Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Adriano Archetti wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 ho un piccolo problema sull'installazione della mdk 7.1.
 Quando, dopo il partizionamento e la formattazione dell' hard disk cerca i
 pacchetti da installare mi esce un messaggio di errore tipo: ERROR, MISSING
 PACKAGES, e l'installazione non può più proseguire, ma mi torna al
 ripartizionamento dell'HD.
 Installando altre distribuzioni (vedi Debian e Suse) non ho avuto problemi
 di questo genere.
 Il mio PC è un pentium 500, con hd da 13 GB, sceda SCSI con 1 CDROM e 1


Non ne sono sicurissimo, ma credo ci sia qualche conflitto tra cdrom
e masterizzatore.

Se hai pratica di hardware stacca il masterizzatore, installa
e poi configuralo in un secondo momento.

Altrimenti, prova, all'avvio dell'installazione, quando ti chiede
un return prima di avviare la parte grafica, a scrivere:
"linux cdrom=/dev/sda" o qualcosa di simile.
Vedi le man di lilo e lilo.conf e tieni presente dove e` attaccato
fisicamente il cdrom.

ciao, Andrea

R: [newbie-it] Reti locali

2000-08-28 Per discussione Maurizio Scaglione

Mi servirebbe solo un pò di procedura per configurare la rete locale. Ho
già provato circa 76 volte ma si vede che salto qualche passaggio.

Dove sta il problema?

R: [newbie-it] Reti locali

2000-08-28 Per discussione BellanA

Hai provato a controllare se la tua scheda viene riconosciuta?
se si controlla che il plug an play della tua main non abbia assegnato
un irq o un addr che utilizzano altre periferiche isa (se la scheda
lan e pci). Io per scongiurare ogni pericolo uso una normale isa ne2000
compatibile da 20.000 settata su irq 10 e addr 0x340 che è un settaggio
quasi mai utilizzato da altre periferiche nel caso in cui l'irq 10
sia usato forza ad uso isa tale irq nel menu plug and play/pci del

Per quanto riguarda linux se la vede al promo colpo devi solo settare
ip,gateway e talvolta spuntare il caricamento del modulo al boot
anzichè al login dell'utente ma dovrebbe essere un default della 7.1.

Se usi il sistema con isa forzato allora devi caricare da kernel manager
il modulo ne2000 o e2000 o n2000 non ricordo bene e poi forzare irq (10) e
address (questo nel formato 0x340) e i soliti parametri p e fare un bel
reboot da console terminal.

Spero di esserti stato utile KINO

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Maurizio
Inviato: lunedì 28 agosto 2000 10.14
Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] Reti locali

Mi servirebbe solo un pò di procedura per configurare la rete locale. Ho
già provato circa 76 volte ma si vede che salto qualche passaggio.

Dove sta il problema?

[newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Leon2000

Carissimi amici
dopo svariatissimi anni di uso di WINZOZZ ho deciso di installare Mandreale

Vengo al punto sono a completo digiuno di LINUX e quindi vorrei sapere il
nome di un buon testo oppure di un sito dove poter scaricare il manuale di
Linux mandrake per iniziare a capire come settare il modem (ISDN) la scheda
audio e tutte le altre periferiche.
Vi ringrazio


Pentium 500 celeron 128 Ram

R: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Ivano Diodati

- Original Message -
From: Leon2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:39 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

 Carissimi amici
 dopo svariatissimi anni di uso di WINZOZZ ho deciso di installare

 Vengo al punto sono a completo digiuno di LINUX e quindi vorrei sapere il
 nome di un buon testo oppure di un sito dove poter scaricare il manuale di
 Linux mandrake per iniziare a capire come settare il modem (ISDN) la
 audio e tutte le altre periferiche.
 Vi ringrazio


Vai sul sito della Mandrake, sezione documentazione. E' tutto lì.

  Diodati Ivano
Linux user #175879
Machine #81946Fax: 178 2237062

R: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Leon2000

ci sono stato ma non ho avuto aiuti sufficenti


- Original Message -
From: Ivano Diodati [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

 - Original Message -
 From: Leon2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:39 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

  Carissimi amici
  dopo svariatissimi anni di uso di WINZOZZ ho deciso di installare
  Vengo al punto sono a completo digiuno di LINUX e quindi vorrei sapere
  nome di un buon testo oppure di un sito dove poter scaricare il manuale
  Linux mandrake per iniziare a capire come settare il modem (ISDN) la
  audio e tutte le altre periferiche.
  Vi ringrazio

 Vai sul sito della Mandrake, sezione documentazione. E' tutto lì.

   Diodati Ivano
 Linux user #175879
 Machine #81946Fax: 178 2237062

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Marco Scalas


questo sito per me è sempre stato un punto di
riferimento:; nella sezione degli
how-to trovi la documentazione di configurazione x
linux. Per la scheda audio prova con DrakeConf, se hai
una scheda supportata è semplice da usare. 
Inoltre nei prossimi numeri di "LinuxC" (una 
rivista su Linux) ho letto che si parlerà di ISDN.

Ciao :

--- Leon2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Carissimi amici
 dopo svariatissimi anni di uso di WINZOZZ ho deciso
 di installare Mandreale
 Vengo al punto sono a completo digiuno di LINUX e
 quindi vorrei sapere il
 nome di un buon testo oppure di un sito dove poter
 scaricare il manuale di
 Linux mandrake per iniziare a capire come settare il
 modem (ISDN) la scheda
 audio e tutte le altre periferiche.
 Vi ringrazio
 Pentium 500 celeron 128 Ram

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

[newbie-it] Passo a Linux?

2000-08-28 Per discussione bosva

Passo a Linux, capendone poco anche di uindous!
installazione di mandrake 7.1: dopo vari tentativi sono riuscito a
configurare scheda audio, scheda video e monitor (anche se nessuna di queste
componenti si trova nell'elenco dell'hardware supportato)e mi stupisco di me
l'unico problema me l'ha dato il modem! non voglio continuare a navigare
con uindous! ma come faccio a spiegargli che ho un tranquillissimo modem 56K
ho di recente scoperto che non tutti i modem sono modem, molti sono
winmodem...potrebbe essere questo il problema? e se così fosse mi tocca
comprarmi un altro modem?
vi ringrazio tutti quanti per l'aiuto e salutatemi a bill gates!

Re: [newbie] ethernet card

2000-08-28 Per discussione Greg Stewart

You can try forcing linux to find the hardware by shutting down, removing
the NICs, rebooting without them...shutting down again, replacing the NICs,
and rebooting with them. This should bring up kudzu, or whatever MDK uses at
startup to detect new hardware, and you can config from there.

You may also check to see whether you are actually experiencing a confclict
between pump and dhcpd. rpm -e them both (just in case) and replace dhcpd.
Something may have become currupt in dhcpd.

I compared the etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file with mine, and
what you've left is exactly the same as mine...nothing wrong there.



 I am having quiet an intresting problem when i installed mandrake i
 configured the ethernet card to be a dhcp ... well i was playing around
 the networking stuff thru linuxconfig and somehow i guess i messed it
 up...well the thing is i keep trying to take it back to the orginal config
 but it wont go back .. linux config would just quit on me so what i
 is i went to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and edited the file ifcfg-eth0
 ...i removed all the unwanted stuff from there and left only the 3

 after i did that i tried to reboot the network and as it is bringing up
 eth0 interface .
 it tells me it is failed because the dhcpcd usage is wrong..(as if the
 computer is entering a line that contains syntax error) and it lists the
 dhcpcd options(for example [-l leasetime][-h hostname] and so on)

 so after that i go back to linuxconf to see what happened and the adapter
 fields under "basic network" are empty .. as if there is no ethernet card

 does anybody have any idea?
 if not does anybody know how or if i could do a probe for the cards again
 just like when i was initially setting up the system?

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Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear Paul, I went to the Lilo boot prompt and typed "linux failsafe".I got
 back "no such image. [tab] shows a list. I then used the tab key and then I
 got : linux windows floppy. I do not know what this means or what to
 do now.  By the way how do you exit the Lilo prompt and setup ?
 What is the best way to exit setup if it just freezes?
 Thank you for your help. Marcia


You may want to try typing 'linux single' at the LILO prompt. I know for
a fact this will work and get you into Linux at least to the point where
you can run linuxconf to attempt to get things straightened out. From
reading through the thread it sounds like your system is hanging up just
as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file system in read/write mode.

Typing 'linux single' at the LILO prompt will take you to a bash prompt.
you can't run X or anything like that, but you will be able to edit your
system files and run linuxconf which will give you the ability to fix
whatever is wrong. From inside linuxconf you should be able to view the
log files. Check you 'boot' log and see what's going on just before the
system attempts to mount the '/' file system. I'm betting you have to
file corruption in a file the kernel is trying to read and cannot, which
is the reason it's hanging up. It can't make sense of the contents of
that file. All you have to do is find that file and fix it.

hope this helps you,

[newbie] Mandrake Development installation

2000-08-28 Per discussione Michael Khachiki

Dear who ever

If I install mandrake 7.0 as development machine would it install xwindows
or not???


[newbie] Basic (?) Networks Shares

2000-08-28 Per discussione Dan LaBine

I would really appreciate a little help with a 
couple of things. I'm currently running a dual-cpu server with a dual-boot 
configuration (Win2K Server  LM7.1). I left it that way until I'm a little 
more up-to-speed on Linux. I'm also running a couple of client workstations 
(K7-850's, Windows Me, and LM 7.1). No matter what O/S I'm running on the 
server, everything is sweet. Internet, etc. But, I can't seem to access 
files/folders on the server when it's running LM7.1. The server can see the Win 
Me clients, and it can access their drives/folders/files, but not the other way 
around. Is there a GUI method to set up shares on the server that is relatively 
painless? I tried to run the Win Me network wizard on the clients, and the only 
thing preventing it was the password. But the clients don't even see the server 
in "Network Neighborhood". Do I need to use "Swat"? If so, where would I find 
it??? I'm trying to migrate our office to Linux servers, and I'm training myself 
at home on my home network. I tried XSMBrowser, but how do I set it up to 
automatically re-mount the shares, etc., each time I re-boot the server?? 
If I can get this up and running, the office gets it in a couple of weeks. 
Thanks in advance for any help. 

Re: [newbie] Basic (?) Networks Shares

2000-08-28 Per discussione John Couturier

Edit your /etc/inetd.conf.  At the bottom you will see the line
with "SWAT" on it commented out, un-comment it.  Then run
"killall -HUP inetd".  Now if you go into a web browser and
depending on your setup go to localhost:901, or pcname:901 and
use your regular root userid and password when it asks you.

-- Original Message --
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 07:50:50 -0400

I would really appreciate a little help with a couple of things. I'm currently 
running a dual-cpu server with a dual-boot configuration (Win2K Server  LM7.1). I 
left it that way until I'm a little more up-to-speed on Linux. I'm also running a 
couple of client workstations (K7-850's, Windows Me, and LM 7.1).  No matter what O/S 
I'm running on the server, everything is sweet. Internet, etc. But, I can't seem to 
access files/folders on the server when it's running LM7.1. The server can see the 
Win Me clients, and it can access their drives/folders/files, but not the other way 
around. Is there a GUI method to set up shares on the server that is relatively 
painless? I tried to run the Win Me network wizard on the clients, and the only thing 
preventing it was the password. But the clients don't even see the server in "Network 
Neighborhood". Do I need to use "Swat"? If so, where would I find it??? I'm trying to 
migrate our office to Linux servers, and I'm training myself at home on!
 my home network. I tried XSMBrowser, but how do I set it up to automatically re-mount 
the shares, etc., each time I re-boot the server??  If I can get this up and running, 
the office gets it in a couple of weeks. Thanks in advance for any help. 

[newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after install

2000-08-28 Per discussione Wise, William M.

Just wondering how I would manually enable HD optimisations after
installing and specifying during the install that they should be turned

I was trying to figure out a problem I was having (turned out to be
automount) and thought reinstalling with optimisations might do the
trick.  How can I turn them on now that I know that they weren't the
source of my problem.  

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

Re: [newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after install

2000-08-28 Per discussione Chris Slater-Walker

first of all, I don't know whether what I am about to suggest is what is
meant by "disk optimistation," but here goes:

In the console if you enter:

hdparm -t /dev/hda  (where hda is a hard disk, probably the one on which you
have installed Linux) then you will get an answer after a number of seconds
showing the transfer rate which that disk has achieved.

Just doing hdparm /dev/hda with no options will show you the paramters which
the IDE controller is using for that disk

If your disk is not using DMA then try entering:

hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda and then do the -t option again. See if you get any
increase in transfer rate.

Also one worth trying is hdparm -c 1 /dev/hda which will enable 32-bit I/O.

If you find that these improve disk performance you can put them in a
combined form, i.e.:

hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda

at the end of /etc/rc.local. If you have more than one disk then try it on
the others as well.

***NB*** It is possible that using these commands will lead to data
corruption, although I myself have never had that experience. Also remember
that if you are using SCSI disks and not IDE your device names will be
/dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc.

There are many other hdparm options covering such things as buffer size,
block size etc. which I have to admit I don't really understand.


- Original Message -
From: "Wise, William M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after install

 Just wondering how I would manually enable HD optimisations after
 installing and specifying during the install that they should be turned

 I was trying to figure out a problem I was having (turned out to be
 automount) and thought reinstalling with optimisations might do the
 trick.  How can I turn them on now that I know that they weren't the
 source of my problem.

 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

[newbie] Extracting a .BZ2 file

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

What is the correct procedure in extracting a tar.bz2 file? I also had 
trouble with a tar.gz file that appears to be extracted but still will not 
work. I have looked in the HOWTO sections of some websites and it looks 
like I need to do /configure which I am not familiar with. Thanks for any 
help you can give me... 

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work 
fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing 
happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly 
happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong? Thanks...   

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] Netscape lockup problems in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

My netscape works in Mandrake 7.1 but it will freeze up and totally blank 
out to a white screen and I have no option but to Kill it. Is there a fix 
for this or have I setup something wrong? Thanks... 

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] Soundblaster live sound card

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

I have a Soundblaster Live sound card that is recognized by Mandrake 7.1 
and appears to be installed (it loads the EMU10K1 module or driver) but it 
does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks...

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

RE: [newbie] What printer do you have?

2000-08-28 Per discussione Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34


Nice to hear your experiences with Linux thus far have been mainly good!  I
too had serious problems with printer support, but if you buy the boxed
version of Mandrake - I think you need the "super deluxe" full version - you
get a program called ESP Print Pro (CUPS) included.  However, I'm not sure
if this is actually a licensed version in the box, or you have to buy that
seperately.  Either way, this program is a *superb* printer tool, giving you
much the same list of "drivers" (actually postscripts filters) for printers
as you would have under Windows.

Unfortunately, having just checked their website, your particular model of
Lexmark is not support yet - Easy Software Products is asking that you lobby
Lexmark with a simple polite letter asking that they supply information to
third party software developers such as themselves to help them develop
drivers for your model.  If this process had worked however, they offer the
full product for USD 49 (if you download it).

The Postscript Level 3 RIP included in this system is absolutely incredible!
It has to be seen to be believed.  I hope this information helps you in
considering a new print solution.


-Original Message-
From: Joan Tur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 August 2000 22:19
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] What printer do you have?


I've got a Lexmark 5700 colour inkjet printer, with bw support from a
3rd part developer... but i've changed most of my computer needs to
Linux -but scaning (haven't had time enough yet) and gaming-.  In 2
months time i've forgotten Windows but for games and printing and OS/2
for Fidonet (tryed to configure it, but...  8-( ); now i've got an 8GB
ext2 partition and a 4GB Fat32 one.

Now i'm considering selling my printer and purchasing a
well_supported_under_linux printer...

Ideas??  8-)


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

[newbie] Heretic

2000-08-28 Per discussione rebel

I installed Heretic from the Mandrake 7.1 CD but I cannot find it
anywhere. No icon, no menu item.
Help  :)


RE: [newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after instal l

2000-08-28 Per discussione Wise, William M.

Thanks, that should do it.

I found the relevant script that mandrake executes if you've enabled
optimisations in /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_everytime.  I'll either try
to change the conditional to cause the script to execute here or just
copy the relevant optimisations stuff (which looks very similar to what
you provided) to rc.local.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Slater-Walker
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after

first of all, I don't know whether what I am about to suggest is what is
meant by "disk optimistation," but here goes:

In the console if you enter:

hdparm -t /dev/hda  (where hda is a hard disk, probably the one on which
have installed Linux) then you will get an answer after a number of
showing the transfer rate which that disk has achieved.

Just doing hdparm /dev/hda with no options will show you the paramters
the IDE controller is using for that disk

If your disk is not using DMA then try entering:

hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda and then do the -t option again. See if you get any
increase in transfer rate.

Also one worth trying is hdparm -c 1 /dev/hda which will enable 32-bit

If you find that these improve disk performance you can put them in a
combined form, i.e.:

hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda

at the end of /etc/rc.local. If you have more than one disk then try it
the others as well.

***NB*** It is possible that using these commands will lead to data
corruption, although I myself have never had that experience. Also
that if you are using SCSI disks and not IDE your device names will be
/dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc.

There are many other hdparm options covering such things as buffer size,
block size etc. which I have to admit I don't really understand.


- Original Message -
From: "Wise, William M." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] How to manually enable HD optimisations after install

 Just wondering how I would manually enable HD optimisations after
 installing and specifying during the install that they should be

 I was trying to figure out a problem I was having (turned out to be
 automount) and thought reinstalling with optimisations might do the
 trick.  How can I turn them on now that I know that they weren't the
 source of my problem.

 Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

[newbie] Installing plustek9630.0.30 driver with SANE

2000-08-28 Per discussione Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Nogueira

Dear friends,

I am trying to install the plustek9630.0.30 driver with SANE following
your HOWTOO, but after I had bd been
succeed in the commands
(1); (2); (3)
(4) in this step I got a little bit confused, because when I unpakced
the plustek9630.0.30 in the /usr/local/temp
directory, it had already criated a /backend directory  there. Must I
need to create another directory /backend in
order to put all the stuff there including the plustek_driver sub
directory? Well, I tryied in both ways:
(a) just placing all the stuff in the /backend idrectory that was
created when I unpack plustek.tar.gz and in the
other form when (b) I first criated a /backend directory in
/usr/local/temp, or it be, I untar the plustek.tar.gz
inside /usr/local/temp/backend directory. After that I was succeed in
the steps (4); (5)
in (6) another doubt: how must I use the --disable-shared option?
CFLAGS="-g -O -Wall" ./configure --disable-shared   ? or
CFLAGS="-g -O -Wall --disable-shared" ./configure   ?
Anyway, I used just CFLAGS="-g -O -Wall" ./configure
Following the script in the step (8) I got succeed from (8a) until (8d)
(I skip the (8b) step because I was
already as su. But when I was give the command make -f Makefine load I
received the following error
message (I copied all the messages of the step (8):

[root@nogueira plustek_driver]# make -f Makefile
[root@nogueira plustek_driver]# make -f Makefile install
mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc /lib/modules/misc
install -c pt_drv.o /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc
install -c pt_drv.o /lib/modules/misc
[root@nogueira plustek_driver]# make -f Makefile unload
/sbin/modprobe -r pt_drv || exit 1
rm -f /dev/pt_drv
[root@nogueira plustek_driver]# make -f Makefile load
/sbin/modprobe pt_drv || exit 1
/lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc/pt_drv.o: init_module: Device or resource
parport: Device or resource busy
make: *** [load] Error 1
[root@nogueira plustek_driver]#

I can't realize what is happing. I hope you may to help me. I would like
to thanks in advance.


Antonio Carlos

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Stan Wilburn wrote:
 I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
 fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
 happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
 happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong? Thanks...
 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company

Knapster works fine here. Hmm, have you tried starting it from a command


RE: [newbie] Extracting a .BZ2 file

2000-08-28 Per discussione Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34

Hmmm... OK we seem to be dealing with two things here.  .tar.gz files are
Tape Archive files which have been compressed with GZip.  .tar.bz2 files are
Tape Archive files which have been compressed using BZip2 instead.

The commands for "Untarring and unarchiving" each of these are as follows:

For .tar.gz files:

tar -zcvf somefile.tar.gz

For .tar.bz2 files:

tar -Icvf somefile.tar.bz2

Obviously you need to ensure that the location you are starting this from
will allow you to create directories and files and so forth, usually a
folder inside your home drive is an ideal location for that.  Use mkdir
foldername to make a new folder - or simply md foldername   You can also
specify the exact location such as mkdir ~/extract to create this in your
home drive (~ represents your home drive).

As for the second question, about running configure, the chances are that
you are not telling Linux to use the configure script in the current
directory (assuming that's where it is): you need to run it as ./configure
(ensuring you use the correct case too!) - thus specifying an absolute
directory.  By default Linux does not include the current directory in the
PATH search.

If you need more specific information, post a follow up about the program
you're trying to compile.

-- Mark.

-Original Message-
From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 15:24
Subject: [newbie] Extracting a .BZ2 file

What is the correct procedure in extracting a tar.bz2 file? I also had 
trouble with a tar.gz file that appears to be extracted but still will not 
work. I have looked in the HOWTO sections of some websites and it looks 
like I need to do /configure which I am not familiar with. Thanks for any 
help you can give me... 

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

RE: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34


As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government for
Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?

I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something else
comes along.


-Original Message-
From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems

I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work 
fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing 
happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly 
happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

Re: [newbie] Yo

2000-08-28 Per discussione Mark Weaver

ummmwhat is it exactly that you're trying to tell us?


 Yo I have Windoze 98 Se installed on a 10 gig hd. Then I have Linix
 installed on a 10gig hd. seconday drive.
 My system under windows is a bout an 7. My same system under Linux is a 10.
 The system just does not stop under Lunix. and there is no way i could rilly
 stop it if I wounted to outher than to boot under windoze.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 7:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Yo
  Jason Ashman wrote:
   Hey Linux users.  I am a Microsoft convert, Windows SUCKS!
  With Linux you will spend more time trying to get things up and going
  than you ever would using windows.
  If you want to wast your hartbeats getting LINUX to do stuff that
  windows does right out of the box so be it.
  Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
  LINUX-Applications on linux just seem 2nd rate after using
  Windows, It's memory hungry and slow!
  Eldora,IA USA--Home Of The Bad Boys!
  Visit My Web Page At:
  MHS Class Of 78 Marshalltown High School-Marshalltown,IA USA

[newbie] How to delete an ext2 partition under DOS

2000-08-28 Per discussione Roman Korcek

Hi guys,
I'd need some help.
I have a 20GB disk,
c: (/dev/hda1) is windows, 2GB, FAT32;
d: (/dev/hda5) is windows stuff, 16GB, FAT32;
/dev/hda6 is Linux /, 1.72GB, Ext2,
/dev/hda7 is Linux swap, 128MB (the rest).

Now my question is - how can I delete that /dev/hda6 partition? I need
it for windows at the moment and DOS fdisk doesn't see it. Not even as
NON-DOS partition, which would give me an option to delete it. What
can I do apart from Partition Magic which I don't have the money for?

Thanx in advance


Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-28 Per discussione Marcia Waller

Dear Paul, Alan, Mark, Thank you for your help. I would definitely agree
that my system is stalling as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file
system in read/write mode.

 I typed the' linux single' and it made no difference. I have not found a
way to get to a console or linuxconf.

 I have read and tried many things and none have worked. I suppose you have
to choose Grub at installation and it is a little late now.

The failsafe did not work with LILO that is for sure. Would I be better off
totally reinstalling Linux Mandrake 7.0? I did do the upgrade install and
that did not change anything either.

I suspect that I did something incorrectly in the fstab file since I was
working on that for the zip drive just before I had problems. I touched
nothing but the zip drive entry. I have been working on that for awhile
trying to get it to work and that never hurt anything before plus it did not
get my zip to work either:)

Thank you for your help. I may just try to start over if I can.

If I decide to reinstall how would I use grub instead?

I appreciate the help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Joan Tur

Stan Wilburn escribió:

 I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
 fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
 happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
 happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong? Thanks...

If you open a terminal window and execute the program from there you'll get the
error messages and you'll be able to post them here!!  ;-)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

[newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Lynn Johnson


I've just installed Mandrake 7.1 on a machine that had
Windows 98 on it.

I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work. 
Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.

Any suggestions???

Lynn Johnson
"To HELL with empire, WE WANT OUR 

Patrick J. Buchanan 
Reform Party presidential nominee 
August 12, 2000  Long Beach, Cal.

Re: [newbie] How to delete an ext2 partition under DOS

2000-08-28 Per discussione Joan Tur

Roman Korcek escribió:

 Hi guys,
 I'd need some help.
 I have a 20GB disk,
 c: (/dev/hda1) is windows, 2GB, FAT32;
 d: (/dev/hda5) is windows stuff, 16GB, FAT32;
 /dev/hda6 is Linux /, 1.72GB, Ext2,
 /dev/hda7 is Linux swap, 128MB (the rest).

 Now my question is - how can I delete that /dev/hda6 partition? I need
 it for windows at the moment and DOS fdisk doesn't see it. Not even as
 NON-DOS partition, which would give me an option to delete it. What
 can I do apart from Partition Magic which I don't have the money for?

Just boot with the Linux CD and delete it from the proper installation
step -then reboot-...

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

RE: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione jdwhelan

No ... because they appealed, I am pretty sure that Napster is still up 
and active.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Homoky, Mark MJ
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Knapster problems


As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government 
Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?

I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something 
comes along.


-Original Message-
From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems

I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to 
fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it 
happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly 
happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

I tried that after getting your e-mail (./knapster) and I get an error 
about not being able to open shared libraries...Thanks for the suggestion 
and any help you can give me on this error.

At 11:37 AM 8/28/00 -0400, you wrote:
Stan Wilburn wrote:
  I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
  fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
  happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
  happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong? 
  Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
  Mid-Range Systems Engineer
  Rock Hill Telephone Company

Knapster works fine here. Hmm, have you tried starting it from a command


Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] linux freezes when close laptop cover

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

My linux Madrake 7.1 freezes when I close my laptop.  Is this normal?  I
thought Linux was ulta-stable.  I have a Dell Inspiron 7500.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] Netscape freeze

2000-08-28 Per discussione Juggernaut

I'm using Mandrake 7.0 And then, if I want to access Netscape Communicator
(not Netscape Navigator, because my GNOME has 3 icon for Netscape), it will
freeze up. There is an information about 'reading file' at the left corner.
And Netscape does not show anything (blank). But if I open Netscape
navigator, it work fine. Anyone can help me ?
BTW, are there any deferentitation between Netscape  Navigator and Netscape
Communicator ?
Thank you very much.


Re: Fwd: [newbie] grub Xserver4.0 Xserver3x

2000-08-28 Per discussione Mark Hillary

I don't think you do. Just make sure that you don't format you partions and
things should work ok.

Mark Hillary


 Since I got no response, I'm sending this again.  I didn't get an
 "upgrade" option when upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1, and I don't want to spend
 the time needed to go through this in expert mode if it can be avoided.


 Subject: Re: [newbie] grub  Xserver4.0  Xserver3x
 Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 09:24:27 EDT

 How can I boot with grub into run level 3?  How can I change from 4.0
 back to Xserver 3.x (I can hardly see what I'm doing!)?
 My son corrupted Windows 98 forcing a refresh install.  This completed
 but screwed up Grub, making the HDD unbootable for Win or Mandrake.  A DOS
 FDISK / MBR  solved that, as it would if it had been Lilo.
 Since I hadn't had time to play with my LM7.1 upgrade to realize I had a
 problem with it, and I didn't have many programs installed in my new install
 of 7.0 (forced to repartition for the upgrade to complete), I installed LM7.0
 again, installed RPMs, and redid the upgrade to LM7.1.  I chose Xserver4.0
 again not realizing the grey and blue horiz lines are not a feature but a bug
 which makes the screen is nearly illegible.  I thought I could change this
 when I configured my desktop, but it's a bug apparently with my Trident
 Providia 9865 video card, rather than a feature.
 How can I change back, especially since the screen is nearly illegible?
 Yes, Xserver 3.x is on the drive.
 Thank you for helping me not to have to do this again!-Gary-

RE: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Napster is up and running strong! They appealed the courts decision and they
can keep running until the issue is settled.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Knapster problems

No ... because they appealed, I am pretty sure that Napster is still up 
and active.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Homoky, Mark MJ
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Knapster problems


As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government 
Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?

I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something 
comes along.


-Original Message-
From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems

I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to 
fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it 
happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly 
happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

I tried your suggestion and it tells me that it cannot open shared 
libraries. Would this not have been setup with the RPM install or is there 
something else I have to do? Very confused...

At 06:49 PM 8/28/00 +0200, you wrote:
Stan Wilburn escribió:

  I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
  fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
  happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
  happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong? 

If you open a terminal window and execute the program from there you'll 
get the
error messages and you'll be able to post them here!!  ;-)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] Heavy Gear

2000-08-28 Per discussione gilligan

OK, what am I doing wrong? I installed Heavy Gear II demo off the
MaximumLinux CD. I can not find it. Used Kpackage and searched  for it.
Not in kpackage. I watched it "unpack"  in a terminal window.

What am I doing wrong?


Frustrated in NY  :)

Re: [newbie] Soundblaster live sound card

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Stan Wilburn wrote:

I have a Soundblaster Live sound card that is recognized by Mandrake 7.1 
and appears to be installed (it loads the EMU10K1 module or driver) but it 
does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks...

How do you know it does not work?
Did you try to "play  ...wav" something?
Did you switch on system sounds in your window manager?
Have you tried to play audio CD's?


Men are from earth.
Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Lynn Johnson wrote:

I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work. 
Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.

Most of the time WINmodems will only run in WINdows.
You can check for help, perhaps there's a fix for your
specific modem, who knows.
Can't help with your printer though, I hope someone else knows something.


Men are from earth.
Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-28 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] error on boot-up

Try one last thing, at the prompt, type just linux or just failsafe and hit return. That about uses up my help knowledge on this subject J

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marcia Waller
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

Dear Paul, Alan, Mark, Thank you for your help. I would definitely agree
that my system is stalling as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file
system in read/write mode.

I typed the' linux single' and it made no difference. I have not found a
way to get to a console or linuxconf.

I have read and tried many things and none have worked. I suppose you have
to choose Grub at installation and it is a little late now.

The failsafe did not work with LILO that is for sure. Would I be better off
totally reinstalling Linux Mandrake 7.0? I did do the upgrade install and
that did not change anything either.

I suspect that I did something incorrectly in the fstab file since I was
working on that for the zip drive just before I had problems. I touched
nothing but the zip drive entry. I have been working on that for awhile
trying to get it to work and that never hurt anything before plus it did not
get my zip to work either:)

Thank you for your help. I may just try to start over if I can.

If I decide to reinstall how would I use grub instead?

I appreciate the help. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Changing themes in enlightement

2000-08-28 Per discussione Robert Horton

When you download a new theme (I use, you put them in the
~/.enlightenment/themes directory. If they are tarballs, still put them
in the themes directory then untar them. Once you have done that, don't
regenerate the menus, simply click on restart enlightenment. Then when
you middle click and go to themes, they should be listed there. On a
restart of e, e looks for new themes and such.

Juggernaut wrote:
  If you have "installed" the theme correctly you will need to regerate your
  menus in Enlightenment - click the 2nd (middle) mouse button and choose
  Maintenance | Regenerate Menus... a dialog will appear to acknowledge this
  with an OK button.
  After a few seconds another one should appear with a completed message.
  you now click on the middle mouse button again, you should have a Theme
  menu... just select your new theme from there.
  -- Mark.
 The files are in tar.gz form. I think I just need to decompress it. But
 after I regenerate my menus, I'm still not found my new theme there. Maybe
 there is something wrong with the instalation. If so, how I can install my
 theme ?
 Thank's for reply.

Robert Horton
Wireless Technician
Internet Specialist
USURF America Internet Services

[newbie] Question about some of Mandrake's install prompts

2000-08-28 Per discussione Mark Johnson

I'm just curious: (fyi, this concerns version 7.0)

How come after Mandrake asks me to select what packages I want installed it
tells me it will take, for example, 1128MB to install and I might not get
all the packages but I can try anyway (when I've got over a gig of free
space available). Then it goes on to ask me how much of the packages I've
selected that want installed and it's in terms of megabtyes (which by the
way is a number like 968 not the 1128)! How in the world would I know how
many megabytes that I want to install -- I just accepted the default.  I
don't understand why it would ask me how many megabytes of the OS I would
like to install.  I'm thinking in terms of # of packages not megabytes.

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-28 Per discussione Joan Tur

Stan Wilburn escribió:

 I tried your suggestion and it tells me that it cannot open shared
 libraries. Would this not have been setup with the RPM install or is there
 something else I have to do? Very confused...

Please especify rpm package and shared libraries...

 At 06:49 PM 8/28/00 +0200, you wrote:
 Stan Wilburn escribió:
   I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
   fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
   happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
   happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?
 If you open a terminal window and execute the program from there you'll
 get the
 error messages and you'll be able to post them here!!  ;-)
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Re: [newbie] Soundblaster live sound card

2000-08-28 Per discussione Stan Wilburn

I have tried all of these things...the files appear to be playing on the 
player themselves but no sound comes out of the speakers...this setup does 
work in Windows, however, so speakers are turned on...

At 05:32 PM 8/28/00 +0100, you wrote:
On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Stan Wilburn wrote:

 I have a Soundblaster Live sound card that is recognized by Mandrake 7.1
 and appears to be installed (it loads the EMU10K1 module or driver) but it
 does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks...

How do you know it does not work?
Did you try to "play  ...wav" something?
Did you switch on system sounds in your window manager?
Have you tried to play audio CD's?


Men are from earth.
Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Development installation

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Michael Khachiki wrote:

Dear who ever

If I install mandrake 7.0 as development machine would it install xwindows
or not???

I am not sure, but according to my memory, X is a very basic part of any
Linux install.


Men are from earth.
Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] linux freezes when close laptop cover

2000-08-28 Per discussione Wise, William M.

Mine does something similar on my Inspiron 3700.  When I close the cover
and then open it again I get a weird plasma-like psychadelic display and
the machine is fully locked up.  I haven't upgraded the machine to 4.01
which may cure that hiccup.  Has anyone else seen this problem?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Rodríguez
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 1:10 PM
To: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com
Subject: [newbie] linux freezes when close laptop cover

My linux Madrake 7.1 freezes when I close my laptop.  Is this normal?  I
thought Linux was ulta-stable.  I have a Dell Inspiron 7500.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] Problems with Acrobat install

2000-08-28 Per discussione Doug Stieber

  Hello all,

  I realize this is a very newbie question, but please forgive me. I was 
trying to install Acrobat 4 from the LM 7.1 cd (Ebooks directory, tar 
format). I had problems at first, because there was no version of ED 
installed. After installing that, and it working fine, acrobat installed 
correctly to the default directory.
When I tried to run the script


I receive the following error TWICE (not verbatim.. sorry)

:   /usr/local/Acrobat4/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread No File or directory 

When I look in the bin directory (intellinux/bin) there is a 3.3 MB file 
there called acroread. Everything else seems to be fine. The permissions 
are set standard with rights for execution.

  Anyone have any ideas? Much appreciated



2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Coca-Cola's use of HFCs to cool its drinks 
contributes to climate change.That's not cool.Tell the Real 
Thing to do the Right ThingJoin the Coke Challenge Campaign!

Re: [newbie] How to delete an ext2 partition under DOS

2000-08-28 Per discussione Aaron Zuercher

There is a nice little freeware utility called DelPart.  It can be found 
online, I don't have an exact URL, you'll have to search for it.  Very 
handy to have around.  Can delete any partition.


At 04:31 PM 8/28/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Hi guys,
I'd need some help.
I have a 20GB disk,
c: (/dev/hda1) is windows, 2GB, FAT32;
d: (/dev/hda5) is windows stuff, 16GB, FAT32;
/dev/hda6 is Linux /, 1.72GB, Ext2,
/dev/hda7 is Linux swap, 128MB (the rest).

Now my question is - how can I delete that /dev/hda6 partition? I need
it for windows at the moment and DOS fdisk doesn't see it. Not even as
NON-DOS partition, which would give me an option to delete it. What
can I do apart from Partition Magic which I don't have the money for?

Thanx in advance


Re: [[newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1]

2000-08-28 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Lynn Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've just installed Mandrake 7.1 on a machine that had
 Windows 98 on it.
 I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
 that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
 in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
 partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work. 
 Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.
 Any suggestions???
 Lynn Johnson
Yes.  Get a real modem.  It's not likely that winmodem will ever work with
linux.  Not sure about the printer.  Have you tried running printtool?  I have
a sinkling feeling that Lexmark's Z series of printers might be winprinters. 
Can you emulate another printer??

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Re: [newbie] unsubscribe

2000-08-28 Per discussione alex stamenov

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Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Greg Stewart


1, Gates created the first version DOS.
2. Gates wrotes the first two versions of  OS/2.
3. OS/2 would still be written by Gates if his head didn't explode and his
greed take take over.

Yes, Linux is not yet a viable all-round desktop OS, and needs quite a bit
of knowledgeable intervention to configure. The Open Source Community is
definitely working on forming Linux into that desktop phenomenon you're
looking for, but these things take time...especially when 90% of the
developers are not getting paid.

There are many different distributions out there which configure different
utilities in Linux very differently. I,personally, have found things in
MDK7.1 that are quite nice...especially the install, and their tweaking of
Xwindows. However, I have also found that my familiar Red Hat looks better
and better as an all-round server. There may be distributions such as
Caldera and Corel that have incorporated DOSEMU better than in MDK... if
that's your main concern.

I have no experience with DOSEMU as I have fled screaming from any and all
DOS apps other than fdisk.

Many of these concerns are already understood...patience


 As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
 of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
 Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I believe
 still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer

 One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
 automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
 transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent in
 Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with programming
 to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root can
 use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
 /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could not
 possibly understand or modify these files

 assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
 There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all located
 different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can

 There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
 curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and I
 sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
 out where they see the problems for them.

 That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
 but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
 despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
 computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify the
 various files so that

 1. a non su can start and use dosemu
 2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in KDE
 knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my


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Re: [newbie] How to stop printing

2000-08-28 Per discussione darcy

Wow, this si the by far the most interesting problem
with linux i have ever heard. I will listen politely
while someone help u, i hope. 

 Original Message 

On 8/28/00, 5:58:41 PM, =*= [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: [newbie] 
How to stop printing:

 On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, William Presho wrote:

 Hello all
 Got a slight problem, sent a post script job to the wrong printer, and 
now I
 can't get it to stop. Only prints one line on each page (All Garbage). 
How do
 you stop it. Tried resetting the printer, but that didn't help. It is 
 from the computer because if I switch the printer off line by means of a 
 switch, it stops until I but it back on line then it starts again.
  William Presho

 Try lprm -- man lprm.


Re: [newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Lynn Johnson wrote:
 I've just installed Mandrake 7.1 on a machine that had
 Windows 98 on it.
 I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
 that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
 in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
 partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work.
 Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.
 Any suggestions???
 Lynn Johnson
All may not be lost: There have been some successes at getting some
winmodems to work with Linux. (Where some means "not a whole lot". Also,
two "somes" in a row could well mean "probably not".) Check out the
Modem How To -- it contains links to the group that is working on the
problem. As for the printer, there is one possibility -- does it emulate
some other printer that is supported in Linux? My printer, a Brother
HL1040, isn't recognized by Linux. But if I tell Linux that it is a
HPII, it works OK, although at a lower resolution (300 dpi vs 600 dpi in
Windows), and a lower speed. Check out your manual, or contact Lexmark.
-- Carroll Grigsby

[newbie] PPP daemon dies unexpectedly

2000-08-28 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

I keep getting these; my log files shows the following:

pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
local  IP address
remote IP address
Hangup (SIGHUP)
Modem hangup
Connection terminated.
Connect time 0.9 minutes.
Sent 1905 bytes, received 2574 bytes.

I'm intrigued by the sixth line "Hangup (SIGHUP)"; 
does this mean my machine has hung up, or that the remote server has ? 


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.

Ask not for whom the telephone bell tolls ...  
If thou art in the bathtub, it tolls for thee.  
  ---  ---

Re: [newbie] Directcc is great.

2000-08-28 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Goldenpi wrote:
 One of the network programs I find useful under windows is direct cable
 connection, which allows me to run file shareing between my two windows
 computers. Now I would like to network linux and windows, but I have no
 network cards, just a long serial cable. Linux doesn't have anything like
 directcc, is there a way to set it up?

Samba server, and Slip connection ?

As long as the answer is right,
  who cares if the question is wrong?
  ---  ---

[newbie] finding the KFM executable file

2000-08-28 Per discussione Adrian Smith

howdy all
what i'm trying to do is put KFM or a shortcut to KFM in my autostart folder so that 
it will fire up each time i log on.  however, i can't seem to find the actual file.  i 
used one of the "find" options to search for a file with KFM*.*..   got a ton of 
files.  so i tried selecting "executable files" as an option  still didn't get 
anything that seemed to be it.

being a newbie  DOS type...  do Linux executables all have certain extensions?  like 

anyone know exactly where i can find the KFM executable?

thanks much

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042


2000-08-28 Per discussione bascule

yup, found it the other day it works fine though there is a delay
between a message arriving and the sound being played, version 0.8.1


Adam wrote:
 If you want a really good aim clone, use gAim from

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Adam

When you have linux, why in hell would you want to emulate dos? (use vmware
or something if you need windows / ms-dos prompt)

I don't mean to sound bitchy,'s hard not too

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Malka" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linux Newbie Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 6:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

 As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
 of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
 Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I believe
 still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer

 One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
 automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
 transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent in
 Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with programming
 to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root can
 use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
 /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could not
 possibly understand or modify these files

 assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
 There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all located
 different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can

 There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
 curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and I
 sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
 out where they see the problems for them.

 That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
 but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
 despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
 computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify the
 various files so that

 1. a non su can start and use dosemu
 2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in KDE
 knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my


 Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] finding the KFM executable file

2000-08-28 Per discussione =*=

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Adrian Smith wrote:

howdy all
what i'm trying to do is put KFM or a shortcut to KFM in my autostart folder so that 
it will fire up each time i log on.  however, i can't seem to find the actual file.  
i used one of the "find" options to search for a file with KFM*.*..   got a ton 
of files.  so i tried selecting "executable files" as an option  still didn't get 
anything that seemed to be it.

being a newbie  DOS type...  do Linux executables all have certain extensions?  like 

anyone know exactly where i can find the KFM executable?

thanks much

[phlbbrtn@fnord phlbbrtn]$ which kfm
[phlbbrtn@fnord phlbbrtn]$ 

All executables in Linux are such because they have
executable permissions.  They don't even have to be binary
files (though kfm is of course).  Suffixes do not
matter.  All executable files are located (mostly) in
directories called "bin" -- 

When looking for an executable, type "which xxx" to
find.  Linux is both case-sensitive and uses mostly
lower-case letters in naming files.

Hope this helps.


Re: [newbie] unsubscribe

2000-08-28 Per discussione Dorman

Erik Hällsten wrote:


Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Actually, Gates did not write DOS, he bought/stole it.  But it is true that
MS did write O/S 2 and did a great job of it while IBM must have made a no
compete deal with him under the table.  They could not otherwise be that
stupid to sit on a winner and let it go down.

I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of Linux
config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Greg Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)


 1, Gates created the first version DOS.
 2. Gates wrotes the first two versions of  OS/2.
 3. OS/2 would still be written by Gates if his head didn't explode and his
 greed take take over.

 Yes, Linux is not yet a viable all-round desktop OS, and needs quite a bit
 of knowledgeable intervention to configure. The Open Source Community is
 definitely working on forming Linux into that desktop phenomenon you're
 looking for, but these things take time...especially when 90% of the
 developers are not getting paid.

 There are many different distributions out there which configure different
 utilities in Linux very differently. I,personally, have found things in
 MDK7.1 that are quite nice...especially the install, and their tweaking of
 Xwindows. However, I have also found that my familiar Red Hat looks better
 and better as an all-round server. There may be distributions such as
 Caldera and Corel that have incorporated DOSEMU better than in MDK... if
 that's your main concern.

 I have no experience with DOSEMU as I have fled screaming from any and all
 DOS apps other than fdisk.

 Many of these concerns are already understood...patience


  As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
  of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
  Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I
  still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer
  One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
  automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
  transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent
  Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with
  to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root
  use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
  /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could
  possibly understand or modify these files
  assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
  There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all
  different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can
  There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
  curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and
  sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
  out where they see the problems for them.
  That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
  but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
  despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
  computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify
  various files so that
  1. a non su can start and use dosemu
  2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in
  knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my
  Registered Linux user  183185

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Adam Koch


 1, Gates created the first version DOS.


1. Gates !Bought! the first version of "MS"-DOS.  First of all, DOS is the
Disk Operating System, so he was not the first to create one, not that he
did with MS-DOS.  He, Balmer, and Allen bought their DOS and then licensed
it to IBM.  Be aware of your history before making claims like this.

 2. Gates wrotes the first two versions of  OS/2.

2.  Gates has not written any, and I mean ANY, software in probably 25
years.  He is not a programmer, but a market master.  His people co-wrote
OS/2 with IBM and then took the technology they wanted, mainly HPFS, and
headed back for Seattle.

 I have no experience with DOSEMU as I have fled screaming from any and all
 DOS apps other than fdisk.

Why use DOS fdisk when the Linux version is so much more flexible, usable,
and competant.


 Many of these concerns are already understood...patience


  As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
  of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
  Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I
  still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer
  One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
  automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
  transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent
  Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with
  to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root
  use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
  /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could
  possibly understand or modify these files
  assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
  There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all
  different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can
  There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
  curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and
  sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
  out where they see the problems for them.
  That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
  but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
  despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
  computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify
  various files so that
  1. a non su can start and use dosemu
  2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in
  knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my
  Registered Linux user  183185

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-28 Per discussione Dorman

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 Lynn Johnson wrote:
  I've just installed Mandrake 7.1 on a machine that had
  Windows 98 on it.
  I've got a 3-Com 56K Winmodem Int and a Lexmark Z32 printer
  that I can't get Mandrake to recognize.  They work alright
  in Windows (Using 5 Gigs on an 8 Gig hard-drive) but I
  partitioned off 3 Gigs for Mandrake and they won't work.
  Everything else APPEARS to work in Mandrake, though.
  Any suggestions???
  Lynn Johnson
 All may not be lost: There have been some successes at getting some
 winmodems to work with Linux. (Where some means "not a whole lot". Also,
 two "somes" in a row could well mean "probably not".) Check out the
 Modem How To -- it contains links to the group that is working on the
 problem. As for the printer, there is one possibility -- does it emulate
 some other printer that is supported in Linux? My printer, a Brother
 HL1040, isn't recognized by Linux. But if I tell Linux that it is a
 HPII, it works OK, although at a lower resolution (300 dpi vs 600 dpi in
 Windows), and a lower speed. Check out your manual, or contact Lexmark.
 -- Carroll Grigsby

Go to the lexmark site.   Look in the international section,  you'll find a
link in German that link will take you to an area that may have drivers for
your printer.  Other than that I dont know of any were elese that can make
your printer work.  I have the same modem, a little trial and errror and
you will get it working.

RE: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione darcy

I would agree with most of this mail. I would say that i am
expecting in the near future that linux will become much
easier to use.

 Original Message 

On 8/28/00, 6:10:38 PM, Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding RE: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user):

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Malka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 5:38 PM
 To: Linux Newbie Mandrake
 Subject: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)
 As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to 
 of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
 Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I 
 still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer 

 i second this...

 That is another problem.
 There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all 
 different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can

 there is method to the madness but it's not obvious...

 There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
 curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and 
 sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
 out where they see the problems for them.

 Agreed, it's simple trivial things that aren't there. However, I don't 

 the Linux commuity, in general, cares in the least that you have such
 I don't think it will ever improve...  It's been nearly 10 years, it's
 it's still this hard for a commoner to use.  It's cause they don't care
 the common user's experience.  There's all sorts of bigotry surrounding 
 intelligent a user should be and that they don't deserve the right to use 
 computer if they aren't a member of the programmer/IT sect!

 It's so freaking insulting IMHO...

Re: [newbie] finding the KFM executable file

2000-08-28 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Try creating a locate database, using   locate -u as root. Then use
loate, or whereis to find your files.

kfm resides in /usr/bin. The filename is, as it should be, "kfm".

In linux, there need not be a file extention to denote an executable, scrpt,
or other file. Executable files are set with the attributes r -read,
w -write, and x -execute. Directories have an additional attribute
d -directory.

If you type ls at the command line, you will see these attributes listed in
the left column. "drwxrwxrwx"  The first character, if "d" means directory,
if "-", file. the first "rwx" are the root permissions, the second, group
permissions, and the third, user permissions. "kfm" is writeable by root,
read- and exectuable by all with permissions set to "-rwxr-xr-x"


 Forwarded Message 

howdy all
what i'm trying to do is put KFM or a shortcut to KFM in my autostart folder
so that it will fire up each time i log on.  however, i can't seem to find
the actual file.  i used one of the "find" options to search for a file with
KFM*.*..   got a ton of files.  so i tried selecting "executable files"
as an option  still didn't get anything that seemed to be it.

being a newbie  DOS type...  do Linux executables all have certain
extensions?  like COM, BAT and EXE for DOS/WIN?

anyone know exactly where i can find the KFM executable?

thanks much

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione =*=

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:

I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of Linux
config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.

A graphical config for dosemu?  There is no graphical config
for DOS anywhere, not even on Windows.

I use mtools (mdir, mcopy) a lot to read/write from/to my
wife's floppies.  Try that sometime.  It might give you a
feel of the enormous difference between command-line Linux
and DOS.  DOS is clunky.  Or I should say it is the
CLUNKI~1.TXT command line in existence.  That would be a
nice way of putting it.


[newbie] viewing source code

2000-08-28 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

Hi Everybody,

I was wondering how do I view the source code of any program.  I tried using
various editor and developing tools.   All I got is a bunch of symbols and
letters.   How am I suppose to modify a program if I cant understands these
multi symbols and letters?


[newbie] Viewing Source Code

2000-08-28 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

Hi Everybody,

I was wondering how do I view the source code of any program.  I tried using
various editor and developing tools.   All I got is a bunch of symbols and
letters.   How am I suppose to modify a program if I cant understands these
multi symbols and letters?


[newbie] open ports security problem

2000-08-28 Per discussione Peter Heusel

How do you close ports and/or shut down servers running on these ports
(is this synonymous?). I run Mandrake 7.1 and I need to find an answer
to this because my @Home service provider has informed me that I cannot
have servers running on my machine (obviously set up by default since I
don't know how to set them up).  This is not allowed according to the
contract because it allows mail relaying (spam).  In other words they
will cut me off if it is not fixed.

Their tests indicated that the following ports/servers were

Running 'netsys -a' confirmed the above. I commented out fields in
/etc/inetd.conf for any (all) services I don't need, but of course the
above services are not in this file. I then tried commenting out the
above services (that I could find) in /etc/services, but this didn't
seem to do anything (and yes, I rebooted because I don't know how to
properly reset the system any other way). [As an aside, what IS the
effect of commenting out services from /etc/services? It doesn't look

I read that I may have to do something with the files in /etc/rc.d, but
the instructions seemed to based on a different directory layout than is
used by Mandrake/Red Hat.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Greg Stewart


Although gates must have stolen the concept and "basic inteface" from
another OS, IBM contracted Gates to write "DOS" in a deal that took place
after the huge company was made to wait an hour (yes, only an hour) by the
company in California that wrote CP/M.


 Actually, Gates did not write DOS, he bought/stole it.  But it is true
 MS did write O/S 2 and did a great job of it while IBM must have made a no
 compete deal with him under the table.  They could not otherwise be that
 stupid to sit on a winner and let it go down.

 I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of Linux
 config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
 many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS !

RE: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:

I think Linux has came a long ways, compared how easier it is to install now
than how it was 5 years ago.  I think along with everything else as more
distribution comes out with their version of the software, it just gets better.

 I would agree with most of this mail. I would say that i am
 expecting in the near future that linux will become much
 easier to use.
  Original Message 
 On 8/28/00, 6:10:38 PM, Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 regarding RE: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user):
  -Original Message-
  From: Jeff Malka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 5:38 PM
  To: Linux Newbie Mandrake
  Subject: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)
  As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to 
  of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
  Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I 
  still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer 
  i second this...
  That is another problem.
  There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all 
  different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can
  there is method to the madness but it's not obvious...
  There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
  curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and 
  sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
  out where they see the problems for them.
  Agreed, it's simple trivial things that aren't there. However, I don't 
  the Linux commuity, in general, cares in the least that you have such
  I don't think it will ever improve...  It's been nearly 10 years, it's
  it's still this hard for a commoner to use.  It's cause they don't care
  the common user's experience.  There's all sorts of bigotry surrounding 
  intelligent a user should be and that they don't deserve the right to use 
  computer if they aren't a member of the programmer/IT sect!
  It's so freaking insulting IMHO...

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Kathleen Dickason

Jeff Malka wrote:

 As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to because
 of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
 Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I believe it
 still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer public.

Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for everyone, IMO.
Choice is good...

 One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
 automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos applications
 transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent in
 Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with programming
 to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root can
 use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
 /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could not
 possibly understand or modify these files

But, but...what d'you mean by a "normal" PC user?  When I first installed Linux
I assumed I would have a lot of learning to do, it being a whole new
environment, and I was looking forward to learning how to navigate in a
Unix-based system rather than a DOS-based one.

 assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
 There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all located in
 different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can find

Unix structures files heirarchically, but this also makes it less easy to mess
up.  And you can search for files and always find out where you are if you

 There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
 curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and I
 sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself point
 out where they see the problems for them.

I don't know if I would agree that all of these are problems, per se...I do
think that a steep learning curve is involved, but I think that's to be
expected.  Personally, I love a challenge. ;)

 That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame war
 but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the OS
 despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated with
 computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify the
 various files so that

Some of the features you don't like are security features, though.  Remember
that Linux can be a multiuser system...if you have to be root to do something,
there's probably a good reason.  Means you have less of a chance of shooting
yourself in the foot when logged in as an ordinary user. :)

 1. a non su can start and use dosemu

I haven't used dosemu, but I would imagine that the man page or the info page
would tell you.  At a guess,  add your login to the users file?

 2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in KDE
 knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my applications

Dunno.  Have you tried Wine or Lin4Win?  Just wondering if those might be
closer to what youa re looking for...

Kathleen Dickason (not ready for prime time either)
Registered Linux user #182139

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Kathleen Dickason


OS/2 does indeed rock.  I used it when I first worked at IBM (dont work there
anymore) and it was lovely.  Then "upgraded" us all to Windows.  Oh, the pain...


RE: [[newbie] ]

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Nothing!  :)  I'm sorry about that.  I sent an email asking about PPPoE, but
somehow the content didn't go through.  That was an old signature I used to
have that somehow passed through instead.  Sorry folks!


-Original Message-
From: Jaguar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:56 PM
Cc: Linux Newbie
Subject: Re: [[newbie] ]

So what the Puck does this have to do with Linux?
Please include at least a "I love Linux" with $hit like this
For the Linux content.
IMPOO ( In My Pi$$ed Off Opinion)

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Re: [[newbie] ]

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jaguar

So what the Puck does this have to do with Linux?
Please include at least a "I love Linux" with $hit like this
For the Linux content.
IMPOO ( In My Pi$$ed Off Opinion)

Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
 Coca-Cola's use of HFCs to cool its drinks contributes to climate change.
 That's not cool.
 Tell the Real Thing to do the Right Thing
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The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

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Re: [newbie] File sharing Win-Linux

2000-08-28 Per discussione Juggernaut

Thank you for your advise. Now my linuxbox can appear on Windoze machine.
But I can't access it from Windoze. Widoze ask me for password. But now the
message is change. Sounds like this (on Windoze machine):
//craven is not accessible.
The computer or sharename could not be found. Make sure you type it
correctly, and try again.

Also I test my smb.conf by running testparm, and I get message like this :
Load smbconfig files from /etc/smb.conf
Loaded services file OK.
Deny connection from to homes.
Allow ... to

What should I do ? And at the section [global], if I only have 1 ethernet
card on each machine, should I activate interfaces ?
Thank you very much for your assistance.


This is my smb.conf :
workgroup = Quake
server string = Samba Server
   hosts allow =, 127.
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%a
max log size = 50
security = share
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   os level = 33

dns proxy = no
unix password sync = no
comment =
encrypt passwords = no
map to guest = never
password level = 0
null passwords = no
allow hosts =
os level = 0
preferred master = no
domain master = yes
wins support = no
dead time = 0
debug level = 0

comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%u
browseable = yes
writable = yes
public = yes
allow hosts =
only user = no
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
guest ok = no
writable = no
printable = yes
comment = Testing
path = /home/pungki
browseable = yes
public = yes
guest only = yes
writable = yes
allow hosts =
only user = no

 # samba config file /etc/smb.conf

 workgroup = HOMELAN
 server string = Samba SMB Server [%v]
 interfaces =
 bind interfaces only = Yes
 security = SHARE
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 50
 time server = Yes
 os level = 65
 dns proxy = No
 wins support = Yes
 guest account = smbuser
 min print space = 2000
 print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s

Re: [newbie] Changing themes in enlightement

2000-08-28 Per discussione Juggernaut

Thank you very much. It work.


- Original Message -
From: Robert Horton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing themes in enlightement

 When you download a new theme (I use, you put them in the
 ~/.enlightenment/themes directory. If they are tarballs, still put them
 in the themes directory then untar them. Once you have done that, don't
 regenerate the menus, simply click on restart enlightenment. Then when
 you middle click and go to themes, they should be listed there. On a
 restart of e, e looks for new themes and such.

 Juggernaut wrote:
   If you have "installed" the theme correctly you will need to regerate
   menus in Enlightenment - click the 2nd (middle) mouse button and
   Maintenance | Regenerate Menus... a dialog will appear to acknowledge
   with an OK button.
   After a few seconds another one should appear with a completed
   you now click on the middle mouse button again, you should have a
   menu... just select your new theme from there.
   -- Mark.
  The files are in tar.gz form. I think I just need to decompress it. But
  after I regenerate my menus, I'm still not found my new theme there.
  there is something wrong with the instalation. If so, how I can install
  theme ?
  Thank's for reply.

 Robert Horton
 Wireless Technician
 Internet Specialist
 USURF America Internet Services

Re: [newbie] File sharing Win-Linux

2000-08-28 Per discussione Juggernaut

Thank you. I think it work. Now my linuxbox can appear on Windoze machine
(Network Neighborhood).
But I can't access my Linux from Windoze. Windoze ask me a password.  As I
remember I didn't make any password for user on Windoze machine. And on
Linux machine, when I run smbclient, I get a respond like this :

D   Disk
IPC$  IPCRemote Inter Process Communication

CRAVENSamba SMB Server [2.0.6]


Anyone can help me ? Thank you very much.


  # server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
  server string = Samba Server

 You'll dfinitely need to remove the space from that server name. Or,
 need to change "Samba Server" (which is the smb example) to some name with
 which Windoze can recognise the Linux Box.

 hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.

 If you're only allowing, then  get 192.168.1.   192.168.2.
 of there. They're problably not on your LAN. Stick before the
 loopback address (127.).

 Also, you'll need to make sure that smbd and nmbd are running. And
 should get you connected from Linux box to Windoze box.
 (smbclient -L wondozeboxname).

 Beyond that, I'm still unsure. I haven't attempted samba in a while, and
 just brushing up for another list user's troubles.

 Let me know what the above does for you.


Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Because there are literally thousands of free programs available on DOS that
do not yet exist in Linux which are nice to use and which unless you are a
programmer you cannot write yourself.  Obviously there is a need or dosemu
would not have been written.  As for vmware that costs a fair amount of

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

 When you have linux, why in hell would you want to emulate dos? (use
 or something if you need windows / ms-dos prompt)

 I don't mean to sound bitchy,'s hard not too

 - Original Message -
 From: "Jeff Malka" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Linux Newbie Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 6:38 PM
 Subject: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

  As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
  of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
  Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I
  still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer
  One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
  automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
  transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent
  Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with
  to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root
  use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
  /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could
  possibly understand or modify these files
  assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
  There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all
  different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can
  There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
  curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and
  sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
  out where they see the problems for them.
  That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
  but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
  despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
  computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify
  various files so that
  1. a non su can start and use dosemu
  2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in
  knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my
  Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Viewing Source Code

2000-08-28 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Robin Regennitter wrote:

Hi Everybody,

I was wondering how do I view the source code of any program.  I tried using
various editor and developing tools.   All I got is a bunch of symbols and
letters.   How am I suppose to modify a program if I cant understands these
multi symbols and letters?

Did you install the sources from the Sources CD? They should be in
/usr/src/linux or /usr/src/Mandrake somewhere (not sure, I don't have them
on disk)


If work is so terrific,
how come they have to pay you to do it?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jeff Malka

It is not to use dos commands that one might need dosemu, but to run legacy
dos applications that one does not wish to leave behind just yet.

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

 On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:

 I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of Linux
 config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
 many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.

 A graphical config for dosemu?  There is no graphical config
 for DOS anywhere, not even on Windows.

 I use mtools (mdir, mcopy) a lot to read/write from/to my
 wife's floppies.  Try that sometime.  It might give you a
 feel of the enormous difference between command-line Linux
 and DOS.  DOS is clunky.  Or I should say it is the
 CLUNKI~1.TXT command line in existence.  That would be a
 nice way of putting it.


Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jeff Malka

 Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for everyone,
 Choice is good...

It is, but for an OS to survive it must attract and "keep" a sufficient
audience,  Otherwise it might have the same fate as OS/2 which is also an
excellent multiuser stable OS.  Do not ask why I am leaving OS/2, because I
am not really, just learning a new OS and noting how it appears to a non
programming guru.

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Kathleen Dickason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

 Jeff Malka wrote:

  As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
  of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
  Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I
believe it
  still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer

 Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for everyone,
 Choice is good...

  One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
  automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
  transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent
  Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with
  to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root
  use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
  /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could
  possibly understand or modify these files

 But, but...what d'you mean by a "normal" PC user?  When I first installed
 I assumed I would have a lot of learning to do, it being a whole new
 environment, and I was looking forward to learning how to navigate in a
 Unix-based system rather than a DOS-based one.

  assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
  There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all
located in
  different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can

 Unix structures files heirarchically, but this also makes it less easy to
 up.  And you can search for files and always find out where you are if you

  There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
  curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and
  sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
  out where they see the problems for them.

 I don't know if I would agree that all of these are problems, per se...I
 think that a steep learning curve is involved, but I think that's to be
 expected.  Personally, I love a challenge. ;)

  That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
  but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
  despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
  computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify
  various files so that

 Some of the features you don't like are security features, though.
 that Linux can be a multiuser system...if you have to be root to do
 there's probably a good reason.  Means you have less of a chance of
 yourself in the foot when logged in as an ordinary user. :)

  1. a non su can start and use dosemu

 I haven't used dosemu, but I would imagine that the man page or the info
 would tell you.  At a guess,  add your login to the users file?

  2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in
  knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my

 Dunno.  Have you tried Wine or Lin4Win?  Just wondering if those might be
 closer to what youa re looking for...

 Kathleen Dickason (not ready for prime time either)
 Registered Linux user #182139

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jeff Malka

You are correct.  That is what I remember too.  I was just simnplifying the
story.  As I remember it, Gates then turned around and bought something
which he lightly modified and sold to IBM as DOS.

Registered Linux user  183185

- Original Message -
From: Greg Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)


 Although gates must have stolen the concept and "basic inteface" from
 another OS, IBM contracted Gates to write "DOS" in a deal that took place
 after the huge company was made to wait an hour (yes, only an hour) by the
 company in California that wrote CP/M.


  Actually, Gates did not write DOS, he bought/stole it.  But it is true
  MS did write O/S 2 and did a great job of it while IBM must have made a
  compete deal with him under the table.  They could not otherwise be that
  stupid to sit on a winner and let it go down.
  I too like Mandrake and I only chose dosemu as an example.  Most of
  config also requires significant knowledge.  A graphic config exists for
  many items (like in OS/2), but not for enough items - including dosemu.

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[newbie] USB Failure on Startup?

2000-08-28 Per discussione Jarrod Whelan

I am running Mandrake 7.1 and I have always had USB failures when Linux was
booting up, but it was no big deal because I didn't have any USB devices so
I just disabled the USB module at startup.  Well that was fine until I just
bought a USB mouse and now I need to try and find some answers.  It fails on
startup and it prints this message out to my log:

Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod modprobe:
Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod modprobe: Note: /etc/conf.modules is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/modules.dep
Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy
Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/usb/usb-uhci.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/usb/usb-uhci.o failed
Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod modprobe:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/usb/usb-uhci.o: insmod usb-interface failed
Aug 28 02:32:36 jarrod usb: Loading USB interface failed

there is also a line in my /etc/conf.modules file that sets up an alias:

alias usb-interface usb-uhci

Can anyone tell me what I can do to try and fix this problem?  I'm pretty
confident that once I get this resolved my mouse should work, based on the
fact that the site says that Mandrake supports all USB
mice and keyboards.

Thanks in Advance,


Re: [newbie] Broken? Bug? can't compile please help

2000-08-28 Per discussione TRBishop

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Vic wrote:
 Hello, would some kind soul please help me with a compiling problem?
 I downloaded kleandisk its an app that is
 supposed to clean extra files off the harddisk,
 but these error messages on the ./configure command
 are all it gave which I do not understand what it
 wants---at the end of all this---about some "small KDE application"
 and I'm afraid I don't have a clue what it means.
 checking dynamic linker characteristics... Linux
 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
 checking whether to build shared libraries... no
 checking whether to build static libraries... yes
 checking for objdir... .libs
 creating libtool
 checking whether NLS is requested... yes
 checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
 checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext
 checking for KDE... libraries /usr/lib, headers /usr/include/kde
 checking for extra includes... no
 checking for extra libs... no
 checking for kde headers installed... yes
 checking for kde libraries installed... configure: error: your system fails 
 at linking a small KDE application!
 Check, if your compiler is installed correctly and if you have used the
 same compiler to compile Qt and kdelibs as you did use now
 [root@kittypuss kleandisk-1.1.1]#

Boy, I sure hope you get a response to this!  I posted the exact same problem a
week ago and got nothing.  If you find out, could you mail me off-list?  Thanks
a million.  This had never happened until I did a fresh install recently to
move to another HD.  I was trying to compile Knapster and it just would NOT
work.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone responds to you.
Registered Linux User #12043
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