R: [newbie-it] ASDL

2001-04-09 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anch'io ho stipulato quell'abbonamento con la telecom.E ricordo che ho
cercato di configurarlo
ma non ci sono riuscito.
su un newsgroup pero' un ragazzo aveva postato la stessa domanda e gli
avevano risposto che USB per il momento non funzionava.
Bisogna neccessariamente avere la scheda di rete.(per il momento.)

ciao beppe
- Original Message -
From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ASDL

 On Friday 06 April 2001 22:54, lobax wrote:
  Ho sottoscritto un abbonamento asdl con il modem a noleggio dalla tin e
  oggi mi hanno telefonato dicendomi che se voglio farlo funzionare su
  devo acuistare una scheda di rete . Ma siamo sicuri? io sta storia non
  mai sentita,mi dite se  vero?
  ciao grazie

 non ne so molto quindi prendi l'info com'e'.
 potrebbe essere un adapter (?) con attacco usb e uno ethernet,
 siccome in linux non hai ancora possibilita' direi di farlo andare
 tramite l'usb, ti serve una scheda di rete.
 (ma ripeto, non ne so quasi mezza)


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[newbie-it] Problemi con kmid

2001-04-09 Per discussione Alberto Zanoni

ho un problema con l'applicazione kmid. Mi dice che /dev/sequencer non e' 
accessibile (sembra usato da un'altro programma, mentre cosi' non e'). Come 
posso fare per rimediare ? Grazie,


Re: [newbie-it] antialiasing dei font

2001-04-09 Per discussione osvaldo

Non vorrei dire una "boiata", ma credo che per l'anti aliasing tu abbia
bisogno di un kernel 2.4.x...

cosa  l'anti aliasing?

Re: [newbie-it] antialiasing dei font

2001-04-09 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Sun, 8 Apr 2001 23:20:19 +0200
Andrea Colanicchia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ovvero, visto che molti hanno riscontrato problemi nel passare al Kernel 
 2.4.X, perch le distribuzioni non sono ancora ben aggiornate, non vorrei 
 fare i vari upgrade e poi scoprire che non mi funziona tutto per bene, 
 dovendo fare, poi, un casino per tornare indietro al 2.2.17.
 Si pu mantenerli entrambi, decidendo al boot se far partire il 2.4.2 o, il 

Guardate che mdk 7.2 e' una distro delle + facili da upgradare al 2.4 perche' e' quasi 
pronta: basta aggiornare solamente le modutils e compilare!
Ovviamente puoi mantenere anche il vecchio 2.2.17, deve aggiungere una riga nel grub 
(o lilo) per il nuovo kernel.
I benefici del passaggio al 2.4 ci sono eccome, soprattutto in termini di velocita'.
Basta solo provare:-)

P.S.: e' gia' uscito il 2.4.3 se puo' interessare.


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] problemi con kde2.1.1

2001-04-09 Per discussione ioadamo

ciao a tutti

ho installato kde2.1.1 ma 
1-non vedo pi il control center, ovvero vedo solo il pannello ma  mancano 
tutti i moduli
2- si crasha nsplugins all'avvio de kde

da che cosa pu dipendere e cosa devo settare?

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2 LM 8.0 Beta 3 experiences

2001-04-09 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

g wrote:
  gwhat size is your hard drive?

 400MHz internal/ 100MHz external
 L1 cache = 32 KB
 L2 cache = 512 KB
 System Chip set = Intel 440BX AGPset
 Data bus width = 64 bits
 Address bus width = 32 bits
 DMA channels = 7
 Interrupt levels = 15
 Sys BIOS chip = 2 Mb (256 KB)
 Sys clock = 100 MHz

 30 GHz hard drive

gthere should be no reason why you can't dual boot 
(windows  Linux).

Re: [newbie] Trying for the KDE 2.1 from KDE 2.0

2001-04-09 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

g wrote:
 i was not able to update all my LM7.2 packages under
 DrakConf, Sotware update, rcvd following msg when i tried
 updating gtk+licq, licq, kdelibs and kdelibs-sound

 licq is needed by gtk+licq
 Force or Quit

 Same for kdelibs and kdelibs-sound

 I choose quit on both these.

 So i then went and pulled down KDE 2.1 and followed Alan's
 instructions and here's what I got.  Does the above have
 anything to do with these error messages or they are not

Gthe below 10 errors indicate that the named files are corrupt.
They need to be redownloaded.

 [root@dhcp-173-12 Download]# rpm -Uvh *
 error: apmd-3.0final-12mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: autoconf-2.13-6mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: automake-1.4-14mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: enscript-1.6.1-15mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: flex-2.5.4a-13mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: gettext-0.10.35-16mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: libjpeg-devel-6b-15mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: mtools-3.9.7-4mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: pciutils-2.1.8-5mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package
 error: ppp-2.4.0-3mdk.php3 does not appear to be a RPM package

These next 10 are dependancy errors where the named file is needed by the
named package.  Maybe some or all of these dependencies will be resolved
by uncorrupt versions of the above rpm's.

 error: failed dependencies:
 pciutils is needed by kdeadmin-2.1-1mdk
 mtools is needed by kdebase-2.1-2mdk
 ppp is needed by kdenetwork-2.1-2mdk
 apmd is needed by kdeutils-2.1-1mdk
 autoconf is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
 automake is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
 flex is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
 enscript is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
 gettext is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk
 libjpeg-devel is needed by kdevelop-1.4-4mdk

 How do i fix this?

Likely redownloading the corrupt files may fix a lot, or all of the 
problems.  That is if the redownloading actually gets you uncorrupted 

Re: [newbie] RE: cannot install

2001-04-09 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
 Thanks Civileme,  I quess I'll start saving for a different
 HD.  I am currently using 7.2 , was going to try 8.0 beta
 but have no way to download (no burner).  I did finally get
 to the second drive (also a WD 10.4) and was able to get
 GRUB to work and can now go to either windows or Mandrake
 7.2.  I had to set my motherboard to Load Fail-Safe
 Defaults and my Mandrake disks worked.  but windows had a
 problem.  I reset the motherboard to Load Optimized
 Defaults and can still use GRUB to get into Mandrake.  It
 will have to do for now.  At least until 8.0 is out where I
 can get it.

 Can boot magic be used as a bootloader ?  I have it and
 Partition Magic (it says it can partition for Linux).  I
 haven't tried it yet.  Thanks again.


MaureenYou can buy the beta at either:


for just a couple of dollars.

Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Just because I can't help myself, RTFM!

 -d, --directory
  Remove directories with `unlink'  instead  of  `rmdir',
  and don't require a directory to be empty before trying
  to unlink it.  Only works for the super-user.   Because
  unlinking  a  directory causes any files in the deleted
  directory to become unreferenced, it is  wise  to  fsck
  the filesystem after doing this.

 -f, --force
  Ignore nonexistent files and never prompt the user.

 -i, --interactive
  Prompt whether to remove each file.   If  the  response
  does not begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped.

 -r, -R, --recursive
  Remove the contents of directories recursively.

 -v, --verbose

All of which is located in the manpage, on your machine.

But I will add some remarks to what other people have said.   In your
.shellrc there are some "dummy aliases."  And there is one for rm
in there.  Of which most people think having, is a really good idea.

Even those that are extremely comfortable with command line operating
and would prefer to do work that way, leave that in there.  Because
you can type the correct command, but in the wrong directory.  

For example, you want to delete your Netscape cache, so you type:

rm -R *

But if you're not in $HOME/.netscape, but you're in $HOME/ then you've
just created a really bad day for yourself if you haven't backed up your
system very recently!   So I would suggest leaving the alias in your 
.shellrc file for safety, and those half asleep nights when you're
trying to do something before heading to bed.

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Andrew Iovannisci [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010407 19:49]:
| Hi all,
| Is there a way to delete a non-empty directory via the command line
| without going through the trouble of removing every file and sub-directory 
| first?
| -- 
| Thanks,
| Andy
| Mandrake 7.2
| KDE 2.1
| kernal 2.2.17
| Registered Linux User # 202836

[newbie] upgrade RPM 3 to 4 -- Where?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I recently heard that Red Hat has produced a special RPM package that will 
allow Red Hat 6 users (who use rpm version 3 to upgrade packages that are 
built with rpm version 4). If so, does anyone know where I can find this 
information, and, more importantly, what is the opinion of Mandrake experts 
on whether such an rpm "upgrade" would work in Mandrake 7.2?

Thank you so much.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

RE: [newbie] upgrade RPM 3 to 4 -- Where?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Mcintosh, Duncan

But if you find it please let me know

Have a nice day

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Benjamin Sher [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 07:13
 Objet:[newbie] "upgrade" RPM 3 to 4 -- Where?
 Dear friends:
 I recently heard that Red Hat has produced a special RPM package that will
 allow Red Hat 6 users (who use rpm version 3 to upgrade packages that are 
 built with rpm version 4). If so, does anyone know where I can find this 
 information, and, more importantly, what is the opinion of Mandrake
 on whether such an rpm "upgrade" would work in Mandrake 7.2?
 Thank you so much.
 Sher's Russian Web
 Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: Griff, you're fired Re: [newbie] stupid ftp server broken

2001-04-09 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Just how many times have you fired "boogerbutt" this year?  :)


On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Chubby Vic wrote:

 Thank you so much for the advice, I can now log in from here.

 I don't know how to thank you.

 Please excuse Griff's abuse of my system, I fired
 the boogerbutt.

 On Sunday 08 April 2001 09:08 pm, so spoke David M. Kufta:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Sunday 08 April 2001 09:10 pm, you wrote:
   Chubby Vic wrote:
I am trying to use wu-ftpd and yes, when I kill both xinetd and inetd
I get connection refused, but when I turn it back on I still get
   A search on google shows that 500 is a "syntax error" with wu-ftp.  Look
   in your logs to see if it's telling you anything (/var/log/messages).
  Remove /etc/shutmsg
  - --
   10:05pm  up 1 day, 23 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.23, 0.19
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

[newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione g

OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work.  Sorry, thanks 
for playing but no upgrade for you.

error: failed dependencies:
kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk   

I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
directory w/all the other files?

Now what?  This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 

Kdelibs  Kdesound
Licq  gtk+licq.

each says it needs the other.

I am smiling see :-) , not mad.  

[newbie] RH 6 src.rpm for Mozilla 0.8.1 -- URL!

2001-04-09 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

If you would like to download the Red Hat 6 src.rpm file for the recent 
Mozilla 0.8.1 of March 26 (compatible with LM72), go to:


The exact name of the file is:

mozilla-0.8.1-1.src.rpm 06-Apr-2001 02:10  29.9M 

This will allow you to rebuild the src.rpm as your own full suite of mozilla 
files (mozilla, mozilla-psm, mozilla-mail, mozilla-developer). If you have an 
AMD K6-2 as I do, you will be able to rebuild the RH file as i586 files. I 
have been told that performance should dramatically improve and you should (I 
hope) have no error messages.

To rebuild the src.rpm file and produce the four or five mozilla rpms, type 
in xterm as root:

#rpm --rebuild mozilla-0.8.1-1.src.rpm

Be prepared to tak a LONG break. It will take a good two hours or more to 
rebuild the RH source file.

I mention this partly because, in spite of assurance to the contrary, the 
Texstar rpm version of mozilla 0.8.1 (rebuilt from the Cooker directory, 
which uses rpm version 4) yielded the error messages: "runtime mismatch, so 
leaking context." I am not a programmer, just an ordinary user, but when I 
tried to use the Texstar mozilla 0.8.1, it repeatedly crashed or froze. I was 
very unhappy and went right back to mozilla 0.8 (also available on the 
Texstar site -- and the 0.8 version worked very well).

You might wish to bookmark the Red Hat site for future versions of Mozilla, 
especially the long-awaited upcoming "recommended beta" version .9 and, then, 
of course, version 1.0.



Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

[newbie] Need help installing 2 NICs

2001-04-09 Per discussione Lon Lentz

  I'm setting up a firewall system for a DSL connection using 7.1. I'm using
2 identical ISA NE2000 comp. cards. Win98, on the same machine, recognizes
both of them and sets them okay. I'm assuming I have to get Linux to
recognize these before I can assign them as eth0 and eth1. The installer
wouldn't recognize them (although I did try). How do I go about doing this?

Lon Lentz
Applications Developer  CyberEntomologist - Alvion Technologies
DataWarehousing and List Sales - Market Your Lists on the Net!
941-574-8600 Ext. 210

Re: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes

In my experience and humble opinion, Upgrades are always evil!  It
either doesn't add something, or it's unstable.  I've tried this with
many OS's, meanwhile Windows is the worst at this, but I did upgrade 7.1
to 7.2 and it burped or something because it wouldn't read my .bashrc.
The system would function, but I had to source my .aliases and other
files in order to read them.  After I just reinstalled, everything
worked fine. That machine's been up ever since.

[timh@yoda timh]$ uptime
  9:36am  up 54 days,  9:41,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

What I do suggest, is to install /home on a different partition, or
drive all together if at a possible.  So when you do reinstall the
system, you don't format /home so the user directories are only updated
with new info that's needed. So you will be able to keep your aliases
and .*rc files for various apps you've already used and configured.
From there you just have to install some of the software you installed
before you did the new install.

I also install a developmental workstation because it tosses in a lot of
extra libs and what not.  I don't have many problems with getting errors
on the depancies when I do that.  But my first machine was a workstation
and I would get those depandency errors all the time.

So there's my $.02, and I can make change! lol

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* g [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010409 08:47]:
| OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work.  Sorry, thanks 
| for playing but no upgrade for you.
| error: failed dependencies:
| kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk   
| I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
| directory w/all the other files?
| Now what?  This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 
| Update:
| Kdelibs  Kdesound
| Licq  gtk+licq.
| each says it needs the other.
| I am smiling see :-) , not mad.  

RE: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

If you do what I did, that is install using the --nodeps, the files should work fine and your installation can proceed. Just load up one or the other with nodeps and then the next one should have no dependency problems. Dennis M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of g
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 6:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to
KDE 2.01

OK, lets just try the first upgrade and see if that will work. Sorry, thanks 
for playing but no upgrade for you.

error: failed dependencies:
 kdelibs = 2.0 is needed by kdelibs-sound-2.0-5mdk 

I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download 
directory w/all the other files?

Now what? This is the same problem I run into if I use DrakConf, Software 

Kdelibs  Kdesound
Licq  gtk+licq.

each says it needs the other.

I am smiling see :-) , not mad. 

[newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione dooshiant %


Since a while I've been having problems compiling the 2.4.x kernel on LM7.2 
and what should I put in the processor type section.
I am current ly using a Duron 700 and I choose the Athlon/K7 as processor 
type to be compiled for.

BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.



here the error msg i always get when compile:

In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
 from init/main.c:15:
/usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
/usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first use in 
this function)
/usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
/usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first use in 
this function)
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie] Slow hdd access

2001-04-09 Per discussione Michael Falzon

hi all
runing mandrake 6.1 with a ata 100 m/b and ata 66 hdd i'm sure that the drive is 
not way running up to speed, how do i set it up to run faster
( i have try to use webadmin it ok till i have to 
reboot )

Michael FalzonLast Of The BBs SysopMozy's 
Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBshttp://mozysswamp.yi.orgRegistered Linux 
user #204397

[newbie] I think I got through 2.0 to 2.0.1 now 2.0.1 to 2.1

2001-04-09 Per discussione g

Thank you everyone for your help.  I think I made it to 2.0.1 even though 
when i click KDE about it reads 2.0, so maybe I didn't.

But I am now trying for 2.1 and here's what I have, it appears kdeaddutils 
2.0.3 is not liked:

#rpm -Uvh * package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk is 
already installed package libjpeg-6b-15mdk is already installed file 
/usr/bin/kwebdesktop from install of kdebase-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file 
from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file 
/usr/share/apps/kdesktop/programs/kwebdesktop.desktop from install of 
kdebase-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file 
/usr/bin/kwebdesktop conflicts between attemped installs of kdebase-2.1-2mdk 
and kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file 
/usr/share/apps/kdesktop/programs/kwebdesktop.desktop conflicts between 
attemped installs of kdebase-2.1-2mdk and kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file 
/usr/bin/kjezz from install of kdegames-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file from 
package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file /usr/share/apps/kjezz/kjezzui.rc from 
install of kdegames-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file from package 
kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file /usr/share/apps/kjezz/pics/tiles.png from install 
of kdegames-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk 
file /usr/bin/kjezz conflicts between attemped installs of kdegames-2.1-2mdk 
and kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file /usr/share/apps/kjezz/kjezzui.rc conflicts 
between attemped installs of kdegames-2.1-2mdk and kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk file 
/usr/share/apps/kjezz/pics/tiles.png conflicts between attemped installs of 
kdegames-2.1-2mdk and kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk   

Any suggestions, someone mention nodep, but I don't know the command to enter?

RE: [newbie] Slow hdd access

2001-04-09 Per discussione Mcintosh, Duncan

Try Mandrake 8.0

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   Michael Falzon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 16:22
 Objet:[newbie] Slow hdd access
 hi all
 I'm runing mandrake 6.1 with a ata 100 m/b and ata 66 hdd i'm sure
 that the drive is not way running up to speed, how do i set it up to run
 ( i have try to use webadmin it ok till i have to reboot )
 Michael Falzon
 Last Of The BBs Sysop
 Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
 Registered Linux user #204397

RE: [newbie] Slow hdd access

2001-04-09 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Check the hdparm settings.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Falzon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Slow hdd access

hi all
I'm runing mandrake 6.1 with a ata 100 m/b and ata 66 hdd i'm sure
that the drive is not way running up to speed, how do i set it up to run
( i have try to use webadmin it ok till i have to reboot )
Michael Falzon
Last Of The BBs Sysop
Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
http://mozysswamp.yi.org http://mozysswamp.yi.org 
Registered Linux user #204397

[newbie] DiskDrake w/ PartitionMagic

2001-04-09 Per discussione Mark Shaw

I recently installed Linux-Mandrake 7.2 on a machine that already 
had a single Windows Me partition on a 60G IBM hard drive.

Although I'd already purchased a copy of PartitionMagic (v. 6.0)
I wanted to put Mandrake through its paces, so I used DiskDrake
to reduce the size of the FAT32 partition and to create my new
Gnu/Linux partitions (1 swap, 3 ext2).

After installing PartitionMagic I used it to split up my Windows
partition (going from a single FAT32 partition to four FAT32 parti-
tions).  This worked fine.

PartitionMagic doesn't see the Gnu/Linux partitions, however.  It
displays them as one big contiguous "Type 85" partition.  Naturally
I haven't tried doing anything with this via PM.

Other than this, everything's working fine.  Both the Me and Gnu/
Linux sides are booting (using Grub) and running properly -- but I 
*would* like to be able to manage my Gnu/Linux partitions with PM.

I should point out that all of the Gnu/Linux stuff is at the end
of the partition map, well beyond the 1024-cylinder frontier.

Anyone know what might be going on?  Thanks

Mark Shaw

Re: [newbie] Sound card not working in KDE 2.1.1

2001-04-09 Per discussione Kjell Orrmyr

Hello Terry

When i installed KDE i miss to install package (arts)
after i have installed that it works fine for me


mndagen den  9 april 2001 12:57 skrev du:
 Can anyone shed some light why my sound card won't
 work after I upgraded my LM 7.2 running KDE 2.0.1 to
 2.1.1?  This is happening on both my computer at home,
 and here at work.  The card I have at home is a Sound
 Blaster Live Value, and the one at work is an Ensoniq


 Terry S.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione Franki

I did it a few times. have you made the ip aliases for your external

the easiest way to set it up is to use linuxconf,, this is one of the thins
that linuxconf does without messing things up.

or you can add them via editing httpd.conf.

can't remember the syntax, but next time I am at my server I can look it up
for you.

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2001 1:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

Does anyone have any real (working) experience in setting up virtual
hosts on an apache server?

I have my main web up and running and what I'm trying to do is run 2
other web sites from the same server...

For example

Main site = www.first.com
Second site = www.second.net
Third site = www.third.org

Can some one help me with the httpd.conf file and what the appropriate
settings would be?

I've read through the Apache site and I can't quite figure it out.
I've also used Comanche and I'm in the same spot...


Re: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione William R. Nash

try using Webmin. 
also do you have more than 1 ip address for each web site.  
Thanks Bill Nash
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

 Does anyone have any real (working) experience in setting up virtual 
 hosts on an apache server?
 I have my main web up and running and what I'm trying to do is run 2 
 other web sites from the same server...
 For example
 Main site = www.first.com
 Second site = www.second.net
 Third site = www.third.org
 Can some one help me with the httpd.conf file and what the appropriate 
 settings would be?
 I've read through the Apache site and I can't quite figure it out.
 I've also used Comanche and I'm in the same spot...

[newbie] PcTel and Mandrake 8.0

2001-04-09 Per discussione Riker


Has anyone had any luck or even made the attempt at getting the Pctel 
micromodem working the 8.0 betas that are out? It works great in 7.2 and I 
would like to get it working in 8.0 beta3 so when the final version comes 
out, I'm ready and can make the transition. 

If any has any idea where I can get a module and the install instructions, I 
would greatly appreciate it. 



Re: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione Fred Schroeder

Put the following in your httpd.conf file. (of course replacing what you
need to to make it fit your system)

NameVirtualHost IPADDRESS

ServerAdmin Admin_email_address
ServerName www.first.com
DocumentRoot /home/www/first
ErrorLog /var/log/first-error
TransferLog /var/log/first-transfer
AgentLog /var/log/first-agent
RefererLog /var/log/first-referer
ServerAdmin Admin_email_address
ServerName www.second.net
DocumentRoot /home/html/second
ErrorLog /var/log/2nd-log
TransferLog /var/log/2nd-transfer
AgentLog /var/log/2nd-agent
RefererLog /var/log/2nd-referer
ServerAdmin Admin_email_address
ServerName www.second.net
DocumentRoot /home/html/second
ErrorLog /var/log/2nd-log
TransferLog /var/log/2nd-transfer
AgentLog /var/log/2nd-agent
RefererLog /var/log/2nd-referer
ServerAdmin Admin_email_address
ServerName www.third.org
DocumentRoot /home/html/third
ErrorLog /var/log/3rd-log
TransferLog /var/log/3rd-transfer
AgentLog /var/log/3rd-agent
RefererLog /var/log/3rd-referer

where IPADDRESS is of course replaced with the actual IP address of your
site.  This is also for where the last two are aliases to the first site.
Notice that if you have a virtual host, that you must have an entry for each
site, including the main one.
hope this helps.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

 Does anyone have any real (working) experience in setting up virtual
 hosts on an apache server?

 I have my main web up and running and what I'm trying to do is run 2
 other web sites from the same server...

 For example

 Main site = www.first.com
 Second site = www.second.net
 Third site = www.third.org

 Can some one help me with the httpd.conf file and what the appropriate
 settings would be?

 I've read through the Apache site and I can't quite figure it out.
 I've also used Comanche and I'm in the same spot...


Re: [newbie] cc1plus?

2001-04-09 Per discussione David E. Fox

 [cclay@www cclay]$ make test
 g++ test.cpp   -o test

Generally, 'test' is not a good name for a test program because there
exists a shell builtin / external program also called 'test' which will
most likely not do what your test program does.

 command line: warning: "system" re-asserted
 command line: warning: "cpu" re-asserted
 command line: warning: "machine" re-asserted

I don't know C++ really so I don't know where these are coming from.

 cpp: -lang-c++: linker input file unused since linking not done
 g++: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
 make: *** [test] Error 1

That looks more serious. It would see that your cc1plus binary is not
found. On mandrake systems there should be a directory:


where the actual compiler parts live. In that directory there should be
a file 'cc1plus'.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] RH6 Mozilla src.rpm fails

2001-04-09 Per discussione David E. Fox

 I must sadly report that my attempt to rebuild the RH6 src.rpm of mozilla 
 0.8.1 has failed. Lots of error messages have caused the rebuilding to abort.

Haven't tried the src.rpm. How did it just abort? Did you get a signal 11 or

I built mozilla (0.7?) once from source just to see how hard it was. It
turned out that it really didn't take an inordinate amount of time (I had
only a P-100 then) but I really couldn't do it until I upgraded my hard disk
and got DSL, because of the bandwidth and storage space required. I upgraded
to a 30 gig harddrive back in October. I used the tarball rather than a 
a source rpm.

I had heard stories about it requiring 256 megs to compile and 64 megs just to
link. I don't remember it taking up inordinate amounts of memory (I had 96
megs of RAM back then.)  The final link did take up 128 megs of RAM though :(.

You should probably do fine on a k6-2; it's faster than what I used to have.
Other than simply time, if you've been able to successfully compile other
stuff (kde sources, for instance) you shouldn't have issues unless the RPM is
looking for something specific you don't have.

Try the source tarball or cvs and see if that helps. I've an Athlon 1ghz
now with 256 megs of ram. I might just give it a try and see how much faster
things go :).

I did notice initially that when I did my first install (back in January) of
Mandrake 7.2 that there were quite a number of missing things that I had to
install manually - things like aclocal, automake, gettext, etc. At one point
I think even 'patch' was not installed.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione jason . a2 . greene


No I'm using the same IP for all three sites...  Isn't that what virtual 
hosting is all about?
I have an additional IP but I want to run all three sites from the same 
machine and one IP, so I can have an IP for my workstation.

Where do I get Webmin?


-Original Message-
From: william.nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:43 PM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

try using Webmin. 
also do you have more than 1 ip address for each web site.  
Thanks Bill Nash
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

 Does anyone have any real (working) experience in setting up virtual 
 hosts on an apache server?
 I have my main web up and running and what I'm trying to do is run 2 
 other web sites from the same server...
 For example
 Main site = www.first.com
 Second site = www.second.net
 Third site = www.third.org
 Can some one help me with the httpd.conf file and what the appropriate 

 settings would be?
 I've read through the Apache site and I can't quite figure it out.
 I've also used Comanche and I'm in the same spot...

[newbie] Bootnet.img problems

2001-04-09 Per discussione Adam Willcox

I know this is supposed to bea mandrake forum 
but I commonly see posts about Suse and other distributions. I'm currently 
using Mandrake 7.1 but not wanting to buy any more cd's but still wanting to 
upgrade I decided to attempt a network install of redhat. If anyone knows 
how to do a network install of mandrake please let me know. I cannot read 
cd-r's, so going the .iso route is out of the question.

Anyway, my problem is the bootimage is 1.40 mb 
large and anyone who's used a floppy knows that it's hard to get the theoritcal 
1.44 mb size out of it. Is there any way to get around this, has 
anyone else tried it?

Re: [newbie] cc1plus?

2001-04-09 Per discussione cyberclay

Since you apparently have this cc1plus file could you please
tell me which package provides it by issuing the following

rpm -qf /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/cc1plus


- Original Message -
From: "David E. Fox" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] cc1plus?

  [cclay@www cclay]$ make test
  g++ test.cpp   -o test

 Generally, 'test' is not a good name for a test program because there
 exists a shell builtin / external program also called 'test' which will
 most likely not do what your test program does.

  command line: warning: "system" re-asserted
  command line: warning: "cpu" re-asserted
  command line: warning: "machine" re-asserted

 I don't know C++ really so I don't know where these are coming from.

  cpp: -lang-c++: linker input file unused since linking not done
  g++: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or
  make: *** [test] Error 1

 That looks more serious. It would see that your cc1plus binary is not
 found. On mandrake systems there should be a directory:


 where the actual compiler parts live. In that directory there should be
 a file 'cc1plus'.

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione Franki

virtual hosting can be anything..

I have 7 seperate domains with different IPs running from one box with

I am not sure, but I think if you have 3 domains, all with the same IP
address, I think you will have troubles unless you want them to all have the
same page...

Although I think there are some ways around it using CGI...

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2001 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts


No I'm using the same IP for all three sites...  Isn't that what virtual
hosting is all about?
I have an additional IP but I want to run all three sites from the same
machine and one IP, so I can have an IP for my workstation.

Where do I get Webmin?


-Original Message-
From: william.nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:43 PM
To: newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

try using Webmin.
also do you have more than 1 ip address for each web site.
Thanks Bill Nash
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

 Does anyone have any real (working) experience in setting up virtual
 hosts on an apache server?

 I have my main web up and running and what I'm trying to do is run 2
 other web sites from the same server...

 For example

 Main site = www.first.com
 Second site = www.second.net
 Third site = www.third.org

 Can some one help me with the httpd.conf file and what the appropriate

 settings would be?

 I've read through the Apache site and I can't quite figure it out.
 I've also used Comanche and I'm in the same spot...


Re: [newbie] locked cd roms

2001-04-09 Per discussione David E. Fox

 new system (Athalon 750, 250 meg ram etc...) with mdk 7.1 and  a GoldStar
 CD-RW.  It seemed to work fine, and I even burned a couple of CD-r's and

I recently upgraded as well, but I don't have a cd-rw (at least not

I don't know if this is really apropos, but "locked" cdroms are usually
a sign of a process still owning the device which prevents unmounting. This
could be as simple as a shell still sitting in a directory underneath that
device's mount point. 

 Then, last week, it got to where I couldn't mount the floppy any more -
 either with supermount or manually.  Then, the problem spread to the CD
 drive.  Finally,  over the weekend Kudzu (the auto hardware detect code,

Wierd. I haven't experienced something quite like that, but I did have
an issue a few years ago where the thing would sporadically not boot; turned
out that it was a short in the power cable leading to the device (hard
drive in my case.)

Kudzu is another issue. I had some issues with it when I upgraded to an
athlon-based system a few weeks ago. I had gotten a new sound card (SB
Live) and a graphics card (Matrox G450) and had prebuilt a new linux kernel
and a new X the weekend prior to installing the new system. I had trouble
detecting the card with kudzu, and ended up bypassing it and configuring
it manually with XConfigurator. And the system still tries to load the 
modules for my old ISA sound card that's no longer in the system. Since I'm
running off of a boot floppy with 2.4.2, it just bypasses that (since it can't
find the modules). It may not be 100% what's supposed to happen but it works.

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

[newbie] problem with too much ram

2001-04-09 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with adding RAM that I hope someone can help me with.

We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 866 Xeon) that had 1.5GB of RDRAM.  When we
added another 512MB to bring the total up to 2GB, the LM7.1 installed on the
machine refuse to boot.  It gets to the place where it's suppose to load the
RAM disk (I think) but go into kernel panic: unable to mount root.  We tried
just putting in 1792MB of RAM, then the machine boots up w/o any problems.
Anyone has any idea why?



Re: [newbie] Enlightenment ScreenSavers

2001-04-09 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


Oh, if you figure out the "off" thing -- where the screen
  just goes black (I'd love it if I could get that to stop so
  the screen saver really did just run indefinitely, though I
  turn off the

 'xset s noblank'

 man xset for the myriad of options available.

  Yes.  I've tried it, but it's ignored.  Are you sure it's


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Sound card not working in KDE 2.1.1 .. fixed - new problem

2001-04-09 Per discussione Terry

Thanks Kjell!!  That did the trick all right.


Now if only I can figure out how to get Konqueror
working properly with Java ...  lol

Anyone have any luck with this one?  I've tried Sun's
JRE, IBM's JRE, and Blackdown's .. Sun's wouldn't
work, IBM's worked the first time and quit after that,
and Blackdown didn't work either.

--- Kjell Orrmyr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Terry
 When i installed KDE i miss to install package
 after i have installed that it works fine for me
 måndagen den  9 april 2001 12:57 skrev du:
  Can anyone shed some light why my sound card won't
  work after I upgraded my LM 7.2 running KDE 2.0.1
  2.1.1?  This is happening on both my computer at
  and here at work.  The card I have at home is a
  Blaster Live Value, and the one at work is an
  Terry S.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] cc1plus?

2001-04-09 Per discussione David E. Fox

 rpm -qf /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/cc1plus

Says gcc-g++-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm .

Actually, I goofed a little, there's a 2.95.3 subdirectory underneath
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/ .

Here's what my system reports for 'rpm -qa | grep gcc'



David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Re: [newbie] problem with too much ram

2001-04-09 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Most motherboards have a certain amount of RAM it will support. A lot of
them stop at 1.5 GB.  The one I have does support 2 GB.  But you should
check the web page for the Motherboard and find out if that board will
support the 2GB

All I know is I'm jealous... 1.5 GB and a dual processor machine? :0(
That would be SWEET!!!

One other thing I just thought of, which most likely won't be an issues,
but I know Comcrap (lol) used to only accept proprietary RAM.  I'm
pretty sure the did away with this, but I'm not sure how old your
Motherboard is either.

So it's possible that it doesn't support 2 GB of RAM, or it needs to be
RAM from Comcrap.

Extremely jealous, 

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010409 15:18]:
| Hi everyone,
| I have a problem with adding RAM that I hope someone can help me with.
| We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 866 Xeon) that had 1.5GB of RDRAM.  When we
| added another 512MB to bring the total up to 2GB, the LM7.1 installed on the
| machine refuse to boot.  It gets to the place where it's suppose to load the
| RAM disk (I think) but go into kernel panic: unable to mount root.  We tried
| just putting in 1792MB of RAM, then the machine boots up w/o any problems.
| Anyone has any idea why?
| TIA.
| Andy

Re: [newbie] Slow hdd access

2001-04-09 Per discussione Civileme

First of all, unless you have the newest kernel, 6.1 does NOT support ata/66 
or ata/100.

Second, try hdparm settings like

hdparm -u1 -c1 -d1 -m8 -a8 -X66 /dev/hda  # or hdc or wherever you have these 

check before with three tries of 

hdparm -t /dev/hda

only the third result is likely to be meaningful.
(no other programs running, especially none using disk cache)

And again after the hdparm setting (and a 2 minute wait), try three times 
with hdparm -t ...

You may see a performance improvement.

Third, if you have WD drives, don't bother.  They seem to run better at 
ATA/33 and they do comply with the ECC for that level (sort-of) while they 
fake it for higher speeds.  On the other hand, running WDs at 66 or 100 often 
results in geometry misrecognition, massive data corruption, kernel panic on 
boot, and destruction of data for other drives on the same channel with 
timing chatter.


On Monday 09 April 2001 07:57, you wrote:
 Check the hdparm settings.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Falzon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Slow hdd access

 hi all
 I'm runing mandrake 6.1 with a ata 100 m/b and ata 66 hdd i'm sure
 that the drive is not way running up to speed, how do i set it up to run
 ( i have try to use webadmin it ok till i have to reboot )

 Michael Falzon
 Last Of The BBs Sysop
 Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
 http://mozysswamp.yi.org http://mozysswamp.yi.org
 Registered Linux user #204397

RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione asmiller

virtual hosting can be anything..

I have 7 seperate domains with different IPs running from one box with

I am not sure, but I think if you have 3 domains, all with the same IP
address, I think you will have troubles unless you want them to all have the
same page...

Although I think there are some ways around it using CGI...

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

Not so.  This works fine.  See previous post by Fred Schroeder for 
configuration details.  You can also place the same code in the 
Vhosts.conf file.


RE: [newbie] problem with too much ram

2001-04-09 Per discussione Liaw, Andy

Don't be jealous...  The machine is being used by the whole dept. (about 5
heavy duty users) for running large computational tasks.  It originally came
with 512MB RAM, but one user's "modest" job brought the machine to its
knees.  That's why we are adding RAM like that.  (We actually have 2
machines like this.  Haven't got the second one setup yet.)

The machine is fairly new (6 months).  According to Compaq, the mobo uses
Intel 840 chip set (whatever that means), and can hold upto 4GB of 800-MHz
ECC RDRAM.  I'm quite sure the RAM modules were purchased from Compaq
authorized dealers, so they ought to know what they are doing.

Anyone else has any hints?


 From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Most motherboards have a certain amount of RAM it will 
 support. A lot of
 them stop at 1.5 GB.  The one I have does support 2 GB.  But 
 you should
 check the web page for the Motherboard and find out if that board will
 support the 2GB
 All I know is I'm jealous... 1.5 GB and a dual processor machine? :0(
 That would be SWEET!!!
 One other thing I just thought of, which most likely won't be 
 an issues,
 but I know Comcrap (lol) used to only accept proprietary RAM.  I'm
 pretty sure the did away with this, but I'm not sure how old your
 Motherboard is either.
 So it's possible that it doesn't support 2 GB of RAM, or it 
 needs to be
 RAM from Comcrap.
 Extremely jealous, 
 T. Holmes
 "Real Men use Vi."
 * Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010409 15:18]:
 | Hi everyone,
 | I have a problem with adding RAM that I hope someone can 
 help me with.
 | We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 866 Xeon) that had 1.5GB of 
 RDRAM.  When we
 | added another 512MB to bring the total up to 2GB, the LM7.1 
 installed on the
 | machine refuse to boot.  It gets to the place where it's 
 suppose to load the
 | RAM disk (I think) but go into kernel panic: unable to 
 mount root.  We tried
 | just putting in 1792MB of RAM, then the machine boots up 
 w/o any problems.
 | Anyone has any idea why?
 | TIA.
 | Andy

[newbie] mdk7.2 kernel 2.4.3

2001-04-09 Per discussione Stefaans Mostert

Hi all

Well I did it and for someone as new to linux as me I am positively
beeming ;-)

And for all the others who had a problem out there this is what you do 

1 # cd /usr/src
2 #rm linux  (it is a symbolic link pointing at the current kernel)
3 #tar -xvzf linux-blah.tar.gz
4 #mv linux linux-2.4.3
5 #ln -s linux-2.4.3 linux
6 #ln /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include (mandrake does not put
this in by itself)
7 #cd linux
8 #make menuconfig (or what you prefer)
9 #make dep;make clean;make baImage;make modules;make modules_install
10 when this is finished prepare your /boot first
11 #cd /boot/
12 #rm System.map
13 mv /usr/src/linux/System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.3-1
14 #ln -s System.map-2.4.3-1 System.map
15 #mv /isr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.3-1
16 #ln -s vmlinuz-2.4.3-1 vmlinuz-2
17now comes the important part you must tell the kernel where you put
the modules of the new kernel so edit /etc/modules.conf to look exactly
and I mean EXACTLY like mine



path[boot]=keep lib/modules/2.4.3/kernel/drivers/sound

alias char-major-108ppp_generic
alias /dev/ppp  ppp_generic
alias tty-ldisc-3   ppp_async
alias tty-ldisc-14  ppp_synctty
alias ppp-compress-21   bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24   ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26   ppp_deflate

alias net-pf-4 ipx
pre-install pcmcia_core /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
alias usb-interface usb-uhci
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
post-install snd-card-ens1371 modprobe snd-pcm-oss
pre-install plip modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq
alias sound-slot-0 es1371
alias char-major-195 NVdriver

18 now just configure lilo and point it at vmlinuz-2 (for some reason it
must be a symbolic link)

19Reboot and ENJOY
20 Mail me and tell me how much you love me if this works ;-)


Re: [newbie] problem with too much ram

2001-04-09 Per discussione Stefaans Mostert

"Liaw, Andy" wrote:
 Don't be jealous...  The machine is being used by the whole dept. (about 5
 heavy duty users) for running large computational tasks.  It originally came
 with 512MB RAM, but one user's "modest" job brought the machine to its
 knees.  That's why we are adding RAM like that.  (We actually have 2
 machines like this.  Haven't got the second one setup yet.)
 The machine is fairly new (6 months).  According to Compaq, the mobo uses
 Intel 840 chip set (whatever that means), and can hold upto 4GB of 800-MHz
 ECC RDRAM.  I'm quite sure the RAM modules were purchased from Compaq
 authorized dealers, so they ought to know what they are doing.
 Anyone else has any hints?
  From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Most motherboards have a certain amount of RAM it will
  support. A lot of
  them stop at 1.5 GB.  The one I have does support 2 GB.  But
  you should
  check the web page for the Motherboard and find out if that board will
  support the 2GB
  All I know is I'm jealous... 1.5 GB and a dual processor machine? :0(
  That would be SWEET!!!
  One other thing I just thought of, which most likely won't be
  an issues,
  but I know Comcrap (lol) used to only accept proprietary RAM.  I'm
  pretty sure the did away with this, but I'm not sure how old your
  Motherboard is either.
  So it's possible that it doesn't support 2 GB of RAM, or it
  needs to be
  RAM from Comcrap.
  Extremely jealous,
  T. Holmes
  "Real Men use Vi."
  * Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010409 15:18]:
  | Hi everyone,
  | I have a problem with adding RAM that I hope someone can
  help me with.
  | We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 866 Xeon) that had 1.5GB of
  RDRAM.  When we
  | added another 512MB to bring the total up to 2GB, the LM7.1
  installed on the
  | machine refuse to boot.  It gets to the place where it's
  suppose to load the
  | RAM disk (I think) but go into kernel panic: unable to
  mount root.  We tried
  | just putting in 1792MB of RAM, then the machine boots up
  w/o any problems.
  | Anyone has any idea why?
  | TIA.
  | Andy

Try booting into it with a lesser amount of ram and then ad one of the
2.4 series kernels and compile it with big mem support and some of the
other goodies in there.
Then put you extra ram in and boot it should work and if it does not
pick up all your ram ad the following line to lilo.conf
append "mem=1536000" hope that is right just check it ;-)

If it doesn't work mail us again or get me off list.You will not believe
what the new kernels do with a dual processor machine.
It is WOW !!!
In my experience the 2.4.3 kernel works the best on MDK 7.2
just make sure you upgrade your glibc (compile yourself)
reiser utils and modutils,and hdparm it is all covered in the HOWTO'S

Anyway have fun and let us know what the outcome is


RE: [newbie] Apache/virtual hosts

2001-04-09 Per discussione jason . a2 . greene

I just talked to a Linux guy in my company and he said the he is running 
4 different web domains on the same machine with the same IP for all the 

He says you tell the people hosting your DNS server that you want all 
your domains and sub-domains i.e.. www, ftp and mail for each domain to 
point to the same IP and you let Apache figure it out.  That is the 
concept of virtual hosting...  Why have a separate IP for each... that 
is not really "virtual" hosting.

What do you think?

I put in a call to my DNS people and they set it up... It will propagate 
tonight at 8pm... I'll let you know how it goes tonight...

Thanx for the help


RE: [newbie] NIS XFree86 login problem

2001-04-09 Per discussione Morrell, Mike A

For those that may come across this in the future, I have solved my own
problem as usual. Make sure that the server and client machines are using
the same user id and group id for the users files. My Debian machine had a
userid of 1000 while the Mandrake machine was using 501. Once I chown and
chgrp all the directoryies and files everything worked fine. I can't wait
for 8.0 to be released to go through this pain again. :-)

-Original Message-
From: Morrell, Mike A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: [newbie] NIS XFree86 login problem

I just setup a NIS server on a Debian box and have a Mandrake 7.2 client
that I setup to login using NIS. I added +:: to the passwd file and see
all the users on the login screen, but when I try to login it looks like the
desktop is going to start but I get a grey screen and it jumps back to the
login screen. I don't get any error messages. When I login with the console
everything works fine and I can see the NFS mounted directorys just fine. So
why can't I use XFree86? I've tried Gnome, Sawfish, and KDE with the same
result. Anyone had this problem?

[newbie] Dual processor MB ?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Joan Tur


I'm thinking about upgrading my CPU (K6-3-400) and, as i'm using linux
95% of my time i suppose it's better a dual processor architecture,
isn't it??

If so... what MB should you suggest?  And what processor/speed ??

Thanks  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  www.ClubIbosim.org
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] problem with too much ram

2001-04-09 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Monday 09 April 2001 15:18, you wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have a problem with adding RAM that I hope someone can help me with.

 We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 866 Xeon) that had 1.5GB of RDRAM. 
 When we added another 512MB to bring the total up to 2GB, the LM7.1
 installed on the machine refuse to boot.  It gets to the place where
 it's suppose to load the RAM disk (I think) but go into kernel panic:
 unable to mount root.  We tried just putting in 1792MB of RAM, then the
 machine boots up w/o any problems. Anyone has any idea why?

Just guessing here, but the maximum amount of memory is a kernel config 
option. Perhaps the kernel on the installation cd is set to something les 
than 2G?

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Monday 09 April 2001 10:46, you wrote:

 Since a while I've been having problems compiling the 2.4.x kernel on
 LM7.2 and what should I put in the processor type section.
 I am current ly using a Duron 700 and I choose the Athlon/K7 as
 processor type to be compiled for.

 BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.



 here the error msg i always get when compile:

 In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
  from init/main.c:15:
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first
 use in this function)
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first
 use in this function)
 make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

are you compiling from the "official" kernel sources, or from some 
kernel-source rpm.

If from the tarballs on kernel.org, you will need to symlink 
usr/src/linux/include/asm/ to the correct architecture.

I know this one `cause it bit me in the butt more than once.

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

[newbie] RealPlayer

2001-04-09 Per discussione Arthur Dyck

I recently switched from Windows to LM 7.2 and, while it has been a
challenge, I am quite pleased.  I do have a couple of issues, though.  I
am using Realplayer as a Netscape plugin and the quality of audio is
awful.  It seems to download in fits and starts with inadequate
buffering.  Changing the settings on Realplayer hasn't really made a
difference.  Any ideas?


Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione dooshiant %


well /usr/src/linux/include/asm/ points to asm-i386/ which seems ok to me.
by any chance, does the 2.4.x kernel need glibc2.2?



Original Message Follows
Subject: Re: [newbie] compiling kernel
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:04:44 -0400

On Monday 09 April 2001 10:46, you wrote:
  Since a while I've been having problems compiling the 2.4.x kernel on
  LM7.2 and what should I put in the processor type section.
  I am current ly using a Duron 700 and I choose the Athlon/K7 as
  processor type to be compiled for.
  BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.
  here the error msg i always get when compile:
  In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
   from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
   from init/main.c:15:
  /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
  /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first
  use in this function)
  /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
  /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first
  use in this function)
  make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

are you compiling from the "official" kernel sources, or from some
kernel-source rpm.

If from the tarballs on kernel.org, you will need to symlink
usr/src/linux/include/asm/ to the correct architecture.

I know this one `cause it bit me in the butt more than once.

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie] Frequency update cd's?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Jon Doe

I kep seeing in the newsgroups abut this frequency update cd that mandrake 
supposedly sells on there website, yet I can't find it. Am I blind or does 
someone just not know what they are talking about?

Re: [newbie] How long should upgrade from CD take?

2001-04-09 Per discussione s

Well, no that's not normal.  It should take about 30 seconds to a minute for 
the next screen to appear and begin loading packages.  Whatever you were 
trying to repair the installation for is keeping it from upgrading.  Come 
back with more details, or easiest thing - reinstall from scratch.

On Monday 09 April 2001 12:21 pm, you wrote:
 Using Mandrake 7.2, I tried repairing my installation by booting with the
 install diskettes and then selecting "Upgrade" option.  After asking for
 language and keyboard it seems to get "stuck" on "searching for  to
 upgrade" with the hour glass remaining on the screen.  There is no
 indication of whether it is working or stuck.  After about 5 hours, I
 turned it off by rebooting.

 Is this normal for upgrade?  How long should it take on a system which also
 contains partitions for 2 other operating systems on it?  How can one tell
 if it is stuck or still working?  My hard drive light is not functional for
 that hard drive.

 Registered Linux user  183185

[newbie] file server

2001-04-09 Per discussione Stefan Buller

My uncle is wanting to designate a computer as a file server at his office. He wants 
his employees to save their work on the servers harddrive, and he wants the server to 
automatically back the files up on a second harddrive that is inaccesible from the 
other computers. Would this be difficult to do under linux? Where could i find 
on how to do this? and how powerful a computer would be needed to handle this (i'd 
think he has between 10  20 computers)? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Sound card not working in KDE 2.1.1 .. fixed - new problem

2001-04-09 Per discussione s

I used sun's from the 2.1beta2 downloads, and put the path in 
settings/configuration.  Something like:  /usr/java/bin/java, or was it 
/usr/java/lib/java?  Anyway, do a locate and add that path in your config.

On Monday 09 April 2001 02:47 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks Kjell!!  That did the trick all right.


 Now if only I can figure out how to get Konqueror
 working properly with Java ...  lol

 Anyone have any luck with this one?  I've tried Sun's
 JRE, IBM's JRE, and Blackdown's .. Sun's wouldn't
 work, IBM's worked the first time and quit after that,
 and Blackdown didn't work either.


 --- Kjell Orrmyr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Terry
  When i installed KDE i miss to install package
  after i have installed that it works fine for me
  mndagen den  9 april 2001 12:57 skrev du:
   Can anyone shed some light why my sound card won't
   work after I upgraded my LM 7.2 running KDE 2.0.1
   2.1.1?  This is happening on both my computer at
   and here at work.  The card I have at home is a
   Blaster Live Value, and the one at work is an
   Terry S.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: [newbie] Frequency update cd's?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Jon Doe wrote:
 I kep seeing in the newsgroups abut this frequency update cd that mandrake
 supposedly sells on there website, yet I can't find it. Am I blind or does
 someone just not know what they are talking about?
Go to the Mandrake homesite -- it's the first entry on the page. Just
posted today.
-- carroll

Re: [newbie] RH6 Mozilla src.rpm fails

2001-04-09 Per discussione Benjamin Sher

Dear David:

Thanks so much for writing. Well, I tried to rebuild the RH6 mozilla 0.8.1 
src.rpm again, this time with a --target=i586 and failed again at exactly the 
same point

JSHTMLPreElement.pp nsJSHTMLPreElement.cpp
make[3]: *** [nsJSHTMLPreElement.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [install] Error 2
make[1]: *** [install] Error 2
make: *** [install] Error 2
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.89735 (%build)
[root@sher07 sher]#


If I build the tarball from the source tarball at mozilla, can I then 
uninstall it? Or if I want to upgrade later, can I do that?

How do you UNINSTALL a mozilla tarball that you built from the tarball or 
gunzip or bzip source file?

Thank you so much.


Re: Griff, you're fired Re: [newbie] stupid ftp server broken

2001-04-09 Per discussione Chubby Vic

Well, sometime last summer, I had to boot Allen because he was lazy
and did not want to get things done when I asked him to,
then I found out that he was spamming from my server,
I found a huge list of e mail addresses on a zip disk
on my desk in here that he left out one day,
I noticed a whole buttload of flames from pooped-off people
in my inbox, then I got curious as to what was on the
zip disk he left, sure enough, the same addresses
that flamed my box were on the zip disk,
then to top it off, he posted a bunch of untrue stuff
about me on another couple of lists, god it was a mess.

Then Rex, I told him what to post and he did not ask anything
about "off the record" he just assumed that because I 
was grumbling about my machine that it was what I wanted
posted and took it as dictation, so I kicked him.

Now Griffin goes and does the same thing even *after*
I specifically asked him to not print what I say until
I say the words "on record" and then after I say 
"off record" he is not to take anything I say as
dictation until I say "on record" again,
plus he spammed a few people using my computer.

-long sigh---

I can't seem to find anyone I can trust to do my e mails
while I'm away.

While they will pile up, I can do them all myself,
but I will almost never seem to get back to anyone
or get anything done on here.

So thats about once this year and twice last year.

Those who have been quoted as saying "good help is hard to find"
were not kidding.

On Monday 09 April 2001 06:19 am,  so spoke Mark Weaver:

 Just how many times have you fired "boogerbutt" this year?  :)


 On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Chubby Vic wrote:
  Thank you so much for the advice, I can now log in from here.
  I don't know how to thank you.
  Please excuse Griff's abuse of my system, I fired
  the boogerbutt.
  On Sunday 08 April 2001 09:08 pm, so spoke David M. Kufta:
   Hash: SHA1
   On Sunday 08 April 2001 09:10 pm, you wrote:
Chubby Vic wrote:
 I am trying to use wu-ftpd and yes, when I kill both xinetd and
 inetd I get connection refused, but when I turn it back on I still
A search on google shows that 500 is a "syntax error" with wu-ftp. 
Look in your logs to see if it's telling you anything
   Remove /etc/shutmsg
   - --
10:05pm  up 1 day, 23 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.23, 0.19
   Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
   Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

Re: [newbie] Frequency update cd's?

2001-04-09 Per discussione michael

On Monday 09 April 2001 03:31 pm, you wrote:
 I kep seeing in the newsgroups abut this frequency update cd that mandrake
 supposedly sells on there website, yet I can't find it. Am I blind or does
 someone just not know what they are talking about?
I got mine less than a week after placing my order (and I live in Alaska!).
it was free except for shipping.!.


Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

2001-04-09 Per discussione Nadin Merali

you can shutdown with telnet

log in as a user, su to root and then
shutdown -r now
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Holmes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Telnet vs SSH

 The difference is in security for the most part.  There are some other
 perks to SSH that telnet does not allow.  For example you could shut
 down a machine with the command:
 ssh -l root hostname.dns.com shutdown -h now
 Once you execute that command, it will ask you for the RSA key passcode
 and then log into that machine, execute that command and then log out.
 The machine will then shut down.  This can't be done in telnet. And if
 it can, it's not done easily, I've tried the command and it won't allow
 it or look like there's a simple way to do that.
 [timh@r2d2 timh]$ ssh yoda uptime
 timh@yoda's password:
  11:39am  up 51 days, 11:44,  5 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 There's an example.
 There's also the security. With Telnet, you can't telnet in as root due
 to the fact that it sends a plain text passwd and it's not hard at all
 to catch those passwds.  SSH sends a plain text key.  The key has the
 passcode encrypted within that key.
 Windows comes with Telnet.  And it's installed by default in Win98SE,
 and up.  (If you actually disable networking, you install the telnet.exe
 to install the Windows networking.)  Windows does now however have a SSH
 anything.  I don't know if they ever will, and since they're recent
 statements about OpenSource, Linux and GPL, I doubt they will do
 something like that any time soon.
 There are plenty of applications you can buy or download as FREEware.
 Personally I like and use SecureCRT.  Which can be coupled with a SFTP
 client.  SecureCRT does suppor telnet.  Hummingbird has a good suite for
 telnet, I believe it supports SSH, and it should connect to an X Server.
 However it's pricey.  Last I heard it was like $700 or so.  But there
 are other ways of getting software that will perform the task you need
 with out spending a dime, or with out spending an arm, a leg, and a knee
 Hope that clears things up for you a little.
 T. Holmes
 "Real Men use Vi."
 * Nadin Merali [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010406 11:16]:
 | What is the difference and does every os have ssh?  For example windows
 | has a telnet program.  Will windows also have a ssh program?
 | Thanks
 | Nadin

Re: [newbie] Enlightenment ScreenSavers

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

Meph Istopheles wrote:

  'xset s noblank'
   Yes.  I've tried it, but it's ignored.  Are you sure it's

Positive.  I will say that I have worked on one system that I absolutely
could not get it to stop blanking.  My next suggestion would be to look
in the BIOS, but now I'm guessing.  How about:
  xset -dpms  #turns off dpms
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] ATI XPERT 98 card

2001-04-09 Per discussione Tuan tran

I use this video card and have no problem @ 1024 X
768. I think it failed beacause you picked 3D mode. I
tried 1 time and got blank screen like you got. If you
choose automatic install, The program will let you
test graphic card at each mode.
Remember: do not try 3D mode @ Linux-Mandrake 7.2. It
doesn't improve display quality.
--- Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
I, myself, also just installed an ATI card, but
 mine is the XPERT 98 version.  It too, is listed in
 the list of video cards to select from.  It gave me
 the option to change the resolution (the reason I
 bought the card to start with because the internal
 version left me stuck at 800 X 600).  The monitor,
 17 inches, is brand new as well.  I chose the 1024 X
 768 resolution and style for the monitor.  Linux
 rebooted itself, and I no longer see my graphical
 interface showing the accounts I setup to log on
 with, along with what GUI I wanted to use.  I'm at a
 black screen prompt asking for login name.  How do I
 bring my graphical log in method back?  
Note:  It did say that "your card will work well
 with 3D using this version..." and "will work well
 with 2D with this version..." - "which one do you
 want?"  I chose the 2D version.  It also said, "I
 can auto load X Windows for you - yes or no."  I
 told it yes.  
 Thanks for your time,

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Monday 09 April 2001 19:27, you wrote:

 well /usr/src/linux/include/asm/ points to asm-i386/ which seems ok to

As it should for an Intel system., don't think the amd is all that 

 me. by any chance, does the 2.4.x kernel need glibc2.2?

Not that I know of, I compiled a 2.4 kernel using glibc2.1, worked fine

Kernel Panic is General Failure's second in command

Re: [newbie] Alan - Help, I can't take it anyore. Trying KDE 2.0 to KDE 2.01

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

g wrote:

 I downloaded kdelibs-2.01-2mdk.i586.rpm and it is sitting in the download
 directory w/all the other files?
 each says it needs the other.

You can specify more than one file on the command line to be installed. 
Assuming that all the required rpm files are in ~/rpms, you can do the
   rpm -ivvh ~/rpms/*
and it will install them all (providing that all dependencies are met). 
If it complains about more rpm dependencies, download those and repeat.

Be aware that you can mess some things up by upgrading only partially. 
You seem to be ok as you're only trying to upgrade KDE from 2.0 to
2.01.  If you were trying to upgrade from 1.x to 2.x, that would be a
different story.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Weird compile-time error for GAIM

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

Nathan Russell wrote:

 perl.c:34: EXTERN.h: No such file or directory
 perl.c:38: perl.h: No such file or directory
 perl.c:39: XSUB.h: No such file or directory

The hints are all there, just not easy to pick out.  (answer below)  
Look at how it's specifying that one of the include directories for
header files is /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/CORE.  Then look how it
complains how perl.c tried to include some files (EXTERN.h, perl.h, and
XSUB.h).  Put two and two together and...

 Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Not doing anything wrong.  Missing some headers.  Install the perl
development rpm.
  rpm -ivvh perl-devel*
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Need help installing 2 NICs

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

Lon Lentz wrote:

 2 identical ISA NE2000 comp. cards. Win98, on the same machine, recognizes

same here

 both of them and sets them okay. I'm assuming I have to get Linux to
 recognize these before I can assign them as eth0 and eth1. The installer

You must first know the io and irq addresses for both cards.  Then put
them in order as below (eth0 is 0x300,10 and eth1 is 0x320,11 on my
machine)  From a RedHat system, but should be about the same.  This is
in my rc.sysinit somewhere after the swap is enabled.

action "Forcing network modules" modprobe ne io=0x300,0x320 irq=10,11
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

s wrote:

  BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.

The only thing he missed was also putting /usr/local/lib in the
ld.so.conf file.  Almost everything that gets installed from source will
put things in the /usr/local/ heirarchy.
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

Re: [newbie] Bootnet.img problems

2001-04-09 Per discussione CB

 Adam Willcox wrote:
 I know this is supposed to be a mandrake forum but I commonly see
 posts about Suse and other distributions.  I'm currently using
 Mandrake 7.1 but not wanting to buy any more cd's but still wanting to
 upgrade I decided to attempt a network install of redhat.  If anyone
 knows how to do a network install of mandrake please let me know.  I
 cannot read cd-r's, so going the .iso route is out of the question.
 Anyway, my problem is the bootimage is 1.40 mb large and anyone who's
 used a floppy knows that it's hard to get the theoritcal 1.44 mb size

I don't understand your question, but the procedure to make boot
floppies from the provided images for RedHat, Mandrake, Debian, and
FreeBSD are all the same:
  dd if=bootnet.img of=/dev/fd0
Blue skies...   Todd
| Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what you want.  |
| http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get experience. |
| http://faq.mrball.net  | --unknown origin   |

[newbie] anti-aliasing and X problems :(

2001-04-09 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

I'd recently upgraded my Mandrake 7.2 installation to KDE 2.1.1, XFree 
4.03 and QT 2.3 using the officially available RPMs. There was a "use 
anti aliasing for fonts" option in "Styles" section of KDE Control 
Center, so I ticked it, rebooted it and...there doesn't seem to be any 
difference?? At first I thought that my eyes were simply not sensitive 
enough (awful eyesight really...) to detect the difference, but I took 
a look at my friend's desktop running a beta of Redmond Linux with AA 
enabled...and it DEFINITELY looks different! No jagged edges around 
fonts at all! Even using the "magnify" app. On the other hand, on my 
machine, letters look really jaggged when magnified. Tested this with 
Konqueror and the KDE desktop items.

Why doesn't AA seem to be working in my machine? Is it because:
1) AA only works with some fonts and not others?
2) AA  doesn't work with some graphics cards (but both my friend and I 
are using 3Dfx Banshees..)
3) I had installed the above mentioned updates in the "wrong order"? If 
so, what's the correct order?

Also, on a less related issue, since updating to XFree86 4.03, I get 
booted to a dark screen if I click on "restart X" or do a Ctrl-Alt-
Backspace. Never happened before the update. 

Any ideas what I could do about these?
Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] Re: I want Micro-EMACS

2001-04-09 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, abe wrote:

 What?  I do all of my text editing/writing in emacs and I have the
 downloaded verison.  I can't imagine that the "complete" version
 wouldn't have it since the download version is basically the first to
 disks of the other versions.
 Fire up drakconf, start the package manager there, choose installing and
 search for emacs.  You'll find it.  
 Len Lawrence wrote:
  On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, civileme wrote:
   Ummm, do you realize that the install of 7.2 you made probably has both emacs
   and xemacs?  These run like Micro-EMACS (same commands plus some features)
   without a new compile.
  The 7.2 Complete distribution does not appear to have emacs.  I had to
  install xemacs, which is fortunately able to use most of my old
  customization file (.emacs), although there are one or two keys which can
  no longer be used.
   The one link I found for a port of Micro-EMACS to linux _says_ it is GPL, but
   the original text from the author suggests it is shareware.
   It compiles easily, it runs nicely (in a terminal), and it supports a nice
   subset of emacs commands.  The port does use French messages.  It runs from
   whatever directory you put the binary into after compiling.  It appears to
   demand that any files edited BE in that directory, because it doesn't appear
   to support directory paths.
   is the link I used.  I don't think I will use MicroEMACS unless I have a very
   limited machine.  I would dearly miss the color-coding of c, bash, perl, and
   python source.

Nope.  Just looking back through my emails for unresolved issues.  Did as
you said.  No sign of bare emacs.  Definitely not on the Linux Complete
disks for 7.2 or on the Updates disk.  Download version must be more
complete (!).  Downloading distributions is totally unfeasible for me with
a 28.8 serial modem.  No CD writer either.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

Re: [newbie] anti-aliasing and X problems :(

2001-04-09 Per discussione s

You didn't specify which XFree86-4.0.3 rpms you were using.  Last I heard 
(and admittedly it's been a week or so since I thought about it), only the 
4.0.3-3 supported aa fonts.  But you had to update glibc to 2.2 to use them.  
The other alternative is to compile qt, kde and xfree86 yourself with aa font 
support included. Big job there.  Here's the site that helped me alot:
(Though I went the glibc2.2 path).  Here's the site for that:
On Monday 09 April 2001 11:28 pm, you wrote:
 I'd recently upgraded my Mandrake 7.2 installation to KDE 2.1.1, XFree
 4.03 and QT 2.3 using the officially available RPMs. There was a "use
 anti aliasing for fonts" option in "Styles" section of KDE Control
 Center, so I ticked it, rebooted it and...there doesn't seem to be any
 difference?? At first I thought that my eyes were simply not sensitive
 enough (awful eyesight really...) to detect the difference, but I took
 a look at my friend's desktop running a beta of Redmond Linux with AA
 enabled...and it DEFINITELY looks different! No jagged edges around
 fonts at all! Even using the "magnify" app. On the other hand, on my
 machine, letters look really jaggged when magnified. Tested this with
 Konqueror and the KDE desktop items.

 Why doesn't AA seem to be working in my machine? Is it because:
 1) AA only works with some fonts and not others?
 2) AA  doesn't work with some graphics cards (but both my friend and I
 are using 3Dfx Banshees..)
 3) I had installed the above mentioned updates in the "wrong order"? If
 so, what's the correct order?

 Also, on a less related issue, since updating to XFree86 4.03, I get
 booted to a dark screen if I click on "restart X" or do a Ctrl-Alt-
 Backspace. Never happened before the update.

 Any ideas what I could do about these?
 Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] cc1plus?

2001-04-09 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, cyberclay wrote:

 Since you apparently have this cc1plus file could you please
 tell me which package provides it by issuing the following
 rpm -qf /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux/cc1plus
On my 7.2 system cc1plus is in
and the package was gcc-c++-2.95.2-12mdk.
Note the 2.95.3 and 2.95.2 - maybe I renamed the directory at some point?
It works, whatever.
Try locate anyway, then rpm -qf ...

 - Original Message -
 From: "David E. Fox" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] cc1plus?
   [cclay@www cclay]$ make test
   g++ test.cpp   -o test
  Generally, 'test' is not a good name for a test program because there
  exists a shell builtin / external program also called 'test' which will
  most likely not do what your test program does.
   command line: warning: "system" re-asserted
   command line: warning: "cpu" re-asserted
   command line: warning: "machine" re-asserted
  I don't know C++ really so I don't know where these are coming from.
   cpp: -lang-c++: linker input file unused since linking not done
   g++: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or
   make: *** [test] Error 1
  That looks more serious. It would see that your cc1plus binary is not
  found. On mandrake systems there should be a directory:
  where the actual compiler parts live. In that directory there should be
  a file 'cc1plus'.
  David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Len Lawrence @ The Thistle Foundation

RE: [newbie] compiling kernel

2001-04-09 Per discussione Mcintosh, Duncan

I'm also getting this problem.

When I boot the new kernel I get the follow 

module! module! error net-fr-1
 I imagine that it has something to do with the network.
I'v tried changing all the thing that could be changed with out success.
I'v gone throught the whole complie process.
Checked Lilo and so on but still with no success.
Still drinking Coffee

Cheers Duncan

 -Message d'origine-
 De:   dooshiant % [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Date: lundi 9 avril 2001 16:46
 Objet:[newbie] compiling kernel
 Since a while I've been having problems compiling the 2.4.x kernel on
 and what should I put in the processor type section.
 I am current ly using a Duron 700 and I choose the Athlon/K7 as processor 
 type to be compiled for.
 BTW is there any guide to intalling glibc 2.2 on mandrake.
 here the error msg i always get when compile:
 In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/string.h:21,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h:23,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/capability.h:17,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:9,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
  from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
  from init/main.c:15:
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:305: `current' undeclared (first use
 this function)
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h: In function `__memcpy3d':
 /usr/src/linux/include/asm/string.h:312: `current' undeclared (first use
 this function)
 make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
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