Re: [newbie-it] Swap qui..swap lì

2002-02-21 Per discussione Andrea Celli

syd wrote:
 Due domande:
 1) La partizione swap io l'ho messa tra / e /home; e se la mettessi come
 prima partizione o come ultima? Insomma qualche delucidazione su dove
 conviene metterla.

Se pensi di non usarla (RAM di centinaia di MB, applicazioni
mettila dove vuoi.
Se, invece, ne prevedi un uso frequente (16MB di ram, ...) allora va
come prima partizione sull'hd. I primi settori possono essere raggiunti
leggermente piu` velocemente. Per i dati la differenza non e`
per swappare la RAM diventa fondamentale.

 2) Volendo installare due linux (slack e mdk) sullo stesso computer posso
 utilizzare la stessa partizione swap per entrambi? Se sì, mi conviene?

Si, e sarebbe stupido non farlo :-)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Swap qui..swap lì

2002-02-21 Per discussione syd

Andrea Stefano Marco e Nino wrote:


Grazie ancora.


p.s. Il post di Nino mi compare in modalità geroglifico. Html? Non lo so.. in 
ogni caso meglio se TESTO e naturalmente grazie lo stesso!

[newbie-it] il boot-floppy ed il mio codice fiscale

2002-02-21 Per discussione syd

Ho provato a boottare da floppy (mdk 8.1) e con mia amara sorpresa ho 
scoperto che non va.
Se al prompt dell'avvio non scrivo nulla mi dice che non trova initrd.img, se 
ci scrivo vmlinuz l'avvio mi parte ma poi si blocca su un kernel panic con un 
paio di righe più su in cui mi chiede di specificare correttamente l'append 
per la root= option. Ho seguito due vie:

1) append per la root: ho pensato prima di specificare questo append in 
/etc/lilo.conf ma poi leggendomi il contenuto del syslinux.cfg contenuto nel 
floppy ho notato che un append di quel tipo è lì indicato. Precisamente il 
mio syslinux.cfg è:
default linux
prompt 1
display boot.msg
timeout 100
label linux
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.img root=/dev/hda5

2) man initrd: mi dice che se voglio boottare da floppy devo avere il file 
/dev/initrd. Mi indica anche i comandi da lanciare per crearmi questo file e 
mi avverte (e qui ho le idee molto poco chiare) che con questo file si perde 
la possibilità di caricare i moduli per i drivers della ramdisk o qualcosa 
del genere (?).

Bene. Seguendo il primo percorso ho cercato di modificare l'append nel 
syslinux.cfg senza risultati positivi.
Allora sono passato al secondo (utilizzando il sys senza le mie modifiche) e 
mi sono creato ex istruzioni man il file /dev/initrd. Ma nulla di nuovo .

Cosa devo fare per avviare da floppy?
A cosa serve questo /dev/initrd e una volta creato, quand'anche per il 
boot-floopy non mi dovesse servire, mi dà fastidio o e innocuo? Eventualmente 
per eliminarlo mi basta un rm? 

Una domanda-osservazione: non credo che io sia l'unico ad avere un 
boot-floppy creato in fase d'installazione (ma anche dopo) che poi non ti 
permette di avviare. Ma perché allora quelli della mdk ti ripetono mille 
volte di crearlo secondo le loro istruzioni? Se si tratta di un bug, a me sa 
di superficialità.

Sarebbe frustrante scoprire che al prompt del boot-floppy mi sarebbe bastato 
scrivere il mio codice fiscale e che tutti i miei viaggi mentali sono stati 
semplicemente inutili.
Siate magnanimi...


[newbie-it] foglio elettronico

2002-02-21 Per discussione max

Esiste un foglio elettronico che funziona senza interfaccia grafica?
..Sarebbe bello!


Re: [newbie-it] foglio elettronico

2002-02-21 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- max [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  
 Esiste un foglio elettronico che funziona senza
 interfaccia grafica?
 ..Sarebbe bello!

Su freshmeat ho trovato sc
ma non so dirti come sia. Non c'e' neppure uno

Ciao! Steo.


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Re: [newbie-it] Swap qui..swap lì

2002-02-21 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 11:46, giovedì 21 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
Anch'io ho ricevuto una e-mail in geroglifico da nino, e quando ho tentato di 
scrivergli per avvertirlo di cambiare impostazioni mi è stato dato indirizzo 
inesistente, o comunque un messaggio simile dal provider.
Okkio... :-\
 Andrea Stefano Marco e Nino wrote:


 Grazie ancora.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-21 Per discussione Pollo

Il mer, 2002-02-20 alle 11:37, Pollo ha scritto:
 Devi aggiungere la seguente riga al file /etc/modules.conf:
 optioms scanner vendor=0x06bd product=0x2095
Dimenticavo... devi aggiungere anche la riga scanner al file

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-21 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: 21 Feb 2002 17:04:22 +0100
Subject : Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

 Il mer, 2002-02-20 alle 11:37, Pollo ha scritto:
  Devi aggiungere la seguente riga al file /etc/modules.conf:
  optioms scanner vendor=0x06bd product=0x2095
 Dimenticavo... devi aggiungere anche la riga scanner al file

Appena posso (nel week-end molto probabilmente), ci riprovo aggiungendo 
la riga.

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

[newbie-it] Avvio automatico demoni e/o programmi

2002-02-21 Per discussione Nicola

Buona sera a tutta la Ml vorrei chiedere se esiste un metodo per lanciare 
delle applicazioni automaticamente quando un utente fa il login. In 
particolare quali files devo modificare e come.

Grazie Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] OpenOffice

2002-02-21 Per discussione ku68

Daniele Micci wrote:

 vorrei un parere su OpenOffice. Tempo fa avevo scaricato la versione 638 (mi 
 pare); dopo qualche giorno l'avevo disinstallata, esasperato dai continui 
 blocchi dell'applicazione. Ora vorrei scaricare la versione 641C, sulla quale 
 ho letto un paio di buoni articoli in rete. Vorrei per il vostro parere: 
 qualcuno usa questa versione? Com'? E' stabile? Insomma, vale la pena di 
 scaricarsi 60 MB di dati, oppure  meglio per ora lavorare su altri programmi?
 Grazie in anticipo a chi vorr rispondermi.

Sulla ML dedicata a staroffice e openoffice Gianluca Turconi che fa 
parte del progetto OO ha sconsigliato di scaricare la vers. 641c per 
linux in quanto  stata creata con. (boh!) un codice per win e sotto
linux d parecchi problemi. Ti consiglio d'iscriverti alla mailing list
dedicata non ricordo l'esatto link (anche se l'ho creata io :-)  ) prova
a mandare un msg a [EMAIL PROTECTED] e segui le 
istruzioni che ti arriveranno. In questo momento sono sotto linux e non 
so come leggere le mail che ho in win altrimenti sarei stato + preciso.
Anch'io aspetto di trovare un cd da poter provare OO altri che lo stanno
usando ne parlano molto bene soprattutto perch viene aggiornato ogni 
6/7 settimane e cosa non trascurabile  gratis.
Se non ricordo male Gianluca ha consigliato di scaricare la vers. 641 in 
italiano. Se vuoi scrivimi in pvt che ti copio e incollo (in win) i msg
di Turconi. Con mozilla non ci riesco. altra novit!

[newbie] Installation problem on SparcStation 20

2002-02-21 Per discussione KH Wong

I just downloaded the Mandrake Corp Server 1.0 for Sparc and installed to my 
SparcStation 20 machine but failed.

Since I did not have keyboard/mouse and monitor for this machine, I 
installed the Linux via the PC console connected to port A of the Sparc 

The following is the installation messages:

Loading initial ramdisk
PROMLIB: obio_ranges 5
Booting Linux...
PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 3 Revision 2
Linux version 2.2.15 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.3 19991030 
(prerelease)) #4 Wed Jun 14 15:46:42 CEST 2000
TYPE: Sun4m SparcStation10/20
Ethernet address: 8:0:20:72:ef:a9
Boot time fixup v1.6. 4/Mar/98 Jakub Jelinek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Patching 
kernel for srmmu[TI Viking/MXCC]/iommu
[0]: v[f000,f100](100) p[]
[1]: v[f100,f200](100) p[0200]
[2]: v[f200,f300](100) p[0800]
[3]: v[f300,f400](100) p[0a00]
[4]: v[f400,f800](400) p[1000]
[5]: v[f800,f900](100) p[1c00]
[6]: v[f900,f9f39000](f39000) p[1e00]
[7]: v[f9f3a000,f9f4d000](13000) p[1ef3a000]
Found CPU 0 node=ffd6e150,mid=8
Found CPU 1 node=ffd6e510,mid=10
Found 2 CPU prom device tree node(s).
Power off control detected.
Calibrating delay loop... 59.80 BogoMIPS
Memory: 157932k available (948k kernel code, 4064k data, 176k init) 
Dentry hash table entries: 32768 (order 6, 256k)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 262144 (order 8, 1024k)
Page cache hash table entries: 65536 (order 6, 256k)
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
IOMMU: impl 1 vers 3 page table at f058 of size 262144 bytes
sbus0: Clock 25.0 MHz
dma0: Revision 2
dma1: Revision 2
dma2: ESC Revision 1
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
TCP: Hash tables configured (ehash 262144 bhash 65536)
Starting kswapd v 1.5
Sparc Zilog8530 serial driver version
tty00 at 0xffede004 (irq = 44) is a Zilog8530
tty01 at 0xffede000 (irq = 44) is a Zilog8530
tty02 at 0xffedb004 (irq = 44) is a Zilog8530
tty03 at 0xffedb000 (irq = 44) is a Zilog8530
keyboard: not present
Console: ttyS0 (Zilog8530)
Sun Mouse-Systems mouse driver version 1.00
RAM disk driver initialized:  16 RAM disks of 32000K size
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MAX_REAL=12
raid5: measuring checksumming speed
raid5: trying high-speed SPARC checksum routine
   SPARC :72.771 MB/sec
   8regs :49.530 MB/sec
   32regs:49.911 MB/sec
using fastest function: SPARC (72.771 MB/sec)
esp0: IRQ 36 SCSI ID 7 Clk 40MHz CCF=8 TOut 167 NCR53C9XF(espfast)
esp1: IRQ 53 SCSI ID 7 Clk 40MHz CCF=8 TOut 167 NCR53C9XF(espfast)
ESP: Total of 2 ESP hosts found, 2 actually in use.
scsi0 : Sparc ESP100A-FAST
scsi1 : Sparc ESP236-FAST
scsi : 2 hosts.
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST318404LCRev: 0002
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 03
  Vendor: TOSHIBA   Model: XM5701TASUN12XCD  Rev: 0997
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
scsi : detected total.
sunlance.c:v1.12 11/Mar/99 Miguel de Icaza ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eth0: LANCE 08:00:20:72:ef:a9
eth0: using auto-carrier-detection.
eth1: LANCE 08:00:20:72:ef:a9
md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4104
Partition check:
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
Linux-Mandrake install init version 1.1 starting
mounting /proc filesystem... done
opening /proc/cmdline... done
checking command line arguments... done
failed to open /dev/tty1failed.

I can't recover from this.

Does anyone know what is the problem and how to solve it???

Thanks a lot.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake not booting correctly

2002-02-21 Per discussione ed tharp

so let mae ask, is this 8.X or 7.x? what kernal are you booting and what 
xfree version. next what keys do you use to go ack to the previous session ( 
[alt-f7] or [alt-f9] )? as I understand it, boot should work from ext3, there 
are/were so problems under some conditions when a ReiserFS (or other journal 
file systems) had problems booting when the journalFS is loaded as a modual 
insteaed of complied in to the kernal

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 05:44, you wrote:
 Awhile back, someone posted a problem on this list regarding having linux
 boot  if you went to a diff screen (Using ctrl-F*) {Term???}, you'd see a
 new login that had hung.

 So, for me the problem was that in the normal display (0), i had a fully
 functioning WM  Xwindow session going.  Yet if i used Ctrl-F8 or F10, I
 found a session that was trying to boot but had hung with the message on a
 graphical login of:

 Setting Xwindow Hooks (or something similar).

 I was wondering what caused this problem  how to alleviate it?

 If someone could refer me to the archives on what to look for or a URL I'd
 appreciate it.

 If it makes any difference, I was trying to use the / partition as ext2,
 and all the others as Ext3.  I understood that you can't make /boot Ext3 or
 it won't work.  And not knowing how to setup the partitions correctly
 myself, just let the root / partition be Ext2  the rest a Journalling

 As an aside, if there is a better solution to that dilemma, I could use an
 answer to that too.


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Re: [newbie] Digest?

2002-02-21 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Paul Kraus wrote:
 %_What does a list digest do? is it like an archive?
 On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 13:40, Matt Chinn wrote:
  Is there a digest for this list?..I usually like to be on digests..

It's a once a day posting of all the days messages in one email
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Derek Jennings

A little bit off topic:
I  read in a review of the pre-release version.
One of the 'achievements' of Lindows is that it is able to run Microsoft 
Outlook under Linux. The review pointed out that it was then possible to 
infect a Lindows computer with an e-mail borne Outlook virus

Ironically none of the anti-virus applications would run under Lindows.

(Why anybody would go to the trouble of running Linux, and then use Microsoft 
applications on it escapes me..)


On Wednesday 20 February 2002 11:53, John Richard Smith wrote:
 No real need , I have never had a virus in Linux. I don't say it's
 impossible, but the ease of which viruses spread is due to the simple PC
 origine of Windows. No system of permissions for example.


 On Wednesday 20 February 2002 11:25, you wrote:
  May I know what's the best anti-virus should I use in Linux?  Please send
  me the URL for download.

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Re: [newbie] How to use openssl create a SSL certificate for my apache server

2002-02-21 Per discussione C.Heaven

Hash: SHA1

On Thu February 21/02 02:35 am, you wrote:

 Sorry this is probably a very basic question but I really cannot find
 the answer.

 Can anyone please teach me step by step how to create a SSL certificate,
 sign it by myself, and install it into apache server. Thank you!

 I am using Mandrake 8.1, apache 1.3.22, openssl 0.9.6b, and mod_ssl

/usr/bin/openssl req -new -key /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key -x509 -days 
365 -out /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt



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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Thursday 21 February 2002 01:02, you wrote:

  No real need , I have never had a virus in Linux. I don't say it's
  impossible, but the ease of which viruses spread is due to the simple PC
  origine of Windows. No system of permissions for example.

 Yes, for the time being, no known virus in Linux. But one point
 I was wondering about: if the original poster runs a server, and if
 he has some crap machines connected to it, I guess he does need
 some kind of antivirus, either on the machines themselves, or on the
 server. I have built a Mandrake-based network for a school, and
 I have the same problem. The funny thing in this case is that
 Mandrake would havt to kill virii designed for other machines...
 Maybe the best antivirus will be to install Mandrake on all the
 crap machines.

 Beside that, I do also think that virus design is easier on homogeneous
 systems. Nature tells us that diversity is necessary to life, so it must
 be something like that for computers as well.




John Richard Smith

That is fair comment. I don't really know what the answer is.


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[newbie] Setting defaults for kppp?

2002-02-21 Per discussione cervix couch

I have kppp up and running but my problem is that if I'm logged in as root, the 
default login name and password I've chosen show up in the initial kppp window, but if 
i'm logged in as anyone else, the information isn't there and it has to be manually 
typed in.

What would I need to do to have the default login name and password appear 
automatically for every user? 

Is there a particular file I need to set group permissions for?
I've set group permission for everything in /etc/ppp but that hasn't worked.


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[newbie] Setting up two hardware configurations in Mandrake 8.1?

2002-02-21 Per discussione Randy Kramer

I set up my first modem under Linux -- I cheated -- I did it during the
Mandrake 8.1 install and it was simple, easy, and worked after I fixed
one problem that is really irrelevant to a normal modem install.  

But I'd like some advice about that problem. 

Dann: Perhaps it is the same problem you were describing, but now I
understand it better.  

The problem is essentially this:  I set up a modem and a LAN connection
to the Internet.  Unfortunately, the routing table was set up for the
LAN connection, so it didn't work properly for the modem connection.  

I edited the routing table to fix the problem temporarily, but what
I'd really like to do is set up two different hardware configurations
-- one for the modem, one for the LAN connection, and have everything
else (like the routing table) automatically configured properly (like
you might do in Windows ;-).  

I think there's a way to do this in Mandrake, but any hints will be

Randy Kramer

PS: I set up a Wikilearn page which describes
what I did so far, and can be edited to describe how to set up the two
hardware configurations.


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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Kenn Yahoo

|  (Why anybody would go to the trouble of running Linux, and then use
|  Microsoft applications on it escapes me..)

well, at the risk of being flamed ...

computers are TOOLS ... if you want to play, that's fine  i like
playing, too ...

but when it's time to get some work done, i have to choose the best tool
available  for many things, that's linux ... for a lot of others, it's
windows ... and if i have graphics work to do, it's probably macintosh ...

so as much as i admire the philosophy behind linux, sometimes i have to look
elsewhere for the very best tool ...

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Michel Clasquin

On Thursday 21 February 2002 14:32, you wrote:

 I  read in a review of the pre-release version.
 One of the 'achievements' of Lindows is that it is able to run Microsoft
 Outlook under Linux. The review pointed out that it was then possible to
 infect a Lindows computer with an e-mail borne Outlook virus

I stand open to correction, but while that virus would be able to 
replicate itself to other computers and maybe demolish the ~/.wine  
directory, it shouldn't be able to damage the underlying Linux system.

 Ironically none of the anti-virus applications would run under Lindows.

Not surprising. Virus checkers run very close to the bare  silicon. They 
only need an underlying OS to bootstrap themselves, then they take over. 
The same thing happened when windows moved from fat16 to fat32. 16bit 
viruses ran happily, but all the virus checkers had to be recompiled.

 (Why anybody would go to the trouble of running Linux, and then use
 Microsoft applications on it escapes me..)

as it says somewhere in the bible, the spirit is willing, but the flesh 
is weak!

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

... Linux users and the women who chase them - next Oprah!

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione shane

the demo, IIRC of lindows ran as root only..  :-)

On Thursday 21 February 2002 08:13, Michel Clasquin opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 I stand open to correction, but while that virus would be able to
 replicate itself to other computers and maybe demolish the ~/.wine
 directory, it shouldn't be able to damage the underlying Linux system.

Microsoft: Writing viruses has never been easier!

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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Re:[newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-21 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

let it be a stab in the daylight...

Dell Inspiron 7500 
NIC = Genius FM3000SE (

Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] Adding a partition

2002-02-21 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All, 

I meant to setup my partitions differently when I installed LM8.1. I ended up 
just mounting one small partition  and now I would like to add or mount a 
partition to give my LM and vmware more room. I have about 8 GB's of disk 
space covering a masterIDE drive and slave IDE drive. I for some strange 
reason only mounted my /dev/hda1 partition which is a little over 2 GB's. I 
have a small swap partition then a /dev/hda6 partition that is over 4 Gb's 
formatted as linux native, then a slave drive /dev/hdb which is about 2 Gb's 
formatted as linux native. Neither of those partitions are mounted. I would 
like to mount and use /dev/hda6 but being the newbie I am I do not know the 
best way to do this without corrupting anything.  What are the steps to take? 
Do I do this in DiskDrake, Linuxconf, or another way? I do not want to lose 
any data on the partitions. Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Thank 
you very much.


Marcia Waller

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Re: [newbie] ext 3

2002-02-21 Per discussione RichardA

Hi Maurizio,

Mandrake 8.1 already supports ext3. The advantage of choosing it is that it 
is a journalled file system, so no more fsck every nth boot, and less chance 
of corrupted files if you manage to crash it / fall over the power lead / let 
your laptop battery run down.
There are other journalled file systems, but ext3 seems to be the one to go 
for if you don't have a preference.


[EMAIL PROTECTED], Wednesday 20 February 2002 1:48 pm:
 Hi girls and boys,
 I recently visited Redhat website and I saw that RedHat 7.2 supports a
 filesytem called ext3..which is different from the old you know
 if Mandrake 8.2 will support it?? and which is the advantage in choosing
 one or the other for my linux box
 Thanks anyone in advance
 See ya

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[newbie] email from command line

2002-02-21 Per discussione Jim Dawson

I need to send an email message to my ISP mail server via the command line. something 

mailcommand [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s message subject message.txt

Can someone tell me how I might accomplish this? By the way, I don't have sendmail, 
postfix, etc. installed and don't really want to go to the effort of configuring them 
at this time.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Displaying the Directories of Linux in Windows

2002-02-21 Per discussione Jesus Hinojosa

you will have to install a samba server in your linux box in order to make
it available for windows.

Got to for more information in how to configure samba.

- Original Message -
From: Pete Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Displaying the Directories of Linux in Windows
 Captain Nemo is available as a demo.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tonton
 Sent: 17 February 2002 09:41
 Subject: [newbie] Displaying the Directories of Linux in Windows

 Is there any way to display the drive, the directories and its files of
 Linux in Windows?  Can I browse the the drive of Linux in Windows? How?


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[newbie] [Fwd: Security Updates]

2002-02-21 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Relayed for Mick, who can't subscribe to the list for some reason.


Hi Randy,
I've decided to use you as a relay.(Since I can't post to the list) I am
trying to update my security on my LM 8.1. Each time I go to the
Software Installer, I choose Security Updates, and then it asks for a
mirror. I scroll down and pick a mirror site and then it sits there for
an eternity! Adding Source it says. Is this normal? What is it doing
exactly? How long should I wait for the new source to be defined? 
I am using a 56K dial up modem. If you or anyone on the list can fill me
in here, that'd be great.

---End Message---

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[newbie] Netscape New vs Old Comments and One Problem

2002-02-21 Per discussione JOHN HEMMER

Since I spent a few hours figuring out the following, I thought I
would pass it on. If I am in error on any comments please correct
me. I am really new at this Linux stuff.

I have 2 verisons of Netscape on my Mandrake 7.0 system; the old
4.7 version, and the new 6.2 version which I just downloaded and 

I can run either version depending on which user I login in as.
If I login as root, I run version 6.2.  If I login in as my wife, 
I run version 4.7.  

To get version 6.2 to execute after installing, I right clicked
on the Netscape Ikon and chose properties. Then after choosing 
the Execute tab, I entered: /usr/local/netscape/netscape in the
Execute window. 

From what I can figure out, I'm no expert in shell scripting,
/usr/local/netscape/netscape is a script that in turn executes 
the script, that in turn executes the program 
mozilla-bin, which is the primary Netscape program.

To run version 4.7, I login in as my wife. When I right click
on the Netscape Ikon and choose properties, the name, netscape,
appears in the execute window. So the program that execute 
version 4.7 is: /usr/bin/netscape.

Please correct any of the above that is wrong.

Comments on Version 6.2:

My main reason for upgrading is there are several site that 
will not fully execute on the old version. 

The second reason is that under the View button you now can
choose fonts, their sizes; you can also size text. Among other
things you can select (themes) how the browser appears: Modern
or Classic. I did not like the new (Modern) theme at all. You
can also create your own theme, if you want to get into all
that. But, at this point I know more than I ever wanted to know
about Browsers :-).

Problem with version 6.2:

Every now and then, the problem is intermittent, I'll be in the
Browser and it will just end. The browser and all browser windows
just disappear. There are no other users logged in and no other 
applications running besides Netscape. It's very strange and it 
does not happen in 4.7.  I do not see any core dumps in /root,
/root/Desktop or /usr/local/netscape. I don't know if it a 
Netscape problem or a Linux compatibility problem or what. 

The Kernel i am running is 2.2.14-15mdksecure. 

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?



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Re: [newbie] rules for evolution

2002-02-21 Per discussione Rich

On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 14:13, Damian G wrote:
 does anyone know how/if i can set up rules for evolution so it shows email 
 from different senders in different directories?

I don't know which version you're using, but in v1.02 you can set up new
folders in File - Folders.  You can set up filters to put certain mail
in the new folders in Tools - filters.



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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Pena Family

That is the exact set up in my own home. Windows is the mainstream since
family is used to it, but Windows for the mundane, Linux for the fun and
exploration, but Mac for all my home video editing.

Frankly, I just don't differntiate between the three. I am just glad to have
access to all three if I choose to.

Choice it is a beautiful thing.

Only a vending machine can get away with over charging, dropping your snack
to the floor, and make you bend over to pick it up.repeatedly.

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[newbie] rules for evolution

2002-02-21 Per discussione Damian G


does anyone know how/if i can set up rules for evolution so it shows email 
from different senders in different directories?



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Re: [newbie] rules for evolution

2002-02-21 Per discussione Andy Gay

Go to your Tools menu and use the filters.  It can build filters based
on the fields in the open email posting if you wish.

On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 13:13, Damian G wrote:
 does anyone know how/if i can set up rules for evolution so it shows email 
 from different senders in different directories?
 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
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[newbie] tv card problems

2002-02-21 Per discussione Paul

I have a AverMedia TV-Studio TV card and the video worked fine under 8.1 
and 8.2 Beta but the only problem is there is no sound! I use the card in 
windows so I know that the cables are hooked up corectly and I can get sound 
when playing MP3's under Linux. So I was wondering if there was something 
that I needed to do or if this card isn't compatible with the brooktree driver 
and if I would be better off with a card from Hauppage. Thank you for your 
time. -Paul 

[newbie] Problem with X when I go to any of the consoles with ctr-alt-f#

2002-02-21 Per discussione Roberto Armenteros

Everything was working great until one day!

 If I am using any graphical interface like KDE,
and then I switch to any of the consoles using the
shortcut ctr-alt-F2 lets say, when I try to go back to
kde using ctr-alt-F7 or sometimes F9 it will show a
black screen with a whole bunch of messages that are
not precisely related with x. This makes me have to
kill X and in
case of kde to restart my pc when I want to go back to
a graphical interface. I would like to fix this
without using the installation cd. I would appreciate
any help!!!

Truly yours, Roberto...

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[newbie] Postfix Problems

2002-02-21 Per discussione Leonard W.Miller

I thought I had this figured out, but it doesn't look like it.

I am running Postfix on Mandrake 8.1
I am trying to get all systems messages sent to my internet e-mail
address, but it is not making it there.  Here's the funny part, it is going to
the ROOT account of the internet provider.  It's a good thing I know the guy.
So, mail is going out of the system to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
but I want it to go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I changed the /etc/postfix/aliases file so that all root
entries were changed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

But I am not getting them.

Any ideas???


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Re: [newbie] Problem with X when I go to any of the consoles with ctr-alt-f#

2002-02-21 Per discussione shane

have you checked other F#'s?  it is possible your kde or other xsession is 
not running on F7.  just a thought.

On Thursday 21 February 2002 13:57, Roberto Armenteros opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Everything was working great until one day!

  If I am using any graphical interface like KDE,
 and then I switch to any of the consoles using the
 shortcut ctr-alt-F2 lets say, when I try to go back to
 kde using ctr-alt-F7 or sometimes F9 it will show a
 black screen with a whole bunch of messages that are
 not precisely related with x. This makes me have to
 kill X and in
 case of kde to restart my pc when I want to go back to
 a graphical interface. I would like to fix this
 without using the installation cd. I would appreciate
 any help!!!

 Truly yours, Roberto...

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Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Thursday 21 February 2002 07:32, Derek wrote:

 I  read in a review of the pre-release version.
 One of the 'achievements' of Lindows is that it is able to run
 Microsoft Outlook under Linux. 
 (Why anybody would go to the trouble of running Linux, and then use
 Microsoft applications on it escapes me..)

I agree. We'd be much better off directing development efforts into 
quality native Linux apps instead of trying to get Windows apps to work 
in Linux.
Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 and Lilo vs Win98: Solved

2002-02-21 Per discussione Tony

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 20:50:09 +, you wrote:

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:52:25 +, you wrote:

  Theproblem is that booting Windows from the Lilo menu I can no longer
  see the D: drive under Windows.
this also sounds like the old bug regarding the 'relabelling' of the extended 
partition' to a linux extended partition, but from the archives this seem to 
have been fixed beyond lm 7.2, anyway 'fdisk /dev/hda' and 'p' to display the 
parttion types will tell you what partitions you have

/dev/hda2   640  1149   4096575   1c  Hidden Win95 FAT32  

mounted on /mnt/win_d

OK folks, solved it.
1. use fdisk to change the partition to type c from 1c and Linux still
happily reads it.
1.1 reboot Mandrake - check with fdisk and the partition is type c
still.  Check, by copying all the data off again that the partition is
still readable.
2.  Boot '98, and hda2 dissappears
3.  Reboot Mandrake and hda2 is magically set back to type 1c (hidden)

4. Look under Windows '98 fdisk 
See 4 partitions, 
1   C: drive  Primary DOS
2   non-DOS (this is the 2bd 'Primary' partition
3   non-DOS
4   Extended

Recall DOS will only recognise 2 'DOS' partitions: 1 Primary (C:) and
1 Extended (containing logical drives D: E: etc)

Infer that partition hda2 (intended D: drive) can't exist as a 2nd
'primary DOS' partition under the DOS compatability rules and is
therefore marked hidden on '98's boot to stop the rest of '98 getting
confused. (isn't legacy compatability wonderful!)

- Use fdisk to mark hda2 as an extended partition, beside the primary
DOS one, so hda1 and hda2 boot under '98 as C and D.  This was
rejected as most of my Mandrake install was in the currently existing
Extended partition and I didn't want to loose it by trying to have 2
Extended partitions .. having learnt my lesson trying to have 2
primary partitions :-
- keep hda2 for use only under Linux despite it's fat32 formatting
- Trash hda2 and re-create it as a Linux partition (ext2):  This is
the route chosen.  If I really want to use it from Windows i'll run

I've now got: 
1 DOS primary (C:)  5Gb
2 non-dos   4Gb
3 non-dos   5Gb
4 Extended  25Gb

The DOS Extended partition contains only Linux partitions!. Perhaps I
could delete one and use the space to install a FAT32 formatted
logical drive there so I get D: back  hmmm, maybe later :-

I've now got a 40Gb disk with 5Gb for Windows and the rest for Linux
.. which dual boots happily under Windows '98 and Mandrake 8.1

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[newbie] Help with internet connection -SOLVED THANKS

2002-02-21 Per discussione Paul Clyne

A bit thanks to all who replied.  I have successfully got my connection 

Jeff Madore, I think yours was the final straw that broke the monsters 
back.  Thought I will admit that I'm ot 100% certain.

Erylon, the line you mentioned in /etc/sysconfig/network didn't actually 
seem to exist.

To all the others that said put DNS address in /etc/resolv.conf I did and 
that by itself didn't seem to work.  Additionally when I successfully did 
get on line kppp (?) had appended the DNS addresses to resolv.conf (thus I 
ended up havving the same DNS IP's appear twice in this file).

Thanks for all your help.


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[newbie] Proview LCD Monitors - Feedback?

2002-02-21 Per discussione Sevatio

I'm thinking about buying an LCD Monitor made by Proview.  Have any of you 
used this brand and would you recommend it?


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[newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-21 Per discussione CastleKidd

Any luck networking Linux and Win XP? I cant get the Linux box to log on on 
dhcp. It will make a static connection at but Win XP can not see 
it. Neither machine can ping each other. Neither machine is running a 

Thanks in advance

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[newbie] devfs and sound

2002-02-21 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

For me saytime program was working in mdk 8.0. But in mdk 8.1 it is not 
working and msg says /dev/audio could not be found. I did
ln -s /dev/sound/dsp /dev/audio
I am getting garbled sound. How to go about to make saytime to work?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
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[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-21 Per discussione shane

i have heard that XP is crippled in the networking area if you run the home 
edition.  do you have home or pro?

On Thursday 21 February 2002 17:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Any luck networking Linux and Win XP? I cant get the Linux box to log on
 on dhcp. It will make a static connection at but Win XP can
 not see it. Neither machine can ping each other. Neither machine is
 running a firewall.

 Thanks in advance

... and if you drown, die knowing you were headed for the shore. -from 
farenheight 451

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
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Re: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-21 Per discussione CastleKidd
In a message dated 2/21/2002 8:57:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i have heard that XP is crippled in the networking area if you run the home 
edition. do you have home or pro?


[newbie] boot.img to floppy?

2002-02-21 Per discussione Jon Doe

How would copy a boot.img file to a floppy? Not just copy, but so it would work to 
boot my PC.

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[newbie] ncpfs installation

2002-02-21 Per discussione Hakan Duran

Hi everyone,

I am attached to a novell network at my workplace.  My computer (P133-128 
RAM) runs Mandrake 8.1.  By prior communication with this list, I had the 
information that a program called ncpfs is used to access a novell sever.  I 
downloaded the latest version from unzipped it and typed make. 
  BTW, before typing make, I enabled IPX as suggested, however, I started 
getting an error message of:
IPX:Network number collision 11
eth0 Ether II and eth0802.2
Then the make gave an output like attached file.  It seems to me that 
there are a couple of implicit decleration of functions.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance..


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Re: [newbie] tv card problems

2002-02-21 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Thursday 21 February 2002 17:28, Paul wrote:

 I have a AverMedia TV-Studio TV card and the video worked fine under
 8.1 and 8.2 Beta but the only problem is there is no sound!  I use
 the card in windows so I know that the cables are hooked up corectly
 and I can get sound when playing MP3's under Linux.  So I was
 wondering if there was something that I needed to do or if this card
 isn't compatible with the brooktree driver and if I would be better
 off with a card from Hauppage.  Thank you for your time. -Paul

Did you make sure the line-in is turned up in the mixer?

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] boot.img to floppy?

2002-02-21 Per discussione dfox

 How would copy a boot.img file to a floppy? Not just copy, but so it would work to 
boot my PC.

just use dd:

dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0

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RE: [newbie] Linux and Win XP

2002-02-21 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

I have 
XPprofessional and Mandrake 8.1 networked and working fine. Do you have 
Samba setup yet and if so do you have a user (with the same name) on each 
computer with the same password (same on each computer)?

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: February 21, 2002 6:05 
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [newbie] 
  Linux and Win XPIn a message dated 2/21/2002 8:57:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  i have heard that XP is crippled in the networking area if you 
run the home edition. do you have home or 

[newbie] Update question

2002-02-21 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

Every time I try to use the MandrakeUpdate I get errors saying it wasn't
able to install anything.

Does anyone know what the problem might be or if there was originally a
problem when 8.1 shipped?


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[newbie] MandrakeUpdate

2002-02-21 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

Every time I try to use the MandrakeUpdate I get errors saying it wasn't
able to install anything.

Does anyone know what the problem might be or if there was originally a
problem when 8.1 shipped?


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RE: [newbie] Anti-virus

2002-02-21 Per discussione Franki

That is always the case, windows apps cause probs and are generally slower
then native linux apps..


In order for companies to consider linux as a workstation OS..  it would
have to be worked out with regard to the total cost.

Although the OS is free, alot of the tools are not yet up to the standard of
comparitive windows apps..

Dreamweaver for HTML people, MS office is the standard like it or not.. for
office apps.
alot of other stuff is windows orented right now as well..

So the total cost is this.. either pay for alot of training for staff to
learn new apps that are linux generic.. or stick with windows until linux
version come out...

Companies like Lindows and Mandrake would rather companies use it for
workstations now rather then later..

so getting MS apps workin is a fast track to getting on alot of workstations

its a sound business course, and while I am still undecided as to wether its
a good programming course.. it can work..

I take my hats off to the programers that do this.. its almost harder then
writing the apps was in the first place.

So while it is better to have native linux apps, we don't have access to the
companies that write the most well known windows apps, and everyone knows
that its the apps available that make an OS useful, (thats why osX for mac
wasn't the default os till now.)  So untill all the developers start making
linux versions, the quickest way to make linux a favorable workstation OS is
to make windows apps run on it.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bryan Tyson
Sent: Friday, 22 February 2002 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Anti-virus

On Thursday 21 February 2002 07:32, Derek wrote:

 I  read in a review of the pre-release version.
 One of the 'achievements' of Lindows is that it is able to run
 Microsoft Outlook under Linux.
 (Why anybody would go to the trouble of running Linux, and then use
 Microsoft applications on it escapes me..)

I agree. We'd be much better off directing development efforts into
quality native Linux apps instead of trying to get Windows apps to work
in Linux.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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