Replication problems: slave fails to update

2009-06-02 Thread Proemial
I'm trying to resolve a frustrating replication problem with my databases.

The master contains a number of schema, only using Innodb tables.
Updates happen regularly, usually using bulk inserts of the form
INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE.  Data is mostly numbers.  The missing
queries contain no non-deterministic functions, no BLOB/TEXT fields,
no triggers or procedures, and no variables.  The queries are
generated by various C programs, connecting through Connector/ODBC.

typical table (explain results):
'nodeID', 'int(10) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '', ''
'calculationID', 'int(10) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '', ''
'columnID', 'tinyint(3) unsigned', 'NO', 'PRI', '1', ''
'value', 'double', 'NO', '', '', ''
'lastUpdate', 'timestamp', 'NO', '', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'on update

typical bulk insert:
INSERT INTO risk.risk_node_tree (nodeID, calculationID, columnID,
value, lastUpdate)
VALUES (1,2,1,1000,null),... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=VALUES(value)

Replication is active, and I am able to test it by doing single point
modifications through the query browser.

However, the bulk inserts seem to vanish: The Master updates, but the
slave does not.  There are no errors in the log file.  SHOW SLAVE
STATUS states no problems.

I have attempted changing binlog_format, and have received the same
results on all three settings.  The Master has no settings to ignore
any particular schema.

Using the query browser, and running the same exact query with the
same user, results in the query properly replicating.

Both instances are 5.1.34.

This is causing me to have to resynchronize the databases every night,
which is getting to be something of a chore.

Does anyone have any idea what might be happening, or could suggest an
avenue of investigation?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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replication problems

2009-04-23 Thread Duncan Hutty
I have a simple master-slave replication setup. Nothing very interesting 
as far as I know, both running identically configured 5.1.31 using 
'mixed' replication.

I have a couple of issues which I assume are related, although I suppose 
they might not be:

1) When the monitoring showed that slaving had stopped, I found the 
last_sql_error which was about a foreign key constraint failing.

Is it possible that the queries against the master get into the bin log 
out of order so that a referent was changed while there were still 
outstanding references to it?

If not, how is it possible that the query would succeed on the master 
but not on the slave?

2) Unable to get quick answers to that I decided that safest and easiest 
would be to take a dump of the master and use it to create a new slave 
from scratch. However, one of my databases failed to load into the new 
slave, with an Identifier too long (error 1509). But this dumpfile 
came from the master. If it's ok on the master, how can it be too long 
for the slave?

And of course, the real question is how do I stop this happening again? 
Is it something wrong with my mysql server setup? Or is it bad code on 
the part of my users? And if the latter, what can I do to prevent their 
bad code making my slaving fail?

Duncan Hutty
System Administrator, ECE
Carnegie Mellon University

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MySQL 5.0.27 replication problems

2007-09-28 Thread Andrew Braithwaite

I keep getting the below in the error log.  I can't see any problems (no
other errors and replication is working) and the master DB is available
the whole time. 
070928 12:07:31 [Note] Slave: received end packet from server, apparent
master shutdown:
070928 12:07:31 [Note] Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event,
reconnecting to retry, log 'mysql-bin.000346' position 69110563
070928 12:07:32 [Note] Slave: connected to master 'username@ip
address:3306',replication resumed in log 'mysql-bin.000346' at position
070928 12:07:32 [Note] Slave: received end packet from server, apparent
master shutdown:
070928 12:07:32 [Note] Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event,
reconnecting to retry, log 'mysql-bin.000346' position 69110563
070928 12:07:32 [Note] Slave: connected to master 'username@ip
address:3306',replication resumed in log 'mysql-bin.000346' at position

Any ideas what is wrong?



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Replication problems - packet sizes and more

2004-11-24 Thread Jon Drukman
My master has two databases:  channel and hardware.  I'm only interested 
in replicating hardware, so I set up replicate-do-db=hardware on the slaves.

However, I am having problems because of giant LOAD DATA operations 
performed nightly on channel.  Replication blows up with max packet 
exceeded errors.  Due to this weird java program we have to use to load 
data from our partner, I can't just make the packet size really large on 
the master and slave and be done with it.  I tried doing that, but the 
java program freaks out if i set mysql's packet size too big for the 
java heap.  (I hate java so much.)  So, my questions are:

- does anyone know how to make java not care how big the mysql packet is?
- is there any way to have the mysql master just not even send big 
packets to the slaves?

- is there any way to make the mysql slaves ignore too-big packets? 
they are only happening on a database that i don't want to replicate anyway.

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Re: Replication problems - packet sizes and more

2004-11-24 Thread Jon Drukman
i probably should have mentioned: both master  slave are running 4.0.20
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Re: Replication problems - packet sizes and more

2004-11-24 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Jon Drukman wrote:
 My master has two databases:  channel and hardware.  I'm only interested 
 in replicating hardware, so I set up replicate-do-db=hardware on the slaves.
 However, I am having problems because of giant LOAD DATA operations 
 performed nightly on channel.  Replication blows up with max packet 
 exceeded errors.  Due to this weird java program we have to use to load 
 data from our partner, I can't just make the packet size really large on 
 the master and slave and be done with it.  I tried doing that, but the 
 java program freaks out if i set mysql's packet size too big for the 
 java heap.  (I hate java so much.)  So, my questions are:
 - does anyone know how to make java not care how big the mysql packet is?

Not really fixable, due to the way the MySQL protocol works, a query
(including the data for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE) has to fit in an entire
packet, the packet size needs to be sent to the server _first_, so that
means the clients have to allocate all memory required for a query, plus
some overhead to escape any 'special' characters...The c-based client
would have problems as well (it would have to allocate just as much
memory), you just wouldn't get an exception, your program would end up
in swap instead.

The JDBC client only grows the packet to max_allowed_packet if it needs
to. The one case where it probably doesn't need to is for LOAD DATA
LOCAL INFILEThe C-library implementation of LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
_does_ use max_allowed_packet sized packets to send the file from client
- - server.

Are you using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE with JDBC? If so, check out a
nightly build of Connector/J 3.1.x from ... It has a change to it where
it will use the smaller of 1MB or max_allowed_packet for LOAD DATA LOCAL
INFILE operations (this still works, it's just not the 'normal' way the
client library works).

- --
Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager - Client Connectivity
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Re: replication problems

2004-11-09 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Tuesday 09 November 2004 11:49 am, ian douglas wrote:

 My bad, I wasn't running START SLAVE to get them going. Seems odd that
 this has to be done manually.

I never do.. once its started, it  should be fine.. Your just getting errors 
making it stop.

 Also, overnight, my slaves reported this error:

 041108 19:06:42 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to master
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log
 'masterdb-bin.03' at position 7803960
 041108 19:06:42 [ERROR] While trying to obtain the list of slaves from
 the master '', user 'repl_user' got the following
 error: 'Access denied; you need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for this
 041108 19:06:42 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log
 'masterdb-bin.03', position 7803960

This is what i have: 
PASSWORD 'taken out';

 If a slave dies, is there any way to determine that state from an
 external point of view (ie: via Perl/DBD) so we can write a script of
 some kind to either connect to the slave and issue a START SLAVE or
 send the last xx lines of the .err log file to our tech staff?

I do this for the err files. It only send them if there is any data.. I use 

/var/log/mysql/mysql.err {
rotate 2

/var/log/mysql/mysqld.err {
rotate 2


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Re: replication problems

2004-11-09 Thread ian douglas
If a slave dies, is there any way to determine that state from an 
external point of view (ie: via Perl/DBD) so we can write a script of 
some kind to either connect to the slave and issue a START SLAVE or 
send the last xx lines of the .err log file to our tech staff?
I tried writing a Perl script to run a query of SHOW SLAVE STATUS and 
parsing the 30-or-so fields that would otherwise return, but it's 

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Access denied; you need the 
SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT privilege for this operation at ./ 
line 19.

Snippet of code:
my $dbh_2 = 
{ RaiseError = 1, AutoCommit = 0, PrintError = 0 } ) or die 
(SLAVE2 MySQL database offline: $!) ;

my $cur_info = $dbh_2-prepare(SHOW SLAVE STATUS) ;
$cur_info-execute() ;
my @row = $cur_info-fetchrow_array() ;
... line 19 would be the -execute() call.
I did this:
IDENTIFIED BY 'mypasswd' ;

... on the slaves, but that didn't help me any.
How can I check a slave's status without having to manually log in to a 
mysql client??

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Re: replication problems

2004-11-09 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Tuesday 09 November 2004 03:23 pm, ian douglas wrote:

 IDENTIFIED BY 'mypasswd' ;

I have no idea how this script is gonna help, but your having permission 
problems. The last message you wrote was permission problems as well..

There is a default login in mysql, I think your getting in as that, but not 
able to do anything.. Make your your host variables are right.. Check your 
logs to make sure your getting is as who your expecting to be.. (show 
processlist even).


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Re: replication problems

2004-11-09 Thread Paul DuBois
At 9:49 -0800 11/9/04, ian douglas wrote:
Except that changes made on the master are not automatically picked 
up by the slaves.
My bad, I wasn't running START SLAVE to get them going. Seems odd 
that this has to be done manually.
Perhaps you have the --skip-slave-start option in an option file?
Another possibility is that the slave threads are starting when the
server starts, but the SQL thread stops because it encounters a
replication error.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
One master, two slaves, mysql 4.1.7 installed via compiled source code, 
on RedHat 8.0

On the master system I did this:
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;

and on the two slaves:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='master.db.hostname', MASTER_PORT=3306, 
MASTER_USER='repl_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_passwd' ;

... as per the documentation.
On the slaves, the command:
responds with
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' (using password: YES)

Any tips?
/etc/my.cnf on the master sets the server-id to 1, the slaves are 2 and 
3 respectively

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Re: replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
Answered my own question, sorry for the quick posting...
When I was trying to do the LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, with the master set 
as GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'repl_user'@ ... the slaves were reporting an 
error that stated I needed to GRANT SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on the 
master, which didn't work.

After a little more RTFM-surfing, I found the GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE 
for the master, and a LOAD DATA worked just fine.

ian douglas wrote:
One master, two slaves, mysql 4.1.7 installed via compiled source code, 
on RedHat 8.0

On the master system I did this:
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;

and on the two slaves:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='master.db.hostname', MASTER_PORT=3306, 
MASTER_USER='repl_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_passwd' ;

... as per the documentation.
On the slaves, the command:
responds with
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' (using password: YES)

Any tips?
/etc/my.cnf on the master sets the server-id to 1, the slaves are 2 and 
3 respectively


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Re: replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
After a little more RTFM-surfing, I found the GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE 
for the master, and a LOAD DATA worked just fine.
Except that changes made on the master are not automatically picked up 
by the slaves.

Am I missing something?
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Transaction Replication Problems

2004-08-20 Thread Robert Hammond
Has anyone ever encountered a problem where replication stops due to a
partially completed query on the master?
I am currently encountering this problem on my server and was wondering if I
need to resync the slave server to the master by copying all the data files
to the slave and then restarting replication.  Is this my best action?

The error I am receiving is:
040820 14:51:56  Slave: query 'BEGIN' partially completed on the master and
was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this
point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on
the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL
040820 14:51:56  Error running query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix the
problem, and restart the slave SQL thread with SLAVE START. We stopped at
log 'intranet-bin.007' position 16980559
MySql: ready for connections.

Thanks for any help.

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replication problems

2004-05-10 Thread Gabriel Ricard
I'm not sure what's going on with our replication. Everything was 
working fine, then all of a sudden it stopped. I did STOP SLAVE; RESET 
SLAVE; LOAD DATA FROM MASTER and it completed after a few minutes, but 
when I checked SHOW SLAVE STATUS it no longer had any information about 
the master. I look in the log and there are these messages:

040510 12:46:15  Slave I/O thread: connected to master 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log 'FIRST' at position 4
040510 12:46:15  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log 
file (server_errno=1236)
040510 12:46:15  Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not open log file' from 
master when reading data from binary log
040510 12:46:15  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log 'FIRST', 
position 4

Any ideas what this is all about? I couldn't find any useful help in 
the manual or archives when I searched for those errors.

- Gabriel

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Re: replication problems

2004-05-10 Thread Sasha Pachev
Gabriel Ricard wrote:
I'm not sure what's going on with our replication. Everything was 
working fine, then all of a sudden it stopped. I did STOP SLAVE; RESET 
SLAVE; LOAD DATA FROM MASTER and it completed after a few minutes, but 
when I checked SHOW SLAVE STATUS it no longer had any information about 
the master. I look in the log and there are these messages:

040510 12:46:15  Slave I/O thread: connected to master 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log 'FIRST' at position 4
040510 12:46:15  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log 
file (server_errno=1236)
040510 12:46:15  Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not open log file' from 
master when reading data from binary log
040510 12:46:15  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log 'FIRST', 
position 4

Any ideas what this is all about? I couldn't find any useful help in the 
manual or archives when I searched for those errors.

Check the master error log to see what binary log it is trying to read, and why 
the read is not successful, eg. ownership/permission problems.

Sasha Pachev
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Replication Problems: Ignore table

2003-12-30 Thread Mike Mapsnac
The replication between two servers works. But I tried to disable 
replication on one table. According to the MYSQL Documentation. I did the 

#1 stop Slave
#2 Modified my.cnf on slave
replicate-ignore-table=info.notes # Added this Line
#3 Restarted slave server /etc/init.d/mysql restart
#4 start slave
show status slave shows that replication is running , but actually it 
doesn’t. I even can type start slave many times with no warning. Previously 
I got an error message if I try to start slave that is running.

What I did wrong?

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Anyone experiencing replication problems with mysql-max-3.23.57-pc-linux-i686

2003-07-11 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
I notice that slaves which never went out of sync are now doing so
regularly with the same traffic pattern. Since upgrading to 3.23.57 I've
notice a large increase in CPU utilization with the same configuration
as the previous version in production 3.23.54. Anyone else experiencing
the same issue?

Re: Replication problems

2003-06-13 Thread Mithun Bhattacharya
That got me greping through my Master's log and I came accross the 
following :

Error reading packet from server: log event entry exceeded 
max_allowed_packet - increase max_allowed_packet on master 

This seems to have happened in the date ranges where replication was 
failing. I cant confirm it is related but is it possible this would 
cause replication to fail on the server ?

Also a new table is created every day therefore a single failure cant 
have been the reason for replication failure over a period of time.

It also brings me to a critical question what do I set as the 
max_allowed_packet so that I will successfully save all updates to a 
TEXT field? TEXT fields dont have a size limit so how do I make sure I 
will never see this error ?


Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

I can successfully run the SQL on the slave manually and it obviously 
has run successfully on the master.

Why is that obvious?

It's telling you that the slave expected to get an error but didn't.
Those expectations come from the master's binlog.
I'd repair the table on the master, since it's likely in some sort of

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Re: Replication problems

2003-06-12 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 05:22:50PM +0530, Mithun Bhattacharya wrote:
 I am frequently getting errors as given below on my slave server.
 030605  3:27:19  Slave: did not get the expected error running query 
 from master - expected: 'Got error %d from table handler'
 (1030), got 'no error' (0)
 030605  3:27:19  Slave:  error running query 'delete from 
 page_cache_2003_06_04 where FILEKEY = '0''
 030605  3:27:19  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, 
 and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped 
 at log 'ebldb05p2-bin.630' position 354859069
 030605  3:27:19  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 
 'ebldb05p2-bin.630' at position 354859069
 030610  3:17:02  Slave: did not get the expected error running query 
 from master - expected: 'Got error %d from table handler'
 (1030), got 'no error' (0)
 030610  3:17:02  Slave:  error running query 'delete from 
 page_cache_2003_06_09 where FILEKEY = '0''
 030610  3:17:02  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, 
 and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped 
 at log 'ebldb05p2-bin.654' position 189278930
 030610  3:17:02  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 
 'ebldb05p2-bin.654' at position 189278930
 I can successfully run the SQL on the slave manually and it obviously 
 has run successfully on the master.

Why is that obvious?

It's telling you that the slave expected to get an error but didn't.
Those expectations come from the master's binlog.

I'd repair the table on the master, since it's likely in some sort of

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.13: up 9 days, processed 310,309,685 queries (378/sec. avg)

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Replication problems (server_errno=1236)

2003-06-03 Thread Calvin Hill

I'm running MySQL Ver 12.18 Distrib 4.0.12 I had replication set up and
working perfectly between two machines in a round robin fashion. (Serv 1
updates Serv 2 and Serv 2 updates Serv 1.)

Recently serv 2 locked up, upon restarting, it automatically began to
update with the files from serv 1. YEAH so far. Then I noticed that Serv 1
was not updating from serv 2. I checked all the settings and evertyhing
seems to be the same, but I'm getting the following in the error log;

030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread: connected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log ' serv2-bin.001' at
position 376

030602 21:03:09  Error reading packet from server: Could not find first log
file name in binary log index file (server_errno=1236)

030602 21:03:09  Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not find first log file name
in binary log index file' from master when reading data from binary log

030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log ' serv2-bin.001',
position 376

And the slave thread quits. I've quit and restarted the mysqld process on
both servers. I've even reset the master and slave files and re-set the
servers. Still I get the same error whenever I do a slave start on serv1.
serv2 is still happily grabbing the changes made to serv1 though.

Any ideas?


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Re: Replication problems (server_errno=1236)

2003-06-03 Thread Nils Valentin
Hi Calvin,

I am not sure which table format you use, but somehow I assume you use innodb.

If I remember correctly than Innodb will need all log files. If only one is 
missing than thats it, you get the error described.

- anybody please correct me if I talk rubbish here

Best regards

Nils Valentin

2003 6 3  12:12Calvin Hill :

 I'm running MySQL Ver 12.18 Distrib 4.0.12 I had replication set up and
 working perfectly between two machines in a round robin fashion. (Serv 1
 updates Serv 2 and Serv 2 updates Serv 1.)

 Recently serv 2 locked up, upon restarting, it automatically began to
 update with the files from serv 1. YEAH so far. Then I noticed that Serv 1
 was not updating from serv 2. I checked all the settings and evertyhing
 seems to be the same, but I'm getting the following in the error log;

 030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread: connected to master
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log ' serv2-bin.001' at
 position 376

 030602 21:03:09  Error reading packet from server: Could not find first log
 file name in binary log index file (server_errno=1236)

 030602 21:03:09  Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not find first log file name
 in binary log index file' from master when reading data from binary log

 030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log ' serv2-bin.001',
 position 376

 And the slave thread quits. I've quit and restarted the mysqld process on
 both servers. I've even reset the master and slave files and re-set the
 servers. Still I get the same error whenever I do a slave start on serv1.
 serv2 is still happily grabbing the changes made to serv1 though.

 Any ideas?



Valentin Nils
Internet Technology


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Re: Replication problems (server_errno=1236)

2003-06-03 Thread Calvin Hill
(BI agree with you, you do have to have all the log files, which is why I
(Breset the master.
(BAccording to the manual:
(B4.10.7.5 RESET MASTER (master)
(BDeletes all binary logs listed in the index file, resetting the binlog index
(Bfile to be empty.  Previously named FLUSH MASTER .
(BBy doing this you eliminate all old master file and start over at
(BFILENAME-bin-001 position 79.
(BThanks for the input though.
(BOn 6/2/03 21:32, "Nils Valentin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(B Hi Calvin,
(B I am not sure which table format you use, but somehow I assume you use innodb.
(B If I remember correctly than Innodb will need all log files. If only one is
(B missing than thats it, you get the error described.
(B - anybody please correct me if I talk rubbish here
(B Best regards
(B Nils Valentin
(B Tokyo/Japan
(B 2003$BG/(J 6$B7n(J 3$BF|(J $B2PMKF|(J 12:12$B!"(JCalvin Hill 
(B $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(J:
(B Hello,
(B I'm running MySQL Ver 12.18 Distrib 4.0.12 I had replication set up and
(B working perfectly between two machines in a round robin fashion. (Serv 1
(B updates Serv 2 and Serv 2 updates Serv 1.)
(B Recently serv 2 locked up, upon restarting, it automatically began to
(B update with the files from serv 1. YEAH so far. Then I noticed that Serv 1
(B was not updating from serv 2. I checked all the settings and evertyhing
(B seems to be the same, but I'm getting the following in the error log;
(B 030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread: connected to master
(B '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log ' serv2-bin.001' at
(B position 376
(B 030602 21:03:09  Error reading packet from server: Could not find first log
(B file name in binary log index file (server_errno=1236)
(B 030602 21:03:09  Got fatal error 1236: 'Could not find first log file name
(B in binary log index file' from master when reading data from binary log
(B 030602 21:03:09  Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log ' serv2-bin.001',
(B position 376
(B And the slave thread quits. I've quit and restarted the mysqld process on
(B both servers. I've even reset the master and slave files and re-set the
(B servers. Still I get the same error whenever I do a slave start on serv1.
(B serv2 is still happily grabbing the changes made to serv1 though.
(B Any ideas?
(B Thanks
(B Calvin
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Replication problems

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff McKeon
I've got 3 databases running DB1, DB2, DB3.

DB1 version 3.23.41
DB2 version 3.23.41
DB3 version 3.12.51

DB1 is the master for DB2 in replication

I'm trying now to set up DB3 to replicate from DB2

So in essence DB1 - DB2 - DB3

I ran through the instructions for setting up replication of DB2 to DB3

All are using myISAM tables.

I'm getting the following error on DB3

030404 20:16:01  Slave: connected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0', 
replication started in log 'db02tc07927-bin.049' at position 160 
030404 20:18:01  Error reading packet from server:  (server_errno=1159)
030404 20:18:01  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
log 'db02tc07927-bin.049' position 160
030404 20:18:01  Slave: reconnected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0',replication resumed in log 'db02tc07927-bin.049' at
position 160
030404 20:20:01  Error reading packet from server:  (server_errno=1159)

I've set the net_read_timeout=3600 on the DB3 my.cnf file as suggested
by other threads I've seen but this hasn't helped.

Any ideas?


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Various replication problems with 4.0.10-gamma

2003-02-18 Thread John Taylor


  I'm having a bit of a nightmare getting replication working.

Both slave and master are 4.0.10-gamma

If I install fresh copies on two clean machines, and follow the
instructions in manual.txt, everything works fine.

The problem is that I need to do this in a production environment,
so I can't quite follow the instructions.

I've tried using LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, but this aborts and
the logfile shows a ER_NET_MASTER_READ has occurred in the middle of
the third table.

So, I removed the mysql data directory on the slave, and completely
re-installed and re-populated it (just to be sure I had a clean start).
Then tried again by taking a snapshot - Just one database to start with.

I then tried a CHANGE MASTER TO ...

This now fails with:
030218 14:21:53  Error updating slave list: Query error

It seems that replication is trying to do a SHOW SLAVE HOSTS.
I assume that this is running on the master, so I tried to login
to the master by hand and run it to see what the error is.
I get the error:
ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for this operation

I've tried setting the grants again, but it doesn't seem to make any difference:

mysql show grants for myuser@myhost;

| Grants for myuser@myhost 
|  |
| GRANT RELOAD ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'myhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'asdadadasdadasas'   
|  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Whats going on here ?


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replication problems

2003-02-18 Thread Inbal Ovadia
Hi All
I am trying to make a replication for my database.
The master and the slave both in version 3.23.41 and i am working on windows

I create user with FILE privilege and I flush all the tables and block write
Now I run the query SHOW MASTER STATUS and I get null in all the columns
(file, position, Binlog_do_db and Binlog_ignore_db)

What should I do?
Thanks, Inbal

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Re: Various replication problems with 4.0.10-gamma

2003-02-18 Thread John Taylor
On Tuesday 18 February 2003 15:36, Harald Fuchs wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 John Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I get the error:
  ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for this 
  I've tried setting the grants again, but it doesn't seem to make any difference:
 mysql show grants for myuser@myhost;
  | Grants for myuser@myhost 
'asdadadasdadasas' |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  Whats going on here ?
 Perhaps you forgot to run mysql_fix_privilege_tables?

That was it  - thanks.

Replication now seems to be running, but the tables are not being updated on the slave.

I can see the updates arriving in the relay log, but they don't get added to the 

There are no errors in the log

Processlist looks OK to me ...

mysql show full processlist;
| Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time  | State
|| Info  |
|  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 11609 | Reading master update
|| NULL  |
|  2 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 11609 | Slave: waiting for 
|binlog update | NULL  |
|  5 | root| localhost | vpopmail | Query   | 0 | NULL 
|| show full processlist |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

and the slave staus looks OK too ...

mysql show slave status;   
| Master_Host   | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry | Master_Log_File 
|| Read_Master_Log_Pos | Relay_Log_File | Relay_Log_Pos | Relay_Master_Log_File | 
|Slave_IO_Running | Slave_SQL_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db | 
|Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter | Exec_master_log_pos | Relay_log_space |
| mymaster  | myuser  | 3306| 60| mysqld.013  
|| 516424  | loki-relay-bin.003 | 381962| mysqld.012| 
|Yes  | Yes   | | | 0  
||| 0| 516424  | 381966  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The permissions on the database directory and files are rwx-- mysql:mysql

Is here anything else that I can check for ?

I have only taken a snapshot and copied one of the databases so far - could that be 
the problem ?


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Replication Problems with Adding New Records

2003-02-13 Thread Aaron Weed
I am using MySQL version 4.0.10 on both Slave and Master.  I am running a
Visual Basic front end connected to MySQL via MySQL ODBC v3.51.04.  When
using MySQLCC, adding records to the master database will work fine, the
server shows the additional record added.  When using our app in VB, a
record will be added on the Master, but the Slave does not pick up the added
record.  The log-bin file shows there is something recorded, but no error
message or no change! If anyone has any input, that would be great... If you
need or want further explaining please email, I will be glad to help...


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RE: Replication Problems/Questions

2003-02-01 Thread Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21

-Ursprngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21 
Gesendet: Freitag, 31. Januar 2003 20:51
An: 'Gelu Gogancea'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Betreff: Re: Replication Problems/Questions

thank you for you're response,
but in the mysql-manual  version 4.0 they said that the Problems with load
data, load data infile have been solved.

So I'm a little bit confused about that.

Best regards

-Ursprngliche Nachricht-
Von: Gelu Gogancea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2003 20:48
An: Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: Re: Replication Problems/Questions

- Original Message -
From: Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Replication Problems/Questions

 Hi List

 I'm using 2 WinNT-Servers, Sp6 with mysql 4.0.5. max-nt.

 I ve setup a replication between these two servers as discribed in the
 manual and some small problems comes up.

 Maybe someone can give me some help.

 1.) On the Master I create a user repl with the rights 'replication
  On the slave I used a user with all possible rights.
  Starting the replication with 'reset slave', 'change master to.'
 and 'start slave', I get an error:
  Show slave status says Slave_IO_running no and some entry in

  This Problem I could solve using a user in 'change master to '
 has also admin rights.
  What could cause the problem?

 2.) The more important Problem:
  If the replication is running, and I try to replicate a table where
 data was inserted on the master with 'LOAD DATA INFILE...' or
 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' the server process on the slaves
  The files on the master, for LOAD DATA.were still there.

 Any Ideas?
...this can happening because on the slave you don't have(...i guess) the
file for LOAD DATA.By REPLICATION the slave trying to copy every movement
of the master and not the data  itself.This means that slave trying to
execute LOAD DATA INFILE YOUR_PATH_TO_FILE .and not copy the data
from the master.

 At Last one question:
 - could anyone explain me the meaning of the fields from show slave status
 (  I'm looking for a way to decide if the slave has replicated all the
 from the master )

 Best regards

Best Regards,



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Replication Problems/Questions

2003-01-30 Thread Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21
Hi List

I'm using 2 WinNT-Servers, Sp6 with mysql 4.0.5. max-nt.

I ve setup a replication between these two servers as discribed in the
manual and some small problems comes up.

Maybe someone can give me some help.

1.) On the Master I create a user repl with the rights 'replication slave'.
 On the slave I used a user with all possible rights.
 Starting the replication with 'reset slave', 'change master to.'
and 'start slave', I get an error:
 Show slave status says Slave_IO_running no and some entry in mysql.err.

 This Problem I could solve using a user in 'change master to ' that
has also admin rights.
 What could cause the problem?

2.) The more important Problem:
 If the replication is running, and I try to replicate a table where
data was inserted on the master with 'LOAD DATA INFILE...' or
'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' the server process on the slaves
 The files on the master, for LOAD DATA.were still there.
Any Ideas?

At Last one question:
- could anyone explain me the meaning of the fields from show slave status 
(  I'm looking for a way to decide if the slave has replicated all the data
from the master )

Best regards


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Re: Replication Problems/Questions

2003-01-30 Thread Gelu Gogancea
- Original Message -
From: Guddack Thorsten ICM MP SCM GO 21 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Replication Problems/Questions

 Hi List

 I'm using 2 WinNT-Servers, Sp6 with mysql 4.0.5. max-nt.

 I ve setup a replication between these two servers as discribed in the
 manual and some small problems comes up.

 Maybe someone can give me some help.

 1.) On the Master I create a user repl with the rights 'replication
  On the slave I used a user with all possible rights.
  Starting the replication with 'reset slave', 'change master to.'
 and 'start slave', I get an error:
  Show slave status says Slave_IO_running no and some entry in

  This Problem I could solve using a user in 'change master to '
 has also admin rights.
  What could cause the problem?

 2.) The more important Problem:
  If the replication is running, and I try to replicate a table where
 data was inserted on the master with 'LOAD DATA INFILE...' or
 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' the server process on the slaves
  The files on the master, for LOAD DATA.were still there.

 Any Ideas?
...this can happening because on the slave you don't have(...i guess) the
file for LOAD DATA.By REPLICATION the slave trying to copy every movement
of the master and not the data  itself.This means that slave trying to
execute LOAD DATA INFILE YOUR_PATH_TO_FILE .and not copy the data
from the master.

 At Last one question:
 - could anyone explain me the meaning of the fields from show slave status
 (  I'm looking for a way to decide if the slave has replicated all the
 from the master )

 Best regards

Best Regards,



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replication problems with InnoDB tables...?

2003-01-21 Thread Krzysztof Karski
So I have been reading a lot lately about replication but I can't find a 
good summary/explanation of MySQL's replication features regarding InnoDB 
tables and how their transactional properties may cause problems in 

I have seen suggestions that InnoDB tables should be converted to MyISAM 
tables before being loaded and then converted back to InnoDB tables.

I have also seen many others here confused as to what problems there are 
between InnoDB and replication.

So, could some friendly MySQL guru please explain to me, and many others, 
what the replication issues with InnoDB tables really are...please? The docs 
state that InnoDB is replication safe yet there seem to be so many problems 
with them when updates fail, roll back or are partially executed because 
some constraint conflict that causes replication to stop.

Kris Karski

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

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Re: replication problems with InnoDB tables...?

2003-01-21 Thread Heikki Tuuri

- Original Message -
From: Krzysztof Karski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: replication problems with InnoDB tables...?

 So I have been reading a lot lately about replication but I can't find a
 good summary/explanation of MySQL's replication features regarding InnoDB
 tables and how their transactional properties may cause problems in

transactions should not cause problems in replication. However, a relevant
bug fix is this:

MySQL/InnoDB-4.0.6, December 19, 2002
Fixed a bug: in replication issuing SLAVE STOP in the middle of a
multi-statement transaction could cause that SLAVE START would only perform
part of the transaction. A similar error could occur if the slave crashed
and was restarted.

 I have seen suggestions that InnoDB tables should be converted to MyISAM
 tables before being loaded and then converted back to InnoDB tables.

LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER only works for MyISAM tables.

To set up a new replication slave you should use a cold backup, or a hot
backup made with the non-free InnoDB tool.

 I have also seen many others here confused as to what problems there are
 between InnoDB and replication.

 So, could some friendly MySQL guru please explain to me, and many others,
 what the replication issues with InnoDB tables really are...please? The
 state that InnoDB is replication safe yet there seem to be so many
 with them when updates fail, roll back or are partially executed because
 some constraint conflict that causes replication to stop.

A relevant bug fix:

MySQL/InnoDB-4.0.6, December 19, 2002

Fixed two bugs introduced in 4.0.4: in AUTO_INCREMENT, REPLACE could cause
the counter to be left 1 too low. A deadlock or a lock wait timeout could
cause the same problem.

MySQL does not write to the binlog SQL statements which fail. It does not
write to the binlog any SQL statements from a transaction which is rolled
back. Thus, these are never replicated, and in the slave there should not be
any constraint violation errors.

 Kris Karski

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
InnoDB - transactions, hot backup, and foreign key support for MySQL
See, download MySQL-Max from

sql query

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Redhat 8.0 MySQL 3.23.52-3 Replication Problems

2003-01-13 Thread Lists @ Apted Tech.
I have been having a lot of trouble configuring mysql to do just the
simplest replication.  Its a standard RedHat 8.0 install, I have followed
the directions on to the
letter half a dozen times now and still, the slave server crashes repeatedly
as soon as I enter SLAVE START command.

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 26754 - killed
030113 17:54:33  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Number of processes running now: 1
mysqld process hanging, pid 26778 - killed
030113 17:54:34  mysqld restarted
/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections

Above is what is logged.  I eventually have to kill the process and try
again.  I have tried entering master login/bin-log information in my.cnf and
using CHANGE MASTER TO... while logged into slave mysql server.  Neither
method works.  Was wondering if anyone had some insight into this problem.
I would be happy to provide more information.  Thanks all.


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replication problems

2002-12-30 Thread Shane Allen
We have two users, lets call them test and test2.

When we log in as test from our front end web servers, we can execute queries and they 

When we log in as test from our back end db servers (say to run a cleanup script by 
hand), the queries replicate.

When we log in as test2 from our back end db servers (as part of a periodic process), 
it replicates the queries.

When we log in from our front end web servers as test2, the queries do not replicate. 
They are never added to the binary update log. Otherwise, everything appears to work 
fine; the master db server runs the queries and updates the tables appropriately.

If necessary I can upload a copy of our grant table, but I'm hoping someone has a 
quick. easy fix. :)


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Replication Problems

2002-11-24 Thread Lewis Watson
I am getting this error while trying to Replicate to a second MySQL server.

021124 23:40:25  Slave: reconnected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST' at position
021124 23:40:25  Error reading packet from server: Binary log is not open

I have added the following to the master:

And added this to the slave:

It looks like the bin files are not being created on the master server. I
could find very little regarding this problem. Any ideas?

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mysql replication problems

2002-10-18 Thread Martina Podesser

dear everybody,

I have tree linux 7.3 machines on which MySQL-3.23.51-1.i386.rpm,
MySQL-client-3.23.51-1.i386.rpm and MySQL-shared-3.23.51-1.i386.rpm is
installed. the intrusion detection system snort loggs to these machines.
Every machine is set up the same way and contains the same table. The data
of these three tables is always different. 

this works well, but now I want to have a place/machine where I can read the
data of these three tables. 

Maybe I can set up a master to which all the other databases can log their
data? Or perhaps I can configure every machine as master and as slave at the
same time and thus every machine contains the whole data of these three

I am a newbie in mysql and don't know how to do it. I read the following
link : but I don't know if
mysql meets my requirements. Anyway I tried to configure two of my databases
like the example configuration. I had no problem with the master. then I
tried to set up the slave and couldn't find the my.cnf, the mysqld and the
mysqld.log files. I set up the two machines the same way!! Perhaps I used
the wrong softare, but why exit the files on the other machine?

thanks for your help

martina podesser

World Trade Center
A-1300 Vienna 

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RE: Replication problems

2002-07-15 Thread Santiago Alba

Thanks a lot. I've fixed my problems with this.

Best regards.

- Original Message -
From: Gerald Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Santiago Alba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Replication problems

Did you copy the file over too?

Santiago Alba wrote:

Hi All,

I had a system replication on Linux consisting of MASTER and only one
I stopped replication, I did a backup on my slave and it recreated in
another machine so now I have two SLAVES connected to database MASTER.

But I found problems. I show you the output on my database MASTER and SLAVE
who is failed:



mysql show master status;
| File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| log.101 | 54557|  |  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql show slave status;
| Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File | Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |
| spiderman.terravista.srv | replica | 3306| 60|
| 4   | Yes   | | | 0
| 0|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show processlist;
| Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time | State
| Info |
|  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 7729 | Waiting to
reconnect after a failed read | NULL |
|  2 | root| localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 337  |
| NULL |
|  3 | root| localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL
| show processlist |

In errors log:

020712 12:43:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:44:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:44:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:44:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:45:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:45:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:45:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file


# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=384M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
#log-bin= /mysql/log/log.nnn
server-id   = 3

master-host = spiderman.terravista.srv
master-user = replica
master-password = x


Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


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RE: Replication problems

2002-07-15 Thread Santiago Alba


That wasn't the problem. The problem was in file.

Thanks a lot.

- Original Message -
From: Ralf Narozny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Replication problems


You will get problems when you set the 2nd slaves server-id the same as
other one. server-ids MUST be unique...once made that mistake too...


Gerald Clark wrote:

 Did you copy the file over too?

 Santiago Alba wrote:

 Hi All,

 I had a system replication on Linux consisting of MASTER and only one
 I stopped replication, I did a backup on my slave and it recreated in
 another machine so now I have two SLAVES connected to database MASTER.

 But I found problems. I show you the output on my database MASTER and
 who is failed:



 mysql show master status;
 | File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
 | log.101 | 54557|  |  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql show slave status;



 | Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
 Log_File | Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
 Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |



 | spiderman.terravista.srv | replica | 3306| 60|
 | 4   | Yes   | | |
 0  |
 | 0|



 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql show processlist;


 | Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time | State
 | Info |


 |  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 7729 | Waiting to
 reconnect after a failed read | NULL |
 |  2 | root| localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 337  |
 | NULL |
 |  3 | root| localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL
 | show processlist |



 In errors log:

 020712 12:43:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log
 020712 12:44:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to
 retry, log
 'FIRST' position 4
 020712 12:44:40  Slave: reconnected to master
 'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log
 at position 4
 020712 12:44:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log
 020712 12:45:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to
 retry, log
 'FIRST' position 4
 020712 12:45:40  Slave: reconnected to master
 'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log
 at position 4
 020712 12:45:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log


 # The MySQL server
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
 set-variable= key_buffer=384M
 set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
 set-variable= table_cache=512
 set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
 set-variable= record_buffer=2M
 set-variable= thread_cache=8
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
 set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
 #log-bin= /mysql/log/log.nnn
 server-id   = 3

 master-host = spiderman.terravista.srv
 master-user = replica
 master-password = x


 Any suggestion?

 Thanks in advance.


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Replication problems

2002-07-12 Thread Santiago Alba

Hi All,

I had a system replication on Linux consisting of MASTER and only one SLAVE.
I stopped replication, I did a backup on my slave and it recreated in
another machine so now I have two SLAVES connected to database MASTER.

But I found problems. I show you the output on my database MASTER and SLAVE
who is failed:



mysql show master status;
| File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| log.101 | 54557|  |  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql show slave status;
| Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File | Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |
| spiderman.terravista.srv | replica | 3306| 60|
| 4   | Yes   | | | 0  |
| 0|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show processlist;
| Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time | State
| Info |
|  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 7729 | Waiting to
reconnect after a failed read | NULL |
|  2 | root| localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 337  |
| NULL |
|  3 | root| localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL
| show processlist |

In errors log:

020712 12:43:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:44:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:44:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:44:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:45:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:45:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:45:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file


# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=384M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
#log-bin= /mysql/log/log.nnn
server-id   = 3

master-host = spiderman.terravista.srv
master-user = replica
master-password = x


Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Replication problems

2002-07-12 Thread Gerald Clark

Did you copy the file over too?

Santiago Alba wrote:

Hi All,

I had a system replication on Linux consisting of MASTER and only one SLAVE.
I stopped replication, I did a backup on my slave and it recreated in
another machine so now I have two SLAVES connected to database MASTER.

But I found problems. I show you the output on my database MASTER and SLAVE
who is failed:



mysql show master status;
| File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| log.101 | 54557|  |  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql show slave status;
| Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File | Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |
| spiderman.terravista.srv | replica | 3306| 60|
| 4   | Yes   | | | 0  |
| 0|
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql show processlist;
| Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time | State
| Info |
|  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 7729 | Waiting to
reconnect after a failed read | NULL |
|  2 | root| localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 337  |
| NULL |
|  3 | root| localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL
| show processlist |

In errors log:

020712 12:43:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:44:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:44:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:44:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
020712 12:45:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log
'FIRST' position 4
020712 12:45:40  Slave: reconnected to master
'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
at position 4
020712 12:45:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file


# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=384M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
#log-bin= /mysql/log/log.nnn
server-id   = 3

master-host = spiderman.terravista.srv
master-user = replica
master-password = x


Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Replication problems

2002-07-12 Thread

Subject: Re: Replication problems
From: Jared Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Did you change the slave number in the second slave's config file?  I forget
the exact syntax, but if memory serves, there is a number in the my.ini (or
my.cnf) that must be unique.  If you just copied, you may have missed that.

Santiago Alba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi All,

 I had a system replication on Linux consisting of MASTER and only one
 I stopped replication, I did a backup on my slave and it recreated in
 another machine so now I have two SLAVES connected to database MASTER.

 But I found problems. I show you the output on my database MASTER and
 who is failed:



 mysql show master status;
 | File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
 | log.101 | 54557|  |  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 mysql show slave status;

 | Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
 Log_File | Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
 Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |

 | spiderman.terravista.srv | replica | 3306| 60|
 | 4   | Yes   | | | 0
 | 0|

 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql show processlist;

 | Id | User| Host  | db   | Command | Time | State
 | Info |

 |  1 | system user | none  | NULL | Connect | 7729 | Waiting to
 reconnect after a failed read | NULL |
 |  2 | root| localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 337  |
 | NULL |
 |  3 | root| localhost | NULL | Query   | 0| NULL
 | show processlist |


 In errors log:

 020712 12:43:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
 020712 12:44:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
 'FIRST' position 4
 020712 12:44:40  Slave: reconnected to master
 'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
 at position 4
 020712 12:44:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file
 020712 12:45:40  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry,
 'FIRST' position 4
 020712 12:45:40  Slave: reconnected to master
 'replica#spiderman.terravista.srv:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST'
 at position 4
 020712 12:45:40  Error reading packet from server: Could not open log file


 # The MySQL server
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
 set-variable= key_buffer=384M
 set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
 set-variable= table_cache=512
 set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
 set-variable= record_buffer=2M
 set-variable= thread_cache=8
 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
 set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
 set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
 #log-bin= /mysql/log/log.nnn
 server-id   = 3

 master-host = spiderman.terravista.srv
 master-user = replica
 master-password = x


 Any suggestion?

 Thanks in advance.


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mysql replication problems

2002-07-10 Thread Justin

Both my slave server say they are replicating correctly in the
mysqld.log but they arn't. Any change made to the master is not
reflected to the slaves. I have tried reseting the master and slaves but
didn't change anything. Also tried redumping the databases to the slaves
but that didn't effect anything. Anyone have any ideas?

Justin Best
NOC - Infostations

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Re: replication problems

2002-06-18 Thread Jeff Hill

I'm having the same problems, but I've noticed that the reported error 
doesn't seem to be  a real failure. The databases seem to be updated correctly.

When I look at my slave error log, I can see that the at position  is 
a number that always matches the size of the log file on the master. This 
cannot be a coincidence. Is it perhaps trying to read past the end of the 
log file or something?

I haven't really looked at MySql in years because it's been working fine, 
but in setting up replication, I see now that I have some Innobase tables, 
some not. Haven't a clue how that happened, but my my.cnf does not have the 
related directives uncommented. This could be related to problems reading 
the logs, I assume?

I'm doing some testing, but any suggestions appreciated. I don't have a 
spare server to play with and the master is our main production server, so 
I have to play carefully to remain employed.

I tried with both master and slave running mysql-3.23.47-pc-linux-gnu-i686 
and then tried moving the slave to 3..23.51 with the same error results.

Thanks for any assistance,


Jeff Hill
Ph: 416-604-7251
Fx: 647-439-1414

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Re: replication problems -- resolution

2002-06-18 Thread Jeff Hill

Just to let you know that when I installed 3.23.51 binary on both Debian 
Linux boxes, same problem, but when I re-installed the 3.23.49a  binary on 
both boxes the problem went away. Uncertain why.


Jeff Hill

At 08:25 AM 18/06/2002 -0400, Jeff Hill wrote:
I'm having the same problems, but I've noticed that the reported error 
doesn't seem to be  a real failure. The databases seem to be updated correctly.

When I look at my slave error log, I can see that the at position  
is a number that always matches the size of the log file on the master. 
This cannot be a coincidence. Is it perhaps trying to read past the end of 
the log file or something?

I haven't really looked at MySql in years because it's been working fine, 
but in setting up replication, I see now that I have some Innobase tables, 
some not. Haven't a clue how that happened, but my my.cnf does not have 
the related directives uncommented. This could be related to problems 
reading the logs, I assume?

I'm doing some testing, but any suggestions appreciated. I don't have a 
spare server to play with and the master is our main production server, so 
I have to play carefully to remain employed.

I tried with both master and slave running mysql-3.23.47-pc-linux-gnu-i686 
and then tried moving the slave to 3..23.51 with the same error results.

Thanks for any assistance,


Jeff Hill
Ph: 416-604-7251
Fx: 647-439-1414

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Jeff Hill, Editor, HRpost / HR On-Line
Ph: 416-858-3440
Fx: 647-439-1414

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Re: [Repost: Mysql Replication Problems]

2002-02-14 Thread Tobias Eggendorfer


On 13 Feb 2002, at 12:44, Henning Sprang wrote:
 Was something wrong with this post or is it really such a weird
 problem that there is neither a solution nor anything i could do to
 solve it, nor anything i could do to find out more about it?
Well. Replication is somewhat weird. ;-)

 Slave:  error running query 'drop table tropon_base.TB_Tage,tropon_001.TB_Tage' 
020209  3:49:32  Error
 running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, and re-start the slave
 thread with mysqladmin start-slave. 
 ERROR: 1051  Unknown table 'TB_Tage,TB_Tage'

Sounds, as if you were doing some cross database updates / 
inserts. This might lead to problems if you only replicate some of 
the databases on the master.

So, if there is a Database A, B, C, D on master each with tables 
A1,A2,A3 or B1,B2,B3 and so on, and you only replicate A and B 
and you do:
use A;
insert into C.C1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3);
you'll get this error. 

You might avoid it with replicate-wild-ignore-table=C.*

More details in:

But note that:
use C;
insert into A.A1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3);
would not be replicated to the slave, if you choosed to replicate 
only A and B. Even though it affects A. (Strange, but that's the way 
live goes). At least with MySQL 3.23.36

So best is to avoid cross-databases actions except for SELECT 
with replication enabled.



Tobias Eggendorfer

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[Repost: Mysql Replication Problems]

2002-02-13 Thread Henning Sprang


Was something wrong with this post or is it really such a weird problem
that there is neither a solution nor anything i could do to solve it,
nor anything i could do to find out more about it?

that was the message:

I get some Errors when doing Replication on MySQL 3.23.47. And can't get
it going on(I did not upgrade because in Changelog there is no
replication or binlog related Bugfix mentioned between .47 and .48 and i 
only upgraded to .47 some days before)

the Messages in error-log are:

020208 17:43:20  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql/3.23.47/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
020208 17:43:22  Slave: connected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log 'FIRST' at
position 4
020209  3:49:32  Slave: did not get the expected error running query
from master - expected: 'Got timeout reading communication packets'
(1159), got 'no error' (0)
020209  3:49:32  Slave:  error running query 'drop table
020209  3:49:32  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem,
and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped
at log 'localhost-bin.001' position 330834
020209  3:49:32  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834

After restarting _wthout_ fixing an error because not knowing what the
error is and just looking if it maybe works I get a somehow different
message, even if i think it's the same problem:

020211 14:49:06  Slave: connected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834
ERROR: 1051  Unknown table 'TB_Tage,TB_Tage'
020211 14:49:06  Slave: did not get the expected error running query
from master - expected: 'Got timeout reading communication packets'
(1159), got 'Unknown table 'TB_Tage,TB_Tage'' (1051)
020211 14:49:06  Slave:  error running query 'drop table
020211 14:49:06  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem,
and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped
at log 'localhost-bin.001' position 330834
020211 14:49:06  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834

Those problematic tables are temporary heap Tables, but in replication
docs I read that those work fine since some Versions.

I'd greatly appreciate some Ideas,


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Mysql Replication Problems

2002-02-12 Thread Henning Sprang

Hy All,

I get some Errors when doing Replication on MySQL 3.23.47. (I did not
upgrade because in Changelog there is no Replication-Related Bugfix

the Messages in error-log are:

020208 17:43:20  mysqld started
/usr/local/mysql/3.23.47/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
020208 17:43:22  Slave: connected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log 'FIRST' at
position 4
020209  3:49:32  Slave: did not get the expected error running query
from master - expected: 'Got timeout reading communication packets'
(1159), got 'no error' (0)
020209  3:49:32  Slave:  error running query 'drop table
020209  3:49:32  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem,
and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped
at log 'localhost-bin.001' position 330834
020209  3:49:32  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834

After restarting _wthout_ fixing an error because not knowing what the
error is and just looking if it maybe works I get a somehow different
message, even if i think it's the same problem:

020211 14:49:06  Slave: connected to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',  replication started in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834
ERROR: 1051  Unknown table 'TB_Tage,TB_Tage'
020211 14:49:06  Slave: did not get the expected error running query
from master - expected: 'Got timeout reading communication packets'
(1159), got 'Unknown table 'TB_Tage,TB_Tage'' (1051)
020211 14:49:06  Slave:  error running query 'drop table
020211 14:49:06  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem,
and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped
at log 'localhost-bin.001' position 330834
020211 14:49:06  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log
'localhost-bin.001' at position 330834

Those tables are temporary heap Tables, but in replication docs I read
that those work fine since some Versions.

I'd greatly appreciate some Ideas,


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Replication Problems

2002-01-17 Thread Henning Sprang

Hy all,
I just try to set up Replication with two mysql databases,
i did everything like described in the Replication-Howto.

Now i get the following errors when starting the slave:

020117 18:37:55  mysqld started
Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
/usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections
020117 18:37:55  Slave: connected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306', 
replication started in log 'samba-bin.001' at position 536
ERROR: 1017  Can't find file: './tropon_001/Tagesberichte.frm' 
(errno: 13)
020117 18:37:55  Slave:  error running query 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 
Besucher_ID=10021 '
020117 18:37:55  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, 
and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped 
at log 'samba-bin.001' position 536
020117 18:37:55  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 
'samba-bin.001' at position 536

the file is actually there (in the data directory at least, i don't know 
what is meant with the ./tropon... directory exactly as it is a 
relative path,
and i checked if mysql recognizes the data directory by setting some 
unimpoortant settings in a my.cnf file in there - the changes where 
accepted correctly, i did make sure to remove that testing file again.

When I connect to the database on the slave with mysql-client i get the 

Didn't find any fields in table 'Statistiken'
Didn't find any fields in table 'Tagesberichte'
Database changed

I see there are some tables which don't produce errors, but for all, 
with or without errors, there are .frm files in the data directory,
i see there are different file permissions for differenbt table files, 
but again the failing tables don't have something of those in common.

has anyone an idea what i can look for?


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Re: Replication Problems - solved!

2002-01-17 Thread Henning Sprang

Hy, sorry for the trouble!
i tried to do a
chown mysql:daemon -R *
in the data dir, and after that it worked.

I didn't try that before because somehow i couldn't see a connection 
between differing ownerships and disfunctional tables when looking at this.


Henning Sprang wrote:

 Hy all,
 I just try to set up Replication with two mysql databases,
 i did everything like described in the Replication-Howto.
 Now i get the following errors when starting the slave:
 020117 18:37:55  mysqld started
 Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections
 020117 18:37:55  Slave: connected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306', 
 replication started in log 'samba-bin.001' at position 536
 ERROR: 1017  Can't find file: './tropon_001/Tagesberichte.frm' 
 (errno: 13)
 020117 18:37:55  Slave:  error running query 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 
 Besucher_ID=10021 '
 020117 18:37:55  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, 
 and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We stopped 
 at log 'samba-bin.001' position 536
 020117 18:37:55  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 
 'samba-bin.001' at position 536
 the file is actually there (in the data directory at least, i don't know 
 what is meant with the ./tropon... directory exactly as it is a 
 relative path,
 and i checked if mysql recognizes the data directory by setting some 
 unimpoortant settings in a my.cnf file in there - the changes where 
 accepted correctly, i did make sure to remove that testing file again.
 When I connect to the database on the slave with mysql-client i get the 
 Didn't find any fields in table 'Statistiken'
 Didn't find any fields in table 'Tagesberichte'
 Database changed
 I see there are some tables which don't produce errors, but for all, 
 with or without errors, there are .frm files in the data directory,
 i see there are different file permissions for differenbt table files, 
 but again the failing tables don't have something of those in common.
 has anyone an idea what i can look for?
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Re: Replication Problems

2002-01-17 Thread Gerald Clark

chown -R mysql:mysql  /var/lib/mysql
( or whatever the data directory is ).

Henning Sprang wrote:

 Hy all,
 I just try to set up Replication with two mysql databases,
 i did everything like described in the Replication-Howto.

 Now i get the following errors when starting the slave:

 020117 18:37:55  mysqld started
 Can't initialize InnoDB as 'innodb_data_file_path' is not set
 /usr/sbin/mysqld-max: ready for connections
 020117 18:37:55  Slave: connected to master '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306', 
 replication started in log 'samba-bin.001' at position 536
 ERROR: 1017  Can't find file: './tropon_001/Tagesberichte.frm' 
 (errno: 13)
 020117 18:37:55  Slave:  error running query 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 
 Besucher_ID=10021 '
 020117 18:37:55  Error running query, slave aborted. Fix the problem, 
 and re-start the slave thread with mysqladmin start-slave. We 
 stopped at log 'samba-bin.001' position 536
 020117 18:37:55  Slave thread exiting, replication stopped in log 
 'samba-bin.001' at position 536

 the file is actually there (in the data directory at least, i don't 
 know what is meant with the ./tropon... directory exactly as it is a 
 relative path,
 and i checked if mysql recognizes the data directory by setting some 
 unimpoortant settings in a my.cnf file in there - the changes where 
 accepted correctly, i did make sure to remove that testing file again.

 When I connect to the database on the slave with mysql-client i get 
 the following:

 Didn't find any fields in table 'Statistiken'
 Didn't find any fields in table 'Tagesberichte'
 Database changed

 I see there are some tables which don't produce errors, but for all, 
 with or without errors, there are .frm files in the data directory,
 i see there are different file permissions for differenbt table files, 
 but again the failing tables don't have something of those in common.

 has anyone an idea what i can look for?


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Re[2]: Innodb/Replication problems.

2002-01-06 Thread Peter Zaitsev

Hello Heikki,

Saturday, January 05, 2002, 11:55:02 PM, you wrote:

Hello mysql,

  I'm using mysql 3.23.47 with Innodb and trying to play around with
  replication. The replication options are default.

  I got one table content occasionally deleted on slave, and note what

HT Who deleted the table contents? You?

Yes. I did it.

  this did not stop the replication: The inserts are successfully
  passed, therefore the updates to nonexistent rows simply ignored.

HT But MySQL passes complete SQL statements to the slave. It is no error if an
HT update does not update any rows. I do not believe that MySQL checks that the
HT master updated as many rows as the slave.

May be this is the problem, because for example for insert mysql check
if it was able to insert data (no duplicates or what ever) but this
does not work with updates.

  I remember then I tried this half a year ago with myisam, the
  behavior was to print an error and stop.

Well probably I'm a bit mistaken - the error is checked for insert
because duplicate key error is an error, therefore the update which
does not update anything is quite OK.

Best regards,
 Petermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Innodb/Replication problems.

2002-01-05 Thread Peter Zaitsev

Hello mysql,

  I'm using mysql 3.23.47 with Innodb and trying to play around with
  replication. The replication options are default.

  I got one table content occasionally deleted on slave, and note what
  this did not stop the replication: The inserts are successfully
  passed, therefore the updates to nonexistent rows simply ignored.

  I remember then I tried this half a year ago with myisam, the
  behavior was to print an error and stop.


mysql select count(*) from counter.quickstat;
| count(*) |
|  661 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)


mysql select count(*) from counter.quickstat;
| count(*) |
|   294787 |
1 row in set (2.65 sec)

Best regards,
 Peter  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Innodb/Replication problems.

2002-01-05 Thread Heikki Tuuri


-Original Message-
From: Peter Zaitsev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 05, 2002 10:35 PM
Subject: Innodb/Replication problems.

Hello mysql,

  I'm using mysql 3.23.47 with Innodb and trying to play around with
  replication. The replication options are default.

  I got one table content occasionally deleted on slave, and note what

Who deleted the table contents? You?

  this did not stop the replication: The inserts are successfully
  passed, therefore the updates to nonexistent rows simply ignored.

But MySQL passes complete SQL statements to the slave. It is no error if an
update does not update any rows. I do not believe that MySQL checks that the
master updated as many rows as the slave.

  I remember then I tried this half a year ago with myisam, the
  behavior was to print an error and stop.


mysql select count(*) from counter.quickstat;
| count(*) |
|  661 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)


mysql select count(*) from counter.quickstat;
| count(*) |
|   294787 |
1 row in set (2.65 sec)

Best regards,
 Peter  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
MySQL/InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign key support for
See, download MySQL-Max from

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Re: strange replication problems

2001-10-04 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann


My first guess would be that somehow the slave got out of sync. I
would try to update the slave by hand and see what happens after

Sorry, I don't see what could be the cause.



On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 06:07:29PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have 28 linux boxes configured identically, 27 as slaves, one as
 master. On all 27 slaves, everything works fine, but only on one I have strange
 errors in the logs:
 011002 17:49:49  Slave: received 0 length packet from server, apparent master 
shutdown:  (0)
 011002 17:50:49  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log 
'cp4230-bin.005' position 664857
 011002 17:50:49  Slave: reconnected to master 'repl@xxx:3306',replication resumed in 
log 'xxx-bin.005' at position 664857
 011002 17:51:49  Slave: received 0 length packet from server, apparent master 
shutdown:  (0)
 This repeats every minute.


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Re: strange replication problems

2001-10-04 Thread Aleksandar Ivanisevic

Benjamin Pflugmann writes:

Hi.  My first guess would be that somehow the slave got out of
sync. I would try to update the slave by hand and see what happens
after restart.

Sorry, I don't see what could be the cause.

I tried the following:

on master:

reset master

on all slaves:

slave stop

drop table xxx
load table xxx from master
... repeat for every replicated table ...

slave start

Still the same problem.



On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 06:07:29PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have 28 linux boxes configured identically, 27 as slaves, one as
 master. On all 27 slaves, everything works fine, but only on one I
 have strange errors in the logs:

 011002 17:49:49 Slave: received 0 length packet from server,
 apparent master shutdown: (0) 011002 17:50:49 Slave: Failed reading
 log event, reconnecting to retry, log 'cp4230-bin.005' position
 664857 011002 17:50:49 Slave: reconnected to master
 'repl@xxx:3306',replication resumed in log 'xxx-bin.005' at
 position 664857 011002 17:51:49 Slave: received 0 length packet
 from server, apparent master shutdown: (0)

 This repeats every minute.


Alex Ivanisevic, 2e systems
Tel: +49 6192 978 497
Handy: +49 0174 310 9333

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Re: strange replication problems

2001-10-04 Thread Aleksandar Ivanisevic

Benjamin Pflugmann writes:

Hi.  Does the error log of the master contain any error?

Nothing at all in the master logs.

Does the new log position make sense?

Yes, the position is ok, and the slave gets the updates. Its just that
strange error messages about dropped connections and 0-byte packets,
and only on one of the slaves.

It hangs always on the same offset. So it doesn't get forward at
all. That's why I assume some priciple error.

No, no, the log position changes as the updates are arriving from the

There is some file called in the database directory of
the client. Could you redo the reload and delete that file after you
stop the slave in the process.

No, nothing, still the same message.

Thanks for trying to track this, but I dont think that this is some
principle problem, because I have a whole bunch of servers running
replication, and running it for quite some time, they are all working
fine, except for these messages on jus one slave.

I suspect that this is either some really wierd quirk in replication
process or I am overlooking something in the configuration of that
particular server, even though I checked everything thousand times



On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 10:27:16AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Benjamin Pflugmann writes:

 Hi.  My first guess would be that somehow the slave got out of
 sync. I would try to update the slave by hand and see what happens
 after restart.

 Sorry, I don't see what could be the cause.

 I tried the following:

 on master:

 reset master

 on all slaves:

 slave stop

 drop table xxx load table xxx from master ... repeat for every
 replicated table ...

 slave start

 Still the same problem.



 On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 06:07:29PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: [...]
  I have 28 linux boxes configured identically, 27 as slaves, one
  as master. On all 27 slaves, everything works fine, but only on
  one I have strange errors in the logs:
  011002 17:49:49 Slave: received 0 length packet from server,
  apparent master shutdown: (0) 011002 17:50:49 Slave: Failed
  reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log 'cp4230-bin.005'
  position 664857 011002 17:50:49 Slave: reconnected to master
  'repl@xxx:3306',replication resumed in log 'xxx-bin.005' at
  position 664857 011002 17:51:49 Slave: received 0 length packet
  from server, apparent master shutdown: (0)
  This repeats every minute.


 -- Alex Ivanisevic, 2e systems Tel: +49 6192 978 497 Handy: +49
 0174 310 9333


Alex Ivanisevic, 2e systems
Tel: +49 6192 978 497
Handy: +49 0174 310 9333

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strange replication problems

2001-10-02 Thread alex


I have 28 linux boxes configured identically, 27 as slaves, one as
master. On all 27 slaves, everything works fine, but only on one I have strange
errors in the logs:

011002 17:49:49  Slave: received 0 length packet from server, apparent master 
shutdown:  (0)
011002 17:50:49  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log 
'cp4230-bin.005' position 664857
011002 17:50:49  Slave: reconnected to master 'repl@xxx:3306',replication resumed in 
log 'xxx-bin.005' at position 664857
011002 17:51:49  Slave: received 0 length packet from server, apparent master 
shutdown:  (0)

This repeats every minute.

I repeat, replication is running fine, just these errors that are bugging me,
and only on one of 27 machines.

Could this be a networking problem of some sort?

my my.cnf:

#password   = your_password
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

# Here follows entries for some specific programs

# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4
set-variable= max_connections=2000
server-id   = 101

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M


set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= sort_buffer=128M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M

set-variable= key_buffer=128M
set-variable= sort_buffer=128M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M


How-To-Repeat: no idea
Fix: no idea
Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Organization: 2e Systems
MySQL support: [none ]
Synopsis:  strange failures during replication
Severity:  non-critical
Priority:  low
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release:   mysql-3.23.39 (Source distribution)

Dual PIII/866, 1Gb RAM, SuSe 7.1 

System: Linux cp4120 2.2.18-SMP #1 SMP Sat Jan 20 07:41:17 GMT 2001 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl

Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS=''  CXX='c++'  CXXFLAGS=''  LDFLAGS=''
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1382179 Jan 19  2001 /lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2585872 Jan 19  2001 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Jan 19  2001 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/web/soft/mysql-3.23.39 --without-docs 
--without-bench --without-readline --without-debug --with-pthread 

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Re: Replication problems involving time

2001-09-04 Thread Michael Eklund

  Also my ends up being wrong whenever the
 server is
  rebooted.  (binlog.100 becomes binlog.100\n).
 Can you expand on that problem a bit?

When I do a show slave status before a reboot I have this:
| Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File| Pos  | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db |
Replicate_ignore_db |
| db_server   | repl| 3306| 0 |
db1-bin.200 | 18378935 | Yes   | |

After a reboot I will have something like this:

| Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File| Pos  | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db |
Replicate_ignore_db |
| db_server   | repl| 3306| 0 |
 | 18378935 | Yes   | |

And it will not replicate because it has a carriage return
after the file name, and says it cannot find the file.



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Re: Replication problems involving time

2001-09-03 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 12:18:02PM -0400, Michael Eklund wrote:

 Am I the only one that thinks that mysql ought to replicate NOW,
 CURRENT_DATE, etc. as the time when those actual inserts happened
 not as NOW,CURRENT_DATE,etc.

Probably not.

 If you are replicating accross a distance (12,15,20 hops) and there
 is a connectivity problem, then you end up with data that is out of

Very true.

 Also my ends up being wrong whenever the server is
 rebooted.  (binlog.100 becomes binlog.100\n).

Can you expand on that problem a bit?

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 3 days, processed 33,538,278 queries (109/sec. avg)

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Replication problems involving time

2001-08-29 Thread Michael Eklund

Am I the only one that thinks that mysql ought to replicate
NOW, CURRENT_DATE, etc. as the time when those actual
inserts happened not as NOW,CURRENT_DATE,etc.  If you are
replicating accross a distance (12,15,20 hops) and there is
a connectivity problem, then you end up with data that is
out of sync.  Also my ends up being wrong
whenever the server is rebooted.  (binlog.100 becomes


Mike Eklund
DB Admin
Netmechanic, Inc

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replication problems questions

2001-08-15 Thread Neil Tompkins


I'm very new to MySQL and have posted a few mails regarding replication in
mySQL.  I'm still having problems !  Can someone please send me a step by
step guide on how I can setup replication between my ISPs MySQL database and
one I wish to have and use locally.  I have already a database created on my
ISP's server and have created a table with data to test.

My ISP runs RedHat and I have a username, password, database name and web
address to access my own database.  I run Win2K Professional and have just
installed ver 1.2 (I think).  I have not done anything else with the mySQL
on my own computer.

Thanks for any useful information


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Fw: replication problems questions

2001-08-15 Thread Neil Tompkins

Also regarding this matter, is it possible that I would on a local copy of
the data on my own computer and it is then replicated automatically back to
the ISP database ?



- Original Message -
From: Neil Tompkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 10:55 PM
Subject: replication problems  questions


 I'm very new to MySQL and have posted a few mails regarding replication in
 mySQL.  I'm still having problems !  Can someone please send me a step by
 step guide on how I can setup replication between my ISPs MySQL database
 one I wish to have and use locally.  I have already a database created on
 ISP's server and have created a table with data to test.

 My ISP runs RedHat and I have a username, password, database name and web
 address to access my own database.  I run Win2K Professional and have just
 installed ver 1.2 (I think).  I have not done anything else with the mySQL
 on my own computer.

 Thanks for any useful information


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Re: replication problems questions

2001-08-15 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 10:55:53PM +0100, Neil Tompkins wrote:
 I'm very new to MySQL and have posted a few mails regarding
 replication in mySQL.  I'm still having problems !  Can someone
 please send me a step by step guide on how I can setup replication
 between my ISPs MySQL database and one I wish to have and use
 locally.  I have already a database created on my ISP's server and
 have created a table with data to test.

If the instructions are not clear in the manual, please tell us how
they can be improved.  I made changes several months ago to improve
them and will gladly do so again.  But in order to do so, I need to
know what's missing.  At what step in the process it is unclear?

I really would like the docs to be good.  So we need to make an effort
to fixing them if they're not--and helping you in the process.


Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

MySQL 3.23.29: up 60 days, processed 572,260,825 queries (108/sec. avg)

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Re: Replication problems

2001-08-10 Thread Rafal Jank

Luc Foisy wrote:
 We are looking for a solution to backing up a remote database, without using
 mysqldump, and replication seemed to offer the solution required.
 I set up the master/slave configurations on both the master and the slave
 exactly the way it was shown in the MySQL documentation (4.10.3 How To Set
 Up Replication),
 With some additional options as shown:
 MASTER my.cnf
 SLAVE my.cnf
 I checked the slave status thinking it was telling me everything was fine
 mysql show slave status;
 | Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry | Log_File | Pos
 | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
 | | rep1| 3306| 60  |
 | 4| Yes | masterslave |
 I made some updates on the master, a couple of inserts and deletes. Not a
 thing happened to the slave after a few minutes.
 I checked the error log to see if anything was wrong and this was written a
 few times (assuming each new attempt at a connection)
 010809 13:16:51  Slave thread: error connecting to master:Access denied for
 user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)(0), retry in 60 sec
 I re-input my GRANT several times (checking/retyping the password each
 time), then connected remotely with the mysql -h option (not a problem)
 Has anyone else encountered this problem, and/or does anyone have a
Have you given file privilege to user rep1 on your master server?
_/_/  _/_/_/  - Rafa Jank [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 _/  _/  _/  _/   _/ Wirtualna Polska SA 
  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/ul. Uphagena 2, 80-237 Gdansk, tel/fax. (58) 5215625
   _/  _/  _/ ==* *==--

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Replication problems

2001-08-09 Thread Luc Foisy

We are looking for a solution to backing up a remote database, without using
mysqldump, and replication seemed to offer the solution required.
I set up the master/slave configurations on both the master and the slave
exactly the way it was shown in the MySQL documentation (4.10.3 How To Set
Up Replication),
With some additional options as shown:

MASTER my.cnf

SLAVE my.cnf

I checked the slave status thinking it was telling me everything was fine

mysql show slave status;
| Master_Host  | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry | Log_File | Pos
| Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db |
| | rep1| 3306| 60  |
| 4| Yes | masterslave |

I made some updates on the master, a couple of inserts and deletes. Not a
thing happened to the slave after a few minutes.
I checked the error log to see if anything was wrong and this was written a
few times (assuming each new attempt at a connection)

010809 13:16:51  Slave thread: error connecting to master:Access denied for
user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)(0), retry in 60 sec

I re-input my GRANT several times (checking/retyping the password each
time), then connected remotely with the mysql -h option (not a problem)

Has anyone else encountered this problem, and/or does anyone have a

Thank you
Luc Foisy

Technical Magic
1 Stafford Road, Suite 325, Nepean, Ontario, K2H 1B9
Phone: (613) 829-7117 Fax: (613) 596-5096

 Fulfilling the Promise of Technology 

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Replication Problems

2001-05-29 Thread Simon Windsor


Before enabling replication between two live machines, I've been doing some tests in 
the office
between two similar machines.

Everything appears to work well, as expected, except the command


This records an error on the screen

ERROR 1188: Error From master: 'Access denied for user : ' 

and in mysql.err

010529 092358 fetch_nx_table: failed on create table

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this error ?


Simon Windsor

Tel: +44 (0) 1249 700744
Fax: +44 (0) 1249 700725
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
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Re: Replication Problems

2001-05-29 Thread Simon Windsor


Problem solved.

After adding select permission (now file+select) to the replication user the command


works perfectly.

The only question is, why does this command need SELECT permission, whilst the rest
of replication does not ?


On Tuesday 29 May 2001 10:06, you wrote:

 Before enabling replication between two live machines, I've been doing some
 tests in the office between two similar machines.

 Everything appears to work well, as expected, except the command


 This records an error on the screen

 ERROR 1188: Error From master: 'Access denied for user : ' 

 and in mysql.err

 010529 092358 fetch_nx_table: failed on create table

 Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this error ?



Simon Windsor

Tel: +44 (0) 1249 700744
Fax: +44 (0) 1249 700725
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
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replication problems

2001-04-13 Thread Jim Ziegler

does anyone that is using replication have any
suggestions at all about how to get past this problem?

is anyone using replication successfully?

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Subject: replication problems
From: Jim Ziegler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-UIDL: bf6be71aa70b2cf435089831f4dbdcb3

mysql sql db

I am unable to get replication running.  I have set up both master and slave
systems with version 3.23.33-log of musql.  I can do a "load table from
master" but when I start the slave, all I get in the slave log is:

010410 16:37:24  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log 'FIRST' 
position 4
010410 16:37:24  Slave: reconnected to master 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST' at position 4
010410 16:37:24  Error reading packet from server: Binlog has bad magic number, fire 
your magician (read_errno 0,server_errno=65535)

and in the master log:

010410 16:35:583006 Connect[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
   3007 Connect[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
   3007 Quit  
   3006 Binlog Dum

What is wrong?  Where do I get a better magician?


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replication problems

2001-04-10 Thread Jim Ziegler

mysql sql db

I am unable to get replication running.  I have set up both master and slave
systems with version 3.23.33-log of musql.  I can do a "load table from
master" but when I start the slave, all I get in the slave log is:

010410 16:37:24  Slave: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to retry, log 'FIRST' 
position 4
010410 16:37:24  Slave: reconnected to master 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log 'FIRST' at position 4
010410 16:37:24  Error reading packet from server: Binlog has bad magic number, fire 
your magician (read_errno 0,server_errno=65535)

and in the master log:

010410 16:35:583006 Connect[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
   3007 Connect[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
   3007 Quit  
   3006 Binlog Dum

What is wrong?  Where do I get a better magician?


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Replication, problems with binlog-ignore-db

2001-04-05 Thread Daniel Tschanz


we use mysql with replication, all works fine.
Now we wan't exclude some tables from the replication.
I enter in my.cnf the line 

binlog-ignore-db = news

(stop the master and restart the master after the change in my.cnf)

After this, the master don't repliacted any databases, 
only the tables on the master db are updated.

If i enter in mysql "show master status;" 
i get following result:

| File| Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| sumatra-bin.014 | 73   |  | news |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

on thew slave i get:
mysql show slave status;
| Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry |
Log_File| Pos | Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db |
Replicate_ignore_db | Last_errno | Last_error | Skip_counter |
| sumatra | blah| 3306| 60|
sumatra-bin.014 | 73  | Yes   | |
news| 0 || 0   
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

which each time has the same position number (on Master and SLave), when
i enter the above statement

I don't find something about souch a Problem in the manual.

I use mysql Version 3.23.36 on Sun Solaris 2.6
Master configuration :

server-id   = 1
binlog-ignore-db = news

Slave confguration:

Thank for your help


Daniel Tschanz   Phone:  +41 32 344 86 00 
Rolotec AG   Direct: +41 32 344 86 42 
Gottstattstrasse 24, Postfach 8  Fax:+41 32 344 86 86 
2500  Biel 8 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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inserts with now() resulting in replication-problems

2001-01-19 Thread Jan Kirchhoff

My Replication-Slave crashed a few days ago with an error in the error-log 
saying something like "duplicate primary key processing query "INSERT INTO 
testtable (time,name,number) VALUES (NOW(),'Hello',10)"

testtable's primary key was (time,name)
time: datetime
name: varchar
number: int

What I was wondering after that:

I do a "INSERT INTO testtable (time,name,number) VALUES (NOW(),'Hello',10) on 
the master. Then I do the *same* query again 1 Minute later. No Problem, 
since time has passed and NOW() is now different, so i do not have a 
duplictae key. 

If the Slave gets out of sync (loses the connection to the server), connects 
again and tries to catch up, it processes those two queries *within one 
second* which would result in an duplicate primary key on the slave. The 
Slave would abort with an error and the replication would stop. 

Is that right or did I misunderstand the concept?
I changed the query to REPLACE instead of INSERT which is, in this case, fine 
with me, but is it possible to tell mysql to ignore such problems and keep 
the Replication up? I'd like to make the server send be a mail or SMS on my 
mobile phone if that happens. So if I could make the slave keep on 
replicating but write a line into a logfile like "serious-errors.log". I 
could then make some shell-script send me a mail...

i'm running mysql 3.23.28-gamma on debian linux on Athlon-PCs.

thanks for any explaination!


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Re: inserts with now() resulting in replication-problems

2001-01-19 Thread Vivek Khera

 "JK" == Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JK If the Slave gets out of sync (loses the connection to the server), connects 
JK again and tries to catch up, it processes those two queries *within one 
JK second* which would result in an duplicate primary key on the slave. The 
JK Slave would abort with an error and the replication would stop. 

But then the slave is still not in sync since the data is different.
That doesn't seem to make sense for a replication scheme...

Just seems wrong to me, but what do I know ;-)

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