Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Huw Blackwell
 There's nothin to report, there is no problem other than 
misunderstanding on your part. I believe this was already correctly 
answered by Derek or Greg, but couldn't find the reply in the ml 
archive, so maybe you didn't see it.

I didn't.

 src.rpm's almost always have more dependencies than the 
precompiled counterpart rpms to facilitate building, but the 
resulting rpm doesn't need them. Including all the compile deps 
would also mean the precompiled rpm would need the same deps, but 
needlessly, and could introduce conflicts.

The src.rpm requests most of the required rpm dependancies when
rebuilt, why not these two? Why make the task of rebuilding tougher
than it needs to be? They would only need to be requested if the
src.rpm is being rebuilt, as is already the case with most of the rpms
required for compilation. I am not infering the rpms should be
installed as a default for the reasons you stated above, but there is
an inconsitancy in the rebuilding of this src.rpm, which surely should
be highlighted?

   So if you insist on building from src.rpms, you'll havt'a get 
savvy in interpreting compile failures. Usually it's fairly clear, 
and some -devel rpm is all that's needed.

Yep, and I've got them in the past and solved them on my own, but this
was a particularly problematic one.

 Sometimes another app, but one that's not normally installed, or
might conflict with another app you do have installed.  Even if all
the compile deps could be included, it would lead to endless,
needless bloat. Particularly for large core files like kdelibs. 

Sure I am a newbie, and have a lot of linux learning to do (one of the
reasons for doing this), but the one of the chief aims of linux must
be to make it as user friendly and painless as possible. I am only
trying to help in my own small way ;-) Why should future compilers
search the net for information for the same problem? Is it not an
avoidable waste of their time? I sometimes find it frustrating myself
and I'm an advocate of Linux looking to learn! To attract users who
are not, or business's to which time is money, niggles and problems
like this ought to be resolved. In the open source community we have a
powerful tool to report and fix these, producing a product ultimately
more reliable and user friendly than any one potential software
corporation. This is done for mandrakes developing software, why not
its current release, which is after all used by a)end users  b) less
computer literate individuals (the vast majority of the world who we
want to attract!) and c) larger numbers of people? 

Why do you wanna compile kdelibs from src anyhow?

To optimize linux for my processor (athlon tbird). I'm also trying to
install the least amount of software for my requirements, optimize the
kernel and stopp all unessecary services from running. Mandrake
installs a loyt, I assume to cover all eventualities (i.e. to be user
friendly!) but i'm interested to see how quick I can go.

Why bother? So I learn more about the workings of linux. I am
challenging myself to see what I can learn.

As an alternative (business) reason, to build a package targetting an
alpha processor

What are your thoughts?

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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Huw Blackwell
I stand corrected. Apologies for going off on one, reading through my
initial reply I realise I got on a bit of a  high horse over something
I didn't fully understand, and took out some of my frustraion over
getting this on the mailing list on someone who was just trying to
help me. I understand what Tom was saying in his first message now and
feel more than a little foolish.

Just one more query though.

If the rpm when rebuilt asks for only the dependecies required by the
binary package, how comes I had to install any extra rpms in order to
rebuild it in the first place? As I understand Derek's message, the
list of dependant rpms refer only to the binaries, there can be no
alternative list for the src.rpm. How comes my installed version of
kdelibs has not got these dependencies allready installed? Is this
because it was part of my original install of Mandrake? That
would imply that the dependencies are not actually dependencies

Or am I making another basic grass roots error?

I got round the SPEC file compiling for i586 by adding a file called
.rprmc in my user home folder /hwb/home. read

For more info, if your interested.

Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me.


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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 04 July 2003 08:58 am, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 I stand corrected. Apologies for going off on one, reading through my
 initial reply I realise I got on a bit of a  high horse over something
 I didn't fully understand, and took out some of my frustraion over
 getting this on the mailing list on someone who was just trying to
 help me. I understand what Tom was saying in his first message now and
 feel more than a little foolish.

 Just one more query though.

 If the rpm when rebuilt asks for only the dependecies required by the
 binary package, how comes I had to install any extra rpms in order to
 rebuild it in the first place? As I understand Derek's message, the
 list of dependant rpms refer only to the binaries, there can be no
 alternative list for the src.rpm. How comes my installed version of
 kdelibs has not got these dependencies allready installed? Is this
 because it was part of my original install of Mandrake? That
 would imply that the dependencies are not actually dependencies

 Or am I making another basic grass roots error?

 I got round the SPEC file compiling for i586 by adding a file called
 .rprmc in my user home folder /hwb/home. read

 For more info, if your interested.

 Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me.

Jumping in here; there are some .rpms that are required to be able to build a 
.rpm from .src.rpm.  These files are not necessary for the rpms to function 
after build but you can't build without them. They are sometimes devel rpms 
and are always the rebuild rpms. Hope this explains those odd dependencies a 
bit better. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Richard Urwin
On Friday 04 Jul 2003 2:58 pm, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 If the rpm when rebuilt asks for only the dependecies required by the
 binary package, how comes I had to install any extra rpms in order to
 rebuild it in the first place? As I understand Derek's message, the
 list of dependant rpms refer only to the binaries, there can be no
 alternative list for the src.rpm. How comes my installed version of
 kdelibs has not got these dependencies allready installed? Is this
 because it was part of my original install of Mandrake? That
 would imply that the dependencies are not actually dependencies

They are not dependencies for the binaries. Some examples might be:
  the compiler
  various compiler-like tools (lex, yacc,etc.)
  the development rpms for the libraries used
  tools to build the documentation.
The binaries do not use them. For example, the documentation in the 
binary rpm might be in HTML format, but in the src distribution it 
might require several tools to create those HTML files. Once the files 
are created then you don't need the tools. As a further example one of 
these tools might be doxygen which pulls comments out of source files 
and creates pdf and html manuals from them.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday July 4 2003 03:52 am, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 Why do you wanna compile kdelibs from src anyhow?

 To optimize linux for my processor (athlon tbird). I'm also
 trying to install the least amount of software for my
 requirements, optimize the kernel and stopp all unessecary
 services from running. Mandrake installs a loyt, I assume to
 cover all eventualities (i.e. to be user friendly!) but i'm
 interested to see how quick I can go.

 Why bother? So I learn more about the workings of linux. I am
 challenging myself to see what I can learn.

That is a very valid reason.  IMO, everyone should compile a 
kernel from source sooner or later, if only for the knowledge and 
experience gained.  OTOH, learning to build rpms from scratch is 
probly a better learning experience than just rebuilding src.rpms.
There's many docs and tutorials, but a good place to start is the 
RPM-howto. It's on your system if you installed the Documentation 
packages during installation.
 As an alternative (business) reason, to build a package
 targetting an alpha processor

 What are your thoughts?

 Optimization, been there done that. I've done a lot of 
rebuilding src.rpms for athlon in the past. People like Texstar, 
with help from others, even rebuilt the entire distro (IIRC, 9.0) 
for athlon. Those with P4's have done it for that processor. 
Civileme did extensive testing for several arch's. Almost without 
exception we all found negligible to no performance increase over 
Mandrake's default i586. Those compiling for P4's find their system 
actually performs slower. That's also what civileme found for 
P4'and P3's. 

 Mandrake has also done a lot optimization testing. They've 
concluded that the only libs that benefit are glibc and a few 
others. If you look in /lib/i686/ you'll find out which ones. For 
those with true 686 processors, Mandrake systems already use these 
further optimized packages.  Some Mandrake gurus insist also 
building the kernel for athlon is a performance improvement. I've 
never seen any, other than psychological ;) Some gurus further 
increase the compiler options for athlon. Most of them report 
little to no improvement and a loss of stability.

   Now where you will see an improvement with athlon's is to 
overclock 'em. I've run a 1.4g athlon at 1.553g for over two years 
now. With my ram also slightly oc'd (135mhz) and timed to cas2, 
4-bank interleaving.  It won't reliably go much faster, it's only 
old pc100 mixed with pc133 ;)  The cpu is good up to 1.612g, and 
still pass stringent tests. At 1.553g, there's a measurable across 
the board system performance increase (except for HDD's), and rock 
solid stability thru increased IO and cpu voltages. For the most 
part, those using XP's and fast DDR ram timings, already experience 
this hardware performance increase without oc'ing.   YMMV ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 04 Jul 2003 2:58 pm, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 I stand corrected. Apologies for going off on one, reading through my
 initial reply I realise I got on a bit of a  high horse over something
 I didn't fully understand, and took out some of my frustraion over
 getting this on the mailing list on someone who was just trying to
 help me. I understand what Tom was saying in his first message now and
 feel more than a little foolish.

No problemo. You thought you had found an error and wanted to help fix it.
Thats good :-)

 Just one more query though.

 If the rpm when rebuilt asks for only the dependecies required by the
 binary package, how comes I had to install any extra rpms in order to
 rebuild it in the first place? As I understand Derek's message, the
 list of dependant rpms refer only to the binaries, there can be no
 alternative list for the src.rpm. How comes my installed version of
 kdelibs has not got these dependencies allready installed? Is this
 because it was part of my original install of Mandrake? That
 would imply that the dependencies are not actually dependencies

Take for example kdelibs-devel. It contains nothing but C header files. They 
are not needed to run the binary RPM, but of course they are needed to 
compile kdelibs with.
On the other hand kdelibs makes extensive use of QT.  So the binary package 
libqt3 is a dependency, but  the header files needed to compile libqt3, 
libqt3-devel is not a dependency.

I hope thats clear.



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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-04 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Friday July 4 2003 08:58 am, Huw Blackwell wrote:
 I stand corrected. Apologies for going off on one, reading
 through my initial reply I realise I got on a bit of a  high
 horse over something I didn't fully understand, and took out some
 of my frustraion over getting this on the mailing list on someone
 who was just trying to help me. I understand what Tom was saying
 in his first message now and feel more than a little foolish.

Well, it was never my intention to make you feel foolish. I'm 
sorry if I did. MOF, I admire your effort to explore your system.  
More newbies and a lot of 'experts' should.

 Just one more query though.

 If the rpm when rebuilt asks for only the dependecies required by
 the binary package, how comes I had to install any extra rpms in
 order to rebuild it in the first place? As I understand Derek's

 I see you've already got explanations better than I give from 
Dennis, Richard, and Derek.  Probly 'cause they understand it all 
better than I do ;)

 I got round the SPEC file compiling for i586 by adding a file
 called .rprmc in my user home folder /hwb/home. read

   Cautions when optimizing, that I somewhat neglected in my 
previous 'optimizing, oc'ing' reply.  I should have included more 
about the situation where you can easily make a system unstable by 
too much package optimizing, or even compiling from source at all. 
Particularly by changing compiler flags in rpmrc, an going too far 
with 'em. Sometimes even just building from source with default 
compiler flags, or a different gcc version than Mandrake uses for 
some of their precompiled packages, EG... 

  As part of testing (limited by the hardware available to them), 
some Mandrake precompiled packages are de-optimized to improve 
usability. For example, mozilla. Here's an excerpt from mozilla 
1.4's cooker changelog (CHRPM list) today:
* Fri Jul 04 2003 Frederic Crozat [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 
- Release 1.4.0
- Lower optimizations, mozilla doesn't like -O3 on gcc 3.3
- Remove patches 34, 61 (merged upstream)
- Regenerate patch33
- Fix gre.conf file
- Enable l10n

   In past mozilla releases, Mandrake was unable to even use newer 
gcc 3.x, and those were compiled with 2.95.x (Mdk's 2.96). So if 
you compiled mozilla from source, or src.rpm, using gcc 3.x, even 
with default compiler flags, you could just end up worse off, or 
with undiscernable compile failures. 

   When you use Mandrake precompiled packages, you have support and 
testing. When you recompile src.rpm's and/or use tarballs those 
benefits are often lost, and should be mentioned when reporting 
bugs or problems. As should user introduction of 3rd party, 
specially closed source apps or drivers. Part of the past problem 
with mozilla/gcc was anticipated user java installation.

As to Gentoo, in a comparison several months ago, a default i586 
Mandrake install tested as fast, and even faster in some areas, 
than Gentoo optimized for, and runnin on the same hardware. As, or 
more stable than Gentoo also.  IIRC, it was a pclinuxonline project 
on AMD Athlon hardware, or at least it was covered by them.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Reporting Missing rpm Dependencies for kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm

2003-07-02 Thread Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 10:03 am, Huw Blackwell wrote:

 Had an earlier posting on this list with a problem compiling
 kdelibs-3.1-58mdk.src.rpm targetting athlon architecture. After some
 trouble I traced the faults (with the help of some other linux users,
 including Stephen Kuhn - thanks!) to two missing package dependencies
 NOT asked for when rebuilt. They are


 In the interests of the linux community (and other peoples sanity) I
 would like to report these so it is not a problem in the future.

 How do I do that?

 As far as I understand, the cooker mailing list and bugzilla are for
 cooker only, not the current release.

 So what do I do?


Actually I do not think there is anything wrong that needs reporting.
The spec file contained within an RPM contains the list of dependent packages 
for the *binary* RPM not the packages needed to compile from src.  If you 
were to add those two '-devel' packages to the spec file then they would be 
necessary to install the binary RPM.

I think it is expected that people building RPMs from source should know how 
to resolve the compiling dependencies themselves.


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