[newbie] Dual Booting

2000-03-19 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

OK... I just installed a new hard drive in my machine. Now Linux gets it's
own drive! :-) Anyway, I have Windoze on the Primary master (/dev/hda).
Linux is on the secondary master (/dev/hdc). The problem is, I installed
LILO in the master boot record on /dev/hda. It will boot Linux but not
Windoze. Unfortunately, I'm not at my home machine so I can't include a copy
of lilo.conf. When it tried to load Windoze, it displays the message,
"Loading Windows" and then just sits there. Anyone have any ideas off the
top of their head??

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] Comments on Graphical Installation

2000-03-19 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

A few days ago I got a copy of the MacMillan version of Mandrake 7.0. I have
a couple of things to say about the new graphical installation.

First, generally, I'm not impressed. I actually found the old installation
method easier to use. The installation of packages seems to be a crapshoot.
I did 3 different installs because each time packages were left out. Each
time, the packages left out were different! Each installation was the same:
customized, development. One time, gcc was completely left out! Another,
kdevelop was omitted. Why would this be happening??

Second, at no time during the installation was I able to get X configured
properly. Each time, I had to quit the configuration of X. It would try to
test it and then hang. I would have to CTRL-ALT-BKSPCE to get out of it and
complete the installation. Once the installation was completed, I would then
use XF86Setup to configure X. XF86Setup worked like a champ. It was, and
still is, my favorite method for configuring X.

Third (not really part of the graphical installation but what the heck), I
tried using Lothar to configure sound but it showed a message saying
something like the PnP device is not identified. But then it said something
like the PnP device identifier is CS4235. Anyway, I used sndconfig to
configure it properly. Once again the older method succeeded where the new
one didn't.

Anyway, that's my .02.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

RE: [newbie] Music Composer?

2000-03-13 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

On Sunday, March 12, 2000, Tom Berger wrote:


 gives 98 hits. You will have to do some searching ;-)...


Thanks. I was hoping someone could give me a lead on some software available
commercially since, at the moment, I don't have Internet access other than

Thanks for the info though. I should get my access back soon.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS Dept.
800-472-8013 x4814

[newbie] Music Composer?

2000-03-12 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Does anyone know if there is a "music composer" app available for Linux?
Many, MANY, years ago, I used to create "sid" files for Commodore 64  128
machines. I was thinking I'd like to create some music files now with the
more sophisticated hardware and software available today.

Any ideas? TIA

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] MacMillan Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-01 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Does anyone know if MacMillan's version has Mandrake 7.0 or 7.0.2? On the
box, it doesn't indicate 7.0.2. 


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest thing to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

RE: [newbie] help

2000-02-17 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

On Thursday, February 17, 2000, Kit wrote:

*   Will someone please tell me...HOW to fix a problem...I have with 6.1
everytime I click on
*   HOME (desktop) then go up to the next level...in order to MOUNT
either my CD drive or 
*   HDA1 etc...after clicking on /mnt...it starts, but then it
freezesand at this point, I have 
*   to shutdown by pressing my power button on the PC.
*   I can't mount anythingplease help

I may be misunderstanding you but it sounds like you're trying to mount your
CD by clicking on the /mnt/cdrom directory in your file manager window. If
this is the case, you need to mount it *before* you click on /mnt/cdrom. 

You probably have an icon on your desktop labeled CDROM. Click on it to
mount your cdrom drive (after making certain you have a CD in the drive).
Once the drive is mounted try clicking on /mnt/cdrom. You should see the
files on the CD.

If I have misunderstood what you were saying, then the above probably does
not apply. :-)


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] GDM or KDM?

2000-02-14 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN


Currently, my system boots to runlevel 5. KDM comes up by default,
apparently. Just out of curiosity, I tried to get GDM to come up. I found I
didn't know how to do that. I tried running switchdesk and choosing GNOME. I
thought that might make the login default to gdm but it didn't work. How do
I change the default login?

Now... having asked that... I should say that I'll probably stick with KDM
but I am curious on how to do it anyway. :-)


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

RE: [newbie] Hardware Flaky

2000-02-12 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

On Saturday, 2000-Feb-12, you wrote:

*   I'm just starting to use linux, and this was my first
install(mandrake 7.0).  I have very
*   new hardware, and it has been slow going getting it all to work.
For one, how do I get my sound card(diamond monster
mx300 pci-aureal 3d 2.0) to 
*   work correctly.  I was browsing around, and found somewhere where it
listed it as a 
*   sound device, yet under lothar, it says other device.  I have no
sound, and have not 
*   a clue how to get it to work.

Have you tried running sndconfig? Make sure you're logged in as root. Open a
console and type "sndconfig" (minus quotes). Follow the instructions and,
hopefully, at the end of it, you'll be ready to use sound.


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] Boot Rescue Disk

2000-02-12 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I ran mkbootdisk and successfully created  a boot disk (apparently).

When I try to boot with it (to test it), it starts booting and then asks me
to enter "rescue" if that's what I want. So, to test it out, I entered
"rescue" (no quotes of course) and it proceeds to boot. However, it soon
stops telling me that I need to include the "init=" parameter.

What does this parameter do and what should I set it to?



Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] [OT] MSNBC Summit

2000-02-08 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I saw an advertisement today on MSNBC. On February 27, they are going to
have, what they are calling, a "Silicon Valley Summit." It's supposed to
have all the "leaders" in the technology revolution. I presume this means
the usual culprits, i.e. Micro$oft (Gates or otherwise), Sun, Oracle, etc. I
was wondering if anyone else heard about this and if, perhaps, anyone knows
if Linus Torvalds might be included? He certainly should be. At least,
*someone* from the world of Linux should be there.


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] Problem Installing 6.0

2000-01-29 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

First of all, TIA for any help you can give. A friend of mine is trying to
install Mandrake 6.0 on his laptop. He has a 24gb hard drive. Approximately
12GB are dedicated to Windoze. The rest is all free space. 

During the install, he is using Disk Druid to create the Linux partitions.
He is able to create the swap and /home partitions. When trying to create
the / partition, he gets a message from Disk Druid saying there is not
enough free space for the partition. This seems to happen regardless what
size he tries to make it. He started trying to create a 1GB partition. Then
he lowered it to 800mb, 500mb, and so on. It did no good. He still received
the same message. 

Any ideas what could be happening?


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] A new convert to Linux

2000-01-28 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Well, my son has become a Linux convert. He always thought it funny that his
father was deserting Windoze for Linux. Understand, my son is 12 years old
and more into games than anything else. 

Until yesterday, I had never gotten a game for Linux. However, yesterday I
saw Heroes of Might  Magic 3 for Linux and had to get it. Well, my son was
blown away. He saw me playing it and refused to believe I was playing on
Linux. When I finally convinced him, he decided he needed to learn more
about it. 

Games can be one the hooks to get people to come over from the dark side.
Now, if only we can get a port of High Heat Baseball, the Friedman household
will be in heaven. :-)


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

[newbie] 6.1 X-server

2000-01-24 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I had been running Mandrake 6.0 until a few days ago. I then upgraded to
6.1. (I know... 7.0 is now available. I want to wait and talk to a few
people at Linuxworld first.) :-) 

Anyway, my videocard is the Creative Labs 3D Blaster - Savage 4. Now with
XFree86 3.3.5, the SVGA server seems to work mostly OK with my card. Up
until now, I was running VGA16. :-( I seem to remember reading a message
here a couple weeks ago that said that one of the S3 servers worked fine
with the Savage 4 chipset. Does anyone know if this is true? I tried them
but can't seem to get them to work.

P.S. Anyone here going to Linuxworld next week?


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

RE: [newbie] LinuxWorld

2000-01-18 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

On Tues, 18 Jan 2000, Alex V Flinsch wrote:
 Both the LinuxWorld and Mandrake websites say they will be there.
  I just got my tickets in the mail today, anyone else on the list

I'll be there. I'm only getting an exhibits only badge but I'm registered!

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

"The closest place to heaven on earth is Yankee Stadium."

-Original Message-
From:   Alex V Flinsch [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 18, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] LinuxWorld

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 Does anyone know if MandrakeSoft is going to have a pavilion at
 LinuxWorld Expo in New York City this February?

Both the LinuxWorld and Mandrake websites say they will be there.
I just got my tickets in the mail today, anyone else on the list

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

RE: [newbie] Welcome to list newbie

2000-01-17 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I'm wondering if I'm the only one repeatedly receiving a message welcoming
me to "the Cooker list."?

This has been going on for a few weeks now!

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

RE: [newbie] strange things

1999-11-12 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I've been getting it too. Only, not just for someone on Mindspring. I've
been getting it for people on Yahoo, AOL, various other ISPs. But, like you,
it's only on the Mandrake list.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

Jeanette Russo wrote 

not sure whats going on but everytime I try to post to the mandrake
list I get this weird not found email for someone on mindspring.  anyone
else know whats going on here?  Only happens when I post to mandrake list?


[newbie] Creative Labs 3D Blaster S4

1999-11-10 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Does anyone know if XFree86 3.3.5 supports the Creative Labs 3D Blaster with
the Savage 4 chipset?

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- Heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

[newbie] OT: Novel recommendation

1999-11-10 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Completely off-topic but I thought it might be of interest to many, if not
most, of you.

I just finished reading a novel titled: "format c:" by Edwin Black. It is
published by Brookline Books. It is a thriller (although there is quite a
bit of humor) concerning the Y2K bug and Armageddon. It tells of how the
richest man in the world, who is the CEO of a software company which
produces an "OS" called, "Windgazer ." The company is based in Seattle. Now,
you might think this CEO represents Bill Gates in the real world (I
certainly do), however the author actually has Bill Gates make an
appearance. BTW... the CEO in the book is, essentially, the Antichrist.

Anyway, I think this book appeals to just about everyone on this list and I
thought I would pass it along.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- Heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

[newbie] OT: Novel recommendation

1999-11-10 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Completely off-topic but I thought it might be of interest to many, if not
most, of you.

I just finished reading a novel titled: "format c:" by Edwin Black. It is
published by Brookline Books. It is a thriller (although there is quite a
bit of humor) concerning the Y2K bug and Armageddon. It tells of how the
richest man in the world, who is the CEO of a software company which
produces an "OS" called, "Windgazer ." The company is based in Seattle. Now,
you might think this CEO represents Bill Gates in the real world (I
certainly do), however the author actually has Bill Gates make an
appearance. BTW... the CEO in the book is, essentially, the Antichrist.

Anyway, I think this book appeals to just about everyone on this list and I
thought I would pass it along.

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- Heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

[newbie] FW: Creative Labs 3D Blaster S4

1999-11-10 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Does anyone know if XFree86 3.3.5 supports the Creative Labs 3D Blaster with
the Savage 4 chipset?
I am sorry if this message was received twice. I'm having some problems I'm
trying to iron out. 
Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- Heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

[newbie] Savage 4 Server

1999-09-26 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Does anyone know if XFree86 3.3.5 (I think that's the most recent version)
has the appropriate x server for video cards with the Savage 4 chipset?


Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- The closest thing to heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

RE: [newbie] OT:Trolls - Past, Present and Future

1999-08-20 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Rick Fry wrote:
I did NOT write that. As I said in a previous post, I don't resort
to writing these types of messages. I gave up on that years ago when I
realized that there are more effective ways to get a point across. And I
resent the implication that I'm a moron. I'm only 56 years old and haven't
yet reached that plateau. Looks like somebody needs to learn how to cut and
paste stuff in their respective editors. One more time, RICK FRY DID NOT

It's not a matter of somebody needing "to learn how to cut and paste
stuff...". The following is how the original message that started this looks
to me. Please notice the "From" field. I did not cut a paste this:

-Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, August 20, 1999 10:51 AM
Subject:RE: [newbie] Not getting anywhere

I give up on this stupid fucking so-called operating system!
It's totally F*G USELESS
Windows is FAR superior and you bunch of sad
losers are just wasting your lives.

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com 

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-- The closest thing to heaven on earth is... Yankee Stadium!

-Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, August 20, 1999 9:32 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] OT:Trolls - Past, Present and Future

I did NOT write that. As I said in a previous post, I don't resort
writing these types of messages. I gave up on that years ago when I
that there are more effective ways to get a point across. And I
resent the 
implication that I'm a moron. I'm only 56 years old and haven't yet
that plateau. Looks like somebody needs to learn how to cut and
paste stuff 
in their respective editors. One more time, RICK FRY DID NOT WRITE

Original Message Follows
Just a thought for all the good people at Mandrake and the
good people on this list.  It might be in order to deny
access to this list to any accounts from any of the
anonymous mail services.

I have seen these seen far too much abuse of these services
by spammers and other morons (not pointing my finger directly
at Rick Fry, who am I kidding, yes I am).  I feel if the
interest in this list is genuine there is no need to hide
behind the curtain of an anonymous service and it would
free up the list from this kind of moronic abuse.

Ken Wilson
Not as small 'l' liberal as I used to be.

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com

RE: [newbie] Linux for home consumers?

1999-08-16 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

I am a home user of Linux (although I am also a computer professional). I am
running Mandrake 6.0 and had absolutely no problems with the installation
(with the exception of getting the proper server for my video card). As a
matter of fact, I had more problems installing Windoze98. ("Plug  Play??"
Hah!) Now, I pretty much use Windoze as a game machine for my family. I do
everything else in Linux.

Like it or not, the public at large expects, and probably will not accept
anything other than, an OS like Windoze. Until recently, Linux was unknown
to most average users. That is changing however. I find a lot of people
asking me about it: "What is this Linux thing I keep hearing about?"

I only hope that Linux retains its "hacker" qualities. While I think it does
need to "do Windoze better than Windoze," it also needs to retain it's own

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

-Original Message-
From:   Richard Salts [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, August 16, 1999 1:16 AM
Subject:[newbie] Linux for home consumers?

Somebody was saying to me that he believed Linux was a good
corporate tool
but not a good op system for home use because of it's steep learning

What do the list subscribers here think?  Think Linux-Mandrake isn't
for Prime Time yet?

I wonder.  Are there any home users on this list?

Thanks for any replies,


RE: [newbie] OT: useless factoid part deux

1999-01-17 Thread RICHARD FRIEDMAN

Fill up the 3gallon bucket with water. Empty it into the 5 gallon bucket.
You now have exactly 3 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket. Fill up the 3 gallon
bucket again. Empty it into the 5 gallon bucket until you have exactly 5
gallons. This means you have removed 2 gallons from the 3 gallon bucket and
now have exactly 1 gallon left in the 3 gallon bucket. Dump out the 5 gallon
bucket. Pour the 1 gallon of water out of the 3 gallon bucket, into the 5
gallon bucket. You now have an empty 3 gallon bucket and exactly 1 gallon in
the 5 gallon bucket. Fill up the 3 gallon bucket and pour it into the 5
gallon bucket. The 3 gallons you just poured into the bucket, plus the 1
gallon that was already there, gives you exactly, 4 gallons.

As for creating an algorithm for it... maybe someone else can work it out.
I'm pooped. :-)

Rick Friedman
Salant Corp. - MIS
800-472-8013 x75105

On November 19, 1999 David wrote:

Hello All...

Ok maybe this is not a "Factoid" per sebut just a little quiz
to burn some
brain cells, ( then again for some maybe not even that :) )

U have 1, 3 gallon bucket
"  "   "   1, 5 gallon bucket

u absolutely need "exactly" 4 gallon's of water

How to do?

Rule: the only measuring device allowed r the buckets
unlimited water supply

"best to do while sober"

as far as i know there r 2 answer's..

it does help to straighten out your thoughts though

actually what i am looking for is if anyone would be able to
translate that into
a wee app for X,.. Written in C, as the song goes
