconds, so 
 the documentation must.

Like it or not, it is the definition that the RDBMS uses, so it is the 
definition that your database is using, whether you are aware of it or 
 the distinction between unknown and inapplicable 
 can be important, in theory. 
 a bank may keep a 
 record of credit limits for its customers. A database designer may be 
 tempted to set aside a special number, say -1, to place in the credit 
 limit column for customers who have no credit limit. 
 the attribute of having a credit limit is 
 different information from the attribute of the credit limit size. These 
 two types of data should not be in the same column. There should be 
 a boolean column for credit limit existence (HasCreditLimit Boolean)
 and a currency column for the amount of the credit limit. 
 If you don't mind a brief red herring, consider the fact that not all 
 RDBMSs support CHECK constraints, and in those which don't this approach 
 gives rise to the possibility of inconsistent data: what happens if 
 HasCreditLimit is FALSE and CreditLimit is $1?

If people can enter data that will break your database, they will, so 
that's not really a red herring. If you can't use a CHECK constraint, 
then you need to run periodic queries that check for data consistency.
It's a red herring only in the sense that we already knew that.

 It's a red herring, of course, because we're letting the real world 
 intrude upon our theoretical discussion.  In any real DBMS, experienced 
 DBDs know that there are compromises which must be made; these don't 
 invalidate what we'd *like* to do, but sometimes are things that we must 
 do to have a well-functioning, or at least usable, system.  Lack of a 
 CHECK constraint in the target DBMS doesn't impact what the correct 
 logical design is.

It's not really a theoretical discussion. We're discussing how the 
SQL standard is implemented in existing DBMSs, and how that affects
database design. 
 This mistake 
 is so consistent that I think of it as diagnostic; if someone is 
 trying to create two types of NULLs, 
 I wasn't suggesting creating two types of NULLs... I was suggesting that 
 if NULLs are permitted for a column, the DBD should indicate which 
 meaning of NULL is in use for that column.

Only one meaning is ever permitted; the meaning hardcoded into the 
RDBMS. Anything that conforms to that meaning is always permitted. You 
have no way of altering that. The ambiguous definition used by designers 
is only an English language approximation. It doesn't matter whether the 
ambiguous definition is in the SQL standard or not because it is not 
implemented in the RDBMS. If your design permits only Unknown or 
Inapplicable, and you use NULL to represent this, you are reintroducing 
confusion that the SQL standard removed. If you remember that the ambiguous 
definition closely approximates the actual definition, then you will avoid

Re: Re Does NULL == ?

2003-09-16 Thread Bob Hall
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 09:58:32AM -0400, Randy Chrismon wrote:
 All this discussion about the definition of NULL and its use in
 database  querying has been most interesting and enlightening. I
 hadn't realized I was asking such a deep question. Unfortunately, I'm
 still at the stage of designing tables where I KNOW I will be loading
 thousands of records that, more often than not, contain anywhere from
 10% to 50% columns where no values have been entered for whatever
 reason (exporting an existing Lotus Notes database to MySQL).
 Naturally, that 10-50% will never consist of precisely the same
 columns from one record to the next. 
 Putting aside issues about the distinctions among NULL, 0, and , my
 question is this: At the end of the day, which system is going to be
 easier to export to and which will be faster (produce result sets
 faster) when all the data are loaded? There are three formats for the
 DDL that I can think of immediately (I'm a newbie at this stuff):

Use NULL. Disallow NULL only in columns where you know there will 
always be data. In the table you describe above, only the primary 
key will be certain to contain data.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-16 Thread Bob Hall
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 05:39:35PM -0400, Bruce Feist wrote:
 1)  It is the responsibility of the DBD to document the meaning of NULL if 
 NULLs are allowed.

No, it's not. The meaning of NULL is documented in the SQL specification. 
It's the responsibility of people working with databases to know what that 
definition is.

If you need to specify one of the meanings of NULL, then you should 
use something other than NULL. Since NULL has two meanings, redefining 
it to have only one will create unnecessary confusion. Anyone working on 
or with the database will rightly assume that it has the standard meaning 
defined in the the SQL standard. Any problems caused by the confusion are 
the fault of the person who altered the meaning. If you want to indicate 
something other than the two standard meanings, then you should use 
something other than NULL. Otherwise, you create unnecessary confusion.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-15 Thread Bob Hall
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 12:46:50PM -0400, Randy Chrismon wrote:
 an exort from a Lotus Notes database. At some point, the MySQL
 documentation says that a table with no nullable columns is
 better/faster than one with. The Lotus Notes database I'm migrating,
 however, has many fields with no values. I infer from the MySQL
 documentation that I'm better off doing:
 create table my_table(a_field varchar(16) NOT NULL default , ...)
 and exporting my values from Notes as  rather than using NULL. 

No. The meaning of NULL is defined in the SQL specification; it means 
not known or not applicable. If you have data that is missing because 
it is not known or not applicable, then use NULL. 

A zero-length string has no defined meaning. I've done maintenance on 
databases that contained zero-length strings, and they were nightmares.
I can't think of any reason why you would use a zero-length string in 
a database.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-15 Thread Bob Hall
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:53:11PM -0400, Bruce Feist wrote:
 Bob Hall wrote:
 The meaning of NULL is defined in the SQL specification; it means 
 not known or not applicable. 
 Which is just about as useful as not defining it, actually.  The 

That's not true. Having a univerally understood designation for 
not known or not applicable is extremely useful. It would have 
been better if the original SQL committee had specified a designation 
for each, but even the combined designation is useful.

 vagueness is the cause of a great many program bugs when database 
 designers don't specify what NULL means for a given field.  To give a 
 hypothetical example:

This is a really bad example.
 The application is payroll/personnel.  A programmer is tasked with 
 creating forms for data entry on new employees, including supervisor.  
 If the user doesn't enter a new employee's supervisor, the application 
 accepts it, figuring that it is not yet known, and stores NULL for the 
 field (not known use of NULL).

I've worked with payroll databases. Usually, the business rules 
forbid putting the employee into the database if certain data is 
missing. The employee literally doesn't get a paycheck until this data 
has been supplied. In other cases, new employees go into a preliminary 
table until the missing information is supplied. 
 Meanwhile, a payroll programmer has been tasked with writing an 
 application to give the CEO a huge bonus and stock options.  To figure 
 out which employee is the CEO, the application looks for the employee 
 with NULL for supervisor (not applicable use of NULL).

This database would be impossible to maintain if the company were more 
than a few hundred employees. A better solution is to assign the employee 
to a section and assign a supervisor to the section. That way, you don't 
have to change each employee's record each time the supervisor changes.
 Suddenly, a large number of new hires are fabulously wealthy.  Who 
 screwed up?  Answer: the DB designer who didn't specify what NULL meant.

The meaning of NULL is already specified. The fault lies in the 
design of the database, not the definition of NULL. If the database 
were designed this way, then the people updating it would have to 
take responsibility for ensuring that a change that applied to only 
one person wasn't accidentally applied to someone else. Which makes it 
even clearer that the database is badly designed.
 A zero-length string has no defined meaning. I've done maintenance on 
 databases that contained zero-length strings, and they were nightmares.
 I can't think of any reason why you would use a zero-length string in 
 a database.
 Because you know that a given person has no middle name?
 To represent no value, as differentiated from not known?

If a person has no middle name, then the middle name field is not
applicable, i.e. NULL. If an attribute is known to have no value, 
then you can't apply it to the entity.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-15 Thread Bob Hall
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:24:50PM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Sep 15), Bruce Feist said:
 Your example has nothing to do with the vagueness of NULL though. 
 Replace NULL with 0 and you get the same result.

Bad move. 0 has a universally known meaning, and it isn't 
not applicable. Doing this will cause a lot of confusion.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-15 Thread Bob Hall
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 10:33:27PM -0400, Bruce Feist wrote:
 if you stick to the natural meaning, that doesn't happen; integer and 
 other values have precise and obvious natural meanings.  NULL does not.

Integers and NULL are exactly alike it this regard. Neither has 
a natural meaning; their meanings are complete arbitrary. There's 
nothing about the symbol 6 that makes it the natural designation 
for six. You wouldn't know that it stood for six unless you had 
been taught. What makes integers and NULL useful is that their 
meanings are conventional. The problem with a zero-length string is 
that it has no conventional meaning.

Bob Hall

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Re: Does Null == ?

2003-09-15 Thread Bob Hall
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 07:29:38PM -0700, Jon Frisby wrote:
 That's an ugly way to make the distinction between A-mark and I-mark.
 In most situations, I'd move the relevant column(s) to a separate table,
 with a NULL-allowed column in that table and a FK reference back to the
 original table.  The absence of a row in this child table indicates
 I-mark, and the presence of a row with a NULL in the column indicates an
 Or alternatively you could just get a database that has two kinds of
 NULLs, specifically defined to represent the distinction you bring up.
 ( )

When the original ANSI committee was setting up the SQL specification, 
there were people who wanted to have two NULLs, one for not known 
and one for not applicable. The committee decided that this was too 
complicated, which I think was a mistake, but the unified NULL has 
proven pretty useful. It does, however, require you to understand its
meaning and think about its use.

Instead of restructuring the tables, if the column were a text type, I 
would disallow NULLs and specify the use of Not Known and Not 
Applicable in the documentation. Of course, this won't work for 
numeric columns. But for text columns, it has the advantage of being 
self-documenting. You can set the default value to Not Known, and 
the client app will have to supply Not Applicable where applicable.

Generally, I've found that the following rules tend to eliminate 
problems associated with the unified NULL:
1) If an attribute is essential, then don't allow NULLs in the column.
   The data has to be supplied before a record can be created.
2) If you have to store incomplete records (i.e. missing essential 
   data), then put them in a seperate table, which is known to contain 
   incomplete records. You'll need some mechanism for checking the 
   records and transferring them to the main database when they are 
3) If the record must go into the main database without the data, then 
   the data isn't essential. If the data isn't essential, then the 
   NULL is usually OK. For unessential attributes, it rarely matters 
   whether the data is not known or not applicable.

Bob Hall

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Re: converting from MS Access

2003-09-12 Thread Bob Hall
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 05:02:29PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I am trying to convert an existing access database to MYSQl and not having 
 much luck I have tried dbtools but I end up with nothing transfering.  Am I 
 doing something wrong or is there a better conversion tool

You can export Access tables as tab delimited files, and import them into 
MySQL with mysqlimport or LOAD DATA INFILE. Check the documentation for 
details. This question comes up a lot, so you can get a lot of information 
by searching the archives.

As to whether you're doing something wrong with dbtools; no one can 
answer your question without knowing what you are doing.

Bob Hall

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Re: don't work

2003-09-12 Thread Bob Hall
On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 10:28:11PM -0400, SWIT wrote:
 Nice subject line huh ?
 Mysql 4.0.14 freebsd. (why does it say unknown by the way ?)
 I get this when trying to run
 badboy# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
 030912 22:08:06  mysqld ended
 [1]Done  ./mysqld_safe
 I RTFM twice. I followed the manual as best as I could.
 Now I was logged in as
 su -
 when I did all the stuff that the instro's said to do.
 Mysql is installed in /usr/local/yada-yadaa-yada-whatever
 and I did the ln -s thingy (can u tell I'm not unix geek yet)
 I did all the chmods and chgrps per the manual.
 I can't find a error log either.
 not in /var/db
 not in /usr/local/mysql or the sub dir
 Installed from the binaries for freebsd. Am running version 4.8

I've always installed MySQL from the ports, so I never had to do 
those Unix thingies. Never had a problem. The simplest solution is 
to install from the ports.

Bob Hall

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Re: SQL Q: Concatenate multiple rows on same column.

2003-08-21 Thread Bob Hall
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 03:30:11PM +, Nick Heppleston wrote:
 I have a concatenation problem and I was wondering if somebody might be
 able to offer some help :-)

Hi Nick, 

Your problem is a formatting problem, not a concatenation problem; i.e. 
SQL concatenation wasn't intended to solve this problem. SQL has very 
limited formatting capabilities. You need to send the SQL output to 
an application that will format it for you and generate a report. You can 
write the app yourself (PHP, Pearl, C, etc, etc) or you can use an existing 
app with report-formatting capabilities. 

Bob Hall

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Re: I wonder why nobody answered me

2003-06-17 Thread Bob Hall
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 07:50:08PM +0300, Primaria Falticeni wrote:
 Why nobody answered me?

I didn't see your post. Very few people have the time to read 
everthing posted to this list.

 2. How could I make accumulated sums in MySQL (described in the actual
 forwarded message)
 - Original Message -
 From: Primaria Falticeni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 5:48 PM
 Subject: How the Partial SUMs are made in MySQL
 I need one complex query which makes partial sums on some dates.
 Let's get the structure of table rates: Day Date, Amount.
 SELECT Day as DayF,SUM(Amount) as S_Am FROM rates GROUP BY Day
   gives the list of totals each one from a day:
 I need the sum of the Amount from the beginning of the file until each
 day...something like SUM(Amount FOR DayDayF) on each day.
 01/06/20035,000  (I mean 3,000 on 01/05/2003 + 2,000 on 01/06/2003)
 01/09/20039,000  (I mean 4,000 on 01/09/2003 + 3,000 on 01/05/2003 +
 2,000 on 01/06/2003)

In English, these are usually (but not always) called running totals, 
or running sums.

SELECT r0.Day, SUM(r1.Amount) as S_Am 
FROM rates AS r0, rates AS r1
WHERE r1.Day = r0.Day

This runs fine in vi, but I haven't tried it in MySQL. Some
adjustment may be necessary. 

If you're going to do much of this, I suggest getting a copy 
of SQL For Smarties by Joe Celko, which is where I learned 
how to do running totals. 

Bob Hall

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Re: Formatting SQL in Access

2003-02-14 Thread Bob Hall
query database

On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 11:17:22AM +1100, Daniel Kasak wrote:
 You have to use the visual basic constant: vbCrLf

Or vbNewLine.

Bob Hall

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Re: converting MS SQL to MySQL

2003-02-09 Thread Bob Hall
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 10:03:18AM -0500, Hawk wrote:
 I am new to SQL.  I am attempting to create a database that was created in 
 MS SQL to MySQL.  The below SQL statements works with MS SQL.

MS SQL could refer to either Jet SQL or SQL Server SQL, but the SQL 
below is obviously SQL Server. So the database was created with SQL 

The GO statements are not SQL. They are used by SQL Server utilities to 
mark the end of a batch. I don't think they're used by anything other 
than MS SQL Server utilities and the equivalent Sybase utilites. But 
regardless, GO isn't used by any MySQL utilities.

Every DBMS uses its own dialect of SQL. When you switch from one DBMS 
(SQL Server) to another (MySQL), you will have to look up the syntax 
of the statements that don't run and learn how to rewrite them in the 
new SQL dialect. The best place to start looking for info is the on-line 
manual at 

Good luck, and have fun.

Bob Hall
 I am executing the following:
 CREATE TABLE 'Accounting'(
   'Username' VARCHAR(254) NULL,
   'CallerID' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'Addr' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'Port' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'SessionTime' INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   'ExtraTime' INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   'TimeLeft' INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   'KBytesLeft' INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
 CREATE INDEX IX_Username ON Accounting(Username)  MySQL will 
 not take this command
 CREATE TABLE 'ActiveUsers'(
   'Port' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'Username' VARCHAR(254) NULL,
   'CallerID' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'Address' VARCHAR(128) NULL,
   'LoginTime' DATETIME NULL,
 will not take this command
 not take this command
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: SQL Syntax Help

2003-02-01 Thread Bob Hall
On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 02:07:11PM -, Kevin Smith wrote:
 Hi All,
 Can anyone help me get this query working in MySQL, this was created using
 Access, but it doesn't port well for MySQL syntax:
 SELECT, p.part_code, p.product_type, p.description, po1.options,
 b.price, b.quantity, b.price*b.quantity AS total
 FROM (products AS p LEFT JOIN product_options AS po ON p.prod_id =
 po.prod_id) RIGHT JOIN (product_options AS po1 RIGHT JOIN (basket_header AS
 bh INNER JOIN basket AS b ON bh.basket_id = b.basket_id) ON po1.po_id =
 b.op_id) ON p.prod_id = b.prod_id
 GROUP BY, p.part_code, p.product_type, p.description, po1.options,
 b.price, b.quantity, b.price*b.quantity, bh.basket_id, p.options
 HAVING (((bh.basket_id)=4));

FROM (((basket_header AS bh INNER JOIN basket AS b 
ON bh.basket_id = b.basket_id)
LEFT JOIN product_options AS po1 
ON po1.po_id = b.op_id) 
LEFT JOIN products AS p 
ON p.prod_id = b.prod_id)
LEFT JOIN product_options AS po 
ON p.prod_id = po.prod_id

MySQL tends to be more finicky than Jet about how you group things.
I haven't tried this, but I think it will avoid confusing the MySQL 

Bob Hall

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Re: opposite of this join

2003-01-21 Thread Bob Hall
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:43:29AM -0800, Josh L Bernardini wrote:
 I have three tables, people, events and epeople. epeople includes a person
 id and an event id and works as a list of people attending events in the
 The following query returns a list of all the people participating in a
 particular event
 given an event id.
 select as pid, concat(lastname, , , firstname) as name from
   left join epeople on
   left join people on
 How could I get a list of all the people not participating?
   thought I would add to the where clause with:
 and is null;
 but that returns an empty set.

Right. Presumably, there's no entry in your join table to link a 
person to an event that they're not attending.

I've got a entry in the MySQL SQL section of my website called 
Whether a row on one side of a many-to-many join is linked to 
a given row on the other side that has a solution.

Bob Hall

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Re: opposite of this join

2003-01-21 Thread Bob Hall
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 01:38:42PM -0800, Josh L Bernardini wrote:
 First of all, thank you. I never would have gotten here on my own. Only I
 am not quite there.
 Using your example, I have managed to list all the events a person is
 attending and not attending. Wondering if you might provide some further
 clues as to how to restrict the query to those events a person is not
 attending, or in you example, those items a person doesn't own.
 This step is towards the goal of returning all the people not attending an
 event - or not owning a desk.
 Also what is the significance of the value returned in the attends column?
 Here's what I've got:
 mysql SELECT events.event,
 - people.lastname,
 - Sum(epeople.eid = AS attends
 - FROM (events, people) LEFT JOIN epeople
 - ON = epeople.eid
 - Group by;

It's been a while since I worked with this query, so I'm not sure that 
this answer is correct. However, after quickly going over the article 
again, I believe you can treat the attends column as a boolean type. 
Add AND attends = FALSE to the WHERE clause to get the events they 
will not attend. If that works, it answers both of your questions.

(You can also use attends = 0, but attends = FALSE is more 

Bob Hall

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Re: opposite of this join

2003-01-21 Thread Bob Hall
In Sum(), join people IDs to people IDs, not to event IDs.

In the article, the SQL statement is mostly ok, but the explanation 
section proves, once again, that I shouldn't be proofreading my own stuff. 
I've cleaned it up, so there won't be any more errors until I look at  
it the next time. 

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 07:34:47PM -0800, Josh L Bernardini wrote:
 Thats what was strange with the results. One of the meetings the user was
 attending had a value of 9, the other 0.
 Might just give up doing this and use 2 queries to accomplish the same so
 don't spend anymore time on it unless your curious yourself.
 thanks just the same,
 | |   Bob Hall   |
 | |   rjhalljr@starpow|
 | |  |
 | ||
 | |   01/21/2003 06:57 |
 | |   PM   |
 | ||
   |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |   cc:
   |   Subject:  Re: opposite of this join
 On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 01:38:42PM -0800, Josh L Bernardini wrote:
  First of all, thank you. I never would have gotten here on my own. Only I
  am not quite there.
  Using your example, I have managed to list all the events a person is
  attending and not attending. Wondering if you might provide some further
  clues as to how to restrict the query to those events a person is not
  attending, or in you example, those items a person doesn't own.
  This step is towards the goal of returning all the people not attending
  event - or not owning a desk.
  Also what is the significance of the value returned in the attends
  Here's what I've got:
  mysql SELECT events.event,
  - people.lastname,
  - Sum(epeople.eid = AS attends
  - FROM (events, people) LEFT JOIN epeople
  - ON = epeople.eid
  - Group by;
 It's been a while since I worked with this query, so I'm not sure that
 this answer is correct. However, after quickly going over the article
 again, I believe you can treat the attends column as a boolean type.
 Add AND attends = FALSE to the WHERE clause to get the events they
 will not attend. If that works, it answers both of your questions.
 (You can also use attends = 0, but attends = FALSE is more

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Re: Connection ms access to mysql

2003-01-17 Thread Bob Hall
On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 03:15:05AM -0500, mc 02 wrote:
 I've downloaded the necessary application MySQL 3.51 and myODBC for
 freeBSD. On the XP side i only downloaded myODBC. I played around the
 configuration but i still cant seem to export the files to my FreeBSD
 What am i doing wrong? Any help will be appreciated.

I think the current port for FreeBSD is 3.23.54. If you've installed 
version 3.51.x, then you're using technology that's way too advanced 
for me. If you've installed 3.32.51, then upgrade to 3.23.54. If your 
port is an earlier version, cvsup the port and then upgrade.

You say that you've downloaded it, but you don't mention installation 
and testing, so I'll ask a dumb question: Does the MySQL server run on 
your FreeBSD system?

If the MySQL server runs on your FreeBSD system, the next question is:
How are you trying to export your Jet tables? I assume that's what 
you mean when you refer to files. If you actually want to put your 
mdb files on FreeBSD, then you should be asking the freebsd-questions 
list about Samba.

Bob Hall

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Re: outer joins

2002-03-22 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 04:37:07PM +, ds wrote:
 Hi, did you get any answer ?
 I'm having the same problem. 
 If i wanted all results from table1, even if they don't appear in table2
 i would do like:
 SELECT . FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON ( ...
 But how to join 
 SELECT . FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON ( ...
 SELECT . FROM table2 LEFT JOIN table2 ON ( ...
 table1. Idem for table2. 

Outer join:


Bob Hall
sql, query

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Re: SubSelect Problem

2002-03-18 Thread Bob Hall

On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 12:45:57AM -, Alex Speed wrote:
 Ok, no support for it (d'oh), so, how do I go about breaking it down into a
 join or something like that?
 - Original Message -
 From: Alex Speed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:13 AM
 Subject: SubSelect Problem
  SELECT textid, title, description from structure where textid in (select
  subtopicid from subtopic where topicid='Top');

Off the top of my head:

SELECT DISTINCT st.textid, st.title, st.description  
FROM structure st INNER JOIN subtopic su 
ON st.textid = su.textid
WHERE su.topicid = 'Top';

I haven't run this, so I can't guarantee that it will work.

Bob Hall
Database, table, query.

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Re: MySQL tables named 'column' cause problems.

2002-03-16 Thread Bob Hall

On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 05:31:52AM +0100, Tozz wrote:
  Column is a mysql reserved word.
  Just like desc or asc or tons of others.
  See here:
 Then, imho I think its stupid that MySQL lets you create tables with
 reserved words, but it stops you from making dumps. Still seems like a bug
 to me.

Sir, naming a column column is generally considered a
bad idea, regardless of the DBMS being used. It's like
naming a variable variable. 

Bob Hall
All my databases are named database, datafile, datafil, 
etc. The tables are all named table, tabell, datasett, 
etc. Every one who has to do maintenance on the databases hates
me. It's MySQL's fault for letting me set them up that way. 

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Re: Need MySQL help with tables and records

2002-03-16 Thread Bob Hall

On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 12:28:35AM -0500, Lionlike wrote:
 Hi, I need a little help as I am a beginner with db things.  I'm 
 building a database for technicians and help-desk problems where 
 technical problem tickets are stored in one table, and technicians in 
 another.  Really I have two main questions.  First, each problem may 
 have more than one technician assigned.  In the problems table were I 
 have a technician column, should I build an array that holds all the 
 primary keys for each technician assigned or should I build a third 
 table that links multiple technicians to a single problem?  And my 
 second question is this, I select the technicians based on alphabetical 
 order out of a list.  Each time there is an occurrance of a problem,I go 
 to the next tech in alpha order.  How can I do this with MySQL?  Or 
 would I have to organize in alpha order using PHP and select my next 
 record?  I'd like to go with whatever doesn't absorb system resources 
 too badly and it just seems like having 3 to 5 users accessing this 
 system and having PHP alpha order the database over and over would do 
 that for each occurrance.  And how could I flag a record so that I 
 would know where to get the next record once I have it in alpha order? 

Second question first: Create a little table that stores the ID 
for the last tech assigned a ticket. The next time a ticket is 
assigned, have your code retrieve the ID and search the tech 
table for the next ID. Your SELECT query can do any alpha 
ordering more efficiently than PHP.

First question: Your tables are in a many-to-many relationship. 
Any tech is assigned one or more tickets, and any ticket is 
assigned to one or more techs. Use a join table to create the 
many-to-many relationship. The join table has only two columns: 
a tech ID column and a ticket ID column. Each time a new ticket 
is assigned, add one row to the join table for each tech assigned 
the ticket. Each row contains the tech ID and the ticket ID. 
This makes your SELECT queries a little more complicated, but in 
the long run it creates fewer problems than any other solution.

Bob Hall

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Re: is MySQL relational?

2002-03-08 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 04:21:09AM +0200, savaidis wrote:
 Is MySQL a relational database?
 If yes, how is implemented a one to one and one to many relation?

Sir, there is no such thing as a one-to-one or one-to-many relation. 
Those are joins, and they are implemented in 
queries, as is the case with all relational database management 
systems; e.g. Oracle, Sybase, Informix.

Bob Hall
And Pharaoh spake unto Moses 'Database, table, and query.'

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Re: is MySQL relational?

2002-03-08 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 02:35:59PM -0500, Bob Hall wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 04:21:09AM +0200, savaidis wrote:
  Is MySQL a relational database?
  If yes, how is implemented a one to one and one to many relation?
 Sir, there is no such thing as a one-to-one or one-to-many relation. 
 Those are joins, and they are implemented in 
 queries, as is the case with all relational database management 
 systems; e.g. Oracle, Sybase, Informix.

Yikes! I messed up that one. There are, of course, one-to-one and 
one-to-many relationships, but not relations. A relation is something 
different. Relationships are typically implemented as joins in queries.
Most RDBMSs allow you to define primary-key/foreign-key relationships, 
and enforce them with varying levels of integrity constraints. They 
often use the PK/FK definitions to automate joins. MySQL follows the 
standard syntax for MAKE TABLE statements, but doesn't do anything 
with the FK clause. That means that there's no integrity constraint 
to enforce relational integrity on the PK/FK relationship.

I think I did a little better the second time around. 

Bob Hall
And Moses spake unto Pharaoh Database, table, and query?
 Codd of our fathers, what are you talking about!'

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Re: Comments in Documentation

2002-02-23 Thread Bob Hall

On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 07:28:04PM +0200, savaidis wrote:
 Instead of binary it sould be better to use a case conversion flag with
 reverse function - NOT set by default.  Binary doesn't make sence to me.
 As for LIKE I think most WHERE commands use it so it is obvious it should be

Sir, I'm a database developer. I write a lot of SQL statements, 99% of 
which have WHERE clauses. I doubt that I've used LIKE as much as three 
times in the last year. I also like the comparison settings the way they 

The manual is not intended to teach you to use MySQL. It's intended as 
a comprehensive reference document. If you want a primer, buy Paul's 
book. If you want something free and online for beginners, cruise to 
the MySQL FAQ. 

I learned my first programming language from the vendor's reference 
manual. I don't recommend it.

Bob Hall
Database, table, query, eggs, milk, bagels, cheese, cabbage, salt.
Now what did I do with my shopping list?

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Re: I must ask.

2002-02-13 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 06:10:34PM -, DL Neil wrote:
 There are some RDBMS-es that implement SQL to the point of apparently setting up a 
construct that links tables -
 foreign key based data integrity being the first example that springs to (my) mind. 
However relational logic
 suggests that the way to set up a linkage between tables is to show this in dynamic 
logic - your SQL statement,
 FROM tbl1, tbl2
 WHERE tbl1.PrimaryKey = tbl2.ForeignKey;
 will produce a result-row for every intersection 'match' between the two tables.
 One of the MAJOR advances of relational databases over their predecessors was this 
move 'away' from structural
 'connections'. However these have been maintained as 'features' by some, usually to 
promote speed/efficiency.

Speed/efficiency is a minor issue. Integrity constraints are used to 
prevent people from writing queries that violate relational integrity 
rules; e.g. create orphan records. And integrity constraints are 
unrelated to joins, except in the most incidental way. It is possible 
to use them to create joins, but that's not why they're built into 

Bob Hall

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Re: calculated fields

2002-01-24 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 01:06:12PM +1030, Graham wrote:
 I have looked at the documentation and have been unable to locate any
 information in respect of calculated fields.
 Can anyone verify the lack of this feature in mysql or point me to the area
 of the documentation which discusses
 them if the are indeed included.
 If they are not available has anyone suggestions for how I may work around
 this lack of functionality.

Sir, calculated columns violate third normal form. The standard way 
of creating calculated columns is to use a query.

Bob Hall
database, table, roofing cement

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Re: Porting from MS SQL to MySQL

2002-01-21 Thread Bob Hall

  We've requested a database from different companies, and specifically
  said we wanted MySQL or PostgreSQL because of the open source angle
  and we're a library.
  One company offered MS SQL as the platform and said that they can later on
  port it to MySQL. For this they wanted 18 000 euro. Now, what I want to
  is, how easy is it to port a (fairly complicated) database from MS SQL to
  MySQL? It can't be work worth 18 000 euro, now can it?

Looking at it strictly from your point of view, I can think of only 
two reasons to accept the bid.

1) The price is so much lower than any other bid that it is worth 
   the aggravation of installing the system and going through the 
   shake-down period, and then re-installing a different version 
   of the system and going through another shake-down period.
2) You need the system NOW, and the bidder has an SQL Server system 
   already developed that will fit your needs and can be installed 

It doesn't sound like either of these two conditions describe your 

Bob Hall

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Re: A difficutl query I cannot do.

2002-01-09 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 10:24:37AM +1100, Sam Russo wrote:
 I have a delimited file sent to me with students ID subjects and when they
 do these subjects. This file (table) looks like:
  ID   TimeSlotSubject
 215   3   Eng1 
 648   2   Maths2
 901   4   French
 215   2   Maths1
 901   1   Science2
 648   4   Art
 215   1   Science1
 901   3   Eng1
 I need to produce the following output (on a web page using php and 
 mysql) with a mysql query.
 ID1   2   3   4
 215   Science1Maths1  Eng1
 648   Maths2  Art
 901   Science2Eng1

You need to cross tabulate the data.

Bob Hall

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Re: Left join?

2001-12-27 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 01:21:08PM -0700, Ken Kinder wrote:
 I guess I'm just old fashion. I learned with the terms inner and outer joins, 
 and I conceptually in struggling with this left/right join stuff -- I thought 
 the order it joins the tables was simply a matter of optimizer logic.

That's true for inner joins. The tables in an outer join are treated 
differently, so order matters. One and only one table in an outer join 
is preserved, and you have to specify which table is preserved. When 
a table is preserved, all rows are returned, even the rows that don't 
have a match in the other table. (The WHERE clause may prevent some 
rows in the preserved table from being returned.)
 Can someone give me a rule of thumb in understanding what this left/right 
 join business is vs inner/outer joins?

In a left outer join, the table to the left of the LEFT JOIN keywords 
is preserved. In a right outer join, the table to the right of the 
RIGHT JOIN keywords is preserved. So 
is the same as 
Table a is preserved in both cases.

Bob Hall

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Re: To Mr Bob Hall (and everybody else who wants to read it)

2001-12-27 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 08:43:30PM +0100, Carsten H. Pedersen wrote:
 cut a'lot
  In the end:
  1) Pass-through Queries don't give me any problem with stupid 
  PopUp forms
 asking for confirm, but can not be used if I must refer to a MS Access
 Object in the sintax of the query.

Sir, I missed the post that this was quoted from. Why can't you grab 
the value contained in the object in your VBA code and add the value 
to the pass-through query on the fly?

Strictly speaking, we're talking about semantics here, not syntax.
The object reference is in the right place, but MySQL doesn't 
understand it. 

  2) the Action Queries can read MS Access objects but need to be 
  each time I execute them. If you consider that in some macroes I have
  4 or5 Action Queries one after the other, you will understand that
  it is   very unconfortable.
  So, as there's no way of making MySQL read data in MS Access Object, is
  there a way to avoid stupid PopUp forms asking for confirm to an Action
 Can't you simply set your localized equvalent of SetWarnings to off?
 (in access-vb that'd be DoCmd.SetWarnings Off. It can be set in

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

 a macro as well, though I wouldn't hazard to guess the Italian

You can also turn off the warnings globally, on the Edit tab in 
Tools/Options. Uncheck the appropriate boxes under 'Confirm'.
Carsten's solution is probably better in most situations.

BTW, this thread is no longer MySQL related. This and most other 
Access development questions are answered in the Access help 

  Greetings from Italy
 And some from Denmark, as well...

I lige maade.

Bob Hall
Database, table, query

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Re: Normalization advice needed

2001-12-27 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 04:01:57PM -0600, Gawain wrote:
 I've got a 3500 record database cataloging an art collection. The 
 data was originally assembled (by others) in Access. I've imported it 
 into MySQL to make it available on the artist's web site:
 The data was formatted in Access as one big table. About 800 of the 
 pieces in the collection are works in a series. In the artist's 
 catalog there's about 20 books, each containing 40 or so pages. The 
 original creators of the database developed a decimal numbering 
 scheme and simply duplicated most of the data in the records 
 describing these works. For instance, records 129.00 to 129.43 
 contain mostly the same data about the title, condition, storage, 
 etc. with only minimal (if any) changes.
 My question is, is it worth the effort to normalize this data? If so, 
 what would the best method be?

Whether it's worth the effort depends on how much effort is involved 
and whether you can afford the time. (I'm assuming that you are 
volunteering your time. If not, then it depends on whether your 
client can afford your time.) Normalized tables are the best 
solution, but not necessarily the optimal solution. How much time is 
involved depends on the condition of the data now and how good you 
are at writing the SQL statements and procedural routines necessary to 
clean up the data and normalize it. Almost all clean up can be done in 
SQL, if you have the skill. If you don't, creating procedural routines 
takes more time.

I can't tell from your description how normalized (or denormalized) 
your data is. Without looking at the data, I can't tell you how 
clean it is. And I don't know how much time can be devoted to it. 
Since I don't know any of the values for the optimization problem 
parameters, I can't tell you whether it is worth it, or how far to 
carry it. I can tell you that if the data was entered without any 
data validation, and if the column data types were not carefully 
chosen, then the data will need a lot of cleaning before you start 

The best method for normalization is the only method. Apply the 
normal forms in order. First normal form is better than no 
normalization. Second normal form is better than first normal form. 
And so on. I've never seen anyone take it past Boyce-Codd normal form. 
Take it that far if you can.

Bob Hall

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Re: Question of a Beginner

2001-12-26 Thread Bob Hall

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 05:34:34PM -0500, Jose Villanueva wrote:
  I'm a beginner in MYSQL, please can anyone tell me the right command in
  ORACLE equivalent to the EXEC SP of SQL Server, i'm working with ORACLE
  SP, i will apreciate any hepl, thanks.

Sir, I'm confused. If you want the ORACLE equivalen of EXEC SP, you 
need to post to an ORACLE forum. If you want the MySQL equivalent, 
please explain what EXEC SP is.

Bob Hall
In the room women come and go,
 Speaking of database, query, and table.T-Sql Elliot

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Re: SQL sintax problem of a biginner

2001-12-26 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 12:11:17AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,
  I really hope that there will be somebody who will waste a
 bit of his time helping a very, very beginner.
 I have a front-end database in MS Access that gets data from a MySQL back-end.
 When I execute a Pass-through Query it works fine if I write:
  SELECT Orders.Id, Orders.Number, Orders.Clients_Id
   FROM Orders 
   WHERE Orders.Clients_Id=234 (or whatever number I put in)
 Instead if I try to get the WHERE Clause from a form which is obviously
 alredy open in my MS Access front-end and I write:
  SELECT Orders.Id, Orders.Number, Orders.Clients_Id
   FROM Orders 
   WHERE Orders.Clients_Id=[Forms]![Clients]![Id]
 I get an ODBC error: can't connect
 I tried then to declare [Forms]![Clients]![Id] as a PARAMETER (using SET
 @...) but, whatever I do and whatever I write, I get a SINTAX ERROR

First, let me get the inevitable joke out of the way.

I didn't know they taxed that in Italy.

Sir, when you write a pass-through query, everything in the SQL 
statement is a literal value, and the backend does all the 
processing. So your pass-through query is asking MySQL to find 
the Clients_Id in the Orders table that matches the  
value '[Forms]![Clients]![Id]'. MySQL can't make any sense of 
this, so it returns an error message. 

Grab the ID value before writing your query. Then insert the 
actual ID value into the pass-through query when you write it. 
So if the ID is 248, your WHERE clause would be
WHERE Orders.Clients_Id = 248;

Remember that MySQL can't read data in Access objects. It can 
only process whatever is passed to it via ODBC.

Bob Hall
In the room women come and go,
 Speaking of database, query, and table.T-Sql Elliot

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Re: Nested Inner Joins

2001-12-12 Thread Bob Hall

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 07:34:11PM -0800, Kendra L Knudtzon wrote:
 I am having problems with this nested inner join statement:
 SELECT tblMethodType.MethodType, tblMethodParm.MethodName,
 tblParm.ParmName, tblParm.Label, tblParm.Value, tblParm.Unit, tblParm.Tip
 FROM tblMethodType INNER JOIN (tblMethod INNER JOIN (tblParm INNER JOIN
 ON tblParm.idParm = tblMethodParm.idParm) ON tblMethod.MethodName =
 tblMethodParm.MethodName) ON tblMethodType.MethodType =
 I have not had much experience with INNER JOINS, and I read one website
 that said the MySql can't support grouped inner joins... If this is true,
 how do I get this type of command to execute under MySql (I inherited this
 code but the statement apparently worked with Microsoft Access)

MySQL supports grouped INNER JOINs just fine. But you can't put an 
inner INNER JOIN between the outer INNER JOIN and the ON keyword.
FROM (inner INNER JOIN clause) INNER JOIN tblMethodType ON ...
Do the same thing with the innermost INNER JOIN clause.

What you typed above works fine in Access because Access doesn't 
care about the order. 

Bob Hall
Kanskje, kanskje en gang
 - sier du til meg -
 database, table, query   RolfJacobSQL

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Re: Hopefully easy SQL question

2001-11-14 Thread Bob Hall

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 09:03:11PM -0800, Christopher Oson wrote:
 Good Day All,
 I have a question
 mysql select storyID, storyCategoryID, left(title, 25) title 
 - from newsStories where storyCategoryID  0 
 - order by storyCategoryID;
 | storyID | storyCategoryID | title |
 |4327 |   1 | New Artery Device OK'd|
 |4328 |   1 | Pushing 'Low Carcinogen'  |
 |4383 |   1 | Lasting Relationships |
 |4384 |   1 | Anthrax Briefing  |
 |4385 |   1 | Varicose Veins|
 |4513 |   2 | Letters To God|
 |4380 |   3 | United We Stand   |
 |4381 |   3 | Tea Station   |
 |4382 |   3 | Christmas In July |
 |4533 |   7 | test  |
 What I want is a query that will retrieve the MAX(storyID) from *each* 
 storyCategoryID.  I know this is possible with a sub-select and/or a 
 union.  But is this possible without a sub-query or having to run 
 multiple queries?
 The storyID's that should be returned should be:
 4385 - 1
 4513 - 2
 4382 - 3
 4533 - 7

Sir, try a self join. Do a standard aggregate query to get the max 
storyIDs, GROUP BY the category ID, and join the max storyIDs to 
the storyIDs of the second instance of the table.

Bob Hall
Kanskje, kanskje en gang
 - sier du til meg -
 database, table, query   RolfJacobSQL

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Re: My Book (WAS Re: MySQL Developer's Handbook)

2001-11-13 Thread Bob Hall

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 01:36:45PM -0800, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:
 Just *today* I signed a contract with O'Reilly  Associates to write
 Advanced MySQL which I've begun working on.  The goal is to have it
 out in the 2nd half of next year.  We've been discussing it for a few
 months now, and we're all convinced that it's a necessary book and
 that now is the time to do it.
 It will cover MySQL 4.x (probably 4.1 based on the schedules I've
 heard).  It will cover Advanced topics meaning that it will hit some
 that the other books have not and it will go into greater depth on
 some of the topics that do appear in the more beginner-oriented books.

Can I request that you include a chapter on using MySQL with 
FreeBSD? If I recall correctly, that's something you should be 
able to write about.
 I'd be glad to send you the working TOC outline for feedback.

If you're looking for kibbitzers, why not just post the TOC to the 
mailing list?

Bob Hall
In the room women come and go,
 Speaking of database, query, and table.T-Sql Elliot

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Re: Need help with a query ...

2001-11-02 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 06:15:08PM -0800, John Kelly wrote:
 Hi, I have a MySQL table with a column that contains some of a web site
 directory's category names in the format:
 I am trying to build a query that that locates all records that match the
 above category name OR if none exist its parent Sports:Football OR if none
 exist its parent Sports. The top level category, in this case Sports,
 will always have at least one matching record.
 I know I can do this with multiple queries by checking the previous query's
 result, but I am trying to build a query that does it all in one lookup to
 avoid lots of lookups in deep categories. Something along the logical lines
 of ...
 SELECT * FROM table WHERE category = 'Sports:Football:Players' OR IF NONE
 category = 'Sports:Football' OR IF NONE category = 'Sports'
 ... of course the above query does not work but if anyone knows of how to
 accomplish something similar in one query I would much appreciate it.

Sir, the problem is that relational databases use set logic, and you 
are trying to find a solution in sequential logic.

You need three tables. I'll call them Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3, but you 
should rename them to whatever makes sense to you. They will hold, 
respectively, 'Sports', 'Football', and 'Players'. (Or 'Business', 
'Industry', and 'Firms'. Or whatever.)

The table structure would be something like:
Cat1(Cat1ID, Category)
Cat2(Cat1ID, Cat2ID, Category)
Cat3(Cat2ID, Cat3ID, Category)

A sample row in Cat1 would be (1, 'Sports')
A sample row in Cat2 would be (1, 1, 'Football')
A sample row in Cat3 would be (1, 1, 'Players')

(If you're not concerned about economizing on storage, you could
eliminate the IDs and have each child record refer to the parent 
category instead of the parent ID. In that case, you don't need 
the Cat1 table, which serves only to match a category with its

The query would be
SELECT Cat1.Category, Cat2.Category, Cat3.Category
FROM (Cat1 LEFT JOIN Cat2 ON Cat1.Cat1ID = Cat2.Cat1ID)
 LEFT JOIN Cat3 ON Cat2.Cat2ID = Cat3.Cat2ID
WHERE Cat1.Category = 'Sports' 
  AND (Cat2.Category = 'Football' OR Cat2.Category IS NULL) 
  AND (Cat3.Category = 'Players' OR Cat3.Category IS NULL);

If you want the output in the 'Sports:Football:Players' form, you 
can rewrite the SELECT clause as
SELECT Concat(Cat1.Category, 
  If(IsNull(Cat2.Category), '', ':'), Cat2.Category,
  If(IsNull(Cat3.Category), '', ':'), Cat3.Category)

Disclaimer: I haven't run this, so I might have gotten some of the 
details wrong.

Bob Hall

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Re: ADO/ODBC question

2001-07-30 Thread Bob Hall

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 12:18:02PM +0100, Christopher Thorpe wrote:
 Hi all quick question
 if I use a query such as the one below
 INSERT INTO usq (usq_id,usq_querystring) VALUES(NULL,'test');
 how do I push this two part query through an ADO command object and how do I
 get the variable back from the select part of the query... alternatively
 should I do it as a recordset update?

Sir, the answer is yes and no. An ADO command object doesn't return 
a value from an SQL statement, so you have to use a recordset object 
to get the return value from the Last_insert_id function. I would do 
the first through a command object, and the second through a 
recordset. It would probably work just as well to use them sequentially 
as the CommandText property of of a command object and execute them 
by opening a recordset. As you are probably aware, there's rarely 
only two ways of doing something with ADO.

I don't think you can use them simultaneously in a single command object. 
But there's no need to; Last_insert-id() returns the last insert id 
for the current connection, regardless of what else has been inserted
in the interim. As long as your connection object stays open, you'll 
get the correct return value.

I would never use rs.Update to do something that can be done 
with an SQL statement. My experience is that recordsets take about 
three to four times as long as SQL when doing single row inserts over 
native connections. 

For code examples, see your friendly neighborhood MS help files. 
I've devoted more than enough space on a MySQL list to ADO. 
Bob HallHow to invoke the MySQL list daemon:
Sql, table, query and database,
Distribute this mail and be quick, potato face!

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2001-07-21 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:29:52PM -0400, Britt Johnston wrote:
 MySQL AB and NuSphere had a meeting over the phone, we exchanged
 information and opinions and NuSphere will propose times for the
 next meeting.

Britt, thanks for the update. The neutral tone and lack of 
result make it sound like you had a frank exchange of views.

Since MySQL AB initiated posting events here as they occur, 
and few people complained about it, I see no reason why 
either side shouldn't continue.

Bob Hall
mysql list incantation: sql table database query

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2001-07-21 Thread Bob Hall

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:29:52PM -0400, Britt Johnston wrote:
 MySQL AB and NuSphere had a meeting over the phone, we exchanged
 information and opinions and NuSphere will propose times for the
 next meeting.

Britt, thanks for the update. The neutral tone and lack of 
substantial result make it sound like you had a frank exchange 
of views.

Since MySQL AB initiated posting events here as they occur, 
and few people complained about it, I see no reason why 
either side shouldn't continue, unless we plan to ban all 
discussion of the matter.

Bob Hall
mysql list incantation: sql table database query

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2001-07-20 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:17:31AM -0400, Bob Hall wrote:
 I think I've made it clear that I'm not enamored of NuSphere's 
 recent actions, which I think are remarkably bone-headed. At

I'm afraid the emotions aroused by recent events have stripped 
away my thin veneer of reasonable civility and exposed the harsh, 
arrogant, stunted human being underneath. :)

But seriously, I'm taking advantage of the occasion of a mild 
rebuke delivered privately to renew my commitment to treating 
everyone with respect. At least until the next bone-headedd7B

Bob Hall

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Database, dataspace, 
Sql query.
Destribute my e-mail,
Be quick and don't tarry!

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2001-07-19 Thread Bob Hall

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 11:10:20AM -0700, Michael Collins wrote:
 It seems to me that the bottom line is that any outcome that results 
 in there being a fork in the development of MySQL (with the result 
 being two completely different types of MySQL), or in NuSphere 
 retaining control of the domain should be vehemently 
 rejected by the MySQL community. No matter what agreement may or may 
 not have been created, since MySQL AB has made it clear that this is 
 not what they want or intended. So to me it is obvious that any 
 agreement that may have been made is either being misinterpreted by 
 NuSphere or was not entered in good faith.
 NuSphere, if what you want is an improved MySQL and if you have 
 anything to contribute to the betterment of MySQL, hand over the 
 code. If you want a non-profit Web site first turn over 
 to MySQL AB and either register for your non-profit site 
 or help MySQL AB to get it started. If you want to make money on 
 MySQL, follow the guidelines of GPL to the letter and to the approval 
 of MySQL or pay the per-copy license.
 I guess the solution seems so simple for an outsider.

I think I've made it clear that I'm not enamored of NuSphere's 
recent actions, which I think are remarkably bone-headed. At 
the same time, a NuSphere-controlled doesn't strike me 
as a disaster, provided they can do it with out shooting 
themselves in the foot, as they are doing now.

I have two concerns about the present conflict. First is the 
obvious problem that MySQL AB lacks the resources to develop 
table types with extended functionality, as NuSphere, 
SleepyCat, and InnoDB are doing. MySQL AB has a comparative 
advantage in SQL interfaces, core DBMS functionality, and 
porting MySQL to as many OSs as possible. If they try to 
do more than that, they'll probably be too overextended to 
do any single thing well. 

NuSphere has a comparative advantage in providing extended 
functionality. Because they don't have to deal with the 
problems that MySQL AB is solving, and because they have an 
existing code base that they can modify, they can bring a 
relatively mature product to market that makes the overall 
MySQL package more attractive. Even if you discount the 
marketing hype, the word from the beta testers is good.

My second concern is the fact that NuSphere has made a 
large investment in converting their table to use with 
MySQL, and that investment was made after undergoing a 
formal agreement. If the investment fails and the 
agreement ends in lawsuits, it will discourage further 
investment and more agreements involving other companies.

On the other hand, if the present disagreement can be 
resolved without recourse to legal remedy and NuSphere 
makes a nice profit on its investment, it will encourage 
other companies to make agreements with MySQL AB and make 
investments that further extend MySQL's capabilities. 

It's in everone's interests for NuSphere to make a profit, 
and it's in everone's interests for MySQL AB to have 
a reputation as a reasonable business partner. The 
developer community needs both the complementary capabilities 
of NuSphere and MySQL AB, and useful tools from other 
companies. The tools won't come unless other companies invest, 
and they won't invest unless they think they can make a 
profit. Disagreements between partners raise costs and reduce 
profit. I don't want to discourage either side from defending 
their interests or what they see as their rights. An agreement 
that leaves one side or the other feeling ripped off is not 
going to encourage more agreements or more investment. On the 
other hand, failure to come to agreement will poison the 
communal well.

In the end, the details of an agreement will be less important 
than the fact of an agreement, provided the agreement promotes 
both parties' interests. NuSphere doesn't need in 
order to make a profit, and MySQL AB can allow some use, perhaps 
temporarily, of the MySQL trademark without surrendering the 
crown jewels. MySQL AB's primary assets are its leadership 
in the MySQL community and the company's comparative advantage 
in the kinds of development mentioned above. 

The real issues are: How is NuSphere going to market 
their product, what is MySLQ AB going to contribute that both 
helps NuSphere and helps create the perception of an atmosphere 
that welcomes outsiders, and what is the value of MySQL AB's 
contribution (i.e. how much is NuSphere going to pay for an 
agreement, either in cash or otherwise). 

Bob Hall
mysql list incantation: sql table databse query

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Re: group by concat

2001-07-09 Thread Bob Hall


My problem is when I use group by concat(col1,col2) when col1 and col2
is primary keys and col1 is varchar(255):

SELECT col1,col2 FROM Table1 GROUP BY concat(col1,col2);
- return only one row - it is bad

SELECT col1,col2 FROM Table1 GROUP BY concat(col1,col1,col2);
- return 48 rows - it is ok, but concat(col1,col1,col2) is stupid

I change col1 to varchar(155):
SELECT col1,col2 FROM Table1 GROUP BY concat(col1,col2);
- return 48 rows - it is ok

My platform: Linux x86, MySQL 3.23.39, table is myisam format.

Is it bug or feature?


Sir, what does
GROUP BY Concat(col1, col2)
do that
GROUP BY col1, col2
does not? In other words, I don't see any point in using Concat().

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: linking columns

2001-07-01 Thread Bob Hall

Hi everyone!

I'm starting with mysql!
I wish to know if it is possible to make a table that has to columns linked by
a mathematic expression. For example:
My table is my_tbl;
And it has three colums: column_1, column_2 and column_3;
Every column have int or float values;
And for example, I want that the third column always be
equal to column_1 * column_2;
So when I change a value in column_1 or column_2, then column_3 will be change
imediatly by mysql!

Is that possible?
how can I do it?


Sir, use a query to return calculated columns. Don't put them in 
tables unless you're going to delete or replace the values the 
calculation was based on and you need to store the results of the 

Bob Hall

  Know thyself? Absurd direction!
 Command 'know' not recognized.
Drat. I wanted a list server and got an epistemological skeptic instead.
MySQL secret passwords: sql query database 

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Re: Strange pseudo-coded query

2001-07-01 Thread Bob Hall

Rolf Hopkins wrote:
   This is way off topic and you should seek an MS Access help list.

Excuse me.  I am working in MySQL.  I see no reference whatever 
to MS Access
in my message.  How do you
figure this is off topic?

Sir, Rolf had no way of knowing that you didn't know that you were 
dealing with SQL statements generated by MS Access wizards. Parts of 
the statements have been altered by hand, but the over all style is 
unmistakable. For those of us familiar with MS Access, it is obvious 
that the SQL is not psuedo-SQL, but actual SQL created by MS Access 
and referring to objects in an Access application.

   [Zip Code Distance Extractor]  could refer to any number of diff 
things such as a
   column in a table, a table name, a field on a form.

I suppose it could.  There is no such table or column listed in the
documentation that comes with this product.

It is a form in an Access application. From the SQL, you can 
determine some of the names of the fields on the form. But that's all 
I can tell you about it.

   The ! also has several different meanings and you should be 
able to find it in help files.

Help files for what?  According to the books I have, the ! means NOT in
the context of a SELECT clause.

In the context, it means 'menber of'. [Zip Code Distance Extractor] 
is a form which is a member of the Forms collection (an object in an 
Access database). [Zip Code] is a field which is a member of the [Zip 
Code Distance Extractor] form.

Rolf quite naturally assumed that you were working with an Access 
database application (and so did I), and was trying to direct you to 
the Access help files.

Bob Hall

  Know thyself? Absurd direction!
 Command 'know' not recognized.
Drat. I wanted a list server and got an epistemological skeptic instead.
MySQL secret passwords: sql query database 

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Re: Very difficult Query! Help plz!!

2001-06-28 Thread Bob Hall

hi all together!

i'm turning to your mailinglist as last chance to find s.o. helping 
me with my problem.

the situation is as follows:

i got a table on a mysql-database, queriing it by php4. the table 
consists of all planets of the these 
information consists of each 3 coordinates of a planet (x, y and z), 
identifiing a planet clearly. theese 3 coords are written in a 
int-field, each. other information are the name of the planet, the 
rulers name, the score and the size of the planet. when the first 
two coords (x and y) of 2 planet are equal, the planets belong to 
the same galaxie. and now the point:

Sir, that means that all the planets of a given galaxy are located on 
a single line (vector). I've heard of disk galaxies, where all the 
objects have the same value (give or take a few million kilometers) 
on one coordinate. Having as few as three planets in just one solar 
system temporarily sharing values on two coordinates has unusual 
results, e.g. three wise men wandering the Middle East on Christmas 
Eve looking for hummus to dip their falafel in.

i try queriing the database as follows:

the user inserts some wished dates (the lowest score, the searched 
planet may have, the highest, the highest number of roids and the 
lowest..) and the number-interval in wich the _galaxy-score_ may be 
included. (means x  galaxy-sore  y). the problem is, to query 
that! the first query is very simple: SELECT * FROM Planetarion 
WHERE Score  $x AND Score  $y AND Size  $a AND Size  $B. how 
how you get the galaxie-score for that?? the second query alone is 
very simple, too: SELECT SUM(Score) as Summe FROM $table WHERE X = 
$x AND Y = $y GROUP BY X, Y.

_But how to combine both queries???_

i tried getting the first one and process for each elemnt of it the 
second one... but then the resources of my server will get low, when 
the first query results eg. 300 elements or more

i tried asking the german newsgroup and other people i know, using 
mysql. and you're my very last hope to solve this problem

thank you very much for each help!!


What you are trying to do isn't clear. As written, your queries can't 
be combined. An SQL statement that managed to combine those two 
statements would be comparable to a galaxy in which all the planets 
had the same values on two coordinates; interesting, but too weird to 
avoid falling apart.

However, if you are trying to group the results of the first query 
and sum the scores in each group, the following should work:

SELECT Sum(Score)
FROM Planetarion
WHERE Score  $x AND Score  $y AND Size  $a AND Size  $B

Bob Hall

  Know thyself? Absurd direction!
 Command 'know' not recognized.
Æsj. Jeg søkte etter en list server og fant en epistemologisk skeptiker.
MySQL secret passwords: sql query database 

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Re: select query for duplicate records

2001-06-27 Thread Bob Hall

How would a word a select statment, to search a database for duplicate
entries in one field.

For example, the fields: device, hostname, IP, comments

I want to find all instances where there my be two devices with the same



Sir, try the following.

SELECT DISTINCT device, hostname
FROM table_name
GROUP BY hostname
HAVING Count(*)  1;

Only one of the two or more devices will be listed.

If you want to include cases where the same device has been listed 
twice with the same hostname, leave out the DISTINCT.

WOMM (Works On My Machine)

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: Good book for MySQL and Perl DBI?

2001-06-24 Thread Bob Hall

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good book on MySQL SQL?  What
about PerlDBI (I noticed that the O'Reilly one is over a year old)?

Just realizing that there's so much out there that I haven't been told...


Paul Dubois and New Riders are releasing 'MySQL and Pearl for the 
Web'. If that's what you're interested in, the book is due at the end 
of July. There's a little information about the book at I'm going through a review copy and it looks 
pretty good. The publisher said that I could say that. :)

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: VB, SQL: ...WHERE Mitglieder.geb='1978-08-26' doesn't work

2001-06-15 Thread Bob Hall

I'm using Visual Basic with DAO 3.6 and I try to execute this query

dim rsPersonen as dao.recordset
 Set rsPersonen = db.OpenRecordset( _
 SELECT Mitglieder.* FROM Mitglieder  + _
 WHERE Mitglieder.geb='1978-08-26')

Here I get an Error-Message:

Runtime-Error 3464, ...

With DAO, the query has to pass through the Jet Engine, so you need 
to adjust for Jet's idiosyncrasies.
WHERE Mitglieder.geb = #1978-08-26#
That's my best guess.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: mysql query urgent!!!

2001-06-12 Thread Bob Hall

I have to write simple mysql script. I need folowing things:

Number of people logged in previous 0 to 24 hours
Number of people logged in previous 24.5 to 48 hours
Number of people logged in previous 48.5 to 72 hours
Number of people logged in previous 72.5 hours to 7 days
Number of people logged in previous 7.5 to 14 days
Number of people logged in previous 14.5 days onwards

My tables is as follows:
mysql select * from User limit 1;
| partner_name | user_name | last_login  | mailbox_size |
|  | edward| 2001-06-02 09:37:41 |   229099 |
1 row in set (0.62 sec)

I also want to save the output to comma delimited file.

Sir, redefine the last_login column as a timestamp and try the following;

  - Unix_timestamp(last_login) = 86400
  , '01 day'
  , If(
   - Unix_timestamp(last_login) = 172800
   , '02 days'
   , If(
- Unix_timestamp(last_login) = 259200
, '03 days'
, If(
 - Unix_timestamp(last_login) = 604800
 , '07 days'
 , If(
  - Unix_timestamp(last_login) = 1209600
  , '14 days'
  , '14 days'
 ) AS time_group
FROM User;

SELECT time_group, Count(*)
FROM time_groups
GROUP BY time_group;

It works on my machine. The time_group values are chosen so that they 
will display in the proper order.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: SQL question

2001-06-10 Thread Bob Hall

I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to figure this out.  I have a table
with a list of projects that I would like to arrange and view as a tree.
This is my table:

| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| name   | varchar(64)  |  | MUL | ||
| handle | varchar(18)  |  | | ||
| parent | int(10) unsigned |  | | 0   ||
| status | varchar(64)  |  | | ||
| data   | text | YES  | | NULL||

This is what I want to get in the end:

  + root project
 + project 1
 |   |
 |   + sub project 1.1
 |   + sub project 1.2
 |+ sub project 1.2.1
 + project 2
 + sub project of 2.1
 + sub project of 2.2

What SQL statement(s) would retrieve my records, ordered by project ID, but
grouped recursively into a tree?  Or, is this something not possible through
SQL itself?



Sir, SQL can handle trees. Regular readers of this list will be very 
surprised to see me recommend the book 'SQL For Smarties' by Joe 
Celko. There are two chapters on tree structures. You seem to be 
using the adjacency list model, so read that chapter first. Parts of 
his code assume a procedural language (e.g. PL/SQL or Transact-SQL), 
so you will need a client app to fully implement the solutions using 

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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RE: JOIN to the same table multiple times

2001-06-09 Thread Bob Hall

Ok, I've answered my own question but now have another.

How do I reference the sitename for the 3 sites?
sitename returns the last sitename for all 3 I tried S1.sitename etc. but it
doesn't work.

Sir, in what way does it fail to work?

$query = SELECT * FROM department LEFT JOIN sites S1 ON
deptsite1=S1.sitekey LEFT JOIN sites S2 ON deptsite2=S2.sitekey ORDER BY
$order $dir;

What's the $dir for? Does this statement fail in both PHP and the 
MySQL interface, or only in PHP?

You can avoid dealing with aliases entirely if you normalize the 
department table.

Bob Hall

$result = mysql_db_query($dbName,$query);
  while ($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
 echo tr bgcolor=$colorvalues
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptdesc]/td
tr bgcolor=$colorvalues
tdfont size=\-1\$r[sitename]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptphone1]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptfax1]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptemail1]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptmobile1]/td/tr
tdfont size=\-1\$r[sitename]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptphone2]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptfax2]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptemail2]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptmobile2]/td/tr
tdfont size=\-1\$r[sitename]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptphone3]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptfax3]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptemail3]/td
tdfont size=\-1\$r[deptmobile3]/td;

-Original Message-
From: Ross Goonan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 8 June 2001 11:47
Subject: JOIN to the same table multiple times

Creating a Telephone / Information Directory with MySQL / PHP3

People belong to a department  a site.

Need to be able to:
 List all people
 List all people within a Department
 List all people within a site
 List all people within a Department  Site

Have set up Department table with site1, site2  site3 as the same
exists in multiple sites.

When listing a site, I need to JOIN the site table multiple times to get the
  site name.

SELECT * FROM Department LEFT JOIN Site ON Site1=Sitekey
  - Works no worries

SELECT * FROM Department LEFT JOIN Site ON Site1=Sitekey LEFT JOIN Site ON
  - Error 1066: Not unique table/alias 'Site'

SELECT * FROM Department LEFT JOIN Site ON Site1=Sitekey LEFT JOIN Site AS
  Sitetable ON Site2=Sitekey
  - Error 1052: Column 'Sitekey' in on clause is ambiguos

rpm -qa | grep SQL
rpm -qa | grep sql


People Table


Department Table


Site Table



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Re: Update phone inner join tmpphone....

2001-06-09 Thread Bob Hall

I tried this query:

Update phone inner join tmpphone on phone.empno = tmpphone.empno
phone.lname = tmpphone.lname,
phone.fname = tmpphone.fname

and it didn't work.

This works in MSAccess.

Is this syntax (or something like it) supported by MySQL??

No sir. Updating a table based on data in another table won't be 
supported until version 4 comes out.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: JOIN-problems

2001-06-03 Thread Bob Hall

Hi there,

I have five tables in the database: customers, orders, 
ordercontents, products and payments. The problem is that I should 
get a list which shows some kind of a ledger list (shows who has 
paid and so on).

My first try looks like this:
SELECT orders.OrderID, customers.Name, SUM(ordercontents.Amount * 
products.Price) AS TotalSum, SUM(payments.PaidFIM) AS TotalPaid FROM 
LEFT JOIN customers ON (customers.CustID = orders.CustID)
LEFT JOIN payments ON (payments.OrderID = orders.OrderID)
LEFT JOIN ordercontents ON (ordercontents.OrderID = orders.OrderID)
LEFT JOIN products ON (products.ProdID = ordercontents.ProdID)
WHERE orders.Cancelled=0 AND ordercontents.Removed=0;

That's it... I hope that you understood the structure. Also there 
should be noticed that the order can have many different products 
ordered (listed on ordercontents -table) and also that there can be 
many separated payments for same order.

Now this query works, but it doesn't return correct amounts for 
TotalPaid and TotalSum -columns.

Thanks for help,
- Ville Mattila, Ikaalinen, Finland

Sir, your query doesn't work on my machine. I either have to GROUP BY 
orderID, or drop orderID and Name from the SELECT clause. I'm not 
sure what you're trying to do, so I don't know which to suggest.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: SQL Problem

2001-05-28 Thread Bob Hall

I have a problem adapting a multiple select to MySQL.
Can someone help me ?

Here is my request (Oracle format)

SELECT Tactic.teamCode FROM Tactic WHERE
Tactic.teamCode NOT IN (SELECT Game.teamCode1 FROM Game, Turn WHERE
Game.gameTurn = Turn.code)
AND Tactic.teamCode NOT IN (SELECT Game.teamCode2 FROM Game, Turn WHERE
Game.gameTurn = Turn.code);

I could use the following one, if it's easier to translate to MySQL
SELECT Tactic.teamCode FROM Tactic WHERE
Tactic.teamCode NOT IN (SELECT Game.teamCode1 FROM Game, Turn WHERE
Game.gameTurn = 3)
AND Tactic.teamCode NOT IN (SELECT Game.teamCode2 FROM Game, Turn WHERE
Game.gameTurn = 3);


Cedric Lefebvre

SELECT Tactic.teamCode
FROM (Tactic tc LEFT JOIN Game g
ON (tc.teamCode = g.teamCode1) OR (tc.teamCode = g.teamCode2))
 LEFT JOIN Turn tn ON g.gameTurn = tn.code
WHERE (g.teamCode1 IS NULL) AND (g.teamCode2 IS NULL);

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Re: Problems with sum() in a query.

2001-05-23 Thread Bob Hall

I'm gaving a problem with adding several sums together when using a 
group by clause.  The table I have looks like this:

school_id  int
school_name varchar
sport  varchar
cost_a float(9,2)
cost_b float(9,2)
cost_c float(9,2)

The real table is normalized, figured it would make for a simpler 
example this way, so you don't have to tell me ;)  Each school has 
records for several diffrent sports I'm trying to query for the 
total amount spent for each school with the following query.

(sum(cost_a)+sum(cost_b)+sum(cost_c)) as total
GROUP BY school

Sir, the obvious error is that school is not a column in your 
table. Try grouping by school_id.

Bob Hall

With the desired result

school_1 125000.00
school_2 234642.12
school_3 98433.45

But I get zero's for the total column.  If I query for only one 
school I get the correct numbers:

(sum(cost_a)+sum(cost_b)+sum(cost_c)) as total
GROUP BY school

If I query for a few schools (school_id3)  sometimes I get unusual 
numbers,  17.24 for one example.  I'm not sure what's happening with 
these queries so I have to ask.

Am I doing the query wrong?
Is SQL or mySQL not able to handle this query?
Or did I find a bug in mySQL?

Jeff Bearer, RHCE

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Re: JOIN optimization

2001-05-22 Thread Bob Hall


I'm rather new to SQL (well, I had a one-year course
at the university many years ago, but they didn't
teach us anything practical). I did a few very simple
data bases, but now I'm moving to something more
serious with joins and 'group by'. The idea is to create
a search engine for a battery distributor, specifying
various characteristics like
* who makes it (only one per battery)
* special characteristics (various)
* tipical applications (various)

To simplify, I have the following tables:

* batID (primary key)
* makID
* descr

* makID (primary key)
* mak

A battery can have only one manufacturer, so you might as well add 
the mak column to Battery and remove Maker.

* speID (primary key)
* special

* batID
* speID (both in primary key)

This is a join table. It creates a many-to-many join between Battery 
and Special.


Do you mean Type?

* tipID (primary key)
* tipical

* batID
* tipID (primary key)

From the SELECT statement immediately below, it appears that this is 
a join table. If that is the case, then Bat_Tip.tipID should not be a 
primary key. If Bat_Tip.tipID is a key, then you don't need the 
Bat_Tip join table.

First I want to make a list of batteries with all the carateristics they

SELECT M.mak, B.descr, S.special, T.tipical
FROM Battery B, Maker M, Special S, Bat_Spe BS, Tipical T, Bat_Tip BT
M.makID=B.makID AND
B.batID=BS.batID AND BS.speID=S.speID AND
B.batID=BT.batID AND BT.tipID=T.tipID

Is there a better way of writing this join ?

Given your current schema, no.

Now I want to make a list of batteries which have caracteristics:
* Special: speA
* Tipical: tipA or tipB
Además I want to sort the result such that if a battery has
both tipA _and_ tipB, it comes first. I am thinking of doing it
with temporary tables:

* batID (primary key)
* count

* batID (primary key)
* count

INSERT into tmp_spe
SELECT batID, count(speID)
FROM Bat_Spe
WHERE (speID='speA')

Is there any difference between
* SELECT batID, count(speID)
* SELECT batID, count(batID)
* SELECT batID, count(*) ?
In this case, the three work and return the same result.

In the future, if you decide to change the WHERE clause to search for 
two or more speIDs (e.g. WHERE speID = 'speA' OR speID = 'speB'), 
then the counts will be different. Decide what you actually want to 
count; speIDs, batteries, or rows. Even if the WHERE clause doesn't 
change, what you count gives you a clue as to what the statement 
does. Suppose you want to count rows and you use count(batID). Six 
months from now when you've forgotten how this works, the use of 
count(batID) will make it more difficult to figure out that you are 
counting rows.

INSERT into tmp_tip
SELECT batID, count(tipID)
FROM Bat_Tip
WHERE (tipID='tipA' OR tipID='tipB')

SELECT B.batID, (TS.count+TT.count)
FROM Battery B, tmp_spe TS, tmp_tip TT

I believe that's a fluke. Since you are ordering by (TS.count + 
TT.count), a battery with speA and tipA can appear ahead of a battery 
with tipA and tipB. In order to avoid this, use
You can combine the two ORDER BY conditions to order within TT.count.

This returns all the batteries which have all the
characteristics I want, ordered as I want.

Well, how does it sound ? Is there a better way to
do it ?

Your method looks good to me. Pretty impressive for someone who 
studied SQL many years ago for a period of one year.

Now, I would need to get, for each battery matched,
a list of all the characteristics it has. That is, if
battery with batID='bat1' has tipical applications
'tipA', 'tipB' and 'tipC', can I retrieve in one shot
all the batteries matched, together with the
characteristics each one has,
_or_ do I have to go through more temporary tables,
_or_ is it better to make one query for each battery I have

Join the last statement above to the Bat_Tip and Tipical tables.

SELECT B.batID, T.tipical
FROM Battery B, tmp_spe TS, tmp_tip TT, Bat_Tip BT, Tipical T
  AND B.batID = BT.batID AND BT.tipID = T.tipID

You can join to the Special table in the same way.

Well, I know that's a bit long, but it would greatly
help to orientate me on how to continue...

Thanks in advance for any help or hint,


All SQL was processed in the MySQL server in my brain, not the one on 
my computer. Expect syntax errors.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: Large scale statistical analysis

2001-05-16 Thread Bob Hall
 of Unix, you can set up a cron job to do this automatically.

Consider ways of splitting up your tables. If most of the searches 
will be made on certain groups of objects, separate those objects and 
their measurements out and put them in their own tables. When you 
need to search across all objects, you can run several queries and 
combine the results in temp tables. Or if 10% of your objects are the 
subject of 90% of your SELECT statements, you could copy those 10% 
and their measurements to separate tables and make them available for 
quick searches, with the full database still available for slower 

If you haven't done so already, put as much memory into your server 
box as it will hold.

That will be $0.02, please. If my advice is no good, I'll refund the money.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: recursive select

2001-05-16 Thread Bob Hall

   I have an table which like to use recursive join but I wonder 
how to use it.  Please see the table struc below.,emp name, emp salary, emp head-id
   001,mr. a,1,001
   002,mr. b,5000,001
   003,mr. c,5000,003
   004,mr. d,5000,003
   Where emp. head-id is id from  If I'd like to know 
which head count name of id 002 (it must shown name from id 001). 
How could I do with mysql?

Sommai Fongnamthip

Sir, you are trying to deal with a tree structure. I'm going to do 
something I've never done before and recommend that you read Joe 
Celko's book 'SQL For Smarties', which contains two chapters on 
dealing with tree structures.

The table above uses the adjacency list model. The following is 
modified from Celko's book and returns all boss/subordinate pairs:
SELECT, 'is the boss of',
FROM emp e1, emp e2
WHERE = e2.head_id;

To return the boss 2 levels up, use
SELECT, 'is the boss of the boss of',
FROM emp e1, emp e2, emp e3
WHERE = e2.head_id AND = e3.head_id;

Good luck
Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: group by and order by

2001-05-14 Thread Bob Hall

I have a table with texts, all of different type, I have field named 
type to know which is which. What I would want is with one SQL query 
select the latest from each type, but this query...

select id, headline, type from texts group by type order by date;

will give the first of each type. I would like to specify order by 
before group by, but that won't work. Is there a way to list the 
latest of each type?

thanks for any answers...

Sir, try

SELECT, d1.headline, d1.type
FROM your_table d1, your_table d2
HAVING Max( = Max(;

I went to my website at (click on 
MySQL on the side bar) and copied this. The only changes were 
plugging in your column names. There an explanation of how this 
works, but I have to admit it's not one of my better pieces of 
expository writing. I should rewrite it, but I'm unemployed and job 
hunting, working on a web page that describes how to deal with tree 
structures in MySQL, and finishing up an Excel app that creates 
regression models of programmers' salaries, so god knows when I'll 
get around to the rewrite.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: INNER JOIN problem

2001-05-14 Thread Bob Hall

Is there a limit to the number of inner join statements within an sql
statement.  I am using the following statement:

SELECT DISTINCT suburb_def.Suburb, church_location.Name, church_location.URL

 FROM (suburb_def
 INNER JOIN church_location ON suburb_def.ID = church_location.Suburb)
 INNER JOIN (neighbour_def
 INNER JOIN suburb_map ON neighbour_def.ID = suburb_map.Neighbour) ON
suburb_def.ID = suburb_map.Node
 WHERE ((suburb_map.Node) = $suburb)
 ORDER BY suburb_def.Suburb, church_location.Name;

This seems to return an invalid result set when called from a php script


Tim Lokot

Sir, you can't use a nested join between INNER JOIN and ON. The only 
thing that can go between INNER JOIN and ON is a table name. With 
inner joins, it doesn't matter what order the tables on joined in. 
Rewrite your FROM clause so that you always have 'INNER JOIN table 
name ON'. Or you can replace the INNNER JOINs with commas and move 
the ON conditions to the WHERE clause.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: JOIN query gone awry

2001-05-03 Thread Bob Hall


I have two tables that are identical in structure, but each contains 
data for different years.

Here is the desc of the first table:

mysql desc counts2000;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| version | decimal(6,3)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| sequence| tinyint(4)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_year | bigint(4)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_month| bigint(2)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_mon_name | varchar(10) binary  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_day  | bigint(2) unsigned zerofill | YES  | | NULL|   |
| date_taken  | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| exams   | bigint(21)  |  | | 0   |   |
| dt_label| varchar(6)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

The desc for the other is included at the end of the message.  This 
first one has data for Jan/2000 - Jun/2000.  The second has data for 
Jan/2001 - Apr/2001.

I want to combine the two tables into one new one.  Since they have 
a differing number of rows, but I want all of the rows from 
counts2000, I thought to use a JOIN.  Here is the code I am trying 
to use:

 code starts here --


 SUM(AL1.exams) AS y2000,
 SUM(AL2.exams) AS y2001
 counts2000 AL1
 counts2001 AL2
 AL1.version = '2'  AND
 AL2.version = '2'
ALTER TABLE counts ADD INDEX sequence (sequence);
ALTER TABLE counts ADD INDEX dt_month (dt_month);
ALTER TABLE counts ADD INDEX dt_day (dt_day);

 code ends here --

Seems like it should work.  It does run, but the goal behind using 
the JOIN (to get all of the rows in counts2000) is not being met.  I 
only gets rows from both tables where the row exists in both tables.

I am running MySQL 3.23.34 (for Windows) on Windows 2000 Professional.

Here is some of the data from counts2000 that is not showing up in 
the resultant table:

2.000   1   20005   May 01  2000-05-01  154 01-May
2.000   1   20005   May 02  2000-05-02  283 02-May
2.000   1   20005   May 03  2000-05-03  373 03-May
2.000   1   20005   May 04  2000-05-04  298 04-May
2.000   1   20005   May 05  2000-05-05  160 05-May
2.000   1   20005   May 06  2000-05-06  117 06-May
2.000   1   20005   May 07  2000-05-07  44  07-May
2.000   1   20005   May 08  2000-05-08  308 08-May
2.000   1   20005   May 09  2000-05-09  408 09-May

Any ideas why the JOIN does not seem to be working?



mysql desc counts2001;
| Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| version | decimal(6,3)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| sequence| tinyint(4)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_year | bigint(4)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_month| bigint(2)   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_mon_name | varchar(10) binary  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt_day  | bigint(2) unsigned zerofill | YES  | | NULL|   |
| date_taken  | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| exams   | bigint(21)  |  | | 0   |   |
| dt_label| varchar(6)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Dan Huston

Sir, the join is working fine. That's the way it's supposed to work. 
If the two tables have identical structure, then use a MERGE table to 
combine them, and select from the MERGE table.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: Agregrate in joined table result

2001-05-03 Thread Bob Hall

I have this tables :

mysqlselect * from bid_history;
| domain_id | bid_time   | user_id | price | bid_type | proxy_price |
| 1 | 20010501035942 |   2 | 10.00 |1 |   10.00 |
| 1 | 20010501035952 |   3 | 10.00 |1 |   10.00 |
| 1 | 20010501035956 |   4 | 10.00 |1 |   10.00 |
| 1 | 20010501040628 |   5 | 11.00 |1 |   11.00 |
| 2 | 20010501052520 |   2 | 10.00 |1 |   10.00 |
| 2 | 20010501052529 |   3 | 10.00 |1 |   10.00 |
| 1 | 20010501052542 |   2 | 11.00 |1 |   11.00 |
| 2 | 20010501052655 |   2 | 12.00 |1 |   12.00 |
| 1 | 20010501052542 |   3 | 11.00 |1 |   11.00 |

mysql select domain_id , domain_name from domain;
| domain_id | domain_name |
| 1 | iwan|

I have doing this query (but the results don't satisfied me) :
mysqlselect b.domain_id, b.user_id , max(b.price) as mb , b.bid_time ,
a.domain_name , a.minimum_price from domainplayer_bid_history as b ,
domainplayer_domain as a where a.domain_id = b.domain_id group by
b.domain_id , b.user_id , b.bid_time order by b.domain_id , mb desc ,
b.bid_time asc ;
| domain_id | user_id | mb| bid_time   | domain_name | minimum_price
| 1 |   5 | 11.00 | 20010501040628 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   2 | 11.00 | 20010501052542 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   3 | 11.00 | 20010501052542 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   2 | 10.00 | 20010501035942 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   3 | 10.00 | 20010501035952 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   4 | 10.00 | 20010501035956 | iwan| 10.00

I want the query's result :
| domain_id | user_id | mb| bid_time   | domain_name | minimum_price
| 1 |   5 | 11.00 | 20010501040628 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   2 | 11.00 | 20010501052542 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   3 | 11.00 | 20010501052542 | iwan| 10.00
| 1 |   4 | 10.00 | 20010501035956 | iwan| 10.00

How to do this in mysql ?

Sir, don't group on bid_time.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: Problem with multi-part keys

2001-05-03 Thread Bob Hall

Hello All,

I've bumped into a problem and can't figure out how to solve it.
If anyone has a spare minute to give me a hint on what's wrong
I'd apreciate it a lot!

The problem is that when I add 'use index (multi-part index)'
to my queries, MySQL doesn't always use the whole key,
but decides what left-most part of the key to use itself.
Sometimes its decisions are rather strange to me.

Here are some tests that show what I mean:

   pr mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   a mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
   b mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
   data mediumint(8) unsigned default '0',
   KEY a (a),
   KEY b (b),
   KEY k (a,b)

INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (1,0,0,9);
INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (2,0,1,9);
INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (3,1,0,9);
INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (4,1,1,9);
INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (5,1,2,9);
INSERT INTO test3 VALUES (6,0,0,9);

Test 1
explain select from test3 as R, test3 as L use index (k)  where
L.a=IF(R.a=0,1,0) and

# The result is OK (just what I expected):
| table | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra
| R | ALL   | b | NULL |NULL | NULL |6 |
| L | index | a,b,k | k|   8 | NULL |6 | where used;
Using index |

Test 2
explain select from test3 as R, test3 as L use index (k)  where
((L.a=0 and R.a=1) or (L.a=1 and R.a=0)) and

# Why doesn't MySQL use the whole k index (8 bytes)?
| table | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra
| R | ALL   | a,b,k | NULL |NULL | NULL |6 | where used
| L | range | a,b,k | k|   4 | NULL |5 | where used;
Using index |

Test 3
explain select from test3 as R, test3 as L use index (k)  where
L.aR.a and

# k key isn't choosen by MySQL. Why?
| table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra
| R | ALL  | a,b,k | NULL |NULL | NULL |6 |
| L | ALL  | k | NULL |NULL | NULL |6 | range
checked for each record (index map: 4) |

Test 4
explain select from test3 as R, test3 as L use index (k)  where
R.a=0 and
L.a=0 and

# Why doesn't MySQL use the whole k index (8 bytes)?
| table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra
| R | ref  | a,b,k | a|   4 | const |2 | where used
| L | ref  | a,b,k | k|   4 | const |2 | where used;
Using index |

The bottom line is that I'd like to know if MySQL has a feature that
makes it use a key even if the optimizer doesn't think it'a good one.

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Paperno.

Sir, your SQL statements are generating cartesian products, which 
force MySQL to examine all rows of one or both tables. This makes 
your indices useless, so MySQL doesn't use them.

And now for some nitpicking:
A KEY is not a key. A KEY in MySQL is a non-unique index that allows 
nulls. A key contains unique values and doesn't contain nulls.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: An interesting SELECT problem

2001-04-28 Thread Bob Hall

I've been creating a site for someone using MySQL and PHP4.
Basically the table concerned is structured like this;

id  int(5)   UNSIGNED   Noauto_increment  Primary
ship  varchar(50)   NoIndex
year  varchar(15)   NoIndex

Sir, change the type of this column to Date, which stores the date as 
-mm-dd. This will allow you to order the records by the date. You 
can display the date in a different format using Date_format(). Using 
a 15 character varchar field for data that is exclusively dates and 
requires a maximum of 10 characters is an invitation for trouble.

Also, since the column contains the full date of the voyage, change 
the name of the column from year (it's not the year, it's the date) 
to something like sail_date or embarked.

voyage  varchar(50) Yes
sex  varchar(50)Yes

How do you determine the sex of a voyage? And why does it take 50 
characters to specify it? :-)

notes  text Yes

Everthing is working fine except the ship order in which the pages are

For example, the following are ships names and yes the records do show the
voyage date (they are in official records that way and I can change them. I
prudently added the year field and the year is put in that field as well.
Some ships don't have this date after their name, sometimes they have just a
voyage number.

Henry Porcher
Hindostan (1)
Hindostan (2)
Hyderabad (1)
Hyderabad (2)
Hyderabad (3)
Marian Watson (08-06-1842)
Marian Watson (28-10-1841)
Marion Watson (08-03-1842)

Here in lies the problem, these records have been entered at different times
so their id's are all over the place

When I get these records and display them, they will be in the correct
alphanumeric order except for the ones with the date after them.  they will
only display in the order they were entered.

I've tried the following SELECTs

$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM ships ORDER BY ship,$db)
$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM ships ORDER BY ship, year,$db)

but they dont sort the way we want them to (in year order) as per below

Henry Porcher
Hindostan (1)
Hindostan (2)
Hyderabad (1)
Hyderabad (2)
Hyderabad (3)
Marian Watson (28-10-1841)
Marion Watson (08-03-1842)
Marian Watson (08-06-1842)

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Howard Picken

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: Viewing data from the previous row

2001-04-28 Thread Bob Hall

Actually, there is a way to do this by taking advantage of variables.  If
you read my previous post on the matter, you can use variables to get a
cumulative total.
- Original Message -
From: Steve Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Roger Karnouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Viewing data from the previous row

   Roger Karnouk wrote:
Is it possible in a Select query to get values from the previously read
in order to do things like cumulative sums or other formulas which
the previous value in order to calculate the current value.
day current sales  cumu_total
-   ---  
1   120  120
2   60 180
3  125305
4  40  345
I'd like to be able to do this in one select statement
is this even possible?
Roger Karnouk

Sir, the following works on my machine:

SELECT t1.period, t2.sales AS current_sales, Sum(t2.sales) AS cum_total
FROM table t1, table t2
WHERE t2. period = t1. period
GROUP BY t1. period;

Have I ever mentioned the book 'SQL For Smarties' by Joe Celko in any 
of my previous posts in this mailing list?

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: min () - sql troubles

2001-04-24 Thread Bob Hall

SQL troubles:
I have a table containing 4 columns: name - string, distance-
speed - time and id - AUTO_INCREMENT (Primery key)
I want a list of the fastest (speed) runner (name) of each distance and
I use:
select name, distance, min(speed) from table1 group by distance;
I get a list where the speed and the distyance are always correct but
name is not always.
Why is that?
What should I do?


// Chris - Copenhagen

Sir, try
SELECT, t1. distance, Min(t1.speed)
FROM table1 t1, table1 t2
GROUP BY t1.distance
HAVING Min(t1.speed) = Min(t2.speed);
I haven't run this, but I think it's correct.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: SQL Syntax question

2001-04-21 Thread Bob Hall

Hi there,

I'm using mysql 3.22.27 and get error when trying to run this select 

SELECT custmls.mlsnumber,custmls.streetnumber,custmls.streetdirect,
FROM custmls,ipix where custmls.mlsnumber = ipix.mlsnumber AND
custmls.listingoffice = 0251 AND
(custmls.listingstatus = 'ACT' or custmls.listingstatus = 'A*') AND
custmls.scategory = 1 ORDER BY custmls.currentprice

The error is: "1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ON ipix
custmls.mlsnumber = ipix.mlsnumber where custmls.listingoffice = 0251 AN' at
line 1 "

Any ideas?



Sir, the error message was obviously from an SQL statement other than 
the one you quote above.

Since I don't know your table structure, I can't be sure what the 
problem is, but it looks like you are writing columns and tables as 
table_name.column_name. This is backwards. It should be 
column_name.table_name. The alternative is that you are selecting 
from a boat load of tables that aren't mentioned in the FROM clause.

I see two problems with the snippet of SQL quoted in the error 
message. First of all, the word 'ipix' after ON isn't serving any 
function, other than to confuse MySQL. Secondly, you are trying to 
join two tables, but your ON clause joins a column from mlsnumber to 
another column from mlsnumber. If this is not the error mentioned 
above, then you need to join a column in mlsnumber to a column in the 
second table.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: sql: DATETIME - MONTH( select problem)

2001-04-17 Thread Bob Hall

I'm having the following sql problem:
I have two datetime fields (start and end), I need to find out if the
month is either equal to start-month or equal to end-month but also
if it's a month between start and end. I also check if the end-date
is greater than today so it's a current one.

My problem is that I can't get the months in between when, how do I do that?
Any ideas?
$current_month is a php variable.

(MONTH(start)= '$current_month' OR MONTH(end) = '$current_month') AND
end = CURDATE()

Greetings from Sweden

Sir, try
(MONTH(start) = $current_month AND MONTH(end) = $current_month)

The MS Titanic (my wintel machine) just sank again, so I don't have a 
machine I can run the statement on to see if it is correct.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: Outer and left join definition

2001-04-15 Thread Bob Hall


your example does not appear to work for me.  maybe i'm missing
something?  i created two tables simply as:

 create table test1 values (id int);

 create table test2 values (id int);

and populated them with some matching and non-matching data.  however,
when i run the query:

 select, from test1 left join test2 using id;

i get the following error:

 You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'id' at line 1

Sir, it's not a good idea to trust the syntax of anything I've posted 
unless I specifically say that I've run it on my machine. I'm very 

In this case I was only trying to provide a more or less generic 
example of a LEFT JOIN, not a syntactically correct example of a 
MySQL SELECT statement. By pure luck, the only thing missing is a 
pair of parentheses. I've just run the following on my machine, and 
it works.
select, from test1 left join test2 using (id);

On the other hand, the following does not work:
create table test1 values (id int);
I checked the on-line manual. (Ah ha! The fine manual! We can look in 
the manual get answers to syntax questions! Why didn't we think of 
that sooner!?) I can't find anything that suggests that you can use 
VALUES in a CREATE TABLE statement, so I think you probably used
create table test1 (id int);
which is what I used.

Gee, we solved both problems by using the manual. Dr. Pangloss was 
right; this really is the best of all possible worlds!

(Sorry. It's Sunday morning and I'm feeling really silly.)

any ideas?

Never. I'm not allowed, according to my last date. She said "Don't 
get any ideas." It's not working, though. I've been idea-free for 
weeks, and she still isn't returning my phone calls.

Bob Hall

Bob Hall wrote:
   FROM table_a LEFT JOIN table_b USING id;
   would return something like
   __ __
   a  NULL
   b  b
   c  c
   d  NULL

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Re: RE - MYSQL recovery/reliability under powerfail conditions

2001-04-12 Thread Bob Hall


We are evaluating various RDBMS for use on within an airborne server
(Embedded NT4.0) environment.

This environment does not have reliable power. Aircraft are powered cycled
without regard for delicate OS environments etc.

Here in south Arlington, Va., the power also cycles without regard 
for delicate OS environments. Is it impossible to install some sort 
of UPS, along with software that shuts everything down gracefully 
when the power goes off? This will also protect against less obvious 
problems. My dial-up connection is lot more reliable when my 
equipment is hooked up to a UPS.

We like MySql because it is fairly lightweight (regards processor/mem
requirements not capabilities) and fast. Availability of source code is also
re-assuring - given the long product lifecycles within the avionics

Assume that we are not suffering from any file corruption due to problems
with NTFS under powerfail conditions.

Whether we use a  table type which supports transactions or not  has anyone
experienced problems under powerfail, and if they
have could it be automatically corrected within a reasonable time by the
table repair utilities. I am worried about  internal indices (Btrees etc)
requiring a complete rebuild, and taking an unacceptable amount of time.

Roughly half the crashes I've experienced have resulted in corrupted 
tables. I've always been able to repair them with the mysamchk 

I plan to test before making any commitments but forwarned is forarmed as
they say.

Other DB's on the eval list are Interbase 6.0, MSQL7, various realtime

Thanks  Regards

Norman Burkies

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Re: How update 1 of two identical rows.

2001-04-11 Thread Bob Hall

Unfortunately I am using 3.22.32.  Does this mean I am out of luck with
this query.

Peter Schwenk wrote:
   If you are using version 3.23.x of MySQL, there is a LIMIT clause 
that you can use
   to just update up to a certain number of records, so you could 
add 'LIMIT 1' to the
   UPDATE command to only change one record.
   Richard Reina wrote:
DateDB_amount   CR_amount
2001-04-09  NULL300.00
2001-04-09  NULL750.00
2001-04-09  NULL300.00
Anyone know how can I do a query that will update the third record
without updating the first?

Sir, create a new table containing no duplicates.

INSERT INTO new_table
FROM old_table
GROUP BY Date, DB_amount, CR_amount

Delete old_table. Change the name of new_table to old_table.

And finally, redesign your table to avoid this kind of embarrassment. 
You don't want to make a habit of deleting tables in order to 
overcome design problems.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: Foreign Keys

2001-04-07 Thread Bob Hall

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dennis Gearon wrote:

   Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 14:24:25 -0700
   From: Dennis Gearon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Foreign Keys
   Are people using Mysql using foreign keys and how are they using them?
   It seems that the way to use them is with the scripting language used to
   access the database.


neither foreign keys nor need for foreign keys using mysql. Use WHERE

A foreign key is a column (or columns) in a table that refers to a 
key in another table. A foreign key contains only values in the 
referenced key, or NULLs. Joins on referenced key/foreign key pairs 
are very common, regardless whether the DBMS is MySQL, Oracle or 

What MySQL lacks, that many DBMSs have, are relational integrity 
constraints that prevent you from inserting or altering values in a 
foreign key that are not in the referenced key, or deleting the rows 
in the referenced table that the foreign key refers to. This means 
that the programmer has to be careful to avoid writing code that 
creates orphan records, since MySQL won't prevent you from creating 

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: date select question (better explained)

2001-04-07 Thread Bob Hall

   I'm trying to figure out how to select records from an events
  database which (from today) will take place on next weekend. The
  table has a from_date and a to_date fields, among other. I've found a
  way mixing PHP with SQL, but I'm curious to know if is there a neat
  and pure SQL version using the built-in date functions in mySQL.

Can you explain differently or give some more detail?  Perhaps show some
actual table data, show what output you want, state explicitly in words what
you want to accomplish and explain what the problem is.  I'm sure I (and any
number of others can help), but I don't understand the problem based on what
you've written.

Sorry, I'll try to explain better. I want to develop a php/mysql 
based agenda of city activities, and these are stored in a table 
with id,type,title,description and from_date and to_date fields. A 
pseudo query which would retrieve what I need would be:

select * from city_agenda where from_date='next_sunday' and 

But I do not see how to get 'nex_saturday' and 'next_sunday' using 
mySQL  date functions. With PHP is easy to find out these dates and 
pass them to the select, but I wonder if is there a pure SQL version 
of this.



Llorenc Sole
Maresme Netcom, S.L.

Sir, the following retrieves the date for the Sunday of the current 
week that runs from Sunday to Saturday. Use Data_add() to add 7 and 
13 days for next Sunday and the following Saturday.
SELECT  Date_sub(
 Interval If(Weekday(Now()) = 6, 0, Weekday(Now()) +
 1) day

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
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Re: Multi-level JOIN query

2001-04-07 Thread Bob Hall


 I need some suggestions about a special query. The situation is:
There are (for simplicity) 4 tables: A,B,C and D which must be joined
like this:
 Between A and B must be an outer-join  association and C and D must
be connected to B also with  outer-join.
But this causes a 'Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN' error. I could
connect A and B with INNER JOIN but it's useless from  my point of view.
I think the problem could be solved with redesigning the database
structure, but it's currently not possible.

You need to specify the outer join. A LEFT OUTER JOIN B is not the 
same as A RIGHT OUTER JOIN B or B LEFT OUTER JOIN A. When you have 
nested outer joins, only one of the tables can be preserved. You need 
to specify which table is being preserved (all rows are returned).

I recommend posting the table definitions and stating which columns 
are used in the joins.

 Does somebody know a good (general) solution for this? Temporary
tables could help, but i deal with lot's of data and I'm afraid it would
be very slow.


 Christian Fischer

Outer joins + lot's of data = slow queries, even without temp tables.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: Calculations in a field?

2001-04-04 Thread Bob Hall

"Bob Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Quorting someone else who's name is no longer present:
   Is there any way to make one field in a table calculate another field.
   I'm making a DB that calculates commissions. So in the money_made
   field would have the # of sales (sales field) times whatever the
   commission would be.
   Yes sir, but don't do it. That's the classic example of something
   that should not be in a table. Calculated fields belong in queries.

In a lot of cases that's true to prevent storing of redundant data.
However, the poster's example was about sales and commissions.  In the real
world commission rates within a company can change over time so if the
poster is trying to calculate the commission in conjunction with an INSERT
STATEMENT it might be wise to have the commission rate in a variable in the
associatd application and add the commission as the record is entered.  Then
when the commission rate goes down (or up), a variable can be modified and
the application will work fine.  If the commission rate is already in the
table (the poster didn't state this, but it could be) then it might make
sense to calculate the commission instead of saving it in a field.

Sir, it doesn't matter whether the commission rate is stored in the 
table or the application. In either case, the application can 
generate an SQL statement that calculates the commission. Commission 
rates can be changed either in the client application or in the table.

again, if the number of rows is large and reports are going to be generated
based on things like total commissions by sales person by month, it might
create more overhead than desired.

If the reports are generated monthly or less often, then the overhead 
isn't going to matter much, unless you have a huge organization with 
thousands of sales people, and the query that calculates the 
commission is very complex. I have had to include calculated fields 
in tables occasionally, but only when the SQL optimizer was confused 
by several layers of subqueries. For obvious reasons, this has never 
happened with MySQL.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: Mysqld crashes with my DELETE query.

2001-04-03 Thread Bob Hall


   I have a table created with :

   symbole char(20) NOT NULL default '',
   date datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',

Don't use reserved words for column names.

   first double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0',
   high double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0',
   low double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0',
   last double(17,5) NOT NULL default '0.0',
   volume int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
   PRIMARY KEY  (symbole,date),
   KEY idx_symbole (symbole),
   KEY idx_date (date)
) TYPE=Innobase;

   There are about 400.000 rows in it :

mysql select count(*) from intraday_PAR;
| count(*) |
|   379568 |
1 row in set (0.86 sec)

   If  I  try  to  do  a  delete based on "date" (for which there is an
   index), it is really really long :

| 5 | root | localhost | cotations | Query | 255  | updating | 
delete from intraday_PAR where date'2001-04-03 00:00:00'

   Before mysqld crashes :

mysql delete from intraday_PAR where date'2001-04-03 00:00:00';
ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

   And from the error log :

/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
mysqld got signal 11;
The manual section 'Debugging a MySQL server' tells you how to use a
stack trace and/or the core file to produce a readable backtrace that may
help in finding out why mysqld died.
010403 12:32:19  mysqld restarted
Innobase: Database was not shut down normally.
Innobase: Starting recovery from log files...
Innobase: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
Innobase: log sequence number 0 487424247
Innobase: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 487489536
Innobase: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 487555072
Innobase: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 0 487600404
Innobase: 1 uncommitted transaction(s) which must be rolled back
Innobase: Starting rollback of uncommitted transactions
Innobase: Rolling back trx no 4045747
Innobase: Rolling back of trx no 4045747 completed
Innobase: Rollback of uncommitted transactions completed
Innobase: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...
Innobase: Apply batch completed
Innobase: Started
/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections


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Re: Calculations in a field?

2001-04-03 Thread Bob Hall

Is there any way to make one field in a table calculate another field.
I'm making a DB that calculates commissions. So in the money_made
field would have the # of sales (sales field) times whatever the 
commission would be.

Yes sir, but don't do it. That's the classic example of something 
that should not be in a table. Calculated fields belong in queries.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: Is updating a subsection of a field possible?

2001-04-02 Thread Bob Hall

Sir, use the Replace function. Regex isn't necessary.

I've got a table with 500+ records in it now... and I need to update just a
small section of one of the fields (an URL) to change a parameter on it...

I know I'm probably going to be told "NO", but I thought I'd ask before I go
start writing a program to do this

   Is it possible to update just a small subsection of a field 
   via SQL and the mysql query language extensions?

I'd need some sort of regex intervention, such that the text that surrounds
the text I need to change isnt affected

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Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-04-02 Thread Bob Hall

Hello Bob, first at all thank you for your support.

Bob Hall wrote:

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
(CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing 
to do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore 
couldn't be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this 
brand new table with pristine data was corrupted?

Yep this is whats happen. I first i got a corrupted table, i tried 
to repair the table following all known
strategies... then i create a table from scratch and use a perl 
program for importing data, but at the end
i got a corrupted table and no way to rapair it. This is the schema:

use queries
drop table keywords;
create table keywords (querystring varchar(255), numref int(11), 
multiword smallin
t(6), date date, origine varchar(16));

The use of a reserved word as a column name probably is the reason 
that your table is corrupted as soon as it is created. Since your 
server is working normally, and this particular table and only this 
particular table was corrupted ab ovo, then the problem seems to be 
specific to the table. In general, use of a reserved word as a column 
name is definitely a problem.

create FULLTEXT INDEX qfindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);

2) Importing data with perl program

3) Corrupted table

I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and 
I have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. 
The only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is 
recreating the table description file from backup. However, if 
CREATE TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I 
believe that the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your 
shoes, I would reinstall, after backing up everything short of the 
refrigerator. Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.

The strange thing is that this is a production server used by a lot 
of programs and they works.
Now i'm tring to use ISAM (instead of MYISAM) table with such schema:

use queries
drop table keywords;
create table keywords (querystring varchar(255) NOT NULL, numref 
int(11), multiwor
d smallint(6), date date, origine varchar(16) NOT NULL) TYPE = ISAM;
create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);

I don't know if this work at the moment it is importing...

Notice a strange thing, ISAM ask for not null definition of indexed 
fields, MYISAM not .. why ?

Bob Hall

I tried -r
I tried -o
I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
result in a corrupted table.

None of these seems to work

Bob Hall wrote:

Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, 
and it looks like you only tried m

  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that 
doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from 

Got backup?

Bob Hall

Antonio gulli wrote:

   Any help is appreciated
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
   myisamchk  -V
   myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
   a) Trying a recovery.
   myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
   -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   b) Trying a check 
   Database changed
   mysql CHECK TABLE keywords;
   Table| Op| Msg_type |
   keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
   24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
   rows in set (10.12 sec)
   yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
   -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
   \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
   Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
   myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
   - check file-size
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - check index reference
   - check data record references index: 1
   - check data record

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-31 Thread Bob Hall

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
(CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing to 
do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore couldn't 
be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this brand new table 
with pristine data was corrupted?

I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and I 
have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. The 
only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is 
recreating the table description file from backup. However, if CREATE 
TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I believe that 
the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would 
reinstall, after backing up everything short of the refrigerator. 
Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.

Bob Hall

I tried -r
I tried -o
I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
result in a corrupted table.

None of these seems to work

Bob Hall wrote:

Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and 
it looks like you only tried m

  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that 
doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from 

Got backup?

Bob Hall

Antonio gulli wrote:

   Any help is appreciated
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
   myisamchk  -V
   myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
   a) Trying a recovery.
   myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
   -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   b) Trying a check 
   Database changed
   mysql CHECK TABLE keywords;
   Table| Op| Msg_type |
   keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
   24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
   rows in set (10.12 sec)
   yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
   -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
   \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
   Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
   myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
   - check file-size
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - check index reference
   - check data record references index: 1
   - check data record references index: 2
   - check data record references index: 3
   myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
   - check record links
   myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
   MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
   3) Describe this table ...
myisamchk -dvv keywords
   MyISAM file: keywords
   Record format:   Packed
   Character set:   latin1 (8)
   Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
   Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
   Status:  crashed
   Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
   Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
   Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
   Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
   Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
   Recordlength:  281
   table description:
   Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
   1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
   26022912   2048
   1 4   float  0
   2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
   56983552   1024
   3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
   30499840   2048
   Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
   1 1 1
   2 2 2551   1   no endspace
   3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
   4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
   5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
   6 266   16 1   16  no endspace
   4) Re-check

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-30 Thread Bob Hall

Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and it 
looks like you only tried myisamchk with the -r -q option 
combination. Try it with just -r. If that doesn't work, try it with 
-o. If that doesn't work, restore from backup.

Got backup?

Bob Hall

Antonio gulli wrote:

   Any help is appreciated
   Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
   myisamchk  -V
   myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
   a) Trying a recovery.
   myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
   -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 2062985
   b) Trying a check 
   Database changed
   mysql CHECK TABLE keywords;
   Table| Op| Msg_type |
   keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
   24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
   rows in set (10.12 sec)
   yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
   -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
   \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
   Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
   myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
   - check file-size
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - check index reference
   - check data record references index: 1
   - check data record references index: 2
   - check data record references index: 3
   myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
   - check record links
   myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
   MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
   3) Describe this table ...
myisamchk -dvv keywords
   MyISAM file: keywords
   Record format:   Packed
   Character set:   latin1 (8)
   Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
   Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
   Status:  crashed
   Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
   Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
   Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
   Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
   Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
   Recordlength:  281
   table description:
   Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
   1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
   26022912   2048
   1 4   float  0
   2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
   56983552   1024
   3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
   30499840   2048
   Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
   1 1 1
   2 2 2551   1   no endspace
   3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
   4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
   5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
   6 266   16 1   16  no endspace
   4) Re-check it 
   mysql CHECK TABLE keywords;
   Table| Op| Msg_type |
   keywords | check | warning  | Table is marked as
   crashed || keywords | check | error| Key in
   wrong position at page 74375168 || queries.keywords | check | error|
   rows in set (9.12 sec)
   5) Stage 3: Difficult repair
   francesca mysql queries
   mysql SET AUTOCOMMIT=1;
   mysql TRUNCATE TABLE keywords;
   mysql quit
   myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
   -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
   - check key delete-chain
   - check record delete-chain
   - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
   Data records: 0
   mysql use queries

Re: GROUP BY Question (p2)

2001-03-30 Thread Bob Hall

Sir, try

SELECT, g1.score,
FROM grades g1, grades g2
GROUP BY, g1.score
HAVING Max(g1.score) = Max(g2.score);

Bob Hall

Q: I have the following table "grades".

|  name   |  score  |id |
|   John  |10 | 1 |
|   John  | 20   |2   |
|   John  | 8  |3  |
|   Carl   |10 |4  |
|   Carl   |15 |5  |
|   Mary  |6  |6  |

I'd like to select a single name, maximum score, as well as the
corresponding id number and put them in order from highest to lowest and end
up with:

|  name   |  score  |id |
|   John  |20 | 2 |
|   Carl   |15 |5  |
|   Mary  |6  |6  |

I tried using:

SELECT name, id, max(score) FROM grades GROUP BY name ORDER BY score DESC

At first I was pretty happy with this, but I realized that although the name
and score where the values I was looking for, the id didn't always
correspond to the record I wanted.

Any ideas

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Re: How do i put integrity constraints?

2001-03-27 Thread Bob Hall

How do i put in an integrity constraint?

ie. say i have 2 tables

Person (PersonID[pk], PersonName)

School (SchoolID[pk], SchoolName, PersonID[fk])

as you can see PersonID is the foreign key in School.
So how do keep update and delete restricted constraints etc,?

could anyone tell me the SQL code for bot the tables?


Sir, look up REFERENCES in the documentation. But the documentation 
points out that this is for compatibility with other DBMSs, and 
doesn't actually do anything. MySQL doesn't enforce integrity 
constraints on foreign keys.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: View a return of Select

2001-03-23 Thread Bob Hall

   I have to check to MySQL is able to support our requirements 
and I would
like to view a return of n columns like only one register, thats is posible
with MySQL?
   For example i have 2 tables , 1 table have products and this 
table habe 3
colums ID , name, Id_price and the other table (prices) have 2 columns
Id_price , price , can i return for the 'x' product their prices like

Un Saludo
Jaume Rubio
Depto. Informtica

Yes sir, you can return the data in that format, but whether it's a 
good idea is another question. SQL was intended to return data in the 
x, price1
x, price2
x, price3
With most RDBMSs, including MySQL, it is possible to force the data 
into your format, but it is complicated and slows things down. You 
would be better off having your query return data in the usual format 
and then have a client program parse the output and reformat it.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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2001-03-22 Thread Bob Hall

I have these 3 tables which hold order information
for a web site.

One table holds the shipping info/credit cart stuff,
another one holds one type of item ('home accents'),
and the other one holds house plans.

When someone orders these items, due to the options on
house plans, I must store the order information for
plans and accents in 2 seperate tables. So, I broke
the order info down into the 3 tables described above.

Each of the accentorders and planorders tables have
an order_id field which coresponds to the ID field
in the mainorder table (which holds the shipping and
CC info).

All this works fine, however I'm stumped on one issue.
I want to use one select statement and get all the items
for that one order AND figure out how many 'Plans' that
order has and how many 'Accents' the order has.

I've tried this select statement:
FROM orders,accentorderdetail,planordermain
ORDER BY orders.order_date ASC;

Which gives:
| id | ship_co_name | ship_name  | order_date | order_total | 
order_complete | bad | plans | accents |
|  1 | Mindbender   | Johnny Withers | 3/20/2001  | 1426.85 | 
0 |   1 | 2 |   1 |
|  2 | Mindbender   | Johnny Withers | 3/21/2001  | 1538.13 | 
0 |   1 | 2 |   1 |
|  3 | Mindbender   | John Doe   | 3/21/2001  | 2084.13 | 
0 |   1 | 3 |   1 |

It gives correct results for 'plans' but incorrect results for accents.
Also, if a user doesn't order any 'plans' but orders 'accents' this query
will not return any results at all (because of the AND in the where).
I tried to use OR, but then I get (orders*plans_ordered*accent_orders) which
is not right either.

In other words, you want to preserve the orders table, which means an 
outer join.
FROM (orders o LEFT JOIN accentordetail a ON =
 LEFT JOIN planordermain p ON =
This replaces both your FROM and WHERE clauses. (If you use the 
aliases you'll have to use them in the rest of the SQL statement 

At first blush, the Count() problem looks like a data problem. Being 
lazy, I'm not inclined to set up a database and try to duplicate the 
problem when I don't see a problem with the SQL. I'm not saying the 
problem isn't in the SQL, I'm just saying that I'm lazy. If you 
posted the data in the tables that resulted in the output above, I'd 
be more inclined to proceed to the next step. In general, it makes it 
easier for people on the list to help you if we have both the input 
and the output.

It's possible that the outer joins will solve the Count() problem, 
but I can't tell without the input data.

Thanks for the input.

Johnny Withers
p. 601.853.0211
c. 601.954.9133

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: SELECT help

2001-03-22 Thread Bob Hall


This is my first posting, although i've been signed up to the list for a

My problem is this.

Table A (5000 rows)

Table B (1000 rows)

I want all records from Table A and those from Table B where they match, for
this i'm using a right join.  However, there are rows in Table B which don't
match any in Table A, but i need to include these as well.
Any help would be appreciated.


Sir, I haven't seen an answer to your question, so here's one way of 
getting what you want.

What you want is basically the union of three groups of rows: the 
rows from A and B that match, the rows from A that don't match B, and 
the rows from B that don't match A. Your outer join returns the first 
two groups. The last group is returned by a difference query: the 
rows in B that don't match any of the rows in A (B - A). Since MySQL 
doesn't yet support UNION, you will have to load the result tables 
from both queries into another table, and then SELECT * from that 

I have a description of the standard difference query on my website; 
http:/, click on MySQL on the sidebar, 
click on SQL, and look for the difference query topic.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: upper and ucase

2001-03-11 Thread Bob Hall

Sir, if you look through the documentation on the PHP site, you will 
find the strtoupper function, and a number of PHP mail lists where 
PHP related questions can be posted. If you have any MySQL related 
questions, the contributors to this MySQL mail list will be happy to 
try and help you.

Bob Hall


I am using mysql-3.22.32 with php4.

I have a little problem with the uppercase.
I wanted to display a user input field in CAPS.

This is what I did and it did not work.
$userfield = upper('$userfield');
echo "User Field - $userfield";

Errors (tried both ucase and upper)
Call to undefined function: upper()
Call to undefined function: ucase()

Really appreciate any help that I can get.

"Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions, they are a lot easier to
  handle than dumb mistakes."
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Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: May I ask for your assistance?

2001-03-11 Thread Bob Hall

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Installation MySQL version 3.23.22-beta.

I am awfully sorry to bother you with some basics.  I am a novice. 
I am trying to use the above on my PC which is running on Windows 
98.  In WinMySQLAdmin, my.ini set up appears complete.  I have 
looked at the starting tutorial in the manual which I downloaded 
along with the above but I do not find your instructions very 
helpful.  (shell suggests you have written the manual for Unix 
users?) Will I be able to enjoy the benefit of this software in my 
current Windows environment?  Is it necessary for me to run my PC 
either on Windows NT or Windows 2000 to have the full benefit of 
your SQL software?

Your kind reply, however brief, would be very much appreciated.


Thomas Morton
Flat 18
9 Chenies Street

Sir, if you are not aware of this, you should know that you are 
posting to an extremely active mailing list. There are many sirs and 
madames here, and we try to help each other out. If you give us some 
clue as to your difficulty, we may be able to help.

I've run various versions of MySQL on both win95 and win98. So far, 
I've had no problems with MySQL, although my present WinTel box, the 
MS Titanic, has gone down several times with full loss of passengers 
and crew. (Thank god for backups.) However, the built-in iceberg 
detector (*CRASH* "Found the iceberg, sir.") is part of Windows, not 
MySQL. In other words, MySQL should run as well as the operating 

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: sql date worries

2001-03-07 Thread Bob Hall

Hi all,

Im kind of strugling with a query for some time now and I need extra input:

What is the desired answer from mysql:

a date.

what is the input:

a week number

What dat do I need:

The date of the monday (week starts at sunday) in the weeknumber.

something like: select date(week(10),1);

But this doesn't work.

Anyone any idea's?

I'm blocked..

Sir, to get a date in the specified week, you can use
Date_add('2001-01-01', INTERVAL number WEEK)
Check on my website for code that finds the date of a specific 
weekday, given any date in the week. Click on MySQL on the sidebar, 
and select SQL. Look for the date topics.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: MySQL for my application?

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall

Hello all,

I am brand new to MySQL. I have very limited experience with SQL type
databases. MySQL appears to be a very elaborate product capable of many
things. I've glanced at the documentation before writing this. I have 2
very general question to all you 'experienced' MySQL users.

Question #1)...

My application is in definite need of an SQL database manager. That much I
know. But what I'm looking for is a db manager that can handle backward
compatibility (ie: database version independence) of my application's

Putting it in laymen's terms...

I have an application that creates and uses a database of data that it
uses now (say with version 1.0 of my software). Next year I come out with
version 2.0 of my software but I want my software to be capable of running
with previous versions of data (stored in the database) as well as new

In other words, I want to develop my software to be backward compatible
with previous versions of data. I know the application is my
responsibility, BUT will MySQL be capable of managing concurrent versions
of data inbetween software versions?

Sir, I can't figure out what you're asking. The DBMS handles the 
data, and your application interfaces with the DBMS. If your app 
changes but the DBMS doesn't, then the way the data is handled 
doesn't change. The only thing that changes is the way your app 
interfaces with the DBMS. MySQL is very good about backward 
compatibility with older versions of itself; if you upgrade to a new 
version of MySQL, there shouldn't be any need to rewrite your app.

Questions #2)...

I've used INFORMIX E/SQL in the past but only a little. So I am vaguely
familiar with the 'style' of commands one must embed into the code to
retrieve data from the database manager.

Is there a 'standard' to SQL query command syntax? If I commit to MySQL
today and decide to use ORACLE, INFORMIX, GNUSQL, etc. down the road (for
whatever reason) will I have to rewrite my db interface handlers?

SQL is a standard maintained by a standards organization. No DBMS 
vendor limits itself to this standard completely. MySQL is no better 
or worse than any other RDBMS in this regard. You can avoid having to 
rewrite your db interface by using  ODBC or some other database 
abstraction software. This limits you to the functionality supported 
by ODBC, and makes your app run a little slower. You can also try to 
limit your SQL statements to the basic SQL syntax shared by most 
RDBMSs. This also limits your functionality, but speeds things up a 

Depending on the developement language you're using, there may be 
database abstraction software that allows more functionality and runs 
faster than ODBC. For example, there are a number of abstraction 
layers available for PHP.

- - -

Sorry about the simplicity of these questions but you can tell I am
exploring what are my best options for introducing a db manager to my
application without making costly mistakes from the start.

Thank you

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: Join Question

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall

What am I doing wrong?

The goal is to count the number of entries which match the account

The results are correct, but the times are so far off...

mysql select count(*) from STLOUIS left join ClientSTL
 - on STLOUIS.Dwell=ClientSTL.Dwell where ClientSTL.account='pruitt';

|  count(*)  |
|   63  |
1 row in set (33.28 sec)

mysql select count(*) from STLOUIS where Dwell='Con';
|   count(*) |
|   63  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Sir, the left join returns all rows from the left table, which means 
that it doesn't use any indices on that table. The WHERE condition 
ensures that rows that don't match on the right table aren't 
returned, so the left join is unnecessary. Change it to an INNER 
JOIN, and make sure you have proper indices on both tables.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: more help with SELECT statement

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall


A few days ago, I asked the list about a SELECT statement. I 
received 2 replies that didn't really work but helped me think about 
the problem some more. In my database I have 4 tables. For this one 
query, I am matching up data from 3 of these tables and then 
displaying them on a website.

Here is the query:

SELECT,, request.type, request.status,
faculty.f_name, faculty.l_name,, FROM faculty, 
request LEFT JOIN action ON WHERE;

and here is the output created by a php script with data from the above query:

I know it looks ok, but I am not quite sure the SELECT statement is 
doing what I want it to. I want the query to match up all the 
requests(request) with the person who requested them(faculty) and 
then match up all the requests to any actions that our staff might 
have performed on them (action). However, if no actions were 
performed yet, I still need those requests displayed. So basically I 
am matching up one table with two other tables.

So if any one can examine the above SELECT statement, and let me 
know if it does/doesn't look ok, then that would be great.


Looks good from my porch.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: substring and a join?

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall


I have the following query:
e,thara_plane.nick,thara_plane.bodytext,thara_category.category "
."FROM thara_plane,thara_category,substring(thara_plane.bodytext,225) as
bodytext "
."WHERE ((thara_plane.category = "
."ORDER BY thara_plane.time_last DESC";

I need to select the first 255 chars from the field 
"thara_plane.bodytext". The
previous query, however, doesn't work. I have tried it several ways, changine
one row and another but I haven't yet found a solution that works. Any ideas?


Sir, take Substring() out of the FROM clause and put it in the SELECT clause.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: Recursive queries

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall

Quick searches of Google and the MySQL page didn't turn up anything, 
so I'll ask here..

Here's what I have:
I have a table that among others, have fields called 'section_id' 
and 'parent_id'. The section_id is the id of the "self" section, and 
the parent_id is the id of the section that "owns" the self section. 
(It's sort of like a filesystem where one directory has 
subdirectories, and so on)

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I want to start with one section, and go down the tree of 
sub-sections, picking up information about them on the way.

I want to start at the "root" section, and follow down one of it's 

   |--- Sports Products
   ||--- Golf :: Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4
   ||--- Fishing :: Item5, Item6, Item7, Item8

So it will start at Root, find that Sports Products is attached to 
Root, get the information I want from Sports Products, then it will 
find that Golf and Fishing are attached to Sports Products, and get 
the information from them respectively. (And so on) As it stands, it 
won't go any further than 2 levels deep from the root section, so I 
won't need to find a more effecient way to organize the 
relationships for now.

What do you all feel would be the best way to do this?


I think that Joe Celko and his publisher should set up some sort of 
affiliate program so that I earn a little money every time I post the 
'SQL for Smarties' by Joe Celko, two chapters covering two different
approaches to dealing with tree structures.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: SQL query problem with mysql.

2001-03-05 Thread Bob Hall


i'm writing a book (wrox publishers) which uses mysql for the sample
i seem to have encountered a problem with an SQL query.
its a simple voting application, with a candidate table, and a vote table:

create table candidate (
candidatenumber integer not null auto_increment,
firstname varchar(32) not null,
lastname varchar(32) not null,
politicalparty varchar(32) not null,
primary key(candidatenumber));

create table votes (
votenumber integer not null auto_increment,
candidatenumber integer,
countynumber integer,
primary key(votenumber),
foreign key(candidatenumber) references candidate,
foreign key(countynumber) references county);

i want to do a query that shows firstname, lastname, the number of votes for
that guy, and the total number of votes cast as illustrated:

George, Bush, 2, 10
Al, Gore, 2, 10
Pat, Buchannan, 1, 10
Ralph, Nader, 5, 10

for example ralph nader received  5 votes out of a total of 10 cast.
Al gore received 2 votes out of 10 ... you get the idea.

here is my query:

SELECT Candidate.FIRSTNAME, Candidate.LASTNAME, count(Votes.VoteNumber) ,
count(select * from Votes)

everything works except for the nasty count(select (*) from votes) which
seems to work on other db's.
if i take it away then it works fine.  any ideas on how i could obtain a
count of the number of votes

thank you for your consideration.

Larry Kim

Sir, MySQL doesn't (yet) support subqueries. Generally, you get 
around this by using TEMPORARY tables. The following, in slightly 
different form, ran successfully on the MS Titanic (aka my Wintel 

SELECT Candidate.FIRSTNAME, Candidate.LASTNAME, count(*)
FROM Candidate LEFT JOIN Votes

SELECT Count(*) AS total_votes FROM votes;

SELECT * FROM counts, total_votes;

You can also use

SELECT "Total", Count(*) FROM votes;

SELECT * FROM counts;

in place of the last two statements, which will give you the same 
data in a different format. Your readers may find the second solution 
easier to understand. The TEMPORARY tables are automatically removed 
when the connection ends.

Note that the FOREIGN KEY clause in your CREATE TABLE statement has 
no effect in MySQL. It is only there for compatibility with other 
RDBMSs. In order to maximize speed, MySQL provides no relational 
integrity constraints other than those applied to primary keys. 
Foreign keys are not enforced.

It is possible that before your book goes to the printer, MySQL will 
have added subqueries, and one developer or another will have created 
code that makes it possible to add table types that support integrity 
constraints. These things are all in the works from various sources.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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