Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-24 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All,
I decided as a last resort to download the utility from Fujitsu and to
check the drive. It failed the tests but not necessarily because it is
permanently bad from what I could tell. I decided to get the utility also
to do the low-level format. I am looking at my desktop and it says the
format just finished successfully. What should be my next steps at this
point? I do not want to install anything but LM8 on my machine. Any
suggestions? Thanks.
Sincerely, Marcia

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:23:00 +1200 skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Marcia
 I agree with Tazmun, you need to go the the drive manufacturers 
 website and
 download the utility made specifically for your drive to do the 
 format.  However, I would also search the manufacturer's site for a
 drive-testing utility and run the diagnostics test first.  The test 
 tell you whether or not the drive is kaput and if so, as a last 
 perfom the low-level format.  As Civileme pointed out, low-level 
 formats can
 totally finish off the drive.
 Good luck
 - Original Message -
 From: tazmun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  probably a long shot though. The low format utilities are not 
 found in
  bios, or at least I've never seen such a thing.   I would suggest
  downloading the utilities offered by the hard drive manufacturer 
 on line.
  The ones I've used are quite helpful and offer the proper low 
 level format
  for your drive if necessary.  They normally offer to help you make 
  bootable disk to boot on your floppy drive.  The low level format 
  sometimes called the write test(specifically maxtor), but 
 remember this
  wipes your drive completely clean and requires a fdisk and normal 
  afterwards.  Sorry I don't know the Linux equivalents.  I have had 
  testing bad after a low level format test out ok.  Depending on 
 why the
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Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Civilme,
Thank you for the information. I have the Award Bios. How exactly do I do
a low-level format? Thanks for the help.
Sincerely, Marcia

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 20:07:25 + civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Monday 23 July 2001 19:30, Marcia L Waller wrote:
  Dear ALL,
  Thank you for the advice. I wonder about the possibility of 
  this hard drive problem. Oddly I can get my Northon Utilities 5.00 
 CD up
  and I am viewing things but I do not how to use Disk Editor. I am
  browsing with it but there do not seem to be extensive directions 
 on how
  to use it. Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with 
  or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling 
 this hard
  drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus? Strange
  characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do 
 not care
  about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use my
  computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice 
 will be
  greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia
 Low-level format will either fix the drive or break it totally.  But 
 if you 
 have no retrievable data on it, it might extend the life of the 
 drive by a 
 little whiile while you start saving for a new drive.

Re: [newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-23 Thread Marcia L Waller

Thank you for your reply. I will try to find how to do the low-level
format. If I do need a new hard drive what would be a good and
inexpensive one  that will handle Linux just fine? Thanks. 

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:48:48 -0500 tazmun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Is there anyway that I can reformat my disk either with Norton
  or using the HDD low level format in the BIOS? I have a feeling 
 this hard
  drive is not dead but could have been hit with a virus? Strange
  characters show up with the boot up messages for hdb drive. I do 
 not care
  about saving files at this point. I just want to be able to use my
  computer again and do a fresh install of LM8 again. Any advice 
 will be
  greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia
 I suspect that Civileme and the others are correct and this drive is
 toasted, but a couple of thoughts come to me to check possibly.  
 Regarding a
 possible virus, it's possible if it was dual booting windoze, but 
 if running only MD 8.0.  I find that to cause failure to the point 
 describing even in windoze it would be unlikely.  I have however saw 
 bios spit out some weird machine language before when running 
 systems that
 are overclocked too far.  Are you sure your bios is set right for 
 processor your running etc.  If the onboard clock has not been 
 keeping time
 correctly this is a hint towards a failing battery.  If your battery 
 died or
 is weak on the motherboard your bios would lose all the settings 
 shutdown and a normal boot after would not be likely.  The latter 
 probably a long shot though. The low format utilities are not found 
 in your
 bios, or at least I've never seen such a thing.   I would suggest
 downloading the utilities offered by the hard drive manufacturer on 
 The ones I've used are quite helpful and offer the proper low level 
 for your drive if necessary.  They normally offer to help you make a
 bootable disk to boot on your floppy drive.  The low level format is
 sometimes called the write test(specifically maxtor), but remember 
 wipes your drive completely clean and requires a fdisk and normal 
 afterwards.  Sorry I don't know the Linux equivalents.  I have had 
 testing bad after a low level format test out ok.  Depending on why 
 drive got messed up it might be actually damaged and even though 
 running right will not last for long.  If this happened because of a 
 power outtage though I'd say the odds are in your favor of a 
 permanent recovery.  But worst case hard drives are a 
 cheaper buy then I've ever seen before!

[newbie] Primary master hard disk fail

2001-07-21 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All,

I have had LM8 installed and running for awhile and tonight my screen
went black so I rebooted and got a very unwelcome message during boot
up-Primary master hard disk fail. I was sure I had made a boot disk when
installing LM8 but now of course I cannot find it. I am freaking. I have
no idea what I can do. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have 2 hard
disks. The larger disk which has about 5 gigs is the one in trouble. Any
help will be greatly appreciated. Also, I only have Linux on this
machine.I tried rescuing from the CDrom but I do not know how to use the

Re: [newbie] hangs at Stage 1 after reinstall(7.2)

2000-11-28 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All,

I had remnants of Suse on my 2nd drive I believe and decided during the
reinstall to delete that. ( I fdisked my 2nd drive yesterday). I did a
fresh install and everything went fine so it said. In fact for the first
time it actually recognized my network card during installation. After it
said my installation was successful I rebooted and shortly after startup
it went to stage 1 and just sat there. I reinstalled again and the same
thing happened. Does anyone have any ideas. I suspect I goofed up on
partitioning somehow. I have 2 harddrives and I was putting linux on the
1st and just leaving the 2nd cleared. What can I do now? 

I would like to add to this: my goal here is to have nothing but Linux
Mandrake 7.2 on my machine. Suse seemed to mess things up for whatever
reason so that is why I fdisked it away. What can I do to get my machine
to accept Linux M 7.2? It took the install like a charm . Just would not
boot up past stage 1.

 Do I need to fdisk/MBR? I cannot even get to a console now. 

Could I use the rescue disk for this? How does one use that in this
situation (step by step)? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Marcia

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2000-11-27 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, I am trying to get on the internet again with Linux mandrake
7.2. I was on a few days ago until I installed Suse 7 and tried to do
networking there which crashed my Linux mandrake 7.2. I then reinstalled
my 7.2. I have not been able to get my internet going since.

  Everytime I check my eth0 config files I get a device or
resource is busy. Linuxconf does not see my card and cannot load the
module. I know this is because Suse stole the module, address, and or

   I thought the best antidote would be to use fdisk and get rid
of Suse. I did that however the problem has not been resolved. All of my
configuration files are set up (in LM 7.2) just as they were before Suse
ruined it. What is the best remedy here? My goal is to just have Linux
Mandrake 7.2 working great and on the internet again. I do not want Suse

I definitely like Mandrake 7.2 better but wanted to try Suse
because my mp3's would not play correctly in LM7.2 and the Hearts game
shows no faces on the cards.Since my reinstall of LM7.2 my mp3's play
great , but still no faces on Hearts. I can live with that as long as I
get my internet back.

  I do have 2 IDE harddrives. Linux Mandrake 7.2 is on the first
one or hda and Suse was on the second or hdb. Is there something I can do
short of reformatting my drives and reinstalling Linux 7.2? Thanks for
your assistance. 
  Sincerely, Marcia

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Re: [newbie]

2000-11-27 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Philomena,
 Linux M 7.2 was not sharing a partition with Suse 7. I have my 7.2 on my
first drive which is over 6? gigs and I had Suse on my 2nd drive which is
2.5 gigs. I have deleted Suse with fdisk. I just cannot get onto the
internet so far even with the same settings that got me on before (Linux
7.2). I imagine that Suse and LM 7.2 could coexist very harmoniously
however I must have done something incorrectly. 

Yes, my card is listed and recognized in Harddrake but is not
initialized. What next? Thanks for your help. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] re:vmware and Xfree86v.4

2000-11-26 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Pat, That does help. I would like to try that instead of change my
Xfree86v.4 back to 3.xx. I have everything downloaded now however not
installed and working. Is this a difficult task? I am looking forward to
trying this vmware.  Thank you for your help. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] Modem's busy

2000-11-26 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, 
I installed Suse 7 a couple of days ago and it was sharing my computer
with LinuxM7.2.Something I did in there  made it impossible to boot back
into Linux7.2. I had to reinstall Linux 7.2  Also, I made the mistake of
trying to setup my internet in Suse and I think it stole my serial port
or i/o or whatever because now I cannot get on the net with Linux7.2. 

 I was on the net without a problem before with Linux 7.2. I have set up
everything I can however it says my modem is busy and that there is no
card found even though I have it set up as it was before in the
/etc/modules.conf file and with linux conference.

 One benefit I got though is now my Mp'3 play great in LinuxM7.2 and they
did not before. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am thinking of
removing Suse and hopefully that will get my internet up in Linux7.2
again. What would be the best way to do this? Thank you very much for
your help.Sincerely, Marcia

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Re: [newbie]7.2installation problem

2000-11-15 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, Thank you for the rapid response and help. Yes, I just needed
to make the boot disk for 7.2 from Linux. It was very easy with your
help. I am installing right now. The packages are being installed. Looks
good so far.:) Thank you very very much. Sincerely, Marcia

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[newbie] 7.2

2000-11-15 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, I am pleased with 7.2 as I mentioned before. I am getting
things corrected and working in a few hours rather than months.:)

 Is StarOffice supplied with this distro? 

Where is Ktail?

Unfortunately I lost my Hearts game in my 7 crash the other night as well
as my napster clone. By the way my husband who liked the MIcrosoft Hearts
really likes this Hearts for Linux.

 I do not remember where to get the Hearts and napster now. I believe I
was using gnome napster which worked well for me. 

As soon as my 4000 plus emails come in I will get back on cable email. I
do not know how I could get that many in 2 days. I think my cable service
provider saved all of those from my previous crash and sent them back to
me again. 

Thanks. Marcia

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Re: [newbie]7.2installation problem

2000-11-14 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, I am in the process of installing 7.2 over my LinuxMandrake 7.
My computer only boots from floppies so I used the boot floppy from 7 to
boot the 7.2 CD. It seemed to work until I got to the Hard drive
detection . I got an error message that insmod'ing module ide-cd failed.
What does this mean and what do I do next to install this? Thank you for
your help. Marcia

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[newbie] password for Netscape mail?

2000-10-16 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Anyone, It has been a long haul and I am finally on cable internet
with linux mandrake! One person in this newbie group helped me so much
privately to get this going and I certainly appreciate it. I am in a
hurry right now, but I will send info about the steps I had to take to
get my SMC EZ ISA plug and play recognized and then finally actually on
the net using Nestscape I have one problem, yet. My mail. I can send it
out but when I tried to get my new mail Netscape asked for a password and
I never supplied one for that and I do not know how to supply the
password to retrieve my email. I used my passwords for my machine but
they were not accepted. I am sure this has to be simple. If anyone knows
the answer I will appreciate the help. Sincerely, Marcia

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[newbie] Napster rpm?

2000-10-16 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Anyone, Now that I am finally on cable internet with Linux I would
like to get Napster going if possible. Is there a napster software for
linux that is rpm? I saw one that is a tar file but I have had no luck
with understanding tar yet. Thank you, Marcia

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[newbie]error message

2000-10-10 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Anyone, I have been doing alot with trying to get my ethernet SMC EZ
card ISA 1660T to work. A very helpful person has been helping me along,
however I think I made a goof somewhere. I edited the /etc/conf.module
files to work with my nic card and I think I goofed in there. After that
my zip drive no longer works and I did a modprobe -a today and got the
error message: conf:1 unknown keyword "Alias". 

When I try to mount my zip I get the error message that /dev/hdc4 has
wrong major or minor number. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Your
help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

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[newbie] internet with cable?

2000-10-07 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Anyone, I am very confused. It looks like I have my SMC EZ ethernet
card setup maybe but nothing happening yet. I checked one of the log
files and it said device or resource busy.
I have checked about every file I could such as proc/interrupts,
conference modules,etc. I do not know if things look right or not because
I do not understand that much of it. Is there anyway to print out these

I did netcfg, linuxconf, edited files, etc. 

My sound card looks set up but again I get a message that device or
resource is busy. My sound card did the same thing a couple of installs
ago:) then all of a sudden started to work on its own when I was in XFce
and turned on the CD player. I have no idea why it started working then.
It is not doing anything in KDE right now.

 My SMC EZethernet card is an ISA and a SMC1660T. From my research that
uses the rtl8019 driver which is supposedly a clone of NE2000. I used
that driver since the rtl8019 is not listed in my Linux-Mandrake 7. 

I know a couple of you said you have the same card that I have and got it
working eventually. It was working well in my Windows 95 before it
crashed so I know the card works. I have not used ISApnp yet.I read alot
about it but I do not understand how to use it.   I looked into the Bios
but I can't figure out how to disable the card there for plug and play.
If anyone is willing to help I would greatly appreciate it. I already
posted all of my card and driver information that I got from Windows in a
previous email. I will send it again if I must.Maybe I chose the wrong
driver or maybe it is a conflict problem but I cannot figure it out from
the information I have. I am sure some of you could. I am so
inexperienced with this, I guess.

 I have been paying for cable for a couple of months now and I cannot use
it. I have spent too many days and hours on this.  I am just about ready
to reformat my harddrives and just put Windows 95 back on so that I can
use the cable. That is an absolute last resort. I was hoping to be a
Linux user. Your help is always greatly appreciated. Thank you. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] internet with cable?

2000-10-07 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Eddie and All, Yes, I did checkout Harddrake early on before I did
the 1000 steps to card setup :) and it did not detect my card. However
when I went to /sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf I got this information:

Board 1 has Identity 3b 29 17 b7 6b 60 16 a3 4d:  SMC1660 Serial No
689420139 [checksum 3b]

Board 2 has Identity  35 ff ff ff ff 00 30 32 0d:  CIR3000 Serial No -1
[checksum 35]

Board 3 has Identity  27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16:  ESS 1868 Serial No -1
[checksum 27]
/etc/isapnp.conf:46 --Fatal  - IO range check attempted while device
/etc/isapnp.conf:46 --Fatal - Error occurred executing request '
IORESCHECK ' --- further action aborted

This seems to say that my ethernet card, dialup CirrusLogic Modem, and
sound card are all recognized by Linux. The Board 1 identity is my SMC
ethernet card. 

UPDATE: I actually did my next to last resort and called tech support for
Cox internet. Of course he said they do not support Linux. I then asked
if there was anyone there who knew how to connect with Linux anyway.
There was. He said that all I have to do is go to Netcfg or Linuxconf and
enable DHCP and make sure DNS is disabled. He said do not put anything
else down. He said everything is detected automatically through their
server. He said it is very simple. 

From this information I assume as long as I have my card setup correctly
and initialized first that if I follow his instructions afterwards I
should be on. Well I probably have done alot of things I do not need to
do. Please correct me here: I need to setup my card and choose the
hopefully correct driver.What program is best to use, netcfg, Linuxconf,
both, or manually some other way? Does the above information say that my
card is already configured? I will be very grateful for anyone's help.
Thank you. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] internet with cable?

2000-10-07 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Roman and All, Thank you for your advice. I just sent an email with
an UPDATE. You may see it come up soon. I mentioned that I actually
called my Cox-internet cable support and found someone who knows Linux. I
did not actually get to talk to him but he told my helper that all I had
to do to get on  is set up in Linuxconf. He said to only enable DHCP and
disable DNS. He said do not put any numbers down for anything else. No IP
addresses needed or anything else. He said everything is automatically
detected through the server as long as I just enable DHCP and disable
DNS. Does that sound right? I will try it but does not my card have to be
recognized and initialized first? I checked into sbin/isapnp
/etc/isapnp.conf and this is what it says:

Board 1 has Identity 3b 29 17 b7 6b 60 16 a3 4d:  SMC1660 Serial No
689420139 [checksum 3b]

Board 2 has Identity  35 ff ff ff ff 00 30 32 0d:  CIR3000 Serial No -1
[checksum 35]

Board 3 has Identity  27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16:  ESS 1868 Serial No -1
[checksum 27]
/etc/isapnp.conf:46 --Fatal  - IO range check attempted while device
/etc/isapnp.conf:46 --Fatal - Error occurred executing request '
IORESCHECK ' --- further action aborted
Does this mean that my card is already recognized? It sounds like I just
need to set up my card correctly. Yes, Roman, I will accept your offer
for help about this .  If my cable company does not need very much
information from me then do I still have to do alot to get my card set up
correctly?  I will greatly appreciate your help. Thank you. Marcia

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