Re: [newbie] file permissions and pppd

2000-02-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Bobby Welch wrote:
  I would like for a user to be able to use the /usr/sbin/pppd command ..
 this is so that the user can
 connect to the internet via a modem using custum scripts.  Now .. when i
 am logged in as user and I
 issue the command ./usr/sbin/pppd i get the following error:  ./pppd:
 must be root to run ./pppd, since it
 is not setuid-root.  Now, i have tried giving the user permission to
 execute the pppd command using
 chmod 555 .. but I can still not execute the command as the user.  I

Hi Bobby,

so far I understand it,pppd must have root permissions when it is
So the "s" permission for pppd should be set.

Im not an expert,please look at,they
have detailled instructions,how to do this.



My humble homepage -- under construction

Re: [newbie] netscape startup??

2000-02-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Bobby Welch wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get the following file:
 file:/usr/doc/HTML/index.html to stop being displayed everytime netscape
 is started up??  I have the "browser start with blank page" option
 selected but i still get the mandrake html page
 (file:/usr/doc/HTML/index.html) when i start netscape.  Any help would
Hi Bobby,

Edit (as root) /usr/bin/netscape. Locate the lines:
# set up home page
if [ -f $pref ]; then
if grep -q "browser.startup.homepage\"" \
$pref  /dev/null; then

Replace /usr/doc/HTML/index.html by "" .
This should do it as a quick hack.



My humble homepage -- under construction

Re: [newbie] KFM Question

2000-01-30 Thread Peter Heckert

Jason Elwell wrote:
 How can I get KFM to save a file that I want to download?  Everytime I attempt
 to D/L a file it asks me which program I would like to use to open the file.
 How can I specify a directory to save the file to instead?

Hi Jason,

Do the same as you would do for copying local files.
Drag the file to the destination folder and it will be copied (downloaded)



My humble homepage -- under construction

Re: [newbie] netscape not working

2000-01-30 Thread Peter Heckert


 i know i need my ISP DNS etc?? where do i get them from and where do i put
 them in mandrake

Hi Jamil,

very often the dns Adresses are mentioned in the faq-section for
ISP - customers.

So you would need to have a working system to read it. (winblows.:-).

Fortunatly, there is a way, to get things running without using
M$ Software,by using a M$-compatible feature of pppd :-).

If you use kppp (which is the the best for beginners):
In kppp setup, edit the pppd options for your provider.
Add "usepeerdns" (without the quotes).

Dial in with kppp.
Quit the connection,when pppd is up and running.
You should find the dns adresses in /etc//resolv.conf
Enter these adresses in kppp setup.
Be sure,the file /etc/resolv.conf exists and has permissions rw- r-- r--.
(This isn't a typo /etc/ppp/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf are 
different files)
Initially  /etc/resolv.conf may be empty. kppp will write the dns adresses to it,and
applications will read them from there.

If you dont use kppp, refer to You would need
winblows then to get online and to download it  ... :-).



My humble homepage -- under construction

Re: [newbie] Y2K tip for dual boot machines

2000-01-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Sam wrote:
 This is a tip from ZDnet if you have a dual boot machine. If you shut
 your computer down before midnight, boot it into Linux first. if a
 hardware problem crops up, you can reset the hardware values to the
 correct settings and 

 then boot into Windows. They didn't go into
 details, but they said there are several possible problems that could be
 avoided this way.
Dont do this. You can avoid even more problems then :-).

Happy 2000 to All!


Sig lost.

Re: [newbie] xfm crashing after generating ttf fonts

1999-12-30 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi all,

answering myself..

I ve got the answer in
Some of the ttf fonts included with mdk are broken.

I'm still curious about which fonts are broken.
How can I find out?



Peter Heckert wrote:
 Hi all,
 I copied some ttf fonts from Windows to
 Then I did as root:
 [root@hal1 ttfonts]# ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale
 Then these messages appeared:
 unknown font foundry code
 unknown font foundry code FROG
 unknown font foundry code SFT
 I ignored them.
 then I did: #mkfontdir
 as i have read in the Font-Deuglification-Howto.
 I also restarted xfs and X
 Then X refused to start,it couldnt access the font server.
 I got messages about broken Sockets,and xfs didnt run anymore.
 I think xfs crashed.
 Then I removed all added fonts and repeated the ttmkfdir and
 mkfontdir commands.
 I still got the above error messages "unknown font foundry code..."
 and X wouldnt start.
 Then I disabled the  /ttfontdir directory in the configuration
 file of xfs.
 Now X starts again,and therefore I'm sure,there is an error with
 my true type fonts.
 Now I dont know how to proceed with this.
 Maybe something is missing or wrong.
 Any ideas?
 Sig lost.

Sig lost.

[newbie] xfm crashing after generating ttf fonts

1999-12-29 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi all,

I copied some ttf fonts from Windows to 

Then I did as root: 

[root@hal1 ttfonts]# ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale
Then these messages appeared:
unknown font foundry code 
unknown font foundry code FROG
unknown font foundry code SFT
I ignored them.

then I did: #mkfontdir

as i have read in the Font-Deuglification-Howto.
I also restarted xfs and X

Then X refused to start,it couldnt access the font server.
I got messages about broken Sockets,and xfs didnt run anymore.
I think xfs crashed.

Then I removed all added fonts and repeated the ttmkfdir and 
mkfontdir commands.

I still got the above error messages "unknown font foundry code..."
and X wouldnt start.

Then I disabled the  /ttfontdir directory in the configuration
file of xfs.
Now X starts again,and therefore I'm sure,there is an error with
my true type fonts.

Now I dont know how to proceed with this.
Maybe something is missing or wrong.

Any ideas?



Sig lost.

Re: [newbie] RE: Source Code

1999-12-28 Thread Peter Heckert

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Jennifer Ricki Wise wrote:
  I tried to take a look at the source code for Mandrake using the source
  code cd.
  I was unsuccessful, I tried to open it in Borland C++ but could not find
  any files that would display anything.
  Could someone please tell me how I can see the source code and which
  language it is written in.
  Thanks and Season's Greetings
  Jennifer Wise
 You have to extract the tarballs from the src.rpms, then extract the files
 from the tarballs. You will need a linux machine todo this. windows
 doesn't cut it...
More simple: You can browse any rpm or tarball with midnight commander.
Simply browse, and copy interesting files or directory trees to your
windows partition. (should be done as root)
However, when you succeed recompiling Linux with Borland C++,please
let us know about performance/size issues :-))).




[newbie] Gnus ?

1999-12-12 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi all!

I am trying gnus v5.6.45 as a newsreader. It takes hours to read
the active file. (Dont know how long exactly,it's still in progress)
Netscape needs only some seconds for this.
I'm using NewsCache for my local NNTP server.
In top there is 95% CPU usage shown for NewsCache.
CPU usage for xemacs is low. So I think,gnus is doing something
wrong with my NNTP server.

Here's my .gnus file:

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost"))
(setq nntp-maximum-request 1)
(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil
  gnus-read-active-file 'some
  gnus-nov-is-evil nil) 

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


If you wish to leave this excellent group follow the instructions.
Alternatively you can use a 14lb sledgehammer on your computer.

Re: [newbie] Sendmail - User Unknown

1999-12-07 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Andrew and all,

Andrew M George wrote:
 Thanks Peter...I'll give it a shot...
 one thing that ocurred to me...I answered yes to running sendmail in deferred
 mode... does that stop sendmail also acceptiing mail that Fetchmail tries to
 hand to the SMTP port? (simple fix in that case, I'll just write a script to
 run them both in conjunction)

I've posted before, but it got lost. Hopefully this will reach the list.

Only outgoing messages are "deferred". This is a mechanism to prevent
unnecessary expensive (automatic) dialups.



Re: [newbie] Sendmail - User Unknown

1999-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Andrew,

Andrew M George wrote:
 I've just started to try to configure sendmail on my Linux PC at home (rather
 than just using Kmail to grab mail direct from my ISP)...and I'm having a
 problem getting the mail into my user accounts.
 Fetchmail gets it OK...and I've used the install-sendmail script someone
 suggested a while back...but I keep getting USER UNKNOWN messages when sendmail
 tries to deal with the mail.
 Anyone got any suggestions on where to look?

Here is my .fetchmailrc generated by install-sendmail.

poll "" proto pop3 user "peter.heckert" with pass ":-) :-)" is
"imap.peter" here forcecr smtpaddress localhost

"peter.heckert" is the username for my ISP's pop3 server.
"imap.peter" is my local imap account which receives the mail.
Please compare this with your .fetchmailrc.

There could be a problem if you have upcase characters in your username.
AFAIK sendmail needs special treatment to handle upcase letters in names.

Also be careful when you are using aliases. When I used install-sendmail the
first time,I typed a wrong alias.
While install-sendmail rewrites anything when it is run more than once,it
will not delete entries added in /etc/aliases. I had some problems until I
recognized this problem.



Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [newbie] It crashed!

1999-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Gregg,

Gregg Carrier wrote:
 I'm so bummed. Linux just hung on me completely. I guess I was tempting fate
 when I said it had never hung once.  I was in KDE, with like 2 Netscape windows
 open andhangorama
 So, here's what I did, being a newbie. I tried ctl-alt F* to switch to another
 console and possibly shut it down that way. I tried ctl-alt-bckspace to shut X
 Windows. Finally I tried ctl-alt-del to shut er down. Nothing did anything. :(

I had similar problems. Linux said "cannot load interpreter" X was hanging and
other effects. It got worse.
Then Linux couldnt access the swap partition and some files.

After some time problems occured in Windows.
I reformatted my disks and reinstalled every thing,Windows and Linux. 
The problem stayed.
Then I was forced to start Windows in its secure mode. ("Abgesicherter Modus" in
german language,dont know the englisch words for this)
It complained about corrupt VXDs and else and said Windows has to be reinstalled.
I reinstalled.

Then I got the message "EMM386 memory corrupt" or so. Now I got the idea about
what was going on! Unstable memory! 

I had some evenings of hard work to find which of my SIMMS where bad.

Finally I detected a 16MB SIMM and I replaced it. (Its now in my laser printer
and working fine there :-).

Since then, Linux is stable again. (Apart from java problems with netscape)
Windows is much more stable than it ever was. (Maybe the reason is, I dont
use it often :-).

So, here come my tips for you:

Disable "qick memory check" in BIOS to have the extended memory checks.
Choose conservative timings.
Enable the EMM386 command line option for initial memory check.
Heat up your memory with a hair dryer to 60 or 70 degrees celsius.
Start Windows in secure mode or/and use a memory check program.
(Windows does more memory and consistence checks than Linux,especially
when it boots and the kernal and VXDs are dynamically configured and linked)

Remove half of your memory. If errors are not gone,try the other half
of the memory. So you eventually can track down a bad memory stick.

Good luck!


Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [newbie] Basic doubts

1999-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

John Aldrich wrote:
 On Fri, 03 Dec 1999, you wrote:
  I am very new to Linux and I've installed Mandrake 6.0 yesterday.  I am trying to 
use Netscape without success since it couldn't find any URL.  Seems it can't resolve 
After dialling  with KPPP I can ping and telnet any IP and login too.  

So you can ping IP's, but not URL's ?

I couldn't also use my e-mail client since am getting an error message and SMTP also 
doesn't work.  Is there any FAQ available or any setup I should do to get my 
Netscape and e-mail client up and running?
 Please switch to "plain text" email.
I agree :-).

 Second, what does your /etc/resolv.conf look like? Do you have your
 ISP's DNS servers in there? Here's mine -- Make your /etc/resolv.conf
 look like this if you don't have it (substituting YOUR ISP for mine,
 and their DNS for mine, as well G Oh, and all this needs to be done
 as "root.")

At least with current kppp versions (as in mdk 6.0 and up) /etc/resolv.conf
maybe empty. It must exist, so do "touch /etc/resolv.conf" as root.

Add the DNS IP-numbers in the kppp setup dialog box. kppp will write this
numbers to resolv.conf dynamically and it will remove them when offline.
This way kppp can support many different ISP's and DNS entrys.
 Also, there's supposedly a checkbox to "set hostname" or some such in
 kppp. Do NOT check that.
Be sure to uncheck it.

 If neither of those helps, get back to us for more suggestions.


Re: [newbie] kernel header files - where?

1999-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

David van Balen wrote:
 installed. Also, I did install the "kernel source" package when I did the
 update, in case that has any effect on what's in the include dir.
 Sorry for replying to my own thread...
There is also a package "kernel headers" on my MDK 6.1 CDROM


Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [newbie] Sendmail - User Unknown

1999-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Andrew M George wrote:
 Thanks Peter,
 I do have uper case characters in my username (fetchmail seem to be passing
 them OK..It's probably Sendmail not picking them up
Locate this line in /etc/
Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=10/30, R=20/40, 
Change it to:
Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9u, S=10/30, R=20/40, 
Type as root "/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart"
Hopefully this should fix it.
Its only a quickndirty workaround,and you must repeat this everytime
after you used install-sendmail,because this changes will be overwritten.
AFAIK this will make sendmail case sensitive.

According to the FAQ in, mail adresses should not be
case sensitive and unix usernames therefore should be lowercase as a 

The best solution would be, to have all lowercase usernames.




Re: [newbie] Uninstalling - What are the general rules for uninstalling? (NON-RPM)

1999-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Sevatio,

Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 When you install software from source code, what is the general rule for 
uninstalling it?  (non-RPM)

I got the tip: reinstall the program again. Sounds silly.. :-).
Then use "find" to locate all files with the reinstall-date+time.
Check wether they really belong to the package and delete them.

I never tried this myself,be careful!


Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [Re: [newbie] MSIE when?]

1999-11-27 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Thomas,

"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:
 Installing a program from an rpm file is pretty simple; just type:
 rpm -ivh filename
 (i=install, v=verbose, h=hash.  i is the only option you really need to
 install, but the v and h add nice features that let you know how the
 install is going.)
 If you want to see what files were installed and where they went, you can
 use this command:
 rpm -ql packagename
 (q=query, l=list packages)

When I was first reading the man page of rpm, I coulndt find what I looked
for and I didnt understand most of it.
Given more such examples, as yours above, many things would be easier for 
I remember,when I used VMS before some years, I had less difficulties
to get started. VMS has a very fine help system and for every command
and most options there is a chapter "Examples".
Most every-day-jobs are covered there.
Also the VMS help pages are structurized and hyperlinked,starting with basics 
and going to advanced usage at the deeper levels.

If somebody has working examples,then he can get started,even if he has a 
lack of knowledge.
I think this is a shortcomig of Linux,the  online help (man and info pages)
is made for the experienced user and not for the beginner.
An alphabetical listing of options is not very helpful for beginners.
However,if I had a help as in windows,then it wouldnt be helpful
either. Given a help index with some 100 entries starting with "how can I.."
wouldnt be helpful in Linux. Linux is much more complex than windows.



Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [newbie] Is Mutt restricted to 80x24 Screen?

1999-11-22 Thread Peter Heckert

Hello Steve,

On Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 11:02:51PM -0500, Steve Philp wrote:
 Peter Heckert wrote:
  Steve Philp wrote:
 Did you try resizing while running mutt or before starting it?  Maybe
 xterm isn't reporting the change in window size correctly?  Try a
 'resize' (it's a command) before starting mutt and see if that makes a

I resized the console first,then I typed "resize | sh".
This solved the problem.
Now I'm wondering why mc and tin dont need this command.


Nur in /var/log/messages steht die Wahrheit.

Re: [newbie] Is Mutt restricted to 80x24 Screen?

1999-11-21 Thread Peter Heckert

Steve Philp wrote:
 You should be able to change the size of the xterm before starting mutt
 and have it automatically notice the larger size.

I already have tried this,no success.
Maybe this is a compile time option,I didnt have the time
to look to the sources.



[newbie] Good (Linux) Mailreaders for Mailing lists?

1999-11-17 Thread Peter Heckert

Hello All!

I'm currently using Netscape to read this list,because 
of its threading and sorting capabilities.

I have problems with threading. Mails made with
Netscape and Kmail are threaded fine.
Other Mails created by Emacs or Outlook are not
threaded correctly.

I'm using Linux and have a local IMAP Server.
Which Mail Reader would you propose for my

Also I'm unsure how to post to the list. Do I have 
to set the "reply to" field to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
manually ?

I have searched the mandrake home page for this,
and couldn't find information.



Re: [newbie] Netscape mail problem

1999-11-15 Thread Peter Heckert

Hey Joe,

Joe Marcom wrote:
 Good day, all;
 (this is a mail returned the first one)
  I am trying to transition from windos$ to Linux, but having mail
 problems.  When I open Netscape Messenger to get my mail, Messenger
 asks for my password, then immediately closes and returns to KDE when
 I enter it.  Where have I gone wrong this time?  I'm running L-M 6.0
 with Communicator ver. 4.6.

4.6 is reported to be unstable.
Upgrade to 4.61 or 4.7
I myself are using 4.61
It is stable and crashes only when I view Webpages with Java.



Re: [newbie] Xman

1999-11-15 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Steve Hi Joseph,
Steve Philp wrote:
 "Joseph G. Getty" wrote:
  I'm having a small prob with Xman.  I'm running Linux-Mandrake 6.1.  Every
  time I use Xman to open a man page they come up in an encrypted like text.
  Is this a bug in LM 6.1 or what?  Should I reinstall Xman?(wich I cannot
  find,  what is the name of the RPM?)
 Could it be caused by the .bz2 compression on the manual pages?  Try
Probably bz2 compression is causing this. 
 changing to /usr/man/man1 and 'bunzip2' one of the manual pages then try
 viewing that page with xman.  If it works, you'll need to bunzip all of
 the manual pages.

I had the same problem with Mandrake 6.0. After installing xman from the
cooker distribution it was solved.



Re: [newbie] Environment Variables

1999-11-13 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Karen,

Karen Heiby wrote:
 Hi Peter,
 So are you saying that I have to write the environment variables to the
 executable file of the process I want to start?  Or do I need to write
 it in .bashprofile?  Or where?

Settings are never written to the executable (as in DOS) because this would
not be multi-user friendly.
(In most cases you wouldnt have write permission for doing so)

You write the assignment command and the export command to a shell script.
export TEST
(For other shells than bash the syntax is different)

Global Variables go to /etc/profile.
Variables local to the current session goto ~/.bash_profile. (In some 
distributions this is called ~/.profile)
If a programm needs special environment vars,then you would write a
startup script for this program,wich sets the environment and then
starts the program.
For example netscape is started this way.
Have a look to the script /usr/bin/netscape to have an example.

Also look to te first Mandrake CDROM
This is a good starting point for formerly DOS and Win$ users.

HTH, and greetings,


Re: [newbie] Environment Variables

1999-11-12 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Karen,

each prozess has an "environment", wich is a private memory range. 
When you set an environment variable,then you are writing to this memory. 
If you "export" an environment variable,then this means,that
each prozess which you will start afterwards, will inherit a copy of 
this variable. Variables set in parallel or previous processes
are not affected. So you cannot change the environment of processes,
which are already running.
All environment vars are volatile,so if you need permanent settings
then you will need to write them to a shell script.
You can have later shell scripts overwriting this inherited copy of
the parent environment without affecting previously started prozesses
or parallel prozesses.

However,I dont know if it is possible to run 2 different Java VM's at the 
same time, if this is what you want. (I would doubt this)

Im a Newbie and never posted to any mailing list before,so this is
my first try. If there are mistakes,then please correct me.



"Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
 My main concern is java libraries.  I downloaded jdk117_v1a and
 jdk117_v3 and have those installed, besides a directory that is already
 in my /usr/local/bin directory called "java", and whatever java stuff
 Netscape puts on here.
 WHen I export a JAVA_HOME, am I appending to a file somewhere for a new
 place to include when looking for java files?  Or am I overwriting the
 path (therefore making my other java homes not work anymore?)  If
 there's a file I'm writing to, what is it?
 I ask because I have a few programs that call for different java
 versions (Netscape seems to come with its own package) and I don't want
 one program to screw the other over if possible.  For example, I don't
 want to overwrite paths that Netscape needs when I install jdk117 for
 ICQJava and in doing so, export a JAVA_HOME path to jdk117.  But is this
 what I am in fact doing?

Re: [newbie] Printing Envelopes NIGHTMARE

1999-01-17 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi all!

Mike Fieschko wrote:
  "Karen" == Karen Heiby [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Karen Mike Fieschko wrote:
  I do not have an Epson 660, but I notice in Star Office's
  Printer Setup, that this model is not listed.  What printer
  support did you install with Star Office?
 Karen I wasn't given the opportunity to setup a printer, however,
 Karen StarOffice tells me I have a generic printer.  It prints

The linux version of SO does support native postscript printers only.
"generic" refers to ghostscript, which emulates a generic postcript printer.
So it wouldnt help to choose another driver in SO, the Stylus Color 660 
is Esc-P2.

There are two ghostscript drivers for the Epson 660:
The Driver for any Stylus Color and the driver for Stylus color 500.
The latter is reported to have problems with color printing.
Also other b/w Esc-P2 drivers possibly would work.

Look to,choose english language and look up the 
hardware database for Esc-P2 printers.

It might help to try another ghostscript driver.



Re: [newbie] Good (Linux) Mailreaders for Mailing lists?

1999-01-16 Thread Peter Heckert

Hello Mike,

Mike Fieschko wrote:
  "Peter" == Peter Heckert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Peter I have problems with threading. Mails made with Netscape
 Peter and Kmail are threaded fine.  Other Mails created by Emacs
 Peter or Outlook are not threaded correctly.
 In what way are mails you receive from emacs users "not
 threaded correctly"?  Are the emacs users also using VM, or do they
 use exmh or something else?
Netscape doesnt thread your messages correctly. I had a look to the
headers and cannot find out why. Your headers look fine.
(Couldnt find anybody else posting with VM or Emacs :-)

I did some work to investigate how netscape does threading.
I viewed the headers and looked to the treading and made some
conclusions therefrom.

Netscape ignores the "In-Reply-To" Field.
Netscape uses the "References" Field.
If no "References" are found,then Netscape does threading by 
If a "Reference"-Field points to a posting,which doesnt contain a
"References" field, or/and doesnt begin with "Re:" in the subject,
then the Reference-field sometimes :-) is ignored.
So Netscape seems to use a mixture of heuristic methods and
"References" threading.

 On what bases do Netscape and Kmail thread?
I myself dont use KMail because it doesnt support IMAP. 

I could only find one little difference between VM's headers
and KMail's headers.

Both, VM and KMail produce the "In-Reply-To" field.
KMail lists the "In-Reply-To" field after the "References" field.
VM lists the "In-Reply-To" field first.

The only thing which I can think of, is that netscape is seeing
the "In-Reply-To" field first and then it gives up and ignores
the "References" Field.
This would clearly be a netscape related problem.

Until now I had not time to get involved with emacs,
I'm not an IT-professional and I'm using Linux only after
work at home. It's my passion,not my job.



Re: [newbie] Printing Envelopes NIGHTMARE

1999-01-16 Thread Peter Heckert

Hi Karen,

Karen Heiby wrote:
 Mike Fieschko wrote:
   "Karen" == Karen Heiby [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Karen I can't find a single application that will print envelopes
  Karen correctly.  I have an Epson 660.  Star Office feeds every
  I do not have an Epson 660, but I notice in Star Office's Printer
  Setup, that this model is not listed.  What printer support did you
  install with Star Office?
 I wasn't given the opportunity to setup a printer, however, StarOffice
 tells me I have a generic printer.  It prints documents okay (albeit
 VERY slowly).  It's weird because all my other applications have my
 printer listed as "epson", which is what I named it.  The printer
 drop-down box in Star Office doesn't contain any other options besides
 that Generic Printer.

I believe that "generic" is the only choice for Linux.
The other printer choices would work with win$ only.

 How can I set up a printer like you say?  I looked everywhere!  I would
 ask the StarOffice newsgroup but I can only find a group in German!

Look to to have a
list of englishspoken newsgroups.

